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Pope Clement XIII: Entering The Church Through Baptism
Pope Clement XIII, Epistle: Opinionem, March 11, 1767: “Therefore you must order the magistrate Mutinenses to send back to the house of the catechumens, without any delay, those two little girls and that grown-up Jew – the girls, that they may be joined to the Christian Church through the sacred laver of regeneration in that place…”
Charismatic Documentary
Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed
Dear Brothers,
… As always, MHFM rips off every mask worn by the devil and his stooges. Most people didn't realize how evil and malicious this charismatic movement really is, just as almost no one understood what (or who) is responsible for the 'power' of magicians. But, as your video demonstrates, these charismatics are even more dangerous than magicians -- masquerading (as they do) as "Christians." It takes one's breath away to hear them wailing like souls in hell, and to see Satan using these people to express his own seething hatred of God and his disdain for mankind. Thank you for this excellent video. It is chilling to the bone and won't be easily forgotten.
Lee Ann
Pope Paul I, To King Pippin
Pope Paul I, To King Pippin, 760: “… what is done for the praise of the Lord our God and Redeemer, of His most sacred Church and of the blessed Peter prince of the apostles, is still less reduced to oblivion by either the passing of time or the variety of circumstances, but always abides to give glory to the Godhead and be a pious example for His faithful.”
Outrageous Injustice
Glenn Beck on new Jan 6 footage: “This is our government setting Americans citizens up” - video
MHFM: This is an outrageous injustice.
Francis Allows Fake Eucharist To Defile Basilica During “Ecumenical” Week
Scores of martyrs, over the centuries, did not spill their blood for Francis' odious distortion of Catholicism.
Francis Allows Fake Eucharist To Defile Basilica During “Ecumenical” Week
Great video!...
Tommaso Giri
Learned A Lot
“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)
I have learned a lot here... Thank you.
Converted From Protestantism
Dear Brothers of MHFM,
May the Lord bless you and your apostolate because without it I may have remained a Protestant my whole life... I was very anti-Catholic - I studied the faith in order to attack it...
Francis Allows Fake Eucharist To Defile Basilica During “Ecumenical” Week
Another fantastic video. It’s time for Vatican II supporters and Protestants who assume the Vatican II sect is the Catholic Church to wake up. God has mercifully given them plenty of chances to see the obvious.
Francis Allows Fake Eucharist To Defile Basilica During “Ecumenical” Week
People need to stop being ostriches and sticking their head in the sand when it comes to Francis. He’s not a Catholic, therefore he is not the pope... Thank you mhfm for all the work you do in exposing him and the Vatican II Sect.
Vatican II Sect
Francis Allows Fake Eucharist To Defile Basilica During “Ecumenical” Week
… Claiming to be catholic while adhering to cultus and teaching of the Vatican II sect is total self-deception.
Pope St. Celestine: “… success in everything else will follow if priority is given to preserving the things of God…” (To Theodosius II, 5th century)
St. Athanasius: “When he extended his hands upon the cross, he overthrew ‘the ruler of the power of the air, who is at work in the sons of disobedience’ (Eph 2:2) and cleared the way to heaven for us.” (Letter 40 to Adelphius)
Stumbled Across
Greetings MHFM,
I'm a… Catholic who has noticed all the craziness going on with the church and the world over the years. Through various online commentators I've gotten a sense of the bigger picture. After years of giving Bergolio a chance I eventually had no choice but to admit that he's just another commie. Anyways, long story short I stumbled across Brother Peter's debate with Cassman, needless to say I was blown away.
From there I went to your youtube channel and website. I binge watched your crucial videos playlist and read some of your material. I never knew anything about the sede point of view because my father warned me away from learning about it over a decade ago. I can see why. All you have are facts, logic and reason. All the naysayers have are crying, whining and moaning.
I've practically been a sede all this time without realizing it. Your explanations and information on the past antipopes has truly illuminated why things in the church and the world are the way they are…
God Bless you in your endeavours and God Keep you,
Joshua D'Esposito
St. Emerentiana, Jan. 23
MHFM: Today is the feast of St. Emerentiana. Many who don't believe in the necessity of baptism for salvation falsely claim that St. Emerentiana was not baptized. However, the truth is that Pope Benedict XII dogmatically defined that all the martyrs in Heaven from the New Testament period received baptism. Further, the Church has never taught that St. Emerentiana or any other martyr got to Heaven without the Sacrament of Baptism. This video covers the matter. We also have an article on the same topic.