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Pope Paul IV, Cum Secundum, Dec. 16, 1558: “Since, according to the Apostle, no man ought to assume honor for himself, but he who, as Aaron was, is called by God [Heb. 5:4], it can easily be recognized by all how gravely they overstep, sin, and err who presume to usurp both superior and inferior ecclesiastical dignities…”
This statement of Paul IV is applicable to countless independent heretics in our day, who presume to function as priests and even as bishops while they deny Catholic dogma (such as Outside The Church There Is No Salvation). Such men have not been called by God to act as priests or bishops; and they are not permitted to function as priests or bishops, since they don't even believe in Catholic teaching.
This playlist of videos covers the salvation and baptism issues in detail:
Trump Indicted
MHFM: The recent indictment of Trump, while countless criminals are not charged, is more evidence of what we covered in America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary.
America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary
They are wrong
Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws
Those fake traditionalists are also still whining about their "pope emeritus Benedict XVI" who according to them was the righteous pope and they are wrong about that as he was one of the biggest pushers of Vatican II alongside the Antichrist John Paul II who among many heresies is also responsible for the abominations of Assisi…
Anne Rosler
Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws
St Francis de Sales: "The declared enemies of God and His church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: "Here is the wolf! when it enters the flock or anywhere else."
Evelyn McEwen
Short Message
[This is part of a short message to a person in the Novus Ordo sect, who has seen a few of our videos. The person recognizes a lot of the truth in the material, but is definitely resisting the true conclusions and looking for ways to justify the antipopes – such as: “How do we know they don’t have a good intention?”. The person is also considering Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’, which is the place that many rebels against God, who cannot stand against the world, go in our day.]
It doesn't seem like you have seen many of our videos. We have a collection of videos that refute Eastern 'Orthodoxy' (a false religion). You will definitely go to Hell if you embrace that false religion. The section refuting E. 'Orthodoxy' is here:
The fact that you are considering E. 'Orthodoxy' demonstrates that you don't have the Catholic faith. You need to stop going to the New Mass, start to pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day, and start to seek the approval of God rather than men. Do you pray the full rosary each day? The current situation in Rome was prophesied. You should also see this video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself). It's obvious that you are in some sort of spiritual crisis or crisis of faith. God is giving you the opportunity to see the full truth and act upon it, but the Devil is also trying to get you to resist it, choose the world, and embrace heresy. You need to follow the true and narrow Catholic path and stop resisting the truth. Otherwise you will lose your soul. You need to stop being spiritually slothful.
With regard to intention, a person’s intention is known by his actions. When men preach a false gospel, they are considered to have a heretical intention.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 36, 5th Century: “Men's hearts are shown by the character of their works, and the fashion of their minds is betrayed by the nature of their actions.”
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: “… for men are not bound, or able to read hearts; BUT WHEN THEY SEE THAT SOMEONE IS A HERETIC BY HIS EXTERNAL WORKS, THEY JUDGE HIM TO BE A HERETIC PURE AND SIMPLE, AND CONDEMN HIM AS A HERETIC.”
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, WHO WERE WONT TO HOLD AS OUTSIDE CATHOLIC COMMUNION, AND ALIEN TO THE CHURCH, WHOEVER WOULD RECEDE IN THE LEAST DEGREE FROM ANY POINT OF DOCTRINE PROPOSED BY HER AUTHORITATIVE MAGISTERIUM.”
Also, it's not possible to embrace false ecumenism and have a Catholic or good intention.
Gets It Now
… Having been a Lutheran, I believed EENS & submitted my intellect to it, but it bothered me. I kept praying the Rosary and listening to your videos and reading old Catholic books and I get it now. Thank you for holding the line…
God Bless,
John Paul II Jewish?
I watched your ‘Apocalypse Now in the Vatican’ video, and I have a question regarding your claim that JP2 was the antichrist. As well put together and possibly convincing as your case may be, don’t the Church Fathers say that the AC will be a Jew? From my readings as well, the AC would ban all other religions other than his own. What do you say about JP2 fulfilling those details?
Thanks. God Bless you,
Jayden Aplin
The opinions or views of Church fathers are not binding unless they are unanimous on a point. But there is evidence that John Paul II was of Jewish lineage:
With regard to the view that the Antichrist will ban all other religions, we believe that's wrong. We believe that's a misunderstanding of 2 Thess. 2, which we believe was fulfilled with Assisi, etc., as covered here: Further, someone who would ban all other religions would not be deceptive at all. The prophecies about the Beast and the Whore of Babylon deal with a spiritual deception – i.e. pagan Rome returning under the guise or deceptive appearance of the Church (by means of a Counter Church). That’s covered in Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.
No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching
MHFM: This is a must-see video for those who care about authentic Catholic teaching. Among other things, it covers important new quotes from Pope Gregory XVI which (to our knowledge) have never been translated into English until now. It also exposes how the Vatican II Sect and many high profile ‘Catholics’ contradict Catholic teaching on this topic.
Eagle Vision
Just How Good Is Eagle Vision? - video
Thank you, MHFM. God's creations will never seize to amaze me.
Evil Alliance
ADL Leader Jonathan Greenblatt: "The FBI works directly with ADL every day" - 23 second video
What an evil alliance!... Thank you for posting this, MHFM.
Matt Walsh Is A Heretic
I heard Matt Walsh refer to a "sedevacantist sect" with regards to Mel Gibson (not that Mel Gibson is a true Catholic but Walsh would obviously apply this language to true Catholic sedevacantists) and I also heard him in another video glorify "eastern Christians" that are being killed as "martyrs" (obviously referring to eastern schismatic "Orthodox"). That's a two-faced false religion. According to Walsh, one can reject the Papacy and be a Christian martyr but if you reject the Vatican II claimants to the Papacy as heretical Antipopes you are in a sect. In another video I heard him say that people who deny Jesus Christ can go to heaven if they, for example, had a "love" for their family members. That is totally heretical. While Walsh does say many conservative things, he is still a Novus Ordo heretic at his core.
Martin Francis
Showed My Children
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for your informative videos… I showed my children your amazing, thought provoking videos on the evidence for God and on creation and miracles. My son's comment at the end was, "It's true." Thank you…
Carrie Jones
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Going through this video again, which I thank MHFM for such great work, I this time noticed the picture @42.31 with Francis and those of other denominations in the Colosseum! The very spot where countless martyrs gave their lives before denying the faith. My heart sank for all those true faithful who held firmly to the faith.
Increased Rapidly
How terrible. The manifestation of sexual sins has increased rapidly, especially in the last fifty years.
Used To Be
“Extremely conservative bishop” Joseph Strickland is not Catholic
I agree 100%. I used to be a "alter server" in the Tyler Diocese and once served in a "latin mass" that Strickland preformed. I found your content and started asking the "priests" in the diocese if any were ordained in the latin rite, and not a single one said they were. All are novus ordo and used the logic that the sacraments are still valid. Strickland was ordained in the novus ordo too. They also said a "latin mass" in honor of Benedict XVI after he died. Also a "priest" in Tyler claims to have known Benedict XVI and to have known JP2!!! I even tried to spread flyers around the diocese promoting the truth of the Catholic Church and one "priest" threatened to have me arrested for "criminal trespassing." These people are not real catholics and are very deceived people. Thank you Most Holy Family Monastery and may God be with you.
Leif Keating
Thoughts On Vigano
“Extremely conservative bishop” Joseph Strickland is not Catholic
Brothers, what are your thoughts on archbishop vigano? He has had a conversion -to the tradtional Latin mass. Do you feel he is just a part of the Vatican 2 sect & a heretic?...
Marie Therese
Hello. Vigano states many true things. However, he is still part of the Vatican II Sect. His position is, in fact, inconsistent and contrary to Catholic teaching. For instance, he stated that Francis is a "non-Catholic pope"! That's absurd and opposed to Catholic teaching, as we discuss in this video about Vigano: Viganò Says Francis Is A "Non-Catholic Pope" (Analysis).
Since Vigano states many true things but fails to come to the correct conclusions on core matters (and remains within the Vatican II Sect), he sadly functions as a deceiver who keeps people thinking that there's hope in the Vatican II Counter Church when there is not. Simply put, he keeps people from the full truth and the proper conclusions.
According To
Jew in Israel admits he believes Christians should be killed because they are “idol worshippers”
Horrible, according to "BoD" apostates, this man has a chance to obtain salvation in this state. Just horrible...
Lex Orandi