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Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from December 2017
Brother Michael Dimond Francis’ Recent Heresies
The heretic Francis teaches that the Church does not grow by attempting to convert non-Catholics to the Catholic Church.
Francis gathers with the leaders of false religions and thanks the “Anglican bishop” (who is a layman) “for his presence”. He calls on people to respect false religions and offers a “rebuke” to those who would resist “a unity” with false religions. He considers unity with false religions to be a “potential source of enrichment and growth”. He identifies the followers of false religions as “believers”, and he calls for a spirit of “acceptance and cooperation” with them. He ends by stating that followers of false religions can “grow in wisdom and holiness”. That is heresy. It denies the dogma that one cannot be justified or have sins remitted outside the Church.
Francis promotes the “religious traditions” of a false religion.
Notice that the apostate antipope says “an important part of my pastoral visit is the interreligious and ecumenical encounter that will take place”. That’s what is important to this demonic heretic: meeting with the leaders of false religions that lead souls to eternal hellfire. Francis then calls on the leaders of false religions to “speak out with one voice”. Doing so, according to Francis, will enable them to “draw from the deepest spiritual roots” of their traditions. He thereby encourages people to draw on the “traditions” of false religions. Francis concludes by asserting that false religions “provide an inestimable service to the future of their countries and our world by educating the young”. This is more religious indifferentism from the notorious heretic and apostate, Antipope Francis.
The apostate Francis is impressed that “the Buddhist religion is deeply rooted” in Myanmar. He wished, “in particular”, to meet “the Supreme Council of Buddhist Monks”. Francis declares: “I manifested the Church’s esteem for their ancient spiritual tradition”. His statement that the Catholic Church has “esteem” for the false religion of Buddhism is a lie and heresy. He also says that Buddhists are “helping people to love God”! The apostate ends by saying that “Muslims and those of other religions” are “a sign of hope for the entire world”!
Francis calls for greater esteem for false religions.
Francis begins by calling the Lutheran layman an “archbishop”. He congratulates the new president of the heretical Lutheran World Federation. He says we should thank the Lord for ecumenical events that have taken place with Lutherans, such as commemorating (celebrating) the arch-heretic Martin Luther’s revolution against Catholicism. He calls for participation in the mortally sinful practice of joint-prayer with Lutherans. He then teaches that it doesn’t matter whether we are Catholic or Lutheran, because God’s “loving gaze rests on each of us, without preferences or distinctions”. He declares the “Catholic Church” to be in “communion” with the Lutheran “Church”. He says that the way the Church viewed Martin Luther throughout history has been abandoned. Francis promotes the heretical “Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification” which says we are justified by “faith alone”. See: Francis calls for a future which discerns “the gifts” of Lutheranism and other heretical “confessional traditions”. He then says that Catholics and Lutherans will never be adversaries or rivals. That of course rejects the Church’s teaching that heretics and heretical sects are opposed to the true faith. All of this is more clear proof that Francis is a notorious heretic.
The “National Council of Churches of Taiwan” is an ecumenical group of “Churches” that includes the Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, and the Lutheran “Church” in Taiwan. The Chinese Regional “Catholic Bishops Conference” is also an official member of this affiliation of heretical “Churches”.[10] Thus the post Vatican II “Church” has joined itself to non-Catholic churches. It proves again that the Vatican II “Church” is not the Catholic Church but a non-Catholic sect.
According to Francis, we should have “the courage to accept” those who teach heresy or attack the Catholic faith.
Since he’s a wicked unbeliever, Antipope Francis expresses his “closeness” to the heretical and schismatic “Orthodox”.
Francis’ Recent Heresies
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 8, 2017, p. 7.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 22-29, 2017, pp. 4-5.
[3] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 8, 2017, p. 8.
[4] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 8, 2017, p. 8.
[5] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 8, 2017, p. 15.
[6] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 8, 2017, p. 3.
[7] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 15, 2017, p. 10.
[8] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 15, 2017, p. 11.
[9] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 15, 2017, p. 12.
[11] L’ Osservatore Romano, January 5, 2018, p. 12.
[12] L’ Osservatore Romano, January 5, 2018, p. 13.
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