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September 2024

Theologian Fr. Christian Pesch (d. 1925) Admits St. Thomas Erred On The Immaculate Conception

September 30, 2024

Below is a passage (translated from Latin) from pre-Vatican II theologian Fr. Christian Pesch, S.J. (1835-1925) on the issue of whether St. Thomas Aquinas contradicted the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. Fr. Pesch correctly acknowledged that St. Thomas contradicted the Immaculate Conception in the sense in which it was later defined by the Church. Pesch even calls it “desperate” to claim that St. Thomas was not wrong on this point. This issue is relevant to properly understanding the Magisterium. It reinforces the point that the teaching of saints and theologians (including a great saint such as St. Thomas) is not equivalent to the teaching of the Magisterium or the Chair of St. Peter. Here’s what Pesch wrote in a work published in 1908:

Fr. Christian Pesch (1835-1925), S. J., De Deo Creante (ed. 3., 1908), tract. 1. sect. 4, a. 4, prop. 33, #s 327 et 339 et 186: “In the school of the Dominicans Blessed Albert the Great taught that it was of the faith that the Blessed Virgin, following her contraction of original sin, was sanctified in the womb before her birth (III. Sent. Dist. 3. A. 4); but concerning the day or the hour no one knows except through revelation; except that it is more probable to expect that grace would be conferred shortly after animation rather than long after.  But whether in this matter St. Thomas followed his teacher is still a disputed question… Nevertheless, I think that I should say it seems to me certain that St. Thomas denied the Immaculate Conception in that sense in which it was later defined by the Church… It cannot be denied – according to the position that St Thomas often propounds in his discourses when specifically treating of this topic – that the Blessed Virgin, in the first instant of the infusion of her soul, actually contracted Original Sin; but that shortly afterwards she was sanctified by grace.”

The passage [of St. Thomas] is in itself so clear that the exegetical attempt to remove from this passage the acknowledgment of Original Sin in the Blessed Virgin is a desperate act!

We have a video that discusses St. Thomas’ writing on this matter. It shows that St. Thomas was wrong on the issue: For example, St. Thomas wrote:

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae Pt. III, Q. 27, A. 2, Reply to Objection 2: “If the soul of the Blessed Virgin had never incurred the stain of original sin, this would be derogatory to the dignity of Christ, by reason of His being the universal Savior of all.”

St. Thomas’ statement was obviously incorrect, as it contradicts the dogma of the Immaculate Conception as it would be subsequently defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. St. Thomas made other statements to the same effect. The quote from Fr. Pesch above powerfully supports what we covered in the video. This is important to acknowledge because 1) it once again highlights the distinction between the teaching of theologians and the Magisterium; and 2) there are some “traditionalist” speakers and writers who to this day stubbornly insist that St. Thomas was not even wrong on the matter! They make this desperate claim because to admit that St. Thomas erred on this matter would destroy their incorrect understanding of what constitutes magisterial teaching. However, since they make this claim after the dogma was defined in 1854, their stubborn defense of a position that contradicts the dogma actually implicates them in heresy on the matter.

When I Stopped Attending The New Mass

September 29, 2024

Liberation Theology In South America

I’m a Brazilian Catholic that turned into sedevacantist… Francis is an embarrassment to South America, he’s part of liberation theology. I studied my whole life in Catholic school and the only thing they teach them was liberation theology…


When I Stopped Attending The New Mass

Pope St. Zachary Against Altar Girls

When I stopped attending the new "mass" a few years ago, the parishioners in my town wanted to know the reasons. So I suggested to them as an exercise of charity that they study and read at least much of the content on the MHFM website. Since then I have been branded as a person who has lost the light of reason in religious matters, even a Carmelite nun suggested to me that I could be possessed by the devil. But as the Gospel of today's Mass admonishes us: "Beati eritis cum vos oderint homines, et cum separaverint vos, et exprobraverint, et ejicerint nomen vestrum tamquam malum propter Filium hominis." (Lc. 6:22) [“Blessed shall you be when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.” – Luke 6:22]


Opened My Eyes To The Catholic Church

September 28, 2024

Opened My Eyes To The Catholic Church

I was raised secular but began praying when I was in my late teen years about 10 years ago. I bought a bible and eventually found myself in a baptist church in Vancouver Canada where I currently reside. Your videos and other research has opened my eyes in regards to the Catholic Church being the one true church that Jesus established… I have begun learning to pray the rosary…

Thank you,

Liberal NYC ‘Mayor’ Eric Adams Indicted

September 26, 2024

The liberal ‘mayor’ of NYC, Eric Adams, has been charged with fraud and bribery by the Feds not long after he complained about the migrant crisis in NYC. We don’t think that’s just a coincidence. Even though he’s very liberal and he’s in harmony with the conspiratorial agenda in various ways, they couldn’t tolerate his complaints about the migrant invasion. His statements were a huge embarrassment to them and served to expose their nefarious agenda. Thus, he got charged. Even if he’s guilty of certain things, we don’t think he would have been charged and pursued in this way if he had not made statements on that topic. It’s another example of the corruption of the federal agencies.

On Heretics Being Baptized

September 26, 2024

On Heretics Being Baptized

The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Please clarify: near the end of the video the Vatican II statement that those who are baptized are justified is criticized as wrong and heretical, but in another video on the Protestant idea of justification, you said we are justified in baptism. Is the difference only their status in a Protestant sect? I don’t understand.



People are justified in baptism when they don't place an obstacle in the way. Heretics who are validly baptized are not justified (and they don't become members of the Church, even though the baptism is valid) because their heresy is an impediment to the reception of grace and union with Christ. Vatican II falsely teaches that all baptized heretics are incorporated into the Body of Christ and are justified in baptism, which contradicts Catholic teaching. For more on this particular issue and the Catholic teaching that Vatican II contradicts, see this video/article:

Pope St. Zachary Against Altar Girls

September 25, 2024

Many years ago we cited Pope Benedict XIV and Pope St. Gelasius condemning the practice of altar girls. After we promoted those references in our material, the passages became widely circulated and they were quoted by other people and groups on the internet.

Pope Benedict XIV: “Pope Gelasius in his ninth letter (Chap. 26) to the bishops of Lucania condemned the evil practice which had been introduced of women serving the priest at the celebration of Mass. Since this abuse had spread to the Greeks, Innocent IV strictly forbade it in his letter to the bishop of Tusculum: ‘Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry.’ We too have forbidden this practice in the same words in Our oft-repeated constitution Etsi Pastoralis, sect. 6, no. 21.” (Allatae Sunt #29, July 26, 1755)

This is a new citation on the matter from Pope St. Zachary in 747. Note that he condemns the priests who allowed this abuse.

Pope St. Zachary, To Pippin (With Chapters), (Codex Epistolaris Carolinus 5), Jan. 5, 747, Chap. 5: [Against The Practice Of Altar Girls] “Chapter 26 in the book of blessed Pope Gelasius’ decrees concludes on these [questions]: that ‘it is wrong for women to minister at the holy altar or to presume to do anything of what are reckoned to be the duties of men. Nonetheless we have heard (to our annoyance) that such great contempt for divine matters has arisen that women are being encouraged to minister at sacred altars and their sex, as unsuitable as it is, to perform all those things allotted to the service of men. However the whole guilt and blasphemy for each one of the pernicious crimes we have proscribed falls upon the priests, who either commit them, or, in failing to expose those committing them, indicate that they favor wicked excesses.’”

Ukrainian Convinced Of The Faith

September 23, 2024

Ukrainian Convinced Of The Faith

Name: Stepan

Country: Ukraine, rn in Romania (Bucharest).

Faith: I was baptized as an infant in Orthodox Church (The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate), but whole my life was an agnostic, only in 2023 was how it called "born again" mostly by protestant preachers like Paul Washer, etc. Around that time I found your channel on youtube, was convinced that Catholic Church is the true church by facts you provided there. But, I needed more time to study and to make a final decision, because I had a protestant mindset about icons, Saint Mary, etc. Glory to God, He led me out of that mindset by providing information and explanations (your videos also) of why Church practices aren't "idolatry" as I wrongly thought. Thanks to God and to you…

Faith Restored

Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions”

Thank you for restoring my faith in the Catholic Church.

Jonathan DaSilva

Bergoglio Disqualified

Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions”

John 14:6 - Galatians 1:8 Bergolio is disqualified


Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions”

… Thank you… for another excellent video. God bless you.


They Shall Wonder

Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions”

They shall wonder great wonder.


Every Martyr

Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions”

It was disrespectful to every martyr who died in Christ.


