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“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)
Anathema to the Photians. Brilliant video.
I Was Thinking Of Going To An "Orthodox" Church
“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)
I'd been thinking about going to an Antiochian "orthodox" church and starting my catechism, but this video has changed my mind. There's a Catholic church not even a 10 minute walk from my apartment, and this Sunday, I will attend my first Mass. For anyone reading this, please pray for me. Thank you for educating me on the heresies of the East, and may God have mercy on us all.
We're glad that you viewed the video, and that you see that Eastern 'Orthodoxy' is false. This playlist contains more proof for Catholicism and additional refutations of Eastern 'Orthodoxy':
However, you cannot just go to any 'Mass' that purports to be Catholic. As our material explains, the Vatican II Sect under Francis is actually not the Catholic Church. We can help you with how to embrace the traditional Catholic faith. These videos (among others) explain why the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church.
We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video: These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:
In his work Against Jovinianus (Book 2), St. Jerome identifies Rome as the great harlot (Babylon the Great) whose name was written on her forehead. Note that he refers to the city of Rome (not the Catholic Church) as the great harlot.
St. Jerome, Against Jovinianus, Book 2: “But I will now address myself to you, great Rome, who with the confession of Christ have blotted out the blasphemy written on your forehead [Apoc. 17:5]. Mighty city, mistress-city of the world, city of the Apostle's praises, show the meaning of your name... let virtue lift you up on high, let not voluptuousness bring you low. By repentance, as the history of Nineveh proves, you may escape the curse wherewith the Savior threatened you in the Apocalypse.”
Pagan Rome was replaced by Christian Rome, but returns in the last days during the Great Apostasy (which we are living through).
Apocalypse 17:5- “And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: ‘Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth’s abominations.’”
Pope St. Gregory the Great, Book 1, Letter 25: “For often vices show themselves off as virtues, so that stinginess would fain appear as frugality, extravagance as liberality, cruelty as righteous zeal, laxity as loving-kindness.”
Pope St. Gregory the Great says that God killed the Lombard King Autharit for opposing the Catholic faith.
Pope St. Gregory the Great, Book 1, Letter 17: “Inasmuch as the abominable [Lombard King] Autharit during this Easter solemnity which has been lately completed, forbade children of Lombards being baptized in the Catholic faith, for which sin the Divine Majesty cut him off, so that he should not see the solemnity of another Easter, it becomes your Fraternity to warn all the Lombards in your districts, seeing that grievous mortality is everywhere imminent, that they should reconcile these their children who have been baptized in Arian heresy to the Catholic faith, and so appease the wrath of the Almighty Lord which hangs over them.”
Bellarmine: St. Francis & St. Benedict Were Not Priests
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 1, Chap. 27: “St. Jerome and St. Thomas Aquinas were simple priests; Anthony [of the Desert], Benedict, and Francis were not even priests...”
The Radical Left Is From Hell
Dear Brothers,
It's difficult to understand how people cannot see a difference between Trump and the radical left. The conglomerate of the radical left is like seepage from Hell. It is chilling, in fact, to see how, with all the different backgrounds of individuals who compose 'the left' - they all seem to have the same demonic mindset. People who do the things they do used to be called 'the criminally insane'. Back then, the Left of the day tried to excuse such criminals by claiming that the reason they committed their crimes was because they were insane. (Of course, it's the other way around.) But I never seem to hear that phrase (criminally insane) any more. I guess it's redundant, now that there's the radical left. Nobody would be able to see the difference.
The Radical Left hates God. They hate Jesus Christ. They hate the Blessed Virgin Mary. They hate truth. They hate humanity. They even hate one another. They hate law, and merit, and excellence. They devise every means to kill infants -- and to destroy the children they weren't able to kill. They foist pornography, homosexuality, drugs, and poisons on children and people of all ages. They imprison and enslave people. They lie, and lie, and lie - about everything. They attempt to destroy everything that is orderly, beautiful or meaningful. They steal anything and everything they can get their hands on. They hate individuals, families and nations.
It's simply disingenuous for anyone to say that there is no difference between Trump and the Radical Left.
Lee Ann
False Miracles Connected To John Paul II
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
If JP11 was a heretic how come several miracles were attributed to his intercession and led to him being made a saint? I am genuinely trying to get my head around this...
Francis is an antipope, and his ‘canonizations’ are invalid. With regard to the alleged ‘miracles’, those were some of the false signs and wonders mentioned in 2 Thess. 2 in connection to the life and veneration of the Antichrist, as our material explains. See these videos (among others):
John Paul II’s life, wounding, false canonization, etc. directly fulfill prophecy about the Antichrist, the veneration of the image of the Beast, and the return of pagan Rome. The many false apparitions that occurred during his reign (e.g. Medjugorje), which portrayed him as ‘Mary’s pope’ (an absurd lie), were also connected to the prophesied false signs and wonders. This video/article covers another revealing heresy of John Paul II:
Clear Answer
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
I’m thankful for this clear answer on this topic. Jesus my Lord and Redeemer.
M Harty
A Twisted View Of Liberty
The Radical Left has a very twisted view of “Liberty”… Liberty was given to us so that we could freely know, love, and serve God. Doing evil is not liberty but an abuse of it because sin is the most vile form of slavery. True Liberty is the freedom to live virtuously and not licentiously.
S Hernandez
When He Tried To Burn An Image Of John Paul II
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
When I accepted the sedevacantist position by watching your videos against the antipopes I decided to burn pictures that I had of Benedict XVI and of John Paul II. The picture that I had of Benedict XVI burned as any piece of paper would but when I tried to burn the picture of John Paul II it did not burn. I threw alcohol on it and put it on fire but the fire burned the alcohol and did not burn the picture.
I then got on my knees and prayed to God and watched your video on the heresies of John Paul II again and said to God that it is impossible for this man to be a true pope and that I rejected this man. Then tried to burn the picture again and it burned as any other piece of paper would. It is impossible that these antipopes are true popes. I think God was putting my faith to the test to see if I believed more in miracles than in His holy revelation, that is the Holy Roman Catholic Faith of all the centuries. Thank you very much for your videos and works on the true Catholic Faith.
False Opposition
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
I’d have thought that his repudiation of Francis would have opened his eyes to the full truth but some people just remain pertinaciously obstinate in their bad will.
Deus Vult
It's another example of how the Devil is raising up many people to serve as false opposition, so that people think they've found the true answer to the current crisis/apostasy when they have not. Many other false traditionalists (e.g. Taylor Marshall) fall into the same category.
Video Posted
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
Thank you for bringing to our attention all these facts that we were not aware of and presenting all your well documented arguments.
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
Another important video by MHFM. Pray that Altman converts to the traditional Catholic faith.
No Lack
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
I'm hugely grateful for your videos and watch them daily, but I'm discovering that sharing the sedevacantist conclusion with friends and family is a lonely position to hold. Kind of like the cross...which the daily 15-decade rosary helps to sweeten.
Dr. Parakletos
We're glad you like the material. People need to continue to evangelize, even though there is a lot of bad will today.
St. Basil, De Spiritu Sancto: “There is no lack in these days of captious listeners and questioners; but to find a character desirous of information, and seeking the truth as a remedy for ignorance, is very difficult.”
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
Thank you… You make many good points but one I think stands out is how Satan allows for some truth in the message as a method to gain acceptance.
Sonny Jim