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Benedict XVI’s Incredible Assault on the Catholic Faith; His Apostasy in Germany and more
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B. Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
This could be defined as a telegram of apostasy. Benedict XVI honors apostate Judaism by sending a telegram that honors the Jewish holy days. The Council of Florence defined that those who practice the ceremonies of the Old Law or Judaism live in a state of mortal sin and will be condemned to Hell eternally. However, Benedict XVI declares that the Chief Rabbi of Judaism in Rome is “esteemed.” He declares the Jewish feast days to be “important holidays.” He says that those who practice these Jewish religious feasts and “holidays” have “an opportunity for many blessings from the Eternal and font of infinite graces.” Benedict XVI says that Jesus will give blessings and graces to those who explicitly reject Him. This is blasphemy. He says that people can receive blessings and graces for doing what the Catholic Church has declared to be mortally sinful. His statement is without doubt heresy and apostasy. Benedict XVI closes out his telegram by stating that the rabbi and other Jews are “authentic witnesses to the truth.” This is a denial of Christ and direct blasphemy. In the New Testament, the Apostles and those who preached Christianity were called “witnesses.”
Benedict XVI makes a number of heretical statements about the “Orthodox.” First, he says that the schismatic “Orthodox” faith is the same true Christian faith that has existed throughout history. He makes this clear when he says “we are all the early Church that is still present.” He then states that the “Orthodox” help bring alive the Christian faith in Europe. Benedict XVI then declares: “I have come to know and love Orthodoxy more and more.” This is outrageously heretical. Think about his statement for a moment. The “Orthodox” religion is a schismatic religion that denies: the Papacy, the last 13 councils of the Church, the Filioque clause, etc. Yet, Benedict XVI says: “I have come to know and love Orthodoxy more and more”! He then says we might be able to understand the primacy of the pope in a different way from the past. He says that he is “struggling to understand aright.” This is blatantly heretical. He is putting the Catholic truth on the primacy on the same level as the schismatics’ denial of it; he is teaching that both positions need to be re-evaluated. He even recommends John Paul II’s suggestion that we should reconsider the papal primacy to please the heretics. He then says that the “Orthodox” build up society. Benedict XVI is a heretic and a schismatic.
Benedict XVI says the Catholic Church respects the essence of Judaism – a religion that rejects Jesus Christ. Then he states that Jews proclaim “the faith”!!! Next, Benedict XVI says “it is to be acknowledged with thankfulness that a new development has been seen in recent decades, which makes it possible to speak of a real blossoming of Jewish life in Germany.” Benedict XVI is thankful that there is “a real blossoming of Jewish life.” By definition, Jewish life is life without Jesus Christ – it is devoid of life itself. Benedict XVI has once again committed apostasy. He then says that “the Church feels a great closeness to the Jewish people.” How is this possible when the Jewish people reject the Church and its founder, Jesus Christ?! He describes this new way of looking at Judaism as having its origin at the Second Vatican Council. Benedict XVI refers to it as “this new path.” Yes, this new broad path to Hell and apostasy from the Catholic faith began at Vatican II. He then speaks of how “Christians must also become increasingly aware of our own inner affinity with Judaism.” This means that he believes Judaism and Catholicism are linked together or connected. Benedict XVI then says that the old covenant was not abolished by Jesus. This is blatant heresy.
Benedict XVI then utters his worst heresy. He says: “The message of hope contained in the books of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament has been appropriated and continued in different ways by Jews and Christians. After centuries of antagonism, we now see it as our task to bring these two ways of rereading the biblical texts – the Christian way and the Jewish way – into dialogue with one another, if we are to understand God’s will and his word aright.” Benedict XVI says we have a task to reread the biblical texts according to the Jewish belief of what scripture means. Benedict XVI says that only by doing this will we understand God’s will and his word correctly! He then says that Judaism has a responsibility for developing society. Benedict XVI then caps off his apostasy by giving a blessing to the Jews.
Benedict XVI comments on the increasing Muslim population in Germany, as if that’s a positive development. He then says that Muslims can build up society. He then praises Muslims for their “great importance to the religious dimension of life.” He then says “the Catholic Church firmly advocates that due recognition be given to the public dimension of religious adherence.” Benedict XVI then states that the Church “does not limit the expression of individual religions; on the contrary, it allows each person to bear witness explicitly to what he believes.” This is exactly the opposite of what the Catholic Church has taught throughout history. Benedict XVI then repeats that Muslims are believers and declares that Muslims “have a special contribution to make towards building a better world.” He ends his heretical speech to the Muslims by declaring that we need to grow in mutual esteem for Islam and other false religions. What an apostate!
In his answer to the first question from a reporter, Benedict XVI says he can “well understand” why people would leave the Catholic Church if major scandal was created by some of its members. He doesn’t say anywhere that it’s a sin to leave the Church. Hence, his words provide a “justification” for those who leave the Catholic Church. He thus denies the faith again.
In the second question, the reporter says the Protestants and “Catholics” are preparing (in 2017) to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s revolution against the Catholic faith! Benedict XVI endorses the reporter’s statement by immediately responding to the question: “ecumenism with our Evangelical friends must be a strong point, a central point of this journey.” He then says Protestants, Catholics, etc. need to go out and make people “believe.” He thus endorses the acceptance of any kind of faith that claims to be Christian. According to him, any kind of “Christianity” is sufficient, even though these sects reject divine revelation on the Church, the Papacy, the sacraments, and more. He calls Protestants “brothers and sisters,” and lobs another compliment in Martin Luther’s direction when he speaks about Luther’s “theological journey.” Benedict XVI confirms his belief that Protestants are Christians by saying that Protestants have a “responsibility as Christians in this time” to work “for humanity’s good.” Protestants do not promote the message of Christ – they proclaim the message of antichrist.
Benedict XVI begins his heretical address to the Lutherans by declaring one of the leaders “pastor.” Only validly ordained priests who have the Catholic faith are called “pastors.” When he speaks of “our shared faith,” he declares that Lutherans and Catholics have the same faith. Of course, he declares that Lutherans are Christians despite the fact that they deny numerous Catholic dogmas. He then speaks at length in praise of Martin Luther. Benedict XVI speaks of his life and what he did as if Luther were a great saint. Remember that we are talking about Martin Luther, the most notorious heretic in Church history!
He speaks of Martin Luther’s “deep passion”; he says that Luther’s “driving force of his whole life never ceases to make a deep impression on me.” He states that Martin Luther’s struggle was a struggle for God. This is heresy. He says that Martin Luther’s question must become our question too. He then speaks in a positive light about “our encounter with Martin Luther.” Benedict XVI then utters the blasphemy that “Luther’s thinking, his whole spirituality, was thoroughly Christocentric.” Martin Luther blasphemed Christ and totally perverted His faith. Benedict XVI then says that “we pray and sing together” with Lutherans. Praying and singing with non-Catholics has always been condemned by Catholic teaching. Yet, Benedict XVI promotes and engages in this activity all the time. This address was given during what was essentially a Protestant prayer service. This included Benedict XVI praying and singing with Lutherans during the Lutheran prayer service. During this prayer service, Benedict XVI prayed with a female Lutheran “bishop” and gave a joint blessing with a Protestant Lutheran “pastor.” He also genuflected before the Protestant altar which does not possess the Eucharist or even have a tabernacle. Please watch our YouTube video, Benedict XVI prays with female Lutheran "bishop"! Benedict XVI then said that Lutherans need to bear witness to their faith and that they should not water it down. He caps off his heretical speech to the Lutherans by telling them that they can help Catholics in “developing a deeper and livelier faith.” Benedict XVI is a complete and total heretic.
Benedict XVI boldly praises this land as “the land of the reformation.” He is clearly implying that the so-called reformation of Martin Luther was a great thing for the world. He also states that he is profoundly grateful for common prayer with non-Catholics. As we just mentioned, anyone familiar with the history of the Catholic Church knows that such prayer with non-Catholics is contrary to Catholic teaching. But the heretic Benedict XVI is “profoundly grateful” for common prayer with them.
Benedict XVI praises the Protestant Reformation by telling everyone in a context of admiration that Thuringia “is the land of the Protestant Reformation.” It’s obvious that he chose to go there because it is the land of the Protestant revolution. He also refers, once again, to his buddy Martin Luther. Benedict XVI mentions the “common witness to faith” that he and the Lutheran heretics share. He then says the schismatic “Orthodox” have a joint duty with Catholics to renew society.
Benedict XVI will follow John Paul II’s satanic plan and gather the members of various false religions to “pray for peace.” One highlight, he says, will be that if you claim to be Catholic, you will be able to question your religion.
Erfurt is not a huge city. It has a population of about 200,000 people. It’s only considered significant to world history because it’s where Martin Luther started his revolution against the Catholic Church. That’s exactly why Benedict XVI wanted to visit this city. It’s also why he went to the former home of Martin Luther. He wanted to honor the home/monastery where Luther got his inspiration from the Devil to begin his mission to destroy Catholicism.
Benedict XVI calls a layman a “Bishop.”
As we have demonstrated in the past, Benedict XVI fully supports the Charismatic movement.
Many of you who have read these heresies over the years still believe that Benedict XVI is a pope and therefore that he has the Catholic faith. I find it incredible that you can read these heresies and still believe that Benedict XVI is a Catholic. He teaches heresies of this sort all the time. Do you need to see 10 million heresies by him, and then you will be convinced!? Can’t you see that Benedict XVI doesn’t have the Catholic faith? If you believe he has the Catholic faith, then you believe in nothing. Wake up! He is an antipope. If, after seeing all of this information, you still believe that Benedict XVI has the Catholic faith and is a member of the Church, you are a heretic. You will follow him into the eternal fire of Hell.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 5, 2011, p. 3.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, pp. 16-18.
[3] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, p. 8.
[4] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, p. 10.
[5] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, p. 3.
[6] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, p. 4.
[7] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, pp. 11, 14.
[8] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 28, 2011, p. 23.
[9] L’ Osservatore Romano, October 5, 2011, pp. 11-12.
[10] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 21, 2011, p. 5.
[11] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 21, 2011, p. 1.
[12] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 7, 2011, p. 12.
[13] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 21, 2011, p. 11.
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