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The New Mass is the Abomination of Desolation – and the Four Vatican II Antipopes parallel the Four False High Priests at the time of the Abomination of Desolation in the Machabees
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B., Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. and an Anonymous Biblical Scholar
Introductory Note: This article was originally published 5 years ago in Issue #2 of our magazine, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness. (We have edited it slightly for the internet and added numerous things). Recent developments, including John Paul II recently being struck so that he could not speak a word or give order concerning the Vatican, and then dying almost immediately after this event in great torment, have proven that our original article paralleling the Four False High Priests at the time of the Abomination of Desolation in the Machabees with the Four Vatican II Antipopes was accurate and correct.*1 Machabees 9:55- "At that time Alcimus was struck: and his works were hindered, and his mouth was stopped, and he was taken with a palsy, so that he could no more speak a word, nor give order concerning his house. And Alcimus died at that time in great torment.”
John Paul II was struck so that he could not speak a word and then died in great torment, just like Alcimus
In Visible Pain and Unable to Speak,John Paul II Gives Easter Blessing in Silence Internal Vatican sources have also confirmed that John Paul II actually died on April 1, not April 2; but that John Paul II’s death on April 1 “could not be announced because considerable work had to be done to make the body (the face in particular) presentable due to the agony” of John Paul II’s “final sufferings.” (Remnant report.) This is more striking confirmation of the amazing parallels between the four false High Priests of the Machabees and the four Vatican II Antipopes.Click here for link to the table showing the parallels between to the two periods of the Abomination of Desolation
[NOTE: Interesting new quote on Lysimachus. To go to it click on the above table and go seven paragraphs up.]
Recently [in 1999], a Biblical Scholar visited Most Holy Family Monastery. He shared with us some of the insights and discoveries that he has made over the past 30 years. This article is a collection of what is, in our opinion, some of his most interesting information. Much of what is contained in this article is the fruit of his over 30 years of study. However, out of respect for his request, he will remain anonymous. In the New Testament Our Lord Jesus, in response to the very explicit question “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matt. 24:3), gives very explicit answers, contained in what are referred to as the eschatological discourses. Now we hold that some of the forms of our sacraments were given by Christ to the apostles generally, and others “in specie.” In the same way, it is possible that the signs Jesus enumerates are “general,” but it is also possible that one or more of the “signs” are absolutely “specific” in nature. One of the signs is in Matt 24:15, with the parallel passage in Mark 13:14, “When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth, let him understand” is deserving of extreme scrutiny. Firstly, several conclusions are inescapable:
Returning to the Machabees: we are told that the time period of the persecution and apostasy began with the commencement of the reign of Antiochus “in the year 137” (1 Macc 1:11). We know from Babylonian archival material that Antiochus began to reign “in the sixth month” of the Seleucid year 137. The persecution period ended with the death of Simon, the last of five sons (the Machabees) of the priest of Modin, “in the 11th month of the year 177” (1 Macc 16:14). So the period of persecution lasted some 40 years and five months. It is worthy of note, I think, to mention at this point, that Christ in the eschatological discourse says: “This generation will not pass away.....” A biblical generation is known to be reckoned as being 40 years long. Anyone familiar with the existing material (which material is clearly pre-Christian) of the Essene sect of the Jews knows that the material speaks constantly of the last battle in the history of the world being 40 years long. In a prophecy about the last days, Saint Bridget of Sweden, known to have the prophetic charism, states that the last battle in the history of the world will be forty years long. Further, she makes the following incredible prophesy: I wonder what that could be? Whatever it is, it is now in our past. (Idolatry includes any worship of God that is inauthentic.) Of note is the fact that my “Catholic” Almanac reports that the “Apostolic Constitution” on the Novus Ordo Missae was signed by Paul VI on April 3, 1969 (which was Passover in that year) and that the Novus Ordo was made mandatory in its final form on December 1st, 1974. Now our current reckoning has a strange anomaly; there is no year -0-. We proceed directly and immediately from December 31st, 1 B.C. to January 1st, 1 A.D. This is to say that B.C. events are 1 year less removed from us than the sum total of the two integers. The majority opinion on the year of Christ’s birth is that it occurred 2 to 3 years prior to Herod the Great’s death. Herod’s death date is one of the most certain in all of antiquity, owing to Josephus who states that it took place in the 36th year of Herod’s reign, contemporaneously (at the same time) with a lunar eclipse visible from Jerusalem, which event was followed closely by a Passover. The date of that eclipse and Herod’s death is Tuesday March 13th 4 B.C. at about 1:28 A.M. (Julian Calendar). Further, the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces in 7 B.C. is understood by the majority of the scholarly community to meet Matthew’s account of the “star” of Bethlehem. This would place the 1980th anniversary of the NATIVITY in our year 1974 A.D. Interesting....minimally for some of us who still have regard for private revelation. For those into detail, the evidence is that “Dennis the little” who is responsible for giving us our present year reckoning, intended to make year 1 of the Christian era the first full year following the year that saw the event of the Nativity of Christ. If the year 7 B.C. was the year that indeed contained the event of the Nativity, 6 B.C. would be the year that Dennis intended (although he didn’t accomplish it) to be year 1, and December 31st 1974 would be the end of the year of Christ 1980. There are some versions of the aforementioned prophecy of Saint Bridget that start, “In the year of Christ 1980...” as though Saint Bridget were drawing a distinction between the true year 1980 and our year 1980, which are not the same. But, returning to the period of the Machabees, the Jews become tired of being set apart and desire to be like the pagans around them. While having religious liberty from their pagan overlords, they willingly forfeit that liberty and ask to be made a pagan city complete with idolatrous worship. We are talking about what is called religious syncretism. “Jews themselves were in the forefront of the syncretism.” “They changed their constitution which constituted an abandonment of their covenant with Yahweh.” “The Holy of Holies ceased being a CENTRAL part of Jewish worship.” The Holy of Holies, by the way, was known to be associated with the Divine presence, known as the Shekinah, which Divine presence was almost sacramental in nature. Similarly, our tabernacles, which contained the Divine presence in a sacramental manner, were, in the post-Vatican II period, removed from their central locations on our altars. In many cases they were moved to the side, and some were even placed in the sacristy. The renegade or apostate Jews fortified and occupied the City of David in Jerusalem which they made their citadel, or ACRA. “The City of David at the time of the Machabees was known to occupy THE LARGE WESTERN HILL.” Because this is a central point, I would refer the reader to confirm this for himself in either the Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem Bible, both of which contain footnotes on the city of David. The adjective “Large” for the western hill appears in the more extensive commentaries on the subject. Now the Fathers held that the possibility exists that the fact that there are various texts of some of the books of the Bible may indeed be a product of Divine providence. The book of Daniel comes down to us in two forms, the Greek and Masoretic or Hebrew. They are not identical. The Masoretic text of Daniel 9:27 has a critical difference between that of the Greek. It states that the “Abomination of Desolation” will be on a “wing of the temple.” Now, St. Hilary, doctor of the Church, discourses on 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and the Antichrist. He states that the “Temple of God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4) is clearly the Church. But what about the “WING”? Could it be that the “Abomination of Desolation,” which will be seen in the Church, will only be in a portion of the Church, the “New Jerusalem”, and if so what portion? The word “WING” was used by the ancients in much the same way as we use it: the west WING of a hospital, for example. Only one scriptural citation is necessary to prove the point: “....and the right WING of his army with them” (1 Machabees 9:1). Now the renegade and apostate Jews made the City of David, which occupied the LARGE WESTERN HILL in Jerusalem, their Citadel. Isn’t it interesting that the New Mass, which has a table, a 2nd altar as an integral part of its worship, is only present in the Roman Rite, which is the large western portion (fully 98%) of Catholicism, as distinct from the Eastern or Oriental WING, which still uses its old sacramental forms, including the MASS, and no new 2nd altar!Four False High Priests, Four False Popes?
What about the Jewish Hierarchy at the time of the Machabees? Onius III is the last apparent and VALID high priest at the time of the apostasy. He is succeeded by his brother, Jason, who procures the office of the High Priesthood by fraud (2 Macc 4:6-8), and who begins the religious syncretism (2 Macc 4:9-13). He is known, according to the author of the two volume series on the Machabees (Anchor Bible), as the equivalent of “King Johnny.” He also introduces the wearing of the “broad brimmed petasos” (a hat). The author of 2 Machabees (remember inspiration and inerrancy) says that Jason was “an impious wretch and no priest” (2 Macc 4:13). Jason is followed by Menelaus who also acquires the High Priesthood by fraud (2 Macc 4:23-25). Moreover, Menelaus introduces the “imposed cult,” a false sacrifice, with the assistance of the secular arm King Antiochus, who enforces the false sacrifice. Therefore, the second false High Priest of the four, Menelaus, imposes the false sacrifice. Menelaus is succeeded by his brother, Lysimachus, who reigns very briefly and dies a violent death: “and as for the sacrilegious fellow, they slew him beside the treasury” (2 Macc 4:42). Some translations say: “they slew him over the treasury.” Anyone who has read the book In God’s Name by David Yallop (on the death of John Paul I) knows that the entire book on the death of John Paul I is about the Vatican treasury. The author presents a compelling case that John Paul I, the third Vatican II Antipope, was killed precisely because he may have wanted to give away money from the Vatican treasury which caused a great problem for certain individuals. The parallel to Lysicmachus (the third false high priest at the time of the Abomination of Desolation in the Machabees) is startling. After Lysimachus’ death, Menelaus resumes his “priesthood,” but is ultimately slain (2 Macc 13:7). He is said to be a “sacrilegious wretch,” a “transgressor of the law” (2 Macc 13:6-7). “He had committed many sins against the Altar of God” (2 Macc 13:8). The last of these four false High Priests is Alcimus, who in some respects is the most dangerous of the lot because his act is the best. He obtains the appointment as reported in 2 Macc 14:3-4; but he had “willfully defiled himself in the time of the mingling with the heathens, seeing that there was no safety for him, nor access to the altar” (2 Macc 14:3). Bishop Challoner, who is famous for his scriptural notes, states that Alcimus, “for his apostasy here mentioned, was incapable of the High Menelaus had been before him....yet neither of them was truly High Priest....mingling with heathens, that is, in their idolatrous worship” (2 Macc. 14:3, Douay-Rheims note). Alcimus is an apostate, one of the renegade Jews. “And there came to him the wicked and ungodly men of Israel: and Alcimus was at the head of them, who desired to be made high priest” (1 Macc 7:5). He is at the HEAD of the wicked and ungodly of Israel, and procures the office from the hand of DEMETRIUS, an office which he cannot hold because of his apostasy. I said that he was the best act of the lot. The author of the Anchor Bible Series reports that he has the people of Israel so “conned,” that he is referred to by them as “Alcimus the Pious.” It is not my intention to write a commentary on the Machabees, but merely to point out certain parallels with our own age. The syncretism begins with the election of Angelo Roncalli, who takes the name John XXIII. He reports, after his election, and with sarcasm, that his file has been marked “suspected modernist,” as though this were a big joke. Pope Saint Pius X calls Modernism “The Synthesis of All Heresies.” In the magazine, 30 Days, several years ago, the head of the Italian Freemasons proclaimed that John XXIII was one of their number, an active member! The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy stated: “As for that, it seems that John XXIII was initiated (into a Masonic Lodge) in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul Workshops.” [3] I have also seen a sworn affidavit of one of Cardinal Roncalli’s (John XXIII’s) French Government body guards, assigned to protect him during the years when he was in France in an official Vatican capacity. He swears that he escorted Roncalli to the Masonic Lodge with great frequency. Now I ask, how does someone who is outside the community (membership in Freemasonry is the subject of automatic major excommunication) HEAD THE COMMUNITY? This is a contradiction in terms. It may be mere coincidence, but just as Jason (1st false High Priest in the Machabees), nicknamed “King Johnny” (from commentary on Anchor Bible series) introduced the wearing of the broad brimmed hat, does anyone remember John XXIII and the “sombrero” hat he started wearing?The Periods of the Abomination of Desolation
1st Abomination 2nd Abomination
Jason – False High Priest #1 John XXIII – False Pope #1
Menelaus – False High Priest #2 Paul VI – False Pope #2
Lysimachus – False High Priest #3 John Paul I – False Pope #3
Alcimus – False High Priest #4 John Paul II – False Pope #4
"At that time Alcimus was struck: and his works were hindered, and his mouth was stopped, and he was taken with a palsy, so that he could no more speak a word, nor give order concerning his house. And Alcimus died at that time in great torment." (1 Machabees 9:55)
The Abomination Occupies the Western Wing
The whore of Babylon sits on seven hills. Every major exegete states that it is ROME, “the great city” of the Apocalypse. Saint Peter himself, writing in his first epistle, refers to Rome by its code name, Babylon. Saint Peter is writing from Rome, yet he calls it Babylon. He does this to identify what Ecclesiastical Rome will become at the time of the end, a whore – who has abandoned the faith of Christ, and fornicated with false gods and idolatrous worship, just as the true Church of the Old Testament was called a “whore” for partaking in inauthentic worship. (The true Catholic Church, in Her official teaching, remains immaculate, and will remain immaculate forever, for it is the one and only true Church, the Church established by Jesus Christ. It is the Vatican II sect that is a whore.) Moreover, fornication in Sacred Scripture is used almost exclusively for spiritual fornication: the chasing after false gods, idolatrous worship. Now the part of the consecration that has been changed in a false and heretical manner is the WINE portion of the consecration. The New Mass has changed the words of Jesus Christ in the consecration of the wine from: into… However, because one cannot consecrate one species without the other (Saint Thomas Aquinas), the inauthentic wine portion invalidates both species. It is not an accident that the Apocalypse, in speaking of the whore of Babylon, states repeatedly, “all the world is made mad with the WINE of the wrath of her fornication.” The Vatican II Church has committed spiritual fornication, typified by the inauthentic worship that characterizes the sacrilegious and false New Mass. Moreover, the heads of the Vatican II Church have prayed and mingled with every false creed on the face of the planet; and, as a result, they commit the very sin that is most offensive to God and a violation of the first commandment. It was in order to avoid this sin that (approximately) the first 30 popes suffered cruel martyrdoms. It was in order to avoid this sin that heroic young girls, like Saint Philomena, endured the most hideous of tortures and millions of Christians were hung and beheaded – the sin of praying with false religions and paying homage to false gods. As a result of this spiritual fornication (e.g., false ecumenism), the Vatican II Church is guilty of the blood of the saints. Read the word of God about the whore of Babylon: To the extent that Rome loses the faith, and hence by definition allies herself or indeed becomes the enemy of the true Church, it becomes guilty of the blood of the very prophets and saints of the true Church of all time. Just as Our Lord was placed in the hands of His enemies during His Passion, Our Lords allows the buildings and infrastructure of His Church to be placed in the hands of its enemies during its passion. On June 30, 1968, the Vatican II sect adopts a new ritual for ordaining priests, as well as a new manner of consecrating bishops, “The fullness of orders.” The new manner is essentially and materially an Anglican ritual, which ritual (the Anglican ritual) was declared by Pope Leo XIII, to not confect the Sacrament of Orders. I am reminded of the “Testimony of Moses” which contains the following line: “in the last days there will be slaves about my altar who are not true priests but slaves.....” We have seen the fruits of their fraudulent “Orders”: pedophiles, homosexuals, and lecherous men, among other things.Does prophecy give the exact date of the New Mass?
Before we bring forward the evidence that the prophet Daniel does give the date of the New Mass, which is the Abomination of Desolation and the cessation of the continual sacrifice, we must answer an objection which will arise in regard to this matter. There are those who say that the true understanding of the tribulation’s duration is that it is 7 years (or 1/2 that), and that the cessation will occur in the “midst of the week” “the middle of the week” or the “half of the week” and last for 1260 days or 3 and 1/2 years. And since the New Mass was decreed on Passover April 3, 1969, by Paul VI in the Apostolic Constitution on the New Mass, it has been with us more than 30 years, and therefore, it couldn’t be the “cessation” of the Mass and the “abomination of desolation” (according to them). Is there evidence that the period of the cessation would last longer? Yes, the 1260 day references in the Apocalypse are understood by many exegetes as symbolic of any period of persecution, that is, they are not necessarily literal.Daniel gives the date of the New Mass
Christ and the Mass are inextricably linked. And the prophet Daniel’s prophecy is bound up with the “going forth” of the word, as we will see. So we must ask: when is the “going forth” of the word in the New Testament? Christ’s commands at the Ascension are for the Apostles to begin first at Jerusalem, then Judea and Samaria, then the rest of the world. St. Paul is truly the apostle of the Gentiles. The “going forth” of the Faith out of Jerusalem and Judea starts in reality with St. Paul’s conversion. At the time of St. Stephen’s martyrdom, there is a general persecution and dispersal except for the Apostles who remain at Jerusalem. Why? It is because the “going forth” to the balance of the world awaits St. Paul’s conversion. But when does St. Paul’s ministry start? It could only start with the event of his conversion. Prior to that he has aligned himself with the enemy. The internal evidence of Acts and the Pauline epistles places the martyrdom of St. Stephen in the winter of 36/37 A.D – that is, between the winter solstice of 36 A.D. and the spring equinox of 37 A.D. St. Paul is present at the death of St. Stephen, by his own admission he “held the coats” for those doing the stoning and he was “consenting” to the death of St. Stephen. Many theologians believe that St. Stephen’s martyrdom was the efficient cause of St. Paul’s conversion. His conversion is said (unanimously) to have occurred very shortly after the death of St. Stephen in 37 A.D. Now the prophet Daniel speaks of the death or “cutting off” of the Messiah and the “cessation of the daily sacrifice” of the Mass, and his prophecies are all time oriented. In Daniel chapter 9 we have Daniel’s famous prophecy of “weeks.” In that prophecy, each day is generally (and has always been) understood to equal 1 year. The so-called “day for a year” principle. The seven weeks are not repeated the second time, but the time interval is clearly intended to be the sum of seven weeks plus sixty two weeks, i.e., 69 weeks until the “slaying” or, as some translations have it, the “cutting off” of the Messiah or the cutting off of the Mass. 69 weeks equal 483 days (69 x 7). Based on the day for a year principle, the 483 days or 69 weeks equal 483 years. The final piece of the puzzle is “fourfold”. In Jewish law, the perpetrator of the theft of a sheep must make restitution fourfold. In the same way King David, when he steals Uriah the Hittite’s wife and causes him to be murdered, is told a parable by Nathan the Prophet. The parable is about a rich man who upon encountering a stranger does not give him sheep of his own flock, despite the fact that he has plenty, but rather takes the single ewe lamb of a poor man and dresses it for the stranger. And hearing this, So the penalty for theft is fourfold. Lastly, and most importantly, is the curse pronounced on the whore of Babylon. Double unto double is fourfold. The penalty for the theft of a Lamb, for fraud (a false sacrifice) is fourfold. Therefore: 4 (fourfold) x 483 years = 1932 years. 1932 years + 37 A.D. (St. Paul’s conversion and the “going forth” of Daniel 9) = 1969 A.D. Christ was slain on a Passover. Therefore, the Mass would also be slain on a Passover. The date of the Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI for the New Mass was Passover April 3, 1969. The New Mass is the Abomination of Desolation – the Abomination of Desolation that was predicted by Daniel and mentioned by Our Lord (Matt. 24:15) as one of the signs of the end.More Parallels with the Machabees
"Traditional" Bishop Rifan Takes Part in the Abominable New Mass
1 Machabees 1:50-51- “And the king sent letters... that they… should… let their souls be defiled with all uncleanness, and abominations to the end that they should forget the law, and should change all the justifications of God.”
In Campos, Brazil there exists a prominent “traditional” group of priests that was started many years ago by the late Bishop Castro De Mayer. The group goes by the name “The Society of St. John Vianney.” Bishop Castro De Mayer, who started the group, had been a friend of Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, and was present when Bishop Lefebvre consecrated the four Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X in 1988. The Campos group of priests held a position that is similar to the SSPX: it was independent of the Novus Ordo dioceses, even though it was definitely not Sedevacantist and always recognized Antipope John Paul II as the Pope. The Campos group remained independent of the Novus Ordo “Bishops,” even though it recognized them as the legitimate hierarchy, because it criticized as unacceptable many aspects of the New Mass and the Vatican II religion. In fact, years ago the Campos group published a pamphlet called “62 Reasons Why In Conscience, We Cannot Attend the New Mass.” Having discouraged people from attending the New Mass, the Campos group’s position was not compatible with approval by the apostate Novus Ordo Bishops. As long as they held to such a position, they would have to continue operating independently of John Paul II and the Novus Ordo Bishops. But, in 2002, the Society of St. John Vianney (SSJV) changed its views. Perhaps perceiving the fundamental contradiction, and the schismatic attitude, in its position – and in the position of the SSPX – namely, to operate completely independent of the hierarchy it recognizes as the true Catholic hierarchy (when, in truth, it shouldn’t recognize them as the true hierarchy at all), the SSJV came to apostate Rome and John Paul II to be “reconciled.” Antipope John Paul II and his “Cardinals” agreed to give the SSJV an “Apostolic Administration” whereby they would be fully “reconciled” and “recognized” by John Paul II and the Novus Ordo sect, as long as the SSJV agreed to accept the validity of the New Mass and that Vatican II is a true Council – and, of course, that John Paul II is Pope. The full “reconciliation” of this “traditionalist” group with the Novus Ordo sect was praised by many false traditionalists who believed that this group would get the “best of both worlds” (according to them) – i.e., it would maintain its “traditionalism” while also being recognized by Antipope John Paul II, their “Pope.” The heretics Chris Ferrara and Thomas Woods expressed their approval of the development with the SSJV in their heretical book, The Great Façade. Please notice how inextricably bound up are 1) acceptance that John Paul II is the Pope and 2) the acceptance of Vatican II and the New Mass. If you accept # 1, then you must accept # 2, as this instance proves again. Vatican II is the official Council and teaching of the “Church” of John Paul II; and the New Mass is an official rite of the “Church” of John Paul II. That is why John Paul II and his apostate “Bishops” will not recognize those persons who don’t accept the legitimacy and validity of these two things as “Catholics in full communion” with them. That is precisely why the SSJV had to accept these things to get full “approval” from the Vatican II sect. So, in 2002, the SSJV completely sold its soul and gave in to apostate Rome. Though the SSJV did not yet celebrate the New Mass, some predicted that it would only be a short time before its priests did. (But after already having recognized that the New Mass is a legitimate rite that may be attended, why would they be opposed to offering it themselves?) The selling-of-their-souls out to the New Mass would not come in the future when they finally offered it; it already came when they accepted it as legitimate. Thus, on September 8, 2004, the apostate Bishop Rifan of the SSJV carried his heretical position to its logical conclusion and he concelebrated an invalid New Mass, which adulterated the words of Christ (using “shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven” in the Consecration) – and contained numerous other abominations, including laywomen giving out the Novus Ordo cookie; a speech by a Marxist; and other pagan-like abominations so common at the Novus Ordo. All of this is strikingly reminiscent of the story in the Machabees. In the books of the Machabees, we are told the story of how the wicked King Antiochus took over the children of Israel, imposed upon them a new religion of idolatry, changed their traditions, and forced them to accept the new religion. There are striking parallels to our own situation in this history, including in regard to compromising false traditionalists. Those who resisted the new religion were led by Judas Machabeus and his supporters; and they made no compromise with the wicked usurpers. But some of the Machabees were led to their deaths by being deceived by the “peaceable” words spoken by the supporters of King Antiochus. Please read the following and tell me if it is not a description of the SSJV and the SSPX and like-minded false traditionalists, who listen to the “peaceable words and deals” offered to them by the apostate “Bishops” in Rome, such as Ratzinger, Castrillon-Hoyos, etc. – and are led to their spiritual deaths as a result. We see that Bishop Rifan of the SSJV is one such victim. But here are the words of a recent interview of Bishop Fellay of the SSPX, regarding his continuing discussion with “reconciling” with Rome [read: King Antiochus]. Notice how similar Bishop Fellay’s attitude is to that of the compromising Machabees. Rome “does more than just stretch out a hand to the faithful attached to Tradition… Aren’t you touched by such a generous offer?” “I am,” says Bishop Fellay. (If Bishop Fellay were Catholic, he would denounce the Novus Ordo Bishops and John Paul II as heretics who possess no authority to offer anyone anything.) We see that the people who wanted to compromise with the representatives of Antiochus – the people who listened to their “peaceable” words and believed them to be their friends – were slain, just like the false traditionalists of the SSJV, the SSPX, etc. are spiritually slain by obstinately recognizing as Catholics, rather than denouncing as apostate non-Catholics, John Paul II and his Novus Ordo Bishops. [One also cannot ignore the absurdity of a group like the SSPX “making deals” with the hierarchy it recognizes as the “Catholic hierarchy.” This shows again that the SSPX is schismatic; they won’t submit to the hierarchy they think (wrongly) is the “Catholic hierarchy” until the “hierarchy of the Catholic Church” gives the SSPX what it wants! Any sincere person who considers this carefully will see how absurd it is.]“No Jurisdiction” Advocates
Recently, many among the Sedevacantists (i.e., those who don’t accept John Paul II as the Pope) are being convinced by certain tracts that none of the traditional priests have jurisdiction to hear Confessions or faculties to say Mass. This is a false claim, which is based on a failure of these authors to recognize the distinction between ecclesiastical laws and divine revelation, and how the former apply in a state of necessity. This error causes them to conclude falsely that no priest can lawfully say Mass; that no Bishop can lawfully consecrate another Bishop, etc. in this situation. It is not the purpose of this article to go into detail addressing this false claim, but merely to illustrate what I believe to be another clear parallel to the Machabees. In the Machabees, the resisting Israelites were attacked on the Sabbath because the allies of evil King Antiochus didn’t believe that they would fight back on the Sabbath. And, at first, the resisters did not fight back on the Sabbath because they believed it would be unlawful [read: they did not say Mass; they did not hear Confessions; they did not Consecrate Bishops, etc. because they believed it was unlawful], but after their people were all being slain, they changed their course and did fight back on the Sabbath. ________________________Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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