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MHFM: Some people who become ‘Orthodox’ think they’ve been ‘blessed’. They are so deluded. When they’re in Gehenna, they will see that becoming ‘Orthodox’ wasn’t God’s blessing. It was actually His punishment for their sins, pride, lack of charity and failure to stand against the world.
Delta Variant Hoax
"WHO" recommends masks — even for "vaccinated people" because the next phase of the scam is coming
Here they go brothers with the delta variant hoax. They’re hyping it up. Even those who are “vaccinated” have no immunity. It looks like they’re preparing us for the next scamdemic lockdown.
Pope St. Siricius - The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”
… I found the papal decretal by Pope Saint Siricius to be the best help for my final conversion…
Peter & Paul
MHFM: Today is the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. This video covers the biblical evidence that Galatians 2:11-14 does not teach that St. Paul rebuked St. Peter but a different person. It covers one of the most important variants in manuscripts of the New Testament.
Your videos and articles have changed my life. When I discovered your channel I was shocked that my whole... life had been a lie. I believe that I was led to your channel by the Holy Spirit. As a true Marian devotee, I prayed the rosary everyday and I believe that our holy mother Mary interceded for me to God and allowed me to remove the scales from my eyes to the truth. For this, I am forever grateful and feel blessed to be a part of the holy remnant. God bless Most Holy Family Monastery for their works and for upholding the one true Roman Catholic faith. Amen.
Francis Endorses “Fr.” James Martin In New Letter
The rainbow... was put there by the Almighty as a reminder of his covenant with all mankind. The wicked will soon regret having misused this holy token for their filthy abominations…
Researcher on "COVID vaccines" says they are dangerous - video
This is pure evil by design. Thank you for posting this. May the gullible and uninformed see this video and wake up to the horrors of this covid 19 scamdemic and refuse to take such a dangerous "vaccine" and stop doing things out of fear that can result in such bad illnesses mentioned in this video as a result.
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
This video was diligently made and well articulated.
“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso
Excellent debate…
Dear Brothers,
I have frequented your Web site for a few years now, and God has given me the grace to see that you are preaching the true faith.
I was raised in the Vatican II sect, but I am trying to convert to the traditional Catholic faith… Thank you so much for all the great work that you do for the faith, and please keep me in your prayers…
Foreign Aid
The recent comment about birth control foreign aid reminded me of the larger "foreign aid" topic itself.
The fact is that the EU, US government, etc. use foreign aid to institute a type of international socialism. They also give free money to these countries, especially in Africa, so that they can influence and make more liberal the laws on the books…
Modern "foreign aid" organizations prove that, as Pope St. Pius X said, “As a matter of fact, however, merely naturally good works are only a counterfeit of virtue since they are neither permanent nor sufficient for salvation.” (Editae Saepe)
God bless your monastery,
Michael R.
Dear Brothers:
A while ago I was speaking to someone to whom I mentioned that the "pandemic" was a hoax. However, she was not interested in why I might have said that. No, she felt quite sure the pandemic was real and that it was due to global warming! (I guess for the person of bad will, one good hoax deserves another.) It got me thinking of the overpopulation scam which they promoted in public schools (propaganda centers) in the 20th Century and especially in the last half (when the Counterfeit Church was installed). They used to give out empty UNICEF cartons (like little milk containers) at Halloween so that when children went trick-or-treating, they could collect pennies for all the starving people in those "overpopulated" countries. But the trick was on the children, because the UN wasn't sending food, but birth control…
Lee Ann
MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church) does not have the marks of the Catholic Church but the marks of the Whore of Babylon.
"MI Citizens Told Gov. Whitmer Can’t Accept Thousands of Affidavits Demanding Forensic Audit"
She is an abomination and a disaster for the State of Michigan, bending the rules with impunity.
Vatican academy to co-host pro-vaccination conference with secular medical associations
As you said before, the Vatican ll sect is a pathetic mouthpiece of the global conspiracy.
“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the recent debate against Nick Santosuosso on "baptism of desire." Bro. Peter crushed all of his arguments with clear logic and infallible evidence. Nick proved the folly of trying to refute Catholic dogma by using the usual cherry-picked fallible quotations, false logic, avoiding the main issues, and trying to take the debate into areas that have nothing to do with the topic. The truth about the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation is vindicated and rock solid. It is based on the words of Christ Himself, and the Church understands those words literally, as it is written, not metaphorically.
God Bless,
Chris White
“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey
What many Catholics do not understand is the church has been poisoned for over 50 years in the aftermath of the second Vatican Council. These men now in power are the direct fruits of that council, Benedict recognized this and tried to correct it but was forced to resign for reasons we will never know. The Church is now under total control of Satan himself, but we know that Christ will return and take it back at his chosen time. All we can do until then is pray.
As our material explains, it's crucial to distinguish between the Catholic Church and the Vatican II Sect. The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church. Also, Benedict XVI did not try to correct things. He was an apostate antipope. You need to see this video and consult more of the material:
The current situation in Rome was prophesied. See this: We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.