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University of Chicago Accidentally Proves That Gun Control Laws Don’t Work
The city of Chicago has some of the toughest and strictest gun control laws on the books out of all the major cities in the entire country.
But every day the newspapers and TV stations of Chicago fill the airwaves with devastating reports showing innocent Americans being murdered by criminals carrying guns.
The city is a shining example of how gun control doesn’t stop criminals from obtaining and using guns to commit robbery and murder.
Instead of allowing law abiding Americans the chance to easily acquire a firearm for self-defense, politicians and public officials in Chicago call for harsher anti-gun measures almost daily.
The anti-gun crowd refuses to accept reality and the fact that criminals don’t obey gun control laws. They would rather disarm law abiding citizens who accept and obey the law.
A recent study by the University of Chicago proved this point after conducting a study to figure out how criminals in Chicago were acquiring their firearms.
Not surprisingly, administers of the study quickly learned these criminals do not acquire their guns from licensed dealers, private sellers, or even the Internet.
The study looked at inmates in Chicago’s Cook County Jail who face gun charges or who have a history of firearm related convictions.
They learned zero criminals have used gun shows or the Internet to purchase their weapons.
The reason why? The method is too easily traceable by law enforcement.
Instead, the preferred method for criminals was to purchase firearms available on the streets, where they are harder for law enforcement to track.
Harold Pollack, University of Chicago’s Crime Lab co-director, also said criminals, “were less concerned about getting caught by the cops than being put in the position of not having a gun to defend themselves and then getting shot.”
Basically, the University of Chicago admits that the city is so dangerous, criminals would rather risk going to jail than not being able to effectively defend themselves.
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