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Antipope Francis receives his “dear sister”, head of the Lutheran "Church" of Sweden reports: “Esteemed Mrs. Jackelén, esteemed sister, dear friends!” This was how Pope Francis addressed Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of Uppsala and Primate of the Swedish Lutheran Church, at their meeting this morning in the Vatican. The archbishop was accompanied by a delegation from the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Sweden. It was an opportunity to discuss topics such as the testimony of persecuted Christians around the world which brings the various denominations together, divisions over life and family that need to be avoided, the upcoming celebration of the 5th centenary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2017, as well as more specific questions such as the recognition of the welcome given by the Swedish Lutherans to South Americans fleeing dictatorships..." MHFM Comment: Professions of faith can be made in both word and in deed. An action like this by Antipope Francis is a public profession that he regards her ‘ministry’ as authentic. He therefore endorses female ‘bishops’ and holds that heretics are in the Church of Christ. In short, his external profession of ‘faith’ is that female Lutheran ‘bishops’ have a legitimate ministry and membership in the Church of Christ – heresy and blasphemy. It’s more infallible proof that Francis is a manifest heretic and not the pope.
What a sick joke that anyone would consider him to be the pope in the face of the evidence.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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