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Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Thanks for the interest. The only thing I would mention is that it’s important to understand that heretics and schismatics can have a valid Mass and Eucharist, if they observe proper matter and form and have a valid priesthood. “Orthodox” schismatics do have a valid Mass, since they have a valid priesthood and employ valid matter and form in their liturgy. But being outside the Church, they do not profit from the reception of sacraments, but sin when receiving them; and since they are notorious heretics, no Catholic can receive sacraments from them.
Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does. On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed. On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament.”Pope Pius IX, (+1862):“… whoever eats of the Lamb and is not a member of the Church, has profaned.” (Amantissimus # 3)
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
After viewing the activities of Bishop Fellay of the SSPX, it is our considered opinion that, in addition to the fact that the man has no real Faith, a major force driving him into full reconciliation with the Vatican II sect is his vanity. We believe that he wants to go down in history as the one who “ended the schism,” and we believe this is why he is really pushing for this reconciliation. Fellay’s tenure as Superior General of the SSPX comes to an end this year, so his only chance of getting the lion’s share of the credit for “ending the schism” will most certainly be gone by the end of the year.
That is why he seems to be pushing for this reconciliation at all costs. In fact, Fellay even seems to be weakening on his insistence that the Traditional Mass be made available to all:
Bishop Fellay, a recent article:” we don’t want to be a catholic group aside. We don’t ask for the old mass just for us, but for all. But maybe we have to go through this transitory status.”
Notice, he now seems to be saying that he wants the Traditional Mass available to all, but that they may “have to go through this transitory status” anyway, as if he would reconcile even without the full permission for every priest to celebrate the Traditional Mass.
It’s our opinion that the SSPX will indeed break up (i.e., will suffer a major break-up) as a result of this “reconciliation.” It will probably result from Bishop Williamson who, even though he is definitely a heretic and a schismatic, will refuse to go along. In many ways, this break-up of the SSPX will be a very good thing, for it will cause the many followers of the heretical SSPX to reconsider their positions on these issues, rather than blindly following the blind leaders of the SSPX.
The “reconciliation” of the SSPX with the apostate Vatican II sect will require them to accept as Magisterial the heretical teaching of Vatican II.
Fr. Schmidberger, Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council, p. 11: [on Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism]: “It is absolutely contrary to what was previously taught, to what the Holy Scripture says, and to what the Fathers of the Church, the theologians, the Councils and the Popes have always said.”
Fr. Schmidberger, who authored the SSPX’s pamphlet Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council, which clearly points out numerous things contrary to the Faith in Vatican II, is also said to be behind the reconciliation, which will require him to accept Vatican II as Magisterial. How can he do this when he has authored a pamphlet clearly pointing out the teachings contrary to dogma in Vatican II? It’s because he believes that souls can be saved in other religions and has no real Faith.
Fr. Schmidberger (SSPX), Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council, p. 10: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear that the followers of other religions can be saved under certain conditions, that is to say, if they are in invincible error.”
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Thank you for your question. You should baptize the baby yourself, and not have the SSPX priest do it. Regarding Solange Hertz, last time we checked she held that no one has the authority to say that the manifestly heretical non-Catholic Antipopes of the Vatican II sect are not true Popes. Thus, her opinion on where one may or may not attend Mass isn’t worth much. I believe she holds, or at least accepts as Catholic, the heretical position of The Remnant; otherwise they wouldn’t carry her articles and give her awards. In fact, The Remnant was even selling – and still may be selling – a T-shirt that said “I love Solange Hertz”! This is outrageous and scandalous and almost unbelievable. Just imagine a married traditional Catholic man walking around in an “I love Solange Hertz” T-shirt. Check out the shirts here. It’s scandalous and arguably idolatrous. It reveals The Remnant’s spiritual blindness – their love of man in the place of God. Solange Hertz also does not hold the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation, as she indicated in a telephone conversation with one of us.
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Thanks for the e-mail.
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Maybe our readers could say a prayer for this group.
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Thanks for the e-mail. No, the version you have is not a phony version of the prayer that Our Lady asked to be said after the decades of the Rosary. It’s basically the correct version. Some people say the version: “O my Jesus, pardon our sins, save us from the fire of hell, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, especially the most abandoned.” But Sr. Lucy affirmed categorically to William Thomas Walsh that this version of the prayer is not correct; this one is correct: “O my Jesus, pardon us, save us from the fire of hell, draw [or lead] all souls to heaven, especially those in most need [or most in need].” And there is no violation of the dogma in praying for all souls to be converted, and therefore be led to heaven. Everyone who is still alive has a chance to be saved. And God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4), even though that won’t happen, and all who die as non-Catholics will be lost.
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Thanks for the words of support.