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A typical day in Brazil!
You would not believe the things that happen on a daily basis. They actually had the document drafted by a woman "pastor" from a protestant lutheran denomination that is totally feminist, pro-abortion and in favor of the homosexual-lobby. The Brazilian branch of the whore is totally in bed with Marxist political parties. It was all their fault, that "Partido dos Trabalhadores" (PT), the Workers/Labors Party ruined the country. Liberation Theology gestated PT…
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Truth
I can't believe people were so blind to his… wicked anti-christ teachings…
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope
Thank you for enlightenment to Catholics.
Lulu Carvalho
This is ridiculous. But this is what happens when California gives itself over to abortion, sodomy and "LGBT rights"…
Jack Reilly
"Israeli gov’t to share names, personal info of anyone who refuses COVID vaccine"
This is horrific...
"Congresswoman" puts "transgender" flag outside Marjorie Greene's office - 26 second video
So-called "Transgenderism" is not biologically compatible with human beings, or with any creature for that matter. The lies that people are born "homosexual" or "transgender" must be confronted with the truth. As the evil cabal never lets up, neither should those who are of good will and know the truth.
Isaiah 66:2 – “All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”
If the pope is the head leader of all, what do I make of his acceptance of gays? When it clearly says in the Bible that a man will not lie with another man and a woman will not lie with another woman? He has been in favor of ‘civil unions’ for years. Please help, this is a contradiction against the Bible.
Danielle V
Francis is not a pope but an apostate antipope. This is explained in our material. The current situation in Rome was prophesied. See this video, among others on our site: God wants you to become a traditional Catholic. It's the one true faith necessary for salvation. Our material explains how to do that.
Dear Brother,
I am a member of the Roman Catholic Church in India. I have started watching your videos recently. But I need clarification regarding some areas which are mentioned below. How do I know whether a priest is valid or not?... Any of the books published available in India? Hoping to hear from you soon. Thank you
Bobby George
Hello. We're glad you are looking at the material. 'Priests' ordained in the New Rite of Ordination (promulgated by Antipope Paul VI in 1968) are not validly ordained. You can read about that here: The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid.
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Truth
Dear Brothers:
Thank you so very much for your series on John Paul 2. MHFM was the first (and perhaps only) organization to identify John Paul II as the Antichrist, and probably still is -- even though you have proven this fact beyond any shadow of a doubt. With trembling, I can recall being in the Vatican II Sect where neither I nor anyone I knew of could figure out what John Paul II was actually saying. But unfortunately, so many didn't care what they saw him saying and doing. They weren't really troubled by it. They either just shrugged it off and ignored it. Or, they implied that he was an "intellectual" of some sort - as almost all false traditionalists would do, including the SSPX (no doubt because these proud heretics imagined themselves to be "intellectuals" as well). They would even write and publish commentaries on JP2's writings - without ever reaching the correct conclusions!! And the conclusions are horrifying.
But the worse thing of all was when people tried to defend the Antichrist and, by all sorts of mental gymnastics, would explain his words as if they were consistent with Catholic teaching. All I can say is: Thank God for MHFM!
Lee Ann
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Truth
Brothers, these are fantastic videos…
Anthony Olenski
Michael Matt, Protestant
MHFM: On Rush Limbaugh: Michael Matt and the Remnant said ‘RIP’ and he ‘fought the good fight’ (from 2 Tim. 4:7 about faithfulness to Christ). According to them you can accept ‘faith alone’, get ‘married’ four times, etc. and go to Heaven. They are essentially Protestant at this point.
Remnant Comment: “Thanks for everything, Rush! You fought the good fight. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace.”
After consideration
After much consideration on Christianity and faith, I've concluded, greatly thanks to your youtube channel, that traditional catholicism holds the truth regarding our Lord… I live in Mexico, Veracruz…
Not many Catholics left over here in Scandinavia now. There's no Mass… no Catholic schools or monasteries. Pray for the conversion of Scandinavia. Saint Ansgar, pray for us.
Rush Limbaugh Did Not Go To Heaven
Thank you MHFM. You said what few would dare say, even though it’s sadly true. I’m saddened that Rush did not consider your material and convert. As far as the divorces... all four of Rush’s 'wives' are still alive…
Julian Szymoniak
"Former Detroit TV Anchor Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine" - 29 second video
I saw a short video of a teen girl who got the "vaccine" and was… in bed with her whole body shaking and going into convulsions. Her breathing was spastic and frightened and her eyes rolled back in her head. She looked demonically possessed.
"Former Detroit TV Anchor Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine" - 29 second video
Nick K
Hello, my name is Leticia. I recently came across your YouTube channel and I am stunned at the information you give in them…
Rush Limbaugh Did Not Go To Heaven
Great video…
Vincent VanWyk
Rush Limbaugh Did Not Go To Heaven
… Thank you for speaking truth.