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Liberal Liar Was Caught
MHFM: This is interesting and revealing. It's outrageous that pathological liars like Miller are in possession of power.
Mexico has returned to paganism
Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire
It is sad that Mexico has returned to paganism. Especially with that awful “Saint” death.
Feast Of Sts. Peter And Paul
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
This is a masterpiece, it’s a travesty it only has 31K views!!!
Joseph N
John Paul II And All The Heretics At Assisi Prayed With “One Voice”
MHFM: Here Antipope John Paul II officially taught that he and all the heretics at Assisi in 1986 prayed with “one voice to the Lord”. That’s another official endorsement (on his part) of the heresy that it’s lawful to participate in non-Catholic worship. We discuss that heresy in detail in this video: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).
John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint (#76), May 25, 1995: “In 1986, at Assisi, during the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Christians of the various Churches and Ecclesial Communities prayed with one voice to the Lord of history for peace in the world.”
Needed This
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Perfect timing. Needed this one… Thank you.
Sodom 2.0
Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0...
Martin Francis
MHFM: This quote from St. Robert Bellarmine is another example of why Jesus told people that cutting off occasions of sin is the key to avoiding sin.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Gratia Et Libero Arbitrio, Book 4, Chap. 10: “… in every matter the mode of desiring corresponds to the mode of knowing; for desire follows knowledge, nor is it possible that someone desires an unknown thing.”
Another way to put it is: “Out of sight, out of mind.”
MHFM: This is another clear and a powerful example of a pope judging/condemning a false religion and an unbeliever.
Pope Callixtus III (1455): “Ego Calixtus Papa Tertius, promitto & voveo sanctissimae Trinitati, Patri & filio & spiritui sancto, Dei genitrici semper virgini, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, totique Curiae coelesti, quod etiam ad effusionem sanguinis proprii, si opus fuerit, dabo operam, & adhibebo omnimodam diligentiam, quantum potero, iuxta consilium venerabilium fratrum meorum, pro recuperatione civitatis Constantinopolitanae, quae heu peccatis hominum exigentibus, nostris temporibus occupata & eversa est, per Iesu Christi Crucifixi Salvatoris nostri inimicum, filium Diaboli, Machometum & Turcarum Dominum. Pro liberatione deinde captivorum Christianorum, necnon ad exaltationem fidei Orthodoxae, ad exterminationem Diabolicae sectae reprobi perfidique Machometi, in partibus Orientalibus, ubi maxime lumen fidei occubuit.”
Pope Callixtus III (1455): “I, Pope Calixtus III, promise and vow to the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, to Saints Peter and Paul, and to the whole heavenly court: that even to the shedding of my own blood, if it should be necessary, I will give effort and employ every kind of diligence, as far as I shall be able, according to the counsel of my venerable brethren, for the recovery of the city of Constantinople, which (alas) in punishment for the sins of men, in our times has been occupied and overthrown by the enemy of Jesus Christ our Crucified Savior, Mahomet [II], the son of the Devil and leader of the Turks. Next, [I promise to give effort] for the liberation of the captive Christians, and also for the exaltation of the orthodox faith and for the extermination of the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the Eastern regions, where especially the light of the faith has gone out.”
The Failure Of Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’
The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”
Constantinople fell on the day of Pentecost and their church became a mosque. Eastern mysticism is a heretical sect and a political tool of the Empire/State. The Latin Church also known as the Church of Rome (The Historical Church) founded the New World (Americas and Australia) and colonized both north and south America fulfilling the eternal promises God gave to the children of Israel…
Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People
Uncompromising truth, as always! Many Catholics have fallen sway to the 19th century Protestant notion of Dispensationalism that elevates Jews and teaches they are special players in End Time events. This has fueled the "Christian Zionism" of our day. I once said I believed Christians were the new Israel of God, and was told I hold to the error of "replacement theology." No, just biblical and Church teaching. So much error to combat, and I appreciate Bro. Dimond for charging boldly into the battle.
G Ryecroft
On Manifest Heresy
Sanborn And Others Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V
Excellent video…
I live in the Philippines, and this is shocking to me. The Philippines is usually a country in Asia that has the largest population of "Catholics". But now it's fallen, the majority are false Catholics.
Glenn Raya
MHFM: It’s interesting that Gregory Palamas, who became one of the most important theological writers for the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ sects, was condemned even in schismatic Constantinople from the years 1341 to 1347. The opposition to Palamas’ revolutionary and heretical doctrine even among the Greek schismatic leadership led to his imprisonment for a number of years. However, after the political situation changed and a new ‘patriarch’ was installed Palamas was ‘elevated’ to bishop. We refute Palamas’ heretical doctrine of God here: