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GMO Canola Truck Crashes in Australia: Senator Says ‘Should Be Treated As a Serious Biohazard’
Melissa Melton A truck filled with genetically modified canola overturned in the WA Great Southern region of Australia and a Senator and agricultural official of the green political party came forward to say the crash needs to be treated as a “serious biohazard”:
The Australian Greens have also called for law changes including a moratorium on GM crops in WA to help protect Australian consumers and farmers alike from genetically modified contamination. Here in the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture is currently working on new strategies to aid in the ability of organic and GMO crops to “coexist” together, even though crops are grown in open fields and it isn’t like the wind is about to stop blowing any time soon. A Food & Water Watch survey released earlier this month revealed that one third of America’s organic farmers have experienced GM contamination issues, and half of them have had what they thought were organic harvests rejected because of it... to read more: activistpost.comSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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