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1848 Encyclical Of "The Patriarchs" Exposes Contradiction In "Orthodoxy"
In 1848 the “patriarchs” of Eastern “Orthodoxy” issued an official response to a document of Pope Pius IX. It's called the Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs (1848). Many Eastern “Orthodox” consider this document to represent official “Orthodox” teaching. In the encyclical the patriarchs condemned the Papacy and the Filioque as heretical. They also explicitly rejected all communion with Catholics.
1848 Encyclical of the Eastern “Orthodox” Patriarchs, Reply to Pope Pius IX, #5: “Wherefore the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, following in the steps of the holy Fathers, both Eastern and Western, proclaimed of old to our progenitors and again teaches today synodically, that the said novel doctrine of the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son is essentially heresy, and its maintainers, whoever they be, are heretics, according to the sentence of Pope St. Damasus, and that the congregations of such are also heretical, and that all spiritual communion in worship of the orthodox sons of the Catholic Church with such is unlawful.”
1848 Encyclical of the Eastern “Orthodox” Patriarchs, Reply to Pope Pius IX, #7: “From that time [the seventh century] there has been no spiritual communion between us and them; for they have with their own hands dug deep the chasm between themselves and Orthodoxy.”
1848 Encyclical of the Eastern “Orthodox” Patriarchs, Reply to Pope Pius IX, #9: “Usurping as his own possession the Catholic Church of Christ, by occupancy, as he [Pius IX] boasts, of the Episcopal Throne of St. Peter, he desires to deceive the more simple into apostasy from Orthodoxy…”
It’s noteworthy that this ridiculous document claims to be following in the footsteps of the Eastern and Western fathers in rejecting the Filioque. That's preposterous, of course, because many Latin fathers explicitly taught the Filioque. Greek fathers did as well, as our material proves. Their “encyclical” contains an array of other errors, false arguments, and misrepresentations of the teaching of the ancient Church.
The encyclical also condemns Catholics as heretics, and rejects all communion with them. Yet, the modern-day Eastern “Orthodox” engage in false ecumenism with the Vatican II Sect and other non-Catholic sects. They profess communion with each other, sometimes sign joint declarations of faith, etc. That’s just another example of the inconsistency of Eastern “Orthodoxy”.
Their document also claims that the Great Apostasy of the nations predicted by St. Paul already occurred, and that it was an apostasy from “Orthodoxy”.
1848 Encyclical of the Eastern “Orthodox” Patriarchs, Reply to Pope Pius IX, #21: “All Christian nations whatsoever that are today seen calling upon the Name of Christ (not excepting either the West generally, or Rome herself, as we prove by the catalogue of her earliest Popes), were taught the true faith in Christ by our holy predecessors and fathers; and yet afterwards deceitful men, many of whom were shepherds, and chief shepherds too, of those nations, by wretched sophistries and heretical opinions dared to defile, alas! the orthodoxy of those nations, as veracious history informs us, and as St. Paul predicted.”
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