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Wicked Benedict XVI Dies
Benedict XVI (one of the most evil people in history) dies at 95
He is already in hell with his predecessor the Antichrist.
Finally sank in
Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism
… I was terribly trained in college in the Vat 2 ways, my realization came with the curiosity of the word Illuminati, and why my then beloved JP2 was part of it, then the search in the internet brought me to your... Vatican 2 Apostasy video in youtube, I became different since then. Though I admit, the first time I saw it, I wanted to kill Bro Michael for keeping on calling JP2 an antipope and all sorts of evil, but watching that video again and again finally sank my soul to the truth of the true faith of the Church… Thank you.
Jovenal Giangan
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
… Words cannot express how comforting and enlightening your words are in strengthening my faith. God bless you.
H Gardener
Before coming across
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
Before coming across your channel I considered East Orthodox… The Rock truly was Peter and the foundation of The One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.
UK woman
UK woman arrested for silently praying across from abortion clinic - 53 second video
How utterly insane and diabolical.
Sweden converted from Darkness
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Pope St. Gregory VII concerning the conversion of Sweden from heathenism.
Pope St. Gregory VII, To Kings Inge I and Halstan of Sweden, 1081: “Our brother… has informed us about the recent conversion of your people, that is, how having abandoned heathenism it has come to the truth of the Christian faith. Wherefore, rejoicing greatly in the Lord, we give thanks from our inmost heart to Him… who has deigned to visit your minds with His illumination and of His eternal kindness to bring you back from darkness to light and from death to life.”
New Video Posted
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” - The Real Truth
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
What a powerful and truthful video. Whosoever, having watched it and the core of your material, still fails to see that the organization over which Jorge Bergoglio presides is *not* the Catholic Church and totally wicked, lacks, I fear, the divine grace necessary to recognize this simple truth…
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
Spot on…
Joseph Nallick
Come to
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
Excellent job…! I've definitely come to the Sedevacantist position, it's the only one that makes sense. God bless!
Brent Brandon
Slave of Sin
Pope Leo XIII on Reason and Freedom
If one becomes a slave of sin by committing sin, how does one leave a slavery of sin? How do you become free of slavery? What one must do if his slavery is so big that it is hard for him even to pray and/or live virtuous life?
That person needs to drastically cut off the occasions of sin: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself).
Clear, Concise, Benedict XVI
So clear, so concise, why hasn’t anyone noticed this? I just converted this year, and you are so direct it chills my bones why no one seems to see this...
Sleepy Star
Hello. You ask why more haven't noticed this, even though we documented Benedict XVI's astounding and shocking heresies many years ago. The answer is that few value truth.
Creation and Miracles – Condensed Version
I just want to express gratitude for all the valuable information you share with the world. I'm 34 from Ireland and still recall coming across the fantastic Creation and Miracles video when I was 20. This was my awakening and ultimate belief in God and Catholicism (despite being raised Catholic) I was not aware of the sedevacantist position until then.
Also to add I was thoroughly impressed by Bro Peter Dimond’s recent debate on Sedevacantism with Jeff Cassman. It served to reinforce how sedevacantism is the true position. I’ve begun to undertake lifestyle changes in an effort to become a better Catholic by abstaining from alcohol and eating more healthily...
Thank you again and God Bless,
New Video Posted
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
… Vincent Lampert is really a heretic! I am shocked to find this out. Utter madness!
Pradeep Malkani
… Great video…!
Adrian S
Recent ‘Marriage’ Law
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
The recent marriage law really drove home the state of America, this just confirms it.
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Thank you for bringing this up to our attention. Wow.
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Thank you for gleaning the important aspects of this bill. This is being rushed through the same way they rushed through the Affordable Care Act.
John Moore
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Yes, this is definitely a communist bill; it hastens the destruction of our constitutional republic. Pray for our nation!
Dave Hornick
What people become
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Well said. This is what we become without God. Thank you MHFM.
Army of the Devil
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
The Democrat Party has become the army of the devil by supporting the destruction of God's natural laws. I don't see a human spiritual will to counter this army of evil… The Republican party in DC is putting up a sham fight, their convictions are weak.
Bringing this to light
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Thank you for bringing this to light. Though we know this is the sort or evil that goes on, it never ceases to amaze me. St Michael protect us!
Bringing this to light
I bet they'd allow a sodomite to wear an 'LGBT' crest though.
New Video Posted
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
So Right
Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism
Wow you are so right!! I started following him on fb after his “conversion” but on his FaceBook he posted on his wall asking people for book recommendations to defend Protestantism…!
Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
… Excellent video, thank you.
Wilton Gregory
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
They call evil good and good evil.
M Taylor
Holy Women
Pope St. Gregory VII (1081): “For the woman is truly called a queen in the eyes of God who directs her way of life in the fear and the love of Christ. Whence it comes about that holy women, although in this life they may have been the most lowly, are glorified in heaven and on earth, and many women of the world, albeit queens or empresses, do not deserve so much as to have a good report in the eyes of God and men.”
So what do you think of the defrocking of Frank Pavone?
Jacob Pansing
It's just more proof of what we explain: the Vatican II Sect operating under Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church. It's the prophesied end-times Counter Church. Thus, you can be a radical liberal apostate within it and have a very important position or a perfectly good standing (e.g. Wilton Gregory, James Martin, etc. ad nauseam). But if you support conservative things with a certain level of prominence which makes them uncomfortable, they will act against you. That being said, even though Frank Pavone does some excellent work on the pro-life issue, he is (sadly) not a true Catholic. He adheres to the heresies of Vatican II. See this video which exposes his clear heresy on the Body of Christ:
He is also not to be considered a valid priest because he was 'ordained' in Antipope Paul VI's invalid new rite of ordination.