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12 Shocking Clues About What America Will Look Like When The Next Great Economic Crisis Strikes The collapse of American society is accelerating. For the moment, much of our social decay is being masked by the tremendous level of affluence that we are experiencing. It has been reported that 4 out of every 5 adults in the United States “struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives”, but in general Americans still enjoy a debt-fueled standard of living that is far beyond what most of the rest of the world enjoys.
Image: US Dollars.
When that debt-fueled standard of living permanently disappears, it is going to unleash chaos unlike anything that America has ever seen before. Right now, economic conditions in this country are not anywhere close to where they were before 2008, but this is just the beginning. We are in the midst of an ongoing economic collapse which is going to get much, much worse in the years ahead. When the next major wave of the economic crisis strikes, millions of people are going to become extremely desperate. And desperate people do desperate things. We are already starting to see this play out all over the nation, but this is only a preview of coming attractions. What we are going to witness in future years is going to be almost too horrible for words.
So how can I be so sure that this is going to happen? After all, the United States didn’t descend into complete and utter chaos during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Wouldn’t an economic depression unfold in a similar manner today?
Unfortunately, a lot has changed since then. A lot more Americans were self-sufficient back in those days, and the truth is that the character of our nation has been rotting and decaying for decades. In a previous article, I described it this way…
Just last weekend, there were “mini-riots” in several U.S. states when “technical issues” caused the food stamp system to go haywire for a few hours. What would have happened if there had been an extended outage or if the political crisis in D.C. had caused food stamps to be completely cut off at some point in November? Let’s be thankful that we did not have to find out. But even though major food stamps riots may have been averted (at least for now), there are a whole host of other signs that America is going to become a very unstable place during the next major economic downturn. The following are 12 shocking clues about what America will look like when the next great economic crisis strikes… #1 Would you continue to work as a bus driver if you were stabbed while driving or if a passenger poured urine all over you? Just check out what has been going on in Detroit lately… #2 We are starting to see a lot of “group crimes” happen all over America. For example, just the other day in Brooklyn, New York a gang of 10 young thugs dragged a young couple out of their vehicle and brutally beat them… #3 A lot of people assume that they are perfectly safe inside their own vehicles but that is not the case at all. A story in the New York Post about a gang of bikers that ruthlessly hunted down a young family that was driving an SUV made national headlines a few weeks ago… When the bikers caught up with this family they showed the father of the baby daughter absolutely no mercy… #4 We are living at a time when hearts are becoming very cold. Some Americans are becoming so desperate for money that they will do almost anything to get it. In fact, one couple in Tennessee has actually been charged with selling their four daughters for use in sex films… Could you imagine such a thing happening in your neighborhood? Perhaps it is happening, but you just don’t know that it is going on. #5 And it is not only older people that are having their hearts grow cold. It is happening to young people too. Last week, a 17-year-old girl was caught carrying around a dead baby (which she probably gave birth to) in a shopping bag in a Victoria’s Secret store right in the heart of Manhattan…Who does something like that?
#6 Sadly, a lot of mothers appear to be losing the natural affection that they should have for their children. Just check out another incident that happened in New York City recently…
#7 One of the clearest signs that American society is decaying is the fact that groups of kids are banding together and agreeing to commit absolutely horrible crimes. We have seen this with the “flash mob” robberies that are plaguing many cities, but what is even worse is when groups of kids band together to commit violent acts. In Pennsylvania recently, a group of teens cheered on attackers as they beat up a 15-year-old girl…
The attackers even tried to throw her in front of a passing vehicle and nobody tried to stop them…What is happening to this country?
#8 We have also been hearing about a lot of “gang rapes” lately as well. The following is an excerpt from a first-hand account from a 14-year-old girl in Missouri that experienced this type of horrible ordeal…
You can read the rest of her sobering story right here. Are you starting to understand why I am so convinced that we have a major problem with our young men in America today? Instead of raising young gentlemen, we are raising wild animals that seem to have very little self-control. #9 And sometimes the public does not do anything to stop sexual assaults even when they happen on public streets. In a recent incident in Athens, Ohio, not only did the public not stop a sexual assault, many actually took photos of the assault and posted them on social media websites… Would such a thing have happened in our country 50 years ago? Of course not. We need to come to grips with how far we have fallen. #10 In America today, young kids can beat a homeless man to death and it barely even makes a blip on the news. I’ll bet hardly any of you have heard about what happened recently to a homeless man in New Jersey… What would cause 13-year-olds and 14-year-olds to behave so savagely? Could it be because we are raising them in a society where basic morality is not taught any longer? #11 Our young people certainly do not have much respect for the very elderly anymore either. Instead, the elderly are looked at as “weak” and “easy prey”. Just check out what recently happened to a 70-year-old man in upstate New York… #12 In this day and age, it is very hard to tell who you can trust. You might meet someone on the street and they might smile and seem very nice, but inside they may be full of all kinds of garbage. For example, just check out what one man in the Boston area planned to do… This is how twisted and perverted our society has become. A lot of Americans believe that if we could just elect “the right politicians” or if we could just change our economic system or if we could just fix one particular issue that everything would be right in America again. Unfortunately, what we are facing is not so simple. Our problems are not just in Washington D.C. or on Wall Street. The truth is that our biggest problem is what is going on inside of us. America is rotting and decaying on the inside, and the next great economic crisis is going to reveal just how bad things have gotten. Or could it be possible that I am overstating things? Please feel free to share what you think about the ongoing collapse of our society by posting a comment below…Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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