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Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from March to April 2016
Brother Michael Dimond Francis’ Recent Heresies
As other reviews of Francis’ heresies have demonstrated, he constantly declares that those outside the Catholic Church (including the members of false religions like Islam and Hinduism) are “children of God”. The Catholic Church, however, teaches that it is only through Baptism and the Catholic faith that one becomes a child of God. Francis tells these rejecters of the true God to pray to the Lord “in your own religious language”. This is to encourage people to practice false religions. It is apostasy from the Catholic faith.
Francis says he is “pleased to learn of the opening of the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome” and “may the Lord bless the work of the [Methodist] office”. Francis believes that the Lord blesses those who promote a false non-Catholic religion and spread heresies and schism. The heretic Francis asks that we may “grow in appreciation” of the heretical Methodist sect. Francis promotes the “Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification” which completely rejects the Council of Trent and the Bible’s teaching on justification. Antipope Francis says we can learn from the Methodist heretics about holiness “and how it can be lived out”! Antipope Francis also encourages the heretical and schismatic Methodists to help “Catholics” in their prayer life and devotion!
Francis is asked if there has been a change in regard to giving “Communion” to those who are divorced and “remarried”. He responds that “yes” – a change has indeed been made. This was clear from the words of Francis’ heretical document Amoris Laetitia. It has also been proven by a recent letter “leaked” by a “priest” in Argentina. Francis wrote to this Argentinian “priest” (on 9/5/16) and said there is “no other interpretation” of Amoris Laetitia other than admitting divorced and “remarried Catholics” to “Holy Communion” in some cases. In other words, according to Francis, the only interpretation of his document Amoris Laetitia is that it allows unrepentant adulterers to receive “Holy Communion”:
He preaches a new and false gospel.
Shortly after the details of Francis’ letter emerged in the media (in early September), the Vatican confirmed that Francis’ leaked letter on Amoris Laetitia is authentic.
This means that Francis believes and officially teaches that you can live in adultery, be in the state of grace, and receive “Holy Communion”. Anyone who takes that position (and it has now been clearly proven that Francis does) is a heretic who preaches a false gospel. Such a person rejects the Catholic faith and is therefore outside the Catholic Church.
Francis says that the heretical and schismatic “Orthodox” leader is the Archbishop of the city of Athens and “All Greece”. He is lying to the world by identifying a notorious heretic and schismatic as the leader of the Church of Christ in Greece! Francis is a heretic!
Francis encourages Jews to practice the Old Law, which is mortally sinful. His endorsement of their false religion and their attempt to observe the Mosaic Law constitutes heresy and apostasy in deed. He calls Christ-rejecting Jews God’s “beloved people” and asks the Christ-rejecting rabbi to pray for him. Francis is an apostate who rejects Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith.
Francis’ Recent Heresies
[1] L’Osservatore Romano, April 1, 2016, p. 12.
[2] L’Osservatore Romano, April 15, 2016, p. 15.
[3] L’Osservatore Romano, April 22, 2016, p. 12.
[4] L’Osservatore Romano, April 22, 2016, p. 16.
[5] L’Osservatore Romano, April 29, 2016, p. 6.
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