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Christ Born In Bethlehem, Which Means “House Of Bread”
It was fitting for Christ to be born in Bethlehem for a number of reasons. St. Thomas Aquinas states:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. 3, Q. 35, A. 7: “It is written (Micah 5:2): ‘And thou, Bethlehem, Ephrata . . . out of thee shall He come forth unto Me, that is to be the ruler in Israel.’… Therefore He willed to be born at Bethlehem, where David was born, in order that by the very birthplace the promise made to David might be shown to be fulfilled. The Evangelist points this out by saying: ‘Because He was of the house and of the family of David.’ Secondly, because, as Gregory says (Hom. viii in Evang.): ‘Bethlehem is interpreted 'the house of bread.’ It is Christ Himself who said, ‘I am the living Bread which came down from heaven.’”
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