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Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Very bizarre stuff… thanks for the information.
Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Always something new at the Novus Ordo… thanks for the information.
Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Yes, the points are quite clear. It really is simple for people to find out what’s going on, with one condition. It takes people with sincerity, honesty and interest to accept the truth once they’re presented, for instance, with the facts covered in our material. To your point about how simple it is (or isn’t, rather, for some), in the recent issue of the false traditionalist newspaper, The Remnant, readers were all upset by the fact that Bishop Tissier De Mallerais said that Benedict XVI has taught heresies. Readers were writing in with complaints, attempted refutations of the accusations, diatribes about how this cannot be, etc. We must ask: are these people, who consider themselves “traditionalists,” brain-dead? Or are they soul-dead? They’re shocked and appalled by the assertion that Benedict XVI has taught heresies, when the very newspaper they’re writing to recently pointed out in its Joint Declaration with CFN that Benedict XVI rejects the conversion of Protestants!
“...On the same day, Pope Benedict gave an address at an ecumenical meeting in which he spoke of ecumenism as a good thing that does not have as its goal a “return” of non-Catholics to the one true Church of Christ, thus undermining the infallible Catholic dogma, “Outside the Church there is no salvation”…” (Michael Matt and John Vennari, A Joint Statement from The Remnant and Catholic Family News on Rome and the SSPX)Isn’t this heresy? Of course it is. Thus, if any of the readers of The Remnant who were complaining about the accusation of heresy against Benedict XVI were awake at all they know that Benedict XVI has taught heresies; they’re just not honest enough to admit the simple fact. When Bishop Tissier De Mallerais said that Benedict XVI has taught heresies he was simply being honest on that point, though he failed to draw the appropriate conclusions and denounce Benedict XVI as a heretic. In the false traditionalist movement and in the Vatican II sect people are so used to people not being honest and simply telling the hard truths, that they become appalled when people say things that they know, deep down, are true. That’s why it has become, for many, a complicated thing to figure out what’s going on – so few honestly tell the truth. But it really is simple.
Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Yes, we’ve read the alleged “revelation” about never criticizing a priest in the blue Pieta prayer booklet. It’s utterly false. Our Lord or Our Lady would never say such a thing; in fact, it’s exactly what the devil wants people to believe, and the perfect false doctrine to keep the unquestioning masses following the non-Catholic Novus Ordo “priests,” and mired in the darkness of the post-Vatican II apostasy. The whole Tradition of the Church teaches that Catholics can, and sometimes must, rebuke or criticize priests. This is true today more than ever before. The Pieta prayer booklet has some good things in it, but some definitely false things, such as this “revelation” to Mutter Vogel. The booklet also asserts that John XXIII prayed the 15-decade Rosary each day, which we don’t believe for a second. It also contains the St. Bridget prayers, and lists many promises which it asserts are attached to the recitation of those prayers. While these prayers contain nothing wrong in them, according to what we’ve read the promises have never been approved or confirmed. Unfortunately, many people we know have diverted from the full Rosary to pray these rather lengthy St. Bridget prayers instead. People should be aware that the extraordinary promises which the Pieta booklet says are given for the recitation of the St. Bridget prayers have never been approved or confirmed by the Church.
Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Thank you very much for the information about the “Bishop” who listens to, and encourages others to listen to, evil heavy metal, rock and rap music. Your e-mail shows us again that the Novus Ordo/Vatican II religion is truly a new religion devoid of Catholic Faith and holiness. It’s always good to know what kind of things are going on at the Novus Ordo churches (if one can find out about them without partaking in them), for all of this apostasy at the local level serves to prove that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. However, we must tell you in charity that you cannot be going to the Novus Ordo “Mass” or “Confirmation” ceremony, since they aren’t valid. One must avoid them under pain of grave sin, and actually confess (to a validly ordained traditional priest) that one attended a non-Catholic service (for however long one was going) before one receives Communion at a Traditional Mass. If you need more information or convincing on this point, please check out our video on the New Mass.
Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Thanks for your question. It’s important for people to remember that there is no such thing as “an annulment” of a consummated marriage, but only a declaration of nullity that a certain union never was a marriage to begin with if there is clear-cut evidence proving that a particular union was not validly contracted.
Canon 1014, 1917 Code of Canon Law: “Marriage enjoys the favor of law; therefore in doubt the validity of marriage is to be upheld until the contrary is proven, with due regard for the prescription of Canon 1127.”Since there is no Catholic who can issue such a judgment at this time, one could only apply the principles to an obviously invalid marriage. In other words, if two people go through the motions and apparently contract a marriage it must be considered valid and binding unless it’s a clear and obvious case that it wasn’t a valid marriage (such as that one of the parties was already validly married to someone else).