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Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from October 2017
Brother Michael Dimond Francis’ Recent Heresies
On the Cross Jesus opened up the possibility of salvation for men. For a person to be saved, however, he or she must be baptized, have the true faith, and die in the state of grace. The heretic Francis teaches that all men will be saved. That is an outrageous heresy. The sad reality is that most of humanity will be lost forever in the eternal fire of hell.
This is an incredibly heretical address from the apostate antipope. First, Francis says the death penalty is “an inhumane measure”, “contrary to the Gospel” and “inadmissible”. But the Catholic Church has always taught that the death penalty is appropriate for certain very serious crimes. Francis’ assertion that the death penalty is contrary to Christianity and the Gospel proves that he is a notorious heretic.
Second, Francis openly says that he adheres to a “new understanding of Christian truth”, and that doctrine cannot be tied “to an interpretation that is rigid and immutable”. That is blatantly heretical. Notice how directly his heresy contradicts Vatican I’s dogmatic teaching.
Vatican I declared that the understanding of dogmas must be preserved as the Church has “once declared”, and that one must never recede from that meaning under the specious name of a deeper understanding. Francis’ statement is a bold proclamation that he rejects the nature of dogma and preaches a new gospel. If you can’t see that he’s a notorious heretic in the face of such facts, you are blind. Francis also says that it demeans the work of the Holy Spirit to consider the interpretation of doctrine to be rigid and fixed. That is to say that all of Catholic dogma demeans the Holy Spirit.
Francis is “deeply moved” to see many members of false religions united.
Francis describes the leaders of false religions as “men and women of good will”. The leaders of false religions are not “men and women of good will”. They are men and women of bad will. His statement is another example of his heresy and apostasy. Francis also says that false religions have “spiritual and moral resources” and “a specific and unique role to play”. He is an apostate.
“Bishop” Abrahams is the presiding “Bishop” of the Methodist “Church” of Southern Africa.[6] Since the Methodist “Church” does not have valid orders, Abrahams is a layman. But the heretic Francis, who rejects numerous teachings of the Catholic Church, calls the layman “Bishop”. Francis says non-Catholics are “members of the household of God”. That is blatantly heretical. Francis teaches that people should “esteem” members of heretical, non-Catholic confessions. Francis praises John Wesley, the founder of a non-Catholic sect and one of the most notorious heretics in history. Francis says we “cannot fail to rejoice” when we see the Holy Spirit “working” in “other Christian confessions”. Francis heretically declares that the activity of non-Catholic religions is the Lord sowing “his gifts”. Francis says that heretical non-Catholics “witness to the faith”. A non-Catholic “witness” is a witness to the true faith, according to the heretical antipope. Francis says we discover grace in non-Catholics, and that they are “brothers and sisters in Christ”.
Francis says that any “displays of intolerance” against Jewish or Muslim “worshippers” “must be firmly rejected”. This is heretical. The apostate Francis calls Jews and Muslims “worshippers”.
Francis mentions that he joined in commemorating the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant “Reformation” is one of the most evil events in history. Francis celebrates the Protestant revolution because he is a heretic like the Protestant revolutionaries. Francis refers to a “purification of memory”. This means Francis rejects the Catholic Church’s teaching throughout history that correctly identified non-Catholic religions as false religions that lead those who follow them to eternal darnation. Francis also says that Protestants “belong to the family of believers”, that they are martyrs, and that they help us to persevere “to the end”. Francis is a horrible heretic.
According to Francis, false religions play a “positive and constructive role” in “the building up of society”. The apostate then says that differences in religious beliefs should be valued and viewed as “a shared source of enrichment”.
This joint statement (approved by Antipope Francis) begins in this way: “we are very thankful for the spiritual and theological gifts received through the Reformation”. This is outrageous heresy. The joint statement also refers to a Lutheran layman as a “bishop”. The joint statement promotes common witness, common prayer, and common worship with Lutherans. That is mortally sinful. The joint statement references the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification with the Lutheran World Federation. They say it was “signed by the Catholic Church”. The heretical Joint Declaration on Justification formally agreed with the Lutheran heretics that man is justified by “faith alone”. The heretical “Joint Declaration” was approved by the apostate antipope John Paul II. It formally rejected the Council of Trent’s infallible teaching on the doctrine of justification. See the article on our website about this astoundingly heretical Joint Declaration.
The Vatican II sect’s Protestant Revolution: the 1999 Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification
Francis’ Recent Heresies
[i] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 13, 2017, p. 3.
[ii] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 13, 2017, pp. 7,11.
[iii] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 27, 2017, p. 8.
[iv] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 27, 2017, p. 5.
[v] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 27, 2017, p. 11.
[vii] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 27, 2017, p. 5.
[viii] L’ Osservatore Romano, November 3, 2017, p. 4.
[ix] L’ Osservatore Romano, November 3, 2017, p. 7.
[x] L’ Osservatore Romano, November 3, 2017, p. 4.
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