E-Exchanges Archive, First of 2019




Heresies of Benedict XVI


Does this mean the last 3 popes were actually imposters???


Jeremiah Malcolm


MHFM: It means that all of the claimants to the Papacy after Pius XII (i.e. John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis) have been heretical antipopes.  This is covered in our material.  The material also explains how this situation was prophesied and what to do.  We also recommend that you read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Dear MHFM,


… abortions could be as high as 13.4 million per year. This count includes the estimate of induced abortions caused by abortifacient contraceptives.


… The scale of victims in the millions... results in eye opening… murder counts… I appreciate your site and mission.


Gerard Gerlett




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Excellent video!...




Bewildered by the Whore


Subject: Bewildered by the Whore



Came across this article from the increasingly confused (to put it mildly) writers over at Church Militant:


Changing the meaning of the Our Father seems to barely shake people out of their slumber. They (the so called "traditional Catholics") just continue to wonder "bewildered" after the Whore. However, in addition to the "bewildering" change to the Our Father, there were a couple other interesting points buried in the "on-going post-Vatican II liturgical reforms" stated by the article. 

First, it noted how a reference to "people of good will" is to be removed: "The Gloria will be revised to "Peace on Earth to people beloved by God" (pace in terra agli uomini, amati dal Signore) from "Peace on earth to people of good will" (pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà)." 

Having good will is one of the most critical issues of our day. Its absence in most people is glaring. Appropriate that it is now absent from the false Novus Ordo.

Second, the horrible "for all" translation will be coming back to the Italian translation, at a minimum. The wine of her Whoredom continues to flow right upon the geographical back of the Beast. "Vatican sources report that the third edition of the Italian missal will not respect [Anti]Pope Benedict's wishes and will remain 'for all.'" 

Third, these changes are also in-line with Antipope Francis's efforts to proactively destroy the authority and unity held be a legitimate successor of St. Peter. He is trying to shatter this unified authority and jurisdiction into pieces which is fitting given he is a heretic of the highest order. "In other words, the Holy See no longer issues a recognitio that approves vernacular translations but now issues a confirmatio that confirms decisions made by the bishops' conferences" which is consistent with "undoing what has been called 'creeping centralism of previous decades.'" 

Without question, the Seat is truly vacant.





Amazing Evidence For God


Thanks for such an amazing video.


Imran Shah




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)




Dee Lankford


Vatican II


“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


I disagree with all the comments about Vatican ll. If you actually read the documents, they are quite Orthodox. It's been the application of said documents and the flight from them that are heretical.


I Roam Alone


MHFM: You are quite wrong.  You really need to wake up and look at the videos and evidence in this file: The Heresies In Vatican Council II.  Vatican II is filled with heresy.  To name just some of the heresies taught in Vatican II: it teaches that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion (Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27); that Protestant religions are a means of salvation (Unitatis Redintegratio #3); that Protestants and other heretics who dissent from Catholic dogma are in the Body of Christ (Unitatis Redintegratio #3); that religious liberty should be a universal civil right (Dignitatis Humanae #2); that the Church looks upon the Muslims with esteem (Nostra Aetate #3); that Jews are not to be presented as rejected by God (Nostra Aetate #4).




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


He is quite clearly a clownish character, a heretic and wicked; that much is obviously clear, but more importantly, what does this say to the state of Rome that they would make this man a “Cardinal”?




MHFM: He was made a 'cardinal' in the Vatican II Sect, which is the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material covers.




Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof








Former Israeli Deputy FM Says Israel Is Not Signatory To NPT So We’re Not Breaking Any Rules – 3 minute video


This video would never be allowed to be broadcast on a mainstream media channel in the US.




Counter Church


“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


What a disaster of a man…






This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


This is the best and most concise video… ! Spread this everywhere!





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


This is the best documentary I've seen…







“Catholic” presidental candidates John Delaney, Beto O’Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand vow to expand “LGBTQ rights” at “Pride Event” – 1 minute video


There is nothing mini about this horrible sin or the guilt of those who dare to defend it and propagate it.  In fact, in the eyes of God, this could be more scandalous than Sodom. Back in the day, the city had just a local reputation with the nearby areas.


Nowadays, this depravity gets to be live broadcasted to the whole world. The sin is being spread like wildfire. And so shall be the upcoming retribution from God when the time of Judgement arrives.






“Catholic” presidental candidates John Delaney, Beto O’Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand vow to expand “LGBTQ rights” at “Pride Event” – 1 minute video


It's like a mini-Sodom....


Nick Colaiano




Baker Jack Phillips faces third lawsuit over refusal to make “gender transition” cake – 31 second video


This proves that there is a war going on against people who try to live in accord with biblical morality and that our enemies are domestic. Our very civil existence is continually menaced and threatened by the enemies. Leftists are not compatible with civil society. They adamantly refuse to respect the freedoms of others and to follow law. Psalm 58:2-3 "Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; and defend me from them that rise up against me. Deliver me from them that work iniquity, and save me from bloody men."…


Christiana et Fidelis


Know why


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


I didn't know any of this. It's horrifying. Now I know why I found the Vatican II mass to be so hollow that I stopped going. I'm so glad I did!...




MHFM: It's crucial that you become a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that.  We also recommend that Catholics pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  Once you are in the habit of praying it daily, we recommend that people pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  This file also contains important principles in regard to the current situation: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/catholic-glossary-principles/




48 minute video: Creation and Miracles – Condensed Version


This video helped a lot to strengthen my faith, thank you.






“Girl euthanized for depression” – 27 second video


And this atrocity being fully endorsed by murderous adults.  People have become so godless…






The Bible Proves The Papacy 


In a time when worldly authority is given over to elites, bankers, presidents, prime ministers, CEOs, generals... caliphs, gurus and dalai lamas, the… divine authority given us by Christ, the Papacy, is marginalized, rejected... Truly these are the end of days.


Joseph Boyat




‘Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’


… Great information!


Craig Sherman




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


Great content…


Sam F



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


I am shocked at how many people think this is sorcery!...


Robert Bird


MHFM: It is sorcery.  In case you didn’t know, cards don’t just appear in people’s hands, people don’t levitate, etc. by ‘sleight of hand’.  Those things are obviously done with spiritual assistance.  People who believe that such things are ‘sleight of hand’ or a natural trick are foolish and blind.




Dear MHFM, 


My name is Ian Owens. I have recently decided to attend sedevacantist mass in Ireland with thanks to your amazing videos and information, I am truly grateful. 


I tried for a while to find priests who reject Vatican II in Ireland and wasn't having much success. Then I found CMRI… If you know of any reason why I shouldn't go to mass with… the CMRI in general, please let me know.


Thank you very much for your amazing information, and thank you for reading this email. 


God bless you all, 




MHFM: [We contacted him and explained why one should not go to the CMRI.  He agreed.  They are horrible, faithless and imposing heretics.  But this is another example of how, by the grace of God, many people come into contact with traditional Catholicism or show interest in converting, taking the sedevacantist position, etc. after seeing our material.  Many of them wind up seeking out traditional Masses, even though at this time there is almost nowhere one should go.  In other words, we produce material that brings many people into Tradition, and many of the heretical sedevacantist groups, who don’t produce material that brings anyone or almost anyone to the faith, wind up getting more Mass attendees as a result of what we put out.  Some, or many, of those people then wind up donating to their heretical groups after coming into contact with traditional Catholicism through our material.  There's even a person who was ‘converted’ from Protestantism by one of our videos and is now a heretical seminarian with one of the heretical sedevacantist groups, because ultimately he cared more about the status of being a priest than the true faith.]




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


Disgusting! Let him be anathema!...






Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


Thank you someone said these things about this lady… God bless.  EXTRA ECCLESIAM NULLA SALUS.


Aura Britto




Florida Cabinet meets in Israel, DeSantis signs “anti-Semitism” bill – 2 minute video


MHFM: This is another example of the incremental occupation/takeover of the U.S. by Israel via political influence, pressure, money, etc.  You wonder how long it will be before they require people not to criticize or boycott Israel in order to get electricity.




“UN report says Israel a ‘racist state’ and ‘apartheid regime’”


Israel denies Palestinians the right to free speech (in Gaza, where Israeli soldiers shoot peaceful protesters), the right to vote (in Areas A & B of the West Bank and Gaza), the right to travel (from one city to another in WB, which is necessary for economic development), and the right of return (which Israel freely gives ethnic Jews).


Christopher de la Viesca




This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


So you are saying pre Vatican II the Catholic Church was true? I think they went wrong much earlier than vat II.


Ryan Marcus


MHFM: It's definitely true.  You can see the biblical proof for Catholicism here.  The fulfillment of prophecies in Rome also proves it.  On that point, also see this video: Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen.  It's necessary for salvation to be a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to become a true Catholic and what to do.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


This man is an apostate…


Donald Ramsey



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Thank you for making this video… It’s sorcery.


Mr. Lewis


Francis says


Antipope Francis attacks “traditional Catholics” as “fundamentalists” – says the tradition of the Church is always in motion – 25 second video


I have never heard him condemn Protestantism... Or Muhammadism... Or Judaism... It seems like the only religion he has ever condemned is Traditional Catholicism...


Nick Colaiano




Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen


Really interesting video… Fascinating stuff.




Francis, Papacy


What Francis Really Believes (4th edition) 


Francis is why I can't take the Catholic Church and the idea of the papacy seriously.




MHFM: The Papacy is true.  Francis is an antipope.  This situation was prophesied.  Please consult more of our material, including this file with biblical proof for Catholicism: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


Wow, this channel has made the best case for becoming Catholic.





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Out of this world performances but behind these are demons.  Clearly they sold their souls to Satan. They will burn in hell forever.

JoyMarie Amante-Reterta 


Ratisbonne, Baptism


The Miraculous Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne


Hello MHFM,


After re-reading the article on the conversion of Fr. Ratisbonne, it looks like his conversion would refute baptism of desire. Fr. Ratisbonne was given by Our Lady the gift of Infused Knowledge about the Catholic faith.


On page 19 of the testimony of baron de Bussière about Fr. Ratisbonne, who helped his conversion: "Ratisbonne wants to know when he can receive baptism, without which he would not know how to live..."


Fr. Ratisbonne himself said on p. 29 in his own relation about what he learned at the very moment the blessed Mother graced him with the gift: "Alas! So many men... are wrapped in horrible darkness;... and my family, my fiancee, my poor sisters!!!!... It is to you, whom I thought of, whom I love that I gave my first prayers!... the Savior of the world, whose Blood has wiped away the original sin! Oh, how the mark of this stain is hideous! It renders completely unrecognizable the creature which was created in the image of God!... I was asked how I learned those truths because I never opened any religious book..."


Out of all of the knowledge, why was this particularly the one given by Our Lady, and one especially highlighted by the Fr., if it is not the necessity of the baptism itself!  Later on, when his baptism was to be delayed, he insisted: "What?! The Jews who heard the apostles' preaching were immediately baptized, and you want to delay mine, after I heard the Queen of Apostles!"


I find that interesting. Thank you for putting the story online!




To see


MHFM: It’s sad to see so many Protestants, etc., when they observe the apostasy of Antipope Francis, Rome and the Vatican II Sect, convince themselves: “Yep, I’m right not to be Catholic.”  If they had good will, they would consider the bigger picture and realize that this situation was prophesied.  The Catholic faith remains the true faith.




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


TY, Francis is an Anti-Pope & it's far past due the College of Cardinals to call a Conclave & make him resign. The only Pope I recognize is Pope Benedict.

Rulya Mórrigan Ard Mhacha


MHFM: Benedict XVI is not a pope.  He is, rather, a manifest heretic like Francis.  You should see this video and file: The Heresies of Benedict XVI, Heresies of the Vatican II Antipopes.  Also, the 'cardinals' to whom you refer are also heretics.  They accept the false Vatican II religion.  The Vatican II 'Church' is not Catholic, as our material explains.  This situation was prophesied.




Accepting Francis = Apostasy 


John 23, Paul 6, JP 1, JP 2, Benedict 16, and Francis are anti Popes.


Michel Font


Now realize


Accepting Francis = Apostasy  Justification Debate 


Going by the information you sharing with us, I now realize I've never been exposed to the true Catholic faith… Praise God for the outstanding knowledge you share with us. There was a time I fell away into the Baptist church. Was stunned to realize how they promote the gift of free salvation. Praise God for bringing me back to the true faith of our Catholic church!...


Maria Hinderscheid




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Thanks for explaining…






MHFM: June is called by the Left ‘Gay Pride Month’.  It’s really Sodomite Abomination Month.  The ‘LGBT’ agenda is ANTI-CHRISTIAN.  See Romans 1:25-27.  It’s horrible to see so many fake conservatives cave to pressure and celebrate the vile act of sodomy – denying Christ and damning their souls.




“Fr.” Frank Pavone’s Protestant Theology


I wouldn't expect much from Fr. Pavone. He was educated by heretics.




MHFM: The same is true of all the 'priests' in the Vatican II Sect.  His position on those matters reflects what is taught in Vatican II.  The problem is that they accept Vatican II and the new religion.  Further, Pavone was 'ordained' in the New Rite of Ordination and therefore he is not a valid priest.  You should look at more of the material on our site.




“Magician” Eric Chien proves his acts are not accomplished by “sleight of hand” – video


We live in a very wicked time. Much of the evil in our world today comes from parents teaching their kids birth control pills, evil entertainment, narcissism, moral relativism, liberalism and pornography are normal and part of ''modern culture''. It goes without saying they also reject the Catholic faith.


Lucas Guelfi




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


The institution of the Roman Catholic Church is finished like a well baked potato. I'm so blessed to be a born again Christian Protestant.


Charles Vanderburgh


MHFM: No, you are confusing the Whore of Babylon, the end-times Counter Church, with the Catholic Church.  They are not the same, as our material explains.  This situation was prophesied. Protestantism is not Christianity, and you can't be saved in it.  See the material in this file: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


… Outstanding presentation. Totally impressed, a real eye-opener. God Bless.


Jim Siriotis


KJV - Anglicans


Is the King James Bible Infallible? – King James Onlyism Exposed


Stupendous presentation! Even Anglican scholars don't make the claim of infallibility for the KJV that the independent, "Onlyist" evangelicals do.  Thank you...






What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Explained so well!!!…


JM Gill



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Awesome video. Thank you.


Vern De Beer




“Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light On Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge Of 9/11 Attacks”


Absolutely. They were interviewed on Israeli television where they said they were in New York to "document the event." In other words, they knew it was coming and the exact time it was to take place.






“Magician” Eric Chien proves his acts are not accomplished by “sleight of hand” – video


This guy makes Shin Lim (who had admit to using black magic) look like an amateur. In the full video, Eric makes comments about “magic” being everything to him and it being his entire life. It’s so obvious from this video that demonic forces are behind this act; he sold his soul to satan. It seems every year the devil is given more power to do these unexplainable “tricks” because of the sins of the world. People who watch this “performance” need to wake up fast and realize there is a war going on for their soul that can only be won by becoming a traditional Catholic.






“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


This "cardinal" is an antichrist.


Daescu Mihail


As of


Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People 


Absolutely 100% correct! If either Jew or Gentile will not listen to the words of Jesus The Christ or what is taught about Him in Scripture, they will be completely cut off from God! Period! I am also a Traditional Catholic, as of this year (April 2019).


Treva Peres




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


This is alarming...he's a puppet.


Jason Long




Amazing Evidence For God


The best video.


Evangeline Chai



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


I saw Chris Angel's show in Las Vegas, and it's VERY real. One reason more and more people are witnessing paranormal events around the world is because some people are channeling spirits and opening the door to their realm. When you witness human elevation in person up close, you realize there is something ungodly going on...


Agave Bob




The Temple Of God In Prophecy (2 Thess. 2:4) Is Not Jewish 


Protestants are Judaizers. They worship the antichrist State of Israel.




MHFM: That's a huge problem with multitudes of them, although not with all of them.


2 Tim. 3:5


MHFM: 2 Timothy 3:5 warns about people “having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”  This applies to many celebrities, athletes, etc. who say they’re “blessed”, mention God, “prayers”, etc. but dress inappropriately, live like pagans and deny the power/force of God’s laws in their lives.


“… having the form of godliness, but denying its power.  Avoid such people.” – 2 Timothy 3:5




“Target stores donate $100K to LGBT nonprofit that promotes ‘inclusive’ K-12 schools”


The Crime of Sodom has become a major false god (idol) to many worldlings. They even get angry, throw tantrums, or become restless whenever they feel their false god is criticized or slighted in any way. Many are literally paying homage to the vile act... They have set aside feast days and a month to commemorating what is filthy. They feverishly give 'tithes' to spread their filthy satanic abomination.


Christiana et Fidelis



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists



I used to think these 'tricks' were down to modern advances in technology and people getting cleverer. How stupid was I. Now, I see. Some of these stunts are impossible by the laws of physics. It's EVIL…


Clive Raynor




MHFM: We’ve added this example to our article on Historical Examples Of Theologians Teaching Error.  It reminds us again why the Chair of St. Peter, not theologians, is the final word on matters of faith.  The Papacy has been given a unique protection and infallibility that was not granted to individual theologians.




“The plurality of forms in the same mobile being was the common teaching in the Middle Ages, before the time of St. Thomas.  Such, indeed, was the teaching of... St. Albert the Great, and St. Bonaventure.  Scotus supported the teaching of the plurality of forms in living beings: a living being has one form in as much as it is corporeal, and another in as much as it is living.  St. Thomas taught the unity of substantial form in every mobile being, i.e., that there is only one substantial form in any mobile being.  His opinion was condemned first in Paris (in 1277) by bishop Etienne Tempier; and later, at the instigation of Robert Kilwardby, at Oxford; but it was generally adopted by later Scholastics.” (Henri Grenier, Thomistic Philosophy, Vol. 1, St. Dunstan’s University, 1948, p. 287.)





“Cardinal Cupich’s cathedral promotes Elton John biopic ‘Rocketman’ despite gay sex scenes”


Disgusting. How can anyone in that parish not see how blatantly wrong that is? And they're also attending a synagogue? I don't know how anyone of average intelligence can be so deluded into believing this represents the Catholic faith.






The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


Excellent video…! God bless…


Nicholas G.




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


I had never considered the implications of the Orthodox breaking of the ecumenical council at Florence, that being Constantinople falling.






The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups


Once again I was wishing you had a video on this subject and you already made it years ago! This is fantastic!




What about?


Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy


What about us who have no mass near us but novus ordo missal alone?




MHFM: You should stay home on Sundays.  There is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass in this situation.  We are in the Great Apostasy.  The New Mass is not Catholic, and it must be avoided under pain of grave sin.  We recommend that you read this: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


Desperate Tone


“Alabama Senate approves restrictive abortion ban” – 1 minute video


… This last week, by the desperate tone of the commentaries coming from Leftists about the discussion on the bill, one had an insight of the amount of persons that are possessed by demons, and how much the devil hates life.


Rafael Centeio




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


He is a servant of Hell.

Aleksander Wilk


Jewish “Attorney General”


“Little Sisters” battle against Jewish “AG” Shapiro’s lawsuit forcing them to provide contraception or pay millions in fines – 24 second video


MHFM: The Jewish "Attorney General" of PA, Josh Shapiro, is using his power to persecute what he thinks is the Catholic Church.  He's evil.


Alabama ban


Dear Brothers,


“Alabama Senate approves restrictive abortion ban” 


It's very wonderful that this ban will protect thousands and thousands of unborn babies from being executed.  However, very sadly, the one exception to this abortion ban is appalling, which allows an abortion if a mother's life is in danger.  This exception is irrational and in complete opposition to the will of God.  One of God's Ten Commandments is, "Thou shalt not kill", which was written in stone.  Abortion is murder.


On another note, I think the Alabama Senate has detrimentally overlooked a few logical arguments that totally crush the so-called "validity" of a mother, whose life is in danger, to get an abortion.  Specifically,


How many people know a mother who would commit one or more of the following acts:


#1 ---  A mother is pushing her seven day old baby in a stroller on the road (no sidewalk).  It's a very quiet and safe neighbourhood.  All of a sudden, a speeding car comes flying from a bend and the mother, to save her life, jumps off the road.  Her baby (in the stroller) is hit and killed.


#2 --- A pregnant woman is taking a walk when, all of a sudden, a stranger steps out of a car and begins beating her up.  As an act of defence, the lady cries, "Please don't kill me!!  Don't kill me!!  Beat my unborn baby!!  Go on, punch the living daylights outta him!!  Don't kill me!!  Kill my baby!!"  And accordingly, the man beats the baby to death. The woman lives.  


#3 --- A mother is taking her daughter for a walk.  All of a sudden, a dark van appears and three men jump out and try to grab her.  The mother, in retaliation, abandons her daughter and, to save her own life, runs down the street.  She escapes and her daughter is kidnapped (if she had carried her child, she wouldn't have been able to run fast enough to escape).   


Again, I ask, do you know any mother who would commit any of these above acts ?!! (in your opinion).  I doubt it.


On another note, I don't think any of these acts would, in a good light, make media headlines, hereby praising the mother who remained alive at the expense of her child's life.


In all respects, the media casts a glorious spotlight on a mother who sacrifices her own life to save her child.  This is fact.  The media portrays such an act as heroic.  And, logically speaking, it is a heroic act.  Very commendable.  But, Alabama's exception to the abortion law outright contradicts this line of thinking.  And why?  This one exception to abortion is irrational. 


From my knowledge, even wild animals do not exhibit such barbaric baby killing behaviour. Sadly, the vast majority of the world is gung-ho to allow mothers to kill an unborn child.  Such an unjust mindset is not rooted in respecting God's laws, but serving man and his selfish and/or barbaric desires.  The Alabama Senate's respect for man far exceeds their so-called "love" of God.  Nevertheless, this restricted abortion ban is a big step in the right direction.


Also, this one exception reveals a great lack of faith in God.  God is the Almighty governor of all things.  Likewise, no one dies without God allowing the person to die.  So, if a very sick woman were to give birth to a baby (having a 5% chance of survival), this lady would not die if God did not allow her to die.  Period.


So, so much for the saying, "In God We Trust", which appears on United States coins... The Alabama Senate should reconsider their decision and immediately amend this restrictive abortion law to a TOTAL abortion ban.


I really hope that a Traditional Catholic (in Alabama) can approach the Senate and propose this amendment of a total ban.






William Lane Craig


MHFM: The philosopher William Lane Craig is, sadly, a horrible heretic.  Besides rejecting Catholic dogma on justification, the Papacy, etc., he even denies the eternal generation of the Son of God (taught by Nicea) and absolute divine simplicity.  He's terrible on the doctrine of God.


Instrumental Cause


MHFM: An instrumental cause is a cause that operates by motion or power received from a principal cause.  Thus, in God’s act of justification, water baptism is the instrumental cause of justification (Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 7).  Hence, 1 Peter 3:21 says that “baptism now saves us too…”


Then deny


Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


It's astonishing to me that learned men can study scripture and read out loud the passages that prove that the washing of baptism saves you, and then deny that it does. If these Protestants would just stop trying to read their beliefs into scripture and instead just read scripture and believe what it says, like they say they do, they would be Catholic. I used to be one of them, but it was Jesus' teaching about eating his flesh and blood in John 6 that helped to convince me the Catholic Church was right and all Protestants were wrong.




Pre-Vatican II


Dear Brothers:


… Here is what "The Catholic Encyclopedia" [1907-1912] says about the "salvation of the human race" (bold-face added by me):


"That the number of the elect cannot be so very small is evident from the Apocalypse (vii, 9). When one hears the rigorists, one is tempted to repeat Dieringer's bitter remark: "Can it be that the Church actually exists in order to people hell?" The truth is that neither the one nor the other can be proved from Scripture or Tradition (cf. Heinrich-Gutberlet, "Dogmat. Theologie", Mainz, 1897, VIII, 363 sq.). But supplementing these two sources by arguments drawn from reason we may safely defend as probable the opinion that the majority of Christians, especially of Catholics, will be saved. If we add to this relative number the overwhelming majority of non-Christians (Jews, Mahommedans, heathens), then Gener* ("Theol. dogmat. scholast.", Rome, 1767, II, 242 sq.) is probably right when he assumes the salvation of half of the human race, lest "it should be said to the shame and offence of the Divine majesty and clemency that the [future] Kingdom of Satan is larger than the Kingdom of Christ" (cf. W. Schneider, "Das andere Leben", 9th ed., Paderborn, 1908, 476 sq.)."


As pointed out by MHFM, the denial (very clear in this case) of the Salvation Dogma was well-entrenched and freely-held decades before Vatican 2.   It truly is the foundational heresy of the Whore of Babylon (the Vatican 2 Sect), from whence sprung/springs forth a legion/multitude of wicked and deadly heresies and acts of apostasy.








Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


Once again, a well researched piece. She was a social worker led astray by the errors of V2 and Modernism…






Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


Your post in the E-exchange section about why so many false traditionalists and others are not granted the grace of faith is profoundly true. Seeking glory and approval from men rather than from God, as you point out, is the reason why…





New Post


Why Don’t We Show More Comments On Our Videos, Etc.?




“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies 


Truly distraught and totally confused !!! JP II is a Pope I really is love and respect… Just totally confused at this point. Literally!!!


Carla Neupauer


MHFM: You need to look over more of our material.  It explains what's going on.  John Paul II was a wicked antipope and much more.  He plays a key role in apocalyptic prophecy.  He embraced and tried to implement the worst heresies in Vatican II.  If you watched this video, you should already be convinced that John Paul II was a horrible heretic.  You should not respect him.


You should read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


You should also watch these videos (in addition to looking at more material on our site):







We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




What were the Crusades, and were they justified 


This is a wonderful video that I recommend to everyone. Listening to it is like taking an advanced college history course, only much more gripping and entertaining. Makes me wish I had been at the Battle of Antioch myself. First rate.


Mike M


Alarming Bill




MHFM: This bill (which must be opposed) is outrageous, disgusting, alarming and sad.  It’s an outright attack on Christianity - an attempt to impose perversion. The antichrist Democrats (and a few Republicans) are trying to eliminate the ability to adhere to any kind of biblical morality. 




MHFM: Jesus reveals why so many false traditionalists, etc. are not granted the grace of faith.  They seek glory and approval from men rather than from God.  “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” (John 5:44)


The Heretic ‘Athanasius’ Schneider


MHFM: The fake priest, fake bishop and heretic ‘Athanasius’ Schneider is a hero to false conservatives.  But he’s really a faithless tool of Satan who gives people false hope in the Counter Church.  He doesn’t understand or have the Catholic faith.


”Bp. Schneider: Open letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy ‘went too far’”


On Judging


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. 1, Q. 57, A. 4: “A secret thought can be known in two ways: first, in effect. In this way it can be known not only by an angel, but also by man. For thought is sometimes discovered not merely by outward act, but also by change of countenance…”




Up to 80 percent of V2 Sect “seminarians” in Brazil are active sodomites? – 17 second video


I'm from Brazil, and that's horrible. A few years ago, there was a case in our country that became "famous", and was even broadcast on open TV. A validly ordained priest (ordained in the 1960s) was abusing his "acolytes," and was filmed. The images are strong and scary. The Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church, but the prophesied end-times counter-church.


Alysson Gabriel




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


I went to Catholic Church this Sunday......very left. Sermon felt more like I was back in college with a liberal professor too liberal for me. Where’s the gospel?




MHFM: The New Mass is not Catholic, and it must be avoided.  You need to be a traditional Catholic, which is simply a true Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that and what is going on in Rome now.  This situation was prophesied.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the end-times Counter Church.  You need to embrace and practice the traditional Catholic faith to be saved.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


If she loves all religions (her own words), then by definition she loves satanism. She also loves Judaism, whose holy book - the Talmud - says Jesus is burning in excrement.


Imagine the tens of thousands of dying people that passed before her, all with the potential to be saved by converting to the true faith before dying ... And she let them all go to hell by choosing not to try and convert them.






Woman loses her job for saying men are not women – 32 second video


This is just absurd - but we should come to expect such illogical behavior from bad willed people who align themselves with or who practice lawlessness.






Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


This [woman] was a wicked agent of satan… Those who consider her not only a Catholic but also a saint are deceived. Thank you for exposing this wicked apostate infidel. She surely regrets the day she was born.


Isaac Tipene




What were the Crusades, and were they justified 


Well done. This video should be required watching.






Up to 80 percent of V2 Sect “seminarians” in Brazil are active sodomites? – 17 second video


This is disgusting! Almost unbelievable but with so many stories in the news about pervert “priests” soliciting gay sex with other “clergy” I am inclined to believe this is true. The percentage may be even higher since some people who know what they’re doing is wrong are probably too ashamed to admit it even in these anonymous surveys.


The fact that nearly every “diocese” in the world has active sodomite abominations amongst the “priests” is just proof the Vatican 2 sect is not the Holy Catholic Church…






“France’s Macron, New Zealand’s Ardern host Paris summit against online extremism”


Macron and Jacinta are of the Devil.


Lucas Guelfi


At this point


Antipope Francis explicitly told Anglican “clergyman” who wanted to “convert” that he should not convert – video


… At this point, there ought not to be any "confusion" regarding anti-pope Francis' actions and his heretical teachings. He isn't Catholic and he doesn't hold any jurisdiction within the Catholic Church.


Paige Barent


Came Across


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery


... I came across your videos about a year ago, when I was still a modernist "Catholic". At first, I thought you were just a bunch of lunatics (that was my opinion about all Traditional Catholics) but after watching your videos and reading the articles on your website about Vatican 2, the Novus Ordo, the conciliar "Church" and the Vatican 2 Antipopes, I realised how blind I was and how truly evil and satanic the conciliar "Church" was, fully embracing Sedevacantism and condemning my previous beliefs… As you could probably tell by my name, I am Polish…


Kazimir Franciszek Waszczuk






Francis: It's OK To Organize Pilgrimages To Medjugorje


Anti-pope "oks" visit to false apparition site of the devil.




False Religions


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the Feeney quote.  It is one of my favorites and one I agree with wholeheartedly.  I believe that we might also add that there is not a single adherent of a false religion who does not know in his heart that his religion is false and that he does not worship the true God…


... While most false religions try to imply some sort of "divine inspiration", the facts of their origins and beliefs prove the opposite.  One way or another, false religions provide a license to sin -- and everyone knows sin, because everyone knows death.  The adherents of the "Orthodox", Protestant and V2 Sects -- like the Jews -- would claim authenticity and antiquity by pretending to be Biblical and historical when in fact, they have no continuity with the Scriptures or with history.  False Christians are outside the Church established by Christ, and every offering of the Hebrew religion -- since the days of patriarchal worship -- foretold Calvary, the Catholic Church and the Eucharistic Sacrifice.  Without Christ and His one true Catholic Church, the Scriptures (both Old Testament and New) are effectively rendered meaningless, and history is falsified.    While Holy Mother Church in her decrees specifically classifies those who are outside of her -- as heretics, schismatics, pagans, Jews.-- she does this in order to warn and instruct such persons and call them to the Ark of Salvation.  But every false religion is actually a form of idolatry, abominable in the sight of Almighty God.  It seems to me that, for those who claim to love God, it should not be hard to understand why there can be no salvation outside the true Catholic Church. 


Lee Ann




Film companies announce boycott of Georgia to protest new heartbeat abortion law


St. Caesarius of Arles [A.D. 468-542], Sermon 44: “Moreover, women must not take diabolical draughts [contraceptive drugs] with the purpose of not being able to conceive children. A woman who does this ought to realize that she will be guilty of as many murders as the number of children she might have borne.”…


Christiana et Fidelis


New Article


St. Athanasius Against The Calvinist View Of “Limited Atonement”


Did not know


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Thank you for sharing. I did not know, (or forgot) all of the miracles attached to Our Lady of Guadalupe! I love her.


Rose Stotzer




Antipope Francis explicitly told Anglican “clergyman” who wanted to “convert” that he should not convert – video


The heretic… on the first video keeps saying "it's confusing". It shouldn't be confusing to him. He is dealing with the apostasy of Bergoglio for a long time now. He has no excuse for not realizing Francis is an apostate antipope. He is another example of someone wondering at the sight of the Beast. 


Rafael Centeio




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Unbelievable… This was foretold by Jesus himself how terrible things would get before the end…






“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


This video needed to be made.






Outside The Church There Is No Salvation


Hello… I also have a question. I remember that you said one should not attend the Vatican II masses. On the other hand there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Can you please explain me what Jesus meant when he said: the gates of hell will not prevail his Church.




MHFM: Hello.  Your question is addressed in the first part of this file: Answers To Objections.  We also recommend that you read this: The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy.




“Judge orders boy with cancer to get chemotherapy against parents’ wishes” – 57 second video


Parents have the final say about their child's wellbeing, not the government...


Simon Turac




Police chief issues public commitment to the “LGBTQ2S+ community” to stand against “homophobia” and “transphobia” – 36 second video


This police chief is "standing" on the wrong side and has blasphemed God by doing so.




Brought up


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


I love this, thank you. I was brought up in very traditional Lutheran church. I also went to Catholic high school for 2 years because there was no other religious school near my home when we moved... I love what I experienced there, & from what I have observed & experienced, Lutheran is the closest sister to Catholicism. Do you agree?




MHFM: We're glad that you liked the video.  However, Lutheranism is not true Christianity.  Only traditional Catholicism is true Christianity.  Please see the biblical proof for Catholicism (and a refutation of Lutheranism) here: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/


It’s necessary for salvation to be a traditional Catholic.  Our material also explains what’s going on in Rome now.



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Great documentary.....God bless you.


Kwamez Waye


Makes Sense


Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness 


I never thought about it like that but it really makes sense.








So I am a bit confused about converting and hopefully if you have time you can clear some things up.  I know basically zero about Catholicism's procedures etc and I don't think I have ever set foot in a Catholic church...


I was considering converting to Orthodox until I saw VaticanCatholic.com youtube videos and I have been binge watching them and they make so much sense and I really didn't realize how much I didn't know about Christianity.


I was raised in a protestant home and I was baptized at around age 10-11… I have a copy of the catechism which I will start on probably today and I am going to buy a rosary and start learning to pray the rosary.


So my questions are: How do I find a good catholic church that isn't Vatican 2?... I live in Thailand for work at the moment…


Thank you for your time and God bless you,

William Glover.




Former Pentagon official says U.S. intends to provoke Iran for Israel’s sake – 1 minute video


The mostly jewish-controlled political, economical and communicational apparatus in the US wants another war in the Middle East, so that Americans and other "goyim" (as some of them call non-jewish persons) may shed their blood, be maimed and traumatized for the rest of their lives, leave their family and burden the next generations with another trillionaire debt: all for the Jewish state of Israel. I would not be surprised if a false flag attack on US troops deployed to the Middle East would happen soon.


Rafael Centeio




“Gay” activist desecrates image of Our Lady of Częstochowa – 26 second video


Just the kind of people that Bergoglio desperately tries to please at every opportunity.  How's that working out?








I've read quite a bit of your material, and your expose' of Steven Anderson really sold me on the true faith. 


I was baptized in the Baptist church. Does this count for conversion to the True Church, or shall I be baptized following the procedures listed on your website? 


Thank you very much for all you do, 






“Gay” activist desecrates image of Our Lady of Częstochowa – 26 second video


This is such an abomination!...


Nick Colaiano




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


King James Bible Only fascinates me. It's so absurd you can't believe people really believe in such a dogma.






Accepting Francis = Apostasy


This is very convincing and I think it’s true...


Kyle Bainhauer




Amazing Evidence For God


This is the best video I have seen.  These godless scientists talk so much nonsense about evolution, they cannot see that everything is intelligent design, everywhere is wisdom.


Gerald Callender




“Catholic Bishop” predicts that new “radical changes” are coming in the V2 Sect (the whore of Babylon) – 28 second video




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


… Great video.


Lesmond Bond




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


I have to tell you that you saved this Catholic from becoming an Orthodox, and I thank you. Dominus Vobiscum.


Malik Ore




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”



Powerful video. Only a completely dishonest person can watch this video and conclude that the Eastern schismatics maintain a reasonable position when their own (ill-defined) criteria for an ecumenical council was obviously satisfied with the Council of Florence. As MHFM states, it reveals how bad will is a root issue. 

Something else stood out. The video demonstrates how truths on Earth reflect the truths of heaven and that God allows heretics to twist even the statements of ecumenical councils to their destruction. A similar heretical twisting occurred with the Council of Trent and Session 6, Chapter 4 which is hoisted up in support of Baptism of Desire. Obviously the BOD supporters ignore the entire dogmatic history of the Church, the numerous cannons in the Council of Trent, and the explanation provided in the same session about what was meant by desire. However, an even simpler point came to mind when watching your video.

Baptism is about new life. It is absurd to think that there can be spiritual life without water just as it is absurd to think there can be earthly life without water. Or, to borrow from the phrasing of St. Gregory Nazianzen, if a desire to drink water has equal power with actually drinking water, then a thirsty man should be content with a mere desire to drink as if that were drinking itself. What harm is done to the thirsty man by not obtaining an actual drink of water as long as he desired it? 





St. John Chrysostom, Hom. xxi on John: "... it was fitting that He [Christ] should not begin to work wonders from His early years: for men would have deemed the Incarnation to be imaginary and would have crucified Him before the proper time."




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


I've been waiting for this video for a while. I'm glad it was finished and published. It's great! It's the best video on YouTube about the Bible's teachings on the Trinity.


Christopher de la Viesca




“Televangelist” Says He Needs A New $54 Million Jet – video


All of these false preachers are, of course, evil, but Kenneth Copeland really stands out to me as one of the most demonic. In this clip alone he is caught in a lie and lashes out at the reporter. I've seen clips of him "speaking in tongues" and it just sounds like the howling of devils. Hopefully the people in their congregation wake up and accept the traditional Catholic faith. These "preachers" are total wolves.






The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


Compelling arguments. This is a tremendous help...


Joseph Percy




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


I first want to say that your latest video is one of your best. Your arguments clearly articulate how the EO position is contrary to Scripture…


Thank you again for all your hard work defending the Catholic faith.


God bless, Alex 




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for your excellent video on the Trinity & the Filioque.  It is a thorough refutation of the shocking heresy of the self-styled "Orthodox" who -- having proudly rejected the Papacy -- have denied the one and only real principle of orthodoxy which was instituted and guaranteed by Christ… this video proves to the good-willed viewer that ever since the Incarnation of Christ and the establishment of His Church, Catholic dogmatic teaching is the Revelation of Almighty God.  The true Catholic Church alone has the exclusive right to teach Religion to the world,  and to expound upon the truths which flow from it.   Not only the "Orthodox", but all people who claim to be "Christian" should watch this video.  


Lee Ann




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


This video is a must-see. Those Eastern "Orthodox" who watch this video and don't convert to the true faith are blind!


Alysson Gabriel




“Museum Forced To Adopt ‘Gender Neutral’ Pronouns For Ships After Offended SJWs Vandalize Signs”


The Filioque


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the excellent new video, The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy".  This is by far the most comprehensive and precise refutation of the "Orthodox". Bro. Peter's explanation of the Holy Trinity is stunningly clear, and the exposure of the contradictions and errors of the "Orthodox" position is crushing.  Great insight about how the Muslims gained control over the "Orthodox" territories as punishment for their heresies.  They were given over to those who, like themselves, rejected the truth about God.


God Bless,


Mr. & Mrs. White


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


"Nighty-night, baby. I love you". What ???? How can this man make such a tweet and remain a Cardinal??? ... "Francis is the product of the Holy Spirit" ????? What ???? ... Why is HERETIC Tobin a Cardinal ??? ... Pray for the conversion of our Church leaders.

Oscar Noriega


MHFM: He's not a true cardinal.  He's a leader in the Vatican II Sect.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, as our material explains.  Please read this and look at more material on our site.


The Glossary of Terms and Principles



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Great documentary, it goes to show that magic is not real unless you make a deal with the devil...

Lidia Ugrevska




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


This is excellent thank you so much for this...






The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


Great video!


Rene Sarabia




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


This documentary is packed with so much information…


Luke Brasting




The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”


I was raised an orthodox heretic. I am now a Catholic because of your videos. Thank you and God bless.


Joey Davies




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Really informative and awesome video, thank you…




Good news


“‘Landmark’ Victory For First Amendment As Court Strikes Down Texas Anti-BDS Law”


MHFM: This is good news.




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


Abomination and heresy....






The Bible Proves The Papacy 


... Thank you so much for this one!!! It's a gem.


Pina Mawya


New Articles Posted


Antipope Francis Says The Diversity Of Religions Is Willed By God

Antipope Francis Says Efforts To Convert People “Always” Lead To Nowhere

Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from February and March 2019




… I looked your material inside out, I see and understand why you have to be so strict… It is a true miracle that your website exists. It is a miracle that a former heretic like me is seeking catholic and loves Our Lady. Last year I was under the spell of Pastor Anderson.


Thanks for your effort, time…


Sincerely in Christ,


Kristian Keller




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


I am so happy I have accepted the traditional Catholic Faith, these Vatican 2 Catholic are not truly Roman Catholic…


Reece Murray




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Thank you for this truly excellent video.  A rabbi calls the Christ-rejecting Dolan "a living Torah" -- when, in fact, Dolan is "a living apocalypse".  Wait till they find out… Dolan knows very well what Catholic doctrine is, but will brook no discussion of it.  Watching this evil and disgusting apostate in action is like watching Henry 8th, Luther and all the other heretics who ever lived all rolled into one.  Great job.


Lee Ann



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


It’s demon power, the dark side is helping them, but for a price of their souls…






“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


This is an outstanding video…






“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Dolan gleefully accommodates sin… Unbelievable just listening to him. He is definitely not a Catholic... An in-your-face apostate alright.






“Canada Unveils New One-Dollar Coin Featuring Two Men Kissing” – 1 minute video


This abomination is made possible by the administration of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, another member of the Vatican 2 sect spreading evil throughout different parts of the world. Not only does he promote sodomy, but he is a supporter of abortion and drug use. Trudeau has also taken part in non-Catholic worship at pagan temples. I hope he repents and converts but there are many demons controlling this apostate's actions.








I met a woman who told me she’s attending RCIA.  She told me that the “Priest” told them that when an unbaptized baby dies, we’re really not sure where it goes and that there’s no such thing as limbo. -Absurd!   She also said that whenever she would ask the “Priest” teaching the class a question about church matters, he would either dodge the question and or not want to address it.   I gave her your book and DVD and some instruction.  Then I was recently was talking to an old N.O. priest who was ordained in 1963, we somehow got on the topic of Purgatory and he said “Hogwash! Purgatory is a scam and not real, the medieval church invented it in order to raise money from indulgences to build St. Peters!” 


Wow, if people can’t see that Vatican II is a break off religion and that we're in the great apostasy just how people are acting and what’s coming out of Rome, then I don’t know what else to say!  Also many people who claim to be traditional don’t even have many of the basics down about the church, sacramentals or devotions.  It’s very sad.






“Montana calls porn public health crisis, becoming 13th state to pass resolution” – 33 second video


MHFM: A big reason that so many have become homosexual, pro-‘LGBT’, etc. is porn.  Porn use is A MORTAL SIN that drags countless souls into Hell, destroys nations, etc.  It should be outlawed.  It's also why so many have basically become lawless and liberal loons.


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)




MHFM: Canada has become a horrible abomination.


“Canada Unveils New One-Dollar Coin Featuring Two Men Kissing” – 1 minute video


Notre Dame Altar


Notre Dame Cathedral Altar Destruction & The Abomination of Desolation




Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof


I was a fallen away Catholic. I watched this video, and now feel the need to pray the Rosary. This video has done a great thing for me. Thank you!


Drazic Milat


MHFM: We're glad to hear that.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  It's crucial that you look over more of the material on our channel and website and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  Our material explains how to do that and what's going on in Rome now.  The Vatican II Church is not Catholic, as our material explains.  When you are convinced, then we can help you with where to go to confession.




AG of California, Xavier Becerra (who is a vocal supporter of Planned Parenthood and identifies as “Catholic”) is trying to criminally charge pro-lifers – 37 second video


It's very interesting (though not surprising) that almost all of the politicians at the forefront of (including the most "extreme" fringes of) the "pro-choice" movement... are not Protestants or atheists, but members of the Vatican II sect.


Michael Simmons




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Dolan is truly a wicked heretic and apostate!...


Le Huy Nguyen




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Wow. This heretic… denies Christ and His Church.


Alysson Gabriel




“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


Dolan is headed straight to Hell !


Casey Sierhuis


V2 Sect


“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)


We watch as the V2 sect goes into its destruction…




Counter Church


“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)



Jefferson Andrés Araujo Mendoza




Amazing Evidence For God


This video gave me so much joy and peace, well actually God did but he used the video to do it , God bless you for making and or uploading this video.


Chris Cole


MHFM: Chris, we're glad you liked the video.  Please check out the videos in this file for the biblical proof for Catholicism, the one true faith necessary for salvation.  Also, to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic.  Our material also explains what's going on in Rome now.




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


… They dress up in fancy vestments and portray themselves as legitimate heirs of Christ and the guardians and maintainers of the deposit of faith as transmitted by the Apostles, but their theology is riddled with inconsistencies and errors. How can their priests stand there and tell people that they… are the one true Church of Christ and do it with a straight face?


Luke Brasting



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Great video... Scary but great video.


Ulizez Mateo




The Shroud of Turin – Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ – video


MHFM: This is a very powerful video with further proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.




MHFM: Why it was fitting that Christ’s death was a public event:


St. Athanasius: “Or how were His disciples to have boldness in speaking of the Resurrection, were they not able to say that He first died?  Or how could they be believed, saying that death had first taken place and then the Resurrection, had they not had as witnesses of His death the men before whom they spoke with boldness?(On the Incarnation #23, AD 318)




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


This is a beautiful and a deeply moving presentation that should be watched by all.






St. Athanasius: “For He made even the creation break silence: in that even at His death, marvelous to relate, or rather at His actual trophy over death — the Cross I mean — all creation was confessing that He that was made manifest and suffered in the body was not man merely, but the Son of God and Savior of all.  For the sun hid its face, and the earth quaked and the mountains were rent: all men were awed.  Now these things showed that Christ on the Cross was God, while all creation was His slave, and was witnessing by its fear to its Master's presence.” (On The Incarnation #19, AD 318)




… In my childhood, I read a book about jp2 (which corrupted my faith, provided I ever had one), and I basically began to believe that all religions were praiseworthy and good. My parents always admired jp2 and sadly, they still do. We have pictures of traditional saints (a few), but also plenty of jp2 and even ''St Faustina's merciful Jesus'' (I noticed that, for the adherents of the v2 sect, jp2 basically replaced every other traditional saint in the area of iconography: it's like a flood). I warned them: ''he promoted the masonic idea that all religions are good, universalism, no need for explicit belief in Christ'' ad nauseam, but no result…


Vatican II


Accepting Francis = Apostasy


Vatican II is blasphemy to God period.


Michael Daniel Lynch




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


This Cupich… is a total apostate, a traitor to... Catholic doctrine and teachings.


Fernado Gomez


Holy Week Changes


MHFM: A number of heretical priestly groups that deny Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and take the sedevacantist position (Sanborn, Cekada, etc.) don’t use Pius XII’s Holy Week changes.  They consider them to be modernist.  At the same time they hold that one must not reject any non-infallible thing approved in Rome.  They are hypocrites (and heretics).




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


I always heard about the different take on Justification between Catholic and mainstream Protestantism but I hardly understood the nuance. I finally get it now!...


Eric Gatera


Farmers’ Market


“Attorneys seek relief for farmer expelled from farmers’ market for Catholic beliefs on marriage”


This sort of occurrence is commonplace nowadays: people who are perceived as being faithful to Christianity are de facto banned or prevented from meaningfully participating in the public square. Their social rights are increasingly not being recognized.


It reminds me of a Priest who told me that in the past he had a job with the firefighters. He was being coerced by his employer to ride in the firefighter truck to celebrate the sodomist pride parade. He refused and was fired even though he explained that it was contrary to faith and morals for him to participate... Due to the inhumanity and callousness of bigoted pagans it truly struck us that we were surrounded by vicious enemies— and are in effect refugees among those whom we live.


St. Paul “...we are made as the refuse of this world, the offscouring of all even until now...” (1 Cor. 4:13)


Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Evangelii Praecones, June 2nd, 1951 (#33): “Christians dwell in their native countries as though aliens...every foreign nation is their home and the land of their birth is foreign soil.”...


Christiana et Fidelis


St. Athanasius On Homosexuality


St. Athanasius On Homosexuality




Fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris – 1 minute video


It is somewhat poetic that the altar installed after the heretical Vatican II Council was utterly destroyed, whereas the original altar is still intact.






Fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris – 1 minute video


As I said to my mother:... maybe Our Lord is tired to see this place in the hands of the heretics of V2. As a french, as a catholic I feel sad of course to see in this misery. But I feel more sad when I see the counter-church in it. Hopefully, the Crown of Thorns is safe, but another fact is that the "fowl" (in french "coq"), who was at top of the cathedral and contain a shard of the Crown of Thorns, and two relics of saints ( 1 of Ste Geneviève, 1 of St Denis ) have been found quietly safe, and all the relics Inside were safe. (sorry for my English)


Hervé Quelennec 


Rescued From


Thank you... Years, decades, in so many sects and even Eastern philosophies that I believe I have been plucked from / rescued from the pit of destruction - I could go on!  But God Who is rich in mercy has seen fit, at the age of 71, to bring to my eyes and heart Truth and it is through your work...


Most sincerely, L. Antoinette (Toni) Anderson


Would not differ


Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


How would the "orthodox" reception theory differ in practice from Protestants on Sola Scriptura, where an invisible unity of believers are led to agree on the correct canon of books? The visible church being somehow inscrutably led to an acceptance of the correct councils over the centuries without the obvious criterion of papal ratification seems very much the same in effect. This defeats the reason for Christ establishing an infallible magisterium in the first place.


Kurt Corrigan


MHFM: Right.  It's essentially the same as Protestant, sola scriptura subjectivism.  It denies that there is any objective standard by which one can know that the Church is certainly teaching.  In the process it denies the authority that Christ conferred on the Church to teach the faithful in a manner that demands their assent at specific times.  It’s heresy.  That’s why it’s not taught in any council.




Rugby player fired, loses $4 million and banned from rugby after he posted that “gays” will go to Hell if they don’t “repent” – video


MHFM: The world is largely becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah, but it's even worse because this is after the Incarnation and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.



Thank you! Your website has been very helpful. 





Fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris – 1 minute video


In this cathedral, they have been trampling upon the doctrines of Jesus Christ for decades already with their ''don't judge anybody'' heresies and their ecumenical celebrations (to the point where, a few years ago, at ''cardinal'' Andre-vingt-trois' invitation, a rabbi delivered a speech in this building (He might've been interrupted by a bunch of ''traditionalists''). Indeed, I'm saddened when I think that true Catholics built this magnificent place of worship. On the other hand, I believe God might use this sign to wake some people up by telling them that simple and salvific message : ''I don't care about the beauty of the structure, the rose windows, and all the externals when you profess false beliefs, make concessions in matters of faith and morals, and commit fornication with other religions''.


Juliano Melio


Notre Dame Cathedral burns


Fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris – 1 minute video


MHFM: In one sense the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is very sad and tragic.  In another it’s a fitting symbol and a sign of how the false traditionalists’ adherence to the externals and the buildings of the Counter Church without the true faith leads to destruction and the flames.




Hello, I'm from Paris. I converted from the Novus Ordo sect to the true Faith thanks to your material. I genuinely believe in all the traditional teachings of the Church. Do you know if there is any Catholic and validly ordained priest who could hear my confession in this city (or in its conurbation) ?  Your zeal for the salvation of souls is worthy of praise. I strongly support your ministry.  Thank you.


1) the name displayed is not my real one (I'm really suspicious of Google and other big companies and I don't want them to collect my personal information and sell it to anyone).


2) I'm also willing to train myself in matters of Catholic apologetics and Scriptures in order to spread salvation in my college… I'm studying law at ''Paris 2 Assas university''. Sadly, some sodomitical associations have even crept into this prestigious college. They'll do anything to advance their diabolical agenda (they've already normalized it in France unfortunately). And there are people who have been brainwashed to such a degree... it's really hard to reason with them.




Jimmy Akin Of “Catholic Answers” Exposed


Great video! Very interesting, enlightening, and concerning.


Jack Aubrey




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


I am so sick of the LBGTQ agenda being rammed down my throat in the secular world. Now it's being pushed down my throat in the Church.


Pat C


MHFM: It's crucial to recognize that the 'Church' that accepts the 'LGBT' agenda is the Vatican II Sect, not the Catholic Church.  This is explained in our material.  To be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic, avoid the New Mass, etc. as our material explains.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. You should also read this: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.




The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned


Dear Brothers:


If anyone (after watching this excellent video) is not convinced that JP 2 was the Antichrist (and that he and his counterfeit church must be completely rejected as you explain), said individual should carefully read at least the book of Deuteronomy.  It will provide a kind of illustration of just what God thinks about idolatry.  Perhaps it will help people to see that the pagan Assisi gatherings were a complete rejection and mockery of the true God;  a complete rejection of Sacred Scripture (Old Testament and New);  a complete rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (of Whom Moses was a type); and a complete rejection of the true Catholic Church (of which the Israelite nation was a type). 


From the beginning of time, God commanded that His creation, man, love and fear Him as God (a just command), and obey and do all of the ordinances and ceremonies which He would prescribe.  Again and again, Moses warned Israel that if they committed the sin of idolatry they themselves would be destroyed.  Moses saw to it that they also understood that God was using them as an instrument to defeat and crush certain nations because those nations were guilty of idolatry and other abominations.  Not only was Israel commanded to have nothing to do with idolatrous nations, they were also instructed that if any person among their own ranks were to become an idolater or false prophet -- even if it were a friend or family member -- the transgressor was not to be tolerated but stoned to death, and without pity. (Chapter 12)  The reason: such idolaters would draw people away from the true God and the true religion.  The warning and penalty were severe because the stakes were high, and hell hung in the balance.


After reading Deuteronomy and watching your video, it should not be hard to imagine how God views John Paul II and the Assisi events -- as well as those who continue to call JP2  "Pope", "Saint" or even "Catholic".


Lee Ann 




The stunning video that proves Francis believes that fornication can be marriage – 2 minute video


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for posting the video proving that Antipope Francis believes fornication can be marriage.  His heresy that one can be "married" without receiving the sacrament of matrimony is similar to "baptism of desire".  Just as one cannot be baptized merely by desire, neither can one be married merely by desire.  To say that one can be a member of the Mystical Bride of Christ, the Catholic Church, by desire without the sacrament of baptism, is like saying cohabiting "couples" can have a true marriage without the sacrament of matrimony.  The spiritual harlotry, the adulterating of truth, that is advanced by "baptism of desire" heretics is of the same spirit as the apostasy of Francis and the Vatican II sect, the diabolical fornicating Whore of Babylon.


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 24, Chap. 8: "It is a grievous sin for unmarried men to have concubines... these concubinaries, whether unmarried or married, of whatsoever state, dignity, and condition they may be, if, after having been three times admonished on this subject by the Ordinary, even ex officio, they shall not have put away their concubines, and have separated themselves from all connection with them, they shall be smitten with excommunication... But if, regardless of this censure, they shall continue in concubinage during a year, they shall be proceeded against with severity by the Ordinary, according to the character of the crime. Women, whether married or single, who publicly live with adulterers or with concubinaries, if, after having been three times admonished, they shall not obey, shall be rigorously punished, according to the measure of their guilt, by the Ordinaries of the places... and they shall be cast forth from the city or diocese, if the Ordinaries shall think fit, calling in the aid of the Secular arm, if need be..."


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White


Dishonest & Faithless


The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” 


Your best refutation is nonsense. The council of Trent did not say that "one cannot be put into a state of grace without rebirth", It was more literally saying "men are guilty of original sin, and will go to hell for this crime, unless it is forgiven through Christ's passion." This only implies what you say if you take it in an idiotic legalistic sense and throw authors intent out the window. It clearly did not say that original sin could not be forgiven through some other means…




MHFM: Your stupid comments reveal bad will, dishonesty and blindness.  One of your problems is that you don’t believe in papal infallibility.  You believe that there are exceptions to dogmatic statements, but that idea is heretical.  You are directly denying the infallible words of Trent.  It states:


Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 3: “But though He died for all, yet all do not receive the benefit of His death, but those only to whom the merit of His passion is communicated; because as truly as men would not be born unjust, if they were not born through propagation of the seed of Adam, since by that propagation they contract through him, when they are conceived, injustice as their own, SO UNLESS THEY WERE BORN AGAIN IN CHRIST THEY WOULD NEVER BE JUSTIFIEDsince by that new birth through the merit of His passion the grace by which they become just is bestowed upon them.”


In case you can’t read, that means that you must be born again to be justified.  You can’t be put into a state of grace without being justified.  Thus, you must be born again to be put into a state of grace for the first time.  Further, the Council of Vienne teaches that there is a unique baptism “regenerating all those baptized in Christ.”  Thus, to be baptized into Christ means to be regenerated.  In addition, Scripture teaches that you must be “born again” (John 3:3), and that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17).  Consider those words carefully.  To be justified by Christ for the first time necessarily results in a new creation (i.e. regeneration).  That’s the teaching of the New Testament on justification.  Hence, 1 John 5:1 says: “Everyone believing that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God.”  Again, we see that to be in Christ necessarily means that one has been born of God (regenerated).  So, in your futile attempt to defend ‘baptism of desire’ and the false view that one can be justified without regeneration, you are denying dogmatic teaching and Scripture’s teaching.  The Church certainly teaches that you cannot be initially justified without regeneration.  However, the false theory of ‘baptism of desire’ (as it is commonly explained) denies that, which is one of its fatal flaws.


In addition, by arguing that one doesn’t need regeneration or the grace of baptism, you are asserting that one can be saved without the sacrament of baptism, without the mark/character of baptism, and without even the grace of baptism (which is regeneration).  How is something that does not contain the sacrament, the sacramental character or even the grace of the sacrament still the ‘one baptism’ which all must have to be saved?  It’s not.




“Cleveland” attempts to force independent school to hire active homosexuals – could face “fines or jail time” if they don’t – 26 second video


Since Francis hires homosexual priests or activist priests who protect them, Francis empowers the homosexual agenda throughout the world.


Ruben Ortiz


MHFM: Yes.  It's also important to recognize that the New Rite of Ordination is invalid.  Thus, many of those purporting to be priests in the Vatican II Sect are not priests at all.  Our material gives the full picture of what's going on.


Francis on fornication


The stunning video that proves Francis believes that fornication can be marriage – 2 minute video


… What a totally scandalous apostate.




Abortion, Allowed




The spiritual quote from St. Basil the Great on the destruction of the fetus is further proof the Vatican II Sect is not Catholic.  For 50+ years the Vatican II Sect has turned a blind eye and deaf ear toward abortion.  This allowed Satan and his pawns to pass the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision that extended the 14th amendment right, to allow women the decision to have abortions.  Furthermore, Planned Parenthood was established and became financed by taxpayers’ dollars under the guise of being women's health care.


We are seeing envy and pride consuming the pagan "no holds barred" world today.  Feminists kill their babies in order to further a career; parents are scamming their way into "elite colleges" to be like other "elites"; hate crimes are faked to further ulterior motives and socialist liberals are burning with hatred toward President Trump for his presidential win and policy successes. 


The chair in Rome is definitively vacant in these last days.


St. Basil the Great (374): “A woman who has deliberately destroyed a fetus must pay the penalty for murder… Those also who give drugs causing abortions are murderers themselves, as well as those who receive the poison which kills the fetus.”


God Bless,





Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Absolutely irrefutable video, all the dislikes are from extreme bad willed heretics who are in denial! The heretic Timothy Ware in his book that you quoted also says "precisely what makes a council ecumenical is not so clear" Well if he was a Catholic and not a heretic he would know.


"How can you call a council ecumenical when The Bishop of Rome has not given his consent, and the canons forbid ecclesiastical affairs to be decided without The Pope of Rome?" [753 A.D. St. Stephen the Younger to the heretical "bishops" at the robber council of Hieria, PG 100,1144]


Also the 7th Ecumenical council which they claim to accept, explicitly says in the 6th session regarding the robber council of Heiria: "And how can a council be 'great and ecumenical' when it received neither recognition nor assent from the primates of the other churches, but they consigned it to anathema? It did not enjoy the cooperation of the then pope of Rome or his priests, neither by means of his representatives or an encyclical letter, AS IS THE RULE FOR COUNCILS..."


Papal Soldier




According to John Calvin, the fall of mankind and the damnation of many was positively willed by God before the foundation of the world :


« I admit that by the will of God all the sons of Adam fell into that state of wretchedness in which they are now involved » Institutes, book III, chapter 23, #4


and again : « he arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, WHO ARE DOOMED FROM THE WOMB TO CERTAIN DEATH, and are to glorify him by their destruction » III, 23, #6


Truly diabolical.






“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


That is very terrible and terrifying.






2020 presidential candidate says if you have a problem with him being a “married homosexual” you have a problem with God – 2 minute video


This video was revolting to witness. It is a sight to behold how sick our society really is. It makes me angry to watch evil being unchallenged, especially by VP Pence.


Steven Coronado




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Really enjoyed the video!


Al-Juan Pedro Dela Cruz




The Man Who Believed He Was A Cat Committed Suicide – 1 minute video


Really sad, one more soul that satan has taken with him to the eternal torment.


Bruno Ferreira




2020 presidential candidate says if you have a problem with him being a “married homosexual” you have a problem with God – 2 minute video


They are trying to normalize this! This is disgusting!


Nick Colaiano


Man Worshippers


MHFM: This video covers the strong evidence that it wasn't St. Peter whom St. Paul rebuked (Gal. 2:11-14).  Yet, many false traditionalists dismiss this evidence because certain saints (some of whom worked from inferior manuscripts) thought that it was St. Peter.  They worship man.


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?




The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups


100% the truth.


Joseph Field




Amazing Evidence For God


I hate it when people say there’s no evidence of God, how much do they need. The arrogance in presuming everything just fell into place by chance is staggering. Out of all our solar system earth is the only one that can sustain life, it’s our own planet with our own moon created especially for us. Awesome evidence of God's work.


Kate Ellis




Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness 


Excellent video…






Amazing Evidence For God


Impressive video…


Freddie Graves




False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times 


A tour-de-force…


Joseph Boyat




Just saw MHFM post on e exchanges re FB blocking....not only has FB been blocking most of my FB posts promoting MHFM But now FB has started blocking even my messenger on FB I use messenger to evangelize online sending ppl your links I usually send www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com but FB has started blocking these messages claiming it is " abusive"!! No FB spreading the Gospel via MHFM links is not abusive but FB censorship is!!...





I always notice that when I refer your website to people, for their edification while on FB or Twitter, an unwanted pop up image automatically appears next to your web address.  In the most recent case, it is an image of the antipope, Francis. 


I believe that, for people who desperately need sensible and sound Catholic advice in these latter days, but are not yet personally familiar with you or your organization, an accompanying picture of the antipope shown next to your website, might very well serve as a distasteful deterrent to them, which in turn will have the effect of their not seeking you out after all, and subsequently will have the very reverse effect from that of your intended motive, that of instructing the ignorant or providing succor, before you can even know who they are, or represent.


As to who's responsible for this vile encroachment upon your website, I can only guess!... Thank you.




Barron & Pro-“LGBT” “Bishop”


“Bishop” Robert Barron applauds the selection of pro-“LGBT” Wilton Gregory to “Archdiocese” of Washington DC – 34 second video


Facebook & Instagram


Facebook and Instagram are blocking links to www.vaticancatholic.com!


Chicago, Corruption


First openly “gay” person “elected Chicago mayor” – 42 second video


She is alleged to have won some 3/4 of the votes. Chicago is swimming in a cesspool of corruption... Sodomitesses are unfit for leadership and cannot be reckoned prudent…


St. Bernardine of Siena: “...this [sodomite] vice disturbs the intellect...agitated by an insatiable craving for pleasure, the person follows not reason but frenzy...their thoughts...are broken down and reduced to vile and useless and putrid things...” (Sermon XXXIX in Prediche volgari)


Christiana et Fidelis




“Pope appoints pro-LGBT Wilton Gregory to Archdiocese of Washington”


"Some conservatives are unhappy with the choice..." is an oxymoron when used to describe some Vatican II sect followers. These same "conservatives" still make the grave error of considering Francis a legitimate Catholic Pope when he is anything but.


Steven Coronado




Tourist falls into Grand Canyon trying for selfie – 1 minute video


I saw these sorts of things when I went to the Grand Canyon. The majority of the people on my tour were Chinese tourists. I saw some of them lean over the edge to take pictures while another one of them would hold onto their belt.






Pence, Pompeo and Pelosi assure AIPAC that they have an unwavering commitment to serve Israel – videos


The zionist cult has tentacles everywhere.





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Amazing video on magicians (devils).


Md Tayeb




If no legitimate pope can ever teach heresy while pope, what is your view of Pope Honorius, who was anathematized posthumously (By a Saint Pope and 3 ecumenical councils)?




MHFM: Certain false traditionalists recently brought up the case of Honorius, Pope John XXII, and the issue of ‘no one can judge a pope’ in an attempt to defend their false position that Francis is the pope.  We refute all of those objections in our material.  See these articles:


Refuting The Objection Concerning Pope Honorius

Refuting The Objection Concerning John XXII

No One Can Judge the Holy See - Objection Refuted


The Church teaches that no one can be a heretic and remain pope.  The case of Honorius does not contradict that fact.  The full response is found in the article.  However, a key point is that in the same paragraph in which St. Francis De Sales (Doctor of the Church) mentions Pope Honorius and John XXII, he states unequivocally that a pope who would become a heretic would cease to be pope.  St. Francis De Sales wasn’t sure if Pope Honorius was a heretic or merely failed to stamp out heresy.  Yet, St. Francis knew that the case of Honorius didn’t affect the truth that heretics cannot be popes.


St. Francis De Sales (17th century), Doctor of the Church, The Catholic Controversy, pp. 305-306:  “Thus we do not say that the Pope cannot err in his private opinions, as did John XXII; or be altogether a heretic, as perhaps Honorius was.  Now when he [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church…”


You should also see this video: Accepting Francis = Apostasy.  It explains why Francis must not be considered pope.  Indeed, those who consider Francis to be the pope hold that a person who claims to be Catholic can believe literally anything, and repeatedly deny Catholic teaching, and still be inside the Church.  That is contrary to Catholic teaching.  Adherence to the Vatican II antipopes involves many other problems as well.


Revealed Truth


Dear Brothers:


To me, it's the Irony of the Age (or at least one of them).   Political Conservatives are rightfully appalled at the Left's wild-eyed indignation and obstinate refusal to accept the truth of the Mueller report.  But try presenting those same "Conservatives" with God's Revealed Truth about the faith, the Church and end-times prophecy -- and suddenly many of these "conservatives" begin to resemble the raging Left.  They would mock and laugh the truth to scorn.  Said conservatives have been programmed by their false religions to think that God has little or nothing to do with national or governmental affairs -- a tenet of Masonry and Protestantism which is now held by the V2 sect and all false "Christians".   Parroting the antichrist doctrine of the Vatican 2 sect, they would tell you that religion does not belong in the public arena, because religion is really between you and God.  It's just a spiritual thing. What does God know or care about economics or politics?.  And what could Our Lady Queen of Prophets really understand about communism, international affairs or war?   "King of Kings" is just a slogan to such "conservatives"...  Very sad and very frightening.


Lee Ann




“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism”


Our Pope is a Heretic promoting heretics!!!!


Anne S


MHFM: Francis is a heretic, and he promotes heretics.  But he’s not the pope.  Heretics cannot be popes.  He’s an antipope.  Please consult more of the material.




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the new video, Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils.  There are some really powerful points made in this video, and a lot to be gleaned about how logically inconsistent the "Orthodox" position is… The fact that they still reject Florence and other Catholic truths is outrageous.


God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Mandatory “LGBT Sex-Ed” Classes Coming To “Schools” In England – No Parental Opt-Out – 3 minute video


MHFM: This is another example of the growing perversion in society.  The 'election' of Chicago's first openly 'gay' mayor is another terrible example.




Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


That was quite an invigorating argument!...


Novella Nurney


Found the true faith


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


My name is Jonathan. Over the past several weeks, I have probably watched hundreds of your youtube videos. Everything you say in your videos makes so much sense to me and rings of truth. I was raised the son of a protestant minister in the International Churches of Christ (founded by Kip McKean in the 1970s). The ICOC is an interesting mix of protestant and actually Christian beliefs. For example, they reject "once saved always saved" and insist on the necessity of water baptism for salvation but believe 'sola scriptura,' of course reject the Catholic Church and papacy, and also reject infant baptism.


One thing I have realized in watching your videos is that we live in a time of no faith… All through our school years, we are taught to embody the values of the Enlightenment and Age of Reason, as if this were some great breakthrough rather than the descent into godlessness which it was. The time in European history, it seems to me, in which society was most faithful and pleasing to God, the Middle Ages, are branded the "Dark Ages" (calling evil good and good evil). I realize now that my entire education both public and university made sure to brainwash me against the evil, dark, 'bigoted' Catholic Church. The very words 'dogma' and 'orthodox,' thanks to this type of education, now connotate close-minded authoritarians bent on destroying the beautiful, free-thinking rebels… Yes, I fear things are very bad now.


I cannot imagine that many will extricate themselves from the web of lies the Accuser has spun to entrap us. So many are swayed by what everyone around them thinks and says. And indeed this is what Jesus predicted. G.K. Chesterton wrote, "The Catholic Church is the only thing which saves a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age." The Catholic church is a pillar, a rock, an anchor to which men can cling through the ever-changing tides of social opinion and mores. When I look at the so-called "church" the antipope Francis claims to lead, I see no pillar, no rock. I see a man-made institution swaying with the current of the zeitgeist. It's obvious. And obviously not of God…


Anyway, about 17 years ago, at age 14, I was baptized into the ICOC, but after only a year or so, I rejected Christianity… Over the past two years, I began to study my bible again, repent of my sin, and became more and more serious about my faith until I found your videos, which truly helped me to find the one true faith...


So, now that I have become convinced of the issues, I need to have a conditional baptism preformed?... Where can I go for confession? I am close to Nashville, TN.


Thank you for your time.








Antipope Francis tells “priests” not to try to convert Muslims – 25 second video


He... forbids converting Muslims to the Christian faith.  Does that sound like a pope to you? To me it sounds like he is a sultan.






Antipope Francis tells “priests” not to try to convert Muslims – 25 second video


Just one more in a long list of evil, heretical statements from antipope Francis... What’s unbelievable is that, despite his clear apostasy, all these Novus Ordo fake-Catholics continue to regard him as pope. Niles (and many others) just cover these scandals for hours every day but don’t care about the true Catholic faith otherwise they’d get out of the Vatican 2 sect. At this point, it cannot be any more obvious that it’s a false church.






“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies 


I didn’t know this.




New Video Posted


Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils (new video)


MHFM: This video is another section of a longer video which, God willing, we hope to publish soon.




Antipope Francis tells “priests” not to try to convert Muslims – 25 second video




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Dear Brothers,


What a fantastic presentation. A real eye-opener for many…


Thank you.


Mary Wrenne



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


This documentary is exactly what I needed. My church had a magician entertain us for an event last week. I felt so incredibly uncomfortable and his back story was the same...lonely kid who started performing magic at an early age. He even looked demonic. I already knew it was wrong, but needed to see the full scope of the matter.


Douglas Dasilva


MHFM: We’re glad you liked the video.  You also need to see the material in this file.  It covers the biblical proof for Catholicism, which is the one true faith necessary for salvation.  The material also explains what’s happening in Rome now.




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


Wow as a Protestant (on the way to Catholicism) this is eye opening.


Sam Taylor


MHFM: You should also see the videos and materials in this file.  Catholicism is the one true faith necessary for salvation.  But to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic, as our material explains.




On Lies In SSPX Book 


Bergolio is a heretic, apostate, and the antipope. Support SSPX.


Randall Livingston


MHFM: Wow, you're blind.  You don’t care about the truth right now.  You are commenting on a video that exposes lies and errors published by the SSPX.  You also say that Bergoglio is an antipope, a position that the SSPX obstinately rejects and condemns.  Yet, you still say to support them.  You are another example of the bad will operating in false traditionalists.  You need to wake up, for you are promoting a heretical group.  No, one must not support the heretical and schismatic SSPX.  For a further exposé of their heresies and false positions, see this video: The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


This presentation demonstrates, once again, that E. "Orthodox" it is not true Christianity, but a false religion. Outside the traditional Catholic faith there is absolutely no salvation.


Alysson Gabriel




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


I used to follow many of these teachers. It scared the crap out of me when Piper said we didn’t need to obey the commandments! What!? I never even believed that as a former protestant. I didn’t even know that was part of their teaching unreal this video. I’m really glad I listened to this today.


Andrea Blackshear


MHFM: We hope you are a traditional Catholic.  It's the one true faith necessary for salvation.  You will find more biblical proof for Catholicism here.  Our material also explains what's going on in Rome now.




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Hello. I have been watching your videos for a while now and they have helped me in my journey from agnosticism to Catholicism…


Ivan Vidovic




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Great job, truly enlightening material. God bless you.


Ruzgar Liahnyn




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


I myself have had shakes in The Catholic faith, and even considered Byzantine Orthodoxy as an option, but thank God, you've made this video on the greatest time for me and many others…






Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


What a great presentation. God bless MHFM.


Católico Tradicional




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Your material converted me from Protestantism to the Roman Catholic Church last year. I was originally Eastern Orthodox then Protestant and now I’m Catholic. However I consider Francis to be an Antipope and I reject the Vatican II Council. Your book “The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church” has me fully convinced that the Catholic Church is the One True Church.


Stephen Pisano Jr.




Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


The video is truly a slam dunk, on all the lies and excuses that attempt to justify the fallacious tenets of Eastern Orthodoxy. The video testified that each EO church is unto themselves just like all the denominations of the false protestant churches.






Eastern “Orthodoxy’s” Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils


Wonderful explanation of why the E. "Orthodox" are sheep without a shepherd; spiritually lost and without Christ. It is a group of men following a democracy of popular vote.


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne




High school being put under pressure after they tell girl she can’t be “prom king” – 2 minute video


Delusional... evil and selfish! You ARE female, and female YOU will always be! No matter what surgical work you have or are going to have done... !!


Bernadette Hays




“French archbishop ‘delighted’ to participate in dedication of mosque”


Apostasy, and more evidence that the Vatican II Sect is the Whore of Babylon foretold in Scripture.






“Bishop” Malone of Buffalo returns “priest” to “ministry” who was caught twice with “gay” porn – 2 minute video


MHFM: This is horrible and a monumental scandal.  But again, that can be said about many things in the Vatican II Sect.




Antipope Francis refuses to let Vatican II Sect members kiss “his” papal ring – 46 second video


The viral video of Anti Pope Francis refusing Churchgoers to kiss the Papal ring is of huge impact in showing to the world what a phoney and imposter he is.  It is making people wonder what kind of "Pope" this is, judging from reactions I have been reading. On a deeper level, it perfectly verifies what your videos on Francis have stated, that he is not a true Pope and God allows many signs for people to see this in word and deed (many of which you have shown in your videos). His action is yet another confirmation that he is a total apostate and non-Catholic, he is showing people the traditional practise of kissing a True Pope's ring cannot apply to him, although he probably refuses to allow this because he does not believe in Indulgences or any outward show of deference to Papal authority. It also shows that people are literally turned away in humiliation when approaching him, making it clear that this man is completely barren of any spiritual authority or help.  To those who still follow him, I hope that this will be a visual wake up call that continuing to follow Francis will lead them to lose their souls. 


Yours in Christ




MHFM: It’s an interesting and revealing video.  However, it’s sad (and pathetic) if that’s the only or main thing that causes them to question whether Francis is the pope, considering that he’s a notorious heretic who preaches a false gospel.  They should be interested in and deeply moved by the voluminous evidence that he rejects the teaching of Christ and the Catholic Church.  However, with many people who sadly don’t have supernatural faith, externals are their main concern.  Facts about Catholic teaching, the deposit of faith and the heresies of the antipopes are not what interest or concern them. 




I have being following your website for the past six years. Am a Nigerian. I was baptized in a Novus Ordo Parish. Going through your materials so far, I am convinced that the sect in Rome claiming to be Catholic is far from the teaching of the church. It is so unfortunate that few can see for themselves what is really happening in the world right now. I concur with you, brother, that the modern age is the last age of human civilization...


Proving the truth behind sedevacantism is difficult to do over here in Nigeria, as they are many sects under the name of church claiming to be followers of Christ. Everyone is called a Christian provided he or she has a Christian origin, people are hardly interested in knowing the history of Christianity talk more of understanding the time (epoch) that we are now.

I wish to write to you on more issues concerning myself, because I want to be one of those people, like you, who will instruct people on the faith and the time we are over here in Nigeria... please put me in prayers...



Love you in Christ Jesus






Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God 


Dear Mhfm


Thanks for your beautiful materials and all the works on evangelizing the traditional Catholic faith. This video is so powerful that a particular Eastern "orthodox" fellow that likes attacking the Catholic Faith on Facebook no matter the evidence I showed him on the primacy, filioque, etc, left Facebook after seeing this video. He left without making any response. I have been monitoring his account but it looks exactly like what was deleted. I pray for the conversion of all eastern "orthodox" and all non-catholics to the Catholic Faith.


 Franklin Uboh




High school being put under pressure after they tell girl she can’t be “prom king” – 2 minute video


The very definitions of the words "king" and "queen" provide the corresponding gender identification. There is no need to define what those words mean. It's just more demonic vomit from someone under demonic control.






Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


The Church is flawless, could you explain to me how so the church made a mistake with the canonization of Mother Teresa?!




MHFM: The Church did not canonize her.  The Vatican II Sect did.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the end-times Counter Church, as our material explains.




Amazing Evidence For God


Hello brother… Amazing video btw.. I saw your various comments on how being a christian is not enough and being a catholic is necessary.. But what if I got a bible and don't know anything about the sects of Christianity and start believing in God as the spirit guides me…. I want to know the truth and this is my mere opinion. Praise the Lord and our saviour Jesus Christ.


Vineeth Paul


MHFM: Hello.  The Catholic faith is definitely the one true faith of Christ and necessary for salvation. It's the only way to be a Christian.  See the biblical proof for Catholicism here.  Also, to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic.  That's explained in our material.  We strongly encourage you to look it over.  It also explains what's happening in Rome now.




Padre Pio: “Satan” Would “Come To Rule A False Church” 


Excellent. Keep getting the TRUTH out there.


Stephen Cockett




Accepting Francis = Apostasy


Dear Brothers:


In this video (and elsewhere) we see that Francis explicitly condemns trying to convert others to the "Christian" faith.  Such efforts at evangelization he describes as illicit, and even mortally sinful.  The sharing of the "Christian faith", Francis declares, is a crime against ecumenism and must not be engaged in.  No, no, no.   But his fellow fire-breather, the… satanic "cardinal" schonborn, explicitly declares (at the 18:45 mark in your recent video on him) that the Moslems are imposing (not sharing) their "religion" on Europe and that, in fact, Islam will likely take over Europe.  But this action, the apostate schonborn declares, should not be looked upon as illicit or sinful.  No, Moslems cannot be blamed for imposing Islam on once-Christian Europe because they believe they are doing something good, and that they are doing God's will.  Taking over.


But in that case, according to the fake magisterium of the counterfeit church, wouldn't an Islamic takeover also be a crime against "ecumenism"?   Of course not, since the only object of the so-called "ecumenism" (the agenda of the Vatican 2 sect) has always been the obliteration of Jesus Christ and the true faith.  It is just incomprehensible to me how anyone -- and especially the so-called "conservatives" or "traditional Catholics" -- can remain in the Vatican 2 sect, with some of them even defending "ecumenism".


Lee Ann  





“God makes people ‘gay’, says priest standing in for Maltese archbishop in TV interview”


Vile blasphemies from a fake 'priest'...






Women’s Rape Crisis Shelter Defunded By City Because It Excludes “Transgender Women” – 1 minute video




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Excelente explicación.


Clara Santiso




God bless you for showing me the truth.

David Joseph
Villawood, Australia




Thank you for publishing the booklets... etc, they are helping us to see what is going on now in our Catholic Church.  Keep up the good works + may God bless you all.  

Evelyn Chiong




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


This video beautifully describes how this man is a heretic… this was very well put together and sternly points out the problems in Anderson's beliefs on christianity. Good job. Keep up the work of God.


Amare A.


Is Not


Padre Pio: “Satan” Would “Come To Rule A False Church” 


The true Pope is Benedict XVI.  God bless and protect him.


Mariana Chalita


MHFM: No, he's not.  You need to see this file and video: Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) (section); The Heresies of Benedict XVI (video).




The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” 






E. ‘Orthodox’


[This E. ‘Orthodox’ woman doesn’t see why the real distinction which they claim exists in God between the uncreated essence and the ‘uncreated energies’ contradicts monotheism.  She is blind to the point, and apparently she didn’t watch the video.]


Do the distinctions between the Father, Son and Holy Spirits make them separate divinities? Muslims seem to think so. Seems you agree with their ‘sound’ reasoning.


Anne Williams


MHFM: Father, Son and Holy Spirit aren’t distinct in divinity but only in person.  Real distinctions between persons = 3 persons.  Exact same divinity in all three = 1 God.  However, to posit distinct ‘divinities’ (i.e. uncreated essence is not ‘uncreated energies’), as the E. 'Orthodox' do, = two 'gods'.




MHFM: This is more heresy and indifferentism from EWTN.


EWTN and “Bishop” of the “diocese of Christchurch” promote an interfaith service and the “Bishop” says he prays for deceased “Muslim brothers and sisters” – 1 minute video




“Austrian bishop allows ‘Jesus clock’ made from upside down corpus with broken arms to be installed in church”


With what unimaginable mercy and patience Jesus endures such outrageous blasphemy . . . All for love of those few souls, those very few souls, who persevere in the One Holy and Apostolic Catholic Faith. 


Thank you brothers, for your unabashed commitment to toiling faithfully in Christ’s vineyard during these, the last days.


Pax Christi! Ave Maria!


Kristine Mullin





The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN 


Apostasy, abomination indeed. Thank you for this…


Jack Frost


Formal Heretics


Accepting Francis = Apostasy


Bergoglio is a heretic, worse a formal heretic. The other post VCII popes are in many cases in material heresy...but Bergoglio is definitely a formal heretic as far as I can tell.


Christopher Fair


MHFM: All of the post-Vatican II claimants to the Papacy have been formal heretics and antipopes, like Bergoglio.  You should consult the material in this file.




Florida woman living with her boyfriend shoots him for his loud snoring – 1 minute video


They were living in sin after dating for only three weeks. This is the result of mortal sin.


Simon Turac




The Bible Proves The Papacy 


Great presentation…


Rommel Cargando




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


He is a lowlife heretic who has chosen Hell. The Vatican II sect is showing its attachment to Hell more vividly every day. I pray for Heaven's divine intervention to crush the head of this serpent known as the Vatican II cult and all false religions…


John Lowell




“Italy bans unvaccinated children from school”


It is all about the money and control! Vaccines are not safe...! This is a crime against humanity! No government should be allowed to force anything upon there citizens that can cause bodily harm! My question is what is in these vaccines? This is total insanity!






“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


I watched the whole thing… heavy hitting high quality content… a 10/10 rating.


Best Korea




Was Vatican II Infallible?


If Francis is the Antipope, who's the real Pope?

Ulysses Arenas 


MHFM: The Chair of Peter is vacant.  This situation was prophesied.  We encourage you to read this file and look at more of our material and videos: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


This video is absolutely correct…


Bill Scout




Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary 


Thank you.  It is truly humbling that we have Jesus Christ as our Savior and Mary was created in such a profoundly unique way…






Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


She was… wicked… defied Christ and led… souls to hell.


Thomas Spanne




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


I love seeing prots destroyed by logic…


Steve Tipton




Amazing Evidence For God


I’m an atheist and this just made me believe in God. Thank you so much. I’m converting to Christianity. Not Catholicism because I heard they’re antichrist. But thank you for converting me to Christianity.


Clashing wi Nemesis


MHFM: We're glad you liked the video.  However, only Catholicism is Christianity.  See the videos and information in this file for the biblical proof for Catholicism.  The Catholic Church is the original and only Church founded by Christ.  That's demonstrated by history, Scripture and Tradition.  It's necessary for salvation to be a Catholic, but to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic.




Apocalypse 17:8 Fulfilled 


I must say that your information makes extreme sense and your analysis is excellent. I am not as fierce a sedevacantist as you but everything makes sense.




MHFM: This video, among others, explains why one must take the sedevacantist position: Accepting Francis = Apostasy




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


Tobin is a… manifest apostate…


Carlson Matthews




Thank you very much for everything... your website has helped me tremendously.

Stanley Alvarez


Big Lie


Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


Utter obliteration of… justification by faith alone…






What Francis Really Believes (4th edition) 


Francis hates our Lord Jesus Christ…


Victor Carillo




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


Hell for those persons who support lgbt.


Aljhun Villanel




“High schooler who posted Bible verses in response to pride flags suspended for ‘targeting’ Gay-Straight Alliance club”


… It does not surprise me that she was suspended for this, but it's good to hear that she wanted to spread some truth.




MHFM: It's another example of how, contrary to what they have claimed, perverted supporters of the 'LGBT' agenda don't merely strive for 'equality' but domination and elimination of all opposing views.  That's because their movement is not driven or governed by consistency, but rather by the Devil.  Thus, at first they call for 'equality', as a means to get their foot in the door: i.e. to get their evil views or behavior circulated, tolerated or accepted in the public arena.  Once that has occurred, they go for more.  Led by the Devil, they then seek to eliminate/remove all Christian opposition to what they do and believe. Hence, they are permitted to post their disgusting 'pride flags' in the school, while the girl is forbidden from posting Bible verses in response.


This story also shows us, once again, why people should be homeschooling.




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition) 


No human hand drew this.


Eric Solskjar




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


An evil monster leading souls directly to hell!!!


Maria Vignoni Vargas




Dear MHFM,

Thank you for the work you do... very instrumental in my conversion to God and His teachings and Church; very liberating in the midst of such evil. I do evangelize as I can using the publications, etc. from MHFM...

Toni Anderson
North Bend, OR 




I must say after watching multiple videos of yours on youtube about prophecies and the current crisis in the church I’m getting closer and closer to truth and I start to think you are right that the post vatican II popes are not true popes but usurpers. Thank you for all the information you provide in your website, youtube etc.




Paul VI


… I DO know that Pope Paul VI was a valid Pope.




MHFM: You need to look at more of our material, for you are quite wrong.  Paul VI was CERTAINLY an antipope.  We know this because he was a manifest heretic and he tried to solemnly promulgate the heresies and false doctrines of Vatican II.  A true pope could not be a heretic or solemnly promulgate the false doctrines of Vatican II.  This situation was prophesied.


We recommend that you consult these materials, among others:


“Saint” Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be Pope from 1963-1978)

The Heresies in Vatican Council II

Was Vatican II Infallible?




False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times 


Dear Brothers:


I agree with others who hold this to be an excellent and important video which should be seen by all.  What particularly caught my attention was the section starting around the 50 minute mark in which you summarize the difference between the incorrect and correct views of "Church"…


Lee Ann 


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


This is really scary and mind bothering.... and very sad how much power and influence devil has in the church.

Eva Leszczynska


MHFM: The 'Church' to which you refer, over which the Devil has power, is not the Catholic Church.  It's the end-times Counter Church, as our material explains.  For instance, see this video: Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen.  One must draw a clear distinction between the Vatican II Sect under Antipope Francis and the true Catholic Church.  The latter is composed of real traditional Catholics.  One must get out of the New Mass, reject the Vatican II Sect, etc. as our material covers.




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 




Paeata Clark



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Pure demonic activity…


Ed Ca




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


... Tobin is a heretic. That means he is a liar, and his father is Satan...


Mary Ellen Gellner




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


I try to be a good Catholic man, to LOVE The Holy Trinity, respect all people, to obey the ten commandments. But for a Priest to give the Body and Blood of our Savior to a same-sex couple is insulting to The true God !!! Very sad.


Jaques Brun


MHFM: You need to consult more of our material and recognize that the Vatican II 'Church' is not Catholic.  It's the end-times Counter Church.  To be a true Catholic, you must be a traditional Catholic and reject Antipope Francis, get out of the New Mass, reject Vatican II, etc.  Our material explains what to do.  Also, the New Mass is not a Catholic Mass, and the New Rite of Ordination is not valid.  Thus, the 'Communion' offered by ‘priests’ ordained in it cannot be considered the Body and Blood of Christ.  (We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


Dear Brothers,


The Vatican II Sect poster-boy Tobin's sermon lessons seem to come from his AA meetings.  Tobin says nothing about the truth in the Holy Scripture of the bible, just a lot of rambling about his false humility, and man; with emphasis on his love for perverted men and false leaders.  As with the VII sect, Tobin’s false gods are anti-pope Francis and fellow VII anti-popes.  Their whole universe began with their creator anti-pope John XXIII (1958-1963), not to be confused with anti-pope John XXIII (1410-1415).






“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


… it’s the great apostasy.


Tony D




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


… What an abomination, a heretic and a scandal…






“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


I guess When "Cardinal" Tobin told the sodomites "l am Joseph your brother" he was admitting to being a homosexual and telling his comrades he had infiltrated the Catholic Church (or so he thinks). Just like Anti-Pope John the xxiii did to the Jews.




MHFM: We think that you are probably correct that his words (among other things covered in the video) indicate that he’s a homosexual, although one cannot absolutely prove it.  What is certain and absolutely proven, however, is that he’s a wicked heretic who accepts homosexual abominations and much more.




“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey


Vatican 2 was and is an abomination before God!!!


Donald Wrightson




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie 


I deeply appreciate your videos. Your videos have deepened my interests into the Traditional Catholic Church and the Vatican II Sect. I've been thinking about converting to Catholicism but not sure how too. Can you help?


Eric Kobus


MHFM: The steps to be a true traditional Catholic are here.  God wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  It's the one true faith necessary for salvation.  This file also covers important principles that one should know, especially in our time: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


Way of


Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times 


This is a great video. One way of disproving a false position is to follow the logical consequences of it, as is done in this video. The consequences of the false position of Matt and others - that the organization which is in control of the Vatican and its structure must necessarily be the Church founded by Christ - would be that this Church would have to include heretics and apostates, and that therefore none would be automatically exclude from it, no matter what he or she believes. But that is abominable and contrary to what the Church itself has declared on this topic.


The Anglican Schism in many ways sets precedents for the situation we are living through right now. One lesson we can learn from it concerns what is said in this video: the Church cannot be defined by buildings and robes. If one looks carefully into what happened in England under Henry VIII, one will discover that many were leaving the Catholic Church and entering into the Anglican sect while following the same nominal bishops, and while attending the same nominal parishes. In other words, the Anglican Schism teaches us that one can abandon the Catholic Church by maintaining subjection to those who dissent from Catholic teaching, even if they were true representatives of the Church of Christ in the past and continued to claim to be true ones after the dissension. That's exactly what happened and continues to happen in our time. Of course there were many cases where people remained subject to the schismatics for a while because of confusion. This also happened after Vatican II. Many simply weren't aware of the apostasy coming from the Vatican. However, the point here is that an institution that occupies Catholic buildings can in fact be an enemy of the Catholic Church, as the Vatican II sect - the modern and expanded version of the Anglican sect - is.


Rafael Centeio




The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”


Excellent video! BOD has NEVER been taught by the Church!


Vratislav Kerstes




House passes resolution condemning any speech suggesting people are pushing Americans to support Israel – video


This is the Emperor Wears No Clothes. We all know that Israel basically owns nearly every politician on Capitol Hill, and dictates our country's foreign policy, but no one is allowed to acknowledge it. Like the child who spoke up in the fairy tale, it took a freshman Congresswoman, from Somali, no less, to state the unspoken truth.






Cottonelle promotes sodomy in new TV ad – 15 second video


MHFM: This is disgusting and another revealing sign of the times.  So many people are involved in apostasy, sexual sins and impurity that the perverts, and the devils behind them, have been emboldened to this degree.




Gay porn videos were shown at a Vatican II Sect seminary “each Wednesday night” – 2 minute video


If it were not for the efforts of MHFM to alert the world that we are indeed in the last days according to Biblical prophecy, I would be in total disbelief. But I know, thank God and thanks to MHFM, that those whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world are those who are in disbelief. Our job as true Catholics is to evangelize and to pray.




New Articles Posted


Antipope Francis criticizes “the denouncing of heresy” and says ecumenism “is irreversible” and not optional (article)


Antipope Francis says those who deny the two natures of Jesus “bear a true testimony of faith” (article)


Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies from January 2019 (article)




Amazing Evidence For God


I love this video so much! The facts told in it CANNOT be ignored! I am a Catholic and this is only strengthening my faith!




MHFM: We're glad you like the video.  Also please check out our other material, which covers biblical proof for Catholicism and explains what's happening in Rome now.




Death and the Journey into Hell (3rd edition) 


Outstanding work MHFM! If watching this life changing video won’t make you want to give up sin, and live for Christ by embracing Traditional Catholicism, then nothing will. This excellent video is definitely a must-share.


O & H F J



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Hello, my name is Deanna Costa. I was just watching your video on YouTube it’s the one called magicians prove a spiritual world exists. At 21:23- to 21:24 while David copperfield is levitating that woman... old footage .... you start to see a demon with eyes to the right appear.... it’s clear as day...  please let me know what you think? Reason I was watching these kinds of videos.... I came across a magician earlier today... he did a “card trick” in front of my entire family.... and I knew right away what the deal was.... thank you for getting this kind of information out!! People need to wake up!!!  


Thank you!  Deanna


Pure Evil


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Pure evil apostasy, this pseudo priest speaks lies and lies, he (along with pope francis) are enemies of doctrine, truth, decency and tradition, these… along with Francis are nauseating.


Fernando Gomez


MHFM: You are correct, except in calling Francis the pope.  He’s not the pope.  You should consult more of our material.




Pope Paul III, Sublimus Deus, May 29, 1537: “... man... has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ...”


MHFM: This truth of the Catholic faith is rejected by almost all 'traditionalist' priests today, including almost all sedevacantist priests.




Amazing Evidence For God


I have had depression for a month now and i have had doubts of God but this restored my faith, God bless everyone!




MHFM: We're glad that you viewed it.  Now you should look over more of the material and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  It's necessary for salvation.




Gay porn videos were shown at a Vatican II Sect seminary “each Wednesday night” – 2 minute video


The Vatican 2 sect is just a Godless community of fake priests but tons of real perverts. It truly is the whore of Babylon, just a complete mockery of all things sacred.






“Catholic” hospitals may be “forced” to take down their Crucifixes – 44 second video


The anti-Christian pagan tyrant of Ireland is dechristianizing the country and in effect saying that Christian institutions have no right to exist. Christian institutions are neither creatures of the pagan state/regime nor its representative and can never be subordinated to it. The sodomite... demands that Christian hospitals take down Crucifixes from rooms in which infidels or heretics are present.


He also seems to be using the same argument that the fake Obama administration used when forcing contraception on non-profit religious institutions. That fake administration claimed that non-Catholics go to such institutions (to be served or employed by them) and that therefore such institutions must give contraceptive and abortion pill ‘coverage’ (as if birth control can be licit when non-Christians use it). The anti-Christian sodomist tyrant in Ireland is saying that Crucifixes must be removed from hospital rooms in which an infidel or heretic is present. The Irish must repond “Non possumus!” They should refuse... The sodomite seems to regard himself as a religious leader over all non-Christians in Ireland.


Christiana et Fidelis




… I emailed you initially… about being a traditional Catholic… I have been viewing your content and it is very intriguing and eye opening. I'm realizing more and more how blind I was to recognize the modern "catholic church" as legitimate…






“Catholic” hospitals may be “forced” to take down their Crucifixes – 44 second video


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for exposing this shamefully BAD decision. 


Mr. Varadker is not a Catholic and he seems to have no idea that Ireland was once Catholic!...


Mary Wrenne,





“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Dear Brothers:


This video precisely summarizes what the Vatican 2 Sect really is: an escort service to hell.  It is interesting that Schonborn the "great theologian and catechist" becomes quite specific and dogmatic-sounding when he denies the account of Creation as it is presented in the Bible.  That dogmatic-sounding statement was needed lest there be persons in his audience who might still believe and need to be set straight.  Notice how this shrewd devil uses a different tone when denying the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation.  In this case he uses a hushed, sweet tone (as if he is telling children not to fret).  No, the liar hisses, God will not judge anyone on the basis of the religion they hold.  Schonborn can be soft and sweet because he knows that the lie that the Catholic faith is not necessary for salvation has by now been almost universally accepted, and certainly accepted by the adherents of the Vatican 2 sect.  He knows that, in fact, they love that lie because it makes life in these times seem so easy and breezy.  Watching Schonborn in action makes one sick to one's stomach, but so does the thought of the multitudes who are willing to follow, applaud, or even just accept these agents from hell… Thanks for another great video.


Lee Ann




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God 


… Great Job!


Danny V


In Apostasy


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


And Schonborn is one of Francis's favorites. It's more proof the Church is in apostasy and Francis is a total heretic.




MHFM: The Church is not in apostasy.  The Vatican II Sect is apostate, but it is not the Church.  It’s the prophesied end-times Counter Church.  You should consult more of our material.




Amazing Evidence For God


Undeniable proof. Thank you for putting this out there.




Already accepted


“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism” 


This man is why I'm seriously considering leaving the Church. As soon as it's generally accepting Gay marriage I am leaving. It's already accepted transgenderism in one RCC in Idaho!




MHFM: You need to look over more of our material.  The Vatican II Sect, which contains Antipope Francis and James Martin, is not the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church still exists with the true traditional Catholics.  So, you should leave the Vatican II Sect and join the true Catholic Church.  Our material explains what's going on and how to do that.  You should pray the Hail Mary frequently for faith.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  If you don't become a traditional Catholic, you will not be saved, we say in charity.


Apostasy in Vienna


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


I dont know who i go to church.  In Vienna is just apostasia.  Fssp is OK? please answer me


Maryam Merowing


MHFM: No, they are not an option.  Options for confession are explained on our website.  There are almost no options for Communion and Mass today, so you should stay at home on Sundays.  There is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass in this situation.  (One must never go to the New Mass, of course).  We encourage you to look over more of the material and become convinced on all the issues.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Walmart runs ad that promotes sodomy – 27 second video


Days ago I saw an ad for the local Burger King that promoted trigamy featuring 2 men and a woman. Never liked their food, but this one really made me lose my appetite.






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Cupich is an agent of Satan…


John Elejalde


Want to Convert


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


I am a orthodox, but I want to convert to catholic…


J. Berry




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Vienna, my hometown, once the center of Catholic faith has now become Sodom…





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


… truly signs and wonders…




Been Watching


Hello my name is Santiago Ramirez and I am 17 years old turning 18 in May. I was born into the Catholic Faith… As of now I haven’t gone to Church in a really long time and neither has my family. I am spiritually aware of the reality of things and I know that Jesus is lord and that he left the one true Catholic Church. The thing is that I have been researching a lot about religion and politics and I am seeing that the world is changing...but not for the good. I have been watching videos on your youtube channel and I am being convinced that the Church has been infiltrated by a false Catholicism and Antipopes… I want to go to church again but I don’t know where to go to mass and to receive communion… Thank you and God Bless.


MHFM: We’re glad that you are looking at the information.  It’s important to recognize that the physical structures of the Church have been infiltrated/taken over, but the Catholic Church itself is distinct from the Vatican II Sect.  We recommend that you continue to look over the material and begin to pray the Hail Mary frequently.  (We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)  The steps for those returning or converting to the faith are on our website.  There are almost no options for Mass and Communion today, but there are options for confession.  We can help you with that when you are convinced and ready.  The options are also covered in our ‘where to receive sacraments’ file.




I watched the video at this your link and I am impelled to comment it: Man arrested by London police for “preaching to people” and for “disturbing people’s days” – 1 minute video.


The level of conceit exhibited by these more or less apostatical modern Occidentals, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world, is truly without precedents. I say so because cognising the two worlds, Mediterranean Catholic and Anglo-Saxon Protestant, both fallen, alas, today, yet with blatantly different histories, I can personally relate to such situations, significantly. That policeman, in greater detail, could be as repulsive as one may presently get. He abuses his authority… What is also revolting is his repentine change of manners when addressing the (audibly hypocritical, one could deduce) lady filming the scene: undue obsequy, to put it aulically, and boot licking, more bluntly, as though to create for himself an alibi against his inhumane and inhuman comportment towards the Nigerian. Maleficent, inflated, idiotic, blind beast, scaring no one. 


Another noteworthy aspect is his intolerance of the Good Tidings: first he labels them as peace breaching, day disturbance and problem causation (nb. the man was proclaiming that he had to announce the Truth, that Jesus Christ is the only way and the life and that nobody... - a sentence whose timeless and austere import will verisimilarly be perceived upon Judgement day), then, when the man augments in emphasis as a capable orator is to do, especially before a restless interlocutor, he looks to the side incapable of any longer resisting the spoken verity (just as Satan his father would) and lashes out with his vile, modernistic, syncretistic, false, monstrous, deadly and deathly human respect: I appreciate that, but nobody wants to listen to that, they want you to go away (shaking his body as the current imbeciles shake them and putting his very own hands in the Nigerian's face, if those are his canons). Such could only be branded as excremental: he does not appreciate it at all and is in no position to make such a call, which would in all events not inhibit anyone from fulfilling the Great commission, even at the cost of physical contact in the limit case. The apotheosis nevertheless is attained to when the Nigerian… rejoins by telling him that he the policeman will want to listen to the Good Tidings, to Jesus Christ being the only way to salvation, once dead: then comes the arrest, carried out with such precision, such zeal, such rigour…


These men, having capsized the natural law in almost every single conceivable fashion, no longer remotely capable of reasoning clearly, lucidly and properly, let alone able to generate, mould and govern a civil society, demonically engineered to destroy and self-destroy, if not destruct, are Apocalyptic.  His lackey is further no less vomitous, initially: should have thought about that when... He shall pay for that too, unless he repent of it all and his outward lack of Faith, soon.  Mary the Mother of God impetrate the faithful the graces to resist till the end. Amen.







“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


He's not Catholic, neither is anyone else in the Vatican, they created a new religion called the Novus Ordo…


Alida Cermignani




Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness 


… After Trump got into office, I remember watching a video where they said Melania refused to live in the Whitehouse until it had been completely exorcized of demons. I didn't realize the ramifications of that until I heard this video. Those demons followed and entered those that were open to them... our top government officials. Thank you… again, for your wisdom and discernment.






“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


It’s so sad! I can't believe it... in such a great cathedral of Vienna such a blasphemous thing…


P. Gregor Pal




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


I could barely watch this this makes me so angry. Why are we as Catholics so feckless what is wrong with us we should not be allowing people to do this in the name of the Catholic Church. Thank you for denouncing him.


TE Bennett


MHFM: You need to recognize that they are allowing it because they represent the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church.  This is explained in our material.  To be a true Catholic you need to be a traditional Catholic and completely reject the Vatican II antipopes, the New Mass, etc.  Our material explains what's going on and what to do. We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Cardinal Cupich is leading people astray and should be excommunicated. If he wouldn’t have been a priest except for the Second Vatican Council then there’s one reason all by itself to wish that that council had not happened.


Ruth Fitzwater


MHFM: Vatican II was a false council, and the post-Vatican II 'popes' have all been antipopes. That's explained in our material.  The 'hierarchy' of the Vatican II Sect doesn't have the authority to excommunicate anyone.  However, Cupich is automatically excommunicated.  We recommend that you read this file and consult more material on our site: The Glossary of Terms and Principles. 




The Antichrist Identified 


I stopped going to church. Never heard a priest warning his congregation about the synagogue of Satan…


Mark Duggan


MHFM: That's probably because you were in the Novus Ordo 'Church'.  That is not the true Catholic Church.  See this video for true Catholic teaching that Jews are not Israel or the Chosen People.  Also, see this file for the biblical proof for traditional Catholicism.  You need to be a traditional Catholic to be saved, and our material explains how to do that.




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


[I used to think that Mother Teresa was a saint, until I watched this video.  Thanks for the truth.]


Me too!! Thank you for the truth!! =)


Aileen M Cruz


MHFM: We’re glad you recognized that.  It’s also crucial to recognize that the traditional Catholic faith is the one true faith.  It’s necessary for salvation to embrace it.  This file contains the biblical proof for Catholicism.




Amazing Evidence For God


Amazing video.


Clement Khums


Came Across, Kenyan


Dear Brothers...


I will first start by thanking you brothers and the monastery for the good work you have labored for the salvation of as many soul as possible. I only came across your material last year. I am a Kenyan, now 20 (years) and I have been a novus ordo "catholic" for all those years until when I came across your material. In my previous years, (in the novus ordo 'church') i was still striving to be a good 'Christian' but simply the scandals and misconduct of the clergy completely scandalized me. To highlight just an example; before being baptized, as part of the normal novus ordo catechist classes we were asked each catechumen to state the reason as to why he/she needed baptism. In this case everyone was simply giving out his/her opinions which included being given a saintly name and of course the catechist was quite impressed with most of these reasons. In my case I said that I was seeking baptism for the remission of original sin (at that time I thought that baptism effected the remission of original sin only). This answer simply shocked the catechist and she simply responded as if she had never heard of existence of anything like 'original sin'!  her exclamation must have been "what's that!" This reaction convinced me that I was simply wrong and i also at the end of the day adopted the ideas that baptism was just a mere ritual performed in which a person is basically given a new Christian name! 

   In another case (though this happened recently after i had by the grace of God through your information obtained knowledge of the truth and came out of the novus ordo 'church'.) The 'priest' was going to be conducting family 'blessings' and was literally moving from one family to another in the 'parish'.  And therefore he basically set a condition that he had to be given a chicken in each and every family he was going to pass by.! Therefore he was passing around carrying a crate with which he was going to use in carrying the chicken. This was simply unexplainable. Again in the 'church', conditions were set which basically states that those who do not participate actively in giving donations and offerings, shall not obtain any aid from the other 'church' members in case they fall into a calamity. This has been greatly influential in ensuring continuous financial support to the so called church. I hope by the grace of God to be able to avail to these sadly deceived people in this 'church,' the information you provide about the true Catholic faith and also your website since so far it's honestly the only Catholic website i can trust. i have not found another one yet offering non contradictory information even in those which purport to be traditional Catholic websites.
     Before learning about your website i had only an idea of the situation and i wasn't even convinced because in most cases the theologians providing the information were simply giving their own reasoning without any doctrinal support and this could easily be overthrown by the reasoning of another leaving me in total confusion. Having not yet known about your website… [with regard to] mother Teresa… at that time i believed that she was a saint… I was able to see your video exposing her. The evidence you presented left me no doubt that she wasn't a true Catholic, on top of increasing my esteem for the unchangeable teachings of the church. I could clearly see the contrast you presented on true Catholic teaching and the indifferentism which i had always thought to be normal in the church. This video convinced me of your website as a source of true Catholic teaching in its purest form and since that time i have always been visiting the website and watching almost all the videos you have made.

  I really thank you brothers for your work. I am now fully convinced in all the articles of the faith, perhaps i may add including the dogma that outside the Church there is no salvation. (I had never once heard of this dogma in the novus ordo church)

  Your work has shown me the omnipotence Providence of God especially in this times we are living through which is basically a period of total confusions and contradictions. I can also see that those who reject your material are simply dishonest. I believe that the Almighty God is using you brothers. I truly also believe that these men who try to undermine your teachings are nothing more than tools of satan.


    I am now a university student, and as i saw in one of your articles, you correctly described these current day universities as 'cesspools of iniquity'.  The surrounding i find myself in is simply of a godless society.  I therefore humbly request for your prayers…
May Almighty God bless you.

Regards Alfred...



“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Simply appalling, even for Vatican II standards. How could anyone believe that this "Cardinal" is a Catholic? So many people are of bad will... Thankfully, your monastery has preserved the true Catholic faith!...


Nicholas G.




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Dear Brothers,


I finally got round to watching this MHFM masterpiece ... “Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria ... which stunningly encapsulates everything this Satanic Church of the last days represents and ensnares so many in its claws, and which needs to be viewed by everyone seriously concerned about their eternal salvation, for the Devil himself, has placed himself behind a kind gentle face to lull the world!


God Bless,





“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Wow we are definitely in the end time…


Albert Garcia




Amazing Evidence For God


Thank you. Beautiful documentary.


Silvia Dimitru




The Temple Of God In Prophecy (2 Thess. 2:4) Is Not Jewish 


Bravo! The Truth!... Israel, the Traditional Catholic Church!


Treva Peres




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God 


Amazing video! As a former new age practitioner, I practiced all kind of spiritual things they teaching including many kinds of breathing techniques. I was not very religious back then but I never denounced God, the more I practiced the new age, the more possessed and obsessed I became with demons, they tormented me emotionally and physically…


Thien Trung Huynh


MHFM: We're glad you liked the video.  Also, please consult this file.  It contains biblical proof for traditional Catholicism.  To be saved, you need to be a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that and what is going on in Rome now.  We also recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


Eye Opening

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Wow… truly eye opening.


Into the Frey




What Francis Really Believes (4th edition) 


Great video.


Gil Gamesh




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


I thank God for the many graces He's given me (through His Mother). One is for the common sense He's endowed me. It only takes simple common sense to recognize the heresies and evil of the Vatican II sect, the counter church. Another is for MHFM. It wouldn't be that so easy to use my common sense in recognizing the Truth and therefore loving Him (using my free-will and intellect) without MHFM's dedication and hard work; so thank you for that…






As Christian myself this is the best video I have seen. I have questioned my beliefs but now I don’t. Thank you for this video, anyone who reads this God bless.


Alex W


MHFM: We're glad you liked the video.  You need to see this file, which proves traditional Catholicism from the Bible: Biblical Proof For Catholicism.  Only traditional Catholicism is true Christianity, and one must be a traditional Catholic to be saved, we say in charity.  Our material explains how to do that and what is going on in Rome now.




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Wow!... amazed






Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


As a former protestant and faith alone believer this is one of the best teachings showing God’s truth. Faith alone is a lie. Thank you… for your videos educating God’s people.






“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria








“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria




Maureen Barnes




Shin Lim performs more acts of sorcery called “Magic” – 1 minute video


… It is so clear he gets his powers from satan. If I remember correctly, he even admits he uses "dark magic" for his tricks. The smoke that comes out of his mouth and out of his cards in some of his performances is definitely from the pits of hell. People need to wake up and realize what's going on spiritually.






Bisexual News Anchor Died From "Overdose On Crystal Meth During Wild Tryst"


This is instructive. The sodomite reporter was punished in the fullness of his sins: “The Lord patiently expecteth,” says St. Alphonsus. He also says God often punishes those who abuse His mercy, with instant death and, “the punishment of your guilt shall fall suddenly upon you, and you shall not know from whence it comes.”… He is a reminder of the sodomites of Sodom, whom God’s angel mercifully struck with blindness because they were trying to rape Lot, but then the blind sodomites just kept reaching for Lot’s door anyways - wanting to rape him.


St. Anthony Mary Claret reminds us that the fire in Hell “burns so powerfully” that “if a mere spark fell on a millstone, it would reduce it in a moment to powder. If it fell on a ball of bronze, it would melt it in an instant as if it were wax. If it landed on a frozen lake, it would make it boil in an instant.” He says the fire of this world/life “is not even a shadow of the fire of Hell.”…


Christiana et Fidelis


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria (new video)




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


The Novus Ordo Church is the End Times Counter Church.


Best Korea




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


… Shame on this disgusting display and these so called cardinals! They have been taken over by the devil!...


K May




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Utter blasphemy. The Holy Father should excommunicate him immediately, which of course he won't do.


Adam Norris


MHFM: Francis is not the pope.  You should see this video: Accepting Francis = Apostasy.  Schönborn is automatically excommunicated, and the same is true of all the 'cardinals' of the Vatican II Sect.




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria

After witnessing anti-christian actions committed by vatican 2 and reading the book of revelation, you only ponder where in revelation does our time coincide with.


X Marquise


MHFM: We recommend that you view these videos:










Amazing Evidence For God


This is definitely one of the best videos ever produced, it strengthens my faith even more and it should to others as well.


Jose Otero




“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies 


Wow...i used to love this man. Thank you for this video! God bless you.


Martin Johannson




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


… proves he’s a non-Catholic.  He believes God doesn't judge based on religion. This is a terrible heresy.


Christopher de la Viesca




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


… He has been an honored guest on EWTN and he helped develop the beautiful Catechism of the Catholic Church. How can he support the evil unions or blasphemy? I'm going to pray for his conversion!


Laura Vee


MHFM: The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' is not beautiful.  It's a heretical product of the Vatican II Counter Church, as our material covers.  It teaches many of the main heresies in Vatican II, including the heresy that Muslims and Jews worship the one true God (#841), the heresy that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Communion (#1401), the heresy that Protestant religions are means of salvation, and more.  Please consult more of our material to understand what is going on.  You should also watch our video on EWTN: The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN.




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


This video was wonderfully done to clearly expose the evil, rot and modernism…


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Can anyone have doubts after this documentary that Schönborn loves to please men more than he loves to please God? Soft-spoken and mild-mannered, he is a true wolf in shepherd's clothing. Matthew 7:13-23.


C Anderle




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


There are more abominations and blasphemies here than can be listed in a comment… he affirms his manifesto: The removal of all “barriers.” Removal of all Dogmas, sins, restraints on behavior; even the Commandments. Terrifying.


John Moore




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Horrible, THIS Schoenborn!!! A real Antichrist!!!!


Christine Riegler




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria




Wilhelm Pretorius




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria




Teresa Franjic




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


They are mocking God right before his face. These are demonic people, possessed men role-playing as bishops and priests.






“First U.S. Man To Legally Identify As ‘Neither’ Renounces Transgenderism: ‘I Am And Have Always Been Male’”


This is wonderful news.


Faith and Morals




“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria


Reminds me of John Paul II.


Christopher Frost




Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof


Excellent exposition.





“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Wow, thank you.


Patricia Bailhao da Silva




Former Abortionist Dr. Levatino Exposes Abortion In 2 Minutes


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for providing the link to the video of Dr. Levatino's Congressional testimony about the abomination of abortion.  It is a must watch for all…


I was curious as to how easily I could find this video on YouTube, so I searched for "abortion doctor testimony" in their search box.   There are several video versions of Dr. Levatino's testimony on YouTube.   It turns out that one of these versions is titled "Abortion doctor testimony" - exactly as the search term and order I used - literally verbatim.   It turns out that this particular version came back as the 17th ranked video on YouTube based on a  "Relevance" sort!   This is ridiculous - it obviously should have been ranked #1 based on the exact title/search term/relevancy match.   The other 16 videos on YouTube above the "Abortion doctor testimony" video were mostly either pro-abortion videos or news stories about trials of abortionists.  A further ridiculous aspect of this, is that all of the 16 other videos ranked higher than "Abortion doctor testimony" had lower view counts!


The video version link you provided was ranked with 3 million view counts, but was only ranked 38th!  When sorted by view count (something YouTube cannot manipulate (???)) this video is by far the most popular, the next closest being about 800,000.


When the same search is done on Google Video search or Bing, various versions of Dr. Levatino's testimony does show up as the first five links on both (as it should be).    So, there is obviously a severe pro-abortion agenda at YouTube.  This is especially egregious, since Google owns YouTube and their "world-class" search alogrithms could so easily be transferred over to YouTube for free.   So Google (corporate) is complicit in this conspiracy as well.








Amazon paying zero in federal income taxes for the second year in a row


Dear Brothers,


My area has seen the new arrival of the LG Corp. and Google to the local Industrial complex, just outside city limits; joining a Walmart distribution center in the area.  Amazon now has five warehouses in a nearby town and with the influx of jobs in this area, both traffic and housing are skyrocketing. These corporations literally take over the town when they move into the area. The only appliances being sold in the nearby Sams Club are LG appliances. The highway running out to the industrial complex is now called the "LG Highway" and was recently widened to 4-lanes to accommodate the rise in heavy traffic. No monies coming in from federal and local taxes means the city (tax payer) is footing the bill to accommodate these corporations’ ability to make billions of dollars.






EWTN calls protestant Tim Tebow a “devout Christian”


Dear Brothers;


Yours was an excellent response to the e-mailer who tried to claim that Tebow, who protests Christianity, is a Christian.  It brought to mind a passage from the Biblical account of the Crucifixion.   


In John 9:23-24 we are told that after the soldiers crucified Our Lord, they divided His garments into 4 parts -- but that they had to cast lots to see who would get His cloak which was woven and without seam.  This was also prophesied in Psalm 21:  "They parted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots".  Catholic writers have seen this cloak as a symbol of the unity of the Catholic faith.  The true faith can only be received whole and inviolate -- or not at all.   I don't think that the inclusion of that incident in both the Old and New Testaments is accidental.   Like a knitted scarf (a garment with which we are all familiar) one snip will destroy the garment and cause it to immediately begin to unravel.  And in these last days, people's minds are also becoming completely unraveled. 


For one who embraces heresy, there is no such thing as objective truth.  According to the mindset of the Vatican 2 sect, we must consider as "Christian" anyone who claims to be a Christian, or imagines himself to be a Christian, or perhaps even (without realizing it) desires to be a Christian!  And, if one thinks about it, this is exactly the same type of argument made by people promoting the so-called "Transgender" movement today.  This sinking, end-times world is in the shape it is -- because of heresy, schism and apostasy from the true Catholic faith.


Lee Ann    




“Abortionist That Hissed And Threatened Pro-Life Activist With Scissors Has Died”


What seems proportionately troubling to me about this video of the demoniac “doctor,” is the police officer who appears amused and indifferent to the evil…


Pete O’Brien




MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who would be willing to help with a conditional baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




Former Abortionist Dr. Levatino Exposes Abortion In 2 Minutes


… How can anyone listen to that man's testimony and still support abortion? What have we become as a nation and as a society when roughly half the population votes Democrat and supports this disgusting act?






MHFM: This is powerful.


Former Abortionist Dr. Levatino Exposes Abortion In 2 Minutes


EWTN, Tebow


EWTN calls protestant Tim Tebow a “devout Christian”


Tim Tebow IS a Devout Christian, what's the problem? He is a… lot more devout that the so called Catholics advocating mass murder via abortion!




MHFM: You can read our response to this person here.




Democrats in New Mexico pass bill to have abortion “legalized” through all 9 months of pregnancy even if Roe v Wade “law” is “struck down” – bill would also remove “conscience protections” for doctors who do not want to murder babies – Governor who claims to be Catholic has pledged to sign the bill – 27 second video


Cardinal Tommaso Maria Zigliara, OP: “Without doubt, wicked rulers are bestowed by God upon degenerate peoples, according to Osee XIII, 11: ‘I will give thee a king in my wrath’; and Job XXXIV, 30: ‘Who maketh a man that is a hypocrite to reign for the sins of the people’. From all these things St. Thomas wisely concludes, in De regimine principum I.6, that the fault of the people must be put away, so that the plague of tyrants might cease. — Nevertheless, all these things do not justify the Ruler.” (Summa philosophica 14th ed., 1910)


Christiana et Fidelis




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God 


The major heresies in the first millennium originated in the East.


Alex Lielbardis




Detroit “Archbishop” Allen Vigneron Honors Pro-Abortion Congressman – 33 second video


The Vatican II sect is evil. It is amazing too that Joe Biden, who is possibly even more pro-abortion that Dingell was, was allowed to speak at the funeral service in the "church". Perhaps even more amazing is that the Knights of Columbus, who are one of the few Vatican II sect organizations who still (claim to) take a very strong anti-abortion stance, participated in the service to honor Dingell. I also watched a little bit of video footage of the service. I haven't witnessed a Novus Ordo Missae in quite some time, as I converted to the true Faith (thanks to MHFM) and I quit attending the New "Mass". Seeing just a few brief snippets of the funeral, reminded me of how awful the liturgical "reform" is. Even at a very large, more "dignified" "parish" (than the typical Detroit Novus Ordo "parish" is)-- and at a funeral of a congressman at that --one can see that the whole ethos of the service is not Catholic. Altar girls, a very strange manner of reading the scriptures, the music, etc. The bottom line as always, is that people need to get out of this counterchurch and embrace the true Faith.


Michael Simmons




Their mothers tried to kill them – Abortion survivors tell their incredible stories – 5 minute video


Very powerful testimony from all three abortion survivors.




Part of


Padre Pio: “Satan” Would “Come To Rule A False Church” 


So did Padre Pio say if we should we still go to the new Mass if it is part of the apostasy?... Would rather practice in my home (prayers and rosary saying) than at a false Mass - if that is what Padre Pio said to do.


Annie M


MHFM: The New Mass is a key component of the end-times apostasy.  You need to embrace and follow Catholic teaching.  Catholic teaching requires that you avoid the false New Mass.  So, you should stay at home on Sundays, look over more of our material, and become convinced on all the issues.  Then we can help you with where to make a confession. (We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)  You should also read this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.




Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


Great video…


Vladimir Ramirez




Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


Thank you for teaching us with logical precision about the Almighty God, His Triunity and numerical oneness in His Divine essence, nature, and substance — and for refuting the Eastern Schismatics who are and can be accurately described as polytheist…


Carlson Matthews




“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism” 


Francis has the power to correct and discipline Martin, but doesn't. Both are heretics. This doesn't matter to Francis, who believes it's God's will that there be many religions, and that trying to convert others is wrong.


David Cortes




Accepting Francis = Apostasy 


Ghastly… anti Pope…


Malcolm Mulvihill




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


… Protestants… damn themselves in their… lies.


John M N




Why was Pope JP II made a saint if he was antipope?


Dean Bakos


MHFM: Francis is an antipope.  He has no authority to canonize anyone.  Please consult more of our material.  It explains what's going on.  The Church teaches that heretics immediately lose membership in the Church and cannot be valid popes.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, but rather the end-times Counter Church.  This situation was predicted.  We also recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego


Whore of Babylon confirmed.




MHFM: Yes, and it’s crucial to recognize that the sect which is the Whore of Babylon is not the Catholic Church.




Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


As a traditional Roman Catholic, I am blown out of the water with this well researched documentary… I just pray that God supersedes all that is invalid in the Church…


Joseph Gelis


MHFM: It’s crucial to recognize that the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, as our material explains.  This situation was prophesied.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


… These are sorcerers, not magicians, and are demonic…


Miss Heird




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


I'm an ex satanist myself and being so i discovered proof of a spiritual world. I have no doubt in my mind that it is truly real.


Minimalist V


MHFM: To be saved you need to embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  Our material explains how to do that.




“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies 


Excellent summary of some main heresies of not holy John Paul II.






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Thank you… for fighting for truth and calling these people out on their falsehoods…








Please pay attention to my message.  Thank you.  My father is slowly dying for the main cause of cancer that metastasizes. It's a matter of days, maybe hours.


The problem, and it is important, is that he is a modernist. With a conformist mind, he has always followed the thought of the system.  He has always been very satisfied with the enormous (and terrible) changes in the new (false) modernist mass. This is so much that he treats St Pie's Traditional Mass as outdated, boring, not friendly enough, and so on. To the point of rejecting it with contemptuous resentment.


Brought up in his youth by the Jesuits, after believing that one could not be saved outside the Catholic Church, he ended up adopting the terrible heresy that one can be saved if one is kind and "good", whatever one's belief… I do not want to flaunt a trial here, but show by example a concert how little by little the evil of lies, heresy, error, ignorance (he always refused the Internet), a form of intellectual selfishness ... how all this inexorably leads to complete apostasy and damnation.


For more than 10 years I have tried everything to convince (he and my mother who is even more closed to the truth that she believes is changing over time) the great danger of continuing in this diabolical voice.  I gave them all your videos, recorded on DVDs, so that they take the time to learn the truth and recognize their mistake.  I have presented to them many facts, the main heresies and blasphemies of Bergoglio that they believe to be a very sensible and valid pope and so on.


So, I told them that going to the modern "Mass" was a Protestant act that has only sacrilegious value before God… Everything was rejected en bloc after saying that Hell is not as you describe it succinctly, and in the end, as the Church describes it… I was able to note how St Pie X was right to say that these people are suffering from 3 very serious, and except miracle, irremediable defects: pride, willful ignorance, curiosity for vain things and all change…


In union of Faith.

Vincent Dumond



Pointing out


I appreciate your YouTube channel. I was looking into joining SSPX, but you’ve done a good job pointing out their contradictions and apparent cognitive dissonance about the state of the Vatican. I’m sorry if you have already published this somewhere but I have had a good look around your channel and your website and I cannot seem to find your recommendation of what Catholics should do given the situation… I am close to… several Vatican II following churches one of which I am currently attending RCIA…


What would you recommend?


Thanks again,




MHFM: We’re glad you are looking at the material.  You should not continue with RCIA.  These are the steps to convert.  We also recommend that you read this:  The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


It's also important that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Antipope Francis signs declaration that says “the diversity of religions are willed by God” – 31 second video


Francis agrees with a major Imam that God = allah. The antipope has signed a covenant with him…


Mary Ann Benedetto




“Catholic” Nancy Pelosi’s “honored guest” for SOTU address was the head of America’s largest baby killing organization – 36 second video




Antipope Francis signs declaration that says “the diversity of religions are willed by God” – 31 second video


The document is entitled "A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together". Its main content starts with this wording: "In the name of God who has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity..." While its closing paragraphs state: "the Catholic Church and Al-Azhar announce and pledge to convey this Document to authorities, influential leaders, persons of religion all over the world... and... pledge to make known the principles contained in this Declaration at all regional and international levels ..." Signed by Francis and Grand Imam of Al Azhar (a "prestigious" title in the Sunni Islam world).


The document, in view of the roles of religions, upholds the following:


"- The pluralism and the diversity of religions...are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.


The protection of places of worship – synagogues, churches and mosques – is a duty guaranteed by religions..."


In short, Francis on behalf of the "Catholic Church" solemnly pronounces through a joint declaration with an Islamic leader that God wills pluralism and diversity of religions and that non-Catholic worship places of religions that deny the Holy Trinity (mosques and synagogues) ought to be protected. Someone who is in the V2 "church" will have to uphold religions that do so to be true, lest he be treated a heretic in their own "church".


Pope Gregory XVI - Mirari Vos, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle that “there is one God, one faith,one baptism” [Eph 4:5] may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that “those who are not with Christ are against Him,” [Lk 11:23] and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore “without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate.” [Credo of St. Athanasius]






“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


This video is excellent, an incredible job. This guy Anderson is… constantly contradicting himself.


Christian Simon Micliuc




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Amazing video


Allan H




“Drag Queen Story Hour” at the Huntington Woods Library in Michigan – mayor supports the abomination – 1 minute video


What's really sick about this is how many mush-brained, perverted parents actually take their young children to these events. Absolutely disgusting.




Good Quote


Hello, MHFM.


I was reading Denzinger and found a very interesting quotation which, in my view, refutes “invincible ignorance”. It is number 443 of the Denzinger, Portuguese version (Compendium of symbols, definitions and declarations of faith and morals). It is… a profession of faith of Pope Pelagius I, and is taken as "Fides Pelagii" (ie, the Faith of Pelagius). Here is the quotation:


Pope Pelagius I, Humani generis (The “Fides Pelagii”), February 3, 557: “[The consummation of the world.] I believe and confess that He [Jesus Christ]… as He ascended into Heaven, so shall He come to judge the living and the dead… the unrighteous that by the decision of their own will remain ‘vessels of wrath prepared for ruin’ [Romans 9:22], who either did not recognize the Lord's way or, after knowing him, captives of innumerable prevarications, they have forsaken him, he will deliver them in their just judgment to the pains of eternal and inextinguishable fire. This is, therefore, my faith and hope, which is in me by a gift of the mercy of God; of this faith and hope, we must, as the blessed Peter Apostle urges us to be fully ready to give explanations to everyone who asks us for reason [cf. 1 Peter 3:15].” (Denzinger 443)


… Pope Pelagius professes that those who have not recognized the way of the Lord, the Lord will deliver them in their just judgment to the pains of eternal and inextinguishable fire. In my opinion, it refutes the invincible ignorance and those who claim that there is salvation for those who have not recognized the way of the Lord. That's why Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation.


Sincerely, Alysson Gabriel, from Brazil.


MHFM: Yes, it’s a good quote.  We cited it in our book Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation.


New Article


Francis condemns the death penalty once again (new article)




Francis condemns the death penalty once again


Hell is a worse penalty than the death of the body. Yet the merciful and just God condemns people to hell. Otherwise He would not be a just God. But Francis doesn't believe in hell... Opposition to the death penalty is symptomatic of those, who believe that we only have this life to live.


For some crimes, the death penalty is not only just punishment, but it is the ONLY just punishment. Sometimes a crime is so horrid that everything short of the death penalty would be... an offense to justice... Besides, if police see an extremely dangerous criminal, they have the power to gun him down. Then, why shouldn't the court, after due process, put to death someone who is so dangerous to society?






The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”


Clear, straightforward presentation. Thank you, Brothers and Most Holy Family Monastery!


L. Antoinette Anderson




Antipope Francis signs declaration that says “the diversity of religions are willed by God” – 31 second video


Dear Brothers,


I thought you would find this particularly interesting as Francis a.k.a. antipope Francis puts his foot in his big mouth again and makes an outrageous heretical pronouncement! In other words he has denied (once again) the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation.


God Bless,





“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism” 


… LGBT are "BELOVED children of God" as St. Mother Theresa defended too the LGBT from a reporter asking her twice on gay issues. St. Mother Theresa corrected the reporter that gay is a "Beloved Children of God too".


John Ricafort


MHFM: Mother Teresa was not a saint but rather an apostate.  You should watch this video, stop rejecting the truth, and embrace the true Catholic faith.   Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 




Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


Thanks…! I really appreciate this…


Ruzgar Liahnyn


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  This video is one section of a much longer video which, God willing, we hope to publish in the near future.  This section covers some important points about the oneness of God and refutes an Eastern “Orthodox” heretic.


Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence (video)




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Yep I'm a believer now. Veil is lifting… What next?




MHFM: Next you need to look at more the material and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  It's the one true faith necessary for salvation.


Live in


I am convinced, where is a Catholic priest not from the new rite of ordination in my area that I could go to confession to? I live in New Orleans. Thanks.




Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


Another great exposé on the heresies of the Eastern schismatics…






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


This is huge. The most amazing, weird and scary video I've ever seen. Makes me look very different at life.


Michiel De Neve




Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


This was a great video. Thank you.






Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


Excellent explanation. TY.


Sal Sonic


Eastern Schismatics


Catholicism vs. An Eastern “Orthodox” View On The Divine Essence


A great extension to your refutation and expose of the Eastern Schismatic deception.


Faith and Morals




Andrew Cuomo, The Murder Of The Unborn & “Transgenderism”


Watching the people celebrating the passing of this bill is disgusting. They were cheering for... murder...


Lucas Guelfi


Heretical ‘Trad’ Priests


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I just read your post on the CMRI. They are indeed wicked, and even worse than that. If I am wrong, I will stand corrected, but it is my humble opinion that they should not even be approached for Confession except for maybe a grave emergency.

My friend had gone to them for Confession… The priest did not give any spiritual advice. Instead, the priest espoused liberalism, feminism, and psychology - which is itself a secular rejection of religious ethics.



MHFM: Thanks for the information.  That’s interesting but not surprising.  They believe that souls can be saved without the Catholic faith and even that Jews who reject Christ can be saved.  People who believe that in the face of Catholic dogma and the words of the Gospel are dark and evil.  They have no faith at all.  Since they are also typically imposing heretics, one should not approach them for any sacrament at all. 




V2 sect in Croatia shamefully shows their true obedience. Complete and utter apostates pushing one of the greatest lies in history. 




God bless you.


V. from Croatia


MHFM: It’s also a rejection of the dogma that believing in Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation.




Amazing Evidence For God


Amazing information. Thank you so much for making this video. I wish everyone would watch this video and understand the truth. Praise be to the God…


Chandu Priya




MHFM: This is a new post.


Andrew Cuomo, The Murder Of The Unborn & “Transgenderism”




MHFM: Pius XII's official teaching on Baptism:


Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei (#43), Nov. 20, 1947: “… the washing of baptism distinguishes and separates all Christians [christianos omnes] from the rest whom this stream of atonement has not washed and who are not members of Christ."




Andrew Cuomo, The Murder Of The Unborn & “Transgenderism”


I still can't believe this is happening!... as bad as this world is I'm still in shock.....What makes Cuomo and these democrats worse than the Aztecs is most of them claim to be "Christian" or "Catholic"...they actually claim to be a follower of Christ, esp. the Vatican 2 Sect because they have the nerve to boast that they lead the flock of Christ…






UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


I am… French… and I find this absolutely disgusting. Those heretic traitors are not catholics!






About This Website


Hello, firstly I wanna thank you … this was what made me become a true christian. Today I pray all fifteen decades of the rosary every day. I hope God bless you and your monastery because what you did really saves souls...






“Priest gives pulpit to homosexual partners to share ‘witness’ story prior to Sunday Mass”


It is mind boggling how things are getting so bad in the world and the hierarchy in the church REFUSES to say anything. Not one word of correction, guidance or anything. Unbelievable. How bad does it need to get before they say something?




MHFM: Do you realize that the 'hierarchy' of the Vatican II Sect is not Catholic, and that the sect under Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church?




Godless children’s school choir sings to celebrate upcoming sodomite “marriage” – 2 minute video


Perfect reason to homeschool…


Gerald R




Godless children’s school choir sings to celebrate upcoming sodomite “marriage” – 2 minute video


Eww. That's very disturbing. Even children know in their hearts that this isn't right…








I have watched your videos on YouTube for quite some time, and I constantly get assurance in my spirit that you represent the true Holy Catholic Church.  I live in Sweden, where spirituality and true worship of the only living God is very much dead, as can be seen in both worldly and spiritual matters. I have, since my teenage years, been led to the Catholic Church in my spirit, since the Lord came to me and really changed my life and views of this world. My family are non-believers...


I have had conversion talks in the church, but in some way I have been, in the spirit, stopped from converting to the now counter-church of Rome. The question is, where should I go? Where can I fulfill Gods will and which church really represent the true Church?  We have in Sweden, as in some northern European countries a church called "The old Catholic Church", which have a covenant called the Utrecht declaration and later the Scranton union who does not accept the dogma of Papal infallibility. I'm split in my spirit and sometimes sad about this confusion that Satan has brought into the whole world, and I'm asking you for guidance about my life and where the true Church resides.


Kindest regards

Philip Rosvall


MHFM: Philip, God definitely wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  The 'Old Catholics' are heretics.  They reject Vatican I and the dogma of Papal Infallibility.  Thus no one may join their sect.  These are the steps to convert.  This is also an important file to read: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  You should also begin to pray the Hail Mary frequently.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


It's important to realize the situation today (during the Great Apostasy).  It is one in which basically all the churches are either heretical Vatican II churches or 'traditionalist' churches where the priest is heretical in some way.  Thus, there aren't any churches that are fully Catholic, where one can join, regard the priest as Catholic and support the church.  There are options for receiving the sacrament of confession today (which is obviously crucial), but almost no options for receiving Communion.  So you should become convinced on all the issues, follow the steps to convert, and then we can help you with where to make a confession.



Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


Dear Brothers:


Ratzinger's "Star of David" mitre seems very appropriate, considering the role Antipope Benedict plays in these last days.  In the religion of the Old Testament, the priesthood was very important and pointed the way to Jesus Christ, the true High Priest.  The destruction of the Temple also marked the end of the old priesthood -- to be replaced by the new.  I believe the Rat (the last priest-king of the Vatican City) is using that symbol to mock not only the true faith, but also to mock the true Priesthood of Our Lord and to celebrate its demise.  The anti-pope agents of Satan can leave no stone unturned in the limited time they have left to express their hatred for Our Lord -- and to further implicate millions in the sins of heresy and apostasy.  It seems that the "star" is (then and now) a celebration of the rise of Satan and his paganism, over God and the true Faith. 


When I was looking for the biblical quote about the true High Priest, I came across another interesting quote instead.  It is a statement (Acts 7:42) made by St. Stephen to the unbelieving Jews just before his martyrdom.  St. Stephen was making a reference to a warning God had given to the Jews through the Old Testament prophet Amos.  Reminding them of God's words, St. Stephen said to the Jews: "Did you offer victims and sacrifices to me, for forty years in the desert, O house of Israel? [other than the initial dedication, they didn't].  And you took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Rempham, figures which you made to adore them.  And I will carry you away beyond Babylon."  The true star of David --and of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob and Moses and all the rest of the Old Testament faithful -- was not the so-called  "Star of David" but the prophesied Star of Bethlehem.  It would seem that if the Lord God can have a star, Satan -- ever the ape of God -- shall have one too.  


Thank you for this video and for all your videos that pierce through the mountain of lies that most of us have heard, been taught and (sadly) imbibed since childhood.  I think I speak for many when I say that without your videos we would never have been able to make any sense of it or come to the knowledge of the true faith…


Lee Ann




Godless children’s school choir sings to celebrate upcoming sodomite “marriage” – 2 minute video


These chorus members are barely teenagers, and yet have been thoroughly corrupted by a religious indifferent society, their evil parents, and unjust laws... This is the result of Vatican Council II's false teachings, sin praised as virtue. The unfortunate reality is that many sodomites die of AIDS, kill themselves, or even exploit children.


Simon Turac


MHFM: It is truly a horrifying sign to see the mainstreaming of such an abomination, with children approving.  It’s also amazing how many sodomites there are now.


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews (video)




Apostate “Catholic Bishop” of Covington was quick to condemn the MAGA hat-wearing students and still has not apologized – 6 minute video


It’s really stunning how quickly the bishops of the Vatican 2 sect are to condemn a bunch of kids but they’ll remain silent on pro-abortion/pro-gay politicians and spend hundreds of millions of dollars [on] their pedophile priests. Our Lord says “by their fruits you shall know them;” a person of good will can tell that the Vatican 2 sect, because of its numerous heresies and scandals, is not the Catholic Church, the bride of Christ.






MHFM: The Church's profession on baptism, which is denied by countless heretics.


Pope Clement V, The Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “Besides, a unique [unicum] baptism regenerating all who are baptized in Christ must be faithfully confessed by all just as ‘one God and one faith’ [Eph. 4:5], which celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we believe to be the perfect remedy for salvation for both adults and children.”




MHFM: We recently had some exchanges with supporters of the CMRI and people who support similar heretical priests.  We asked if the CMRI’s position that Jews who reject Jesus can be in the state of grace is heretical.  (Fr. Bernard Welp Confirms The CMRI’s Horrible Heresy: That Jews Who Reject Christ Can Be Saved.)  One of them flat out said that it’s not heretical.  Another refused to answer the question, indicating that he accepts the heresy that Jews who reject Christ can be saved.  Another refused to condemn their heretical position, indicating that he accepts their heresy.  It’s a revealing example of the demonic unbelief present among the people who follow such heretical priests.  Such false traditionalists can go to all the Latin Masses they want, and even hold the sedevacantist position, it will profit them nothing.  They don’t have the faith.  They reject God’s revelation and the words of Christ.  Thus God rejects them.  Since they reject the faith, they cut off the relationship with God at the root. 




Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


I'm agnostic and interested in discovering, through intelligent conversation, what within the Bible convinces people like you that the Catholic branch of Christianity is the only way to God…


William Caldwell


MHFM: This file contains videos which show from the Bible that the Catholic faith is the one true faith of Christ: Biblical Proof For Catholicism.  It’s necessary for salvation to embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  Also, what is occurring in Rome now was prophesied, as our material explains.  We also recommend these videos: Amazing Evidence For God; “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists; Creation and Miracles.




Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


Wow! I also thought Benedict was a traditionalist!...


Michele Walburger




The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition) 


Thank you for this much needed guidance this is what is being kept under wraps due to… Satan infiltrating the Vatican as God warned us. Amazing that they have got away with clearly disposing of Sister Lucia and putting in another...


Bernie Vickery




Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


Ratzinger duped many so-called Traditionalists into believing he was a true Pope. Like Wojtyla, he… followed the modernist heresy of the Vatican II cult. One of the false Traditionalists even believed that Ratzinger was forced to resign because of his "traditional" beliefs… MHFM has brought out the truth for all to see but many "receive not the love of the truth" 2 Thess. 2:10.






Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


… upon their rejection of Jesus Christ, he allowed for the destruction of the temple in AD 70. And God has never allowed the temple to be rebuilt because the kingdom of God is Christ and his Church. And the true temple is the Body of Christ, outside of which there is no salvation.






Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


By saying such a foolish & evil statement, Benedict XVI is actually showing how much hate he has for everyone including Jewish people. Why would Jews not have to convert considering they follow a false faith that doesn't lead to salvation. The Catholic faith is the only true one & all Jews must embrace the Holy Catholic faith for any hope of salvation. Deus vult!






Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


Thank you MHFM for exposing the Christ-denying heresies of the Vatican II antipopes. Jews need to praise, love and worship Christ our Lord, and come to the realization that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.






Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


What a wicked, deceitful apostate masquerading as a Pope. It really takes bad will to consider him the vicar of Christ whom he rejects.


Faith and Morals


To deny


Benedict XVI Says There Is No Mission To Convert Jews


Many so called traditional catholics like Michael Voris claim Benedict XVI is traditional. They continue to willingly deny Benedict XVI's obvious heresies and submission to The Synagogue of Satan. This shows they are false teachers leading many astray.






“Transgender” admits he heard voice telling him to “kill, maim… and start the rise of hell on earth” before axe attack inside store – he also spoke of getting a “sinister smile that I can’t control” – 2 minute video


Yes the "voice" he heard is of a demon. He has a demon in him.


Jessica Corey




“Catholic school board caves into LGBT pressure, allows book depicting two boys kissing”


Quote from the "transgender" school board member: ‘Kids should grow up seeing LGBTQ relationships as normal, and not devious or wrong.' No, they shouldn't. Such abominable behavior should be called for what it is: an offense against God that will bring eternal hellfire to any who espouse it, support it, or engage in it.




No faith


Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


Mother Teresa was a nun, she was not ordained… to be a preacher… She kept her mission within the authority she had as a nun.


Stefano Desantis


MHFM: Nuns aren't permitted to deny Catholic dogma and embrace religious indifferentism.  She rejected Christ and the Catholic faith.  Her religious indifferentism was truly appalling. 




The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”


This is excellent…






“Cardinal” Crescenzio Sepe of Naples, Italy, has been setting up a cafeteria in a “Catholic church” to feed people “since at least 2011” – 36 second video


Because of the invalidity of their new mass, for decades those who entered this building were just eating crackers. Antipope Francis’s focus is on feeding the poor and not preaching the Gospel so it’s to be expected that cathedrals are just being turned into restaurants. It’s the new religion of just giving validation and temporal assistance to man. Sadly, these people are not spiritually fed at all.






Planned Parenthood admits its “core mission” is to kill children – 38 second video


This March For Life week has been very enlightening. We learned that Planned Parenthood performs over 328,348 abortions per year, which proves false their claim that “only 3% of our services are abortions”. Additionally, a court ruled that the infamous tapes which show Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts for profit were not “edited” as the liberal media had us believe. The ridiculous claim that they “care” about women’s health...No they care about profit. They say abortion is “healthcare”. By that logic, I suppose that genocide then is just “spring cleaning”?


Julian Szymoniak




The Apostle to the Vikings


What an interesting article... Catholic missionaries who risked life and limb while traveling the world to convert the pagans...






“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies 


Muslims = Christ denying sect. Vatican II praising Muslims = Christ denying sect... That is the truth!...


K Keller




“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism”


… why is this satanic figure allowed to be dressed as a priest of the church of God????


Kristijan Ahcin


MHFM: It’s important to recognize that he’s not in the Church of God.  He's in the Vatican II Sect.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material covers.




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


… They aren’t Catholic.






[from a Protestant] … I am in the middle of watching the video you [sent] me. It is a lot to process and a lot of passages to look up. Sometimes I have to pause… and rewind to hear what you said many times. 


I prayed to Mary one or two times, but I felt uncomfortable and like I was sinning because I don't fully understand the teaching on her. There is a lot that I am learning right now, and I want to be careful not to fall into deception. Please continue to pray for me that God would direct me and that I would hear His voice and be obedient…


MHFM: You need to continue to pray the Hail Mary, and you need to do it many times a day.  That's really one of the most important things you can do right now.  It will give you the graces to move in the right direction.  If you won't do that, you won't receive the graces you need.  Praying to Mary does not offend God or detract from His glory.  Those who say it does don't know what they are talking about.  Mary is the new Ark, as this video shows:  Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof.




“UK hospitals allowing men to stay in women-only wards if they identify as transgender”


MHFM: With the Vatican II Sect’s fake hierarchy operating in the UK (which is apostate and accepts ‘transgenderism’), evil will necessarily rush in to the vacuum.




Amazing Evidence For God


Dear Brothers, 


This video should be mandatory viewing in all science classes throughout the world to refute the lies, animus and intentional misinformation spewed by evolutionists for over 150 years. I have been saying for years that there is not one visible (missing) link, nor the ability to bring order out of chaos without a creator; but your video hits all bases. Keep up the good work!


God bless you,

Craig Sexton




411 to 1 for “anti-Semitism envoy” to monitor criticism of Israel – House bill by “Catholic” Chris Smith


This is revolting. Only one Representative out of 412 with an ounce of integrity and courage.... Today, political leaders are chosen based on their moral corruption and their willingness to prostitute themselves before a foreign, anti-Christian nation.




Flood, Water, Baptism


Dear Brothers, 


Thank you for posting this video with images of a world-wide flood, and also for posting your additional point on the heresy of baptism of desire; it is interesting to consider these subjects in tandem.  God could have destroyed the world (while saving Noah and his family) any way He wanted to, but the means He chose was water.   The same means He commands for entrance into His Church.


Heretics who reject the clear teaching of the Church (which MHFM has demonstrated in every way possible) despise Christ and have no regard for His Church -- which is why they cannot discern the Counterfeit Church from the True One.  If they had a love of the true Church, it would propel them to the truth and they would be so grateful for having found it.  Instead, they are more interested in writing their own script.  They believe they know better than God (or at least better than His Church); and they cling to their false opinion as if it were the most important thing on earth.  They can't let go because they are too proud, but they (and all obstinate heretics) will see the light soon enough.  Speaking of the terror of the Second Coming of Christ…  "The day will come when Thou wilt disperse the spiritual and voluntary darkness of men by the awful light of thy justice".  Spiritual and voluntary darkness caused by an unwillingness to be corrected.  Wow.


Lee Ann 


‘LGBT’, Lawlessness


Mayor of one of the largest cities in Poland is reportedly fatally stabbed on stage during an event in Warsaw – 1 minute video


… Unfortunately, the mayor was a vocal supporter of the "LGBT" movement. The way he was murdered, it reminds me of what you said in "Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness" video. If you don't support natural laws that condemn homosexuality, God will allow human laws to be disregarded as well. That is why He allowed this great crime to happen. In one epistle, St. Paul, inspired by God wrote that everybody should be subject to higher human powers (Romans 13:1-7). But in the same epistle he also condemned homosexual behavior (Romans 1:26-27). You cannot have one without the other.


By denying the Catholic dogma, you bring disorder into society you are supposed to govern.






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Francis are apostates who are doing the devil's work. You do not work with the cult of islam. Homosexuals are the devil's tools…


Michael Bodnar




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


… this video makes excellent points.


Archie Stewart


All True Justice


MHFM: This is one of the many arguments that refute the false position of ‘baptism of desire’. 


All True Justice – Trent Refuting ‘Baptism Of Desire’


Behind it


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


A very thorough investigation into the truth about magic, and the demonic activity behind it. Thank you for exposing the truth about this black art!


Alysson Farrell


On the other hand


Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception


On one hand NFP [is promoted] by the V2 sect, on other hand antipope Francis talks about the dying out Europe, that needs to take new children (migrants).


K Keller




Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception


Not only does the heretical Vatican II sect promote evil heresies, they're even going so far as to limit the amounts of otherwise traditional or potential traditional Catholics through childbirth! Thank you guys for exposing modernism and bringing Vatican II Catholics into the true faith


Discipilo de Christo


MHFM: The same support for the sinful birth control practice of NFP is found among most of the heretical sedevacantist and ‘traditionalist’ priests in our day.  Almost all of them also believe that Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith and thus blatantly reject Catholic dogma.


Clearing up


The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups 


Excellent exposé! This is clearing up so much confusion…




Bad Will


MHFM: This passage records some of the bad will that St. Paul encountered in his day.  The same is of course quite evident (in so many ways) in our day as well.


Acts 18:5-7- “When Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia, Paul was occupied with the word, testifying to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus.  And when they opposed and reviled him, he shook out his garments and said to them, ‘Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent.  From now on I will go to the Gentiles.’”




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


A timely and excellently delivered reminder to stay on God's right side!


Finlay Crawford




“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism”


Martin is a monster from hell and a pervert of the sewer.






Planned Parenthood admits its “core mission” is to kill children – 38 second video


The organization gets so many tax dollars because numerous pagans and heretics are so evil, and want to murder their children. It is the sort of thing that happens when criminals have the reigns of power. They start to enforce crime, and punish those who try to be good. Almost all Protestant heretics are soft on the abortion issue. The only thing they condemn with any energy is the Catholic Church, the sole true religion — the protector and champion of the vulnerable. The Novus Ordo antichurch condemns Catholic Dogmas with energy, but embraces and is soft on the abortion issue.


The positions of power in Ireland are overrun by criminals. The antichurch bears full responsibility for this. If its membership had any staunchness it would condemn and resist with relentless energy and anger, the proposal to use tax payer funds for abortions.


Christiana et Fidelis




MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Little Rock, Arkansas, who would be willing to help with a conditional baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




As I was comparing different editions of various so-called Catholic Bibles, The New American Bible: Revised Edition, The New American Bible, The Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition, Good News Bible: Catholic Edition and of course, the Douay-Rheims… I happened to read through a preface to the NABRE which mentioned the usage of inclusive language in this particular edition, due to the fact that the terms man and men are seen as gender-specific, etc., and various other changes they made, the specific thing that struck me was, when I continued to read down the page I saw them mention that they removed the word holocaust due to and I quote "The term holocaust is now normally reserved for the sacrilegious attempt to destroy the Jewish people by the Third Reich."


The last time I checked sacrilege had to do with God and… with receiving communion in a state of mortal sin, amongst… other things… Just when I think that I have heard it all out of the Vatican II Church I always (and on a daily basis) end up seeing, reading or hearing something out of them that either horribly infuriates me or terrifies me to my core…


… it just goes to show you who the people in the Vatican II Church leadership (as well as their followers) worship, obey, bow down before and kowtow to aside from Satan.






“The gaying of Fox News”


If the Catholic Church were truly anti-gay, instead of being all out gay as it is, it would permit Priests to marry, which would have the impact of repopulating the Priesthood with non-gay Priests.




MHFM: The Catholic Church isn't 'gay'.  You are confusing the Vatican II Sect, which has a problem with homosexual 'priests', with the Catholic Church.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but rather the end-times Counter Church, as our material covers.  Also, the superiority of celibacy for the clerical state is taught in Scripture (e.g. 1 Cor. 7).  You should consult the biblical proof for Catholicism (the one true faith necessary for salvation) here: Biblical Proof For Catholicism.




“Jesuit-run Georgetown U prohibits ‘microaggressions’ against homosexuals and transsexuals”


Georgetown is another complete disaster, run by fake "Jesuits."




MHFM: It really is remarkable that this is occurring at a so-called Catholic university.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


I am a devout Catholic.  Wow, this is an excellent presentation!... These fallen creatures most certainly do exist. Our Lord cast out demons all the time during His ministry. One should NEVER dabble or even admire such things. Human beings without God's protection, are extremely vulnerable to these spirits who hate us with a visceral vengeance...


Kathleen Ann




Subject: Catholic Conversion


Hello. My name is Erik. I have been watching your YouTube videos the last couple of weeks. I am persuaded by the teachings in your videos, and I genuinely desire to convert to the true Catholicism- the true Church and not sure where to start… I am leaving the satanic camp of Protestantism. The Holy Spirit has shown me the truth of Catholicism and I would love the help. Thank you so much!  Blessings to you!






Erik Michael Richey


Spiritual Wickedness


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Wow. God will not be mocked. Well put together commentary. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness.


Alisha Smile




Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2? 


This is amazing teaching!... Thank you for uploading


Erik Richey




Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof


Wow, amazing video sir, perfect quotes and with actual proof… I appreciate the video u did…


Ray August




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


After watching this I have promptly thrown out a book I had of hers and a picture I had of her in my sons room (plus educated him about her properly now)…




Purple & Scarlet


New York governor vows massive abortion expansion by next month


Decked out in scarlet and purple, and having such a jolly good time with pro-abort Cuomo.






I am loving your videos and seriously considering leaving Protestantism altogether and returning to the Catholic Church of my youth.


Laurie Brown


MHFM: That's what you need to do.  You should also begin to pray the Hail Mary frequently for the grace to follow through with conversion.  (We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)




… Well, I have just finished watching another of the videos on Youtube that Vaticancatholic posted. So, wow. Okay, Vatican 1... it was ruled that the pope is infallible, but even if he is in heresy? What is the catch? 


And... Vatican 2. So, if I come so far as to a realization that the Holy Roman Catholic Church is the true church, am I too late? Would my Southern Baptist baptism count?




MHFM: A man who is a heretic is not a valid pope.  No, it is not too late to become a true Catholic.  Our material explains how to do so.  The Catholic faith is definitely the one true faith, and it’s necessary for salvation to accept it.  You will find more biblical proof for Catholicism here: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/  Baptism performed by heretics can be valid, but a conditional baptism should be done when there is any doubt.  It is generally recommended when people convert from Protestantism.  Our file on the ‘steps to convert’ covers conditional baptism.


What must?


“Pope Francis: It’s better to be ‘atheist’ than attend daily mass as hypocrite”


How does one currently enter the Catholic church if masses and sacraments are invalid? What must I do to be saved?




MHFM: This file contains information on that:  These are the steps to convert.  You should also read this: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  There are options for confession but almost no options for Communion today, so you should stay at home on Sundays and become convinced on the issues.  Then, when you are ready, you should go to confession, as the file explains.  (If a conditional baptism or baptism is necessary, then it should precede the confession.  That’s explained in the file.)


Before receiving a sacrament, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, rejects the Vatican II sect and its antipopes as non-Catholic, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”, no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  In addition to embracing the true Catholic faith, to be saved one must practice it, live the life of grace and avoid mortal sin.




I’m catholic but how do I join real catholicism… Thanks


Luke Olsen


MHFM: Embracing true Catholicism involves rejecting the Vatican II Sect and its antipopes, never going to the New Mass, becoming convinced on all dogmatic issues, etc.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  This file contains steps for people converting or leaving the Novus Ordo: These are the steps to convert.




The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN 


Please do not compare Mother Angelica to Pope Francis.


Alda Rizzo


MHFM: First, Francis is not a pope but an apostate antipope.  Heretics cannot be valid popes, as our material covers.  Second, although Antipope Francis teaches certain heresies that Mother Angelica did not, they both were/are manifest heretics who accepted the false teachings of Vatican II, denied the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation, and more.  Did you watch the video?  Mother Angelica was not Catholic.




“Trudeau to issue new coin commemorating decriminalization of gay sex”


Sick what has become of Canada...






“Trudeau to issue new coin commemorating decriminalization of gay sex”


MHFM: Justin Trudeau is an abomination.






I am a great admirer of your ministry and have shared many of your videos with others. I am writing for your advice on what to do about the sacraments. There is only one Catholic church in my area, St. John Cantius in Chicago, which conducts the Tridentine mass. This is held only once of the week and is about an hour from me. The rest of their services are novus ordo.  Are the sacraments of confession and communion valid in this church even though they are part of the corrupt archdiocese of Chicago, headed by the heretic Cupich?


Thank you in advance for your help and God Bless you for your work in spreading the truth. 




MHFM: Hello.  For a variety of reasons you should not attend Mass at that church.  You should stay at home on Sundays.  However, a priest in the Chicago area who was ordained before 1968 can be an option for confession, if a person agrees on the issues and is ready.  A priest ordained in the Eastern Rite can also be an option for confession.  The principles are covered in our ‘where to receive sacraments’ file.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


This video definitely speaks volumes. It's definitely true. These magicians are demonic. They are evil and sorcerers the Bible warns us about…


Fola Sade




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Cardinal Cupich makes me feel ill, not so much physically, but deep inside, where I hold my love for the Church, and my Lord Who established it. Indeed, this is a Cardinal who needs to go.


Teresa Baker-Carl


MHFM: Cupich is not a cardinal.  We recommend that you read this: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  The Vatican II Sect is not Catholic, as the material covers.  You should look over more of it.  To be a true Catholic you need to be a traditional Catholic.  That includes completely rejecting the Vatican II Counter Church led by Antipope Francis and its apostate ‘hierarchy’.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Excellent video. Revealing!


Eli Maldonado




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God 


Excellent research…


Laurie Brown




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


Powerful video…


B Korea




“New York City Parents Can Now Give Their Newborn Gender ‘X’”


The speed in which all of this is passing, is alarming!... Even a biological fact such as male/female is a target…


Sean K


Heretic & Antipope


Accepting Francis = Apostasy 


"Pope" Frank is a heretic and an antipope; there have been many in history.


Christopher Conlee




“Catholic Diocese” of Calgary issues official statement that people must respect the religion and “sexual orientation” of others – 2 minute video


If the Vatican II sect claims people should respect others regardless of their religion or "sexual orientation", that means they claim people should respect any person even in the case of a paedophile…


Rafael Centeio


On point


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Wow amazing! on point and very direct!... Great video.


Christopher L




“New York City Parents Can Now Give Their Newborn Gender ‘X’”


MHFM: This is disgusting.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Very comprehensive!


Jonathan Perez




… Love all your informative videos! They're helping my relationship with the Lord and making me a better person... I agree… and am ready to learn what I can and devote my life to God.


Jim Hurst




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


The Vatican II sect - the Counter Church is... aligned with the demonic agenda and activities of mass media because they are anti-Catholic, they hate the Church and the Truth. They mock Jesus Christ and His True Church yet some people can't see what is happening before their own eyes.


Lucas Guelfi




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


Good to see this demonic man being exposed...


Pat Robbins




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


This is nothing but an abomination.






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Great video.






UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


I'm Catholic however Francis is no Pope of mine. I'll never recognize him as the Pope... Pope Benedict didn't die, wasn't sick. My personal opinion is that Francis was put into the Pope's seat by… some other Evil entity. Francis isn't my Pope PERIOD. It's hard to remain Catholic due to all of the wrongdoings that they have perpetrated onto others. God help us all.


Jim Frankovich


MHFM: Francis is not a pope at all.  Heretics cannot be valid popes.  You need to look over more of the material.  Benedict XVI was not a pope either.  He was an apostate antipope.  We have a video (and a file) on him: The Heresies of Benedict XVI File.  This situation was prophesied, as the material covers.  The Catholic faith is the one true faith, but to be a true Catholic you need to be a traditional Catholic.  The material explains how to do that.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Baker Who Refused To Make Cake For Sodomite “Marriage” Faces New Lawsuit For Refusing To Make A “Transgender Transition” Cake – 38 second video


Clearly, the sodomites have targeted this man…






Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness 


Brilliant.  This really connects the dots. Facts at 7:37 are very telling.


Effects of a public exorcism. Indeed. That is what we see around us.  And thank you for telling the truth about Obama.




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism” (new video)




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


Lgbt are abominations against God...


Pamela B




The Bible Proves The Papacy 


Thank you so much!!! This is a great video.


Robert Devor




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


… Cupich is evil… & a menace to the faith…


Basina Willey




EWTN admits Francis’ teaching on the death penalty “is a clear contradiction of what the Church has taught” – 2 minute video


But even the old "teaching" of the heretical Catechism is absurd. To say that situations where death penalty could be applied could be practically non-existent is to mock how the Church has traditionally dealt with the issue.


Rafael Centeio




“Transgender woman” goes into a demonic rage after he is correctly called a man – 1 minute video


… This man is clearly possessed by demons and transgenderism is an utter abomination before God.


Paige Barent




“Transgender woman” goes into a demonic rage after he is correctly called a man – 1 minute video


This man is very clearly possessed by a demon, if not multiple demons. Thanks to the person who uploaded this video to YouTube so that all can see the evidence that "transgenderism" is an abomination before God, as Scripture teaches and as the Catholic Church upholds.






“Transgender woman” goes into a demonic rage after he is correctly called a man – 1 minute video


Transgenderism is a pagan occult ritual.






MHFM: If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Tustin, California, who would be willing to help with a conditional baptism, please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


Thanks for this video & all your good work. Hell is real but the so-called "Leaders" & the Novus Ordo clergy & lay people don't seem to want to even consider their eternal fate. So many deny Hell & so many believe there is no one in Hell even if Hell exists. None of these people are Catholic. They prefer the word of man to the word of God…






UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


This is abominable!...


Graham Williams




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


Wicked: these "bishops" express their support and solidarity w/sodomites. We have yet to hear them express the same sentiments for those who wish to practice Catholicism in communist China and elsewhere.






UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


It is clear that Bergoglio is neither the Pope nor a Catholic…


Clint MacNeil




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


So sad that the Vatican II sect deceives these poor sinners into staying in their imaginary "transgender" states. As you say, if these people would convert and serve God He would quickly deliver them from it. There would not be a trace of "gender dysphoria" left in them.


Bernie Burns




UK “Bishops” Endorse “Transgenderism”


These heretics are serpents deceiving vatican 2 “catholics” into embracing and accepting so many different types of mortal sins and heresies, I pray for the conversion of a lot of these people being misled by the vatican 2 sect...


Christian Ramirez




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Cupich is a total abomination! Where are the boundaries for this man? He has fake authority and is a dangerous politician.


Mike B




America is suffering its lowest birth rate ever – currently only 1.75 per woman compared to 7.5 per woman in 1800 – 35 second video


The same also especially in Nigeria. Family Planning is crippling the Population while Islam is growing by a higher margin.


May God help us.


Augustus Opara




America is suffering its lowest birth rate ever – currently only 1.75 per woman compared to 7.5 per woman in 1800 – 35 second video


MHFM: This is a remarkable statistic that highlights the evil of contraception and birth control.




“Catholic Bishop” orders “homily” by “priest” against the “LGBT” flag to be removed – 39 second video


MHFM: So, a so-called 'Bishop' in the Vatican II Counter Church has ordered the removal of an anti-'LGBT' homily.  This is amazing, even for the Vatican II Sect.


Sacred Baptism


Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism


The definition "Benedictus Deus" of Pope Benedict XII should already be enough to understand that all who are in Heaven (Apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, etc.), without any exception, have received the baptism of Christ (that is, water baptism). This material has to reach everyone. Thanks for sharing the true faith.




Francis’ November Heresies – New Article


Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from November 2018 – Francis says schismatics are “members of Christ’s body” (article)


New Article Posted


MHFM: This is a new article.  It also covers a new point that provides even more support for the position that it was not St. Peter whom St. Paul rebuked (as recorded in Gal. 2:11-14) but a different person.


Catholic Commentary On Acts 16:4 – Council of Jerusalem, Galatians, Etc. (article)


Areas of Demonic Power


MHFM: There are certain areas in which the Devil has been permitted by God to have extra strength, power and influence (as a result of man’s sins).  Those areas can be identified by how vigorously the truth on such matters is suppressed and attacked.  Besides, of course, the attacks against the true Catholic faith and true Catholics who promote it, areas where the Devil wields especially strong power and influence include promoting/enforcing the acceptance of sodomy/’LGBT’ abominations, suppressing criticism of the Jews/Israel, and imposing the harmful vaccine/drug agenda of the pharmaceutical industry.  The Devil has great power in pushing and imposing vaccines.  That is proven by the mainstream media blackout of the many documented cases of harm and injury caused by vaccines.  Truth in this area is almost totally suppressed.  The people who attempt to spread it are viciously attacked and mocked.  This video, for instance, should be mainstream news but it’s ignored or censored instead.


Healthy triplets all autistic within hours of vaccination! – video


Catholic Church


Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


Thank you vaticancatholic for being a part of my ongoing conversion into the catholic church. I was a protestant all my life and then got too curious. I took a peak into church history and got slammed with the church fathers! And it's been downhill from there lol. Keep up the great work.


Daniel Abraham


MHFM: We’re glad to hear about that.  As our material explains, to become a true Catholic one must become a traditional Catholic.




I have found your youtube videos very interesting…  I was raised in the second vatican church and subsequently lost faith and fell into many heresies and modernism… I am very sad about the way the church has been infiltrated today.




MHFM: We’re glad that you are viewing the material.  It’s crucial that you become convinced on the issues and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  The material explains how to do so.  This file also covers important principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  (We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)




I must say, it hasn't been a year that I have become catholic, but your material has help me to understand the origin of the disgrace within the church, I'm a Brazilian who by accident stumbled upon your material, and I have to say thanks for the valuable lessons that your documentaries taught me…




MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the material.  It’s also crucial to distinguish between the Vatican II Sect and the Catholic Church.  They are not the same entity, as the material explains.




… Time and time again with almost studied regularity he fornicates with the world, bringing forth from his storehouse of wickedness errors that have been anathematized by the Church, to the great glee of the enemies of the Church…






Detroit “Archdiocese” Disciplines “Priest” Who Said Suicide Is A Sin At Funeral


The Vatican II sect up to its antipopes believes that those who commit suicide can go to heaven. Antipope Benedict XVI says Judas Iscariot might be in heaven...






The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


… irrefutable proof… is the image in the eyes… wonders and miracle.


Felix  G


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego (video)




A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused To Sign A Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory In Many States — So She Lost Her Job


MHFM: She is right to sue.  The mandatory pro-Israel oath is totally outrageous, evil, and unconstitutional.


New Post- Detroit


MHFM: This is a new post with some comments about a very revealing incident in Detroit.


Detroit “Archdiocese” Disciplines “Priest” Who Said Suicide Is A Sin At Funeral (article)




“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego


Thank you for taking the time and expending great effort in assembling this video that exposes the false shepherd of San Diego, which is my home…


Dominic diRegina


‘Catholic Answers’



MHFM: The heretical organization ‘Catholic Answers’ (which is not truly Catholic) considers the apostate Robert McElroy (who is exposed in this video) to be the leader of the Catholic Church in their area and a ‘successor of the apostles’.  They are heretics.




“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego


… the whore (Vatican II) will produce a sodomite society not unlike Ancient Greece… Everywhere I look there are rainbow LGBT jackets and anoraks!


Dean Joseph




“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego


The Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church and this poser is not a Catholic Priest… The sect is a false religion that has deceived many…


John Lowell




“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego


… Recognizing there are different pathways to God is an Abomination !!!


Frank Banini




“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego


Outstanding video. McElroy and Antipope Francis are manifest heretics, who are leading souls to eternal torment.






11-year-old “drag kid” danced in “gay” club as sodomites tossed money at him – 31 second video


This is truly revolting. What kind of parents would encourage this?... Figures that it happened in Frisco.






The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Thank you for sharing these amazing facts…


from Ireland.


Dottie B




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Fantastic, informative video!!!


Cindy Antiquey




Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People 


One could say that believers in the Vatican II antipopes and cardinals are analogous to Jews who followed the Pharisees and Sadducees in Jesus' time. Both accepted the buildings, the robes and sacramentals, the ceremonial rites, externally, as signs of God's presence. And both rejected Jesus.


Joseph Boyat




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


I watched Chris Angel go from front of stage to door exit in a matter of a second. My wife and I couldn't believe our eyes it was just insane.






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


… great video.


Daniel Puerto




‘Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’ 


This was outstanding…


Bob Vanoni




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


What a miracle!!!!...


Adriana Jimenez




Dear friends,


I saw a number of your You Tubes and am impressed by the material you present.  What is your advice for someone living in Holland?  Thank you very much,




MHFM: We're glad to hear about the interest.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  If you haven't embraced the traditional Catholic faith, that's what you need to do.  Our website explains how to do that.  One must not go to the New Mass.  One must reject the Vatican II Sect.  This file also contains important principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


There are almost no options for Holy Communion today, so you can stay at home on Sundays.  But there are options for confession, as our material explains.  Before receiving a sacrament, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, rejects the Vatican II sect and its antipopes as non-Catholic, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”, no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.




Hi, My situation is I’m a cradle Catholic and I’m a 40 year old… I’ve been seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and was strongly anti Catholic 4 years until recently because I thought there was no way this can be the way to God. Now with all the research and prayer I’ve finally found the true Catholic faith is the only way to salvation...




Mike Balasa




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Thank you for Sharing. Please keep on sharing more about the Queen of heaven and all the Saints.


Sr. Johanna Laura Moseley


MHFM: We also have these videos that deal with Mary, among others: Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof.  We also urge you to consult more of the material, for it explains what is happening in Rome now and why the sect of Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church.


Kasich, Abortion


Ohio Senate passes ban on aborting babies with heartbeats, “pro-life” Kasich vows to veto


The true nature of Kasich comes out loud and clear, especially when he makes a statement "Republicans “focus too much” on abortion"! Abortion IS genocide, period! Any focus on this is never going to be enough until we wipe this atrocious act from the face of the earth!!...




MHFM: It is outrageous that he plans to veto the bill.  Kasich exposed his profound wickedness and phoniness during a 2016 debate among those running for president.  During the debate Kasich went out of his way to mention, in a positive fashion, that he attended a sodomite 'wedding'!  At the same time he purported to be conservative and a Christian, when of course he is not.  He is a very wicked and disgraceful abomination, but hopefully he will change his mind and approve the bill.




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Praise God. Thank you and God Bless for helping us understand this Miracle of our Lady of Guadalupe!


Jacinta Pereira


Detroit ‘Archbishop’


“Archbishop” will reportedly not shut down pro-“gay Masses” because of fear of backlash from “gay priests” – 38 second video


This is interesting. I live in the Detroit area. Recently, Vigneron did take the unusual... step of sending a letter to every member of the Vatican II sect in the Detroit "archdiocese", in which he actually publicly criticized and expressed great disappointment in the "Holy See" for having interfered with alleged efforts to stop "clerical" sexual abuse in the US. Antipope Francis has deliberately not named Vigneron a "cardinal" for not towing the line. I would not be surprised if Francis might remove Vigneron from "office" for this recent letter that he sent to hundreds of thousands of people. Vigneron is probably the most "conservative" "bishop" in the United States at this time. Yet, we see the total apostasy and evil of the Vatican II sect: For even this most "conservative" member of the VII sect "hierarchy" actually allows "gay" "liturgies" to take place in his "diocese", fears backlash from "gay" "priests", and still allows at least one completely pro-"gay" and pro-"transgender" liberal apostate to teach at his "seminary". Vigneron also very recently engaged in ecumenical services with Jews and Muslims. He also just recently told the local Eastern "Orthodox" bishop and local EO sect members that he needs for them to live out their "Orthodox" faith ! I do pray for Vigernon's conversion. I pray that he will leave the Vatican II sect, renounce his heresies, and embrace the true Faith. But I'm not holding my breath...


Michael Simmons


The “Church” of England


“Church of England introduces baptism-style ceremony for gender ‘transitions’”


The "Church" of England is a product of the Protestant "reformation" when man decided to make his own religion. What spring from this evil time was a hydra of man-made repudiations of the True Catholic Church which have sent countless souls to eternal damnation.






“New transgender law in Australia could make it illegal to call individuals ‘he’ or ‘she’”


It's horrifically amazing how a minority of people (sodomites) can cause such intimidation to a country that it changes its laws to accommodate them at the expense of normal people...


Faith and Morals




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


The greatest video presentation ever on youtube. Thank you.


Lloyd Waters


King James


Is the King James Bible Infallible? – King James Onlyism Exposed


Do you realize if you are wrong in this video you are condemning the word of God...I'm telling you, you are wrong.


Ken Ciolek


MHFM: We are correct.  You are wrong and deceived.  Did you even watch the video?  You have to be blind to believe in King James Onlyism.  You should also watch this video: “Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary.  It contains additional information on the topic.  This file also covers biblical proof for Catholicism: Biblical Proof For Catholicism.  You won't be saved unless you become a traditional Catholic.  Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Thank you for this video. I’ve lately been suspicious that some of these magicians were getting help from beyond. I believe it now even more.


Dan Rebeiz




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Thank you for a most enlightening treatise on Our Lady of Guadalupe...


Ian Robinson




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Amazing stuff... And yes Sorcery is real...


Jen Werner




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


That is fascinating that it stayed like that…


Ayden Guttierez




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


Exactly what I was looking for!


Jose Estrada


MHFM: Also check out the other material on our website and channel.  It covers the true positions one must hold to be a true Catholic and be saved.  It also explains what's happening in Rome now. We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)


… Amazing documentary. Thank you. Amen.


José Luis Franco Rodrigues




“LGBT Rosary Endorsed By Fr. Martin Funds Pro-Abortion Groups”


This shows how sacrilegious and filled with devils the sodomites and child murder pagans are. Pope Pius VIII: "Their law is untruth, their god is the devil, and their cult is turpitude." (Traditi Humilitati, Encyclical 1829)


Christiana et Fidelis




MHFM: Today is the anniversary of the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12, 1531).  This is a video about it:


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)




This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


Please, tell me and all of those raised non-Catholic, who seek guidance and wish to go to heaven, I've heard you say that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic faith, so where should a person go and what should a person follow when the head of this Church in Rome is by your own labeling, a heretic and Anti-Pope? Your video is eye-opening, if not frightening, but I missed the part about what to do?


Jeffery Speer


MHFM: We're glad you viewed the video.  We explain what to do on our website.  Your comment suggests that you are not a Catholic.  You need to become convinced on all the issues and convert to the traditional Catholic faith.  The steps to do so are here: These are the steps to convert.  This file also contains important principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


Of course, one must never go to the New Mass or enter the Vatican II Counter Church.  If you currently go there, you need to cease doing so.  You should also pray the Hail Mary frequently for the graces to follow through with your conversion.  (We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)  When you are convinced on the issues, we can also help you with where to make a confession, etc.




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


Also shocked… thanks for the vid.


Julia Metcalf


Former Mormon


I've been reading through your websites page on how to be fully baptized into the Catholic Faith, (Since I'm former Mormon. thx for helping me get out of that btw) and If I'm understanding  correctly, would it be permissible for my protestant father, in good faith, to baptize me, as I have no traditional Catholic priests in my area? If i'm understanding your web page wrong, please, tell me what you meant. I want to do my best to truly join the body of Christ. Godspeed.


Sincerely, Seamus 


MHFM: We're glad to hear about the interest.  The steps to convert are here.  This file also contains important introductory principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


Your father could baptize you in a necessity and/or if no one else could do it, but it's preferable to have someone who claims to be Catholic do it.  If you don't know anyone in your area who fits that description, then we might be able to find someone in your area who can perform the baptism.  You should also pray the Hail Mary frequently to complete your conversion.  (We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)  We also offer a Penny Catechism, which we recommend that you get and read.




“Satanic Christmas monument erected in Illinois statehouse”


... According to the V II document on "religious liberty", the state should allow and protect the freedom of expression of all religions. Thus the V II sect is right in step with the "world of this darkness" inspired and ruled by the prince of darkness…






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


I remember doing magic tricks as a kid in the sixties. This included levitation and hypnosis and the Ouija board. I learned it from my sisters although maybe trick is the wrong word because it wasn’t sleight of hand. Well, not all of it, but that’s how it starts - with simple tricks and it’s fun. Amaze your friends! Then it changes effortlessly into something supernatural and you can get sucked in. I did. I don’t recommend playing around with that stuff. I could still shuffle a deck of cards many times and reveal the card you had previously chosen if I wanted to. The thing is, I don’t know how it works, it just does. There is a ritual to it and it doesn’t matter if the mark or witness believes it’s going to work or not. Only the person performing the act needs to believe it will work. It’s a doorway connected to something else that is not human. You don’t get something for nothing. I leave that stuff alone now, because I don’t know what it is. Even with group magic, each person thinks it is the others doing the trick, but they aren’t. Be careful. You may think you understand it and are in control but you’re really not. To this day (fifty years later) strange phenomena follows me around and it’s something completely different every time. It doesn’t frighten me. Maybe it should. I just think “Oh yeah, I recognize that”. The veil is thin around me and it takes my energy. I’m always sick and I have been ever since that time in the sixties. I have been very close to death on several occasions, even floating above my own body, but I don’t die. Not yet anyway. I am a very gentle person and have found peace. It’s better not to lose things in the first place. Existence is deeper than many people realize. There are consequences...


Arthur Trauer


MHFM: To be freed of the evil you describe and save your soul you need to become a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that.




False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times


Thank you.... Your videos are life changing.  Since I started watching them, I've been praying a lot more, and I have made a sincere effort to live a dedicated, Christian life.  I showed some of your videos to my wife, and now she wants to convert from Lutheranism to Catholicism


Veteran Prepper




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary 


I love Pastor Anderson. He preaches EXACTLY what the bible says…




MHFM: There are multitudes of utterly bad-willed and deluded people out there.  Some of them will say things like this, when the video proves that the heretic preaches exactly the opposite of the Bible. 




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


This is the most informative documentary I've seen on this topic. Thank you for exposing this pure evil. I will share this as most people don't realize how very evil this stuff is, they think it's only illusions when CLEARLY it is not. Thank you…






Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof! 


Yes, thank you…! Wonderful video in context and the visual images…


Robin Bennett




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


That flag has no place in the church...


Mary Mulligan


MHFM: It has no place anywhere.




“Cardinal” Donald Wuerl took part in ecumenical activity during funeral for Protestant George Bush – videos


The whoredom of the Vatican II sect on public display.




False religion


EWTN calls Protestant George Bush a “beautiful” soul – 10 second video


EWTN just preaches secularist religion using Catholic phraseology/parlance…


The heretic they praised was also a member of the satanic Skull & Bones society…


Christiana et Fidelis


Not anymore


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


I've always wanted to see Copperfield perform. Well not anymore. Sorcery... dark magic. Thank you for such an informative video. I appreciate the work you've put into this.


F and G




“Satanic Christmas monument erected in Illinois statehouse”


 … this "unusual decoration" is an in-your-face abomination…


Paige Barent


No Necessity


EWTN calls Protestant George Bush a “beautiful” soul – 10 second video


MHFM: This is another clear example of EWTN's religious indifferentism.  They hold that adhering to the Catholic faith is of no necessity at all.  They are not Catholic. 




Man Unable To Speak, Walk, See Or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot


This is horrible. But why is anyone with any kind of awareness getting a flu shot?...




Immaculate Conception


MHFM: Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception.  This video explains the dogma and covers the striking biblical evidence for it.


Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary (video)


Dulles, Heresy


“Cardinal Tobin admits to ‘temporarily’ housing Italian actor known for posing shirtless”


So Cardinal Avery Dulles has it wrong?


"Who, then, can be saved? Catholics can be saved if they believe the Word of God as taught by the Church and if they obey the commandments. Other Christians can be saved if they submit their lives to Christ and join the community where they think he wills to be found. Jews can be saved if they look forward in hope to the Messiah and try to ascertain whether God’s promise has been fulfilled. Adherents of other religions can be saved if, with the help of grace, they sincerely seek God and strive to do his will. Even atheists can be saved if they worship God under some other name and place their lives at the service of truth and justice. God’s saving grace, channeled through Christ the one Mediator, leaves no one unassisted. But that same grace brings obligations to all who receive it. They must not receive the grace of God in vain. Much will be demanded of those to whom much is given."




MHFM: Yes, what you have cited is blatant heresy.  The Church teaches that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved, and that all who die as non-Catholics are not saved.  Avery Dulles was an apostate member of the Vatican II religion.  He was also not a true cardinal, having been appointed by Antipope John Paul II.  Below you will find what the Catholic Church teaches on the issue of salvation.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5) may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


To Allow


Ireland Votes To Allow Sex-Selection Abortions, Abortions On Babies With Down Syndrome


What a disgrace and a shame on this country for allowing this to happen.


Sean K




… I personally know 3 V-2 Sect adherents who gush over Sheen.  I tell them that Sheen was a deceiver and heretic, but they just shut out the truth… There are literally millions of V-2 Sect adherents still alive today who hold Sheen in high regard (including the SSPX)… Many V-2 Sect adherents (including the SSPX) wax nostalgic for the Catholic Church of the 1950s and Sheen is often used a prime example of how "good" it was in those days… Sheen was a grand deceiver and heretic who served as a key harbinger (an "Anti-John-The-Baptist") of Vatican 2 and the false End-Times counter-church…








Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


After 20 horrendous years as a protestant believer, minister and writer: I'm now Orthodox. I must say: this was a very accurate expose' on Protestantism (especially your analysis of Calvinism). As a recovering Calvinist, allow me to say that Calvinism is a spiritual cancer… Thank you for making this video… I had no idea you had videos on the post-Vatican II apostasy. Perhaps I have more in common than I initially thought? Pretty cool.




MHFM: We're glad you liked the video.  But 'Orthodoxy' is false as well.  Please consult our video on it: Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God.  The traditional Catholic faith is the one true faith necessary for salvation.  Our material also explains what's going on in Rome now.


To do


Where To Receive Sacraments


Help me! I`m Israeli, and I don`t know what to do! My family thinks I`m insane, I don`t know how to get baptized, but I honestly want to! The only things I have is a rosary I got from a VII "Catholic" (is that even valid?) and a Bible; can you help me and pray for me? I honestly want to step out of Judaism and embrace the faith!


Kfir Oriyan


MHFM: Kfir, we’re glad that you contacted us.  You obviously need to stop practicing Judaism and embrace the Catholic faith.  When you are convinced and ready, the steps to convert are here.


You need to know the basic catechism, the truths about Christ, the Trinity, the Papacy, etc.  We offer a catechism on our store.  This file also contains important introductory principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.


You must also accept all traditional Catholic teachings.  The rosary you have is probably fine.  You should pray the Hail Mary frequently for the graces to complete your conversion.  Someone who claims to be Catholic who would properly perform the baptism could baptize you, when you are ready.    


How To Perform A Baptism & A Conditional Baptism


We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Teen gets standing ovation after coming out as gay in speech at his Catholic high school”


MHFM: He even took his 'boyfriend' to the 'school formal'.  What an outrageous abomination. Apparently the heretics who run the school feel that allowing this is compatible with the Vatican II religion.




Israeli company’s shocking “pocket spy” surveillance software tracked in 45 countries – 3 minute video


Very disturbing. The worst part of this whole thing is that so-called "smart" phones are everywhere, and it is a condition of doing business or even functioning in society that requires almost everyone to opt for one of these devices over a flip phone.




European Court Tells Russia


“European court tells Russia to stop banning public LGBTQ events”


MHFM: This is another example of the horrible paganization of Europe.




Dear MHFM:


You are reaching and convincing many people of the truth, but so many people remain in the dark because they haven’t come across your website, or they refuse to blame the antipopes for what happened to the Church.  Catholics think somehow that the bad practices in their parishes, and I say bad practices in order to convey how almost no one uses or refuses to know that the words heresy and apostasy apply to the Vatican 2 sect itself, are merely isolated events that do not flow down from their evil teachings and last 6 antipopes, while into their seminaries and convents and finally into the schools and parishes/families while arching all of society. 


… the grace of God helped me to fully understand your material… Clergy who are living or working inside the Babylon structure are enslaved, while parish members who love the Sunday “mass” because of friends and social events are also hostage to their heretical parishes.  I thank God for being rescued through MHFM…



Mrs J Dawson


Vatican II


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


I purchased Vatican II… Can someone point out to me the documents I should read first or at least general issues which will lead me in the direction of those issues concerned with why Vatican II is claimed to be so destructive? Just trying to learn. Thanks!!


Dana Duttle


MHFM: This section of our website covers heresies in Vatican II.  The matter is also covered in our book The Truth About What Really Happened To The Catholic Church After Vatican II.




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


It was Phillip Melancthon who brought about dichotomy in justification. Martin Luther never taught forensic justification. He taught that justification results in an inward change in man. When God justifies a person, He imputes His righteousness to the repentant sinner thus making the person righteous. The person who is thus made righteous becomes a doer of the law.


Ramon Beach


MHFM: Luther taught that the righteousness that justifies is 'alien' to man, 'outside' of him, and appropriated by faith alone.  He thus laid the foundation of the Protestant heresy.  If you watched this video and were honest, you would see that the Protestant doctrine of the imputation of Christ's righteousness is an unbiblical lie.  Regeneration saves; thus regeneration justifies, refuting your position.  If you think that you've been imputed Christ's righteousness (and you have not), then why does the Bible tell previously-justified believers that they need to confess their sins to be cleansed of unrighteouness?  You don't need to be cleansed of unrighteousness if Christ's righteousness has truly been imputed to you.  This verse (among many others) refutes your false and unbiblical heresy.


1 John 1:9- "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."




I have read the quote by Fulton Sheen in the past that you recently posted about Fulton Sheen, I had completely forgotten about it.


… re-reading it now shows how Fulton Sheen was an utter blasphemer when he in not so many words said that those idolatrous pagans don't need to know Christ because they are Christ.


It also reminds me of recently accidentally running across a clip of him in B&W from back in the day and the way he acted on there reminded me of Bela Lugosi and the way people who were actors acted back in the 30's with his movements and stances and even the way he talked.




Sheen, the Church


“Cardinal Tobin admits to ‘temporarily’ housing Italian actor known for posing shirtless”


The Roman Catholic church is shuddering under the beat down given it by Satan. The courage displayed by Pope Pius X, Fulton Sheen, and thousands of other great Catholics is but a distant memory, replaced by a theological oligarchy that is only interested in the bottom line and how many "likes" they can get from liberal progressives.




MHFM: Your first sentence could imply that you are contradicting the truth that the Church is indefectible and immune from heresy.  In contrast to your language, see these quotes:


St. Augustine (395): “This Church is holy, the one Church, the true Church, the Catholic Church, fighting as she does against all heresies. She can fight, but she cannot be beaten. All heresies are expelled from her, like the useless loppings pruned from a vine. She remains fixed in her root, in her vine, in her love. The gates of hell shall not conquer her.”


Pope Pius XI (1925): “Not least among the blessings which have resulted from the public and legitimate honor paid to the Blessed Virgin and the saints is the perfect and perpetual immunity of the Church from error and heresy.” (Quas Primas # 22)


The Vatican II Sect, which is of Satan, is not the Catholic Church.  Also, Fulton Sheen was a total modernist heretic, not a Catholic.  Here's just one proof of that fact:


Fulton Sheen: “I studied and read so many things about what we used to call the salvation of pagans; how are these unbelievers saved? In the 11th Century we were given the theology of baptism of desire, but when you travel the world, visit leper colonies, see human beings fighting with vultures in the garbage heaps of Latin America… when I saw all these things I never saw so many Christs in my life. I saw them everywhere. Maybe I saw more there than here, but in a different way. When you say that they do not know Christ, they do not need to know.”


Sheen's words (quoted above) are of course a blatant rejection of the Church's dogma that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.


Told me


This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


Simply excellent and I can't wait to share this with others who will appreciate it as much as I do. I am beyond grateful somebody told me of this website & I look forward to taking it all in.


Danielle Martin




“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism”


This phony impostor pretending to be a Catholic priest is no more a Catholic priest than Stalin is a saint! He is travelling around on the circuit spreading lies that are NOT Catholic. Due to his "commission" as Official Advisor to the Vatican's Department for Communications, he is IN EFFECT giving notice from the Pope that the Church shall be "SECULARIZED" from now on. He takes as his "authority" not the magisterial doctrine of the faith, the moral law, but the perspective of secular psychologists and psychiatrists that Sodomy is normal and natural… This phony impostor is a fraud of the worst kind...but then so is this pope!...


Kathleen Ann


MHFM: He is abominable.  It's also important to recognize that Francis is not a pope but an apostate antipope.  Heretics are not members of the Church and cannot be valid popes.  Also, one must make a distinction between the Vatican II Sect, which is led by Antipope Francis, and the Catholic Church. They are not the same.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Notice how he avoids “making a blanket statement”…


Joseph Ososkie


MHFM: Yes, his failure to make a blanket statement condemning or prohibiting basic moral evils is similar to how false traditionalists won’t make a blanket statement on the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation.


Matthew 5:37- “But let your speech be yes, yes: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.” 




Antipope Benedict XVI Just Confirms Once Again That He’s An Apostate – Says There’s No Mission To Convert Jews


Incredible. This apostate has made his views on ecumenism and converting others clear on numerous occasions and those in the VII sect still think he’s a “conservative”…






… I love your channel vaticancatholic.com and since I found out it in August/September by "Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary" video I've been watching all of your videos... the world so needs this content. Brother Michael and Brother Peter, your work is so valuable for this world, even more during times of great apostasy and the end of the world. Also, I would like to thank both of you for all you have done all those years spreading the true catholicism and exposing heretics. Fortunately, my sister baptized me and I'm praying 15 decades of the rosary everyday due to your website, the grace of God, and the virginal hands of the Mother of God… God bless you!




Homepage Redesign


MHFM: We have redesigned the homepage of our website for desktop users.  If it is temporarily not loading correctly, that is probably because you need to clear your cache for the new homepage design.  It is easy to do.  For many users the cache might clear automatically when they continue to visit a website, but sometimes it doesn’t happen right away.  On Google Chrome, for example, one clears the cache for a particular page by simply hitting Ctrl-Shift-R at the same time when on the page.  For how to bypass one’s cache on other browsers, one can consult this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bypass_your_cache. 




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Protestant here. This video is actually really good, and has caused me to really begin thinking about some of the underlying assumptions of what I hold to. So thank you for that. I will continue to watch these and learn more about the Catholic Church, as I realize that I have not been told the whole truth about it. I would caution you on using the term "fake Christians", however. I get the sentiment, but most Protestant Christians are doing their best to be good followers of Christ, and are very sincere. Even if they are wrong in their beliefs, polemical terms like "fake Christians" might serve to further entrench them in their beliefs and alienate them, cutting short future discourse and discussion, which, I imagine, undermines the very point of your video. Not that Protestants have somehow earned fair treatment, as God only knows how hostile they have been towards Catholics, but all the same, whatever we can do to further discourse, the better. Just my two cents. Again, well-done on the arguments. :)


Samuel Baney


MHFM: We're glad you liked the video.  You will find additional biblical proof for Catholicism here.  Our material also explains what's going on in Rome now and how it was prophesied.  With regard to using the term 'fake Christians', we must say that it's accurate and appropriate in this case.  The Protestants reject core elements of the Gospel, Jesus' teaching on salvation, and much more.  In fact, almost every book of the New Testament CLEARLY contradicts the typical Protestant view of salvation.  This video focused on one book.  One cannot be a true Christian as a Protestant.  To be a true Christian and be saved one must be a traditional Catholic, as our material explains.  That's why you need to make it your priority to look over more of the material on our website and embrace the true Catholic faith.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Cupich is disgusting and a liar. It is about homosexual abuse by priests. Fr. Martin is a front man for the gay clerical mafia.


John McClellan


MHFM: The homosexual problem in the Vatican II Sect is one thing.  But the problems are far deeper and ultimately doctrinal.  Even if they removed all of the homosexuals and had no sexual abuse problem, the Vatican II Sect would still not be Catholic.  The Vatican II Sect adheres to the heresies of Vatican II.  It accepts false ecumenism, the heresy of salvation outside the Church, and much more.  It teaches a false religion.  Thus, even those Novus Ordo 'bishops' whom deceived followers of the Counter Church wrongly consider to be 'conservative' (e.g. Burke, Schneider) are not Catholic.  They are, in fact, horrible heretics.  They don't have the Catholic faith.  You need to realize that the Vatican II 'Church' is NOT the Catholic Church but rather the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material shows.  To be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic.  (Also, Martin is not a priest.  He was ‘ordained’ in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.) 




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


The best exposing demons video ever. Well done. Jesus bless you for your work!


Emir Kuza




This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


PLEASE advise what are we to Do now!?


Mary Schulz


MHFM: Our material explains what to do.  Among other things: you need to never attend the New Mass, reject Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect, embrace the true positions on the issues.  When ready, you would need to re-confess to a validly ordained priest any mortal sins that were confessed to 'priests' ordained in the New Rite of Ordination.  This file also covers general principles on what to do.  We also recommend that people pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy


I grew up Calvinist. Is there anything wrong with it?


Dean Joseph


MHFM: Yes, it's a demonic false religion that teaches many heresies.  You will find videos that refute Calvinism here.  Traditional Catholicism alone is true Christianity.  It's necessary for salvation to be a traditional Catholic.


Forensic Justification


Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


Though I am convinced both Protestantism and Catholicism are erroneous, I must agree that the forensic justification doctrine of the reformers is a heinous, devilish and insane heresy.




MHFM: Catholicism is true.  You can find more biblical proof for it here.  It's necessary for salvation to be a traditional Catholic.  Our material also explains what's going on in Rome now.




Michael Voris Reveals His Dark Past 


My personal thanks to the Brothers Dimond. Having spent 50 years in the Vatican II religion, even as a lay minister, I know the long road back to true Catholicism. This ministry has provided accurate signs at every turn, guiding everyone who watches their videos to a heavenly destination.


Joseph Boyat


Benedict XVI


Antipope Benedict XVI Just Confirms Once Again That He’s An Apostate – Says There’s No Mission To Convert Jews


A little less festive, a little less clownish, but still a total apostate, just like his brother in arms (in AntiChrist), Jorge Bergoglio.  You know that the Novus Ordites have got to be desperate when they look to his decrepit figure and wait for him to offer the solution to the problem.


The rat offers the same spiritual poison as AntiPope Francis, with the same killing effects...




The Bible


Dear Brothers:


As Pope Pius XI has pointed out, "nothing but ignorance and pride" could blind one to the treasures of the Old Testament -- and to the New Testament, as well.  Almost everyone in the world knows or senses that the Bible is unique and special, but so few bother to find out (or even care about) what the Bible actually is, what it reveals and what it teaches. 


But that does not stop men in their audacity from pretending that they have some special claim to the Bible… The Protestant tries to claim that his "religion" is based on the Bible -- even though his false religion is actually a complete rejection of the Bible.   The Talmudic Jews pretend to be the "Chosen People" of the Bible, despite the fact that (since the beginning of time) the faithful of God were Christians-in-waiting and -- thanks to the treasures of the Old Testament -- knew exactly for Whom they were waiting.  And even the Moslems are claim to have some connection to the Bible, inasmuch as they are claimed to be "Abrahamic".   Yes, from the bible-toting Jehovah's Witness to the Orthodox with his pagan theology of God, all are pleased to profess (and even insist upon!) their own false "religions" as true -- while they distort and  pervert the Biblical truths so mercifully safeguarded by Almighty God for man's eternal salvation.


If they had good will, men would recognize even (and perhaps especially) today, that the Bible is the story of how and why the true Catholic Church on earth came to be;  how She is loved by Almighty God and is His only Bride;  and how She will become the Eternal Kingdom of Christ when She enters into glory.  In short, they would know the wonderful way the Bible Story ends -- but only for those who, willing to hear and obey the word of God, convert to the true faith and enter that Glorious Kingdom.


Lee Ann




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


For some reason this is what I instinctively knew even as a child… Of course they use occult rituals. The Egyptian priests also used rituals to conjure their wonders.






“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


This video is amazing! The best I've seen…


Tracy Ryche White




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Lupus Intus!!!




MHFM: He's a wolf within the Vatican II Sect, not within the Catholic Church, as our material shows. As far as the true Catholic Church is concerned, Cupich (and the other 'bishops' under Antipope Francis) are extra ecclesiam.


Openly Demonic


Celine Dion’s New Demonic Clothing Line For Children – 3 minute video


… Disgusting.






What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Hello Brothers, thank you for this wonderful inspirational video on the Epistle of St Paul. I now understand the true meaning of the passage in Ephesians 1: 13-14. So many believe that this passage means: "once saved always saved".... And this is soooo far from the truth. God Bless MHFM…


Susan Kersh




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


I agree completely with the fathers of the Church as you have mentioned. Yes, the pope can remove himself from jurisdiction, but I believe it is up to the cardinals and bishops to make that formal announcement...


Sang Lam


MHFM: No, you are wrong again.  Heretics automatically and "without declaration" lose any office they might have held.  A cardinal or a bishop or even a council under a pope does not have the authority to issue a statement that would transfer or swing one's obedience away from the man one previously considered to be the pope.  If the announcement or statement of a bishop, a cardinal or a council could move one to reject the person previously considered to be the pope, then the statement of the 'bishop' or 'cardinal' or council would serve as a deposition of a pope.  That is repugnant to Catholic teaching and the principle that "The First See Is Judged By No One."  Hence, Catholic teaching is that if a man purports to be the pope but is a manifest heretic (such as Antipope Francis), then by that very fact (and without any declaration) he is considered to not be the pope.  This is based on the very rule and profession of the true faith, which requires a Catholic to reject a public heretic as a non-Catholic and outside the Church.  Further, ALL of the 'bishops' and 'cardinals' of the Vatican II Sect are horrible heretics themselves who have no office in the Church.  They accept the heresies of Vatican II, false ecumenism, salvation outside the Church, etc.  So, to be a true Catholic you must reject all of them and be an uncompromising traditional Catholic.  This situation was prophesied, as the material covers.  The Vatican II Sect is the end-times Counter Church.  To be a true Catholic you must completely reject the Vatican II Sect, the New Mass, etc. as our material explains.




What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Totally destroying the Protestants.


L Lance




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Another reason Vatican 2 was so evil, CUPICH !!!


Marijo Heitman


How to Convert


… I just happened to watch some of your videos on youtube. It is very inspiring.


Can you please teach me and my family how to convert to Traditional Catholicism. We are in Cambodia. 


Thank you very much.




Anne Chua


MHFM: That's great to hear.  These are the steps to convert.


We also recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you important graces to follow through with your conversion.  (Eventually, we recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)  This file also contains important introductory principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  We also recommend that you obtain the Penny Catechism we offer.




Antipope Francis Says: If Someone “Is Truly Christian” He Will Not Try To Convert Anyone


… What a blasphemous heretic!






Antipope Francis Says: If Someone “Is Truly Christian” He Will Not Try To Convert Anyone


All the people of bad will who try to give Antipope Francis the benefit of the doubt by claiming he misspoke or that the statements are taken out of context are without excuse. Francis has said this so many times that it’s clear he believes evangelization is a sin. Not only do his followers accept these heresies but they go out of their way to defend them…






Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


This was absolutely brilliant. Great job.






Antipope Francis Says: If Someone “Is Truly Christian” He Will Not Try To Convert Anyone (article)


Antipope Francis’ Notable Heresies and Apostasy from September 2018 to October 2018 (article)




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Great video exposing this blasphemous [man]…


Eric Garcia




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


To really hear these things coming out of his own mouth is eye opening.


Colleen Posada




“School bars mom from entering after she objected to gay ‘pride’ event for 5-year-olds”


"Adhedo and her husband Shane then removed their child from the school." Everyone should remove their children from that school and schools like it, if they value their and their children's eternal souls.


Jasper May




“School bars mom from entering after she objected to gay ‘pride’ event for 5-year-olds”


This is monstrous.


Some time ago I saw a bunch of atheists discussing how infant baptism and catechesis (in essence, parents raising kids in their religion) is a form of child abuse. Meanwhile, they had no objections regarding "sexual education" for small children that included lgbt themes, promotion of so-called diversity and tolerance and explanations regarding gender-fluidity...






The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition) 


Amazing so many still don't believe… This image is just amazing, and proof to so many that Mary has visited earth… It’s in fact more amazing that so many don't take her warnings seriously. (repent or face hell)


Ronan Lee


Now It Makes Sense


The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition) 


Now the blasphemy in the Vatican Catechism II makes sense. I am sickened about it. And it makes sense why the Catholics don't try to get moslems out of islam. The same with the protestants. The homosexual problem... is making sense.


Lee Sargeant


MHFM: Well, Catholics definitely try to get Moslems out of Islam.  In that line you are referring to members of the Vatican II Sect.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, as the material shows.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Cupich is evil and disgusting.


Judy G




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Your research is simply amazing. Very gifted in your ability to produce this. God clearly helped you make this. Praise God…


Carl Reynolds




“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary


Great video.


Christopher Easley


UK “Bishops”


UK “Catholic Bishops” officially promote “transgenderism”! – 25 second video


Ever notice how the closer we get to the end, the faster these things happen, and the evil ones are far more obvious about their intentions?...




Live in


False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times


We live in Taiwan and we only have once a month Traditional Latin Mass with a French priest. We have to drive 2 hours one way to get to the church. Do you know of a valid priest or priests in Taiwan?




MHFM: As our material explains, there's almost nowhere to receive Communion today at this stage of the Great Apostasy.  There's also no obligation to attend Sunday Mass in this situation.  So you can stay at home on Sundays.  In fact, if that 'priest' was 'ordained' in the New Rite of Ordination, then he's not a valid priest.  However, there should be options for confession, such as with a priest ordained in the Eastern Rite or a priest ordained before 1968 who says the proper words of absolution.  That’s covered in our ‘Where To Receive Sacraments’ file.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  Before receiving a sacrament, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, rejects the Vatican II sect and its antipopes as non-Catholic, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”, no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


This is interesting. I've been wanting to learn about the Eastern Orthodox belief about "the Essence/energies of God." I've encountered a former Catholic (now E. Orthodox and rabidly anti-Catholic)… and he kept bringing up the essence vs. energies… Thank you for your research & very informative presentation…






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


By the dignity of his office, the pope is still the pope. If one is Roman Catholic, one must preserve union with the pope. Instead of harsh criticisms against the Holy Father, let's offer fervent prayers as he always requested.


Sang Lam


MHFM: No, your premise is wrong.  Francis is not the pope.  He never was.  Heretics are not members of the Church and therefore cannot be popes.  See these quotes:


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, and that with the consenting judgment [i.e. consensus] of the holy fathers who certainly were accustomed to hold as having no part of Catholic communion and as banished from the Church whoever had departed in even the least way from the doctrine proposed by the authentic Magisterium.”


Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 22), June 29, 1943: “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith…”


St. Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction."


Yes, one must preserve union with a true pope, but Francis does not fit into that category.  To be obstinately united with him is, in fact, to reject the Papacy.  This is covered in the material.  You really need to wake up, look more carefully at the information, and embrace the truth.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Heretic... Hell is full of them!!!


Jasen Hook




The Heresies of Benedict XVI 


Why is there so much problems in the Catholic Church????


Louie Denofa


MHFM: The problems are with the Vatican II Church.  That is not the Catholic Church, as our material explains.


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago (video)




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Gay priest masseur… diabolical apocalyptic evil.




MHFM: It’s definitely evil.  However, he was almost certainly ‘ordained’ in the New Rite of Ordination, which is not valid.  In that case, he would not even be a valid priest.


Freedom of religion


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


He said freedom of religion is a God given right. What!? Has he not read the first testament that you shall have no God before me?? He destroyed those who prayed to other gods. Now this man is saying God said go pray to any God of your choosing while I still do everything for you. What an evil thing to say.


Gsos Seth


MHFM: His statement is also directly contrary to the teaching of the Church, as expressed by various papal documents.  For example:


Pope Gregory XVI, Inter Praecipuas (# 14), May 8, 1844: “Experience shows that there is no more direct way of alienating the populace from fidelity and obedience to their leaders than through that indifference to religion propagated by the sect members under the name of religious liberty.”


Vatican II


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


What a disgrace Vatican II.






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago

Cupich is Satan’s tool.


Dale Smith


MHFM: Yes, but so are all of the 'bishops' in the Vatican II Sect (the end-times Counter Church).  That's what our material shows.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


I'm so grateful for your work exposing these apostates...


Arthur Sulit




“Sister” Simone Campbell (in good standing with the V2 sect) endorses Pelosi and says: “I don’t think it’s a good policy to outlaw abortion” – 13 second video


A nun in the abominable Novus Ordo sect, definitely not a Catholic nun. Shame on her for posing as a Catholic nun.






Dad whose son was killed by a 10-year-old girl says she is a criminal – 1 minute video


You take the innocence of children away with immoral modern "culture" and "values", all this corrupting influence, and that's what you end up with: Very premature cases of diabolical possession.




Wicked Fraternities


Ohio University student dies after getting drunk at godless fraternity – 1 minute video


It is a prime example of how avarice leads to death. Many join college secret societies looking for social advantage over others and favoritism. It is a fast track to success in life. The boy is responsible for exposing himself to danger by committing the idolatrous act of putting his life and health in danger to gain entrance into a pagan secret society. Such groups have secret hand signs and are debaucherous. They are attracted to lawlessness.


I know a person that belongs to a college secret society. He constantly has opportunities in life. During his college years he stayed rent free in a "frat house." It was a big residence on a street that his secret society owned. He also bragged about shocking debauchery when I rebuked him around 2015 (on the basis of a Papal Encyclical) that secret societies are debaucherous.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (1832): "Evil comes out of secret societies, bottomless abyss of misery, which those conspiring societies have dug and in which heresies and sects have, as may be said, vomited as in a privy all they hold of licentiousness, sacrilege and blasphemy."


Christiana et Fidelis




Hello MHFM… Your videos, articles, and website have helped me immensely, and I've shared them with many people...

Thank you.






Do you have a document or video which is solely on what Catholics should be taught?


I watched several of your videos, such as the one on mother teresa, and I learned a lot about my catholic faith.  For example, I had never heard that it was forbidden to attend non catholic services, or that the muslim religion was officially condemned, or that the Jewish religion was also.  It would be very helpful if such a document of video existed.  There are so many Catholics which believe things which are in error.  I would love to have something which lists the many things we should know based on our early church leaders.  I know this information is contained in your various videos…




MHFM: This document contains key principles: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


This is all about HUMAN compromise to the revealed truth of CHRIST'S church.


Bruce Haslem


MHFM: It's also about the logical consequences of the false and heretical teachings of Vatican II, which Cupich implements and follows.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Francis is pure evil. He appointed this monstrosity.


Dennis Brown


MHFM: Cupich was appointed 'Archbishop' of Chicago by Antipope Francis, but he was appointed 'Bishop' of Rapid City, SD, by Antipope John Paul II.  He was also appointed 'Bishop' of Spokane, WA, by Antipope Benedict XVI.  All three were/are evil and heretical antipopes who led the Vatican II Sect.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but rather the end-times Counter Church, as our material shows.  So, it's not just Cupich, but all of the 'bishops' in the Vatican II Counter Church are heretical and evil.  Cupich is, rather, a very revealing example of what the Vatican II Sect represents.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Amazing how these modernist, liberal men are destroying the church from within. God help us!




MHFM: As the material explains, the Vatican II 'Church', which he represents, is not the Catholic Church.  It's the end-times Counter Church.  Thus Cupich is not actually within the Catholic Church.  He is outside the Church.  To be a member of the true Catholic Church, one must be a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that.  That involves not going to the New Mass, rejecting the Vatican II antipopes, etc.  We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Outstanding video MHFM. Thank you and God bless you for defending Biblical Truth, which completely condemns the sin of homosexuality.


O & H F J




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Thank you so much for making this extremely powerful and much needed New Video!... If the members of the Vatican 2 SECT Cult can't  grasp the  fact that they are standing for evil after seeing this, I don't know what more it would take !  I'm sur Sodomite Flag burning will become a capital offense any day now, staring them right in the face…


Thank you again for making it all clear as to who "the cast of characters" really are, on this world stage of good and evil, where confusion is becoming the order of the day. 


Carol D. 


V2 ‘Church’


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago




The Vatican II Church is a… hole that leads to Hell...  Cupich and his VII church like to emphasize how God gives everyone "free choice" as they lead the faithless (VII, Jews, Muslims, etc.) to their destruction.  They fail to mention that Hell awaits those who depart from the path of Jesus Christ and His True Church.


…  People are so worried about judges, courts and free choice in this world, though they have no regard for God and His high court that commences on the last day, that will determine their eternity.  Wisdom, Chapter 5, warns of "the Fruitless repentance of the wicked in another world (Hell). Our lives are but "a moment in time" to make the right choice…






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Another Catholic masterpiece from MHFM. Through the presentations of MHFM, I left the counter church and became a Catholic. Much gratitude for your very important work. You are in my prayers every day. God bless you.






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


I am so grateful to the Most Holy Family Monastery for publishing this and all the other videos. It was through your ministry that I was awakened to the fact that I was "practicing" my faith in a non-Catholic cult! I share your videos with others... as well! You are remembered in my prayers! Thank you and may Jesus bless you!


Leo Tridentum




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


Great video. You can see why St. John called the Vatican II sect a harlot. It's filthy and impure. Proverbs 7:25-27: "Let not thy mind be drawn away in her ways: neither be thou deceived with her paths. [26] For she hath cast down many wounded, and the strongest have been slain by her. [27] Her house is the way to hell, reaching even to the inner chambers of death."






Was the most powerful “Cardinal” in America after Vatican II a Secret Satanist? (article)


Excellent research, and what an abomination…


Christian Anderle




“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


The Vatican 2 Sect is dark and full of terrors.






“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago


The fruits of Vatican II are evil.


Le Huy Nguyen




"Cardinal" cupich is… another modernist heretical dirtbag.  Brothers... just want to say that your videos which I put on my ipod keep me going through the night at my third shift job, thank you!!


Fred Gentz




Was the most powerful “Cardinal” in America after Vatican II a Secret Satanist? (article)




“Scotland pushes LGBT agenda into Catholic schools. Bishops hope ‘impact…will be positive for all’”


These... so-called "bishops" are simply hirelings of the Devil. A perfect illustration how the V II sect is one vast fornication with the world...






The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups 


This is so obvious! Why are these people so confused? What is there to be confused about! I want to pull my hair out when I am talking to the SSPX parishioners. What is wrong with them! Talking to them is like arguing that the sky is blue. Thank you so much for this. I have been looking for something… like this to show people…




MHFM: We’re glad you liked the video.  As the video mentions, the problem with the obstinate adherents of their false positions is that they don’t have any supernatural faith.




“Vatican approves pro-homosexual priest as rector of Catholic university in Germany”


As if it is needed, here is more evidence that the Vatican II sect is the end-times counter-church, and that it is united to the homosexual abominations that are becoming commonplace in the news. This "priest" goes a step further by his open support of female "ordination."






RFK Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations


29 vaccines by age 1 is demonically insane.






Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness


I tried sharing this video to F...B..., wouldn't you know it didn't take. You can sense the evil around you...Great Video btw.






“Father” Laughs As He Talks About His “Son” Who “Survived Vegas” & “Was Killed In Thousand Oaks” – 50 second video


Wicked...  No wonder this whole thing is called "TV Programming".  Obviously scripted.  Poorly executed.


The man laughs and talks casually about the brutal death of his son?  Oh, come on... They are so confident that the masses will digest it that they won't even bother hiring convincing and talented actors and doing a proper rehearsal.  What garbage.





Antipope Francis covers cross, bows to please Jewish (Israeli) secretary


What a disgusting apostate who cares more about human respect than defending the Lord JESUS.


Fred Gentz




“Scotland pushes LGBT agenda into Catholic schools. Bishops hope ‘impact…will be positive for all’”




Amazing Evidence For God


Very Awesome video.


Irma Aguayo


Gave up


Praying 15 decades every day. Gave up long term daily habit of smoking weed because of the Rosary and MHFM.








The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition) 


The video Our Lady of Guadalupe is fantastic!


Bill Anderson




Jared Polis will become first openly “gay” governor of Colorado – sodomite “partner” plans to live with him in the governor’s mansion – 32 second video


At my college one of my professors says he is a Catholic but he attended a pro-LGBT conference at the university and said that one his students is a transgender and he had to adjust his view of "her". The Vatican II sect is getting more and more degraded by following the pro-LGBT world.






What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians


Yes, to say otherwise is simply to lie and reject the teaching of the Bible. That's a great presentation. God bless MHFM.


Alysson Gabriel




Supporters Of ‘Baptism Of Blood’ Lie About Pope Leo The Great


Hello.  I would like to thank you again for your article on BOB entitled "Supporters of 'Baptism of Blood' lie about Pope Leo The Great”.  It was a great read…


F. M.




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


I am so grateful for this. Thank you.


Dorothee Hilaire




Amazing Evidence For God


Either way you go, microscopic or telescopic, you can see God's works! Truly amazing.


Stephen Roberts




Antipope Francis on Non-Catholic “Saints” and “Martyrs” 


The apostasy of the Vatican II antipopes is a clear indication that we are living in the end times. There is only one Truth, and it was revealed though our Lord Jesus Christ, who established the Catholic Church, which is the Immaculate Bride of Christ.


Jesus Is The Light Of The World


Providence, Baptism


The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire”


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting the link exposing the fatal flaw in “baptism of desire”, The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire”.  In reading through it, the point about God’s providence in regard to Catholic teaching struck me as significant.  For example, it is providential that St. Thomas contradicted, almost word for word, the Council of Florence’s decree on what the grace of baptism is; There are numerous providential aspects of Pope St. Leo the Great’s dogmatic letter to Flavian, e.g. its use of “aut” with “sine” in an inclusive way as a providential precedent to the same usage in Trent (Sess. 6, Chap. 4);  The oldest Papal decree (from St. Siricius) clearly rejects any idea of being saved without the sacrament of baptism, and cites various real-life scenarios that BOD heretics would claim are impossibilities to receiving the sacrament, such as “the peril of shipwreck, the incursion of an enemy, the uncertainty of a siege or the desperation of any bodily sickness”; and God’s providence was clearly involved with the baptisms of Cornelius the Centurion, the Eunuch of Candace, and Saul of Tarsus.  It’s thus interesting that the heretic Bp. Sanborn directly contradicted Catholic teaching when he stated that “by some mystery of Providence...pagans and idolaters” can be “united to the soul of the Church, and by desire to its body”. Catholic teaching is perfectly clear about the fact that God, the Great Provider, always provides the sacrament of water baptism to those who are worthy of it, for God does not command impossibilities and His providence governs all things.

God Bless,
Mr. & Mrs. White




“Survivor” of Borderline shooting hoax starts smiling and quickly realizes she needs to change her expression – 3 minute video


I want to thank all the religious at Most Holy Family Monastery that keep Americans in the know about the conspiracies brought about by the central government to function as a rationale for taking away God given rights from law abiding citizens. It stands to reason that the organization that exposes the most authentic deception in the history of the world, the post Vatican II council sect, would be able to find the truth behind these "mass shootings". My entire American government class believes this "shooting" happened. As a consequence of hearing them speak their minds in class discussions, I am aware that most of them are Democrats that support legalizing pot and even go so far to say it has health benefits. My "professor" is a raging liberal that is the worst of them all. He said the Holy Bible has as much worth as the U.S. Constitution. Faithlessness and mortal sins blind people to the obvious truth. Any person with common sense who sees the actress laughing, the "survivor" wearing a t-shirt referencing the "shooting" two days after it supposedly happened, and the phony baloney "shooting" video with an empty dance floor, should speedily come to realize that the main stream media is programming America with a PSY-OP. God bless you and may Mary pray for you!


Simon Turac


Crisis Actors


It is clear from all the smiling and giddiness expressed by the "witnesses in all of the "news" videos I have watched that these hoaxes are being produced faster than crisis actors can be properly trained. Perhaps the evil forces behind these hoax events realize that the public is so gullible that they don't bother to train these crisis actors to be in any way believable…






MHFM: For those who are interested in the truth about the Borderline Bar ‘shooting’, this video does a very effective job of exposing the hoax (by focusing on one aspect of the story).


Footage inside Borderline Bar shows that there wasn’t even one person on the dance floor “during shooting”! – 14 minute video




“Survivor” of Borderline “shooting” says he (as well as 50 or 60 people in the Bar) also survived the Las Vegas “shooting”! – 35 second video


MHFM: They really think that people are stupid/blind, and for the most part they are correct.  They are running so many of these fake shooting hoaxes now that despite having teams of crisis actors at their disposal, they obviously want to be able to reuse some of the same people.  They don’t want others to debunk their story by pointing out that the same people are showing up as ‘witnesses’ at multiple ‘mass shootings’.  So, they decided to put the story out there and rely on people’s gullibility to accept the claim that dozens of people happened to be present at two ‘mass shootings’ within about a year.  They have been emboldened by their success in deception and by the fact that no one on mainstream television speaks out against these hoaxes (although many in alternative news communities know what’s happening).  Despite their confidence, comments on various videos in the past week indicate that the crisis actors they utilized for this latest hoax were so bad that perhaps many new people are waking up to what’s going on.


They probably already have their next fake shooting in the works.  That’s why we expose them.  As we said perhaps more than a year ago, if people don’t wake up and speak out, they will just continue to run these fake shooting hoaxes.  They will use them to push their agenda and dramatically change the country.  It is, in effect, an attempt at a stealth coup.




MHFM: If you haven’t seen this video, you should.  It’s extremely revealing.  At least watch from about 2:25 to 2:50. 


“Survivor” of Borderline shooting hoax starts smiling and quickly realizes she needs to change her expression – 3 minute video


In the 2:25 to 2:50 section of the video above, the girl in the red shirt (one of the ‘survivors’) starts out with a very serious demeanor.  One would expect a serious demeanor from someone who supposedly just survived the mayhem that left 12 people dead in a mass shooting.  However, when her fellow fake witness (the one in the middle) mentions that during her ‘escape’ she ‘faceplanted’ in the parking lot, that was apparently too much for the girl in red to take.  She breaks out with a big smile and almost bursts out laughing (see 2:42 mark).  It’s another indication – one of many – that they are actors playing a part.  She thinks it’s hilarious. 


In a similar way, this video shows another one of the fake witnesses quickly laughing: Borderline bar shooting actor/agent laughs as she “informs the public” of the “massacre” that “just took place” – 29 second video


What’s Disturbing


Footage inside Borderline Bar shows that there wasn’t even one person on the dance floor “during shooting”! – 14 minute video


Dear Brothers,


What’s 'very disturbing and horrifying' is the length and depth this evil world will go to, for their deceptive 'Psyop' to control everyone's thoughts and beliefs.


… I think of the '9/11 Psyop' that has millions of individuals involved in a 'phony crusade'.


The Great Deception is a cancer that continues to spread and afflict everyone outside the one true Catholic Faith.


God Bless your works in these last days,



Now Embraces Catholicism


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


I, as an orthodox, now fully embrace Catholicism. Which way shall I go? Get baptised in the true religion? Or it suffices to pray accordingly ? Of course my affiliation is to the traditional Church and not to modernism. How should I proceed? Thank you for all your videos, they are a wonderful way to get to the truth in this completely deceptive world we live in. Thank you.


Ax Lebain


MHFM: That's great to hear.  You need to become a traditional Catholic.  Our material has the steps to do that here.  It's important that you pray the Hail Mary frequently to receive the graces to convert.  We recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  This file contains important introductory concepts: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.  Also, it’s important for you to look over more of the material and be convinced on all the issues.




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


In your own video talking about eternal life, ‘which none may obtain save through faith in our lord Jesus Christ’ yet you say anyone not apart of the Catholic Church is not saved. Wow.


Ned Amies


MHFM: Right, because to be "in Christ" and to have the true faith of Christ is to be in the one Church of Christ (the Catholic Church).


Mt. 16:18- "And I say to you: You are Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."


Mt. 18:17- "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a heathen and a publican."


1 Cor. 12:13- For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body..."


Acts 2:47- "And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."


You really need to consult the biblical proof for Catholicism in this file.




MHFM: One of the reasons that deception largely reigns over this country (and much of the world) is that perversion is so widespread:


Jared Polis will become first openly “gay” governor of Colorado (after winning narrow victory according to news media announcement) – sodomite “partner” plans to live with him in the governor’s mansion – 32 second video




MHFM: Wow, what an amazing ‘coincidence’.


“Some California Shooting Survivors Also Survived Las Vegas Massacre Last Year” – 45 second video


“It’s just amazing”


Sheriff laughs and then reveals “probably 6 off-duty officers” just happened to be at Borderline Bar “shooting” – 50 second video




MHFM: This is a very revealing clip about the latest fake shooting hoax:


“Mom” of Borderline Bar shooting hoax (whose Navy veteran “son” was present at Las Vegas shooting hoax) says: “I don’t want prayers… I want gun control” – 39 second video


Fatal Flaw


MHFM: This article exposes a fatal flaw in the idea of 'baptism of desire' and in arguments made for it.  The argument is irrefutable.  That's why adherents of 'BOD' (when they regurgitate their pathetic material) don't even try to refute it.  It collapses their arguments.


The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire”




The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II


The New Testament is so full of statements by our Lord and by His apostles that those who reject Christ as the true the Son of God and his teachings and commandments are reprobati and will be damned that it is absolute madness to teach the opposite - madness because these antipopes and their defenders, both Novus ordo and "traditionalists", in defending heresy and their promulgators are complicit in their false witness and WILL surely be damned if they don't turn right around and confess their sin and errors and convert to the Truth…




MHFM: Yes.  We should also remember that many sedevacantist priests, such as the total heretics of the CMRI, hold the same awful and condemned heresy.  They believe that Jews who reject Jesus Christ can actually be justified and saved, as proven here: Fr. Bernard Welp Confirms The CMRI’s Horrible Heresy: That Jews Who Reject Christ Can Be Saved (article).  It is an outrageous heresy.  Their adherence to it proves that they are not Catholic but rather wicked unbelievers and false traditionalists whom the Lord rejects.  They are evil, and they lead people into error and heresy.  Since they definitely don’t have the Catholic and apostolic faith, despite their externals they are excluded from the supernatural graces to which the true believers (the true Catholic faithful) have access.  The heresy that souls can be saved in false religions directly contradicts what the Church solemnly believes and professes.  The heresy is held by many false traditionalists, including the heretics Sanborn, Cekada, Dolan, the SSPX, the SSPV, and many similar priests.  They are not Catholic, but condemned by the Church.  Since they reject a defined dogma (among their other errors), they are outside the Church and rejected by God.  The same is true of all who obstinately agree with and support them.


Whore of Babylon


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 


Come out of the Catholic Beast... Mary and Saints cannot save you. It's Jesus only, and He loves you, and is calling you out of the Mother of Harlots:


Revelation 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” 


Barbara D


MHFM: You are heretical, wrong, and deceived.  The Catholic Church is the one true Church.  That's proven by scripture and history.  See this section: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/bible/


However, the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church.  It is the Whore of Babylon, as our material shows.  Unless you become a traditional Catholic you will be lost eternally.


Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen!! 




Woman has back surgery, doctor removes kidney by accident – 1 minute video


This is a huge problem (i.e surgeons doing acts without consent and going beyond what was agreed to prior to the surgery). I was horrified when I found out from the main surgeon that he would have chopped my leg off from the knee down and that he almost did. The fact that he never asked my permission when he was considering this, shocked me. He spoke calmy as if it was nothing. I also looked through my records and found that they all erred in writing down the problems I complained of and in many cases they flatly contradicted themselves.


I believe sins against the 6th and 9th Commandments not only causes lack of consideration in them (this is one of the daughters of lust), but also causes them to make shockingly huge blunders and errors. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that blindness of intellect is the first daughter of lust and affects a person's ability to grasp the truth in general, because it (lust) drags the mind to excess in relation to some things, and to defect in relation to others. He says truth lies in the mean, by which a man doesn't judge something to be greater nor less than it is, but as it is. No system or culture or person can subsist on error and falsehood (especially the vulnerable) without disaster or being doomed to destruction -- lust causes persons to deviate into error.


Christiana et Fidelis




This Explains The Post-Vatican II Confusion & Crisis


This is scary.




Fifth Graders


Parents Outraged After School Gives Fifth Graders Survey About “Sexual History, Preference, And Gender Identity” – 1 minute video


MHFM: This is another example of why people should homeschool and how the Devil is pushing sexual perversion almost everywhere, including to children.  The Devil has been given more power to do this because so many people are involved in mortal sins of the flesh.  It’s noteworthy that the mother who is complaining is also apparently a pagan who accepts ‘LGBT’ abominations, yet what they were giving to her fifth grade daughter was so bad that even she had to object.




Dear Bros. Dimond,


I have recently converted to the Traditional Catholic Faith using the steps in your website and received baptism from Catholic friend. I am now looking for a church to receive the sacraments. I currently live in Tuscaloosa, AL and all the local Catholic Churches are Novus Ordo. Do you have any recommendations?...



Matthew Teesdale




Amazing Evidence For God


I have never come across any detail and in-depth knowledge and revelation of the incredible power of God like this before. Thanks for sharing.


Jonah Gobah




Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God


I wonder if their obstinacy which led to a schism and their heresy regarding God's nature is the reason why He allowed them to be devastated and repeatedly humiliated by the Muslim hordes back in the middle ages, and then massacred and subjugated by the Communists. Divine punishment maybe? Visit any Orthodox forum or… group and you'll see them whining and complaining and still playing victim over the 4th crusade, completely ignoring their massacre of the Latins. They say that's why Constantinople fell to the Ottomans even though the sacking occurred 200 Years prior, as if it takes that long to recover. Their stupidity is the reason why Syria and Lebanon etc are now Muslim territories…


Luke Brasting




Apostates at EWTN call Muslims and Jews “believers” – 17 second video


An evil reiteration of what the Vatican II sect teaches and believes. They call pagan Jews and Muslims "believers" as if they are believing in God and worshiping Him while denying the Trinity…






Apostates at EWTN call Muslims and Jews “believers” – 17 second video


… It cannot be clearer yet they still betray Our Lord and King Jesus Christ…




Mother Teresa – French


MHFM: The video Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint is now available in French.


Pourquoi mère Teresa n’était pas une Sainte



EWTN publicly encourages people to celebrate the Jewish “sabbath” – 3 minute video


Dear Brothers:


According to the web, the absurd phrase "Judeo-Christian" is a term that has been in use "since the 1950s" to promote "inter-religious cooperation"…


When JP2 was calling the Jews "our elder brothers", he was mocking the adherents of the Vatican 2 Sect and (to a certain extent) mocking the Jews as well.   The "Jews" today follow the leaders of the first apostasy from Christ and His true faith (two thousand years ago).   In this sense they are truly the "elder brothers" of today's heretics and apostates… JP2… never, ever called any of his Jewish "friends" to conversion but did all he could (as his closest Jewish friend said) to make him feel even "more Jewish".   Antipope JP2 wasn't interested in the Jews' or anyone else's salvation.  He used the Jews, instead -- in numerous ways -- as important players in his program of deceiving the world and of destroying the true Catholic faith in millions of souls.  Who but Satan could come up with such a program as this…


Lee Ann




EWTN promotes the falsehood that Jews are our elder brothers, asks Christ-rejecting rabbi how we can work together to “heal” our nation – 47 second video


... EWTN and the VII sect are so pathetic, asking their Christ-denying Jewish guests for "spiritual advice".




EWTN promotes mortal sin


EWTN publicly encourages people to celebrate the Jewish “sabbath” – 3 minute video


MHFM: This video is a very significant example of why EWTN is an apostate network that leads people into heresy and mortal sin.  They are publicly endorsing the celebration of the Jewish 'sabbath', which the Church solemnly declares is forbidden under pain of mortal sin.  EWTN's downfall into heresy and religious indifferentism is the Antichrist legacy of Antipope John Paul II and other Vatican II antipopes, whose bad example and false teaching they have followed to their spiritual destruction.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino, 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosaic Law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments, because they were established to signify something in the future, although they were suited to divine worship at that time, after our Lord’s coming had been signified by them, ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began; and that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of the law and submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could not save without them, sinned mortally. Yet it does not deny that after the passion of Christ up to the promulgation of the Gospel they could have been observed until they were believed to be in no way necessary for salvation; but after the promulgation of the Gospel it asserts that they cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. All, therefore, who after that time (the promulgation of the Gospel) observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation, unless someday they recover from these errors.”




Subject: Pervert “Priest” In Steubenville “Diocese”




I used to know this "priest" before my conversion. This is another example of how entrenched in evil perversion the V2 sect is, and another reason to be grateful to have found your website. Thank you for all you do.




Blind Fool


MHFM: It’s interesting that apparently shortly before or about the same time we posted a number of new things that expose EWTN’s apostasy, we received the following comment from a heretic who was upset by our exposé of the apostate Mother Angelica.  The heretic was apparently unaware of our new posts (e.g. concerning how EWTN encourages people to celebrate the Jewish 'sabbath' - see below), which further prove that the person is blind and wrong.  The person's comment is another example of the dishonesty and bad will of so many false conservatives.  In their delusion they think they are Catholic, but they are actually heretical liars whom God abominates.


The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN 


[You are] a TRUE follower of satan, the perfect worshiper of the father of lies.




MHFM: No, it’s all true and you can't refute any of it.  You are a follower of Satan who rejects the teaching of the Catholic Church.  You receive not the love of the truth, and thus God abominates you.


EWTN publicly encourages people to celebrate the Jewish “sabbath” – 3 minute video


Groeschel, Heretic


Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Heretic of the Vatican II Sect, Dies at Age 81


I'm betting you never met Fr. Groeschel. I did. He was an authentic follower of Christ. He was NOT a heretic or apostate. That is a horrible thing to say about someone who totally loved the Lord and taught the Faith with courage. Your idea of "heresy" is more an expression of ignorance than of justifiable outrage. OF COURSE there are non-Catholic saints!... There are various ways to be saved through the Church. And, of course, the most important commandment is to love God and love neighbor as ourselves. That means calling innocent people "heretics" etc. is NOT a Christian thing to do.




MHFM: You are rejecting Catholic teaching.  Groeschel was a total heretic.  The fact that you met him means nothing.  He accepted false ecumenism.  That is condemned by Christ and the Church.  He taught that there is salvation outside the Church.  That is blatant heresy.  He was heretical in various other ways.  He was not Catholic.  He did not love the Lord, and he did not teach the true faith.  He was a wicked man.  You say: “of course there are non-Catholic saints”.  No, there are not.  It's a dogma that only those who die as Catholics go to Heaven.  If you don't profess and believe that, as you clearly don't at this time, then you are not Catholic.


The following is Catholic dogma, which you reject.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


True charity does not exist without the true faith.  The true faith is the foundation of charity.  Since you reject the true faith, you don't have true charity.  Also, we don't call innocent people heretics.  We call those who deny Catholic teaching heretics.




Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


Incredibly good.


Jamjam Sanma




Antipope Francis covers cross, bows to please Jewish (Israeli) secretary 


HIDING THE CROSS, he is anyway a FAKE !


Andreea Laura




“Fr.” James Martin proves Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse homosexuality and “transgenderism”


Excellent video!!...


Clint MacNeil




Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint 


I just finished watching the video, "Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint."  Anyone who watches this video and still attests that she is a saint is on the dark side.  The solid evidence brought forth clearly proves Mother Teresa was diabolical and lightyears and lightyears from professing the one true Catholic faith.  And, in fact, it seems like she (in a rage against God) imaginatively conjured up a life philosophy that unjudgementally sends everyone, including all devil worshipers, like herself, to Heaven.  This lady, while on earth, was like a walking skeleton from the deep depths of Hell.  Left, right and center, she contradicted the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church.  I couldn't help but think, "Was her lifelong goal to blaspheme the teachings of Jesus Christ?!"  Ya, sure, she fed and helped the sick, but, at the same time, helped slaughter souls (with great passion).


And, on top of that, the evil Vatican II sect "solemnly canonized" her.  This, in itself, is one hundred per cent proof that Francis is an antipope.  A true pope would never canonize such a wicked enemy of God.  The head of the Catholic Church, when speaking infallibly, relays Truths fallen from Heaven.  Antipope Francis is a monster dressed in white, who, year after year, has bowed down to one abomination after another and another and another.


This video (amongst other things) is full blown proof that the Vatican II sect is not the true Catholic Church, but the prophesied end times counter church.






Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary


Sinless people don't need grace...think about it.




MHFM: You are wrong.  Grace is needed to avoid contracting original sin.  Further, the state of justification is not simply the absence of sin but also the positive possession of sanctifying grace - a supernatural endowment.  Thus, you are way off.  But you should watch the video and open your mind to the truth.  (With regard to the 'absence of sin', it should also be noted that when people are forgiven in first justification, all sin is removed; but in order to maintain the state of justification they must at least avoid grave sin.  Mary, however, was not forgiven of sin but preserved from it.)






Brothers of the Most Holy Family Monastery, I live in the Philippines. And I recently discovered your site. I thank you for the wonderful content that you had provided. I came upon this website in a time that i was in great doubt. With various issues that spring up every month or so, I am starting to lose hope, especially when the time I enrolled to a Vatican II "Catholic" school, which promotes liberalism, endorses and celebrates homosexuality, teaches religious indifferentism, promotes false religions, accepts homosexuals, heretics, pagans, and schematics etc. The school even uses "altar girls", which is blasphemy and a sacrilege against God and a breach in the traditions of the Holy Church. Also one of the reasons is that the Vatican II church is one of the major players that brought the downfall of my beloved country back in 1986 and its subsequent fall to lawlessness. But upon this unexpected encounter brought upon a link in a youtube comment section, it was a blessing from God. Through your videos and articles, I have learned much, and see the evils of Vatican II, the blasphemies done by its antipopes, even answered my longtime questions "Why all of this chaos is happening?" and "Why do the populace readily and heartily accept all of this?". With you brothers of the Most Holy Family Monastery, I started to pray the 15-decade rosary… I am… 16… Thank you and may God bless you brothers.


With Sincere Regards,

John Rey




The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN 


… did you watch the same show that I watched?  I watch EWTN all the time because I am sick and tired of hearing and seeing all these demonic programming shows and fake news.  I only heard Mother Angelica speak the truth about Jesus and Mary. You need to pray and ask God to come to your heart.




MHFM: Since you claim to watch EWTN, if you had a clue about Catholic teaching you would know that EWTN is an apostate network that promotes religious indifferentism and many heresies, despite having some good things on it.  


“Conservative Catholic” EWTN wishes Christ-rejecting Jews around the world a “Happy Hanukkah” – 11 second video


With regard to our video, did you even watch it?  With facts from Catholic teaching and Mother Angelica’s own words, the video proves that she was a total heretic.  She was not Catholic.  You simply don’t care about Catholic teaching.  You are deceived and a defender of heresy.  People like you are an example of the Lord’s words in Luke 18:8: “However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"


Converting from Judaism


About This Website


I'm a 28yo Israeli… I grew up Jewish but thanks to your wonderful ministry (as well as signs from God that answered my prayers) I'm on the road to the Catholic Church... I'm also going to pray the rosary tonight... pray for me!




New Post


MHFM: This is a new post.


Supporters Of ‘Baptism Of Blood’ Lie About Pope Leo The Great




Supporters Of ‘Baptism Of Blood’ Lie About Pope Leo The Great


This is the kind of lies and misquotations that quickly become widespread. And this is because many BOD supporters, not having the teaching of the Magisterium on their side, when they see something that appears to back their position, they don't bother to check the accuracy of the information that they're using, but instead rush to spread it, making a fool of themselves when exposed, as they were in this article.


Rafael Centeio




“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists 


Thank you for uploading such an awesome video. Appreciate the time and effort put into it.


Mary Vasaikar




Supporters Of ‘Baptism Of Blood’ Lie About Pope Leo The Great


Thank you for this article. I knew something was suspicious when a BOD supporter showed me that second quote because it clearly contradicts St.Leo the Great's message. How could baptism be the only safeguard (as St. Leo conveys by referencing peril and persecution) if one could be saved without baptism? The blatant attempted assertion of Saint Thomas's theory to Magisterial authority is appalling.


Faith and Morals




“Starbucks Releases Halloween Witch And Princess Frappuccinos”


Promoting the occult with overpriced, over sweetened, preservative filled coffee drinks.






First, I want to apologize for a comment I made on one of your YouTube videos a while back. I was dumbfounded after listening but my mind has played your videos over & over ever since. I can't stop thinking abt them & what's happening in the church. 


I have so many questions… I'm going to purchase your book 'The Truth About Vatican II'... I can't wait to start reading it.


I see what you're talking abt in this Counter Church. I didn't before your videos, but now that you've pointed it out... I can't turn away from it…


God bless, peace be with you & thank you for your hard work putting all that material together!


Tricia Hays

Southeast Missouri


Incremental Takeover


“Boston Parish Promotes Transgender ‘Rights’ And Men Accessing Women’s Bathrooms”


MHFM: We are seeing the incremental takeover of the Vatican II Sect (the end-times Counter Church) by homosexual abominations.  Step by step, and in various places, they are openly accepting ‘LGBT’ abominations. 




“Catholic Bishop” of Scranton, PA accused of covering up the raping of boys by “priests” in his “diocese” – 36 second video


... These men and their followers are an abomination: and I do mean ALL of them. The hierarchy of the Vatican II Sect, the filthy "priests" who commit these crimes, and the guardians of these children--(i.e., their parents)--who claim to be Catholic, but reject the dogma of the Catholic Faith...


Paige Barent


Oregon, Abortion


Dear Brothers,


In Oregon, there is a measure being voted on that would put an end to the government using our tax money to fund abortions. Recently, my wife and baby were approached by two women who were for abortion and against the measure. What is so alarming is that they were being friendly towards our child, yet they were trying to promote the murder of children. I feel that many people fall into two categories with regards to the pro-abortion crowd. 1) They are believers in evolution and or 2) they claim to be “Christian.” The first can’t grasp their folly when they claim that life began with the first single celled organism. The second can’t grasp their folly when they claim that the living God was made man at the moment of His Incarnation, yet a child isn’t a human at conception when the soul goes into the body? I feel that these are two good points in pointing out the hypocrisy of many pro-abortionists. God wrote a law on our hearts and no one can honestly say that at conception there is no growth, no movement, and no life…


Colin Tuss




Vatican II’s Jewish Heresy 


Even believing in Christ is hard to go to Heaven! How can the FAITHLESS Jew go to Heaven without believing in Jesus!


Le Huy Nguyen


MHFM: He can’t, of course.



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