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"Officials investigating reason for over 4,000% rise in kids seeking sex ‘change’ treatments"
"Officials in the United Kingdom want to know why there has been an explosion in the number of kids seeking sex 'change' treatments.
In just eight years, the increase in children seeking to transgender themselves has gone up 4,500 percent for girls and 1,250 percent for boys.
During the reporting year '2009/10 a total of 40 girls were referred by doctors for gender treatment,' according to a report by UK’s The Telegraph. 'By 2017/18 that number had soared to 1,806. Referrals for boys have risen from 57 to 713 in the same period.'
'Officials in the Government Equalities Office will look into whether the influence of social media is driving more children to consider changing sex, and whether it is appropriate to treat pre-pubescent children with drugs,' according to the The Telegraph report.
'A recent study found that almost two thirds of children and teenagers who say they want to change sex have previously been diagnosed with serious mental health disorders,' continues the report. 'There are concerns among some doctors that children are being given hormone treatments without due consideration of the long-term side effects, which can include infertility and osteoporosis.'
Medical child abuse?
'Transgenderism is a psychological disorder, not a biological one,' said Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD, FCP, president of the American College of Pediatricians."
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