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Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from June 2018 to August 2018
Brother Michael Dimond Francis’ Recent Heresies
Olav Fykse Tveit is the General Secretary of the “World Council of Churches”. He is also an “ordained pastor” in the “Church of Norway”.[2] The “Church of Norway” is “an Evangelical Lutheran denomination of Protestantism” and by far the largest “Christian church” in Norway.[3] Francis calls Olav a “reverend”. According to Catholic teaching, protestants are heretics and do not have a priesthood. Since protestants are heretics and lack a priesthood, there’s no such thing as a protestant reverend. But the heretic Antipope Francis holds otherwise. He believes that the heretic Olav is not only a reverend but a leader of the Church - the leader of the completely heretical “World Council of Churches”. Francis expresses gratitude to the heretical leader for the invitation to the seventieth anniversary of the founding of this heretical sect. Francis wanted to “take part personally in the celebrations marking this anniversary of the World Council” and to “reaffirm the commitment of the Catholic Church to the cause of ecumenism [religious indifferentism]”. The Catholic Church has never been committed “to the cause of ecumenism”. A sect committed to ecumenism is a non-Catholic sect. Francis praises “the broad gamut of services provided by the [non-Catholic] member churches of the World Council”. According to Francis, his Vatican II sect is already united to these protestant sects through “the ecumenism of blood”. He also says that non-Catholic sects produce martyrs. That is heresy.
Contrary to Catholic teaching, Francis implies that the Church is divided and that non-Catholics are Christians. Francis then endorses the totally heretical “ecumenical movement” of religious indifferentism and says that it “came about as a grace of the Holy Spirit”. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Francis asks the Holy Spirit to “strengthen our steps” with these heretical non-Catholic churches. Francis says we can “pray, evangelize and serve together” with non-Catholic sect members. Francis says “this is the great path that we are called to follow today”. He is a manifest heretic.
Comment: Francis is right about what the “New Code of Canon Law” teaches on the matter of non-Catholics receiving “Communion”. According to Vatican II, the New Code of Canon Law, and the New Catechism, the Vatican II sect does allow non-Catholics to receive “Communion”. Much of the following information is taken from “The Vatican II sect vs. the Catholic Church on non-Catholics receiving Holy Communion” (section 19) from our book: The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II:
Antipope John Paul II refers to the “ecclesiological implication” of sharing in the sacraments with the “Orthodox.” His implication is that they are part of the same Church, as many quotes from the Vatican II antipopes prove. All of this proves that if the Vatican II antipopes are true popes, it’s the official teaching of the Catholic Church that heretics and schismatics may lawfully receive Holy Communion. But that’s impossible because the Catholic Church has infallibly taught the opposite.
For 20 centuries the Catholic Church consistently taught that heretics are not permitted to receive the sacraments. This teaching is rooted in the dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no remission of sins, defined by Pope Boniface VIII. It is also rooted in the dogma that sacraments only profit unto salvation those inside the Catholic Church, as defined by Pope Eugene IV.
Only for those who abide in the Catholic Church do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation. This is a dogma! This dogma is repudiated by Vatican II’s outrageous teaching that it is lawful to give Holy Communion to those who do not abide in the Catholic Church. Popes throughout the ages have proclaimed that non-Catholics who receive the Holy Eucharist outside the Catholic Church receive it to their own damnation.
As we can see, this is not a merely disciplinary matter that a pope could change. It’s a matter inextricably bound to the dogma that heretics are outside the Church and in the state of sin. Being outside the Church and in a state of sin, they cannot receive the Eucharist unto salvation (Eugene IV) but only unto damnation. To change this law is to attempt to alter Catholic dogma. The Catholic Church could no more authoritatively teach that it’s lawful for non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion than it could authoritatively teach that it is lawful to get an abortion. The idea that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion is a heresy that has been repeatedly condemned. It is contradicted by the entire history of the Church. This issue alone proves that the Vatican II antipopes are not true popes and that we are dealing with two different religions: the Catholic religion and all the popes vs. the religion of the Vatican II sect and its antipopes.
Benedict XVI giving “Communion” to the public heretic, “Bro.” Roger Schutz, the Protestant founder of Taize on April 8, 2005
Comment: Antipope Francis teaches (once again) that he has no mission to convert non-Catholics. According to him, the word for trying to convert people (proselytism) needs to be removed from the dictionary. He says that a person must choose between the “ecumenical spirit” (i.e. the heretical wicked spirit) and “proselytism” (attempting to convert non-Catholics to the Catholic faith – the Catholic position). He is a heretic.
The Organization of African Instituted Churches (OAIC) is a “Christian” ecumenical organization founded in 1978. It is a member of the “World Council of Churches”.[20] Its members consist of many denominations in Africa.[21] Francis says he wants “encounter and ecumenical dialogue between ourselves and with all the other Churches”. As we saw earlier, this excludes efforts to convert people to Catholicism. This empty “encounter” and “dialogue” represents the lifeless and heretical activity of the apostate Antipope Francis and his demonic antichrist sect (The Vatican II Counterfeit Catholic Church).
Francis (as always) calls the schismatic leader “His Holiness” and their schismatic synod “holy”. Francis teaches that his “Church” (the Vatican II sect) has a “communion” with the eastern schismatic church. That is contrary to Catholic teaching. The heretic Francis calls the schismatic church a sister Church. He refers to their so-called mission to bring “humanity ever closer to God”. Francis promotes (once again) the mortally sinful act of praying with schismatics. Francis teaches that there is a “unity” with the schismatics that “already joins us”. Francis is a schismatic and a heretic.
There is an “urgent need for an ecological conversion”, according to Antipope Francis. Actually, there is an urgent need for conversions to the true Catholic faith – a faith that Antipope Francis rejects. The eco-heretic Francis promotes radical environmentalist “pressure groups”. He quotes the heretic Antipope John Paul II, who said: “we must encourage and support an ecological conversion”. The apostate Francis also says that various false religions “have a key role to play”.
During this ecumenical “day of prayer”, Francis called for “praying and working together” with the leaders and followers of “different [false] beliefs”. Francis falsely teaches that people committed to belief in false religions are of “good will”. He also says we need to be “open to the ideas” of heretics.
Francis speaks of “the need” to build “new paths of closeness” between his fake Catholic Church and various false religions.
Francis is thankful that the cassock “is no longer the fashion”.
Francis wants people to remember Paul VI “with much veneration and gratitude”. True Catholics remember Paul VI as the infamous heretic who attempted to eradicate the true Catholic Mass and sacraments and established counterfeits in their place. Paul VI was without a doubt one of the most wicked individuals to have ever walked on earth. His “Canonization” will be one of the most wicked events in the history of the world.
Francis has told this story more than once. According to Francis, you shouldn’t say even one word to attempt to convince someone that the Catholic faith is the true religion. What an apostate!
Francis’ Recent Heresies
[1] L’Osservatore Romano, June 29, 2018, pp. 9-10.
[4] L’Osservatore Romano, June 29, 2018, pp. 8-10.
[5] L’Osservatore Romano, July 20, 2018, p. 6.
[6] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Sheed & Ward and Georgetown University Press, 1990, Vol. 2, p. 907.
[7] Walter Abbott, The Documents of Vatican II, New York: The America Press, 1966, p. 386, etc.
[8] Catechism of the Catholic Church, by John Paul II, St. Paul Books & Media, 1994, #1401.
[9] Catechism of the Catholic Church, by John Paul II, p. 5.
[10] The Code of Canon Law (1983), A Text and Commentary, Commissioned by the Canon Law Society of America, Edited by James A. Coriden, Thomas J. Green, Donald E. Heintschel, Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1985, p. 609.
[11] The Code of Canon Law (1983), A Text and Commentary, p. 609.
[12] The Encyclicals of John Paul II, Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1996, p. 950.
[13] Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, B. Herder Book. Co., Thirtieth Edition, 1957, no. 468.
[14] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, p. 578; Denzinger 714.
[15] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 1 (1740-1878), p. 222.
[16] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 1 (1740-1878), p. 256.
[17] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 1 (1740-1878), p. 364.
[18] L’Osservatore Romano, July 20, 2018, p. 7.
[19] L’Osservatore Romano, June 29, 2018, p. 4.
[22] L’Osservatore Romano, July 6, 2018, p. 5.
[23] L’Osservatore Romano, July 20, 2018, p. 5.
[24] L’Osservatore Romano, July 13, 2018, p. 4.
[25] L’Osservatore Romano, August 10, 2018, p. 4.
[26] L’Osservatore Romano, August 10, 2018, p. 5.
[27] L’Osservatore Romano, August 10, 2018, p. 12.
[28] L’Osservatore Romano, August 24, 2018, p. 11.
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