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8 minute video: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
Kit Daniels Infowars has confirmed the identity and authenticity of the source of the video below as a member of the U.S. Army military police in Arizona... Click here to watch the video: ... The video, shot in September 2013, shows an army commander briefing the MPs on their new command structure under the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security for domestic operations with the National Guard. The MP began recording the exchange after being shocked to hear that they were now under FEMA control. In this video you can clearly hear the commander discuss the suspension of the Constitution for martial law and gun confiscations in America. In essence, the military police is to provide security for FEMA while the agency confiscates our guns during a government-declared domestic crisis. “They did that in Katrina, right,” the commander said. “They just go on and take away people’s guns.” This is yet another piece of the larger pattern of demonization of gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, Christians and anyone who will not bow down to enslavement by a hijacked government occupied by ruthless tyrants who desire only total control. We’ve already seen gun confiscations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005: The hijacked federal government has been meticulously preparing for martial law at a breakneck speed. Last year, a leaked U.S. Army manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operationsoutlined the responsibilities of army “PSYOP” officers to indoctrinate “political activists” into having an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while they are detained at detention camps within America. Another training manual demonized Americans who embrace individual liberties as potential “extremists” and even referred to the Founding Fathers as examples of “extremists” in history. The U.S. Army Civil Disturbance Operations manual from 2006 broke down how military assets on U.S. soil will be used to confiscate firearms, put down riots and even kill Americans. This manual listed weapons to be used against American “dissidents,” including “anti-riot” grenades, and emphasized that “warning shots will not be fired.” Earlier this year, Law Enforcement Targets, Inc., a provider of shooting targets to DHS and other federal agencies, sold a line of realistic-looking “non-traditional” targets of pregnant women, children and the elderly. One target in particular depicted a pregnant woman standing inside a nursery. These targets are designed to condition law enforcement into shooting these American “threats” without hesitation. In addition to buying shooting targets of Americans, DHS also bought two billion rounds of ammunition for domestic operations last year. This excessive amount, enough to sustain the war in Iraq for 24 years, will ensure the rapid expansion of the police state during the civil chaos caused by the likely economic collapse of America. We’ve already seen a police state takeover after the Boston Bombings, when armored police went door-to-door to enter and search homes without a warrant. The hijacked federal government is simply shedding our constitutional republic and purging what remains of our liberties while demonizing anyone who stands in the way.
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