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September 2022

"I have this urge to wanting to live a true traditional Catholic lifestyle"

September 29, 2022

Traditional Catholic

Hello my name is Jordi, I came across your channel not too long ago due to the debate I watched w/ Br. Peter Dimond… & ever since then I have this urge to wanting to live a true traditional Catholic lifestyle. I want to seek salvation as well for others, please help me thank you.

Happy to see

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

I was so happy to see this debate on a mainstream channel… You exposed the ridiculousness of his positions. Great job…!

Chris Davet


Opposition to Nostra Aetate during Vatican II

September 28, 2022

MHFM: This is an interesting quote about how some groups recognized, during Vatican II, that its teaching on the Jews in Nostra Aetate was revolutionary and heretical.

Giuseppe Alberigo, History of Vatican II, Volume 5, pp. 214-215: “… the attacks still being made during these days in numerous pamphlets distributed in the hall. One of the most typical was the document, signed by twenty-eight traditionalist associations, that circulated among the fathers during the days just before the vote [about Nostra Aetate]… In it, the bishops prepared to vote in favor of the declaration were described as heretics, and the Council was said to lack any authority to change the… attitude of the Church’s Magisterium.”

“Baptism of desire” supporters brainwashed by misinformation

September 28, 2022

Encyclicals on Baptism

MHFM: So many supporters of “baptism of desire” (brainwashed by misinformation) wrongly think that the papal encyclicals teach/support “baptism of desire”, when they actually contradict it by affirming that no one can be in the Church or be saved without water baptism.

Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (#15), Dec. 11, 1925, addressed to the universal Church, concerning entrance into the Kingdom of God: “Which Kingdom indeed is set forth in the Gospels as one into which men prepare to enter by doing penance but are unable to enter except through faith and baptism, which, although it is an external rite, nevertheless signifies and effects an interior regeneration.”

Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 22), June 29, 1943, addressed to the universal Church: “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith…”

Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei (#43), Nov. 20, 1947, addressed to the universal Church, referring to the Sacrament of Baptism: “… the washing of baptism distinguishes and separates all Christians [christianos omnes] from the rest whom this stream of atonement has not washed and who are not members of Christ…”

“I am convinced that it's the great apostasy”

September 27, 2022


Hey Most Holy Family Monastery!

I am convinced that it's the great apostasy and that the chair of Peter is vacant and has been since John 23.  I live near edmonton alberta…


Important Topic

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Excellent debate on an important topic…



Hello. I appreciate all of your informative videos, they have been a blessing to me. I understand your message on vatican II and post vatican II being heretical…


MHFM’s teachings “kept me away” from the Novus Ordo

September 26, 2022

Glad to Find

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Finally some [people] I can get behind, glad to find your channel and site.


Looking into

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

I watched the entire debate…it was very informative…

Suzanne Love

Looking into

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Incredible debate… (although it was more of a complete takedown of the heretic as well as V2). I have seen many comments… saying they will be looking into sedevacantism because of how well Brother Peter performed! God Bless MHFM!

Julian J


Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Historical Debate! Praises and thanks to God for the successful debate….

Jose Rex Atinan

Away From

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Thanks brothers. Your teachings kept me away from the Novus Ordo…

J Thomson


Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Amazing debate…



Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

… Very refreshing to hear the true Catholic faith.



Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Incredible debate...



Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman


Jose Daniel Cabrera Pena

“I do believe an explosion may have gone off in the novus ordo world”

September 24, 2022


Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

You have performed a scholarly, most convincing rebuttal to this challenger.   You could see him fumbling as the debate went on when he was confronted with the truth.

J. Domen


Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Bro. Peter did a great job winning the debate. Sedevacantism was shown to be the true position.



Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Awesome debate. Cassman's entire argument collapsed. His contradictory position was exposed. Bro. Dimond knocked it out the ball park! Thank you God. Thank you MHFM.

Michael S.


Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Dear Brothers,

I do believe an explosion may have gone off in the novus ordo world.  What a wonderful and informative debate, and it was good to actually watch the participants debating.  I believe any good willed person could see that Bro. Peter won the debate.  But equally important, it was also very clear to see to whom the true Catholic faith really matters, and who it was that had real charity for his neighbor.  At times, when Cassman was asked a simple question - and saw that a truthful answer would support Brother Peter's position - he would not answer directly, perhaps hoping that his viewers might not notice.  But I think they did notice… I thank you for this important debate…

Lee Ann

Leo XIII: called by the one Baptism

September 22, 2022

Pope Leo XIII, Adiutricem (#16), Sept. 5, 1895: “And remembering that her only begotten Son prayed so earnestly to His heavenly Father for the closest union among the nations whom He has called by the one Baptism to the one inheritance of salvation bought for an infinite price…”

