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Hi, I am a Sedevacantist and my husband is a defender of the SSPX. He refuses to look rationally at the facts I present to him, and dismisses me by saying that women are too emotional and aren’t capable of understanding any of these things, and that this is why no women have ever been condemned as heretics – they aren’t capable of being heretics and so aren’t capable of understanding the truth on these issues . Is this true?
Your husband is completely wrong. The Church has always taught that any woman who rejects Church teaching is a heretic. In fact, here is Pope Clement V denouncing and condemning as heretical a sect of women:
Pope Clement V 1311-1312: “We entertain in our heart a deep longing that the Catholic faith prosper in our time and that the perverseness of heresy be rooted out of Christian soil. We have therefore heard with great displeasure that an abominable sect of wicked men, commonly called Beghards, and of faithless women, commonly called Beguines, has sprung up in the realm of Germany. This sect, planted by the sower of evil deeds, holds and asserts in its sacrilegious and perverse doctrine the following errors…”(Decree # 28, Council of Vienne)
Hi, I am a Sedevacantist and my husband is a defender of the SSPX. He refuses to look rationally at the facts I present to him, and dismisses me by saying that women are too emotional and aren’t capable of understanding any of these things, and that this is why no women have ever been condemned as heretics – they aren’t capable of being heretics and so aren’t capable of understanding the truth on these issues . Is this true?
Christine, the fact that a priest is a homosexual would have nothing to do with the validity of his ordination. Such a priest would be ordained validly, but would receive the Sacrament in a state of mortal sin. And once ordained validly he always remains a priest, even if he becomes a homosexual.
Hi, I am a Sedevacantist and my husband is a defender of the SSPX. He refuses to look rationally at the facts I present to him, and dismisses me by saying that women are too emotional and aren’t capable of understanding any of these things, and that this is why no women have ever been condemned as heretics – they aren’t capable of being heretics and so aren’t capable of understanding the truth on these issues . Is this true?
We think that John Paul I was probably murdered. We think this because of the conflicting reports that the Vatican has issued surrounding his death. But just because he was probably murdered does not mean that he was a good man or even a valid Pope, of course. It is a fact that John Paul I was a heretic who embraced the religious indifferentism of Vatican II and even petitioned for approval of the birth control pill. The Vatican II Antipopes don’t wear the Papal Tiara as a symbolic way to show the enemies of the Church that they are infiltrators and on their side. Paul VI’s giving away of the Tiara (a picture of which can be seen in our photo gallery) was an obvious message to the world that he was a Satanic agent trying to give away the house, which is why he abolished the oath against Modernism, the profession of Faith of Trent, the Index of Forbidden books, changed the Mass, etc., etc., etc.
Hi, I am a Sedevacantist and my husband is a defender of the SSPX. He refuses to look rationally at the facts I present to him, and dismisses me by saying that women are too emotional and aren’t capable of understanding any of these things, and that this is why no women have ever been condemned as heretics – they aren’t capable of being heretics and so aren’t capable of understanding the truth on these issues . Is this true?
Thank you for your interest. The unfortunate divisions among those who profess to be traditional Catholics arise, simply, because those people you described above reject Catholic dogmatic teaching in one or more areas. So division from them in these areas of Faith is not desirable, but it is necessary, simply because they don’t accept the truth in totality. If all “traditionalists” would accept the dogmatic teachings of the Church without compromise, then there would be no division among traditionalists. But since this is not the case, there must be division from those who deny the truth, as there can be no unity with heresy. As Our Lord says, I came to not to bring peace upon the earth, but the sword – to divide (Matthew 10:34-37).
Hi, I am a Sedevacantist and my husband is a defender of the SSPX. He refuses to look rationally at the facts I present to him, and dismisses me by saying that women are too emotional and aren’t capable of understanding any of these things, and that this is why no women have ever been condemned as heretics – they aren’t capable of being heretics and so aren’t capable of understanding the truth on these issues . Is this true?
Pope Eugene IV said that no one, even if he sheds blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained within the bosom and unity of the Church. Many people shed blood IN THE NAME OF CHRIST, but not for Christ. The Protestants who reject the one true Catholic Faith and Christ's clear teaching on Confession (John 20:23), the Eucharist (John 6:54), the necessity of Baptism (John 3:5), etc. reject Christ’s truth, so their act of martyrdom is not for Him, but for Christ in name only– if it were truly for Him then they would accept His truth. The same is true of the Orthodox Schismatics, who reject Christ’s clear teaching on the Papacy (Mt. 16:18-20) - so their act of martyrdom will profit them nothing. The same is also true of all “Catholics” who obstinately adhere to heresy, but would pretend to shed their blood for Christ. One example would be the “priests” and nuns of Mother Angelica’s EWTN. They accept non-Christian, false religions as good and even “great” – and therefore reject Christ – yet some of them would probably go to death for the name of Christ if they had to. Hence, they would still not be saved because they are not Catholic, unless they amend and accept the true Faith beforehand. So, Pope Eugene IV's statement does not contradict Scripture.
Hi, I am a Sedevacantist and my husband is a defender of the SSPX. He refuses to look rationally at the facts I present to him, and dismisses me by saying that women are too emotional and aren’t capable of understanding any of these things, and that this is why no women have ever been condemned as heretics – they aren’t capable of being heretics and so aren’t capable of understanding the truth on these issues . Is this true?
Our Lord doesn’t say that the Antichrist will be a Jew. The passage that you are probably referring to (John 5:43), where Our Lord says to the Jews “if another will come in his own name him you will receive” may refer to the Antichrist, but it is not certain. If it does, all it necessarily means is that the Jews will embrace him or receive him. And, in fact, if this passage refers to the Antichrist, then Antipope John Paul II has fulfilled it, because Antipope John Paul II was literally “received” by the Jews in the Synagogue in 1986. But as a Catholic, no one is bound to agree with our opinion that Antipope John Paul II is definitely Final Antichrist, although the evidence is, frankly, overwhelming. All Catholics must condemn him as at least an Antichrist, who is not Catholic and outside the Church. Our articles prove without any doubt that Antipope John Paul II is totally Antichrist and that he preaches that every man is Christ; this is a fact which no one can deny.