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"New Christmas Ad Shows Santa Being Forced To Show Vaccine Passport To Cross Border"
"The world has come to accept the commercialization of Christmas. Every year, businesses shamelessly ignore the true meaning of Christmas to hawk their products.
This year, in a new low, Tesco, a British supermarket chain is using Santa to promote vaccination passports.
The made for tv ad, set to the tune of the Queen song “Don’t Stop Me Now,' shows Brits rushing around as they prepare for the Christmas holiday, which in and of itself is not unusual. However, the ad takes a dark turn when a faux news reporter announces a “breaking news” story to kids that “Santa may be quarantined.” Suddenly, they cut to a double-vaxxed Santa, who is showing his CCP virus passport with a scan code to the border patrol so he can cross the border into the UK and deliver presents to the kids."
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