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In The Process Of Converting
Hello MHFM:
I am very impressed with your website and am in the process of converting to the Traditional Catholic faith as outlined and recommended by you…
Thank you and God Bless.
Todd T
Video Posted
St. Jerome, Homily On Psalm 84: “The priest made you see your sins and your leprosy, and led you back into God’s assembly through blood and water: through blood, the Passion of Christ; through water, by baptism. After you have contracted the leprosy of corruption, you cannot be healed save through the Blood of Christ and through baptism… as long as you do not come to blood and water, you cannot be saved.”
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
… Sanborn didn't say "they will be sabe [sic] by ignorance and grace" he said "If" so didn't affirm that so you should take that down.
Robert Rocha
[The above comment from a John 3:5 mocker is another example of how they are pure liars who reject the truth that’s right in front of them.]
You are denying the truth that’s right in front of you. In fact, you sin by trying to defend heresy and justify lies. Here’s what Sanborn said:
Donald Sanborn, Feb. 17, 2008: “And if someone is saved who is in those false religions, it has nothing to do with that false religion. It has to do with the grace of God and their ignorance.”
His statement is heretical because it’s certain that no one is saved in a false religion. Thus, it’s heretical to teach that it’s possible for someone to be saved in a false religion, as Sanborn says. It’s like if someone said: “If Jesus is not God”, he would teach heresy. It would be contrary to the dogmatic truth that Jesus is certainly God. Sanborn also told someone we know that a person who doesn’t believe in Jesus can be saved. He’s a heretic. Sanborn has made other heretical statements on the same matter. He’s also a fake sedevacantist who professes that Bergoglio is not a manifest heretic but rather a ‘Catholic cardinal’. We refute his position on that matter here:
Sanborn is also heretical because he condemns Catholic teaching on baptism. See this playlist: He’s not Catholic, and it’s a grave sin to defend or support him.
It was recently reported that Antipope Francis insulted homosexuals during a private conversation. Antipope Francis lamented all the “faggotry” in Italian seminaries. Deluded defenders of Antipope Francis (who claim to be conservative) were celebrating Francis’ comment, as if it proved that he’s good or Catholic. Of course, their attempt to portray Francis as Catholic based on this comment was absurd. Antipope Francis is a total apostate and religious indifferentist who teaches an array of heresies. Those heresies include his public approval of sodomy. In fact, even if Antipope Francis excommunicated every single supporter of homosexuality in the Vatican II Sect, he would still be a notorious heretic on many issues. While the duped supporters of the Vatican II Sect were celebrating his comment, we discussed this among ourselves. We thought that probably within one week Francis would apologize or utter another major heresy. It only took a few days. Antipope Francis has apologized for the “faggotry” comment, making his defenders look foolish once again. Antipope Francis’ apology was published by the Vatican Press Office on May 28. It stated:
"Pope Francis is aware of the recent articles regarding a closed-door conversation with the bishops of the CEI [Italian Bishops' Conference]. As he has stated on many occasions, 'There is room for everyone in the Church, for everyone! No one is useless; no one is superfluous; there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.' The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others." (Vatican News, May 28, 2024)
Since the Vatican II Sect is heretical and lacks grace, it’s unable to stand against the world.
MHFM: Early Church father St. Optatus of Milevis was an opponent of Donatism in 4th-century Africa prior to St. Augustine. He acknowledges that St. Peter received the keys of the Kingdom in a unique way, and that the Bishops of Rome inherited this unique authority. This is more evidence for the Papacy in the ancient Church.
St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 7, Chap. 3, AD 384: “… blessed Peter (for whom it would have been enough if after his denial he had obtained pardon only) both deserved to be placed over all the Apostles, and alone received the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, which he was to communicate to the rest.”
St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 1, Chap. 10, AD 384: “Therefore none of the heretics possess either the Keys, which Peter alone received, or the Ring, with which we read that the Fountain has been sealed; nor is any heretic one of those to whom that Garden belongs in which God plants His young trees.”
St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 2, Chaps. 2-3, AD 384: “You cannot then deny that you do know that upon Peter first in the City of Rome was bestowed the Episcopal Chair, on which sat Peter, the Head of all the Apostles… that, in this one Chair, unity should be preserved by all, lest the other Apostles might claim----each for himself----separate Chairs, so that he who should set up a second Chair against the unique Chair would already be a schismatic and a sinner. To Peter succeeded Linus, to Linus succeeded Clement…”
St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 2, Chap. 4, AD 384: “… we read that Peter received the saving Keys – Peter, that is to say, the first of our line, to whom it was said by Christ: 'To thee will I give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven,' and these keys 'the gates of Hell shall not overcome.' How is it, then, that you strive to usurp for yourselves the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, you who, with your arguments, and audacious sacrilege, war against the Chair of Peter?”
More Fervor
I have been watching your YouTube videos for a few months now after a close friend, a traditional Catholic, gifted me copies of your material available for purchase. I… and was raised in the Vatican II sect, but after a conversation with my friend, reading some of the material, and watching some of your videos, I have begun to pursue the life of a true Catholic layman with more fervor…
Into Perspective
The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for this outstanding video; it puts everything into perspective. I never really understood the true scope/significance/purpose of this demonic movement until now, nor was I aware of how the movement had insinuated itself into the Church's structures until it basically took over. I guess I never paid them sufficient attention, being more focused on the abominations of the men called priests and popes. One thing I recall as I look back: I could never warm up to or consider these ostensibly conservative people 'friends' -- but I never knew why. Now I do. And this whole charismatic phenomenon now makes sense to me. If Satan (ape of God) was to have a new "Church' -- a Counterfeit Catholic Church -- it would need a new 'Pentecost' and, of course, a means of giving 'life to the beast' -- as MHFM has so often explained.
Recently, you posted a quote from Pope St. Gregory I which helped me to understand how the pride of heretics operates, and why all heretics despise the Church of Jesus Christ…. St. Gregory said: "For a man is made similar to the apostate angel when he disdains to be similar to men." The problem, from the heretic's point of view, is that Christ's true Church (as He has willed it) simply does not give the heretic his due! Puffed up with pride like their father Satan, heretics prefer a different Church -- one that they think would give them greater glory and that admiration of others which their 'superiority' deserves. So, what God wills will have to be tweaked, and He will just have to accept their more appropriate version of His Church.
Lucifer did not think God's Church (which he was shown in vision) would give him the glory he thought he deserved. The Pharisees despised the idea of a Church into which all the converted Gentiles of the world would enter on equal footing; weren't the Jews the "chosen" ones? The Protestants/"Orthodox" also considered themselves to be above the rules and laws of God's Church; why would God place a papacy over them when they were more capable of making the laws themselves? And in these last days, fake Catholics ecumenists and charismatics (also superior and magnanimous in their own sight) profess not just a new false gospel but a new 'Church', imagining that they have been called to be new saints and apostles, new priests and new theologians. They even brag that their influence can be felt everywhere, totally oblivious to the fact that heresy is the wrecking ball which has destroyed Rome, just as it destroyed Jerusalem 2,000 years ago....
Lee Ann
Novus Ordo Is Not Catholic
The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed
The main priest and many parishioners (not me) from the Novus Ordo church that I used to go to went to Israel last summer. I saw pictures... of the parishioners holding their hands out in prayer like they do in the charismatic movement. Scary! I'm so glad that I don't go to that church anymore, or any Novus Ordo church. Novus Ordo definitely is not Catholic. The fact that Novus Ordo means new order is another red flag. Thank you so much for making this video. It is so obvious that the Novus Ordo is not Catholic, and that the Novus Ordo is even demonic.
Shocked By This Video
The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed
I am shocked by this video…