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"The FBI has disturbingly broad authority to commit crimes and violence"
It is probably obvious that government and non-government use of secret police methods and technologies, potentially including “biosurveillance” technologies that remotely affect or monitor the human brain or body, is contrary to democracy. Some methods and technologies might be properly labeled as torture. And reasonable people might demand those within government, and non-government persons who cooperate with them, not be permitted to operate with such secrecy.
It is necessary to emphasize that “government” is sometimes wrongly discussed as if it is a non-human controlled entity. Human beings without fear of the Lord and those who do not live the Ten Commandments as authentically taught in authentic Catholicism are going to do very evil things. This may include baptized people who wrongly believe that every person, or every baptized person, goes to heaven. In other words, there are evil human beings in the world, and evil human beings often get into powerful government jobs which allow them to commit secret evil actions.
When evil human beings are permitted to work in the government secretly, using lies, false accusations, hoaxes and deceptive schemes, committing “otherwise illegal activity,” etc., doing whatever evil they want without consequence until they stand before God on Judgment Day, many people suffer. Much of the torture, forced starvation, forced human experimentation, murder, and other crimes during World War II were committed in secret with the use of secret police or secret operations of “law enforcement” and people in the community who cooperated.
It is going to be elaborated throughout this article but previous U.S. Senate documents describe this concept by implying that those who cooperated or worked for the FBI should be evil or should participate in evil...
Guidelines say FBI or cooperators might cause violence, personal injury, or financial loss
When studying U.S. federal laws, guidelines, and documents, one discovers that the U.S. federal and local governments may have used secret hoaxes, methods, and technologies on Americans for many years. Such methods and technologies caused, and could currently be causing, significant harm. More on the subject needs to be mentioned in this article.
For example, the Attorney General’s Guidelines on FBI Undercover Operations apparently say that the FBI may secretly commit crimes, secretly own and/or operate businesses, secretly and/or publicly falsely accuse others (“untrue representations…concerning the activities or involvement of any third person without that individual’s knowledge or consent”), supply falsely sworn testimony or false documentation in legal or administrative proceedings, bribe others, and apparently even cause “violence or physical injury to individuals” and secretly cause targeted Americans to experience “financial loss.”
A previous article suggested the possibility of manslaughter or homicide being committed by the FBI or other secret police entities. The FBI’s guidelines appear to at least imply the possibility of the FBI being a threat or risk of violence or physical harm to Americans. The FBI’s guidelines say that the FBI may cause “violence or personal injury,” and because violence or personal injury may result in death, homicide or manslaughter may be a possible result. (Homicide or manslaughter also may result from methods implied in a U.S. Senate document or other methods which may include covert and coordinated stalking and harassment of a target over many years; such covert stalking could directly or indirectly result in death.)
The FBI’s guidelines state that
the Director, Deputy Director, or Associate Deputy Director-Investigations may approve a proposed operation if a reasonable expectation exists that… there may be a significant risk of violence or personal injury to individuals or a significant risk of financial loss
Read the words: “the [FBI leaders] may approve a proposed [secret] operation [which is reasonably expected or likely going to include] violence or personal injury to individuals or significant risk of financial loss.” The statement appears to imply that the “risk of violence or personal injury” includes non-FBI employees, or the potentially innocent targets of a secret FBI or police operation in America, because “financial loss” may apparently occur to the same “individuals.”
The FBI is funded, at least partially, by the U.S. federal government (if the FBI secretly owns local, national, or international businesses, it may also be funded by those businesses). It is unlikely that the significant risk of financial loss mentioned above refers to the FBI, because is funded by the U.S. federal government which collects and operates on $ trillions; also, the FBI allows itself to commit “otherwise illegal activity” which apparently implies the possibility of (“otherwise illegally”) making money appear out of nowhere. In other words, it seems unreasonable to suggest that the FBI is at risk of financial loss; thus, the FBI’s guidelines appear to say that the violence, personal injury, and financial loss refer to potentially innocent persons targeted by the FBI...
Also, one should not be fooled by the above guidelines’ apparent requirement of “approval” to commit “otherwise illegal activity.” Since the FBI apparently allows itself to commit “otherwise illegal activity,” one might also expect such actions − “otherwise” illegal activity or crimes committed by FBI employees or possibly others cooperating with the FBI − to occur without approval.
If the FBI guidelines require approval but also allow FBI employees to commit “otherwise illegal activity,” then the guidelines appear to imply that the FBI might also commit “otherwise unapproved activity.” “Otherwise unapproved otherwise illegal activity” appears to be implied in the FBI’s guidelines.
It is also possible that those whose approval is necessary approve all “otherwise” crimes to be committed by the FBI or others involved in their operations. A person who truly follows the Ten Commandments could not work in such a job that falsely represents the actions of others or either commits or approves of some “otherwise illegal activity.” In other words, a reasonable person might expect a person who commits or approves “otherwise illegal activity” to be, simply, evil. It is yet another reason why the actions and locations of all previous “covert agents,” others working for the FBI, or other local or federal secret police and their technologies and methods should likely be required to be publicized, and future secret operations, hoaxes, ruses, ploys, etc., should be prohibited.
(As mentioned previously, continuous specifying is sometimes needed; in this article the FBI is the main subject of discussion. However, there are several government entities which could be doing similar secret operations, committing “otherwise illegal activity,” bribing, coordinated stalking, secretly owning businesses, causing financial loss, etc. Those government entities are implied in this article with the criticism of the FBI.)
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