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What Francis Really Believes
Bro. Michael Dimond
Antipope Francis’ Recent Heresies
Must-See Video: What Francis Really Believes
Antipope Francis’ Bombshell Interview – video
Antipope Francis on Non-Catholic “Saints” and “Martyrs” – video
Antipope Francis Practices Judaism – video
Antipope Francis says atheists can be saved – video
On March 13, 2013 Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina was elected antipope Francis of the Vatican II sect. This brief overview will prove, from Francis’ words and actions, that he is a heretic. We will be quoting from the Vatican’s official newspaper L’Osservatore Romano and two of Francis’ books that document his beliefs on various topics – Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio and On Heaven and Earth.
Francis’ Heresies on the Jews
Jews reject that Jesus Christ is God, but Jesus Christ says in John 8:24: “For if you believe not that I am He, you shall die in your sin.”
The Catholic Church infallibly teaches that you must believe in Jesus Christ and have the Catholic faith for salvation. It teaches that it’s a mortal sin to observe or practice Judaism. But Francis endorses the false religion of Judaism and prays in Jewish synagogues:
This clearly means that Francis holds that people who reject Jesus Christ are the chosen people in God’s sight. This is a blasphemy against God.
So Francis believes that Jewish rabbis have a true spiritual ministry of intercession “according to the law of God”.
In the cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 15, 1998 Francis held an interreligious service to honor deceased Jews. During this meeting, Francis said to the Jews:
The seal of God is baptism – which Jews reject. In September 2004, Francis participated in a Jewish service inside a synagogue[2]. And on Nov. 9, 2005 Francis had another service inside a Basilica commemorating deceased Jews[3]. This included Francis lighting a candle in honor of them. In 2007, Francis attended Jewish Rosh Hashanah services at a synagogue in Argentina. Francis told the Jewish congregation during his visit that he went to the synagogue to examine his heart, “like a pilgrim, together with you, my elder brothers”[4]. On July 7, 2008 Francis endorsed Rabbi Sergio Bergman’s books. Francis called him a “believer” and said: “... his job is the one of a rabbi who as our master helps us...”[]. On June 7, 2010 Francis visited the Jewish Center in Argentina[6] and called Jews “our elder brothers” and “the chosen people of God”[7]. He also prayed in front of list of deceased Jews in order to honor them.
On October 11, 2012 Francis gave Rabbi Abraham Skorka – who is a well-known supporter of homosexuality – an honorary degree at a “Catholic” university. After the rabbi received the degree, he said: “We are waiting for the Messiah, but in order for him to come we have to prepare the land...”[8] So the Rabbi explicitly rejected the Messiah Jesus Christ right in front of Francis. On November 8, 2012 Francis was the keynote speaker and took active part in another Jewish religious ceremony in the cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina[9]. This Jewish religious ceremony was again dedicated to honor deceased Jews. The final candle commemorating deceased Jews was jointly lit by a rabbi and Francis[10]. Under Francis’ direction, memorial services honoring deceased Jews have been celebrated in so-called Catholic churches in Argentina every year since 1998. To take part in a Jewish religious ceremony for deceased Jews is complete apostasy from the Catholic faith. On December 14, 2012, just a few months before his election as antipope – Francis celebrated Hanukkah with Jews in Argentina which included Francis lighting a menorah[11]. On March 13, 2013 just a few hours after Francis was elected antipope, he sent out a greeting letter to the Christ-rejecting chief rabbi of Rome[12]. Related 4 minute video: Antipope Francis’ Message to Jews rejects Colossians 1 On March 25, 2013 Francis sent a telegram to Rome’s chief rabbi for Passover. Francis said that he esteems Jews and asked them to pray for him. He also asked that God “continue to deliver you from all evil”[13] even though the Rabbi rejects Jesus – the only One who can deliver us from evil.
Francis believes that Jesus (God) will welcome a man who said He is not God. In his June 24, 2013 address to members of the International Jewish committee, Francis called Jews believers, and asked Jews to pray for him[15]. Rabbi Skorka was a guest of Francis at the Vatican for several days at the end of September 2013. In an interview with the newspaper La Stampa, Skorka spoke about his visit with Francis. Skorka said that Francis made sure he had kosher food and prayed with him:
Proselytism is trying to convert someone. Francis emphatically teaches that people should not attempt to convert non-Catholics to the Catholic faith.
Francis declares that not attempting to convert others (to the Catholic faith) is a virtue. This is outrageous. As we can see Francis is quite outspoken about how no one should attempt to convert anyone to the Catholic faith. While Francis believes that Catholics should not try to convert others to Catholicism, he does say that people need a so-called ecological conversion, a “conversion” with creation. Francis says this in paragraphs 217 and 218 of his May 24, 2015 “encyclical” on the environment[19]. Francis’ encyclical was an endorsement of radical environmentalism. It is interesting to note that one of the main presenters chosen by Antipope Francis to present his new “encyclical” on the environment was an atheist named Hans Shellen-Huber. Shellen-Huber has said that the world is overpopulated by at least 6 billion. He is a promoter of world government and an earth constitution that would hold power over every government and nation. Francis personally appointed Shellen-Huber to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences[20]. Francis’ so called encyclical promotes earth worship and he has actually done this many times so far during his reign as antipope. Here’s just one example:
Francis seems to be saying that the earth will judge us, in addition to God. In fact, he seems to indicate that we will have to answer to “creation”. This is earth worship. He’s a heretic. Francis has openly admitted that he might teach heresy.
Francis’ Heresies on Islam
August 2, 2005 – Antipope Francis prays before the body of the deceased leader of the Islamic Center in Argentina August 2, 2005 Francis prayed before dead body of the Muslim president of the Islamic Center of Argentina. [23] The body was placed east toward Mecca. The Islamic imam recited verses from the Koran and asked for blessings from Muhammad. Francis said:
St. Thomas Aquinas taught:
Francis’ action of venerating the dead body of a Muslim leader is equivalent to worshipping at the tomb of Muhammad. In his Homily of July 8, 2013 Francis spoke to Muslims saying: “I also think with affection of those Muslim immigrants who this evening begin the fast of Ramadan, which I trust will bear abundant spiritual fruit.”[26] In is July 10, 2013 message to Muslims for the end of Ramadan, Francis said:
To respect a false religion, its teachings or its adherence (as Francis does) is condemned in Catholic teaching. It is apostasy from the Catholic faith. On Saturday, November 29, 2014 Antipope Francis committed another public act of apostasy by praying with the Islamic grand mufti inside the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. Muslims consider the Blue Mosque to be one of Istanbul’s most important mosques. Francis and the mufti follow Islamic custom by entering the mosque bearfoot. The grand mufti showed Francis the mosque, and read to Francis verses from the Koran explaining what they mean. One could correctly say that Francis willingly submitted himself to instruction in the Islamic faith. Afterwards the Islamic mutfi and Francis prayed together in the mosque silently for two minutes. Antipope Francis bowed his head, closed his eyes and put his hands together in “prayer” – he stood shoulder to shoulder with Islamic leader. After the prayers were finished the mufti said: “may God accept it”. The Vatican spokesman said the prayers were “silent adoration.” Francis said to the grand mufti: “I also want to ask you to pray for me.” The Vatican said they didn’t want offend Muslims, so they moved up Francis’ Mosque visit so it wouldn’t conflict with Muslim noon “prayer time”. Francis’ actions are another clear and public example of his rejection of the Catholic religion. Anyone who sees Francis’ actions and still regards him as having the Catholic faith is a heretic. The Catholic Church has repeatedly taught there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church and that false religions like Islam are abominable sects.
In September 2014 Antipope Francis repeatedly taught that there are Islamic martyrs – please see the article in which Antipope Francis repeatedly teaches that there are Muslim “martyrs“. That incredible heresy which blatantly rejects the defined Catholic dogma that only Catholics are martyrs is another proof that Francis does not profess the true faith in the external forum, but a false faith. A profession of faith is made not only by words (such as the words we’ve just cited from Francis) but also by deeds. Since Francis does not profess the true faith in the external forum, but a false faith, he prays with Muslims, he teaches that they can be saved, he teaches that they have martyrs, etc., according to Catholic teaching on Church unity and the profession of faith it is forbidden under pain of heresy and mortal sin to consider him in the Catholic Church. That’s explain in the video, Why Francis Must Not Be Considered The Pope. Francis’ apostasy in the mosque was essentially a repeat of what Antipope Benedict XVI did on November 30, 2006. On that day, Benedict XVI (just like Francis) prayed with a grand mufti. Benedict XVI faced east toward Mecca[29]. On November 28, 2006 two days before his visit to the Blue Mosque, Benedict XVI said:
On January 19, 2007 Benedict XVI spoked about his visit to the mosque:
On December 22, 2006 Benedict XVI said:
Benedict XVI also happily received a Koran and said in September 2006:
See our video The Heresies of Benedict XVI for more of Benedict XVI’s astounding heresies on various topics. That video completely demolishes the lie – promoted by “conservative” and “traditional Catholics” that Benedict XVI has the Catholic faith. Also, many of you know that the recently ‘canonized’ Antipope John Paul II did things like bowing and kissing the Koran on May 14, 1999. And on March 21, 2000 John Paul II made the incredible statement:
As our information proves to anyone of good will, these antipopes are apostates from the Catholic faith. They are not true popes, but illegitimate heretical antipopes.
Francis says that heretics, Muslims, and members of “other religions” who died embracing their false religions were “martyrs”. That is to teach that Muslims are martyrs! It’s a dogma that only Catholics can be martyrs. Francis is a complete heretic.
Francis Heresies On Other False Religions
In On Heaven and Earth, page 236 Francis wrote about new religious belief systems and movements. He stated: “I am respectful of all new spiritual proposals... Surviving the passage of time is the major test of spiritual purity.” So, according to the apostate Francis, the false religion of Hinduism is a true and pure spirituality because it has been around for 3,000 years and has survived “the passage of time”. During an in-flight interview on January 16, 2015 Francis spoke of his visit to a Buddhist temple in Colombo:
Francis said he went to visit the Buddhist temple, and that the Buddhists brought out “very important” Buddhist “relics” so that he “could look at them”. He’s an apostate. On June 24, 2015 in a meeting with Buddhists,[37] Francis asked God to bless Buddhists and he received a formal Buddhist blessing.
The Catholic Church condemns the idea that religious freedom should be a universal civil right. After the September 11, 2001 attacks in America, Francis participated in a prayer meeting with the leaders of other false religions, at the foot of an Obelisk in Argentina.[39] The obelisk is a masonic phallic symbol. In his Jan. 6, 1928 encyclical Mortalium Animos Pope Pius XI condemned Catholic participation in interreligious prayer meetings as apostasy. He taught that those who favor this activity have abandoned the Catholic religion. He also said:
But, as we have already seen, Francis has been involved in numerous interreligious prayer meetings. On January 23, 2002, Francis invited many different leaders of false religions to pray in the cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina.[41] The meeting included leaders from Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Francis’ announcement during the meeting was that “every religious group will pray according to their faith, language and tradition, in full respect for others.” This is apostasy. On May 5, 2006 Francis prayed with members of the Universal Parliament of Religions[42] and in 2011 Francis held his own interreligious prayer meeting.[43] On March 20, 2013 Francis had a meeting with leaders of different religions which included schismatics, Jews and Muslims. Francis said:
He went on to say that he esteems them.
Francis addresses an interreligious gathering that includes Hindus, who worship idols and false gods. He thanks them for their “prayers and blessings.” That is to endorse and encourage prayer to false gods and thus idolatry.
Francis says that Jews and Muslims who do not believe that Jesus is God, adore God. That is blasphemy. As we have just shown, Francis completely rejects the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church that members of false religions need to accept the Catholic faith for salvation.
Francis Respects Atheists
In On Heaven and Earth, pp. 12-13 Francis says he respects atheists and doesn’t try to convert them:
Francis proclaims that a woman who explicitly didn’t believe in God was a “good woman”. An atheist interviewed Francis for the Italian newspaper, The Republic. [48] The interview was published on October 1, 2013. Francis explicitly told the atheist that he has no intention of trying to convert him. Francis rejects proselytism four different times in this interview. Francis declared:
Francis then goes on to say that each person has his own idea of what is good or evil. He encourages each person to follow the good as each person conceives it. This is outrageous apostasy. In his September 11, 2013 letter to the Italian newspaper, The Republic, Francis teaches that people who do not believe in God can be saved.[49] This is complete apostasy from the Catholic faith.
Francis Respects Those Who Commit Suicide
Francis’ Teaching On Man
Francis’ Heretical Teaching On Sin
Saint Paul doesn’t say this. This is outrageous. Francis then goes on to say on the next page:
Notice that the only sin Francis speaks of is not giving people food or work; he says nothing about sins against God and God’s faith. Francis’ interview with The Republic, October 1, 2013: “The most serious of the evils that afflict the world these days are youth unemployment and the loneliness of the old… This, to me, is the most urgent problem that the Church is facing.”[50]
Francis On Communism
Francis asks communist Raul Castro to pray for him.
Francis On the Death Penalty
This statement is completely heretical. The Catholic Church has always supported the legitimacy of the death penalty for extremely grave crimes.
Francis Promotes Sex Education
Francis Encourages “Priests” To Leave The “Priesthood” If They Fall In Love
So Francis will help a man who has taken a permanent vow of chastity before God to break his vow and leave the priesthood.
Francis’ heretical teaching on gay “marriage” and homosexuality
It has now been documented and confirmed that Francis favored homosexual civil unions when he was in Argentina. He just didn’t want a homosexual civil union to be called a marriage. This is heresy. It means that Francis approved perverted and abominable sexual behavior that is condemned in Scripture and Catholic teaching. His stance is no different at all from endorsing abortion under the condition that the state does not give abortion special or privileged status by using state funds for it. Notice the following interesting statements Francis makes about gay “marriage” and homosexuals.
Francis says he respects those who favor the abomination of same sex “marriage”, and he says he never was disrespectful to sodomites and perverts. Francis also mentions how he allowed the pro-gay “marriage” supporting president of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, to preside over a “Catholic” memorial service to honor deceased “Catholic priests” and seminarians:
Later when the apostate president died, Francis immediately offered a public “requiem mass” for him. Francis also allowed politicians who are vocal pro-abortion and gay “marriage” supporters to receive “communion” at his installation “mass”.[52] Related4 minute video: Antipope Francis gave 'Communion' to Pro-Aborts On August 19, 2013 Francis was interviewed by America magazine.[53] In the interview Francis clearly teaches that active homosexuals are not condemned a rejected by God. The church based on Scripture teaches the opposite. Related21 minute video: Antipope Francis’ Bombshell Interview
Francis on Mary’s reaction to the death of Jesus
Francis’ May 29, 2015 address, speaking of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s reaction to the crucifixion and death of Jesus:
Francis accuses Mary of wanting to call the angel a liar.
Francis has rejected Catholic apologetics
In his January 25, 2015 speech to non-Catholics he said, “put aside all polemical or apologetic approaches.” He went on to denounce “discussions in which each party tries to convince the other of the soundness of their opinions.”[55] In a speech on May 4, 2015 Francis called Lutherans “brothers and sisters in faith.”[56] On February 16, 2015 Francis said there are “outstanding saintly witnesses to Christ from various confessions”. He went on to say: “It makes no difference whether they be Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Protestants. They are Christians!”[57] Francis teaches that it makes “no difference” whether someone is Catholic, Protestant or “Orthodox”. But the Catholic Church has always taught that it makes all the difference whether one is Catholic. It’s a dogma that a person cannot be saved without the Catholic faith.
Francis’ heretical teaching on Heretics and Schismatics
In Argentina, Francis would recommend “Catholics” seeking an exorcism to a Lutheran exorcist.[58] In On Heaven and Earth, p.72 Francis quotes what his grandmother told him when he was younger:
In 2006, Francis knelt to receive a blessing from Protestants during an ecumenical meeting.[59] Francis did the same thing immediately after being elected antipope on 3/13/13. Francis (instead of blessing the people) asked the people to bless him (this included numerous members of various non-Catholic religions).[60] On March 18, 2013, Francis wrote to the new leader of the Anglican sect. He called the layman Justin Welby “reverend,” even though the Catholic Church under Pope Leo XIII reaffirmed on September 13, 1896 that the Anglican rite of ordination is totally invalid. Francis said Welby has a “pastoral ministry” and he called him “Archbishop” of Canterbury which means he believes that the leader of the heretical and schismatic Anglican sect is the true jurisdictional leader of the one true Church for Canterbury, England. He also asked the heretical and schismatic leader to pray for him. [61] In his June 14, 2013 address to the schismatic Welby, Francis welcomes him “not as a guest or a stranger, but as a fellow citizen of the Saints, and the Family of God.” Francis thus emphatically teaches that the non-Catholic Welby, whom Francis calls “Your Grace”, is a member of the Church of Christ. This is outrageous heresy. Francis then says he is “deeply grateful” that the heretical and schismatic layman prayed for him. Francis goes on to say that he has profound respect for Anglicans and that there is now a better appreciation for Anglican spiritual and so-called liturgical traditions.
To say there are Anglican martyrs is heretical and a denial of the infallible dogma that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. As it is taught in Vatican II, Francis holds that Protestants and the “Orthodox” are in the Church of Christ, and that they don’t need to be converted to the Catholic faith for salvation. That is heresy.
Francis calls the schismatic “Holiness” and says God entrusted his flock to a schismatic. He also calls him a pastor which means he believes the schismatic leader is a true jurisdictional leader of the one true Church of Christ. Related1 minute video: Antipope Francis' Schismatic 'Installation' In his June 28, 2013, Discourse to a delegation of the eastern “Orthodox” Church of Constantinople Francis bags them to pray for him saying, “I ask you finally to pray for me I need your prayers.”[64]
Francis calls the deceased schismatic leader an important spiritual leader and wise pastor. Francis says that his long service to a schismatic church should be an inspiration to everyone. Francis therefore declares service to the schismatic church to be service to the true Church of Christ. Speaking of the recent death of the head of the schismatic Syrian “Orthodox” Church on January 30, 2015, Francis said:
According to Francis, to be the leader of a schismatic church is to be a “dedicated servant of God”.
Antipope Francis openly states that a non-Catholic ‘Church’ is a church of martyrs. This is totally heretical. This is a very clear and public rejection of the dogma that only Catholics can be martyrs.
In On Heaven and Earth, pp. 217-218, Francis recommends that different denominations “walk together in a reconciled diversity… by doing things together, by praying together… without nullifying the diverse traditions.” Here Francis promotes the heresy that we should not try convert non-Catholics but walk and pray together with them without nullifying their diverse heretical and schismatic traditions. Francis speaking about the ”Orthodox” schismatics in his interview of August 19, 2013 says:
So according to Francis schismatics should continue to reject Catholic teaching and don't need to convert.
On November 30, 2014, Francis discussed Uniatism. Uniatism refers to the Eastern rite churches’ acceptance of the Papacy and Catholic teaching. Francis speaking to the Eastern schismatics said:
His statement is a public declaration that having the schismatic churches accept the Papacy is outdated teaching. This is a public rejection of the Papacy by Francis.
Francis the liturgical revolutionary
Here is Francis celebrating a modernist kiddie “Mass” with female liturgical dancing.[71]
Francis has of course given “communion” in the hand throughout his life. Francis has never offered a valid mass, not just because he offers the invalid New Mass, but also because he was “ordained” on 12/13/69 in the new, invalid rite of ordination. Francis, like his predecessor Benedict XVI, was “consecrated a bishop” in the new, invalid rite of consecration. A true pope is the bishop of Rome. Francis is not a bishop. That’s another reason he is not the pope.
Freemasons Endorse Francis
Francis was recently praised by the Grand Masters of the Grand Orient Lodges of Italy[72] and Argentina.[73] They publicly supported Francis’ election as the new antipope. In this picture taken of Francis, we can see him giving what looks like the sign of the master of the second veil in Freemasonry. This is a clear hand gesture given by Freemasons throughout history. It would be no surprise to find out that Francis is a Freemason, because his beliefs which have been manifested by his words and deeds are indeed masonic. The main teaching of Freemasonry is that all religions lead to God. As we have clearly proven in this brief overview of Francis – this is exactly what he believes. Related1 minute video: Proof Antipope Francis is a Freemason? For more of Francis’ heresies see the file on Francis’ Recent Heresies. In short, Francis firmly believes and teaches the same heresies that have been promoted by the other Vatican II antipopes. Francis is a total heretic and an apostate. Catholic dogma defines that a heretic is not a member of the Catholic Church. It is therefore infallible that Francis is not a valid pope but a heretical non-Catholic antipope.
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