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Important Verses
… I completely understand John 5:44, Galatians 1:10 and James 4:4. Which are cited on your videos and how one should not care about anybody thinks, which I must admit before watching your videos I was very concerned about…
Bringing Truth
My life as a "Catholic" has been in the post Vatican 2 church… Only recently, in my late years, have I realized… things that didn't make sense in post V2, but my family shrugs it off as "wounded people in charge"…
Thank you for all you do in bringing the Truth to the world.
God bless,
Inquiry Into Catholicism
How can I be a traditional pre-vatican ll catholic? Please point me in the right direction…
Francis Condemning Condemnations
Francis, My Story Through History: Francis's Inspiring Biography Through History (p. 220): “I believe it is essential today that we abandon the rigidity of the past, and distance ourselves from a Church that points the finger in condemnation.”
In his heretical autobiography, Antipope Francis says that people must distance themselves from a Church that condemns. That is to condemn the Catholic Church itself, for condemnation of heretics and heresies is part of the Church’s professions of faith.
Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215, Constitution 3, On Heretics: “We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this holy, orthodox and Catholic faith which we have expounded above. We condemn all heretics, whatever names they may go under. They have different faces indeed but their tails are tied together in as much as they are alike in their pride.”
Pope Pelagius II, epistle (1) Quod ad dilectionem, 585: “If anyone, however, either suggests or believes or presumes to teach contrary to this faith, let him know that he is condemned and also anathematized according to the opinion of the same Fathers.”
Video Posted
MHFM: Today is the feast of St. Peter Canisius. His catechism was providential and remains very important for the defense of the true faith in our day. It’s particularly relevant for the defense of the absolute necessity of water baptism. St. Peter Canisius was a doctor of the Church who attended the Council of Trent. He then published the first major catechism in Church history. In that catechism he twice teaches that no one can be saved without water baptism. He makes no exceptions. He also directly contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’ while specifically referencing Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent (the very passage that some wrongly claim teaches ‘baptism of desire’). St. Peter’s Catechism contradicts ‘baptism of desire’ not only by teaching that no adult can be saved without water baptism, but also by specifically referencing (in that context) passages from Church fathers about how an unbaptized catechumen, no matter how much progress he makes, cannot be forgiven until he is actually baptized (which directly contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’). He also cites Can. 5 on baptism, in addition to Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent. The true understanding of Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent was thus providentially transmitted through St. Peter Canisius (who attended Trent) and his Catechism. His teaching about baptism and Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent was much more important and authoritative than the fallible commentaries of other theologians. He also contradicts the idea that anyone can be saved in a false religion. His catechism serves as a powerful and providential refutation of John 3:5 mockers. You can read an article or watch a video about this matter here:
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Thomas Merton
Was the Catholic monk Thomas Merton in error by seeking truths in other religions whilst remaining faithful to the Catholic religion?..
Jeff K
He was not a true Catholic. He was, rather, a promoter of false ecumenism and religious indifferentism. That is incompatible with the Catholic faith. For why, see these videos (among others):
Born Into Pagan Family But Wants To Convert
Dear Dimond Brothers,
Thank you for your consistent work in propagating the Traditional Catholic faith. I am not a Catholic. I was born into a pagan family but my grandparents are Catholic (post V2). I am planning to convert to Catholicism due to your content. I refuse to worship pagan gods since my plan to convert. My parents are angry at me due to my behavior. Funnily enough, my grandma defended my parents and said that Catholicism is not against pagan worship. Please pray for me as well as for my family.
Best Regards,
It's great to hear that you want to convert. It's crucial that you make it a priority to do so. We recommend that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you important graces. We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video:
From Ireland, Interested In Converting
To whom it may concern,
My name is Ruairí and I'm a 21 year old from Ireland. I have been watching your video content recently and I'm interested in converting to true traditional Catholicism…
God bless,
Wants To Convert
Hello MHFM,
I'm convinced on all the issues mentioned in your videos. What are the next steps that I need to take to convert?
That’s great to hear. The steps to convert are here: We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Church historian Sozomen concerning the jurisdictional authority exercised by Pope Julius (who became pope in 337) over Eastern bishops during the time of St. Athanasius.
Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History, Book 3, Chap. 8, 5th Century: “The Roman bishop, on learning the accusation against each individual, and on finding that they held the same sentiments about the Nicaean dogmas, admitted them to communion as of like orthodoxy; and as the care for all was fitting to the dignity of his see, he restored them all to their own churches. He wrote to the bishops of the East, and rebuked them for having judged these bishops unjustly, and for harassing the Churches by abandoning the Nicaean doctrines.”
Every one who has believed on Jesus the Christ is born of God. And he who loves Him who begot also loves Him who is begotten of Him. (1 John 5:1)
Actually, the Greek of 1 John 5:1 uses γεγέννηται, a perfect tense verb meaning “has been born”, signifying an action completed in the past.
1 John 5:1- “Everyone believing [Πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων – present participle] that Jesus is the Christ has been born [γεγέννηται – perfect tense verb] of God…”
This indicates that every true believer in Christ (who possesses saving faith) has already been born of God in water baptism. We discuss this in our article and video on Cornelius:
You can’t believe with the result that you are reborn. It’s just the opposite: you must be reborn in baptism in order to possess saving faith.
As the Council of Trent declared:
Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 7 on Justification: “This faith, conformably to Apostolic tradition, catechumens beg of the Church before the sacrament of baptism, when they ask for the faith that gives eternal life, which without hope and charity faith cannot give.”
As St. John and the Council of Trent teach, a person does not have saving faith until he or she is born of God in the Sacrament of Baptism. That’s why the Church has always taught that only the baptized are ‘the faithful’. Pope Innocent III also solemnly declared that there is absolutely no salvation outside the Church of the faithful.
Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215: “There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful outside of which no one at all is saved…”
“Una vero est fidelium universalis ecclesia, extra quam nullus omnino salvatur…”