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Pope St. Gelasius: Truth Stands Firm Among The Few
Pope St. Gelasius, Letter 1, (AD 492-496): “… is it the case that falsehood will not be falsehood because it is held by the multitude? Will truth, then, not be truth because it is cherished by the few?... There are examples without number, from which it is shown that while falsehood prowls among the many, truth stands firm among the few... Let us, therefore, reject falsehood even among the very many, provided we hold onto truth even among the very few. When the whole world was holding onto falsehood, was the Church not standing firm among the Apostles just as the truth commanded? When the entire people was led astray, did the Church not remain with seven thousand Israelites? (1 Kings 19:18) And if we run through all of them, we will find examples without number; is it not written: ‘the way that leads to life is narrow and hard’ (Mt. 7:14) and ‘the way that leads toward death is broad and wide’ (Mt. 7:13)?”
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