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Maximus the Confessor: “For divine justice has judged that those who reduce human existence to this present life, and who take pride in wealth, bodily health, and various honors, and who believe that these things alone constitute blessedness, reckoning the good things of the soul as having no value, will not be deemed worthy of receiving a share in the divine and eternal good things, to which they gave absolutely no thought, owing to their overwhelming interest in material things…”
Maximus the Confessor: “For that which is moved is not a beginning, but from a beginning, that is, from whatever set it into motion.”
Hypostatic Union
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Amazing explanation. I never understood the hypostatic union so clearly before seeing this…
Julie Stewart
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
… Incredible video.
Ignatian Examen
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Outstanding video. Thank you MHFM for defending True Christianity, Traditional Catholicism, in this great apostasy.
Unam Sanctam
Subject: Goal Posts Moved Again
Today Biden said were gonna need 98% vaccinated before we can return to normal…
Soon, no doubt, "vaxx rate" will need to be at 150% to "defeat covid."
Idaho doctor reports a "20 times increase" of cancer in "vaccinated" patients - 2 minute video
I feel you about the indifference of men to the truth... There are others who became aware but they took the jab because of their jobs. They are willing to risk their lives for temporary security. They think this is part of being an adult: to compromise and not stand up for what is right and go along with the narrative of the false majority. A false sense of peace...
The Deception Of Mother Angelica And EWTN
How dare you speak ill of Mother Angelica you sede!
You defend heresy and dismiss the truth, you Vatican II Counter Church apostate. You can't refute anything in the video. Also, the sedevacantist position is the correct Catholic position. You can learn Catholic teaching about that here:
The Deception Of Mother Angelica And EWTN
Taylor Marshall… praised her… He attacks Francis for Pachamama and ignores that Angelica praised JP2 who did same breaking of 1st Commandment in Assisi in 1986... His followers should see this lack of logic in him.
John Roberts
Dear Brothers,
I finished reading The Life of St. Benedict by St. Gregory the Great. I first wanted to thank you for making this book available to everyone as well as: The Glories of Mary, True Devotion to Mary, Secrets of the Rosary, Eucharistic Miracles, Preparation for Death and St. Anthony in the Desert. I also want to thank you for the books you've written on UFOs, Padre Pio, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church as well as your books: Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and The Truth about What Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II and all the videos you've made and continue to make...
Again, I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the hard work you put into making this information available. If I'm able to attain salvation, it would be due to your work, the Order of St. Benedict, the Holy Catholic Church, the graces of the Holy Virgin Mary, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
Michel St Amour.
They go along
I can't believe the amount of "doctors" who just go along with this tyranny. Not only indifferent to it, but actively assisting in covering it up. It's diabolical, a prime example of the bad will of humanity.
Was raised
Thank you for all of your work. I was raised Protestant, but after really studying the Bible and church history I began to question Protestantism, which led me to look into Eastern “Orthodoxy” and Catholicism. You have helped me to see that the Catholic Church is the one true church…
Best regards,
What can Catholics (who want to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist) do, if all the local Churches celebrate only Novus Ordo Masses, with young priests ordained after Vatican II?
Thank you for responding to my YouTube inquiry,
Lena Davis
One must not go to the New Mass at all. It's crucial to recognize that we are deep into the Great Apostasy with almost nowhere to attend Mass. There is no obligation to attend Mass in this situation, but there are options for confession once a person agrees on all the issues.
Hi, I'm a baptized catholic but I never made my first communion or got confirmed. I recently started the RCIA program at my local catholic church. I can tell they're fully on board with the globalist agenda but I was gonna go through with it anyway because I don't know anywhere else to go. Will it still count if I get confirmed at a Vatican 2 church? Even if they teach me the wrong things I can do my own research and get the true teachings. I just discovered your website and I can tell you guys really know a lot and there's no one in my personal life to ask so I figured it couldn't hurt to send an email. Anyway, thanks for reading I'm sure you're all very busy but I hope to hear back. Thanks and God bless
Hello. You should not continue with RCIA. That's for initiation into the Vatican II Sect, which is the end-times Counter Church. The steps to convert to the true Catholic faith are here. God wants you to become Catholic, but you need to be a traditional Catholic to be a true Catholic. Our material explains how to do that. This is also an important file to read: The Glossary of Terms and Principles. It's also important that you pray the Hail Mary frequently and the Rosary each day. That will give you important graces to see the truth and do God's will. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.) As you look over more of the material, what is happening and what to do will become clear.
… I have personally debated with CMRI (either Priest or members, in person and in writing) over their promotion of the abominable NFP (even using your arguments, from Church documents and the Scriptures (Book of Tobit), as well as their rejection of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus…
Robert J. Hennessy
I find myself weeping over my sins and the fate of the world. I feel the need for prayer and solitude…. I am finding out most people don’t want to hear the truth. No one wants to believe they have been lied to and what they believe is false… I was worrying one day about one world religion and then it suddenly dawned on me we are already in it and it was brought to us by the Vatican 2… Church.
Definitely this is shocking and torture to this poor little fellow... Double shame on them!
Idaho doctor reports a "20 times increase" of cancer in "vaccinated" patients - 2 minute video
And this is only after less than a year, with one or two shots. 3 in rare cases. Imagine if this goes on with several boosters, after a five year period…
Dear Brothers,
It's being reported that "conservative" talk show host Todd Starnes got the vaccine, and that in September he reported that he was hospitalized with a heart condition which he didn't have before getting the shot. I might be wrong on this, but didn't Todd Starnes share footage of totally empty hospitals in New York City (which he filmed at the outset of this hoax) when fake news was reporting that there was a pandemic going on and that the hospitals were full? But Starnes gets the "covid" shot anyway? Unreal.
Lee Ann
Serving Satan
The abominable views of Kathy Hochul ("Governor of NY") - in good standing with the Vatican II Sect
MHFM: This is a woman who is thoroughly serving Satan. It also makes sense that she said: "I will fight like Hell..."
The abominable views of Kathy Hochul ("Governor of NY") - in good standing with the Vatican II Sect
Hochul brings scandal... when she fakes like she's Catholic while promoting Satan's agenda. Hochul promotes the opposite of: Thou shall not kill.