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January 2025

A Blind False Teacher; Important Playlist On Salvation Issue

January 31, 2025

A Blind False Teacher

Jay Dyer Won’t Debate & Doesn’t Know His Own Position On The Filioque


The Antichrist's Distinguishing Mark



Important Playlist


I’ve been thoroughly convinced that there is absolutely no salvation outside the Church. Several people have confronted me about it, and time and time again, they couldn’t answer objections. These people who believe in ‘invincible ignorance with baptism of desire’ are so dishonest and illogical, they contradict themselves all the time. Thank you, I look forward to seeing more videos defending the absolute necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation. 

Alvaro Morales


This playlist of videos covers the salvation and baptism issues in detail:

The Death Penalty Is Necessary

January 28, 2025

Repeat violent criminals and sex offenders, who often go from one place to another and continue to commit crimes, are a prime example of why the death penalty is necessary for certain people. Not only do certain crimes deserve death, but many people are so hardened in sin and wickedness that their presence is a plague to the Earth. Hence, in the Old Testament God instituted the death penalty and sometimes called for large numbers of wicked people to be killed (e.g. Deut. 20:16-17).

"Vaticancatholic gets too much hate for really capricious and superficial reasons"

January 28, 2025


Vaticancatholic gets too much hate for really capricious and superficial reasons. They have incredibly insightful apologetics on so many issues and great information. They helped me with my conversion, my brother, and so many more; I'm incredibly grateful for that alone!


A Massive Apostasy

Dear Brothers,

I have only just watched this video on the "gay marriage" law in New York Gay "Marriage" law in NY allowed to pass by Benedict XVI and the "Bishop" of Albany for the first time today.

The truth and purity of your clear cut response thirteen years ago to this abomination is a joy to listen to, especially since things have now got so much worse, being fully, universally accepted with widespread persecution of those who condemn it. 

This video is the complete and straightforward Catholic response which I have never heard elsewhere and it simply leads to the honest conclusion that there is massive apostasy not only of clergy but nearly all the laity who also tolerate this celebrated iniquity by remaining silent and in communion with these apostates.

… Thank you so much for all your faithful videos and I thank God I at last got the internet to find them because they are where the Catholic Church is still to be found.


President Trump's First Week Of His Second Term Confirms MHFM's Analysis

January 27, 2025

What Trump did in his first week is a striking confirmation of the accuracy of our analysis of him – i.e. despite some significant problems, he’s massively different from (and better than) the radical left and he’s not a globalist conspirator. Here are just a few things he has already done. Those who focus only on certain negative things about Trump, and do not share the following facts, ARE NOT BEING HONEST.


• Signed an executive order that “officially defines the words man and woman, removes gender ideology from government, bans men from women’s prisons, requires that a person’s biological sex is on their government ID, protects kids in school from trans indoctrination, and several other measures.”
• Dropped the “Covid” vaccine requirement for legal immigrants and for members of the Military
• Reinstated (with full back pay) those who had been banned from the Military for refusing the vaccine
• Banned “Transgenders” from the Military
• Pardoned 23 Pro-Lifers convicted by the Biden regime (and freed a number of them from prison)
• Changed the Biden “Department of Justice” policy relating to the FACE Act that prosecuted Pro-Lifers
• Banned federal funding for abortion overseas (Mexico City Policy) and “signed an executive order aimed at enforcing the Hyde Amendment, which has banned the use of any federal dollars on abortions since 1977.” (The Hill, Jan. 24, 2025)
• Released a statement for the pro-life “March For Life” on the same day that he took the aforementioned measures - JD Vance (Vice President) also gave a speech at the rally
• Withdrew from the World Health Organization (an arm of the global conspiracy) and the United Nation's Paris Climate Accord
• Ordered the CDC to immediately stop working with the World Health Organization, and thus to stop giving their fake reports on alleged global pandemic and virus threats
• Banned the creation of a central bank digital currency: “US President Donald Trump issued an executive order Thursday effectively banning the establishment of a central bank digital currency” (
• Removed countless harmful regulations
• Declassified and released the JFK, RFK, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Files
• Brought about a cease-fire in Gaza (which, despite its flaws, is far better than the destruction and death that occurred in the previous year)
• Reportedly shared a video that criticized Netanyahu and described him as a cause of the wars in the Middle East
• Has repeatedly said that he wants to end wars and unnecessary conflicts
• Has secured the border and aggressively removed and prosecuted violent criminals and sex offenders (which is huge for justice in the country)
• Enacted a “one-flag” policy, banning all other flags (including the “LGBT” flag)
• Fired countless radical leftists and Deep State bureaucrats
• Revoked the security clearances of many Deep State conspirators (e.g. John Brennan)
• Aggressively used tariffs or the threat of them (which further shows that he’s not a globalist conspirator)
• Stopped hiring IRS workers (who are a tool of oppression) and removed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion nonsense from the government
• Took measures to enable energy independence
• Pardoned a large group of conservatives who were unjustly imprisoned by the Biden regime over the Jan. 6 hoax
• Directly rebuked the Bank of America CEO for de-banking conservatives
• Dispatched the Army Corps of Engineers to help those in North Carolina devastated by a hurricane (which Biden didn’t do)

Each one of these actions by itself is extremely significant, and presumably this list will only grow once more of his nominees (such as RFK, Jr.) are confirmed.

Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Francis’ Heretical “Ecumenical Vespers” With Anglican & Eastern “Orthodox” Leaders

January 26, 2025

On Jan. 25, 2025, Antipope Francis presided over “Ecumenical Vespers” at St Paul's Outside The Walls. He gave the final blessing together with Anglican “prelate” Ian Ernest and “Metropolitan” Polycarp of the “Orthodox” Ecumenical “Patriarchate” of Constantinople. That’s a public mortal sin and an expression of heresy. It’s more clear proof that he’s not the pope. This video/article explains why such acts are condemned by Catholic teaching:

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Conversion In Poland; Comment From Nigerian

January 26, 2025

Conversion In Poland

Hello Brothers--I wanted to share some happy news with you. My mom has converted to the Catholic Faith (from Novus Ordo) and made her general confession today. She lives in Poland.

She has converted because of your work. May God bless you. Thank you. 



Dear Brothers:

I have been a traditional Catholic for close to two years now. I live in Nigeria. I follow the teachings of the Catholic Church and reject all heresies… including invincibly ignorant people being saved. I also evangelize by sharing Catholic materials from your website and other ways…



How To Avoid Sin

Wow ! Thank you so much for this video!!


Stupid “Orthodox” Heretic; Debate With Trent Horn Or Jimmy Akin?

January 24, 2025

No Impact

A Prophetic Message Against Francis’ Same-Sex “Blessings”

What happened to the pope’s infallibility regarding faith and morals!

George Hage


Francis is not a pope, but an antipope, as our material explains. Thus, his false teachings have no impact on papal infallibility.

Stupid “Orthodox” Heretic

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God

Funny, this doctrine is why I am converting to Orthodoxy. (because it’s true) and if you think it’s heretical and creates a “Second God above God”, think, or maybe feel, a little bit longer. Cheers.



You are pretty stupid. Did you not see the part which exposes their belief that certain “uncreated energies” “began to exist”? That’s not Christian. It’s blatantly heretical and contrary to the teaching of all the fathers and councils. They also reject the Papacy, which is taught in the Bible and by the ecumenical councils. You are a heretic headed for damnation. See this playlist for other videos that totally refute Eastern “Orthodoxy”:

Debate With Trent Horn Or Jimmy Akin?

The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Have you done a debate or had a conversation with Trent Horn or Akin so we could see a back and forth dialogue on this with opposing views?



No, they both declined offers to debate. Their positions are false and would be refuted. They are also refuted in our material, as this video shows. For other videos that refute Trent Horn and Akin, see these:

Divine Mercy Has Replaced

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

It irks me that the Divine Mercy has replaced shrines of the Sacred Heart. I'm no longer sure what to believe.



You need to believe the traditional Catholic faith. Our material explains what's happening and what to do.

No Way

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

… No way Jesus would put Faustina above Blessed Mother.


