E-Exchanges Archive, Second of 2013 (starting around May)




Subject: ISON


According to this video on youtube Comet ISON is going to come out of the mouth of Leo, go through the virgin, go around the sun, cut off the head of the snake and go through the crown. I don't think I have to explain the significance of that.




By the way I think Nibiru is a red herring. ISON is something to watch out for though.





Returning to the Church for twelve years after an absence of fifty, two years ago, I left again. I've come to believe that the Church I came back to wasn't the same one I left. Over the years in search of the truth I've formed and reformed many opinions and conclusions. One being that the seat of Peter is vacant, and has been vacant...




MHFM: The Vatican II sect is definitely not the Catholic Church, as the material proves.  It’s crucial that people embrace the traditional Catholic faith, practice it, and pray the Rosary each day, all fifteen decades if possible.




Dear Brothers,

… I'll see these billboards that make immoral innuendos to be clever selling completely wasteful cosmetic surgeries. This is the height of vanity and pride and wastefulness. In my Christian opinion there is only one need for the branch of medicine known as cosmetic surgery and that would be for unfortunate victims of attacks or accidents that left them horribly disfigured, but tummy tucks and brazillian butt lifts and breast enhancement How wicked! What a vapid and shallow culture we have become. Also now to become a doctor or possibly even a nurse you have to work in "family planning" for a rotation. And don't even get me started on psychiatry… Freud the father of modern psychiatry was a rabid anti-Christian atheist zionist who I remember reading a quote from where he said he was starting this new school of thought as a war on Christians and that it would serve to trap them in the future. I can attest to the validity of that prediction. It’s just so sad seeing how well everything could work for the betterment of each other if people just accepted the faith and prayed the rosary and yet how totally backward and against nature everything is when it so easily could be changed.

Nathan Barton




My dear friends in Jesus.

… I have my story in returning to the real Catholic Church and how MHFM has redirected my life back to the truth. For the truth and only the truth is what my life has always been built on. I do believe that through Our Lord nothing is impossible. And everything done wrong can be can be reversed and made right. But only through the "True Catholic Church", built on the true word of God.

Thank you taking time. May Our Lord continue to protect and bless you.   In Christ Our Lord and Savior,





Dear MHFM,


I wanted to share quotes from a very nice spiritual book unknown to me until very recently. It is due after seeing a comment on your site about St Francis-Xavier and Japanese. The book is Sinner’s Guide from Louis de Granada (1504-1588).


Page xxii: “The Sinner’s Guide was one of the bulwarks that sustained the faith of the Japanese Catholics during two centuries of terrible persecution, when both in Europe and Japan, Japanese Christianity was believed dead. In 1865, when missionaries were again allowed into Japan, missionary Father Bernard Petitjean was astonished to find in the hills around Nagasaki thousands of Japanese Catholics who had kept the Faith, hidden but vital, without priests, for over 200 years ! … The Sinner’s Guide had played providential role in sustaining the Faith in their souls during that trying time.”


I am reading it combined with your vital suggestions about Devotion to Our Blessed Virgin Mary, and Preparation for Death. Until now I am amazed to see how the situation of the japanese persecuted people is similar to ours; the difference being in the blood. It is, could I say, a Gog persecution for true catholics now. I want to emphasize that people need to read spiritual books. That is the purpose of this email…


Truly it is a pity that there is not a french translation, for it would help a lot. For me, I think it was providential that I came to read it. It is only a rare book in French.  Thank you MHFM for your works.



Jérémy Austin





I was listening to your audio on the Bible teaches confession to a priest and I came across the part which talks about sin that lead to death in 1 John 5 vs 16. My question is that the sin that leads to death, will it not be forgiven?. And please what are the sin that lead death?.... I want to be clear on that...THANKS AND GOD BLESS MHFM.



MHFM: The sin unto death referred to in that passage is a sin that is mortal (i.e., it places a soul in the state of spiritual death).  A mortal sin can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Penance.




Subject: St. Alphonsus' Blatant Error on 'Baptism of Desire'


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the excellent article St. Alphonsus' Blatant Error on 'Baptism of Desire'. The BOD heretics of the SSPX, 'Amb.', Salza and others echo the voice of hell in their false accusations and lies. It is clear that St. Alphonsus was quoting the Council of Trent as if it were the section on baptism, rather than on penance. His use of 'Iuxta' is a direct reference meaning 'according to,' not a mere similitude. It is often the case, as you've remarked before, that those who advance 'baptism of desire' make errors in the same article, paragraph or sentence. It shows how important the Sacrament of baptism is to God, who shed His own blood for this sacrament (and the others) and who is the Truth; the Truth's Blood is Baptism. Look briefly at all the foretypes of baptism in the Old Testament: Noe and the Flood, Moses and the Red Sea, Israel and the Jordan, etc. What does it take for the heretics to wake up to the fact that to deny water baptism is simply to play with the fires of hell? The Lord Jesus Christ made it VERY CLEAR: Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:5). Baptism = spiritual rebirth = being 'born again', therefore only a born again Son of God can enter eternal rest, not a mere son of Adam.

1 Corinthians 15:45 - "The first man Adam was made into a living soul; the last Adam into a quickening spirit."

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Comet ISON, Planet X, Apocalypse and underground bunkers


Dear mhfm,

I have doing some research on comet ISON which is predicted to be the "Comet of the Century" according to various astronomers. I wonder how they can tell that it'll be fifteen times brighter than the full moon and yet tell us it ain't that big. I really do wonder if we are being told the truth on this matter.

"And I saw, when he had opened the sixth seal, and behold there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair: and the whole moon became as blood: And the stars from heaven fell upon the earth, as the fig tree casteth its green figs when it is shaken by a great wind: And the heaven departed as a book folded up: and every mountain, and the islands were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the princes, and tribunes, and the rich, and the strong, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of mountains: And they say to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb:For the great day of their wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?" (Apocalypse 6:12-17)

The dens of the mountains is clearly talking about these underground bunkers built by the governments of the world. In this verse just prior to the leaders going into these mountains there appears to be something going on up in space.

The Moon would become blood red if a lunar eclipse occurs. This year on October 18th there will be a lunar eclipse which is around the same time this comet shall be approaching. The stars from Heaven falling upon the earth will be asteroids, and this year there have been a unusual amount of meteorite showers. Even the Moon got hit this year which in space terms is our next door neighbour.

Just over a month ago I saw the moon appear to be shaking in the sky, I did not imagine this and I believe that maybe something was pulling on it. Which brings me to the theory that many people hold, that Comet ISON is actually a distraction from the planet (X) Nibiru. Maybe your readers could share some insight to Planet X?

Strange things are occurring such as the pole beginning to shift which must be caused by something. Not too long ago, I didn't know what a sinkhole was and now they are monthly news. Malachi Martin who unfortunately was a horrible heretic was as you know a Vatican insider and I believe he may have had a very heavy conscience. This I think made him say certain things including parts of the 3rd secret of Fatima. For instance on the Art Bell show he said "It (3rd secret) implies, it doesn't make any sense unless we accept that there is a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics and laity. That the parishes, dioceses (the infrastructure of the Church), Bishops and Cardinals... unless that is disrupted and rendered null and void. The Third Secret makes no sense..." This is very consistent with how other people who have read the Third Secret talk about it. He also said that there is something approaching us from out of space, I wonder is this planet X? When asked about the does he think about how far off the second coming of Christ is? He replied "Yes! But I don't use the word far!" That I believe is him slipping in details of the Third secret. I would not defend him however he outrageously defended the Antipopes and in particular Antipope and Antichrist John Paul II. I do believe some of the info is of some value to a Catholic…

God Bless





Subject: New Article on BOD


Dear Brothers:


Congratulations on the new article which further buries the despicable heresy of "baptism of desire." You showed so clearly that the disgraceful liar Amb. and all the liars of the SSPX, like Rulleau and Laisney, are working hand in glove with the Vatican II apostates. The Counter Church and its antipopes praise those who hate and deny the Incarnate Son of God, saying, in so many words, "Hey, great job, way to go, we love you, your false religions are great, your idolatry is so wonderful and beautiful, your temples are like jewels, and your feasts worthy of cards and letters, and by the way, we will sign any pact or agreement to NEVER try to convert you..." and on and on. The false traditionalist heretics, rather than deny Jesus Christ openly and boldly, promote blatant contradiction of Truth Himself, with the absurd BOD/BOB/I.I. arguments that grow weaker and thinner by the day. In so many words, Amb. and Salza and the rest, say to Jesus Christ "We admit that you are divine, but really, we know better than You and what You meant in John 3:5, and we have the "right interpretation" for your words and for infallible dogmas, too. Those who hate You can make it, those who deny You, too--we have it all figured out! And if we have to lie along the way, well..." Madness! Wickedness and perversity no words can describe! And praised be the holy and undivided Trinity, Who makes quotes defending "iuxta" as "according to" pop up all over the place, exactly when they are needed to defend the truth. That, is brilliant.


Joseph Ramirez




YouTube - The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid I am finally having an opportunity to listen to your video… (the anti-mass prophesied to be implemented by the devil and his agents "Lucifer appearing as an angel of light" (FAKE pope/priests/mass/confessions and other FAKE sacraments along with all the other counterfeits of the V2 "church" during the very last days of this world.  Very well done… The story of Cain and Abel comes to mind here. I keep thinking: what became of the flock of Abel after Cain slew/murdered him? Who would be there to take care of Abel's sheep?  Because we can see that what was done here through the evil witch-craft of the snake anti-pope demon Paul the sixth, ATTEMPTING BUT FAILING MISERABLY to destroy the sacred MASS and PRIESTHOOD of the catholic church in the vatican 2 sect, is parallel to what happened between Cain and Abel: by "taking away" the holy priesthood/FATHER and the HOLY FATHER the TRUE POPE and virtually all the true priests---the devil and vatican 2 sect attempted but however failed to take away the keeper of the little flock/faithful remnant.




Dear Brothers,

The email from the witch was incredible and what I mean is… spreading God's truth and exposing evil and it brings to my mind exorcisms, where the devil is made to confess things about God's Truth. This person is getting a lot of actual Grace from God, I hope it is not wasted….

Sincerely yours,





It is also interesting to notice that the SSPX treats people, who DO NOT believe in their self-invented/self-proclaimed "Dogma" of the Bod/Bob/ii AS HERETICS, and calls them , oh boy, un-CATHOLIC, dangerous, trying to INFILTRATE , pretending to be ultra-rigid ..,etc, ... YET, at the same time, they treat the real, manifest, public, formal HERETICS ( i.e. hierarchy of V-2 sect) as the valid, legitimate, true CATHOLICS, and demand that the Catholics, from all over the world, treat them the same.  So ,if you happen NOT to believe in the phony… invented -and-proclaimed "dogma" of Bod/Bob/ii , then you are a "very dangerous, un-Catholic ", heretic and infiltrator. ... BUT , if you treat formal/manifest ultra-heretics and mega-apostates as the valid/true/legitimate Catholic Church hierarchy, then .... everything is fine with you and you are a "good, traditional Catholic".




Just watched (still watching, actually) your vids re: Voris/Vortex… and as a Witch I find his 'brand' (for lack of a more accurate word) fascinating… I'm impressed with your rhetorical skills, and your detailed, footnoted and cited arguments…

(Yes, a Witch watching Xtian vids sounds kind of strange hobby, but it is what it is. Lets call it a kink, k?)

Hope you and yours are well. – ggc


MHFM: We are glad that you came across the information.  You need to cease practicing witchcraft, accept Jesus Christ, and convert to the one true faith of God: the Catholic faith.  To practice witchcraft is to traffic in evil spirits, which will send you to Hell.  


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video which discusses why the New Rite of Ordination is invalid and some objections recently advanced on this matter.


The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [video]




I checked recently the SSPX… and I briefly read what they wrote there about Bod/Bob/ii …


If I didn't read your excellent book… I would not know better. They intentionally omitted all dogmatic pronouncements of different popes and the Magisterium of the Church about the absolute necessity of Baptism of water as well as about the absolute necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church for the salvation…






I believe it’s through your teaching that I am feeling more informed and hopeful… And in finding the truth I will be prepared for whatever the Lord has planned. May Our Lord Bless you always.


Lydia Brockmeyer




The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the great video The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid. It explains in such a simple and irrefutable way why the Vatican II sect's Rite of Ordination is invalid. It really crushes the false position of so many false traditionalists who labor under the deception that the new rite is valid. Groups like the SSPX and FSSP really need to wake up and accept that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church, since the Catholic Church has a unity of sacraments, as well as of dogmas and hierarchy. The changes Antipope Paul VI made in the new rite of ordination are so similar to the changes the Anglicans made that it is a mystery of iniquity why anyone would hold any men ordained in it to be priests…


"For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light." (2 Cor. 11:13,14).

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




MHFM: This is another quote relevant to the historical persecution of Catholics by Protestants, especially during the period after the ‘Reformation.’  It also mentions the organization of Catholic missions at the time.


In the colony of Maryland, which Charles I. in 1632 gave to Lord Baltimore, for a Catholic settlement, English Jesuits established themselves and likewise labored among the Indians; however, the Puritan revolution of 1644 put an end to their activity.  Acting on a report of the nuncio of Brussels of the year 1630 on the emigration of Puritans to North America, and in answer to his request for help, Propaganda [the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith] dispatched in the same year both French and English Capuchins to Virginia or New England.  In Canada, or New France, the Gospel was being preached by the Capuchins to the Penobscots, by the Recollects, until their dispersal in 1627, to various tribes, and by the Jesuits from 1627-1629 and again after 1632 to the Hurons and other tribes.” (Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, p. 261)




Subject: Regarding the 2 videos on BOD


Dear Brothers


The 2 videos you posted on BOD a week ago are excellent. There is one part however which confuses me. The part about papal infallibility. You believe that a true pope is infallible. Papal Infallibility in my understanding means that a true pope is incapable of error or make mistakes. I understand that a true pope is still a man, still has free will and is capable of sin. You talk about a pope having an infallible capacity, but that this capacity only applies in certain cases, and that a pope can still make mistakes and misinterpret things.


I've searched your website for information on this but can't seem to find anything. Please could you do a video on Papal Infallibility alone or explain to me at what time a true pope is infallible and when he is not. How this whole thing on papal infallibility works.





MHFM: Popes are protected by the Holy Ghost from teaching error in certain acts which meet specific requirements, just as the authors of the various books of the scriptures were protected by God in certain acts.  However, in both cases that does not mean that the men were infallible or protected by the Holy Ghost in all of their decisions or other acts.  In the early part of our book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation, which is available on the website, there are sections that cover the principles of papal infallibility, dogma, etc.




"canonization" of JPII and John XXIII


It's really simple for all those who still don't understand the invalidity of these "canonizations."… Not even a true pope could validly canonize these heretics for this simple reason. YOU CANNOT BE A SAINT IF YOU'RE IN HELL!




Radical schismatics contact me and other Catholics I know on a somewhat regular basis… As I'm sure you know, usually, when radical schismatics contact a person, the messages keep coming. It's the same quotes over and over, nothing new… radical schismatics are wrong and are indeed heretics according to their own teachings…




Dear Mhfm,


[Concerning the recent]… 68th anniversary of the nuclear bombings of the most densely populated Catholic cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Over 75% of the Japanese Catholic population was wiped out in this barbaric act.


Japan had already surrendered to some of the “allied” nations months before the nuclear atrocity, and was in the process of surrendering to the united states. The war was long over months before. However the United States had no intention to accept surrender. The US intentionally made the conditions of surrender an impossible achievement. Japan wanted a conditional surrender and had already agreed to all sorts of economic slavery and to give up its resources to the US, however there was one thing Japan wouldn’t give up. The US wanted Japan to have an “unconditional surrender” –seeking for Japan to relinquish its emperor form of government. The US knew Japan wouldn’t accept this unnecessary and humiliating condition. After the Satanic nuclear bombings which murdered over 166,000 Catholics in Hiroshima and over 80,000 in Nagasaki, and additionally killing many tens of thousands more over the next months and years, Japan was allowed to keep its emperor form of government anyways when the Peace Treaty was signed in 1951…


Much of the US was caught up in wartime excitement and sought to excuse this mass slaughter of Catholics in the nuclear attacks. St. Francis Xavier had established Christianity in Japan in the city of Nagasaki in the 16th century, and it became a Jesuit stronghold. There is a huge history of Catholic martyrs in this place, due to intense persecution. Even the Novus Ordo pseudo-archbishop of Bologna, Italy Giacomo Biffi asked, "[W]hy is it that for the second slaughter, out of all the possibilities, that very city of Japan was chosen where Catholicism, apart from having its most glorious history, was also the most widespread and firmly established?" It is a fair question, given the fact that Harry S Truman was a 33° freemason and his administration was rife with Communists and Freemasonry -- both being among the fiercest historic enemies of the Catholic Faith -- it is no surprise he used weapons of mass destruction against Catholics. These were war crimes, that violated international law of even that time. Truman then appeared on television after the bombings in a calm fashion mentioning the nuclear atrocities and gloating, as if human life meant nothing.






Subject: New Rite of Ordination


Dear Brothers,

… that was an excellent piece of Catholic education in this brand new video. Hopefully that will clear up any discrepancies in the traditional minded who are on the fence because of bad will. Once again this video like the others does a great service to Our Lord and Our Lady and Mother Church… The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.  Anyone who would remain obstinate in their support of the new rite after watching this video is simply of profoundly bad will…

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: Alex Jones Reporter Reinterprets Our Lord's Saying


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I was watching a news clip by an Alex Jones reporter and was horrified to see her say that "the meek shall inherit the earth" was a "warning" and to obey it "not a good thing":


This is absolutely not what Our Lord was saying. Mathew 5:4 states, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land." I have discovered that it draws off of Psalm 36, and as that Psalm makes clear, it is not a warning: it is a consolation and a promise that those who do Our Lord's will shall be rewarded, while the evildoers shall be punished:

"For the evildoers shall be cut off: but they that wait upon the Lord, shall inherit the land." 36:9

"But the meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance of peace." 36:11

"The Lord knoweth the days of undefiled; and their inheritance shall be forever." 36:18

"For such as bless Him shall inherit the land: but such as curse Him shall perish." 36:22

"But the just shall inherit the land, and shall dwell therein for evermore." 36:29

"Expect the Lord and keep His way: and he will exalt thee to inherit the land: when the sinners shall perish thou shalt see." 36:34

Obviously, this reinterpretation of Mathew 5:4 is a result of Protestantism, where ultimately even the Bible itself is ignored if it is seemingly convenient…

In Mary,




Subject: New Video


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the new video which further exposes the New Rite of Ordination as invalid. You used a particularly key word near the end of the presentation which should be highlighted: CRAFTED. The new rite was CRAFTED with a particular agenda in mind: to LOOK real, to LOOK true, to LOOK official and valid and sacramental, while IN FACT it is NOT REAL, NOT TRUE, NOT VALID or sacramental or efficacious. It was the particular deceptive expression of a movement that was CRAFTED by the Devil and his human cooperators, and that movement was the Vatican II sect, led by its antipopes. Looks real, produces nothing. Looks true, produces falsehood. Looks valid, but is in fact invalid, while some validity, Baptism and Marriage, for example, remain. And what is the ultimate fruit of this universal charade? People stay in their sins and heresies, are deprived of the Body and Blood of Christ, and lose their souls forever in hell, but all the while thinking they are as holy as the Saints! This can be the only reason why an institution posing as the true Catholic Church would strike out all references to the sacrificing, sin-absolving priesthood, in the name of "renewal"--to DECEIVE, and lead souls to hell. We are definitely in the Last Days, and the Vatican II sect is the Great Deception on a world-wide scale.


Joseph Ramirez




Thank you for your new video on the invalidity of the New Rite of Ordination. The information in it will help very much in evangelizing people to the truth…




New Rite


Subject: New Rite of "Ordination"


Dear Brothers,


A very opportune presentation in your latest video of the invalid New Rite of Ordination, of antipope Paul VI, instituted in 1968, now that the Vatican II sect has a new lay leader in Mr. Francis.  One of my sons, commenting on Mr. Francis' latest antics: "Yes, I saw Mr. Francis, with his 'sacred' beach ball on the T.V. news. What a joke!


Mr. Francis could do anything he wanted...any crazy stunt, and they'd praise him and say, 'it's what the Church needs.' LOL!"


God bless,





Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the interesting quotes about the persecution of Catholics in Ireland and Holland. It is sad to read about how many Catholics were treated like criminals, just like Jesus Christ crucified. It is outrageous that the rare pearl of great value, the treasure hidden in the field, the Catholic faith, was (and still is) despised by so many, especially in government. In some ways the situation is not unlike today, only the battle is a spiritual one, rather than physical. True Catholics today are treated like outcasts by the Vatican II sect and its defenders, as well as by false traditionalists. Simply because we refuse to compromise on the dogmas of the absolute necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation, and on the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation, we are called "heretics" and "Protestants", when those who reject the dogmas are the heretics!!! They call us "Feeneyites" when we simply adhere to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ from the Chair of St. Peter, while they are the ones who cling to man: the Vatican II antipopes. It is like the British Royals who use St. George's name, yet are blind to the fact that they are the dragons. Look at how England even to this day oppresses Ireland, and how the Protestant Orange March each year inflames violence. How fitting for heretics to be called the gates of hell, since no matter how much evidence they are shown for the truth of the Catholic faith, they obstinately resist, disobey and lie like their father the Devil.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




MHFM: This is quote about the Protestant persecution of Catholics in Ireland in the aftermath of the Protestant revolution.


“On January 31st, 1629, the Viceroy Falkland and the Protestant Archbishops of Dublin and Armagh, requested the Privy Council to allow them to proceed against the Catholics.  Thereupon the Viceroy decreed that all chapels, convents and schools of the papists were to be used for other purposes, and priests were forbidden to preach, to hold services or to impart instruction.  The day after Christmas 1629, the Anglican Archbishop of Dublin invaded the church of the Franciscans of that city at the head of an armed band and destroyed all that he found there.  A few days later a decree was issued ordering the sequestration of all chapels, convents, etc. in Ireland.  However, consideration for opinion abroad soon enforced a certain amount of mitigation of that opinion.” (Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, p. 340.)




Dear Brothers:


MHFM's response to Debra's e-mail in which she attempts to defend Paul VI's false rite of ordination as valid was a good reminder to all of us that, while all the lies and deceptions of the Counter Church are disgusting to see, and present overwhelming irrefutable evidence that the Vatican 2 sect is not the Catholic Church, it is especially in the demonic efforts to destroy the Priesthood and the Mass that we really see the face of Satan. A passage from Knecht's Bible Commentary, page 33, addresses the matter of offering sacrifice to God, which Cain and Abel would have learned to do from their parents Adam and Eve. They offered sacrifice by fire in order to express that they kept back nothing of these gifts for themselves, but offered them to God, from whom all things come and to whom all things belong. Thus, so long as there have been men to worship God, that worship has involved sacrifice. And, as history progressed, God instructed His people about the promised Redeemer to come, particularly in the Old Testament ceremonies of the Tabernacle/Temple/Last Supper -- all of which were fulfilled in the Sacrifice of the Cross and the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass.


In How Christ said the First Mass, Meagher says on page 80: "Let us look beyond the ceremonial of Temple and Mass to that heavenly sanctuary, where God reigns in glory mid millions of saints bought by his blood. Church Chancel, copied from the Holy of Holies, has now no veil. The great veil closing the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom the moment Christ died, to tell how He opened heaven by His death. The Jewish high priest, that day in the Holy of Holies, holding out his hands dripping with blood, arms and body forming a cross, foretold our High Priest Jesus in the Heavenly Holy of Holies, holding out His bloody pierced hands before the throne of His Eternal Father, offering there the Masses said by all His ministers on earth."


The New Order "Mass" often looks like something from hell because it is something from hell. Holy Mother Church has warned that heretics (being controlled by Satan) always try to destroy the Mass, just like the degenerate Luther did. Yet, how many times we have heard people insist that that "their mass" is reverent, or that these things don't happen in "their church" -- comments which are themselves proof that such persons are not Catholic, but Protestants. Not only are the prayers of the false mass course and stupid, but even a child must wonder why people attending these service are looking at one another if they are supposed to be speaking or praying to God. In even the most "reverent church", what is supposed to be the altar looks like Grand Central Station with people (mostly female) running every which way, and the so-called homilies are not sermons but night club acts at worst, or communist propaganda at best. Furthermore, the mere fact that they would change the Mass speaks volumes, as does their blatant admission that they wanted to make the mass "more protestant". The fact is, apostate "Catholics" really couldn't care less about any of this, just as they didn't find it offensive that JP2 would dare to change Our Lady's Rosary but tripped over themselves to embrace it. These New Order protestants prefer to follow the Jew Montini and all the rest of the antipopes right up to Bergoglio -- and have no use whatsoever for the consistent teachings of the true popes of the Catholic Church. There was a time I used to wonder if perhaps I had not found the best way to reach such individuals, but I wonder no more. When you try to interest these people and encourage them to look at the truth, they can't be bothered and are most annoyed that you are wasting their time. They do not accept the truth with the gratitude that the receipt of such a great gift (the greatest gift) should inspire. Instead, they often act as if they are pained which I guess they are. The truth is contrary to what they believe or wish to believe -- and thus notice of it stings their pride like a rebuke. "The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite." (Eccl. 1:15)


Lee Ann




Dear Brothers,

I agree with Roy and it is so true that God uses evil men to punish evil men [implosion], as people know and can know, in Jeremias, God used Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon to punish and enslave the judeans. God does not change from one generation to the next and for people to think so, is a haughty reflection upon themselves!!! What is most upsetting is the fact that people in this age of information, can know exactly how God will treat them when they remove from HIS LAWS, [open the history book, bible] but they prefer the lie, the distraction and the pit, instead of looking at all the ridiculously overt warning signs. For instance, you had to go to such lengths to explain to Debra, that the new rite is invalid, when in fact, it’s so patently obvious that the whole vatican ll sect is an abomination. The evil history of man has been happening over and over again and it is culminating for the very last time!

Thank you for the 2nd addition video of The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe http://www.youtube.com/user/mhfm1?v=Ds7nD_QNeKA, it’s very clear that the power of God has been shown through the image of Our Lady and for good reason, the Power of the Living Ark, is the consummation of the old testament ark, march, follow behind and receive instruction, devotion/Rosary! Go to the Vessel of Grace.

Sincerely yours,





Subject: Resignation to God's will


… resigning to God's will is really best because you prove to God that you love and trust Him. True happiness comes from knowing that God is all-wise and all-powerful, even in the worst of times. I believe that if bad things didn't happen, we'd get ungrateful and accustomed to the goodness which would hurt our salvation. There is no denying that God does so many miraculous/good things but even trials, borne out of love of God, are meritorious!!! And Heaven is the greatest gift of all. Suffering humbles the soul and gives us something to look forward to i.e. Heaven.





Subject: Putin vs. Anti-pope francis


… It is clear to those who have actual Eyes! instead of blinders! that Anti pope Francis loves effeminacy a.k.a. Homosexuality, Putin on the other hand… among the documents and laws which he is pushing, there was a bill against Homosexual propaganda, approx. 420 signed for it and get this! 0 voted against this law.  Now surely Putin has some strength given to him to punish the Idolatrous youth of Russia, homosexuality is the result of idolatry along with all forms of perversity, for example please look at Pagan Rome today, Vatican Two. Although Putin and Anti-pope Francis are both abominably SINFUL, it is clear that our Beloved Lord Jesus does use men of certain authority/evil to punish his enemies, it is indeed a shame both men are guilty of horrifying sins, for truly if they were to follow the straight and narrow path of the TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH, through the aid of the HOLY ROSARY, through Jesus in Mary, truly they would not fall into the many precipices of sin… if they actually loved, feared and obeyed the HOLY Trinity. As always I Pray that you may always help and save souls through Jesus and Mary, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us. Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray for us… It is True that we All face a Very Trying Tribulations ahead, People must Convert They must Pray the Rosary, They Must Love Jesus through Mary and in order to do this properly people must convert to the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith, and they must turn away from Pagan Rome = The Vatican Two Sect, who can never be regarded as Catholic in the LEAST DEGREE…


A Slave of Jesus in Mary,

Roy J. Sandbank


‘Bishops’ in Philippines


Subject: Philippines Catholic bishops hail sainthood for 2 pontiffs


Dear Brothers,

No words can ever describe how grateful I am, learning from your wonderful works of apostolate. therefore It seemed to me to believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding you all the time, revealing Vatican 2 Apostasy especially the antipope who deceived billions of Novus Ordo Catholics all over the world.


Ignorance of the truth of faith would never ever be an excuse for human being to seek for eternal salvation. Everyone is culpable and to seek for the truth because salvation is crucial, and must be given the first priority. Hence, time is precious to utilize for in everything for our spiritual affair, while we are still living abode with mortal body and the living soul, a perfect creation and designed of God's divine plan that we have to be thankful forever; our gift of life that God shared for us His infinite goodness. Moreover, Almighty God wills and formed perpetual justice, eternal and immutable that justified Him a God of the good and not for the wicked.


Allow me to paste down the news from Philippines in which almost all Filipino bishops called( CBCP-Conference of Catholic Bishops of The Philippines), are dumbfounded since the convocation of the Vatican 2 Council.  Here is the news article a while ago in one of the prominent press media in Philippines in which I may have been expected from you to make comments after having done reading...And so on I would like to ask question when these two antipopes happened to be canonized, after all, What will happen to the world when they were venerated and invoked in prayer by billions of Novus Ordo faithful? What would be your insights in this regard?


MANILA, Philippines - Several Catholic bishops yesterday welcomed reports that Pope Francis has signed canonization decrees for former pontiffs Pope John Paul II, who was greatly loved by many Filipinos, and Pope John XXIII. Their canonization rites will reportedly be held within the year. “That is wonderful. We will have saints who are contemporary. We know them and the canonization is the seal of their holiness,” said Kalookan Bishop Deogracias Iniguez, who heads the public affairs committee of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

Pope John Paul II, who was of Polish descent, was credited for helping topple communism and for starting the World Youth Day, an international event that brings together youths from around the world.


Pope John XXIII, meanwhile, convened the Second Vatican Council that paved the way for the enactment of sweeping reforms to modernize the church.


“Pope John Paul II was one pope who had a very special love for the young people. He could draw thousands of young people to him and closer to the church,” said Legazpi, Albay Bishop Joel Baylon.


“We welcome with joy and thanksgiving this announcement on the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. Both have made the Catholic church relevant to the present times and through God’s grace, brought many people closer to God. John XXIII prepared the faithful for changes in the church and Pope John Paul II implemented many things to make the Catholic church relevant to the present time,” said Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad.  Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes recalled that 50 years ago, on Oct. 11, 1962, Pope John XXIII opened Vatican 2.


He said it is only fitting that the late pope would be canonized while the church celebrates the Golden Jubilee of the Vatican 2. “They deserve to be canonized for their great achievements for the whole world,” Bastes said.

Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Jesus,

Ismael Rama- Dagohoy, Bohol Philippines




Subject: funerals


… Brothers,

I'd like to thank you so much for your ministry. My children & I have been following you for the last several years or so & have come to realize how much sense you make of the traditional & true Catholic faith.

I have a mother who is 81 yrs old & refuses to truly listen & understand what we try to tell her about the faith & the revelations about the current state of affairs with regard to the papacy, namely, Francis, & Vatican II counter church thru your website. I pray for her conversion every day. She states that "her" church is not like that, meaning her church community, etc. She believes in BOB & BOD because that's what she says the church taught while she was growing up in the 30's & 40's. I've tried to persuade her to look at your website & she has but she comes away with a "feeling" that the website is mean spirited. instead of opening her mind & heart to understanding the truth for what it is, she relies on her "feelings" which I have seen so often in people who call themselves Catholic today. the repeated mantra about how "only God can judge". they must be listening to anti-pope Francis :) anyways, I've concluded that she is of bad will like so many others… She totally believes that what she is doing is right & that she will not suffer the pains of hell. I grew up a cradle Catholic & have always had my faith but after I learned of your website, it was as if a bright light turned on & I could not continue going to the Novus Ordo church or live my life the way I had been, but she hasn't seen it that way. I don't anticipate her passing away anytime soon but one never knows. she tells me what kind of casket she has ordered, what music she wants, etc. I need some guidance as to what, if anything, I can participate in when she passes. I have anxiety about making the decision to go to her funeral or not. My son says I can't. My brother, who is how we came to know of your ministry, doesn't say what he will do. He is in the same situation as me. We have 3 other siblings but they are novus ordo so won't hesitate to go.

please advise & I thank you so much,


MHFM: First, it’s clear that you must not go to her funeral, unless she completely changes her positions.  You and your brother should already be convinced of that reality.  Moreover, you should tell your mom that you will not help with her funeral since she’s heretical. 


The only thing you can do, in the event that she dies in her current positions and none of her heretical friends or relatives arrange a burial for her, is to have her body placed in the ground with no Catholic ceremonies or prayers. 







This is how SICK the world has become. All the pro-homosexual people are a bunch of hypocrites. If people should have the right to "love whoever they want" then why are they hating on the paedophiles? Even if the person does not have sexual relations with the child, the ORIENTATION itself is condemned by people so really, all people know right from wrong, but are quite selective in their applications. I remember the article you linked to with the incest couple who were both "consenting adults." If the liberals are really consistent with their beliefs about loving all people and stuff like that, then NO ONE should be hating the incest couple or the paedophile (who may or may not be engaging in sexual acts with children).







Dear Brothers:

… Through your website I have converted to the traditional, true Catholic faith…





Subject: Antipope Francis not a King


Dear mhfm,

Sometimes I type in Antipope Francis's name into google news. Anyone who does that each week will realize he is not the Pope. Every week without exception he is in favour of homosexuals, muslims and jews etc.

Anyway I came across this http://www.patheos.com/blogs/deaconsbench/2013/07/on-pope-francis-you-can-see-he-is-a-pastor-he-is-not-a-king/

In your end of the world video, you show how the reign of the 7 kings ended with Antipope Benedict XVI. This article shows even the novus ordo adherents know he is not a king.

God Bless





Subject: Anglican "Orders"


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the explanation refuting Debra about the invalidity of the Anglican rite of "Holy Orders". It should be clear to anyone who is honest and of good will that just as the Anglican rite is invalid, since the Protestants removed the prayers signifying the sacrificial priesthood, so is the Vatican II sect's new rite invalid. The only "sacrifice" the Anglicans and Novus Ordo give is of "praise, thanksgiving and ourselves." This is demonstrated in a striking way when they hold a "concelebration" New "Mass" where everyone in attendance "consecrates" the "host." The distinction between the layman and the priest has been struck out of the Vatican II sect, which is a direct assault on Jesus Christ Himself, who is King, Priest and Prophet. The false "Christ" of the Vatican II sect and the Anglican's is the layman. Your video Is the World About to End? shows very clearly how this is intertwined with the deception of the Last Days...

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: Earth narrowly misses having power grid wiped out by massive Solar Flare


Dear Brothers,


I was looking at this article on your site and it occurred to me that a major CME would be another great act of Mercy from God, because it would take away the noise of the world [electronic distractions] from the people and hopefully replace that noise with the noise of the fear of the Lord, hearing the voice of the Lord…




Sincerely yours,








Your reply to Debra was like the "Ocean of Truth" that separates so many from obtaining salvation due to their lack of faith. Without the intercession of Our Blessed Virgin Mary through Her Holy Rosary is anyone able to cross the "Ocean of Truth" to the One True Faith of Jesus Christ's Traditional Catholic Church… Pope Leo XIII's Saint Michael Prayer is one of the most powerful prayers for protection in these last days. Leo XIII spent endless hours writing in order to warn future generations against the Tsunami of "revolutionists" that would bring-in the changes of the false Vatican II Counter-Church and its Freemason (anti-Christ) anti-popes.


God Bless,

Tom Miles


Refuting Heresy


Subject: Refuting Heresy


Dear MHFM,


And just think, total sellout of the modernist Church in present day Rome for the sacrifice to satan… You hear it in the rural and urban streets in every corner of the world-this world has gone insane. It all stems from the purtrid root in Rome! Thank you… for your end times instruction!






Subject: New Rite of Ordination


Dear Brothers,


This was a particularly skillful explanation of why the New Rite of Ordination is invalid. It shows that the surrounding rites (prayers) really do matter. They cannot be expunged without taking away the essential character of the Sacrament.


There is a difference between a sacrifice which is pleasing to God and one which is pleasing to man. The two are not the same. The one which is pleasing to God is already spelled out and recorded. It involves seriousness and fear of the Lord. The New Rite of Ordination makes no mention of this Sacrifice.







My family members don't believe in the truth.  Is it wrong to say morning prayer with them.  I will be 22 by 10th ne August.




MHFM: Yes, you should not pray with them.  You should explain to them why, and try to convince them of the truth, if you haven’t.


New Rite Invalid


Hi Brothers,

I read your information regarding the invalidity of the New Rite of Ordination, and I have a question.

It seems as if your main objection is that the New Rite does not promote the sacrificial character of the priesthood. You claim the New Rite removes it from the Old Rite as the Anglican Rite does. When I reviewed the actual words of the New Rite, there does seem to be references to this sacrificial nature. Here are a couple of examples:

Your ministry will perfect the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful by uniting it with Christ's sacrifice, the sacrifice which is offered sacramentally through your hands.


Next the bishop receives a linen gremial and anoints with chrism the palms of the new priest as he kneels before him. The bishop says: The Father anointed our Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. May Jesus preserve you to sanctify the Christian people and to offer sacrifice to God.

So, I am confused. It does seem as if the New Rite recognizes the sacrificial character of the priesthood. If so, what is the issue?

Thank you for your time,



MHFM: No, you are not correct.  Before we explain why, we must say that a careful consideration of your e-mail indicates that you are perhaps looking for ways to consider the New Rite of Ordination valid, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.  If so, that’s a bad sign and reveals an inappropriate attachment to the Counter Church. 


That being said, here are the problems with your argument.  First, the prayer you cite is from the ‘Bishop’s Charge,’ which is an optional model in the New Rite of Ordination.  It’s not a mandatory part of the Rite.  As Michael Davies points out on page 86 of his book The Order of Melchisedech.


Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p. 86, discussing the aforementioned passage: “It must also be stressed that the Bishop’s charge, from which the passage from the Catholic rite has been taken, is only an option and that in the introduction to the I.C.E.L. version of the new rite stress is laid upon the fact that it is only an optional ‘model’that an effort should be made to relate the ‘charge’ to whatever readings are used and that, unlike the traditional rite, ‘considerable flexibility is provided in the choice of readings.’”


Since it’s not even part of the official rite, it does nothing to remedy the fatal defects clearly manifested by the shocking deletion of Catholic prayers throughout the rite. 


Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p. 83: “As the previous section made clear, every prayer in the traditional rite [of Ordination] which stated specifically the essential role of a priest as a man ordained to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the living and dead has been removed [from the New Rite of Paul VI].  In most cases these were the precise prayers removed by the Protestant reformers, or if not precisely the same there are clear parallels.”


Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p. xix: “…there is not one mandatory prayer in the new rite of ordination itself which makes clear that the essence of the Catholic priesthood is the conferral of the powers to offer the sacrifice of the Mass and to absolve men of their sins, and that the sacrament imparts a character which differentiates a priest not simply in degree but in essence from a layman… There is not a word in it that is incompatible with Protestant belief.


The second prayer you cite doesn’t help the New Rite of Ordination either, because the Anglicans also spoke of a certain form of ‘sacrifice.’  As Michael Davies pointed out concerning the specific prayer you cited:


“Note carefully that no reference is made to the ‘Sacrifice of the Mass’ or to ‘propitiatory sacrifices’.  The Anglican reformers insisted that it was the duty of every Christian to offer sacrifice to God – but a sacrifice of ‘laud, praise, and thanksgiving.’” (The Order of Melchisedech, p. 86.)


Please note: The Anglicans insisted that it was the duty of every Christian to offer sacrifice to God, but a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.


Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p. 86:  “It is worth repeating a point documented on several occasions in Cranmer’s Godly Order, that Protestants do profess belief in a Eucharistic Sacrifice – but one in which the offering is praise, thanksgiving and ourselves.”


Hence, a reference to “offering sacrifice” in the New Rite does not signify the true sacrificing priesthood and does not show that the New Rite is valid, for the Protestants and the Anglicans insisted on the same.  It is the specific references to the Sacrifice of the Mass, propitiatory sacrifices for the living and the dead, etc. which have all been deliberately removed from the New Rite, which are crucial and essential in signifying the true sacrificing priesthood.  If the New Rite had not manifested an intention contrary to this priesthood, then it would have kept, rather than deleted, the aforementioned references to the true sacrificing priesthood.


It should also be remembered that the New Rite of Ordination does mention that the candidates for ordination are to be elevated to the “priesthood,” but so does the invalid Anglican.  The fact is that Pope Leo XIII explained in Apostolicae Curae that if an Ordination Rite implies the exclusion of the power to offer propitiatory sacrifices, as the New Rite does, then it is necessarily invalid, although it may express or mention the word “priest.”  Furthermore, it should be noted that Pope Leo XIII declared in Apostolicae Curae that any words in the Anglican Ordinal which were ambiguous cannot be taken in the Catholic sense, for they must be considered in conjunction with the deletions of the Catholic meaning of the priesthood from the Rite. 


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “… any words in the Anglican Ordinal as it now is, which lend themselves to ambiguity, cannot be taken in the same sense as they possess in the Catholic rite. For once a new rite has been initiated in which, as we have seen, the Sacrament of Order is adulterated or denied, and from which all idea of consecration and sacrifice has been rejected, the formula, 'Receive the Holy Ghost,' no longer holds good, because the Spirit is infused into the soul with the grace of the sacrament, and so the words 'for the office and work of priest or bishop,' and the like no longer hold good, but remain as words without the reality which Christ instituted."


This would apply precisely to the New Rite because what Leo XIII says here about the Anglican Ordinal was done to the New Rite.  So, if the ambiguous phrases in the Anglican Ordinal cannot be taken in the Catholic sense, as Leo XIII says, the same necessarily applies to the New Rite.  Here again are some of the key prayers, which signify the true sacrificing priesthood, which the New Rite abolished in Protestant fashion.  This without any doubt manifested what Leo XIII termed the defective ‘native character and spirit’ of the rite – the primary indication of invalidity.


Theirs be the task to change with blessing undefiled, for the service of thy people, bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Thy Son.” - abolished


Be pleased, Lord, to consecrate and sanctify these hands by this anointing, and our blessing. That whatsoever they bless may be blessed, and whatsoever they consecrate may be consecrated and sanctified in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”- abolished


“Receive the power to offer sacrifice to God, and to celebrate Mass, both for the living and the dead, in the name of the Lord.” - abolished


Receive the Holy Ghost.  Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” - abolished


“The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, come down upon you, and make you blessed in the priestly Order, enabling you to offer propitiatory sacrifices for the sins of the people to Almighty God.” - abolished


Why does the New Rite abolish these crucial prayers, which were part of the traditional rite and which signify the true Catholic priesthood?  It does so precisely because its intention is contrary to this true priesthood. 


Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p. 54: “Had Cranmer continued to use the Catholic rite, even his known heretical belief might not have been sufficient to invalidate his ordinations, but by introducing a rite intended to exclude the essence of the Catholic priesthood he made manifest and public his intention to do other than the Catholic Church does.”


Dr. Francis Clark, quoted by Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p. 35: “In the Bull Apostolicae Curae of 1896, pronouncing Anglican orders invalid, Pope Leo XIII singled out one factor as vital; on it his central argument depends.  It is the ‘native character and spirit’ of the Ordinal, the anti-sacerdotal and anti-sacrificial connotation, which, he declared, the new rite acquired from the circumstances of its origin and which rendered its wording incapable of serving as a sacramental form for ordination.”


One can see that the “native character and spirit” of the New Rite is anti-sacerdotal, which character is manifested by the deletion of all clear references to the true nature of the sacrificing priesthood.  This means that the New Rite of Ordination is invalid by virtue of a defect of intention – a failure to do and signify what the Church does and signifies.


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament.”


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “For, to put aside other reasons which show this to be insufficient for the purpose in the Anglican rite, let this argument suffice for all: from them has been deliberately removed whatever sets forth the dignity and office of the priesthood in the Catholic rite.  That form consequently cannot be considered apt or sufficient for the sacrament which omits what it ought essentially to signify.”


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “Being fully cognizant of the necessary connection between faith and worship, between ‘the law of believing and the law of praying,’ under a pretext of returning to the primitive form, they corrupted the liturgical order in many ways to suit the errors of the reformers.  For this reason in the whole Ordinal not only is there no clear mention of the sacrifice, of consecration, of the sacerdotium [sacrificing priesthood], but, as we have just stated, every trace of these things, which had been in such prayers of the Catholic rite as they had not entirely rejected, was deliberately removed and struck out.  In this way the native character – or spirit as it is called – of the Ordinal clearly manifests itself.  Hence, if vitiated in its origin it was wholly insufficient to confer Orders, it was impossible that in the course of time it could become sufficient since no change had taken place.”


It should also be noted that Michael Davies, who marshaled overwhelming evidence proving the New Rite invalid, actually held that it is valid.  However, he held that it’s valid solely on the ‘authority’ of Paul VI, not on the evidence found in the rite itself.  Davies concluded that the New Rite of Ordination (as well as the New Mass) had to be valid, for otherwise Paul VI would not be a true pope.  In his blindness and bad will, he obstinately failed to recognize that Paul VI was indeed an antipope.  Can you imagine pinning all the hopes for your ‘priesthood’ on Giovanni Montini?  See our video, The Amazing Heresies of Paul VI.


Davies therefore hung his entire conclusion for validity on the authority of the apostate Antipope Paul VI, who enjoyed wearing the breastplate of a Hebrew high-priest.  He’s the same man who solemnly approved and promulgated Vatican II, which teaches that Protestants are in the Church of Christ and that the Catholic Church esteems pagan religions.  There is absolutely no doubt the New Rite is invalid.  It was crafted as part of an ‘ecumenical’ anti-Traditional agenda, and it gutted the rite received from Tradition in a way that parallels what the Protestants did.  When that occurs, invalidity will necessarily be the result.  Furthermore, those who watch our recent video on the Apocalypse will see that the invalidity of the New Rite was actually indicated in the apocalyptic prophecies. 




MHFM: We had previously posted a quote about the persecution of Catholics in Denmark in the period following the Protestant revolution.  This is a quote about the persecution in Holland.


The oppression of the Catholics of Holland, who were still numerous, continued.  In view of the fact that the law of February 26th, 1622, which forbade the exercise of Catholic worship, even in private, under penalty of heavy fines, could not be carried out everywhere in its full stringency, it was enforced afresh in 1624, 1629, and again in 1641.  Almost everywhere priests could only give spiritual comfort at night.  In 1628 the Bishop of Bruges wrote to Urban VIII to lament the complete suppression of the old religion in the deanery of Ardenbourg. 

     In certain Provinces the severe general ordinances against the private exercise of Catholic worship were made stricter still.  How greatly afraid the Government was of every manifestation of Catholic life is proved by the firmness with which it rejected, in 1630, the request of the French ambassador who asked that Catholic worship might go on in conquered Bois-le-Duc; in 1631 all the Catholic churches there were closed.  At Groningen, in the same year, a Dominican was condemned to six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 1,000 florins.  In 1640 all Catholic priests were banished from Leiden on the plea that they did all that they could to bring about the triumph of the Pope and of Spain… In Seeland and Frisia, according to the report… the number of Catholics had been greatly reduced by 1638…” (Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, pp. 270-271.)




Subject: Greetings (and questions)


I discovered the MHFM site by accident, and am now feeling extremely torn. Just as I was starting to get serious about religion, I am told that the church that I've been going to, that I was baptized in, is a false church. So what am I to do? I was baptized in 1981, but I have no idea when the priest who baptized me was ordained - he could have been ordained in the 70's for all I know, which according to you would mean that my baptism was invalid? So my whole life has essentially been a lie, religiously speaking? And all the times I've received the Eucharist - I wasn't actually receiving the Eucharist? I feel extremely cheated. And devastated. Where does one go from here?... So please tell me, where must I go from here? I am feeling more lost than ever, and that is saying a lot...


Thank you for reading...



MHFM: You received a special grace to come across the full truth.  This should prompt joy and excitement about having the ability to recognize, and act upon, what’s necessary for salvation, to which most remain oblivious. 


The Church teaches that anyone can baptize.  A valid priest is not necessary for baptism, but a valid priest is necessary for the Eucharist and confession.  Thus, your baptism may have been valid, if the person who performed it observed basic matter and form and possessed the minimal intention.  However, if you've only attended the New Mass, then yes, you have never received the Eucharist; for it's not present at the New Mass.  What you need to do is: 1) pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if you can; 2) look at the information, become convinced on the issues; 3) follow these steps and, once a person, is convinced, we can help that person with where to receive certain sacraments.  http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/Steps_to_Convert.php




Dear brothers,


I would be happy if I could stop my anxiety and mixed emotions with my prolong sadness on always thinking a situation that is seemed to be complicated because I have a girlfriend whom I have lived with her for over four years until this present time, I have loved her and have pity on her but her story on the past persuaded me to write you. she is married in Pentecostal Church or a Born again man more or least lat 10 years ago. Would you help me to give me some advice that will enlighten me and give me peace of mind? Is her marriage valid during that time?Because according to her at the time of her marriage with Protestant husband she was a Novus Ordo and now she is a Born Again Protestant.  What should I do in this situation? Could she avail the annulment prevalent in Vatican 2?...


I do hope rest assured to your answers....I am so grateful to learn from you with your many wonderful works.

Many thanks.


God speed,


X… Bohol Philippines


MHFM: First, you should not be cohabiting with a woman who is not your wife.  If she was indeed baptized a Catholic, but then married a Protestant in a Protestant ‘church’ (thus not observing the Catholic form of marriage to which she, having been baptized a Catholic, was bound), then her previous marriage was invalid.  She would be free to marry.  An annulment would not be necessary in this situation.  However, to be married both you and she would need to embrace the traditional Catholic faith and hold all the correct positions.  You should both pray the Rosary each day.  To have lived in such a manner with a woman who is not your wife is gravely sinful.  It demonstrates a profound disrespect for God’s law.  It’s a situation you need to change, obviously.




Subject: Protestant Baptism

I am continuing to listen to your work.  I believe that outside the Catholic church no one is saved, and I further believe that the so called Baptisms of Desire/Blood are, as I understand them, just plain wrong.

However, for clarification, is it correct to say that a baby baptised validly by a non-Catholic is, if it dies (obviously without sin) goes to heaven?




MHFM: Yes, that’s a dogma. 




Subject: Catholic Scripture


Hi There,


  I'm a Catholic who tries to practice my faith and don't know who to trust for when it comes to Catholic teachings. I have a strong dislike to Protestantism and have seen a video of yours where you also portray Protestantism to be a heresy, and have also come across some stuff where you do think that the current pope is an anti-pope. I'm not too sure how to take this, what is the agenda of your website? Is it a safe Catholic website?



Christian Elters


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Our website presents the true Catholic faith, as taught by the Magisterium of the Church throughout history.  As you look at the material, you will see that the structure currently presenting itself as the ‘Catholic Church,’ which follows Vatican II and Francis, is actually not the Catholic Church.  It’s a heretical Counter Church.  It embraces Protestantism, false religions, and teaches many heresies.  According to Catholic teaching, those who embrace such things are automatically expelled from the Body of Christ, just as supporters of abortion are.  The ‘Church’ following Francis and Vatican II also accepts public supporters of abortion, by the way.  If you reject Protestantism, you must reject Antipope Francis, Vatican II and the Counter Church which follows them.  Please watch these videos, and look at the material on the site.  It’s all documented and explained in the material.  It also shows how what we’re dealing with was predicted in prophecy. 


What Francis Really Believes [video]


Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy [video]


Is the World about to End? – The Apocalypse Explained? [video]


The Third Secret of Fatima (2nd Edition) [video]


Francis is a manifest heretic who embraces Protestantism, Judaism, Islam and much more.  According to Catholic teaching he cannot be a pope. 


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




Subject: What Deception


Dear Brothers,


I've been on your website for a long time now and one of your main points is that there is this great deception coming out of Rome that looks and smells like the Catholic Church, but isn't. I have to ask, where's the deception? It is so freaking obvious that this latest guy claiming to be Pope is a terrible and horrible fraud. He can't even fake it well. I could fake being a Pope better than this guy has been doing.


Look at this latest statement coming from "Cardinal" O'Malley trying to justify why Francis has been quiet on abortion. It is so pathetic. I would be ashamed to call myself a Christian and say I belong to such a religion.







Subject: Infallible Dogmas


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for posting the "solemn declaration" by the heretic Sanborn in which he arrogantly claims, as all protestants and schismatics do, that the infallible dogmas of the Catholic Church are not true. To such individuals (and almost all persons living today), dogmas are meaningless because God is meaningless, and this is precisely why we have antipopes and a counterfeit church in these last days. It is interesting that people (often while attempting to reject the obvious evidence that the Vatican 2 sect is not, and cannot be, the true Catholic Church), will often cite Christ's words that He will not leave us orphans. It is precisely through Christ's establishment of the papacy that this promise is fulfilled. Christ founded the papacy so that all generations -- even those living through the Great Apostasy - could believe and do what one must believe and do to be a member of the Body of Christ, and this most especially means receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. Through His Church, God has made the Sacrament of Baptism simple and amazingly easy to administer; it is or can be possible for every human being. That the BOD heretics knock themselves out trying to convey or imply that it might not be possible for some people to be Baptized, simply shows the depth of their malice toward God. The infallible pronouncement which Christ has guaranteed to protect from error is, to these evil men, not quite right. They will fix it.


A truthful/humble person can only marvel that, just as Our Lord promised, the Holy Ghost has indeed guided His Church and reminded it of those teachings of Christ which men, especially at various points in history, were beginning to deny or distort. Thus, that the popes reminded the world of these truths when they did (by issuing solemn pronouncements) was no coincidence; it was their job to do so, and the reason the office of St. Peter was founded by Christ. God made sure the world always had what it needed, when it needed it. There is absolutely no other way that men can with certainty know truth, despite the lying protestations of all heretics and schismatics. As MHFM provides instruction in what the Catholic Church has consistently taught over the centuries, it never ceases to amaze me that whatever questions or objections men might try to put forward, the Catholic Church has already answered! Can't people see how astounding that is? No, Jesus Christ has certainly not left us orphans, if we seek Him and the true faith which He gave to the world. St. Vincent's quote conveys the true definition of humility, and not the Bergoglio clown act that men take it for today. Humility is not a show to be put on for the purpose of impressing others, or for making oneself feel holy and that he is impressing God. Like all truths that are inverted in these days, what is actually demonic pride now parades as humility. It is only the faithful Catholic who knows that humility means knowing, and never for a moment forgetting, the difference between the creature and the Creator.


Lee Ann




Subject: Bishop Sanborn


That quote by Bishop Sanborn is very interesting and revealing. On such an important issue he says that a "whole bunch of conditions" must occur and "even more conditions." Of course, all of this is false but why is he so hesitant to list the conditions that must take place. If he thinks these conditions could save one's soul without water Baptism, it would seem he would want everyone to know what they are. Or perhaps he thinks these would only be understood by theologically trained self-centered bishops and not by a laymen or laywomen.


EJP, M.D., D.D., CAC




I think that what Mario Chavez says about Japan's catholics' murderers in his email is really right: just notice ALSO how for example in the Ukrainian starvation of the early 1930's in which many MILLIONS of CATHOLIC UKRAINIANS were intentionally MURDERED through starvation under Stalin/satanic "Bolshevik" read communist/JEWISH mass murderers the likes of YAGODA....all this must have been done on purpose to eliminate traditional catholic rites and peoples just prior to the 1960 initiation of the Great Apostasy under the preparatory functions for the robber second vatican council. Think about it too, the Irish "potato famine" of the mid 19th century....killing and effectively deporting again many MILLIONS of traditional catholics---come on.....Britain and other nations at that time were FULLY aware of the potato blight and could very easily have helped feed the starving masses of Irish catholics----just as the Ukrainians-- but what did they do? Let them STARVE to death in what may be one of the worst, most painful ways to die… Yes it was probably all part of "getting ready" to attempt to extirpate the very last remnants of the only true saving Faith that has ever or will ever exist on earth that is actually capable of delivering souls from hell into heaven.


However, because of the prodigious miracles of GOD over the many centuries under the new covenant… the true catholic faith has NOT been removed or extirpated from the earth…


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition)




Subject: Hiroshima


Dear Brothers,


I was reading an article about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. It basically explained that it was a massive psy-op like 9-11 in order to cheapen humanity and justify wars. In your Abortion, Rock Music and Freemasonry Exposed video, Bro. Michael points out that Hiroshima and Nagasaki at that time contained the largest population of Japanese Catholics and that was probably why those cities were chosen for destruction Well, in the aforementioned article I came across this shocking quote: "When the Air Force dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the principal target was a Catholic church: 'The roof and masonry of the Catholic cathedral fell on the kneeling worshippers. All of them died.'"


Wow. This truly confirms you're comments in the video. It also proves what I believe to be the main purpose behind the wars, persecutions and revolutions of the Twentieth Century, that was, to purge the world of Catholics brought up in the traditional Faith, especially the remaining bishops still faithful to dogma, so that the next generation would be more vulnerable to liberalism and heresy. This all was meant to lead up to the Great Apostasy.


May Our Lady keep us,

Mario Chavez




YouTube - The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2nd edition) What I find most amazing in this new video is at the minute marker 12:33… how though the eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe are opaque, they show depth, and are filled with light when the light source is shown into them---this and the discovery of veins in the eyelids along with all the other absolutely extraordinary and obviously divine and supernatural qualities of the image are --- remarkable. Another thing one notices is how the image is like the birds and probably also the butterflies along with the gorgeous flowers and roses (and even jewels I had heard of in one account that sparkled all around her), the song of the birds and all the other heavenly effects of Our Lady's presence as experienced by Juan Diego are naturally and supernaturally reflected by the way her skin color like that of the birds and butterflies "changes" depending upon light and distance etc. Those are the things I noticed most in this new production, great job.






I have been reading your material lately. I am a non-catholic christian though I grew up as a catholic. I am reading your book about "no salvation outside the church". I have a couple of questions. What advise do you give to someone who wishes to convert to traditional catholicism but who's spouse does not. Does your advice differ when speaking to a husband or wife? Next question: what is your take on polygamy? Do you think King David and other OT patriarchs sinned in having multiple wives? Did God change his mind on this issue? Have there not been times when the church has allowed it? Thank you so much in advance for your responses.




MHFM: Hello.  We’re glad that you are looking into the crucial issues.  Our advice is to make saving your soul your priority.  You must not let your spouse or anyone else keep you from doing so and fulfilling God’s will.  As Jesus says:


Matthew 10:34-37- “Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.  For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.  And a man's enemies shall be they of his own household.  He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me.”


The Church of Jesus Christ (the Catholic Church) has never allowed polygamy. 


Pope Leo XIII, Arcanum #9, Feb. 10, 1880: “Let special care be taken that the people be well instructed in the precepts of Christian wisdom, so that they may always remember that marriage was not instituted by the will of man, but, from the very beginning, by the authority and command of God; that it does not admit of plurality of wives or husbands; that Christ, the Author of the New Covenant, raised it from a rite of nature to be a sacrament, and gave to His Church legislative and judicial power with regard to the bond of union.” 


Polygamy was something tolerated in the Old Testament period, under an inferior covenant.  However, it was not tolerated once Jesus came, revealed the Gospel, and instituted the Church.  As Jesus explains:


Mark 10:2-8- “And the Pharisees coming to him asked him: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.  But he answering, saith to them: What did Moses command you?  Who said: Moses permitted to write a bill of divorce, and to put her away.  To whom Jesus answering, said: Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you that precept.  But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.  For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife.  And they two shall be in one flesh.  Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh.”


On our site there is a section which contains the biblical proof for Catholicism, and the biblical proof that Protestantism is false.  One cannot be a true Christian without being a traditional Catholic.  We strongly encourage you to continue looking at the material and embrace the Catholic faith.  Also, if you begin to pray Hail Marys you will get powerful graces to move toward the truth God wants you to see.






Dear Brothers.


I am a sedavacantist from Slovak Republic. I was baptized in the new rite of baptism. I need to go to confession, so I contacted a sedavacantist bishop, who resides in our country. He told me, that he would confess me, but I have to be conditionally baptized in the traditional rite of baptism. He thinks, that the new rite of baptism is invalid. Brothers, what should I do?


PS: Sorry for my english.




MHFM: Well, the priest is wrong about the New Rite of Baptism being invalid.  If a person has the minimal intention to do what the Church does, and uses the requisite matter and form for Baptism, it is valid, even if the surrounding ceremonies (outside the essential form) are lacking.  However, even though the New Rite of Baptism can be valid if the person baptizing is doing things in the minimally required way, if there is any doubt about how a baptism was performed (for instance, if you weren’t old enough to verify, etc.) then a conditional baptism should be done.  So, you could go through with the conditional baptism and the confession, assuming you agree on the issues; but you should not adopt the positions of the priest or support him (since it’s almost certain he’s heretical).






Subject: Sanborn, abortion, 'Th'


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for exposing Bishop Sanborn's recent admission that he believes in the heresy of salvation for non-Catholics. As you said, at least he has the honesty to admit what he actually believes, rather than most BOD heretics who deny even what they believe. What you said is exactly right: once a person denies the dogma, then the barrier is removed and there is no limit to anyone who can be saved. Bp. Sanborn's false 'conditions' don't exist. The first real condition for salvation is that a person believes explicitly in the Catholic faith, and receives the Sacrament of water baptism. The dogma is the principle, and there is no exception to it.

The article about the Brazilian President signing abortion into law after Antipope Francis left is interesting. It shows the evil influence of Antipope Francis and the Vatican II sect. They claim to be "respecting" women when they are degrading them. Abortion is murder of the most cowardly kind.

'Th' expresses the same antichrist false "faith" that the Vatican II sect has worked to spread. 'Faith alone' heretics blaspheme and mock our Lord Jesus Christ and all the good works, suffering and sacrifices of Him and the Saints. Look at all the problems 'faith alone' Protestantism has produced in the West: abortion, immorality, divorce, suicide, oppression (financial, authoritarian, etc.), war, poverty, etc. Salvation requires good works, just like solving any problem requires work.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: TH


Dear Brothers,


TH is a member of the countless useful idiot, parrots club, its clear that he or she, knows nothing of the bible, but then again apostates are blinded to the Truth and after reading the comments, one would say its almost insurmountable in reaching them, but only Our Lady can prepare a soul like that, in the same way Rebecca prepared the two goat kids [body and soul] for Jacob to give to his father Isaac.


I had a conversation with a neighbor the other day, it was painful, she said that because the kids lost their mother, it would be ok to break God's Law's, living in sin, shacking up and so I said, then it would be ok to break societies [man's] laws too then, right[?], she said, well, no they can't do that, but the kids have been through a lot, can you imagine??? She also said that God's commands are to hard, wow! God does not command impossibilities [Mt. 11:30]. These tragedies happen for a reason and that's to get people to start to walk in the way again and possibly to remove the stumbling block but because of blindness, they never see the true purpose. Such craziness!


Deuteronomy 5:33 But you shall walk in the way that the Lord your God hath commanded, that you may live, and it may be well with you, and your days may be long in the land of your possession.


John 14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments.


Sincerely yours,




The Antipope’s Impact


MHFM: This is somewhat interesting:


Brazilian president signs law permitting abortion after antipope’s visit [news article]




Hi, I've been watching your videos because I want to explore Catholicism. I'm confused about the church though. How can I be Catholic if I don't join official church as it currently is today? 




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The 'official Church' to which you refer is the Vatican II Church, not the true Catholic Church.  On the website we have steps for how to convert to the traditional Catholic faith (see below), which is still alive with traditional Catholics.  It's the only true faith of Christ, as the biblical proof for Catholicism on our site shows. 



You should start to say ten Hail Marys each day, and five Our Fathers.  Prayers and creeds are attached.  Eventually you should say the Rosary each day.  We will also send you links to videos which explain exactly what has happened to the Church, why, and how it all fits with prophecy. 




THANK YOU... I just finished watching [your] videos. There's no doubt about it. The church has been taken over by freemasons which is anti Christ… the new bishop aka "new pope" had his right hand hidden inside his jacket. That is a Masonic sign. I've also seen that same hand gesture in pictures of heretics like Ellen G White of the SDA church. It's really SAD what has happened to the Church.  I'm going to visit the web site now.




Subject: Baptism of Desire Comment



BOD advocates are dishonest heretical liars… these people never gives quotes from dogmatic councils on the definition of baptism having “ordinary” or “extraordinary” circumstances. They simply just makes assumptions based on nothing and say that baptism of desire is included within the dogmatic definition of baptism… There are no exceptions for baptism, you have to have the water according to the dogmatic evidence from the popes. BOD people need to get over themselves as the Council of Florence in Exultate Deo specifically paraphrases John 3:5 in stating that water baptism is the only way into the church.

Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.


another point: If these heretical liars go by catechisms and how theologians interpret the dogmas, then they can't be sedevacantists. They would have to go by what the theologians in Rome teach about the teachings of Vatican II, and they would have to submit to Antipope Francis and Antipope John Paul II… These baptism of desire salvation heretics can't have it both ways, being sedevacantists by using Pope Paul IV’s Cum Ex Apostolatus to reject John XXIII through Francis, but won't accept the dogma of outside the church there is no salvation and base everything they believe on catechisms and priests, not popes.

Thank you for standing up for the truth and being a pillar of orthodoxy in a time of such darkness.





Subject: Our Lady of Guadalupe


Dear Brothers,

Watching 'The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe," I could not help but feel greater admiration for the Holy Mother of God. Everything about the image is miraculous. It's very interesting to hear you explain the significance of the stars on her mantle and how they corresponded to the constellations, the sun behind her and the moon at her feet. The part about the eyes is most striking. Who but God could be the Author of such a miracle given the wonderful results - millions converting to the one, true faith. May those who see your video likewise convert…

In Christ,


More Blatant Heresy


MHFM: It’s interesting that just about a week or two ago (in late July 2013), Bishop Donald Sanborn once again admitted that he believes non-Catholics and souls in false religions can be saved.  The actual words (for which we have indisputable proof) are quoted below.  He made the statement within the hearing of Anthony Cekada, who of course holds the same condemned heresy.  As we’ve pointed out repeatedly, all BOD heretics believe in or accept this heresy.  The statement below proves our claim in that regard to be correct, once again.  What’s particularly interesting about this quote is that Sanborn admits such people are saved ‘outside’ the Church – a word for word denial of Catholic dogma.  Sanborn is a horrible heretic, but at least he openly expresses what all the BOD heretics believe/accept: salvation outside the Church.  At least he doesn’t always lie about that aspect of it. 


Bishop Donald Sanborn, July 2013:“… in principle someone who is outside the faith is considered to have lost his soul.  And I say in principle because, yes it is possible that they be justified interiorly by various acts of justification which I won’t go into here, but in principle, to adhere to a false religion means that you are excluded from Heaven.  It’s only if you fulfill certain – you know, a whole bunch of conditions, and whole various things take place – that a person outside the Catholic faith could achieve justification, and, with yet more conditions, could achieve salvation.”


Think about how satanically dishonest BOD heretics are, who hold the same heresy.  They not only deny the dogma, but most of them will also deny that they or their priests believe anything like what is expressed above!  The truth is that they all accept the heresy that souls can be saved in any religion, outside the Church, etc. 


Moreover, while Sanborn does acknowledge what the heretics believe, he is dishonest (and of course heretical) in his explanation.  For his claim that the people who are saved ‘outside’ the Church must fulfill numerous ‘conditions’ is of course nonsense.  He says that in an attempt to make it appear as if salvation outside the Church isn’t for all members of false religions, just some.  However, his position leaves him with no basis for such an assertion.  He could not say (and he doesn’t truly believe) that salvation outside the Church is not widespread.  If pressed he would be forced to admit that he doesn’t know who is saved, and that he cannot judge anyone to be certainly excluded.  That necessarily follows from his heretical position.


For once you deny the dogma, as he does, you have removed the barrier.  You therefore are left with no basis whatsoever upon which to say that conditions must be fulfilled for a non-Catholic to be saved, or that salvation for non-Catholics is rare; for the dogma doesn’t teach that there is salvation outside the Church, but only with ‘conditions’ or ‘rarely.’  No, it infallibly declares (repeatedly) that no one at all is saved outside the Church (or without the Catholic faith) under any circumstances; and if that’s not true, as the heretics believe, then anyone (and any number of people in any kind of condition) can be saved outside the Church.  They are left with no basis whatsoever to say that salvation requires x, y, and z conditions; and their attempts to do so are only dishonest ways to make their heresy sound less shocking.  In fact, Sanborn and Cekada have admitted that they believe Jews who reject Christ can be saved.




Dear Brothers:


The clip of Chris Matthews calling Rand Paul and the others "terrorists" really shows the depths to which the modern world has sunk. I suspect that, because we have known only this world from the time of our birth onward, none of us is able to fully grasp the true horror of these last days which will culminate in The Day of Wrath, the thoughtful consideration of which has made men tremble since the beginning of time…


Recently a relative was trying to give me the line about how "belief is from within". I reminded him that the person who lies about religion is the worst liar of all, and that false religion is from within, true religion is from above. Just like the BOD heretics who deny that God made it possible, especially for the generations living through the period of the Great Apostasy, to know His truth if they desire to, by teaching us that heresy is from within, dogma is from above. And now there is Th..., the recent e-mailer who, like the degenerate Luther… thinks we should all be able to sin and sin boldly. They hang on to their sinful lies that feel so good and -- despite the evidence you give them -- they simply won't let go.


Thank you for your clarity (and charity) in taking the time to expose the miserable lies of the BOD heretics in your recent videos. They turn the saints into sinners by claiming that those martyrs and others like them needlessly put their lives at risk (which would be a sin), to bring baptism and the true faith to people all over the world even though it was not really necessary to do so…


Lee Ann




Dear Brothers,


I wanted to comment on Th's email, reading such email irks and saddens us… by his own statement that "has nothing to do with the church you attend or how much you've sinned" clearly indicates that his own protestant church is of no use so long as he maintains and ‘believes’ in Jesus without works…


Sincerely and God speed,





Going to Heaven… has nothing to do with the church you attend or how much you've sinned. If you want to get to Heaven, all you have to do is accept the fact that Jesus died on the cross for ALL of our sins, so sinners like us can get into Heaven. Follow Christ with faith and faith alone, not works. It's as easy as that. Sin does not send you to Hell. ..




MHFM: No, what you are promoting is a false Gospel completely contradicted by Scripture.  Please consult this file: Justification by Faith Alone and Eternal Security completely refuted by the Bible.  Only Catholicism is the true and biblical faith.




Subject: Guadalupe


Dear Brothers,


Your latest video on the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is amazing. What a miracle in itself that nearly 9 million souls were converted to the Traditional Catholic Faith due to Our Lady visiting Mexico…


Your recent news article on Colima, Mexico's recent approval of same-sex marriage, goes to show the deterioration of Mexico to its formal sinful ways. As long as man is ok with their sinful perverted actions, then their actions are ok; they don't care what God has said, and the punishment that He has rained down on previous sinful civilizations.


God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: Sedevacantism


Dear Brothers:


Beautiful reply to J on the whole matter of Christ's words "I will not leave you orphans." Anyone can play dress-up, wear the robes, go through the motions, even say things in a very convincing "pontifical" fashion. But what do they believe, profess, and preach? Everything but what the holy Roman Church believes, professes and preaches. And as St. Paul said, even if an angel were to profess a false gospel, he is to be considered anathema. Christ did not leave us orphans in this Vatican II apostasy--the Vatican II antipopes have left Jesus Christ, with their blatant promotion of idolatry, heresy, immorality, deception--the whole agenda of the devil. Just watching Francis with his disgraceful antics recently--the Can't Judge Heresy regarding the gays, donning that ridiculous Indian headdress, the beach ball on the altar, and of course, his never-ending display of false humility, carrying his own satchel up and down the steps of the plane with his clunky "ordinary" shoes, and the absurd claim that women are more important in the Church than bishops and priests--all this confirms MHFM's comments about the huge masquerade this man, and the antipopes before him, are pulling off. Christ will not leave His true Catholic remnant orphans, even if the whole world leaves Him.


Joseph Ramirez




New Our Lady of Guadalupe video


Dear mhfm,

… the first 7 minutes had blown me away. Thank you so much for that video.

God Bless





Subject: e-mail from J


Dear Brothers,


I must say in charity, J has no concept of the past history of God's people, in the old testament, when God certainly did take away the priesthood and the sacrifice from his people when they apostatized from HIS laws, it most certainly would happen again in the new testament and besides, God prefers obedience over sacrifice [1 Kings 15:22-23]… when man turns away from God and by doing so, it is man that demeans, His Most Holy Sacrifice, so, just like a child that does not value a gift that a parent gave him, the parent will take it away from him, and so it is that man did not cherish His Church and His Sacraments, so Jesus allowed them to be covered over by the counter-catholic church with false sacraments [vatican ll sect, seemingly to be catholic but not, they taught a new evil revolutionary gospel] . This was clearly foretold by Daniel [Daniel 8:11] and Our Lady of La Salette [Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist, the church will be in eclipse, covered] and in other places of the bible too!


… J is confused as to what Jesus meant by "I will be with you until the end of time" and "the gates of hell will not prevail against it [Catholic Church]." It is Jesus' Truth [His Words] that will be with His members, not the buildings, those that believe and hold the Faith undefiled [Luke 21:33], they are the Church, the Remnant, the few, the obedient. One of the duties of the Office of the Papacy was to protect and preserve and teach the Truth of God against heresies [lies], but because the whole world apostatized from God, preferring the lie and so it is, in this situation, what need is there for the Office of the Papacy, when no one is listening to God, they have stopped hearkening to HIM, so HE allowed the buildings to be usurped by evil men dressing up in robes, teaching the lies that man loved to hear! 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 2 Timothy 4:3-4 [vatican ll sect]. The Chair is Empty!


J, read the prophecy of Osee, in the old testament, God took away the priesthood from the children of Israel [Ocee 4:6] and while you are reading it, keep the vatican ll sect in mind, as it happened then, this prophecy also applies to our times now, the last times…


Sincerely yours,





Subject: Sedevacantism


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the response to J about sedevacantism. It should be clear to anyone who has seen the evidence that the Vatican II antipopes are raging apostates. As you said, J has it backwards. If the Vatican II antipopes are true popes, then Jesus Christ left us as orphans. The facts are what determine the true position, not the position distorting the facts… It is outrageous that so many false traditionalists and other heretics cling to the illusion that the Vatican II antipopes are Successors of St. Peter. They are successors of Judas Iscariot. As you said, it is a theatrical act in which no matter who they trotted out onto their stage, the false traditionalists would accept him. Even if they put Barak Obama in the Papal robes in Rome they would still accept him as a "pope." It's a sick, diabolical joke.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




I have watched many of your excellent videos and you make a convincing argument that those in the post Vatican 2 church / sect are heretics.  You say the new ordination rites are invalid, and that the new mass is invalid, and though I wish there never was a Vatican 2, I still wonder about a certain quote from Jesus that for me is stopping me from becoming a sedevacantist. This is the quote that says "I will not leave you orphans", now if your monastery is correct and there are no longer any Catholic priests or bishops, then he has in fact left us "orphans" without a father and without sacraments.  What say you? I am sympathetic to your arguments but cant solve this question by myself its too confusing.




MHFM: There are a few points to be made.  1.  You have it backwards.  If they are popes, then Christ has left us orphans; for then 1) total unbelievers can be in the Church, contrary to Catholic teaching; and 2) the Church can officially contradict its own dogmatic teaching (see the video on Vatican II below, for example).  That’s impossible, of course.


Vatican II's Protestant Heresy [video]


Hence, those who regard them as popes contradict Christ’s promises to always be with His Church.  Also, these files demonstrate that our current situation, in which the Church has been reduced to a remnant, is perfectly compatible with Catholic teaching and Catholic history.


The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file] 


2. With regard to the New Rite of Ordination, it’s definitely invalid.  These two passages from Pope Leo XIII’s bull definitively encapsulate the argument; for when you read this file on Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File] you will see that Pope Leo XIII’s words can be applied directly to what happened to the New Rite of Ordination.


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “For, to put aside other reasons which show this to be insufficient for the purpose in the Anglican rite, let this argument suffice for all: from them has been deliberately removed whatever sets forth the dignity and office of the priesthood in the Catholic rite.  That form consequently cannot be considered apt or sufficient for the sacrament which omits what it ought essentially to signify.”


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “Being fully cognizant of the necessary connection between faith and worship, between ‘the law of believing and the law of praying,’ under a pretext of returning to the primitive form, they corrupted the liturgical order in many ways to suit the errors of the reformers.  For this reason in the whole Ordinal not only is there no clear mention of the sacrifice, of consecration, of the sacerdotium [sacrificing priesthood], but, as we have just stated, every trace of these things, which had been in such prayers of the Catholic rite as they had not entirely rejected, was deliberately removed and struck out.  In this way the native character – or spirit as it is called – of the Ordinal clearly manifests itself.  Hence, if vitiated in its origin it was wholly insufficient to confer Orders, it was impossible that in the course of time it could become sufficient since no change had taken place.”


3.  The fact that you are still not convinced that the Vatican II antipopes are heretics, despite looking at the evidence, demonstrates that you are lacking in supernatural faith.  Seriously, watch this video: What Francis Really Believes [video].


It’s not a question of whether Jorge Bergoglio is a heretic and a non-Catholic according to Catholic teaching.  It’s a fact.  It’s as certain as it is that this response has been posted on our website.  Truly, Bergoglio is basically a Jew.  He fully endorses Judaism, celebrates Jewish holidays, etc. 


People who adhere to the antipopes need to stop looking at the Church in a natural way, and look at it in a supernatural/faith-based/dogmatic way.  The Church of Christ is governed by supernatural principles and realities.  It’s not just a club like a drama club.  AGAIN: THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IS NOT JUST AN EXTERNAL CLUB!  Thus, it makes NO DIFFERENCE if people externally dress up in costumes or robes (as clowns or actors might), if they repudiate Catholic teaching.  Those who don’t believe are not members of the supernatural society of Christ’s faithful, and they cannot be popes.  People need to stop the faithless nonsense, which is all based on externals and what matters in view of man! 


Yes, wearing a robe, playing a part, greeting dignitaries and walking through large crowds makes a difference in the eyes of the world.  It’s what matters to the same kinds of people enthralled by rock stars and celebrities.  It’s irrelevant, however, to whether a man satisfies the prerequisites to be a Catholic pope according to Catholic teaching. 


Truly, we’re now at the point with the Vatican II sect – as well as with the false traditionalists who, in appalling fashion, still largely accept the antipopes – that the Counter Church could literally dress any man up in a robe, trot him out there, and people would accept him no matter what he says or does.  It is nothing more than a stage performance.  For with the faithless, the only crucial and sustaining factor is the external principle.  All they care about is the fact that Bergoglio presents himself in a costume, walks around in the buildings in view of the people, etc.  The teachings, principles and dogmas of Christ, which He revealed govern His society and membership in it, are irrelevant to them.  As a result, the Vatican II sect and its anti-papacy are nothing more than a stage act, an external performance.  The Counter Church is just a club, analogous to a card-playing club, the Masons or the Knights of Columbus.  It’s not the supernatural society established by Christ.  That’s the truth. 


For those who are convinced on all the issues, there are places to receive certain sacraments, as we discuss frequently and as the material on the site covers.




Subject: Debate


… The points presented are 'sound' and exemplify Catholic teachings. Divine truth is very 'clear cut'. As St. Paul said, there are no contradictions in Catholic faith. False 'baptism of desire' swords Jesus Christ’s words. Water baptism is the only way Christ's infinite merits are communicated, hereby allowing great graces to flood one's soul.


God does not decree the impossible. This crushes the theory of silly 'impossibility'… Baptism of Desire has no backbone. That is, it has never been taught by a Pope, nor integrated into Catholic Dogma. And why? It's heretical fiction.


Can you imagine advocates of 'Baptism of Desire' when they are being judged by God. "Yes almighty Jesus, that catechumen who died without being water baptized is in Heaven ...., even though he was not part of Your body"


And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth...






Subject: Sinkholes


Dear Brothers,




Maybe heretics should also start to look around the world and see the manifestations of God's Mercy, HE is warning people all over the world as the Good Father HE is…


Apocalypse 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts; and the cities of the Gentiles fell. ...


Sincerely yours,






Hello Brothers,


My question is concerning declaring Catholic Holy Matrimony "never having existed in the first place," which is an annulment. Why hasn't the Church come up with having the couple sign a document declaring the marriage which is about to take place has no defects of consent. This way, no tribunal can go back and declare an annulment. It seems that over 90% of Catholic Matrimony that exist now could be annulled, therefore these people are receiving Holy Communion but are not in a valid marriage. This is like saying you are married as long as you say you are, but if you say you are not, we, the Church will go along with you. The Church needs to tighten things up before the Marriage for the security of the woman especially.


Thank you very much.




MHFM: The high rate of ‘annulments’ to which you refer reflects what’s occurring in the Vatican II sect, not in the true Catholic Church.  Almost all of those annulments are bogus, as this file explains: The Annulment Fiasco - The Vatican II sect's De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage [PDF File].  In most cases, the people the Vatican II sect declares not to have been married are actually validly married.


The reason that a signed document wouldn’t necessarily eliminate the problem of phony annulments in the Vatican II sect is that the person who signed it could make the same claims about the reasons for his signature as he does about the reasons for going through with the ceremony (i.e., ‘he didn’t know what he was getting into,’ etc.); and, when he did, in almost every case the man-worshipping Counter Church would still declare that he was never married and is free to marry (again). 


Therefore, annulments do not reflect a problem with Catholic teaching on marriage.  Rather, in almost every case, they are simply the result of the Vatican II sect falsely declaring valid marriages to have never existed in order to appease man.  Furthermore, the people receiving ‘Communion’ at the New Mass are not actually receiving Communion.


Athanasian Creed


Subject: Athanasian Creed



I, too, have found that distributing and going through the Athanasian Creed with people has been an easy way to define the arguments when people want the discussion to linger in "murkiness" as if all principles were really nothing but "gray area". Either they believe the Creed and are Catholic, or they disagree and are not, plain and simple.

-- Bruce




Subject: Video of massive explosions in Syria




I wonder if this latest attack on Syria is the reason why U.S. citizens traveling overseas are now on "terror watch," and also why our embassies in the Middle East are going to be closed on Sunday August 4th.








Subject: Debates


Dear Brothers,


I just listened to your debate with the unbelievable heretic Steve. It was truly outrageous what took place in that debate, with your opponent literally making things up as it progressed. I'm amazed that you were able to refute him on everything he said - he changed his position so many times. I imagine Martin Luther came up with his worst heresies in a similar fashion, that is, that after being confounded by Catholic teaching which he couldn't refute, he responds by crafting a monstrous heresy in order to "justify" his error. Steve is definitely on the same level. Your new video on this matter also makes many excellent points in response to 'Baptism of Desire' arguments. In listening to that video, it struck me how unfortunately lost these BOD heretics are in their methodology. They pit the fallible statements and opinions of certain theologians against the infallible Magisterium.


May Our Lady keep us,

Mario Chavez




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting the quotes from the BOD debate with Steve. They show how the Catechism of Trent makes it clear that Pastors are to emphasize certain teachings over and above others, such as the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism, and "baptism of desire" is not one of them. It is simply a teaching aid, not an ex cathedra set of dogmas. How true that BOD heretics couldn't have a problem with Antipope Francis' comments that he "can't judge" abominable homosexuals, since they hold salvation to be potentially open to anyone, regardless of what they believe or do. The BOD heretics reject the clear, solid and infallible words of true popes, in favor of fallible human opinions, and so they depart from the Rock of Christ and St. Peter.

Luke 20:17,18 - "But he looking on them, said: What is this then that is written, The stone, which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone, shall be bruised: and upon whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White


New Videos Posted


MHFM: These are extremely important new videos on the salvation/baptism issue.  Since the heretic who had agreed to debate us backed out of the debate – and there was quite of bit of important and new material we wanted to present – we decided to conduct an explanatory debate anyway.  This ‘debate’ explains the issues in much detail, refutes the opposing view, and proves the true position.  This debate contains many extremely important new points refuting ‘baptism of desire’ and their most cherished objections.  It also refutes things such as their claim that the dogmatic statements that no one enters Heaven without water baptism only apply in the ‘ordinary’ case or circumstances, but not in the ‘extraordinary’ case or circumstances.  It refutes their frequently-voiced objection: wouldn’t your position mean that saints were heretics?; and much more.  There are so many important points covered in this video that we have decided to upload a crucial portion of the second half of the debate as a separate video, even though that material is also contained in the full debate video.  Those who want the details on how to refute the ‘best’ objection BOD heretics have to offer need to watch this debate.  Since the Catechism of Trent was one of the major topics addressed in the ‘debate,’ the full debate video contains extremely important new points which concern refuting the objection BOD heretics advance on that matter.


How Can 'Baptism of Desire' Be Contrary to Dogma?

[a very important section of the debate]

'Baptism of Desire' Debate: Catechism of Trent - Council of Florence

[new video – full debate]


‘Bishop of Rome’


Dear Brothers,


On a guided tour of the Vatican during a recent trip to Rome our guide advised inter alia that anti-pope Francis has changed the crest of the Pope in some respects to reflect the position as being only that of the Bishop of Rome and not of the Universal Church, the first time in history she said that this crest was ever changed, confirming his declaration on election that “Rome has a new Bishop”.


I also visited the Pantheon, which apparently means in English MANY GODS. It was a place where everyone was welcome to worship their God or more correctly put would be to worship SATAN… Now it is deeply deeply disturbing to be aware that it has effectively reverted to its original use once again welcoming all “religions”, thanks to JohnXXIII, PaulVI, JPII, BXVI and Francis. Pictures, posters, postcards etc etc of JP2, B16 and Francis are everywhere and the Roman people adore them like superstar celebrities.


I am glad you cleared up in an email to another corresponder with your website the idea of John XXIII’ body being incorrupt, as having seen it I had difficulty at the time explaining this to my children whom I try to lead the right direction in their faith.


I thank you for your hard work in revealing the truth of what is our most treasured possession, our Catholic faith.


May God bless you in your work.


Niall & Family


MHFM: That’s very interesting.  Thanks for the e-mail.




MHFM: Here are a few examples of one of the first points covered in the recent debate.  In the following quotes, notice that in each case the position that no one is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism is the position the Catechism identifies as the position to be communicated by pastors.


Catechism of the Council of Trent, “Matter of Baptism - Fitness,” p. 165: “Upon this subject pastors can teach in the first place that water, which is always at hand and within the reach of all, was the fittest matter of a Sacrament which is necessary to all for salvation.”


Catechism of the Council of Trent, “On Baptism – Necessity of Baptism,” pp. 176-177: “If the knowledge of what has been hitherto explained be, as it is, of highest importance to the faithful, it is no less important to them to learn that THE LAW OF BAPTISM, AS ESTABLISHED BY OUR LORD, EXTENDS TO ALL, so that unless they are regenerated to God through the grace of Baptism, be their parents Christians or infidels, they are born to eternal misery and destruction.  Pastors, therefore, should often explain these words of the Gospel: Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God (Jn. 3:5).


Catechism of the Council of Trent, “Baptism made obligatory after Christ’s Resurrection,” p. 171: “Holy writers are unanimous in saying that after the Resurrection of our Lord, when He gave His Apostles the command to go and teach all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, the law of Baptism became obligatory on all who were to be saved Hence we can have no doubt that the words of the Saviour: Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, refer also to the same time which was to follow after His Passion. If, then, pastors explain these truths accurately, there can be no doubt that the faithful will recognise the high dignity of this Sacrament.




This passage is of particular interest; for in it the Catechism identifies the true teaching, WHICH PASTORS MUST COMMUNICATE AND PASS ALONG TO THE FAITHFUL, as: that all in the Church are ‘members’; all in the Church are part of the ‘Body’; and that all have been regenerated in the same sacrament of faith/baptism.  This of course contradicts the heretical theory of ‘baptism of desire’ and the position of all of its defenders.


Catechism of Trent, on the ‘Our Father,’ p. 510: “There is but one God, the Father and Lord of all; and consequently we have all the same nobility of spiritual birth, all the same dignity, all the same glory of race; for all have been regenerated by the same Spirit through the same Sacrament of faith, and have been made children of God and co-heirs to the same inheritance. The wealthy and great have not one Christ for their God; the poor and lowly, another; they are not initiated by different Sacraments; nor can they expect a different inheritance in the kingdom of heaven. We are all brethren and, as the Apostle says in his Epistle to the Ephesians: We are members of Christ's body [Ephesians 5:30], of his flesh and of his bones. This is a truth which the same Apostle thus expresses in his Epistle to the Galatians: You are the children of God, by faith in Jesus Christ; for as many of you as have been baptised in Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Greek nor Jew, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  Now this is a point which calls for accuracy on the part of the pastor of souls, and one on which he should purposely dwell at considerable length; for it is a subject that is calculated both to strengthen and animate the poor and lowly…” 




Here are a few examples of the language in the Catechism which demonstrate that not everything in the Catechism necessarily had to be or was going to be communicated to the faithful.  Rather, only certain points of doctrine (such as the position on water baptism quoted above) were specified as matters that must not be omitted or as specifically to be taught.  Many other quotes on this point were covered in the debate.


Catechism of Trent, on Indissolubility: “The pastor should not here omit the salutary admonition of St. Augustine…”


Catechism of Trent, on the Holy Ghost: “The pastor should also accurately explain to the faithful that the Holy Ghost is not only God…”  


Catechism of Trent, Article II: “Wherefore, the pastor should not omit to remind the faithful that the guilt and punishment of original sin were not confined to Adam…”


Catechism of Trent , on the Creed, ‘on the Trinity’: “… let the pastor teach that the terms nature and person used to express this mystery should be most scrupulously retained; and let the faithful know that unity belongs to essence, and distinction to persons.”


Catechism of Trent, ‘Thy Will Be Done,” “Though the faithful are not to be left in ignorance of the import of this Petition, yet in this connection many questions concerning the will of God may be passed over which are discussed at great length and with much utility by scholastic doctors.” 


Catechism of Trent, on Taking God’s name in vain: “The above observation should strongly convince the pastor that on this point it is not enough to speak in general terms…”


*Many other quotes on a variety of topics were covered in the debate.  We have created a file for the recent debate and some of these quotes – which, again, are just a few on one particular issue discussed in the debate.  More quotes and points, which were discussed in the debate, might be added to the file if time permits.  A permanent link to this file is found in the Outside the Church There is No Salvation section.


A few quotes from the recent debate [new file]

‘You can’t judge’


Subject: "you can't judge"


Dear Brothers:


I was thinking about Francis' remark that he can't judge "gays" and the fact that, as Elizabeth pointed out, this kind of remark is all one ever hears from the adherents of the Vatican 2 sect. Their acceptance of the you can't judge heresy from hell is what makes (and has made) every lie and every inversion possible -- because it destroys all initiative to seek the truth and test all things (as Our Lord and St. Paul told us to do). Now their you can't judge mantra will have been raised (in their minds) to the level of a "papal" pronouncement, and these false Catholics who deny Our Lord and the true faith will continue to grovel in adoration at the feet of the Beast. The veneer of the Counter Church has been stretched to the limit and by now is virtually gone -- along with any desire to distinguish between good and evil.


I liked Tom Miles' Bozo story. Everything in this apostate world is indeed a fraud like Bozo the clown. For the heck of it, I looked up the word "reprobate" in an American Heritage paperback dictionary and found this definition: "A morally unprincipled person". No, that is not what St. Paul meant when he said that, because of their sins of idolatry, etc., God delivered those who practice or consent to homosexuality up to a reprobate sense (Rom. 1:28) So I checked Webster's dictionary and here's how they defined reprobate: of someone who pursues evil in preference to good/condemned by God to eternal damnation.  Ironic but no surprise that Webster's dictionary teaches more about theology than the antichrist claimants to the papacy do.


Lee Ann




Subject: Antipope Francis



When the Antipope says that he can't judge gays, then that is all the proof we need that he carries the Antichrist spirit. God has already judges such behaviour as mortally sinful so when we hear a man who claims to be the Bishop of Rome say these things, we can know the Second Coming of Our Lord is at hand! I mean, this is just one example of apostasy from Vatican II. I don't understand how come people willfully blind themselves to these facts.



MHFM: Yes, we also don’t see how any ‘baptism of desire’ heretic could have a problem with Antipope Francis’ (heretical) assertion in that regard.  For they also hold that they are ultimately unable to judge anyone, no matter how opposed to Catholic teaching his beliefs or behavior might be.




“Catholic Cardinals” Dance On The Beach In Brazil | Truth Report Wow! There you have it: the WHORE dressed in scarlet and purple, dancing exuberantly… how tragic, how terribly HUMILIATING for all Brazilians....what clear-cut evidence that everything MHFM has been teaching about the Whore-Sect in Rome today is right on the money...




Dear Sir: After 46 years I have been blessed very recently with a reawakening of the Faith. I… sought answers in divers teachings until quite recently, when I wasn't even looking for it and almost out of the blue, the gift of the Faith was bestowed on me. I am mesmerized by your website and DVDs and would like to ask you if it is OK to attend church and Mass in my local parish, as I have been doing, even though there may be an anti-pope in Rome? God Bless you.


Francis Gilroy


MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the material.  No, you must not attend the invalid New Mass offered at your local parish.  Those issues are covered in detail on the website and in the material.


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Dear Brothers,

Thank-you for your recent BOD debate. I think the debate is one of your best yet, due to the fact that you were able to address all the information without Steve (or anyone else) there to interrupt and waste any airtime. I liked the points on the fact that the saints and popes were not always right and mere human beings, that were dependent on the information available to them during their times in history. (This says a lot about how the VII sect has elevated anti-christ JPII above the true Popes and Saints). With the internet today, the availability of "instant news" from around the world allows us to grasp the big picture of what's happening, just hours after it's happened. In days of past, news of anti-pope Francis and the "catholic bishops" clowning-around in Brazil would have taken weeks or even months for the watered down version of the truth to arrive.

Watching the whole "clown act" of Francis greeting the group of indigenous people, as the children looked on in awe, reminded me of a show I watched as a child. I used to enjoy watching the local TV show, "Bozo the Clown" on Saturday mornings when Bozo would come out and play games with the kids and throw candy to them. I liked the show so much, I talked my parents into letting me go on the show to meet Bozo and play the games for prizes. While on the show, I realized that Bozo was not only merely human, he was actually the weather personality for that local TV network. That disappointment most likely made me realize early on, something wasn't right with the clowns wearing the pope outfits.

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Dear Brothers,


'Antipope Francis On "Gays": Who Am I To Judge Them?"

Well, he's certainly not a Catholic. He's not a pope, he's not a lover of truth and of the true God, he's not honest, he's not seeking to convert souls to the one true faith, etc. There are so many things this demonic liar isn't and so it's no wonder he esteems and endorses such blasphemies and perversions. I hear the "You can't judge!" heresy so many times it makes me sick. Heretics love this evil phrase and will recite it every time someone charitably rebukes their sinful lifestyle. They don't seem to grasp the fact that God has already judged.

I really enjoy your new format which easily allows for watching videos… Thanks.

In Christ,




Antipope Francis greets a group of indigenous people | Truth Report This is one of the saddest things I have ever witnessed in my life! Talk about deluded, lost, tragic, misled, inebriated on toxic deadly lies! Awful




Subject: Dancing Whores


Dear Brothers,

There was something very interesting about the nauseating video of the dancing "Cardinals". They kept making the letter A with their crowd pleasing gyrations. Could that have been the spirit of Antichrist giving the crowd a symbol that it was behind this monumental orgy of human respect? Also, that letter making dance was big in the sodomite disco group "The Village People". This and the indigenous greeting video are just more blatant proof to anyone who has a shred of love for Our Lord that these minions are the great whore that was predicted in the Apocalypse and Catholic prophecy. Yet nothing wakes people up. On a related note of blindness, I just saw today on C-span that the majority of Americans according to polls believe Manning and Snowden to be traitors. There are so many people just like you put it that thirst for the lie. Oh what horrors we are living through and it’s just going to get worse.

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: Vatican council 2


I understand your disapproval with Vatican Council 2 with their views on baptism of desire, evangelizing with the far left & other discrepencies that aren't far enough to the right; I get it. However, I wish to direct your attention to Matthew chapter 16 where three things were brought to our attention, when Jesus establishes His church, appoints Peter as leader of His church & breathes on them the power of the Holy Spirit & that He will be with us til the end of time. You will not find favor with people of other religions by informing them that they will not go to heaven because they aren't Catholic. You are not being politically correct with your approach. There are missionaries whose lives are on the line because of their religious convictions & by going too far to the right, you will jeopardize their lives & the mission of the church to go forth & preach to all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit in a loving & compassionate way.


On the issue of cremation which is against Catholic teaching, we now are at a time where many families can't afford the $10,000 to be buried in a conventional Catholic format. My mother is 90 years old & she can afford it & I am the villain in the family because of my fight for her to have an orthodox funeral because it is too expensive & I am being referred to as a brain washed Catholic which I take great pride in. Amen




MHFM: Actually, no, Jesus breathes on the Apostles in John 20:22-23 (giving them the power to forgive sins), and He says He will be with them until the end of the world in Matthew 28:19-20.  In Matthew 16 He identifies St. Peter as the rock and the future pope/head to be installed after His Resurrection in John 21:15-17.  In Mt. 16 Jesus also says that St. Peter will receive the keys to the Kingdom, and that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church.


The Catholic Church has always told non-Catholics in charity that they will be lost unless they convert.  That is the truth.  It is also the message which most powerfully attracts people who truly want to be saved. 


Acts 13:46- “Then Paul and Barnabas said boldly: To you it behoved us first to speak the word of God: but because you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold we turn to the Gentiles.”

At this time you are truly lost in a sad and empty quarter of liberal heresy.


With regard to burial, it doesn’t take much money to dig a hole in the ground.  Obviously the laws applying to one’s area would have to be checked.  Moreover, a person who does not hold the true positions should not even be given a Catholic burial. 




Subject: BOD-latest video


Dear Brothers,


Great video and as always it crushes the willful liars, and you said it clearly, the heretics want to live the lie, they prefer man's standard, instead of God's….


1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.


Sincerely yours,




Antipope John XXIII


… I requested, as a favor, that you commented about pope JOHN XXIII BODY’S THAT THE VATICAN SAID WAS FOUND INCORRUPT. Since I have always correlated, in the history of the catholic church incorruption with a seal of sanctity, I was surprised. He initiated the disaster of modernism. Will you please explain it to me. Thanks




MHFM: John XXIII was not a pope, but an antipope.  He was a manifest heretic.  With regard to your question, this is from our article on Antipope John XXIII: 


After his death, the Vatican sent for Gennar Goglia, who with his colleagues embalmed John XXIII.  Goglia injected ten liters of embalming fluid into John XXIII’s wrist and stomach to neutralize any putrefaction.  This explains why John XXIII’s body didn’t decompose like normal bodies.  In January 2001, John XXIII’s body was exhumed and placed in a new bullet-proof crystal coffin now on display in St. Peter’s basilica.  John XXIII’s face and hands were also covered in wax (Wendy Reardon, The Deaths of the Popes, p. 244.).


The Scandals and Heresies of John XXIII [PDF File]




Subject: Antipope places beachball on altar


One would think you were joking back in the days when Rome held the true faith. Now, we see unpredictable blasphemy not even conceived of as possible even after the heretical Council. What a Satanic joke the Vatican II sect has become. It has no commonality with the centuries old faith and the true Saints.


M Rudnicki


Debate Video


Subject: BOD Debate Video


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the excellent video, 'Baptism of Desire' Debate: Catechism of Trent - Council of Florence. Steve the BOD heretic really showed everyone exactly what his beliefs are - nothing. It was great to hear Bro. Peter refute Steve's position on the Catechism of Trent. The Catechism of Trent was "intended that such things only should be treated of as might assist the pious zeal of pastors in discharging the duty of instruction." (Introduction, Catechism of Trent) It is not infallible… Bro. Peter developed this, showing that numerous popes wholeheartedly endorsed and recommended the use and reading of St. Thomas' Summa Theologica even though it contains errors. The point being that St Thomas was simply wrong, not a heretic, as were various Popes and Saints on other issues, such as Geocentrism… or about occult heretics not being real heretics. Papal Infallibility only covers the requirements set out in Vatican I, and obviously only applies to popes not to Saints or theologians. It is also an interesting point about how in our day we have two big advantages over Catholics of the past when it comes to judging obstinacy in heresy: technology and Vatican I's definition of Papal Infallibility. As Bro. Peter mentioned, we can go straight to the infallible declarations rather than sift through the opinions of theologians. Why walk if you can fly? The dogmatic declarations show over and over again, like an unbreakable network of truths, that the Sacrament of water baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation, that there are no exceptions to this, and that membership in the Roman Catholic Church is absolutely necessary for salvation. No one can enter heaven without baptism, John 3:5 is understood literally as it is written, one must be in the Church of the faithful and only baptism makes one such, one must be a member of the Body of the Church not merely of the Soul and only the baptized are of the Body, and all true Justification meets up with the Sacraments (p. 275,
Outside the Catholic Church there is Absolutely No Salvation). Anyone who obstinately clings to "baptism of desire" after having seen the infallible, dogmatic definitions and declarations - which are the explanations - on the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of water baptism for salvation is a despicable and disgraceful liar and heretic. The BOD heretics have absolutely no faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: O’Reilly



Dear Brothers:

That is an amazing clip of O'Reilly clarifying the Counterfeit Catholic religion to Imus and his listeners. Notice how O'Reilly, with his usual heretical zeal, finds it necessary to re-present the heretical comments he made on the Imus show to his evening TV viewers as well. O'Reilly is very proud of himself when explaining his deadly doctrine, and he would like to convey it to as many millions as possible. No doubt, O'Reilly thinks he is clever: he has found the "rarely publicized passage" of baptism by desire, and O'Reilly the Wise will inform the world and set everyone's mind at ease with this consoling, albeit false, doctrine. I suspect that O'Reilly isn't rich and famous for nothing. He has used his show before to deny as much as he possibly can about the Catholic faith, such as in the above-referenced video by MHFM, in which O'Reilly imagines he is defending the dogma of hell while rendering it meaningless. O'Reilly is a good snapshot of the Counterfeit Catholic religion and how it is nothing but an empty shell. And, in his discussions with non-believers of any persuasion (regardless of what such persons might choose to call themselves), O'Reilly demonstrates that Satan is the only principle of "unity" among holders of all fake religions. Because in such conversations, lies always rule.

Lee Ann




Dear Brothers,


The recent news of anti-pope Francis’ inability to judge the pervert actions of the gays is just more… frosting on the cake for all the VII adherents, who cannot swallow enough of Satan's lies. It's becoming quite obvious the problem of the world "lies" at the top of the counter church during these last days of the great deception.


God Bless your work,

Tom Miles




Subject: beachball on Vatican ''altar''


Behold the abysmal emptiness of the Whore of Babylon- the Vatican II sect and the current Whoremonger-in-Chief-Antipope Bergoglio (what an apostate clown)

Having a ball: Antipope Francis with souvenir beachball from Brazil trip


UK News






Subject: Baptism of Desire video


Dear Brothers,

Your latest 'Baptism of Desire' debate is extremely interesting and informative. I'm glad you made these videos. 'Baptism of Desire' is just a heretical myth that obstinately bad-willed people like Steve cling to. Steve's no longer willing to debate you because he doesn't stand a chance against Catholic dogma: What's infallible is what the Magisterium has taught to the Universal Church in a binding fashion. This is what Steve should be concerned with - the infallible teaching on the necessity water baptism. It's really satanic how people attack the dogma on outside the Church there's no salvation and they'll push heresies such as 'Baptism of Desire' in vain hopes of "proving" their point. I'm so grateful MHFM is here to crush these heresies with the truth and put enemies of the Catholic Church like Steve to flight.

Live Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

In Christ,




Subject: Anti-Pope Francisco shows his true face


In an interview before returning to Rome, Anti-Pope Francisco showed his true face without the slightest embarrassment.  As he cannot defend openly gay pseudo-marriage, he uses of relativism to defend the "gay agenda", reducing the issue of homosexuality to the mere political lobby.  'If a person is gay and seeking God, who am I to judge her?', Says Antipope


Original text in Portuguese: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/poder/2013/07/1318313-se-uma-pessoa-e-gay-e-busca-deus-quem-sou-eu-para-julga-lo-diz-papa.shtml


As someone who claims to be the throne of St. Peter, he has the courage to say that young people should be revolutionaries (=Marxism, socialism, communism, etc.) in World Youth Day (WYD), misrepresenting an entire youth and encouraging them to have a rebellious behavior.


Bergoglio acts as a populist politician and wants to please everyone, moving away from the dogmas of Holy Mother Church.


God bless you…






Subject: BOD crushed


Dear Brothers,

Absolutely phenomenal job on refuting the pathetic heretic Steve's argument against Our Lord's truths…

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: George Bergoglio "Who am I to judge a gay?"


Dear Brothers,


George Bergoglio defends the perverts and says they should not be discriminated but must be integrated into society. Just more disgusting evidence, thrown in the pile, of the Vatican II Sect and its anti-popes.


http://noticias.univision.com/mundo/noticias/article/2013-07-29/papa-francisco-perdona-y-olvida-los-pecados-de-los-curas-gays ftloc=channel1423:wcmWidgetUimStage&ftpos=channel1423:wcmWidgetUimStage:4#axzz2aSqwA0Pp


God bless


In Jesus and Mary





Subject: Bill O'Reilly recently endorses Baptism of Desire


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpSRTVGMLiA As you can see Bill O'Reilly endorsed Baptism of Desire a few days ago. The heresies he utters in this clip to Imus are very disgusting.


M Rudnicki


MHFM: That clip is very interesting.  It’s another clear example of the demonic fruits of the false doctrine.




Subject: "Saved at Death Heresy"


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the video exposing the Saved At Death Heresy. This demonic lie is just another concocted myth by so-called Catholics who receive not the love of the truth. Bro. Peter crushed it and in short order, showing that Catholic dogma is so beautifully inspired by the Holy Ghost as truths fallen from heaven that they need no "explanation" or "interpretation." They speak for themselves. So, when the dogma states that the Catholic faith must be held before the end of life, and must have been preserved, the Holy Ghost was heading off the saved at death heresy and others centuries in advance. We just need to look carefully--reverently--at what Holy Mother Church proclaims, and submit, which is what Steve and the false traditionalists refuse to do. It is similar to the very first line of the dogmatic Athanasian Creed: "Whoever wishes to be saved, must hold the Catholic faith." That simple statement of divine truth totally buries "baptism of desire." Finally, the insight regarding how those in the New Testament who received special revelations were immediately led to the baptizing Church was excellent.


Joseph Ramirez




I am now pursuing the… Church in London… Thank you for all your hard work in putting everything together for the ordinary Catholic to read and understand.


May God bless your endeavours




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The sections on where to receive sacraments in this time, and the positions one must hold before doing so, cover the relevant principles on those issues.




Brother Michael,

I live in Toronto and I am actually born and raised as a Ukrainian Greek Catholic and attend the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

I am curious to know though your opinion on the "new" translation of the Novus Ordo Mass. In August 2011 they made the following change...



So does this now make the Novus Ordo Mass valid?

I guess the other problem would be, is the question as to whether the "priest" celebrating the new translation of the Mass is ordained on or after June 18, 1968, with the "new" rite of ordination, which is invalid.  By my estimations that Novus Ordo priest would have to be at least age 65 plus to have any chance of being considered as having a valid ordination with the old Traditional rite of ordination.  2013 - 1968 = 45 years have now passed by, plus the priest would have had to be at least 20 years old when he had a Traditional ordination. Thus, equaling approximately age 65 presently, if not older.

Michael +


MHFM: No, it’s not valid because the form still lacks (as a consequence of a deliberate removal) the words mysterium fidei.  The New Mass takes those words, which contained a precise signification in the form, to a place outside the form.  That manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church (i.e., a defect of intention).  Moreover, as you noted, all the ‘priests’ ordained in the New Rite are invalid and lack the powers of the priesthood. 


Lastly, even if the New Mass were valid (and it isn’t), it’s still a non-Catholic service which is odious to the Lord and which must be avoided.


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for the many useful and edifying debates and videos you've presented recently.  The Catholics of the whole world are strengthened in truth, and all others are invited to embrace the truth. 


I would like to add a comment to these latest topics. The first thing that crossed my mind in trying to grasp the whole meaning of fact that somehow the two vicious heresies, "baptism of desire" and "saved at death", came up together, side by side, is that this fact points out the full satanic inversion of the truth. The BOD heresy is trying to annul the necessity to enter the Catholic Church through the sacrament of baptism, which is the very first sacrament a salvation thirsting soul needs in order to be saved. The fact the sacrament of baptism is also called the "sacrament of faith" means that there could not be any salvation without the true faith. A man can believe anything, and have a faith in false things, but if his/her faith is not sacramental, it is not salvific. At the same time, the SAD heresy tries to annul the need of sacrament of anointing the sick, which is the last sacrament a human soul can receive. The fact this sacrament is also called "the last sacrament" points to the fact that there could not be any sacrament at the moment of death and afterwards.

The satanic V2 council and counterfeit "catholic" church's antipopes, and its satanic hierarchy, is a driving force invented for the sole purpose to invert the True Catholic Church's sacraments. The nearing end of the V2 satanic church is marked with the satanic layman Francis posing as the "pope". His sole purpose is to instill in human souls the lie about the main purpose of The Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The lie is that Jesus Christ came into this world to "feed the sheep" with physical food, while the truth is:

"For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth. Every one that is of the truth, heareth my voice."(John 18:37)

May St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of our Most Holy Mother Mary, bless all true Catholics in the world.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




I would just like to thank you for all of the work you do. I have ordered a number of dvds and books from you over the years and your apostolate has been an integral part in my conversion from the Novus Ordo. Thank you!!!


… In the love of Jesus and Mary,






Hello Brother Dimond,

I liked your Shroud of Turin discussion and I too believe too that it is the burial shroud of Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. How wonderful He left us that relic…

I myself came back to the Catholic Church after 40 years. It was at the grave of Saint Francis in Italy something happened. Long story short I now visit the sick and dying Catholics in a local Hospital. I have been doing this for maybe 3 or four years once per week…



MHFM: We’re glad that you have interest.  However, it's crucial that you look at the material on the site and recognize that the Vatican II Church is not the true Catholic Church.  The New Mass is invalid and must be avoided.  Francis is not a pope, but an antipope.  Those issues are addressed in the material. 


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  It’s the first in what will probably be a series of new videos on related matters.


The 'Saved at Death' Heresy [video]




Hi my name is Augustus Opara from Nigeria… We’re currently in a war with my immediate family and our relations… I wonder the large number of catholics that Vatican2 has misled. Priests say it is false and insult us for telling the truth. May the Lord continue to strengthen you Amen…


MHFM: We’re glad to hear about your interest.  Maintain the faith and pray, and don’t allow heretical family members or others to deter you from spreading the truth.




Dear MHFM, (this is me rambling on about a personal cat story)


We have two cats. One cat's name is Pumpkin (girl) and the other cat is Puddy (boy). Last Saturday evening Pumpkin was lounging on the picnic table. I was reading the Bible and briefly stepped inside. When I was gone another cat (a stray) approached and intruded Pumpkin's turf. In retaliation, she 'put up a fuss' and chased the other cat. There was a scary cat fight.


Pumpkin never came back !!  It was getting late. We called and called her (she never stays outside at night). Still, no Pumpkin.  On Sunday morning ........., we called and called her ............. Still no Pumpkin.


In the meantime, Puddy was sniffing the house for Pumpkin (he was missing her very much) Sunday was VERY VERY HOT. In the afternoon we went walking into the bush (our area has wild coyotes). We thought maybe coyotes ate her. (We prayed the Rosary when walking - we prayed Holy Prayers… Monday ............ still no Pumpkin. Puddy was worriedly sniffing the house. Tuesday ............. still no Pumpkin. It was VERY VERY hot outside. We called and called her.


On the internet, it was discovered that cats, when frightened, sometimes go into 'emergency mode'. Hence, even if they are VERY CLOSE to home, they won't respond to their name being called. They just remain quiet and don't move - sometimes they starve to death or die of dehydration.  We also read that one lady (who lost her cat for four days), 'set up' a KITTY BUFFET outside (at night) of really really good food that cats go 'haywire' over.


In fact, on Tuesday night, my sister put out a big cat buffet and called and called for Pumpkin. She even sprinkled cat nip all around the house. Still .............. no Pumpkin. HOWEVER .........................., at 12:30 am, my sister awoke thinking she had forgotten her cell phone in another room (she uses it for an alarm). She opened the door and at the bottom of the stairs was PUMPKIN meowing !!!!! She came home. The cat buffet was eaten and the big water bowl was bone dry.


In the meantime, Puddy mega perked up and galloped towards Pumpkin and sniffed and sniffed her. I think he licked her too.  Now, even though we put out a Kitty Buffet, we must say great thanks to St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony. We prayed… I thought if it was God's will, Pumpkin will come back. She did !!!


CAN YOU IMAGINE THE HEARTBREAK WHEN SOULS GO ASTRAY !!!... Can you imagine the sorrow of Jesus and Mary when people trade their souls for trivial worldly pleasures ?!!...


Take care,






So according to all the deluded BOD fans out there. Would they all admit that two people who are engaged to be married would be able to share the same bed together? I mean after all, their desire for matrimony automatically makes them married then right?...





Subject: Looks like a bomb


Dear Brothers,

The spanish passenger train that crashed, supposedly because of excessive speed but if you watch carefully, as I'm sure people have already, it’s interesting to see that the first car behind the engine, there seems to be a percussion wave from an explosion emanating from it, causing a derailment, while they were in the curve. More lies and false flags, I wonder who was on the train, that would have been of interest?

Sincerely yours,



Lady Gaga


Subject: Lady Gaga - Demon Possessed Creepy Interview


This is one of the scariest and creepiest things I have EVER seen, must be close to looking at an actual demon, may GOD spare/protect us from evil like this…




Subject: What Francis really believes


Dear Brothers,


You did a tremendous job exposing what Francis really believes. Only a world steeped in wickedness could proclaim Francis' arrogant blasphemies as humility, his heresies as truths, and his claim to the papacy as valid. It's truly disgraceful.

Thanks also for totally crushing the 'saved at death' heresy. I listened to your debate with Steve and all I could think is how utterly blind the man has made himself on account of his stubborn unwillingness to accept the truth. He kept making all sorts of contradictory excuses which entangled him like a fly caught in a web. The scary part is that he's willing to suffer to the loss of his soul even after having had the truth pointed out to him.

That was an interesting email by William. The other day on Fox news they were commenting on the anti-pope’s visit to Brazil. When the reporter was asked if the natives would have to observe some sort of modesty during a "mass" that was going to be held by the "pope." He happily responded that it was very unlikely they'd be asked to cover up. All chuckled as the reporter went on to say how he'd seen "the faithful" leaving the church in speedos and thongs. What a satanic joke!

Revelation 2:23-26- “…I am he
which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works… But that which ye have already hold fast till I come..."

In Christ,




Subject: ‘saved at death’




I agree with your video about the heresy of being 'saved at death'. Many modernists are claiming that a person can die and at the point of death or just after death be given the Catholic faith and therefore dodge hell. This I completely reject…


Daniel James


C.S. Lewis


Subject: C.S. Lewis


C.S Lewis the Anglican Heretic and modernist is often portrayed as a "Christian intellectual" or something. In his outrageous book "Mere Christianity" he writes many revealing things.


On Modesty


"Thus, while the rule of chastity is the same for all Christians at all times, the rule of propriety changes. A girl in the Pacific islands wearing hardly any clothes and a Victorian lady completely covered in clothes might be equally 'modest', proper, or decent, according to the standards of their own societies..."(94)


On Actions


"Now, once again, what God cares about is not exactly our actions."(145)…


Heresy on the incarnation


"The result of this was that you now had one man who really was what all men intended to be: one man in whom the created life, derived from his Mother, allowed itself to be completely and perfectly turned into the begotten life. The natural human creature in him was taken up fully into the divine Son." (179)


On sexual perversion


"But if you are a poor creature - poisoned by a wrenched upbringing in some house full of vulgar jealousies and senseless quarrels - saddled, by no choice of your own, with some loathsome sexual perversion... He knows all about it. You are one of the poor whom He blessed."(215)


During the whole book he talks about evolution as if it is a fact and the last chapter is about the next step in evolution.


"Perhaps a modern man can understand the Christian idea best if he takes it in connection with Evolution."(218)


"(Never Forget that we are all still 'the early Christians'. The present wicked and wasteful divisions between us are, let us hope, a disease of infancy;...)"(221)


On page 223 he talks about the "New Men" and indicates his true allegiance.


"On this view the thing has happened: the new step has been taken and is being taken. Already the new men are dotted here and there all over the earth... Every now and then one meets them. Their very voices and faces are different from ours: stronger, quieter, happier, more radiant... They will not be very like the idea of 'religious people' which you have formed from your general reading... And I strongly suspect (But how should I know?) that they recognize one another immediately and infallibly, across every barrier of colour, sex, class, age, and even creeds. In that way, to become holy is rather like joining a secret society. To put it at the very lowest, it must be great fun."(223)


It seems to me C.S Lewis was a mason. One of the wicked men who laid the ground work for Vatican 2.






Subject: Denmark Persecution of Catholics


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting the quote about the persecution of Catholics in Denmark. How true that Protestants like to talk about Catholic exclusion of Protestants, yet they don't mention it when the Protestants persecuted Catholics. It shows the malice that is in Protestantism, and the damage that results when the Catholic Church is separated from the State. The quote is also interesting in that it shows that Protestantism is embedded with a hatred of those ranks in the Church that make a distinction between the layman and the clergy (religious, priests, etc.). The effect of this is shown in full force by the fact that the very last claimant to the Papacy, antipope Francis, is a mere non-Catholic layman. It's what the Protestants have always wanted: Pope Pius XI, Rerum omnium perturbationem (#4), Jan. 26, 1923: “… the heresies begotten by the [Protestant] Reformation. It is in these heresies that we discover the beginnings of that apostasy of mankind from the Church...” The video showing Lady Gaga possessed… She looks like the Whore of Babylon, drunk on the blood of the Martyrs and the Saints (Apoc. 17:6) - the Vatican II sect. She is also an ex-Novus Ordo "Catholic."

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: NBA Player Abortion Contract


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting this OUTRAGEOUS story of this glaring example of pride and vanity. Another question I have to ask is why so many well to do people choose to have abortions? This "man" even though the pregnancy was out of wedlock of course it would be a greater crime to kill the poor child for his parent's selfish and irresponsible actions. I must comment that this trend is very common among people who've had abortions and don't think they're wrong calling themselves "Christians". That poor child. This bball star could have had thirteen children and he still would be well off as if that's an excuse. The level of evil just boggles the mind.

Nathan B.


Avoid Family? 


Subject: Avoid Family?




My wife and I are converts to the true Catholic faith from the Vatican II sect, thanks to your website. For that, we are in great appreciation for your apostolate.  Since our conversion, we have had to deal with the reality that both of our families do not hold the truth Catholic faith. Some are protestant, others are Novus Ordoites, others are not practicing any particular faith, and a couple are Muslims. I've made attempts to convert my side of the family by speaking to them about the true Catholic faith or by giving them some of your material to look over in hopes they may at least show some interest in a possible conversion.


For example, I had one heated discussion over the phone with my sister (let's call her Jane), about another sister of ours (let's call her Jill) that is currently pregnant. Jill was considering an abortion because of her fear that her unborn baby boy might have Down's Syndrome. Jill's main reason for an abortion was to avoid raising her baby in this cruel world of ours that might make his life difficult. I called this out as evil to Jane, and told her that if she supported Jill in her abortion, that she would be leading herself and Jill down a path to hell. Jane grew very emotional at my remark but I had to honest with her because this is a mortal sin on Jane and Jill's part (aiding the abortion decision and having the abortion, respectively).


This one example has created division between myself and siblings, to offer an example of how living the true faith has made coexisting with family almost impossible. Other examples include constant conflict between my wife and her mother (my mother-in-law) about all sorts of matters (secular in nature). We also have protestant members of the family, like my wife's grandparents who are Baptist, who, although they don't preach or try to proselytize us, I am concerned about spending too much time with them because they are heretics and may be an obstacle for our children as they grow older in the faith. I guess I'm trying to figure out where the place of family is, if any, within my wife and I and our family if our families are not of the true faith. My wife and I are to a point where we are considering avoiding them by not attending birthdays, holidays, etc. where we know family will be to avoid the stress and the bad influence these non-believers might have on our family.


What recommendation would your offer?




MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the information.  If you’ve already tried to convert them by sending them information and/or speaking to them about the true faith (which is obviously what you and your wife should do or have done), and they’ve rejected your attempts or shown no interest, there’s no reason for you to have any contact with them.  You should definitely not celebrate holidays or birthdays with them. 


With young people and others who share a house with non-Catholic family members (and thus cannot avoid them), the advice might be slightly different.  No two situations are exactly the same.  In your case, however, as adult married people who have your own place, you should definitely not have contact with them unless they demonstrate interest in converting.  Indeed, based on what you’ve described, it would clearly be opposed to God’s will to unnecessarily expose your children to such heretical family members.  If any of your non-Catholic family members ask why you are not participating in family gatherings, etc., you should tell them.  That direct, truthful and charitable message about the gravity of such matters of faith might stimulate their interest level or even their conversion.




Subject: Obituary


Dear Brothers


I saw this yesterday as I was reading the obituary section of the OC REGISTER. This man died, and he left his happy loving partner or husband jack of 41 years, perverted gay man. Our society has completely accepted homosexuality. They come now with no shame. Also this heretical idea that almost everybody is saved. Our Lord taught that few people are saved. Jane Doe or Bill Bob died today and entered the pearly gates of heaven, service will be held at el bethal masonic shriner temple. etc etc. Anyway thank you and keep telling people the truth. In her immaculate heart.


from mark v




Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the new video treating of the at death/after death BOD heresy. It is no surprise that Steve, being an obstinate heretic, refuses to continue the debate series which he originally agreed to. One of the best and most certain signs of bad will is that, as soon as his heresy is exposed, the obstinate heretic runs and hides. How can one doubt that such heretics, like all non-believers, recognize the ring of truth but reject it anyway? They simply will not to receive it. For them, it is not God's will be done. It is: my will be done.


In MHFM's video on that other heretic, David Allen White, Brother Peter makes the succinct and compelling point that, to be a Catholic, one must believe, profess and preach whatever the Catholic Church believes, professes and preaches. As in: "The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics or schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives." This particular ex cathedra pronouncement was made in 1441 by Pope Eugene IV, but the teaching was held by every true pope…


If a person rejects even one of the Church's infallible teachings, that individual is not a Catholic, but a heretic. We know that the Vatican 2 claimants to the papacy were, in fact, antipopes precisely because they do not and did not believe, profess and preach what the Catholic Church has held and taught since the time of Christ. No one can deny knowing this, because the evil antipopes have openly proclaimed, by word and by deed, that Vatican 2's teaching was a reversal of the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church. Even Jews, atheists, Protestants, Freemasons, etc., know this. The very reason the Antipopes and the Counterfeit Church are accepted by the Vatican 2 crowd is because, being heretics themselves, the V2 adherents have convinced themselves that believing, professing, and preaching the Catholic faith is not mandatory for salvation, but merely OPTIONAL. Such persons are going to be in for an awfully rude awakening when they die. Believing, professing and preaching the true Catholic faith is not optional for a "pope" whose diocese is the world -- nor is it optional for any Catholic layman within his or her own sphere of influence. And when persons like Steve promote themselves as "Catholic" spokesmen -- but actually teach heresy -- they are agents of Satan and simply blind leaders of their equally blind followers. That both groups will fall into the pit is a truth that the false Catholics, like the majority of mankind, happily ignore -- while they continue to follow EWTN, Gruner, the SSPX and all the other heretical voice boxes that badmouth truth-seekers. Thus, they ensure that their followers continue to swear a deadly allegiance to the Counterfeit Catholic Church and its antipopes, while accepting its antichrist religion. How ironic it is that, basking in the glow of their own false light and speaking endlessly about "love" and "mercy", such persons no doubt feel a rush of satanic magnanimity (i.e., pride) when they impute to others a desire for truth which even they themselves do not have!


Lee Ann




Subject: SAD/BOD Heresy


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the excellent video refuting the "Saved at Death" (SAD) heresy. This heresy is so widespread. It is a "secret Gospel" from a false "secret Christ." It is totally Satanic and demonic. The Catholic Church goes by the external forum when judging who is inside the Church and who is not. A Catholic is thus forbidden from thinking that someone who does not convert to the Catholic faith in the external forum before death, may possibly have been saved. The Catholic judges by the external evidence, whereas the SAD heretics ignore the evidence and presume a secret "revelation." They ignore the infallible Papal declarations that exclude any possibility for such mysterious and secret (false) ways of salvation, such as the Council of Florence (Cantate Domino). It is also an interesting point about the Athanasian Creed, how it says "unless each one shall have preserved the Catholic faith whole and undefiled, he cannot be saved." The accurate translation brings out the fact that it is necessary to hold the Catholic faith before death, while one is still living, and that one must persevere in holding the Catholic faith until death in order to be saved. No one can be saved after death, unless they held the Catholic faith before death. There is no salvation 'at death'. Catholic Tradition also proves this, in that many of the Pagan babies who were baptized immediately died, as if they were miraculously kept alive so as to receive baptism (the Catholic faith)… The "Saved at Death" heresy is a blasphemous mix of man-made and demonic false traditions which resemble plastic that gives off toxic fumes when held to fire. They have a plastic faith, not the Catholic faith.

1 Peter 1:7 - "That the trial of your faith (much more precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may be found unto praise and glory and honour at the appearing of Jesus Christ."

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Excellent video on 'Saved at Death Heresy'....The Council of Florence, defines dogmatically that Catholics are not permitted to conclude a person who did not die as a Catholic in the external forum was possibly saved…


God bless,





MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote about how, in the aftermath of the Protestant revolution, 17th century Denmark banned all Catholic priests and religious from the kingdom.  Protestants enjoy making references to historical examples of when Catholic nations or institutions excluded Protestants.  They don’t seem so enthusiastic, however, about mentioning the Protestant persecution of Catholics.


“Denmark, whither Propaganda [the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith] sent a few Jesuits and Dominicans, exhibited the same hostility towards Catholics.  The Jesuit Colen was banished in 1624 whilst the merchant who had given him hospitality was put to death.  A royal ordinance of February 24th, 1624, forbade under pain of death all Catholic priests and religious to reside in the country.” (Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, p. 275.)




Subject: Athanasian Creed


Dear Brothers,


Fantastic video, I'm laughing as I'm writing this email because, I find it so amazing that by simply explaining the simple words of the Athanasian creed, the heresy is totally destroyed! To preserve, is to maintain, to act upon, behave accordingly, which is the external forum [to be seen and heard], it serves to prove that all bad willed people speak from the other end of themselves and it also destroys the protestant idea of just believing without behaving according to the Laws, Precepts and Commandments of God, which includes submitting to the Office of the Papacy, just like Abraham in the old testament [Isaias 51:1], The Rock!...


Thank you so much, for defending the Faith, God bless you all!


Sincerely yours,






Subject: Video


Yes, satan is working very hard to lead souls into hell and has always. People with no scruples or even a bit of truth fail to see. Excellent video.  And if our gospel be also hidden, it is hidden to those who are lost.”


God Bless MHFM





Subject: Video – The ‘Saved at Death’ Heresy


YouTube Video - The 'Saved at Death' Heresy  Thanks for… this… That latin verb "shall have preserved" makes it dogmatically written in stone that one must keep and preserve the catholic faith DURING one's life--he must already have preserved the faith BEFORE death: that makes the true teaching VERY clear. Instead of being grateful to GOD for providing this merciful way out of eternal hell which we ALL deserve, these evil wicked devils are attempting to EMPTY that dogmatic truthful path to heaven so no one can ever get there. This is precisely what Jesus accused the scribes and pharisees of when he said to them woe, woe, woe, to them for locking the door to heaven and not permitting others to enter in either. Satan is using the same tactic to attempt to achieve his same goals.


It's been mentioned that the false signs and wonders of "sister faustina" promoted this heresy that souls would get another chance after death and I recall reading that in her "diaries". Too many people believe this.


African Missions


MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote.


Pope Leo XIII, Catholicae Ecclesiae (#3), Nov. 20, 1890, on African Missions: “Besides protecting freedom, another more serious apostolic concern orders Us to spread the teaching of the Gospel in Africa.  This teaching should bathe those inhabitants living in darkness and blind superstition with the light of divine truth, by which they can become co-heirs with Us of the kingdom of God.”




Thanks Dimond Brothers for your website and books, and videos. Since I found you earlier this year, I converted from Novus Ordo to the Traditional Catholic faith thru the steps you provide on your site. I've also been telling others to do the same….

Thanks for all you do and God bless,




Subject: Tornado hits Pagan Ursiline College


I did not find this surprising at all. Ursiline College in Pepper Pike, Ohio, outside Cleveland is a Pagan college that worships the goddess Sophia! A friend of mine went there once where they were selling books and wiccan things. She took photos and almost had her camera taken away! If she didn't show me those photos I would have found it hard to believe her. Although she also showed me similar photos at the 'church' ? of the Resurrection (where Future church was born!) where they held a goddess sophia event!






Danish Idolaters


Subject: Danish Idolaters


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting the quote about the false gods of the Danes.  Joseph Ramirez showed well how the Vatican II sect and its Antipopes, like the Pagan Danes, are dedicated, sacrificing idolaters and devil worshippers who have vowed to the Devil to be Christ-deniers. Their New "Mass" is an abominable "sacrifice" to Satan. Their false religion is the worship of sinful man. It is not hard to see that the Vatican II apostasy is the final test for mankind, yet false traditionalists and other heretics cling to the Whore of Babylon and its antipopes as if it is the Catholic Church. The Vatican II defenders, as well as the BOD apostates (such as Steve), would probably say that the Danish idolaters could have been saved, that "they were mistaken in good faith," or that they converted at the moment of death (or after death). Their bad will and lies almost cry out to heaven for vengeance. It shows how important it is to persevere in praying the Rosary and in true devotion to Mary, no matter what hell throws at us, since the Blessed Virgin is the Vanquisher of all heresies, and there is no problem the Most Holy Rosary cannot solve.

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio: "Thus Urban IV. testified that "every day the Rosary obtained fresh boon for Christianity." Sixtus IV. declared that this method of prayer "redounded to the honor of God and the Blessed Virgin, and was well suited to obviate impending dangers;" Leo X. that "it was instituted to oppose pernicious heresiarchs and heresies;" while Julius III. called it "the glory of the Church." So also St. Pius V., that "with the spread of this devotion the meditations of the faithful have begun to be more inflamed, their
prayers more fervent, and they have suddenly become different men; the darkness of heresy has been dissipated, and the light of Catholic faith has broken forth again." Lastly Gregory XIII. in his turn pronounced that "the Rosary had been instituted by St. Dominic to appease the anger of God and to implore the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary."

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: Steve BOD


Dear Brothers,


Steve and all the vatican ll goats should ask themselves, in regard to BOD, is it physically possible, while he is conscious, to complete an action [make something happen] with just a thought [desire]? Ask yourself, Steve, when you are thirsty, the thought of an ice cold glass of water, does that quench your thirst, no, you have to go to the cabinet and get a glass and go to the faucet and turn on the water and fill up the glass and then drink the water, so both desire and action are required, to move you to that end. Steve, consider Acts: 8:26-38 and St. Isaac Jogues, you think little of God's manifestation of His Words and Promises and so it is, you attempt to make a liar out of Jesus but that's impossible, you alone, are the liar, Steve!


John 3:5-7 Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. Wonder not, that I said to thee, you must be born again


Sincerely yours,






Subject: No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church


Hello… I have always had this growing suspicion that the current Catholic Church has grossly contradicted the Catholic Church of the past.  The current church has made it sound that it doesn't really matter if you are Catholic or not, and that everyone will be saved. Although this sounds to be politically correct nothing could be further from the truth.


What has happened to our beloved church? Is it possible that Pope Francis will restore the church to what it was prior to Vatican II?  I have asked many Catholic layman and apologists on who exactly are "in" the Catholic Church? they have told me that as long as you are baptized in the trinitarian formula you are saved. Is this true?


I have also found it quite amusing when discussing the true church with Orthodox Christians. With the evidence so overwhelming for the case that the bishop of Rome had Papal Primacy over the entire church both east and west, it would be completely absurd to believe otherwise.


After reading the early church fathers and the canons of the ecumenical councils, how could they blatantly deny historic facts? not to mention the biblical evidence stacked up against them.


Your website has been a real eye-opener. I have always regarded Pope John Paul II as one the greatest Popes, but after discovering all of the heresies he has conducted, I am beginning to realize that he was anything but great.


In Christ,


Peter Zitko.


MHFM: Peter, it’s crucial that you continue to look at the material and realize that what you identify as ‘the current Catholic Church’ is not the Catholic Church.  It’s the Vatican II sect.  The information on the website and in the videos covers that in detail.  You ask if Francis is going to ‘restore the Church.’  The Church, which is infallible and indefectible, cannot (strictly speaking) require restoration.  It still exists, but only in a remnant of true traditional Catholics.  You asked about Francis.  Francis is an unbelievable heretic and apostate.  He’s not a Catholic; he’s not a priest; and he’s not the pope.  You really need to watch this video.


What Francis Really Believes [video]


With regard to people who tell you that all the baptized (no matter what they believe) are ‘in’ the Church, that’s quite wrong.  It’s heretical, actually.  They have adopted the heresy of Vatican II on that point.  You really need to see this video, which specifically addresses that issue: it covers both the dogmatic teaching of the Church on who’s ‘in’ the Church, and how Vatican II’s teaching directly contradicts Catholic dogma on the matter. 


Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy [video]


Perhaps you also attend the New Mass.  It must be avoided, for it’s Protestant and invalid.  Please consult the information on these matters.  Consider, for instance: The Third Secret of Fatima (2nd Edition) [video].  We also recommend praying the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




I believe that Margaret Sanger also considered Catholics to be in the "undesirable" category that in her opinion should also be "birth-controlled" basically out of existence...






Subject: Vatican II cult


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the quote from Anskar the Apostle of the North, who told of the servant of God Herigar. This man denounced the pagan Danes for their "useless vows and sacrifices" to false gods. Your material has shown the absolute falsity of the Vatican II sect, and how its wicked antipopes have promoted for decades now the false ecumenism which is nothing else but the promotion of Christ-denial. They absolutely foresaw and eagerly wanted the decline in all things Catholic, but there is more. Since the gods of the heathens are devils (Ps. 95:5), and they have committed themselves irrevocably to false ecumenism, they have in fact made a "vow" to the Devil, to continue forever on the course of Christ-denial, the demolition of the true faith and all that pertains to it. The Vatican II sect is nothing more than a Satan-inspired cult, that will not turn back from its devotion to wickedness and the destruction of souls in hell. Your reply to Steve (who commented on the BOD heretic of the same name) confirmed this by indicating that all "baptism of desire" heretics are evil, and liars at their very interior. By defending the belief that one need not be incorporated into Christ, they are serving their master, the Devil, because this is what he wants. This is what the apostate Vatican II Satan cult wants, and the false traditionalists want this as well. The video you posted showing the outrageous carnival spectacle at a Novus Ordo "mass" (talk about a useless sacrifice since it is invalid) could not have illustrated the Vatican Satan cult better.


Joseph Ramirez




Subject: BOD Heretics


Dear Brothers,


I share Steve’s view about why BOD heretics (at least the majority of them) cleave to their heresy with such tenacity. They love their unbelieving family and friends more than God and His clear teaching, and that is why God allows them to fall into this monstrous error. But you are also very correct to point out that the BOD heretics hold this error because they are evil. Perhaps one could use Aristotle’s Four Causes to reconcile these various considerations:


· formal cause: BOD heretic is not of the truth

· material cause: the substance of the heresy itself

· efficient cause: he loves family/friends before God

· final cause: God’s glory, His Justice punishing heretic in Hell




MHFM: We definitely agree that the fate of family members is a consideration that inclines many people to that heresy.  With others we think it’s a matter of personal grave sins: for a God who lets non-Catholics into Heaven without the Catholic faith (and with grave sins on the non-Catholics’ souls) is a God more likely to let people within ‘the Church’ into Heaven despite their grave sins.  In every case, however, people are inclined to obstinately defend that heresy as a result of dishonest conduct and intentions which are manifested in a myriad of ways in their lives (usually in small dealings and communications).  That dishonest conduct makes them unreceptive to truth, and people who savor lies, which is why they love BOD and the notion of ‘salvation’ without the Catholic faith.




MHFM: This is part of a letter we sent to Steve the BOD heretic, which provided him with a final chance to change his mind about the debate.  Not surprisingly, he did not respond to the letter.  He also blocked our next attempt to communicate.




With regard to the previously agreed to second debate, you now indicate that you will not participate.  We are giving you a final chance to change your mind.  If we agree in advance to do it on some evening, perhaps this week, will you do it on the topic and with the parameters we discussed?  We can go two minutes back and forth, with mature flexibility for questions here and there.  If you don’t e-mail us back within the next day or two, with a clear statement that you will do the telephone debate, we will move forward with the conclusion that you have firmly and finally decided not to do it.  But recognize this: this is your last chance to ever have a debate with us. 


The only reason we’ve dedicated this attention to you is because you were a potential debate opponent with whom we could examine in detail various aspects of these issues in order to illustrate the true Catholic position and further refute and expose false positions which oppose it (e.g., BOD, etc.).  Our previous debate demonstrated quite clearly that you are a heretic and a liar, who accepts the heresy that souls can be saved in any religion, who lies constantly, and who can hardly answer a simple question without contradicting himself.  Originally you also had no problem doing a series of debates with us.  It was only after you were exposed in the first debate that your sentiment changed.  Since you were already refuted in one debate, another debate with you is obviously not necessary.  So, this is your last chance.  If you do not respond with the indication that you will do it, we will proceed without you and there will never be another debate between us.  We will either cover the points of refutation on the specified debate topic in a video, audio or article, or I will have the debate anyway, despite your failure to appear, during which I will carefully explain the issues and refute your position.   


With regard to your writings, which, in your delusion, you consider good, recognize this: if we had a written debate you would be refuted just as clearly as you were in the telephone debate, and that would be obvious to all good-willed people; but it’s a complete waste of our time when we can cover the issues and refute you in one or two hours in a telephone debate.  For instance, prior to our telephone debate on your heretical priests, we had already proven, in writing, that the aforementioned priests do in fact believe souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions. You, on the other hand, claimed, in writing, that they do not accept that heresy.  Your position, expressed in writing, was a joke.  You were simply too blind to realize it.  Our position, expressed in writing, was true, sound and convincing to any honest person.  In our telephone debate, we saw whose position, which had been expressed in writing, was true and held up.  It was ours.  The same would be true on every aspect of disagreement we have expressed on these matters in writing.  Your writing is filled with blatant errors, omissions, outrageous lies, and false arguments.  I could literally write a book proving it (similar to the section I did on Fr. Laisney).


Here are just a few of the blatant lies in your writing (I could spend time covering many other errors and dissecting your false argumentation at length, if I wanted to).  I will probably mention these in an audio on our site, since you will probably hide them from your BOD friends.


On pages 17 and 45 of your book, you use the false translation ‘except through’ instead of ‘without’ with regard to Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of the Council of Trent.  You repeatedly used this blatantly false, and grammatically indefensible, translation of sine (which means ‘without’, not ‘except through’) in order to give a false impression.  You used it well after you knew it was a false translation – despite knowing that it’s false.  That’s a mortal sin and a deliberate attempt to falsify a papal document.


In your book you cite St. John Chrysostom, as if he’s teaching baptism of blood as a substitute for water baptism, when he’s referring to the martyrdom of an already baptized priest named Lucian.  That’s a point you would have learned if you had carefully considered our book.  Your writing contains many other lies and false statements on ‘baptism of blood’, which I will not spend time covering here.  It’s also interesting that you hold the repeatedly anathematized heresy that infants can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism. 


You repeatedly write things such as the following, which are, of course, blatant lies:


“Every pope and saint is against them [on BOD]” – completely false mortally sinful lie.


“…They [popes] have taught it [BOD] over and over in encyclicals…” – false mortally sinful lie.


These are just a few of the lies in your writing.  I will not bother to expand upon the many other pages of your false argumentation, distortions, errors, failure to address key points and quotes, etc.  There are literally hundreds of such things in your writing.  You misidentify key documents in a way a person familiar with the issue would not; you contradict yourself on central claims, etc.  Many of these facts will probably be covered in an audio now that you have backed out of the second debate – not because your particular explanation of the issue is overly significant, but simply because discussing your errors reveals the falsity of BOD and the dishonesty its defenders.  The only things your writings expose are the many flaws in your arguments.  I could expatiate on this point if I wanted to.


In conclusion, our previous debate, and your refusal to have the second debate which you agreed to have, says all one needs to know.  If you do not indicate within the next day or two that you have changed your mind about doing the next telephone debate, we will proceed as mentioned above.


-Bro. Peter Dimond




Subject: carnival ‘mass’


Dear Brothers,


http://www.youtube.com/v/MxfO7a7_bWs&autoplay=1 Though this is not new but one thinks of this offense as simply a complete and total mockery of the sacraments. I don't know what those parishoners see and felt there on that ‘Mass’ but just from looking on the video it was sickening. With regards to the Zimmerman trial I would have to agree with Todd on the explanation about race and as what the Catholic Church taught it doesn't discriminate against race, nations, tongues but certainly discriminates against false religions…


Sincerely and God speed,





MHFM: This is an interesting quote. 


Concerning the pagan gods the Danes worshipped (9th century), “Herigar, the faithful servant of the Lord, was angry with them and said, ‘Your vows and sacrifices to idols are accursed by God. How long will ye serve devils and injure and impoverish yourselves by your useless vows.’” (Life of Anskar, The Apostle of the North, chapter 19)




Subject: Zimmerman


Dear MHFM,

I, too, am a person of mixed race. My parents come from Haiti but of mixed black and white origin because Haiti was a French colony before it became independent. Most of my relatives are light-skinned including myself. I have black and white features. People who don't know me think i'm Hispanic because of my appearance. So what race am I? I get tired of the racial element in this country. It seems that people in this country do not understand, or have forgotten what racism is. Racism is the belief that there are inherent differences between the races that render one race superior or inferior to others and determine how well a particular race succeeds in the world. When Zimmerman called the police he simply identified Trayvon Martin as a black male. It is standard for the police to ask the caller about the race of the person in question. I know this from experience. He then stated something to the effect that "these people" always get away. So do George Zimmerman's statements imply that he believes black people to be inferior or dislikes black people? Of course not. Only someone who is dishonest would assert such a thing. It is a fact of life in this country that young black males who wear hoodies look suspicious because it is such individuals who commit more crimes than other groups. Again, only a dishonest person would deny it. So naturally when Zimmerman saw Martin, it raised his antennas. I'm sure if Martin was dressed more decently he probably would not have looked suspicious. So the bottom line here is that there is no racial issue here. When Zimmerman stated "these people" in the 911 call, he was talking about young thugs, not the black race…





Subject: Steve the BOD guy



Concerning… Steve the BOD defender. I was pondering on why those people fight so hard to try to "prove" their nonsense in this regard. You have to think on why they want to believe in that heresy so bad in the first place. All in all, I think it's because they don't want to admit that their past relatives who died outside the faith are lost, nor do they want to admit that their family and friends still living will be lost as well unless they convert if they haven't so already. Believing in BOD gives them a cozy feel good notion that they want to fool themselves into believing that all their friends & relatives will all be saved. Believing in that heresy also gives them a false hope. Why else would they be so driven so hard to defend BOD. See what I’m saying?



MHFM: The reason they are driven to obstinately defend such a position, which is incompatible with dogmatic truth, is simply that they are evil.  They are liars in various aspects of their lives, and at their deepest interior.  They are not of God, but of Satan.  As a result, the Devil is given the ability to make such people – he moves them to be – enthusiastic for the position that actual incorporation into Christ is not necessary; for that’s what the Devil wants to promote. 


Marriage and Annulment


Subject: Marriage and Annulment


I have a few questions regarding marriage and annulment that I was hoping you could address.

Question 1: I've always heard that the Catholic Church teaches the indissolubility of marriage, but I see a lot of Catholics (and not just the Catholics-in-name-only who raised Catholic and then quit after Confirmation, but devoted practicing Catholics) are getting annulments left-and-right and then are getting "re-married" to other people. I'm a bit confused...




MHFM: This file addresses your question: The Annulment Fiasco - The Vatican II sect's De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage [PDF File].




Subject: Zimmerman comment


The racists are actually the ones who wanted Zimmerman to be convicted even if not guilty…


EJP, M.D., D.D.




Subject: Race


Dear Brothers,


I always hear people speaking about race or different races, but in reality there is only one race and that is the human race, people are only distinct by language, skin color tone, local traditions or behaviors etc, I am so tired of the ignorant emphasis on the external appearances of how people look. These external differences are a reminder of the idolatry at the tower of babel, the age old vile crime, man as god and because of the bad will of man, God is allowing the devil to implode man in upon himself, it’s tantamount to a man looking into a mirror and watching himself beat the living daylights out of himself until he is dead. It’s pure lunacy! Peoples, Nations, Tongues, BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE RELIGION, THE CATHOLIC RELIGION, it’s so infuriating.


Apocalypse (Revelation) 7:9 After this I saw a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands:


[White Robes signifying, the [one] color of the sanctification of the soul]


The devil is always trying to keep people focused on all things concerning the flesh, racism is a manifestation [proof] of people doing just that.


Romans 8:6 For the wisdom of the flesh is death; but the wisdom of the spirit is life and peace


Sincerely yours,






Subject: Obstinate BOD heretics


Dear Brothers,


It is very interesting to hear that Steve the Heretic backed out of the agreed series of “BOD” debates. Once again, it is crystal clear that the BOD/BOB heretics have no logical or coherent argument for their man-made, evil beliefs.


I have come across so many of these evil “Traditional Catholic” BOD heretics in my own life by now, I can sadly confirm that it is so sickeningly typical of them to back off from debates since they are so far removed from the true traditional Catholic Faith and would show themselves off for what they really are (they must realize it deep down).


Not to forget the malice of those BOD heretics, actually often priests, who stab a true Catholic in the back, by talking about the true Catholic (who used to belong to their congregation) in such a “nice” way as to effectively ridicule both the message and the messenger and so prevent a debate between their sheeple and the true Catholic. I have met some of the most despicable people among the obstinate BOD crowd more than anywhere else. They often even seem to go beyond the radical type of Protestants with their hate and their malice. And at least some of the Novus Ordo heretics would admit clearly that they believe in a “conversation after death” – unlike Steve and some of the other BOD heretics who have the malice and the cunning not just to invent such a perverse heresy but would not even clearly admit it. How utterly disgusting these BOD heretics are! Barring an extraordinary conversion by a few of them, they will get every bit of what they deserve in hell.


BOD is truly a “tower of sand”! Cheap sand which is easily washed away with a bit of water.  There is absolutely no salvation outside the Catholic Church and the One Baptism of water.


Thank you for your excellent works, and may Our Blessed Lady, who is the powerful vanquisher of all heresies, continue to guide you Brothers in all you do.


God bless,






Subject: Racism


Amen to Melina's email. I, too, have often believed that this country focuses too much on race. Now that people are mixing more and more, it becomes a joke to figure out just what race, or even ethnicity, someone is. Really, the only reason to try to discover someone's background is to pigeonhole them for one's particular (un-Godly) purpose. This is what the government does on a daily basis through the census. It is becoming more and more ridiculous to ask someone their race. Case in point, "Hispanics can be of any race", as stated in the explanatory notes on Census documents. Yet it is a racial category nonetheless. The fact that people are mixed more and more, through the effects of globalization or what have you, the census exercise is going to become more and more ridiculous. I, like Melina, have an interesting background. I was born in Mexico, with a mother who was born there as well. Yet, her mother was Belgian. My maternal grandmother's own parents were Dutch/French, so both languages were spoken at home. My maternal grandfather, on the other hand, was full-blooded Indian from India. He was living in Mexico when my mother was born there. My father was born in the United States, yet his mother was of Mexican descent… Jesus even tells us to turn from our families when they do not love truth, etc). Anyway, my father's father was American by birth, but his parents were full-blooded Norwegians… And my father is more Mexican than I am because his mother was of Latino decent, yet he was born in the U.S. and I was born in Mexico. So my race? Who knows. And who cares.




Trayvon Martin – George Zimmerman


MHFM: This is an extremely interesting 5-minute clip that is definitely worth watching.  The individual speaking, David Manning, largely expresses the same sentiment we posted the other day on this matter.  It’s a shame that David Manning is a heretic and a non-Catholic, for he displays some honesty.  A few years ago we sent him a package in the hope of bringing him to the Catholic faith.


On Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman [video]




Subject: Steve the Mysterious


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for explaining the things about Steve backing out of the debate. It is consistent with the BOD heretics' duplicity and lies to fold in such a way under pressure, since Truth is not in them. Your proposed format is also very interesting, focusing on only one argument in each debate. Steve's reneging on his word shows again that, as you said, 'baptism of desire' like the theory of evolution is a tower of sand - as soon as the waves of truth roll in it falls. It looks as if in his pride he simply couldn't stand to be exposed as a BOD heretic again. Bro. Peter isolated and crushed Steve's "at death/after death" mystery of iniquity, and so Steve the snake slithered away like the wicked coward and liar that he is. The obstinate BOD crowd does indeed contain some of the most evil and truth-hating people in the world, such as Steve the Mysterious, who vanishes when water is applied.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White





It is a shame that the heretical Steve, declined and made excuses to not have a 2nd debate. Was looking forward to this debate. C'mon Steve be a man and face the truth!



Attempt to have a Debate


MHFM: In recent days we have been attempting to arrange another debate with Steve, the BOD, salvation-for-non-Catholics heretic we recently debated: Debate: Do 'Baptism of Desire' Traditionalist Priests Believe Souls Can Be Saved in False Religions? [video].  In response to our initial proposal, Steve had expressed interest in having a series of debates with us which would examine, in detail, various aspects, claims and arguments in regard to the BOD and salvation issues.  At first he seemed quite agreeable to the proposed topics, the format, etc. (as anyone really should be who is interested in a debate on this matter; for we are reasonable in that regard). 


We had discussed and agreed that the second debate was to involve one argument each side picked which each side thinks proves their position: i.e., he would pick one argument (presumably his best) which he thinks proves that BOD is Catholic teaching, and we would pick one which disproves BOD.  It’s important to have separate debates which focus on specific claims and arguments with respect to BOD, and this is true for two reasons (the second probably being the most important): 1) the BOD-Salvation topic is so vast that long debates could be had just about individual claims, arguments and objections within the issue; and 2) BOD is, just like the ‘theory’ of evolution, a tower of sand.  It’s a combination of blatant lies, half-truths, fallible and inconclusive arguments, misconceptions, distortions, etc. which sound good or look impressive when quickly thrown out there or piled up, but they all fall, fail and crumble when they are carefully examined and scrutinized. 


So, as we got closer to finalizing and agreeing on perhaps when the next debate could or might occur, we expressed a number of ideas to him about when it could be done on a day both sides were comfortable with.  We also attempted to get information from him regarding his availability, his work schedule, etc.  A few days into this process, however, he suddenly stopped responding to our communications.  We know for a fact that he’s still around and that he has time to do other things; but he no longer responds to us on this point.  It’s quite clear to us that he’s afraid to have the second debate. 


Just before he stopped responding, he also asked us a question that dealt with how we would respond to a matter that directly concerned the topic we intended to debate.  We told him that he can ask us that question in the debate.  It was obvious to us that he was getting quite concerned that his very ‘best’ argument would be refuted in the debate.  It was after he posed that question that he stopped responding to our e-mails about his work schedule, about whether he receives e-mails at work which could facilitate deciding on a day that works for both sides, etc.  It’s quite clear that he’s afraid to have the second debate because he knows he will lose.  That concern was probably increased by his reflection on the first debate, in which he was caught in a truly disgusting array of lies and contradictions, in which he repudiated his own position, said Christopher Hitchens might not have been in a state of damnation, had no response whatsoever to the facts cited about his apostate priests, etc.  We also now have a very clear idea what his actual position is with regard to: salvation for pagans, Jews, etc. ‘after death/at death’ in a mystery, and there are a number of ways to further expose it.


If this debate does not occur – and at this point it looks like it won’t, due to Steve’s unwillingness – it’s a shame because we were prepared and looking forward to exposing his very ‘best’ arguments for BOD by a careful consideration of them.  We think this would have shed light to many BOD heretics about how they labor under grave misconceptions concerning their most ‘formidable’ claims and ideas.  Whether they would have received that light is a different matter; for sadly, due to their own fault, the obstinate BOD crowd contains some of the most evil and truth-hating people in the world.  There are a number of very interesting new points on these matters which would come out in the debate format.  Such a debate would also make quite clear that while a robust, cogent and thorough answer can be given to their top objections, they have no cogent answer whatsoever to the arguments we would bring forward; for the BOD heresy is utterly incompatible with dogmatic truth.  Steve is a wicked heretical coward, a total liar and the truth of Jesus Christ is not in him one bit.  Our first debate (linked to above) provides ample evidence of that fact. 






Look at what these idiots said about the Zimmerman case.



Really, everyone should just live as people. Not "white" or "black"; just humans seeking to please God. People are too consumed with themselves and "identity"!!! Honestly, I am disappointed in the Black community/liberal white media. Black people are only angry because Trayvon was Black and are overlooking his sins/wrongdoings. Yes, we know about the racism against Blacks. No one denies that and we're not here to discuss that. Each case should be judged on its own merit. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RACE. Trayvon attacked Zimmerman… People love saying "He was just a kid" and "Zimmerman shouldn't get away with shooting a kid" but what about when the black teenager shot a toddler in the face? Where was the Black community then to stick up for the toddler? The Black people who are outraged are just as racist as the racist Whites (because not all Whites are racist/have supremacy ideologies) who are wrong for being racist against them. Such racist Blacks are just plain hypocrites. And no Black person can accuse me of racism since I'm a Negro also so I took that accusation away from them. I'm NOT one of those "We Black people gots to stick together." WHAT NONSENSE!!! I stick up for JUSTICE; not skin colour; because focusing on skin colour IS racist and that's the TRUTH.






Subject: New Video


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the new video exposing Antipope Francis. The evidence presented therein clearly proves, without any doubt, the man is not even remotely Catholic in any way, shape or form. It is obvious that this man who claims to be the "Bishop of Rome" is a Christ rejecting, freemasonic infiltrating apostate, true enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ, true enemy of the Catholic Church and of the remnant Catholics who exist in the world today. Francis is even the enemy of those in the Novus Ordo, including the False Traditionalists, False Conservatives etc. and yet, even in light of the evidence presented in this video and others which prove he is a non-Catholic antipope after viewing it, many if not all of them will undoubtedly reject it and continue their acceptance of him as a true and legitimate successor of St. Peter. They will continue to defend, support or promote him. It is truly awful and very scary.


I often wonder how the more educated and traditional minded people in the Novus Ordo don't see it. I believe it is because either they still pray the Luminous Mysteries of John Paul II, the Divine Mercy False Devotion of Sr. Faustina, believe souls can be saved in false religions, aren't sincerely praying for the truth or just willfully blind themselves to it because it's too hard for them to except...


Thank you for all your hard work. Please pray for my family and me.


God bless,

Kieran Stainsby




Subject: Zimmerman


Zimmerman's trial was a show trial like one might have seen in the Soviet Union but thankfully he was rightfully acquitted. Trayvon died a non-Catholic but even if he had been he died in the state of mortal sin with Satanic weed in his system and having assaulted Zimmerman. Even if he did not intend to kill Zimmerman, to attempt to beat him to a pulp for no good reason is an evil action. But since Zimmerman almost certainly is not a true Catholic, it is a sobering reminder to ponder how they both dangled over that Eternal fire in that struggle more than a year ago. Zimmerman survived, and Trayvon's eternity is only beginning. It would have been better for him had he never been born. But hopefully someone can try to reach Zimmerman and tell him why he needs to become a true Catholic, for even though he escapes unjust imprisonment, the most important thing he will ever need to do in his life has yet to be done.


M Rudnicki




Subject: new francis video plus..


Amazing video. Should have a warning for people with heart problems.


I was wondering - My (unfriendly) jewish neighbor has parked one of his cars in front of my house for 2 days now. The rest of the street is empty, and he doesn't even live across the street from me, but cattycorner up one. What with the ease of surveillance today… I wonder if he is watching the Francis video too?!  God bless.




Subject: Zimmerman & Racism


Dear Brothers,

I totally agree with your insight on the zimmerman debacle. "Racism" in America is a molecule of a shadow of what it used to be. I just find it the height of hypocrisy and absolutely diabolical that so called black "leaders" like Holder and Obama pounce on this when they are bigger enemies and traitors to their own "race" than anyone else ever could be. For one thing Obama has been the most pro abortion president there's ever been and Holder's wife owns the property where a child sacrifice mill runs. It’s been shown statistically that more black infants are ritually murdered in these satanic hellholes than any other baby and that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a virulent racist and attended Klan rallies and designed this corporation to thin out the human race of so-called "undesireable" breeds such as blacks, handicapped, etc. Doesn't that make them the biggest racists and traitors… The first slaves in the international slave trade were very poor whites and there were just as many white slaves in the history of the slave trade as Africans and they were also treated as bad if not worse than africans. They were enslaved by their own kind: wealthy white europeans. In fact the term "kidnapping" comes from the early enslavement of poor white children. What would happen is these seedy and ruthless men who owned chimney sweeping businesses would sneak into the hovels of poor white families at night and nab their children, some as young as 4, and then work them till an early death for basically no pay and unimaginable hardship… There were native american slave masters. There were blacks that were slavemasters of other blacks. The whole movement of racism in this country's history was started by the plutocrats who really run the show and use the much less endowed masses against each other for their own psychopathic pleasure and gain. That's why Our Lord said that a rich man shall hardly enter heaven and St. Paul said "The desire of money is the root of all evil"…

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: Sheeple


Dear Brothers,


It's a case of bad will for the hypocrites to condemn Zimmerman for standing up for his right to protect himself. These sheeple will protest the loss of one of their own, while staying silent during all the numerous deaths that are caused by abortion each day. Amazing how the "media" can turn someone's life into a circus and then leave him to fend for himself after all the harm they've caused…


God Bless your work,

Tom Miles




MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote about Pope Urban VIII’s prohibition of smoking in churches.


“The abuse of smoking in churches had necessitated severe measures by several synods in Spanish America in 1575, 1588, and 1589.  When this abuse also spread to Spain, Urban VIII., at the request of the Chapter of Seville, issued a decree forbidding under pain of excommunication all smoking or taking of snuff in the churches of the diocese.” (Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, p. 3.)




Dear Mhfm,


I agree with your analysis of the Zimmerman case. As a result of the Protestant heresy, heathenism, and other heresies, the vast majority nowadays are total liars, selfish, and callous. Zimmerman was a man that simply took up the ordinary means of self defense when he was viciously assaulted, but the Satanic media, instigating the heathen masses, turns it into some sort of ethnic rivalry spectacle… Zimmerman was finally vindicated. Divine Providence was at work here…






Subject: Zimmerman trial


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the comments about the George Zimmerman case. It's clear from the biased way the media is portraying this case that the evidence is being suppressed. The mere fact that Trayvon Martin violently assaulted George Zimmerman, without any provocation (verbal or otherwise), stands as a constant proof of Zimmerman's innocence. Zimmerman had to act in self-defense. It is clear that the conspirators are simply jumping all over the case because it highlights the necessity to bear arms for purposes of self-defense, and they also want to start a race war. If Zimmerman had not had a gun, he would be the one dead! It's mid-twentieth century racism all over again… It's outrageous, yet at least the court served out some justice.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: Zimmerman


Dear Brothers,


I totally agree with you and I believe this will be the catalyst for the civil unrest and upheaval in this country, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if a number of false flags follow on the heels of this case and it’s interesting that they waited 17 months to have the trial, that would lead up to the fall months. God has said that he will punish man by means of wars [sword] and the wars don't have to be just against two or more nations either, war can be within a nation…


Sincerely yours,




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new, must-see video.


What Francis Really Believes [video]




Subject: Questions about Marriage




I am very familiar with your material. In fact I converted to the traditional catholic faith when I came across your website and your youtube channel. I am an adult man and I have some questions about marriage. Today it is very difficult to have a family which is the fundamental unit in a normal society. It is difficult because there are almost no true catholic women around and it is even extremely difficult to find witnesses for the sacrament of matrimony. So in this nightmare apostasy what do you suggest to do concerning marriage ? I know that the Church teaches that in certain circumstances it is allowed to marry a non-catholic. But what are these specific circumstances ? Another aspect is the following: should the bride in the catholic matrimony be a virgin or not necessarily ?


Thanks and bye,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  In marriage the two exchange the sacrament between themselves, with the priest acting as the official witness.  When there aren’t truly Catholic priests around, people can be married without a priest with others acting as witnesses.  To people who are serious about marriage and in full agreement on the issues, we can pass along the information about how to marry without a priest.  You may not marry a non-Catholic.  Obviously it’s preferable if those entering marriage are virgins; however, that’s not a requirement for a valid marriage.  Prior to entering marriage, those who sinned in that regard should obviously confess those sins.




I live in Germany and I want to join the catholic church. What kind of priest do I need to find, to properly join the catholic church?... Thanks for all you do.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You should follow these steps: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


You should also be praying Hail Marys and the Rosary each day.


Zimmerman Case


MHFM: The outrage displayed by so many over the George Zimmerman verdict is another powerful example of how so many people are total liars.  The evidence in the case, made public for all to see, clearly demonstrates to any honest person that, based on the facts and the law, Zimmerman had to be found not guilty.  Those who consider that evidence and say otherwise are quite dishonest.  Typically they are blinded by their selfishness, racism, personal agenda, etc.




Hello, my name is Rob Rawlings, 46, Christian, of England and a relative newcomer to the Catholic faith (of 2 years and counting, after 6/7 years as an unsettled Protestant). Firstly I want to thank you for the VERY rich collection of articles and videos which you have put up on your website to feed people like me who have so many questions and have been striving to cut through so much smog of confusion about various very important issues for the Church and world today. Your videos, articles and perspectives are helping me ENORMOUSLY to get a grip and make sense of various things and so I want to thank you all very VERY much for all the work and dedication that you obviously put into it. The Lord surely is behind you…I've been absorbing today (once again), some of your more recent videos, about Fatima… Francis, St. Malachy’s prophecy and the End of Times.


Yours sincerely and faithfully, Rob Rawlings




Subject: New Video




Thanks for the new video… I think that when antipope Francis quotes his grandmother saying "they are protestant but they are good. This is the wisdom of the true religion" (or words to that effect), in other words he is saying "the Catholic Church teaches that no one can be good without the Catholic faith, but the wisdom of the true (for him) religion, the freemasonic religion, teaches the other way around."


His language is very similar to that of H. Blavatsky, Albert Mackey et cetera who constantly referred to the supposed hidden mysteries as the "true doctrine" or, quoting the motto of the Theosophical Society, "There is no Religion higher than Truth".


God bless you,

Rafael Centeio




Dear Brothers,


… that was a phenomenal new video on the final antipope of the whore of Babylon….


God bless,

Nathan Barton




Subject: Bergoglio Handshake


Dear MHFM,


I just finished watching the new video… the V2 apostasy is everywhere evident. It is especially difficult to see how he publicly endorses non-Catholic activities and people, leading the world further astray…


It is also self-evident that Francis is not the Pope. In addition to the sign of the Lion given towards the end of the video, the handshake with antipope Benedict 16 is clearly the tight freemasonic handshake with the thumb placed on between the first and second knuckles of the hand. A deal was cut. God does not endorse his "leadership" so Catholics should not follow him.




With Ed


Subject: Your [sic] too judgmental


Jesus came to love, not cast down!




MHFM: You have no concept of truth.


[Ed’s response]:


You see my child, your curt, spicy response shows you are I'm need of prayer!






Dear Brothers,


Your video “What Francis Really Believes” is simply outstanding thank you so so much for this work it is simply excellent , how I wish that the whole world would see and hear this video, my heart is exploding with happiness and desire that all those said “Catholics” still clinging to this filthy false Vatican II church come to hear this video and how I would love to be near in order to hear their comments I truly would.


Thank You,



M.Fernanda da Silva




Subject: What Francis Really Believes


Dear Brothers,

Congratulations on the superb video exposing What Francis Really Believes. It sets the standard in exposing Antipope Francis that other organizations can only dream about. The facts prove that Francis is a total heretic, schismatic and apostate. He taught that Jews have "the Seal of God" on their hearts, which refers to water baptism. He lies like Josemaria Escriva, who told the Jewish woman she already has the "baptism of desire." He taught that Jews are the chosen people of God, and that rabbis are ministers who are our masters. He also sat silently while listening to rabbi Skorka blaspheme Christ by saying they are still waiting for the Messiah. What blasphemous apostasy!!! Francis calls Muslims brothers, and apostatized by praying before the dead leader of Argentina's Muslims. He taught that a religion that survives the passage of time (such as Hinduism) is true, and that no matter what a person's religion - such as Satanists - must have freedom of religion. He also prayed at numerous interreligious prayer meetings. Francis respects atheists, doesn't try to convert them, and says he has no right to judge them. He respects people who murder themselves, and blasphemes Christ by implying that God tests people beyond what they can bear. Francis "believes in man", as if man is God, which is Antichrist. He inverts the Cross of Christ and blasphemes St. Paul by saying that the "only glory... is that of being sinners," and that "sin is not a stain I need to clean," as if the Redemption were not to deliver men from sub-servitude to the Devil due to sin. The only sin in Francis' eyes is to deprive man of material necessities like food and work, not to offend God. Francis supports communism, since he loves the writings of Leonidas Barletta, and says that a communist professor he had "never lied" - communism is a gigantic lie!! Francis says the death penalty is "immoral," when the opposite is true. He disgustingly supports "sex education," and supports priests who fall in love by helping them to get work and to "marry." Francis supports the abominations of gay "marriage" and homosexuality, saying he never spoke disrespectfully or made derogatory references to gays. What an outrage!! Francis also accepts heretics and schismatics in his communion. He recommended a Lutheran "exorcist" to possessed people, and evidently believes that to reject a person for being a heretic is "discrimination against non-Catholics." He thinks the "wisdom of the true religion" is to say what his grandmother said, that Protestants are good. He also lavishes praise on the "Orthodox" and Anglican schismatics, calling them by official Catholic titles such as Archbishop, and your Holiness. Francis thinks schismatics have jurisidiction in the Catholic Church, when they are outside the Church - the gates of hell. Francis was also never ordained or consecrated validly, and he has thus never said a true Catholic mass. He even said a Kiddy New "Mass" with female dancers, and thinks women have a "liturgy of the word" in the Church. Francis also gives "communion" in the hand. Francis has been praised by the leaders of Freemasonry in Italy and Argentina. He has also been pictured holding his hand in what looks to be the Masonic "hidden hand" gesture, or the sign of the 'Master of the second veil.' Antipope Francis is almost certainly a Freemason, and is definitely, infallibly not a pope, since he is a manifest heretic and apostate. Everyone needs to see this video.

God bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White


Whore of Babylon


Subject: The deception unmasked


Dear Brothers:


If your video on Bergoglio doesn't finally wake people up, nothing will. By God's design, the Whore of Babylon has indeed been stripped naked and divested of all the Catholic externals in which she has been masquerading, and deceiving the world. Bergoglio doesn't even pretend to be Catholic, but admits very openly that he is not! Once he may have been Catholic, he says -- but now he is "enlightened" like the rest of his satanic bedfellows. Bergoglio is a Christ-denying heretic, pervert and criminal who is leading the Counterfeit V2 sect and the rest of the world to hell. It is hard not to see that he is the last act. Protestants would do well to reflect on the fact that, as these anti-popes accept all who directly reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah (and accept every other abominable evil like abortion and homosexuality), these antichrists also accept all protestants and schismatics. These antipopes reject only what is true: Jesus Christ and His one true Catholic faith which is necessary for salvation. While they preach universal salvation, their object is universal damnation.


Thank you for this excellent video; your presentation is riveting. Just like all the work you have been doing on this for years, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. All based on demonstrable facts, Sacred Scripture and the 2000 year teaching of the Catholic Church…


Lee Ann




Subject: new video


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the new video about anti pope Francis. It was very well done and as always direct hits with no pulled punches. I don't really know what the NOs excuse for this one will be, if one may state the likes of "specious", "mystery", and the all time favorite "That is not what he meant."


Sincerely and God speed,






Excellent video on anti-pope Francis as you connect the dots with his heretical teachings of promoting all false religions and man. Showing… his actions highlights the true resemblance Francis has to the other anti-popes, as they do not teach the importance of Jesus, Mary, the Scapular, the Rosary, Confession or anything Catholic. Their apostate Masonic message about denying Christ and favoring false religions and man, continues to be widely excepted throughout the world, especially amongst the cheerleaders of the VII Sect.

Just the thought of the upcoming "sainthood" of John the XXIII and JPII makes me want to puke…

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Subject: "Glee" Actor found dead


Dear Brothers:

Today it was announced that an actor from the popular FOX TV show "Glee" was found dead in a hotel in Canada. His name is Cory Monteith - he was 31 years old.

"Glee" is a horrible show that targets teens and pre-teens (and idiotic adults) with horribly sinful content, including "lesbianism", "homosexuality", fornication, atheism, and blasphemy.

A particularly blasphemous episode was call "Grilled Cheesus." This video gives an idea of the plot of the show and its blasphemous content.

Cory Monteith (who was the actor "praying" to the "Grilled Cheesus") is now dead and has been judged. It is interesting to note that at the very end of this video, he wishes (in real life) that he had a time machine. Unfortunately for Monteith there is no such thing - no second chances.

With no indication whatsoever that he converted to the Catholic faith and repented, one must conclude that he is now in Hell paying for his sins for eternity. Oh how much worse his punishment must be for participating in such a horrible show, and committing that horrible blasphemy. His "fame" and "success" among men lasted only 4 years, but his infamy and agony will last forever - for indeed there is no "glee" in Hell.

- Mike




Dear Brothers,


Thank you very much for the video about Jorge Bergoglio…


God Bless you

Didier JP




Subject: cross


Just simply amazing what this world has turned into. We are in the end of times! When a beautiful simple cross to represent our religious belief has become offensive to others. What a bunch of crock! The same thing can be said of the of the cross on the pitchers mound in St. Louis These people who find it offensive are the children and belong to the prince of this world (satan). What a bunch of lying hell bound devils. Well I thought that this was the era of "human respect" or tolerance and acceptance? Oh but when it comes to anything referring to Our Lord and Savior, that's Not acceptable it's (offensive) because they hate the Truth! but if some wacko walked in there with satanic tattoo's or a pentagram hung around his or her neck they would ignore or even praise him. what utter nonsense. Hypocrites. Romans 12:19 Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. quote, St Anselm, strive to be among the fewest of the few.


God Bless MHFM






Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your latest video and as many of your readers have said your site is a place of consolation and refuge in these horrible times that we live in. I wanted to say in regard to your latest video, while I was listening to the commentary, I got a strong sense of being in a tribunal [terrible day of Judgment], being present and listening to the crimes being read out loud, against francis




Subject: Francis Video


Dear Brothers,


An absolutely phenomenal video !! Terrific work organizing all the information and irrefutably exposing Francis' anti-Catholic faith. Someone without the Catholic faith cannot be the pope. Apart from simple common sense, there is a Papal Bull that confirms this. People who defend such an apostate (after seeing the facts), are inconceivably buried in blackness. It is idolatry, in a most deviant form.


I hope people share this information with as much people as they can. The demonic actions, writings and speech of Mr. Francis is only a reflection of God's mercy and love of souls. It appears God is making heresy incredibly obvious to people, so they reject Vatican II and become devout Catholics.






Subject: “What Francis Really Believes”


I thought your most recent video, What Francis Believes, was truly excellent…


Ms. Jeannon Kralj




Subjet: Antipope Francis Video


Excellent, hard-hitting, incontrovertible evidence that the latest exemplar of the Vat II regime, Papa Bergoglio, teaches a vastly different religion from that of the traditional Catholic Church. Thank you again, Reverend Brothers, for another superb, well-researched and well-documented presentation. --- I only hope your viewers, who realize that a “new Gospel” is being taught at Rome, (and has been since the days of Anti-pope John 23 ) do not think that anything this new “Church” offers is legitimate, valid, or grace-giving, for it is all false, deceptive, misleading, or erroneous. Their popes, prelates, priests, rituals, communion services, “sacraments” or sacramentals, etc. are all fake. And the true Catholic faith to which all non-believers should repair is at present practically, but not quite, non-existent. The simple reason is that we are all living through the “Church of the Great Apostasy,” now visible in Rome and in all her constitutent parts, but we must remember that the Great Apostasy must affect the one true Church Our Savior founded on Saint Peter. (The other “christian” bodies outside the true church are already apostate.) The Great Apostasy in Scripture applies only to the true Church founded on Saint Peter, and that is why the “New Church” is so radically different from the old. It is simply false, and a “new gospel” not to be believed at all even though it occupies all the old real estate.






That was an excellent summary of antipope Francis's beliefs. Excellent documentation.





Mr. Francis


Subject: Mr. Francis


Dear Brothers,


Great video on 'Mr. Francis,' a.k.a. Jorge Bergoglio…


God Bless,





Dear mhfm,

Powerful video on "What Antipope Francis Really Believes". What a horrible apostate who believes in nothing other than his Masonic Doctrine….




New Video


I really love this video, it is fast moving, straight ahead truth, and right on the money as to the religion of freemasonry being spread all over the world through the structures of what used to be the catholic church. It is amazing to see prophecy completely fulfilled so specifically in this outrageous man… I hope a lot of people are in for the shock of their lives when they view this video and are hit with the truth so to speak, as I was when first watching your videos 4 years ago… Thanks for the work you've put into this video and all your materials. It is so interesting to see how the new anti-pope and the whole entire whore of babylon structure carries the exact OPPOSITE spirit of true catholicism--the spirit of Jesus, of Mary, of the truth, of the Holy Ghost which true and actual catholics of the remnant still continue to carry in their minds hearts and souls. V2 mockers of GOD carry and exemplify the spirit of anti-christ.






I'm a huge fan of your site and I have a lot of respect for the work you do. I have all of your books and have watched/listened to almost all of your content… I read on your site recently about the possible canonization of John Paul 2. Could you maybe do an article breaking this down? I"m just curious how this is possible? I always thought that the canonization of Saints is infallible. If this "pope" is canonized does this discredit all previous canonizations?


Thanks for your time, and please keep up your good work. I and others have learned a lot from you over the past few months.




MHFM: The Vatican II antipopes have no authority to 'canonize' anyone.  Thus, ‘canonizations’ by Antipope Francis are invalid.  They hold no validity in the true Church.  However, for those who still accept him as the pope, and thus consider the Vatican II sect to be the true Church, his ‘canonization’ of Antipope John Paul II certainly discredits all previous canonizations.




Good evening


I am ready to take the next step, would that mean that I need to confess? I live in Auckland, New Zealand where do you suggest I do this? Also what should I be doing for my 7 year old? (aside from praying the Rosary) She is now baptized.


Thank you



MHFM: That’s good to hear.  It’s important to instruct her in the basics of the faith using the information on the site and basic catechetical information.  Having a rudimentary understanding of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Apostles Creed is crucial.  The Athanasian Creed (attached) contains an excellent, simple, dogmatic summary of the truths of the Trinity and the Incarnation.  Once you are convinced on the issues, making a confession to a validly ordained Novus Ordo priest, ordained before 1968 who says the proper words, is probably the best option for confession.




Subject: Sacraments in London


Dear mhfm,

I have been going to the Ukrainian Catholic Church in London for the past few years to receive sacraments. Please do you know of any options in the London area or in the UK? I feel that I have to ask you this to have peace of mind and certainty…


… It will also be fair to say truthfully that without your help and patience we Catholics on this earth would be in a world of hurt!...

Thanks Michael


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We hope you have not been contributing to the church you mentioned, since the priests are heretical.  They might be options for confession and Communion.  It depends.  You have to confirm that they were ordained in the Eastern Rite and fit the criteria.  That’s explained in the file below:


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Subject: filibuster Philippine version


Dear Brothers,


http://ph.news.yahoo.com/sc-tackles-21-rh-cases-214057445.html That article is like the filibuster in Texas though I think that this is already a done deal, may it please God to disprove my presentiment, with the time limit that they impose in arguing the case. That law should not have passed if those politicians value the constitution but as with the politicians there in the US, I mean they're in the same boat. On a happier note it is great to hear of the conversions occurring. May Our Lord and Lady continue to aid you in your apostolate. Also one is looking forward to your new video.


Sincerely and God speed,





The 2 comments on serpent tongue people have made me a little nervous - I saw the same thing once in this past year - on a priest… I think I'm about to write off the mainstream Catholic church.






MHFM: Well, one must realize that it’s not the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church is the remnant of true, traditional Catholics.




Subject: Sean’s E-Mail


Dear Brothers:


That was an interesting news item sent in by Sean about Francis feeding the homeless at the Vatican; prophecy is indeed being fulfilled right before our eyes. It seems that while the job of the previous Anti-popes was to use (what people imagined to be) the "papacy" in order to destroy the Catholic faith throughout the world, Francis' primary role is repudiating and mocking the papal office itself every way possible. It doesn't take a mental giant to realize that when Jesus told Peter and his successors to feed the sheep, Jesus was certainly not talking about giving them physical food for their bodies but spiritual food for their souls. Only liars blinded by pride could pretend to not see what Francis is doing - because Satan's henchman is blatantly putting it right in their faces.


And speaking of proud people, I was thinking of the SSPX and their never-ending ode of praise to Lefebvre that he was "passing on what he received". This was also Lefebvre's salute to himself. I now cringe when I think of how dark this slogan really is --since it was all about the exaltation of Lefebvre over the papal office established by Christ. A true pope passes on what he receives -- which is the Deposit of Faith, the faith once received (Jude 1:3) -- and he does this without error, thanks to Our Lord's promise of infallibility. This was God's guarantee (and a necessary one) if all generations of the world were to be able to believe all things which Christ commanded men to believe if they wished to be saved. It's eerie how the SSPX, which claims to be traditionalist, accepts what Lefebvre "passes on" -- but not what the true popes have passed on! Then again, that's what most non-Catholics do. They blindly follow what their parents, forebears or other false and self-appointed shepherds tell them-- even though God readily makes the truth available, and men would find it if they desired it.


Lee Ann


Radical Schism


Dear Mhfm,


After reading your article "Can Catholics go anywhere to receive sacraments today?" I've been pondering something. The radical schismatics enjoy raving about associating or cooperating in the evils of others by consent, omission, silence etc. They believe that one cannot get their spiritual food (a sacrament) that is necessary for spiritual health, at certain churches where the antipope is prayed for. According to them just being present or inside these places is an heretical act and to cooperate in evil, since heretics are present (and one would be committing an evil by not admonishing everyone there about the sins of the flesh, other sins etc, according to the schismatic line of thinking). There is also an interesting parallel. Food is necessary for health. Essentially all stores and supermarkets sell evil books, magazines, or some sort of evil product. So if one applied the interpretive principle of the radical schismatic, to be present inside these stores to buy food is "to commit sin and cooperate in evil" (by silence, omission, and scandal). Schismatic radicals, if they were consistent would have to starve instead of going to essentially any store or using anything connected to them. Behold this this is radical schism reduced to its absurd principle.

Furthermore there is not one chemical that is in household products, that is used each day, that the DuPont Illuminati family did not have a hand in making; whether it be soap, something in the milk and even the plastic itself that carries milk, or even lotion, perfume, sprays, and oil. Additionally companies that manufacture clothing, fabrics, shoes, etc or any such huge essential industry in general (like automotive, utility, computer, or internet) are headed by persons who are usually 30th to 33rd Degree Freemasons etc. So according to the radical schismatic interpretive principle, buying or using essentially anything today is "to associate in the evil of others." And if you are present in a store that sells evil products "everyone would be scandalized," (some schismatical school of thought would stipulate, if one followed their line of thinking consistently); that is, if you don't tell all the persons in the store or even all the heads of the companies that they are supporting and accepting evil by associating themselves with the store and not condemning the evil products etc to everyone present (or if you are a store leader, to remove the evil product) one "sins by omission and association and shares in the sins of others."






Dear mhfm,

The video you made regarding Antipope Francis as "Peter The Roman" in the St. Malachy predictions, is proving to be true. Antipope Francis is actually inviting homeless people to eat at the Vatican. Like Malachy said "he will FEED the sheep".


God Bless




Subject: very happy


Dear Brothers,


I received my package today. You don't know how happy I am. These come at a point in my life when I am changing everything. I have stopped teaching to be able to do many other things regardless of the Financial impact. There's more to life than money, and one of my priorities is to go through ALL of your material. There is so much to learn. Two of your books are huge. It is clear that much thought has gone into writing these books. So it is very sad when a person comes along in your debates and tries to defeat your arguments by quoting a few verses. If a person’s approach is superficial, this person won't really understand what the Bible says. I suggest that debaters go through all of your material first and then still see if they believe what they first believed. In other words, I think it would be pretty hard to remain a Protestant or a member of some other non-catholic denomination after thoroughly looking at your material with an open mind. It basically covers every Catholic dogma from every relevant Biblical verse. And that is the significant thing about these books: you use Biblical verses to support your arguments, not a catechism. Sola Scriptura as the Protestants would put it. The MAIN thing on your site which did it for me is the explanation that JUSTIFICATION IS NOT BY FAITH ALONE. That is the one issue which separates Catholics from a lot of dénominations, and it is there that I suggest people go to first. It's a real eye-opener.


Thank you so much and please keep producing books and videos.


God Bless you,

Paul Cummins




Subject: Re: Urgent help needed for CONFESSION and MASS


I thank MHFM very much for helping me come to the truth that I had for long searched, I’m still in school finalizing my Degree in Economics and Business Administration. I, if not mistaken haven’t missed the INVALIDE NEW MASS FOR CLOSE TO NOW 5YRS ON SUNDAYS. I used to also go early every day for the 7 O’clock morning “mass” in any “Catholic Ch” but around April 2013 I stopped because of your efforts.


But I’m now faced with the greatest challenge of finding a VALIDLY ORDAINED PRIEST TO REPEAT ALL MY CONFESSIONS and WHERE I CAN GO FOR LATIN MASS. I used to “confess” atleast once a month but since March I haven’t confessed. Most of this novus ordu "priests" can even claim to have been ordained in the traditional rite SO PROVING MAY BE HARD.





God bless, provide and protect you All.


Mathew Kenyi

Catholic University of South Sudan

Juba South Sudan


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We assume you have already been baptized and that you agree on all the issues (see below).  If you do, and have made the profession of faith from the Council of Trent, you could go to confession to a Novus Ordo priest who was ordained before 1968, as long as he says: "I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."  That’s what we’d recommend for you in your situation.


The situation today (during the Great Apostasy) is one in which basically all of the churches are either heretical Vatican II churches or 'traditionalist' churches where the priest is heretical in some way.  Thus, there aren't any churches that are fully Catholic, where one can join, regard the priest as Catholic and support the church.  However, there are some options for receiving the sacraments of confession (which is obviously crucial) and possibly the Eucharist (in a traditional rite only) depending upon where you live.


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today? People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained. Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession. Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments. We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Subject: Story


Dear Brothers,

Kieran Stainsby's story about his brother seeing a demon is very interesting. It reminds us of a story in the book on the life of St. Benedict. On page 48 it relates how a monk was constantly trying to leave the monastery, and after he was finally let go, he encountered a ferocious dragon in his path ready to eat him. He cried out in panic, and some other monks came to the rescue. From that time forward he remained constant in his vows and staying at the monastery. The book says: "He, by the prayers of the holy man [St. Benedict], was made to see the dragon ready to devour him, which before he had followed unperceived." God will often allow people to see something from hell so as to instill the fear of God into them. The children of Fatima started making constant sacrifices and praying more Rosaries after they saw the vision of hell: "O Jesus, it is for your love, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." The fear of God is the first degree of humility.

Matthew 23:12 - "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

God Bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Wow, that is so interesting about the comet being around at the time of the destruction of the temple 70 A.D., I do recall hearing that mentioned, that Josephus had written that however I'd forgotten it until your emailer mentioned it…






Dear Brothers,


That was an excellent response to GK's email and I completely agree with your comment about Pharao "That’s because God has punished their bad will by completely pulling His grace from many, if not almost all of them. It’s similar to Pharao, who would not be convinced no matter how many signs were performed in his presence; for God had hardened his heart after Pharao had previously hardened his own. God has hardened the hearts of many false traditionalists for resisting the true arguments which prove the sedevacantist position." The signs of these end times are so overwhelming and obvious [http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2013/07/07/freak-hailstorms-dump-tons-of-ice-on-new-mexico-and-alberta-canada/] and what is interesting to note is that the few on the right side and the many on the left side, view each other as crazy and only when Jesus comes and separates the sheep from the goats, will the goats realize that they, the majority, have in fact, been wrong!


Some might see Pharao and what happened to him, as a unique situation because he was a king but in reality he was nothing but an evil man and a prideful one at that, so it is that he represents every prideful man on earth because every prideful man thinks, he is the king of his own life… I was reading the book "A Practical commentary on Holy Scripture for the Use of Those Who Teach Bible History" {Bishop Friedrich Justus Knecht] about the destruction of Jerusalem and I found it interesting that leading up to the destruction of the Temple, there appeared a comet in the shape of a sword [tail] for a whole year [testimony of Josephus], but this time around, Isaias says the time period will be much shorter [around 49 days?] as time has already been shortened. I truly pray to God that people will convert, when this comet appears, I hope! Mary, intercede for us.


Sincerely yours,






Dear Brothers:


Something occurred to me as I was watching your excellent video on St. Malachy. If I am remembering correctly, although St. Francis of Assisi was a wonderful saint and bore the stigmata of Christ, St. Francis was not a priest. It is, therefore, an interesting "coincidence" that Bergoglio, who is not a priest, should choose this particular name. There seems to be even more to the selection of this name when one considers the ecumenical atrocities which were carried out by the Antichrist and False Prophet at Assisi, whose very name -- Assisi -- has now come to mean any diabolical and blasphemous gathering of false religions with the Counterfeit Catholic Church.


Lee Ann




… I wanted to comment on the recent pro abortion video where the feminazis yelled "Hail satan". The young woman at the very end where the camera focused solely on her seemed like a rabid case of possession. It reminded me of that email exchange a while back in which one of your readers commented on horrible customer service and how a cashier did this serpent like thing with her tongue. Well if you notice this abominable jezebel screams her salute to the Prince of darkness and as she's doing it her tongue wags from side to side all over mouth. Without the stereotype of incapacitating possession this is the first real life example I've seen of full blown possession. May God cure these wicked people's blindness and wake them up to the truth before it’s too late; highly unlikely though.

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Hi Brothers,


… Thank you for your latest videos… I found the video Is The World About To End? to be of particular interest. What an incredible job you did in piecing the puzzle together, excellent work, extremely well done.


Also, I would like to share with you some tremendous news: my brother recently fully embraced the traditional Catholic faith. About three years ago was the first he had ever heard of Most Holy Family Monastery. At that time I was visiting my family in Ireland and I had brought along with me DVDs etc. that I had purchased from your online store. I distinctly remember the first time he had watched the video Death And The Journey Into Hell - at the end of the program he said "if that's true there, we're all going to Hell". Being ignorant of the true Catholic faith, family members who were present at the time, who also viewed the dvd got a smack back to reality. I believe from that time forward he began to see the true reality of things and take the Catholic faith at least somewhat more serious. It wasn't long after he had watched the dvd when my brother (his name is Sean) and my father and I were working on one of my father’s painting projects. My father and I were working in the kitchen together and my brother was upstairs working in one of the bedrooms. All of a sudden my father and I hear heart wrenching loud crashing and banging coming from upstairs and my brother, with the sound of complete terror in his voice SCREAMING at the top of his lungs. My father and I quickly dropped the paint rollers and whatever else we had in our hands and ran out to see what was happening. My brother, with the look of death and of sheer fear in his face and eyes comes bolting down the stairs, crying aloud, his face chalk white and shaking like a leaf straight over to my dad and I. I grabbed a hold of him and asked him what was wrong, (my dad and I are really scared at this stage. We didn't know what was wrong. I thought he had cut himself or severely injured himself) he could barely talk, all I believe I heard him say was "get me out of this house". We hurriedly took him out back and tried to calm him down to see what had happened. (I had never heard someone scream in that way or look as terrified as he did that day ever before in my life).


After some time he eventually calmed down and managed to tell us what happened. He said it was really difficult to explain and that he really couldn't give an exact description of what he seen. He said as he was cutting in the tops of the walls, standing on step ladders, out of nowhere the two closet doors in the bedroom burst wide open and a black, utterly frightening demonic face with sunken black eyes came charging straight for him, but never actually physically touched him. That was when he leaped from the step ladder and went straight for the door, dropping the tools he was working with. The door, he said, was jammed and that he had to struggle with it to get it opened. He said he could feel the evil presence surrounding him all over, all the way down stairs through the hall way until he got to where my father and I were at, the thing left him. After he had explained to us what had happened I went up to the room where the incident happened to see what state the room was in. The step ladder that my brother was working off was all the way over at the back wall standing upright in the opposite facing room.


I have at times reminded my brother of this so that he understands the warning call he got from God to amend his life and turn towards Him in the true Catholic faith. Over the past three years he got familiar with the overwhelming abundant material produced by Most Holy Family Monastery on the TRUE Catholic faith and the truth about what really happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II. He came to visit me here in the U.S. recently for three months. Today he believes in the absolute necessity of water baptism and the true Catholic faith for salvation, he is also fully committed never to attend the New Mass again. About two weeks ago, before praying the fifteen decade Rosary, he made the profession of faith from the Council of Trent in front of my wife and I, the next day on the feast of St. John the Baptist he made his general Confession to a validly ordained Byzantine rite priest before flying home to Ireland. God knows, without the extraordinary work and extremely hard effort put out by the Brothers of M.H.F.M. on instructing people in the true Catholic faith and the truth about the Vatican II sect and its demonic antipopes we should be stuck in the darkness of the Novus Ordo, completely ignorant of the true faith and worshiping at the invalid, sacrilegious New Mass.  I am truly grateful to Almighty God for directing me to Most Holy Family Monastery… Please pray for my brother Sean that he may persevere to the end and for my wife and I, our children and families, that we may also obtain the graces necessary for salvation.


Yours in the Holy Family.



Kieran Stainsby




Subject: The Beast’s Spurious Cure


Dear Brothers,


The truth is out about this second so-called ‘miracle’ of Antipope Wojtyla! The Costa Rican woman involved, one Floribeth Mora, claims that the Beast cured her of an incurable brain aneurysm in May 2011. She alleges that her doctors had told her that she had only one month to live. Not so, says her neurosurgeon, Alejandro Vargas, according to this fascinating article in today’s Daily Mail. There was only a two percent chance that her condition would kill her, and that within the year. Clearly someone here is lying. Hardly surprising, then, that her husband doesn’t appear to support his wife wholeheartedly and openly admits that there are a lot of ‘non-believers’ out there. Even the Daily Mail are forced to refer to it as a ‘near-fatal’ brain aneurysm (whatever that means)!


It’s true that her surgeon goes on to evince surprise that his patient showed no subsequent sign of an aneurysm, but let’s put this in perspective. The medical profession is full of misdiagnoses and ignorance about the courses of disease. I had a friend at work many years ago who suffered from recurring cancer of the throat and whose girlfriend’s cancer was even worse – it had metastasized throughout her whole body. Three months there was no sign of cancer in either of them, and their doctors were astonished. How did this happen? They’d simply ingested around 30 apricot kernels a day on my advice – a cure which the medical profession are systematically brainwashed to disregard. Hardly a miracle.






Subject: ‘Canonizations’ of Antipopes


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the precise comments about the soon-to-be 'canonizations' of Antipopes John XXIII and John Paul II. It is a significant step for the Vatican II sect, and as you said, it represents the 'canonization' of the entire Vatican II sect. The false traditionalists who obstinately defend these heretics prove again why there is a hell and why it is forever. No matter how much evidence, facts, truth and reality is handed to them about the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church, in contrast to how the antipopes constantly oppose such teachings, they still cling to the usurpers of the Chair of Peter. As you said, they will not change their position, not even in light of the most abominable heretics being 'canonized.' They will continue to resist the same Vatican II 'hierarchy' they hold to be legitimate. One of the worst groups, along with the St. Benedict Center, is the SSPX, who will continue to entertain impossibilities: to deny the infallibility of true canonizations, in a vain attempt to legitimize the Vatican II Antipopes and their 'authoritative' actions and words, such as Vatican II. Anyone who doesn't reject these antipopes after having seen the evidence, and who thus tacitly accepts the 'canonization' of them, is a heretic and a liar. God has completely pulled His grace from them. They receive not the love of the truth, just like Orlando who was mesmerized by the Antichrist Beast, John Paul II.

God Bless your works,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Poor Steve. 1.) External form, phony and false, 2.) Internal form wicked, evil.  Pray the Rosary Steve.






Subject: ‘Sainthood’


Dear Brothers,


Thank-you for the latest news about the upcoming abomination of "sainthood" of JPII and John XXIII. The news article makes it clear that the devil is running out of time in these last days to emplace his new world order/religion…


God Bless,

Tom Miles




… You are right: GOD HIMSELF is sending them this strong delusion because they have received not the love of the truth…






Dear Brothers,

I have been reading the comments about your debate with Steve and his heretical belief that souls can be saved after physical death. In Sr. Faustina's diary there is a passage wherein "Our Lord" tells her He dialogues with the soul after death and gives her one more chance to be saved. When my husband was killed in an accident many years ago, I was very upset because I knew that he had neglected his soul. I received a phone call from a friend who read me that passage from the Diary, telling me to be of good cheer and not worry. Well, I knew that the referenced passage was heretical. God has bound Himself to the sacraments, especially of water Baptism… The ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church,’ in the section on Baptism and salvation, looks like it was written by fools, it is so contradictory. But that is how the devil works…






Subject: Traces Of Ancient Jerusalem Famine Seen In Cooking-Related Artifacts Found In Cistern



Dear Brothers:

This article reminded me of your wonderful video on why Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, and it provides yet another striking reminder of this prophetic passage from Jeremias:

"For my people have done two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and have digged to themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." - Jeremias 2:13

Perhaps God is allowing these artifacts to be found
now, to remind the world what happened to the apostate Judeans two thousand years ago when they rejected the true God and Redeemer of the World, Jesus Christ. The Temple ceremonies, which were fulfilled in the New Testament Mass, had been given by God to teach the people that the promised Messiah would one day open the gates of Heaven which Adam had closed by sin. And the very reason the Hebrew nation existed was because it was to be through one of its families that the Messiah was to be born. But God also taught (through the Old Testament Prophets), that Israel would reject and kill Christ -- and Jesus specifically warned that the Temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed. It is so ironic that, just like the Israelites of old, men today are fulfilling prophecy to the letter but don't realize it because they have been blinded by their infidelity. Through these discoveries, God seems to be reminding us that the end is very near.

Lee Ann


Mesmerized by the Beast – ‘Canonization’ of the Antichrist - False Traditionalists Devastated



Just found out from Newsmax that Antipopes John Paul II & John XXIII to be made so-called Saints. May God help us from this Apostasy.




MHFM: It’s obviously big news that Antipopes John XXIII and John Paul II will be ‘canonized.’  It represents the ‘canonization’ of the entire Vatican II Counter Church, from the first antipope to the Beast (John Paul II), with Benedict XVI (the False Prophet) having ‘beatified’ John Paul II, and facilitated and fast-tracked his ‘canonization’.  There was an interesting line from this article about the ‘canonization’ of Antipope John Paul II. "John Paul II was the holiest man I ever saw in all my life," said Orlando Di Cosimo, a 61-year-old furniture restorer, who works near the Vatican. 


Since Orlando received not the love of the truth, he was delivered to be mesmerized by the Beast.  Since Christ’s truth is not what Orlando savors, he is allured by appearances, lies and empty externals.  He thus has no idea what true goodness or holiness is.




This development is of course another infallible proof that the Chair of St. Peter is vacant (not that any more proof was required).   It’s a devastating, crushing, and ultimate blow to all false traditionalists and to anyone who is even slightly ‘conservative/traditional’ in the Vatican II sect.  Anyone who labors under the false notion that the Vatican II claimants have true papal authority needs to wake up: they are antipopes, as has been proven again and again.  To the super-obstinate heretics who have repeatedly attacked and/or mocked sedevacantists over the years in the face of all the proof, we say: in your heretical faces.  (We do desire your conversion, however.)


Anyone with even a slight appreciation for (or understanding of) Catholic Tradition knows that the notion of John Paul II being a Catholic saint is a demonic joke in every way: morally (he presided over the worst scandals in Catholic history), liturgically (he was an unspeakable abomination) and, of course, doctrinally.  Even though this development should constitute TOTALLY OBVIOUS PROOF that sedevacantists are and have been correct, for almost all false traditionalists who have already obstinately rejected the irrefutable doctrinal proof and evidence that the V-2 claimants are non-Catholic heretics and antipopes, it won’t convince them.  They will ignore it, attempt to explain it away – or, having drifted even further into the darkness, they will even entertain the idea that the Antichrist was a saint.  That’s because God has punished their bad will by completely pulling His grace from many, if not almost all of them.  It’s similar to Pharao, who would not be convinced no matter how many signs were performed in his presence; for God had hardened his heart after Pharao had previously hardened his own.  God has hardened the hearts of many false traditionalists for resisting the true arguments which prove the sedevacantist position. 


Hence, while some will no doubt be upset by this development, with a few exceptions they will not change their position.  Instead, they will ignore it or explain it away.  (Here we are referring to people who have seen the arguments and repeatedly rejected them).  They will move on from the news and continue to recognize the Whore of Babylon until the bitter end and their damnation in Hell.  Of course, our goal is to spread the information to as many as possible, so that people embrace the true Catholic faith; but we’re referring here to the super-obstinate false traditionalists who have tenaciously resisted the proof that the V-2 apostates are antipopes.  We are analyzing whether this development will prompt many of them to change their position. 


As an anecdote on this point: about six or so years ago, when the ‘canonization’ of John Paul II was still nowhere near a reality, one of us spoke with a false traditionalist named Brian Kelly who writes for the St. Benedict Center.  That’s a very evil false traditionalist group which bitterly opposes the truth that the Chair of St. Peter is vacant.  That group also falsely claims to champion the dogma Outside the Church There Is No Salvation.  In the conversation with Kelly, one of us mentioned the concept of John Paul II being ‘canonized.’  The individual responded by stating: that will not happen, and if it does I will take the sedevacantist position.  As a result of the news, do we think that he or that organization will take the sedevacantist position?  No.  God has completely pulled His grace from them.  We fully expect them to continue to worship the Beast. 


Of course, this event is another signal of where we are in history (a very late stage).  If you have not seen our video on the Apocalypse and how the ‘worship/veneration’ of John Paul II (the Antichrist) is indicated therein, here’s a link: Is the World about to End? – The Apocalypse Explained? [video].  We should have more comments on this significant development in the upcoming weeks.




Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant ‘Hail Satan!’ While Pro-Life Activists Sing ‘Amazing Grace’ Outside Texas Capitol | Video



Dear Brothers:

This remark in the Blaze article could have been written by the heretic Steve, or any of the priests he defends, or even Marcel Lefebvre: "Obviously, it is much more likely that the abortion supporters were chanting "Hail Satan!" to mock pro-lifers rather than actually hailing Satan, but anything is possible." Yes, of course. Heretics can't judge.

It's odd how certain "truths" are always
"obvious" to heretics. What is really obvious is that the writer of this Blaze article does not realize that the words or phrases one uses to hail Satan are actually irrelevant. When persons demand the blood of the innocent, they are always hailing Satan, whether they are willing to admit it or not. That the true nature of what they are doing should be revealed by their shouts of "Hail Satan" in this particular instance, simply indicates how bold the devil is in these times, and how pervasive is his control over people.

When we consider the horror of the Aztecs killing people by ripping their hearts out of their bodies -- a practice very similar to abortion -- it is easy to understand why the visit of Our Lady of Guadalupe was needed to assist the Catholic missionaries. Without her help, it is possible that the Aztecs might never have abandoned their satanic practices and converted to Christ. When we consider that these pagan atrocities demanded by Satan are occurring all over the world and even in once-Christian countries, it's easy to understand why the Rosary and devotion to Our Lady are more important than ever in this most evil of times.

Lee Ann




Subject: Baptism of Desire - Debate


Dear Brothers,


The debate with Steve was astonishingly revealing how 'Baptism of Desire' advocates are incredibly blinded and hence, lacking the necessary logic to discern such an outrageous lie. It's crazy obvious that his argument is worthy to be torched with fire. Catholic faith is very simple and does not involve analytically critiquing infallible truths. This guy's perception of papal infallibility is very warped. Brother Peter Dimond totally debunked Steve's 'comebacks' in a very clear pre-school clarity. Even a child can understand. It's comparable to someone claiming "You MUST bring shoes for access to the tea party". However, someone arrives with no shoes and says: "Well exteriorly it may 'appear' I am without shoes. But the truth is, I don't wear shoes and so, my shoes are my bare feet". No shoes .......... NO tea party. Likewise, No Catholic Faith ........ No water baptism ........ No grace ......., NO HEAVEN.


By Steve's logic, no one can conclude someone has been buried in Hell. Hence, why not have Catholic funerals for 'everyone'! Yep, a Jew who suddenly keels over dead, could've been given some mysterious 'supernatural' grace that works 'above and beyond' Catholic Dogma. Get real. Moreover, if a demon appeared to Steve, he'd have to denounce "Well, exteriorly it looks like a demon, but then again, ......., maybe he has good intentions". 'Baptism of Desire' insinuates Papal Infallibility has two aspects: #1 - a literal meaning #2 - An unseen mystery that can work outside Catholic Faith, such as trashing the necessity of water baptism.


If one can't infallibly proclaim someone is in Hell (or headed towards Hell), then what's the point of Papal Infallibility?


Furthermore, the belief that God might enlighten a Buddhist (who showed no signs of conversion, no Catholic knowledge ..., etc), at death, makes me think of babies who die without baptism. By this argument, it is FULLY possible for such babies to be in Heaven. If a Buddhist can receive enlightenment, then a baby can. Yep, God can do anything (even if it contradicts His laws). Hence, God can supernaturally give this baby Holy Baptism. On this note, perhaps non-baptized babies should receive a Catholic funeral? Do you see the stupidity?!! If a Jew, who obstinately rejected Jesus his whole life, can receive some kinda 'enlightment' at death, then why can't an unbaptized baby?


I suggest Steve embraces a Rosary Crusade for the rest of his life. No luminous.






Subject: ‘liturgical dances’


Dear Brothers,


The videos posted regarding the "liturgical dances" of the Novus Ordo sect just shows that the horrors and abuses described in your great book, The Truth About What Really Happened to the Catholic Church After Vatican II, just keep on going and going. I thought the design of the one "altar" especially gruesome. It was a black altar with two large holes like eyes in it, almost as if a demon were officiating at this travesty. So much for all that nonsense about Ratzinger's "return to Tradition" and the "reform of the reform." The Vatican II Antipopes wanted this mockery of Jesus Christ. Even the false traditionalists seem to be getting in on the act. I came across a recent… report which showed young girls dancing around a maypole on--you guessed it--May 1, the feast of the beast.


God bless,


Joseph Ramirez




Dear Brothers,


Unbelievable but truly sad http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/3/texas-abortion-battle-heats-activists-hail-satan/. Satan's minions are now very open that this era is theirs… Many of us would hope that WWIII would not happen and that Our Lord would step in time to prevent its outbreak.


Sincerely and God speed,





Subject: Analysis: Portugal, Greece risk reawakening euro zone beast


Dear MHFM,

Interesting in this article how he refers to the EU as a "beast". Just another confirmation of your accurate analysis of the EU being the beast out of the sea!...

Analysis: Portugal, Greece risk reawakening euro zone beast



Rob Hansen




Subject: Pro-Choicers in Texas are possessed…




Not just the state senator with her filibuster, but all of the baby killers out there…






Subject: “liturgical” dances


Dear Brothers,

The videos of the "liturgical dances" reveal how far removed from the true Catholic faith the Vatican II sect is. They want to make a clear statement that one can 'do what thou wilt.' It is not hard to see how a supporter of such abominable rituals to devils would argue that since we "cannot judge" such dancing to be sinful, then so much more reason why we "cannot judge" the false beliefs and ideas of heretics, such as their antipopes, to be heretical and false. They might reason, "if one can do what they want, then one can surely believe and think what they want." They will try to justify any personal expression of desire or feeling, no matter what mode it is communicated - such as dancing like a whore. God is not mocked. The New "Mass" is the abomination of desolation…

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: Liturgical Dances


… on viewing these the words Unholy, Pagan, Dark, Ugly, zombie like come to mind. I could not bear to watch them more than a minute each. Truly this is the Abomination Of Desolation we are witnessing. These dark altars and dances are to Satan. Those poor dupes thinking they somehow are honoring God by dressing and dancing shamelessly and sinfully. Really they appear to be in zombie traces. Any real Catholic attending these creepy, evil saturated events masquerading as Easter Vigils would run and never return. True Catholics, please fall on your knees and pray for the lost souls in so evil a counterfeit church.  Thank you Brothers for posting these. Truly horrifying, makes me feel so sad.

JMJ. Barbara




Subject: Abortion supporters shout Hail Satan


Abortion (wilful murder) supporters shout ''Hail Satan'' in Texas while the pro-life supporters sing ''Amazing Grace''. This is so evil and wicked! How can we not be in the Last Days?




May God bless your work,



God’s Way


Subject: God’s Way


As I listened to the debate with Steve I couldn't help thinking how easily he and others like him have no problem making God into a liar. Heretics all have man's interest as first and foremost but God, well, He has to fit into their idea of who God is and how they feel comfortable about how He should handle the judgment of man. They forget that God said, "My ways are not your ways." We cannot think as God and we cannot change God to our ways… God is not here to please us we are to please Him by doing His Will. He has decided to do it His way and we are to follow Him if we love Him but the heretics want to please man and are too sympathetic to the world and not to God. They worry about being liked by people but don't think about being loved by God. They stay lukewarm so they don't have to pick up their cross daily but if they converted to the truth they would find true peace and a light yoke because eternity with God is a clear path without confusion. Jesus, Mary I love you save souls.  May God bless you in all your work. Keep up the good fight.





I am really impressed with the video St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes and Antipopes (2nd edition)… this video made my faith stronger…


God bless you.





Subject: JP II


Dear Brothers,


One would like to comment on the canonization of JP II in fact as you stated in your video "Is The World About to End" the beatification has already cemented the worship of the Antichrist but what's troubling is the fact that NO folks don't want to wake up in their dreams that the antipopes in Rome are not true popes. This ‘canonization’ is further proof that the NO is not Catholic because as documented in Church history saints became saints after much deliberation from the Church which may take several hundred years. Well if they argue "oh we are now in the 21st century and with the internet, information travels fast etc etc"… this goes to show that the Devil really is going all out in snatching souls. The level of spiritual fornication in these dances is truly disgusting and it’s like having a disco inside the NO Church.


Sincerely and God speed,



Crop Circles


Subject: Crop Circles


Dear MHFM,


My father is heavily into crop circles. He seems to believe that aliens taught ancient civilizations what they know, which is why there are so many similarities between them. He is not speaking with me anymore since I basically told him that his work is not of God. Is there anything you might recommend, a book perhaps, that addresses this issue? I would like to send it to him.






MHFM: We have a book that deals with that issue: UFOs: Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes meant to Deceive Mankind.




Dear mhfm,

Thank you for posting your recent debate with Steve… It was as if some other person was speaking each time he gave a new answer to the same questions. I wonder why he even bothers to judge Antipope Francis sure according to Steve's theory, maybe Francis has "good internal" intentions in being a heretic and actually is a Catholic. Sure who could possibly tell? It's nonsense!

How can someone read your book "Outside the Church there is absolutely no Salvation" and believe in BOD or invincible ignorance? The Church uses definitive words such as "Without a DOUBT" "Nobody at ALL" and "Above ALL MUST hold the Catholic Faith" when giving Dogmatic pronouncements on Salvation.

Again thank you for the video. I look forward to future debates.

God Bless






That "Vigil" Dance that those New Agers performed in Berkeley, CA was an utter Abomination! At first it made me sad. Then it made me very angry at those devils for their attempted mockery of The LORD!!! But the one joy I have about all the attempted mockeries all over the world is knowing that GOD will not be mocked, for HE isn't present in the new "mass"… And for that I am grateful!!!


M.V - Los Angeles, California




Subject: New Baptism of Desire Video


Excellent video on the "BOD" topic. It is truly revealing and sad that many actually do fall for this pathetic, well crafted lie that one could be saved Outside of the Catholic Faith. It is so unbelievably dishonest. Water Baptism is the gateway, one should just accept it. Either one accepts dogma or they don't it is that simple. God Bless you…






Subject: Steve the heretic


Dear Brothers:


Great job refuting the heresies of Steve in the last debate. This is a man who would dare to argue with God, who has made His mind and will known through the promulgation of the holy dogmas of the true Catholic Church. Steve seemed to give new meaning to the word pertinacious, or obstinate. When presented with the facts, rather than bow his stiff neck, he kept on arguing, like a spoiled child clamoring for what "I want." To me, this was the heart of his malice, that he was determined to find that little loophole (the internal forum/external forum word game he kept playing) in the holy truth of God that would allow everyone to be saved as easily as possible. Easy salvation--this is what heretics, at least since Luther, have been scratching and clawing for.


Matthew 7:14. How narrow is the gate, and straight is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it.


God bless,


Joseph Ramirez




Subject: Debate with Steve


Dear Brothers,

Today I read this quote by St. Vincent of Lerins: He is a true and genuine Catholic who loves the truth of God, the Church, and the Body of Christ; who puts nothing else before divine religion and the Catholic Faith… And his exhortation to Catholics: Keep the talent of the Catholic Faith inviolate and unimpaired.

Had St. Vincent lived to see these final days he certainly would have denounced the false traditionalists, the abominable Vatican II sect and its demonic anti-pope - all of whom are so alien to the Catholic Church in word and deed. Those Novus Ordo "liturgical dances" are angering. The whole entire thing is a perverse and total mockery. And this during Easter Vigil? They are truly satanic. How Satan must be gloating over these fools.

Your debate with Steve proves once again that liars always contradict themselves. I notice he never once answered with a simple "yes" or "no" answer. If only he had humbled himself and owned up to the truth which you so clearly point out.

In Christ,




Subject: Unspeakably Tragic


Dear Brothers,

While… studying your materials especially your EENS book I came across what I think might be the most tragic and disgusting thing I've ever heard. In section 35 under recent attacks in your focus on the SSPX there is this passage in "Archbishop" Lefebvre's "Open Letter to Confused Catholics": "Many times in Africa I heard one of our catechumens say to me, 'Father, baptize me straightaway because if I die before you come again, I shall go to hell.' I told him, "No, if you have no mortal sin on your conscience and if you desire baptism, then you already have the grace in you...."

This along with the 4 cardinal sins mentioned in the Penny Catechism is also an outrage that cries out to heaven for vengeance. This arguably could also be considered oppression of the poor along with a spiritual work of extreme cruelty…. This is the horror of heresy especially that one so common today BOD…


God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: debate w/ steve


Bravo! Great debate! Steve holds two opposite positions and that is defined as insanity.






Subject: Australia


Dear Brothers,

The video about the Australian Bureau of Statistics trying to force people to answer questions on threat of fines and prison time shows how the Australian government still treats its citizens like convicts.  Another example is how the abortion drug RU486 is on the Pharmaceutical "Benefits" Scheme, meaning that the government subsidizes the cost so that people can buy them for less. It is beyond outrageous - it is demonic. The way the New World Order controls Australia is a snapshot of what they want for the rest of the Western world. It is more proof of what happens when the government is united with Freemasonry. It also shows the tyranny that has resulted from the Anglican schism where the State usurped the Church and the Chair of Peter, since the head of Australia is elected not by Australians, but by the Queen of England. Australia is not a democracy, it is more like a totalitarian regime - a Brilluminati puppet.

Proverbs 29:2 - "When just men increase, the people shall rejoice: when the wicked shall bear rule, the people shall mourn."

God Bless,

Mr. & Mrs. White




Subject: Fish out of water


Dear brothers,


Your recent debate on BOD with Steve reminds me of Satan's continued false-flag operations in these last days. Convincing Steve that using his double tipped tongue, he can gain the world… with this new VII inspiration. Convert already! People die as they lived. Steve is like a fish out of water, flopping from side to side. You can't expect to accept the ways of the world (Satan) and mock God all your life and then do a complete 180 degrees and say now you’re on God's side after you’re dead and your eternal punishment is locked in. Steve lives in the spiritual-fog fairy tale of sugar plums dancing in his head as he and others cannot come to admit their family and friends are the billions of people over the last 19+ centuries that have died and are now set in their final judgment of hell. Time has proven with Steve and others, the more they are left to their own "bad" will to believe in "man’s" obscured doctrines, the tougher their "empty shell" is to break to expose their true emptiness. That is why God is the final judge and has set the rules passed down through the years by which he will judge everyone.


Also, this news is interesting as it shows just how hypocritical Francis is in feeding the poor. With 5.4 billion euros in the VII bank, you'd think Francis could take a "big bite" out of the world hunger problem. The only thing the money is feeding are the lawyers defending all the pedophile priests. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23138680


God Bless,

Tom Miles


New Debate Posted


Debate: Do 'Baptism of Desire' Traditionalist Priests Believe Souls Can Be Saved in False Religions? [video]


This is a revealing new debate with a defender of ‘baptism of desire’.  This individual has spent time studying the issue of ‘baptism of desire’ and related matters, as well as our arguments against it.  This particular debate (and we plan on having others) was limited to the precise matter of whether the sedevacantist/traditionalist priests he regards as Catholic do in fact believe that souls can be saved in false religions.


People familiar with our material know that we have repeatedly pointed out (and demonstrated) that the ‘traditionalist’ and sedevacantist priests who accept ‘baptism of desire’ and ‘invincible ignorance’ hold the heresy that souls can be saved in false religions, without the Catholic faith, as non-Catholics, etc.  He has claimed that our assertion on that point is FALSE: that they do not believe souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions.  Thus, we debated the matter.  While our opponent in the debate frankly lies and contradicts himself from basically beginning to end (and thus the entire debate is interesting and revealing), the section from approximately the 28-minute mark to the 42-minute mark is particularly important.  Therein we discuss an atheist who denies the existence of God, rejects the Catholic faith, etc.  When questioned this individual contradicts himself repeatedly about whether that atheist could internally be in a state before God that is not the state of damnation. 


It’s also worth noting that an individual such as this, who clearly (as the debate proves) accepts the heresy that souls can be saved in false religions, yet dishonestly denies that he does and denies that the priests he regards as Catholics do (while sometimes admitting the contrary, as we will see), is actually more dishonest than even many of the sedevacantist priests who believe souls can be saved in false religions.  For, as the quotes in the debate (and other quotes we’ve covered) show, many of those priests sometimes openly acknowledge their true position: that they do believe that souls in false religions, who die ignorant of Christ, etc. can be saved, while this man accepts that heresy but claims he does not and also denies that the aforementioned priests believe it.




Subject: Debate


It’s sad how many people are out there like Steve, so lost and in such a spiritually demonic fog. I mean come on, he needs to just admit his mistake and convert to the True Faith while he still has a chance. Like you demonstrate in the debate it is because he is a liar. An honest person could look at the material and what you are presenting, see their error and firmly amend their lives(or at least try to). Absolutely devastated. Please remember to keep me in your prayers brothers.


David Mehsikomer




Subject: 'Baptism of Desire' Traditionalist Priests


The point you made about beliefs in the external forum--"There are certain beliefs in the external forum that infallibly make you a non-Catholic in the internal forum"--really backs up the need to hold the essential Mysteries to be a Catholic. This point really makes McKenna's and Sanborn's statements stand out as heresies.


There is no way McKenna and Sanborn could have been erring in good faith. As ordained priests who specifically claim to be traditional Catholics, they… would know (would be in a position to know) the difference between Catholic dogmas and heresies. That being the case they must be considered as heretics.





MHFM: They are definitely obstinate heretics.  They believe in nothing.  However, with someone such as Sanborn (or even Archbishop Lefebvre), as dishonest and heretical as they were/are for not submitting to Christ’s truth, they were/are actually significantly more honest than the person we just debated (Steve); for they openly acknowledge what all the heretics really believe/accept: that souls who die without the Catholic faith, ignorant of Christ, in false religions, etc. can be saved. 


Sanborn: “False religions are an abomination in the sight of God, and if someone is saved who is in those false religions it has nothing to do with that false religion; it has to do with the grace of God and their ignorance.”


Archbishop Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, p. 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made.  Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.  There may be souls who, not knowing Our Lord, have by the grace of the good Lord, good interior dispositions, who submit to God... But some of these persons make an act of love which implicitly is equivalent to baptism of desire.  It is uniquely by this means that they are able to be saved.”


It’s also noteworthy that many of the sedevacantist priests were trained under Lefebvre.  Thus, it makes sense that they hold the same heretical position on salvation.  They have even made it clear that their problem with the current SSPX concerns the SSPX’s stance vis-à-vis the Vatican II Church, not on other doctrinal matters (such as the salvation dogma).


It was also interesting how Steve, when asked if the following statement from McKenna is heretical – it is – completely dodged the question.  He couldn’t answer because this statement provides further indisputable proof that his priests deny the dogma as it has been declared.  The dogma does not apply only to those ‘knowingly outside the Church’.  It applies to all outside the Church.  The teaching of McKenna and the CMRI on this point is heretical.  It is a rejection of the dogma as it was once declared, and it proves again that they believe people can be saved without the Catholic faith.


Bishop Robert McKenna, “The Boston Snare,” printed in the CMRI’s Magazine: “The doctrine, then, of no salvation outside the Church is to be understood in the sense of knowingly outside the Church… But, they may object, if such be the sense of the dogma in question, why is the word ‘knowingly’ not part of the formula, ‘Outside the Church no salvation’?  For the simple reason that the addition is unnecessary.  How could anyone know of the dogma and not be knowingly outside the Church?  The ‘dogma’ is not so much a doctrine intended for the instruction of Catholics, since it is but a logical consequence of the Church’s claim to be the true Church, but rather a solemn and material warning or declaration for the benefit of those outside the one ark of salvation.”


In fact, it became quite clear to us what happened with Steve.  He denies the dogma, as the other heretics do, and as was proven in the debate; but since he’s even more dishonest than they are, he desires to have the ‘badge of honor’ of true Catholics who really believe that all must have the Catholic faith.  It irks his pride when Catholics such as ourselves say that he and his priests don’t believe the Catholic faith is necessary for all for salvation.  Thus, he came up with his new ‘after death’ heresy which he thinks solves the problem.  It allows him to 1) deny the dogma as those priests do, by holding that people who die as Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc. can be saved; but also hold that 2) they don’t actually ‘die’ without the Catholic faith because (according to his heretical new revelation) they get it somehow during their judgments after death in the external forum as non-Catholics.  It’s a new doctrine of Hell that germinated in the sickening dishonesty and pride of a man who: 1) wouldn’t accept Christ’s dogma, and 2) wouldn’t admit he doesn’t accept it, so 3) he became ripe for a new heresy all his own.  That’s what’s going on with him in particular: his even higher level of dishonesty was the impetus for an entirely new gospel and new doctrine of the ‘special revelation’ after death in the external forum.


Also, the point to which you make reference, which was mentioned in the debate, about certain beliefs in the external forum infallibly rendering you a non-Catholic in the internal forum, is an important one; however, in regard to Steve’s ‘at death – after death’ heresy (a ‘mystery’ that was being slowly unveiled, and contradicted, in the conversation), there’s an even faster and better way to isolate, expose and condemn the heresy on that particular point. 


It is this: Catholics are not permitted to conclude that a person who did not die as a Catholic in the external forum was possibly saved.  Steve holds that people who did not die as Catholics in the external forum can be considered as possibly saved.  That is heresy.  It is directly contrary to what the Catholic Church infallibly preaches and teaches (Florence); and in a matter where a non-Catholic’s final days or moments are unknown (e.g., a Muslim goes on a journey in the mountains and his final month is a mystery), that person CANNOT be considered as having died a Catholic (and therefore as possibly saved) unless there is evidence in the external forum that he entered the Church – period.  That removes any claim about a possible ‘deathbed conversion’ we might not know about; for unless it can be shown that a person, in the external forum, entered the Church, it is heresy (contrary to Catholic preaching and teaching) to teach and preach (as Steve and other heretics do) that such a person might have been saved.  That’s how simple it is.  They do not preach and teach what the Church infallibly does, but directly contrary to it.




Steve is a liar and a spineless heretic. Defending the dogma EENS makes people like Steve uneasy and uncomfortable. And so he looks for an "escape clause". His doctrine, if it were true, would mean we would have to consider just about everyone saved. But no doubt, we could take false-comfort in knowing everyone "could be". What we do know is only very few are. And the reason so very few are saved is eerily simple. Because people like Steve want to do and believe things their way rather than God's way. To say that anyone, no matter how wicked, can get some mysterious revelation from God just before their death is bizarre. This doctrine is as bad as the Lutheran Reformation! Steve has unknowingly been lead out of the Catholic Church by Satan and lead into apostasy. For the Church has always taught that outside of the Church there is no salvation. Of course, sometimes men do convert on their deathbed. But it is wacky to say that God gives a special revelation to everyone or most everyone where they have a chance to convert when death is imminent (or sometimes even after death, whatever he believes, the latter being even more obviously silly)… true Catholics left on earth today must suffer as Christ suffered on Calvary and be condemned and misunderstood by those who hold false Gospels like Steve. Since we are not fooled by demons posing as angels who present a new Gospel, nor will we be duped by the likes of Steve.


M Rudnicki




Dear Brothers,

Steve and so many people like him want to remove all consequences for evil beliefs and behaviors, they are the product of jp ll's doctrines of the antichrist, thank you for defending the Catholic Faith, these debates are very hard to listen to and I'm sure it’s even harder on you, having to deal with these arrogant, prideful stooges.

Book Of Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word that I speak to you, neither shall you take away from it: keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Sincerely yours,



Catechumen - India


I am a Catechumen currently under the SSPX.I have just recently found your site and have gone through some of the articles and videos and find them very enlightening.i have come to the knowledge of the Sedevacantist position and find that this is the true position for the present day crisis.

First of all I would like to thank you for the content,it has helped me a lot.

Now the reason i am writing this email is to enquire about my present catechism and whether i should continue with the SSPX. but there are problems such as: first, i am from India so other than this SSPX parish there are no traditional churches(i know of),so this is the only place where i can get Mass and confession from. secondly, i am 80% disabled and confined to a wheelchair,so i can't go anywhere further either(if there are other churches).

so what should i do about it?any advice or help you can give me ? sorry if my english is a bit off.

Thanks again


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  No, you should not continue with the catechism under the SSPX.  You should follow these steps to convert, and the information on the website.  The file covers how to be baptized in this situation.  Also, you should be praying Hail Marys and the Rosary each day.  After your baptism, we can help you with possible options for receiving sacraments (prayers and creeds attached).


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Subject: BOD debate insight




Regarding the BOD issue, one additional point comes out strikingly with these debates with heretics: Antichrist -- mere man / mankind as Christ -- cannot bring himself to condemn another man. Thus, it is intolerable to consider damnation as a divine act.


The fevers associated with general apostasy are spilling forth across the globe. The sting of the afflictions of the Apocalypse are there for any with eyes to see. Apostasy. John Paul II continues speaking from his place of torment.


May God bless and preserve you and your work.

-James Balderston




Dear Brothers,


In light to your new debate one may ask what is their point of being sedevacantists and traditionalists if they hold the doctrines of Vatican II? enlighten me on this one for I have trouble in rationalizing that statement. Unless they want to snatch more souls… This guy and the world really is a joke that's why there is no sense in the world anymore, furthermore he stated that "I will admit that I lost the debate if those said priests believe in what they say." so actually he doesn't believe in evidence and like most politicians who says that they'll do this and that but do otherwise is simply lying. Another that one would ask is how do they know if the said priest meant what he said or doesn't if it’s written? Also is this guy on drugs?... more like possessed as you've pointed out and why can't he just accept the fact that God is all or nothing if he ever read your material?... As one observed your debates with NO people it sheds light to the darkness of their soul…


Sincerely and God speed,



Gnostic Steve


Subject: T