E-Exchanges Archive, First of 2020


Counter Church


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago








God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


Nicely done…




Fake Christianity


McEnany: "So we are very proud of our achievements" promoting sodomy and the "LGBT" movement


MHFM: This is horrible and abominable.




Baby with fatal heart defect miraculously kept alive until Baptism


I love this video. It was a miracle from God.




Bad will


The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN


I am disappointrf [sic] in myself for clicking on this video and stopped watching 1 minute in. Mother Angelica dedicated her life to saving souls. No one would attempt to discredit her accomplishments or tarnish her name if they knew the truth.


Angie Z


MHFM: You don't want the truth.  As a consequence, you will remain deceived and on the road to Hell.  If you actually watched the video and cared about Catholicism, you would see that Mother Angelica denied Catholic teaching.  You are of bad will.




McEnany: "So we are very proud of our achievements" promoting sodomy and the "LGBT" movement


That's nothing to be proud of.






Prayed For The Truth And Then Immediately Found MHFM's Videos


... Through no merit of my own I found these videos on YouTube. I had my head buried in conservative politics for ages... I was aware of the evil going on in the world but I was looking in the wrong places for answers (Jordan Peterson, PJW etc.) but every ideology I held to would eventually fall apart, nothing made full sense and there was no sure truth to anything.  I never would have thought that the Catholic church was the truth all along.


The best way to evangelize now is to specifically spread these videos: the ones about magic are so evident and they directly prove Catholicism; they are enough to wake up even the most hardened unbelievers.


Thank God for you guys...!






"$2,000 A Day Fine For Obstructing Coronavirus Contact Tracing"


… Mao-Marxist tactics by our once Constitutionally-based country.




Led away from ‘Orthodoxy’


God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


These refutations by MHFM have been extremely helpful in completely dispelling my curiosity and confusion of Eastern 'Orthodox' theology. I used to be tempted toward EO because of the mysticism that veils their theology, but, God-willing, those temptations have been annihilated thanks to these videos. God bless this channel.






God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


Great video. Eastern "Orthodoxy" was never purified of its paganism. They most certainly do not have the biblical, Christian God.






God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


What beautiful teachings our God has given to us: to ponder, enjoy and live by! He is perfect in all His ways and has opened life with Him through His Son; and what a great value, inestimable, is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in her precious doctrines, which He has given to us in all beauty of Truth, Grace and Holiness! Thank you for presenting this gem of our Faith!






God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


… great content.






God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


Great documentary…


Viva Cristo Rey




God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers


Palamism crushed.




15 Decades




I wanted to follow up.  I have been praying the 15 decades of the rosary as you advised and have seen a marked spiritual change.  Thank you for everything.


May God Bless You All,

Aaron J. Robertson




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the interesting new video, The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign.  It’s amazing how God causes certain key events to align to emphasize their importance.  The parallels between Constantine’s conquering of Rome and the Antichrist’s conquering of “Christian” Europe at Assisi are clear.  It is further evidence proving that John Paul II was the Antichrist and that the Vatican II sect is the end-times Counter Church foretold in prophecy.



Mr. & Mrs. White




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


This is fascinating. Thank you!...


Clare Kuehn


Out of “Orthodoxy”


Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


This video, combined with the Russian-Greek schism over Ukraine, led me out of the Orthodox Church and into Sedevacantism.




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.




Subscribe to the e-mail list here: https://mhfm.email.




Hello Brothers, for several years I have made wonderful use of your materials, and I am so grateful to God every day.


At an unprecedented rate people in the world seem to be sorting or declaring themselves whether for good or evil. I have never seen anything like it…






Don Lemon says: "Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth" - video


What an outrage! NO, Don Lemon, you DON'T get to say THAT...! What blindness and blasphemy against The Christ Himself - the Son of the perfect, almighty, and infinite God. I hope the station, Lemon, and Cuomo are inundated with much deserved indignation. CNN is a pit, but I can recall in the (not too long) past, a proud fool such as Lemon would've met with a staggering number of reproaches, disgrace, and/or even fired.


GLORY BE to the Father, and TO THE SON, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen…




Baptism, Alabama


MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Birmingham, AL, who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.


New Law


New city "law" gives "relationship with more than 1 partner" the "same rights as married couples" - video


This world is making me feel sick today.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


VaticanCatholic led me away from the false church.






Professional football player fired for sending out a tweet that he doesn't agree with sodomy - 1 minute video


MHFM: This is astounding.


Supernatural Faith


Dear Brothers,


St. John Chrysostom: “For it is a special character of true faith, that it asks for no reasons for the precepts laid upon it, but simply obeys what is commanded.”


Thank you for sharing this doctrine quote of the day. It's a wonderful testament to the simplicity of the Supernatural Faith whose object is God alone. For since it is God Who commands, and since God is He Who Is, it is for us to obey. One is reminded of your video: Abraham, Faith, Providence, Prefigurement in which you explain how those who refuse to believe God's Revelation on salvation do so because they lack the gift of Faith; they will not believe and so they will not obey. Those in the Novus Ordo and false traditionalists refuse to believe that God would allow so many to be deceived, because their focus is not on God, but on creatures. Abraham, as you explain in the video, was tested by God when He commanded him to sacrifice his only son. God will test each of His followers in various points in their lives to see if they will remain true to His Faith, His Law, and His commands. That's very sobering, and highlights the necessity of daily prayer and devotion to the Holy Virgin Mary, through whom God's graces are given to the faithful.  Abraham, having once heard God's command, immediately moved to obey it. May souls earnestly desire the grace of the true, living faith so wonderfully exemplified in Abraham's unhesitating obedience, and God will surely provide.


St. Luke 16:10: "He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in that which is greater: and he that is unjust in that which is little, is unjust also in that which is greater."…







Sister Faustina’s Divine Mercy Devotion is something to avoid


Additionally, the idea of mercy without penance is totally ridiculous. Being repentant is conveniently glossed over. Pretty New Agey in my book.






Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


I am an Eastern Orthodox but this destruction of the Catholic Church makes me sick!! What a tragedy for the other lung of Christianity! Like it was not enough that we lost Constantinople to the Muslims. Now we have to lose Rome to the communists…


Irina Popa


MHFM: The destruction on which you comment involves the Vatican II Sect.  It is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church.  See this video: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.  The Catholic Church is the one true Church.  It's necessary for salvation to be a traditional Catholic.  Eastern 'Orthodoxy' is not authentic Christianity, we say in charity.  You will find videos that refute Eastern 'Orthodoxy' here.  We strongly encourage you to watch them.




When I saw pagan idols being worshipped inside St Peter's. I was in no doubt something is wrong with alot of things in the church...Something wrong from within at the top, Vatican 2 council, another false church being set up based in humanism. Vigano voice revealing the errors. The outward attack by secular states, etc etc etc... The church needs to get back to her roots.


Stephen John Hall


MHFM: No, Vigano is a heretic who accepts Vatican II.  As our material covers, the entire sect under Antipope Francis is false.  You need to become a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that.  This situation was prophesied.




Amazing Evidence For God


What an amazing video. Thank you so much.




Baptism, Dallas


MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Dallas, TX, who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




I have been reviewing your material for the last few weeks and have gained greater understanding of Church teaching…


Oscar Munoz


Setting up




Dear MHFM,


Thank you for setting up the newsletter subscription. That will be very helpful!


Kind regards,







My request keeps getting hung up @ 50%


Michael Brabson


MHFM: At 50% you should have received an e-mail.  If you check your inbox or your spam folder, it should be there.  The confirmation e-mail will be sent to the regular inbox of most people, but in certain cases it might get sent to the spam folder.  Once you locate the e-mail, you can confirm and complete the process by clicking on the button in the e-mail.  Sincerely...


Signed up




Just signed up. Always look forward to the content you guys put out!








Thank you… I’ve since signed up God blessings and guide protect you always.


Lina Koh






Thank you, VaticanCatholic. I very much appreciate your always insightful and faithful videos and articles. You have taught me so much about our Faith, and you present history and current events in clear and faithful perspective. Signing up now…






"Robber Has A Heart Attack And Dies During Robbery" - 1 minute video


Wow. Imagine the absolute dread he must have felt before the judgement seat of Jesus Christ. This should be a reminder that death can come at any moment, and that we must be prepared to die at all times.


Christopher S.




Nurse exposes the dangers in wearing a mask for a certain period of time - 5 minute video


The scum in high places want people to die and get sick from wearing masks the virus pandemic is a hoax.


Dave Bennett


But if


Black Lives Matter "Canceled" After Criticizing Israel


It's all fair game as long as they criticize and attack… Christianity. But if you criticize the state of Israel, they withdraw their support. Wonder if Soros will do the same.


Dominik Geis




It appears most (possibly all) hotels don't properly clean rooms - 5 minute video


Not surprised. I worked as a maid for a month 30 yrs. ago. I worked 8 hrs. a day and could never figure out how my friend was done an hour before me. Well, she told me she never changed the sheets or pillow cases nor did she vacuum. This was 30 yrs ago.






Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


I’ve learned a lot since watching all your videos thank you continue bringing us the truth.


Bush M


Wants to become Catholic


Hello Vatican Catholic, I've been a Protestant for many years and have believed that protestant doctrine was biblical and Catholicism was heresy. Many Protestants started to say lies about Catholics such as "Catholics worship mary and the saints" or "The catholic church is full of hypocrisy" etc. And so I started spreading these lies about the catholic church to other people not even caring what catholics had to say about this, but I then realised that I was only hearing these lies from Protestants and decided to take a deep look at what catholicism is really about. so, I started looking at catholic teaching and I was just shocked to see that what they taught was completely Biblical but what protestants taught was contrary to was the Bible says, false doctrines such as faith alone, grace, Baptism can't save you,once saved always saved and many more.


But when I started watching your channel VaticanCatholic I first saw you exposing Steven Anderson and other Protestant heresies, and after I saw those things I thought Catholicism might actually be the church of Jesus Christ upon St. Peter... I honestly really want to become catholic and be saved but we still have to practice social distancing, how can I convert to catholicism? what can I do?






Jimmy Akin Of “Catholic Answers” Exposed


The fact that Catholics no longer believe in their Bible's historicity and have bought the lie if evolution is scary.



MHFM: That statement applies to members of the Vatican II Sect, not to members of the true Catholic Church.  Our material explains the difference.


Spiritual Warfare


Democratic "Gov" Grisham will fine people $100 for not wearing masks, force businesses to comply - video


This COVID-hoax-related police-state is clearly a punishment for the sins of the world. Unfortunately most people who try to resist this… conspiracy don't want to understand that there is a spiritual warfare going on. The Catholic Faith is the armor and the Rosary is the weapon.


Andrea Catalano


More on Gal. 2


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


I read scripture, my friend. Paul's letters were all written in Greek. The Peshita came well after Paul wrote. What you are pushing is the sort of ax grinding I've seen the RCC engage in repeatedly in an attempt to support aberrant doctrines. While I seriously doubt Clement was lying, he did receive some bad information, which is not surprising. Eusebius has, at times, been questionable as well.


Paul talked of Peter earlier in the chapter and there is no warrant in scripture to accept the Peter in 2:11 as not being the Peter in view in 2:7-10. Paul sometimes used the names Peter and Cephas interchangeably.




MHFM: Frankly, you don’t know what you are talking about, and it’s obvious that you still have not viewed the video.  We don’t base it on the Peshitta.  As the video covers, there are many important GREEK manuscripts that have Κηφς.  Perhaps you don’t know what Greek manuscript variants are. You should really stop commenting on a video that you have not even viewed.  The video addresses the context of Gal. 2 and the chronology.  The evidence overwhelmingly supports that it was not St. Peter but another person who was named Κηφς.  In fact, various Greek manuscripts that refer to the Apostle Πέτρος (St. Peter) in Gal. 2:7-8 switch to Κηφς in Gal. 2:9-14, which is extremely odd unless two different people are in view.


Your statement that Κηφς and Πέτρος are used interchangeably is also misleading.  As covered in the video, Πέτρος is a translation of Κηφς (which is a transliteration of the Aramaic).  If readers who only knew Greek were presented with the name of Κηφς they would have no way of knowing that it referred to Πέτρος unless they were otherwise informed.  That’s precisely why in John 1:42 the Apostle John explicitly points out that Πέτρος is a translation of Peter’s name in Aramaic, Κηφς.


As Protestant scholar D.A. Carson points out concerning readers of John’s Gospel, and the point of course applies to many readers of other New Testament books: “Because most of his [St. John’s] readers cannot be expected to know any Semitic language, John [in John 1:42] provides the translation [of Κηφς], ‘Peter’.” (D.A. Carson, The Gospel According To John, p. 156.)


Thus, a mere reference to Κηφς doesn’t denote any connection to St. Peter unless it’s explicitly indicated or they already know that.  It could refer to a different person, and Clement of Alexandria (with regard to the Κηφς mentioned in Gal. 2) said it did.  Indeed, the shift in reference from Πέτρος in Gal. 2:7-8 to Κηφς in Gal. 2:9-14 in various Greek manuscripts, along with other contextual and chronological indications, strongly supports the conclusion that the Κηφς in Gal. 2 is not Πέτρος.  Further, in Matthew’s Gospel, which includes the profound statement about St. Peter, the significance of his name, and what he is promised in Matthew 16, we find no reference at all to Κηφς but only to Πέτρος.


Lastly, you are a Protestant.  You need to abandon that unbiblical religion and convert to true Catholicism if you want to be saved.  You will find biblical support for Catholicism here.




“St.” John Paul II’s Heresies


Pope Francis kissed the koran! John Paul II too??? How long has the devil been in the Church???


Diana Flores Trueba


MHFM: The Devil dominates the Vatican II Counter Church, not the Catholic Church.  It's crucial to distinguish the two.  You need to be a traditional Catholic to be saved.  Our material explains what's going on and what to do.  This video also explains how the current situation in Rome was prophesied: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.  You should also read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  Francis and John Paul II are/were antipopes, not true popes, as our material covers.


We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


Peter and Paul


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Really? Gal 2:11 Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed; It doesn't get more explicit than that.




MHFM: You obviously didn't watch the video.  If you had, you would have learned that there are many important manuscripts that say Κηφς (Kephas), not Πέτρος (Petros).  The Vulgate also has Cephas, not Petrus.  As the video shows, the evidence is overwhelming that it was not St. Peter whom St. Paul rebuked in Gal. 2:11 but another person named Kephas/Cephas.


For example, early Church historian Eusebius cites early Church father Clement of Alexandria (born AD 150) who stated that the person mentioned in Gal. 2:11 was not St. Peter but one of the seventy disciples of the Lord mentioned in Luke chapter 10 who had the same name:


“Clement, in the fifth book of his Hypotyposes, in which he also mentions Cephas, of whom Paul writes: ‘When he came to Antioch, I withstood him to his face’, says that one who happened to have the same name as Peter the Apostle was one of the Seventy (Hist. eccl. 1.12.2).”




Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


… Thank God who led us to this video…!


Gabriel Morais Pontes




Democratic "Gov" Grisham will fine people $100 for not wearing masks, force businesses to comply - video


Where I live almost everyone wears a mask and has been for the last several months, even before they were supposedly ordered to by law. It's like living in a world of sheep…







Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


Orthodox are heretics… outrageous things they believe in!

Emil Kiełczyński


Immaculate Conception


Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


Very interesting and well done. God bless the Most Holy Family Monastery!


Tommaso Giri




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


A beautiful, faith-building and firming of our hope presentation: To God's Glory! Thank you, Brothers, et al.






Dear brothers in the true Catholic faith. Glory be to God, honour to Blessed Virgin Mary… Thanks for making us the true Catholic faithful of Christ.








“Bishop” Conlon Of Joliet, IL Questions Whether Jesus Established A Church


Isn't the Matthew 16:16-18 clear and blatant enough? Doesn't 1 Timothy 3:15 mean anything to him???

Milosz Kowalczuk




Sodomite abomination events (without "social distancing") are fine according to CV-19 hoax directors


This story alone proves the entire COVID-19 pandemic to be a lie. According to the Deep State, the virus isn’t contagious from screaming in crowded streets, vandalizing, looting, fornicating, etc. People who protested the unjust lockdowns from their cars or played catch in the park with their children were vilified or arrested but demonic pagans are given legal immunity to wreak havoc around the world. Even the unbelievers have to admit this double standard is disgusting.




Same time


Sodomite abomination events (without "social distancing") are fine according to CV-19 hoax directors


It's the same in the UK. As half a million people in England descended to the beaches during the heat wave they were criticised by the main stream press and the event considered a 'crisis', yet at the same time leftist reporters explain how BLM protests actually limit the spread of covid due to the masses of 'protesters' being 'constantly on the move' thus 'avoiding the spread', unbelievable lies and hypocrisy.


Vincent VanWyk




China paying the Vatican $2 billion a year to be silent about their evil communist activity? - video


The Vatican II sect would have done it for free.  China has just wasted this $2 billion for nothing.


Benoit Gallez




Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie








"15 different ways" that "probables" are defined as actual "CV-19" cases - Pushing up the # to boost the hoax


MHFM: What an outrageous scam.


Paul VI


“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies


Very good expose of Paul VI…


Vito Lipari




State Rep shows how wearing a mask puts you in immediate danger from low oxygen levels - video


MHFM: People should see this.




I greatly appreciate you Brothers and you opening my eyes years ago and still teaching me God's truth to this very day, and giving me a shot at salvation. Invaluable... God bless you... Brothers and MHFM.


God bless,



Do not have


Newsom: "... stay home and [if] you're not gonna wear masks... we have to enforce and we will" - video


This is beyond preposterous. The governors do not have such authority over individuals; we are allowing ourselves to be hoodwinked continually by this. And this is what happens when we do not walk in God's way and by the loving precepts He has given us - we have the tyranny of man.




Pope Leo


Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 109, Nov. 25, 452: “… nor is it to be disputed that he who is loved by the assailants of the Faith must be a misbeliever.”


St. Louis DA


Demonic mob of "protesters" threaten to kill couple and their dog - 3 minute video


St. Louis DA is pathetic. She is evil...


Kristian Keller




Apostate John Roberts sides with liberal abominations supporting baby killing "rights" - 1 minute video


This is a major, if not THE major reason why God cannot look with any more favor upon our land; great repentance is needed, but is not forth coming by our leaders, the blind leading the blind, and by most of the populace.




St. Thomas on the Incarnation


St. Thomas Aquinas: “The Word of God did not assume human nature in general, but ‘in atomo’ – that is, in an individual – as Damascene says (De Fide Orth. iii. 11), otherwise every man would be the Word of God, even as Christ was.” (Summa Theologiae, Pt. III, Q. 2, A. 2, Reply to Obj. 3)




“Magician” Calls Himself “Demon” - Doug Thompson


This video proves that the story in the book of Daniel about his three friends thrown in a burning furnace is true...Sometimes the devil can do stuff... revealing that the stories in the Bible are correct.


Benjamin Falzon




Hi there,


I would like to find a Catholic Church that stays true to the teachings of Jesus Christ which is succeeded by the Apostles (Anti Vatican 2). I live in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia... may the Lord shower His grace and wisdom on your ministry.


Thank you for your kind attention.


God speed,



Australia Testing Vans


TV news host Andrew Bolt says he is getting “so suspicious” about "COVID-19" - video


Australia is pushing the agenda more than most counties. Mandatory testing vans have already parked outside suburbs offering tests. Assisted by the army…


Vincent VanWyk


The Antipope


"Archbishop of Canterbury" on BBC Radio 4: Statues "will have to come down…names will have to change"


The antipope worships Satan in the form of Masonic thought, that all religions are good and lead us to God!... Thanks Most Holy Family Monastery…!






Dr. Rashid Buttar explains how wearing a mask can negatively affect your health - video


A foreigner residing in the Philippines was assaulted and almost arrested by police because he refused to pay fines for violating quarantine rules. The police caught his house maid watering plants in their private property without a mask on...


He is now "perpetually banned" from the Philippines.






The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


The true Church cannot simultaneously bless the faithful while blessing the heathen. She cannot say that Jews and Muslims can be saved when they reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, for He said "I am the Way, Truth, and Life; No man comes unto the Father but by me."… The Church cannot, even with baptism, simultaneously unite Unconditional Eternal Security or OSAS adherents who were baptized with her. One might as well unite Catholics with Arians. And thus Vatican II is not the Church.






"Archbishop of Canterbury" on BBC Radio 4: Statues "will have to come down…names will have to change"


Iconoclasm is a defining characteristic of pagans (e.g. Muslims and French Republicans/Jacobins) and heretics (Calvinists and other Protestants). After Vatican 2, many churches were completely gutted of sacred art. We see the same demonic forces active again now with the opposition to Catholic statues of Saint Louis, King of France, or the missionary Father Serra.


Considering the Vatican 2 sect is almost Anglican in terms of liturgy and morality, I would not be surprised to see them continue to remove more statues of “white Jesus” or “problematic” individuals.


My last point is that I don’t find it surprising that the statue of Antipope John Paul II that Trump visited a few weeks ago has not been defaced. The possessed people respect the Antichrist Beast but know to destroy images of true Catholics.






The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Such a great video…


Lucia Caruso


Should see


MHFM: People should see this.


Dr. Rashid Buttar explains how wearing a mask can negatively affect your health - video




"Pastor" Steven Anderson Exposed - Documentary


This was an excellent breakdown, I hope and pray it can make its way to Anderson's misguided followers.


John Buck




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Vat 2 destroyed so many Catholic families in the 1960s. People… fell away feeling betrayed. The beautiful Latin masses stopped, the art that parishioners paid for was taken down and folk masses started. People started trickling away… Thank you for the videos.


Shadow Artist




Group calls for statue of St. Louis [who confiscated and burned the Talmud] to be taken down - video


What desecration and profanation of the... sacred! These depraved scoffers haven't the faintest of what they're talking about - since in the VERY First place, they don't love God and His goodness, nor The Redeemer, nor His Great Saints. Fools...


"...I will take vengeance, and no man shall resist me." Isaiah 47:3




Blind and Deceived


The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Pope John Paul was a legitimate Pope but Francis is not. We are in the end time. Looks like Francis is selling our Church to Communist China.


Bosko Sawkmie


MHFM: Did you even watch the video or look at the evidence?  John Paul II was a total apostate and religious indifferentist, among other things.  He was not a valid pope.  Wake up.




Eastern "Orthodoxy's" Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Same thing has happened in Ireland. We apostatized and have now fallen to the Jews.


Liz Leary




Oregon county issues directive for everyone to wear face masks — except "people of color"


This is so in-your-face. Such a blatant shredding of the constitution and unlawful legislation.




Not about


“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


The Catholic Church is not about unity with the world.


Joseph A.




BLM leader says statues (and stained glass windows) that depict a white Jesus should be destroyed


… BLM is a satanic organization which wants to destroy order and faith. Naturally, they will attack Christ and his holy mother. In France, I heard about one statue of the Virgin Mary being destroyed and one of Christ vandalized. This will only get worse.






Colorado Adopts Mandatory Vaccinations For Children


The Beast that has returned has a whole new range of weapons in its arsenal and it seems satan and his minions  are very keen to put them all to use, it truly shows his level of hatred towards mankind that has been given the opportunity to fill the positions in heaven left vacant by the fallen angels.


Peter Matthews


St. Louis


Group calls for statue of St. Louis [who confiscated and burned the Talmud] to be taken down - video


St Louis IX was a holy, pious, anti-racist, charitable, altruistic monarch who truly deserved his title…






"Columbus, Ohio, to remove Christopher Columbus statue" - 1 minute video


After all the statues have been removed and sufficiently desecrated, I expect a wave of city re-naming to occur. The savages that Columbus endeavored to save through the Catholic Church have returned. To me, it is another manifestation of the end times beast rising in the USA.






Michael Voris of "Church Militant" says Protestants are Christians - 27 second video


… Voris is still using language that is the common parlance of mainstream "religious" USA and of course the Vatican anti popes; If one continues to call Bergoglio a pope and JP II a saint, then of course it can be expected that one will make such mistakes... Montini could not have been a true pope because he signed and promulgated by his supreme... authority every one of the V II documents as orthodox catholic teaching... as MHFM shows...






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Awesome video…


Clare Kuehn


New Video Posted


The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


MHFM: This new video focuses on some very interesting new points that provide further support for what was covered in our video Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.  The new points come later in the video after an important and quick recap.  Thus we recommend that people watch the video all the way through.




Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen


This explains a lot.


Laurie Ann Rodriguez


Ephesians video


What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


As a former Protestant, I wish you would rename this video from “fake” Christians, which immediately will keep a Protestant from clicking on this and possibly learning something, to “mislead” which is less abrasive language. I cannot share this with my mostly Protestant social media with whom I grew up because the title is hostile in tone to nonCatholics. Thank you. JMJ


Bucket List Boomer


MHFM: They need to know that the issues are extremely serious and determine one's eternal destiny.  If you are unwilling to share the video because you might offend Protestants or lose Protestant followers, then you are compromising.  You need to become an uncompromising traditional Catholic to be saved.  Also, the description “Misled Christians” would not be accurate since those who adhere to the false gospel refuted in the video are not actually Christians.  Thus “Fake Christians” is an appropriate title.


St. Louis


Group calls for statue of St. Louis [who confiscated and burned the Talmud] to be taken down - video


There is a lot to take to task here from the words of these devil-inspired men! The "teacher/historian" is obviously showing us, upfront now, the heinousness of these characters in subverting colleges/universities... (for a long time now). The other two are obviously part of that ilk. And this shows the great inroads they have made into the entire culture, especially the thinking among the youth. St. Louis, pray for us!






I have a quick question. I'm wanting to share one of your videos with a Protestant and then I would watch one of the videos he sends me from a "pastor." My question is, can I do that or would that be considered a sin? I'm fully convinced of the true Catholic position so I'm not afraid that he's going to convince me. I just don't know if it would be wrong to do so. Your response would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,



MHFM: Hello.  We don't think you should agree to that.  If he's not willing to watch any of the videos, then you should move on.  But he should be charitably informed that he will not be saved unless he becomes a Catholic.


Won’t allow


"Archdiocese" asks "priest" to step down after email saying George Floyd "had not lived a virtuous life"


MHFM: This is another striking example of how the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church.  When it’s politically incorrect, the 'Archdiocese' of the Counter Church won't even allow a 'priest' to mildly state the truth that a public mortal sinner and non-Catholic did not live a virtuous life. 




MHFM: It’s amazing how far they are trying to push this Covid hoax (and succeeding in doing so) even as the weather is warm and after it’s been exposed as a fraud.  It doesn’t bode well for what they may do when the weather gets cold again.


Fr. Serra


Statues toppled of Fr. Serra and Francis Scott Key (who wrote the lyrics for the U.S. anthem) in SF


The Hispanic Council: "we witness with sadness the tearing down of the statue of another Hispanic figure from the USA, in this case the one of Father Junípero Serra. This Spanish Franciscan, far from being a “genocide” or a “racist”, represented the opposite throughout his life. ...his work as a missionary led him to found 9 of the 21 missions of Spain in California, such as the one in San Diego de Alcalá, which gives its name to the present city of San Diego. In these missions he served the native community, evangelizing the local populations and providing them with jobs, education and food. ...Father Serra treated the natives who came to the mission like a father to his children... This new attack on his figure lacks historical rigor. It’s also an attack on the Hispanic legacy of the United States and California, which must be respected and cherished". ("No, Father Junipero Serra wasn’t a “genocide” either," 20 June 2020)


Christiana et Fidelis


Consecration of Russia


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


I love your work but I have a question. I was watching [a] video of yours and you mentioned that Russia had been consecrated in 1952. Which is obviously true, but it did not include the Bishops. Doesn't that mean Fatima has not been fulfilled?


Emil Grow


MHFM: That's addressed in our article on the subject: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy.  Simply put: Our Lady requested that it would be done with all the bishops, but she only promised that in the end the pope would do it.  That's what happened.  The consecration of Russia has been done, as the article covers.




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Outstanding presentation, God bless you!


Sebastian Moncada




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Great video to explain & differentiate the real Catholic doctrine from the false lies & doctrines of an anti- Catholic religion.


Gerard Vinet




Why So Many Can't Believe


Thank you for so charitably sharing this. Your words at 3:27-4:10 mark are a striking reminder of the necessary link between keeping one's focus on God alone and maintaining and growing in the Catholic faith. Your entire video is powerful… !





Concerned, wants to convert




I am concerned about the unforgiveable sin mentioned in the bible. I was very blasphemous in my youth. I resented Christ in my youth. For some reason I never used our Lords name in vain, but mentally I would deny truths that I knew were true spiritually out of spite. A deep resent toward the Lord was in me… I have recently come to believe… I have watched most of the material you recommended and I am in total agreement with the dogma. The Church speaks for God. Considering my first point I wonder how can I be baptized, which seems like the next step? I pray the Rosary asking Mother Mary to lead me to her Son, and I pray directly to the Lord asking for faith and conviction of sin. Thank you for your time.


gratefully, J


MHFM: We’re glad to hear about your interest to convert.  If you are repentant, then you are capable of receiving forgiveness for the sins you have mentioned through the means established by God. 


Thus, you need to take the steps to convert to the true Catholic faith.  You should also be praying the Hail Mary frequently and the Rosary each day.  We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Dear Brothers:


Wow.  I haven't stopped thinking about this video.  Thanks for posting it.  "Ecumenism" wasn't just some happy, snappy slogan of the Vatican 2 sect.  It was the marching orders from Satan himself, allowed by God as a punishment for an ungrateful and apostate world which considers its Redemption to have been of no account.  "Ecumenism" was the complete inversion of everything Catholic in the counterfeit church - and it was the complete destruction of the true faith from the minds and hearts of men.   In fact, "ecumenism" was also even the inversion of everything the Old Testament faithful had prayed for since the beginning of time…


Now we can more fully understand the satanic "victory" that John Paul 2's upside-down cross in Israel was actually proclaiming.  The hatred of Satan for the Incarnation of Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross -- and the equally contemptible indifference and malice of men -- is almost too much to try to wrap one's head around.  Satan has been waiting for John Paul 2 now for almost two thousand years - and then some.  What a sobering thought about time, and eternity, and reality.  


Lee Ann




Vatican praises Black Lives Matter and promotes climate change hoax - 45 second video


Of course they love the demonic, Marxists of BLM. The V-II itself is overrun by communist sodomites.


Dominik Geis




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


This video is a powerful work for Christ our Lord. It’s very inspiring.


Our Lady of Lourdes Pray For Us


Boy Scouts


Boy Scouts of America backs Black Lives Matter, will require “diversity merit badge” for Eagle Scouts


The entire Boy Scouts organization sold their soul when they opened their ranks to homosexuals. BTW, the public buses in Los Angeles are now flashing BLM on LED signs on the side of each vehicle.






Good day Brothers,


Through what I believe to be divine providence, I found your youtube videos and mostholyfamilymonastery.com site about 3 months ago.  All of the content resonated with me immediately.  I was raised in a conservative Catholic family that was led astray (like so many others) by the VII changes starting in the late 60s.  My life has taken many turns and I've been pretty misguided for a long time.  About 6 months ago I had once again returned to a local Novus Ordo parish, but felt something about their mass was off. (I've since realized it was the lack of reverence and divinity in the mass).  After seeing the material on your web site, I'm definitely convinced and drawn to the TRUE Catholic faith and not the counterfeit VII sect.  I've read your recommendations for saying 15 decades of the Holy Rosary and have been consistently saying those prayers daily.  I did confession with a priest…


Finally, I'd like to say thank you for setting up your web site.  It has been very helpful to me on my conversion back to the true Catholic faith.


Thanks again and God Bless,





The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Great Video…


Emanuel Frroku




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


Wow. This is extremely eye opening. Thank you. God bless.


Timothy P.




The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign


This is even more proof for the position that the V2 sect/pagan Roman Empire is the beast that was, is not, and is here in the last days. Great video.


Thomas Comerford




… Thank you for the enormous amount of work you put into your website.  I've learned so much from it… I find it so true how it is rare to find lovers of truth.  I find this to be very true in day to day life as well.  Basically, every time I need to get work done at my house, or something fixed, or some other service done… very often I have to deal with dishonest people who sometimes seem like they have carefully thought out scams to get more money out of me.  No matter how honest they "appear" to be face to face.  They don't love truth and don't seem to be interested in anything truthful, but, on the other hand, seem to get very upset when another is untruthful to them.




Kentucky V2 Sect


"Bishop" John Stowe celebrates "gay pride month" and promotes participation in "gay pride" events


MHFM: According to the position of those who recognize Francis as the pope (non-sedevacantists), this 'bishop' must be considered to profess the true faith.


Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 22), June 29, 1943: “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith…”




"Bishop" John Stowe celebrates "gay pride month" and promotes participation in "gay pride" events


He is no different than hardcore liberal Anglican "priest". Only difference is that this fraud calls himself Catholic.  What a phony...


K Keller




Ruby-throated Hummingbird can fly over 60mph and flap wings over 50 times per second - video


The weight of 10 Hummingbirds = 1 slice of bread. They travel extremely long distances, some of them even going from Canada to Costa Rica. In preparation for these flights, they will double their body weight by eating nectar. Amazing.


Christopher S.


Baptist sees video, wants to convert


What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


I have been raised Baptist my entire life and have always lived as an on the fence Christian, never really devoting myself to Christ although I often proclaimed to God that I would in my selfish prayers. Then one night I wake up at 3:00am and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I open up YouTube and I find your previous video refuting the faith alone doctrine in my feed. I have never have had such an eye opening experience in my entire life. How I could have been so blinded by such false teaching even though the answer and truth was there plainly in Scripture is incredible to me. I am now searching for a good Catholic Church to save myself and my family from the heresies and sin we have been living in. I owe you an immense amount of gratitude for revealing the Truth to me. God bless you and your ministry.


Colby Anderson


MHFM: That’s great to hear.  God wants you to become a Catholic, but to do so one must become a traditional Catholic.  The steps to convert are on our website.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church and one must not join it.  That's explained in the material.  Also, see this video for how the current situation in Rome was prophesied: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.




Calls to remove Abraham Lincoln statue in Boston - "mayor" says he is in favor of removing it - video



MHFM: In the past eight or so months, we’ve noticed that it seems that Satan has been given even more leeway to act.  The attacks on and censorship of the true Church in our time have significantly increased, even beyond the normal pace.  Many people are in an absolute demonic frenzy attacking the truth.  This is also manifested by the utter insanity and lawlessness in the country, the conspiratorial hoax lockdown, etc.  Satan is applying more pressure to people in various ways, and some are being spiritually swept aside.  It could be an indication of how short the time is in general or how short the time is before major changes occur that would make typical activities and communications more difficult.  


1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking whom he may devour.”


Big ruling


Fake conservatives Gorsuch and Roberts make acceptance of sodomy and "transgenderism" mandatory


MHFM: This is huge.  It will have a major impact.  It's another signal of the end of America.  People often get the rulers, judges, etc. that they deserve.  America is so sinful and perverted that this is the result.  This is another sign of the times.  The ruling is also totally unconstitutional and represents legislating from the bench by abominable and unjust judges.


Isaiah 3:8-9- "For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen, because their speech and their deeds are against the Lord, defying his glorious presence.  For the look on their faces bears witness against them; it proclaims their sin as Sodom; they do not hide it.  Woe to them!  For they have brought evil on themselves."




"NYC tells COVID contact tracers not to ask people if they've been to protests" - 1 minute video


MHFM: This astounding double standard is more proof that there’s a conspiracy to destroy the economy, grab power, take away freedoms, administer vaccines, etc.  They are using the Covid hoax to do it. 




I was born and baptised in 1957 into the Catholic church.  I regretfully and shamefully turned my back on all bible teachings in my teens. By the mercy of God he led me back about 2 yrs ago. I've watched and believe all your videos and reject Vat 2 and all their pomp. I confessed… here in N Ireland. I pray the full blessed Rosary daily for guidance… Thank you again, I believe the Holy Spirit led me 2 your site, may many blessings  be with you always. 




About the


My name is Joseph Oneto.  I am a Roman Catholic. I wanted only to thank you for standing up for Jesus Christ.  I first came across your Youtube channel's Fatima clip about the fake Sister Lucia. I knew you were correct when I saw the pictures. I never noticed it before and I know that the insight to see it (although it is out in the open and so apparent) was divine… Our church leadership has failed us and shepherds are nonexistent.



Joseph Oneto


MHFM: We’re glad to hear about the interest.  It’s important to recognize that the leaders of the Vatican II Sect are not the leaders of the Catholic Church.  The current situation in Rome was prophesied.  We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




"Magician" Florian Sainvet Makes CDs Instantly Appear - 1 minute video


That is simply impossible without spiritual assistance.


Nick C




Prayed For The Truth And Then Immediately Found MHFM's Videos


Dear Brothers, her letter brings back the similar painful time I was having trying desperately to find the truth.  I too, prayed and was rewarded by hearing you on the radio… It also didn't hurt that I had been given a St. Benedict medal not long before hearing you.


Thank you,

Carol D.




Prayed For The Truth And Then Immediately Found MHFM's Videos


This is most encouraging to all of us who have been so helped by MHFM, and for us to keep praying and sharing the Holy Truth wherever we can…






Reporter on the ground in Seattle details anarchy on the streets - 2 minute video


It's insane that this is continuing for several days now. The mayor is a disgrace... The governor is the same. It needs to be shut down immediately.






Subject: Reports on the ground in Seattle


Dear Brothers:


The destruction we are witnessing today reminds me of the "joke"/double entendre expressed by John Paul II to his unsuspecting audience.  He took advantage of a small glitch in the proceedings to say to them:  "We will destroy the program.  Destroy the program!"  That's the battle cry of every revolutionary, from the simple heretic to the raging leftists of today.  But what was also sad was the audience's reaction.  They didn't immediately laugh, because his "joke" wasn't really funny.  But after a moment they politely laughed at it anyway, oblivious to the malice behind it.  And, in a way, that's the real problem.  Most people we know personally are probably not flaming radicals.  They just long for the day when all of this will be over, when they can get back to "normal" - and have fun again.  Because they are unwilling to accept the true faith, most people are totally divorced from reality.  They cannot comprehend the spiritual and biblical significance of these last days.   Nor will they be able to realize -- unless they convert - that by their heresy and apostasy, they themselves will have actually been a part of the destruction.   Very sad.


Lee Ann   




Dear Brothers,


St. Basil, Letter 257, 4th century: “Remember that it is not the multitude who are being saved, but the elect of God.  Be not then affrighted at the great multitude of the people who are carried here and there by winds like the waters of the sea.”


This recent quote you shared on your e-exchanges is profoundly moving. God is purifying His Elect amidst the raging storm of wickedness in these last days. It is not His own, but the multitudes of bad-willed souls that are being caught up in their own diabolical pride and destroyed through their own vengeful ambitions. God is mighty in His Church Militant and particularly through your most important apostolate. How Satan hates and attacks you and your work precisely because you do all for God’s glory and the salvation souls! Brothers, may Holy Mary, Virgin Most Powerful, keep you always under her blessed protection. 


Thank you for all the tremendous work you continue to do, for your prayers and charity, and in making known the absolute necessity of holding the Catholic Faith, whole and inviolate. 



Elisabeth M




Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


Thank you… a definite eye opener for me I never knew of what this religion was actually about… so appreciate this in-depth vid.


Lina Koh




Amazing Evidence For God


Never saw such a detailed explanation. Amazing video.






Deep State attempts to condition the public to accept a 2nd wave of the COVID-19 hoax in the fall


What a gigantic hoax, hoodwinking, segueing into hard-core tyranny. Rise in cases? More lockdowns the answer. People in lockdown, businesses remain closed, food prices up and up, other assorted problems? The answer: Vaccinations must be mandated... The demonic on the loose. Our Lord and God remains on His throne.


"Watch and pray...." He tells us.




MHFM: Yes, and the testing is a hoax, as Dr. Kaufman explains here (starting around the 10 min. mark): Dr. Andrew Kaufman destroys the COVID-19 hoax - video.


Video Posted


Floating “Magician” Proves The Reality Of A Spiritual World


New Post


Prayed For The Truth And Then Immediately Found MHFM's Videos




Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


To say all the energies of God are uncreated, and in the same breath/paragraph to say that not all are without beginning, is a violation of the law of non-contradiction. Gregory Palamas was so deluded, that he believed contradictions were permissible.






Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the great new video: Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception? The heretics who deny the fact that St. Thomas… taught against the Immaculate Conception are blatant liars…


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


I… saw your recent video on St. Thomas Aquinas. Very detailed and informative…


Respectful regards,





Prayed For The Truth And Then Immediately Found MHFM's Videos


Reading this today reminded me of what happened to us in early 2009 after I had fasted three days praying for the truth re the church situation. Sacramentally married in 1998 (but in the vat2 sect church), by 2009 we absolutely knew there was a massive problem. Involved in our parish and Rosary group yet standing on an ever more rapidly disappearing " island" of conditions we could (somewhat) tolerate as Catholics one day that island disappeared.  After praying and fasting 3 days our acquaintance Joe showed up at our house and moved our laptop a few feet across our dining room and for the first time ever we got internet! My husband said " Google Fatima" I said " what's "Google?" We punched in Fatima..up popped the MHFM site... Jaw dropped for several days listening learning from MHFM never looked back evangelizing and making concerted effort to get into and maintain a state of grace every day since...




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


Tobin and Bergoglio are vile tools of Satan... Fornicators and sodomites are promoted by these heretics.




Counter Church


SLC "Bishop" asks "priests" to offer a "mass" for George Floyd & observe eight and a half minutes of silence


Just no!






Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness


It’s incredible as I watch this video… in June 2020 the incredible down right demonic lawlessness with the rioting taking place in the streets across the country. How applicable this is still this June it’s eerily accurate. And the city and state officials in favor of disbanding/defunding police, etc. it’s all insanity. The phrase at 8:20 sums it up “They are lawless people who hate God and the U.S.”


Michelle A




New sex ed teaches New Jersey minors about sodomy and how to consent to it


So, do we need to wonder why our country is experiencing a complete breakdown of society, when things like those mentioned in the article above are continuing to be pushed into the youth?




Never Satisfied


Pagan "protesters" boo Minneapolis "mayor" for refusing to defund and abolish police - 42 second video


The mayor who loves to facilitate all sorts of vices to get attention and love from this world (i.e. vanity), including abortion and sodomy, realizes the world is never satisfied. He'll just bow his head, cave, apologize, kneel, etc, and then go home to his family with no honor, dignity or freedom left, a harsh truth he will bury deep down inside. He'll put on a smile, pretend he's still a leader and a man, and he'll go beg for some more votes while he gets spit upon. A cowardly servant of the devil.


Sort of like modern Rome, always striving to please the world, a world which always ends up condemning the servile 'bishops' and 'priests', demanding that the 'church' adapts itself some more and more and more, and apologizes some more and more...






"Catholic" School Will Fly "Pride Flag" But "LGBT Catholics" Want The "Official Pride Flag" Instead - video


This school is a joke. What is wrong with people? End times no doubt. A return to pagan Rome.


Vincent VanWyk




The "news" is so Apocalyptic now… For example: Seeing footage of morally lost/ wicked leftist youth with faces covered with cv19 hoax masks "protesting" to "End the police" and things like that are some of the many apocalyptic images around us now....among myriad countless others...and one must say that while it’s sad in one way to see this Age ending however it's wonderfully exhilarating realizing that very soon all those faithful Catholics who suffered so much for the FAITH in ages past are about to be both vindicated AND REWARDED For their Holy Perseverance Faith and Loyalty!  Both the Saints who've been crying out from under the Altars (formally of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) AND the TRULY FAITHFUL Catholic remnant…






St. Basil, Letter 257, 4th century: “Remember that it is not the multitude who are being saved, but the elect of God.  Be not then affrighted at the great multitude of the people who are carried here and there by winds like the waters of the sea.”




Hello… Some time ago, I came across your YouTube channel and began studying your material on the Vatican II sect and all of the many disastrous consequences that have flowed from the Second Vatican Council. I find the arguments you have made for the sedevacantist position fascinating and extremely cogent, and I thank you for producing the material on those subjects that you have produced…



New Video Posted


Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


MHFM: This is a new video.  This video contains important information that is relevant to defending and professing the true faith on a variety of issues.  Among other things, the information is relevant to understanding the Magisterium, the Church’s teaching on salvation and baptism, the authority of theologians, etc.  This video also refutes certain individuals who teach error on this matter.  It touches upon the issues of catechisms, delayed ensoulment, and more.  There are important quotes throughout, including near the end.  Hence, we encourage people to watch it all the way through.


To Fly


"Pride Flag" Flew "For Only One Day" In Alberta, Angering The "LGBTQ2S Community" - 1 minute video


It was a mortal sin to agree to fly that flag period, let alone the damage that can be caused by one seeing their own government embrace the ideology of sodomy over any amount of time.


Peter Matthews




Some facts about George Floyd the lying mainstream media won't tell you - video


She made some great points. These godless pagans have turned George Floyd into a “saint” for liberalism. He was no role model. People should emulate Blessed Martin de Porres or Blessed Charles Lwanga as real black heroes.




Chief Apostle


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


This is excellent. I’d been asking myself before, why would Peter as the chief apostle contradict himself and the church? This video gives us the full context.






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


This is a magnificent documentary.






Homosexuality and Logical Standards


Canada is persecuting people with morals. It is very bad country.


K Keller




Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness


It's interesting and maybe even prophetic how 2 years after you produced this video it appears the U.S. has descended into complete anarchy. I don't think it's a coincidence that during the month that's supposed to be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but now has been given over to the sodomites by most of the world, we're now hearing that active steps are being taken to defund the police dept...I still can't believe that such an idea could even be conceived let alone put into practice...you were right we no longer live in the United States of America.






"NYPD lieutenant struck on the head by brick during protests" - 28 second video


MHFM: If they are going to impose a curfew in the cities that have a problem with wicked rioters and looters, why are the news media exempt from it?  If they insist on a curfew, the reporters and the news crews who cover this for Fox, CNN, ABC, etc. should be arrested as soon as the curfew takes effect.  If that happened, fewer people would ‘protest’ and riot because it wouldn’t be a national or ‘exciting’ event covered for all to see on TV. 


Drew Brees


Drew Brees Apologizes Once Again For What He Publicly Said He Believed - 1 minute video


MHFM: Drew Brees is a pathetic wimp.


Demonic Voice


Hello… I was hoping I could ask you a question on whether this is a voice in my own hand or a demon or something I’ve been… in anxiety the last four days in my because I heard a voice in my head and it said this particular thing that I ate was poison and I can’t tell if it was my own voice in my head just being paranoid or if it was a demon why I’m worried it was a demon is because my cousin is a witch and I told her to repent but I have used a Ouija board… I’ve always struggled my whole life with his voice in my head and I’m worried about it being a demon… Yes I agree and believe in all of the dogmas of the Catholic Church and in all of the things you listed I guess I’m worried that the demon is telling the truth rather than lying like I’m convinced I’m poison and going to die and it scares me… Yes sir I am a traditional Catholic a large part of it if not all of it because of your constant I know you hear it all the time but you really do an amazing job. 


MHFM: You should ignore the voice.  Also, you of course need to confess having used the Ouija board to a validly ordained priest.  Moreover, if a person gives too much attention to or interacts with something like that, God can allow it to have more influence.  Thus you should ignore it and focus on living the life of grace, going to confession, praying, being a traditional Catholic, etc.


It's also important to pray the Rosary each day.  We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  We also recommend that you say the prayer to St. Michael frequently.




Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary


God bless you… Thank you for strengthening my faith in the Church and for your defense of the Mother of God!


Bernard Ordiz


New Mass


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


Wonderful thanks for this video. Now am confused does it mean we should stop attending mass? Or how do we do as masses today all follow the new mass?

Ntemgwa Belta


MHFM: We're glad that you liked the video.  One must not go to the New Mass.  This is explained in our material.  You should stay at home on Sundays.  There is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass in this situation.  As the material covers, there are options for confession, once a person is convinced on all the issues.  We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


Great video. Thank you for explaining this so clearly. There is absolutely no doubt that our Blessed Mother was free of ALL sin.


Lucia Vazquez




"Catholic Church" in Canada facing prosecution for refusing to host an "LGBT" event - 31 second video


I wonder why "churches" would get prosecuted for rejecting an abomination. Pure evil.






Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


Outstanding video…


Joey B




"OK Governor: '... we will not do business with companies that boycott the country of Israel'"


Sickening. Just shows how deep the zionist manipulation and control goes in America.


Vincent VanWyk




Did St. Thomas Aquinas Deny The Immaculate Conception?


Excellent work here brothers, as was your efforts to expose the Coronavirus, as being a false pandemic, and a hoax. Thank God for MHFM. God bless you.




Spanish Video


MHFM: Our video Why So Many Can’t Believe has been published in Spanish:


Por qué muchos no pueden creer (video)




Trump visits Antipope John Paul II "National Shrine" - 30 second video


What is really unsettling is that Antipope JP II's statue is holding that bent cross. It is as if the image of the beast is blaspheming our Lord. There are many crucifixes that show the terrible suffering of Christ, but at the same time also show his Love and Glory. But JP II's is like a mockery of it.


Dominik Geis




Godless looters ransack and destroy businesses all across America - video


The Main Stream Media are now race baiting the Indigenous here in Australia, bringing to attention persons that have been allegedly ill treated or killed at the hands of police in years gone by, I would not be surprised to see similar events in major cities here in Australia in the next few weeks as have been currently orchestrated there in the US.


Peter Matthews




We have Protesters Chanting “No Justice, No Peace” In Beaumont, Texas.






The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN


It's 2020 now and just watched this for the first time. What else is there to say about all the heretics in the counter church? Am just glad that I stopped watching EWTN a long time ago. I know it is not easy for everyone to make a conscious decision to reject anything vatican2 but my answer to that is simple: I choose to uphold and follow the true Catholic Church and all its dogmas because I believe it is the only to way attain eternal salvation. Being taken for a fool by john paul2, ratzinger and francis was painful and spiritually deflating but I am glad that I'm still alive to repair my faith. I have researched, read and watched other sedevacantists and their works and I must give credit to MHFM, to the Dimond Brothers in particular, for providing me with the only truly consistent platform of learning and to clearly understand from a layman's point of view what my Catholic faith should truly be. Keep up the good work. I cannot imagine the amount of effort and time and patience you give to ensure that the True Catholic Church will reign in the end, as it should be.






What were the Crusades, and were they justified 


Once again, MHFM provides us with a valuable tool to refute mindless liberalism.


John Moore




In Italy, opponent of lockdown thrown into psychiatric hospital


In the UK since lockdown you only need one doctor's permission to commit you when it used to need two by law...




KJV Onlyism


Is the King James Bible Infallible?


I almost got fully sucked in to KJV onlyism, crazy to think that now i'm returning back to the catholic church just about 2 months later after a lot of research and prayer.


Ryan Pena


MHFM: You need to return to the traditional Catholic faith, not the Vatican II Sect under Antipope Francis.  Our material explains what's happening and how to convert.  See this video for how the current situation in Rome was prophesied: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.  We also recommend that people, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness




We watched this video again today. It's still incredibly applicable, especially as we move into the abominable "pride" month. It was well worth watching again.


Thanks for your work exposing evil.






Hello MHFM,


"Lawrence Jones: Millennials don't value patriotism as much as prior generations because of college 'indoctrination' ": https://www.foxnews.com/media/lawrence-jones-millennials-dont-value-patriotism-as-much-as-prior-generations-because-of-college-indoctrination


Now, in 2020, all those under 40 years old are millennials (Gen Y / Z). This could explain this incredible number of rioters…



Benoit Gallez


MHFM: We believe it’s a factor.  However, the primary factor is that the younger generation is, in general, wicked, godless and immoral to an unprecedented degree.  We’re seeing the results of it.  Their hearts are hardened.  They have basically nothing in their lives other than to engage in foolishness, sin and destruction.  Also, God is allowing the demons of lawlessness more influence and sway as a reflection of the times and the sinfulness of the country.  People in general don’t care about God.  They don’t have time for Him.  They think they can have a stable country while standing for basically nothing morally; but they are sorely mistaken.  (Consider, for example, that the major ‘conservative’ party in the country accepts sodomy.)




Dr. Andrew Kaufman destroys the COVID-19 hoax - video


Dear Brothers:


Thanks for posting this interview.  It provides a succinct description of the manner in which the globalists operate -- and the pinnacle they have now reached in the world.   In one sense, our times will have been the darkest hour.  But in another, these last days will also have been the most probative of the truths of the Catholic faith, as well as the truths of Bible history.   Whereas magicians prove a spiritual world exists, globalism proves that Satan exists - and illustrates much of what we know about him, including the power he can exercise over fallen man.


I hope Dr. Kaufman continues in his search for truth and comes to the realization that the hankering for globalization is not "natural" (even as a sin) to the order of men.   Considered from just a worldly perspective, it's bizarre for human beings to spend their time, resources and energy -- in other words, their lives -- doing what their globalist agenda requires them to do;  this is perhaps why the average person finds the malice of globalism hard to understand.  Too hard for them to believe that all these well-dressed, wealthy and important people running the world could be that evil.  And that's the problem;  people don't believe.   Most people applaud like trained seals when the magician carries someone through the air, but they do not really believe that Satan brought Jesus to the high mountain and offered Him all the kingdoms of the world.  Satan continues to offer people all the kingdoms of the world, with all their wealth and glory -- provided such individuals are willing to bow down and adore Satan.  And offending God while adoring Satan is something these wild-eyed and often visibly exuberant globalists prove daily that they are willing to do. 


Lee Ann    




The Bible Proves The Papacy


Wonderful and informative presentation…






Dr. Andrew Kaufman destroys the COVID-19 hoax - video


MHFM: This is another extremely informative interview with Dr. Kaufman.




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Thanks for this amazing video… The Lady of Guadalupe is a stunning miracle with the Image… more than 400 years for its durability.


Yoakim Asy


So many


There are [so many] Reformed, Protestant, Religions, Churches who use the same Bible and ALL disagree with each other. If it wasn't for the Catholic Church, they would NOT have a Bible to disagree with each other in spite of Martin Luther removing 7 Books and parts of Daniel and Esther....BTW, Where is THEIR, ONE AND ONLY REFORMED CHURCH?


Juan S.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


This video shows exactly why parents should burn all of the Harry Potter books, and prevent their children from watching the Harry Potter movies...All Harry Potter books and movies were inspired by Satan to try and lead our children into the occults of sorcery…


Benjamin Falzon




Thank you Most Holy Family Monastery. I've been following... Richie from Boston the Corbett report from Japan David Icke and AMTV to some extent. At first they made it seem like a bioweapon was released in China. I believe that for about one week until I saw your website. Thanks very much I don't know how you guys do it but you seem to be dead-on accurate all the time. The truth will set you free. I think the next thing that is coming is the racial Civil Wars and martial laws. The control of the government is getting beyond belief. I have to get my temperature taken wash my hands with dangerous gel and to wear a mask just to go into my job now. And guess what if my temperature is above 100 I will have to go get a test for Coronavirus and be put in some database you know the rest and what's coming. They're pushing towards Max vaccinations and population control sterilizations and death of the elderly. It's also due to the monetary system the government is flat broke. But in reality the too few one tenth of 1% have enough money to keep the rest of the world going until Jesus returns. I don't know what Trump is doing but I pretty much lost any respect that I had for him. That being said he was definitely the lesser of two evils. I'll keep you posted thank you again.






Why So Many Can't Believe


I needed this today.


Dana Karloz




I would like to start by saying God Bless you, and the work you do.  Truly, thank you.  I am new to your work…




Scott King


Scary time


I went to get a haircut today and was told by the ladies at the salon that I had to wear a mask while getting a haircut. Everybody there had a mask and goggles on. I said to them you know this whole thing is a hoax don't you? At that point the owner spoke out and said well we have to do this to keep our license and keep from shutting down. She also said that she was a Republican and that she did not watch CNN. Then one of the hairdressers said that I was harassing them by giving my opinion and that they would call the police on me. Then the owner called me an idiot as I was walking out the door, I was barely two steps inside the salon. It shows how people are so unreceptive to the truth and receptive to Satan. I felt like shouting out as I left okay keep resisting the truth and having your abortions and everything else and see where you end up. But I did not say anything because they would... most likely file a police report against me and I was just trying to get a haircut. Every day since day one I try and talk to all the cashiers and everybody I can with gentle persuasion but it seems like 90% are not open to the truth. Very scary is this time and age we live in.




"Ilhan Omar still backs Joe Biden even though she believes Tara Reade" - 37 second video


The stupid pagan religion of Mahomet makes it practically impossible to convict people of rape. It's no surprise this Mahometan accepts Biden's disgusting behavior. The Christian religion of the Catholic Church is the only organisation that has wise, sensible solutions to the issues of sin & crime in our world.


Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Blessed be Jesus Christ our Just Judge and Law-giver.




Coming together


"NC hiring COVID-19 contact tracers" - 1 minute video


It's all coming together. First they destroy jobs and businesses with a lockdown and then fill the contact tracing positions with the unemployed they deliberately caused to be unemployed. All planned out. Sick. People need to wake up and connect the dots.


Vincent VanWyk




DeBlasio on NYC "contact tracing": "... tracing is literally hunting down every case, every individual" - video


MHFM: One of the features of the trillion dollar 'Coronavirus relief bill' (i.e. heist), which probably almost no one read before it was passed, was the establishment of 'contact tracing'.  By passing that bill in response to the hoax and the propaganda, America funded its own enslavement; for the funds are being used to build the huge apparatus of a totalitarian tracking state.  What an outrage.  That's why they were pushing so hard to get funding for "Covid testing".


Work on


"Austrian Bishops Work On Official 'Blessing' Of Homosexuals"


MHFM: Yet, many will still say that these apostates represent the 'hierarchy'.  The truth is that they represent the end-times Counter Church, the Whore of Babylon. (See: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.)


St. Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: "This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction."


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, and that with the consenting judgment [i.e. consensus] of the holy fathers who certainly were accustomed to hold as having no part of Catholic communion and as banished from the Church whoever had departed in even the least way from the doctrine proposed by the authentic magisterium.”




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Devastating. Great Apostasy Timmie.


Joseph Alphonsus




"Priest Hospitalized - After Refusing To Wear Mask?"


Do people not see the parallels to totalitarianism?


Dominik Geis




"Apple has unveiled two new Pride Edition Apple Watch Bands" for sodomite abomination "month"


Apple has also partnered with Google for a contact tracing app that apparently all 50 states will begin using. The speed in which it is being implemented tells you that it was prepared long ago.






"Apple has unveiled two new Pride Edition Apple Watch Bands" for sodomite abomination "month"


It's God's rainbow...






The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"


Brilliant video.


Digital L




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Sirs: I have been fascinated by two different long versions of your video on “Magicians”: one was about 2 hours, the latest is 3-1/2.

Unfortunately, the earlier, shorter one has intensely interesting sections on Chinese "mask changers" – but no longer seems to be listed... While I miss the Chinese “mask magicians” in your newer, longer version, I found the parts about the Brazilian woman levitating with and without her cane most riveting: I know that God will not casually hand out proofs in order to coerce our faith, but simply realizing with full certainty that the Evil side… has these powers does prove to me that the Good side is even more genuine.

You are saving souls – Well done…!

REA / Chicago


To find


Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie


… why did it take me this long to find your channel? You make such good content. God bless you!!!


Adan Vega




"Billionaires have become roughly $300B [currently $434B] richer" during COVID-19 hoax so far - video


Just follow the money trail.  Meanwhile, the poor are being dismissed from their jobs. Small businesses are falling like dominoes.






Amazing Evidence For God


Awesome video.


Erick Araujo


Should be


"Covid-19" Stats In Republican Vs. Democratic States Expose The Hoax


Should be on front page of every newspaper in the land!






"Covid-19" Stats In Republican Vs. Democratic States Expose The Hoax


Fabricated numbers.  Open and shut case.


Kristian Keller




MHFM: This is revealing.


"Covid-19" Stats In Republican Vs. Democratic States Expose The Hoax




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Miraculous is the only appropriate word to describe "Our Lady of Guadalupe"… This video sure does encourage faith.


John Coleman




Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


I see that baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation FOR ALL MEN…


Nick Sully




Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism


Great video…


Pablo Guedes




"Pastor" Steven Anderson Exposed - Documentary


The truth shocks.


Jose I.




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Excellent Video…


Off The Beaten Path




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


I agree... scripture seems more than obvious that we can lose our salvation…


Mr. Jls




Fortitude To Resist Sin




"Gov. Tom Wolf: Pennsylvania Cannot Return To Normal Without 'Foolproof’ Vaccine"


This vaccine for me is a no-deal. What saddens me is the number of people who have swallowed this hoax hook, line and sinker. I even confronted a 'pastor' a week back and told him that he has preached separation of church and state his whole life and why should he take medical advice from a government that approves abortions and gives monetary handouts to street drinkers. Sheep eyes stared back at me.


Vincent VanWyk


The Trinity


Hello Brother. Love your website, I am new to Christ and trying to learn. Can you explain the trinity to me it does not make sense to me and I don’t where in the Bible to read about.  Thanks




MHFM: Hello.  No one can fully understand or explain the Trinity.  But this video covers important information about it.


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Dear Brothers,


Great work on the final version of the "Magicians" Prove a Spiritual World Exists video. The new information in it further proves that these "magicians" are sorcerers assisted by devils. The section showing certain individuals who have sold their soul to the Devil is extremely valuable. It shows that many people will give up their soul for trivial things.  


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Fortitude To Resist Sin


Dear Brothers:


Thanks for posting this.  The passage is an awesome reminder that the graces God sends are custom-made, tailored to each particular individual, at each particular moment in time, and according to one's particular circumstances of life.  Every conversion to the true Catholic faith proves this…


Having been gob-smacked with every manner of heresy during life in this great apostasy, I can remember as a child hearing people proclaim that one must be "open-minded".  What this demonic principle means, of course, is that people must accept heresies and other lies.  But the acceptance of heresy does not open the mind; it closes it.  By denying the truth of God, the heretic shoots out the lights of grace and truth which God gives to all individuals.  And such a one is then blinded and can no longer see the Enormity of God.  


Heretics who promote "invincible ignorance" or "baptism of desire" deny that God has given man freedom to choose Him or reject Him -- in other words, they deny the very Test of Life itself.  Heretics also deny that God is Almighty.   The heretic knows that he himself could not reach all the men of the world to "catechize" or baptize them, -- so he projects his own inability unto God.  Thus, with a pride that should make men tremble, the heretic attempts to put himself in the place of God by bringing God down to man's own puny level.   One sees this often in the attitude of Protestants toward Christ, Whom they deal with as a good ole backslapping friend.  There are a lot of lies and hoaxes in the world (and have always been), but heresy is surely the slickest and scariest lie of all.  Heresy is Satan's sin.


Lee Ann


Converted From


Hello dear Brothers, 


  2 years ago I wrote to you that I converted from Protestantism to the Catholic Faith because of your videos.  I received a conditional Baptism, confessed my sins to a real priest… I thank you for your good work and for all your videos, without that I would be damned for being a heretic.


God bless you






“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


Great video, very informative. I am praying for people sucked into magic and the occult and the lies shrouding all of it.




Acts 17


MHFM: Acts 17:26-27 is a powerful passage against the heresy that people who are ignorant of the Catholic faith can be saved.  God determines where everyone will live, and He will get all of His elect to baptism and the true faith.


Acts 17:26-27 "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. "




Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie


If you are Protestant, you should watch this. Great video with exhaustive evidence…  This is the best video to open your eyes.


Carole Ann




Parents say their baby suffering up to 14 violent fits a day, after receiving new meningitis jab - video




Lesbian Deep State activist from Chicago Lori Lightfoot barricades "church entrances" - video


It's clear to anyone with eyes to see that this mayor's response has nothing to do with health safety and everything to do with politics, control, and her personal hatred of what she perceives to represent the Christian faith. Chicago experiences rampant violence every weekend with dozens of people being shot and murdered, and it's been going on for years, maybe even decades, yet she ignores all of that and makes it a priority to close down what she thinks is a Christian church, because it reminds her of her own sin…






Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Brilliant Video. Knocked it out of the park! I said to myself, right before [he] was going to speak and falsely misrepresent MHFM’s position, he went with a straw man. Very predictable.


Augustinus Catholicus




Amazing Evidence For God


I became very emotional viewing this beautiful and factual video.


Ramina Naqvi




Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


Wow wow wow! Great video…


Viva Christo Rey




“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


… thank you Brothers for all that you do and leading me on the narrow, but true path of real Catholicism.


Jaime Cuevas




My son who died Dec 21, 2018 at the age of 46 was a great follower of all your teachings.  Now I am!


God Bless,


Joseph Gelfuso


YT censorship


“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


I'm subscribed with the bell notification, they never gave me any notification about new videos in your channel.




Same thing


“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


Yes same thing, I have the notif button turned on for all your videos and yet I only discovered this one by searching for you specifically.


Matt Batt


YT censorship


“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


I never get notifications from your channel even though I’m subscribed.


Dan Velardo




CNN reporter caught immediately removing mask when she thought cameras were off - 25 second video


St. Cyril (350): “If anyone harbors hypocrisy even in secret, God rejects that man as unfit for true service.  But whoever is found worthy, to him He readily gives His grace.  Holy things He does not give to dogs; but where He perceives a good conscience, there He gives the wondrous and salvific sea, at which demons tremble and which angels recognize.”


Video Posted


“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls




“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


And yet people will still not believe.


Lola Pritchard




Dear Brothers, 


For a while now I’ve been using Facebook to try to spread the truth of the Catholic faith and on secular matters like the current covid-19 hoax... etc. A few days ago I posted a picture of Jesus with a caption that says, “I will be with you until the end of time.” Today I received a notification from Facebook about that post. They said that the post violates their community standards.






“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


These people have no idea of what they have done to their souls. They must think eternal punishment isn't so bad. How wrong they are. And yet, it isn't lost on me that the average person on the street who doesn't take the disposition of his soul and the souls of everyone on his path seriously will suffer the same dreadful fate. Oh, how right Jacinta was when she cried for all of the people who would go to Hell. We must pray, do penance, and acts of charity.






LA has already brought charges against 60 "non-essential businesses" for working - video


It's mind-boggling to me that so many people are going along with this nonsense. Los Angeles has thousands of people living in tents and boxes on the sidewalks and alleys, and the idiot mayor wants to shut down businesses. I noticed he wasn't wearing a face mask when he stood at the podium and made the announcement.




Administrative Leave


Cop Speaks Out Against Police Violating The Civil Rights Of Americans - video


Port of Seattle police officer Greg Anderson was put on "administrative leave" by his superiors for refusing to remove his video from his Instagram: "Anderson also made clear...that he expects to be fired from the Port of Seattle Police Department." (The News Tribune, "Seattle cop tells fellow officers not to enforce stay-home orders. Now he’s on leave," May 13, 2020)


Christiana et Fidelis




“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


Great video thank you.






Alan Dershowitz Says If You Refuse To Be Vaccinated, The State Can "Plunge A Needle Into Your Arm"


MHFM: Alan Dershowitz is a wicked disgrace, and he doesn't know what he's talking about.




“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls


I recently saw a woman in a restaurant with two children.  She was wearing a shirt, which on the back said "Activities for children. Let's summon Satan" (or something along those lines). We live in truly wicked times.  Thanks for exposing the kingdom of the occult.


Albert Valdez


Italian Politician


Dear Brothers:


You really need to see this.  


God Bless you for all of your hard work!




Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity…




MHFM: Now that certain areas of the country are returning to some public activities, don’t be surprised if the fake shooting hoaxes start up again.




Mary, Destroyer Of All Heresies


Facemasks, wife


Dear Brothers in Christ,


How am I to conduct myself with my wife and mother during this hoax? I’m very annoyed with them. We do not agree on what is happening. They blindly believe what CNN and the entire fake news media is putting out. When we go out together they try to make me wear a mask and I don’t want to because I know it’s not necessary. They have become extremely germophobic. Like I said I get very annoyed and moody with them. Then they would ask me what is wrong? Hello? I pray to God everyday and mention as an intention for my Rosary that He may enlighten them to what is going on in the world. They cannot see the elephant in the room. Things have gotten to the point where I don’t even want to go anywhere anymore if I’m forced to wear a mask as a new normal. What do you recommend is the best thing for Catholics to do in this situation of massive deception?




MHFM: You shouldn't let your wife be making you do that if you don't intend to.  If you want to wear a mask because you fear being arrested or something, that's up to you.  But you are the head of the house, and you should be directing her on what to do in that regard.




The Miraculous Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne


Incredibly moving story…


Christopher S.




Dear Brothers:


I think that if one were to make a timeline of events since 1850 or 1900 to the present, it would be most enlightening since we now know how the story ends.  Looking back, we would see that hospitals, nursing homes, health insurance companies, medical schools etc. have been the enemies' object for a very long time.  Now we certainly can understand why Mother Cabrini -- although a Catholic Missionary and Evangelist -- was moved by God to open Catholic hospitals in NYC and Chicago.  God was merciful to the US, but people in the US (like the rest of the world) did not remain faithful to God.


Today, people like Bill Gates laugh (often almost uncontrollably) at the stupidity of persons and the ease with which he and his ilk can deceive the masses.  But Gates and the rest of the Godless New World Order do not realize that they themselves are also deceived.  While they congratulate themselves on their excellent strategies, they do not guess that they, in fact, have been receiving help -- and that their help is from Satan.     


Lee Ann



... Your audio-visual material is deeply impressive and has been instrumental in steering me from the almost certain loss of my soul. I am very grateful for your work and will continue to study it - much to my benefit, I’m sure.








I've listened to 2 of your youtube videos. What's the difference between being a Catholic and a Traditional Catholic? Thanks


Brian Gondo


MHFM: A traditional Catholic is simply a Catholic.  Thus, there is no difference between the two in reality.  But the term ‘traditional Catholic’ emphasizes the distinction between authentic Catholics (who actually adhere to the Church’s traditional teaching) and people who purport to be Catholic but are not because they obstinately adhere to the false Vatican II religion (of which there are multitudes).  We recommend that you read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  (We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)




Hello and blessings,


I am Angel Rodriguez, an 18 year old from Puerto Rico who has read your material profoundly, and quite convinced of its evidence and truth… St Augustine high school, the school I was a part of had multiple heresies, such as promoting secular influence, religious indifferentism, magic shows and such.  The teenagers have no respect for the eucharist nor the sacraments… This is the cause of lukewarmness…


Did state




I am a subscriber to your YouTube channel and like as well as learnt a lot from your site.


I was a bit upset to discover that 'Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre' did state that those outside the Catholic Church could be saved…






"Catholic Churches" offered sodomite "Stations Of The Cross" during this year's "Lenten season"


These people are so selfish. They keep offending Our Lord in the most spiteful way.




Counter Church


"Diocese" features Hindu and Buddhist idols in marking Antipope Francis' pan-religious day of "prayer"




"Catholic Churches" offered sodomite "Stations Of The Cross" during this year's "Lenten season"


"Gay stations of the cross"? This is a mockery of the crucifixion.




St. Peter


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Thank you… outstanding… research.


Lina Koh


Video Posted


“Magician” Calls Himself “Demon” - Doug Thompson


Christ’s Body


I find your narrow, Pharisaical determination as to who is a member of Christ's Mystical body and who is not, to be presumptuous and hateful.




MHFM: Our position on who is a member of Christ's body is based on Catholic teaching.  Thus, by your words you have denounced the Church's teaching.  That makes you a heretic and puts you out of Christ's body.


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), 1896: “St. Augustine notes that other heresies may spring up, to a single one of which, should any one give his assent, he is by the very fact cut off from Catholic unity. “No one who merely disbelieves in all (these heresies) can for that reason regard himself as a Catholic or call himself one. For there may be or may arise some other heresies, which are not set out in this work of ours, and, if any one holds to one single one of these he is not a Catholic” (S. Augustinus, De Haeresibus, n. 88).


Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 22), June 29, 1943: “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith…”


Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 23), June 29, 1943: “For not every offense, although it may be a grave evil, is such as by its very own nature [suapte natura] to sever a man from the Body of the Church [ab Ecclesiae Corpore], as does schism or heresy or apostasy.”




“Magician” Calls Himself “Demon” - Doug Thompson


… These " people" "demon" and "wife"/ witch seem to enjoy very much setting themselves and each other on fire. It's as if they literally cannot wait for God to cast them into eternal flames of fire in hell so they are doing their best to create hell on earth "early". Interestingly anti pope bergoglio recently told the autistic Italian boy/ family "maybe I will see you in hell" in the newsclip MHFM recently posted. Bergoglio too also seems to look forward/be anxious to get into hell asap. This is interesting in that it reveals in all 3 cases these most wicked persons attraction to the devil, to demons and all the aspects of the eternal fire and needless to say their extreme hatred of God.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


… Amazing video.




To see


Dear MHFM,

It's truly sad to see how the "social conditioning" of a "forever war" is leading to a "forever vaccination program".  The common cold/influenza that has been around for centuries, with no known cure, other than rest and fluids, due to the ever changing strands, has killed millions of people, and now, after all the years, being sold as a lethal virus.  9/11 impacted parts of NY, killed thousands of soldiers and held the country hostage.  This "virus hoax" is a global shakedown and a sure sign that time is running out for the devil and his followers.

The ability to condition people to wear a useless, "harmful" mask in only a couple months, will eventually lead to possible mandatory vaccines, unless people wake up.  Having been forced into solitude and the thought of ever having to do so again, the unfaithful will race and jump in line to have themselves poisoned, all for the sake of keeping the world turned back on.  Their sports, concerts, false religions and ravenous lust at the local eateries, have blinded them to the real cost, their freedom, the freedom of their children and most importantly, their souls.

God bless,




Why So Many Can't Believe


Great true stuff, really important and sound…

Adriano Cardozo dos Veras 






I heard that people across the US are not returning to work because their making a lot more money being on unemployment making on average $700-$900 per week.   Many businesses and small businesses are getting $20,000 a month to keep their businesses afloat.   People not returning to work is slowing down the economy.  Someone told me they know of a person that was only working 20 hours per week and now being on unemployment is making about $700.00 per week!






Hello, my name is Kiernan. First of all, thank you for your incredible work on YouTube. Before watching your videos I was a Fundamental Baptist, and through reading the Gospels as well as watching your Documentaries, I converted to the Traditional Catholic faith (profession for new converts from Council of Trent)…


Thank you.


St. Thomas on what is not detraction


St. Thomas Aquinas: “Therefore it should be said that to reveal the hidden sin of someone by denunciation so that he might amend, or by accusation for the good of public justice, is not detraction, as stated above.” (Summa Theologiae, Pt. II- II, Q. 73, A. 2, Reply to Obj. 1)


Our Lady


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Praise God. Amazing.


Nobin Jose


Baptism, Australia


MHFM: If there is a Catholic in the area of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for posting this.  I was so sorry to hear this "priest"  say those… things… REVEALING his extremely shallow and evil mindset…



Carol D.




"Pastor" Steven Anderson Exposed - Documentary


Wow! Thank God. I have been suspicious of him for a while… I was raised Episcopalian and have been seeking a new congregation since I became an adult. I have seen enough of what is out there as far as other churches and I want to be baptized Catholic now. Amen.


Conquista King


How to become Catholic


If I could ask you which by the way I love you material that has really helped me but how do I become a traditional catholic… I could I grew up a Protestant and I feel like I got saved when I was a kid and I felt like I've had a relationship with God this whole time but how could that be when there's no salvation outside of the church if you could please help me I would greatly appreciate it and I don't have a rosary can I still pray without it or do I need to have it physically in my hand…


One Faith


MHFM: We're glad to hear about the interest.  These are the steps to convert.  It's important for you to recognize that you were not saved as a Protestant.  God wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  We also have a file that refutes Protestantism and covers the biblical proof for Catholicism: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/.


We also recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you important graces to move toward conversion. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)


Video Posted


Shin Lim and Colin Cloud reveal their “tricks” are not done by CGI


False Ecumenism


Benedict XVI Says That False Religions Are Present in Baptism and Much More


This whole false ecumenism is about producing peace on this earth through blurring important and crucial theological and doctrinal differences between religions and emphasizing "human values" human "rights" and accomplishments. But of course Christ never promised that there would be peace on earth but only "peace to men of good will" and he promised a spiritual peace to those who believe in him and are within the protective doctrinal and sacramental "walls" of His one true Church. "Not as the world gives give I unto you." They emphasize a faith in man which practically extinguishes faith in God. This is at least part of the reason that they cannot accept the full salvation doctrine of the Church…  






“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies


The church of Vatican II is like a tractor demolishing real faith. I recently watched some scenes of Lutheran cults online and saw almost no difference with the Second Vatican Council sect mass.






The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


I am happy to have watched this documentary. For a long time I have wanted to know about the Marian apparition in Guadalupe… Thank you so much...


Bernardus Kharsyntiew


Union of Body and Soul


MHFM: St. Thomas points out that in a man the soul communicates its existence to corporeal matter, which results in a unity of existence of body and soul.  Since the existence of the whole composite is the existence of the soul (which has been communicated to corporeal matter), the soul retains its own existence after the dissolution of the body.  (Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars, Q. 76, A. 1, Reply to Obj. 5)




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Outstanding video. We are in difficult times…






The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"


Cyril of Alexandria is a proof that annuls the eastern claims.

Blaize Akpakwu 


To prove


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Ironically, Vatican II actually serves to prove Catholicism as the one true faith, through the fulfilment of Revelation...




Real Presence


Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Also, John 6:55 explicitly teaches the REAL Presence because Jesus says His flesh is "REAL food," not just symbolic food.




Body Slammed


Cop body slams woman in Walmart for not wearing a mask - 2 minute video


This reminds me of when an 8th grader was body slammed by a cop for wearing the Rosary to a football game and refusing to remove it. Even after the 14 year old was arrested, already in handcuffs, not resisting, and had crossed the street, the cop again: "repeatedly slammed the child on the floor". (San Antonio Express News, "Texas teen arrested, pinned down by cop for refusing to remove 'gang-related' rosary," Nov. 5, 2014) The child kept yelling "I can't breathe". (Ibid)


The child: "had to be taken to a hospital as a result of the injuries inflicted". (The Rutherford Institute, "Rutherford Institute Defends 8th Grader Body Slammed & Arrested by Police for Wearing Rosary Beads to School Football Game in Memory of Dead Brother," Dec. 4th, 2014)


The video of the incident was troubling.  The heathens absolutize what is not absolute, relativize what is absolute, and sacralize what is perverted or profane/not sacred/commonplace: "they are carried headlong to extremes, either by reason of the weakness of human nature, or because God inflicts upon them the just punishment of their pride." (Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus, April 20th, 1884)


Christiana et Fidelis




Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


… To him and others like him, there is no real concern for dogmas or infallibility.  These people talk only (and endlessly) about "modernism" -- and that imaginary war against it which they still ridiculously think they are waging -- while they promote heresy…


Thank you for posting this video.  It's a great illustration on How the False Shepherd Deceives his Flock.


Lee Ann


Wants to convert


Dear MHFM,


I have come across your material fairly recently, and I must thank you for your very crucial presentations; I wish to convert to the true Catholic Faith and have started to repent and pray the full Rosary daily and so forth… Thank you.


Ryan Pittock




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity

(new video)




… excellent videos to guide and to inform people about what is happening at the Vatican!... Thank you very much!


Yours sincerely,

Jerome Bigornia




Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Thank you MHFM for yet again exposing this heretic false trad priest


Mr. and Mrs. Kraft




Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Thank you… for another wonderful video!...


Sincerely, Mary Wrenne.




Amazing Evidence For God


This is probably the best video I ever watched.






The COVID-19 "Virus" is creating a Hell on earth for millions of unfaithful people. This news article [People aren't allowed to get off Cruise ships because of CDC "requirements and regulations"] about cruise ship passengers being stranded and other related stories, are as described in the quote MHFM published about… time in Hell:


“If a man were forced to sit all day long at table, he would get a disgust of the viands (meals) before him. If one were made to sleep day and night for a whole week in the softest and most comfortable bed, how long the time would seem to him. If the most ardent lover of the dance were compelled to continue this favorite amusement day and night without rest, he would acquire a strong distaste for it."  (Fr. Martin Von Cochem, The Four Last Things, pp. 168-169)


God Bless,





Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Thank you for this video, very clear.


Thomas Boisson




Man presents devastating facts about "vaccine safety" to the "Toronto Board of Health" - video


A straightforward and powerful rebuttal to the common vaccine-necessary frenzy. Thank you for posting this.






Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Another outstanding refutation of a heretic false traditionalist "priest." Thank you MHFM!






Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Outstanding response.






Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


… nailed it…






Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity


Thanks for another great video…


Vincent VanWyk




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Great video…


Juan P.




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


"For they love the praise of man rather than the praise of God." Dolan is a coward who speaks heresy in order to curry favor with the bigwigs and popular media…


Hans Hoerdermann




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


What an evil man is that Schönborn. Disgusting, filthy, warping what Christ created. What a time without end awaits him in the Eternal fire.


Mairan T




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


He is a slave of the devil. An agent of satan.


John J.


False Trads


Dear Brothers:


3 Kings:22 presents a good Biblical type of the snarling lip-curlers who despise God's truth and refuse to be corrected.  Some may think that God does not notice the malice of such people, but He certainly does. 


Achab, a king of Israel, had available to him a true and Godly prophet by the name of Micheas who spoke the truth.  Achab and Josaphat, king of Juda, were contemplating a joint military adventure into Syria to re-possess land that belonged to them.  Josaphat was willing but wanted to first see if it was God's will for them to go; he insisted that they consult the prophet Micheas, whom Achab said he hated.  Achab's attitude and remark about the prophet was unsettling to Josaphat, but it was even less well-received by God.  God sought one to deceive Achab, and a spirit stepped forth offering to put a lie in the mouth of the 20 false prophets who were called in by Achab; these encouraged the kings to go to battle and assured them of success.  Micheas alone warned that, if they went to battle, the men would be scattered and Achab would be killed.   They went to battle on the word of the false prophets, and events unfolded exactly as Micheas had warned.


In this account, we see that God not only despises those who hate His truth: God also despises individuals who hate those who speak the truth.     


Lee Ann




"Murder hornets that decimate bee populations arrive in U.S."


The biggest hornets you will find in the U.S are not even half the size of these things. I think all of the bad things that are happening during our times are punishments from God that are slowly getting worse and worse. Fires, storms, an economic crisis looming thanks to the hoax, massive cancer from radiation from phones and other things the government gives off as "healthy." Now, this. Things just keep getting worse and worse. God is merciful, though. The fact that this process of punishment has been so slow has given many time to convert. I just hope people take advantage of this.


Nick C




"How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health" - video


Bill Gates even called the Italian PM pushing for the vaccine. This whole so-called "COVID19-epidemy" is one of the most outrageous machinations we have ever seen.


Andrea Catalano


Social Distancing Nonsense


Dear Brothers in Christ, 


I wonder how far this social distancing nonsense is going to get? It’s as if the Deep State is programming us like robots. Today I was in Walmart and in addition to the floor markings that indicate six feet they now have created one-way aisles! Half-way thru the aisles the floor is marked, “Shop this way” with an arrow pointing in one direction. On one end of each aisle it says, “Do not enter.” I’ve noticed on a few occasions that some people are afraid to come within six feet of me. I was reading a label on a product before deciding to buy it and a woman was standing a bit away from me. I realized she was afraid to get near me because she waited for a while looking at me before deciding to turn around and go into the adjacent aisle and re-enter the same aisle from the other end so she could get to where she wanted without coming close to me. Smh. Also my mother likes to go on morning walks and she has experienced people walking in her direction and as they get closer to her they step onto the grass adjacent to the sidewalk in order not to come within six feet of her.






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


An absolutely outstanding, first-class, thoroughly researched and solidly referenced presentation… Many thanks for the painstaking work and effort you've put into this, and may Almighty God continue to bless you and your work mightily, amen.


Deus Vult


New Video Posted


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


MHFM: There are many interesting new things in the final edition.  The video is now available in countries outside the USA (as well as in the USA).  We had to upload a new version of the video.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


I really appreciate the work you did in getting all the media clips, being able to obtain old footage and give clear explanations of what's happening. Great work. Thank you so much. Praise be to GOD.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican




A few days ago I have found your videos on YouTube and explored your website a bit. I am disturbed by what has happened in the Vatican since the second Vatican Council. I was moved greatly by a recent video of yours about the antipopes and revelation. I am not sure what to do!


I was born and raised in the Vatican 2 church…




Lauren Wolf




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Excellent presentation. God bless MHFM!


Henry Anderson




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


Great video.






Abomination Antipope Francis is paying the bills for "transsexual" prostitutes - 18 second video


Sadly the V2 sect members are left blind as a punishment for rejecting the Magisterial teachings of the one true Catholic church.


Peter Matthews




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


This is a Magnum Opus of enormous import, Bro. Dimond. Very fine work, praise God, and may He bless and protect you until Kingdom Come. I was born in 1949, and have seen many magicians in my time, but the sorcerers you show here are in another league entirely. In the last few decades, we've seen many things that prove we're in the Last Days, and your production here is a profound sign. Satan's obvious successes with the subversion of all civilization continues apace, and for that we should show gratitude to our Lord. Paul writes in Timothy 1 and 2 that, "... in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons... reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." These sorcerers are working to deceive and steal souls who will be led to think that our God is not Sovereign. Fear not, though. Christ is near to us now, as He promised.


Gregory Cox




On "Fr." Gruner, The Last Days & Lies


Thanks for the information, especially on Gruner because he had fooled me and I imagine a lot… I just turned 80 and this world since the 60s has really become evil… I see it as you showed me the truth, and what to do, to save me from the evil and also the difference in the new church…


True Grit


To become


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition


I desire to become a traditional Catholic can anyone help me achieve this. I was baptized Catholic as a child but this was into the Vatican 2 Catholic church and not the original Catholic church. Also I want to say God bless and thank you for spreading the truth






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Really enjoyed this video… from what you’re saying it all adds up… thank you for showing me the right way to believe.






Abomination Antipope Francis is paying the bills for "transsexual" prostitutes - 18 second video


That is absolutely disgusting. Vatican 2 sect members are shamefully blind.


Vincent VanWyk


St. Basil


MHFM: Eastern “Orthodox” like to say that St. Basil taught Palamism.  Their claim is totally untrue.  No father taught the Palamite heresy.  Their false assertion is akin to the Protestant claim that St. Paul taught sola fide or that fathers taught sola scriptura.  That is, it's nonsense.


“Catholic faith”


MHFM: Many false traditionalist priests, including sedevacantist ones, have adopted the heresy that the faith necessary for salvation is a "supernatural faith" which merely requires one to believe that God is a rewarder.  They deny the Church's teaching that what is required is "Catholic faith".


How bad


“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies


This is a wholesale indictment of just how bad vatll architect Paul Vl really was!


William Schultz


Unclean Spirit


MHFM: The vitriol that many false traditionalists have toward those who hold the position that one must be born again of water and the Spirit to be saved (which is the teaching of Jesus and Catholic dogma) is remarkable.  Their fierce opposition to this truth, while they accept blatant heresies (such as that Jews, Buddhists, etc. can be saved), reveals that they are antichrists who are possessed or guided by an unclean spirit.


Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 15, July 21, 447: “And because through the transgression of the first man the whole stock of the human race was tainted, no one can be set free from the state of the old Adam save through Christ’s sacrament of baptism, in which there are no distinctions between the reborn…”


Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”


Pope Leo The Great On The Necessity Of Baptism For Salvation

The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” 

The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” 

Outside the Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation (book)

Pope Benedict XII's Dogmatic Definition On Heaven And Baptism




Is The King James Bible Infallible?


This is a wonderful and inspiring work. Thank God for the Traditional Church, and MHFM.






Revelation 18:2 Happened


Hi and thank you so much for your videos…






Blessings in Jesus, my name is Angel I'm 32 I've been a Protestant for eight years and I've been reading the early church fathers about the Eucharist… I saw your videos (which I love by the way) about Vatican council and these so called Catholics who support them. I truly love the Lord and i desire the truth and if that's in the Catholic church then I want in. I still have a lot questions about Mary… I would truly appreciate your help and guidance what steps should u take next and what church should I join in this age of apostasy. If you know of any good churches in NYC let me know. Thank you so much for your videos. Hope to hear from you…




What the lying mainstream media won't tell you about vaccines - video




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


A true masterpiece this video is comprehensive and irrefutable.






MHFM: In his 1588 bull “Effraenatam”, Pope Sixtus V assigned the penalty of excommunication not only to abortion but to the use, design or recommendation of things that prevent conception.  The excommunication attached to using contraception was later dropped, but it shows how serious a mortal sin contraception was considered to be then and still is today.


Evil man


NY Deep State Rep Cuomo: "The number is down because we brought [it] down... God did not do that"


Cuomo is a modern day Herod. Cuomo is probably one of the most arrogant politicians in America he has more innocent blood on his hand than Herod himself. He has no compassion for the millions of innocent children murdered by abortion but he weeps false tears over those who have fallen victim to this virus. This evil man mocks God with his pride and blasphemy it will be interesting to see how God will respond to this demon filled individual. For all the problems NYC has you can still get an abortion, that is very telling.


Jay Lowell




Why So Many Can't Believe


This is an amazing video…


Manuel Beas




"Conservative" V2 Sect members examine the many claims of sex abuse against the heretical SSPX


Yikes… I remember many of these people when I went to St. Mary’s in 8th and 9th grade. Fr. Angles was there at the time. Seemed possessed and very demonic to me at the time so no surprise if it is all true. 



Rob Hansen




The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups


I’m with you…! When the priest said they were with Francis, but not with his papacy... I had to stop the video and sit here with my mouth hanging open! HUH??? What on EARTH? I can’t imagine being in that room, sitting and listening to that guy...! You have confirmed for me the reason why I am a proud sedevacantist. Thank you!


Marilyn Rose




Viganò says Vatican never revealed the full Third Secret of Fatima - 30 second video


It’s amazing how Viganò is admitting that the real Third Secret was never revealed yet many of his supporters believe Benedict XVI is the true pope. Ratzinger was the man responsible for writing the phony secret releases under the apostate antipope John Paul II. My question is how long did Viganò know about the fake secret and who else knows? Why did they go along with the lie for so many years? He is not trustworthy now since he is just leading people back to a non-Catholic sect. Sad but he doesn’t have the faith.






"Vimeo shuts down Christian group accused of ‘hate’ by far-left radical org"


Wow. Did you see that last sentence ...the social media giant declared earlier last year that ‘misgendering’ someone, which means referring to individuals by their actual sex instead of what they call their ‘gender identity,’ automatically constitutes ‘hateful conduct.’”...






Thank you so much for this information. I have just watched your video on Hell. It was utterly terrifying and it helped me very much. We live in a place of overabundant mercy and opportunity - but not for very long.


Please pray for us on the outside, that we find our way back.






The Trinity


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"


Wow a great video from a Lebanese…


Antony Saad


Hospital in NH


I have watched almost all of the videos on your website.  I try to check daily.  I work at a hospital in NH.  No cases at all.  The hospital is hurting financially and hope I don't lose my job.  Then I turn on the cable news and see the victim count…


MHFM: It’s a hoax.  The controlled news networks provide an ‘alternative reality’ of lies that’s not rooted in actual reality. 


Taught them


"Conservative" V2 Sect members examine the many claims of sex abuse against the heretical SSPX


The bottom line in all this is that they have been denying the true salvation doctrine of the Church since their inception. Thus their order was not built on the Rock of Christ, but on the sand of Lefebvre, who taught them the heresy of salvation outside the Church…






"Conservative" V2 Sect members examine the many claims of sex abuse against the heretical SSPX


Thank you very much Brothers ... Amazing and humbling to contemplate the kindness and forbearance of God and Our Blessed Lady in making things so very obvious for anybody with even a shred of good will to see and come to the knowledge of the truth in these very last days of the world ... Sadly, multitudes of SSPX members and their blind followers have been dismissing the dogmatic truths so charitably presented to them by MHFM for many years ... Now God is, perhaps, giving them and other false traditionalists a very last chance, before it's too late, to finally arrive at the true Catholic positions via the "detour" of finding out about the horrific sexual perversities which may have been going on and covered up by the SSPX leadership and their allies for many years … People need to wake up and realize that they have been FOOLED by the SSPX – on every level – and that one will follow them into hell unless one converts very soon.


Martin Donovan




John Roberts of FOX News on COVID-19: "You can take off the mask" - video


WOW, I saw this yesterday (Sweden) and it is horrible how we have been fooled!! In my fight for the truth, I shall keep sharing all of these videos, and facts, information etc....what we are being told here in Sweden is at times just out of science and order. They come up with new (??) symptoms every other week. The latest I read was this 'tingling' Buzz in your body and on your skin, will in fact be a symptom and a symptom of healing from this influenza virus. Sweden is a small country. Back in 2018, according to our version of CDC, over 10 000 died of the seasonal flu! BUT NOT ONE said ANYTHING about a pandemic at that time...nada. Zilch. No pas de existance. And now this...


Lena Buhr




"Conservative" V2 Sect members examine the many claims of sex abuse against the heretical SSPX - video




Is There A "Gold Mine" Of Sexual Abuse Inside The SSPX? - video


The SSPX... externals but no true Catholic faith.




Mother Angelica, Heresies


The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN


It is sad that Mother Angelica embraced the errors of ecumenism (indifferentism) but she was Orthodox on all other subjects...


George Penton


MHFM: Sadly, in addition to her heretical religious indifferentism and her heretical belief that people can be saved outside the Church, she accepted other heresies.  For example, she accepted Vatican II, which teaches heresy on religious liberty and more.  Thus, she was not orthodox on all other subjects.




Hospital Worker Questions The "Reality" Of "COVID-19" - 8 minute video


This is damning evidence. I really hope people wake up soon!


Vincent VanWyk




“French economy shrinks at record pace in April after a widespread shutdown of businesses…”


Same collapse / loss of freedoms in Europe. France has ceased to be maneuverable, manageable, it is a mad liner, disoriented with a foreman who takes himself for a great helmsman.


Benoit Gallez



Dear Brothers,


It is astounding, how fast the world as a whole changed overnight and how quick the "traditionalists" got on board with the virus deception; to include Trump and Fox News.  Reading on the history of the saints, reveals their desire to suffer unto death, for the needs of the Church.  The "Corona virus" has non-believers trying to shield themselves by hiding behind porous masks to prevent their fixed misfortune, when God should will it.  The time will come when they will continue to put their trust in man, while calling upon the mountains to fall upon them in their last darkest moment to shield themselves from destruction, as written in Revelation 6:16.


The just man will rest in his bed, while there is no rest or peace for the wicked (adulterers, abortionists that sacrifice their children, sodomites, etc.) according to Isaias (Isaiah) Chapter 57, 1-21.


Revelation 6:16 "And they say to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb:"


God Bless,





Hello, my name is Martin I live in Zagreb, Croatia. Thank you and of course thank GOD for your videos... I just watched 'Death and journey to hell (3rd edition), I have no words…




Hi! I recently found your website and agree with all of it…


Thank you,

Annie Hammons


Francis the Pagan




Francis the Apostate says “natural tragedies” are the Earth’s response to our “sins against the earth.” What a godless pagan promoting earth worship. 





Rob Hansen


Plato & Aristotle


MHFM: Both Plato and Aristotle advocated the infanticide of “defective” infants.  That is, of course, evil.




Apostate "Cardinal" Cupich performs Chinese "lion-awakening ritual" prior to "Mass" - 1 minute video


… it shows the false traditionalists that the Vatican II Counterchurch is the pagan Whore of Babylon; it's a fulfillment of the Apocalypse's prophecies. Anyone who sees Cupich leading pagan rituals, could tell he's a non-Catholic. Catholics... don't facilitate [paganism]. Heretics who see this & continue thinking Cupich is a Catholic, deceive themselves because they don't appreciate & care about Christ or His Holy Catholic faith, just as Cupich obviously doesn't. Petition the Most Blessed Virgin. Pray that Mary guides people who see this paganism, to the truth that the Vatican II Counterchurch is a pagan religion leading people to demonic possession & hell-fire.






Dear Brothers:


It seems to me that one of the most terrible ironies in what is happening today is that America itself, to a large extent, has built-up and financed the very groups, institutions and nations that are now taking her down…


The teachings of the true popes are a gold mine of wisdom -- Christ's Wisdom -- not just for the eternal salvation of individuals, but also for their temporal well-being and the temporal well-being of nations and all societies.  When people reject it, they do so to their own detriment.  Heretics and schismatics despise papal teaching; they prefer man-made heresies… which now, in these last days, they (and all the world) will get to experience to the max.  As you said, it's very sad but very just.


Lee Ann     


Tragic But Just


Bill de Blasio tells New Yorkers to take photos of anyone not social distancing and report them to police


MHFM: In one sense, what has happened with the economic collapse and loss of freedoms, as a result of the “Covid-19” hoax and conspiracy, is absolutely tragic.  However, God allowed it to happen because the people are so sinful, so pagan (e.g. consider the almost universal acceptance of ‘LGBT’, etc.), and so lacking in interest in, and time for, Him.  People thought they could have a good economy and a free and stable country without any moral foundation.  God essentially said: "No, you can't," and within a few weeks the country radically changed.


Psalm 127:1- "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain."




Apostate "Cardinal" Cupich performs Chinese "lion-awakening ritual" prior to "Mass" - 1 minute video


1 Peter 5:8-9 “Brothers: Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith…”


Cupich’s involvement in this pagan ritual is just another example of how he is deceiving so many into serving the devil.




Above the ‘Law’


Man says he had a nasty encounter with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo over the "COVID-19 quarantine" - video


CNN is fake news galore. Seems like Cuomo never had a serious illness, he had to be quarantined for. All to just push a narrative.


Dominik Geis


MHFM: Cuomo acts like he's part of a royal family and that he's above the "law", with the "social distancing" hoax requirements only for the peasants.




"Shoot them dead": Philippine dictator Duterte warns "COVID-19" lockdown violators - 2 minute video


Duterte, recently, had a short telephone conversation with Trump discussing about their respective governments fight against "Covid-19." I have a bad feeling Duterte will extend the lockdown to May, mimicking the US.


It's really sad that most of my countrymen commend such a tyrannical man. They would rather live in a gilded cage than live freely without the government imposing interventions. They think violence is the only solution for society to be ordered. They can't see their upcoming oppression.




St. Benedict


Brothers, I felt different when I began wearing the Benedict Medal On Good Friday.  I don’t know how to describe it.




St. Paul


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Thank you… amazing… teaching.


Brian Keates




Americans continue to struggle financially as historic COVID-19 hoax continues - 2 minute video


… This destruction of the economy stinks of preplanning.


Vincent VanWyk




Man says he had a nasty encounter with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo over the "COVID-19 quarantine" - video


The Devil hates being exposed. His subjects lash out like the very demons that possess them.




Chrysostom on Baptism


MHFM: This is a good quote from St. John Chrysostom (father and doctor of the Church) expressing the true position: that no one is saved without water baptism.


St. John Chrysostom, Homily 25 on the Gospel of John (John 3:5): “What says He? Verily I say unto you, Unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.  What He declares is this: You say that it is impossible, I say that it is so absolutely possible as to be necessary, and that it is not even possible otherwise to be saved… Hear, you as many as are unilluminated, shudder, groan, fearful is the threat, fearful the sentence.  It is not (possible), He says, for one not born of water and the Spirit, to enter into the Kingdom of heaven; because he wears the raiment of death, of cursing, of perdition, he has not yet received his Lord's token, he is a stranger and an alien, he has not the royal watchword.  Except, He says, a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven.”




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Hmmm I am Eastern Orthodox who is starting to be convinced by your arguments. Obviously Palamism is my conception, but it seems to not be sound…




MHFM: Palamism is definitely false, as our material shows.  Agatho's letters, among other things, disprove it.




Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


After watching this video again, it's just amazing that Dyer has anyone that takes him seriously. What a charlatan.




Used to


Jimmy Akin Exposed


I used to listen to this guy… a heretic


Rejith Regi


Told me


Yesterday I went to Costco.  I was greeted by two men who told me I needed to have some sort of mask to enter. Most of the people inside had masks on.  After speaking with a customer inside she told me it wasn’t going to be mandatory until today, and another lady told me it would be a $2,000 fine if you didn’t wear a mask.  The real kicker was having all these people going along with it, and then who comes walking by, but a medical personal in her scrubs, and no mask!!!






Thank you for your diligence and fortitude in providing these Holy truths. I am extremely grateful.  The videos are beautifully done with professional precision. The videos are directly the point and easy for anyone to follow. Finding your page, has been a true blessing for me and has given me understanding that is immeasurable.


I have been sharing your documentation with others.  One person started looking for online to confirm that John Paul II said he was Christ and/or that everyone is Christ. 


Could you please assist me? I cannot find any information online to show this individual that supports or confirms your statement. This conversation happened today.


God's continued blessings upon you and your service for the Glory of God. Thank you for your help, 




MHFM: We’re glad to hear about the interest.  This file is relevant to your question.


John Paul II preached the Gospel of the Antichrist




I have watched several youtube videos of yours and I have recognized I need to do somethings.  My name is Sandor and I live in Hungary, I am Hungarian 46year old, catholic man, who strongly believe in God and in Jesus Christ as my savior.  What can I do, after I have recognized the truth about the Fatima 3rd secret, the Pope election in 1958 and 63. Also how close we are at the end of the world.  What is your advice to me?


Thank you, Sandor Dobos




Man films Buffalo hospitals and doesn't understand why they are almost completely empty - video


This video is eery. The hospital looks so empty, it reminds me of a “last man on earth” movie. So many lives are being ruined because of this hoax and with the abundance of evidence proving the COVID-19 crisis to be an organized economic collapse…






Bill Gates says what sounds like: "producing childhood death" instead of "reducing childhood death"


"Producing childhood death" is definitely what I heard and from a man that says "If we do a good job with vaccines we can reduce the population by 10-15%"…


Peter Matthews




Mika Brzezinski Says The Media's Job Is To Control Exactly What People Think - 45 second video


And there it is. A devilish slip of the tongue admitting the big media is here to control us.



Top O’ the Hill




"Catholic Church" Invites Muslim To "Pray" - Imam Sings For Muslim Domination Over Christianity


You can’t make this stuff up! He's even singing the Adhan anti-christian song! Would they welcome me in a mosque if I walked in and sang 'Joy To The World' real loud?






MHFM: Wicked tyrant Andrew Cuomo extended the lockdown until at least May 15.  He glories in his ephemeral power.  Cuomo is headed for an eternal lockdown and torments in the dungeon of Hell.


“Hell is a dungeon closed on every side, into which a ray of the sun or the light of a candle never enters.” – St. Alphonsus




Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 44, Oct. 13, 449, to Emperor Theodosius II: “Defend the Church in unshaken peace against the heretics, that your empire also may be defended by Christ's right hand.”


Vatican II


Vatican II's Jewish Heresy


Great video, I live in Sydney…


Rich Butch




How are Sedevacantists any different from Protestants?




MHFM: It's Catholic, not Protestant, to reject a notorious heretic who falsely claims to be pope.  It's not Catholic to obstinately profess communion with a man (such as Francis) who AGREES WITH LUTHER ON JUSTIFICATION.  You need to educate yourself.  You should consult these materials:


Accepting Francis = Apostasy

The Glossary of Terms and Principles

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Within 200 years


MHFM: Within about 200 years, four doctors of the Church (St. Bernard, St. Albert the Great, St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas Aquinas) and many other theologians denied the Immaculate Conception – a true and biblical doctrine.  It’s a reminder that, although one can learn much from doctors of the Church, they are not infallible.  They are not the Magisterium.  (We added this fact to this file: Historical Examples Of Approved Theologians Teaching Error.)


Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary




Brothers Happy Easter,


The doctrine quote... of Luke 24:36-53 shows Christ Jesus instituting His Church after His Resurrection and before His Ascension.  Opening their minds to understand the scripture, similar to the scales falling from Saul's eyes in Acts 9:18, and the need for penance and forgiveness of sins.  All the while, the devil never sleeping, trying to destroy the Church from the very onset.  The amount of time and effort that the devil has spent over the last couple centuries trying to destroy the Traditional Catholic Faith, through deception and lies, should be an indicator that the Catholic Faith is the One True Church of Christ Jesus.  The True Faith is hidden in these last days to the masses of unfaithful who have scales over their eyes, formed by the lies and deceptions, they have come to believe as truth and reality.  How sad.


Luke 24:44 And he said to them: These are the words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you, that all things must needs be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. [45] Then he opened their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.  [46] And he said to them: Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise again from the dead, the third day: [47] And that penance and remission of sins should be preached in his name, unto all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. [48] And you are witnesses of these things.


God Bless,





FAUCI - “occupational name for a sickle maker” - Dr. Fauci’s shutdown serves the communist agenda


If only people believed in the Authority of the Catholic Church, the world would never have gotten to this point. If the deception to take people captive in regards to temporal livelihoods is this much, how much more would the deception regarding the salvation of souls be? And if people cannot easily recognize the deception that is in their eyes regarding their temporal livelihoods, then how will they recognize the deception against the salvation of souls? Truly sad!


Peter Elungat




"This Is Strange: Total US Deaths In March 2020 Are Actually Down 15% From Average Of Prior Four Years"


Here in my region (South Tyrol - northern Italy) more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that this so-called "coronavirus-epidemy" is a massive hoax and a covert economic sabotage.


Andrea Catalano




Proof Bill Gates controls the "COVID-19 Task Force"? - 4 minute video


More and more people are waking up that the Corona numbers aren't adding up. People are protesting in different states about all these lock downs as well…






FAUCI - “occupational name for a sickle maker” - Dr. Fauci’s shutdown serves the Communist agenda


Excellent and true points. It seems to sometimes happen that God will show us something by signs and symbols.




Was Released


Bill Gates just put Marina Abramovic (who carved a pentagram into her stomach) into a new ad for Microsoft


The ad was released on Good Friday.






Bill Gates just put Marina Abramovic (who carved a pentagram into her stomach) into a new ad for Microsoft


The "Spirit Cooking" witch is at it again. It's telling how the elite, stars, politicians, philanthropes are all such fans of a clearly occultist "artist".


Dominik Geis


The Way


Doctor Exposes How MN Is Telling Doctors To Label Deaths As "CV-19" Whether They Died From It Or Not


This whole Corona circus is paving the way and conditioning us for a mandatory vaccine...






Dad taken into custody in front of his six-year-old daughter for tossing a ball around in a park - video


True poison from China, (that is what virus means in Latin, a poison) is tyranny, lies and communism.






MHFM: We receive many telephone calls from people with questions.  If there are traditional Catholics (who are knowledgeable about the issues) who might be interested in helping to answer some questions that people have by phone, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




Hello and Happy Easter to you.


… I am a 51 year old ''Cradle Catholic'' and I live 70 miles South of London in England... Thanks to your online output, I have become aware of the very serious... problems in the post Vatican 2 Church… I am both grateful and utterly horrified by this as you might imagine!...








Burglaries Up 75% In NYC; Seattle, Houston, San Francisco Deal With Rising Crime Amid Lockdown Orders


The real reason of this lockdown is becoming more and more obvious every day. Destroy the economy. Destroy businesses and independence and implement a police state.






MHFM: When God descended on Mt. Sinai in fire, the mountain quaked greatly (Ex. 19:18).  Around the time that Jesus (who is God and man) rose again, “behold, there was a great earthquake” (Mt. 28:2).  In both cases a great earthquake signified the power, magnificence and glory of God.




MHFM: Among the Lord’s final words, we find incorporation into Him powerfully connected to baptism:


μαθητεύσατε [Disciple] πάντα τ θνη [all the nations], βαπτίζοντες ατος [baptizing them] ες τ νομα το Πατρς κα το Υο κα το γίου Πνεύματος - Mt. 28:19




MHFM: When soldiers guarding Jesus’ tomb reported the miraculous events surrounding His Resurrection to the chief priests, the chief priests gave money to the soldiers and told them to lie.


“And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers and said, Tell people, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep.’” (Mt. 28:12-13) 


Many will never be convinced no matter how much proof (e.g. the chief priests), and many throw away their salvation for trifles (e.g. the soldiers).


Fr. Cornelius Lapide: “See here the perversity of the priests and elders, who, not content with having put Christ to death, persecute Him after His death, and try to do away with His resurrection, so as to cover their crime, and lest any one should rise against them as the slayers of Christ, and avenge His death.  This was the design of the devil, who was attempting to destroy the Church and all Christians in Christ.”


Leo the Great


MHFM: April 11 was the feast of Pope St. Leo the Great.  This file contains a collection of quotes from the pope affirming the Church’s teaching that no one is saved without water baptism – a dogma that's widely denied and viciously attacked by many false traditionalist heretics in our day.


Pope Leo The Great On The Necessity Of Baptism For Salvation




Subject: H-E-B Store In Beaumont, TX


The H-E-B Store Managers told my dad and I to stay 6ft away from each other and they told me to wait outside of the store while my dad is at the checkout.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Thank you for this video. It makes so much sense… What a terrifying world we live in.




To know


What were the Crusades, and were they justified 


Thank God for the crusaders and missionaries. They helped a lot of regions to know the... true God... Because of this there are Catholics in Goa.






MHFM: Those who are not of the truth are always striving against Christ and His will with lies.


Matthew 26:59-60- “Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Jesus that they might put him to death, but they found none, though many false witnesses came forward.”




MHFM: After so many miracles and proofs, they weren’t worthy of more.  It would have been pearls before swine.  So the God-man let men of dust, whom He created from nothing, mock Him in an unfathomable demonstration of humility. 


Matthew 26:67-68- “Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him, saying, ‘Prophesy to us, O Christ!  Who is it that struck you?’”




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


As each day passes that I witness the events in the Vatican, I realize you guys were right all along. Especially hearing today that Bergoglio is rejecting the title of vicar of Christ, calling the office of Pope a thing of history, it’s really clicking. Not only for me btw!...


P McDermott




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


I am new to your channel as one commenter wrote you have the best… in-depth insight. I don’t comment much but I do listen to your vids so thank you for sharing and educating us.


Lina Koh




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


… Thank you for your excellent, outstanding video "Apocalypse Now"…


Rob Auten



The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition)


I am lost for words!


Mary O’Neill




Woman in Dublin films empty "CV-19" emergency area and calls it: "The biggest hoax in history" - video


Vaccines, Autism


MHFM: Billions have been paid out for vaccine injuries, and the wicked and dishonest CDC can't even cite its own "studies" to prove that vaccines don't cause autism.  Autism (around 1970) was 1 in 10,000.  Now it's 1 in 36, after they started pumping children with more and more of their cocktails.


CDC admits in court it does not have studies to prove its claim that "vaccines don't cause autism"




Dear Brothers:

Thank you for your recent posts.  So very informative.

I was glad to hear a mention of Tucker Carlson, even though it was a brief one...  I watched Carlson speaking about the supposed outbreak in China, and he adamantly warned about its spread in the US.  For three nights straight I heard him tell his viewers THIS IS SERIOUS!  But he provided absolutely no proof of what he was claiming.  It was the kind of fake reporting that he would be the first to condemn in others, and I found his action very confusing and disturbing.  No doubt he kept going, but the third night was the last time I watched him and I have not been able to stomach him (or anyone else on TV) since… I was disappointed to see Carlson's involvement in it…

Lee Ann




Biden advisor, ObamaCare architect says U.S. should prepare for "CV-19" measures to last 18 months - video


MHFM: It's incredible what this wicked abomination is saying in this video.  He thinks he's a king who speaks for the whole country.  He's telling the country how things are going to go.  Don't follow him.  In reality he's speaking directly for the conspiracy.


No longer


LA Deep State rep Eric Garcetti promises rewards for those who report those attempting to work


MHFM: People here on American soil are no longer living in the U.S. (the former constitutional republic).  We are now living under the rule of the CDC/WHO (the shadow government that has emerged), a wicked medical tyranny led by unelected individuals whose edicts are implemented by local dictators called “governors” and "mayors".  They tell people when they can work, go out, etc.




Dear Brothers,


Thank you for providing us with solid and sound truth in a world of almost incomprehensible lies and deception in these final dark days.


I having been directed to independent sources to bring to light the supposed breaking details of this new imposed ‘pandemic’ saw your very early position on the matter calling it for what it truly is, a diabolical hoax, thought that perhaps it was made too hastily, however I knew that the MHFM conclusion wouldn’t have been made lightly, well there is certainly no doubting that conclusion now, we have an abundance of evidence which keeps growing by the day.


It’s unfortunate that the true position is so often to the blind considered the ‘heartless, reckless and/or irresponsible’ position, and what are we to do if they make wearing masks mandatory and continue on with this social distancing nonsense? I don’t want to add fuel to the imaginary fire by playing their games, many of us are already taking flak for speaking the truth on these matters, the main stream fake media actors are using false charity to keep everyone locked down and in fear, even many of the so called ‘truthers’ are fooled by this massive lie, I live in a remote area 30kms from the nearest small town and was yelled at to stay out of the petrol station store like a criminal last week because there we already two people in there, it's complete madness and the business owners/staff are contributing to their own demise.


It’s clear time is extremely short now more than ever, this was a bold and well planned move by the globalists and given how easy they have managed to divide and suppress the masses, I can certainly see the possible overthrow of our remaining civil liberties in the coming weeks/months if people remain blind and complacent. People's lively hoods are being destroyed and furthermore are being forced to drain their bank accounts in this global lockdown and many are already running out of money and food, very shortly things will become very desperate for most, surely it won’t take long before we start seeing people taking to crime and it looks to me that this is part of the overall plan… 


Thanks again & God Bless

Peter Matthews









MHFM: A priest being in mortal sin does not impact the validity of the confession, if he says the proper words, etc.




I watched some of your videos and I am convinced that the Vatican II church is the counter church and the new Mass is not the real Mass… Thank you brothers for opening my eyes.


God Bless and continue to enlighten our brothers and sister who have been deceived.







Bill Gates' Alarming Plan For Every Person In The World - 3 minute video


This is absolutely evil.






Medical doctor who also went to MIT exposes the COVID-19 hoax - video


So grateful for your exposing the truth. Takes courage to do so. God bless you.


Mary Smith




Medical doctor who also went to MIT exposes the COVID-19 hoax - video


The information presented in the first video is a game changer, and not only concerning the "Covid-19" hoax.


Rafael Centeio




Medical doctor who also went to MIT exposes the COVID-19 hoax - video


Excellent material. Thanks!


Andrea Catalano




Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


I can't articulate how grateful I am to you for putting this together. It is comprehensively researched and articulately delivered. Thank you Lord for leading me to this video.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican




Rejith Regi




I love the videos you are posting about… Corona... I like the term Scam Demic… It is great to be educated, to understand, and not be scared.







Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Dear Brothers, 


Was watching the video Apocalypse Now in the Vatican yet again.  In the most recent viewing, a thought popped up regarding Rev 18:2.  It is far from an accident that a fuller appreciation or understanding of countless connections surfaces with continued effort.  Was thinking there is a deeper significance or direct correlation with Noah's Ark being the salvation of the world or creation in Old Testament Times and the Vatican having been hijacked or usurped by antipopes portending creation’s destruction or the passage of the world soon before us.  Anyhow, additional little connections keep jumping out at one.  The video is incredibly rich in detail and meaning.  It pulls together into a coherent whole so much.  Not that we deserve it, but thank you, thank you just the same.






Amazing Evidence For God


Fascinating, amazing, incredibly detailed information…!


Stavros Nikolaos




Why So Many Can't Believe




John Sturber




Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie


This video is priceless. Faith and works, God never changes.




To see


Medical doctor who also went to MIT exposes the COVID-19 hoax - video


Very Glad to see this. Thanks for all you do.


Ray Cane




More info about the "doctor" behind the NYT video on the Elmhurst "warzone" hospital - video


It's amazing how the mass media in collaboration with certain individuals can fool the world.


Vincent VanWyk


Against I. I.


MHFM: This is a good verse against the heresy that people above the age of reason can be saved without explicit faith in Jesus Christ – a heresy that is held by almost all “trad” priests today.


John 3:18- “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”




Subject: Great Work


Hello MHFM,


I check your website… I initially came across your information circa 2009 when I was in college and blessed that I did. It is the best news source available without doubt. I’m from Ireland which was once a Catholic nation but much like Europe it has fallen greatly. Amazed how in such a short time we’ve legalised same sex marriage and abortion. Strong indication that we are in the end times as your material proves. I should thank you for the highly inspirational passages from the bible you provide such as Isaiah 10:1 - it really sums up where the world is right now.


God bless,




Cry out


MHFM: Two of the four sins that cry to Heaven are oppression of the poor and defrauding a laborer. They are applicable to various people during this dishonest economic shutdown and “Covid-19” Hoax.


Isaiah 10:1- “Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees…”




MHFM: Why has there been so much focus on NYC during this supposed "pandemic" (which is actually a hoax)?  Because New York City is one of the primary places where their conspiratorial apparatus is most firmly in place, making it easy to fudge numbers, etc.


Wants to continue


MHFM: Deep-state spokesman Fauci wants to continue the economic self-destruction until there are essentially "no new cases".  He's working against America.  Trump is foolish to listen to Fauci and the CDC.  He's being played like a fiddle by the Deep State.




MHFM: This is a very revealing one-minute video.  We've added it to our main file on the "Covid-19" Hoax as well.


What Elmhurst Hospital in NYC, "the epicenter of the pandemic", looks like when mainstream media isn't filming




"Fr." James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and "transgenderism"


Martin is evil. He is an agent of hell. A deceiver and will share a pit with Judas if he doesn't change.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Amazing insights. Very thorough.






CBS Caught Using Hospital Video From Italian Hospital, Claiming It Was In NY - 2 minute video


MHFM: This is straight out of the fake shooting hoax playbook, in which they reuse crisis actors/agents.  The truth is that the "scene" from Italy could have been shot almost anywhere.




"Hospital Disaster Drill In Progress" Sign Found In Front Of Hospital - 38 second video


MHFM: When they run staged hoaxes (e.g. fake shooting hoaxes), they often execute the hoax under the cover of (or with the assistance of) a "drill".




Why So Many Can't Believe


Dear Brothers, 


All the world is like a giant illustration of Our Lord's words which you explain in your video "Why So Many Can't Believe".  We look at the personages in the so-called "news" and the only questions is:  which ones are intentionally lying and which are simply lovers of the lie?   In addition to the obvious (or hidden) megalomaniacs, many others are tripping over themselves to secure their positions and to enhance their image among their fellow men; they want to be stars and heroes.  It's sickening beyond words.  And what strikes me as most bizarre of all, is that the so-called "conservative news" outlets especially will publish one article proving that the pandemic is a fraud -- right alongside of another article which projects a massive spread of the "virus" in this nation and others!  Most Holy Family Monastery has been the only one to publicly announce this hoax for what it was right out of the gate.   And as MHFM is the only one in the world to teach the true Catholic faith, MHFM is also the only one to present, with courage and conviction, all of the world's deceptions in their true colors.  


Lee Ann




MHFM: Another lie promoted by the media to perpetuate this “Covid-19” Hoax debunked…


"Chloe Middleton: the coronavirus death that wasn’t"




L.A. mayor to cut off water & power to "non-essential stores" that remain open - 2 minute video


Wow, this speech is just frightening. It's Orwellian… Totalitarian indeed.


Dominik Geis


Decided To Convert


Hello, I was previously a protestant, but once I began to take Christianity seriously, I soon realized it was totally false. Long story short, I considered converting to Eastern Orthodoxy, until I stumbled across the video on your Youtube channel sufficiently refuting it. I came to the conclusion that the One true Faith was traditional Catholicism after reviewing more of your material. I believe God led me to your website and that I have finally found the truth, which I am extremely grateful for. 


I've decided to start and fully intend to convert to traditional Catholicism…


-Asa Williams





This recent red-flag pandemic is the "crazy" aftermath of 9/11, Sandy Hook and others, on a larger scale.  The real invisible enemy in this war, is Satan himself.  The God-less world is transformed into a Marxist State in a matter of a few weeks.  These blatant acts of evil are used to test the waters to see just how much the deep-state can get away with...


These events only solidify the truth of all the material contained within your website.  Hopefully, this event will bring more people to your site in order to see and accept the truth in these last days.


God Bless your work,





MHFM: One reason we expose this insidious and massive "Covid-19" hoax is that the consequences of it are getting very serious now.  For example: the District of Columbia ordered its residents to remain home unless engaged in "essential activity" - expanding the police state measures.  "Maryland, DC, Virginia ordered into lockdown"




"Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") Hoax - Video Evidence And Ground Reports - Must-See


"Coronavirus" hoax in France: It's official, the number of deaths recorded every day in France since the beginning of March is currently much lower than the number of deaths recorded in the two previous years! https://www.insee.fr/fr/information/4470857#tableau-figure1_radio1


Benoit Gallez




"Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") Hoax - Video Evidence And Ground Reports - Must-See


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for posting the evidence (e.g. empty ER units, and doctor and nurse testimonies) showing the “Coronavirus” is a complete hoax. It’s sad that most people blindly follow what the mainstream media and various government organizations publish. Many people are aware that it is “legal” for the US government to use propaganda against its own citizens. Many also know that the mainstream media is one of the main ways such propaganda is spread. The cooked up numbers about the “virus” remind one of how the Federal reserve makes money out of nothing, cooking the books essentially, or how the Democrats use fake votes to swing elections in their favor. It’s a numbers deception. The world rejects the love of the truth, and so God has given it over to a strong delusion.


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White


Baptism, Boston


MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the Boston area who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




"Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") Hoax - Video Evidence And Ground Reports - Must-See


This is incredible support for your original assessment that this virus panic is really only a hoax. It would be wonderful to know more of your personal thoughts on the circumstances, and particularly how it relates to end times prophecy... Some people are saying to "flee to the hills" but what does that mean? Thank you for your inspired work.






"Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") Hoax - Video Evidence And Ground Reports - Must-See


These videos are evidence of the hoax that has allowed governments to steal wealth, cause massive unemployment, and deepen the Federal deficit through the passing of a needless "stimulus package." As many people as possible need to download and save these videos before they're taken down from the web.






"Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") Hoax - Video Evidence And Ground Reports - Must-See


I enjoy this page... I am so grateful the Monks have decimated the secular lies enthusiastically vomited by the political class...


Denmark passed a "law" for forced "coronavirus" vaccinations. This "coronavirus" hoax will be used for compulsory vaccination... The ruling class might even make these vaccines compulsory for employment and travel abroad.


The numerous other ends pursued by the conspirators via the hoax is the widespread redistribution of wealth and power to favored businesses via forced unemployment thus substantially wiping out middle class and upper middle class businesses…


Christiana et Fidelis




"Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") Hoax - Video Evidence And Ground Reports - Must-See




... After viewing the evidence, I agree with you. You’re right, it’s all a lie. Once again, THANK YOU for shedding light amidst darkness.


The first thing that I found strange was the amount of “asymptomatic cases” involving high profile celebrities & athletes. I am no medical expert, but I have never heard of someone having an allegedly contagious deadly disease while not exemplifying any symptoms whatsoever; for then either anyone could be falsely diagnosed or the “symptoms” would be so broadly classified as to encompass phenomena that every healthy person may periodically experience.


Another helpful piece of evidence is the CDC statistics on the flu for the past decade. I was shocked at the amount of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from the flu each year in the USA. They far outweigh the coronoavirus statistics, yet the media & government response has been nothing like what we see today.


Thirdly, the symptoms of the “coronavirus” are strikingly similar to the common cold, flu, and pneumonia. If these three diseases were simply rebranded as “coronavirus”, would anything change from what we’re seeing today? No. It’s like asking someone “if Jorge Bergoglio were a non-Catholic pretending to be the Pope, would anything change from what we’re seeing from him on a daily basis?” No.


Lastly, your recent posts and articles about empty hospitals & dissenting voices within the medical community are the icing on the cake.





Convinced to convert


Hi there,


I found your YouTube Channel and have been convinced to convert to the true Traditional Catholic faith. I read your website on how to convert, receive sacraments, and who to confess to and I would like to know if you know any valid priests… Thank you for all of your online material and may God bless you in your faith and works that glorify him!


Thank you, 

Sean Canon


New Video Posted


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


MHFM: This is a new video.


Who are




I wanted to drop in and leave a thank-you note for Br Peter's book "Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation." I ran into a problem with people I have come across in my community who are preaching that souls can be saved in false religions even if they correctly reject Vatican II. I knew this was false at a basic level, but this book is really comprehensive and it's made refuting the points really easy. I don't know what I'd do without it.





“Reception Theory”


MHFM: Monophysitism is the heresy that Christ has only one nature.  It is contrary to Chalcedon’s definition that Our Lord Jesus Christ is a single divine person with two natures.  As The Catholic Encyclopedia notes (1910), in 630 (well after Chalcedon) Egypt was “almost entirely Monophysite, as it had been since the Council of Chalcedon in 451.”  Facts like this refute Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” reception theory of ecumenical councils. 


Eastern "Orthodoxy's" Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Beaumont, Texas


We have an issued stay home order in my place, Beaumont TX, and my mom can’t go home to the U.S. from the Philippines because of the Lockdown.






“Travel Papers” And The Pandemic Patriot Act 2.0


This is happening basically everywhere, including in my own country. It's a worldwide movement. Some countries are worse - like literally jailing people who go out for a walk (Argentina for instance).


Lucas Guelfi




Dear Brothers:


I guess that, compared to a Counterfeit Catholic Church and the worldwide spiritual destruction it has wrought, a worldwide scam-and-sham pandemic would be no big deal.  I guess for us, it's anticlimactic; for them, it's everything.   About 20 years ago I was talking with a tour organizer who brought groups to Rome and Italy.  She told me that the local Italian bus tour guides who would escort the tourists to the important Catholic sites in Rome and give a talk about them, were all supplied by/controlled by the masonic Italian government.  According to this woman, everything that the guides could (and could not) say to the visiting tourists was totally regulated.  The New World Order crowd of strange bedfellows all have one thing in common:  their hatred for Christ, His Church, His Truths, and the Christian civilization which Catholicism had produced.


Perhaps about now (or very shortly) the professed enemies of Christ will be gleefully riding a euphoric high regarding their imagined ascendancy over now-defunct Christendom and the other godless nations of the world, all of whom are quick to obey men but not God.  Zionists have very openly attributed their achievements to their imagined chosen-ness and superiority over all others who, as they see it, owe them obeisance.   In public press conferences, they tell us they have waited two thousand years for this moment in time (!), and audaciously identify themselves as a light unto the world.  But these people (along with all their comrades and their fake Christian "friends") do not realize that what they are actually riding on are the coat-tails of heresy, schism and apostasy -- constituting the largest revolt against God since the time of Noah.  It's amazing how quickly things have deteriorated even in just the past 10 years, and the mad pace of destruction seems to accelerate by the day, and even by the hour.  In the meantime, fake Christians look everywhere for answers -- except to Christ and His truth.


Lee Ann




“Travel Papers” And The Pandemic Patriot Act 2.0


Here in WI we got Stay at Home orders too… They encourage people to go for walks with their pets and to go grocery shopping etc, but will crack down on crowds and gatherings over 10 people…  Strange times we’re living in, stay safe everyone.






Continues to destroy the U.S. economy - 2 minute video


Cuomo is such a hypocrite. "You can't sacrifice human life ..." But he's totally okay with killing and sacrificing countless unborn children. Disgusting.


Dominik Geis




Cuomo is another power-hungry politician. He's lording over New York as though he owns the place & people; as though he's an aspiring king of America…






"Inmates released over virus fears" - "Could lead to the freedom of thousands of inmates in NY and NJ"


The amount of prisoners getting released will likely cause more deaths than even the official number of "coronavirus deaths".  Also, if death penalty were applied for very grave crimes the prisons wouldn't be so overcrowded.


Rafael Centeio


Earthquake Croatia


A Reader Comments On The Rare Earthquake In Croatia




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Love your videos…


Angie Bengivengo




I was converted to Catholicism a few months ago (I didn't come from a Catholic family), one day I found the site and I say that it convinced me… I appreciate the work of the MHFM...






The Last Inca Emperor – Converted to Christianity


Peru truly is beautiful. Cuzco is lovely and the city on the mountain Machu Pichu is like an emerald, deep, green, and shinning.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Thank you for bringing us this extraordinary latest video…!... Terrific research and work which we... appreciate very much, through the enlightenment of God's blessings.


Carol D.




Mayor orders man to go back to his home immediately after he "violated lockdown" by playing ping pong


MHFM: This is ridiculous.  You'd think it was something out of a comedy skit but, sadly, it's real.


They claimed


America continues to shut down


MHFM: They claimed that all of this preemptive “social distancing” pursued by the U.S. (e.g. shutting down events, leagues, etc.) would help us “flatten the curve” and get over this more quickly, but after that economic self-sabotage was put in place that claim has been abandoned.




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


I have tried to find ways to dispute these truths for years. I am quite convinced now that the seat has been vacant since 1958.


Owen O’Neill




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Excellent and detailed video with many new added facts and points which demonstrates the... truth about the false Vatican II sect, the WHORE OF BABYLON. Very well researched and presented. Simply mindblowing.


Marko Bagic




Cuomo (vocal supporter of abortion) says "First order of business is save lives... whatever it costs"


Thousands aborted under his governorship (and with his endorsement), forever deprived of the Heavenly Kingdom... All of this, courtesy of the counter-church and its master, the world. Cuomo has membership in both.






Amazing Evidence For God


Love the video. Excellent stuff.


Sandeep Negi




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican




The word "capstone" comes to mind when viewing this latest video.  This video incorporates reinforcing new insights… Truly a must-see video for the world to heed in these last days.


God Bless,



Fall into place


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


This is...mindblowing, my brain goes click, click, click as things fall into place. Thanks - from Austria…


Andreas M




The Antichrist Identified


I’m new to your channel… the past vids and present have opened my eyes and thank you for sharing the research you have done… makes sense thank you and God’s blessing.


Lina Koh




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Dear Brothers,


Great work on the new video, Apocalypse Now In The Vatican… The false traditionalists who insanely cling to the Vatican II Antipopes, no matter what they do or teach, make a mockery of the true faith…


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White




MHFM: It seems that in recent days the dishonest media and related agencies have been emphasizing the name “Covid-19” instead of “Coronavirus”.  That’s probably because “Coronavirus” just wasn’t scaring people enough.




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Wow. Eye-opening and very scary. 15 decades a day all....






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Amazing video. Full of wisdom and truth…


Kieran Stainsby




MHFM: We don't trust Fauci.  He speaks like a deep state actor.  For example, he praised the insane, unconstitutional and absurd action of Newsom in California and Cuomo in NY - to shut down almost all businesses.


1 John 2:22


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


The definite article "the" is not found in the original Greek text: "Antichrist", yes. But "the Antichrist" is found nowhere.




MHFM: You are quite wrong.  The Greek has the definite article before both “Christ” ( χριστός – i.e. the Christ) and “antichrist” ( ντίχριστος – i.e. the antichrist).  You will find that in the Greek Majority Text, the Textus Receptus, the Nestle-Aland text, etc.  It’s also found in many English translations.


1 John 2:22- “Tίς στίν ψεύστης, ε μ ρνούμενος τι ησος οκ στιν χριστός; Οτός στιν ντίχριστος, ρνούμενος τν πατέρα κα τν υόν.”


“Who is the liar except the one denying that Jesus is the Christ; this is the antichrist [ ντίχριστος], the one denying the Father and the Son.”




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


This is terrifying, I can hardly say it's a relief to come to this truth, but I can't debunk a single thing in the content on this channel. I only hope by God I can convert some of my friends and family before judgement comes. May God bless your channel and Monastery.


Patrick Rooney




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


… My mind has been blown multiple times over. Everyone needs to see this.


Scott Franklin




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


I think this might be the greatest video on YouTube. It’s absolutely undeniable.


Gil Friends




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Excellently well done.... The rarest Truths are entrusted to you for our enlightenment now, in these trying, but wonderful times. True Salvation can only come as a reward for our God-given free will offering, in full awareness, to Christ. The undeserving masses of the world turn away from Him and embrace falseness and heresy. Thanks be to God, and may He Bless You and your Holy Work.


Gregory Cox




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


… Makes so much sense.






Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Excellent video…


Mark Back




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


It must be very difficult to make these videos. With all the research and bad people trying to thwart your efforts. And satan must try to make your lives miserable. You are very brave. You are very strong. Thank you.


Richard Shannon




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Another masterpiece… Thank you and God bless.


David Joseph




Apocalypse Now In The Vatican


Makes perfect sense!!...


Carlos Mendez




Gavin Newsom issues statewide "stay at home" order for almost 40 million in California - 1 minute video


MHFM: This is insanity.  It's unconstitutional and outrageous.  It constitutes an engineered economic collapse and power grab.




"Protestors Disrupt Drag Queen Story Hour" - 1 minute video


The people who have willingly given themselves up to demons are now trying to corrupt the young ones. And they are of course helped by the (evil) media machine. In a normal society, they'd be locked up for good and the children's parents who let those creatures approach their sons and daughters would definitely be put in prison as well for moral endangerment of innocent souls… They are the result of an environment that took years for the satanic humanist establishment to create.




Mainstream Media


Dear Brothers:


Perhaps since apostate man loves lies about religion so well, God is allowing man to have his fill until lies, like the quail, come running out of his nostrils.  The so called "news" reports out of the MSM seem so ridiculous and contrived, that one gets the feeling that the public is not only being deceived but greatly mocked.  Yesterday I saw a "news" headline about the death of a pomeranian which, like his owner, had supposedly been diagnosed with the virus.  The woman lived, but the dog died.  Turns out, Fido was 17 years old which is a long time for any dog and especially for a pomeranian whose life expectancy is between 12 and 16 years.  So what was the point of this and so many other nonsensical "news" reports?   The so called news is filled with obvious omissions, lies, contradictions and absurdities -- but most people don't notice because they are dead from the neck up.  Having said "no" so often to God's truth and to the undeniable signs which He mercifully gives the world, most people seem to have lost the ability to distinguish between truth and lies on every level.  Thank God for MHFM to help us understand the madness that is going on.


Lee Ann




The Coronavirus Hoax - By Dr. Ron Paul


The last line in Dr. Paul's letter sums up the effect of this latest fake crisis: "Government over-hypes a threat as an excuse to grab more of our freedoms. When the “threat” is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back."






"99% Of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says"


In some italian regions they are even activating the Army in order to control people more aggressively on the streets. This is a full-blown NWO-coup camouflaged as a "public health emergency".


Andrea Catalano




MHFM: With so many “masses” being cancelled, maybe it will finally dawn on false traditionalists and false conservatives that the Catholic faith continues to be practiced, even when there’s nowhere to attend Sunday Mass.  The faith is practiced and lived each day: by trying to do God’s will, living the life of grace/avoiding mortal sin, praying, fulfilling one’s state in life, growing closer to God, evangelizing, spreading His kingdom, etc.




MHFM: This passage is quite relevant to many who lost a lot of money in the recent stock market tumble.


James 4:13-14- “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.  What is your life?  For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”




Small businesses close down - but Amazon expands & hires "100,000 new warehouse delivery workers"


MHFM: Amazon will hire 100,000 new workers because so many are locked down in the absurd reaction to the “coronavirus”.  Telling everyone to stay home is how to destroy small businesses and transfer the workforce to big corporations, increasing their stranglehold on the levers of power (social media, commerce, etc.).




Hello, I’m an ex Catholic and I regret leaving the faith. I want to become a true Catholic, what steps must I do to become a true follower of Christ?  I really need help before it’s too late, also I have stumbled upon Satanism and witchcraft in the past, I also made a demonic pact with the devil and I really regret it, I want to become a true sedevacantist but I’m afraid that Satan will punish me, please help me. What must I do to banish the demonic path I have made?  Also, I love watching your videos and channel, it inspires me more to become Sedevacantist but I don’t know how to start, please help me thank you May God bless you.




"Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations"


MHFM: It's appalling what they're doing in Denmark under the pretext of protecting people from "coronavirus": Those who won't be tested "will face fines... potential prison time... [will be barred] from entering shops... stores", plus future forced vaccinations.




Restaurants Are Getting Hit Hard By Quarantining - 31 second video


I remember that many of these businesses were involved with 'pride month", 'Halloween", " Santa Claus" instead of our Lord, and "Voodoo". And even family owned bakeries they served Christmas treats and the same time celebrating sodomy… calling themselves 'LGBTQ friendly". And now all their fornications seemed to come to an end with some restaurants and bakeries declaring closures and out of business. God can't be mocked without consequences.


Tomas Miranda




Former "Senior Fellow" at the CFR says airports and train stations will close in days - 2 minute video




Christiana et Fidelis


In France




At noon here, my country will enter into a great confinement... The Government will be able in the next hours or days (it's a blur) to make laws without the Parliament. It's total madness.  Yesterday we witnessed incredible scenes in shop, and we found only bread and outdated fish eggs... 


Good news in all of this: no more Vatican 2 mass. 


Sincerely in Jesus Christ 




St. Patrick, Judgment


"Ireland: Saint Patrick's Snakes Are Back"


Hello MHFM,


I found this interesting poem from 1907 about St. Patrick's banishing the snakes from Ireland. What's especially interesting is it says the snakes "come no more till the Judgement Day".


Well, seeing that your earlier post alluded to a venomous snake coming back to the now repaganized Ireland (which was in the olden days, a dear Catholic country)... it does not seem farfetched that the Judgement Day is coming near, as this poem seemingly predicts…




MHFM: Small businesses are ordered to close, but the CDC and pharmaceutical industries are humming along after the absurd $8 billion “coronavirus spending package” (i.e. heist), which includes $3 billion for vaccines which they can't say don’t cause autism.  What an outrage!


"CDC under fire from vaccine autism lawsuit" - 7 minute video

$8.3 billion emergency coronavirus spending package


Shuts down


"Facebook shuts down Christian page for warning homosexuality is a sin"


Here we are. A direct quote from the Bible can no longer be published or uttered in the public space. In a 'Christian' country no less (cf Mt xiii 9)... Most protestants and fake Christians will in my opinion cave easily. People often find a way to justify their bad faith, their compromise, their lack of conviction, etc, to themselves and others. That is why traditional Catholics must always lead in professing these immutable moral truths loud and clear.






Apple Closes All Retail Stores – Except In China


Wow. Apple employees and store customers in China, the supposed epicenter of the "pandemic" have developed an immunity in record time... Only in the movies - and in the media.




Want to


Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Hello, I’m an ex Catholic and I regret leaving the faith. I want to become a true Catholic, what steps must I do to become a true follower of Christ?






Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


… Love your videos. I'm learning a lot.


T. I.




"Ireland: Saint Patrick's Snakes Are Back"


Yes, the more venomous and lethal "snakes" of the flesh and the devil have appeared and are multiplying on St. Patrick's isle! St. Patrick, pray for us!






“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Now I decided to leave vatican 2 church.


Michael Chmela




"Archbishop" Lori (V2 Sect leader of Baltimore) will allow "retreat" for "gay bishops, priests and deacons"


The sickening cesspool of immoralities keeps overflowing with filthiness. No wonder that God Himself described the anti-catholic false church of the last days as an abominable whore.






MHFM: We have an important new video that, God willing, should be completed and published soon. 


Disunited mess


"Archbishop" Lori (V2 Sect leader of Baltimore) will allow "retreat" for "gay bishops, priests and deacons"


The Vatican II Counterchurch is a disunited mess.






Woman Yells "Hail Satan" At Pro-Lifers - 24 second video


Abortion is a modern form of child sacrifice, period. Except it is done on the altar of 'humanism' and not paganism.  These people cannot accept any form of protest, even peaceful, because they know the truth is potent.  And when removing children from their mothers' wombs with metal forceps only makes protesters more determined, they call upon their own master in an attempt to disconcert the God-believing people, in passing revealing their true nature.




St. Isaac


MHFM: This is a good quote from St. Isaac Jogues (17th century missionary to North America) on baptism.


St. Isaac Jogues: “Although, in all probability, I could escape [from the Iroquois] either through the Europeans or through the other savages living around us, if I should wish it, I decided to live on this cross on which Our Lord had fixed me in company with Himself, and to die with His grace helping me… Who could instruct the prisoners who were being constantly brought in?  Who could baptize them when they were dying, and strengthen them in their torments?  Who could pour the sacred waters on the heads of the children?  Who could look after the salvation of the adults who were dying, and after the instruction of those in good health?  Indeed, I believe that it happened not without a singular providence of the Divine Goodness, that I should have fallen into the hands of these very savages… These savages, I must confess, unwillingly and reluctantly have thus far spared me, by the will of God, so that thus through me, although unworthy, they might be instructed, they might believe, and be baptized, as many of them as are preordained for eternal life.”




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


I'm thinking about becoming a catholic. But I am confused about this Vatican 2 situation. What should I do? I have attended a catholic church twice… I'm also currently thinking about getting baptized and confirmed. Also what catholic bible translation would you recommend. Many thanks. God be with you.


Jordan L.


MHFM: The Catholic faith is the one true faith.  It's necessary for salvation to embrace it, and that's what God wants you to do.  But to become a true Catholic you must become a traditional Catholic. Our material explains how to do that.  The Vatican II Sect, as our material covers, is not the Catholic Church.  This situation was prophesied.




Subject: Desolate Whore of Babylon?


Dear MHFM, 

Is this happening right now with the Whore of Babylon (Vatican 2 sect)?


Apocalypse 18:8 "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be burnt with the fire; because God is strong, who shall judge her."

I am of the opinion that this entire Corona virus is just another global, 911type hoax but the repercussions of the manufactured scare are quite real. It is not a coincidence that the EU (the Beast) and especially Italy (Rome), the seat of the Whore (Vatican ll sect), are being hit the hardest.

V. from Croatia




"MIT Scientist Claims Coronavirus Is A 'Deep State Fraud'"


… I no longer live in Ireland, but back home there is massive panic. Shelves are actually empty, actual food stock is gone. There is talk that there will major runs on the banks, the army will soon be deployed. It looks like Ireland will impose martial law...


Sean K


Bad fruit


Forced Islamization At "Swedish School As 9-Year-Olds Confess To Allah In Religious Studies – Reports"


This is the fruit of religious indifferentism whose seed was planted long ago and is part and parcel of the end times in which we are living. If the Swedes in this situation were truly Christian - that is to say, Catholic - the response would demand utter rejection of the abominable Islamic indoctrination of the population.






Dear Brothers:


I have been reading your book "The Truth About What Happened ..." and watching your videos, and I find your arguments very compelling…



Robert Miles

Benedict XII


MHFM: This is another important dogmatic statement expressing the Church’s teaching that no one can be saved without water baptism.


Pope Benedict XII's Dogmatic Definition On Heaven And Baptism




Dear Brothers:


In the daily quote St. Robert Bellarmine points out that many aspects of God's Revelation (true religion) are beyond/above human understanding.  That's precisely why Christ had to institute the papacy and had to endow it with the gift of infallibility.  History proves this.  The Bible proves it.  The tens of thousands of protestant sects with their doctrinal chaos prove it.  And the New Age/old pagan practices of the so-called "Orthodox" prove it.  Even the Whore of Babylon and our Age of Apostasy prove it -- and prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt -- although false traditionalists and other proud worldlings refuse to see it.


Lee Ann




CDC Admits In Federal Court It Does Not Have Studies To Support Claim "Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism"


MHFM: This is extremely significant.  It's a powerful vindication of those who have stood for truth on this issue against a diabolical mountain of lies, pressure, mockery and deception.




In the countries where fractional reserve banking rules, all banks create virtual money from nothing and lend it with interest. Central banks also create money from nothing, with the difference that it is not virtual, it is printed, that is, they can coin money. The biggest injustice and conspiracy is that of the Federal Reserve of the United States (FED) as it is a private central bank that prints what is perhaps the strongest currency in the world, the dollar, but the ability to create money from nothing of the other banks through the lace mechanisms and fractional loans used by the bank multiplier factor, it is also an injustice. Banks create money from nothing, lend it with interest, and demand a good with intrinsic value (a house, a car, etc.) as warranty, it is outrageous. That is why it is not only necessary to nationalize central banks but you have to go to 100% reserve banking and eliminate interest.


"It is clear that people do not understand the monetary and banking system, because if they understood, I think there would be a revolution tomorrow morning." (Henry Ford, 1922)


Ignacio Lemmi




"Cruise out of Port of LA canceled after CDC issues 'no-sail order' over coronavirus concerns"


Since when can the CDC give orders to cruise lines? They have too much power over common citizens...


Simon Turac


New Post


Christ Is A Lawgiver Who Must Be Obeyed




Economic analyst spends tens of thousands of dollars stockpiling food - 1 minute video


People are so desperate to preserve their mortal lives not thinking about where they are headed when they eventually do pass away.






UK Council "forced" to remove "Woman, noun, adult human female" flag for being "transphobic" - 1 minute video


… people need to… denounce this evil LGBTQ+ movement.


Kristian Keller




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


You nailed them all in this vid…




Wants to convert


Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Where could I possibly find a traditionalist priest in my area? I was baptized and confirmed in the Vatican II sect and I have a desire to convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith.


Scotland Sparkes




(… the Novus Ordo abomination) will not take place in Rome for nearly a month because of the coronavirus scare. If the situation does not improve in Italy, this could go on for even longer.


Wish I could see the faces of the V-2 adherents who disregarded Sedevacantism, and insulted all of us, the people who hold the correct position, by labeling us as lazy, cowards, betrayers of the Faith, as if fulfilling Sunday obligation was the ultimate task (and not professing and living the Faith in its entirety) and no situation would be admissible for not attending Mass on Sunday…






EWTN Says: "Majority Of Catholics Don't Find Abortion Intrinsically Evil"


True. It's insane how EWTN & the entire Vatican II Counterchurch agree most people who claim to be Catholic deny countless Church doctrines, and yet they continue considering them to be Catholics. The moment someone externally denies the Church's Magisterial teachings, they're considered non-Christians by true Catholics.






Christ Is A Lawgiver Who Must Be Obeyed


Thank you for your post "Christ is a Law Giver Who Must be Obeyed". It is very beautiful reflecting the pure elegant simple Strength of Our Creator. One way to tell children are not loved is when parents fail to provide proper standards and discipline which children may grow and live by. God started out loving His children made in His Image by giving Adam and Eve such guidelines but our first parents failed… The Law was given via Moses on Mt. Sinai for the seed of Abraham Issac and Jacob later to be dispensed to all people via Christ. Jesus said if we love Him keep His Word obey His Laws… of course as you stated obeying the Catholic Church Christ founded. May God help true Catholics spread the Faith to the countless rebel protestants/ all rebels.  






New Atlanta Vatican II Sect "bishop" endorses homosexuality and women's "ordination" - 1 minute video


These homosexual-pushing "bishops" and "priests" are coming out of the woodwork now.






Christ Is A Lawgiver Who Must Be Obeyed


Love this post MHFM and what good timing for it. I believe the reason why we're seeing the emergence of this... global panic… is because most of humanity has openly and boastfully rejected God's law particularly through the love of sodomy and the murder of babies. Lawlessness is spreading throughout the world and now God has allowed the whole world to be delivered into this persecution. Whether one believes the coronavirus is a hoax or not the fact of the matter is this is affecting the daily lives of people worldwide. This is literally debilitating entire nations and in my opinion God is allowing this as just punishment for the sins of men.






“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


I am living in New York but this is scaring me.




MHFM: You need to become a traditional Catholic.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church.  Our material explains how to become a true Catholic.




Subject: “Coronavirus” at Vatican


Hi Brothers!

Below is an excerpt of an article describing the Vatican as desolate. 

The Vatican is said to be on lockdown at the moment with several priests and senior Vatican officials in quarantine in the Vatican City State, who are worried because of the old age of most of its citizens. There is an unprecedented sense of panic in the air with almost no visitors in site, even at the Vatican Museums. The whole area was described by the local media as desolate, empty, and even a bit spooky, missing the usual long lines of tourists that one would normally find in St. Peter's Square, often surrounded by vendors and homeless people positioned at the beginning of Via Della Conciliazione.

Thought I would pass it along to you. 




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Beautiful video…


Michelle A.




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Hello brother. Praise the lord I really I like your videos. Actually I again turn towards... Jesus Christ my saviour and protector... Brother I want to be saved I really really hope and trust Jesus will wash away my sins and make me as his son. Please brother tell me. Please


Varum Pramod




“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies


Please post more and expose those evil anti popes and their evil declarations leading those unawkened closed minds who will apostatize.


Flora Falqueza


MHFM: We have many videos and entire sections on the antipopes and their heresies: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/anti-pope-francis-vatican-ii-antipopes/




Hello Most Holy Family Monastery

I have watched all your videos and read all the Glossary of Terms and Principles. I am convinced, especially about Antipope John Paul II was the Antichrist and we are all living in the Great Apostasy, that this is Revelations. In fact looking back in both Primary and High School there was no emphasis on Praying The Holy Rosary everything was fixated on believing on ourselves - we practiced the gospel of the Antichrist that each man was God. From reading novels and comic books that are of the Occult, Harry Potter Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, To listening to Rock Rap Pop Music in which were about Blasphemy, Killing and Fornicating, Even placing "Sex Education". Moreover Anglican Schismatics and Protestant Heretics were hired as members of staff. They even hired Atheists as schoolteachers. Everything we did was without any doubt Evil. It makes sense that Antipopes John Paul II and Benedict XVI both fill the roles the Antichrist and the False Prophet. In fact when I watched a documentary about the abuses in the Vatican II Sect, there I saw Ratzinger being aggressively approached by a journalist about his cover up over the abuse of children in the Vatican II Sect. Ratzinger deliberately ignored it and he was smirking about it... Having discovered Most Holy Family Monastery. I have found not only found a chance at redemption and reconciliation with My Lord Jesus Christ but coming back to something I set aside a long time ago, that is home.  

I am from London, United Kingdom...




How wicked


First animated Disney movie with openly homosexual character to debut in March


Satan knows that his time is short and he wants to corrupt as many young people as he can. It's amazing to see just how wicked our culture has become.






"Diocese uses poster of topless men embracing to promote pro-gay workshop"


Filthy and disgusting - and proof that the Vatican II sect is the end-times Whore of Babylon.






Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


Why is the FSSP not valid?


Denise Mallet


MHFM: The FSSP ‘priests’ are not truly Catholic.  They are heretics.  They accept the heresies of Vatican II.  They are under the Vatican II antipopes.  They think that the idolater John Paul II is a 'saint'.  They are in the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material covers.  See these videos/files, for example:


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims

Blind To Benedict XVI - Fraternity Of St. Peter

The Fraternity Of St. Peter's Idolatry - They Call John Paul II A "Saint"


They also use 'bishops' who were consecrated in Paul VI's invalid New Rite.  That's a problem.  The FSSP must be avoided.  Please consult more of our material.  It covers the true positions and explains what to do. (We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)


To become a traditional Catholic


Greetings… Most Holy Family Monastery,

I write to thee for guidance about the current state of affairs in my own life, if i can still become a traditional catholic and for guidance on how to strive for a better and more virtuous life based on the traditional teachings of the catholic church… My name is Thiago de Carvalho, i am 18 years old and i'm a brazilian from the state of São Paulo, raised in the vatican II sect faith from a young age.




"Catholic Sisters" publicly support and campaign for pro-abortion politician - "Sisters of Mercy" say they can hold those views


… nuns I come across from time to time... -- for decades now --- ... are about as Catholic and as religious as a bunch of Unitarians! One nun-in-a-dress told us prospective CCD teachers some years back, "Don't let kids get into a "Jesus and Me" mentality. Nip that in the bud. Fast! And don't you dare suggest that either! God loves everyone in the world equally, whatever their religion." I immediately got up, walked out, and closed the door behind me with a bit of a bang. I wish I had protested more.vocally.


A T J Harvey




"Catholic Sisters" publicly support and campaign for pro-abortion politician - "Sisters of Mercy" say they can hold those views


It's insane to call them Catholic.


Vincent VanWyk




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


This statement that the Spirit of Truth leads men to worship false gods in false religions and confirms their devotion to these demons shows clearly the total conquest that denial of No salvation outside the Church has made over probably 99 percent of people who think themselves to be Catholic. That together with the denial of the absolute necessity of Baptism for incorporation into the one true Church is the foundational heretical doctrine of the anti-church headquartered in the Vatican…






Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


The detailed information and explanation provided in this video are irrefutable. Excellent work brothers.






Church Militant's Michael Voris Reveals His Dark Past


… He has had me fooled for so many years until today…




Taylor Marshall


Just another phony who plays by a double standard… He’s a tool from Satan to keep people in an apostate sect.






MHFM: False traditionalist heretic Taylor Marshall recently complained: “JP2 named the heretic Schonborn in 1998.”  Schönborn is certainly a heretic, but the typical argument of non-sedevacantists is that Francis must not be regarded as a heretic (but the pope) because Catholics supposedly don’t have the authority to consider anyone who claims to be Catholic an actual heretic in the external forum until there has been a declaration.  Their position is nonsense, of course.  It’s refuted by Catholic teaching.  But it’s interesting to see how they don’t even remain consistent with it.  When it’s someone they really want to criticize (e.g. Schonborn or perhaps a pro-abortion politician), their principles get thrown out the window.  They are inconsistent because their position is false.  


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Came Across




I hope this email finds you well.  I am one of your youtube subscribers, and in the past few years I have come across this Seventh Day Adventist preacher… If you have the time, I would like you to make a video exposing this man as the false teacher that he is. I am only asking you this favour because you have made great videos in the past exposing false teachers like Steven L. Anderson and Jay Dyer. 


I look forward to seeing it! 


Best regards,


Marco De Clara.


MHFM: We’re glad you liked those videos.  There are some other projects we’re working on, but this article is relevant to refuting Seventh Day Adventism.


Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day?




EWTN calls Muhammad "the prophet" and Muslims the "faithful" - 21 second video


Pope Pius II, Address, Sept. 26, 1459: “In the royal city of the East they have slain the successor of Constantine and his people, desecrated the temples of the Lord, defiled the noble church of Justinian with their Mahometan abominations… Each success [of the Islamic Sultan] will be only a stepping-stone to the next until he has mastered all the Western Monarchs, overthrown the Christian Faith, and imposed the law of his false prophet on the whole world.”




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Great video, very informative…






Dear Brothers


… I live in mid-coast Maine… I love your website, and I believe that there is definitely apostasy… This saddens me… I want to worship as a true Catholic…


May Ellan


Great Apostasy


New survey confirms the apostasy of Vatican II Sect "Catholics" - 26 second video


… Only 11% of US 'Catholics' believe abortion (infanticide-child murder) should be consistently illegal! No-one who sees & understands this survey can sincerely continue believing that there hasn't already been a Great Apostasy from the Catholic Church and Christian religion. They—knowingly—deny most Catholic dogma and are ipso facto non-Christians because true Christians accept all Magisterial doctrines & teachings of Holy Mother Church. These abortionist-endorsing Fake Catholics, are neither justified, nor believers, nor Children of God: They've sadly chosen to be servants of Satan.






"Catholic AG" threatens Californians with prosecution if they follow federal laws on illegal immigration


Another example of unbridled lawlessness.






City on lockdown because of the "coronavirus" screams at night - 27 second video


This is one of the most bone chillings videos I have ever heard. One can only imagine what so many people could be screaming about at once. It also brings to mind Hell. Although, Hell is one thousand times worse.


Nick C




City on lockdown because of the "coronavirus" screams at night - 27 second video


This is really scary. It's like the screams of people suffering in hell.






Amazing Evidence For God


Amazing video…


Malak Ismail


Solar Eclipse


Amazing Evidence For God


That solar eclipse thing was very interesting.




Italy’s Birthrate


Italy's birthrate hits record low - 27 second video


MHFM: This is the bad fruit of the Vatican II apostasy, abortion, artificial contraception, and other sinful birth control practices like "Natural Family Planning".




"Catholic" students walk out of school demanding school to rehire sodomite teachers - 2 minute video


And that is actually the product of encouraging and promoting LGBT's agendas through various modern movies and diabolical films, of which some are even sponsored and appreciated by the none authentic catholics.


Maximilian Ludovick Bukuru




Amazing Evidence For God


A fantastic narrative explanation…


A Hassan




"ADL Announces Takeover Of Twitter Calls For Arrest Of Thought Criminals" - video


The ADL claims it is protecting free speech as it censors social media. What they are really saying is that they are protecting "their speech", "their ideas" while censoring all others.






"Catholic" students walk out of school demanding school to rehire sodomite teachers - 2 minute video


… these kids… are all neopagan.




MHFM: They are truly abominable, degenerate products of the Whore of Babylon (i.e. the Vatican II Sect). If the school were actually Catholic, it would expel them all.


Should view


Scientist Believes Aluminum In Vaccines Is “Almost Certainly” Playing A Role In Autism - 5 minute video


It's horrible to think of all the damage these vaccines are doing to young children…




MHFM: People should definitely view this video.




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"




Eli Rivera


Counter Church


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


This is so disgusting so many levels.




Divorce and ‘Remarriage’


MHFM: Eastern ‘Orthodox’ theologian and professor Paul Ladouceur makes an interesting admission about the Eastern schismatics’ position on divorce and ‘remarriage’.


Paul Ladouceur, Modern Orthodox Theology: “The Orthodox Church has not always followed Christ’s explicit teachings to the letter – for example, with respect to divorce and remarriage… the Orthodox Church permits, reluctantly, divorce and remarriage.  Kallistos Ware writes: ‘In theory the canons only permit divorce in cases of adultery, but in practice it is sometimes granted for other reasons as well.’”




Close ally of Francis and head of "Indian Bishops Conference" has suggested the "Church" will eventually accept sodomy - 28 second video


The Vatican II Counterchurch is on par with pagans now. Even Hindus & Buddhists don't approve of sodomy, so why is this headman of the Indian VII sect promoting sodomy. This is the result of granting 'annulments' for meaningless reasons & for lacking respect of marriage. Vatican II Counterchurchists' lack of honour due to the sacrament of marriage has resulted in an acceptance of fornication & sodomy.






Dear MHFM,


First of all greetings from the UK! I want to thank you for the work you do in professing the Catholic faith, your videos have helped me strengthen my faith and have informed me on several important spiritual matters I had not considered before…


… thank you again for all the work you do!




Novus Ordo church sells Kobe T-Shirts


Kobe Bryant Is A Practicing Catholic? No


There's a V2 church in my neighborhood. I go by there sometimes to drop off MHFM flyers or Padre Pio books on the tables in the lobby area. I did that today and dropped off two Padre Pio books. Then I picked up one of their church bulletins. Inside was a notice that said: "Kobe Bryant T-Shirts, In honor of a fallen, Christian hero who truly lived out his Catholic faith in mentoring our younger generation ... (we) will be selling Kobe T-shirts after Mass today as a fundraiser ... Let us remember Kobe, Gianna, and friends on February 24, as we 'Celebrate their life.' "




Paul VI


“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies


Thank you brothers!


Sebastian Moncada




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"


A great job on a very complex subject. I have listened to this lecture several times and have barely scratched the surface of its full meaning…




Been Watching


I have been watching your videos… I tore up a canvas picture of John Paul 2 that I used to hang and kiss tonight. I am sensing strong pull towards your content…


I was baptised in Iran in 1975 in Assyrian (Chaldean rite) church…




“Out of a job”

The letter I recently sent to you was sent to nearly 400 people, including all NO priests and protestant churches in my area.


Because of the above endeavor, a young lady informed me that Mike Gable (a NO priest) was having classes on end times scripture. I called Mike and asked if I could get an invitation to the class.  During our phone conversation, I informed him that he wasn't a priest and also explained Church teaching…


After presenting my case, he did not even offer one point to refute my position.  To my surprise, he said that if he presented these views, he would be out of a job…


Grant Hagan




India: Large increase in Hindu attacks against those who claim to be "Christian" - 32 second video


And, of course, the fake news & the pea-brained politicians refuse to mention or acknowledge this persecution because the persecutors are non-Christians & the victims claim to be Christian, so they are ipso facto viewed as the enemies of the media. The fake news… fail to mention that 'Five million people took part in protest marches across Nigeria on Sunday 2 February' to protest against the actions of Mahometan murderers.






Children getting injured in the "skull-breaker challenge" - 1 minute video


I never understood the popularity of these internet "challenges," esp. the ice bucket challenge one. It just shows the challengers' pathetic and desperate attempt for attention. So vain and shallow. If only they could use their afforementioned efforts to please God who's reward is far more valuable…






What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Great work…




Dog and Pigeon


"Tiny Dog And Pigeon Form An Unlikely Friendship" - 1 minute video


Nice story.






"Va. Democrats Walk Out After Pastor’s Invocation In House Of Delegates Urges Protection of Unborn, Biblical Marriage"


… Here we see Baptists preachers walking out in protest against prayers for the not-yet-born foetuses to be spared willful destruction by their mothers!... 


A T J Harvey


To those


MHFM: This is relevant to those who see the truth yet continue to “reassess”:


James 1:6-8 – “… the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.  For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Good job debunking the horrendous metaphysics of Palamas, his worst statements rival those of snake oil salesmen, his errors can lead people anywhere from new age to kabbalism…


Luke Brenton


A Time


Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint


There was a time when I believed that Mother Teresa was a virtuous person, dedicated to serving Christ our Lord, not anymore.


Joey B


Get more angry


Francis Receives Award From European Jewish Congress


Antipope Francis gives awards that are traditionally given to honourable laypeople, by true popes, to the hands of abortionists, but he receives a Jewish award, Jewish menorah from Netanyahu, 95 theses of Luther, Quraan, wooden idol and ring in pagan ritual and hammer and sickle mockery of Christ. But people just simply don't care, they get more angry if he slaps a woman's hand after having been yanked.


Kristian Keller




Demon Thompson who performs in "Circus of Hell" extinguishes 6,300-degree blaze with his tongue - video


MHFM: There are multitudes of people who don't believe that a spiritual world and demons exist. This demonic man's activity is more proof that they do.




MHFM: There are some very interesting new points in regard to the prophecies about the end-times beast that constitute additional powerful support for what we have presented on this matter.  We hope to cover them soon.




Demon Thompson who performs in "Circus of Hell" extinguishes 6,300-degree blaze with his tongue - video


He's practicing for real hell


Top O’ the Hill




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


Thank you, very insightful 💯 I will study and look into this more.





I am from Poland… John Paul II… kissed Quran the book which says Jesus was not the Son of God, and which says that Jesus was not crucified… Then you get the Assisi Meeting with satanic religions and his compassion for pedophiles which resulted in... raped kids...


Adam Johnston




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Palamas defeated!!






The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"


Not accepting Filioque is equal to Paganism, Catholic theology is the… true theology…






Dear MHFM, I have already been aware of your information for almost a year now and have turned from my mortal sins and have openly condemned the Novus Ordo, Vatican II, and its Antipopes and also have recited several rosaries. I have also been successful in converting several students in my school to Traditional Catholicism by handing out penny catechisms, recommending your website, and by prayer. I thank you all very much for the information you freely give out. My question is where... can I receive the sacraments.




Dear Brothers

I thank you profusely for your... work. Please know that all your labors are greatly appreciated. Your detractors and slanderers, in their attempted refutations, conveniently omit the facts that your work is firmly grounded in true love of God, in honest charity towards all lost souls, and in a desire for the truth to be known. Their glaring omission of these facts (even the refusal to make the slightest admission of these facts) bears witness to their bad will and dishonesty. I say these words... in heartfelt sincerity.

Thanks to your work I am now fully aware of the crucial importance of water baptism, and my inability so far to receive it bothers me greatly at times. In conversation with the few Catholics with whom I have had acquaintance, upon asking them if they would be willing to baptize me, kindly refuse to do so but instead, understandably and predictably, advise me to get baptized through a (Vatican II) church… Since no parish church is an option for baptism, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to put out a request for anyone in the region in which I reside who would be willing to perform a baptism (I live in the city of Johannesburg in South Africa)...

Yours in Christ,


MHFM: If there is a Catholic in the area of Johannesburg, South Africa, who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.


Didn’t realize


The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition)


I didn't realize John Paul was so corrupt until now.


Linda Clark


MHFM: You should see this video as well: John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims.




Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary


This video is very inspiring. Everyone should watch it. God bless MHFM.


Safe Travels With Christ




Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People


Thank you, you are blessed to have truth, thanks for spreading it!






Amazing Evidence For God


Thank you so much I really love this.


Maedora Smith




"Archdiocese of Chicago" announces new round of mergers and closures amid "renewal" request for $240 million - 33 second video


After all the promotion of sodomy and rejection of the true faith, why would anyone donate to or support the Vatican II Sect and its promotion of mortal sin? And of course there is no talk of returning to the true Catholic Faith or moral teachings in this so called renewal.






"Amazon, Nike, Dell threaten Tennessee over law protecting religious adoption orgs" - 2 minute video


MHFM: This evil and anti-Christian reaction to the law reminds us that the U.S. cannot stand without some moral foundation.  These wicked companies aren’t satisfied with making huge profits and censoring on their own platforms.  No, they want to stamp out all opposition to their perverted and demonic 'LGBT' agenda.


Married ‘Priests’


"Cardinal Hummes: 'Ordination of Married Men Will Be Re-Discussed'"


There are many married men within the fake "priesthood" of the Vatican 2 sect. It's very widespread. It is only until recently that the false conservative Vatican 2 sect media outlets are purporting to complain about the possibility of married "priests" when it's actually already common. After all, they already accept the sodomite "liturgies" (vis-à-vis their acceptance of the participants & the leadership as "Catholic")…


Back in 2009, the local Novus Ordo cult that I attended widely advertised on flyers set on a table outside the pews area/"sanctuary", that a married man with teenage children (son & daughter) was recently "ordained". The flyers included photos of the married man in 'clerical garb' with his teenager children. Before I left the pews area, a fake "priest" enthusiastically informed the "parishioners" about the recently "ordained" married "priest" with teenaged children.


I recall that the man was a divorcé (this was also mentioned by the enthused Novus Ordo "priest"). However, photos of his divorcée wife were not included on the flyer. The man seemed well past his mid-50s. I suppose that whenever priestesses become a reality, then pairs of open divorcés and divorcées will become a commonality within the fake "priest class" of the Vatican 2 sect. There were even married "deacons" at the local Novus Ordo cult. The Novus Ordo sect has been a freak show for some time.


Christiana et Fidelis




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Great material!...


Pablo Guedes


St. Peter, Pope


MHFM: Various false traditionalists make the argument that a heretic can be pope because, according them, St. Peter denied Christ and remained pope.  But as we pointed out years ago, Vatican I taught that St. Peter did not become pope until after the Resurrection.  It’s interesting to note that St. Robert Bellarmine (a few centuries before Vatican I) taught the same thing.


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book I, Chap. 10: “Peter, when he heard, ‘Get behind Me, Satan’, and when he denied Christ, was not yet the foundation.  For in this passage [Matt. 16] Christ promised him that He would make this gift after His resurrection.”


Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Sess. 4, Chap. 1, 1870: “And upon Simon Peter alone Jesus after His resurrection conferred the jurisdiction of the highest pastor and rector over his entire fold, saying: ‘Feed my lambs,’ ‘Feed my sheep’ [John 21:15].”




Switzerland votes to criminalize "homophobia"


Yes, they are silent because they are gay or because they are lock-step with the post Vatican II syncretist agenda.




Also happening


Switzerland votes to criminalize "homophobia"


This is also happening here in the Philippines. Openly gay men are teaching kindergarten and elementary at my local "Catholic" school. Most of the parents are not even bothered by it and are so friendly with them.






Officer told to "tone down" his "gayness" settles suit for $10.25M - 1 minute video


This is an absurd amount for a sodomites feelings getting hurt. An absolute Injustice…


Adam McGuire


MHFM: It’s truly outrageous and another sign of how evil the culture has become.




Switzerland votes to criminalize "homophobia"


I know of cases now in Ireland where 'Catholic' schools have openly lesbic teachers. The 'bishops' here too remain silent. Mhfm is right. It is the end times.


Vincent VanWyk




Words fail to describe my gratitude. I am appreciative of the truths in your material despite the discomfort and fear that they have caused. Sincerely, thank you.


Scott Russell




Dear Brothers:


Thank you for your excellent flyers… It is very interesting to learn that the constitutional basis for the EU was the Treaty of Rome which was signed in March of '57.  That reminds us that the devil never sleeps and, apparently, never stops planning and scheming.  It also reminded me of a very popular song that, even today, is still well-known:  Arrivederci Roma/Goodbye to Rome.  It was composed in 1955 and published in 1957 as part of the soundtrack of an Italian-American movie of the same name, but released in English as "Seven Hills of Rome".  It was distributed by Metro/Goldwyn/Mayer.  The movie was ostensibly a romantic musical, but one thing's for sure:  it got everyone singing "Arrivederci Roma - Goodbye to Rome" in 1957 and thereafter.  If that was just a "coincidence", it was certainly an interesting one considering that the plans (and works) were firmly in place for the destruction of Christian Rome.


Lee Ann   






I have been watching your material for some time, and I am ready to reject all of vatican II and novus ordo teachings…


I live in Spain, Madrid…




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II




"Catholic universities in Belgium to help train Muslim imams"


This is total mockery and denial of the faith. Colleges are largely supported by donations from past students. Who in their right mind would support this university?






Islamic Dance At Novus Ordo “Christmas Mass” In Indonesia


This seems to be how the Vatican II Sect sneaks in pagan religions by telling the people it is all about the arts and cultures of other people when it is really about their beliefs which are a greater part of every culture. So sad to see people focused on the works of man and not on the divine revelation of God.






German "Catholic Bishops" want approval for sodomy included in "catechism" - 28 second video


Members of the Vatican 2 sect are already thinking along the same lines. Sad but true.


Vincent VanWyk


The Faith


… Many thanks to you for enlightening many of us who were once in darkness and now persevering to learn more of the Faith and practice them in these perilous times of the Great Apostasy. God Bless You and your great work!


Sincerely yours,


Do Battad


[Manila, Philippines]




The Temple Of God In Prophecy (2 Thess. 2:4) Is Not Jewish


Thank you for… this… I found out (and I'm still so appalled) about the so-called "Christian" Zionists who are supporting the building of the Third Temple of Jerusalem...


Joenne Mormont




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Amazing content.


Weston Vaughn


To learn


Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Very important to learn that antipope JP II considered Palamas to be a saint.




To see


Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Always nice to see how you expose this false religion.


Mark Back




Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II


Outstanding video MHFM…




John 15:26


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"


What about John 15:26


Panayiotis Malamis


MHFM: That's addressed in the video.  You should actually watch it.




The Temple Of God In Prophecy (2 Thess. 2:4) Is Not Jewish


This is the gold argument against the Jewish third temple theory…





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


This video helped me to understand why the Bible condemns magic.


Benjamin Falzon




Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Tweet Sexually-Charged Super Bowl Halftime Show Was ‘Best … Ever,’ ‘A+’


Both Rubio and Bush claim to be conservative Catholics, although in reality we know they’re part of the Vatican 2 sect. They must not have heard many sermons on morality in the counter church (or in the Protestant sects they’ve attended services at) to have approved of a lewd Super Bowl performance. Really says a lot about their morals...






Tennis Australia bans Margaret Court from using microphone because she believes in marriage and disagrees with sodomy - video


By her words, she’s "got nothing against people... (meaning gay people)". This is the moment when she throws away any opportunity to be a solid defender of God's law, and caves in. It was a God given chance to prove herself, and if she held ground, she might have been closer to becoming Catholic, but she has chosen a double tongued answer.


Proverbs 8:13- "The fear of the Lord hateth evil: I hate arrogance, and pride, and every wicked way, and a mouth with a double tongue."


Kristian Keller




Subject: Converting to Catholicism from the Baptist Denomination




I am a Protestant from Texas who is seeking advice on joining the Catholic faith. I, despite the obvious heresy (which I acknowledge), grew away from some teachings of my local churches over the years, like dispensationalism and theistic personalism. Finally, after considering their doctrine of faith alone and how Protestants can seemingly sin freely with no consequence, I was disgusted with the religion and have been awakened fully to crossing over. The vaticancatholic.com YT channel has been a breath of fresh air to me, and I'm grateful for it.


My question is, if I was baptized into a Protestant denomination after I was born, is it necessary to be baptized into the Catholic faith again? I am aware of the stipulations regarding the Great Apostasy and want to "do it right," so to speak. I live in Texas and finding English Catholic churches is not as easy anymore, but is it possible there are some that are truly traditional and untainted by Vatican II? Do you have ways for people to check?


Thanks a bunch for any advice you can give. I am disgusted by the heresy (ironic, I know) in the Church and do not want to support any false leaders anymore.


Have a great day,






There’s no esteeming the Muslim faith. Eastern Islamists are butchers - literally - of Christians. It is a satanic religion. The moment the RCC decreed in magisterial pronouncements, that we worship the same God, it flew in the face of a God Almighty. It also belies the very deeds of Christ. He never esteemed the Pharisees, during his earthly ministry, because they were “faithfully religious”.


Kristi Evans


MHFM: The Catholic Church never said that Muslims and Catholics worship the same God.  That was Vatican II, which is a false council of the end-times Counter Church.  This is explained in our material.


The heresy


Accepting Francis = Apostasy


Excellent video. I’m so sick of this Christ-denying apostate… antipope Francis… the heresy that he belches out, makes me sick to my stomach.






… Your material on baptism and EENS is bullet proof…  






Hello. Firstly I would like to thank you for your videos and materials. They are very helpful and indeed insightful…






Subject: Further considerations on the death of Kobe Bryant




… I have been commenting on some of the related news stories posted on your site and I wanted to bring something else to your attention.


I found a thread on a Lakers fan page comparing Kobe Bryant to Jesus…  all of the comments mocking Jesus or calling him unreal are upvoted, and anything speaking positively about Jesus is downvoted and rejected.  These people genuinely hold Kobe, who gave them ultimately meaningless championships, as more important, and truer, and realer than Jesus.  How surprised they shall one day be.


This led me to another realization, aside from Kobe's own comeuppance, his death constitutes God smashing an idol of the world.  I didn't quite realize how popular and beloved Kobe was until the event eight days ago.


If you feel it's worth your time, please do a retrospective video on Kobe now that he's dead.


And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand, and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof.


Matthew 7:26-27




John Michael Buskmiller


Mother of God


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Mary isn't the mother of God. She is the mother of Jesus.


Haile Selasse


MHFM: Yes, she is the Mother of God.  You need to watch this video: Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant - Absolute Proof.  It proves from the Bible that Mary is correctly called the Mother of God.




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Wow! That’s some chair the Pope is sitting on!




MHFM: John Paul II, the one who sat in the chair with the inverted cross, was an antipope.  He was not a true pope.  That's what our material proves.  The current situation in Rome was prophesied.


God’s will


Objection: “... God does not will that evil should not exist; otherwise, since various evils do exist, God's will would not always be fulfilled.  Therefore God wills that evil should exist.”


Reply (St. Thomas Aquinas): “The statements that evil exists, and that evil does not exist, are opposed as contradictories; yet the statements that anyone wills evil to exist and that he wills it not to be, are not so opposed; since either is affirmative.  God therefore neither wills evil to be done, nor wills it not to be done, but wills to permit evil to be done; and this is a good.” (Summa Theologiae, Pt. I, Q. 19, A. 9, Reply to Obj. 3)


New Post


Islamic Dance At Novus Ordo “Christmas Mass” In Indonesia




Islamic Dance At Novus Ordo “Christmas Mass” In Indonesia


It only proves the Vatican II sect is a pagan religion… Remember, on Dec 8, 2015, on the day they should have been celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the 'Vatican' held the light show of images, Fiat Lux. The images mirrored precisely what is revealed by God in Rev. 18:2. God warns us in Sacred Scripture that when you see this light show, and that's what Fiat Lux means, 'Let their be light,' then know we are in the end of times when Babylon has fallen, has fallen, has become 'the habitation of demons, the prison of every unclean spirit and the prison of every unclean and hateful bird.'...


Now we are here 4 years later and they are having these ecumenical masses, like Anti-Pope John Paul II did at Assisi. It's the religion that 'God loves all religions,' which is condemned by the Catholic Church for 2,000 yrs and still is condemned by the loyal, faithful and traditional remnant. These people need to be converted to the Catholic faith…




Call him


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Bro you got a screw loose...they call him JP the GREAT for a reason...even Francis admitting it now...


Glenn Lanham


MHFM: You are blind.  You should watch the video, look at the facts, and embrace the true Catholic faith.  John Paul II was a wicked antipope and much more, as this video and our other material show.




What Francis Really Believes (4th Edition)


Intriguing video. Really well made…






"Court absolves French doctor who withheld Vincent Lambert’s food, water until he died"


What a grievous event! Such happens when people have lost the moral compass of the Catholic Faith!






Amazing Evidence For God


Everyone needs to watch this video!


Gabe Tidyman




Islamic Dance At Novus Ordo “Christmas Mass” In Indonesia


What a total mockery…




False Religion


Islamic Dance At Novus Ordo “Christmas Mass” In Indonesia


This is... a local version of the heretical and illicit Assisi prayer "liturgies"... the Religion of Ecumenism is alive and well in Indonesia.




German ‘Bishops’ Call For


"German bishops’ synod working doc calls for approval of contraception, homosexuality, women’s ordination"


This contradicts Pius XI's infallible teaching. People should watch this video to understand the Church's true position on procreation. Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception


Nick C




Good Evening,


First I just want to thank you for the continuous work that you all do… I keep up to date on all your work, and have finally decided to move forward to the true Church.


Despite being a "cradle catholic" I have come to find my sacraments were all performed by invalid priests. I yearn to be fully into the Church, and participate in the sacrament of reconciliation…


Yours in Christ,





Tracy McGrady said Kobe Bryant would say all the time "I want to die young, I want to be immortalized" - 42 second video


I commented in "Life"sitenews that he is a wicked man who promoted LGBTQ and endorsed pro abortion Obama and for that reason he is in hell. They have already erased my comment.


Tomas Miranda




"Berlin to seek EU-wide criminalization of Holocaust denial"


Great and proud Christian Europe, the founders and creators of Western Civilization, is no more.






… Kobe could have lived forty or more years with all that wealth and comfort but he couldn’t take it with him. In the blink of an eye, anybody’s life can be gone. It is a stern reminder of the importance of accepting the traditional Catholic faith and utterly rejecting the unspeakable Antipope Francis and his antipapacy. It also highlights the importance of not pretending to endorse and accept mortal sin for money or even to protect your career and endorsements as Kobe did… whether he was pressured into doing it or had been persuaded into believing the gay lifestyle is just as normal, healthy, or desirable as a heterosexual one will make little difference in the end.


M. Rudnicki




Dear Brothers,


I notice whenever someone famous dies, the latest being Kobe Bryant, social media is always bombarded with the acronym, RIP. With that being said, “RIP” should only be said for Catholics who appeared to have died in a state of grace. People who die as non-Catholics are suffering eternal torments and cannot be resting in peace.






Accepting Francis = Apostasy


This so comprehensively proves that heretics are non-Catholics and that Francis is an antipope that even the most blinded truth-resisting person should be convinced by it. If this doesn’t convince you of the truth, then what will?!


Sebastian Balak




"Berlin to seek EU-wide criminalization of Holocaust denial"


This is insanity. If denying the Holocaust were so counter intuitive and ridiculous people wouldn't bother listening.


Vincent VanWyk


Kobe Bryant


Some Of The Evils That Kobe Bryant Promoted


More proof


Man "Transitioned To Female", Then He Changed His Mind - 1 minute video


More proof that "transgenderism" is not a physiological or natural phenomenon, but rather is a social construct foisted upon the public by the LBGTQ cabal to destroy what God has wrought.






Cardinal Schönborn Reviles Saint Pius V As An "Anti-Semite”


His godless joy seen so often, will be changed to unending sorrow for the harm to souls he... causes.


Susan Raciti




This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


We blinked and when we looked we had to keep blinking! I thought I had just rejoined the Catholic Church after 50+ years... and now I realize it's not there anymore (where it used to be). God moves in mysterious ways. Thank you for your work MHFM.


Michael MJL




The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"


The worst things are said about the Church by the demonic who clearly hate the Church so much that they attack "The Way" into the Church (Baptism).  I can currently read… that MHFM is uncharitable for trying to save those who would hear false doctrine like the reprehensible BoD, but Jesus Himself mentioned "the days of Noe", where it seems reasonable that more than 8 humans desired to book passage on Noe's Ark, but unfortunately, their desires (if any) came after God had sealed up the Ark with the 8 people in it. Hypothetical desirous don't get INTO the Ark. They perish. Thank you for your important works in this day of rampant false teachers.




Total Heretic


"Fr." James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and "transgenderism"


He is a TOTAL HERETIC! He is just another WOLF in SHEEP"S clothing and another of many DEMONS that are leading many astray into HELL. Almighty God abhorred the very SINS and LIFESTYLES he is promoting and why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! The Great Apostasy prophesied by Our Blessed Virgin Mary is here.


Juan S


St. Peter


MHFM: Even Eastern “Orthodox” heretic Gregory Palamas (14th century) admitted that St. Peter was the leader of the Apostles and foundation-stone (rock) upon which the Church was built.


“… Peter, the leader of the Apostles and foundation-stone of the Church…” (Gregory Palamas, The Triads)


Evil spreads


"Religious employers will be forced to provide insurance for contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs" under a recently passed NJ bill - 1 minute video


MHFM: Something like this could only occur during the period of the Vatican II Counter Church and the Great Apostasy.  Actual Catholic bishops would excommunicate or condemn all supposed "Catholics" who supported these things and a bill like this would never pass.  The same is true of so many other evil measures.




Why So Many Can't Believe


Great video…


John in So Cal




Amazing Evidence For God


Just thank you......!!


Teresa Wigelsworth




Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


Saying that canonizations can be erroneous is clearly false and very damaging to the veneration of saints. Thanks for this video, it's important.


Simply Sedevacantist




Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


How can these priests be so blind as to "reject" Vatican II, but completely embrace its foundational error, which is false ecumenism. They will on the one hand openly denounce the idea of false ecumenism, while in the very same breath spread the damnable lie that there is salvation outside of the Catholic Church... Only God can give lift their blindness.






John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


A clear, concise and highly valuable production, thank you!




Too late


Jack Van Impe... Dies at 88


He now, knows the truth. Unfortunately, it is too late for him.


Jack Van Impe




I have read/watched much of your content and very much in accord with your message. I am interested in learning how I can help or join your movement. I was raised Catholic but obviously came to see that something is seriously wrong with the Church. I believe it has been infiltrated by Freemasons & worse. For a while I tried to fight within the Catholic Church thinking if enough of us traditionalists speak up things might change. And yet here we are now with Pope Francis and Pachamama idols - I just can’t take it anymore. There is just too much that is antithetical to what is taught in the Bible and in the traditional preV2 Church. I pray, do the chaplet of Saint Michael, and do the Rosary daily. But I don't have any community anymore and I find that difficult. Where do I go to church for mass to receive communion? How do I contribute to society? Given where the world is headed and the souls at stake, I’m someone who would evangelize on the street preaching & handing out fliers because all of this is so important but I don’t really see that happening. I wish the Church would stand up like it used to.. Instead it seems like it has bent to the will of Americanism, Globalism and Neoliberalism. In a country like America I think that as a force with so many people the Church should be capitalizing on Freedom of Speech before we go the way of Europe and it’s considered a “hate crime” to preach the Bible in public. Anyway, I would love to get some guidance from you all and if possible help out.





MHFM: We're glad to hear about the interest.  Our material explains what's going on and what to do.  It's important to recognize that Francis is an antipope.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church.  When a person is convinced on all the issues, we can help him or her with where to go to confession.  You should read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day.  It's also important to evangelize, such as by recommending our material and website.




MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Memphis, TN, who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


The theological points were really well presented in this video…




A number


Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the great video on Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS. The facts in this video crush a number of the heretical myths that false traditionalists and the Vatican II sect teach. False trads reject Papal Infallibility; it's outrageous that they call themselves traditionalists, when they don't even accept the foundation of the Church.


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White


Have watched


Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


Well.... the Rite of Canonization was changed after V2, the system of the Devil's Advocate was abolished and etc.


Jose Nunez


MHFM: The process that precedes a solemn canonization is not necessary for infallibility.  What matters is the solemn approval and declaration of the pope.  That's all that matters, if you believe in papal infallibility.  Here's the solemn formula used by the Vatican II antipopes.  It's the same as what was used before Vatican II:


“In honor of the Blessed Trinity, for the exaltation of the Catholic Faith and the growth of Christian life, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and Our Own, after lengthy reflection, having assiduously invoked God’s assistance and taken into account the opinion of many brothers of ours in the episcopate, we declare and define [x] to be a Saint, and we enroll him in the Catalogue of the Saints, and we establish that in the whole Church he should be devoutly honored among the Saints. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”


Hence, there's no way around the fact that you must accept John Paul II as a saint if you believe that Francis is the pope.  But it would be a denial of the faith to do that.  Thus, Francis was an antipope.  Second, there were canonizations before the Devil's Advocate was introduced in the 16th century.  Again, the process is not necessary for infallibility.  But there is a process in post-Vatican II 'canonizations'.


Have watched



I have watched most if not all of your DVDs and truly enjoyed them. I have only one question. Where can I find a Catholic church that does not practice the Vatican II sect? I live in Orlando… Thanks!







Vatican II Sect "Parish" In Virginia To Host Anglican "Ordination" Of Woman “Bishop”


I started out as a child in catholic church.  I really wish to learn however all the churches are apostate. I had tried a baptist church I asked many questions. In the midst of service (as they call it). I know this may sound nuts. I was sitting and looking around feeling very uncomfortable. I felt a urge push, a voice telling me to run. I have to say looking around me the others suddenly looked terrifying.  I left and I was eased by the same voice feeling I really can't explain in words but a calmness that I had done correctly.  I emailed them and called and told to remove me from membership. So now I am a bit stuck as to what to do as where can I get the ministry I need. Thank you for your time. 


Vickie Rivera 


MHFM: Hello. You need to stop going to non-Catholic churches.  Catholicism is the one true faith. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here.


However, to be a true Catholic, one must be a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains what's going on, what to do, and how to convert.  We strongly encourage you to pray the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you important graces to move toward conversion.




Hi, I just finished watching with disgust "Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are invalid" on YouTube. The reason why I say with 'disgust' is because I pretty much witnessed everything shown in the video. I attended Mass with North American Indians performing their dance and invoking their gods and African Tribe doing the same at another church. I witnessed teenagers and young adults come to Mass wearing t-shirts with Budweiser, Goodyear and/or Nike logos on them. Girls wearing hotpants and miniskirts, sporting tatoos and piercings. Rock music being performed during Mass. 

Priests smoking and drinking alcohol openly outside of church acting and behaving worldly. Church basements used for dance's, bingo's, bake sales and the likes. Homosexuality and abuse at all levels. Sexual advances was made towards me by a priest, but I was 18 years old and told buddy to hit the road. There is no more sin, only bad behaviour. The parish priest here is president of the soccer club and how he can divide his time is beyond me. Once a year he has a prayer evening with Muslims, Anglicans, Synagogues and Pentecostals. I know it's not just here, but in many other parishes.

I'm a Canadian living and working in Germany (Karlsruhe) and am frustrated. Where do I go to be filled and fed ? Thanks for first being faithful.  Take care,

Don Woods 


MHFM:  Hello.  We're glad you contacted us.  The New Mass is invalid and must never be attended.  There is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass in this situation, so you should stay at home on Sundays and become convinced on all the issues.  Then we can help you with where to make a confession.  But it's crucial that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  You should also read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


They don’t deserve it


Vatican II Sect "Parish" In Virginia To Host Anglican "Ordination" Of Woman “Bishop”


The “consecration” of a Protestant woman to the “episcopacy” in a building that is claimed to be a Catholic church is a new level of blasphemy for the Whore of Babylon. It’s amazing and pathetic how so many false traditionalists are alarmed about this event but when they see that the “justification“ for this mockery comes from the apostate Second Vatican Council and the subsequent heretical directives, they just have no response. If they were of goodwill, they’d reject the council, the antipopes and the rest of the non-Catholic hierarchy; instead they consider the people responsible for these abominations as members and leaders in the Church. Their dishonesty and bad will is the reason why God allowed the antipopes, the fake priests, the invalid mass etc. All their protesting, fasts and cold showers mean nothing if they continue to reject God’s truth. This event is a sign to get out of the Vatican 2 sect otherwise one will die in his sins.




MHFM: Yes, the reason God allowed almost everything to be taken away (except for a faithful remnant) is that people in general don’t deserve to have a true pope in Rome who is recognized by the whole world.  They don’t deserve to have true Masses and the Eucharist all over the world.  God saw that very few care about the truth, appreciate the things of God and are of good will, so He allowed it almost all to be taken away in justice.  He was not going to cast pearls before swine.  The activity and the obstinate unbelief of false traditionalists constantly remind us why that judgment was just.  They don’t even deserve Antipope Francis (who represents a special chance for them to wake up and come out of their fog), let alone a true Catholic reigning in Rome.




Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


Another great video MHFM.  Your monastery is the greatest defender of EENS, one of the most important dogmas.  Keep exposing these wolves in sheep's clothing…


God bless,



Became convinced


Hello MHFM, I was baptized into the Vatican 2 sect as a child and grew up as a modern Catholic. However, I fell away from the Catholic Church in my early teens and became Protestant and started to listen to preachers like John MacArthur and Steven Anderson on YouTube. After coming across your video exposing Steven Anderson, I watched more and more of your videos over a few months and eventually became convinced on all the issues of the traditional Catholic Faith…   


Sincerely, Chris


New Video posted


Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS (new video)




The Bible Proves The Papacy


This is awesome undeniable proof of the papacy and St Peter's authority. With these facts I can now defend Catholicism against my… brother who mocks me and says Catholics are all going to hell for being a members of the "Whore of Babylon," lol. His typical protestant argument is "you follow the traditions of men and if it's not in the bible than it's not from God."





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


This is super crazy, how could you not believe after watching something like this? Also vaticancatholic.com im curious to learn more about your take on catholicism. I would consider myself a baptist but I truly am open to learning truth. Any info would help


Brandon Root


MHFM: Hello, Brandon.  You really should check out the videos in this file.  It contains biblical proof for Catholicism.  Our material also explains what's going on in Rome now.  It's crucial that you look at it and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.




Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


Excellent presentation…


Joey B




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


One of them even compared Padre Pio with John Paul II... What a joke!






The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN


So true.


Vaughn Dickerson




Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


I wonder how some people can reject the truth in the face of this much evidence. Astounding. They must have put their desires and ideas before the Word of God and teaching of His Church.


Sebastian Balak


They Have


Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for your video... Because they have rejected EENS, false traditionalists have essentially ended up rejecting everything that is governed by spiritual principles.  They have blinded themselves and become spiritually dead.  That's why no matter how abominable the anti-Christ abominations get, the false traditionalists continue to accept the Whore and its fake magisterium.  If they complain about Bergoglio and the Whore of Babylon, it's only because the false church and its members are embarrassing to the false traditionalists and, by contrast, are rendering their own externals foolish-looking.  Furthermore, by now, these proud fools may believe that correcting their "Church" is their heavenly mandate - just as Luther and all the other sect leaders have imagined over the last two thousand years…


Lee Ann  


Florence, Filioque


MHFM: Bessarion of Nicea, who converted to Catholicism, noted that during the debates at Florence the Eastern "Orthodox" had no cogent answer to the patristic evidence for the Filioque: “we had no reply whatsoever to make except that they were corrupt…” The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"




Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


… Thanks for another well done video.






Donatists In Hell, Canonizations Are Inerrant & "Trad" Priests Who Deny EENS


I agree. It shows how deeply the diabolical disorientation of Ecumenism has penetrated. And history will label this current pope Francis the Great Apostate.




MHFM: Well, the false ecumenism of the Vatican II Sect is actually the ugly culmination of heresy against EENS that was promoted in fallible sources before Vatican II.  Also, Francis is not a pope but an antipope.




“St.” John Paul II’s Heresies


Disgusting… I could never choke myself past 3 minutes of his "Theology" of the body…






"Holy Mass and Protestant Supper Are For Francis 'Very Close' Together"


And SSPX still thinks he is the Pope. Blind leading the blind (both fall into the pit).






John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


… and yet they called him “John Paul II the Great”.


Albertus Redy


Powerful passage on Baptism


MHFM: 1 Peter 3:20-21 is a powerful passage on the necessity of water baptism for salvation.  It’s noteworthy that in Greek the relative pronoun (meaning ‘which’, in verse 21) agrees with δατος (water) in the preceding verse.  Thus, the passage says that the water (which it defines as βάπτισμα- Baptism) now saves us.


1 Peter 3:20-21- “… who [the imprisoned spirits] were formerly disobedient when God’s patience waited in the days of Noe while the ark was being constructed, into which a few, that is, eight souls, came safely through water, which [water] as an antitype – that is, baptism – now saves us too, not as the body’s putting-off of grime, but as the good conscience’s pledge to God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ…


1 Peter 3:20-21, Greek: “… πειθήσασίν ποτε, τε πεξεδέχετο το θεο μακροθυμία ν μέραις Νε, κατασκευαζομένης κιβωτο, ες ν λίγαι, τοτ’ στιν κτ ψυχαί, διεσώθησαν δι’ δατος· 21 ντίτυπον νν κα μς σζει βάπτισμα, ο σαρκς πόθεσις ύπου, λλ συνειδήσεως γαθς περώτημα ες θεόν, δι’ ναστάσεως ησο χριστο…”


Not ‘Orthodox’


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Why are you still Catholic and not Orthodox?


Peter Sergius


MHFM: Because Eastern 'Orthodoxy' is without any doubt a false religion and Catholicism is without any doubt the one true faith of Christ (outside of which there is no salvation).  As this and our other videos show, the current situation in Rome was prophesied.  That further proves Catholicism.  Watch these videos for a refutation of the heresies of Eastern 'Orthodoxy':


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"

Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God 

Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Jesus Christ instituted the Papacy.  To deny that is to reject the words of Christ.  Watch these videos for biblical proof of the Papacy:


The Bible Proves The Papacy

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Makes Sense


Amazing Evidence For God


Finally something that makes absolute sense. Christ is the light, the way and salvation.


Andreas Cikota


MHFM: Also check out this file with material and videos on the biblical proof for Catholicism: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/  Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now and how it was prophesied.


New Flyers & DVDs


MHFM: We have three important new flyers available for order, and seven new DVDs (each containing many programs).  The new versions of the DVDs contain many of the most important new videos we have produced in the past few years.  The new flyers are the first three flyers listed on this page: https://mhfm.store/catholic-pamphlets-flyers.html

Flyer: The Bible Proves The Teachings Of The Catholic Church

Flyer: The End Times And The Heresies Of Francis

Flyer: The Heresies Of Francis And Why He Cannot Be The Pope


The new DVDs are the first seven listed on this page: https://mhfm.store/catholic-dvds.html

Main DVD (24 Videos)

Apologetics DVD (9 Videos)

Prophecy DVD (11 Videos)

Vatican II Sect Exposed DVD (20 Videos)

Various Catholic Issues DVD 30 Videos (Third Edition)

DVD en Español (21 videos)

DVD en Français (22 vidéos)




"Bishop Cancelled Epiphany Creed To Please Non-Believers"


Matthew 10:33 “But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.”


This layman posing as a bishop would not say the Creed because of his respect for other heretical men. In one way or another, the entire Vatican 2 sect has denied Jesus Christ and His Church through their false ecumenism and rejection of the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. They deny the necessity of Jesus Christ and unless they repent and convert to true Catholicism, they’ll be rejected by God on the day of their judgement.






St. Robert Bellarmine On The Death Penalty And Heretics


No doubt heresy is the worst crime, and all others however evil cannot be compared to killing the soul. We see the effect of the toleration of many religions and the protecting of them in the increasing atheism of liberal states and the tumults everywhere of their citizens.






… I was brought to the true Catholic Faith by God's grace through your ministry…




Toni Anderson




St. Robert Bellarmine On The Death Penalty And Heretics


What a great exposition of the fallacious arguments against corporal punishment put forth by Antipope Francis and the Vatican II sect This piece also illustrates the spiritual blindness of false traditionalists…




On the


St. Robert Bellarmine On The Death Penalty And Heretics


Thank you for this concise article on the true, historical teaching on the Catholic Church as regards the use of the death penalty. It seems very timely in our highly secular, "post-modern" day...




New Article


St. Robert Bellarmine On The Death Penalty And Heretics (new article)


MHFM: This is a new article with some very interesting quotes that you probably haven’t seen before from St. Robert Bellarmine in regard to the death penalty and heretics.




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


This is such a powerful video. Only the blind could continue being a protestant or follower of that demon Anderson…






Amazing Evidence For God


I love this video.


Julio Defreitas




St. Robert Bellarmine On The Death Penalty And Heretics


This information regarding heresy and the death penalty was illuminating, not seen before in my case. It further shows the destruction of souls that has taken place through the anti-popes, whose breadth of harm to mankind one would not have been able to imagine.


Susan Raciti


Just Read


What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Barely still Protestant. Just read Ephesians today and wondered about this passage. Wild.


Ben Gruender


MHFM: God is clearly giving you a message to look at the material and become a traditional Catholic.  Protestantism is false.  Catholicism (i.e. traditional Catholicism) is the one true faith of Christ necessary for salvation - the biblical faith.  You will find more biblical proof for Catholicism here.  Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now.




Thanks for all the hard work that you have done in making these excellent videos and books and providing all of the informative links. You expose the lies.


Richard McMahon


Gates of Hell


Dear Brothers,


I would like to add to MHFM response to the contributors comments that the Gates of Hell have prevailed (against the Catholic Church) by noting that in his sermon “Hell’s Widest Gate-Impurity”, St Alphonsus explains that the Gates of Hell “are the vices by which men offend God and draw down upon themselves chastisements and eternal death”. MHFM has explained many times that the Catholic Church is that body of faithful Catholics who hold true to the belief and practice of traditional Catholicism, and that it is not the Vatican buildings in Rome. The Catholic Church existed long before they were ever built and there will be a “remnant” of Catholic faithful... after they are gone... that remnant... will always have access to God’s Grace through The Holy Rosary, Perfect Contrition, Penance / Mortification, Good works, and Alms giving no matter what the Vatican II sect does. So the Gates of Hell has not, and cannot prevail against the actual true Catholic Church. It would also seem clear that this is why Our Lady has been so active in the latter part of this, the period of Grace, which we now near the end of. This is in particular, Her time.


Thank you for everything.


Niall Walsh





"South American archbishop tells Catholics to ‘accompany’ homosexual couples and their ‘families’"


Compassion is true when it aims at the real good of another. Endorsing sin or counseling others to remain in abominable unnatural vices is a great cruelty, an extreme assault on their spiritual welfare, and the most uncompassionate thing to do since it keeps them locked in their miserable state (as slaves of Satan) and leads them to Hell. Apostate, proud, obstinate reprobates do not deserve sympathy for being evil, but... the truth. This is true compassion. This is an example of loving others for the love of God.


Christiana et Fidelis


Paul VI, Vatican II


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Hello MHFM I have this one issue that I just thought of this morning: What if Paul VI turned out to not be a formal heretic and he still approved of all of those documents in Vatican II infallibly? Wouldn't that mean that the gates of hell have prevailed since he would still technically be a Catholic Pope if that were true?




MHFM: First, Paul VI was definitely a formal heretic.  You should see this video: “Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies.  Second, we know that he was not a true pope because it's impossible for a true pope to approve Vatican II the way he did.  That's covered here: Was Vatican II Infallible?


If he had been a true pope, then the gates of Hell would have prevailed.  But they did not and cannot.  He was definitely an antipope, and this situation was prophesied.  Third, there is also evidence that he was not even validly elected, putting aside the considerations of his heresy. 




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Sad these fools are so blind to the truth. Truly they are spiritual victims who worship this beast cause their false traditional leaders encourage them to do so…




Mt. 6:7


I have watched some of your videos on YouTube and find them to be both biblically sound and well articulated.


I was baptised Catholic as a child, but strayed away from Christ altogether as I got older. Now a born again Christian, my Baptist raised wife and I have some major dilemmas with Catholicism that I was hoping someone could address. I write the following not in sharp criticism or disrespect, but with a genuine desire to understand… The Rosary. Is this not Matthew 6:7?...


Thank you for taking the time to read this and address any misconceptions I may have.






MHFM: Hello.  To be a true Christian one must be a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to become a true Catholic.  No, the Rosary is not a vain repetition condemned in Matthew 6:7.  This video address that matter.  You will find additional biblical proof for Catholic teaching and the Papacy in this file.  The material also explains what’s happening in Rome now.




Is the World about to End?


Thank you MHFM! Because of your Work and with God’s Grace I’m now a Catholic. God bless you Brothers.




No matter what


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Don't play with Fire… I love Pope St. John Paul II the great and no matter what all of you could think or say I am staying loyal.


Maricela Arana


MHFM: You can't refute the facts.  You simply reject God and the Catholic faith.  You are a wicked heretic.  John Paul II was neither a saint nor a pope.


Wish to become


I would like to thank you for your insightful videos that you have created… I wish to become a true Catholic and it is rather hard in these troubling times. Not sure how this works…


Thank you for work,


Juan Armenta




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Whoa!!!! Prayers for all their souls, that the scales may fall from their eyes…


Joyce Brownlee


Leo the Great, on condemning heretics


Pope St. Leo the Great: Those who “return once more to the Catholic faith which they had long ago lost, should first confess without ambiguity that their errors and the authors of the errors themselves are condemned by them, that their base opinions may be utterly destroyed, and no hope survive of their recurrence…” (Letter 18, Dec. 30, 447)


Videos have




Hi, my name is Ryan and I recently just came to believe in God. I was baptized Methodist but drifted into a stretch of about 15 years of absolute Godlessness...


I read on your site about contacting you about seeing which churches in my area are okay to attend. In central PA there are not many Catholic churches here. 


There is a novus ordo up the road that I had been attending but your videos have totally turned me off to that. 


I argued, in their RCIA during their class on Tradition, that outside of the church there is no salvation and the person leading the class told the class that the church never taught that. It says it clearly. I feel so bad because it seemed that nobody understood that he was totally lying. I cannot be a part of that. 


I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. I wasn't baptized a Catholic. I agree 100 percent that the Seat is vacant and that outside the church there is no salvation.  I worry about my eternal salvation and want to please God. 


I can’t wait to read the books I recently ordered for a clearer understanding on these matters. 


Thank you,



Coming from


I am coming from Novus Ordo, I watched your videos etc., but where can I go to confession when here in Slovakia…


God bless,

Yours faithfully





More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus


Small babies are taking a huge amount of vaccine doses even before their first birthday. The way parents educate/treat their children is so sad and absurd: God has no place in their lives, they only care about what others think and they do what others tell them to do.


Lucas Guelfi


The Door


MHFM: In this important declaration from the Council of Florence, we are told that people cannot enter Heaven without water baptism.  It also declares that water baptism is how people are made members of Christ and the Body of the Church.


Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the door [ianua] to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”


We are also taught that water baptism is the “door” or “gateway” of the spiritual life.  The word used in Latin is ianua.  According to Catholic teaching, water baptism is the door to spiritual life in Christ, and Jesus tells us that anyone who does not enter by the door is a thief and a robber.


John 10:1- “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber.”




Former presidential candidate says Trump's recent EO outlaws criticism of Judaism and makes non-Jews 2nd class citizens - video


MHFM: People should watch this video.  What we're seeing in various segments of federal and local government is a de facto takeover by partisans and supporters of Israel, with the goal to consolidate power, monitor their critics and eventually suppress or jail them.  It's an occupation/invasion of sorts by a foreign country, just a non-violent one.  On that matter, these links are also relevant:


Jews demand FBI task force to combat "anti-semitism" and "undertake hate control" - 2 minute video

"New NYPD unit will seek out anti-Semitism before it occurs"


Why So Many Can’t Believe – French


MHFM: Our video Why So Many Can’t Believe has been published in French.


Pourquoi tant de gens ne peuvent pas croire




Dear Brothers,


… I just wanted to thank your monastery for putting all the efforts on spreading the truth of God without any shred of compromise. I am really impressed by the lack of contradictions and uncertainty on your materials: how well-researched your documentaries and precise all your rebuttals to heresies are all in accord to the Magisterium of the Church. It really gives a glimpse of hope and security in the Great Apostasy that we are in. Also, it made me appreciate the more how God protects His revelations from errors, especially in regards to the Outside Church There Is No Salvation dogma. I have read [the] book… provided in your website. Truly, an amazing read! A pity to the people who can't accept the truth of this teaching.


In fact, it's really quite astonishing and disappointing how false traditionalists give a different interpretation to Pope Eugene IV's Cantate Domino in order to deny the necessity of water baptism for salvation. They claim not to take the passage literally because it's "autistic" to do so and that you need to think "paradoxically" and not in a "binary" way.


They have to twist and make some exceptions to an absolute not thinking in advance that definitions that become RELATIVE are false truths and lack in consistency and legibility. It's postmodernist relativism… What "added to the flock" means is that the person must be initiated as a Catholic faithful before he/she dies. How does one become Catholic? Only through water baptism as the Council of Trent mandated!...


Best Regards,







I have just started my official journey towards the Catholic Church. I watch your YouTube videos regularly and I am confused and in need of direction… Thank you and God bless.




Spirit of Antichrist


MHFM: The spirit of Antichrist is not only present in the Vatican II Sect (the Whore of Babylon), but also in false trads and various heretical sedevacantists who hate the necessity of water baptism – a dogma that comes from Christ and has been declared by the Church.  They are enemies of the true remnant Church in our day.


Giovanni Battista


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


By adopting the name "John" and "Paul" from his two predecessors, it should be obvious JPII was continuing and amplifying the radical changes. Also interesting that his main predecessor, Paul VI, was named Giovanni Battista--John the Baptist…






The Bible Proves The Papacy


Wasn't Peter rebuked by Paul? How can the "pope" be infallible if that was the case?


J Pow


MHFM: No, he wasn't.  You should watch this video: Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?.  Also, a true pope is only infallible under certain conditions.  You should also read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.




The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”


MHFM has the best in-depth explanations of the Catholic faith I have found…


John Blatner




MHFM: This is an important short article on the Catholic Church’s teaching that no man can be saved without water baptism.  This particular article focuses on various statements from Pope St. Leo the Great.  There are, of course, statements from other popes that dogmatically teach the same truth.


Pope Leo The Great On The Necessity Of Baptism For Salvation


Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 15, July 21, 447: “And because through the transgression of the first man the whole stock of the human race was tainted, no one can be set free from the state of the old Adam save through Christ’s sacrament of baptism, in which there are no distinctions between the reborn…”


Fahey heresy


Did Fr. Denis Fahey teach heresy on salvation?


MHFM: Yes, he did. 


Fr. Denis Fahey, The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1952): “The Jews, as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society a direction which is in complete opposition to the order God wants.  It is possible that a member of the Jewish Nation, who rejects our Lord, may have the supernatural life which God wishes to see in every soul, and so be good with the goodness God wants, but objectively, the direction he is seeking to give to the world is opposed to God and to that life, and therefore is not good.  If a Jew who rejects our Lord is good in the way God demands, it is in spite of the movement in which he and his nation are engaged.”


As anyone who is honest can see, Fahey clearly taught that a Jew who rejects Our Lord Jesus Christ can be in the state of grace.  That is blatant heresy.  It is directly contrary to Catholic dogma and the words of the New Testament.  His heresy is another example of how the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus was being denied by many priests before Vatican II.  Further, almost all ‘traditionalist’ priests in our day would agree with Fahey’s heretical position on this matter.  They are not truly Catholic.


New Video Posted


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims (video)




Francis Asked Football Manager Not To Make Sign Of The Cross


Putting men in place of God is a major characteristic of the Vatican 2 sect. This fellow frets that bergolio will get angry. Note that he expresses NO concern about offending God.




‘Reception theory’ nonsense


Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


The "reception theory" is sheer nonsense...






John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Awesome video……… spot on!!... So… many people need to see this.




Can confirm


Irish "Catholic Bishops'" charity takes part in a pro-abortion pro-"LGBT" rally - 1 minute video


I live in Ireland and can confirm that lesbianism and sodomite activity are actively promoted at so called 'Catholic' schools. Recently a school in Derry sent its kids around getting staff members to sign a lesbian themed marriage card.


Vincent VanWyk


Spirit of Truth


John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


This is outrageous apostasy. The Spirit of Truth is identified as the Holy Spirit in scripture. So according to this encyclical the firm belief professed by the adherents of non-Christian aka pagan religions proceeds from or stirred up by the Holy Spirit of God, the third person of the Holy Trinity. Almost sounds like Calvinism but he identifies it, the firm belief in the pagan religions as manifested by their adherents, as a positive thing. Simply unbelievable. That is why you ought to reject Vatican I and the claims of the Papacy. Hoc est anti Christus.


Lutheran Prince


MHFM: We're glad you agree with the exposé of John Paul II's apostasy, but you are quite wrong about the Catholic Church and the Papacy.  The Catholic Church is definitely the one true Church.  The Papacy was instituted by Christ.  You will find biblical proof for Catholic teaching and the Papacy in the videos in this file.  The antipopes of the Vatican II Sect do not disprove the Papacy just as false gospels in the early Church do not disprove the authentic gospels.  The current situation was prophesied, as this video and our other videos show.  In fact, the fulfillment of these prophecies in Rome further proves Catholicism to be the one true faith of Christ.  What really matters is what's happening in Rome because that's where the leader of the true Church normally resides.  It's also where the temple of God is located.  See: The Temple Of God In Prophecy (2 Thess. 2:4) Is Not Jewish.  Lutheranism is heretical and utterly unbiblical.  Look at the evidence in the aforementioned file, for it's necessary for your salvation to embrace the traditional Catholic faith.




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Thank you, Brothers, for this excellent video…


Tanner Wintters




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Excellent exposé…





False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times


Very well explained I need to learn true Catholic Faith as I left when I was 17 I'm now 71 I don't attend Church.


Janette Davis


MHFM: These are the steps to convert.  However, you need to be convinced on all the issues first. You should also read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  You should also pray the Hail Mary frequently for the grace to embrace the truth and follow through with your conversion.  It's necessary for your salvation.  (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)  We also offer a catechism.




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Interesting but how a rotted pope became saint and performed miracles to be canonized? Explain that to me. Pray, pray, and pray because the devil is working 24/7 to divide us.


David Zachalski


MHFM: Francis is an antipope.  He has no authority to canonize anyone, as our material covers.  With regard to the false signs and false miracles that have enabled the invalid canonization of Antipope John Paul II and other heretics (such as Mother Teresa), they are included in the false signs and wonders mentioned in 2 Thess. 2:9 and Rev. 13 which accompany the deception of the Antichrist and play a role in the Great Apostasy.  The many false apparitions and messages of 'Our Lady' during the reign of Antipope John Paul II, which claimed that he was 'holy', 'Mary's pope', etc. would be other examples of the same diabolical phenomenon.




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Excellent Video!


Scott Franklin




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Wow! Master class! Nailed it! I sincerely weep for having followed that man and that Spirit he and Vatican II preach about: Satan, the Unholy Spirit.






John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


This is an outstanding and necessary video, and it is appropriate and a great blessing for it to be released today. John Paul II was the greatest deceiver in history. Multitudes of people — even the most “conservative” members of the Vatican II sect — are convinced that JPII was… a man of orthodox doctrine, a holy man, and a saint. There was something unique about JPII that made him appear warm and lovable and appealing, but it was a great deception, the worst deception in the history of the Church. He was indeed the Antichrist. People must get out of the Vatican II sect and embrace the true Catholic Faith.


David Phillips




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


This video synthesizes many of your other presentations exposing JP2. Superb. That rosary with his image in the centerpiece is especially chilling and revealing.


John Moore




John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


The Beast that was and is not has returned!






John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims


Love from Canada. Thank you for waking us up.




In the Name


MHFM: An additional biblical proof for the necessity of water baptism is found in the Acts of the Apostles’ emphasis that people are baptized in the name of the Lord (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5) in conjunction with the New Testament’s teaching that remission of sins/justification occurs through the name of the Lord.


Acts 10:48- “And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.”


Acts 2:38- “And Peter said to them, ‘Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins…’”


Acts 10:43- “To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”


Baptism is the act (and the exclusive way) to receive remission of sins in the name of the Lord.  That’s why the New Testament connects receiving baptism with an act “in the name of the Lord”.  For more on this, see these videos: What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians; Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism.


1 Corinthians 6:11- “… But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”


Paul VI


“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies 


What a disgusting slime ball! Pope Paul VI was… definitely… not a saint!


S. Operator


MHFM: It’s also crucial to recognize that he was an antipope, as our material covers.




Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


This has been very informative. Thank you.


Eddie Ortiz




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


Excellent, thank you.


Mary Sisak




MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic who is in agreement with MHFM on the issues and is looking for a place to work and possibly live, we might know of an opportunity for that person.  E-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com with your name and phone number, if you are interested.




Why So Many Can't Believe


Your video is very inspiring…


Rogene Yusi


Had prayed


Hello. I recently became a convert to the Catholic faith and almost immediately God brought me to your videos. I had prayed for God to reveal truth, it brought me to the Catholic faith where I immediately saw a distinction between our traditional faith in what is now practiced in the VII sect. I live just north of Boston in Massachusetts.   I saw in a comment on YouTube mentioning you would help give instructions on how to practice the traditional faith… Feeling a bit lost on how to raise my three small children...

As mentioned, I’ve seen and accept all your videos and gratefully ask for guidance for myself and my family. I do not want to violate, in any way, the true faith. 

In Christ,




St. Robert Bellarmine: Jesus Christ Alone Redeemed Us


This topic has new life, unfortunately, b/c of the imposter Jorge speaking against it - in other words, the Enemy is using truth (Co-Redemptrix is a falsehood) spoken by a man (Jorge) who is a liar. Therefore, many otherwise faithful Catholics will hear the words of Jorge and conclude he must be lying about this, as he lies about practically all of the True Faith. The Enemy will never grow weary, but neither will our Savior, nor Our Lady, nor the saints in heaven!


Charles A. Crisp




Hello, I have in the past five or so months come across your material and I deeply appreciate the content you produce…


Pax Christi,




New Article


St. Robert Bellarmine: Jesus Christ Alone Redeemed Us


MHFM: This is a short new article.  It presents an interesting new quote from St. Robert Bellarmine, which constitutes more evidence for our position that the title ‘co-redemptrix’ is not an accurate one for Our Lady.  The article reviews the Church's dogmatic teaching and comments briefly on specious arguments people make on this matter.


So common


Girls Are Homeschooled To Avoid Boy In Their School Bathroom - 1 minute video


… This is getting so common now, that I can hardly believe that God has allowed it go on. Really, HE WON'T ALLOW IT MUCH LONGER. A giant millstone is on its way. Thank you MHFM from all of us who have seen the light none too soon through all of your... work. I can't even express my gratitude to God and to you all to be included in this "few who can see." And the blindness of the world is more and more culpable each day.




To stay


"Prominent architect killed by debris from NYC high rise" - 1 minute video


This story is very sad but should be a reminder to everyone how important it is to stay in the state of grace. The hour of death is uncertain. How many poor souls are damned for all eternity for having thought they had more time to go to confession or pray the Rosary...


St Isaac Jogues: “Well must we use the time that is accorded to us that we must do that in our life which we would have wished we did at the moment of our death.”


St Camillus de Lellis: “If all these dead bodies could come back again to life, what would they not do to gain eternal life? And I, who have now the opportunity - what am I doing for my soul?”




Not included


Apostate Justin Trudeau Wants "Significant Penalties" For Social Media "Hate Speech" - 4 minute video


I guess mockery of God, blasphemy and hatred towards Christ aren't included in his "hate speech" category.


Rafael Centeio



The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


I firmly believe that praying the rosary regularly, almost every day, sometimes 2-3 times a day sometimes, for over Year led me here and to this channel. Thank you for this amazing content. I was once a fallen Catholic. I am now a repentant revert.


Mark Browne




Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted


Solid takedown.


Jason Ludwig




Congressman Dan Crenshaw says criticism of Israel not protected as free speech - 2 minute video


MHFM: This is sickening.



“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


He is a walking disaster for the faith.


Fadi A.




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)




El Nicoya




Thank you… You really showed how so-called sola scriptura protestants have a very deficient understanding of scripture. When I was a under the novus ordo sect I always felt inferior in trying to defend the faith, but your website has greatly made me have the confidence to evangelize to friends and family now that I understand true Catholicism (understanding that baptism of desire is a false teaching also really helped). Before I always felt as though because most protestants seem so much more eloquent in citing scripture they must have understood it better, but their errors show the Holy Spirit is not with their teachings.




New Rite


New "Catholic Bishop" calls for the creation of a female "priesthood" and says "Mass" shouldn't be obligatory - 29 second video


We know… that the new “Roman” rite of ordination promulgated by antipope Paul VI is invalid for deleting the same prayers, if not more, than the Anglicans. Now, members of the antichrist church (Vatican 2 sect) are pushing for more changes to resemble more closely the Anglican heretics.


It’s been reported that “Cardinal” Francesco Coccopalmerio is working to reverse Pope Leo XIII’s solemn declaration of nullity for Anglican orders. In the Vatican 2 sect’s desperate attempts to defend their validity, they’re falling into many heresies regarding sacramental validity. The evil people in the Whore of Babylon stopped believing in the true sacrificing priesthood and as punishment, God took it away from them.






Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen.


Is Bergoglio's gift of St. Peter's relics to the Eastern Orthodox church related to Revelation?


Joseph Campagnolo


MHFM: It's related in a general way to the Whore of Babylon being drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs, via its false ecumenism and religious indifferentism.


Different person


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Excellent breakdown on this. Makes sense that Cephas is an entirely different person based on the context of the switch; along with all the other points to support it.






Amazing Evidence For God


Going through a crisis in spiritual life. Looks like God answered me after I prayed for help. Thank you for this video.


Neil A.


MHFM: We're glad you liked the video.  Now God wants you to look at more of the material on our site and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  It's the one true faith necessary for salvation.  You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here.  The material also explains what's going on in Rome now.  You should also begin to pray the Hail Mary prayer frequently.  That will give you important graces to see the truth and move toward conversion.



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