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December 2024

Bellarmine: The Cardinals & A Council Cannot Judge A Pope

December 31, 2024

In our recent video, Novus Ordo Supporter Demolished On Loss Of Office & Heresy, we refuted the grave misuse and mistranslations of St. Robert Bellarmine that are widespread among defenders of the Vatican II Sect. Below are some additional quotes from St. Robert Bellarmine. They make it extremely clear that, in his view, neither a council nor all the cardinals gathered together nor anyone else can judge a pope while he’s still considered the pope. These passages further prove that Bellarmine believed that a manifest heretic would lose authority and cease to be pope prior to any such judgment or intervention. When Bellarmine refers to a manifest heretic being judged, he’s referring to someone who has already ceased to be the pope.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Conciliis, Book 1, Chap. 10: “For on account of suspicions concerning the doctrine and life of the pontiffs, there were never convened any councils except provincial or national. Neither does it seem at all necessary for a major council [to be gathered for this reason]; for as long as [dum] he is truly Pontiff, he cannot be judged by any council, unless perhaps he himself grants power to the council for examining his own case, and of passing a discretionary sentence, not nevertheless a coercive sentence.”

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 2, Chap. 26: “… the Roman Pontiff is able to be judged by no one on Earth… even if he had no temporal power, he cannot in any manner be judged on Earth by any Christian princes, whether secular or ecclesiastical [i.e. bishops] nor by all simultaneously gathered in council (neque ab omnibus simul in Concilio congregatis).”

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Conciliis, On Councils, Book 1, Chap. 9: “... General Councils should become acquainted with controversies that have sprung up around the Roman Pontiff, but not audaciously to pass sentence against him.”

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 2, Chap. 30: “Second, to be deposed from the Pontificate unwillingly is without doubt a punishment; therefore the Church deposing the Pontiff against his will without doubt punishes him. But to punish is of a superior and judge… Therefore the fifth opinion is true. A manifestly heretical pope automatically ceases to be pope and head, just as through himself he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the Body of the Church; wherefore he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the position of all the ancient fathers, who teach that manifest heretics immediately (mox) lose all jurisdiction.”

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 2, Chap. 29: “It is lawful, I say, to resist him by not doing what he commands and by preventing him from accomplishing his will; nevertheless it is not lawful to judge, punish or depose him; because this is only [the role] of a superior.”

The final passage is another one that’s abused by Vatican II Sect heretics.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Conciliis, Book 1, Chap. 21: “In addition to this is the fact that the Pontiff at a Council is not only the Judge, but has many colleagues, that is, all the Bishops, who, if they could convict him of heresy, would also be able to judge and depose him, even against his will.”

Some cite this passage to argue that Bellarmine held that a Roman Pontiff could be judged and deposed against his will! In the process they grossly misunderstand Bellarmine and accuse him of the heresy of Conciliarism; for if a council could depose a valid pope against his will, then it is superior to a pope. Indeed, Bellarmine explicitly teaches (e.g. De Romano Pontifice, Book 2, Chap. 30) that to depose another unwillingly is to inflict a punishment and involves the role of a “superior”. That’s why he adopts the position that a manifest heretic automatically ceases to be pope. In the passage cited above from De Conciliis in Book 1, Chap. 21 (which the Vatican II Sect members misuse), Bellarmine is not dealing with loss of office. He’s responding to an objection that Protestants make to Roman Pontiffs presiding at general councils. In responding to that objection, Bellarmine simply states that in the context of such a council there would be many judges who, if they could convict someone of heresy, could then judge and depose him “even against his will”. He was not teaching, as the neo-conciliarists of the Vatican II Sect contend, that the person who might thus be convicted, judged, and deposed even against his will remained a valid pope until the conviction and judgment. On the contrary, he held that “so long as” the man is truly pontiff “he cannot be judged by any council” (De Conciliis, Book 1, Chap. 10).

In fact, since Bellarmine teaches that to convict someone of heresy enables that person to be judged and deposed even against his will (De Conciliis, Book 1, Chap. 21), and he repeatedly teaches that a valid Roman Pontiff cannot possibly be judged and deposed against his will by any council (for then the Roman Pontiff would be inferior to the council), that means that Bellarmine did not believe that a Roman Pontiff (while he is considered the Roman Pontiff) could be convicted of heresy. Only someone who has already automatically (ipso facto) ceased to be pope in the sight of the Church for manifest heresy can be thus convicted and deposed against his will.

St. Bellarmine: The First Principles Are Self-Evident

December 29, 2024

Bellarmine: The First Principles Are Self-Evident

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 2: “… the first principles of things, which, with the words themselves explained, without any other reasoning are believed by all to be true, such as: the same thing cannot both exist and not exist; the whole is greater than the part, etc.”


No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

Deep diving your videos recently and amazing work…

Luke S

Left The Novus Ordo

Five Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Brothers, I want you to know you've helped me over these many years. Your materials aided me in leaving the Novus Ordo and to holding the Sedevacantist position. Thank you.



No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

Excellent video!...



How To Avoid Sin

This is one of the greatest videos on spirituality. Thanks for everything!


On The Day Of St. Zosimus

December 26, 2024

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

It seems that today is the feast of Pope Saint Zosimus, great coincidence!



Wow, we didn’t even realize that. That’s very interesting. Many indeed date the end of his reign to Dec. 26 (today). We just happened to post this video today. Frankly, there have been a number of cases where a similar thing has occurred with videos we’ve posted.

Video Posted

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This - Catholic Teaching

Watching In Rome

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

I’m in Rome watching this video, and I love your great work!


Vital Information

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

Can't thank the Brothers of MHFM enough for this vital information.


Proofs Of Christ’s Divinity At His Birth

December 24, 2024

Proofs Of Christ’s Divinity At His Birth

St. Francis De Sales: “At His Birth we have very clear proofs of Our Lord’s Divinity. Angels descend from Heaven and announce to the shepherds that a Savior is born [Luke 2:8-14] to them. Magi come to adore Him [Mt. 2:1-11]. This clearly shows us that He was more than man, just as, on the contrary, His moaning as He lies in His manger shivering from the cold shows us that He was truly man.” (Sermon for Christmas Midnight Mass, Dec. 25, 1622)

Disgraceful Menorah Lighting

"Congress showed solidarity with the Jewish people by lighting a menorah to commemorate Hanukkah" - video

Positively disgraceful.


Were John Paul II & Benedict XVI Jewish?

December 23, 2024

Is it true that Karol Wojtyla and Joseph Ratzinger were born to Jewish Mothers and so then are Jews?

Elain M Gardens


Evidence supports that Antipope John Paul II was Jewish. See: John Paul II was Jewish, says Historian.

Ratzinger (i.e. Antipope Benedict XVI) also wore a Star of David mitre.

Antipope Anacletus Had The Support Of The People Of Rome

December 21, 2024

Anacletus II was an antipope who was elected in 1130, after Pope Innocent II had been canonically chosen by a commission of eight cardinals that was entrusted with the papal election. Antipope Anacletus II reigned in Rome for eight years. His reign in Rome did not end until his death in 1138. At one point, Anacletus was supported unanimously by the clergy and people of Rome.

John Doran and Damian J. Smith, Pope Innocent II (1130-1143), p. 9: “Central to the Anacletan claim was the marvellous and astonishing concord of the clergy and people of Rome who had unanimously elected him.”

The reign of Antipope Anacletus II in Rome, with the full support of the clergy and people of Rome, provides an instructive historical precedent for what we’ve seen during the post-Vatican II apostasy: i.e. antipopes reigning in Rome for years.

From The Pit Of Hell

"Cardinal" says sodomitic acts can be considered to be "Eucharistic" - New "Cardinals" are pro-"LGBT"

It is impossible for the one true catholic Church to lead the faithful into error or teach heresy. This is catholic doctrine. The novus ordo church and religion are out of the pit of hell, and for them to condone and promote sodomy is demonic.



The Vatican II Sect is the end-times Counter Church.

Day Of Fast; Opening To The Truth; Has Me Wondering

December 20, 2024

Day Of Fast

Today (Friday, Dec. 20) and tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 21) are Ember Days of fast in the Traditional Catholic Calendar. Dec. 24 (the Vigil of the Nativity) is also a day of fast:

Opening To The Truth

Christ Born In Bethlehem, Which Means “House Of Bread”

Thank you… MHFM you are all blessings to us from God, for opening my mind to what’s truth... I’m eternally grateful.


Has Me Wondering

This presentation has me wondering if John Paul ll was the False Prophet written of in the Apocalypse? He was the most traveled Pope in the history of the Catholic Church, right?

Elaine M Gardens


Actually, he was the Antichrist. See these videos, among others:

Also, it's crucial that recognize that he was not a valid pope but an antipope, as our material explains.

