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"Levi’s Brand Pres Says She Was Offered $1 Million To Shut Up About Being Fired Over Criticizing COVID"
"Levi’s former Brand President Jennifer Sey claims she was offered $1 million dollars by the company to stay silent about why she was fired – for her criticism of COVID restrictions and particularly the closure of schools.
Sey made the assertion in an article posted to the Common Sense channel on Substack run by Bari Weiss.
The gymnast had worked with Levi’s for two decades having previously competed at the 1986 Goodwill Games in Russia.
However, she was fired after being targeted by a mob campaign because she dared to suggest that making children wear masks and forcing them to miss school might be harmful.
'Anonymous trolls on Twitter, some with nearly half a million followers, said people should boycott Levi’s until I’d been fired,' Sey wrote. 'So did some of my old gymnastics fans. They called the company ethics hotline and sent emails.'
As we previously highlighted, Sey is completely correct in her criticism given that speech therapists are now reporting a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers over developmental disorders caused by mask wearing.
After CEO Charles Bergh told Sey that if she stopped speaking out, she’d eventually become the company’s next CEO, Sey briefly muted her dissent.
However, thanks to the mob pressure, Sey was told her position was 'untenable' and was then offered $1 million dollars to not reveal why she was fired.
'The money would be very nice. But I just can’t do it. Sorry, Levi’s,' wrote Sey."
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