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Target’s Forensic Services is who the FBI, BATF and others have turned to for help for two decades
David Knight
Just like how Sherlock Holmes was the consulting detective who was sought out by Scotland Yard’s Inspector Lestrade for his forensic expertise, Target has played Sherlock for the FBI, BATF, Secret Service, local law enforcement and even international agencies like the World Customs Organization. When they’re flumoxed, they head to Target — for the Forensic Lab Services. Now that Target has been pwned in the third largest credit card heist in history, will this event be used to further a biometric agenda? Target’s forensic expertise has its roots in loss prevention. But unlike other corporations, Target pursued it to such a degree that they surpassed the capabilities of government crime labs. In a Washington Post article eight years ago, Nathan K. Garvis, Target’s vice president of government affairs at the time said “In many ways, Target is actually a high-tech company masquerading as a retailer.” Target has been actively involved with law enforcement since the mid-90’s but “intensified” after 9/11. to read more: infowars.comSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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