E-Exchanges Archive, Fall 2012




Dear Brothers,


Your information continues to be very uplifting, I must tell you this, when I was in Algarve last summer and since I haven’t a computer there I went to a public library where one may use the internet , I was viewing your site when I felt someone behind me very interested in what I was watching, it was a young girl who apologized and said that she was enjoying it and asked me to give her the entry of your site which I did, I spoke to her for a while about its contents and she said she was fascinated, well sometimes unusual, perhaps providential situations do happen, my husband who was relatively near said that she had been quite a while behind me without my noticing.


Congratulations on your excellent work.






M.Fernanda da Silva




Subject: ONE World Religion


Dear Brothers:


I was thinking about the many individuals who, having heard something about the New World Order, are expecting the rise of a One World Religion as something that is to happen in the future. Because such individuals do not hold the true Catholic faith, they do not realize that the "ecumenical" Impostor Catholic Church is that universal false religion -- the amalgamation and celebration of every style of false worship that has ever existed. Nor do such individuals realize that they themselves belong to it! It's satanically ironic that false traditionalists and other Novus Ordo adherents absurdly insist that pagans, Jews, and others who are outside the Catholic Church can somehow be inside the Church even though they are not baptized, and even though they reject Jesus Christ and the true faith. It is ironic because what these mouthpieces for Satan are actually saying is that these people who reject Christ and His Catholic Church can certainly be in the same church that they are in -- the Church of Antichrist -- and in that sense, how right they are. All adherents of all false religions or no religion (regardless of what they choose to call themselves) are indeed members of the Vatican 2 Apostate Church, because that Church is Satan's. What's more, and what's really eerie when you think about it, is that the false V2 antipopes (and especially Antichrist JP2 and the False Prophet B16) have always made this abundantly clear. They blatantly deny Jesus Christ, and admit to having reversed His doctrines.


The Antichrist church includes, and always has included, apostate Jews, Muslims, pagans and atheists; these are, by definition, anti-Christ. The Antichrist church also includes and always has included, Protestants and all other heretics, because these too are by definition anti-Christ; they reject Christ's true Catholic church, His doctrines which have been faithfully preserved by the true popes, and His Words in Sacred Scripture (which they ignore and pervert). Joined to their ranks now are those who may call themselves Catholic but embrace the equally heretical doctrines and false worship of the Vatican 2 sect ; these, too, are by definition, anti-Christ. They have, in fact, rejected the Church founded by Jesus Christ, its true priesthood and sacraments, and its papacy. They not only accept the antipopes' rejection of Christ and Catholic doctrines, but readily rejoice in and defend such rejection.


Our Lord tells us that one can only be with Him -- or against Him. So when the Antichrist and his cohorts tell us that the Impostor Church is -- and can only be -- "ecumenical", that it accepts all false religions and that its members must not preach Jesus Christ and His revealed doctrines, they are telling a truth which people who have been blinded by bad will simply choose not to hear. Despite the differences in externals, Satan's kingdom on earth has always been "one", although its power was held in check by the true popes and the Catholic faith -- just as St. Paul said it would be until the end times, and the Great Apostasy.


Lee Ann




Subject: Voris Deception


Dear Brothers:

Recently, I random sampled some of Voris' videos to see how common the "Voris Deception" is. (The "Voris Deception" being the diverting of attention away from Benedict XVI and toward any other possible secondary issues/distractions.)

…"Mic'd Up "Open Mic Night!!" - with Michael Voris 12-05-12"… and the "Voris Deception" was clearly evident.

About 90% of the video was people calling in and complaining about the "worst problem" in the "Catholic Church". Voris essentially agrees with every caller… It is clear that he would have agreed with every caller if the show had gone on for 24 hours, unless someone called up complaining about the "pope".

As you point out, Voris is essentially a "pressure relief valve" for traditionally-minded "Catholics" to vent their frustrations, and to steer them down blind alleys and away from the real truth. Like Corapi, he provides a bogus, but good-sounding, narrative and figurehead that "traditionalists" can cling to and "outsource" their "war" against liberalism and modernism to. He is their "hero" - the man who "fights the good fight" so they don't have to fight (or think).

(Also [in another video] Voris responding to a caller about Pope Eugene IV and "Outside the Church There is No Salvation." He responds as one would expect - i.e. heretically...)




hey i like the video with the vortex… in the new mass all the congregation share the cup.... ive learnd from your vids that this wasnt so before… as ive never been able to fully get into it as i sit at the back and just eat the blessed host.......




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You need to get out of the New Mass.  It’s invalid and must be avoided under pain of grave sin.  Please watch these videos.


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)

The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World




Dear Brothers,

That's an interesting point about how the Protestant heretic omitted commenting on the part of the verse that refutes her heresy of 'Justification by faith alone.' It's interesting how Protestants constantly claim to hold the Bible to be their authority, when the truth is that they simply pick and choose the parts they like, and ignore the rest, much like a 'choose your own adventure' story.

God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White


Heretics avoid the truth


MHFM: This is an interesting quote concerning 1 Corinthians 9:27, in an error-ridden book by an anti-Catholic Protestant.  The author attacks various bible translations.  In the example below, the author is commenting on what she thinks is the true rendering of 1 Corinthians 9:27.  (The author adheres to the King James Version.)


“None of the Greek words for ‘beat’ (dero, tupto, proskopto, prosregnumi, or rhabdizo) are in the sentence; nor is the word ‘punish’ (kolazo, timorea) or buffet (kolaphizo).  The word used is ‘hupopiazo’.  The apostle Paul is saying:


I keep under [keep down] my body, and bring it into subjection.  1 Corinthians 9:27


(G.A. Riplinger, New Age Bible Versions, pp. 128-129.)


What’s noteworthy is what she omitted from 1 Corinthians 9:27.  She presents the verse and omits the ending, even as it appears in the King James Version.  Notice the bolded portion below.


1 Corinthians 9:27- “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” (KJV)


In commenting on the short verse (1 Cor. 9:27) she deliberately excluded the ending, “lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”  Even though her comments were directed toward the first part of the verse, it’s very obvious that in her summation of what she thinks the verse says, she deliberately excluded the ending (which could have easily been included) simply because it directly refutes her heretical, Protestant, eternal security/“once saved always saved” theology.  For in the passage St. Paul teaches that he could lose his justification and be damned.  When they can avoid it, heretics prefer to shield people’s eyes from words which refute their theology.  It’s another small illustration of how Protestant theology is incompatible with the truth; thus Protestant heretics avoid and distort the word of God. 




so many people basically anyone with a pulse is wondering about comet ISON and coming events----it's nice as a catholic to know that GOD is completely and totally IN CONTROL of each and every aspect of all these upcoming events and has everything HE allows to occur in the coming months and years timed and planned down to the nano-second. People are wondering about the critical and rapidly changing socio-political/socio-economic/geo-political/military etc events that are unfolding yet GOD is in control of all of these too and HE will time the signs in the sun moon and stars accordingly in perfect concord with the former in order to get HIS points across.......One thing is for certain: GOD is in control… this is a comforting thought…




Subject: Comet


Dear Brothers:


MHFM has posted very interesting emails and comments about the comet which scientists believe will be visible to those on the earth -- and which may be as bright as the moon. I think it was little Jacinta of Fatima who called the moon "Our Lady's Lamp", and how correct she was. The moon reflects the light of the sun, as Our Lady reflects ("magnifies") the Light of God. Furthermore, Our Lady is the model or prototype of the Church, the Church in miniature. In a way it makes sense that God would allow a false or second "moon" to represent the Whore of Babylon who reflects the false light of Lucifer. (That it may appear at the time of the "canonization" of the Antichrist is amazing and certainly worth pondering). All of these occurrences in nature are an indication of God's anger toward this heretical and apostate world which has rejected the true God and Redeemer of mankind.


Lee Ann




Subject: Spiritual Warfare


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


That is an interesting story from your reader concerning the possessed man and his obstinate clinging to Antipope John Paul II. Coincidentally, I happened to meet a young man… He said he watched the Third Secret of Fatima DVD [which I had left for him]… Sadly, he did not grasp the information because he continued to assert that the Vatican's version of the Third Secret was true, that the V-2 antipopes are true popes, etc. It's a mystery as to how people can see all the evidence supporting or refuting a claim, and yet, fail to come to a correct conclusion on the matter. Yet, we know that one of the reasons is false signs and lying wonders (II Thess. 2:9,) and that is exactly what this person I spoke with was deceived by, for, he claimed that during exorcisms he assisted in, the demons would yell out that they hated Ratzinger, that Ratzinger was their enemy, etc. This was one of the main reasons he was persuaded that Benedict XVI must be a true pope. Thankfully, the Catholic truth… can shine through any darkness and the more I hit him with it, the more it seemed to open his eyes. The spiritual warfare is real.


God bless your apostolate,


Mario Chavez




… I also believe this year 2013, will see major things occur, one big reason is because of the Apocalyptic apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, happening on the 13th day, from May to October and on October 13th, was the miracle of the Sun. Another correlation that I think has significance to the number 13 is Pope Leo Xlll, he was the Pope that had a vision in which he heard a conversation between two voices, that he recognized as Jesus and the devil and the devil was boasting that he could destroy the church if he was given the time and power to do it, which would bring about the Vll reign of the antichrist


I believe the news media is choosing to call this sign a comet [psyops] because everyone knows about comets and many people have seen comets before, so they won't be alarmed when they first see it, but once the effects of the sign kick in, then they will be confused and wither away with fear. I really believe, the real reference for this sign is found in Isaias 30:26. I wouldn't doubt that benedict would make some reference to this comet and jp ll, in the same way as the Star that was seen over Bethlehem, with the Birth of Jesus.


Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves;






You are responsible for the many changes I have made in my life towards sanctification of my soul. I believe you are very courageous and I pray for your vocation and ministry. God bless you.






The Truth is hard to find – Thank God for your website and God bless


Russell Roland




Hey Brothers,

I do not watch Michael Voris because I saw your video… but I did come across this one: Michael Voris' video entitled "Vatican Wolves" Here's the description he put: "The scandals emerging from the Vatican have one aim .. to discredit and weaken the Holy Father." [sic]

Only one thing left to say: LOL  I am so amused yet angry. Who could really buy that nonsense? Are there any truth seekers anymore? Or people with reasoning and good will? It's not plausible at all, zero credibility. More proof that you were on point about the mini spell.




Thanks for all your web site and all the work you do. This is the first time in our lives we have been able to see that the Catholic Church is indeed correct! We were taught strongly against it all our lives. Our biggest hold back was the teachings of Mother Mary and praying to her… Thanks again for helping us find the true church... Thank you! You guys are great. We feel better about life than we ever have…


Pauline LeBaron




Subject: comet




I recently came across a movie which could perhaps be depicting major events in 2013. On your website contained in your news section, you posted a link to a You Tube video that suggests the brightest comet in human history could be set to arrive in November of this year, 2013. Here is a link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YODl7vMkRQ As some people know, the Illuminati love to depict future events in their movies in order to mock the people viewing them (and for other reasons too I'm sure).


Well, they made a movie called Deep Impact which came out in 1998. It is a science fiction disaster film starring Morgan Freeman etc. who plays the character of the President of the U.S., and if you don't know, Morgan Freeman is dark skinned as is Barack Obama. The plot describes the attempts to prepare for and destroy a 7-mile wide comet, which is expected to collide with the Earth and cause a mass extinction. On May 10, 1998, teenage amateur astronomer Leo Biederman (Wood) discovers an unusual object near the stars Mizar and Alcor at a star party in Richmond, Virginia. He alerts astronomer Marcus Wolf (Smith), who realizes that the object is a comet on a collision course with Earth. Wolf tries to get the information out, but dies in a car accident before he can alert the world.


A year later, MSNBC reporter Jenny Lerner (Leoni) investigates the resignation of the Secretary of the Treasury (Cromwell) and his connection to an "Ellie". She discovers that Ellie is not a mistress but an acronym: "E.L.E.", for "Extinction-Level Event". Because of Lerner's investigation, President Tom Beck (Freeman) advances the announcement of the grim facts: the comet, named Wolf-Biederman, is 7 miles (11 km) wide -- large enough to cause a mass extinction, and possibly wipe out humanity, if it hits Earth. The United States and Russia have been secretly constructing a spacecraft, the Messiah (which I believe is an indication of man as God), in orbit. They plan to use it to transport a team lead by Captain Spurgeon Tanner (Duvall) to the comet, so that it can be destroyed with nuclear weapons.


After landing on the comet, the crew members plant nuclear bombs 100 meters beneath the surface. When the bombs are detonated, the ship is damaged and loses contact with Earth. Instead of being destroyed, the comet splits into two smaller rocks nicknamed "Biederman" (1.5 miles (2.4 km) wide) and "Wolf" (6 miles (9.7 km) wide), both world-threatening.  Beck announces the Messiah crew’s failure, declares martial law, and reveals that governments worldwide have been building underground shelters. (See for example this episode of the notorious atheist Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory which was already posted on your website a while back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AT7-6DhaFA) The United States' shelter is in the limestone caves of Missouri. The US government conducts a lottery to select 800,000 ordinary Americans aged 50 and under to join 200,000 pre-selected scientists, engineers, teachers, artists, soldiers, and officials etc.  The Biederman fragment impacts in the Atlantic Ocean near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, creating a mega tsunami. Millions along the Atlantic coasts of North and South America, Europe, and Africa perish. The world braces for the impact of Wolf in western Canada, which will create a cloud of dust that will block out the sun for two years. This, in turn, will destroy most life on Earth.


I think it is very interesting considering at the time of the approach of the comet there is a dark skinned president in office in the U.S., and we know Satan's minions are planning something dreadful for the world to occur soon or at least they know a comet is scheduled to arrive soon and this is why they have been building bunkers underground in order to prepare for something major and that Martial law will be declared in the U.S. which we are expecting to happen this year also…. [in the film] the "President" (Freeman) gives a shocking speech announcing a comet aimed towards earth is coming, they have bunkers underground for "protection", they will select 800.000 people to join them, Martial Law etc….


All this around about the time the Antichrist could be scheduled for "Canonization". Very interesting and quite alarming.  May Our Blessed Mother Mary keep all who love her under her Mantle of Protection.


Kieran Stainsby




Dear Brothers:


That's an interesting point about the earth's electromagnetic shield progressively weakening over the last four to five hundred years. I seem to recall reading somewhere that in the same timeframe the crime syndicate that we call our modern banking system also came into being. I know that the "Federal" Reserve only came into being around the very important year of 1917, but I think the usury-based system of "banks" as we know it came into being around 4 to 5 hundred years ago (if I am correct). And it is these corrupt financial systems that has transferred the wealth of the world into the hands of a few. I now understand (thank God) that all things -- history and everything else -- can only be understood in the light of faith. As true Christianity began its "decline" in terms of its numbers and thus influence in the world, evil began its "ascent" in the world. As man began to reject God's laws and preferred his own way of doing things, the steamroller of destruction continued to gain momentum. By now, with no true popes to halt it, the engine of evil is so incredibly powerful as to seem unstoppable. True, the people of the world could, of course, stop sinning, begin to pray the Rosary and embrace the true Catholic faith -- while there is time, they still have the chance to do this. But we know from the prophesies of Scripture that this will not happen in any great numbers. And this fact really drives home the malice of the false traditionalist leaders. Like Nicholas Gruner falsifying the Fatima message (as well as Sacred Scripture) and deceiving people into thinking that the world will convert to Catholicism and will enjoy peace. And the false traditionalists like the SSPX promoting the idea that godlessness and man-made "religion" can be salvific. These false Catholics, as MHFM has pointed out, do nothing more than give life to the beast. Like anti-missionaries, their job is to prevent conversions to the true Catholic faith and keep the engine of evil running at full speed.


Lee Ann




Subject: Michael Voris


Hello Brothers,


Although I am not a regular viewer of anything put out by Michael Voris, I happened to catch his last two 'Vortexes'. I noticed, at least in the latest episodes, he no longer casts a 'circle', making me wonder if this was a response to your latest video on him. Odd timing if it is just a coincidence, though.

Daniel J. Maxwell


MHFM: That’s interesting.




Subject: comet


a group of Russian scientists recently discovered a new comet which will pass by in October or November and will appear as bright as the full moon at night.

Talk about "signs in the heavens", eh?

-- Bruce




Subject: Fascinating John Paul II exorcism story


I have a really fascinating yet tragic story to tell you. Listen to this, I have a friend who is a devout Novus Ordo "Catholic." Apparently they have relatives who did witchcraft to them and my friend and his family are possessed. This friend (we shall call him Jared), he beats his mom uncontrollably when he is under possession, but when he is not possessed, he leads a normal life. He is a John Paul II follower. He prays to him and stuff. He told me words to this effect "he may not know about all the doctrine but all he knows is that JP II helped him." He has a Novus Ordo priest who does exorcisms and he too, follows the Antichrist. They have known this priest for at least since 2006. Jared told me whenever he does exorcisms, he invokes John Paul II. Oh boy... that's trouble already, and you know that better than anybody. I told Jared that JP II is horrible and I showed him your material and Jared said you were impostors, that you are posing as Catholics but wanna destroy the Church. (WHAT!) I was utterly annoyed because he was not even trying to understand what you were saying… I tried talking to him and he said that if JP II was evil, then how come under exorcisms that when his name is invoked the demons cry out in fear "No no! Not that holy man!" He says the demons are afraid of JP II and that he was one of the best popes blah blah blah. This is the lengths that the Devil has been allowed to go to deceive those who love lies, to feign fear of JP II when really he is the head honcho, the Antichrist himself. When exorcising Jared, the invalid priest may use invalid communion to "pacify" the demons… Really creepy stuff. He talks about his possession as if it is a "cross" sort of like a God given thing. Privately, I contrasted Padre Pio and Jared. We can see that Padre Pio got his attacks from the demons but notice that they NEVER ONCE possessed him, they acted EXTERNALLY. They had no power to make (control) Padre Pio do anything. Jared, on the other hand, when possessed, acts uncontrollably and violent and is under the demons' control. Does that sound like a cross??? Absolutely not! Possession is due to personal sins committed such as idolatry and such… I honestly think that is why he is still possessed, JP II and the invalid "mass" and "exorcism" etc. He has been this way for at least 6 years (maybe more). He regards Padre Pio so maybe it may help to use this example. He seems very blind though... this is so bad because this possession stuff caused Jared's brother to die. It's chilling.


Do not


Subject: Protestants


Dear Brothers,

According to a new poll, most Americans are no longer Protestants: "For the first time less than half of Americans – 48 percent – consider themselves to be Protestant. One third of Americans under 30 do not identify with a religion. Pew calls them “nones.”" (
http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/10/fewer-americans-have-a-religion-fewer-protestant/) It is not surprising that more and more people are losing any sense of morality. When Protestants reject the union of Church and State, which is only ever balanced and salvific when it is the Catholic Church, then it is simply asking for the union of Synagogue and State. In the same way that Semei cursed at King David, falsely accusing him of serving a false god (2 Kings 16:13), so Protestants falsely accuse Catholics of idolatry when we simply show due respect to the Saints and the Mother of God. It is as if the ever increasing number of Protestant sects testifies to the fact that the Lord has pulverized any unity out of them due to their constantly waging war against the Keepers of the Kingdom, true popes. Speaking of Himself, and by extension of His Mystical Body the Catholic Church only, Jesus Christ said: Matthew 21:42-44 - "Jesus saith to them: Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? By the Lord this has been done; and it is wonderful in our eyes. Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder." Protestantism is mere spiritual powder and dust - no cohesion, structure or salvation. Protestantism is a pathetic abomination, a soup of heresies! Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.

3 Kings (1 Kings) 2:42,46 - "And sending he [Solomon] called for him [Semei], and said to him: Did I not protest to thee by the Lord, and tell thee before: On what day soever thou shalt go out and walk abroad any whither, know that thou shalt die? And thou answeredst me: The word that I have heard is good...So the king commanded Banaias the son of Joiada: and he went out and struck him [Semei], and he died."

God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White




Subject: Michael Voris Video


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

Thank you for your recent video on Michael Voris. At first I thought you might be exaggerating that he was literally invoking a spell or black magic. However, I noticed something highly interesting while watching your first video on him: I actually caught myself *liking* Michael Voris!  That is, I actually found myself being pulled into the vortex, so to speak, and finding him amiable while at the same time realizing what an incredible heretic and joke that guy is. I have never experienced that weird feeling of "liking" any other notorious heretic, so I no longer seriously doubt that he is employing the dark arts.

I might also add that the constant spirals, twirls, and tornadoes, coupled with the psychedelic music, comes across as a classic example of mind control.

In Mary,




One keeps hearing about how earth's electromagnetic shield has been weakening for the past 4 to 500 years making it more vulnerable to a solar "kill-shot" which would blow out our grid and maybe fry the earth etc. Whenever I hear the 400-500 year time frame mentioned it comes to mind that it was in that same time frame that the protestant revolution started and since then we have had virtually nothing but the continuous overthrow of true catholic governance on the planet, ending finally with the Vatican II Revolution, must be due to God's wrath? I think it was Saint Vincent Ferrer who described himself as an angel of the Apocalypse--possibly indicating it had "officially" begun in his time? Honestly when I witness the demonic hatred some of these evil wordlings have for Christ I think the end cannot come soon enough--but God is never late. HE is busy saving souls and carrying out HIS plans and using HIS enemies as the tools to accomplish HIS ends then HIS Father will make them HIS footstool. "The End."…




Subject: The Falsity of Protestantism


Dear Brothers:

To follow-up on your point about the falsity and uncertainty of Protestants (i.e. considering adding MLK's writing to the NT), here is a partial list of "official" Lutheran "Saints"…

It's an strange mix of actual Saints stolen from the Catholic Church, and those people declared "Saints" by the Lutheran "church".  It's interesting to note who Lutherans (post-Martin Luther) have considered as "saint-worthy" and why:

Euler (for mathematics)
Durer (for art)
The Wesley brothers (for Protestant heresies)
Martin Luther King (for "martyrdom")
Bach (for writing hymns)
Kierkegaard (for "philosophy")
Dag Hammarskjold (for "peacemaking")
Florence Nightingale (for nursing)

...and of course the whole rogues gallery of Protestant "reformers"... Luther, Calvin, Melanchthon, etc.

Not on this list, but perhaps most telling for Catholics, is Anti-Pope John XXIII who the Lutherans consider to be a saint ("Feast Day" June 3).  It is mind-blowing that any Lutheran with an ounce of brains and a shred of good will, cannot see the obvious distinction between those Holy and Great Catholic Saints and those heretical and/or purely secular "saints" that the Lutherans have added. It's like the Lutheran "Church" is publicly screaming at its followers: "We are lost, we are clueless, run from us or perish with us in our error !"

This list is so bizarre and it would be so laughable if it wasn't so reflective of their complete and utter apostasy, and the fact that people still cling to it, and how many have been (and will be) eternally lost because of it.


St. Teresa of Avila, who ironically is a Lutheran "Saint", perhaps said it best: "Those wretched heretics willfully blind themselves, and they claim that what they do is good, and they believe it to be so, yet without real confidence; for there is something within them that tells them they are wrong."

...and St. John Vianney too... "You Protestants! In the entirety of your Reformation you haven't got a Saint whose name you can give your children. You have to borrow your Christian names from the Catholic Church."






… as you were calling the vortex a satanic spell, it brought to mind that I was also under a satanic spell while I was a member of the Vatican II sect. I must be so thankful to Our Lord Jesus and Savior King, and our Blessed Mother for breaking that terrible spell that was cast upon me. I realize that it takes God to break the evil spell of Satan that was cast upon most of us while we grew up in that sect. Your wonderful insight into the vortex, made me realize how merciful God has been to me. God works his acts of mercy and healing so quiet and peacefully, and we are left with His peace every time he touches us. God bless.




Hi: I've read over your material on the Most Holy Family Monastery, and was extremely disappointed that you had so little to offer in terms of where sincere Catholics may attend church!...The rules you've set forth are endless, regarding what we cannot do! I am troubled by the modernism in my parish and want the true church, but you are telling people not to go to mass, where they will hear the word of God. How could this ever be right?...



MHFM: You are disappointed because, at this point, you don't care about the faith.  You only care about the ‘Mass’ issue.  In that way, you are similar to countless others in the Vatican II Church and in false traditionalist circles.  It doesn't matter if you attend a million traditional Masses; if you don't believe correctly you cannot be saved.  You haven't even reached the point where you will never attend the New Mass again.  If you cared more about the Catholic faith, you would understand what we are saying.  You would recognize that it’s not complicated and that it flows from the necessity of preserving the Catholic faith whole and undefiled. 


The New Mass is invalid and basically every priest offering the traditional Mass is a heretic.  Those are the facts.  There are few options for sacraments today.  The only options for sacraments are priests offering traditional sacraments if those priests meet certain conditions and one does not support them (as explained in the file).  Many of the traditionally-ordained priests offering traditional sacraments must be avoided since they are notorious or imposing heretics.  A few options remain, especially for confession (since one could go to an old Novus Ordo priest – ordained before 1968 – who says the proper words); but the options for receiving sacraments in general are greatly diminished at this time.  We are in the Great Apostasy.  Also, you shouldn’t even receive sacraments until you are convinced on all the issues.  Your current attitude is that of a person in the Vatican II Church whose ‘faith’ and religion is wrongly defined by where you show up on Sunday, rather than by an acceptance of God’s faith and the living of that faith day in and day out.


There were many situations in Church history in which Catholics had nowhere to attend Mass; there is no obligation to attend Mass if the Church does not provide you with a fully Catholic one in your area.  Also, attending an invalid ‘Mass’ or approaching priests you should avoid is not equivalent to “hearing the word of God.” 


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Thank you, Brothers Michael and Peter, MHFM for your reply… my wife and I have converted to the Catholic faith, thanks largely to the material you provide and of obviously the grace of God.

Justin Link




Subject: Vortex Video



In your updated Michael Voris video, notice at the 4:32 mark as he starts spinning his wand around, you'll notice what is supposed to be a whirlwind on the bottom right of the screen. It looks as if it’s a king cobra snake starting to bend its head back getting ready to strike. Also it looks as if it has scales and turns a creepy greenish yellow color. This would explain what he's all about, a venomous snake.



Bro. Roger


Subject: Bro. Roger


… I have read on your site an incident involving Benedict XVI giving communion to Brother Roger of the Taize community. This of course would cause a scandal if it were true. I personally believed that it was, based on the information on your web site that Brother Roger was a heretic and not a Catholic. I have recently come across an article that shows that Brother Roger converted to the Catholic Faith some time ago in 1972. This information looks to be credible and if it is I believe you need to correct your position on this scandal. Below is… the information about this incident… [from The Remnant]


I am grateful for much of the research you have done in different areas and I have found much of it to be enlightening. Even though Ratzinger has committed many other offenses in the eyes of God, this one looks to be benign. However, I would think that the Vatican should have made it clear to everyone that Br. Roger had indeed converted and not kept it so hush, hush as other church officials had felt the same way as you did about the incident due to the secrecy of the conversion.


God Bless




MHFM: No, you are quite wrong.  You have been deceived by the propaganda of false traditionalists; in this case, it was the heretics at The Remnant.  It’s disappointing that you bought it.  This article completely refutes the lie – cooked up in a desperate and futile attempt to defend the manifest heretic, Antipope Benedict XVI – that Bro. Roger converted to the Catholic faith.




Even without these facts (which completely refute the lie of false traditionalists on this matter), one’s Catholic sense should tell him that the claim that ‘Bro.’ Roger converted doesn’t add up.  That’s why it’s a bad sign that you fell for it.  It’s an indication that one’s inclination is to justify evildoers rather than to defend the faith.  For if the prominent head of an ecumenical monastery actually converted years ago, secret information wouldn’t be required.  It would be indisputable.  A person of good will should immediately see that the claim doesn’t make sense; and when all the facts are considered, it is shown to be nothing more than a lie of Satan’s defenders to protect the primary proponent of heresy in our day.  The people who promote such a lie only make the punishment for which they are destined in Hell even worse.




MHFM: This is an interesting quote which further illustrates the uncertainty and falsity of Protestantism:


“B.M. Metzger reports that, shortly after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in 1968, a group of ministers seriously proposed that his ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ (1964) should be added to the New Testament…” (F.F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 282.)




Bro. Dimond,


I'm a young Catholic, however, I've been quite interested in Traditional Catholicism recently. Your Web site material has been a real eye opener and I anticipate purchasing some of your products in the near future….






Subj: Great site!! I have a question


Greetings! I had emailed you a while back saying that I was in RCIA. You had said that RCIA was from V2, There is only one church here in Indianapolis, Indiana that has the tridentine mass and that church also has an RCIA class… I was a protestant for years, and doing a lot of learning about the Catholic faith. So, how do I rightly become a Catholic? I want to worship our Lord Jesus in the correct way. If you have any info on that or on your site, let me know where it is. There is a wealth of info, Thank You for your time! God Bless!!




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It’s crucial that you recognize that one must not attend the New Mass, and that the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.  These are the steps to convert: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/Steps_to_Convert.php


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc. That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today? People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained. Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession. Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments. We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Subject: Rosary saves girl from being murdered




Rosary devotion saves girl from murder.


Not sure if you ever heard of this story or not, but it relates on how Ted Bundy entered a sorority house where three girls resided. He killed two of them, but the third girl while in her room terrified, grabbed her Rosary in which she prayed every day due to a promise she made to her Grandma before leaving for college. Ted Bundy relates at his execution as he intended to kill the third girl, he saw the rosary in her girls hands and said some mysterious force prevented him from carrying out the attack. The Rosary is clearly the best weapon known to man…






Subject: Partial Recap of 2012


Watch this and you will know we're in END TIMES! - YouTube


Dear Brothers:


My mother called my attention to the above video which provides a partial 2012 "year in review" (only covers the first six months). Some people apparently notice the tribulations of these last days, although it would seem that few people take them seriously enough to seek and accept God's true revelation which is the Catholic faith. They do not realize that the "demonic doctrines" Scripture refers to are man-made doctrines. And sadly, there are unfortunately many heretics and other false shepherds eager and ready to mislead these people. We can only hope and pray that many individuals will be of good will and find their way to MHFM, which is the only group I have ever found who holds uncompromisingly to the true Catholic faith. Proving once again that as it is true with everything else, so it is true with end-time prophesy: Sacred Scripture can be properly understood only by one who holds the true Catholic faith. The above video is an interesting recap of news events, though, so I pass it along in case you might like to see it.


As to false teachers, your points on Voris and his Vortex are very observant. Who can doubt that it is with the help of evil that Voris is pulling people in. Very scary. In their pride, these false teachers belly up to the front of the crowd and try to distinguish themselves as "learned" -- without ever bothering to examine the truth of what the Catholic Church has always taught. Such persons are very useful to Satan. They don't need to learn or be told anything. They already know everything.


Lee Ann




Subject: Response to far-fetched


In refutation of the person who said you are 'far-fetched' in stating that The Vortex uses elements of the occult to create an evil attraction: Evil is real and there is a huge increase in supernatural attraction to anything evil in our society today. This is prevalent in our culture as shown by those who are attracted to and fixated on books about vampires and the occult and the increase ad nauseam of the same in TV shows, video games and movies. The young people, I find are so attracted to the dark and evil especially some who claim to be reflecting the 'goth' style of dressing. Many have seen them. They wear all black and many have chains and heavy metals items on their person. Their faces are gray and their eyes dark. They almost look like the walking dead. Many dismiss this as just another fad, but I believe it is not and dangerous to think so.


When you challenge these young people and try to tell them in charity that giving in to the attraction of evil is dangerous, I found that they start to hate you and avoid you. This I noticed in a young girl with whom I thought I had a good relationship. After, she avoided me and would not say anything to me unless I asked her a question.


Even my sister-in-law has dabbled into books on vampires. When I asked why she read these, she told me that she was intrigued by the idea of immortality. My question to her was wouldn't this lead you then to Jesus Christ and His Church which holds the real promise of life everlasting in heaven? She really had no reply. I believe it is because she is attracted to the evil which has a hold on her. She has not spoken to me since and it has been over two years since that conversation. She has rejected books and media I have sent her from MHFM website. This satanic evil attraction is very real if you just clear your vision of the fog of secularism by praying the rosary. Praying the rosary has been so great a help to me that I really cannot express this in words.


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne




Subject: Rock'n'Roll


Dear Brothers,

The Devil is very active today since he knows his time is short. Anyone who doubts whether he is real needs to watch the video you sell, Rock'n'Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution:
http://www.mhfm1store.com/virosoofnewa.html The Rock Stars really do sell their soul to the Devil, without hesitation or remorse. They are fully aware that they are deceiving their audience and are leading souls to hell. Since they are so obstinate in sin, they are hardened at heart in their evil path, and so despite such evil intentions being almost unbelievable, they are real nonetheless. Only the Most Holy Catholic faith and the Rosary can save a person from such darkness.

Ezechiel (Ezeckiel) 28:13-16 - "Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise of God: every precious stone was thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the chrysolite, and the onyx, and the beryl, the sapphire, and the carbuncle, and the emerald: gold the work of thy beauty: and thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou wast created. Thou a cherub stretched out, and protecting, and I set thee in the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation, until iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise, thy inner parts were filled with iniquity, and thou hast sinned: and I cast thee out from the mountain of God, and destroyed thee, O covering cherub, out of the midst of the stones of fire."

God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White




Dear MHFM,


the non-Christians raise moral, religious, and political anarchy in the body politic under the mask of freedom of belief. The pagan/gentile/heathen continue to weaken the State through bad morals and their dissemination. The world is indeed seated in wickedness.

Many knowing nothing about the Faith have grown up to become barbarians; some of whom, both men and women, parade about immodestly, speak indecently and are utterly shameless in the mutilation of their bodies by means of tattoos and body piercing. This descent into the abyss was prophesied succinctly by Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos, August 15, 1832:

This shameful font of indifferentism gives rise to that absurd and erroneous proposition which claims that liberty of conscience must be maintained for everyone. It spreads ruin in sacred and civil affairs, though some repeat over and over again with the greatest impudence that some advantage accrues to religion from it. "But the death of the soul is worse than freedom of error," as Augustine was wont to say. When all restraints are removed by which men are kept on the narrow path of truth, their nature, which is already inclined to evil, propels them to ruin. Then truly "the bottomless pit" is open from which John saw smoke ascending which obscured the sun, and out of which locusts flew forth to devastate the earth. Thence comes transformation of minds, corruption of youths, contempt of sacred things and holy laws -- in other words, a pestilence more deadly to the state than any other. Experience shows, even from earliest times, that cities renowned for wealth, dominion, and glory perished as a result of this single evil, namely immoderate freedom of opinion, license of free speech, and desire for novelty.

Here We must include that harmful and never sufficiently denounced freedom to publish any writings whatever and disseminate them to the people, which some dare to demand and promote with so great a clamor. We are horrified to see what monstrous doctrines and prodigious errors are disseminated far and wide in countless books, pamphlets, and other writings which, though small in weight, are very great in malice. We are in tears at the abuse which proceeds from them over the face of the earth. Some are so carried away that they contentiously assert that the flock of errors arising from them is sufficiently compensated by the publication of some book which defends religion and truth. Every law condemns deliberately doing evil simply because there is some hope that good may result. Is there any sane man who would say poison ought to be distributed, sold publicly, stored, and even drunk because some antidote is available and those who use it may be snatched from death again and again?



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Michael Voris Continues to Deceive [video]




Hello. My name is Heinrich. (My e-mail name is for purposes of anonymity). Anyways, I wish to convert to the true Catholic faith. I have three questions though. I live in… Seattle, Washington… I was baptised in Novus Ordo church in 1991 in Los Angeles. I'm assuming that it's invalid. Would I then be baptised according the form of baptism provided on your website, as a convert, or conditionally? I am confused and do not wish to make a grave error. Finally, I was wondering where I could buy a traditional rosary like that displayed on your "How to Pray the Rosary" (with the Fatima Prayer) page on your website. I do not, obviously wish to buy a Novus Ordo rosary or a traditional one sold by a heretic. Please help. Thank you. May God bless the wonderful work that you are doing!


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You should follow these steps.  A heretic can baptize; but since baptism is so necessary, if there is a doubt about how a ‘baptism’ was performed, a conditional baptism should be conferred once a person is ready.  In your case, once you are convinced and prepared, you should be conditionally baptized.  This file also covers ‘conditional baptism.’




Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.


Also, if you have a rosary that’s basically traditional, it doesn’t matter where you obtain it.  It’s not as if a traditional rosary purchased from a Novus Ordo group is necessarily spiritually contaminated.  Therefore, as soon as you can obtain a basic, traditional rosary you should do so.




Dear Brothers Dimond


That was a really good video about the michael voris deception. It shows you how deep the spiritual deception going on about the true state of affairs with the counterfeit church in rome , and the anti-popes of the vatican 2 religion. this video was very important to expose what this guy is doing. I bet satan will be very angry about his false prophet and spokesperson being exposed and unmasked. thank you and God bless. and may St. BENEDICT pray, intercede, and protect your monastery ,and all true catholics all over the world in these final days of the great apostasy. from mark v CA




Thank you for your latest youtube about the Vortex. Your assessment is right on.


I wonder what Benedicts' Rome and so called priests and bishops think when he comes out with those speeches to them demanding they take responsibility for halting all heresies in their parishes and dioceses? Do they call him up and say, "hey boss, why the double-cross? Why you throwin' us under da bus?!" It makes no sense that the head heretic would come out and blame the men who keep him in business for the very same evil he perpetrates. I would love to hear what they all really say Are they ready to take the fall for him? And what if these operatives actually do what he is asking? What if they start rooting out evil? Aren't those speeches just too big a risk to take for Benedict if he desires to destroy souls?  Could all his fake conservatism back-fire?


MHFM: No, it won’t backfire because the engine of the apostasy – e.g., the documents of Vatican II, false ecumenism, salvation outside the Church, invalid sacraments, the toleration of Protestantism, the acceptance of public sinners and heretics: pro-abortion public figures, those living in second ‘marriages,’ etc. – continues to run at full power.  Hence, if Benedict XVI offers a meaningless platitude once in a while (e.g., ‘we must root out evil’) it doesn’t deal with anything specific or touch upon a significant aspect of the Vatican II apostasy.  It will only dupe servants of Satan (such as Voris, etc.), who in their incredible dishonesty ignore a mountain of manifest heresy and focus on one or two meaningless statements which change nothing, deal with nothing substantive or specific, and which are made while the same antipope accepts (among other things) the most wicked pro-abortion public figures in the world.   In this regard, one short section from our article refuting a heretic named John Salza is relevant.




John Salza, Second Article, p. 14: “That is because for every “heretical” statement one may pluck from a papal speech or sermon, one can find many more orthodox statements from the same popes on the same subject matter.”


Salza attempts to justify the many heresies of his antipopes by pointing out that they sometimes repeat Catholic truth. That’s irrelevant, of course. In Auctorem fidei, Pope Pius VI pointed out that heretics always make true or contradictory statements and frequently they do so within the very context of promoting their heresies. Such true or contradictory statements do not alter a heretic’s status from non-Catholic to Catholic. To consult Pope Pius VI’s teaching on this matter, which completely refutes Salza’s impious assertion, see our website.


Salza also falsely claims that one can find many more orthodox statements from the antipopes than heretical ones on each subject. That is not true. For example, consider the antipopes’ many heresies with regard to the schismatic “Orthodox.” The antipopes have consistently taught that the schismatics don’t need to be converted, that their ministry is worthy of praise, that they don’t need to accept Vatican I, and that they are inside the Church. We have compiled over one hundred heretical statements in this regard. It’s probably closer to a thousand. Could Salza or anyone else cite more than one hundred statements from the Vatican II antipopes in which they specifically declare the opposite of the aforementioned heresies: namely, that the “Orthodox” are in fact schismatics, or that the “Orthodox” are outside the Church, or that the “Orthodox” need to be converted for salvation? No.


Could Salza cite even a single statement in which Benedict XVI specifically addresses the “Orthodox” and declares that they are outside the Church and need to be converted for salvation? I don’t think so. Even if he could find one, it wouldn’t matter. One Catholic statement does not justify dozens of heresies; and there are certainly many more heresies on that topic than true statements. The Vatican II sect is actually consistent in its position that the “Orthodox” are part of the universal Church. Indeed, in stunning confirmation of my point, the heretic John Salza (falsely posing as a believer in the Papacy) has taught that very heresy.


John Salza promoted article, “Catholicism & Orthodoxy: A Comparison,” by Dave Armstrong: “Catholics must believe that Orthodoxy is a part of the universal Church (commensurate with the Second Vatican Council and many recent papal encyclicals on ecumenism in general or Orthodoxy in particular). That fact alone precludes the justification of any condescension, animosity, or hostility, which is especially sinful amongst Christians (Galatians 6:10).”


This paragraph by itself refutes Salza’s entire position. A “Church” which teaches that non-Catholics who reject the Papacy are inside the Church is neither Catholic nor papal.




Subject: Michael Voris Continues to Deceive


I just finished watching your new video concerning the various deceptions of Michael Voris and while I believe that your summary of Michael Voris' heresy, or rather promotion thereof, is correct; I cannot help but feel that your theory that there are elements of the occult within his videos, a tad far-fetched. There certainly is something appealing about the "vortex". However, I believe it is more a psychological ploy than a satanic one. The vortex makes the theologically problemeatic issues of the V2 conciliar church appear distorted and difficult to deal with, thereby rendering Voris's sophistry necessary in order to dispel the mist of ignorance and misunderstanding in a manner which allows his viewers to adopt his rhetoric and accept his dishonest and/or misinformed conclusions. The videos are short ( appealing to mankind's short-attention span), and leave the viewer with a dishonest sense of being informed, while other lengthy discourses might bore them. This latter element is arguably why his vortex videos receive more views than his others, rather than through a satanic appeal.




MHFM: It’s ‘far-fetched’ to a person with little or no faith, who doesn’t look at things on a spiritual level.  It’s ‘far-fetched’ to a person who wrongly believes that actions don’t have meaning (including actions with spiritual significance and which play a standard, not just occasional role in one’s productions). 


Moreover, what completely refutes your argument (that people are more interested in the Vortex videos than his other videos simply because the Vortex videos are short) is the point that was mentioned clearly in our video: he has many non-Vortex videos that are the same length and even shorter than the Vortex videos.  In those cases as well, the same astounding disparity of view totals between his Vortex and non-Vortex videos can be seen. 


His conjuring of a whirlwind (and the subsequent display of that conjured-whirlwind throughout the video) definitely plays a role, and it’s actually another frightening reminder of how the false traditionalists and false conservatives of the Novus Ordo are following Satan’s program en masse without realizing it.  It’s another subtle illustration of the spiritual war being waged in ways most don’t realize. 




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the video exposing Michael Voris. His deception is clearly occultic at its root, and his magicians twirl with a wand appears to be a way to replace the true Catholic symbol of salvation, the Most Holy Cross, with a false symbol of salvation, the magic circle. A priest will begin a sermon by crossing himself, and though Voris is not a priest, he could easily simply cross himself. Voris is pulling people into the vortex of hell as did Simon Magus. What an apostate!!!

1 Corinthians 1:18 - "For the word of the cross, to them indeed that perish, is foolishness; but to them that are saved, that is, to us, it is the power of God."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: SSPX


Dear Brothers:


Vikram's email regarding Williamson and Fellay brought to mind a comment made by Chris White -- that the SSPX chapels have an air of death about them. Indeed they do. They refuse to call evil by its proper name, and thus stare into the face of death with its stench -- while insisting that their corpse is alive. We can see the direct connection here to the heresies these false traditionalists hold. The structural underpinning of BOD (and all the heresies that deny the necessity of Christ and His Church for salvation) is the satanic belief that "one cannot judge" -- which really means one cannot judge evil to be evil, but must judge evil to be good. Can it surprise us, then, that these heretics judge the anti-christs to be Vicars of Christ, and judge the Whore of Babylon to be the Catholic Church?


Williamson describes the mind of the Rat as "mush". In my opinion, it may be filth -- but it is certainly not "mush". When it comes to denying Christ and His true Church, the V2 Anti-popes (JP2 and B16 especially) operate with a razor sharp, almost mathematical precision. Their words and actions seem to be strategically planned beyond mere human ability, and they provide continuing glimpses into the mind of Satan and his hatred of the Incarnate God. What can be described as "mush" is the mind of Williamson, Fellay and their cohorts. Because these men lack humility they lack manliness, and their "virtues" are merely imagined. What's especially frightening about these false traditionalists (and, I guess, all heretics in general) is that they have no more love for the truth than do pagans. Although the members of the SSPX proclaim themselves to be Catholics and priests and bishops, they will dismiss and condemn the Catholic truths presented to them by MHFM and others -- without actually examining the indisputable facts. And, thus, we are reminded -- yet again -- that the number of ways Satan induces people to receive not the love of the truth is legion.


Lee Ann




Subject: Gun Control


Dear Brothers in Christ,

I would like to comment the heated debates occurring in the USA about gun control.  I believe that any secular matter has its spiritual counterpart. Otherwise our Lord's wide use of parables would not make sense at all. So it is with the physical self-defense and the right to possess firearms. The father of all lies, The Devil, through his evil inspirations in the minds of the apostates is succeeding to put the blame for criminal deeds on the right of self-defense, and not on the criminals who abuse that right. God's commandment is not "thou shalt not possess arms", it is "thou shalt not commit murder". The most defenseless and innocent people, the unborn babies, are denied any rights and are killed in millions throughout the world. If the unborn babies could be striped of any rights, it is logical that any person could be treated in the same way. It is a trademark of Devil's inspirations to pervert God's commandments--call the murder a right and call the right a murder.

It is a historical fact--each and every dictator and mass murderer: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Tito, Mao, Pol Pot etc., denied the citizen's right of self-defense. The USA is the only state in the world where such a right exists as a constitutional right. The EU, Russia, China, Japan, India etc. are completely under satanic "no firearms" policy.  The globalists, who are currently paving the way to global dictatorship, just cannot leave the American citizens their constitutional rights, for these rights are the main obstacle, as the globalist see it, to commit the global  genocide.  In the spiritual realm the genocide is already committed by the satanic V2 council and the antipopes. What The Catholic Church is in the spiritual realm--the only true and salvific church--the USA is in the secular matters: the only state whose citizens still have the right of the physical self-defense by firearms.

I would like to ask a few questions to the people who support "no firearms" policy:
1.) Do you think that the mass murderers, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Tito etc. did the right thing when they imposed the "no firearms" policy on their citizens?
2.) Who should control the gun-controllers, and how?
3.) Do you think that the real criminals and murderers should not have the reason to be afraid of an ordinary law abiding citizen?
4.) Do you think that the government should not be afraid of the ordinary law abiding citizens?
5.) Do you think that God would not severely punish you for your hypocrisy, when you support the killings of the unborn babies and, at the same time, you use the tragedy of killed kids by a criminal in a "gun free" zone for your emotionally driven support of "no firearm" policy?

The true Catholics, the Remnant, in this evil world may be denied the right of physical self-defense by firearms, but nobody can take away from them their Lord Jesus Christ, their Queen of Heaven Mother Mary and their Rosary as the most efficient self-defense against The Devil and his minions.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless all true Catholics in the world, through the intercession of the Most Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




It would be a great advantage for one to view the youtube video that is on the brothers website called "Where did God come from?"…


Jeremias 4:22 For my foolish people have not known me: they are foolish and senseless children: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.






Can be


i believe alot of protestant heretics are actually a bit closer to the truth than the V-2 apostates. I say that only because at least some protestant heretics believe that you need to have explicit faith in Christ to be saved, whereas V-2 teaches that people in pagan religions and even ATHEISTS can be saved! On youtube there is a video of the apostate PELL i think his name is debating Richard Dawkins and in the debate he said evolution was TRUE! That adam and eve were a myth, that atheists can be saved etc. It was truly shocking in a way but at the same time it wasn't because ever since i came to the true Catholic faith through your ministry, i have been able to see more clearly what i always suspected, and that is the Evil and apostasy of this mammoth system of deception that is the Vatican2 sect. She is truly and without a doubt the great Whore of the apocalypse. And i'm sad to say that it's been very difficult to share the true faith without people confusing the True Catholic faith with the counterfeit.


MHFM: Both are far from the truth and need conversion for salvation; but it’s true that in certain ways and in many cases V-2 heretics are even worse than the Protestants.  This would also be true of many false traditionalists and sedevacantists who believe in BOD, I.I., etc; for they have the very same position on salvation as the V-2 heretics: i.e., that people can be saved without faith in Christ and in false religions.




MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote – we’ve added it to our ‘Quote of the Day’ section – about how arguments for the existence of God flow with ‘invincible force’ from the first principles of reason and the things that are made.  Since God’s existence follows irrefutably from a recognition of the things that are made, those who deny His existence are of course inexcusable.  This truth is taught in Scripture (Romans 1) and was defined as a dogma by Vatican I; but Pius X’s reiteration of this point is noteworthy when we consider that Vatican II denies this dogma.


Pope Pius X (1904): “Men even go so far as to impugn the arguments for the existence of God, denying with unparalleled audacity and against the first principles of reason the invincible force of the proof which from the effects ascends to their cause, that is God, and to the notion of His infinite attributes.  ‘For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made: his eternal power and divinity’ (Rom. 1:20).” (Iucunda sane #15)




Subject: SSPX


Dear MHFM,


I've been following the goings on in the SSPX for a while now, and have to agree with your observations in your video 'SSPX Mini-Schism'.  I heard Bishop Fellay when he visited Perth, Australia, condemn the Conciliar contention that it was modernism that was responsible for the current state of the 'Church'.  Fellay instead pointed the finger at Vatican II. Yes, he said, modernism certainly had a part to play, but until Rome admits the terrible effect of Vatican II, it will bemissing the real problem.


Bishop Williamson says the same thing and is dead against any deal with Rome until it abjures Vatican II, but both Fellay and Williamson are adamant that the Conciliar 'Popes' are real Popes. Williamson at a recent meeting with 'Traditionalists' in Toronto December 15th, again reiterated his strong belief in the legitimacy of the Conciliar 'Popes'.


The excuse Williamson gives for the heresies promulgated by Ratzinger is that his mind is "mush" (a favourite expression of Williamson, and I think it's actually a good one! - although the argument that it is used to make is far from good), and is committing material rather than formal heresy, because his mind has been "mushed up" by modernism and so what else can one expect from him?!!!


Now if Vatican II is the problem, and not modernism, then logically, you should be able to look closer at Vatican II and find the individuals responsible, which individuals eg. Wojtyla and Ratzinger would have the same problem as Vatican II. But no, they cannot bring themselves to point the finger of formal heresy at these men, which they DO appear to be able to do with Vatican II as a whole, obviously because it is a big obtuse, non-personal target.


… Wojtyla constructs his fantasy of universal salvation, with the Holy Spirit being the one who provides everyone with a restored communion with God. Jesus Christ is reduced to a bit-player in this completely un-Christian thesis from a so-called 'Pope'. It is a completely deliberate, cunning and skillful attempt to present a "new" theology dressed up as Christianity, to lead the 'flock' down the sinkhole of indifferentism and universal salvation. If this is not formal heresy, nothing is.


Ratzinger is no less deliberate, as you have shown in his denial of the accuracy of Mathew's account of the Passion of our Lord, as well as in his continuation of Wojtyla's Assisi meetings, besides many other deliberate heresies. As you also say in 'SSPX Mini-Schism', the expulsions were an ideal opportunity to tell the truth, but no, they just can't bring themselves to do it. In a way, the position of the expelled priests looks even more ridiculous (if that were possible!) than the rest of the SSPX.








Dear Brothers,


Thank you for your recent video "Was Jesus Christ a "Jew?" Like others I have heard people declare emphatically that our Lord was a Jew in the modern sense of a contemporary follower of Christ-denying Judaism. That Our Lord Jesus Christ would practice what today is called Judaism is both laughable and blasphemous. Laughable, because the authentic Old Testament religion was the epitome of rigor and devotion… And Christ, true God and true man, lived this demanding life perfectly… Blasphemous, because to suggest that the true Messiah of Israel had some sort of problem with Himself or His role, or outright rejected it, insults God in its stupidity and absurdity. Several of your more recent videos have had a powerful impact on my life. Thank you for them, and for all that you do.


Joseph Ramirez




… I like the recent video you did on the Lord Jesus Christ; who is Certainly NOT a Jew. Back in my VII Sect days, we were taught to look upon Jews with a high esteem and to overlook whatever unworthy deeds they did. Any evil activity they did – was off limits for criticism; it was as if the moral code did not apply to them. I also used to listen to a teacher of the Talmud on a Jewish channel. What I noticed was that the Talmud was a tome that expertly engages in rationalizing everything, and emptying the malice out of every sin you can think of. When I heard the Talmud teacher speaking, it was very unbelievable – just seeing how he explained away things, rationalized things, and basically had a rationalist approach to things with a great mass of erudition to the point of confusion – like a literal worship of the mind or of reason or intellect. It reminds of that story in your Padre Pio book on how even Padre Pio himself was startled and astonished at how the Devil (unbeknownst to him) amazingly, and with a rare refinery and gentility, made the sins he confessed seem natural, harmless, and skillfully removed all fault from himself - to make himself seem the victim on top of that. Of course, as a VII Sect adherent, I believed the Talmud teacher somewhat but still felt unsettled about the teachings.





MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote about the uncertainty and private judgment of the heretic John Calvin on the matter of who authored certain books of the New Testament.


“… on questions of authorship he [John Calvin] freely exercised his philological and historical judgment.  Hebrews was undoubtedly canonical [he held], but it was undoubtedly not by Paul: Calvin thought of Luke or Clement of Rome as a possible author.  Unlike Luther, he had no difficulty accepting James: ‘it contains nothing unworthy of an apostle of Christ.’  But he would not commit himself positively on the author’s identity: he might be James the Just or James the son of Alphaeus, one of the twelve…” (F.F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 247.)




Dear Brothers,

The video of the debate between Larry Pratt and Piers Morgan is very interesting. At 2 minutes, Piers lies by saying that the US has “by far the worst rate of gun murder and gun crime of any of the civilized countries of this world.”  This is totally false and he repeats the same lie 40 seconds later. It is the countries that ban gun ownership that have the worst gun crime rates. Having only recently been in the US, and then coming back to Australia, it is not hard to see the difference between a place that allows people to defend themselves, and one that doesn't. It is very frustrating to live in a place where the common man cannot defend himself by means of a gun, because it allows evil people to run amok! Larry Pratt sums it up well when he says that the gun murder rate where Gun Owners of America is located is “0.3 per 100,000, about a tenth of what it is in your vaunted English bucolic country. The fact of the matter is with guns comes safety, if the guns are in the hands of the good guys, and when you say the good guys can't have guns, the bad guys have a monopoly and horrible things such as the shooting at the schools take place.” (3:30) Then when Larry is citing the facts about how shootings still take place in places that have gun control laws, Piers simply lies again, interrupting with “you are talking complete and utter nonsense... What you just said, Mr. Pratt, was an absolute lie.” What a liar himself!! Larry Pratt goes on to say that the British and Australian violent crime rate is higher than the US. He goes on, “America is not the wild west that you are depicting. We only have the problem in our cities and unhappily in our schools where people like you have been able to get laws put on the books that keep people from being able to defend themselves.” (5:15) Piers’ only reply is to insult Larry Pratt, since he can't refute the facts, and Larry replies well: “I don't know why you want to be the criminals' friend!” Piers sums up his own position: “you have absolutely no coherent argument whatsoever.” Larry Pratt then gets to the essence of the problem: “It seems to me that facts don't bother you do they, Mr. Morgan. Facts, they bounce right off of your head.” Piers Morgan is then reluctant to admit that the shooter is evil, instead seeming to prefer to call him “deranged.” It is obvious that Piers Morgan is evil himself. To ban the AR-15 would be suicide, and Piers knows it since he tries to interrupt Larry Pratt when he's explaining that the Korean merchants needed such weapons to defend themselves during the LA riots! Piers Morgan seems comfortable pushing the Illuminati's plan to disarm the population so as to depopulate the planet, which isn't surprising when he's most likely a freemason. What a Satanic coward!

Apocalypse (Revelation) 21:8 - "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

God Bless,

Chris White


MHFM: Piers Morgan is a thoroughly wicked abomination.  He’s a promoter of sodomite ‘marriage,’ among other things.  The fact that he falsely claims to be Catholic only magnifies the disgrace he represents. 




I really enjoyed the new video that you produced. I found myself looking down at the time bar and hoping that the video would not end soon. The information that you presented was very interesting… You simply provided the information that was necessary for people to understand the teachings of the Catholic faith.  Most people would have gone on and on about evil Talmud quotes, etc.






Merry Christmas Brothers!


I wanted to write this email to describe some of the persecution I have been undergoing lately from my family in the hopes that those who read it will be encouraged and not let challenges discourage them. I can honestly say that I feel happy spiritually in spite of all that has happened since I know that what I fight for is the true Catholic faith. It is a joy to suffer for the sake of Christ! I have been saying the Fatima prayer, "O Jesus, it is for your love, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." This prayer gives me strength and makes whatever pains I suffer much more bearable. This is the first Christmas that I am not spending with my family due to the fact that [they are heretical].... My family has been particularly vicious as a result of my stance. They are novus ordo on my mother’s side, and pagan/protestant/atheist on my father’s side. Oddly enough, my father’s side has left me alone without a word, but my mother’s side has been set on gathering strength in numbers to rally against me. Yesterday, some of my aunts came over to make the house extra tidy, since every Christmas Eve the whole family (which includes many members) come to gather around a Nativity scene to pray five decades of the Rosary, then afterwards, hold a white candle and kiss baby Jesus. This tradition has been passed down for about 200 hundred years in my family. It is the last bit of tradition that my grandfather holds on to. But that is not really why the family gathers together; what brings them together is the Mexican food my grandfather prepares. My family doesn’t care a whiff about the Catholic faith. They don’t care what falsity you believe as long as you eat with them. When I told my aunts I would not be partaking in the Christmas Eve activities, or the ones taking place on Christmas day, they attacked me like beasts. They did not like that I called them and my parents heretics, and that I rejected the Vatican 2 sect and its anti-popes. They hurled all sorts of false accusations, including that I was a member of a cult since I was a supporter of MHFM. My aunt told me that I look dark, that she could see devils in me, and that I sounded just like the Dimond Brothers. And whatever thing one of my aunts would say, the other one would approve of. The fact is, that while they told me these things, they were the ones who looked possessed. One of my aunts threatened to beat me if I didn’t start changing the way I acted towards my family. She admitted that she wanted to beat me right then and there but that she was holding back. The other aunt said nothing against this. They stayed close to my body, pushed me, and blocked my way so that I could not get away, and when I was finally able to get inside my room, they forced themselves in even when I tried to lock them out. I told them I was not afraid of them, and my aunt said, “We are not afraid of you either.” I told them that I didn’t want them to be afraid of me. I told them to name one dogma I deny and they couldn’t. That’s how baseless their claims were. Yet they continued to laugh at me insanely, call me a hypocrite, mock the true positions, yell, and cuss at me. Finally, their tirade came to an end. My aunt told her sister to leave with her and said in reference to me, “The devil's words are sweet.” I told them that they are the ones who are of the devil, and made it clear that their souls would be lost since they are obstinate in their heresy and other sins. I really would like them to convert, but it looks like my family has chosen to love the lie until they die. I left the house then and did not return until after midnight. I prayed the Rosary with my husband, and though I was sad in a natural sense because my family is being so cruel and hates Christ so much, in the spiritual sense I was happy because I was suffering for the true faith, and because I had not lost God in my soul. Now it is Christmas day, and all the savagery that came to me yesterday has disappeared. My grandfather’s house is peaceful, and it will remain that way since all the family is headed to my parents for Christmas. I will have the house to myself tonight. My heart is glad; for this is the day of our Savior's birth. Peace to men of good will! Be of good cheer faithful remnant! My heart sings to God, “In dulci jubilo, Nun singet und seid froh! Unsers Herzens Wonne Leit in praesepio;Und leuchtet wie die Sonne Matris in gremio. Alpha es et O!” In sweet jubilation, now sing and be joyous! Our heart’s bliss rests in a manger and shines like the sun in his mother’s lap. You are the alpha and omega. [“beginning and end”]


God bless,

Jaclyn White


MHFM: That’s an interesting story.  Their insane fury, their determination to scornfully mock you, and their barely containable desire to physically assault you clearly indicates demonic presences within them.  




Dear MHFM,

Hope all of you at the monastery have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Thank you for all the work you do. You have changed my life for the better. May God keep blessing you and keep giving you the best gifts one can ever have.

My best wishes.


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Was Jesus Christ a "Jew"? [video]






I would just like to thank you for your extraordinary efforts and hard work in trying to reach as many souls for Christ as possible yet again in 2012. Thank you for the many extremely interesting, informative, educational, and very important well-presented videos that you have produced which are available on your website and YouTube channel. They are amazing and many people’s lives are changing for the better because of them. I am looking forward to your newest projects that are coming soon.  Please remember my family and me in your prayers and rosaries this Christmas and coming New Year and we will continue to remember you also. Thank you Brothers!


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Kieran Stainsby




Subject: AA-1025




The "Priest" that Mary Jo refers to in the memoirs called AA-1025 was born in 1917. He was "ordained" in 1945, the same year as B16 and a year sooner than JPII. Putting the three in seminary at the same time frame. While reading the book about the thousand plus anti-apostle communist atheists, I kept wondering if JPII would have been #666. Anything is possible if the recruitment was so strong in the 1930's that a thousand special agents were recruited per month; who knows?


AA-1025 mentions how the training for the special agents infiltrating the Church included killing people with their hands in order to make the death look natural. AA-1025 was ordered to "suppress the obstacle"; the religious who was responsible for refusing the signs of a true vocation to AA-1025. He ended up making the killing look like a heart attack and was then allowed into the seminary shortly thereafter. If AA-1025 only made a career progression to a priest up to his death in the early 1960's, after all his contributions, I can only imagine what the anti-christ and false prophet were doing all this time to further their careers.


Also, the news is reporting that the Navy Seal Commander in Afghanistan 'committed suicide'. Most likely he was suicided after not wanting to play well with others and to tie-up any loose ends to the false Bin Laden story.


God Bless,


Tom Miles




Brothers Hello,


I wish you a Very Merry Christmas… The Special day when our Lord was born.


I would like your input on what i need to say or do in order to help My mom.  My True Mother is In Heaven. Queen of Heaven and earth MARY.  My mother was informed today that if she didn't take medication for her illness she would have 4 weeks to live.. I don't know what to say or what to do, in terms of my thoughts or opinions. What i will do is take her tomorrow to a validly ordained priest. i will tell her to wear the Holy Scapular and to read the Bible. Is there anything else that I might have missed? your input will be greatly appreciated.




MHFM: Before taking her to receive traditional sacraments, she must agree on the issues and make the traditional profession of faith.  Obviously she should confess any mortal sins that might not have been confessed to a valid priest.  She should also be praying, especially the Hail Mary and the Rosary.




Dear Brothers,


I am confused about the regulations of the Church in regards to celebrating holidays with family members. Is it lawful for a Catholic to celebrate Christmas with family members who are a part of the Vatican 2 sect, or those who are irreligious, as long as it is celebrated in a secular manner?  I would be grateful for a reply.





MHFM: People should not celebrate Christmas with heretical family members.




I recently heard the news that Benedict XVI has initiated the beatification of Paul VI. The man who destroyed the sacraments, especially the ordination of priests, is to be declared a saint. When I heard that I knew we were in a black hole indeed. I heard this news on Dec. 20, the day before the supposed end of the world. Well, this is the end alright. Nothing can be more sure.






So, The Sound of Music (1965) was on ABC last night. When the wedding scene came on (apparently in the Salzburg Cathedral); I (1959) said to my apostate mom (1935), "look, pre Vatican II there's no 'altar upon an altar'."…


Richard Spinnenweber




Subject: Was Jesus Christ a "Jew"? video


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the video showing that Jesus Christ was not a "Jew", in the sense that He was not a follower of modern Judaism. Jesus was a Judean, not a "Jew" (in the modern sense of the term). It is clear from your research that the term "Jew" has no real basis in Scripture, since it was invented in the Middle Ages. The accurate term for the people of God in the Old Testament, Judean, is clearly used by the Catholic Church to describe the followers of the now defunct Old Testament religion both before and after 70 AD (the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem). The Old Law was revoked when Jesus Christ was Crucified. It's interesting that the term Judean, from the tribe Judah, refers to the place allotted to that tribe in the Old Testament, and that since the New Law was instituted, salvation is open to anyone who is baptized and enters the Catholic Church, no matter where they are from, hence the word Catholic meaning Universal. It's a very important distinction to make (between Jew and Judean) since so many today, especially the defenders of the Vatican II sect and its (Jewish) Antipopes, still hold the "Jews" to be the people of God (Israel), rather than the Synagogue of Satan.

God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White


Rock Music


Subject: Rock Music


Dear Brothers,

I just remembered something from my musician days that will finally seal the case of why anyone who even considers themselves Christian must stay away from rock music. The Rolling Stones put out a psychedelic album in the sixties called "Your Satanic Majesty's Request". It is obvious that these men have sold their souls to the devil for fame and debauchery. No one has used as many hard drugs as them and they're still alive and have as much energy as they did when they were young except for their founding member Brian Jones who died suspiciously in his pool in the sixties. It’s not just them the whole industry is straight out of hell and any deal in it is playing with loaded die…

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Bro. Michael,


I hope this finds you well. I listened to the Coast to Coast show you did last year and there was a former priest who called in and accused you of not being Catholic, yet he was. Judge a tree by its fruits! You are more of a real Catholic than that guy ever was. He was ordained after Vatican II making his ordination and his Mass apostate, not to mention he left the priesthood to marry! Yet he made it sound like you weren’t Catholic because you don’t follow the current way of the church and worship his hero John Paul II. With the state the church is in, it seems that there are no true Catholic churches to be part of. How can a person be a real Catholic if they don’t have a church body to be part of? All the churches are apostate and Anti-Pope/ Anti-Christ is at their helm. I’ve watched most of your videos and read much of your work. I appreciate all the hard work in compiling all this information. We are in end times and we need to gather up the last gentiles. Where can I go to worship if they are all apostate? Your thoughts?


Best regards,


Bill Richardson


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc. That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today? People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained. Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession. Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments. We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




I have a question to ask that's been bothering me for the longest time I don't really know who to turn to aside from you guys. after having come into the Vatican 2 church before I became a traditional Catholic and before I became a sedevacantist specifically. I took part in a Jewish service at the local Orthodox Jewish synagogue which is my cousin's synagogue I went specifically because I just wanted to observe and see what one of those looks like and what it was all about. I had already been baptized whenever I was younger whenever I was a Protestant but let's just go ahead and say that I was a combination between an Arian and a Pelagian. I was watching 1 of your videos here a minute ago and in it it was talking about that all those after having been baptized if they take part in any other false religions services they are to be denied communion even at death. I was wondering if this applies to me also since I genuinely did not know?  I was also wondering if the Vatican 2 confirmation is even valid?  I ask this because the only confirmation I ever had was a Vatican 2  novus ordo confirmation.all this rather bothers me and even though I have a personal Confessor / spiritual advisor who was made a priest before Vatican 2 he is pretty much no help about any of this because according to him everything in the Vatican 2 church is valid and legal and there are no problems in the Catholic world. I hope you can help me with this if my confirmation was invalid then I don't know where to go to get myself confirmed.

thanks for the help, God bless…


MHFM: If you have rejected and confessed the action you mentioned, then it would not preclude you from receiving sacraments.  The quote about people who went into pagan temples being denied Communion even at death was a disciplinary measure of the early Church.  It reveals how seriously they took sins against the faith, idolatry, embracing false religions, etc.  It demonstrates that Christians of the early Church would of course immediately condemn the ecumenism and interfaith worship of the Vatican II antipopes as complete antichrist apostasy excluding the guilty from the Church.  You mention a spiritual advisor.  You should not consider any heretic a ‘spiritual advisor.’  The only thing one may do with certain priests (if they meet the criteria) is receive sacraments – period.  Confirmation is not absolutely necessary for salvation; and since basically all the bishops and priests are heretics, you don’t have to worry about not having received it in this situation.  Confirmation cannot be considered valid in the Vatican II sect.


Once a person is convinced on all issues, he or she should make the profession of faith in this file.






Subject: Judaism


Dear Brothers,


Your new video format of incorporating the text along with the narrative is very helpful for those who learn easier in different formats; whether by hearing, seeing or through experience. I really enjoyed your latest video on "Was Jesus Christ a "Jew". Many non-believers’ first defense is that Jesus was a Jew, so there is no need to be Catholic…


God Bless,


Tom Miles




Subject: The Devil and 2012


Dear MHFM,

I think the 2012 hype was a way for the Devil (through his agents) to discredit those that believe we are living in the Great Apostasy and the End of Days. It is a way for the Devil to neutralize many who would have otherwise believed we are deep into the End Times, and to keep them off guard. The Devil through his agents really utilized and misused Bible verses and mixed it up with the beliefs of the false religions in order to sell the End of the World 2012 hype; that he knew and planned would later discredit those who really had the truth about the End Times. This will have the effect of increasing the amount of scoffers. I remember you mentioned in the past that the hype was a way for the Devil to make people feel powerless and to remain inactive; since they would feel it’s simply prophecy coming to pass and the NWO is inevitable: and so not to resist it. So the 2012 myth had the effects of both discrediting the Faithful Remnant of the End Days before the eyes of the world, and also of making people feel powerless to stop evil in the secular arena. The Devil is really flooding the world in evils and doesn’t want to stop. The Devil really has his propaganda down to an inverted science.



‘Born Again’


Subject: Bible Studies


I was listening on youtube about free masonry entering the Catholic church and it scares me. I'm trying to do Bible studies and become a prison minister but I don't know what to do now. Is there a book that I can order or should I become A Born Again Christian?




MHFM: No, you need to become a Catholic.  Please read this article about what the Bible teaches about being 'born again.'  You will not help yourself or others by becoming a Protestant minister, for you will be embracing heresies incompatible with the true teaching of the Gospel.


The Bible teaches Baptismal Regeneration and that Baptism is necessary for salvation [article]


Please look at our 'Refuting Protestantism' section and obtain our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.




Subject: Communist Infiltration


I just thought this might be worth mentioning to your readers, especially for any unwilling to grasp what has happened… in Rome which is no longer Catholic.  Just finished the book, AA-1025 – Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church by Marie Carre. Marie Carre was a Catholic nurse in the 1960's who cared for an automobile accident victim, a 'priest' who later died. The book reveals the memoirs of this 'priest' who was actually a Russian communist who purposely infiltrated the Catholic Church to destroy the Catholic Religion. These memoirs were the only thing found on the man since he carried no identification.


It is a quick read of just over one hundred pages and would be worth reading. It illuminates the plan to destroy belief in God and change the focus to belief in Man and maps what has occurred in the 'Catholic' Church. For me it was a scary eye opener to something I heard recently from a priest in the Novus Ordo 'Catholic' Church when I was discussing with him the doctrinal rot in the Novus Ordo Church. He told me that "as Catholics, we must follow our conscience". In the book while outlying the plan to undermine the faith, on page 84 it says this; “Finally, what must take priority over anything else is that each one will follow his own conscience. This method, invented by Protestants, which consists in obeying one's conscience, is of great excellence.” When one obeys his conscience, he does not follow God.


Many of the key statements in this book underlie what Most Holy Family Monastery has been explaining about the Anti-Popes and the promotion of the religion of man.


Destroying devotion to Mary: Page 68, “All this strengthens my conviction that to deny the virginity of Mary is the safest way to transform Christians into disciples of a man who would not at all be God.”


Destroying belief in Scripture as revelation: Page 69, “The Gospels and Epistles, in fact the whole New Testament, become the word of man, and of course each one could choose in them what he wishes, criticize what displeases him and deny what is exaggerated.”


Some other quotes from the book are the following: Encouraging collegiality with other religions: Page 73, “For the moment, one must play with the phenomenon that 'Church' equals the 'Meeting of Friendly brethren of the whole world'. This catechism will therefore be one of that friendship which will replace the antiquated Christian charity.”


The religion of man: Page 78, While working on my new catechism, which could be called Catechism of the Religion of Man...”


Rewording to destroy meaning and create the Universal Church of Man: Page 78, “First replace the word Catholic by Universal, which means the same thing.”


Suppress the Saints: Page 78, “Afterwards, to bluntly suppress the cult of the Saints. The Saints must disappear before God does...”


Suppress Judgment, Heaven, Purgatory and Hell: Page 79, “Next, we will proceed to suppress Judgment, Heaven, Purgatory and Hell...Many are well disposed to believe that the goodness of God surpasses every offense. All we have to do is to insist on this goodness. A God whom no one fears quickly becomes a God about whom no one thinks. Such was the end to be reached.”


This reminds me of a time when I heard in the Novus Ordo Church the following concerning infants who are not baptized: 'My God would not send anyone to Hell.'  'AA' stands for Anti-Apostle and the number 1025 was a sequential number of infiltrators. The story is essentially true and we have the Novus Ordo Church to prove it.


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne




Subject: End of the World


Antipope on how Christians should respond to the end of world


It was announced that on Dec. 20th, the False Prophet declared the serpent Paul VI to be "venerable". The antipopes had to wait until now to do this -- now that those who were prepared to expose Paul 6 as a homosexual have died, and now that homosexuality has become completely "acceptable" in the bent mind of the apostate world. (They are thus covered on either front.) It is interesting to see how all of the antipopes of the impostor church are exalted by one another, and this is yet another proof of who and what these men actually are.


The Rat and one of his co-workers both made statements about the end of the world; in his, the cohort specifically mentioned the so-called Mayan "predictions". Of course, Satan uses these false predictions to cast aspersions on the true ones (because the last thing Satan wants is for people to be studying the truth about the end times). Also, this has provided yet another occasion for the Impostor Church and its antipopes to make its false proclamations about the end-times. MHFM has long since pointed out that the False Prophet point blank denies the Resurrection of the dead (just as he denies everything else about the Catholic faith) and, sure enough, he is doing it again by attributing this belief only to St. Paul. In MHFM's expose of the Rat's books, we have seen how skillful the False Prophet is in planting seeds of doubt that will linger and cause people to reject the truth. And here we see him use the opposite technique. This time, in order to prevent any thoughts from lingering and to prevent people from further investigation into truth, he just cuts them off at the pass. Since a prophet is not just a person who predicts the future, but also one who teaches, we can really see how this man is not just an antipope, but also an anti-type of St. Paul. And since St. Peter and St. Paul were very important figures in the infant Church, were both martyred in Rome, and are celebrated together in certain of the Church's feast days, it makes sense that the satanic duo of Antichrist/ False Prophet would arise in the Counterfeit Church. Very chilling.


Lee Ann




Hello Brothers,


Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.!


Why do then Catholics call the Pope and priest fathers... the bible clearly states not to call no one father..?... I have been watching your great videos and i want convert soon. i just need to have some questions answered..you answer a question regarding the rosary a while back.  I need the Facts regarding Catholic Doctrine.




MHFM: In saying “call no man Father,” Jesus is saying that we should regard no man in the same way that we regard God. There are numerous passages in the New Testament in which the term “father” is used to describe men.  St. Stephen, who was without question one of the greatest saints, used the term:


Acts 7:2- “[Stephen] said: Ye men, brethren, and fathers, hear.”


There are many other examples, including Stephen again in Acts 7:51. The term is applied to priests in the same way that St. Paul speaks of himself as a spiritual father to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 4:15: “For if you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, by the gospel, I have begotten you.”


You really need to convert to Catholicism.  It’s the only true faith.  It’s necessary for salvation.  You should see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  These are the steps you should follow to convert:







In the past few days there has been about 150,000 firearms sold, the biggest gun sale surge in US history. Assault rifles are flying off the shelves. The illuminati has been trying to condition us that these styles of weapons are taboo. They know full well that these types of firearms (AR15's / AK47's etc.) would be the weapons that would be used against their tyrannical model if they ever tried to overtake and or round up US citizens. That’s the reason why they want guns banned especially assault rifles. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama passes an executive order to ban them thus making people felons that own such guns. Also people need to realize that the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment were written to protect the people from the exact thing that the Government is trying to impose. Veterans and all those in the military took an oath to defend this country from foreign and DOMESTIC enemies.

"If you don't have a sword, then sell your coat & buy one". Lk 22:36





Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I very much appreciate your recent videos and am pleased to hear of your new projects, especially the Spanish DVD.  It's important for those who live in areas with high volumes of Spanish speakers, but who don't speak the language themselves. I pray you continue to receive the funds necessary to reach many souls and that faithful Catholics may continue to give their support. Sadly, the only mention of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I have heard so far this Christmas season, was from a Protestant who came to my door today. I charitably spoke to her of Our Lady and the Rosary and gave her a copy of your DVD which she seemed to appreciate, so pray for her conversion. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, brothers, for all you do to strengthen the faithful in these dark and evil times.


Merry Christmas,

Mario Chavez




Dear Brothers,

The Jesse Ventura video is interesting. The size of the underground bunker is amazing. However, God could easily flatten it like a pancake. They think they have all bases covered, when the Lord can easily prove them wrong since in their rejection of Him who is the Truth, they obviously are going to forget something crucial.

The Go Kart driver in Australia is interesting. It shows a tendency in young Australian men to despair. Australia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world for young men, and it's not hard to see why when it is such a faithless and spiritually barren place.

The article on the SSPX Church in Calgary, Canada is interesting in that it again highlights the SSPX' schism. Fr. Wegner, the District Superior in that area says: “Ask, for example, for people the right of contraception, the right of abortion. That’s not the official Catholic doctrine and stand. But there are members of the Catholic church, and even in the hierarchy, who would claim these rates based on the Second Vatican Council.” It appears that Fr. Wegner believes that one can be a "member of the Catholic Church... even in the hierarchy," while holding to the "right of contraception, the right of abortion." How insulting to true Catholics and others, and most of all to Jesus Christ, who have made sacrifices to defend true Catholic morals and dogmas. It is not surprising that many SSPX chapels have an air of death about them!

God Bless,

Chris White




I do not know who I am to talk with concerning my issue. I believe I may be possessed by a spirit that brings burning like no other to my abdomen and chest- use to even in my arms. When it is present I cannot sit in church or read Gods word with out fear-an extreme fear or praise God because I suddenly cannot handle all the sad feelings -I don't know about possesion and exorcism but I know I am not crazy-I know that my body feels like it is housing both the holy spirit and something hopeless and my mind has been waging a war to allow only Jesus for many years now.-I am a child of God washed in the blood of my savior Jesus Christ. I am a possitive and happy,calm, peacefull loving-I believe I have sought to be like Jesus and pray and am close to God in the holy spirit as I am able. got to go-please help. my son is home. thank you!




MHFM: The following points were communicated to someone with a problem very similar to yours.  What is written below generally applies to you as well, and you really should follow this advice.  We would add that it seems like you attend a non-Catholic church.  That’s not something you should do.



It’s very clear what he should do.  If he doesn’t do these things, his problem almost certainly will get worse. First, he needs to pray the Rosary each day. That’s very important. How to do so is on our website. He should also say the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel each day. Second, you both need to stop going to the heretical church you are attending. When you are convinced on the issues, we can then help you with where to go to confession. Third, he needs to be convinced on all issues of the traditional Catholic faith, and make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent. He should not make the profession until he is truly convinced. Fourth, he needs to stop committing any clear mortal sins that he may be committing. Unfortunately, most people are committing mortal sins of the flesh. Most married people use some form of birth control, “natural” or artificial. If he is involved in those in any way, he needs to stop.


Fifth, he needs to ignore the voices in his head. He should not think about them. He should focus on moving toward God, converting to the Catholic faith, and fulfilling God’s will. The more attention one gives to signs or events one perceives to be the result of demonic activity, the more influence they are often enabled to have in one’s life. We do quote things about instances of demonic influence to show people the reality of the spiritual war. In that way, they can be instructive and they can inspire people to pray, etc. However, if such things happen in your life, you should ignore them.


If he does the things mentioned above, with a special focus on the practice of the traditional faith, his problem should be solved; and, most importantly, he will move toward eternal salvation.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts

How to Pray the Rosary [pdf]




Subject: Illuminati devise ways



The illuminati continually devise ways to gain a complete monopoly control of all the natural resources and total man power of the world. Sadly it is because of the Protestants’ rejection of the one true Christian Faith, that the Illuminati are gaining headway in society. Protestant America must wake up and accept the Christian Faith already. As a failure to do so will lead to their own physical and spiritual death and sorrow. One of the goals of the Illuminati is that they would foment traumatic situations and then put their agents forward to appear as the saviors of the masses. Their plan was also to engage in bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that they know to be false. One of these principles is that disarming the public makes it safer. When criminals know that houses are not armed, they go in with their guns. The Illuminati want to carry out mass genocide and in order to do that they can’t have an armed population. Stalin and Hitler disarmed their populations and made the owning of guns illegal. The illuminati controlling government only want their agents to be armed and not the public. So they must appeal to public irrationality by convincing them that by their owning guns, it leads to mass shootings. When the fact is the school staff were disarmed. It is the disarming of populations that leads to mass shootings – or at least facilitates it – since an armed populace would be able to frustrate the attempts of a mass shooter. Additionally the mass shootings given a wide media coverage always appear to be provocateured events. The media enjoys taking one tiny miniscule thing, and then portraying it with urgency as if it is the end of the world. More persons die from car crushes, suicides, high school sports, deer knockdowns, champagne corks popping and hitting someone, bath tub falls, side effects of drugs, surgeries, and vaccinations, than from mass shootings. There have been 56 millions babes that have been surgically killed in the United States, so more people die from abortions and contraceptions. Also, US soldiers die more from suicide than from actual combat (inflicted against them by Black ops teams to create the illusion that terrorists are really out there that need to be fought). They also load them up on psychotropic drugs such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors… I guess things can be safer if the government itself was disarmed and the population was armed. The illuminati in government really don’t care about deaths among people. I wouldn’t be surprised if the illuminati staged some kind of false flag (even with teleforce weather control devices or with major plague airborne viruses) on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd of this month – in order to increase even more government control.





Subject: Faustina Kowalska and the devil


Hello brothers at Most Holy Family Monastery

I found an interesting quote about Sister Faustina Kowalska (of the "Divine Mercy") that I believe confirm more the point which you already exposed, that her "visions" and "messages" were most probably of the Devil.

The quote comes from the book "Angels and Devils" of Joan Carroll Cruz, on page 148 we read the following about the sister (the bolding and underlines are mine):

"I saw my guardian angel, who accompanied me throughout the journey as far as Warsaw. He disappeared when we entered the convent gate... When we took our seats for the return journey from Warsaw to Cracow, I once

again saw my guardian angel at my side. He was absorbed in prayer and in contemplating God, and I followed him with my thoughts. When we arrived at the convent entrance, he disappeared."

I found very interesting considering the information you provided about her heretical visions, that her "angel" would not enter in the monastery. One wonder what that could mean. Could it be that it was in fact a demon and was

"blocked" from entering the monastery or something like that? It seems quite possible.

Merry Christmas and many God´s blessings on your Monastery!!





Subject: Gay marriage promoted by "Catholic" high school




I unfortunately graduated from a supposedly Catholic high school in Cincinnati… Moeller High School. In the most recent publication they send out to alumni, there was a notification in the back showing a picture of two guys and a caption below, named the two individuals and the date and location of their "marriage"…


-Will Weigand




I have much to thank you for, but let your thanks come from God with many blessings. God knows. To get to the point, my heart is inclined to become Catholic; I was born into a Coptic Orthodox faith and baptised as such. By the grace of God I know that I must be confirmed in order to be a true Catholic and take communion. I thought that all is well and I went to a church to take lessons in classes, but their they were praising anti pope john Paul and using his teachings. Thanks to your programs, I saw the light and the truth about the disorders of the harlot and stopped going there. I particularly enjoyed the video exposing the impostor Lucia against the real Sister lucia; and also the heretics and the heresies… Eye opener. God bless you all. Keep up the Good work.

Howbeit, I am alone on finding the proper channels to become a true Catholic… If you can assist me in these matter I am greatly in debt to you… I do not want to delay in doing it any longer. Please make your response speedily. May The God of Heaven continue to bless, protect, and make you strong. Please pray for me. Thank you!

Truly, yours, Habtom


MHFM: Habtom, that's great to hear.  You should follow these steps to convert.  Also, consult our “Refuting Protestantism” section, which has a section refuting Eastern “Orthodoxy.”  You should also begin to pray the Rosary each day.  How to do so is on our site.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E04 The Ozarks - YouTube


Thank you for posting this interesting video which confirms, for anyone who has eyes to see, all that MHFM holds and teaches about these end-times. The pinnacle of Satan's success was getting his men on the “throne of St. Peter” to ridicule Christ and His true Catholic faith, and to establish a Counterfeit Catholic religion and a new order of "mass". So, of course, in this last period of time when Scripture says his power will be greatest since the coming of Christ, Satan's on a roll. Having achieved the greatest of all possible successes in the realm of the True Faith, it only stands to reason that Satan's stooges should be at the pinnacle of the political world as well, poised to destroy all of God's creation. These evil individuals have fallen for the old trick that Satan attempted with Jesus two thousand years ago, before Satan came to know who Jesus actually was. Satan continues to offer all the kingdom of the world to those who will bow down and worship him. But the New World Order fools who have taken Satan up on his offer, do not realize that Satan can never create; he can only destroy -- and that Satan's "world order" is Hell. They will find this out soon enough.


What's sad is that the people who do all this research and present all this information, seem to be content with having only half the story; they are not truthers, but half-truthers. They seek the material evidence that these conspiracies are real, which is no small challenge. Yet, they totally miss the spiritual evidence which is far more abundant… and which puts everything into perspective. People like Ventura and Jones don't seem to recognize that they are looking at an evil that is inexplicable from a purely human perspective. Nor do they realize that we are past the point of no return and that exposure of the situation -- though good -- will not be its remedy. And while some members of Protestant sects may recognize that the New World Order elite are operating in the control of Satan, because they do not have the true faith they cannot correctly comprehend what is happening or why it is happening. Nor do they realize that they themselves are participants in Satan's program of false religions which reject God's truths. Thank you, MHFM…for teaching us the true Catholic faith.


Lee Ann




Your video about the sex addict and mortal sins hit home good… I do need to focus more on the spiritual side of things…





Subject: The Exhortation of Christ


Dear Brothers,


St. Alphonsus (1755) on detachment from relatives: “If attachment to relatives were not productive of great mischief Jesus Christ would not have so strenuously exhorted us to estrangement from them… a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household (Mt. 10:36)… Relatives are [very often] the worst enemies of the sanctification of Christians...”


Your quote of the day by St. Alphonsus could not be truer. This attachment to family is a snare laid by the Devil to deceive souls. That’s why Catholics pray for detachment from the things of this world. A soul must be attached to God alone, but for this to happen the soul must be free from all other attachments.


The heretics in my family lash out at us constantly and in a most vicious manner due to their refusal to accept the fact that God takes precedence over them. They hate that we no longer take part in family gatherings but couldn’t care less that they are living at enmity with God. As part of the Mystical Body of Christ we follow Him as our Head. Heretics having chosen to break away from His Mystical Body are foolish to expect us to follow after them into damnation. They prefer family over God and heresy over God’s commands. We prefer God over them.


Sincerely in Christ,





Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the Christmas letter. It is encouraging to hear how successful your apostolate's mission was on the television commercials. In the end, the only thing that truly matters is faith in Jesus Christ… the Catholic faith is the only true and saving faith in Jesus Christ - which truth MHFM is 100% uncompromising about defending, such as by the dogma, outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation and the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of water baptism… The Vatican II sect and its Antipopes are constantly trying to darken and drain the life out of the truth of the Catholic faith…

John 18:37 - "Pilate therefore said to him: Art thou a king then? Jesus answered: Thou sayest that I am a king. For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth. Every one that is of the truth, heareth my voice."

Merry Christmas and God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White




Subject: Natural Family Planning, St. Rita, resist total evil totally


Dear Brothers:


I want to thank you again for your video on NFP. I wrote you back when you first came out with the video to tell you of the story that I convinced my wife to forget about NFP and we conceived our second child born on All Hallows Eve.


I want to give you an update. Over the course of the fall prior to my wife giving birth to our second child, she insisted on getting sterilized after the birth. I prayed very hard to St. Rita, patron saint of the impossible. Only because of her intercession, I convinced her to not get sterilized in the hospital. However, she only agreed to postpone the procedure until her 40 day checkup. I continued to pray hard to St. Rita. My wife prior to scheduling her 40 day check up, told me she was not going forward with the procedure at the 40 day checkup. She still wants to do some sort of chemical, artificial contraception. I told her that I could not support this. When she went to the appointment, the mid-wife had talked about Onanism. I told my wife about Onan and how clearly God did not like Onanism.


My point of the story is that such a totally evil thing must be resisted totally. Had I given even 1 percent support to my wife for sterilization or contraception, she would have read that as acceptance of the sin and would have been sin on my part. As a result of my prayerful intercession to St. Rita and full resistance to the evil, I still have a chance to convince my wife to do the right thing. I ask you and your readers to pray for my wife and myself. God Bless!




NFP: A Birth Control Deception




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your reply...and thank you for showing me the difference between the immortal verses eternal soul...I hadn't thought of that...I am a Catholic...but I received only a minimal Catholic education....I’ve been learning the Rosary lately.





I have recently watched this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9tUDao2jo&list=PLD841087C099E5B90&index=7


thank you for this...I was raised in the christian faith. My grandmother taught me that not to go to a Catholic Church because they change the bible. After listing to this video I have heard so much that I believe to be true. I am confused and concerned. I want to do what God wants me to do. But I have been taught that The Catholic Church changes the bible And I believe what was stated in this video that the recent popes have been masonic. Can help me understand how it is essential that I become a Catholic?





MHFM: We’re glad you have interest.  The Catholic faith is the only biblical and Christian faith.  The Catholic Church has not changed the Bible.  It’s the Protestants who have changed the Bible.  Please see our section on the biblical proof for Catholicism, and our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  It’s essential that you become a traditional Catholic.  The recent ‘popes’ are not popes at all, but antipopes, as the material on the website shows.




The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Dear Bro. Michael and Bro. Peter,


No one else has "condemn[ed] the diabolical errors of the Antichrist" to the extent that you have done. I believe that Our Lady of La Salette is guiding you, and that "many souls will be comforted" has now become, 'many souls ARE comforted', thanks to your preaching. Your website and materials are a constant resource for me!


Merry Christmas!

Paul Hauer





I wanted to forward an email that was sent through an anonymous email account concerning the recent CT incident. I think your recent news reports on the connection between the movie Hunger Games and the CT incident go to prove that the problem isn't the guns, but a society built around an evil media empire… A local middle school took their entire 8th-grade class on a field trip to the Hunger Games movie theater when the movie first came out.

While the elite would have us wrapping gifts and dreaming of sugar plums dancing in our heads or distract us by looking back and scratching our heads over past events of 9/11 and such; the Ventura video on the "OZ-Ark" bunker and the planning of future disastrous events, proves more and more the urgent need… that others… enter the Ark of the True Catholic Faith before it's too late. It's hard to believe a billionaire could afford such an elaborate "house" and underground bunker or even need such space, though the so-called owner of the fortified bunker in the Ozarks thinks he has gained the world and after all his evil work in vain could lose his soul tonight. This preparedness story goes in-line with the recent story of the secret bunker built off the White House.

God Bless,


Tom Miles


The primary-school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, approximately 45 miles from the Colt Arms Factory, is just another one in the long line of government psyops designed to persuade the public to allow the government to take away their guns, and their means to defend themselves against the government and the banksters that the politicians really serve.

The small children murders are designed to create hysterical emotions in women to get them to demand that guns are banned. If that doesn’t work they will continue with their evil agenda with worse and worse atrocities on younger children, until they get their way and disarm the people, so that they cannot fight back against government tyranny.

Newtown is the U.S.A.’s Dunblane, which was orchestrated in Scotland in 1996 by the British establishment, to whip up hysteria in order to ban all handguns from the U.K. It was a follow-up to the Hungerford Massacre in England in 1987, which was carried out by mind-controlled Michael Ryan, who then shot himself so he could not be questioned, and it was used to ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

It’s always the same people behind it …




Christmas - End of the Year 2012 Letter from Bro. Michael Dimond [pdf]




Subject: Deceitful Scoffers


Dear Brothers,


I noticed the fool who wrote in calling MHFM and all Catholics "mentally ill" uses the same catch phrase characteristic of many proud duped of Satan who scoff at God's truth and God's faithful. Not surprisingly, "italio's" accusation of mental illness is not only a false accusation but a hypocritical one too. This scoffer is full of pride and hypocrisy in the same way that the Jews were when they accused Christ of being a blasphemer in the very moment they were themselves blaspheming Him. He is only fooling himself.


2 Peter 3:3, "Knowing this first: That in the last days there shall come deceitful scoffers, walking after their own lusts."


Sincerely in Christ,





Subject: church and state




I listened to your audio The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II and the subject of Malachi Martin came up. One of your criticisms of him was that he was in favor of the separation of church and state.


I haven't seen the topic of Church and State brought up in any of our articles or your Youtube videos that I've watched, or anywhere in other Traditional resources I've been looking at lately.


Can you point me to any resources on the Church and State issue online?


thank you,



MHFM: It is discussed in the materials, in debates, and in this file (in the section on Dignitatis Humanae and religious liberty): The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File].






So called "catholic" Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, is calling for "birth control" contraceptives to be sold over the counter(OTC). Apparently planned parenthood is in agreement with Jindal. Here are a few links, http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2012/12/bobby-jindal-wants-birth-control-be-over-counter/59987/





MHFM: He’s calling for it so that “Catholic” employers aren’t forced to provide birth control; however, it’s still interesting and revealing.  It demonstrates the depth of evil into which our country has fallen.  In order to counteract the imposition of contraception coverage on groups which oppose at least some forms of contraception – it’s insanely wicked that this imposition is even occurring – he feels his best option is to resort to another evil: call for oral contraception to be more accessible from other entities. 


All of this could be stopped, by the way, if a true Catholic hierarchy and pope vigorously excommunicated every single public proponent of contraception and abortion.  That would drastically alter the public discourse and what is acceptably Catholic/Christian in public conversation.  Such an act would render it immediately socially unacceptable for alleged Catholics to favor such evils.  But you don’t have a true pope or true bishops.  Grace has been largely removed from the areas where it was previously present and evil has filled the vacuum. 






My question goes out to all those that suggest the soul was eternal prior to conception.


What happened to all the souls of the "would-be" offspring of those who refused to get on-board with Noe and acknowledge the truth that the ark represented?


Although these souls never existed, they would suggest that those souls of the offspring of the damned through God's many chastisements in the history of the world, are in Heaven as well, as they would have desired to go to Heaven over Hell, after all.


Then why did God go to the trouble of damning Lucifer and creating Hell?


Round and round, deeper and deeper the rats burl into the mountain of evil as they try and escape their just punishment. What a nightmare for a lost soul to be at the mercy of a fool who is continuously falling deeper into a web of lies, heresy and sin. And what greater a nightmare to fall past it's lifeline of truth as the fool passes up the wisdom that is offered here on your site at MHFM during these last days.


Genesis 2:7. And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Wisdom 15:11. Forasmuch as he knew not his maker and him that inspired into him the soul that worketh, and that breathed into him a living spirit.


Osee (Hosea) 10:8. And the high places of the idol, the sin of Israel shall be destroyed: the bur and the thistle shall grow up over their altars: and they shall say to the mountains: Cover us; and to the hills: Fall upon us.


God Bless and Merry Christmas,


Tom Miles




I was listening to the debate with Vin Lewis part 3 on sedevacantism and after listening to him talk it reminded me of someone back in in the late 1930s defending Germany and the Nazi party ,you corner him over and over but he keeps coming up with stupid assertions and dances around the facts just to not see what is going on.  I believe that you are casting perils before swine. In the end maybe he will see how wrong he is but I'm afraid that billions of people around this world will suffer the loss of their souls and be damned for eternity. People are so afraid of what is happening to this country and the country's of the world but they don’t see that the one holy Catholic and apostolic church has been usurped and its infrastructure is being used by Lucifer. If the devil can do this to the Catholic church I'm sure he can easily take over the USA or any other country on this planet…

Charles Edwards Alaska


MHFM: The Devil can overtake Church buildings, but not the Church itself, which exists in a faithful remnant. 




Hello, my name is John.  This email is for Bro. Michael or Bro. Peter.

I came across your youtube videos and have found them to be very interesting. I'm of Portuguese background, so the Fatima event is a very important one for me... Thank you for your time


John R. Nazário




Dear MHFM,


Thank you Brothers Peter and Michael Dimond for the website. I prayed to see the truth and my prayer led me to MHFM... I now see how evil a world we live in, how truly diabolical man is without Jesus Christ and the spiritual war a devoted Catholic must defend himself from on a daily basis... Thank you for all your great works. You may have saved my soul.



Henry Glowka, Jr




Subject: on the pre-existence of the soul


The churches teaching that the soul does not exist before birth seems to contradict its teaching that the soul is eternal...Eternity encompasses all of time, it is an infinite state....an eternal soul therefore, must have an infinite existence. if our soul is indeed eternal then it must exist throughout the whole of time, including the vast region of time which stretches out behind the moment of birth. But then again, linear one dimensional time is an illusion...

let us all walk with Jesus Christ…




MHFM: The Church teaches that the soul exists before birth, from the moment the human body exists in the womb (conception).  You are also confusing immortality with eternity.  The soul is immortal, but not eternal.  God alone is eternal.


St. Thomas, Summa Theologica, Pt. 1, Q. 46, A. 1: “On the contrary, It is said (John 17:5), "Glorify Me, O Father, with Thyself with the glory which I had before the world was… I answer that, Nothing except God can be eternal.”


The soul was created by God, and therefore did not always exist.  Each soul is created simultaneously with, and for infusion into, a human body; but when it is created, it is created immortal and does not perish with the body.


Dealing with


Subject: mental illness


thats what all catholics are dealing with - and this idea of 'exorcism'well, just great stuff for movies - u guys are so mentally ill, that i think you would need to live in a psych ward, and still it would not be enough for u




MHFM: “The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite” (Ecclesiastes 1:15).




Subject: Universal Religion?


The one true religion is the Great Commandment. Stop deceiving the flock

Salem Storm


MHFM: From your e-mail it’s not clear whether you advocate or oppose the concept of a universal religion.  The truth is that there is only one true religion, and that’s the Catholic religion.  The idea that members of the one true religion should endorse or unite with other religions is heresy.


Pope Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati (# 4), May 24, 1829: Among these heresies belongs that foul contrivance of the sophists… Indeed this deadly idea concerning the lack of difference among religions is refuted even by the light of natural reason. We are assured of this because the various religions do not often agree among themselves. If one is true, the other must be false; there can be no society of darkness with light.  Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.  Jerome used to say it this way: he who eats the lamb outside this house will perish as did those during the flood who were not with Noah in the ark.  Indeed, no other name than the name of Jesus is given to men, by which they may be saved.  He who believes shall be saved; he who does not believe shall be condemned.”




Subject: Rosary


Dear Brothers,

It's remarkable how powerful the Most Holy Rosary is. In these last days, when the Catholic faith is under assault from every direction, it is certain that if a person wants to save their soul, then they need to pray the Rosary everyday. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Vanquisher of all heresies, and since spiritual deception is the hallmark of our times, it shows again how important it is to persevere in true devotion to Mary and the Rosary. It is devastating that people recognize so much evil, yet do so little to help, and also fail to see their own role in the world's downfall, when it would be so easy for them to simply pray the Rosary and convert to the Catholic faith. It shows the damage that has been wrought from "baptism of desire" and "invincible ignorance," since desire is the precursor to sin, and ignorance is the mother of all errors, while both are extremely dangerous. Such is the evil legacy of the Vatican II sect and its Antipopes.

God Bless,

Chris White


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Against the Pre-Existence of Souls [video]


A Ligno


Thanks for the recent post concerning St Justin Martyr. Of particular interest in this context is the messianic reference in Psalm 96.10 which reads, “He reigned from a tree”. The Old Latin Bible, a scrupulously faithful translation of the original Septuagint and the NT, reads Dominus regnavit a ligno. This prophecy must have incensed Our Lord’s enemies, for it revealed the utter futility and counter-productiveness of their deicide. Having laid rough hands on the Holy One of God, surely they would not scruple to lay rough hands on His Holy Scriptures? So they simply expunged the offending phrase, as St Justin indicates in his quasi-platonic Dialogue with Trypho (ch. 73). The phrase was not only excised from the Hebrew text (later translated by St Jerome) but also from doctored copies of the Septuagint, including the main codices Vaticanus, Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus.


The consensus of judaeophile “scholars” today is that St Justin was simply wrong and that it was Christians who falsified the sacred text by adding the words “from the cross” to their Latin translation! However, not only did all the early Latin Fathers accept these words, but at least two Greek manuscripts and the main Coptic versions of the Septuagint reproduce them (acc. to Prof. Marcovich).


St Justin also reveals (ch. 72) that apostate scribes obliterated two similar messianic references, one to the Cross in Ezra, and the other to the wood of the Cross in Jeremiah.


Timothy Johnson




MHFM: This is an interesting quote about how St. Justin Martyr believed Jews altered certain Hebrew Old Testament manuscripts to obscure prophetic references to Christ.  Justin was not alone in this view.


“The story of the Septuagint [the Greek translation of the Old Testament], as told in the Letter of Aristeas, is summarized by Justin Martyr (c AD 160), who evidently regards the Septuagint version as the only reliable text of the Old Testament.  Where it differs from the Hebrew text, as read and interpreted by the Jews, the Jews (he says) have corrupted the text so as to obscure the scriptures’ plain prophetic testimony to Jesus as the Christ (First Apology, 67.3.).” (F.F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 70).




Good evening.

I recently came across your videos on YouTube and visited your website. As you can hopefully appreciate, there many voices in the environment, all of whom are claiming to be spreading "the truth", but too many of them are too often in direct conflict with one another. Because of this confusion, I try to be cautious and understand at least the basic philosophy of those to whom I listen.

Toward that end, I am hoping you'll be able to help me understand the beliefs and philosophy underlying the Most Holy Family Monastery. Specifically, I am trying to gain a clear understanding what organization you represent and your organization's relationship with the Roman Catholic Church.

I appreciate your taking the time to respond to this inquiry.


Tom Fawls


MHFM: The answer to your question is covered in abundant detail on our site.  As Catholics we accept all the true popes and magisterial teachings of the Church; however, we correctly acknowledge that the post-Vatican II claimants to the Papacy are not valid popes, but manifest heretics, and that Vatican II was a false and heretical council.  According to Catholic teaching, Benedict XVI is not a true pope but an antipope; for he rejects many Catholic dogmas.  This is proven by irrefutable facts and the teaching of the valid popes, which all who profess to be Catholic must accept.  Please consult the information in the files and in the videos.  We recommend that you begin with this section.






Dear Brothers,

The quote from Pope St. Agatho from the Third Council of Constantinople about how a full knowledge of the Holy Scriptures could not be kept outside the Catholic Church is very good. It refutes the Protestants who, after 1500 years of the Catholic Church's existence, try to imagine that Martin Luther, the foul worm and beast of an apostate, suddenly struck upon the "true" doctrine "hidden" in the Bible, i.e. "justification by faith alone." It shows the vanity and pride that goes with all those who strive to discover the Christian faith outside the Catholic Church, such as by the Bible only (Sola Scriptura), when such is impossible. The Bible is the remote rule of faith, whereas the dogmas of the Catholic faith are the proximate rule of faith, and the dogma, Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, is somewhat of a microcosm of the entire Catholic faith, since salvation only begins and ends inside the Catholic Church by means of the Sacrament of Water Baptism. There are no "cases of necessity" that allow for the Sacrament of Baptism to be foregone for salvation, since the Sacrament of Baptism is the most necessary "case of necessity" for salvation.

God Bless,

Chris White

MHFM: We like the quote because it emphasizes that the meaning of the dogmas must be preserved “in words and sense.”




To Whom It May Concern,

Thank you sincerely for the response to my email. My 'motive' is not to prove/disprove Catholism vs. Christianity but simply to pursue the truth through God's Word revealed in Scripture. Having been both a Catholic and Evangelical Christian I do have presuppositions as to my interpretation of Scripture in relation to 'Truth', but will absolutely review the information you provided with an open heart and mind…







Dear Brothers,


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We're grateful for all of your hard work and hope that you continue to spread this vital information which we are blessed to have found! Thank you!


Paula & Andrei Alexeev




Subject: Position




A while ago, I gave a priest (ordained in trad rite) your information/materials and he just told me on the phone that he will no longer give mass/sacraments to people who are not sede! He said he is taking MHFM's approach now! We will see


Steve Margala




Subject: Fr. Payton


a heretic… Fr. Payton, who said "If you are a Catholic, pray the Rosary, it is your heritage. If you are a Protestant, or if you or a Jew, pray in your own way.". That is ecumenical heresy before Vatican II… the VII apostasy wasn't born overnight…






Subject: Re: "No salvation outside the Church"


… Brothers: I’m afraid I did fail to understand the distinction because I never grasped the true meaning of PP Xi’s words! In other words --- and do correct me if I still haven’t got it! --- Catholic churchmen can defect (however many and however high the rank), but the Catholic Church itself cannot defect… As for failing to make the distinction, I know I am not alone in this regard. I know many still-self-describing Catholics who have walked away from the Church since Vat II because (and I have heard this excuse numerous times) “they changed the religion.” They know something is rotten in Rome and they want no part of it. I have read that perhaps 30 million baptized Catholics in the US no longer practice (and where would they go “to practice”?) on the grounds that “I didn’t leave the Church; the Church left me.” In fact, I know one Novus Ordo priest in San Antonio, Texas who says the “Catholic Church has become (I think he meant, in the Southwest) a Mexican Church presided over by mercenary Third-World, largely African and Asian, clergy.” When I inquired as to where the “Anglos” go, he says “most just stay home, but many join the Evangelicals too. In either case, they are very bitter toward the Catholic Church.” I would say that they too are failing to make the distinction I failed to make, for to most people, the public face of the Church is the Church, especially the face of the hierarchy. --- In any case, please let me know if I have apprehended the gist of PP XI’s declarations which you quoted in your email to me. Thank you, and God bless you and your work!


Alan Harvey


MHFM: You have herein affirmed that the Catholic Church cannot defect; we assume you therefore realize that the Vatican II Church (currently led by Antipope Benedict XVI) is not the Catholic Church; it’s a separate entity.




MHFM: This is a good quote.


Pope St. Agatho, III Council of Constantinople, 680-681: “… how could a knowledge of the Scriptures, in its fullness, be found unless what has been canonically defined by our holy and apostolic predecessors, and by the venerable five councils, we preserve in simplicity of heart, and without any distorting keep the faith come to us from the Fathers, always desirous and endeavoring to possess that one and chiefest good, viz.: that nothing be diminished from the things canonically defined, and that nothing be changed nor added thereto, but that those same things, both in words and sense, be guarded untouched?”


Pearl Harbor


Subject: Pearl Harbor


the article you linked in the News section of your site on Pearl Harbor is excellent and it speaks to a larger point.




Too many Catholics, even many who think themselves "traditionalist", fail to understand how bad the history of the US and its role in world events has really been.  The lies didn't start with Pearl Harbor and WWII. Only considering the wars of the 20th Century - we were lied into the Spanish American War (1898), blaming the Spanish for the USS Maine blowing up, which was really a coal bunker fire. The real desire was to strip Catholic Spain of her possessions, especially the Philippines, as the US wanted Pacific naval bases.


In 1917 we were lied into WWI, as a payoff to the Brits (who were losing badly) for the Balfour Declaration (planting the seeds of modern day Israel), the Jewish controlled American press went anti-German and pro-interventionist almost overnight. Soon American newspapers had stories of German soldiers roasting Belgian babies over fires on their bayonets. The Russian Revolution, launched simultaneously, was supposed to spread westward throughout Europe, to destroy the last vestiges of Christian Civilization. But Trotsky lost control to Stalin, the Red Army was turned back from Warsaw in August 1920 (how many people even know of this episode?), a counter-revolution prevailed in Germany, and the communist lost control of Spain in the so-called Spanish Civil War.


So in 1941 we were lied into WWII (the Brits having been similarly lied into it two years earlier) essentially to save the USSR. It seems more complicated, but it really isn't. There is just too much superficial political background to be explained in a short email. Against this history, there really is nothing new or which should be surprising about the ridiculous story of 9/11 or the non-existent "weapons of mass destruction" that Saddam Hussein turned out not to have.  But some Catholics who sense that something is wrong today, will wax nostalgically for the good old days when the US fought on the side of the righteous. But there were no good old days. The fact is that this nation, built on the lie of religious liberty, the notion that truth and error can peacefully exist side by side under a "neutral" authority, has always worked to undermine traditional Christian culture generally, and Catholicism most specifically. (Not even mentioning how the US aided the Mexican government which engaged in open warfare on the Church in the 1920s).  And with everyone of these wars, the central government expands its control and authority over its own citizens as well. It's a very patient, but a very deliberate process, orchestrated by the enemies of Christ. Those who prefer accommodation towards an earthly paradise, to true doctrine (protestants and Bing Crosby “Catholics”), unwittingly cooperate.


Bill Mulligan




Subject: Comment


In reading through your e-exchange emails, it occurred to me today that really the entire Great Apostasy, the Robber Council of V2---all the modernism flying around for at least over 100 years or so----(I mean more intensely on a greater/global scale than in previous ages)---… this… has been a VERY PERSONAL spiritual warfare against… specific souls which the devil has/had plans to bring to hell when it was GOD's will that those same souls go to heaven with HIM for all eternity.......I know this sounds and is incredibly OBVIOUS right? But maybe if people who are "on the fence" about giving up the V2 false-trad-ism, if they are still currently embroiled in that MESS--------if they take to heart just how very personal this deception/assault is on them personally, maybe it will help them see the truth before it is too late and go RUNNING to Our Mother to protect and rescue them from all the wicked horrible plans the devil has in store for them if only he can keep them still deceived unto their dying breath.




Subject: "No salvation outside the Church"


Dear Reverend Brothers:


While I totally agree with the defined dogma as stated above, of which you yourselves are the foremost champions in defending, you will, I believe, agree with the following statement: “I believe there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church which Itself no longer believes there is no salvation outside the Church.” Obviously, I do not mean each and every Catholic in the world subscribes to this heresy, for you and I do not, but as an institution the Church has abandoned this cardinal belief. Hence the entire Church, apart from the few demurring but faithful Catholics such as yourselves, has fallen into heresy, including most Traditional Catholic organizations/religious orders. This is the foremost reason why we are living in the time called by St Paul, “the Great Apostasy.” Not only has the Church forsaken the authentic Catholic Faith, it preaches the exact opposite, both to outsiders and to its own flock. In other words, the Catholic Church is now in heresy and schism with Itself. The Second Vatican Council may not have originated the defection from the Faith, but it officially embraced the entire grotesquerie of Modernism in all its multi-form deformities at that evil Council, and we are now, I fear, headed toward the abyss of “the Great Tribulation.” Certainly I could be wrong about that, but there is no earthly way the Church, especially the Western Roman Church and Its false popes, can ever climb down from its perch of praising every false religion imaginable (excepting Satanism, of course) until its virtual dissolution, possibly culminating in the realization of the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima. At that point, perhaps only a handful of Catholic survivors will be alive to elect a true Successor to Saint Peter… daresay we may soon be going back into the Catacombs! Any comments or objections?




MHFM: We’re glad to see your interest, but your statement (I believe there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church which Itself no longer believes there is no salvation outside the Church”) is heretical.  The Church is entirely free from error and heresy.  It cannot contradict itself or cease to believe in its own dogmas.  You are confusing the Vatican II sect, led by INVALIDLY ELECTED ANTIPOPES DEVOID OF ALL CATHOLIC AUTHORITY, with the Catholic Church.  Considering that you seem convinced on certain issues, and you are familiar with the material, it’s both disappointing and puzzling that you would fail to mistake this distinction – a distinction crucial to preserving the faith in our time.


Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 10), Jan. 6, 1928: “During the lapse of centuries, the mystical Spouse of Christ has never been contaminated, nor can she ever in the future be contaminated, as Cyprian bears witness: ‘The Bride of Christ cannot be made false to her Spouse: she is incorrupt and modest. She knows but one dwelling, she guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber chastely and modestly.’”


Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (# 22), Dec. 11, 1925:

“Not least among the blessings which have resulted from the public and legitimate honor paid to the Blessed Virgin and the saints is the perfect and perpetual immunity of the Church from error and heresy.”


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




Subject: Question


… I came across some of your videos on YouTube and actually found them extremely informative. The ones I was watching were in relation to Pope Benedict and heresy. You seem to have a good knowledge of the bible and exceptional knowledge of Catholism. I spent the first 30+ years of my life within the Catholic church. I was baptised, confirmed and married in the church but left for an Evangelical Christian church about 10 years ago. I do not profess to be a theologian or biblical expert, but have a relatively strong knowledge of God's Word. My question is, with the knowledge you clearly have in Scripture, how can you remain a Catholic (and I mean no disrespect by asking)?

Very Respectfully,

James Ortelli


MHFM: We’re glad you came across the material and that you have interest in the information.  In short, we are Catholics because Scripture clearly proves Catholic teaching.  There’s no doubt it.  Please see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, our website section refuting Protestantism, and our videos and debates on the issue.  We would actually return the question to you, and say: How can anyone who reads the Bible be a Protestant or a non-Catholic “Christian,” when Scripture clearly teaches Catholic doctrine on the Papacy, the Eucharist, the necessity of faith and works, the authority of the Church, confession, etc.?  Please consult the information.




Subject: job


Dear MHFM,

My family has been praying for my sister and brother, both graduates from college, to get jobs. My sister has recently gotten a job and my brother just got an offer. I'm somewhat concerned though for my brother. He graduated with an audio production degree. This entails recording bands and doing live sound for them at venues like bars and concerts. I told him that the degree he chose and the jobs that will follow it will be dangerous because most music is bad. I am asking your opinion about the issue. He hasn't been able to find jobs at all, or at least that's what he says, and he needs one to pay back his college debt. Is it acceptable to take a job like this since it is hard for him to find other jobs?   Any response will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you MHFM and may Mary protect you.



MHFM: He should not take that job.




Subject: Benedict XVI's evil new book


Dear Brothers,


Your exposé of the demonic heretic Benedict XVI is very well done. What strikes me is how very subtly, and yet in a most heinous manner, he executes his attack on Jesus Christ and His most holy Mother Mary. His slick way of going about it – sowing doubt into the minds of his readers- is another sure sign that he is possessed of the same antichrist spirit as his predecessor, Antichrist John Paul II. Those who think you are “just splitting hairs” need to turn from their pride. It’s clear, when watching your video, precisely what Benedict XVI’s intentions are in writing “The Infancy Narratives.”


John Paul II taught that Christmas is the celebration of man. He also taught that man is God which of course is blasphemy. As the world loved John Paul II so also it has taken his words to heart. Phrases like “celebrate yourself this Christmas season” have fully imbued the minds and hearts of people like never before. And no wonder, as the world draws closer to its end there is hardly any charity to be found.


Thanks for all your hard work. May God and Mary be with you always.


Sincerely in Christ,



Pacquiao the Pagan


Subject: Pacquiao


Hi, my name is Glenn from the Philippines, I don't know if you know Manny Pacquiao, but I would like to say that it's really true that God punishes people who deviates from the true faith(Catholic faith).


Manny Pacquiao was a very famous professional athlete(boxing), but a brutal loss just last December 8, might change his stature. Before, he was a devout Catholic, always prays the rosary, wears the rosary, and practicing other Catholic devotions before, but recently he changed his religious belief, and left the Catholic church and become one of the protestants.


His loss is stunning and shocked the boxing world, this should show how God punishes people who deviates from his faith, not only they are spiritually blinded but they are also punished in their worldly affairs, such as this…




MHFM: Pacquiao was not a devout Catholic before changing his beliefs.  He was a modernist member of the Vatican II sect.  Pacquiao also apologized to the homosexuals for offending them – what an abomination.  By the way, a few years ago we sent Pacquiao a package of materials in the hope of bringing him to the true Catholic faith.




Subject: Book


We... handed out some quote cards [at a Novus Ordo church].

Not surprisingly... he [the priest] approached us outside and asked about MHFM. He then said one of his "parishioners" had given him some of your material, noting Bro. Michael's UFO book. He then said he had called up the "diocese" in which MHFM is situated, and also the "Benedictines" in that area, saying that both groups did not acknowledge MHFM. I replied that we cannot hold the Vatican II groups as legitimate or Catholic because they deny core dogmas of the Catholic faith. He had no reply...


Chris & Jaclyn




Subject: Supporting Heretical Priests


[This is an exchange with a woman who obstinately, and with full knowledge, supports heretical priests.  She doesn’t care about the faith.  Hence, the words of denunciation were not only justified but necessary.]


…yes, we did make donations on Sunday as more toward the parish than anything… I am fully convinced that the NO Mass is invalid and I don't want to support any NO Bishops or priests. The traditionalists are another story. I think we should support any valid Mass available if we go to it….




MHFM: No, you cannot support heretics.  The fact that you do demonstrates, sadly, that you don't care about the faith.  It's also a grave sin.  Hence, your reception of sacraments will not profit you unto salvation.  We hope you become a true Catholic at some point, but you are not at this time.


We want to have a priest at our burials. No one will bury us for nothing, will they? Not everything is black and white, as you make it out to be, I am afraid.




MHFM: [Notice the pure folly, begotten from her lack of faith in God and a corrupt fascination with externals: she’s consumed with the rituals and prayers that might be offered after she’s dead and judged, rather than on preserving the faith she must maintain whole and undefiled to even be saved in the first place.  Moreover, it’s evident that she doesn’t care about the issues – it’s just not in her to see the importance of these doctrinal matters which separate heretical false traditionalists from true Catholics.]


Right, you only care about externals.  You could just as easily be "Orthodox."  You don’t care about Jesus Christ or the faith or what positions a priest holds.  You are… headed for Hell, and in mortal sin… Barring a miraculous conversion, you could have ten priests at your burial and it won't make a difference, as you will be headed for Hell.  You are a disgrace.


Your lack of charity astounds me. You could say exactly the same thing in a nicer way. No, it is not only externals. It is the thought of being buried without a blessing of a Catholic priest. You stand in judgement of a lot of people. Perhaps your own souls are in danger. Perhaps the disgrace is yours.




MHFM: You don’t understand anything about charity, since you are devoid of the Catholic faith and the love of God.  You are an obstinate heretic and mortal sinner.  There’s nothing else a Catholic could say to you.  It has been repeatedly pointed out to you, in perfectly acceptable terms, that what you are doing is wrong.  See, for instance, our first response above.  Nothing fazes you.  Even in your most recent response, your idolatrous and perverse fixation on your burial – what will occur after you are dead and judged – comes to the fore!  It so clearly shows that your focus is on the ritual (the “blessing” that may be offered) rather than on defending, preserving and upholding the truths that God has revealed and the laws He has laid down.  Your comments so epitomize the problem with a myriad of faithless false traditionalists, who worship externals and rituals instead of God.  Your failure to see the utter irrelevance of your burial, after your damnation for not preserving the faith, is remarkable. 




Subject: Benedict XVI


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the recent video exposing Antipope Benedict XVI's latest book. It's amazing that in face of all the evidence proving that he doesn't believe in the authenticity of the Bible, and that he writes entire books with the secret intention to destroy faith in the inerrancy of Holy Scripture, that the false traditionalists still insist he is a pope (like the SSPX). They claim he merely has "dementia," as if he were merely brain damaged and mistaken in good faith (i.e. a "material heretic") when he is clearly malicious and obstinate. He repeatedly implies the Bible is fictional. What an apostate!!!

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Re Women “Priests” Movement Endorsed By National “Catholic” Reporter


Dear Brothers,


That heretical article, which I read, reminds me of why I believe you are correct about Benedict XVI's role in the Great Apostasy.


If the 'Catholic church' were to have women's 'ordination', it would be too obviously heretical. Many false traditionalists would be unable to avoid making the correct conclusions about the false papacy. Thus in a sense it would actually be a positive if the Vatican II sect were to do so, as many would be awakened by it.


But the current antipope realized this while he was still 'Cardinal' Ratzinger. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn if he had a hand in JPII's Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, which if JPII actually was a Pope and not an antipope, it would have fallen under the definition of Papal infallibility. All of this, coupled with the bringing back of the old mass, his false conservative gestures, lead me to agree completely that his role is to save the Vatican II sect from having too many defections of the more conservative members which give it the tiny bit of life it still has. In short, he wants to drag as many of them down to hell, but which it is a necessity that he at least looks the part to the ignorant 'Catholic' in the pews.


Daniel J. Maxwell




Subject: Your Video on Death


Dear Brother in Christ:


I happened upon your site and have viewed a number of videos. Thank you for your wonderful presentations. In the video on death I was dismayed to hear that one who is not in the Catholic Church will not enter heaven. I remember this being said in my early years of Catholic School. I was baptised in the Faith but have attended several churches during my life. I am concerned to your reference that we must show adoration for Blessed Mary, Mother of Jesus or we would not enter into the gates of heaven. This is something that I have missed outside of the church.


Is not the belief in Christ that is the only way to get into heaven? I understand that it is said in the Bible that Jesus died for our sins, if we repent then we will join the faithful in heaven. I have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. I have also accepted Christ as my Savior and have had a total immersion Baptism in the last few months as to be Reborn.


must I do to regain my Catholic Faith?  I am a Hospice Nurse and understand the process of slow death and suffering. I pray that my death is quick by whichever way it comes. I have investigated and researched the many things that science says will be happening:

- the shifting of the magnetic poles

- the approach of Planet X

- the signs as stated in the Bible of the coming of End Times, dying birds, animal, fish, etc.

- the question as to whether man has altered our earth with his greed and power, H.A.A.R.P., The Illuminati,

UFO's presence etc.


- The increase of earthquakes, (The New Madrid Fault in the Midwest), Tsunami's


… I will continue to view the videos on your site to re-educate myself in Catholic Doctrine.


Karen Thomason, R.N.


MHFM: Karen, it’s great to hear that you came across the information.  First, you should pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.  Second, you need to become convinced on all issues, including the salvation dogma you mentioned.  One must also recognize that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  You should review these materials, among others.


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)

The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World


The Church does not teach that Mary is to be worshipped/adored.  Worship/adoration is reserved for God alone.  Rather, the Church teaches that she is to be honored and invoked, and that the unique prerogatives and attributes God has given to her must be acknowledged.


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  These are the steps to follow to return to the traditional faith.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


Side note


Dear Bros. Dimond,

Thanks again for your work. Your attackers do not understand true charity. I am ordering some more of your work…


On a side note, while I was defending the Faith at work, my proud detractor yelled "you'd make a good muslim" ! (This after he'd mentioned we Catholics think Mary is co-redeemer). He marched off as I was responding that the False notion was ultimately pushed by his like minded protestant, masonic , communist, man as God, Satan serving ilk. I actually enjoy the opportunity to correct him for he's always spouting scripture and verse (never in context) and confusing some others on our crew!

Thanks again for your examples of constancy in Christ and His Church.





Subject: Catholic quote of the day


Dear Brother's,


I read the Catholic quote of the day and I was thinking what a revealing example of the sin of pride and how hard it is to overcome, in regard to what happened to Core and his company, with the earth opening up, killing two hundred and fifty apostates, then after seeing such a dreadful site, the very next day the children of Israel rose up again and God killed fourteen thousand seven hundred more of them. It makes you think of Jacinta, wanting to show hell to all those that would die from WW ll, wanting to save them and the parable of dives and lazarus.


Numbers 16:41-50 The following day all the multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron, saying: You have killed the people of the Lord. And when there arose a sedition, and the tumult increased, Moses and Aaron fled to the tabernacle of the covenant. And when the were gone into it, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared. And the Lord said to Moses: Get you out from the midst of this multitude, this moment will I destroy them. And as they were lying on the ground, Moses said to Aaron: Take the censer, and putting fire in it from the altar, put incense upon it, and go quickly to the people to pray for them: for already wrath is gone out from the Lord, and the plague rageth. When Aaron had done this, and had run to the midst of the multitude which the burning fire was now destroying, he offered the incense: And standing between the dead and the living, he prayed for the people, and the plague ceased. And the number of them that were slain was fourteen thousand and seven hundred men, besides them that had perished in the sedition of Core. And Aaron returned to Moses to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant after the destruction was over.


Luke 16:29-31 And Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance. And he said to him: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead.




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  It’s about Benedict XVI’s newest book: Jesus of Nazareth – The Infancy Narratives.  It discusses the heresies in the book and more.


The Secret Intentions of Benedict XVI's new book: "The Infancy Narratives" [video]




Subject: Faustina


Hi… Brothers.


Just some thoughts on your take on St Faustina's diary.


I think, and agree with you, that there are, potentially, some suspicious elements in the diary that you have rightly pointed out.


However, I believe that Faustina's diary must be read in conjunction with the advice that her spiritual director, Fr. Sopocko, provides:


"If we have great trust, we must beware alike of pusillanimity and presumption. Pusillanimity is the basis of all temptations, for if we once give way to it, we lose the courage we need to persevere in the good, and fall headlong into sin. Presumption, on the other hand, leads us into danger (for instance, the occasions of sin), with the hope, at the back of our minds, that God will come to the rescue. This is tempting God, and such tempting usually ends tragically for the tempter.


In our case, trust should go hand in hand with fear, the fear that comes from knowing our own misery. Without this fear trust turns to self-importance and fear without trust - meanness. Fear with trust becomes humble and brave, and trust with fear becomes strong and modest. For the sailing boat will sail, wind and the load which will dip it in the water, are necessary, that it will not capsize. So that is with us, we need the wind of trust and the load of fear. "the Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him: and in them that hope in his mercy" (Ps. 146 : 11)."…


This quote doesn't make quite clear what I believe he is saying. He is saying that trust in God's divine mercy needs to be balanced with fear of God. He likens it to a sailing boat where the mast is the strength of one's trust in God's divine mercy, divine mercy itself is the wind in the sails that provides spiritual locomotion (advancement), and the keel of the sailing boat is the warranted fear of God, of his wrath - as I understand it, Padre Pio lived his whole life fearing, in terror, of offending God. Without the keel, fear of God, one makes no progress and is in spiritual distress - but likewise for those that fear God but lack faith in his divine mercy.


Anyway, for what it;s worth, I do not think that Faustina's work, in itself, is suspicious. But I believe the spin put on it is, potentially, very dangerous and agree with you. It may also be possible that her works have been tampered with - as was the case, at least initially, with those of Therese of Le Sure (cannot write the French).




Jerry Clancy


MHFM: Your second sentence contradicts your third to last sentence.  In the former you agree that the diary is suspicious; in the latter you say that her work is not suspicious in itself.  You are definitely not correct when you say that her work was not suspicious/problematic.  You are dismissing the evidence. 


Sister Faustina's Divine Mercy Devotion is something to avoid [PDF File]


Moreover, you call her “Saint,” which seems to indicate that you accept Antipope John Paul II and Antipope Benedict XVI.  You are also dismissing the truth on that issue.  They are not popes, but non-Catholic heretics.  They cannot canonize anyone.  It’s not a surprise that people who dismiss truth on one issue will be deceived on another. 




“Fr.” John


Subject: “Fr.” John


Dear Brothers,

The video of the Novus Ordo "priest" who says he loves it when people say "Happy Hanukkah" reveals the real depths of evil that control the Vatican II sect. He wants people to "live their faith" and "celebrate their faith" even if they are Satanists! It shows how dangerous the heresy of "religious liberty" is in that it allows evil to run free. He says at 2:04 "that is America, we don't have to hide our differences," as if to put the US above the Catholic Church. He then says at 2:18: "I think it would be an offense, if we were saying as a country, as a government and in our courts, the only public expression of religion should be Christianity because most Americans are Christian. That is not the American way." He puts the "American way" above the Way of Jesus Christ (John 14:6). He finishes by endorsing the diabolical sect of Islam: "If there's a small town in the United States that is 90% Muslim, they should have the right in their, at their courthouse, to have an expression of their Islamic faith. Absolutely. For sure." What an apostate! "Fr." John's voice even sounds somewhat disoriented, which could be a result of his wholesale apostasy.

God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White




Subject: The Evils of Atheism


Hello MHFM.


Why are atheists so angry? There are just no words to describe how evil people like Hitchens or Dawkins are, but why are they so militant? Are they upset because they realize that their sinful/prideful lifestyles will send them directly to hell? I just don't understand how people can be so hateful towards God and the Catholic Church. Any answers or material on the evils of atheism would be much appreciated.





Creation and Miracles, Past and Present (full length)

Information Proves God [video]




Subject: Infancy Narrative Video


Fantastic job dissecting Ratzinger's methods, and I believe you are dead-on as to his intentions. Jaclyn wrote of the troubling effect his writings had on other people, including her mother. But I can testify first hand how this method worked on me. When I was in "Catholic" high school, back in the 70s, these methods were already being employed in the "religion" curriculum. In addition to the blatant heresies like religious liberty / freedom of conscience and BOD, which were just taught matter of factly as though no one sane had ever questioned their validity, these methods as employed by Ratzinger (though less subtly) were also used to challenge the historical accuracy of the Gospels. They wouldn't say outright that these stories were allegorical, but they would ask, or suggest: "the Gospel writer is trying to clarify this concept" or "what message is the writer trying to get across?"…


As a kid I could see what they were doing, but I thought it merely stupid, I didn't see the evil. Rather I thought "gee if they want me to be a Catholic this is funny way to teach it". But even then, the tendency is to assume (despite one's misgivings) that the teacher (often a Christian Brother) is smarter than you. Therefore what they teach effects the way you think. I thought they were wrong, but I wasn't sure and had no knowledge with which to fight back. So it made me doubt, and these doubts affected the way I lived. Then in the 1990s, still in the Novus Ordo, I heard this homily on the three Magi by this "priest" (a real swisher BTW) who also taught high school, that CLEARLY was meant to suggest, without outright saying so, that the Magi were made-up. But not too long before being subjected to this Sunday sermon, I had seen a History Channel documentary on the Magi. Now the History Channel is no bastion of conservative Christianity, but even the History Channel acknowledged their historical reality! So now I felt sure this guy was a liar, walked out of his "Mass", and sent him a note asking why he was lying to people. (Of course he never answered).   A few years later I was introduced to the traditional papal teachings, and the sedevacantist position, mostly through your site. A total EUREKA moment. Thank you.


Bill Mulligan




Subject: Your New Video


Dear Brothers,

After watching your latest… I could not help, but be filled with horror. I want to thank you for being the only formidable opponents to this inconceivably evil false prophet. It almost brought me to terrible tears when with his satanic erudition he so craftily ripped apart the essential truths of Our Lord the most gentle and loving Jesus Christ. This man is worse than a pedophile serial killer and a bankster usurer combined. In fact his antipontificate is what's fueling the fire that's creating the abominations we witness today in the apocalypse. Seriously, I always knew he was the most evil man alive, but with watching this latest expose I actually felt to my core how demonic this man is. It was like those profiles that forensic psychologists do on serial killers, but far worse. You let us peer into the mind of the man that hates Our Lord more than anyone alive. I've never felt such revulsion. Thank you for reinvigorating my faith. I now realize I have to be much more vigilant in getting your apostolate to everyone. I've just gotten frustrated cause most people don't care, but I'm not going to give up.

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Very good job exposing the true intentions of the christ-despiser RAT KING B16, busily chewing through any last and final vestiges and remnants of the catholic faith left on earth. He leads all the other rats chewing through the foundations of the church to make it crumble and fall or what so many perceive as the church. I also visualize him pouring a toxic potion over the tiny floundering branch of the faith struggling for life and survival and as the stuff pours out, it just completely destroys and kills the plant. That's the rat for you---always destroying what Christ loves and made.


It is so ironic since Christ told Peter to feed His sheep, feed His lambs, to do all this for the love of Him: "..Do you love me? FEED my sheep" is what I remember Christ asking Peter, and in Peter, all the true popes. So the true popes faithfully fed the flock… and once the imposter anti-popes moved into the vatican and never left (something the enemies of GOD vowed and promised they would do!), the sheep were for the most part dispersed since effectively the pope/Shepherd had been struck............again, something GOD had prophesied.


GOD always feeds HIS lambs, and since 1958, HE has been still feeding them through all the words of the true popes that ever lived and wrote and stated certain truths infallibly and through all the perfect and true teachings of the church.  I think GOD set the church up to TEACH the faith. Our Lady has always come to Earth too to teach the lambs the faith and she warned the lambs at La Salette and Fatima that these horrible days were coming. GOD arranged to have MHFM feeding HIS flock to make certain all HIS family on earth got fed the proper food. HE certainly is good. Thanks




Dear Brothers,

I couldn't help but notice while reading in the article you posted about Warren and homosexuality that he was on Oprah as was Osteen spewing their satanic garbage. As you probably know Oprah has sold her soul to the devil for money and fame. A lot of people even look to her as a "spiritual" leader sometimes. Well here's a disturbing fact that also sheds a light on how truly evil the false "Christian" heretics she has on are. She had a man on named Michael Aquino. This man is a known satanist. He heads a masonic chapter satanic cult called the Temple of Set named after the Egyptian God of the underworld. He is also in one of the highest places in the U.S. military and is quoted as saying "I am proud to be part of the greatest killing machine the world has ever known". His cult practices animal sacrifice at least and he is a known bi sexual… He is not just a hedonistic do your own thing satanist like Anton Le Vay was as if that wasn't bad enough, but there is a lot of evidence that he is part of a large occult network conspiracy to destroy every last vestige of true Christianity left in the world and is a big proponent of the false prophet feel good everybody's going to heaven filth of heretics like Osteen and Warren… there are lot of people in this country and in the world that think they love Jesus and are serving Him when they are really loving Satan. Very Frightening!!!...

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: Benedict XVI the Modernist Heretic


Dear Brothers,


The new video on Benedict XVI's book, “The Infancy Narratives” is an excellent expose of the heresies in his recent part of the series and his overall agenda to destroy the faith of those who put their trust in his explanations. What you say about the average novus ordo reader suffering a doubt of faith in the back of their minds after reading his books is 100% percent true. One example of this that comes to mind is in the case of a novus ordo semi “traditionalist” who I used to know back when I had a facebook account. He admitted that after reading Benedict's books he was left troubled, disturbed, and confused. He also admitted that he suffered the temptation to lose the faith altogether. Of course this individual had already lost the faith since he obstinately rejected the clear cut evidence for sedevacantism and the necessity of water baptism, but for him, reading Benedict’s books tempted him to abandon any trace of faith he had left in Catholicism. Benedict is like a termite that eats away slowly at the inner structures of a house until it completely collapses in upon itself. He is truly a devil, yet many in the novus ordo see him as some key to having a greater understanding of the “depths” of Catholicism. His knowledge, combined with his crafty false piety and charisma seem to hypnotize and overwhelm the novus ordo reader, but this false charisma is only meant to lure them in and prepare them to be his prey. My mother is one of the many followers of Benedict’s writings. One of her favorite things to do of late is to read his book series on the life of Jesus. She reads them like candy in the hopes of somehow beefing up her “knowledge” and “faith” in Catholicism. What she actually gets is the rotten fruit of the anti-pope false prophet of the end times, who is dead-set on destroying any sign of the faith that remains in people by a promotion of modernist heresies that the true Catholic Church has already condemned.


God bless,

Jaclyn White




Subject: Video


Excellent!!! Thank you for such due diligence on behalf of us poor bewildered sheep. You are a true shepherd to expose the diabolical wolf Benedict and his most subtle insinuations and doubt sowing in the new book from Hell. Indeed he truly is a sick, evil Heretic and Antipope, a scourge to the people of God, leading souls to Hell gleefully and with FULL KNOWLEDGE of his actions. Saint Leonard says people are racing down the road to Hell by the thousands. Few are saved, VERY FEW. You so kindly help us keep our eyes on the narrow, steep path that FEW walk. Thank you.


Regards, Barbara






Secret Intentions


Subject: Secret Intentions


Dear Brothers,


Thank-you again for taking the time to read the puke that the false prophet has recently written in order to warn those that are truly interested in saving their souls. The false prophet B-16 definitely has a problem with the Bible and a hatred for Matthew, Luke and all the Holy Apostles as did Martin Luther have a hatred for James. What little time that the false-prophet has left here on earth before returning to the eternal fires of Hell will be spent attempting to destroy the true faith while hiding under the guise of a pope, even if it means acting as a bad pope. B-16 and his fellow devil companions that are mentioned by B-16 when he questions Luke 1:34 and states, "this question seems unintelligible to us" are just secret intentions of distraction for those without the grace to recognize the evil in this world and the evil intent of Satan to bring as many souls back to hell with them. B-16 is none-other than the false prophet and leader of the counter church and all the other false religions of the anti-christ that is designed for all the bad-willed, self-professing luke warm Catholics, Jews, heretics, schismatics, and non-believers…


All these non-Christians continue to wait on their Messiah Satan as they reject the first coming of our savior Jesus Christ, distant any thought of a second coming of Jesus Christ and clearly are unaware of the present "hidden coming" of Jesus Christ that only the chosen are able to see him" as mentioned by St. Bernard's sermon; Let the word of the Lord come to us:


We know that the coming of the Lord is threefold: the third coming is between the other two and it is not visible in the way they are. At his first coming the Lord was seen on earth and lived among men, who saw him and hated him. At his last coming All flesh shall see the salvation of our God, and They shall look on him whom they have pierced. In the middle, the hidden coming, only the chosen see him… and so their souls are saved. The first coming was in flesh and weakness, the middle coming is in spirit and power, and the final coming will be in glory and majesty.

This middle coming is like a road that leads from the first coming to the last. At the first, Christ was our redemption; at the last, he will become manifest as our life; but in this middle way he is our rest and our consolation.

If you think that I am inventing what I am saying about the middle coming, listen to the Lord himself: If anyone loves me, he will keep my words, and the Father will love him, and we shall come to him. Elsewhere I have read: Whoever fears the Lord does good things.but I think that what was said about whoever loves him was more important: that whoever loves him will keep his words. Where are these words to be kept? In the heart certainly, as the Prophet says I have hidden your sayings in my heart so that I do not sin against you. Keep the word of God in that way: Blessed are those who keep it. Let it penetrate deep into the core of your soul and then flow out again in your feelings and the way you behave; because if you feed your soul well it will grow and rejoice. Do not forget to eat your bread, or your heart will dry up. Remember, and your soul will grow fat and sleek.

If you keep God’s word like this, there is no doubt that it will keep you, for the Son will come to you with the Father…


God Bless,


Tom Miles




Bill O'Reilly has demonstrated both astonishing ignorance and outright heresy on matters Catholic in the past. However on his show… (12/3) he actually out-Catholiced "Father" Morris. Morris is a rather timid, effeminate, Novus Ordo priest and a regular Fox contributor. O'Reilly took Morris to task for his having personally called the notion that there is a war on Christmas "silly". O'Reilly then took the "Catholic" Bishops to task for their silence in the face of anti-Catholic positions as advocated by "Catholic" public figures, notably Caroline Kennedy. O'Reilly warned the "priest" that if Catholics didn't realize that they were under attack, essentially at war that they were going to lose.


O'Reilly hasn't put two and two together (that is that he hasn't realized that these people he assumes to be Catholic are actually trying to lose), but even this often buffoonish loud mouth, has noticed that something is wrong when supposed Catholic clerics are either silent, or on the wrong side of the "culture war".


Bill Mulligan




… The Novus Ordo false religion is a break with Tradition and the Teachings of the Church. It lacks continuity. Due to this fact they thus reject all the Dogmas of the Faith and only accept the Apostate Revolutionary Synod of Vatican II. Those who accepted the revolutionary teachings of the Vatican II Robber's Council and its Novus Ordo false religion did so because they were apostate. Only heretical and apostate persons could imbibe the Vatican II false religion. A Dogma is a truth appertaining to faith or morals revealed by God: transmitted from the Apostles in the Scriptures or by Tradition and proposed by the Church for the acceptance of the Faithful. And of course the Church does not and a cannot contradict itself. The Novus Ordo is riddled with contradictions and chaos. God is not the author of confusion.



Of the East


Subject: The heretics of the east


Dear MHFM,


I noticed that the eastern schismatic made a comment about the Rosary. It probably hurts him deep down inside to see true devotion to the Mother of God. These schismatics hate the Blessed Virgin and probably have heard of Fatima and many other of her famous apparitions. They have not the Rosary. The Rosary was given to the one true Church by Mother Mary through St. Dominic in 1208, while in the Church of Prouille. One thing the Catholic Church is so well known for is the Rosary.


Eastern heretic “churches” and communities are radically autonomous. They are autocephalous (self-headed) for they are independent and self-governing under their self-appointed apostate bishop. Autocephaly refers to how the eastern heretics are independent from the Popes, since the eastern schism in 1054. They operate on their own authority, and due to this radical autonomy of theirs, there are many divisions among them; and the subdivisions and subdividing are growing by the day. They are divided due to doctrinal matters. These autocephalian “churches” found their own sects according to the whim of their heretic bishops – who just can’t seem to agree with each other. They continually draw up new statements of “faith,” in hopes of gaining unity, but it is ultimately impossible. All the eastern schismatics are going to Hell. One must say it’s a total (theological) freak show among them. Some eastern heretic sects are in communion with other eastern heretic sects (through joint declarations), and some of these eastern schismatic sects reject the sects that are recognized by the sects that they have signed joint declarations of “faith” with. That’s pretty sad –isn’t it? There’s absolutely no unity in false religion. So some of these eastern schismatic sects reject the sects that are recognized by the sects they recognize, and have signed joint declarations with.





… The pope only gives communion to people kneeling and on the tongue.




MHFM: He’s not the pope, and what you say is not correct. 




Benedict XVI, Light of the World, 2010, p. 158: “I am not opposed in principle to communion in the hand; I have both administered and received communion in this way.”


Some false conservatives within the Vatican II sect maintain that Benedict XVI is opposed to “Communion” in the hand.  They are wrong, as usual.  Benedict XVI not only accepts it; he has given and received it in the hand.  Please consult the information on the website.




Hello Brothers,


… I was reviewing one of your latest videos Baptism of Desire: Buried and was delighted with the analysis.   It may be one of the best ones you have done so far…


Keep up the great work,


God bless,





Dear MHFM,

Awesome! … I was finally able to find some time today… to listen to your latest video on BOD. And it was great… I was simply intrigued and full of zeal for the faith when I finished this video! I wanted to yell out the window, woohoo! Take that you heretical fools! The Church of Christ has spoken, and now it is brought before you once again… to show you how pathetic, how miserably wrong, how disgustingly diabolical you are!

What a fantastic tool to have at ones disposal to fight these heresies! Every angle, every twisted view, every sad point one could bring up trying to defend BOD...and they are all smothered! There is no argument left, just wailing and gnashing by the heretics!  I really liked how you concluded with John 1. It just brought it all together…

"But as many as received him, he gave the power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name. Who were born, NOT of blood, NOR of the will of the flesh, NOR of the will of man, but of GOD."

Regem venturum Dominum venite, adoremus!

Come, let us adore the King our Lord, who is to come!

Have a blessed and holy advent.

Rob Hansen




Subject: O'Reilly's Apostasy!


Bill O'REILLY… uttered an astounding bit of heresy. That there was no Catholic Church founded by Our Lord. What we know as Catholic Church didn't get started till "long after." This was not a simple error on his part.



Bill O'Reilly's Apostasy




Dear brothers,


On reading Nathan`s email when he mentioned the winking of the one eye I remembered a conversation on a Portuguese television show between a well-known TV presenter an assumed homosexual and agnostic and a Vatican II member, when he said he had once visited the Vatican and as he was going around there appeared some signs leading people to a shop where they sell religious articles, he said that when he got there he was so shocked he couldn’t believe this, such bad taste, because at the entrance of the shop was an image of Jesus constantly winking an eye at people as they entered, can you imagine, how horrible, an unbeliever disgusted by this aberration, it shows how false and evil this present Vatican is, truly satanic sects have taken over.


Thank You,


M.Fernanda da Silva




Subject: Everest


Dear MHFM:

This story is sobering. What struck me is how 50% of readers found it hilarious:

More than 200 dead litter Everest





Subject: questions


Good evening,


I will try and be brief but I do have a few questions regarding today's ecclesiastical "situation". I'm a convert of the Great Jubilee year of 2000, thanks be to God ! But since God put a man on my path recently to tell me of the things past and present that has happened (and continue to happen) and the counterfeit Church currently in place, I must say that I feel like i'm in a daze, sort of. I'm telling myself since that fateful encounter how can such a deception be perpetrated on such a grand scale and garner such little resistance ? What can I do to obtain pardon for my sins, since it is most likely that most if not all my confessions received an invalid absolution ? Are there any places where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is still valid ? And if not what can a faithful catholic do to obtain the necessary graces to stay fast in such turbulent times ? God be blessed for you apostolate, and please, respond as soon as possible, thank you.


In Christ,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  If you continue to consult the information on the website and in the videos, you will find the answer to your questions.  You need to stop going to the New Mass (it’s invalid and false), pray the Rosary, and be convinced on all issues.  Please consult these videos, among others:


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)

The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained.  Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Subject: The Dogma of Hell…


Dear Brothers,

I just wanted to say that almost no one in this Pagan world takes the dogma of hell seriously anymore. I think they deep down know there is a hell and how serious it is and to give them the benefit of the doubt some convince themselves out of unimaginable fear that it doesn't exist so they can try to escape it… For instance, every weekday on my drive… I pass a billboard left over from the abominable bacchanalia of Halloween for a car dealership in which the owner is dressed up in a devil suit and the caption says "Redeem your soul" and he's winking one eye as if it’s just a big fairy tale… I've got a few friends like this who I've tried so many times to bring the Catholic faith to and they don't believe there's a hell. Like Padre Pio said so forebodingly: They'll believe it when they get there.

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: O "Orthodox" schismatic


Dear Brothers,

O the "Orthodox" schismatic says "But God MIGHT have some mercy on heretics at the last judgment" proving that he has absolutely no faith in Jesus Christ, and is therefore no member of the Body of Christ, the Catholic Church only. Heretics are the Gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18), and have no chance of salvation on Judgment Day. God has mercy on those who fear Him (Luke 1:50), and He has no mercy on the representatives of Hell. Outside the Catholic Church and the Sacrament of water baptism there is absolutely no salvation.

Pope Vigilius, Second Council of Constantinople, 553: “… we bear in mind what was promised about the holy Church and Him who said the gates of hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics)…”

God Bless,

Chris and Jaclyn White


MHFM: It’s interesting that the Council of Ephesus – a council which “O” the “Orthodox” schismatic would claim to accept – says: “… ALL HERETICS corrupt the true expressions of the Holy Spirit with their own evil minds and they draw down on their own heads an inextinguishable flame” (Council of Ephesus, 431). 


By stating that God might have mercy on heretics at the Last Judgment, and therefore that people who depart as heretics might not receive an inextinguishable flame, “O” contradicts the statement of a council he claims to accept.  It’s another example of how the schismatics contradict themselves, believe in nothing, and make up their own rules and religion.




Subject: Flaws in Eastern Schismatic


Dear M.H.F.M.,


It seems like the Eastern Schismatic that commented does not seem to know his own false religion. According to the false religion of Eastern Schism: every bishop is equal with all the others. So whatever each bishop says is just as equally valid as every other bishop: even when they contradict themselves. That violates the Law of noncontradiction. So according to the main tenet of his false faith he cannot condemn what any bishop says because they all have equal authority. He seems to be suffering from a case of cognitive dissonance. That is what probably compelled him to write in. There have also been many false councils in history and he cannot reject those since each bishop has equal dignity. He would have to accept the Arian and Monophysite heresies as equally valid beliefs. He has absolutely no basis for rejecting the Arian and Monophysite Robber Councils and for accepting some select other councils of his own private choice. His false religion also purports to respect Apostolic Succession. If they were honest and believed that the Apostles clearly past down their authority: then they would also have to believe that St. Peter the leader of the Apostles passed down his primacy and leadership down through the ages in Succession. These Schismatic-heretics have absolutely no basis for accepting the notion that the Apostles passed down their authority: and then rejecting the fact that St. Peter past down his universal authority. If they were consistent they would either have to reject Apostolic Succession altogether or they would have to also accept that St. Peter passed down his authority which was by the way more eminent than the others. There is no middle way. Heretic-schismatics seem to enjoy lying to themselves. The Catholic Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. There is no unity in the false religion of the eastern heretics. The well-known diputes between their heretic bishops does not need any elaboration.




The email from O for Orthodox… but for some reason it just struck me as funny, I read it and was giggling------don't know why exactly, just knowing they are SO wrong about anyone at MHFM not having the true faith! Sorry if this is an inappropriate response--I do hope O will convert to the only true faith or else they will be unpleasantly surprised upon death....


Was thinking about how incredibly IRONIC it is that - probably-there are absolutely no true catholics AT ALL in the entire Holy Land---Jerusalam-the City of the King-such an ANCIENT center of everything Godly on earth and yet--no true catholics? Just struck me as odd.




Subject: The One True Faith


Dear MHFM,

There sure are many “religions” that claim to be the Christian religion, especially here in the United States. Many of these groups that are merely of recent (historical) development, claim to be the religion of Christianity. As Our Savior taught but one religion, it must follow that all the other “religions” are false religions. How many religions did Jesus Christ teach? Most certainly one, for this plain reason: Jesus Christ cannot contradict Himself – “There shall be one Fold and one Shepherd,” He says (St. John 10:16). And St. Paul tells us there is “one Lord” and “one Faith” (Ephesians 4:5). The original and one and only Church that Jesus Christ founded is the Roman Catholic Church; this is Christianity. It is the one and only Christian religion on this earth. It is the most ancient institution on earth; for as Our Lord expressly promised “the gates of Hell would never prevail against it.” (St. Mat. 16:18) The Catholic Church is the [one] True Church, and the others are merely denominations of heresy. The others are fakes and man made (religion). They protest against the one and only Divinely founded religion, the Catholic Church. The false religions of Protestantism and Eastern Schism were never founded by God, but by man.



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Response to a Sex Addict [video]




Becoming a Traditional Catholic


Hello; I am a junior in a Catholic high school and have been watching your videos on and off for about a year. I have recently been watching on a more disciplined schedule and feel that you teach God's truth concerning the heresies of Vatican II and the false teachings of the current church.

It seems that my revelations are leading to quite the religious transition; My problem is that there is a wealth of information you provide proving the invalidity of "modern" Catholicism, only i am not sure where to start in a transition, and i have a lot of questions.

I am 16, and at the moment, i guess what you would call a non-practicing Catholic. I fervently believe in God but i almost never attend Sunday services; But not from a lack of faith, it is mainly due to me not wanting to go to mass with my mother.

It is my understanding that you should not receive communion without before going to confession. I am half-way through your series on "Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid" and i am now wondering...If the mass is invalid, is confession invalid as well? I have not gone to confession since i received my first communion, and i want to confess now that i see its importance, and now that i am going to begin the transition to becoming a traditional Catholic.

I am going to order a Douay-Rheims Bible from your website tomorrow.

During this transition:
-Should i bother attending the non-Traditional Mass?
-Is my confession valid and am i committing a mortal sin or a venial sin every Sunday i do not attend the Traditional Mass during my transition?
-Aside from reading the Douay Rheims Bible, (which I am going to do as soon as it arrives) what steps should i take to become a Traditional Catholic?...

I'm sorry if my message is difficult, badly written/formatted, and lacking grammar, it's just that the information is overwhelming to someone like me, and it leaves me with many questions. I will continue to watch as many of your videos as possible each day to gain a further understanding of all this.

Thank you,



MHFM: It’s great to hear about your interest.  You should pray the Rosary each day (more than five decades if possible), and stop going to the New Mass.  You should consult the steps covered in this file:


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


There’s no sin in missing Mass in this situation, as there is no obligation to attend Mass when there isn’t a fully Catholic option in your area.  The New Mass is invalid and must be avoided.  However, once you are convinced on the issues, we can help you with where to receive traditional sacraments.  The New Rite of Ordination is invalid.  Therefore, mortal sins confessed to priests ordained in the New Rite would have to be confessed to a validly ordained priest once a person is prepared.




You have really helped show me the truth with all the videos and everything you do.




Subject: Salvation outside the RCC


The idea that there is no salvation outside Vatican I (post schism) Roman Catholicism, is ludicrous. We have more saints than you do. You don't even have saints after the schism. All Roman Catholics, no matter how pious, descend into hades at death. Only the True Orthodox ascend to paradise and heaven, if they make it successfully through the toll houses. But God MIGHT have some mercy on heretics at the last judgment. That's the teaching. The sources you cite in favor of your belief, are post-schism, and therefore lacking in authority, since they were issued outside the Orthodox Church. You need to be converted. Unless you do, I categorically affirm you will descend in hades at death. No amount of rosaries will prevent this from happening, since you do not have the true faith and Church. You need to convert.




MHFM: No, you are certainly outside the Church of Christ.  You reject Christ by rejecting His Church, the foundation of the Papacy, and more.  See the section on our website which disproves “Orthodoxy,” and provides the biblical and early Church proof for the Papacy.

You are nothing more than an anti-Christ liar who will descend into the eternal fire you deserve, unless you convert to the true Catholic faith.  Your religion doesn’t have saints: only heretics and schismatics.



Thank you for all you do. I've been of the sedevacantist position 5 months. I've learned a lot from your material and have shared your material with others as well. I really can't thank you enough, so I'll leave it at that.




Dear M.H.F.M.,


Divine Providence uses heresy among men to execute the decrees of justice. Despite its tragic nature heresy is an occasion for God to separate the wheat from the chaff: the sheep from goats. It is a way for the secret designs of Divine Providence to reveal to men the wolves in sheep’s clothing: to reveal them for the liars that they really are. When God allows the terrible calamities that come with heresy and heathenism to have full reign in governments and nations: He is pursuing in the supernatural order His Divine plan for men. On the individual level: God manifests His divine justice and mercy in numerous ways by enlightening intellects in seeing the consequences to the world resulting from heresy and heathenism. Civilization’s breakdown is one such consequence. The dissemination of theologically inaccurate ideas leads to cultural degradation and public immorality. The woes of heathenism and heresies and the shockwaves thereof are undoubtedly felt and seen everywhere.


When I learn of things such as the massacre of millions of women and children perpetrated by modern society: over 54 million babies have been victim to surgical infanticide in these United States: how is it possible? - I ask myself: that ordinary persons courteous and decent in everyday life can act callously, inhumanely, without any limitations of conscience, etc. What is there in human nature that allows an individual to act without any restrictions whatsoever? The conditions for such a phenomenon is simply imbibing heresy and heathenism and deciding to follow it to its logical consequence.






Аmаzinɡ Ԝοrk



I just
ϲаught оnе of your vіds on YоuΤuƅe. Can you sаy AWESOME!




Subject: Sex Addict Video


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the video Response to a Sex Addict. The bad will of such cowards who cry "victim" due to their own sins is striking. The fact is that all such sins are contrary to the natural law, and so there is no excuse for ignorance since God has written the natural law on our heart… They lack humility, honesty and the will to avoid dangerous occasions and to fight and hate sin… "Those who love danger will perish in it" (St. Alphonsus). The truth that the Most Holy Rosary will give one the strength by means of God's grace to resolve to stop sinning is profound, yet it is so simple that it is lost on the proud… such vices of the flesh that are so common today… the Vatican II sect and its heretical Antipopes and New "Mass"… simply fuel the lusts of hell.

1 Corinthians 6:9,10 - "Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God."

1 Corinthians 10:8 - "Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed fornication, and there fell in one day three and twenty thousand."

God Bless,

Chris & Jaclyn White




Subject: sex addict


… I thank you for your true charity and kindness towards this person and it is my hope that this person realizes that this was the best so called therapy session [Grace of God]… and it was for free, can you imagine and not only that, the solutions are very simple.


Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.


Please realize that it was not by chance, but the Grace of God, that you found MHFM's website and had the courage to write your email to the Monastery. When a person dies, the veil is removed [spiritual blindness], the soul sees things as they really are and when it is thrown into hell, to their immense regret, they realize how little they had to do to save their souls and how little it would have been to reject the horrid world, with all its evil allurements. I recommend to this person, please listen to Brother Michael's video… "Death and the Journey Into Hell" it is very sobering, time is truly short. The secret key, is to have a devotion to the True Living Ark of the New Covenant [Mary] by saying the Rosary, this is where God will speak to you, this is how you will receive tremendous Graces.




Exodus 25:22 Thence will I give orders, and will speak to thee over the propitiatory, and from the midst of the two cherubims, which shall be upon the ark of the testimony, all things which I will command the children of Israel by thee.


Apocalypse 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven: and the ark of his testament was seen in his temple, and there were lightnings, and voices, and an earthquake, and great hail.

Apocalypse 12:1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: [Our Lady of Fatima]






Subject: The Acts of Apostasy


Dear MHFM,


Antipope John Paul 2, the epitome of the heretics, engaged in a pagan purification ritual in Mexico in which he was rubbed down with herbs by women on camera. Those sorts of "Masses" that he had were notorious for the paganism and apostasy within it. We also know that the Antipope Benedict XVI engaged in the Sweeping Dance - the pagan Aborigine ritual for purification and new beginnings (during World Youth Day 2008, July 17th). The Antipope Apostate[s] have consistently engaged in public acts of apostasy by praying with members of false religions. Here is what a Cardinal and Doctor of the Church said concerning the sacred; St. Robert Bellarmine said: “When we enter ornate and clean Basilicas, adorned with crosses, sacred images, altars and burning lamps, we most easily conceive devotion. But on the other hand, when we enter the temples of the heretics, where there is nothing except a chair for preaching and a table for making meal, we feel ourselves to be entering a profane hall and not the House of God.” The ancient axiom Lex orandi, lex credendi - the law of prayer is the law of belief: highlights the important relationship between worship and belief. how we worship reflects what we believe - and how we will live our lives.





I am 44 year old Catholic living in Miami. Not long ago I was surfing YouTube when I came across your page. I’ve watched several of your videos and found them to be both fascinating and disturbing. I wanted to thank you for the work that you… do in spreading these messages. I am forwarding videos to friends and family…


Mark Forsythe




Dear MHFM:

I just want to say that ever since I said the profession of faith of the Council of Trent as a result of reading your site and watching your videos, I have had more intense and deep problems in life which I am surprisingly able to solve. I did not know that I had this strength and now I know that I have what comes only from Jesus and His mother's immaculate heart. I attribute the harder problems and challenges (children, life, school, unemployment, etc.), not to a harder life, but to opening my life to these experiences and seeing them through in Christ. In other words, I am not running away from my problems at the first opportunity. My previous life saw me just up and leaving a situation and now I simply stick it out, stay the course and see it through…

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for the life transformation that your example has given me.

In Christ and the Virgin Mother's Immaculate Heart,





Dear MHFM,

that article on antipope JPII and the disgustingly false "apparition" of Medjugorje. I must say reading that article was similar to what I feel the Child saints of Fatima felt when the real apparition of Our Lady showed them hell. Obviously nothing can compare to what they saw but it felt like what I imagined they must have felt: ABSOLUTE HORROR. I don't even believe JPII was fully human especially after seeing that photographic evidence in your JPII was the antichrist video and the fact that Our Lady of LaSalette said he would be the devil incarnate. But boy was it scary reading that article especially when the beast brought up "father" Stefan's "vocation" you can almost imagine demons whispering from hell his "earthly mission" to bring as many souls to hell with him as possible. Boy these are deceptive times as prophesied…

Nathan Barton


Have Been


This Package is amazing. I know you are truly interested in people’s souls and serving Our LORD. Thank you so much for all these precious resources. I have been disabled for several years. I hope to be working in the spring of 2013… I am sorry I didn’t know what a wonderful store you had. Also thank you so much for the YouTube Channel. I am taking your recommendation and praying all 15 decades of the Holy Rosary everyday…






Subject: Sex Addict Video


Wow, I needed that video. This is my struggle. So true...




hello thank you for your videos are a good inspiration for me to attain spiritual goals.


i am raised catholic and enjoyed church so much as a kid. at times being away from church ive sinned lots mainly in lust, i want to feel the purity and happiness i had when i was younger, so ive been practicing chastity etc. do you have any advice or insight in regard to this general practice of purity and christian lifestyle. thanks.


MHFM: We think you should watch the recent video we posted, and the other videos on the site.





I hope that you will post the written article of your response to the sex addict for future reference. The "out of sight, out of mind" state of mind is similar to the thought process I use; "mind over matter; I don't mind and you don't matter" to all those who become "dead" to me through their refusal for want of truth. I recently came upon the following sermon and wanted to share it with you and your readers:

A sermon by St Macarius. "Woe to the Souls where Christ does not dwell!"


When God was displeased with the Jews, he delivered Jerusalem to the enemy, and they were conquered by those who hated them; there were no more sacrifices or feasts. Likewise angered at a soul who had broken his commands, God handed it over to its enemies, who corrupted and totally dishonored it. When a house has no master living in it, it becomes dark, vile and contemptible, choked with filth and disgusting refuse. So too is a soul which has lost its master, who once rejoiced there with his angels. This soul is darkened with sin, its desires are degraded, and it knows nothing but shame.


Woe to the path that is not walked on, or along which the voices of men are not heard, for then it becomes the haunt of wild animals. Woe to the soul if the Lord does not walk within it to banish with his voice the spiritual beasts of sin. Woe to the house where no master dwells, to the field where no farmer works, to the pilot-less ship, storm-tossed and sinking. Woe to the soul without Christ as its true pilot; drifting in the darkness, buffeted by the waves of passion, storm-tossed at the mercy of evil spirits, its end is destruction. Woe to the soul that does not have Christ to cultivate it with care to produce the good fruit of the Holy Spirit. Left to itself, it is choked with thorns and thistles; instead of fruit it produces only what is fit for burning. Woe to the soul that does not have Christ dwelling in it; deserted and foul with the filth of the passions, it becomes a haven for all the vices. When a farmer prepares to till the soil he must put on clothing and use tools that are suitable. So Christ, our heavenly king, came to till the soil of mankind devastated by sin. He assumed a body and, using the cross as his plowshare, cultivated the barren soul of man. He removed the thorns and thistles which are the evil spirits and pulled up the weeds of sin. Into the fire he cast the straw of wickedness. And when he had plowed the soul with the wood of the cross, he planted in it a most lovely garden of the Spirit, that could produce for its Lord and God the sweetest and most pleasant fruit of every kind.

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: profession of faith


Dear mhfm just wanted to let you know I will be making the profession of faith tomorrow. Thanks again for all the work and prayers that you do.




i just watched your video Response to a sex addict and i want to commend you for your wisdom and correct use of the Word of God. Most people try to white wash sin or try to alleviate a person’s responsibility in committing sin. You on the other hand are always firm and truthful in presenting the truth… Thank you and keep fighting the good fight.


Sincerely in Christ. Juan Peña.




Dear MHFM,

There is an actual true story that St. Alphonsus told, about a young woman nearing her death that had lived in the habit of the sin of impurity; fell sick, and appeared to be converted. At the hour of her death, she asked leave of her Confessor to send for the young man in order to exhort him to change his life at the sight of her death. The Confessor imprudently gave permission, and told her what to say to her accomplice in sin. But as soon as she saw him, she forgot her promise to the Confessor and the exhortation she was to give to the young man. She raised herself up in bed, stretched her arms to him and said: “Friend, I have always loved you, and even now, at the end of my life, I love you; I see that on your account I shall go to Hell, but I do not care; I am willing, for the love of you, to be damned.” After these words she fell back on bed and expired. She has been in Hell ever since. I have always found actual stories about people being damned - regardless of the type of sin they did; to be very inspiring in pushing one to avoid sin at all costs.





Protestants of all stripes including fake traditionalists, fall short of the straight and narrow and shall go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the Devil… just like sacred scripture says they consent to iniquity and call that which is good evil and that which is evil good. Amazing how God's foresight includes all those who stray from the faith even by one jot, or one tittle. It is Striking how an expansion of what the Almighty has said, is clarified and pronounced by the Magisterium:


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, AND ALIEN TO THE CHURCH, WHOEVER WOULD RECEDE IN THE LEAST DEGREE FROM ANY POINT OF DOCTRINE PROPOSED BY HER AUTHORITATIVE MAGISTERIUM.”…


Eric Vega




Subject: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre



I was perusing your website and saw this being said by Lefebvre: Many times in Africa I heard one of our catechumens say to me, “Father, baptize me straightaway because if I die before you come again, I shall go to hell.” I told him, “No, if you have no mortal sin on your conscience and if you desire baptism, then you already have the grace in you...” That is soooo scary because 1) BAPTISM IS NECESSARY ACCORDING TO DOGMATIC TEACHINGS and 2) the time he took to say that, he could have like, found a water supply and baptized them...

Of course we know that if a person is of truth, Divine Providence will ENSURE water baptism for the person, but the point I'm making is that this heretical priest is/was responsible for denying baptisms and is guilty in God's eyes....





Subject: Robber Council


Dear MHFM,


Those that called Vatican ii were not members of the hierarchy. It doesn’t have any more authority in matters Catholic than a Jewish council and congress or a Protestant council. A collective of apostates were who signed and promoted the heretical documents of Vatican II. Manifest heretic antipope[s] promulgated the Great Apostasy. That Jason person had better understand what Catholics say. May he understand what was just said. May he know for instance that the apostate… ecumenical Second Council of Ephesus held in 449 was repudiated by the Council of Chalcedon and called a “Robber Council.” II Ephesus had promulgated apostate documents. There are many examples of false councils in history. Apostate and heretical councils are called Robber Councils. With Vatican II one is dealing with an apostate and thus Robber Council. St. Robert Bellarmine summed up the Catholic Teaching in saying that all the ancient Fathers unanimously taught that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction (authority) in the Church. And we know that heretics are outside the Church.






Subject: H.B. comment on denominational"ism"


Yes, and the enemies of Christ, and of His mother, and of all the children of the True Church, have attempted to reduce the catholic church to "just another denomination";…and… they have, finally, failed. For the counter-church of the V2 sect wants to come off as "just another denomination---Christians 'in the catholic tradition' ", as they so love to say yet we know this is the whore of Babylon, Satan's bride.


We have a tiny male kitten named Mango that is looking for adoption--he is very small, grey, fluffy and bold if you know anyone who is looking for a kitten (8 weeks old?)… this tiny little kitten who looked like he was starving to death kept coming around so I fed him. My hostess (when she got back from being away) asked me to get the kitten and put it in the house so I did, much to her great surprise. After 3 days he finally came out to eat and he is very sweet and needs a home. She wants to take him to a shelter tomorrow…


MHFM: The person who wrote this e-mail is from New Jersey, by the way.




Subject: Jason


Dear Brothers,


There goes another… guy claiming to have seen the "light" when in fact it’s the opposite that he's in. I wish these people would not just glance at the material and throw some ridiculous comments at you. May the Most Holy Family protect you always.


Sincerely and God speed,





Subject: Heretics, the destroyers of souls


Dear Brothers,


I was watching the Dvd "The Case for the Creator" with Lee Strobel, in the beginning of the program he explains the cause of his becoming an atheist for a time. He said when he was in high school, a science teacher duplicated a false experiment that was done in the 1950's supporting the dumb darwin theory and almost immediately, it destroyed any belief in God, in this young boy, this is why home schooling is so important. It made me think of the incredibly evil "father" stepanich in your video and how many souls he has destroyed by promoting the heresy of baptism of desire and the heresy that a person can be saved outside the One True Catholic Church. It is the scariest thing, how one evil soul, especially those masquerading in robes, can destroy so many and the fact that these poor foolish souls are not even aware of it. I truly thank you for bringing me to the truth and your tireless hard work in exposing all these heretics that destroy souls.








lol u got ur heads so far up ur asses u havent seen daylight for 50 years.  i dont kno much bout history of catholic, but i do know this, no [expletive] like u can call a council of bishops in union with a supreme pontiff incorrect or heretics. ur just like the arians, lutherans, or other protestants. gonna burn in hell forever.




MHFM: You definitely got one thing right: you don’t know much “bout history of catholic.”  When you decide to learn something, and get your head out of the fog, you should consult these files.  Speaking of Lutherans, you will discover that Benedict XVI accepts Lutheran heresy:




The Vatican II sect's Protestant Revolution: the 1999 Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification [PDF File]


Speaking of Arians, you will discover that Benedict XVI respects Arianism (just like he respects all heresies and false religions).




For those who don’t know, Hans Kung denies, among other things, Papal Infallibility and the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Hans Kung can correctly be described as an Arian; he denies that the Lord is of the same substance as the Father.  In the quotation below we see that Benedict XVI acknowledges that Kung denies Papal Infallibility, the Trinity and the divinity of the Lord.  Here is what he says:


“Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger, Salt of the Earth, 1996, pp. 95-96: “Q. And about Hans Kung’s path? I mean, he now hopes for a rehabilitation. A… he [Hans Kung] has taken back nothing of his contestation of the papal office; indeed, he has further radicalized his positions. In Christology and in trinitarian theology he has further distanced himself from the faith of the Church. I respect his path, which he takes in accord with his conscience, but he should not then demand the Church’s seal of approval but should admit that in essential questions he has come to different, very personal decisions of his own.”


Benedict XVI respects the path of Arianism.  Obviously that’s apostasy.


Pope St. Leo the Great (c. 450): “For whoever is led away from the path of the true faith, and changed to another, his whole journey is an apostasy; and the further he travels from the Catholic light, the nearer he comes to the darkness of death.”


If you decide to learn, you will also realize that Vatican II was a council filled with the heresies you claim to reject, and it was not called or confirmed by a true pope.  You will discover Catholic teaching on heresy, loss of office, etc.  And if you had a clue, you would understand that by promoting Antipope Benedict XVI you promote Protestantism, reject Catholicism, and will burn in Hell. 




Dear MHFM,


Your constant work to defend and promote authentic catholic theology is thoroughly and desperately needed.






Subject: Denominationalism phenomenon


Dear M.H.F.M.,

One must say that the perception the world has of the Christian Faith is given from the purview of the infidel. The vast field of letters and communications are in the hand of the infidels for the most part. Due to the nature of the fact that Our Lord is of great significance as regards morality in the world and the beliefs thereof: the infidel literature and radio out there find it necessary to control the world's perception of the religion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In this way they are thus enabled to dictate public morality and even make immorality a normalcy in the public mind. One of the favorite ways that the cunning infidels are able to distort the Christian view of the world before the eyes of the masses: is by presenting before their eyes the phenomenon of denominationalism. In this way they wish to insinuate into the hearts of masses that truth and error are compatible in the most fundamental matters of belief and morals. It is not denied there are many self-made groups out there which allege to be "Christian." But there can only be one Christian religion since Our Lord Jesus Christ founded only one religion: Christianity. All the others are founded by men and are therefore false: belonging to the Devil. Denominationalism is growing now days and quite does not seem to be slowing down in pace. These expressly lack the the four constitutive principles of the one Church founded by Christ: Unicity, Apostolicity, Catholicity, and Sanctity. As a result they are not members of the Church but merely heretic groups that worship within meeting houses of heretics. It is the religion of Denominationalism: also called Protestantism.



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  It concerns the heretical priest, Fr. Martin Stepanich.


Priest Dies and Goes to Hell [video]




Subject: usa bishops


dear mhfm: today in our sunday bulletin there is an article that our bishops want to make dorothy day a saint. we are awestruck, to futher the cause of an openly communist is alarming. l.harkins


MHFM: That’s interesting.  You need to get out of the New Mass, which is an invalid non-Catholic service, and recognize that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  Please consult the information.


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)

The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World




Subject: DEAD priest


Brothers Peter and Michael Dimond,


I watched the video on Father Martin Stepanich. It is very daunting to envision someone falling into Hell and being eternally 'cut off' from the Kingdom of God. Just thinking of the 'demonic entertainment' that will forever own such souls is inconceivably inconceivable. When I saw the picture of Father Marin, I couldn't help envision him in hell ......., at one of the most lowest and most deplorable depths. For all eternity, he will cringe at all the chances he arrogantly 'chucked out the window' for human respect and to applaud his heretical ego. The result? Never EVER will he meet the glory his soul was made for. Rather, he has 'willingly' joined the millions and millions of wretched souls burning in a fire that won't let them die. Hence, instead of singing glorious morning Matins, he will be filled with so much contempt, hatred, regret, anguish ......, that his only song will be infernal sorrow.


On another note, his death is very awakening to the truths of one's earthly existence. That is to love, know and serve almighty God ..., living and accomplishing His Holy Will. In these days, it is quite rare to meet a Catholic person on the street, let alone in church. This makes me think of the famous speech made by St. Leonard of Port Maurice on 'The Little Number of Those Who are Saved'. This holy Franciscan friar preached a famous sermon that clearly asserted that few CATHOLICS are saved. ".... very few Christians are saved, because there are very few who sincerely renounce the world and those who renounce it only in words do not belong to the mystery represented by that ark". Only eight people were saved in the Ark. And to further exemplify this fact, even when Jesus Christ was asked "Lord, is it only a few to be saved?", He clearly answered: "Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able" "Many are called, but few are chosen". In this light, realizing that there are very few Catholics living on earth, ........... very few will meet the bliss of Heaven. For example, after an archdeacon in Lyons died, he appeared to his bishop and said to him, "Know, Monsignor, that at the very hour I passed away, thirty-three thousand people also died. Out of this number, Bernard and myself went up to heaven without delay, three went to purgatory, and all the others fell into Hell".


It is very consoling to know the truth, to be enlightened with infallible wisdom, and to detest and admonish heresy. HOWEVER, St. Leonard goes further and relays what Saint Gregory taught, "Many attend to faith, but FEW to the heavenly kingdom". After contemplating this sermon, one can't help discern one's life. Faith alone, without works, is dead. The earth is seated in wickedness and likewise, in this sea of sin, it is imperative that one has great devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart…






Subject: Of Divine Wrath


Dear MHFM,


The Scriptures are filled with examples of Divine Wrath punishing people based on their conduct, and not on lineage or heritage. God burned Aaron’s sons to death, who were by the way priests, for offering unholy fire; Leviticus 10:1-2 “And Nadab and Abiu…offering before the Lord strange fire: which was not commanded them…fire coming out from the Lord destroyed them, and they died before the Lord. Leviticus 16:1 “And the Lord spoke to Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they were slain upon their offering strange fire…” I mean, no one forgets that there were Old Testament Protestants back in those times; Core, Dathan, Abiron and all their followers. These 3 protestors rose up against Moses, saying that the Lord is among all of them, and that there was no need for his headship. They didn’t want the hierarchy that God established. Numbers 16: 31-34 “…the earth broke asunder under their feet: And opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance. And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people. But all Israel, that was standing round about, fled at the cry of them that were perishing: saying: Lest perhaps the earth swallow us up also.” These individuals have been in Hell for over 3,500 years, and it’s only just beginning, for there is no end to eternity..

Galatians 3:29 "And if you be Christ's, then are you the seed of Abraham, heirs according to the promise." Only those faithful to the Magisterium (Christians), are the seed of Abraham.





great video about baptism of desire/blood refuted. the denial of the salvation dogma was the foundation of the future  great apostasy. thank you and may our lady keep you close under her mantle in these final days. from mark v




Dear Brothers,

Katherine the apostate incorrectly says that "To reject the Jewish heritage and anything related to Jewish festivals and such is to reject the roots of Christ and Christianity." Nothing is further from the truth since it was Jesus Christ, God Incarnate Himself, who is the Root, Source and Originator of the Old Law: John 8:58 - "Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am." If God had not revealed the Old Law to Moses then there would be no Jews, Land of Israel, etc. from whence the modern day Jews supposedly derive their origin. And since the Old Law could in no way give supernatural justification (which is only effected by means of the Sacrament of water baptism - which replaced circumcision: Col. 2:11,12 - and membership in the Catholic Church), then the Jews, since they reject the very Reason and Object of the Old Law, Christ the Lord, simply draw down upon themselves… anathema… Therefore, those who continue to obstinately practice and believe in the death-dealing Old Law are rejected by the True Creator… Katherine inverts the true origin of the Old Law and the Jews by saying that they are the source of Christ, rather than Christ being the source of the Jews, and so she puts man in the place of God, which is Antichrist.

Pope St. Pius X, E Supremi Apostolatus, Oct. 4, 1903: “While, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God.” (2 Thess. 2:4)

God Bless,


Chris White




Subject: God is NO respecter of persons


Dear M.H.F.M.,

For some reason there are not a few out there who believe that having some kind of ancestry merits one eternal life. Such persons are totally unfit for salvation and rejected by God. They forget that God is not a respecter of persons: Acts 10:34-35 "And Peter opening his mouth, said: In very deed I perceive, that God is not a respecter of persons. But in every nation, he that feareth him, and worketh justice, is acceptable to him." Christ-insulting worship is hateful to God. All false religions are hateful to God. And the practice of false religion is clearly God-insulting and a denial of Christ. Romans 2:11 "For there is no respect of persons with God." Everyone who dies outside the Catholic Faith is damned. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus





Good day,


To reject the Jewish heritage and anything related to Jewish festivals and such is to reject the roots of Christ and Christianity. We must reach out to the Jews, learn from our Hebrew roots, learn… culture and the Bible from that context, or we are fools. Any entrenched our path and our heritage of faith be dammed is erroneous and in your denouncing any connection to Judaism, you are showing anti-semitism and heresy, as you deny Christ, his family, his heritage, all that he was culturally. That is not correct.


Sincerely in Christ,



MHFM: You are clearly a dissenter from Catholic dogma.  What you state is heretical, false and uncharitable.  To adhere to Catholic teaching on non-Catholic religions (such as Judaism) is not “anti-Semitic.”  You lie when you say it is.  Concerning those with the true faith:


Galatians 3:27-28 –“For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


You obviously don't understand anything about Christianity or Catholicism (which are one and the same).  You sound very much like a false convert from Judaism who never got over her Jewish lineage and worships herself.


The Bible teaches that the Old Covenant was revoked, and that all true children of Abraham become Christians.  All who are Jews (just like all Muslims, etc.) are in a state of damnation, and must be converted to be saved.  The Catholic Church teaches that the Old Law was revoked with the coming of Christ, that it is a mortal sin to continue to observe it (Council of Florence), and that the adherents of the Jewish religion will not be saved unless they convert to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments… after our Lord’s coming… ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began... All, therefore, who after that time (the promulgation of the Gospel) observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, the holy Roman Church declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation.”


Pope Benedict XIV, A Quo Primum, June 14, 1751: "Surely it is not in vain that the Church has established the universal prayer which is offered up for the faithless Jews from the rising of the sun to its setting, that they may be rescued from their darkness into the light of truth."


Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis (#’s 29-30), 1943: “… the New Testament took the place of the Old Law which had been abolished… Jesus made void the Law with its decrees… To such an extent, then… was there effected a transfer from the Law to the Gospel, from the Synagogue to the Church… that, as our Lord expired, the mystical veil which shut off the innermost part of the temple and its sacred secret was rent violently from top to bottom. On the Cross then the Old Law died…”


It's a mortal sin to practice Jewish rites, as they were revoked with the coming of Christ, who fulfilled the prophecies and prefigurements of the Old Law. You deny Christ by advocating the observance of rites which signified that the Messiah has yet to come.  St. Thomas Aquinas explains why it’s a denial of Christ to continue to observe Jewish feasts and rites after the promulgation of the Gospel.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. I-II, Q. 103, A. 4: “All ceremonies are professions of faith, in which the interior worship of God consists. Now man can make profession of his inward faith, by deeds as well as by words: and in either profession, if he make a false declaration, he sins mortally… For by them [the fathers of old] was it said: "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son," where the verbs are in the future tense: whereas we express the same by means of verbs in the past tense, and say that she "conceived and bore." In like manner the ceremonies of the Old Law betokened Christ as having yet to be born and to suffer: whereas our sacraments signify Him as already born and having suffered. Consequently, just as it would be a mortal sin now for anyone, in making a profession of faith, to say that Christ is yet to be born, which the fathers of old said devoutly and truthfully; so too it would be a mortal sin now to observe those ceremonies which the fathers of old fulfilled with devotion and fidelity.”


In other words, since the ceremonies of the Old Law pointed forward to Christ, and He has come and fulfilled them, to observe them after He has come is to deny, in deed, that Jesus Christ has come and fulfilled them.




Subject: Fr. Stepanich - Incredible heretic


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Great video on the heretic, Fr. Stepanich - thank you for exposing this outrageous liar who denied the Catholic faith so boldly and incredibly over so many years. How many souls did he lead astray with his false teaching?


God bless,





Subject: Stepanich


Dear Brothers:


In thinking about the sad end of the heretic Fr. Martin Stepanich, it occurred to me that one of the reasons (and perhaps one of the main reasons) why the true Catholic Church has always been hated by the ungodly, as Christ was hated, is precisely because the Church has always made clear that there is No Salvation outside of her. The salvation dogma, which has always been well known (and still seems to be known by everyone except false Catholics), was an offense to those who were opposed to truth because it pricked their consciences, and it often caused people to leave the ranks of false religions and convert to the Catholic faith. That's why Satan hates the dogma so much. The whole point of religion is where one will spend his eternity. Destroying the belief in Christ and His Church was the essential reason for Antichrist: it was why JP2 "apologized" for the Catholic Church -- he was apologizing for this dogma -- and why he was sent by Satan to teach all nations the lie that they need not convert. This is the very point and purpose of false ecumenism which so many hypocritical and deceitful men like Stepanich pretend to oppose but actually promote. MHFM's posts about this man and others like him are very beneficial and sobering, and really demonstrate that the false sedevacantists (like all other false traditionalists) are nothing more than the nostalgia wing of the Whore of Babylon.


Lee Ann




Subject: Rosary Praying


Hello Brothers, I have a quick question about praying the rosary. There is this one man I have befriended who is currently incarcerated at the county jail and will be going to prison for a couple years. Since our friendship has begun, I have convinced him of the one true faith and disproved the V2 Catholicism that he grew up practicing. Our problem is that the jail and prisons do not allow rosaries unless they are break aways due to safety issues. I cannot find any rosaries like this so I just told him to pray it by counting with his fingers. Is this an acceptable way to pray or do we need the actual rosary to say it?... Thanks for your time and may God Bless.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Since he’s without a Rosary, he can certainly just pray Our Fathers and Hail Marys.  He can simply pray them and/or he can do so while meditating on the mysteries.  He could also keep track of the number of Hail Marys per mystery in the manner you suggest or in a number of other ways.




Dear Brothers from MHFM,

It is pleasant to read your truthful comment about this heretic Stepanich as you speak without having a forked tongue. May this help all these blind people who sin mortally by following man and not Christ Our God Heretics out there, specially these… false traditionalists just twist things with evil subtlety…

Makes my adrenaline going up just to write and think about these liars… These heretical priests and their followers have as much authority as one's pagan neighbor…

Jérémy Austin.




Subject: Fr. Stepanich in hell


Dear Brothers,

Fr. Martin Stepanich incredibly asserted the exact contrary to Jesus Christ's revealed truth that the Sacrament of water baptism and membership in the Catholic Church is absolutely necessary for salvation. He sought to win favor with the world, and so made himself the enemy of God. Good riddance!! Stepanich was another false shepherd who we don't need spreading their lies and heresies and leading souls to hell. Those who obstinately deny the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of water baptism for salvation, in favor of "baptism of desire/blood" or "invincible ignorance", simply prove themselves worthy of descending into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels, since it was Christ the Lord Himself who commanded His Disciples to water baptize others along with promulgating all His teachings throughout the world just before He ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father (Matt. 28:19,20). No baptism, no going to Heaven! No matter how much Fr. Stepanich desires to be in heaven, he will never go there, just as no matter how much a person desires baptism, they cannot go to heaven without receiving the physical water in the Sacrament of Baptism.

John 3:5 - "Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

Luke 13:24 - "Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Eternal Death and Eternal Sorrow


Dear M.H.F.M.,


Having blasphemed the Sacred Dogmas of the ineffable God the Fr. Martin Stepanich now knows the Truth. It is a demonstration of the seriousness of matters of the faith and that an account and rendering will be required on all of these points. His 70+ years as an active apostate priest did not help him in the end. Woe unto him. He wrought for himself an eternity of infinite woe and misery: eternal death and eternal sorrow.




Fr. Martin Stepanich - dead and in Hell


MHFM: Fr. Martin Stepanich, a so-called traditionalist priest, died a few days ago.  As covered in this file (among others), Sedevacantist priests deny Catholic salvation dogma, Martin Stepanich was an outspoken and obstinate proponent of the heresy that souls can be saved in false religions and “baptism of desire.”  Like almost all of the other priests, he believed souls could be saved in any religion without the Catholic faith.  He had no more belief in Christ or His necessity than the Dalai Lama.  He dressed up in robes and pretended to be Catholic, but he did not have an ounce of the apostolic faith.  Not only did Stepanich believe that souls could be saved in any religion, but he went out of His way to attack Jesus Christ’s teaching on the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism.  Of course, he did this with arguments that have been completely refuted.  He was a truly wicked man.  Here’s a quote from this heretical man, who was without doubt a mortally sinful liar.  He stated that Catholics who believe in the necessity of the Catholic faith and baptism for salvation are:


“Incredibly asserting that all who are not formal and visible members of the Church, this would mean all Protestants, all Orthodox, all Jews, all Muslims, all pagans of every brand or color or nationality, are automatically excluded from eternal salvation.  But this is something which the Church never taught and never will teach.” (Fr. Martin Stepanich)


Notice how Stepanich directly denies and openly lies about the Church’s teaching.  He asserts that the Church has “never taught and never will teach” what it infallibly teaches.  


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Well, now that Fr. Martin Stepanich is dead, he knows the truth: he was wrong.  He rejected Church teaching; he railed against Christ’s baptism; he persecuted Christ by attacking His truth; and he was an apostate who long ago lost the grace of supernatural faith in Him and His truth as a result of sins and bad will.  However, it’s too late for Stepanich.  He died as a heretic, was damned, and is in Hell.  There is no doubt about this.  In fact, if such a heretic, who obstinately rejected and publicly opposed defined Catholic teaching on the necessity of the faith for salvation, could be saved – and he certainly cannot – then no dogma matters at all.  Moreover, all those who praise this deceased, damned, despicable heretic (as a number of evil “false traditionalists” are already doing) likewise confirm themselves on the path to damnation.  Barring an extraordinary conversion, they will line up with him, alongside the damned, on Judgment Day – as enemies of the Lord, enemies of His dogma, enemies of His Baptism, and enemies of His necessity. 




Dear Brothers of Most Holy Family Monastery,

I have a question about the dogma of the infallibility:

How would you explain that if the Church (its magisterium) is absolutely infallible in her human part, how could it ever come to VII?  And then how could almost all the bishops fall away from the true faith? How does that match with the dogma in the way you interpret it?

In Jesus and Mary



MHFM: The answer is that Vatican II does not impact the purity of the Magisterium’s teaching at all because the men who promulgated Vatican II were not legitimate occupants of the Chair of Peter.  This is proven by papal teaching promulgated well before those invalid usurpers ever lived.  Catholic teaching is and has been that heretics automatically remove themselves from the Church and cannot be valid popes, even if they are chosen by the cardinals.  See the section on our website which deals with that point.  (There is additional evidence – although it’s unnecessary to prove their invalidity – that the antipopes who instigated the apostasy weren’t even elected).  Hence, it logically follows from traditional Catholic teaching that manifest heretics such as Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII), Giovanni Montini (Paul VI), Albino Luciani (John Paul I), Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) and Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) did not assume the papal office.  It’s quite simple, actually.


A massive apostasy of the bishops is not in any way incompatible with Christ’s promises to the Church.  Christ promised that the Church would exist until the end, and that it could not officially teach error; He didn’t say that its adherents would be numerous at the end in comparison with the bulk of humanity.  In fact, He implied otherwise (Lk. 18:8).  It’s clear that the final spiritual deception will involve an apostasy of the very kind you consider problematic!  You really should consult these files, where your concerns are addressed:


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file] Sedevacantism is the position that the Chair of Peter is presently vacant… This section proves that what is said on this website is perfectly compatible with all Catholic teachings, papal dogmas, the indefectibility of the Catholic Church, the indefectibility of the papal office, Christ’s promises to be with His Church, etc.


The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-






I have learned a great deal from your website; it has strengthened my faith. Obviously, the site deals with questions of the highest magnitude. I would like to assist in the effort to reach people with this important information...






… I went over the issues one must hold to be a true catholic with someone I know recently and she just point blank told me that she is going to hell---in other words that despite going over the details for hours in depth, she wants me to know that she is not converting to what I am telling her about, traditional catholicism--sedevacantism. It's kind of scary.


It seems increasingly obvious that each individual really does decide for themselves exactly where they want to spend all their eternity.


Great job on the new video--a tour de force of the truths about the dogma that has not failed and has upheld the catholic faith at the end…




Thank you very much! I am checking out your website and I am enjoying it.


God bless you!





Subject: JPII


Dear Brothers,

JP admits he is lying while making a threat: "My mother lied to me but decided to choose the lesser of the two evils & you can include the story of Santa Claus. I suggest you go easier on the clutch, in protecting many lives including your own." He implies that it is ok to lie so long as it "preserves peace," as if true peace were not founded on the truth. It is another sickening reminder that the Vatican II sect worships man in the place of Jesus Christ who Himself is the Truth, the Way and the Life. It is John Paul II the Antichrist's false gospel of man in the place of God.

Matthew 10:34-36 - "Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's enemies shall be they of his own household."

1 John 4:3 - "And every spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of God: and this is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he cometh, and he is now already in the world."

God Bless,

Chris White




… I want you to know and the Dimond Brothers to know and all those that help them that they have done an excellent job of promulgating information that Catholics and others need to know. I have found no other Catholic website that spells it out like it is! These other websites evade things like what the industrialist, big banks, and businessmen do! They speak in the greatest of generalities like nothing is going on and all else is just the way it is. Yet, this information about the salvation of souls that you are putting out is necessary in that other “religious” may have to read, review, and contemplate where they stand.  As I see it there is a great influence to involve people in all sorts of distractions to keep the truth from reaching them. These influences include such things as oppressions, worries, social intimidations, and ever greater evils camouflaging the good with evil!...






Subject: Questions Pertaining to Catholicism




I have come to a cross roads in my spiritual path and I must stop to make an inquiry into what I believe to be truth. What is truth but an ocean within a drop of water. I hope and pray that answers may come from this so that I may know if the catholic church is the one true church, and that its creeds, dogmas, history etc are what I desire. I come from a French Catholic family, yet we have strayed from that path and now I as an individual seeking for God look to our past for answers. If it may be possible I would like to sincerely ask questions of you in order to get a feeling of whether or not I am truly moved to join an RCIA program and come into communion with the church. I would like to request advice on my current inner struggle and what I should do about it (if such a thing is worthy of a response).



Spenser White


MHFM: Spenser, it's very clear that you need to embrace the traditional Catholic faith, as it's the only true and biblical faith.  See the evidence for this on our website, and in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  You should pray the Rosary each day.  If you do this sincerely, you will receive grace to move to the true Church.


Also, the Vatican II Church (which has RCIA) is DEFINITELY NOT the Catholic Church.  That's what the material on the website proves.  You must not go to the New Mass, and you must completely reject the Vatican II sect.  These are the steps to convert to the true Catholic faith:


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Dear Brothers:

JP helped me understand why the Vatican II apostasy was so easy to initiate and get firmly entrenched. I have relatives in their mid to late sixties who opposed VII at its beginning, but now have fully swallowed the Novus Ordo poison with its heresies, skewed values, and subjectivist evaluations of right and wrong. Your Salvation book speaks so well of the rampant heresy against the dogma Outside the Church there is No Salvation before Vatican II. This generation, as JP admits, got a lot of the facts--he even admits being taught the salvation dogma and its correct meaning! Sadly, he also picked up the error that for some "really good reasons" you can deny the Catholic faith, water it down, and twist it, until finally, it’s completely lost. One can be saved without peace in the world. One cannot be saved without the Catholic faith.

Joseph Ramirez




Subject: Baptism


Dear Brother Peter Dimond and Brother Michael Dimond,


The new Baptism of Desire video truly 'trashes' this inane manmade philosophical theory. Anyone who watches it and still remains obstinate in defending heresy is completely blinded by the pride and lies of evil. In fact, not only does this video demolish 'counter-arguments', but it stirs inside a great zeal for hammering corruption 'even more' and defending and exalting eternal truth ......., at whatever cost.


The sad fact? The majority of BOD advocates violently reject any information presented to them. Instead, they listen to Mr. Priest and their fellow parishioners and hence, remain buried in lies. Their refusal to discern opposing information also reflects their lack and/or coldness of charity. If anyone has an ounce of charity, they would review the information to 'pull that person outta heresy'. But no. Instead, they mock and condemn the information without even knowing what it relays. Doesn't it 'faze them' that they are following the majority? Doesn't it 'faze them' that they are listening to what their superiors command? Doesn't it 'faze them' that it contradicts Christ's words? Doesn't it 'faze them' that it slanders Papal Infallibility? I heard once that there was a stream of bones leading to hell. And such bones were of unworthy Bishops. What is to 'say' about the bones of priests!!


Also, after watching the video, I couldn't help think of Lazarus and the rich man.


"There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and feasted sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores, desiring to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table ....... And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell ..... And he said: Then father, I beseech thee that thous wouldst send him to my father's house, for I have five brethren, ...... And Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them .... If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead"


The rich man eventually woke up ................ in Hell .................. Unfortunately, this is where such BOD 'apostles' will also wake up.


BOD/BOB 'groupies' not only have Moses, the prophets, but JESUS CHRIST'S OWN WORDS, the Saints, Papal Infallibility ...... And yet, their ears still do not listen and continue turning a deaf ear to wisdom. And why? Their 'god' is the father of liars. And on Sunday, they dress themselves with all the 'trimmings of a king' and loyally boycott anyone who opposes what their 'Society' teaches. It is very sad to envision such people falling into hell. But, in truth, they are not soldiers of Christ, but soldiers of hell. And consequently, if they do not hear Jesus Christ and the Holy Catholic Church, neither will they believe if one of their deceased 'heretical' parishioners arose from the dead. But still ......, I will pray for their conversion. It is good to pray for one's enemy.


In fact, I'd vouch that BOD paves 'the way' for a one world religion. It's the 'stepping stone' for fake traditionalists to join hands with everyone and esteem all 'flesh and blood' ......., no matter 'what' religion they are. BOD is basically 'zero faith'.


Thanks for the great video,




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Yes, everyone of the truth will reject the false doctrine of BOD upon seeing the overwhelming dogmatic evidence which proves that it’s incompatible with Catholic teaching.  No honest person will cling to that false, man-made idea in the face of the evidence and the refutation of the objections.  We’ve seen it over and over again.  The people who are inclined to defend BOD, and dismiss the dogmatic evidence which completely contradicts it, are of bad will.  They are reprobates who only know “faith” in man.  They twist God’s revelation to their own desires, being devoid of supernatural, submissive and salubrious faith in Christ.




Subject: To Confused Russian


Dear confused,


As MHFM has stated, one must go by from what is really happening (facts) and what is currently taught from Rome and compare that with what the Catholic Church has always taught and continues to teach. Base your decisions upon that and not some dubious apparition. Then you will not get confused by all the distractions, lying wonders, which were prophesized to happen.


Although most true Popes have resided in Rome, Rome is not the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is the supernatural (spiritual) Church that is visible in all persons that hold the pure, undefiled Catholic Faith. It is as simple as that. Do not be deceived by outward appearances, such as clothes, buildings, titles, processions etc. But discern by what people believe. Therein is the truth of who they are.


Popes cannot contradict previous Popes in matters of Faith. If it were so, then you would be calling Jesus a liar or powerless to guide His Vicar, His Church. Each time there would be a new Pope all doctrine would become doubtful and susceptible to change. This is like having a house built on sand. No, the house (Faith) is built on an unmovable, unchangeable, rock. The Catholic Church is a snapshot of the Holy Faith that existed since the times of the Apostles, and that at times through history a certain aspect (dogmas) of the Faith had to be pronounced and defined by the Popes in order it to be made more clear, usually because of persecution or attacks by its enemies.


So please for your sake and perhaps of others, take the side of St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Pope Pius V… and the all the numerous Popes, saints and defenders of the Holy Faith. Do not take the side that contradicts them. Why do you want to commune with and be part of an organization (Vatican II Modernist sect) that openly contradicts the Catholic Faith? Its heretical decrees and catechism, for example, are all published for everyone to see. Obedience is first to God, His Church, then to man if there is no contradiction. The Church was not established in the year 1965, but has over 2000 years of existence and doctrine. Therefore, I suggest you learn as much as you can about the history and faith of the Church… Then you will not be so confused or deceived.






Subject: J P


In addition to your response, JP might also consider the history of the Church, when she prospered and when she suffered. JP should consider that all of the Apostles except Saint John, were martyred. JP might consider the sport which was made of Christians in the coliseum. These early Christians became food for wild beasts rather than placate their tormentors by making a few nice words about their false beliefs. Because these Christians would not compromise, did not seek a politically correct accommodation for a phony peace, the faith was spread, and eventually converted the Roman Empire itself, in a remarkably short period of time, less than 300 years.

JP might remember the Crusaders, the English, Irish, Spanish and Mexican martyrs.


Contrast that with what has happened since Vatican II and the new spirit of ecumenism, of compromise, of openness to the world. The amazing progress the Apostles and early fathers made in some 250 years by uncompromising courage, has been almost completely undone, in barely 50, through a wishy-washy respect for man's opinions.  So not only are JP's ideas un-Catholic, they don't even "work".


Bill Mulligan




I recently received an email asking me to check out a video that they had linked to. I responded in the generally polite way of saying that I appreciated the link. This was actually a dishonest response, as I really didn't find the video interesting at all. However, this is a symptom of how our superficial society works today. People think that the "right thing to do" is to respond in a "polite manner" even if it is totally dishonest. In other words, people have placed politeness (I.E. human respect), above the truth. Rather, a sort of worship of man (instead of The Truth), on a subconscious level.  This reminded me of how people often criticize your website for the documented facts, and then go on to criticize you personally for responding to people honestly, instead of superficially!




I am a 64 year old cradle Catholic, who attended 16 years of their educational program. I enjoy hearing what you have to say which brings me to nostalgic times when they taught us that to be saved you must be Catholic, it is a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday's, eat meat on Friday's, attend a non Catholic church… etc.  I was taught that the Holy Spirit is involved with the selection of a Pope & the bible does mention that the most serious sin, is a sin against the Spirit. Having said that, I wish to give these recent Pope's the benefit of the doubt.


We live in a very turbulent world where we have these fanatic religions that have this desire to kill you, if we oppose their beliefs… We now have traveling Pope's who have this responsibility to preserve lives & may say things that are not correct but necessary to maintain peace in the world.  When I was a child, I remember my mother, telling me not to go down stairs to the basement by myself because the boogy man is down there. My mother lied to me but decided to choose the lesser of the two evils & you can include the story of Santa Claus. I suggest you go easier on the clutch, in protecting many lives including your own… Thanks




MHFM: First, you cannot give these men the benefit of the doubt because their heresies are documented and undeniable, and Catholic teaching is that such unbelievers cannot be valid popes.  The Holy Spirit (through the Church) teaches that the election of a heretic is invalid. 


Second, Benedict XVI has repeatedly endorsed false religions and displayed complete apostasy.  You need to get out of the New Mass and the Vatican II sect and embrace this information to be saved.


Third, your statement that it’s justified or a “responsibility” to deny the faith in order to preserve lives is contrary to Catholic teaching.  Denying the faith is never justified, and the antipopes have denied the faith repeatedly in times of peace.  They are willing and enthusiastic heretics, as proven by the Assisi events, among other things.  Even if they were denying the faith simply out of fear or during a persecution – which is certainly not the case – it wouldn’t make any difference: they would still be considered apostates. 


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]




Dear Brothers,


Thank you for all your hard work and study. Thank you for your brilliant tapes and books, that you use to inform and instruct us. God gave you to us at this time of the Great Apostasy... I can't tell you how distraught I am over the apostasy...







I am so glad you have the courage to do what you are doing. I always felt all this change was wrong. You are doing a very brave thing for the One Holy Catholic Church.







Subject: Benedict XVI’s schisms


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for refuting Antipope Benedict XVI's latest promotion of schism and schismatics. Benedict XVI claims to be pope yet fully accepts and congratulates the schismatical antipope of the Coptic "Orthodox" Church! What a schismatic and heretic!! The Coptic "Orthodox" reject Jesus Christ's two natures (Divine and human) by confusing them in the  heresy of Eutyches. There is only one pope of the Christian Church, which is only the Catholic Church (not the "Orthodox"), and there is no pope today. Benedict XVI subjects himself to a false Pontiff, while claiming to be pope!!! Yet the false traditionalists, like the SSPX, obstinately believe he is merely "mistaken" or "mentally ill" when he is simply a heretic, and therefore not a pope. Then in total contradiction to the dogma, outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation, he hopes for the schismatic to go to heaven. What an outrageous mockery of the Catholic Church!!!

God Bless,

Chris White




Dear Brothers,


I was looking at the crescent moon last night and thought how many people see this tilted moon and not see that there is something wrong with it?? The two tips or ends of the crescent moon should be at 12 and 6 on a clock but the crescent moon for a while now is at 2 and 8 on the clock, the moon appears to have rolled on its side somewhat, I believe this is due to an ever increasing shift of the axis of the Earth and the wobbling of the Earth, and maybe a perturbation of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, this would give us a different visual orientation of the moon. Anyone can due a search on the moon phases and see how the moon should look, when we are on the correct degree of the axis of the Earth. I believe this is another indicator of the approaching destroyer of the six seal of the Apocalypse, as it goes through our solar system towards the Earth, it wreaks havoc and perturbs the orbits of the planets in our solar system, e.g. Jupiter lost a stripe, Saturn and its rings, meteorites etc.


Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; ...


The signs are overwhelming now, divers earthquakes, the rare red auroras on Nov. 13-14 2012, it made me think of the red auroras just before WW ll when Hitler saw this phenomenon at his retreat in the mountains and said "now we will shed blood", I think WW lll is now upon us, with Israel attacking Gaza.


"This point is corroborated when one considers the “great sign” mentioned by Our Lady in the context of her request for the consecration of Russia. Our Lady says: “When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is a great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church ... Well, everyone knows that this “great sign” was the unknown light that lit up the sky on Jan. 25, 1938, just prior to the events that precipitated World War II."…



New Heresies of Benedict XVI


MHFM: This is a new article on recent heresies of Benedict XVI.


NEW- Benedict XVI’s Outrageous Promotion of Schism and Schismatics


It will be stored permanently in our Benedict XVI's Recent Heresies file.


Belgium Becoming Muslim


Subject: Belgium Becoming Muslim


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I read with interest the recent article you posted, "Belgium Will Become an Islamic State". I visited Brussels in 2003 and was absolutely astonished by how many Muslims were in the country. The article claims that about 25% of the populace in Brussels is Muslim. I believe the true figure is much higher: virtually every person I saw in Brussels outside of the town center was Muslim, and that was nine years ago.

There was another related article on that same site:

"Islam Overtaking Catholicism as Dominant Religion in France"


It reveals just how disgusting the V-2 sect is (as if we needed more evidence):

"In an interview with the French weekly newsmagazine Le Nouvel Observateur, Alain Krauth, the parish priest of the largest Catholic church in Vierzon, said: "The Christian community is not as important as it used to be in the past. If moderate Muslims buy Saint-Eloi's, we can only be happy that the Muslims of Vierzon are able to celebrate their religion." His comments were greeted with outrage by local citizens who are now trying to prevent the church from becoming a mosque."

God Bless,




Thanks for all your hard work and research. These quotations and 'preachings' of Benedict XVI are incredibly revealing. It's so blatantly obvious that he is anti-Catholic. What other information do so-called 'traditionalists' need to reject him as Pope? It's like they've been fed the drug of death, addicting them to 'the rush' of belonging to a heretical 'cult'. The result? Approving smiles and blasphemous 'high-fives'.


… The garbage that Benedict XVI spits is infernally wicked. Nonetheless, his supporters still manage to 'fish through' his words and announce that he's got some GRAND Catholic Masterplan. I recall hearing this when I used to frequent an SSPX chapel. I think it was Father Scott's bogus insight. Wishful thinking? Nope. This demonic 'positive' view of Benedict goes eons beyond wishful thinking ........., in the wrong direction.


Esteeming Benedict XVI as 'pope' is like forsaking Jesus' almighty name. Benedict is basically taking the Holy Bible and irreverently plopping it in a high-speed blender with lies, idolatry, devils, greed, abortions, sodomy, gluttony, divorce, pride, .... etc. and then feeding it to arrogant humanity. And, of course, the majority will drink such poison like an alcoholic assaults 'the bottle'. Likewise, the very 'thing' these people venerate shall be their woeful grave.


I pray for many Catholic conversions.







God the Holy Ghost continues to bless you in your work. You did absolutely crush the heresies of "Baptism of Desire" and "Baptism of Blood" in your recent video and explained it very clearly. For those who continue to deny the known truth, it is a mortal sin. This is a very serious matter for V2 Catholics.

I know you are aware that the miserable Karl Rahner was an editor of Denzinger in 1954…

Using the PDF--which you've done in several recent videos--is excellent and it is easy to follow along with the words as you're speaking. Though the type was a little small in this video, I could still see it and stop the video to read it. It is a great technology you have added to the videos.






Very educational video on BOD. How simple is the truth that God intended for His Faithful to follow. The yoke of Satan's lies is washed away through water Baptism prior to entering the Truth of the True Catholic Church. The Saints and Doctors of the Church taught for centuries the same messages over and over that flow with nature without restrictions, like that of running water. I too "desire" everyone to come to be saved, though unless we go out and labor and hand out your material, the chances of our neighbors finding the truth in these days are minimal. The unfaithful tend to block the flow of reason and accept the unnatural modern vices (abortion, gay marriage, sodomy, drunkenness, sins of the flesh) and get caught up in a web of lies, until their master Satan comes along and consumes them on the day of judgment.

Deuteronomy 28:48; Thou shalt serve thy enemy, whom the Lord will send upon thee, in hunger, and thirst, and nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put an iron yoke upon thy neck, till he consume thee.


Psalms 50:4; Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.


Leviticus 17:16; But if he do not wash his clothes, and his body, he shall bear his iniquity.

Also, how opportune, that during the recent election the smoke screens of a "man-made" Katrina storm (Sandy) occurred prior and an affair concerning a General revealed just afterwards. DC knew of the affair back in June and possibly further back of the scape-goat Petraeus (Betray-us), and his adulteress lover. The other socialite from FL had actually visited the White House some three times over the last year. The incident is not over the sinful nature of adultery as Petraeus's wife is still standing by his side, but over confidential material at his lover's house. The pathetic brotherhood of the Generals Core gave up two more of their own in this recent debacle. We also now see hell breaking loose in Israel just after the announcement of the so-called election.

1 Machabees 11:63; And Jonathan heard that the generals of Demetrius were come treacherously to Cades, which is in Galilee, with a great army, purposing to remove him from the affairs of the kingdom:

God Bless,

Tom Miles






My name is Adriana, I have a few questions to ask you… Conchita, the 4 girls from spain, medjugorje, why didn't Conchita say anything about the Pope… And about the Warning, we will be punished and so on. But she didn't talk about the masses or anything about the vatican II, Please write back, I am so confused. I really want to know the truth. Like, what if missing the New Mass on sudays gets us to hell? what if not going to church actually bring us, the people who believe that the pope isn't the pope bring us to hell? I am sooo scared of that, all my life I been as faithful to God as much as I can be, and for one mistake I don't want to go to hell, and for not listening I don't want to go to hell either. I am also scared what my husband will think, if he will agree with not going to mass at all. We are living in Russia for the moment. I will go back to the USA next week for a month but then come back to Russia. My husband is catholic, or considered in your eyes outside the church but I am sure you understand where I am coming from. I am going to show my husband today all your information but my questions is about the hell questions. What if you got the information wrong? like what if the vatican II is not made up by faulse people, and well "Catholics" that don\t know about this be saved? what will happen to them? I would greatly greatly appricate if you took the time to write back to me and explain this. I will still be looking on your website but like you said, we can't follow blinly and I see a lot already about what you said. Oh and St. Lucia. How did you get the athentic paper of what she said? how do you know its really the real third secret? and why didn't they tell us? why are they leading us to hell? What can we do?? Priest are supose to believe in the pope, so does that mean they will go to hell? They gave their life for God, Why will they have to suffer? I heard its hard to get out of being a priest. Thats maybe why Virgin Mary said to pray for bishops, priest and she even said the pope. Why did she say pope if he wasn't the pope?? Thank you. I will be expecting a response...


MHFM: Adriana, we know we are correct because what we promote is the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church, which cannot be wrong.  The facts are irrefutable.  Garabandal is a false message. It was meant to mislead people and keep them off balance about the true nature of the crisis.  Medjugorje was a false apparition.  You must be steered by the teachings of the Church, not modern-day false messages.  The factual material which covers the truth on these matters is found on our website and in the material.  Please continue to review the information.  You need to get out of the New Mass and recognize that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  There is no sin in not attending the New Mass, as it’s neither Catholic nor valid.  It would be a sin to attend it.  You should pray the Rosary each day.


The Great Apostasy and a Counterfeit Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]




Subject: Hell


This is a question that's been on my mind lately and I'd really like to hear your thoughts.  What is your stance on the belief or theory of Annihilationism?


Hope to hear from you




MHFM: It's contrary to the Gospel, Tradition, and Catholic dogma.  It also contradicts reason and the logic behind why Hell must be eternal.  See our video


Why Hell Must Be Eternal




Dear Brothers,


A day or two after Election Day, a woman who works in another department who I see almost everyday for about 20 minutes before I go home, asked me if I voted and who I voted for. I told her I voted for nobody and then I went on to explain to her what little sense it makes to vote in these days we live in because of how… the U.S. government [is controlled] in such a way to make sure that their man gets "elected". Like most people, it went in one ear and out the other. She does not understand because she does not want to understand. She then brought up the subject of abortion. She's an Obama supporter and voted for him. Like many people who claim to be pro-life, she tried to justify abortion by bringing up cases of women who are raped. I told her she cannot call herself a Christian and support abortion at the same time. She's Protestant anyway, so she still would not be a true Christian even if she was 100% opposed to abortion. So she responded and said, "I do not like what you just said about me not being a true Christian". She knows I'm Catholic and attempted to refute me by saying that many Catholics are pro-choice and voted for Obama. I responded by telling her that any Catholic who supports abortion is not a true Catholic.


So now ever since this brief conversation I had with her I notice that when she walks in to work, other than saying hello to me, she has not been speaking to me. It is quite obvious that she is sore at me for saying that she cannot be a true Christian for supporting abortion. All of these heretics are under the influence of Satan. When they face the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ they will not only be condemned for heresy, but their punishment will be more severe for their support of such a horrific crime. The Natural Law tells everyone whom God gave a rational soul to, that abortion is wrong. One does not need to be told or taught that it is wrong. Just as in the case of stealing, everyone knows it is wrong to take something from someone that does not belong to them. Once they reach the age of reason they automatically know it…








Subject: Satan Claws


Dear Brothers:


What a… name you have used for the phenomenon of "Santa Claus": Satan Claws. This Masonic device is nothing more than a scheme to destroy, in the minds of would-be Christian children, a faith in Jesus Christ at a time when these innocents are most open to God (not having yet been corrupted and blinded by the world or their parents). Once a little child realizes that "Santa Claus" is a myth, he or she may conclude that the rest of the Christmas story, therefore, must be a myth as well. In this age of Apostasy/Fake Christianity, people claiming to be Christians celebrate "Christmas" exactly the same way as "non-Christians" celebrate it. (I am reminded here of the remark of the wife of Bernie Madoff who said the receipt of certain news was doubly sad because it was received on Christmas Eve!) Almost all who celebrate Satan's revised "Christmas" celebrate it as a feast of materialism and big business… The world today is as carnal as it was at the time of Our Lord's first coming and, like Herod, does all in its power to destroy the Christ Child.


In looking back, I can see how my attitude, and beliefs about, Christmas reflected whether or not I had real faith. Once upon a time, the idea of Santa Claus did not bother me -- a fact I recall with sorrow and repentance. But some years ago (when I was still in the Vatican II Church), it did begin to disturb me that so-called "Christmas Parties" never made any mention or reference to Jesus, so I made a decision to never attend them. Only later would I find out that there shouldn't be any parties at all during Advent, and that Advent is a holy season in itself which reflects the long and sad centuries when the faithful of Old Testament times were begging God to send the Redeemer. Now that I have the true Catholic faith (thanks to MHFM), I can see how Satan is… the stranger with candy and goodies.


Lee Ann




… It seems that BOD was just another "fairytale religion" which spawned the rancid end-times counter-church and was founded on a LIE--just like marxism, evolutionism, humanism, and all the other "ism faiths" which cropped up in the past several hundred years. The whole "BOD false-faith" is obviously so flawed--just another big lie people cling to because God has not opened their eyes to see. God allowed "BOD" as a test….




Dear M.H.F.M.,

I found Timothy's email intriguing to say the least… Being a convert from a… life that was heavily influenced by rock music, rap, and other pagan music this makes total sense to me although we'll probably never be able to prove his hypothesis is true it is definitely food for thought. After seeing the video you sell from that "pastor" "Rock and Roll Sorcerers and the New age revolution" it became very clear to me that I had to stop… listening to these songs from hell. I think your probably right that the music was given to them unconsciously through demons and that they didn't know for sure the hidden meanings, but I bet their lifestyles and beliefs coincide with their hatred of the truths of Catholicism especially in the apocalypse. It must be mentioned that on the cover of "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" there is a picture of the most wicked satanist of modern times Aleister Crowley… Thank you for your undying fight to bring the truth to the world.

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




…"The Beatles"… The idea that their, and other "rock" groups songs (or at least some of them) may be code inspired by the devil for his wicked and evil agenda is entirely plausible. For example the lyrics of Sean McClean's "Bye Bye Miss America Pie" describes the death-spiral of America, as do some "Simon and Garfunkle" tunes.


I think Timothy's analysis of the song is interesting and would only add that "yellow and green towering over your head" could refer to the great sign aurora seen throughout Europe Jan 25 1938 (as prophesied by Our Lady)…




Great video on BOD.

Dealing with the fact that people have deliberately altered the English translation of the Council of Trent, Session 6, Chapter 4. We can now know with certainty that:

1) The proponents of "BOD" have an agenda other than the truth.
2) The proponents of BOD know that the council does not support BOD (hence they had to change it).
3) The proponents of BOD have no respect for the Catholic Faith, since they are willing to change the words of Trent in order to make Trent say what they would like it to say.
4) … the proponents of BOD have to deliberately misrepresent the Council of Trent.
5) All of the argument for BOD are in fact arguments strictly for Catechumens receiving Baptism through their desire for Baptism (hence "Baptism of Desire"), a theory which is directly contrary to what the proponents of Baptism of Desire believe in anyway!...

God bless




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a very important new video.


"Baptism of Desire" Buried [video]


The very "best" arguments for "baptism of desire" carefully addressed, analyzed and completely refuted, plus numerous dogmatic arguments which disprove BOD.  This video covers extremely important issues from beginning to end, including many new points.  This is a must-see for anyone interested in the truth and the facts on this issue.




Interesting that the news article "Red Flag Over the Atlantic" about Chinese eyeing a Portuguese island in the Azores for a military base----came out the same day (today) as reports of a very rare phenomenon---red auroras seen over the Yukon in Alaska---which resulted from a severe geomagnetic solar storm on the sun November 13-14. Red auroras are associated with geomagnetic storms on the surface of the sun and the weakening of the earth's shields. Remember when the Yangtze River turned red not long ago? "Great Red Dragon".


Immaculate Conception


Subject: Immaculate Conception


Dear Brothers,


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was recently asked a question on the Immaculate Conception and was told to explain it in layman’s terms. I said that it was as if God rescued us by pulling us out of a well. In the case of the Virgin Mary i said God saved her Before she fell into the well. The well of course being a symbol of Original sin. I said God saved us after we fell and saving the Virgin Mary before in view of the merits of Jesus Christ…


Sincerely Juan Peña.




Hello mhfm my name is guy Whitfield. I have looked at most of your you tube videos. You have convinced me that you are right. Would like to contact you to ask for help… From guy. Ps i live in Cornwall England if that makes any difference.


Latin Mass


Subject: You make little sense… [in regard to saying that you cannot just go to any “Latin Mass” you find]


How is the traditional Latin mass NoN catholic?...




MHFM: Actually, what we are saying makes complete sense.  Your problem is that you only care about the Mass.  There's more to being a true Catholic than finding a "Mass" in Latin.  The rite of ordination has been changed.  Therefore, even Latin Masses offered by priests ordained in the New Rite are invalid.  Wake up, and stop caring only about the Mass.  Look at the information and inform yourself about what's going on.


Impostor Sr. Lucia


Subject:  Sister Lucy's Murder Celebrated in Song?


… Is the Beatles’ song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds a mocking celebration of Sister Lucy’s murder? Killing her and covering up the murder so ingeniously was a real coup, and it must have been difficult for its authors to avoid the temptation to brag about it, at least in coded form.


A strange title like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds would naturally need a plausible cover story. We’re told it was the title of a nursery-school painting by John Lennon’s son. To satisfy the hardened sceptic, there was an even more plausible fallback claim, viz. that it is a coded reference to the drug LSD. But like all Illuminati-controlled “pap musicians”, the Beatles were controlled by their handlers. I suspect their lyrics were largely created by those more attuned to demonic inspiration, possibly via the medium of automatic writing. So there was no necessity for the Beatles themselves to understand what they were singing.


The “Sky with Diamonds” could be viewed as a scornful reference to Heaven, where the Blessed Virgin famously promised Lucy she would go when she died. It is also noteworthy that this song formed the centrepiece of an album (Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart Band) released in 1967, the very year when the impostor Lucy made her first public appearance – at Fatima with antipope Paul VI.  When one goes on to analyze these demented lyrics and their fantastical phrases, it becomes even clearer that the devotees of Our Lady of Fatima are being taunted over Sister Lucy’s murder. Back in the 1960’s, these people must have been a real irritant to the Illuminati, for at that time they were still clamouring for the Third Secret to be revealed. If the top Illuminati knew the explosive contents of this Secret and how it exposed their antichrist agenda, well might they fear these individuals. Before I analyze the lyrics, let’s have a quick look at them:


Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she's gone.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds (three times)
Ah... Ah...

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain,
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,
That grow so incredibly high.
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you're gone.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds (three times)
Ah... Ah...

Picture yourself on a train in a station,
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties.
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds (three times)
Ah... Ah...


Throughout the song, the listener is invited to indulge his imagination in the most outlandish, psychedelic manner. And why not if he’s a Fatima devotee, a Catholic “fanatic”?! He’s clearly hooked on the “opium of religion” already, so if he pictures himself “on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies” and sees “cellophane flowers of yellow and green”, this is perhaps no more outlandish than his claim that the sun irradiated everything in Fatima with all the colours of the spectrum during the great miracle in 1917!  Now, as we know, the Third Secret was transmitted to Lucia dos Santos, an eleven year old girl. Might not this be the “girl with kaleidoscope eyes”, the girl who is “calling” to “you”, her followers? The word kaleidoscope comes from three Greek words, and literally it means “seeing beautiful forms” – a coded reference perhaps to Lucy’s heavenly visions.


The audience is told to look for the “girl with the sun in her eyes” – an apparent reference to the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917. They are then abruptly taunted, she’s gone”. But how? Who took her? They are not going to be told. The hidden implication is that Lucy has been quietly murdered and is now in the “Sky of Diamonds”. The refrain “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” is now repeated three times, an indirect reference perhaps to the Three Secrets of Fatima. Mock sympathy follows: “Ah… Ah…”! Poor deluded Catholics. They’ve lost their cherished Lucy. She is dead and gone to Heaven.


Verse two may be a flashback to the Fatima pilgrims “following her” to the site of the apparitions. The “newspaper taxis” perhaps refers to the many unbelieving journalists who turned up on the day of the great miracle. Viewed as types of the hardened, persecuting atheist, these journalists may be seen as “waiting to take you away” and to commit you to a psychiatric asylum if you’re a Fatima-obsessed Catholic “with your head in the clouds”. And once they’ve done that, “you are gone” – just like Sister Lucy was “gone” in the first verse”! So watch out, you devotees of Our Lady of Fatima!


Of course, “having one’s head in the clouds” is exactly how modernist scoffers like Frs Dhanis and Ratzinger viewed Sister Lucy. Whilst ostensibly praising for her piety, they constantly insinuate that she was delusional. Ratzinger implies no less in his Commentary accompanying the release of the fake Third Secret in the year 2000.  The other references in this second verse are rather perplexing. Perhaps “rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies” refers to “crazy Catholics who eat the Host”, but that’s a bit of a stretch. We would probably be wise to treat many of the references as deliberately insoluble, mere padding to soften and blur the core meaning.


The last verse is particularly interesting.The girl with kaleidoscope eyes, who was “gone”, is now seen again. How is this possible? Well, the year is 1967, and she’s on public display in Fatima with antipope Paul VI. However, this time she’s at “the turnstile”. What does this indicate? A critical changeover, a switch around, a change with no going back? It seems she is not instantly recognisable, and for that reason she is initially referred to as “someone”. We have to be told that she is “the girl with kaleidoscope eyes”. In a world of “plasticine porters”, perhaps anyone can remodelled to appear like someone else, so much so that they appear as a mirror image of the original – like Alice in the “looking glass”.


Am I being fanciful?... What do you think?


God bless,




MHFM: Certainly there are facts which prove that there was an impostor Sr. Lucia.  The liars who reject those facts will of course never believe that the Devil could be using his instruments to reveal/mock the situation through music; but for those with the honesty to accept the obvious fact that there was an impostor it’s not out of the question.


The points you bring up are interesting to consider.  They remind us of the song "Hotel California," and the reference to the "spirit" being gone "since 1969."  Some people think it's a reference to the invalidity of the New Mass, as the song itself seems to be about going to Hell.  We think that Satan probably gave the evil music to the performers, rather than to their handlers, but it's possible it was given to the handlers. 




Dear M.H.F.M,


the US military and State Department (the branches of the US government) officially embraced the sodomist movement… Both the CIA and FBI celebrate sodomist pride month and officially observe many other sodomist days, community events, hideous marches, Bacchanalian festivities, and sodomist festivals of obligation… The sodomist movement is inextricably connected to infanticide advocacy because it represents total Sins of the Flesh slavery. The sodomists and sodomist sympathizers are taking upon themselves the reins of government and filling the ranks. The only foreseeable result from this can only be the furtherance of unnatural abominations…




“… the FBI is actively recruiting homosexual and "transgender" employees and agents…”






Dear MHFM,


Texas is trying to secede from the union and has obtained over 80,000 signatures, more than enough required for a White House response. Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee are attempting to secede and have garnered more than 20,000 supporters respectively. Louisiana has garnered more than 30,000 signatures, more than enough required for a White House response. All 50 states have filed secession petitions… and the signatures have totaled at over 675,000. After Louisiana had petitioned to secede, many states began filing petitions and garnered enough signatures to merit a response. There are still many states who have not yet reached the 25,000 signature threshold. I find it extremely interesting that none of the major networks are covering this. I guess they don’t want public momentum to be increased for the effectuation of mass secession. All the states wish to be withdrawn from the United States of America peacefully. They demand independence from the United States. The constitution allows this.






Subject: sad times


Dear Brothers:

Thank you for this new video "Baptism of Desire" Buried. It was so wonderfully explained and easily understood. God Bless the work you do to defend the true faith. I was reading something on the computer about… how the cardinals are so liberal and the priest are liberals, how the church is really a bunch of pagans and teach socialism from the pulpits, etc.... As I read this I was upset, but at the same time I had to keep in mind that they were talking about the vaticanII sect and not the True Catholic Church. It is sad to be all lumped together. I pray that more and more people, especially blind ‘catholics’ find this website and convert to the ONE HOLY, CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH, that Our Lord Jesus Christ established, but my hope is low because when I try to tell someone the truth about the faith I am disregarded immediately. How sad these times are. It makes me shiver in fear when I think of what God's answer is to all of this. God have Mercy on us all.


St. Michael defend us in battle....

May Jesus, Mary &Joseph bless you and keep you and your ministry God Bless, Emily




So heresies abound and utterly fabricated assaults on the Church, claims of false Popes, making Christ a liar 1) the gates of hell will not prevail and 2) Christ confirming Daniel's vision of the abomination interrupting the regular sacrifice -- which leaves no room whatsoever for your diabolical claim of Christ's error…




MHFM: Your bad will is astounding.  Your misconceptions and false arguments are addressed in detail on the site, if you would open your eyes to look at the truth and honestly accept it.  You clearly don’t understand the issues.  For the truth on these matters, you might want to begin here:




The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-


To deny that heresies abound in the teaching of the antipopes and the Vatican II sect, in the face of the evidence available to you, is simply to be a liar. 




Subject: BOD


Dear Brother Peter,


Your… work… was very well presented and it flows from one fact to another, one supporting the other… a chain that binds this heresy once and for all. It is disturbing but yet very necessary and understandable that Jesus says there must be heresies to separate the good from the bad, the wheat from the cockle. He wanted to see who would corrupt, twist, change, add or take away from God's Truth [heresy]. I believe that God wants His Truths to be handled with great care and diligence and not to be read as common literature and for the person to have a pure intention of heart, to want to find, believe, understand and love His Truths. Simply put, BOD IS NOT A SACRAMENT and in regard to the desire of wanting to be baptized, true desire demands action, believing does not get it done, DO THE COMMAND!


Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word that I speak to you, neither shall you take away from it: keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

Proverbs 30:6 Add not any thing to his words, lest thou be reproved, and found a liar:

Jeremias 29:13 You shall seek me, and shall find me: when you shall seek me with all your heart.

Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field. Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.


You brought out a very powerful point in regard to the Council of Chalcedon 451 AD, where the fathers tried to elevate the status of the bishop of Constantinople but Pope Leo the Great rejected this canon [28], in his confirmation of the acts at Chalcedon and by doing this Pope Leo the Great affirmed, that Infallibility resides with the Office of the Papacy only, not with Fathers or Saints! Saints are defined by heroic virtue not Infallibility, as Pope Benedict XlV wrote in his famous treatise when he was still an archbishop "De beatificatione servorum Dei et canonizatione beatorum" (Of the Beatification of the Servants of God, and of the Canonization of the Blessed).


Pope Benedict XIV, Apostolica (# 6), June 26, 1749: The Church’s judgment is preferable to that of a Doctor renowned for his holiness and teaching.”


What is amazing… these BOD adherents will acknowledge and agree with a lot of the Truth that is being said in this commentary but will still hold to the heresy because they are all liars and in order to give the appearance that they are Godly and follow God, they have to try and make God a liar also by saying, God is not bound by His own words, can you imagine!

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor as the son of man, that he should be changed. Hath he said then, and will he not do? hath he spoken, and will he not fulfill?






Subject: The One True Bible


Dear MHFM,

That rejection of the authority of the Catholic Church as the sole repository of the Sacred Scriptures results in a situation where persons believe or refuse to believe what he or she likes or dislikes in them. A… religion which comes to mind would be the Protestant denominations. These self-made groups cannot reach agreement on what version of their denominationally translated “bibles” they are to use. Only the Church has the One True Bible, but not the denominations. Protestantism is a revolution and rebellion against the Catholic Church and the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ King.

Pope Saint Pius X Encyclical, Singulari Quadam, September 24, 1912 (#2):“…We first of all declare that all Catholics have a sacred and inviolable duty, both in private and public life, to obey and firmly adhere to and fearlessly profess the principles of Christian truth enunciated by the teaching office of the Catholic Church.”





Hello Brothers Dimond,


I am very grateful for your work, as your material was the catalyst for my return to the Catholic faith after many years in the wilderness. It is abundantly clear that the attacks upon MHFM, even by Catholics, are both ignorant and dishonest. It seems that the simple reality of God's Word has become beyond the grasp of the delusional human race. Thanks again for your dedication to the truth.


Mark Signore




Subject: BOD


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the powerful, masterful video Baptism of Desire Buried, wherein this diabolical theory is not only buried, but crushed, obliterated and destroyed. I would add as another proof against this theory of man the very behavior of its proponents, who run scared when presented, not only with a challenge to debate, but even to discuss in a calm, gentlemanly manner, these issues. You clearly show what looks like a new book from MHFM on the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation. If so, may it be published far and wide, for the sake of the few good-willed souls left in the world. I also appreciated the pun in the video, that BOD arguments "hold no water. " So true. God bless you and your work.


Joseph Ramirez


Pope vs. Antipope


Subject: Pope Alexander VI was no Antipope Benedict XVI


You're video "Pope Alexander VI was no Antipope Benedict XVI" was absolutely outrageous! So I guess Osama Bin Laden was a better person than Martin Luther? And Sadaam Hussein is better than John Calvin? NO...GET REAL!




MHFM: Your comments reveal a complete lack of understanding of what was covered in the video.  Your inability to follow the points is clearly connected to your dishonesty and unbelief.  First, the point was that despite Alexander VI’s alleged moral problems, theologically he taught the faith.  For instance, he indicated that the Eastern schismatics could not be saved; whereas Antipope Benedict XVI teaches that they can be saved, that they are part of the Church, and that they don’t need conversion.  Hence, even the worst true pope from a moral standpoint is not in any way comparable to Antipope Benedict XVI, whose violation and denial of the rule of faith proves he is not a legitimate occupant of the office.  That was the point. 


Second, your comments about how insignificant you consider heresy to be are quite revealing and completely wrong.  Heresy, which kills souls, is even worse than murder (a horrible evil), which takes a life. 


Pope Pius X (1910): “It is a certain, well-established fact that no other crime so seriously offends God and provokes His greatest wrath as the vice of heresy.” (Editae Saepe # 43)


We can understand why a faithless heretic such as yourself finds it inconceivable that a heretic such as Luther could be considered worse than the politically correct villain Osama Bin Laden.  But the fact of the matter is that, while it could differ depending upon the individuals involved, generally speaking heresy is also the worst of all sins from the standpoint of guilt, but not from the standpoint of the corruption of the faith.  St. Thomas explains it well:


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II-II, Q. 10, A. 6, Whether the unbelief of pagans or heathens is graver than other kinds?: “I answer that, As stated above, two things may be considered in unbelief. One of these is its relation to faith: and from this point of view, he who resists the faith after accepting it, sins more grievously against faith, than he who resists it without having accepted it, even as he who fails to fulfill what he has promised, sins more grievously than if he had never promised it. In this way the unbelief of heretics, who confess their belief in the Gospel, and resist that faith by corrupting it, is a more grievous sin than that of the Jews, who have never accepted the Gospel faith. Since, however, they accepted the figure of that faith in the Old Law, which they corrupt by their false interpretations, their unbelief is a more grievous sin than that of the heathens, because the latter have not accepted the Gospel faith in any way at all. The second thing to be considered in unbelief is the corruption of matters of faith. On this respect, since heathens err on more points than Jews, and these in more points than heretics, the unbelief of heathens is more grievous than the unbelief of the Jews, and that of the Jews than that of the heretics, except in such cases as that of the Manichees, who, in matters of faith, err even more than heathens do. Of these two gravities the first surpasses the second from the point of view of guilt; since, as stated above unbelief has the character of guilt, from its resisting faith rather than from the mere absence of faith, for the latter as was stated seems rather to bear the character of punishment. Hence, speaking absolutely, the unbelief of heretics is the worst.”




Subject: Great New Video


Your latest video on 'Baptism of Desire' is exceptional and covers many angles of the debate so completely… Wonderful, I now want to read your book on "There is Absolutely No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church" again, for the third time. I know too many who believe in this heresy and when I can, I like to try to mention a good point refuting the idea.


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne




Subject: “Baptism of Desire” Buried!


Dear Brothers,


That is an excellent video. Not only do you totally refute “B.O.D” and “B.O.B,” but you also cover papal infallibility and why it’s necessary for heresies to arise. The information you present easily demonstrates how “B.O.D” and “B.O.B” are indeed alien to what Christ teaches and the Church defines. The very fact that nobody wants to debate you anymore on this topic is pretty revealing in itself. What could they say in the face of such overwhelming evidence? Well, they could concede they were wrong and acknowledge the very truth that the Church doesn’t in fact teach these horrible heresies. However, that would take humility, and that’s why they are afraid to debate you. They would rather cling obstinately to error because they have not the love of the truth.


Sincerely in Christ,





Dear Brothers,

Thank you very much for your excellent new video on the outrageous heresies of "Baptism of Desire" and "Baptism of Blood".

Your video is so clear and well-documented, I hope that at least some of the heretics of our day will be humble enough to listen.

…there is one Lord (Jesus Christ), one Faith (the Catholic Faith), one Baptism (by water).

May God bless you always and Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and St. Benedict continue to guide and protect you,





Subject: The Revolutionary War in Spain


Dear MHFM,


Of relevance to the Spanish Civil War is that the tortures of priests and other religious were frequently inflicted in shameful ways, and the insurgents also used prostitutes against them in fury towards Celibacy, and also other sick humiliating tortures that ended in horrible mutilations, destruction, profuse bleeding, and even burnings on top of that. They had an intense hatred of the chastity in ecclesiastics and furiously and vehemently condemned it in the press. Captured priests, and religious were unchastely taunted and mocked by soldiers. Chastity was attacked in extremely gruesome and shameful ways and viewed as a sign of weakness. They said priests were not ‘real men’ and were unnatural for being chaste. Nuns and monks suffered horrifically at the hands of both male and female insurgents. They were victim to every imaginable cruelty and atrocity.


Revolutionaries dug up mummified religious remains from church crypts, convents, and also exhumed the corpses of young children. Through popular propaganda, they endlessly tried to present this as evidence of widespread licentious abuse. Popular hearsay generally accused nuns of infanticide, abortion, kidnapping, and torture. The insurgent press fomented panic and extreme paranoia towards religious. Insurgent propaganda also portrayed priests as lazy and leechlike enemies.






Subject: Where has the Mass gone?


First, I'd like to begin with my gratitude for all of your detail research of the truth. I've never come across something so comprehensive and full of primary resources.

I've completed reading most of your link to "Beware: Groups and Individuals Who Teach Heresy" and I know personally some of the priests and individuals described in your articles. I'm disappointed with them about their errors, but now I feel like I'm in a rut.

A little about myself, I'm a naval Officer that frequently travels…I don't support the heresy, but I feel alone with no chance of salvation.

Please excuse me of my ignorance, I am a new convert, but I wish to learn all that's humanly possible. What do you recommend I do?

Very respectfully,
Lance Page


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Many people have the misconception that the practice of the Catholic faith is defined by where or whether they attend Mass.  (Incidentally, that’s one reason why non-Catholic sects of almost any variety or theological persuasion gain followers: people are generally satisfied to show up at a building and “commune,” irrespective of the theological merit or consistency displayed by the group’s positions.)  The faith is something believed and lived out each day, with people hopefully living the life of grace and attempting to bring others to the faith.  There are situations where people have no options for receiving the Eucharist and thus must stay home.  Since almost all the priests are heretics in our day, it makes the issue of where to receive sacraments more complicated than it was centuries ago.  Yet, there are still some options for receiving traditional sacraments.  We cover that on our site, and we can help you with more specifics when and if you are fully convinced on all the core issues; for one must hold all the true positions before receiving the sacraments.


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Subject: Baptism of Desire Video


Dear Brothers,


Congratulations!  Your video is a masterpiece.


Richard Cardet

Bordeaux, France




Subject: JP2


I was praying my rosary today and I was thinking of what Jesus said about if you were with him the world would hate you, then I started thinking about how the world loved JP2 I wonder if there is a correlation here.

Charles Edwards


The Spanish Revolution


Subject: The Spanish Revolution




In one of the… Catholic-themed movies from long ago entitled, "El Cid," the opening monologue starts with....."This is Spain."


Later on, I found an excellent book on the subject of the Spanish Revolution entitled, "This Is Spain." It truly reveals the horrors and the tribulation of the Spanish Catholics in the 1920's & 30's. This book seems to be the best available on the subject.  On a side note, the full name of the group of American communists who fought the Spanish Catholics was called the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.....there are some who believed and still believe that Lincoln was our first communist president, which may explain why a communist brigade was named after him.






Subject: Baptism of Desire Buried video


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the excellent video Baptism of Desire Buried. Your discovery of the "sine aut" (without or) in Pope Leo the Great's dogmatic letter to Flavian is amazing, and totally destroys the lies of the BOD heretics, schismatics and apostates… It is clear that the modern version of "baptism of desire" is not far removed from the Illuminati's heresy of "salvation through sin," since both lead to sacrilege. There are many new and extremely fascinating angles in this video which obliterate the lies, distortions and deceptions of the "baptism of desire," "baptism of blood" and "invincible ignorance" heretics.

Ephesians 4:4,5 - "One body and one Spirit; as you are called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: BOD video


Dear Brothers:


Your video on Baptism of Desire - Buried really exposes the horror and relative newness of this 19th/20th century heresy -- as well as the malice of those who promote it with half truths, omissions and contradictory lies. Pope St. Pius X called Modernism the synthesis of all heresies; it would seem that BOD must be its capstone. With one fell swoop, the heretics who promote this blasphemous heresy render meaningless all that Christ did, and all that Christ taught. What's even worse, what these heretics promote is precisely the teaching of Antichrist JP2: that every man is his own savior and, thus, every man is Jesus Christ. Man's will be done. What hypocrites the SSPX and others are, when they pretend to oppose false ecumenism and the other heresies of Vatican 2. These so called "traditionalist" phonies teach exactly the same thing, which explains why… Christ's mandate to teach all nations is repugnant to them.


Your explanation of Our Lord's remarks that heresies must come are also very thought-provoking, as well as your observation (which was expressed by MHFM long before I began to understand it) that BOD was the key to the Great Apostasy. BOD seems to be the one heresy that is uniquely and most precisely geared to individuals who imagine they are "Catholic", but are not -- a phenomenon which can only exist in these last days of the Counterfeit Church. No one else would hold this heresy. No Protestant, no Jew, no Buddhist, no Moslem, no atheist ever claims to be a part of the Catholic Church; only false Catholics insist that they are or can be. The slick heresy of BOD must have been the big one, held in abeyance by Satan for the members of the Whore of Babylon, his spouse, for whom he has been so anxiously waiting. Thank you (once again) for your great scholarship and precision in presenting this very important video.


Lee Ann




Subject: BOD


Dear MHFM, Intellectually/theologically your point is well driven into the souls of doubters/heretics…






Subject: Clueless


These people are clueless as to why 70% of Venice is underwater.

Matthew 24:38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, And they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be.








Subject: The Apostate Beast


Dear MHFM,


Thank you in the new article for exposing the raging-Global-Apostate. The guy is extremely evil. He is the despicable head and leader of all apostates on earth in his apostate (Vatican II) false religion. The apostate beast sacrilegiously spreads his apostasy while pretending to be a member of the Church…


One true religion


Dear MHFM,

The concept of a One True Faith, One True Religion, or One True Church, stems from the belief in One True God: which means that all other gods are false. The truth that One Faith is True, and that by implication other religions are false, is based upon the truth that God has spoken to mankind through a revelation intended for all, revealing the will of the Divinity.

The concept of ‘One True Faith’ is also based on the basic… law known as the law of noncontradcition: two propositions that contradict each other cannot both be true. Therefore, various “religious” traditions offering contradictory doctrines cannot be affirmed as equally true.

The truth of ‘One True Church’ is related to the first of the Four Marks of the Church mentioned in the Nicene Creed: "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church". The heretics are not part of the One True Church. Sadly, they are outside of it. Heretics are not members of Christianity but outside of its unity.

Apostolic Succession is seen as one of the essential elements in constituting the hierarchy of the One True Church, ensuring it has inherited the spiritual, ecclesiastical and sacramental authority and responsibility that Jesus Christ gave to the Apostles.





Subject: God’s Warning


Dear MHFM,


There was a massive explosion in Indianapolis that destroyed or severely damaged 71 homes. This powerful nighttime blast, which occurred at 11PM, could be felt at least 3 miles away and it even shattered windows, crumpled and caved-in walls, knocked off door hinges, garage doors and some homes were even completely leveled by the blast. Persons were screaming ‘Help me, help me!’ Authorities and the fire department and other agencies said they had no information on the cause and are still investigating. They refused to release the names of those who died. Flames were rising in the Indianapolis skyline as persons evacuated in their pajamas after waking up and scooping up their pets. Homes and street ways were engulfed in tall flames. All power, gas, and other utilities in the area were shut off as a precaution when emergency officials swarmed the site. Many were injured and killed. Oddly enough, the strange booming, rumbling, metallic gate closing and screaming sounds have occurred many times in Indianapolis; which is the same place that this mighty blast occurred. I believe this blast was a sign of the Divine displeasure and mercy. He is showing residents the reality of the existence of Hell with an ever increasing intensity. So many are falling down to condemnation daily – almost everyone that dies. This is a warning from God.






Subject: Christianity


Dear MHFM,

… The Church is the champion of supernatural revelation. It is ever at conflict with infidelity, which aims at supremacy in public life, politics, the sciences, literature, and art. Protestantism, however, which has never constituted a united “religious” association, splits up constantly into numerous sects. Since they protest against Christianity and its leader, they tend to accept the direct supremacy of the secular power and so it gets organized in each land as a local or simply national sect.



Civil War


Subject: Spanish Civil War


The e-mailer commenting on the Spanish Civil War was spot-on. Like the Cristeros revolt in Mexico a decade before, this incident is essentially lost to history in terms of the knowledge or understanding of most Americans. However at the time, the Spanish Civil War, essentially a struggle between communists and Catholics, was the big "cause-celeb" of the American media. One only needs to look at movies from the time including Casablanca (Bogarts character had fought in Spain for the "loyalists" who were the Soviet backed communists) and Hemingway's For Whom the Bells Tolls which starred Gary Cooper, (a death bed convert to Catholicism), or popular songs such as Bunny Berrigan's 1937 "Can't Get Started" to see where the politically correct opinion lied. Hollywood was then as now firmly in the camp of the communists.


The Catholic cause in Spain was largely saved by the German Luftwaffe's "Condor Legion". Volunteer German pilots flew missions against the communists… You can't understand WWII without understanding the Spanish Civil War, which nowadays most people don't even know ever happened.


Bill Mulligan


New Heresies of Benedict XVI


MHFM: This is a new article on recent heresies of Benedict XVI.


*NEW* Benedict XVI’s astounding heresies on Islam and other false religions


It will be stored permanently in our Benedict XVI's Recent Heresies file.




Subject: Most people are of bad will


"Most people are of bad will and God leaves them in darkness." This is so true today and to prove it one only has to profess yourself to be Catholic and that there is only one truth. I did this recently to a woman I met who claimed to be a 'recovering Catholic'. When I asked her what she meant by this, she explained that she believed in all religions. Well, I knew where she was coming from, the pit of hell. I had started talking to her because we shared the same first name which is unusual and a similar Italian heritage. She was all smiles and chattered on so that I could hardly get a word into the conversation. So I responded that there is only one truth. That is all I said and her smiling countenance changed as she said, 'then we are not going to get along at all.' She then moved away from me toward the woman she had entered the building with and I said nothing more. I realized she was of such bad will that my efforts would be in vain. It is so sad that so many don't realize you quote of the day,

“If any man teach otherwise,
and consent not to the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to piety: he is proud, knowing nothing…” (1 Tim. 6:3-4)


Thank you so much and God bless your ministry as He has and I pray continues to do.

Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne


“Now man is more than ever separated from God by unbelief because he has not even the true knowledge of God and by false knowledge, Man does not approach Him but is severed from God.  Nor is it possible for one who has a false opinion of God to know Him in anyway at all because the object of his opinion is a false God.” St Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica 2:2


MHFM: That’s an interesting story.




Subject: Bernadin's hand gesture



Everyone thinks that the split between the 3rd and 4th finger is Dr. Spock of Star Trek’s "live long and prosper" greeting.

Others say it is a Jewish kabalistic hand signal.

It is actually the cloven hoof of satan. When you look down at satan's feet, they are cloven hoofs and appear just the way Bernadin is holding his right hand. So the disgusting sodomite, Bernadin, was letting us know he is [of] hell.

Also, satan minces along on those cloven hoofs…





Subject: Secession


Dear MHFM,

Louisiana residents are trying to secede from the union. They petitioned the White house to peacefully withdraw their state from the United States of America, and that they create their own government. The White House responded by saying they have until Dec. 7th to gather 25,000 signatures, at which point they will put the request on a waiting list of other things the White House has to look into.




“Transgender reassignment”


Subject: “Transgender reassignment"


Dear Brothers,

The article on San Francisco funding "transgender reassignment" surgeries shows the abominable depths to which mankind has sunk. It is worse even than Sodom and Gomorrah. The natural law is plain, simple and written on everyone's heart so that there is no excuse for ignorance in such matters. In reality, such sinners are waging the eternal war against the Almighty, His Church and His Authority. They want no law but the "liberty of perdition," or "do what thou wilt." The Vatican II sect, its 5 Antipopes and the New "Mass" is ultimately responsible since it teaches that one can "believe what thou wilt," as if it were permissible to doubt Catholic dogmas, or to trash Catholic sacraments, or to invert the authority of the Papacy. Our Lady of Fatima said to sacrifice ourselves for sinners, since sinners sacrifice themselves to the Devil. The first step for such people is to pray the 15 decade Rosary everyday, and to hold to the dogma, outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation (no BOD), and the absolute necessity of the sacrament of water baptism for salvation.

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: The Rights of God


Dear MHFM,


TAMETSI FUTURA PROSPICIENTIBUS #13, Nov. 23rd 1900: “The world has heard enough of the so-called "rights of man.” Let it hear something of the rights of God.” (Pope Leo XIII) Yes, the world might have heard a little something of the rights of God during the Spanish-Civil War from 1936-1939, in which 53 nations including the United States and Soviet Russia, invaded Spain wishing to overthrow the government, which they characterized as “authoritarian” all because it was Catholic - and sent their soldiers to fight against the Christian order in Spain, in order to establish Communism. If that wasn’t enough, numerous Communist and Anarchist organizations (funded and armed by the West and Soviets) within Spain, conspired against the State. The brutal murders and tortures of nuns, priests, bishops etc., defy almost all belief. Monks took up arms - fighting for their God. Italy, which was composed of mostly Catholics; and also German controlled territory (it contained a sizable portion of Catholics) assisted Catholic Spain. I think it’s sort of… nice that Mexico assisted Catholic Spain by sending supplies and medical aid, since it was Spain that brought it the Faith hundreds of years back. Catholic Action was and is a really beautiful thing.


The Divine goodness saw it fit to give Catholics the victory. You don’t hear much about how Catholic Spain defeated 53 other nations that invaded it, and also the conspiratorial organizations within it – against all odds; I believe this is a big deal in history. The International Brigades were units of soldiers from all over the world that invaded Spain to attack Catholics and overthrow the government. The American Lincoln Brigade was the unit sent by the U.S. When Vatican II occurred, that’s when the Communists [and Freemasonry] gained the victory over Spain. Spain got rid of its Catholic Constitution because VII taught this violated the heresy of ‘religious freedom.’




Subject: Bernardin's Wreckovation


Was the most powerful "Cardinal" in America after Vatican II a secret Satanist? [pdf]


I was reading your article on the luciferian apostate "cardinal" of Chicago, Joseph Bernardin. I was struck by one of the images of the "tabernacle" and its likeness to Blake's painting "Satan in his original glory." It is said that one of masonry's goals is to restore the fallen angel to his original "glory" and help him reclaim his rightful place in the heavens. With everything that's been going on these last few decades it certainly seems that lucifer was enthroned in the windy city.   Also, notice how he utilized the scripture passage "I am Joseph your brother." Antipope Roncalli is said to have utilized this passage frequently. Code?


Thank you and God keep you and your monastery.





Subject: Amazing connection to whore of babylon


Dear brothers, I was reading Ezechiel and came across some very interesting passages making references to a whore, committing spiritual fornication with the heathen that surround Israel, astonishing similarities are made to the whore in Revelations- people despising her and making her naked and desolate while burning her with fire. As a new and True Christian thanks to your most holy work I was astonished and awestruck at God’s double and triple insight and assurance in keeping his word interwoven and connected throughout Holy Scriptures. This has happened many times in the recent past such as the month of August and its breviary ties to our Heavenly Mother, simply amazing.



Erick Vega


Is the Vatican II sect the Whore of Babylon prophesied in the Apocalypse?




Dear MHFM,


I get shortness of breath when I think of my classmates in high school who were so locked, consumed, and inundated into seeing horrible sins…






WHAT A RIGGED ELECTION! Phony baloney… they knew weeks before who was chosen to win. You were right on…


Mark v




Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I was re-listening to the video you made called "Clearing up Confusion on the Rational Soul" in which you denounce and correct a bad-willed e-mailer . While you don't read the entire e-exchange in the video, one can read them by pausing the video. In your final e-mail response, one of the things that struck me is that you said the guy who unjustly attacked you has no love. This is true, not only in this person's case, but also with many other heretics and radical schismatics who attack you and your work. I've noticed this, over and over again, whenever I come across one of them. They will insult you right off the bat, even when they don't know you. If they really think that you're in a state of damnation, shouldn't they at least try to show you the light? But no, that's not what these people care about. They are obsessed with themselves and through pride have been blinded to the truth… they all share one thing in common: a searing hatred for Most Holy Family Monastery and the truth!...



Mario Chavez




… Greetings from Europe. I hope you are doing well at the monastery.


I would like to point your attention to the fact that Obama has been reelected on an anniversary of the Russian revolution of 1917… the 95th anniversary of this Communist rebellion, which led to almost the full destruction of the Catholic Church in former Soviet republics.


Best Personal Regards,

Patrick Van Brussel




Subject: Gung-Ho Apostate


Dear MHFM,


The denominations have been making visits to the Vatican and spouting their heresies in celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Apostate Second Vatican Council. They yearn to be ever more acknowledged in their heresies and status by the Antipope. Gung-ho apostates in the Vatican readily welcomed them. The Baptist World Alliance and the World Methodist Council have already expressed their heresies recently. But The Truth has its exclusiveness. For truth is necessarily exclusive; it must exclude error just as necessarily as light is incompatible with darkness. Anything that is not the whole truth is not truth...








Dear Brothers,


There seems to be a phenomenon in regard to foam in the ocean in different parts of the world, I believe it’s coming from the Gulf Oil Spill, the methane hydrate is coming up from the gulf floor. People can do a search about the foam in the oceans and see the videos on it…


Matthew 13:40 Even as cockle therefore is gathered up, and burnt with fire: so shall it be at the end of the world.

Hebrews 10:27 But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries.






… St. Nicholas of Tolentino is patron saint of souls in purgatory... often I deserved eternal hell. In fact up until 3 years ago, when I found your site, I did NOT hold the true faith as I was still V2 then and I would most assuredly have gone straight into hell had I died then since it is a dogma that without holding the TRUE faith that is what happens…exactly why GOD showed His mercy to me by teaching me the ancient true faith I honestly don't know. HE is good.  Can you believe that one emailer called you "extreme": I just think that people who are not true catholics are really extremely bad




God himself says you must do the will of HIS Father, NOT just believe- faith alone is modernist heresy as is baptism of desire and something very convenient for the sinner… It is easy for these people to take one passage out of context while ignoring volumes of others. How truly narrow the straight path has gotten and how wide is the path of damnation as OUR LORD AND GOD has said. Human respect is satan’s deception…

Erick Vega




… GOD just keeps sending us humans all these warning signs--storms etc---one after the other---in more rapid succession just like the birth pangs he spoke of in the scripture---would that people would focus in on the spiritual reality, the Judgement we can count on---as certain as death, which is 100 % certain-----we will ALL be judged, right now God makes it easy, the true faith explained and so easy to grasp--but how much longer will HE keep extending His mercy?...




Dear MHFM,


The news item about the transgender man who is allowed by the college to expose himself to young females even as little as 6 years of age, just goes to show how colleges are cesspools of iniquity… Children from the local swimming club and also from the nearby high school share locker rooms with the college. The freak even watches as others change into swim wear. This guy who dresses as women has done this multiple times. The guy began living as a woman since 2009. This 45 year old sodomite then spoke to a local news channel and did something which now seems to be the trend within the sodomite movement. The sodomites have started equating the civil rights struggle of the 1960s to themselves, and are trying to marry and link it up to their perverse unnatural habits. Even some raging liberals who work in the news, from what I’ve heard (according to a former news person) who identify with the civil rights movement; just go bonkers when the militant sodomites try to link themselves to them. The sodomite movement lectures [activist] sodomites with emotionally charged talking points. It is not a stretch to conclude that sodomites who equate having a certain skin color to their unnatural abominations are in fact the ones mired in racism. They try to exploit persons… I’ve seen sodomite rallies. They have signs and also shout out the words “racist, bigot etc,” against their opponents. They try to appeal to emotion and use their impressionistic rhetoric, because they can’t promote themselves with logic –since it’s impossible. They have to appeal to dumb- down shallow individuals with their garbage. That sodomite freak just went gung-ho exhibitionist in front of girls, and then turns around in his reprobate audaciousness and says it a right? What a sicko.




Subject: Question


Please, if you deny the notion of "baptism by desire", what do you make of "I promise thee that on this day thou shall be by my side". Had the criminal, then saint, crucified with the Lord been baptized with water?




MHFM: That’s addressed in this video: The Good Thief, the Old Testament Saints, and the Necessity of Baptism [video].




Subject: Lloyd


Dear Brothers,

Lloyd asks whether the Devil has overcome the Church, which implies that Jesus Christ lied when He promised to St. Peter (and his Successors) that the Gates of Hell (heretics) would not overcome the Church. As you wrote, the false notion that hell has overcome the Church is the only logical conclusion of those who obstinately cling to Antipope Benedict XVI and the Vatican II sect. In fact, according to the Vatican II antipopes, the gates of hell overcame the Church at least one thousand years ago when the "Orthodox" split away in their schism, for according to the Vatican II sect, the "Orthodox" are members of the Church, which is heresy since they deny the Papacy. The supporters of the Vatican II sect would probably have a hard time trying to defend their sect against the Protestant accusation that Rome apostatized after about 4 centuries, or even earlier, just after the death of the last Apostle. The Vatican II sect is essentially just another Protestant sect, constantly waging war against the true and Traditional Catholic faith.

Pope Vigilius, Second Council of Constantinople, 553: “… we bear in mind what was promised about the holy Church and Him who said the gates of hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics)…”

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Some questions about your beliefs


I read the articles on your website frequently and for the most part find them very informative. Although I disagree with your extreme positions, I will not attempt to refute them. Instead, I simply have a few questions to ask you:


With all the modernism, etc. going on now, do you believe that the devil has overcome the Church, even though Jesus said that couldn't happen?  Do you believe that God could allow a non-Catholic into heaven, or is God restricted by his own Sacraments and his own Church?...




MHFM: Our positions are not extreme.  They are true.  To your questions: 1. No, of course we don’t believe the Devil has overcome the Church.  The notion is heretical.  The information we put out demonstrates the opposite by proving that the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.  Whether they realize it or not, it is those who cling to Antipope Benedict XVI and Vatican II who hold that the Devil has overcome the Church.  That is the consequence of their position, for the official teaching of the Vatican II sect contradicts the unchangeable teaching of the Catholic Church.  This apostasy from the faith, which Vatican II represents, was prophesied; but it’s crucial to realize that the men who spearheaded it were heretics devoid of true Catholic authority.  These matters (indefectibility, the consequences of heresy, etc.) are addressed in detail on our site, specifically in this file, among other videos, debates, etc.:




2.  God will not allow a non-Catholic into Heaven because He laid down certain requirements for salvation – including that one must possess the Catholic faith – and He does not lie (Hebrews 6:18). 




Subject: Fruits of Martin Luther


Dear MHFM,


Protestantism is simply 16th century German mythology from the toilet. Total disrespect for this German invented false religion. Martin Luther said that he came up with justification by faith alone while on the toilet. His private mythologizing of Holy Writ is an insult to the sacred tradition and missionary work of St. Boniface, who introduced the gospel into German lands...




Subject: Holy Souls/Purgatory


Dear Brother Michael and/or Brother Peter Dimond


… Purgatory… Now, of course, such souls are in great pain for their purification, but nonetheless, one can't imagine their great thirst to behold God face-to-face in eternal beatitude. However, since they can't earn any merit, nor effectually pray for such torments to end, they cherish the prayers of earthly humans to beseech almighty Jesus to free them. These souls are VERY precious to Jesus. They are, by no means, enemies of God. Unlike earthly souls who might commit mortal sin, spread heresy ...., the souls in purgatory have fought a gallant fight and one day, they shall receive the crown of everlasting life...






Dear Brothers,


(BTW, I have started making an effort to pray All 3 mysteries of the Rosary every day lately, and on Several occasions, I have opened the Bible to the Exact page I needed and was looking for..... it just happened again looking for Matthew 12. .. I felt like a bolt of lightning hit me, when I read this Daniel 11 and the Abomination of Desolating quote… this is EXACTLY what has happened. I also received a little money I was Not expecting yesterday in the mail, but needed badly this month. : ) )



Carol D.




Subject: Luther-dead eternally…


Dear MHFM,


What I find completely mind-boggling is that Martin Luther, like many other prelates throughout the centuries and presently, took an oath before God to serve Him in the office 'til death. Luther reneged before God this eternal oath, and for the rest of his sordid life fought against the Church. The subject of Luther was concluded through papal authority, that he was indeed anathema, and condemned, stamped and signed as such... Further, Luther's own vile words cut through the known christian world… against the Church and the keys of St. Peter. Since vatican 2, and under the guidance of the likes of Wojtla and Ratzinger, Luther has subtly been resurrected as perhaps the subject of sainthood if one reads between the lines of Ratzinger's recent accolades of this worm. Luther being praised by this modernist sect in Rome, and the sheeple roar in agreement, if and when present Rome speaks of it. How absolutely the blind leading the blind becomes the norm in today's twisted mind-think. And we who are in the know, through the efforts of your monastery, and personal prayer remain silent, not!... Any wonder why Luther rotted both bodily, and spiritually before satan dragged him into the eternal fires of hell?




Methodist, B-16


Female Methodist bishop talks about the importance of coherence in the New Evangelization


I guess it only makes sense that this female Methodist "bishop" should be at the Vatican sharing her views with other so-called "bishops" about the "New Evangelization". What's one more fake bishop in the impostor church where Halloween never ends? And her being there makes sense because, one way or another, all heretics, all schismatics, all Jews, all pagans -- all of them -- actually belong to the Church of Antichrist, whether the workers of iniquity who call themselves "Catholic" or "Christian" realize it or not. Their "new evangelization"/"year of faith" is an inversion of all things Catholic, and an utter mockery of the many canonized saints and other faithful Catholics (like Father De Smet) who dedicated their lives to saving souls by bringing them to the one true faith.


No doubt Satan delights in reminding us (and God) that the dissolution of the physical structures of the Catholic Church -- and the destruction of the true Catholic faith in the minds of billions of people - took him only 50 years. The world knows the necessity of the papacy, and the world knows that the Vatican 2 anti-popes teach a different religion from that which the Catholic Church has historically held and professed.. The Jews know this, the Protestants know this, and even the professed atheist Christopher Hitchens knew this. The world and every heretic and apostate in it knows that Christianity in the world would never have been possible without the papacy. But, no matter where one looks, almost every single individual in the world today rejects Christ, His teachings and His true Church, and this is what is almost impossible for the mind to grasp. Could any Catholic who lived in any previous age ever have imagined that the wide way could be... this wide.


Lee Ann


Martial Law


Subject: Hurricane Sandy


It appears they have declared martial law in NJ on the barrier Islands, one thought that came to my mind, as to one of many reasons why they did this, would it be hard to hide the effects of this dwarf star that is getting much closer to us, the rising of the waters, or could it be said, the sinking of the land, so let’s remove the people off of the barrier island, that live there? They are saying that the people who live on the barrier Islands will not be able to return for up to 8 months, would this indicate the arrival of this star? I believe another effect of this magnetic iron ball, is all the meteorites that have been entering the earth's atmosphere, it’s a magnet for all the so called space junk. They are working very hard [weather modification?] trying to keep the sheeple thinking that all the changes in the earth and all the strange things that are happening, are happening in a natural way [e.g. storms?] and not a supernatural way, God's Wrath. Or could it be, they need this land to turn it into a military fortress, against an attack coming from the east? I wonder because of this quote in the news article;


“We were just trying to figure out where we were going to go with this, and the best thing is to get people out of the way,” the chief said. “We’re doing mandatory evacuations to get people out. We want people to know that it’s not just for safety. It’s for other reasons so that we can get in there and work and do what we have to do.” ..... “Overall, we’re in very very good shape because we have the people in place to do the job at the right time. We’ve pretty much got Seaside on lockdown and that’s what we’ve got to do to make it safe.”


Luke 21:23-27 But woe to them that are with child, and give suck in those days; for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword [war]; and shall be led away captives into all nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles; till the times of the nations be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves; Men withering away for fear, and "expectation" of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved; And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with great power and majesty.









MHFM: In the past we’ve mentioned that Martin Luther allegedly came up with his “profound” (i.e., diabolical) insight about justification – that man does not need to be righteous to be saved – while on the toilet.  Of course, this is not to suggest that any natural human function properly used is sinful or evil.  Rather, it is to remind us that Luther was an inventor of new doctrines, who made things up as he went along.  The following interesting quote from a non-Catholic Protestant historian lends some support to the report about where Luther received his “revelation.”


“Then – possibly in 1515 – Luther had a new insight.  We shall never be sure exactly how and when Luther arrived at his new way of thinking.  We do, however, have his own account of what happened.  He meditated daily on the words of Paul, which he found so problematic, hoping against hope to have the answer to his questions.  Finally, he arrived at his conclusion.  The ‘righteousness of God’ of which Paul spoke so highly was not the righteousness by which God was righteous, but a righteousness given to us by God.  The gospel was indeed good news, in that God provided the righteousness needed for salvation.  Individual humans were not being asked to be righteous and hence be saved – they were being offered precisely the righteousness that was demanded as a condition of entry into paradise.  Luther exulted at his discovery, which changed everything:


This immediately made me feel as though I had been born again, and as though I had entered through open gates into paradise itself.  From that moment, the whole face of Scripture appeared to me in a different light. 


There is also some debate over exactly where Luther’s insight took place.  A somewhat cryptic remark in one of Luther’s personal recollections has been the subject of much interest.  Luther wrote of being granted his theological insight in a room identified by the Latin abbreviation cl.  What could this mean?  One obvious interpretation would be that the abbreviation is to be understood as cloaca – a semipolite Latin term for ‘latrine’ or ‘privy.’  This possibility has evoked considerable discussion.  For example, John Osborne’s 1961 play Luther represents Luther as achieving theological insight at the same moment as he experienced relief from a long-standing bout of constipation.”  (Alister McGrath, In the Beginning, p. 45.)




Dear MHFM,


If this doesn’t prove we live in the Daughter of Babylon then I don’t know what will. A 15 year old girl committed suicide because she found out a video was recorded of her while committing sin against chastity with [boys] aged 16-17 (at least two 17 year olds) at one of the boy’s houses. She was threatened that the video would be shown to others. She did not know she was being recorded while sinning against the 6th Commandment. Rumors spread around the whole school of what she did and many saw the video. She went in for counseling at school with the counselor, for she was approached by school staff that they heard she was being viciously bullied and so they contacted her counselor, and they had a meeting between her and one of the boys. The boys bullied her badly. She decided to jump in front of a train in suicide. Her final tweet of despair on tweeter said: “I can’t, im done, I give up.” This sort of thing happens a lot, girls killing themselves because of the intense mental shame and realizing their deeds are out there for all the world to see…




MHFM: Obviously the activity of the boys and the girl was mortally sinful.  Those who attempted to bully her and spread such a video are purely evil and under the control of the Devil.  However, committing suicide is the ultimate act of cowardice and self-condemnation.  We never understand it when we hear stories of young people who commit suicide in response to bullying.  By doing so, they are only confirming that they believe to be true the horrible things others say about them.  Those who take their own lives do not deserve one’s pity.




Subject: Bayside Apparitions


I have read your thoughts on Our Lady's Shrine in bayside N.Y. I am a Roman Catholic and I wonder has anyone from the vatican or even the Bishop from N.Y bothered to investigate this? I have been following The apporitions , etc for years , they are the true ( BEFORE VATICAN 11 ) beliefs.

Before you denounce this , investigate it. Judge and you shall also be judged


God Bless You




MHFM: The “bishop” to whom you refer accepts Vatican II and is heretical.  What a Novus Ordo/Vatican II “bishop” says about a particular matter means nothing.  Please look at the information on our site about the heresies of Vatican II, and how heretical “clerics” hold no authority in the Church.  The Vatican II “bishops” also accept pro-abortion public figures as Catholics. 


You say that one should investigate Bayside before one denounces it.  Your determination to ignore the facts provided in the file below is quite annoying.  Are you oblivious to the fact that the file below documents the heresies, false statements, and false messages in the Bayside Apparitions?  Among others things, Bayside teaches salvation for members of non-Catholic religions, which is a heresy condemned by the Church.   It is therefore a false message, not from Heaven but from Hell.


The False Apparitions at Bayside, NY [PDF File]




Subject: King Henry VIII


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting the interesting quote about Anglican schismatic, King Henry VIII, who imagined God's forgiveness is unconditional. It is a similar attitude that the Vatican II sect holds, vainly imagining that God forgives everyone automatically, no matter what they have done. It is a false notion of charity - humanistic and diabolical. Your comments about evil men who employ self-deception and persist in iniquity are also clear, and remind me of how the times of the Antichrist (these days) are marked by a hatred of truth and spiritual deception: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 - "[the Antichrist] Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity." It is obvious that the spirit of the "operation of error" had a hold over King Henry VIII, and thoroughly controls the Anglican Church to this day, founded as it is on incest and adultery. Henry VIII was blind to the fact that in resisting God's will by trying to force an heir by means of adultery, he actually destroyed his own kingdom, family and soul. The Vatican II sect and its abominable New "Mass" is the real legacy of King Henry VIII, and of all heretics, schismatics and apostates.

Pope Leo XIII, Arcanum: "Again, in the very beginning of the Christian Church were repulsed and defeated, with the like unremitting determination, the efforts of many who aimed at the destruction of Christian marriage, such as the Gnostics, Manicheans, and Montanists; and in our own time Mormons, St. Simonians, phalansterians, and communists."

Our Lady of La Salette: "In the year 1864, Lucifer together with a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell; they will put an end to faith little by little, even in those dedicated to God. They will blind them in such a way, that, unless they are blessed with a special grace, these people will take on the spirit of these angels of hell; several religious institutions will lose all faith and will lose many souls."

God Bless,

Chris White




MHFM: This is an interesting quote about the self-deception not infrequently employed by evil men.  The wicked King Henry VIII, who so attacked and scorned the Catholic Church, apparently persuaded himself (at least at times) that God’s forgiveness was available despite his persistence in iniquity.


“By the time of Henry’s death in 1547, the religious situation in England was somewhat ambivalent.  Although Henry had made some concessions to Lutheranism, his own preference appears to have remained for at least some traditional Catholic beliefs and practices.  For example, his will made provision for prayers to be said for his soul – despite the fact that Henry had, less than two years earlier, tried to close down chantries, which existed for precisely this purpose!” (Alister McGrath, In the Beginning, p. 64)




Dear Bro. Michael Dimond,


I recently bought a new DVD with a good remote that allows me to carefully absorb your first 4 intro DVDs. Now I know the truth about the anti-popes and the current practices of the Catholic Church. I also now know in my heart that I must become a Catholic.



James Hodge Jr.




Subject: Fake Friends


Dear MHFM:

I have a Facebook account and it amazes me how many of my so-called "Catholic" and "Christian" friends have posted Halloween pictures of their children and of themselves dressed up as ghouls and goblins, zombies, witches, skeletons, etc. I try to use Facebook to post comments in support of the Catholic faith when opportunities like these arise, but alas they fall on deaf ears (blind eyes).





Subject: Statue of Our Lady


Dear Brothers,



They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This statue of Our Lady is all that remains of the eighty homes that were burned down in Queens sometime during the storm. The devastation here on Staten Island is even worse than I first realized. Local news is now reporting at least seven deaths and six missing here. In the other boroughs, at least 24 are confirmed dead and others still missing. Entire homes have washed away.


I agree with the person who wrote in about the immorality and other offenses against God that take place in NYC on a daily basis. This happens to be the borough in which thousands of homosexuals shamelessly parade their abomination to a godless public. God will not be mocked.


Sincerely in Christ,





You may find this interesting. Oregon elections are done by mail. I never got a ballot last year but I voted the two prior elections but I received an email today saying I have never voted even though I did…






Subject: Sandy


The other thing I noticed about this storm is that so many people have been trapped in their homes by the flooding, unable to get out, people climbing into their roof-tops hoping urban search and rescue teams will come---in some cities, even thousands are trapped in this way-----but this is just a prefigurement of the eternal hell without any hope of rescue EVER if they do not enter the church before death------also isn't it odd this storm is called Sandy when one of its most distinguishing marks is the tons and tons of SAND it brought in from the ocean and dumped on the shores--in some areas as much as four feet---this is more like what a snow storm would bring but it is SAND and makes one wonder what’s next.




Subject: Hurricane Sandy


Dear Brothers,


The quote you posted in your e-exchange by St. Alphonsus is very wonderful and moving. Thanks be to God for the great peace He gives to those who love Him. We had planned some months in advance to go to confession on the last Saturday in October and by God’s will we were able to make our way over there to receive the sacrament before everything closed down due to the storm.


We’re fine but we’ve been without power since the night of the storm. Although it’s not restored, it now comes and goes in intervals… there have been some deaths where I live. Wires are down in the streets, there is damage to homes, and there are a lot of people without power. A tanker also washed up on one of the streets.  Weather forecasters warned that this would be a killer storm. Until it came, people had been scrambling about in preparation, clearing off the store shelves, filling up on gasoline, etc. If only people would put the same care into saving their souls as they do into saving their bodies. In neglecting the soul (against the command of God), one is only preparing the body for Hell.


Sincerely in Christ,





Halloween is a dangerous lie which ignorant people give themselves up to and celebrate, a lie of substitution, the flip-side of recognizing how, in reality, the souls of the dead too often are consigned, deservedly, to suffer incessantly terrible torments in the burning flames of Purgatory.

Their only hope, their only help, are the prayers of true believers, the giving of alms, and devotions on their behalf directed to Our Lady, beseeching her to petition her Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, for mercy.

But instead of piety in our culture, there is instead revelry, obscenity, and the corruption of children.





Subject: “Exclusive Brethren”


Dear Brothers,

That's an interesting quote from the Protestant about how the writers of the Bible were not perfect but were guided perfectly. Thank you for posting it and pointing out how it refutes Protestants on Papal Infallibility. Protestants accuse Catholics of worshipping a true pope, yet they worship the Bible. Certainly God is the Author of all creation, and who would be so foolish to deny the divine authority and authorship of the Holy Scriptures, yet Protestants essentially put the Bible in the place of God, as if the words of God were God Himself. It is idolatrous, and shows that they do not know He who is the Word of God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal, Uncreated, and of one substantial being with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Trinity. According to Protestants, God is a book, and so it is no surprise that there are more Protestant sects than there are pages in the Bible, or almost as many Protestant sects as there are words in the Bible. The pride of Protestants has also been demonstrated to me recently in being employed by "Exclusive Brethren" who in their diabolical madness and delusions imagine they are above the… Church of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church only. Outside the Catholic Church and water baptism there is absolutely no salvation.

Psalms 88:11 - "Thou hast humbled the proud one, as one that is slain: with the arm of thy strength thou hast scattered thy enemies."

2 Thessalonians 2:14 - "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."

God Bless,

Chris White




I don't mean to sound callous about the destruction of the big storm on the east coast USA however I have to say that since I lived and worked in Manhattan for 9 years in my twenties, then worked in Atlantic City NJ for about 15 years after that.....well...........the two towns were/are unfortunately not terribly different from Sodom and Gomorrah. It always amazed me the level of evil going on there............again I am not at all happy that people have died and are suffering from this devastation: I am just pointing out that the immorality and offenses against GOD in these places were: mind-boggling.


I've been noticing a pattern since I became a sedevacantist: once people find out exactly where I stand on the issues, particularly after I have reproved them for example by letting someone know they are a modernist, not a catholic, and should not approach the true catholic sacraments until they are in line with the true catholic positions---they get REALLY angry at me. I say I am not trying to be popular, just telling them the truth as I must as a catholic as to what is going on. If it gets to the point where I must inform someone as for example stated above, that they are a modernist not a catholic, well--it doesn't sit very well with them and eventually, they end up by really lashing out. So MHFM please pray for me, and Mother Mary help.


Sound familiar?


MHFM: This is an interesting quote from a book by a Protestant.


“God used… men over [a span of] 1500 years to write the scriptures.  These were not perfect men, but they were guided perfectly.  (The only perfect man was the Lord Jesus Christ).”


Protestants often say that the concept of papal infallibility, which holds that a man’s teaching is infallibly protected under certain conditions, is unthinkable, offensive and detracts from God’s dignity.  Yet, they adopt the same principle when they discuss the human authors of the Bible.


Prayer Story


Subject: Prayer Story


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

In accordance with promises made, I wish to relate the following story, which indicates how much the saints assist in even small matters.

I had been praying for months for a dog who could serve as both a companion and guardian to my family. My family was greatly resisting the idea, despite my protestations that the world was getting worse and we needed protection from our neighbors.

A few weeks ago, my fears came true: there was an attempted burglary at my house when I was not home to protect anyone. I went out immediately to look for a dog, and I found "the one" that I knew Blessed Mary and St. Francis chose for me.

Still, my family resisted me, even after the incident. So I asked St. Rita, Advocate of the Impossible, and St. Jude, Patron of Hopeless Causes,
for help.

After my prayers, not only did my family consent to the dog, and now accept him as part of the family, but other family members, with whom I do not live, came over and built a fence for him while I was at work.

God Bless,




Subject: Full Spectrum Surveillance


Dear MHFM,

Due to the TSA’s penchant for lying, and for some other reasons, I suspect the “new” body imaging scanners delivered into a few of the major airports have the capability to store, print, record, and export or transmit images. I believe they store this image data, and the software enables them to see a traveler’s real scanned image, and yet deceive passengers by letting them see a gray cookie-cutter image in human form/an outline of a cropped generic image (with the Milimeter Wave Scanner) or a deliberately heavily blurred bluish image (with the X-Ray Backscatter machines): both these machines are used in airports. By them swapping the real image with a fake computer altered one, it’s usually enough to convince unwary passengers that all is well and privacy is intact. The TSA is planning to deploy scanners at every airport security lane in America by 2014. Intrusive frisking is said to be the opt-out option one is left with. Sometimes it happens that travelers not only undergo these frisks, but also the scans, and then taken to a back room on top of that for more frisking. As a refusal to do so will lead to missing a flight.

If that wasn’t enough, Homeland Security plans to install molecular-level scanners in all airports. It is far worse and can fire radiation from 164 ft away and record full bio-metric information such as: diseases, all health details, what you had for breakfast, blood pressure, the level of adrenaline pumping through veins, every molecule on you and in you--everything etc. They’ll be able to record full data on everyone entering and exiting the airports (by beaming multiple body scans from a distance).This radiation is off the charts intense. These intense high-tech scanners will also be installed in stadiums, hotels, entry points at local malls and restaurants, subways, police cars, etc. This technology is inherently so ripe for misuse. I wanted to leave the US… but with all this intrusiveness and oppression going on I have made the painful decision to stay and I guess live out my life here.






Subject: SSPX


This SSPX stuff does not surprise me. In your, "is the world about to end", video you talked about how it is your opinion that the verse about, "whoever will not worship the image of the beast will be slain", is referring to the V2 church possibly "anathematizing" anyone who does not venerate JP2. In my opinion this will be referring mostly to the SSPX. I think that because of their heresy and their worldliness they will be punished and end up venerating the beast. In fact I think JP2 may even be accredited with "bringing the church back together" once all of this plays out. The recent mini schism is just the latest purging of the SSPX of any opposition to total liberalism. This purging is constant since most people of good will should end up becoming a true catholic.


William Burke




MHFM: With so many people in America recently being affected by the storm (things were fine where we are), we thought this quote was appropriate.  Unfortunately, in our day the peace described here does not apply to many:


St. Alphonsus (c. 1755): “What greater peace can a soul feel than in being able to say on lying down at night: Should death come this night, I hope to die in the grace of God.  What a consolation is it to hear the thunder roll, to feel the earth tremble, and to await death with resignation, if God so ordain it.”




MHFM: … working on a video on an important topic…






I can assure "li" that one can be fired from EWTN for believing and spreading the Catholic faith instead of their heretical versions of it. I testify from personal experience.








… I have difficulty accepting only Catholics will be saved. The above quotation does not say anything about one's faith?


This is a quote from Jesus, not that of a fallible Pope…


Ron Farina


MHFM: Jesus’ statement that you must believe (and be baptized) to be saved presupposes a full acceptance of His teaching and that of His Church.  Only Catholics truly believe; for only Catholics accept the one Church Christ established and all the doctrines He revealed. 


Your dissent from Catholic dogma and the concept of papal infallibility demonstrates that you don’t yet accept the Catholic faith.  By withholding faith in what Christ established, you withhold faith in Christ; for He is the one who established the Papacy, as the Bible shows.  With that establishment comes God’s protection for the authoritative teaching of true popes.  Thus, the proclamations on “No Salvation Outside the Church” are not fallible, but infallible.  To deny that is to deny Jesus.  Please consult these files:


The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [link to section]






… There is also a passage that "God makes all things work together for good for those who love Him." I don't think there is any question that the people at EWTN are sincere in their love of God even if they may be (which I actually doubt to be true) spreading some error. I would look in the mirror at yourself and your own apostolate because anyone who has the mission of attacking others to expose their faults should be "taking the log from their own eye before they remove the splinter from their brothers." Jesus and Mary have both instructed us to pray much for sinners, not to condemn them.




MHFM: EWTN's adherents, who defend their false positions, do not love God.  Unfortunately, they reject Him.  They obstinately promote modernism, salvation outside the Church, false ecumenism, an endorsement of Protestantism, condemned interfaith worship, and more.  You say that you doubt EWTN is spreading error.  Please stop deceiving yourself and look at the proof.


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]




Dear brothers,


Thank you for your continuous resistance to Heresy, I'd like to comment on the current schism within the SSPX, as true Catholics continue to oppose their heresy and any others, please let us remember them in our prayers (esp. the holy Rosary) that the my be converted…


Please remember me in your prayers too…


benedict. Nigeria




Subject: The benefits of the Rosary


Hey Brothers,

I was reflecting on my life and the last few months. I just wanted to let readers know about how the Rosary has affected me personally. When you don't have a strong prayer life, you try to fill that void with all sorts of meaningless things. I can tell you, when I started praying the Rosary, I… stopped overspending and was generally more productive, got more things done and had more joy, and even when things got really bad, I could not be bothered. I was still as happy as could be…

God is so merciful, His requirements i.e. piety and holiness, brings you temporal joy and good results. You shouldn't pray just to get those things of course, but Jesus surely knew what He was talking about when He said "Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you." Note that He did NOT say "Seek the Kingdom IN ORDER to get things added unto you."

I hope my little story will help someone. I say this respectfully, but maybe it may impact someone in a deeper way, knowing that it came from a 19 year old girl who as the world says "has her whole life ahead of her." I mean, I should be having "the time of my life" right? Well I am, but not in the way the world expects. I am not partying and having a sin fest. I've seen what premarital sex does to people, it hurts both boys and girls. I've read of people getting into car accidents on the road due to drunk driving from parties. Sin is dangerous, and especially you young people who feel inferior for being a virgin or not getting likes on your Facebook picture, stop the nonsense and grow up!!! Learn from others' mistakes and live for God. And my words have weight because I know what it's like to be a somewhat popular girl. I know what I'm talking about. I'm still liked but this time, I'm liked for me and what I stand for, not for shallow reasons. Yes, people may laugh at me also but I have the gift of "ignoring fools." You don't need people like that in your life. I'm still learning and growing, but God started the work and me and He will complete it because God is faithful.





Subject: SSPX mini-schism


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for exposing the mini-schism in the SSPX. The break-away priests condemn themselves out of their own mouth and it all goes back to their denial of the salvation dogma and the absolute necessity of water baptism. They correctly identify that the Vatican II sect is a non-Catholic Church, yet hold to Antipope Benedict XVI, while simultaneously calling the Vatican II hierarchy obdurate (obstinate) in heresy, but condemning the Vatican II diocesan "bishops" and sedevacantists. They simply contradict themselves time and time again like all proud heretics. It is utterly stupid, foolish and schismatical. Their position that there is "two opposite Magisteria" is also extremely evil, heretical and schismatical. The fact that Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer is leading the schism within the schism is also telling since he is such an imposing "baptism of desire" heretic. It all appears to be another diabolical distraction to lead people away from the true positions.

The intellectual pride of the SSPX priests is astounding. They think they know and understand much more than they really do, while constantly denying basic core truths of the Catholic faith: dogma. The sad irony is that behind all their Traditional externals, they are simply modernist apostates: Pope St. Pius X, Pascendi: "On the subject of revelation and dogma in particular, the doctrine of the Modernists offers nothing new. We find it condemned in the Syllabus of Pius IX, where it is enunciated in these terms: ''Divine revelation is imperfect, and therefore subject to continual and indefinite progress, corresponding with the progress of human reason"; and condemned still more solemnly in the Vatican Council: ''The doctrine of the faith which God has revealed has not been proposed to human intelligences to be perfected by them as if it were a philosophical system, but as a divine deposit entrusted to the Spouse of Christ to be faithfully guarded and infallibly interpreted. Hence also that sense of the sacred dogmas is to be perpetually retained which our Holy Mother the Church has once declared, nor is this sense ever to be abandoned on plea or pretext of a more profound comprehension of the truth.""

God Bless,

Chris White




… The translator of Denzinger is one Dr Roy Deferrari, and given his outrageous mistranslation of sine lavacro, I’m beginning to think a real question mark must now hang over him and his devotion to Catholic dogma. He claims in his Translator’s Preface to be following “the basic principles usually accepted in this age for producing scientific translations…” Does that not seem to suggest a certain preoccupation with modernity? Further on, he writes that there is “an intense desire for a knowledge of theology” not just among “students of our institutions of higher education” but also among “persons of cultivated taste”. Nothing about persons of devout faith and unswerving fidelity to the magisterium. No, it’s people of taste, cultivated individuals, theological dilettantes, who appear to be uppermost in his mind. Am I being a little harsh? Or are there unmistakable undertones here of academic snobbery?




MHFM: We think you are right about Deferrari.  Most of the priests of his period believed in salvation outside the Church, and his translations would seem to indicate that he did as well.


Denzinger's editorial choices are also revealing.  Even though Denzinger has value, it does not include Mortalium Animos, Summo Iugiter Studio or Cum ex Apostolatus Officio (among other things), while the edition included two fallible and false letters which favor BOD.  One of those letters (covered in our salvation book) is of unknown date and unknown authorship (attributed both to Innocent II and Innocent III - they are not sure), to an unnamed bishop.




Subject: SSPX and Christ the King


Dear Brother Michael and/or Brother Peter Dimond,


It's not surprising that there's a dead vine that's 'rebelliously' sprouting from SSPX's pit of heresy. And, since 'the leader' is a pronounced advocate of Baptism of Desire/Blood, you can be sure that the 'followers' will become more obstinate in their beliefs. I feel sorry for the children who are born into such a diabolically twisted faith and likewise, one can't imagine the philosophical garbage that these heretical parents feed them. Wickedness will always validate itself through very stealthy reasoning and by making a 'positive' from absolute blackness. Such psychological warfare is utmost disgusting. A classic example is Archbishop Lefebvre, who vouched that Muslims, Jews, Buddhists ....., etc. can obtain salvation without being baptized and converting to the Catholic Faith. Henceforth, SSPX made Lefebvre into a 'great' role model for fellow parishioners. In fact, I'd assert Lefebvre has become unto like a 'seeing eye dog' for SSPX parishioners. How pathetic.


Also, since SSPX people are programmed to "ASK FATHER" about any question, they don't rationally think, nor contemplate eternal truth. Instead, they swallow feigned faith and likewise, equate having a traditional Latin Mass with instant salvation. And if a person ever dares to dish them information contrary to what the society teaches, they go ballistic or look at you like you're the 'living dead'. Instead of charity, they condemn truth without cause. Instead of humility, they opt to remain blind. I bet if these people had a sincere devotion to Mother Mary's Immaculate Heart, she'd pull them out of heresy. However, sadly, (from my experience of attending an SSPX chapel for about 3 years) the Holy Rosary was RARELY preached… That's very very sad.


Nonetheless, these people continue to trudge to church for the First Saturdays and First Fridays. And why? To make reparation!!! 'Go figure'. Yep, while they make reparation, they mock Jesus Christ in their hearts, they blaspheme eternal truth, they rewrite Catholic Tradition, they erase Dogmas, they mutate truth ........, etc. And, this upcoming Sunday, they will parade around town with such GREAT COSTUMES of Catholic Faith and will pronounce Jesus Christ to be their King. The reality? They claim that a Muslim who doesn't even acknowledge Jesus Christ as God can have salvation. This also mocks the commandment "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" In fact, Jews ...., etc. ERASE Jesus' name ... His glory ..... from Heaven!! Such warped logic makes my head spin.


SSPX's retaliation? Oh, we can't judge.


This idea is completely absurd. Basically, it asserts that Catholics are forbidden to and/or incapable of recognizing someone as not Catholic.  It seems that SSPX parishioners/priests are 'in love' with the society and not eternal truth.


Thanks for the video.



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


SSPX Mini-Schism [video]




Dear MHFM:

I came across an advertisement for a university called "John Paul the Great Catholic University". The worship of man couldn't be more clear. Where is Jesus in this pseudo-religion? He is just background noise, a historic spec in their new reality…






Dear MHFM,

Is it permissible for a lay person to perform The Rite of Exorcism as far as they are able, especially reading the prayers over a possessed person? Would not Supplied Jurisdiction kick in, even though an Exorcist is usually given the right to exorcise evil spirits by a Bishop? Exorcisms at times depend on the spiritual merit of the individual in order to remove evil spirits from a locality or from a person. In the ancient times the Faithful with a special sanctity cast out demons. Performing exorcism was not confined only to Clerics as is made clear by Tertullian (Apology 23; cf. On Idolatry 11) and also Origen (Against Celsus VII.4)… Interestingly, St. Martin of Tours never used the imposition of hands in exorcisms and was in the habit of casting out demons by prayer alone and without the formulae usually employed by the Clergy.


MHFM: Normally it would not be done, but in a necessity or a unique set of circumstances it could be.




Subject: CA is Garbage!


Good Afternoon,

I just wanted to inform you guys that I was recently supporting MHFM on "Catholic" Answers on a thread that was about promoting the Divine Mercy Devotion. After some banter back and forth with a few others on the forum they deleted my last statements and locked my account for promoting you guys. GARBAGE! I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this but what a bunch of lying heretics!

The one individual "Brother" stated that there are only two ex cathedra statements made in the history of the Church; The Assumption and the Immaculate Conception. Which he clearly was indoctrinated to believe and this is also stated in "Catholicism for Dummies" no pun intended. How can they legitimately support that theory? It truly baffles me… This isn't the first time I have heard this…




MHFM: Yes, the bad will is mind-boggling.  They are so uninterested in truth, so attracted to the lie, that they can only be called reprobates.  The people who congregate in those places actually believe that the facts and arguments we bring forward (which completely refute their positions) are absurd!  For instance, they would believe it’s “ridiculous” or even “laughable” to think that Benedict XVI endorses false religions or denies the necessity of converting Protestants, despite the fact that it’s all documented.  Their blindness and dishonesty is beyond description, and the punishment God gives them for so hating the truth is to be even more convinced of their lie, to be even more sheltered by their heretical friends, and to be even more firmly locked into their heretical cliques, where the truth does not find entrance.  


2 Cor. 4:3-4- “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”


Romans 11:7-8 –“That which Israel sought, he hath not obtained: but the election hath obtained it; and the rest have been blindedGod hath given them the spirit of insensibility; eyes that they should not see; and ears that they should not hear, until this present day.”


Mt. 13:16- “But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.”




Dear Brothers MHFM,


Great [video] about the SSPX.  They are the real schismatics and not the sedevacantists.  I believe that God allows them to be spiritually blind because they receive not the love of the truth, only empty externals…


God bless


Mark V




Dear MHFM,

This is extremely interesting, the SSPX has expelled Bishop Williamson from their group…. The Huffington Post and the New York Times are on top of him and they are making it seem as if he got expelled because of rejecting the Jewish gas chamber myth…








… Thanks for excellent video on the SSPX. Perhaps the expelled Williamson (whose recent newsletter was dedicated to promoting Maria Valtorta’s Poem of the Man God ­– another variety of “theological puke”) will join this breakaway group now.


God bless,





Paul VI and SSPX Mini-Schism


Dear Brothers,




I read in your news section about the soon-to-be “beautification” of Anti-pope Paul VI. Isn’t it ironic that the Postulator promoting his cause for “sainthood” chose the so-called “miraculous healing” of a baby - especially since Paul VI promoted birth control? The article actually mentions the very encyclical in which Paul VI promotes this abomination: The woman…entrusted herself to the intercession of Paul VI, the pope who wrote the “Humanae Vitae” encyclical in 1968. It’s a total mockery! And, of course, all this is expected to take place next Christmas – the day our Lord came into this world as a baby.


Thanks for your video on the SSPX. These false traditionalists are an utter disgrace. Their position is clearly ridiculous and heretical, as you adeptly demonstrate by exposing all the lies, inconsistencies and bad-will that permeate their sect. People really need to wake up and embrace the truth while God is still giving them time. Any moment could be our last.


Sincerely in Christ,





Subject: SSPX Mini-Schism


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Great job, Bro. Peter on the SSPX Mini Schism video...as you say how could they be so stupid and illogical - the people you encounter at these SSPX chapels behave in much the same way - it's so frustrating dealing with them - they almost to a man/woman accept the antipopes as true popes; they believe outside the church one can be saved...one could go on...


God bless





Subject: Masonic ID


Regarding the story you linked to about the Stockton Masonic Lodge free ID program targeting kids in Missouri, it is interesting that the event took place at the Methodist Church, proving how far removed from reality the protestant church really is.


"Stockton Masonic Lodge and Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation will offer a free MOCHIP Child Identification Program from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, at Stockton United Methodist Church."






Subject: Lourdes


Dear Brothers,

The flooding at Lourdes ought to teach the followers of Antipope John Paul II and the Vatican II sect that God is displeased with their false sacrifices and worship of man. Unfortunately, they have no supernatural Catholic faith, and so they are blind to the supernatural principles that govern creation and the Church. Hence, when the entire place where the "pilgrimage" was to take place is flooded, combined with the fact that Lourdes is renowned for its healing waters, it is not hard to see that the Blessed Virgin Mary and God are offended by the worship of the Antichrist's blood. Only in eternity will the infinite malice of such sinners be laid bare for all to see to their eternal misery, torment and shame. While the "pilgrims" are trying to build a tower to heaven, the Lord is closing the doors to the Ark. They will desire salvation (BOD) and it will fly from them: Luke 13:24 - "Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able." Outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation.

Matthew 24:36-39 - "But of that day and hour no one knoweth, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone. And as in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, And they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be."

God Bless,

Chris White




Dear MHFM,


...First sign of the end times, Antipope John 23, a known mason who shamelessly upheld his position as such. Second sign, the desired destruction of pre-vatican 2 dogmas by false V2 council, signed and sealed by jew Montini. Third sign, the second beast Ratzinger, allowing homosexuals, and pedophiles to scurry about the world while anchoring the office in charge of protecting us from such beasts. Fourth sign, the wounding of "man as God," Wojtyla, as he espoused the religion of man as king and unrightly, arbiter. And to round out the pinnacle of signs before us, the "Rat," anointing the crowned, false, modern prince of the Church, Woj', saint and doctor. As pointedly enunciated by MHFM, it's all there before our eyes. Try and deny it Doggre, you might…




Subject: Re: SSPX Mini-Schism


Dear MHFM,

Great video exposing the SSPX! I think it’s great to see all of their false positions are exposed in only 10 minutes. Straight and to the point.  We should this forward the video to those who attend the ‘false traditionalist’ churches and others considering leaving the Vatican II sect.

Their position is ultimately schismatic for two reasons: (1) they claim to be in communion with B16 and his bishops but create churches that aren’t under the authority of the diocesan bishop, and (2) they claim to be in communion with those who have no authority (i.e. heretics). At least St. Athanasius said that the Arian bishops were heretics and he resisted them!

However, the real problem lies in the fact that they do not believe that non-Catholics will go to Hell unless they convert to the Catholic faith and get baptized by water before the end of their lives (de fide, Council of Florence). Because they do not have a love for truth, God allows them to go into error and believe in lies.

2 Thess. 2:10-12 “…because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying. That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity."  Ecclesiasticus 11:16 - "Error and darkness are created with sinners: and they that glory in evil things, grow old in evil."

Saint Teresa of Avila, died 1582 A.D. - "Those wretched heretics willfully blind themselves, and they claim that what they do is good, and they believe it to be so, yet without real confidence; for there is something within them that tells them they are wrong."

They think that by their traditional Masses they’re praising God, but in reality it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6), and their Masses are rejected by God because they fail to “obey the voice of the Lord”(1 Kings 2:22-23) by accepting all the dogmas of the faith.  That's why it doesn't make one bit of difference if a group splits off from the original SSPX clique because they still reject the faith.

1 Kings 22-23: "And Samuel said: Doth the Lord desire holocausts and victims, and not rather that the voice of the Lord should be obeyed? For obedience is better than sacrifices: and to hearken rather than to offer the fat of rams. [23] Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey. Forasmuch therefore as thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord hath also rejected thee from being king."

Keep up the good fight.

Will Heinze




Subject: Ominous


Ominous timeline from Rome regarding the 'veneration of JP2's remains!'


-On Fri. 19th of Oct. A plan is put forward in Rome - undercover of a 'pilgrimage,' - to put JP2 on display so that the 'reliquary' can be 'venerated by pilgrims from all over the world.'


-On Sat. 20th of Oct. An unprecedented 1.5 meter high flood envelops the holy precinct of Lourdes.


-On Sun. 21st - Sat. 27th of Oct. The purported period for 'pilgrimage.'


-On Sun. 28th of Oct. The solemn feast day of the "Kingship of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" for 2012.


In this so called 'Year of Faith: 50 years since the inauguration of Vatican 2.' The Blessed Virgin Mary is obliged more than ever to step into the affairs of the impious to defend the Prerogatives of her Son and we join the Queen of Heaven in this endeavour.






Subject: Mini-Schism


Dear Brothers,


The video on the SSPX Mini-Schism illustrates what it's like when watching a dog chase its tail, going around and around and never getting its prize. The SSPX and all the other false sects like to burden themselves foolishly by avoiding the truth. Proverbs 1:22, O children, how long will you love childishness, and fools covet those things which are hurtful to themselves, and the unwise hate knowledge?


Just as there are pagan universities on earth, the University of Heaven is the Traditional Catholic Church that Jesus Christ founded and handed down after His Resurrection in order to help teach us "the way" to salvation. The world is the class room and whether you show up for class and study God's teaching, will determine whether or not you are guaranteed to graduate onto Eternal Life. God gives everyone the free-will to attend other schools such as the teachings of all the other false religions, though their curriculum does not prepare you for the final exam. The SSPX and other false sects are simply fools following the watered down and diluted version of the anti-christ, that JPII preached and the false prophet B-16 protects as they all await the day they will enter the Kingdom (of Satan).


Proverbs 1:7, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise wisdom and instruction.


Proverbs 15:2, The tongue of the wise adorneth knowledge: but the mouth of fools bubbleth out folly.


God Bless,


Tom Miles






Thanks for SSPX video I always learn something new.  Years ago I heard you on Coast to Coast and ordered your materials and realized I wasn't in the Catholic Church any longer. This happened a few days before I was to get married again in the V-2 church. I didn't go through with the wedding and realized that I had never been to a real Mass. I was baptised in 1974. Jesus said, "Unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh you have no life in you"… It’s hard to believe that I went almost 40 years without going to a real Mass. Thank you Brother Michael for going on Coast to Coast.


Jerry K..




Mr. Dimond,


I have seen your "B" category commercials when watching FOX News.


I just wanted to let you know that you are a blasphemer and an anti-catholic cult. Yes you're a sedevacantist and reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If you were really a child of God you would not be spreading lies and deceiving people. Thankfully most people know that you're not Catholic but just another cult.


You need to repent of sin and come to Jesus Christ and stop preaching total damnable heresy.


Jesus said, "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons and prophesy in your name,' and I will say to them, away from me I never knew you."


That is what you will hear unless you get your heart right with the Lord.




MHFM: No, you know nothing about the Catholic faith.  You cannot specifically articulate your argument because it would be exposed and refuted.  As sure as there is a God in Heaven, you are on the road to Hell and are not a Catholic.  If you knew anything about what's going on, you would realize that Antipope Benedict XVI endorses Judaism, Protestantism and rejects the accuracy of the Gospel.  The evidence for his heresies, and the proof for the sedevacantist position, is overwhelming and irrefutable.  He praises schismatics constantly.  You are a fool and a servant of Satan, whom God justly leaves in the darkness and emptiness of the Vatican II sect.






Regarding the flash floods in Lourdes.....it seems that our Lord in heaven has given His opinion of JPII's fossils and the "new evangelisation."  JPII's fossils would be better served if they were thrown into the Tiber, if it is permitted to say.






Subject: Antichrist


Dear Brothers,


Reading your latest post in the e-exchange, in regard to the disgusting display of the venomous blood of the antichrist [john paul ll], it is outrageously mind-boggling and it angers me on many levels, one is their brazen audacious behavior to present this abominable evil act upon the world as something holy and sanctifying and the vatican ll adherents take the bait, hook, line and SINKER, right to the bottom of hell. But then again, these evil pukes know exactly what they are doing, they deny Jesus Christ and His True Sacrifice on the Holy Cross and the spilling of His Precious Blood and all the Eucharistic Miracles, only to acknowledge the rancid blood of the antichrist, man as god, it infuriates me! This isn't even done in a deceptive way, it’s right out there, in the open for all to see but this is how stupid the masses of sheeple really are, the only thing worse, will be the false canonization of this vile excuse of a man.


Wisdom 14:15-17 For a father [devil] being afflicted with bitter grief, made to himself the image of his son who was quickly taken away: and him who then had died as a man [jp ll], he began now to worship as a god, and appointed him rites and sacrifices among his servants. Then in process of time, wicked custom prevailing, this error was kept as a law, and statues were worshipped by the commandment of tyrants [benedict XVl]. And those whom men could not honour in presence, because they dwelt far off, they brought their resemblance from afar, and made an express image of the king whom they had a mind to honour: that by this their diligence, they might honour as present, him that was absent.


John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.




Lourdes floods as relic of John Paul II was set to arrive


MHFM: Lourdes was hit with major floods, causing evacuations, at the same time a relic containing the blood of Antipope John Paul II was set to arrive there for “veneration.”  That’s not just a coincidence.  This article shows that the relic of Antipope John Paul II was set to arrive on Oct. 21:




“Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, has granted UNITALSI permission to take a reliquary containing blood of John Paul II, so that it can be seen and venerated by pilgrims from all over the world.”


Some articles about the floods in Lourdes:





John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]

John Paul II was the Antichrist [video]

The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World [video]

Is the World about to End? [video]




Subject: Confession to a priest


Dear Brothers,

I had a thought about a possible reason as to why God wants us to confess our sins to a priest who is a sinful man. That is how Protestants put it. They criticize Catholics for confessing their sins to a man who himself is a sinner. One reason may be to teach us to be humble. The soul of the Protestant is full of pride. That is why he does not confess to a priest. Disclosing our sins to a sinful man is a sign of humbling ourselves. Another reason may be that God wants to see who will accept His commandment of confessing to a priest, just like He tested Abraham to see if Abraham would question His commandment to sacrifice his son Isaac.





Subject: E.U. article and “flag”




This seems to be an interesting article, but the "flag" is really something else:








Dear Brothers Dimond,

A thousand thanks for all your work. You have been a tremendous help to me and I know to countless others in understanding our situation in the Church.


Again, I am very grateful to you. Indeed, without so often reviewing your work, I don't think I could ever have gotten my head above water… as you said, it is not possible to argue with a fact.

In Amore Christi,


Gloria Thomas




I have been contacted by a Fr Peter Scott who says he is a part of the SSPX… He told me not to speak to you… but I couldn't help but think that there was something vindictive in his manner towards you…


MHFM: That’s not a surprise.  He’s a member of the heretical SSPX, whose positions we have refuted and exposed.  He’s a complete heretic who should be rejected. 


The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]




Subject: Eclipse


I heard JPII was both born and died/or was buried on an eclipse which seems to signify what Our Lady of La Salette said "the church will be in eclipse, the earth in dismay....anti-christ will sit in the temple of God " or rule from Rome, I can't remember the precise words but you all know what they are-------seems like just more confirmation that JPII really WAS the anti-christ, B16 as you say the false prophet...Oh by the way Lourdes is flooded under much water after a flood in France...like the flood of apostasy.




Dear Brothers,

In re-reading your excellent book, Outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation, it struck me as to how the pain of loss seems to be tied up with "baptism of desire." It seems that God allows a soul to feel the separation from God so as to draw them back to Himself, which should motivate the person to seek baptism and salvation. Yet according to "baptism of desire" heretics, one need not do anything - such as is taught in Protestantism: the heresy of Justification by faith alone. According to them, one need only to desire baptism, or essentially to merely feel some kind of separation from God, which in itself justifies and sanctifies. The logical conclusion is that the pain of loss… actually saves! That's exactly where "baptism of desire" leads - directly to hell. Yet in their Satanic opposition, the BOD heretics would have us believe that "baptism of desire" leads to eternal bliss in heaven and beholding the Beatific Vision of the Holy Trinity forever. It doesn't get any more inverted, and it is easy to see why "baptism of desire" is the foundation of the Vatican II Great Apostasy, the New "Mass" Abomination of Desolation and 54 years of Antichrist Antipopes.

God Bless,

Chris White


V-2 Sect


Okkkk....I have just read more of your site and realise that you think that Vat 2 Church is under the power of The Adversary…







Your two recent news posts on the 9/11 hoax were like the finishing pieces to the puzzle. The real questions on "where did the buildings go?" and "what planes?" should have been asked after 9/11. I always wondered how a plane could go all the way through a building of that magnitude. The fact that no real eye witnesses ever saw a plane fly into the buildings until told so by the media is consistent with how the media can alter an election campaign if need be. With this technical ability, actual audience members would get one version of the live campaign and the world would get a totally different version.

God Bless,

Tom Miles


Holy Spirit


Subject: Holy Spirit


… I was listening again to your video "Biblical Proof that the Holy Spirit is God", it’s amazing as you said, the Faith in the Trinity, runs like a stream throughout the New Testament, as you quoted the Book of Acts 5:3-4, where Pope St. Peter, declares that Ananias lied not to men, but to the Holy Spirit. Immediately after hearing St. Peter's anathema against Ananias, he falls dead, which further proves that the power and protection of the Office of the Papacy comes from the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Triune God. Also by St. Peter declaring such, he is letting it be known that he, in fact does hold the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and understands from where the power of his Office comes from, not man but God!


Acts 4:3 But Peter said: Ananias, why hath Satan tempted thy heart, that thou shouldst lie to the Holy Ghost, and by fraud keep part of the price of the land?....Thou hast not lied to men, but to God.


John 14:26 But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you.


John 15:26 But when the Paraclete cometh, "whom I will send you from the Father", the Spirit of truth, "who proceedeth from the Father", he shall give testimony of me.


… Nicene Creed: . . . . And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, and giver of Life, "who proceeds from the Father and the Son"; who equally with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified; who spoke through the prophets. . . . .


The Holy Spirit is the Giver of Life and because He is the Giver of Life, He is also the Taker [Anathema] of Life, as can be seen with what happened to Ananias!






Dear Brother Michael and/or Peter Dimond


I recently read Tom's encounter with Jehovah Witnesses at his doorstep. One area these people are VERY weak in is knowledge of Mother Mary and especially her perpetual virginity. They have digested many lies and henceforth preach that she had other children besides Jesus. They constantly refer to Jesus' 'brethren' as 'proof' that Mary had children with Joseph. They also don't respect any Mother Mary apparitions (claim it's from devil) and many Jehovahs are also completely ignorant of Fatima… Also ........, a while back, this one Jehovah claimed that Catholics believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one person. Another lie…


Take care,





Subject: My School!!!




Hey you linked to the school I used to go to (quit because too heretical). That place is insane. I am ashamed to have gone. But I had a lot problems.  This is what they did.


1) hosted ramadan dinners


2) brought in a psychic/hypnotist/magician (I think yearly)


3) they bring in gurus and all sorts of things


4) the "seminarians" did friday BBQs


5) always pandering to the muslims


6) advertised the local "places of worship" synagogues, lutheran buildings, schismatic places


7) advertised tattoo places


8) one of the buildings is named John Paul 2


9) taught in theology class (which they force you to take) that point of the gospel is "what does it mean to be human"


10) teach that everyone is immaculately conceived


11) teach communism


12) turn dorms into haunted houses during Halloween


13) they make almost everyone read "on Christian liberty" (I left before I "had" to)


14) they teach a course called John Paul 2


15) there are weird metal sculptures of pyramids and obelisks in some never visited corner of campus.


16) teach evolution




Dear Brothers,


I was speaking to someone this week who told me that she heard on the news or read it in a newspaper that Bent XVI´s butler who was sentenced to prison had said in one of his hearings that he confiscated the “Popes” documents because he was sick and tired of seeing the chair of Peter vacant, well I thought this was very very interesting indeed and also this coming from her because in the past I clarified her as to the Vatican II “Church” and its “Popes”, she would agree with many things but I still felt that she was not totally convinced as to the Vatican II church being of a new nature and its anti-popes, now these news really put her thinking, I hope she will wake up to the dreadful situation.





M.Fernanda da Silva




Subject: False Christianity


Dear Brothers:


It seems to me that the condition of the world today with respect to Christianity was prophesied not only by Our Lady of LaSalette, but by Our Lord Himself.  When the term "that day" is used in both the Old Testament and the New, it always refers to the last day. And Jesus makes a terrifying prediction about that day and, thus, the end times in general. He says that in that day, many will try to claim that they are "Christian" -- but, in fact, they will be false Christians and workers of iniquity whom Christ will reject. We can see… that Our Lord was not speaking about an isolated instance here or there -- as so many people seem to imagine -- but was referring to the general state of affairs existing in the world at the end of time. In the first few centuries of the Protestant revolt, heresy was called "Christianity" by heretics -- but not by Catholics who knew better. But in the last couple of centuries, people calling themselves "Catholic" began to deny the dogma of No Salvation Outside the Church, and began to accept the various Protestant sects as legitimate forms of the "Christian" religion. As a punishment, God has permitted a false magisterium to rule over a people who, for the most part, no longer want God's revealed doctrines. And what now passes for "Christianity" almost everywhere in the world today is heretical, false Christianity. To the false Christian who perverts Scripture and accepts one form or another of universal salvation, "many" ends up meaning "not many", and the dire warnings of Scripture and prophesy become meaningless. These people forget that it would be correct to say that the vast majority of people living in the world would certainly not claim to be Christian --but that only many of the world's population would. And I believe this is exactly what Our Lord is telling us.


Lee Ann





Just wanted to say, I realize that most people know what they do is sinful, they just do not care. They just think that God will "understand" so no big deal. Like, not even secular judges are that "benevolent." Try shoplifting, MURDER(!) or running a red light and let's see how "understanding" the judges will be.  People could be such devils, makes me shake my head.



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


New Federal Reserve "Terror Plot" - Another Hoax [video]




Subject: Church in Eclipse


Dear Monks,

Just a few days ago when thinking about the words Our Lady spoke at La Salette "the Church will be in eclipse..." I immediately thought of a what I think is a good analogy of what that means. What popped in my mind was the image of a solar eclipse. When a solar eclipse occurs, the moon goes in front of our view of the sun and almost blocks it entirely out of view. But there remains the brightness around the silhouette of the moon, in other words a luminous ring. The silhouette of the moon represents the Vatican II Counter Church of the Last Days and the ring of light or the small amount of brightness that can be seen surrounding the moon's silhouette represents the one true Catholic Church, which in these dark times has been reduced to a remnant.

Also, when driving home just today, I saw what I consider another great analogy in relation to this. There were clouds covering basically all of the sky. But amongst all those clouds covering the sky was a little patch of sky that was not covered by any clouds. To me this could also be the same as the solar eclipse. The clouds are the Vatican II sect and the patch of sky not covered is the true Church.

Why am I saying all of this? To me this demonstrates the visibility of the Church. When discussing the sedevacantist issue with a Novus Ordo aqcuaintance, he argued that if what I was saying was true, then the Church is no longer visible but invisible like many of the Protestants believe about the Church having an invisible unity. But that is not true. The Church, even in this dark time of apostasy, is always visible. She is in eclipse. But she is still visible in the remnant of true Catholics throughout the world, like the ring of brightness around the moon's majestic silhouette or the patch of sky amongst all those huge clouds.

I hope these analogies are clear for all the readers of this fantastic website. Your apostolate is truly a blessing from God. Keep up the good work…

Wesley Brittain





I have to agree, the Al Smith dinner… was an indescribable abomination. “Cardinal” Timothy Dolan is a conscious infiltrator and Communist… He is an absolute abomination and walking Devil on the earth.


MHFM: We definitely don’t think Dolan is a conscious infiltrator or a Communist.  He’s just a complete apostate.  That’s sufficient to explain his true wickedness and abominable activity.  Furthermore, the fact that he’s considered to be “conservative” in the Vatican II sect proves, once again, that it’s covered in complete darkness.




Subject: movie about 9-11


Dear Brothers at MHFM.


This, along with the movie from 911 Architects & Engineers, I believe provides overwhelming evidence that Israel did 911 along with elements in our own government…


Elizabeth Vaala




MHFM: We have seen it and linked to it.  Even though there are some things we disagree with, there is some strong evidence.  However, the movie begins slowly.  It gets much more interesting around part 3. 




Subject: Apple I-4 phones China & Suicides


the Chinese are being abused by the various manufacturers of electronics but especially by Apple and specifically for the i-4 phones and notebooks. These workers have been committing suicide…






Subject: Sharing our faith


Dear Brothers,


We are currently witnessing to a friend of my girlfriend named Cynthia. She was very close to accepting the Traditional Catholic faith and was prepared to make the profession of faith until the issue of birth control came up. She started making all kinds of excuses so when she rejected it, we told her she wasn't prepared to become a Traditional Catholic because as i understand, if you reject even one dogma of the faith, that person becomes a heretic and remains outside of the Church. I believe we did the right thing and even though i see her eagerness to become a Traditional Catholic, we felt she shouldn't make the profession of faith until she repents of her unbelief. Did we do the right thing? I believe we did. Wanted to get feed fack from you brothers. Thank you and God bless you.


Sincerely Juan Peña.


MHFM: Yes, you definitely did the right thing.  She’s rejecting the clear teaching of the Catholic Church and the Bible.  If she’s so openly heretical on an obvious point of Catholic teaching, then she clearly has other problems as well.  It’s highly unlikely that her dissent is limited to Catholic teaching on birth control.  For her to reject the authority of the Church and the biblical proof on that matter reveals that she has no real confidence in papal infallibility or what Christ instituted in St. Peter.  That being said, we recommend that she watch the video, Birth Control is Condemned in the Bible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oGmP77V9GA





I have been reading your information for years now and I just want to say thank you! Your research and dedication to showing Truth is amazing.

I thank the Lord everyday for realizing and accepting what I had been always taught in the counter church to be false. I wish more people would realize, it's painful to see such close family members be so duped.

I actually just emailed a V2 "Priest" today and wow the things he wrote me were just unbelievable.
He told me that "the church does believe that salvation is only through Jesus and indeed through the Catholic Church. But that doesn't mean that that relationship is always explicit. Scripture also says that God is the Savior of all especially of those who believe (1Tim 4:10)" UNREAL!!!!...





Dear Brothers,


Halloween came early yesterday as I received a knock on the door by two well-dressed fellows; one young, one old… They began by asking me if I believed the end of the world was upon us and if I had any questions; my first question was if they were Jehovah witnesses? They affirmed they were JW and I proceeded to explain that I am a Traditional Catholic and that the end of the world is in fact upon us. I explained the Great Deception/Great Apostasy of the V2, that God allowed for the unfaithful during these last days. The younger JW remained silent as the older man and I engaged in a long debate on my front porch. The older man would smile and giggle when I would mention the word Catholic; try to explain the No Salvation Dogma and that the JW, the Jews and all the other false religions would enter hell fire. He was OK with going to hell as that is where, according to him, there is no fire and a resurrection would occur from hell. I had to step back as he smiled, as I could see the workings of a delusional mind as he was serious about sitting in a hell without fire. He tried to explain that the Apostles were Jews and if they too were in hell? Just amazing the traps and misinformation that these devils are programed to use in their arsenal of weapons against the True Faith.


As he continued to mock the Catholic Faith and the "Ancient Popes" I tried to advise him of the 40 some anti-popes in the history of the church and for him not to confuse the current visible V2 sect and its anti-popes with the True Catholic Faith. Through our conversation, the older man kept saying, "he'd never heard that before" and I kept offering to give them (MHFM) material for future research. When the JW refused your material I would make sure I mentioned your website for later reference, especially for the younger man as he looked like he was in shock. Although the older man never heard of what I was telling him, he could care less to investigate for himself. Their mission is to fill the pews and coffers of the JW.


Other items mentioned by the JW is they believe the Great Apostasy began after the death of the last Apostle, and they do not believe in The Holy Spirit. He was also curious as to where I attended Church; I explained his need to follow the wide road of those who all congregate together in a building (especially Joel Osteen) to satisfy their outwardly appearance in order to please "Man" while offending God. Just looking into the eyes of the older man, he appeared dark, evil and cut-off from reality. After I kept rebuking all his myths, they were off to try and sell their delusional reality to anyone who would listen.


I find that October is a good time to go around and hand out your video's on "Death and the journey into hell", as so many people are caught up in the evil Halloween spirit of death. Candy and kids during Halloween is a recipe for the devil to gain young souls.


God Bless,


Tom Miles




Al Smith Dinner: Obama, Mitt Romney Trade Zingers During Annual Event#slide=1659640


Great pictures of the Impostor Catholic Church and the Masonic State in these last days. Really demonstrates how all of these people are totally devoid of any true principles whatsoever -- and how Dolan, like all the rest of the impostor magisterium, are all fakes who don't even bother to appear Catholic anymore. He is so puffed up with himself that his skin appears to be stretched to the breaking point. Makes me think of Apocalypse 17:2 -- 'Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters, With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they who inhabit the earth, have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom". This is quite a story in pictures of a world that has almost completely lost the true Catholic faith and the true Mass -- and where the true Catholic Church, which has been reduced to a tiny remnant, is in eclipse. After the recent announcement of the so-called "Year of Faith" by the False Prophet B16 (to celebrate the triumph of the enemies of Christ), one can only ask: What's left? And then one can only answer: Not much.


Lee Ann


MHFM: Yes, that’s an abomination that’s almost indescribable. 




Subject: “terror plot”


Dear Brothers,

Yet another "foiled terror plot" run by the FBI. It appears to be an attempt to make anyone who is opposed to the Federal Reserve Cartel look like a "terrorist." The fact is that the "Federal Reserve" is the same criminal organization who pays the FBI agents to orchestrate such false flag "terror" events. Theater indeed!!! What an outrage, and yet look at how almost no one catches on to the truth. Thank you for making the video.

John 8:32 - "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: 10 earthquakes in Nevada on 10.18.12


We had 10 earthquakes in the State of Nevada and one 27 miles west, outside Las Vegas proper city limits just before midnight. It looks like Mount Charleston! The quakes started out small and increased in intensity. There will be a time difference when you look at the map (it is interactive so zoom in or out and change landscape layout at will). The quakes started about four or five minutes before 10 a.m. on 10/18/12 and ended around midnight local time here. The quakes are listed with the most recent last, so the ones of interest for our area in that time frame started with Independence Lake and ended with Dyer…








Subject: Provocateured event


Dear MHFM,


The FBI seems to have its hands in very questionable clandestine activities. These are the same individuals who carried out and got away with the 1993 February 26th World Trade Center (WTC) bombing. They originally told their patsy (Emad Salem – former Egyptian Military Officer) that it was supposed to be a training exercise to make a fake bomb, (a dummy bomb) so the FBI could go in there to defuse the bomb; but what ended up happening is the FBI asked him to make a real bomb, and the patsy questioned this and they offered him a million dollars. So the patsy was clever enough to record his conversations (over one hundred hours worth of conversations) with the FBI head of New York and other FBI agents of the squad, so that if the bomb he made did blow-up and kill people, he has something to fall back on and that’s the only thing that saved him. The explosion killed 6 people, left over a thousand injured, and caused over half a billion dollars in damages. And of course, the FBI never got in trouble and got away with everything – that’s amazing…

Thank you for exposing these agents-provocateurs in their dealings in entrapments and their latest string of patsy set-ups. They always supply the motive, the weapons, and the money. And it seems they have conditioned a sizable portion of the public to believe that there really was a legitimate terror threat, when their patsies would have never even attempted to carry out any such revolutionary activity, without the FBI first facilitating and organizing everything in the plot from the get-go to the end.





Subject: Invincible Ignorance


Often… when I talk to people on theology I go straight to the water baptism issue. This is an example of how it goes. Sort of an archetype of people who claim to know about theology.


Me: So let’s talk about baptism of desire, I don't believe it. That is my position. You must be water baptized to be saved.


Them: Well I believe in baptism of desire.


Me: Okay so you have to desire a baptism to get a baptism of desire.


Them: yes.


Me: So no invincible ignorance? The pagan on the island is damned.


Them: No. I believe in invincible ignorance. If they are "of good will" and through no fault of their own...


Me: Okay so you can get a BOD by either desiring baptism or by never hearing of the faith? So then like a Jew who rejects Christ cannot be saved.


Them: Well... they could convert.


Me: No I mean if they die as a Jew.


Them: But like at the last moment of their life something just clicks you know.


Me: (sigh) No in the question the hypothetical person who is a Jew dies thinking Judaism is correct.


Them: Well... I mean I leave the judgement up to God.


Me: So what about a Satanist? They worship the devil. Can they get one.


Them: I am not the judge, but if at the end of their life...


Me: Oh boy...






Subject: Antichrist "Popemobile"


Dear Brothers,

The Vatican II sect has put Antipope John Paul II's "popemobile" on display in the Vatican museum: "The white open-air jeep... John Paul II was riding in when he was shot May 13, 1981, was taken out of storage and put on display in the Vatican Museums' newly revamped Popemobile Pavilion." (
http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1204368.htm) It is actually more evidence of the fact that John Paul II was the Antichrist Beast of the Apocalypse, since combined with the gamut of heresies he spread, he received the death-wound as prophesied: Apocalypse 13:2,3 - "And the beast, which I saw, was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength, and great power. And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death's wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast." Anyone who doesn't know about this aspect of the Vatican II apostasy should watch your video: Is the World about to End? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNCMaa6r5oY&feature=plcp

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Birthdays


Dear Monks,

I saw in your e-exchange archives from a while ago that you said that Catholics should definitely not celebrate the birthdays of heretics or those outside the true faith. I understand not celebrating holy days like Christmas and Easter with them. But what's wrong with celebrating the day that they were born? Can you explain this to me? I'm confused about it.

God's blessings
Wesley Brittain


MHFM: One should not be honoring people who are rejecting God.




Subject: Aimless


Dear MHFM,


The incredulity of the blind walking aimlessly, and yet saying something that sounds reasonable, but completely out in left field. Like this person, Christy. I mean, does she need a seeing eye dog for Catholic truth or what? Being solely a V2 prodigy, vacuous, and totally devoid of past sacred instructions which are to be held as truth and infallible regarding faith and morals, what proof does she present, from saints, martyrs, papal pronouncements, miracles, etc. etc., to substantiate her claims… while your monastery presents a plethora of evidence supporting your salvific cause against this hideous council V2, and its members like Corapi, an outcast even from his V2 sect, who to this day remains unrepentant, by his own admission and practice? Do these people fear the truth staring directly at them for once in their shuttered life of V2 gibberish, then feeling threatened proceed with a toothless bark? Does Christy pray, for discernment, at the least a decade of Mother Mary's Sacred Psalter after she rises in the morning so that Mother Mary remove the film of V2 deceit and feel good, demonia trance? Me thinks not. Wow!






Subject: Creation and Miracles


Hello brother, my name is Jason Taylor. I want to thank you for the time you took making that video. I really enjoyed it. I do have some concerns and questions though and was hoping you could help me understand. First off, were you trying to prove to non-believers that Jesus actually lived and died for our sins, or were you trying to convert people to becoming catholics? I truly hope your intentions were all Jesus…


Where does it say in the Bible you have to be a catholic to have your name in the book of life. Where does it say I am suppose to confess my sins to another human sinful person in order to be saved We are to love and accept others first,… and hope by our actions that others will follow. You straight up said, if your not catholic than you will burn in hell. That does not make someone want to convert and change. You don't use fear to lure others to believe in Jesus, but rather love. There is so much deceit and secrecy going on behind everyone’s back in the catholic religion I don't know how anyone would wanna convert. My religion is Jesus Christ. My God.. You talk of all these miracles when the real miracle is the widowed homeless Mom barely hanging on cause Jesus won't let her go.. No man performs miracles but rather Jesus working through them… Please help me to understand why I have to be a catholic to enter the pearly gates of heaven. I love Jesus he is all I know and I want to be with him when I die so if you can help save my soul please help me.. But i can truly tell you this, my soul and life already belong to Christ.. He bought it with his blood.. ...... I love you brother and sorry it sounded like I was knocking your religion,.. but its cause I don't understand. God bless and Christ be with you and your loved ones.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Allow us to address your concerns.  1.  With regard to your first question, the hope is both: to convince unbelievers of the truth about Jesus and that His one true faith is the Catholic faith.  The two go together.  You cannot follow or accept Christ without embracing all of what He taught.  2.  The Bible clearly teaches that the Catholic faith is the only true faith.  See our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and our section refuting Protestantism.  Only the Catholic faith is faithful to what Jesus taught on baptism, confession, the Eucharist, the Papacy, etc.  If you really want to accept Christ, as you claim, then you will embrace what Jesus taught on these matters.  Thus, you cannot be a true Christian without being a traditional Catholic.  The Bible says you must hear the Church Christ established upon Peter (Mt. 18:17), and that Church is the Catholic Church.  3.  The Bible teaches confession in John 20:23.  See our book for the full discussion.  4.  You are wrong when you assert that fear does not move people to embrace the truth.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the first degree of humility.  That’s one of the most frequently mentioned truths in the Bible:


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Ps. 110:10; Prov. 1:7; 9:10; Ecclesiasticus 1:16; etc.). 


Scripture teaches that people first convert by fearing God, and then learn to love Him later on as they advance.  It makes sense, therefore, that informing people of God’s judgments upon those who sin mortally or reject His teaching is very often a key component in bringing people to conversion. 


St. Benedict: “The first degree of humility, then, is that a man always have the fear of God before his eyes (cf Ps 35[36]:2), shunning all forgetfulness and that he be ever mindful of all that God hath commanded, that he always considereth in his mind how those who despise God will burn in Hell for their sins, and that life everlasting is prepared for those who fear God. And whilst he guardeth himself evermore against sin and vices of thought, word, deed, and self-will, let him also hasten to cut off the desires of the flesh.”


You really need to look at the material on the biblical proof for the Catholic faith.   You won’t be saved if you don’t embrace it.




Subject: Thank You


Dear Brothers,


Your work really inspires me to study and learn all I can about my Catholic faith. I was already reading the great works of St. Louis De Montfort before I began studying your material, yet other than that, I did not know where to look to find solid Catholic truths. The Novus Ordo is so spiritually desolate that even when you seek it out, you will not find the true Faith, nor will you even be pointed in the right direction. You, brothers, are the complete opposite, in that, you teach the true Faith in all its purity and guide us where to learn more. Thank you.


God blesss,

Mario Chavez




Dear brothers,


The different voice of Anti-Christ JPII that Lee Ann mentions in her "Notice" email is that of "man" and the many heretics throughout history. When Vatican II came to be in the 1960's and eclipsed the Traditional Catholic Church, the voice of the Anti-Christ began to grow louder and louder, and the world began to slowly turn upside-down. Just as the Prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette and Pope Leo XIII's 1884 prayer to Saint Michael that once had all the faithful looking towards a future event, now have the faithful glancing back at the destructiveness of the Vatican II anti-popes and living in The Great Apostasy. The heretics that have become deafened by the loud voice of the Anti-Christ are unable to hear the truth and recognize the present times, as they smile and laughingly enjoy their long-stroll, down a short-pier extending over eternal hell fires.


The voice that has not been heard in some 50 plus years is that of a true Pope, as the current anti-pope's voice is inaudible and non-existent during these dark and last days... I think the only hope for this country is just short of a miracle through Mother Mary's Holy Rosary…


God Bless your work,


Tom Miles


My thoughts


My thoughts regarding "invincible ignorance"


There is no such thing, The Holy Trinity gives EVERYONE multiple chances to be saved, it doesn't matter where you are born or are. To say God would allow someone to remain ignorant and not know the True Faith is blasphemy because one is making it seem as though God does not have the power to send someone to preach to somebody else in the middle of nowhere. God also knows who will convert and who will not, which is why God didn't want St.Francis of Assisi going to the middle east at one particular time because the boat got damaged and St.Francis had to return. Also in Scripture: "Acts 16:6 And when they had passed through Phrygia, and the country of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia." Also how God sent Phillip to talk to the eunuch. The problem with the modern world today is that there aren't too many open minded people, and The Catholic Church is in eclipse.


"invincible ignorance" is modernism






Subject: Comments on your website and videos


Good morning,

I viewed with interest your video about Father Corapi. Wondering about the source of the video, and looking for comments on it, I ended at the website MostHolyfamilymonastery.com. Honestly, I was disturbed by what I heard and read in both places. Not because I am disturbed by the truth, if that is the case, but what disturbs me is the judgments you have made against others, condemning them even to hell, and the attacks you have made on the Roman Catholic Church.

I question if you are motivated by a desire to improve or to destroy the Church. You have pointed out much corruption, with this I agree, but no one has the right to make the judgment that someone else is not worthy of salvation. Only God can judge that. For this, and many other reasons, I find your website and what you publish to be heretical. I ask you to pray for guidance and discernment, I ask you to pray for clarity in what you are attempting to do and for the Lord to remove the plank from your eye that you may clearly see who is seeking to destroy the Church and how. I think your intentions may be good, but the fruits may not be.

God bless,



MHFM: Christy, your unbelief has hindered your ability to recognize what is true.  It’s dishonest and wrong for you to conclude that material defending Catholicism is actually attacking it.  Please begin to look at things honestly, free from all considerations of what others in the Vatican II Church might think.  If you’ve been influenced by “Fr.” Corapi, then you’ve been exposed to a distorted view of many matters concerning Catholicism. 


You say that no one has the right to judge another as a heretic or as unworthy of salvation.  That’s wrong.  Catholics not only have the ability to judge people as unworthy of salvation, but the obligation to do so.  The Church teaches that a Catholic must hold that all those outside the Church are unworthy of salvation unless they convert.  Moreover, it teaches that those who claim to be part of the Church, but reject Catholic teaching, are also to be considered heretics and unworthy of salvation.  Here are just two quotes that contradict your assertion: 


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: “… for men… when they see that someone is a heretic by his external works, they judge him to be a heretic pure and simple, and condemn him as a heretic.”


Acts 13:46 “Then Paul and Barnabas said boldly: To you it behoved us first to speak the word of God: but because you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold we turn to the Gentiles.”


We are not exposing corruption in the Catholic Church.  We are demonstrating that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  By obstinately refusing to recognize that men (e.g., Antipope Benedict XVI, etc.) who embrace Protestantism, schism, and paganism of all forms are heretics (not Catholics), you are attacking the true Catholic Church.  You are not defending it.  Please give a more careful and fair consideration to the facts on how heretics lose membership and authority in the Church; how there have been antipopes; that the teaching of the Vatican II Church is not consistent with traditional teaching; etc.




Just a thought about the phony teaching of "invincible ignorance". Aside from the obvious teachings which prove this idea to be false, another angle to consider is the fact that the Vat II Church teaches that they don't know what happens to children who die in the womb or are aborted (ignoring the dogmatic pronouncements). They say that they are left to the mercy of God. Yet this same heretical church teaches as truth, the idea that there are definitely those saved through invincible ignorance of the gospel! Let's ponder that for a moment...if it is a fact that the invincibly ignorant (even one) can be saved, then wouldn't it logically follow that ALL of the children who die in the womb are saved? Aren't they the MOST invincibly ignorant? But NO, the Vat II Church says they don't know. Just another contradiction amongst heretics.




Las Vegas


Subject: News: Earthquake planned for Las Vegas?


Breaking Las Vegas Nevada News (are they trying to tell us something? - Remember how they built that 15 story bunker underneath the "city" building some years ago and had the whole thing gated and fenced and covered while they dug deep - you could see it though if you peeked through the cracks in the fence!?)

Las Vegas Earthquake preparedness drill scheduled for 10.18.12 at 10.18 a.m.??? Mayor Goodman announced it on the City TV channel this early evening. I missed it, left to get groceries but the family saw it. I couldn't find it on t.v. again or a news channel so went to the web and found these things. I think the pages were only put up within hours (except for possibly info on Wells quake from University of Reno). All schools and public places will participate in the drill:

Clark County prepared to ‘drop, cover and hold on’ as part of earthquake drill

What would happen if an earthquake strikes Las Vegas?

There are plenty of links in the two articles and some in particular link to extensive studies that were done by the University of Reno on the Wells Nevada quake that happened in 2008. It was a 6.0 and it caused $9 million dollars in damage with no fatalities that I know of.




Empty Chair


I don't think that it is a coincidence that Clint Eastwood spoke to an empty chair. I don't think that it is a coincidence that the U. S. Marines hung an empty chair out of a helicopter, I do see the similarities to sedevacantism…




“Eucharistic Congress”


Subject: Eucharist Congress in NJ


This was a three day event that took place this weekend in Diocese of Trenton NJ at PNC art center. Several thousand attended.  Highlights include a rainbow clown teaching catechism to children, priest rapper, rock music, skin head priests, Bishop singing with rock musician Journey song "Don't stop believing" and edible bible lessons by the donut man who compares Our Lord to a donut a complete mockery





“Invincible Ignorance”


Subject: "invincible ignorance"


Dear Brothers,

The individual who wrote in trying to "prove" invincible ignorance resorts to a typical device of all liars: fiction. The fact is that the scenario they describe does not exist, since there is no place that God cannot reach with the Gospel. They wrote: "to clarify, in this scenario, there are no Catholic priests, lay people, missionaries for a thousand miles, nor will there ever be due to the anti-Catholic sentiment of the Chinese government?" This is an impossible scenario, and it seems to imply that the Chinese government is more powerful than God. Unfortunately, that's what the New World Order wants us to believe, i.e. that the civil government is "God."

Romans 8:37-39 - "But in all these things we overcome, because of him that hath loved us. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Video on the Holy Spirit


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for your video on the Holy Spirit; it is very thought provoking. For one thing, it reminded me of something that I haven't thought about since my miserable days in the Vatican 2 church.


At that time (long before I had any clue as to what was going on), I could not help but notice -- even then --that the few real papal documents which I had had the opportunity to read (and which had been authored by different popes prior to John XXIII), always seemed to sound as if they had been written by one and the same person -- not different men. This was so remarkable to me, that I can remember commenting about it at the time. And I realize now that this is the all-important truth which so many reject: the true papal pronouncements, indeed, all have one and the same thing -- the protection of the Holy Ghost. On the other hand, although I had read almost nothing by the V2 popes, I do recall reading one thing by JP2. And it was impossible not to notice that his was definitely a different voice from that of all the other popes, a fact which I found peculiar and disturbing -- even then.


Of course… I now understand why. The solemn pronouncements of the true popes are uniquely concise, unambiguous and crystal clear; they are in a genre by themselves. Thus, when heretics say that true papal pronouncements must be "interpreted" to be understood, they are sinning… and are simply playing the Antichrist game.


Lee Ann




Subject: Lawlessness


Dear MHFM,

I read the article about the brutal torture and burning alive to death of 4 young university boys in Nigeria, allegedly accused of thievery. The claim that they tried to still a lap top and a phone, are completely unfounded, made-up, and irrelevant. They were killed by Moslems, and in fact, the man (community leader and head of mob Alhaji Hassan Walewa) who took the lead in instigating the murders has been “arrested” (brought in for questioning). I say “arrested” because the “Archbishop” Okogie said: “I was told some law enforcement agents, were not far from the scene, but pretended not to see the heinous crime being perpetuated.” The police Commissioner, the Inspector-General of Police, and the leading power in the senate are Moslems. One only needs to take a look at their names. Islamic civilization is one of the worst things in human memory. The “judicial” institutions and police of the Nigerian state are corrupt, lawless, and out of control. Moslems are clearly in a deeper state of darkness than other pagans.






As far as "invincible ignorance" is concerned, what happens to someone that doesn't know what they ultimately should know? Say, someone in China in some remote province, working in a factory; with his family living in that province for generations; isolated from any western thought or any culture besides what is immediately around him (the Chinese counter-culture thought machine being in full swing there); and to clarify, in this scenario, there are no Catholic priests, lay people, missionaries for a thousand miles, nor will there ever be due to the anti-Catholic sentiment of the Chinese government? How can this person be judged a heretic? He doesn't know what he, as far as we (Traditional Catholics) are concerned, should know?


MHFM: When a person doesn’t know what he or she needs to know (i.e., the essential mysteries of the Incarnation and the Trinity) that person cannot be saved.  That’s Catholic dogma.  The quotes below express the truth well.  One must be convinced of this to be Catholic.  Such a person wouldn’t be a heretic, but a pagan.  That person is left in ignorance because he or she was not among the elect.  All the elect will come to know Christ, receive baptism and enter His Church.


Fr. Francisco de Vitoria, O.P., a famous 16th century Dominican theologian, summed up the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on this topic very well.  Here is how he put it:


When we postulate invincible ignorance on the subject of baptism or of the Christian faith, it does not follow that a person can be saved without baptism or the Christian faith. For the aborigines to whom no preaching of the faith or Christian religion has come will be damned for mortal sins or for idolatry, but not for the sin of unbelief. As St. Thomas says, however, if they do what in them lies [in their power], accompanied by a good life according to the law of nature, it is consistent with God’s providence that he will illuminate them regarding the name of Christ.”


Pope St. Pius X, Acerbo Nimis (# 2), April 15, 1905: “And so Our Predecessor, Benedict XIV, had just cause to write: ‘We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect.’”


Pope Benedict XIV, Cum Religiosi (# 4), June 26, 1754: “See to it that every minister performs carefully the measures laid down by the holy Council of Trent… that confessors should perform this part of their duty whenever anyone stands at their tribunal who does not know what he must by necessity of means know to be saved…”


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.– But the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity; neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance; for there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit, their glory is equal, their majesty coeternal...and in this Trinity there is nothing first or later, nothing greater or less, but all three persons are coeternal and coequal with one another, so that in every respect, as has already been said above, both unity in Trinity, and Trinity in unity must be worshipped. Therefore let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity.

“But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...the Son of God is God and man... This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.”




Subject: Biblical proof that the Holy Spirit is God


Dear Brothers,

Thanks for your video on the Biblical proof that the Holy Spirit is God. It’s very clear and concise, and full of truth. There were times when I’d be in religious discussions with people who claimed to believe in God and the Bible yet rejected outright that He is one God in three Divine Persons. I remember one individual, a “Jehovah’s Witness,” who attempted to “prove” how Catholics have it all wrong. Needless to say, this individual had it all wrong. Sadly, he was unwilling to embrace the truth.


In response to Mr. Woodward’s email blaspheming Christ and essentially echoing the antichrist phrase “what’s up is down and what’s down is up,” we see yet another striking example of total spiritual blindness as result of bad will. They cry “you’re not being charitable,” but are foolishly unwilling to see that they are the ones lacking in charity. Satan surely has these people wrapped around his finger, and like Satan, those who they cannot drag away with them into error, they attack.


On another note, it was a true joy to hear from the ex-Seventh Day Adventist who converted to the Catholic faith after viewing the information on your website. Thanks for sharing his story. May he continue always in God’s grace.


Sincerely in Christ,



“Catholic” Schools


Subject: Catholic schools can’t say abortion is wrong


Canada's Education Minister Laurel Broten is from the pit of hell, she obviously got her education from the university of vatican ll [sect], no pun intended. She believes that love tolerates the murder of unborn children, WOW!


"Broten said, “As we have said on a number of times, in Ontario we support Catholic education, support the teaching of love and tolerance in our Catholic schools and at the same time support a woman’s right to choose [to kill her child].”


She says that Catholic teachings violate human rights and at the same time promotes religious freedom, Catholic teachings are the sanctification of life and is the One True Religion!


“The Catholic teachings are one aspect that we teach in our schools, but we do not allow and we’re very clear with the passage of Bill "13" that Catholic teachings cannot be taught in our schools that violates human rights and which brings a lack of acceptance to participation in schools,” Broten was quoted saying.


It is obvious that she is a follower of aleister crowley and wants young girls to do the same, "do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law." She tries to falsely imply that pro-abortion and pro-choice are two separate and different things, which is impossible because they are one and the same and even if a person never has an abortion but yet consents to it…


“We must ensure that women, young girls in our schools, especially highlighted during the week … that young girls can make the choices that they make. This is not about being pro-abortion, it is about being pro-choice.


"She noted the same law – and standards – apply to the issue of teaching homosexuality."








The Vatican's official newspaper has given a glowing review to Bob Dylan's new album, are you kidding me this is more proof in your face that vatican ii is satanic! Dylan in his own words sold his soul to the devil, he said so in an interview with 60 minutes several years back. You tube has the proof anyone who rejects this or scoffs is a LIAR!




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Biblical Proof that the Holy Spirit is God [video]


Teeth gnashing


Subject: Teeth gnashing of the SSPX 'faithful'



It's incredible to read… in the 'trad' world, the chaos that the supposed impending agreement between the SSPX and the Vatican is causing among those that attend the SSPX. Lofty pronouncements comparing those that supposedly resist it like Williamson to the English martyrs. And why? Because the horror of submitting to their 'Pope'! The pompous self-importance of these people is staggering.

I hope the SSPX takes the bait. Without the SSPX, the schismatic error of 'recognize and resist' may gradually die down among traditionalists.





Subject: EWTN Heresies Comment


In trying to research something unrelated I have come across several pages like this one found on your site. Please STOP and refer to Christ when he says “all who call upon my name are with us not against us. A house cannot be divided”. “Love one another as I have Loved you” Forgive and you will be forgiven”, I want LOVE not Sacrifice, Those who hear the word of GOD and obey are my family.


I don’t see Christ in anything you have written. I instead see hatred and division. Per Jesus this is the true sign of the Devil. (I Am Not Calling you One) as the Pharisees persecuted Jesus and all others in the name of GOD.


As far as Pope John Paul II I suggest you listen to the… CD on Him John Paul 1 and Paul VI? prior. John Paul I named himself that because he knew he would not last long and that Carrol was supposed to be pope. He even pointed Carol out as the one who was supposed to be!!! The suffix “I” was also apart of his original name not added after his passing because of his knowledge of the fact. John Paul II words are the appropriate guide for the time. AND to suggest otherwise goes against the vary faith and See of Peter you are professing that others are ignoring.


The purpose of the Law of Christ is to help us grown in the ways of LOVE, not Hatred. I suggest you read the WOES today and meditate on them. Your article shows that is where you currently lie.


I will include you and yours in my prayers today.


May GOD bless you,

Sincerely yours,

A fellow Sinner & Catholic Who tries hard Every Day.


John Woodard


MHFM: Well, you don’t have the first clue about what is “of Christ” or what is true.  You say that division is a certain sign of the Devil.  You thus blasphemously call Christ a devil, for He said:


Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division” (Luke 12:51). 


Of course, there is no division in the true Church; but, for those who have His faith, there is certainly division from heretics.  That’s what Christ brings.  Since you have no faith, you confuse a denunciation of heretics with a violation of charity and a repudiation of true peace.  You cannot refute one thing on our website.  You can only complain that it doesn’t meet your false standards of “charity,” when in fact it comports with true charity and Catholic teaching.


You recommend the writings of Antipope John Paul II and Paul VI.  If you had a clue, you would see that we’ve researched their writings extensively, and documented many heresies therein.  You don’t hate evil, and you have no faith.  In fact, since you are commenting on the EWTN heresies section, it's obvious that you have no problem with their modernism, false ecumenism, acceptance of Protestantism, and belief in salvation outside the Church.


Until you begin to detest evil and accept Catholic dogma, especially on the issue of heresy and salvation, you won’t see the truth.  You are a prime example of a disgraceful and bad-willed individual whom God, as a result of a resistance to truth, justly leaves in the darkness of the Vatican II sect.


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]


Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be Pope 1963-1978) [link to section]




Subject: pedophile "priests"


Dear Brothers,

The Australian authorities have concluded that the "Catholic Church," i.e. the Vatican II sect, has moved pedophile "priests" around instead of "defrocking" them: "The Roman Catholic Church has moved sexually abusive priests across international borders and kept them in ministry, criminal authorities in Australia have concluded." (http://www.dallasnews.com/investigations/headlines/20121012-australian-government-report-cites-dmn-findings-on-catholic-church-moving-pedophile-priests.ece)

No surprises there unfortunately. However, it could indicate a push towards persecution of true Catholics, since when the authorities don't differentiate between the real Catholic Church (now reduced to a remnant) and the counterfeit Church (Antipope Benedict XVI and his followers), then it is only a matter of time before zero tolerance of true Catholics sets in. The Devil has been trying to destroy the Catholic Church since its inception, so it's no surprise that his New World Order is totally geared towards accomplishing that desire. It all goes back to the denial of the salvation dogma and of water baptism, in favor of the abominations of "baptism of desire/blood" and "invincible ignorance".

John 9:5 - "[Jesus said] As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

1 John 5:19 - "We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness."

God Bless,

Chris White


Respecting Other Religions


Subject: Respecting Other Religions


Dear Brothers,

At this point in the Great Apostasy, the idea of respecting other peoples' beliefs is quite rampant. Often when I'm having a conversation with someone about religion or I overhear a conversation between other people about religion, someone says that we should respect other peoples' beliefs or be open to other peoples' opinions about religion. This demonstrates the degree to which the apostasy from the true faith has sunken. People who hold to such a notion don't even realize how absurd and nonsensical their position is. I find that people who hold this absurd and heretical position are often hypocrites because they often criticize the Catholic faith. I've experienced it myself when I make my Catholic beliefs known. Some people think I am close-minded because I believe the Catholic faith to be the only true faith and I don't respect Protestantism and other false religions. Then they go on and make negative remarks about Catholicism. According to their logic, people should respect devil worship. The V2 sect with its religious indifference has contributed greatly to this heresy. If only a true pope was sitting on the chair of Peter, he would condemn this heresy and faith would not be as cold as it is.



Deo Gratias from the UK


Subject: Deo Gratias from the UK


Hey Guys...Ave Maria!  My name is Kenny and i converted to Catholicism in 97. All ive known my whole Catholic is vatican 2. I was really happy when i converted but i guess that was the gift that Our Lord gives to people who see the truth of the savior and catholicism but the more ive read over the years i had a feeling inside me that things are not right from the lack of respect to our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist to the complete lack of respect of the people in the mass and all this when i first converted! Even then i had a feeling something wasnt right. After watching your videos i am convinced that vatican 2 was heresy from beginning to end, but now i feel scared for my soul and have a few questions. Does this mean that the Masses i went to and the Confessions i did were blasphemy to Our lord? Also how do i worship god in a church when the masses said and the institution has become an insult to the Saviour?

Thank you and god bless you and the good holy work you are all doing

Kenny Rowley


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The New Mass is blasphemous, invalid and must be avoided under pain of grave sin.  Thus, you must not worship there.  You need to look more carefully at the material and recognize that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church and one must not have any part with it.  You should watch these videos as an introduction. 


The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)


Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Dear Brothers,


I am so glad that vaticancatholic.com has come to tell the truth about what Catholics truly believe… you don't take any bull from these bad people… The fact that this is happening tells me that the Mass and Communion really don't mean anything to these un-holy priests anyway…



Richard Shannon


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  As you look into the information some more, we think you will see that the Vatican II “Mass” and priesthood are invalid.  That means that those ordained according to their new rite cannot provide valid Communion or confession.


The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)




Subject: The Jehovah’s Witnesses



Thanks for the "Holy Spirit" video… I wonder how [they say] the Holy Spirit is like a "force" or "electricity" if He was lied to (Ananias and Saphira) and He is a helper (paraclete) etc. I've heard my Jehovah's Witness friend talk to me and she says things like "we get truth by holy spirit" and "we do _______ by holy spirit" (lower case h & l as they'd have it) and the ways she talks about the Holy Spirit, it sounds like she just drank an energy drink… and then she can get her works done. They really think the Holy Spirit like is an energy drink or like a superpower that enables them to be "superheroes". It's really bad…


Trinidad, West Indies.




Subject: Holy Spirit


Thanks for the Holy Spirit video.


Makes me think of all those people who obstinately refuse to exalt Mother Mary as being 'conceived without sin'. Mother Mary is the Immaculate Conception. Likewise, such people who insult her perfection, also insult the Holy Ghost because (when referring to Jesus' conception by the Holy Ghost) they think God made His dwelling place in a vessel of sin. Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant.  "Hail Mary full of Grace ......"


If the Ark of the Old Covenant, which contained the written tables of the Law and was overshadowed by the spiritual presence of God, had to be overlaid with the most pure gold and had to be constructed according to the most precise specifications of God, how much GREATER is God's construction of Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant? (The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church)






Subject: about new video


Dear Brothers,

Excellent job on the new video about the Holy Ghost… Every JW along with any other anti-trinitarian should see this because it’s simply irrefutable…

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: So-called "Year of Faith"


Dear Brothers:


The False Prophet has had the utter audacity to begin a "Year of Faith" which really means "the year of the Great Gloat". As I see it, this is another sure sign that time is very short. Ratzinger is celebrating and exalting the so-called Second Vatican Council and (in case that were not blasphemy enough), he is also celebrating the so-called Catechism of John Paul II. Hell must be jumpin' as the False Prophet proclaims: Mission Accomplished!


Now, if any person in the impostor church had even one iota of Catholic sense, you would think he or she would ask: What faith is this guy talking about? But no, they don't ask, and the question probably never even occurs to them. Like the blind sheeple they are, it won't bother them one bit that what is really being celebrated is the 50th anniversary of the takeover of the physical structures of the Catholic Church by the enemies of Christ -- and the destruction of the faith in the souls and minds of millions.


Lee Ann




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the… video proving from the Bible that the Holy Spirit is God. It is a remarkable observation that the truth of the Holy Trinity runs through the New Testament like a stream. The points about the distinct titles given to each Divine Person of the Most Holy Trinity are very interesting: God/Father, Lord/Son and Spirit/Holy Ghost. It is amazing how blind non-Trinitarians are to such obvious facts. The point about Matthew 28:19 is also very valuable since the Trinitarian formula Jesus presented there is the basis for some sacraments, such as baptism, confirmation and confession, as well as appearing in almost every part of a Catholic's prayer life. It should remind us that God is one Lord… though He is three distinct persons: "Neither dividing the substance, nor confounding the persons" (Athanasian Creed).

The "Jehovah's Witnesses" and other non-Trinitarians blaspheme God the Holy Ghost when they say He is merely some kind of "force" like electricity, rather than a Divine Person. They are saying God is a creature, which is Satanic! The Holy Trinity is uncreated, without beginning or end, from all eternity - consubstantial, co-eternal and co-equal in every respect. May the Most Holy Trinity continue blessing Most Holy Family Monastery in every way.

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Esther


I read the Book of Esther the other day… this true historical story is such a powerful and beautiful prognostication of Mary, the Mother of God and speaks on so many things. I read the Catholic quote of the day by St. Louis De Montfort on the necessity of devotion to the True Ark of the New Covenant [Mary] and the Book of Esther describes Our Lady's power with the King of Kings. The story touches on a number of things that signify other things that have happened in man's history with God in the bible, e.g. Queen Vasthi signified Eve, she disobeyed the King's order and she was cast out [Genesis 3:23] and then the king wrote an edict stating that wives are to be under the dominion of the husband, proving what God said in the Garden of Paradise [Genesis 3:16], then King Assuerus commanded that beautiful virgins were to be found in the land, so one could be chosen to take Queen Vasthi place and that was Esther, signifying Mary and Her obedience.


As usual, the jews in the City of Susan, started worshipping idols, so God stirred up Aman against the jews and he had a design to kill all the jews in all the lands of King Assuerus, which signifies how God deals with those who apostatize from Him throughout history, war, famine, pestilence, oppression. [WWlll] Mardochai, Esther's Uncle asks her to go before the King and ask for his help but to do so would be certain death, no one was allowed to go before the King unless they were called to do so, this signifies, Our Lady standing before the Just Wrath of God, interceding on our behalf. Esther goes into the King and ask him to come to the banquet that she has prepared, which I believe signifies our prayers, petitions, sufferings, penance, etc and Mary prepares [perfects] them and offers them to Her Son on our behalf. The king grants what Esther asks for and even secures the destruction of the jews enemies. I love this particular verse which proves Mary's Immaculate conception and Assumption into Heaven, body and soul:


Esther 15:13 Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made for thee, but for all others. [punishment for original sin, Genesis 2:17]


I truly thank God for giving to the world, such a wonderful Mother, as Mary is! If only people would say the Rosary. Thank you for the latest video.


The video on the post nuclear war is very sobering:


Zacharias 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord shall strike all nations that have fought against Jerusalem [Catholic Church]: the flesh of every one shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.






I was in a Novus Ordo Church (sorry) a few months ago, in fact it was the seat of the bishop. After mass the celebrating "priest" began to wave a book over his head while walking back and forth on the altar. He was exclaiming that he co-authored the book in question with a protestant minister and with a jewish rabbi, and now it was going to be distributed to 3rd to 9th graders as part of their Catholic school education.  He couldn't have been more pleased with himself. He wrote a required religious ed book with two people who by their very nature abhor the Catholic Church, and boldly stated that it would be given out to Catholic children at school. Right there on the altar of his "Church".


I was there because my mother had persuaded me to give the N.O. church another chance. But I couldn't believe what I saw and heard so I walked out, and I'll never return to that place. The whole place is laid out like some kind of summer theater stage with seats for an audience. There's a star of david stained glass window, and well, the list is long.  It's funny how one's own family, those most beloved, can get to and persuade you to go against your own good judgement. So I will continue to love them, but from a distance.


Why is it only the Catholic Church that is supposed to make such grand concessions?




MHFM: That’s an interesting and revealing story.  We are glad that you told us about it.  However, it’s sad that you are not convinced that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church and that the New Mass must be avoided.  You committed sin by going there.  We hope you become convinced on all the issues and convert to the true Catholic faith. 


It shouldn’t require an ecumenical or interreligious overture on the part of the “priest” to convince you that the New Mass must be avoided and that the Vatican II sect is not Catholic.  Rather, one should be convinced by the authority of the past papal teachings which the Vatican II sect denies; and one should be certain that the New Mass is not Catholic and must be avoided on the basis of traditional Catholic principles.


Lastly, the Catholic Church does not make concessions in regard to her teaching.  The Vatican II sect does. 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Subject: The dogmas



Christianity (i.e., the Catholic Church) is not found at the pretended and so called local parish level nowadays. Authenticity is rediscovered in the wilderness and caves of the End Times Catholic remnant of Faithful – those who adhere faithfully to the dogmas pronounced by the Popes for the past 2,000 years. Authenticity is found in those who don’t pick and choose what dogmas to follow. These are they who vigorously adhere (and are faithful) to the sacred deposit of faith – whole and inviolate – without exceptions or compromise. The group which arose out of the notoriously Apostate Second Vatican Council is thought to be the “Catholic Church” by the greater portion of lost humanity. This is a punishment emanating from the Divine Wrath, unto those who receive not the love of the truth – for God never casts His previous pearls before dogs and swine – for them to trample upon(St. Mat. 7:6).

This apostate and counterfeit imitation of the Church, is the Great Deception of the End times as warned of in the Third Secret of Fatima, Our Lady of La Salette (“...the Church will be in eclipse…” blocked out of view in great part), and prophesied by Saints, Popes, and Scripture. If the world needs a reminder: the Catholic Church absolutely rejects all who have opposing views. Indifferentists and liberals know this, so through their infidel literature and vast media influence they endeavor to create and maintain a false perception of what a Christian is, in the minds of lost humanity. They do this by touting the Protestant federational ministers as “legitimate” representatives of the Christian view. Thus calling heretics “good” and Christians (i.e., Catholics) not good.





Dear Brothers,


I wish that there was a word in the English language that could adequately express my thanks to you for the charity that you have shown me through your website. Even though I do not have much money I will be happy to support your efforts in the future.  May Our Lord bless your efforts,


Richard Lucich




Thank you for helping me realize what has happened to our Catholic Church. I believe i was guided by the Holy Ghost to your website and truthful information. Keep up the excellent/hard work. Now, I need to speak out about it but it's been hard for people to believe the truth. Pray for me and I will pray for your monastery as well. May God bless.

Thanks, Kevin




Caught your info on Fox News Channel.






Just saw your tv ad and was thoroughly impressed.




St. Athanasius


Subject: Saint Athanasius


Dear Brothers,


I would like to share this quote by St. Athanasius with your readers who, as faithful Catholics, are having much to suffer in these last days:


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, we should not look at these temporal things, but fix our attention on those which are eternal. Though affliction may come, it will have an end, though insult and persecution, yet are they nothing to the hope which is set [before us]. For all present matters are trifling compared with those which are future; the sufferings of this present time not being worthy to be compared with the hope that is to come. For what can be compared with the kingdom? or what is there in comparison with life eternal?”


Sincerely in Christ,





Saw an add on Sean Hannity on Fox News tonight regarding this offer.


Jan Drew




Thank you for helping save our Roman Catholic Faith... everything you spoke about made perfect sense...


very sincerely, Bertie Gros




I am anxious to start studying, this… way of Salvation for myself & my Family.  Thank you very much.






TY, for everything , I am feeling so much better since finding your material.


Sincerely JOE G.




Subject: SSPX


I had a conversation with an SSPX supporter today. She told me she has a case of BOD in her family. The story is that her sister got divorced and then started going to church. Her husband isn't practicing any religion. Their 12 year old son wants to be baptized but neither the priest, or his mother, or his aunt will baptize him....because they say you need the father’s permission too. She asked me if I thought if he died unbaptized would he go to hell and I said yes. She was really irritated by this. She thinks that she is following church teaching by not baptizing him because it is the priest’s job and lay people can only do it in time of necessity or in danger of death. She also said that since the boy would be spending time with his non-Catholic father it would be better if he were not baptized than to be around him and lose the faith (in so many words). She also has a huge problem with the Sedevacantist position. She wanted me to pray to Mary and ask her to let me know if my position was correct about these current popes. I told her I will not, that I am certain they are not popes. She told me that was prideful and I need to pray for humility. At some point I referred her to your website and told her she was acting like a lemming, following Benedict off a cliff into Hell.


Thank you for teaching us the true Catholic Faith!




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It’s obvious that the woman is faithless. 


If a 12-year-old accepts all of Catholic teaching, and is intent on living the Catholic faith despite what his father might believe or do to the contrary, then he should be baptized.  The SSPX is misusing the principle that in a non-necessity situation an infant is normally not baptized if the child will be raised by non-Catholic parents who are outside the Church.  This situation is not comparable, however, as the young man is 12 and wants to be baptized.  If he agrees with all of Catholic teaching and will live the faith, then he should be baptized.  This is especially true when one of his parents is a quasi-traditionalist, and therefore would not inhibit his acceptance or practice of many aspects of the traditional faith. 




I just want to thank you so very much. God bless you all. I was raised and lived my young adult life as a roman catholic. I am thinking of coming back at times.


Thank you again,





Subject: Autumn Trees at MHFM


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the beautiful video of the trees in Autumn at Most Holy Family Monastery. The colors of the leaves are amazing, and give glory to God since even when they are about to drop off they are still pretty… It is interesting that the average lifespan of a tree is about the same as a man - 70 years. It appears to reflect the fact that death came to the human family by the eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Also, the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant was made from the incorruptible Setim wood, reflecting the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Woman who crushed the Serpent in the head, would be perfectly incorruptible in body and soul, without any stain of Original or actual sin. Then there is the fact that the one Redeemer of mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ, was crucified - on a wooden cross - and wood grows on trees! Also, Noah's Ark was made out of wood, and Jesus said the Last Days would be like the days of Noah. Yet the followers of the Vatican II sect and Antipope Benedict XVI are blind to all these things. They can't see the forest for the trees. They vainly imagine they are Saints when they are the Gates of Hell… The video of the post-nuclear war scenario is frightening. It shows not only that such is possible, but also that Israel is pushing for the same to happen…

Proverbs 11:30 - "The fruit of the just man is a tree of life: and he that gaineth souls, is wise."

God Bless,

Chris White


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video, for those who might be interested in this sort of thing.  We think the photos this year are better than those from last year.


Autumn at Most Holy Family Monastery [video]






Father Cekada  he holds some true positions, but unfortunately he maintains that BoD nonsense.  Have you tried to invite debate him on this point. It would be very interesting.

May God be with you,


Rafael Centeio


MHFM: Yes, he refused.  Unfortunately he’s a heretic who believes in salvation outside the Church, as well as the sinful birth control practice of NFP.  His arguments for BOD are also completely refuted in our book and materials.  You should watch this video.


Father Cekada Refuses Debate Challenge [video]




Subject: Nuclear war and WWIII


Dear mhfm,

Thank you for sharing the link to the amazing video of the effects of a nuclear war. Quite scary that we live in an age where man offending God so much could actually make that happen and we would deserve it. It looks like war with Iran is not too far off which will turn into world war III. How ridiculous was Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN with his stupid looking cartoon bomb? That blew my mind to me that just shows once again these things don't just happen. Evil planning goes into starting these wars. Then "Hitllary" Clinton laughing about starting a war… Hitler wouldn't even do that when invading Russia he wouldn't have been up there laughing about it.

These people on the world stage are so evil. You have a video about how the American presidential elections are rigged. Well Ireland had an EU election a few months back and euronews reported the results the night before the election even happened. I think opposing the evil of the NWO but protests and trying to stop it are worthless without the Rosary. It's a punishment for sin without a doubt.

Some of your readers might like to know this. I started to study nutrition recently in college. Maybe some readers when they have a bit of recreation should read or watch some stuff on food. Just like animals it really does prove creation. Food is so complex in how it works and you will be amazed at how God designed it.

As usual I’m really enjoying your videos and how often you produce a new one is just fantastic.

God Bless





Dear Brothers,

Thank-you for the wonderful pictures of Autumn in the North… Seeing the video on the aftermath of a nuclear war should be seen by all, especially the 1% that plan on being burled up in a hole like a rat while hell is unleashed on earth. Under the protection of God Almighty, I pray to have a happy death and go in the first wave as to forgo the unlivable conditions that await the emerging dumb beasts. Jude 1:10. But these men blaspheme whatever things they know not: and what things soever they naturally know, like dumb beasts, in these they are corrupted.

God Bless your work,

Tom Miles


Bob Dylan


Times are a changing for the Vatican - Telegraph


Actually, they're not changing as much as this article might have us believe.  It is not surprising to see the garbage covered in the newspaper of the impostor Church, but it's very eerie how they keep demonstrating their close association with Bob Dylan who was a main entertainer at the events run by Antichrist JP2. It's interesting how they are using their newspaper to inform people that Dylan is not "down and out" -- as if he were an important asset of the impostor church (which I guess he is). Wasn't Bob Dylan the guy who indicated that he had sold his soul in exchange for the "success" that he would come to enjoy? I seem to recall that Dylan made that admission on a segment of 60 Minutes. If I remember correctly, the reporter at first seemed to be taken back by Dylan's very serious remark but did not pursue it.


Lee Ann




Dear MHFM,


I liked the cool autumn pics. I also saw a couple of deer hanging out not too far from where the camera must have been. I thought that was funny, because you must notice them a lot during the autumn… The scenery was great and tremendous. Also, I read the quote of the day and perceived how it might connect to the conflagration of the End Times. Our Lord could consume the earth with supernatural fire just as he did Sodom and Gomorrah, a heat so special that it even melts rock itself. Just as he judged the earth in a deluge of water, He’ll do so again in a deluge of a mighty fire.... There is definitely an inevitabilism of Wrath looming around the corner…





your Autumn/ Fall colors are certainly breathtakingly beautiful this year! ( re your latest video)






Subject: Autumn Video


Thank you for posting. It was very beautiful. Where I live now it’s still in the high 80's and all the trees are green. It doesn't even feel like fall. I do miss the raking of the leaves and the snow. It hardly snows here and it has been hard the past years on Christmas with no snow on the ground and the temperature being in the 50's. Your video shows the true beauty which can only come from God no Photoshop no editing and no make-up like the false beauty Hollywood is selling us.




Subject: Autumn


… Nature's 'greatness' perfectly magnifies God… However sadly, upon grounding one's vision to abase humans, it's quite sad. Too many people kill their existence with the pleasures of death…




Subject: Apostate Muller


Dear MHFM,


I can see why Muller was made the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; he is a master liar. One lie after another, in a most deceptive manner, to appease those whose faith and knowledge may be weak and wavering. He denounces major dogmas and then says that he has "written whole books in defense of these doctrines." He says that interpretations and explanations of dogmas are necessary "to defend them from errors and heresy." How deceptive.  He destroys the Catholic Faith, all the while trying to make himself look like a defender of Truth, who should be trusted because of his authority, title, and knowledge.


How wicked to blaspheme God's mother in her perpetual virginity and to deny the Real Presence, when millions of people and under his influence.  How can the SSPX stomach him? How can they stoop so low, as to negotiate with him?


God bless you and Mary keep you,




Nuclear War


Subject: 36 minute video/nuclear war


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for linking us to the video on nuclear war. As you described it, it really is amazing… With a clear and concise argument, the video presents the possibility of a world-wide nuclear conflagration -- within months! How well this supports what you have been saying. What the authors of that video don't realize, of course, is that the real theater of operations is the Catholic Church, and that the knowledge of the end times comes first from the right understanding of Sacred Scripture and the true Catholic faith. But the nuclear video is yet another confirmation that MHFM has rightly concluded that the end is much nearer than most people think, and that the last great offense to God could very well be the so-called "canonization" of the Antichrist, JP2.


Scripture tells us that, in the end times, the Kings of the world are in collusion with the other Satanists who run the Whore of Rome. It is to be expected, therefore, that men… would be on the world stage at this time to serve as human instruments to bring about the world's demise. It couldn't be otherwise.


While the producers of the nuclear video sense the gravity of the very moment in which we are living, they wrongly conclude that it is simply the result of one "criminally insane" man who, as president of the US, could bring about WWIII. The Great Apostasy (against God and the true Catholic faith) was set in place long before we were born, has been steadily unfolding over time, and will not be reversed. In other words, we have long since past the point of no return on a national and worldwide level (though individuals can still convert, in what little time that remains). The apostasy of mankind is the reason why… the conflagration soon to come is not just a possibility -- but an inevitability.


Lee Ann




Subject: Satan’s helper


Dear MHFM,


Isn't it interesting how apostate Ludwig Muller, modernist filth that he is, states emphatically, "...They (sspx)must also accept the doctrinal pronouncements made since V2, which have been authorized officially by the pope(BXVI)..." It proves your point that these heretical documents undermine the previous binding councils' sacred pronouncements (doctrinally for all time-past, present, and future) of the Roman Catholic Church, which V2 supplanted [attempted to supplant] with the heretical 16, modernist V2 scripted pieces of pabulum, officially, by order of the so-called anti-pope Paul 6. Typical V2 gobbledygook-not Catholic. How can Catholics be so sheeple(ish)? If it wasn't so deadly serious I would laugh out loud, ad infinitum!


Joel Osteen


Subject: Joel Osteen


Hey Brothers,

I think that he's afraid of offending people and having them leave his church. He says he sees himself as a life coach. Then he shouldn't take the title "Pastor", right? He is a motivational speaker who uses God as a sugar daddy to fulfill our every desire… If I weren't a Christian… I'd feel comfortable and not convicted about anything. In fact, I used to as a Novus Ordo… and I felt just fine. I just felt like I was good where I was and all that's important is accomplishing my dreams. I still have big dreams, but this time, God is in control about it. I live by "seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you."

I laughed a bit at this: a woman was a widow, and she met someone new, but she was not at complete peace about it. She wasn't sure it was right for her and she felt like she was cheating on her husband. So she asked God for a sign - a rainbow at the ceremony - to prove that she has His and her husband's blessing. And there were 2 rainbows which to her meant one from her husband and one from God signifying their blessing. It was laughable because she didn't need a sign (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11) to know she was in the clear about remarrying, she needed the Bible to know that she would not be an adulteress because her husband is not living. (Romans7:3) Joel also promotes remarrying after divorce saying "God sent Stacy/John or whoever a new husband/wife and this spouse brings them twice the joy and that's their divine connection" etc so that's bad because that's sinful… No mention of hell and offending the Divine Majesty…





Subject: Apostate Muller


Dear Brothers,

The article of the interview with the Vatican II sect's Apostate "Archbishop" Gerhard Ludwig Müller shows how outrageous the position is that the Vatican II sect is the Catholic Church - such as the SSPX still believes. It is clear that Muller is simply a LIAR!!! He shows that he is as shallow as a puddle, and that he simply uses words as if they are useful idiots, rather than precise ways of expressing the eternal truths of the Gospel. For example, in speaking about the discussions with the SSPX he says, "This was a brotherly colloquium to overcome difficulties with an authentic interpretation of Catholic doctrine. This authentic interpretation is guaranteed by the Pope. The SSPX must accept the Holy Father, the Pope, as the visible head of the Church. They have a great respect for Tradition. They must, therefore, accept the position of the Pope as stated in the First Vatican Council. They must also accept the doctrinal pronouncements made since the Second Vatican Council, which have been authorized officially by the Pope." Muller states over and over again that the SSPX needs to accept Antipope Benedict XVI, as if they don't. The SSPX persecutes sedevacantists! He also implies that Jesus' dogmas are to be "interpreted," as if what is stated in the dogma is slightly different from the actual words that are written, when they are not: "Look, the basis of our faith is revelation. But we need theological explanations, interpretation, to explain the historical truth of revelation and to present and defend it against errors and heresy." Muller seems to imply that divine revelation - the eternal truths fallen from heaven like priceless jewels - are in need of some kind of revision, as if the brilliant clarity and value of the truths were too bright and beautiful for man. His position is demonic. The classic example of such distortions is regarding the salvation dogma, where the heretics will make up all sorts of fairy tales to deny it - such as three "baptisms," and by saying the mother of all errors - ignorance - is actually invincible. It defies belief and is beyond words. The incredible thing is that it is the Vatican II sect that is further away from Papal teaching than is the SSPX, even though the SSPX is clearly in schism too. It is a typical case of the pot calling the kettle black… Muller constantly focuses on "the Pope," rather than the Papacy, which is a clever ploy to distract attention away from the eternal quality of the Papacy, and to focus on man instead of God, since if we are only to go by what Antipope Benedict XVI says, then must ignore what all the past TRUE popes have declared INFALLIBLY in accord with the power and authority that Jesus Christ Himself - God Incarnate - instituted in the Office of the Papacy!! Muller also condemns himself out of his own mouth in citing Vatican I and the dogma of Papal Infallibility since Benedict XVI, John Paul II (the Antichrist) and the other Vatican II Antipopes deliberately apostatized from authentic Papal teaching ALL THE TIME!!! Muller then slams Bp. Williamson for "denying the Holocaust," when Muller blatantly rejects the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Transubstantiation, just like the first Protestants!!! Hell really found a friend in "Archbishop" Muller!!

God Bless,

Chris White


MHFM: Yes, and Benedict XVI’s appointment of the notorious apostate Muller to prefect of the CDF is another devastating exposé of false conservatives in the Counter Church.  Despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, they have deluded themselves that Benedict XVI believes in and/or cares about Catholic teaching.  The reality is that the satanic Antipope Benedict XVI is actually laughing at them behind the scenes when he knowingly and deliberately appoints a person such as Muller to the very position supposedly in charge of safeguarding Catholic “faith and morals”! 


It’s very similar to what was discussed in this video (John Paul II's Anti-Catholic Mission - starting approximately at the 1-minute mark): as part of a satanic plan, he deliberately does/manifests the opposite of what you would expect a Catholic to do in a particular situation.




Subject: Hoax Night!!!


Dear MHFM,

I saw the article about how the exit poll surveys will only be conducted in 31 states, and not all 50. As MHFM said “...by declaring the winner before any average person or even the people who work at the election sites could possibly know the winner; the media can create in the minds of average, undiscerning Americans, that the media is All Knowing. The average American will then look to the media with confidence and believes what the media tells him. For after all, the media knows who wins these elections before any of us could, and in a way that sounds far too complicated for us to understand. The average person will then believe the media, when the media ostracizes a particular candidate, says that candidate cannot win, or puts out their phony and completely manipulated polls…and they correctly assume that their story will be accepted without question, by almost everyone.”…



MHFM: Yes, and basically every day new propaganda polls come out which supposedly tell us with accuracy how the entire country feels about a candidate based on some telephone calls.  And almost everyone believes it.  Consequently, many in the “conservative” movement are puzzled and shocked that, considering the state of the country, how a particular candidate could possibly be leading in the “polls.”  Perhaps they should figure out that the polls are little more than manipulated propaganda pieces set out in advance of a rigged election, and they couldn’t tell you how the entire country felt even if they were legitimate.  


And based on the most recent unemployment percentage – the biggest decrease in unemployment percentage in 29 years, in the most important report before the “election,” yeah right – it’s quite obvious that they are rigging that figure as well (at least in the most recent case).  In fact, most people probably don’t realize how they calculate the “unemployment rate.”  It’s based on telephone surveys conducted by government workers!  No possibility of manipulation there; we’re sure that figure is completely accurate – not.  




Subject: Muller says V2 Binding


In today's news clip on "Archbishop" Muller: Muller says V2 is binding and represents the "Popes" and the Church’s official teaching and the SSPX must comply to be in union with Rome. This is true as it does represent the post vatican 2 counter church’s official position.  The SSPX people always claim this is not "official" teaching. They know if they admitted it was, the church would be teaching heresy (which is impossible) and their "Pope" would be a heretic (which he is) and they would be supporting apostasy and heresy (which they do). It's not far fetched to see Fellay take the SSPX to Rome and a new group form who rejects V2 fully. There are a lot of undercurrents of discontent and I believe the MHFM is a huge factor.


Thank you MHFM,



MHFM: That’s right.  It gets back to what was discussed in this video: Debate: Busting Myths about Vatican II's "Infallibility".  The position of those who obstinately accept the antipopes, and persuade themselves that Vatican II’s errors and heresies can be completely dismissed and ignored despite the antipopes’ formal recognition of Vatican II, is outrageous in a number of ways.  The insult to the Magisterium and the purity of the papal office should trigger righteous indignation.  However, what’s most immediately outrageous to us (when we consider that position) is that it so clearly exposes the corrupt intentions of individuals who know deep down that the Vatican II antipopes are not true popes.  They know they cannot be popes on any real theological level; but they persuade themselves they are “popes” for one reason or another that is incompatible with a pure intention for souls and God’s glory (e.g., human respect; the impure desire to have a man in robes to follow, even if he’s an apostate; financial reasons; the desperate desire to not forfeit fellowship with people who hold that position; etc.).  




Subject: Comments on new convert and those who hear the truth


Dear Brothers,


I was very happy to hear the conversation that transpired between you and the new convert in your recent video. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLh5VxISk4&feature=g-all-u) It is encouraging, and it is another example of the good fruit… Your work is crucial in these times and is bringing many souls back to Him. In the video, the new convert, mentions how he is aware that many people are put off by the way that you denounce heresy, but then he goes on to say that it was your direct manner of speaking in the truth that helped him convert to the faith. Unbelievers, false traditionalists, modernists, novus ordo adherents, and protestants, along with jews and pagans, all have a false sense of charity, and it is most evident in their hatred of the truth and the pain that it causes them. Those who love the lie cannot stand the sound of truth. Men and women of bad-will, who may otherwise be capable of intelligent conversation in the worldly sense, suddenly become profoundly blind, deaf, and dumb, and are led to absurd conclusions when they are faced with spiritual truths. But for those who are truly of good will, they will hear what you have to say because what you say is true and leads souls to the faith of our fathers—The traditional Catholic faith that is whole and inviolate.


(John 18:37) Pilate therefore said to him: Art thou a king then? Jesus answered: Thou sayest that I am a king. For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth. Every one that is of the truth, heareth my voice.


God bless,

Jaclyn Tillinghast




Hello MHFM brothers,


I'm glad you responded to that person with the video called, "Clearing up confusion on the Rational Soul"…


God bless,





Dear Brothers,

As a Catholic, I appreciate your profoundly striking response to "Despair". Nothing compares to the absolute truth. May God be blessed forever.

Sincerely in Christ,



Indian Spiritualist


Subject: concerned mother


Dear Dimond Br,


I am the mother of 2 children, one 23 and the other 20. I have seen some of your videos on-line and have decided to ask for your advice. My youngest son is 20, and has confided in me that he has been hearing voices in his head, ever since he went to visit an Indian spiritualist. He told me he was afraid it was the voice of demons, and that he was possessed. Alarmed I went to my parish priest and told him, but he told me that my son was mentally ill and that the Church no longer does exorcisms. I was shocked by this answer, and was horrified at the casual response from a ''man of God''. Please give me some advice about what to do.




MHFM: It’s not a surprise that the experiences began after he consulted the Indian spiritualist.  It’s another example of how pagan religions are of Satan and how their representatives are conduits of the demonic.  It’s also clear that you attend a Novus Ordo parish.  That’s not something one should do.  The New Mass is invalid and must be avoided under pain of grave sin.  It’s also a source of the demonic.  You need to look at the information on our site about the invalidity of the New Mass and the importance of adhering to the true Catholic faith.  Getting out of the Vatican II sect and adhering to the true Catholic faith is the key to solving his problem, and is necessary for both of you. 


It’s very clear what he should do.  If he doesn’t do these things, his problem almost certainly will get worse.  First, he needs to pray the Rosary each day.  That’s very important.  How to do so is on our website.  He should also say the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel each day.  Second, you both need to stop going to the heretical church you are attending.  When you are convinced on the issues, we can then help you with where to go to confession.  Third, he needs to be convinced on all issues of the traditional Catholic faith, and make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent.  He should not make the profession until he is truly convinced.  Fourth, he needs to stop committing any clear mortal sins that he may be committing.  Unfortunately, most people are committing mortal sins of the flesh.  Most married people use some form of birth control, “natural” or artificial.  If he is involved in those in any way, he needs to stop.


Fifth, he needs to ignore the voices in his head.  He should not think about them.  He should focus on moving toward God, converting to the Catholic faith, and fulfilling God’s will.  The more attention one gives to signs or events one perceives to be the result of demonic activity, the more influence they are often enabled to have in one’s life.  We do quote things about instances of demonic influence to show people the reality of the spiritual war.  In that way, they can be instructive and they can inspire people to pray, etc.  However, if such things happen in your life, you should ignore them.


If he does the things mentioned above, with a special focus on the practice of the traditional faith, his problem should be solved; and, most importantly, he will move toward eternal salvation.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts

How to Pray the Rosary [pdf]




I want to thank you for directing me. I will start today reading and studying from your website.  God continue to bless you and remain a Light on the path to Christ.






Subject: Still very troubled


… I am in such despair, and would like it if you could respond.

I came to you, cause I had no one else. I am left with only God and my conscience, which I can't seem to trust myself.
… I watch your videos, and I see many of your truths, and much of greatness you teach. I wonder why you do not seem more charitable. Is it because you are defending what is true, and you must be uphold the truth to stay in good will? Could you do this is more of a manner that is more loving, as to not turn away souls. If you, so little of the few that hold truth push many away, who will they have. I see your good will, and good intentions. Could it be the devil having a hold on them, and you turn them away? Could you not pray more for all our souls that we come together is the great time of apostasy. Where were need each other more than ever.

If my baptism was said with the Holy Spirit instead of the Holy Ghost, would it then be invalid?




MHFM: Both “Holy Spirit” and “Holy Ghost” are acceptable as part of the form. 


Now, to your other point: you obviously don’t understand or recognize charity at all, and you have too much liberalism and human respect at this time.  Separating from those who deny the faith is not a lack of charity.  It’s called adhering to God’s truth.  You want unity with people who deny the faith and are of bad will.  We can see why you are in such despair.  You have an impure attachment to creatures.  It hampers your recognition of that which is true, just and right.  A person who has a stable relationship with God (or who wants to have one) does not find truth or new information that sheds light on the most important matters a reason for “despair,” as you do.  On the contrary, he finds it encouraging and inspiring.  He finds it hopeful and exciting – for he realizes like never before the path God has laid for his life, the indescribable good that awaits those who fulfill His will, and that the acquisition of this information enables him to truly help his neighbor.


If you are in pain it’s because the denunciation and rejection of bad-willed people causes you pain.  The fact is that we can perceive evil, dishonesty and deception in a way and to a degree that you cannot at this time, and that’s why you wrongly conclude that a lack of tolerance for such evils is uncharitable. 




Subject: About Unsurvivable…


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting that incredibly sobering film on the realities of full scale thermo-nuclear war. The scenes of the warheads exploding reminded me chillingly of the accounts of Hell that the child saints of Fatima talked about. What horrors we are approaching and most of the world still won't even think of praying the rosary. It brings terrible tears to my eyes especially for the young of these terrible times. Also, how beautiful the majesty of the natural wonders created by the Blessed Trinity and they would just be raped and mutilated in seconds because of demonic megalomaniacs… The narcisism of these times leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

God Bless,
Nathan Barton




Subject: A Firestorm


Dear MHFM,

I wanted to say to Gregory that it is a good thing to have caused a firestorm among the modernist heretics. Those people are sick spiritually and rotten… as a Christian faithful to the Magisterium I have known and seen Divine Providence greatly at work for me even when things seemed hopeless. The 15 Decade Rosary is simply tremendous, this is why I believe Providence turned things in my favor - all because of the 15 Decade Rosary. Also, the mighty calamity that I was in, truly seemed hopeless.

And to the 15 Decade Rosary I added these prayers at this link http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/prayers_to_saints.php and also remembered to pray to the 3 Children of Fatima: Jacinta, Sister Lucia, and Francisco. I also did the Prayer to St. Michael, both long form (which is found on pg 7 in the book "The Truth About What Really Happened to the Catholic Church After Vatican II") and also short form…. God is calling you and He is making sure you get out of close proximity and have nothing to do with the Scarlet Woman's territory Apoc. 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."Apoc. 18:2 "...Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit.."





Subject: Truth


I want to know how and where do I find the real Catholic truths. I have never cared for Vatican 2 new teachings. The latin mass resounds within my soul. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church and I thank my dad for that. I search the internet for "old" school.


God bless you!



MHFM: You will find the real Catholic truths on our website.  It's critical that you avoid the New Mass (it's not even valid).  It's also critical that you recognize that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  Please watch these videos, and look at the information on the site.  Even the Latin Masses offered at your local Vatican II churches have problems because they use “priests” ordained in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  When you are convinced, we can help you with where to receive traditional sacraments.  You should also pray the Rosary each day.


The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid (full length)


“Catholic” school


Dear Brothers,


I am a 6, 7, 8 math science/math teacher, in a Novus Ordo catholic school, whose job is about to come to an end. As my science and math classes are framed in the catholic church, I told my science/homeroom class that there is no redemption outside the catholic church. This has created a firestorm, and I am about to be fired.  Pray for me, as I, at the age of 58, have no other means of support other than teaching.


God Bless,



MHFM: Well, one shouldn’t be teaching at such a school anyway.  We think you should recommend the material and the website to the children before you leave.  The fact that they would fire you over that is another clear example of the complete apostasy of the Vatican II sect. 




Subject: Catholic Martyr




I came across an English Catholic martyr named James Bell who was a priest, but later gave out the protestant breadcrumb for 20 years. He was then reconciled to the Church but was soon after apprehended. When he was condemned and sentenced to death here is what he stated: "I beg your Lordship would add to the sentence that my lips and the tops of my fingers may be cut off, for having sworn and subscribed to the articles of heretics contrary both to my conscience and to God's Truth."


He spent that night in prayer and on the following day was hanged and quartered…






Subject: Trayvon Martin Trial




The instructor out here in the Madison WI area that teaches Wilderness & Martial law survival classes said that he thinks that Zimmerman will be found ‘not guilty’ in the Trayvon Martin shooting trial which will cause a huge race war which will lead to Martial law in order to keep Obama in power.






Subject: AA-1025


Greetings Brothers!

I have almost finished reading the book AA-1025, a book about memoirs of a young Communist radical who joins the Catholic priesthood. What is shocking about the book is how the Communist talks about destroying the Catholic Church from inside and introducing every new doctrine. And all this that he talked about has since happened. And these memoirs were from the 30's and 40's. Reading this book ignited a strong desire for retaliation and violence in me against Communists. I find it incredible that so many Catholics can be duped by these people. Learn the faith, keep the faith, defend the faith… Keep up the great work and defending the true Catholic faith. God bless you!






Dear Brothers,

The quote of Christopher Columbus' is very interesting. Thank you for posting it. It is another example of how true Catholics will spare no efforts in order to save souls. Jesus Christ came to dispel the darkness of the Devil, such as covers heretics, schismatics, apostates and infidels like Muslims. Columbus evidently knew beforehand that he was travelling to lands full of idols where sin reigned as king. It proves again, as you said, that the true belief and teaching of the Catholic Church has always been the same: that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, and that water baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation… Columbus was carrying the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of light, truth and life to lands that were immersed in diabolical carnality. He knew that only the waters of baptism give eternal life, since baptism is both of water and the Holy Ghost. No one can see the Lord outside the Catholic Church. As Jesus said, He Himself is the Light of the World, yet contrast that truth with the Vatican II sect and its antipopes who think the world is the "light." Such apostates would congratulate the idolaters Columbus condemned, and he would have thrown them overboard into the eternal lake of fire.

John 8:12 - "Again therefore, Jesus spoke to them, saying: I am the light of the world: he that followeth me, walketh not in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

2 Corinthians 4:3,4 - "And if our gospel be also hid, it is hid to them that are lost, In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is  the image of God, should not shine unto them."

God Bless,

Chris White


New Video Posted


Clearing up Confusion on the Rational Soul [video]


MHFM: This is a new video.  It discusses and refutes some inaccurate and bad-willed e-mails we received from a man who took issue with the portion of our recent video that dealt with the infusion of the soul.




MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote from Christopher Columbus (1451-1506).  It’s a reflection of what was understood by Catholics at the time: there is truly no salvation without the Catholic faith and that people who die in ignorance of Christ and the essential mysteries of the faith are not saved.  The negative reference to Islam also provides another contrast to the apostasy of our times.


“… concerning the lands of India, and of a prince who is called ‘Grand Khan’ which is to say in our vernacular ‘King of Kings,’ how many times he and his ancestors had sent to Rome to seek doctors in our Holy Faith to instruct him therein, and that never had the Holy Father provided them, and thus were lost so many people through lapsing into idolatries and receiving doctrines of perdition; and Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians and Princes devoted to the Holy Christian Faith and the propagators thereof, and enemies of the sect of Mahomet and of all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me Christopher Columbus to the said regions of India, to see the said princes and peoples and lands and [to observe] the disposition of them and of all, and the manner in which may be undertaken their conversion to our Holy Faith, and ordained that I should not go by land (the usual way) to the Orient, but by route of the Occident, by which no one to this day knows for sure that anyone has gone…” (Samuel Eliot Morison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea – A Life of Christopher Columbus, pp. 153-154.)



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