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Pope Pius IX Against The Enormous Crime Of Blasphemy
Pope Pius IX, Gravibus Ecclesiae (#13), Dec. 24, 1874: “See that your people may come to detest the enormous crime of blasphemy, which violates everything these days.”
Mother Teresa’s Apostasy
Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint
Thank you for this insightful video…
John 3:5 Mockers Refuted
John 3:5 Mockers Stumped (1917 Code, Delayed Ensoulment, “Baptism Of Desire”)
This video is a masterpiece, John 3:5 mockers refuted at every turn.
“Orthodoxy’s” Problem With Councils
Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils
Very very helpful, thank you! I was discerning Eastern Orthodoxy but the inability of the Eastern Orthodox to define or convene an ecumenical council is a big problem that made me stick with Rome.
It’s also crucial to be a traditional Catholic, as our material explains.
Pope St. Leo IX Against Heresies And Schisms
Pope St. Leo IX, Epistle To Michael Of Constantinople, AD 1054: “Therefore let heresies and schisms cease, and soon there will be no scandal to those loving the law of God, but much peace. Let whoever glories in the Christian name cease to curse and wound the Holy Roman and Apostolic Church; for whoever dishonors the wife [i.e. the Church] honors the father of the house in vain.”
Evidence For God
Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God
That was such an amazing video.
Jen S
Charismatic Movement
Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed
Very good…
Refutation Of Eastern Heterodoxy
“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)
This was a great refutation of Eastern Heterodoxy, thank you for exposing their lies and deception Despite the Eastern Heterodox basing their entire theology of "Theosis" on 2 Peter 1:4, and the idea of "essence vs energy" distinction (the teaching that we cannot partake of the Essence of God and but only partake in his Energies) I was actually shocked to learn that Palamas admitted that the energies that he is teaching are not the divine nature of God as stated in 2 Peter 1:4!...
Out Of The Vatican II Sect
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
If you can’t hear the truth in this video., and do not get out of Vatican II, you are under the grip of Satan…
Bad Intention
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
… the intention is clear why those words were moved out of the consecration into some other place. Probably to appease the unbelief in transubstantiation of those Protestants who helped form the new mass.
Bellarmine On How Heretics Are Dominated By Demons
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Robert Bellarmine concerning how heretics are dominated by demons and how the Devil uses them for his own purposes, even when they appear to oppose each other.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Christo, Book 1, Preface: “When therefore he [Valentinus]... under the impulse of that mad spirit of his, was busy renewing Arianism, Calvin meanwhile is driven by another spirit to oppose Valentinus, the demons in this manner playing a game amongst themselves!” (De duplici genere hostium Divinitatis Christi)
Jewish Man Converts
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
… Thank you so much for your monumental efforts!... God Bless you... and those who help to make this apostolate amazing...! Just so you know, I recently meet a Jewish man on a social media site, who converted to Catholicism (N.O.), but found your site and is now a traditionalist due to your work... Again... thank you for your unwavering dedication to true Catholicism!
Video Posted
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
Must Be Signified By The Form
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
What you failed to quote from Florence is when the council said: “There should not be offered in the chalice of the Lord either wine only or water only but both mixed together, because both blood and water are said to have flowed from Christ's side'; also because it is fitting to signify the effect of this sacrament, which is the union of the Christian people with Christ. For, water signifies the people according to those words of the Apocalypse: many waters, many peoples.” So the union of the faithful is signified when wine and water are mixed together, which is fine is the Mass of St. Paul VI. So your argument about form is therefore invalid.
You are quite wrong. What you have referenced pertains to the matter, not to the form. You fail to understand that the grace effected by the sacrament must be signified by the form (see the quote from Pope Leo XIII below), and it was not with the ‘for all’ mistranslation. (The deliberate removal of ‘mysterium fidei’ is a separate problem, as the video explains).
Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept 13, 1896: “All know that the Sacraments of the New Law, as sensible and efficient signs of invisible grace, ought both to signify the grace which they effect, and effect the grace which they signify. Although the signification ought to be found in the whole essential rite, that is to say, in the ‘matter and form’, IT STILL PERTAINS CHIEFLY TO THE ‘FORM’; since the ‘matter’ is the part which is not determined by itself, but which is determined by the ‘form’… That ‘form’ consequently cannot be considered apt or sufficient for the Sacrament which omits what it ought essentially to signify.”
So, as we can see, your argument is invalid, just like the invalid New Mass. Moreover, the fact that you think Antipope Paul VI, a notorious heretic and religious indifferentist, was a saint just reveals (in charity) how uninformed you are about the current situation. See our video about him: “Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies.
Scales Fell
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
I was a blind catechist in the Vatican II Sect and MHFM's work caused the scales to fall from my eyes. I am now, blessedly, aware of the historic, magisterial, traditional dogmas of the real Catholic Church. God bless this ministry.
Joseph Boyat
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
Outstanding.... May God bless you Brothers.
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
Great research…
Extra Details
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
Thank you for this video with extra details on why the Novus Ordo Mass is invalid…
Carrie Jones