Winter 2010-2011 E-Exchanges Archive




Dear Brothers,


The school I was asked to leave last year hosted Fr. Beck as a guest speaker.  I could smell modernism but did not know as much back then.  I went so I could see for myself.  He walked onto the altar before the start of mass.  He then walked down the center aisle toward the back looking at each person eye to eye as he made his way to the back of the church.  I remember being so uncomfortable with him making such engaging eye contact before the start of mass.  He plugged his books and TV appearance from the pulpit.   He changed the Novus Ordo mass so it was unrecognizable. 






Subject: Evolution & Possession


Dear Brothers:


I couldn't understand before why people got so upset over the videos on possession.  But I certainly understand now; the evolutionist Xeon has revealed how important these videos are! 


No missing links? Evolutionists just ignore that fact.  Can't explain where intellect and will come from, and that they are spiritual and not material attributes?  Evolutionists just ignore that too.


But evidence of the existence and reality of the devil?  Well, for the evolutionist, that throws a wrench into everything. (Hard to ignore this one).


I don't think anyone really believes in the theory of evolution.  As Brother Michael pointed out in the video… evolution is not science, but a false religion - something a man (foolishly) hopes in. Evolutionists don't want there to be a God and religion, because that would require them to make some changes.  And yet, at the same time, they'd like to have some peace of mind, because using their intellect (a component of the soul which they claim does not exist), they know that some day they will die


And that's the problem for the evolutionist with his false theories, because if there is a devil.... 


Only the wisdom of God would make the phenomenon of possession one of the best antidotes to the false theory of evolution - which the devil himself has inspired in the first place!  Thanks for posting these important videos; they should be viewed by everyone.


Lee Ann




Subject: Thousands in Memphis told to evacuate as flood waters close in…


This is more like door to door roundup and the modern day concentration camp tattoo on the wrist.






Subject: Suicide drugs in Britain


Hi Brothers,


I read the article you posted in the news section of your site and the thought came to me that this evil tactic of the devil was the same tactic that caiaphas tried with Jesus when he said this to Jesus:


MATTHEW 27:41-42 [41] In like manner also the chief priests, with the scribes and ancients, mocking, said: [42] He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the king of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.


It was precisely by dying on the Holy Cross; Jesus was able to save others, this was Jesus' plan of salvation, showing the fullness of love, our ways are not His ways!!!  

The devil tries again to tempt Jesus not to take up His Holy Cross, when the devil tempted Peter, to try to persuade Jesus not to go Jerusalem.  


MATTHEW 16 21-24   [21] From that time Jesus began to shew to his disciples, that he must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the ancients and scribes and chief priests, and be put to death, and the third day rise again. [22] And Peter taking him, began to rebuke him, saying: Lord, be it far from thee, this shall not be unto thee. [23] Who turning, said to Peter: Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men. [24] Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 


The devil working through man, with false compassion, wants people to give up their cross {suffering}, but in doing so, {metaphor} the devil takes you out of the frying pan and puts you into the fire; the fires of hell for ever!!!  To the people, in this evil world of man that are suffering, whether they be young or old have a great opportunity given by God; for those in a state of grace and hold the true faith, they are given by God the means to make restitution for all the sins they have committed in their life and also by suffering, they merit grace for the conversion of others {message of Fatima}.  For those not in a state of grace and don't hold the true faith {catholic faith}, God is giving them the gift of conversion through humility {to destroy self-pride}.  God has done this countless times in the old testament, when the jews broke God's laws and turned to false gods and sexual perversion and all iniquity; He would punish them to bring the jews to repentance, to bring them back into the fold, to be obedient to God's law's, after all wasn't disobedience the cause of man's fall from the beginning? And again disobedience brought about the great apostasy to the end! 


Remember God loves those to whom He chastises:  2 MACHABEES 6:16   And therefore he never withdraweth his mercy from us: but though he chastise his people with adversity, he forsaketh them not.


1 CORINTHIANS 9:26  [26] I therefore so run, not as at an uncertainty: I so fight, not as one beating the air:
1 TIMOTHY 6:12   "Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life", whereunto thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses.








Subject: True Devotion to Mary


Hi Brothers-


I emailed links to your site with a forceful note to lots of people from the Novus Ordo (where we were too before finding your site).  One person responded by saying I was insane, etc. etc…  Most people, as far as I can see, are not ready for the truth as you preach it because they have neither roots, nor water, nor soil.  St. Louis de Montfort's works, which you greatly support, plant the seed in the soul, preparing them for your message.  It wasn't until after True Devotion to Mary fell providentially into my hands, and I sped read it on this computer software program in 3 hrs. (just found the program the day before.  Just coincidence?  Of course not) and realized the next major consecration period was days away (started- August 28: St. Louis de Montfort's Feast Day.  ended- May 31: Queenship of Mary), that my family and I made our Consecration and three months later was brought to your website.






Subject: Truth


Based on the premise that "God is all powerful."

Baptism of Desire:
Men seek God, with a pure heart, and through no fault of their own.  God leaves them in darkness.
Fault of God

2) No Baptism of Desire:
Whoever truly seeks God, is whom God reveals Himself to.  Men are left in darkness, because they do not truly seek God.
Fault of man

With the premise that God is all powerful there can be no third option.
So, which answer is true?  1)  2)

Many radio programs and T.V. programs tell you the truth about many things, just so they can incorporate you into an even bigger lie.  It does not matter how many evil things that the Novus Ordo does, and reports on, as long as they can place the blame on something ambiguous like "liberals" or "liberalism". Instead of the real culprits: the man in charge, and the false religion.

Many people are faithless, not because they do not believe in God, but because they do not believe in the Devil.  They do not believe that Islam,
Protestantism, or any other false religion was created by the Devil.

If you go into a "Catholic" forum, and ask the question "can you please help me to refute the Anglican position?" you will get many answers.  If you go into a "Catholic" forum, and ask the question "can you please hep me to refute you will be promptly kicked out...indefinitely.

It has been said by the secular world that the greatest human longing is for a feeling of importance.  I oftentimes get the feeling that many people are religious not because of their faith in God, but because religion makes them feel important.  Too many people it seems, are too busy being "holy", to care about God.




HLN on Hell


Subject: HLN on Hell


Dear Brothers:


The HLN clip with Joy Behar (who claims she was raised Catholic) interviewing the "priest", rabbi, and Moslem imam was most revealing.  The Imam didn't want to respond to Behar's remark about the virgins in Islam's disgusting fantasy of "paradise"; he quickly changed the subject.  The hypocritical rabbi said the Jews don't believe in hell, but appears sure Bin Laden is in hell, anyway.  And the "priest" offers one more in-your-face proof that the V2 Counterfeit Catholic Faith is indeed -- as the V2 antipopes kept assuring everyone --  just one more of the world's fake "religions".


Now this is "unity in diversity": different in their external appearances, but all part of Satan's Antichrist Antichurch.  As Christ reminded us: we are either with Him or against Him. We either belong to the true Church or we belong to the Antichurch.  How anyone can doubt that we are living in the last days, and that the true Catholic Church is in eclipse, is beyond me.


Although Satan does not want people to think about the true doctrines pertaining to hell (because doing so will help people avoid going there), that HLN clip is one conversation about Hell that the devils are surely enjoying.


Lee Ann


Had to


Subject: novus ordo phony priest from a non-Catholic sect


Dear Brothers   


I just had to comment on the video about THE NOVUS ORDO PRIEST ON DISPLAY from the news commentary section.  The so called priest with white hair.  It is just amazing how heretical and arrogant liberal he sounds.  Even the Jew and the Muslim and the lady hostess sound more catholic than he does, but should we be surprised?  He is just following the  head of his sect  anti-pope john paul 2 who denied that hell was a actual place.  He totally misrepresents catholic teaching about the afterlife.    Thank you and God bless !       






Subject: The Catholic Faith and Secular Issues


Dear Brothers,


I think the reason why almost the whole world cannot see through the lies and deception of the media is because so few people have the true Catholic faith.  I think there is a direct relation there.  God is pleased with people who accept His truth and so He has ways of making them see through the deceptions of the Jewish-controlled media, and on secular issues in general.  This is not to say that only true Catholics are aware of the deceptions of the global elite.  There are many heretics who can see through it also.  Perhaps it is because they are conservative in certain ways.  But it is no coincidence to me that many traditional Catholics are not fooled by the lies and half-truths of Satan's media.






Dear Brothers,

Thank you so much for the recent video on the scourging.  People really needed to see this including myself.  One of the things that made the saints saints was meditating on the passion and the scourging really was the crux of the torture.  I'm glad you hit home for me too, because everyday I pray the sorrowful mysteries the more help I get to really visualize all our most compassionate and wonderful Lord suffered for us the better graces I'll receive and the more closely I can conform my life to His…



New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


Connections - May 1 and the "Death" of Osama Bin Laden [video]




Subject: The Fool and the Blind


"Our website contains critical information about the one true religion, its necessity for salvation, and what one must do to be saved."

Calling any supernatural belief system "one true religion" is not only wrong, deceitful and offensive, it is also disgusting. It is statements like this one that result in conflict amongst people who would otherwise get along well. I can claim salvation comes from my toilet and the statement would be as true as any you state as fact.

Also, your Emily Rose video is also disgusting, most especially so because it was people such as yourself that caused that poor girl to go from mentally unbalanced to insane to dead.  I pray (and unlike yourself, I mean this in a purely colloquial sense, since I do not speak my deepest desires into an empty void like a lot of crazy people do) that both your ideology and of people that hold parallel but equally insane and abusive worldviews rid us of their stupidity by removing themselves from our gene pool through any chosen method practiced by any of Darwin's Award winners.

We got Osama, other crazies will soon follow. Not until the last Imam has been blown up and the last priest locked away that we will truly enjoy a world devoid of mental traps for fools who follow the blind - blindly.




MHFM: You are a fool.  You scoff at the notion of one true religion, but if you could think clearly you would realize that logic dictates that there must be only one true religion.  Creation also proves the existence of God.  It’s not logical to believe that God (whose existence is only denied by fools) wouldn’t reveal His will and His plan to the people He created.  Thus, one of the religions on Earth (and only one) must be true.  The one true Catholic religion founded by Christ is verified by miracles.  The most important are the life, death and Resurrection of Christ.  Any fair-minded person can research the issue and discover that Jesus Christ fulfilled Old Testament prophecies that were made before He was born.  His Resurrection changed the world.  You exude arrogance, but in reality you are empty and miserable.  Though you stifle it, deep down your conscience bothers you and the information we present concerns you deeply.  That’s the reason for your hatred of the material. 


Apocalypse 3:17- “… thou sayest: I am rich, and made wealthy, and have need of nothing: and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”




… Last year I disputed with the principal of my children's "Catholic school" African Spiritual Healers coming to the school half dressed to do a tribal "dance" for music appreciation.

I told the principal my children would not participate because it sounded pagan.  She was upset.  On June 15th, not much later she issued a letter to me dismissing my children from her school.


The date meant nothing to me.  I even filed her letter in my book of saints because I figured I would reflect a year later on what happened.  Kicked out in the cold I have been homeschooling doing the best and enjoying my wonderful children.  I taught my little one to read and count to 100 and I dispelled the errors of evolution to the older ones.  We sat by the fire all snowy winter enjoying reading writing and arithmetic.  We took field trips to the cranberry bogs and local museums…. Mary has answered many prayers this winter including the immediate location of a Mary statue to adorn my garden after a family novena was said in Mary's honor…






Hello MHFM,


I thank you for your tireless work in service of The LORD and HIS One True Church... After a lot of searching for a Real Traditional Catholic Church I thought that I finally found one when I came across [a CMRI church]… I was so happy that I finally had a real Sedevecante Church with a true Priest where I could attend Mass. But then just now I came across one of your articles about the heresies of the CMRI. Talk about a heartbreak! ... I am a True Catholic and will never attend the Novus Ordo again… I would greatly appreciate any assistance you provide me in finding a True Mass. I grew up in the Novus Ordo and therefore don't believe I've ever received Holy Communion... I came across your website about four years ago. And I must admit that I couldn't accept the truth and therefore stayed away from you guys. I was lying to myself! But I could never get that picture of JP2 kissing the Koran out of my mind! I knew it was evil apostasy with no possible justification in GOD'S Eyes whatsoever! So after much prayer and thought I started going through your info with zeal and an open heart to GOD'S Truth, defined by true Popes and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. After much research and Prayer I've come to the only possible honest conclusion, Sede Vacante!!! 


I ordered the $20 information package you offer… and it just arrived today. I intend to show the videos to all who'll listen. If by any chance you intend to post this email in the E-Exchanges section of your website, please only post my initials and not the city? I know very well the Devil's little devils have full accountability of the internet's activities, and more than likely watch your website like the Vultures that they are. I'm not concerned with them, after all I believe my soul is prepared to be a Witness for JESUS The CHRIST!!! I just like to keep my business to myself, that's all. Thank you brothers.








Dear Brother Michael,


Thank you again for the invaluable work that you are doing.  You saved my life and that of my husband... You are in our daily prayers and we ask a small place in yours as well, that we may do only what is God's Most Holy will in what time remains for us on this earth and that we will die in His grace and as part of His One True Church.  Thank you so much for everything!


In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Kathleen and Dave Weidemoyer




Thank you in the love of God.






Subject: Thank You! “Trads” Praying for Bin Laden’s Soul


Greetings Bro's Dimond…


I'm going through a period where I am feeling weary and sad about the state of things, and I thought it no better a time than to thank God for your presence in the Traditional/True Catholic world, and to count the myriad blessings that still manage to exist in our current spiritual desert. 


I just had a Traditional priest, sedevacantist one at that, tell me that it is WRONG of me to say that we have no good reason to pray for the soul of Osama Bin Laden. I had made a public note about this, included all of the quotes from St. Thomas Aquinas (who uses St. Augustine to defend his position, no less!), Pope Eugene, etc., which, of course, he did not care to speak to. 


Knowing that people like you, who believe the true, historical, Catholic faith makes it a little easier to hold a candle in the darkness. I hope this letter finds you well… 


God bless you and keep you,



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s another example of a sedevacantist priest who denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.






Here's a video I think says it all...the New Church is NOT Catholic.....






Your Osama Video is very interesting.  My first impulse was that of disbelief  when I woke up to the news and that the timing was too much of a coincidence with the beatification of JP2 and the significance of May 1st being the end of the Illuminati/Satanic time period.  The fall out from this will be interesting to watch unfold. 






Subject: May 1/Osama


Dear Brother Dimond,


I loved listening to your analysis. It too makes me upset that so many sheeple are deceived.  Not only do they pick May 1st for this fake killing but it was also picked for the beautification of JPII…


Thanks again...



Rick McMahon




Subject: Bin Laden Video


Dear MHFM,


Thank you so much for the video on Bin Laden... It is so good to know that there are still a few people out there who can see through all the deceit.  I look forward to all of your videos.  Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed and aware.




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


The Lapsi, Judging a Pope, and Sedevacantism [new video]





Dear MHFM,

I think this video is quite interesting regarding the New Madrid fault line and a possible earthquake due to the floodings and soon to be a bigger flood (see article below): "NEW MADRID -- flooding the fault line WILL cause seismic movement"

Could this be the reason why: Judge says southern Illinois levee can be blown up -

Fantastic job on your recent videos. I knew there were gonna do something with May 1 and this whole bin Laden hoax was the distraction. And the fake birth certificate which the Whitehouse published recently. I mean, it’s just so fake. So I guess now whenever we show some bad-will pagan that Obama has a fake birth certificate, they will just say: "Who cares? He killed Osama bin Laden! USA! USA!" It truly is pathetic and angering. But that's the sad result because the world has apostatized from the True Faith.

Our Lord and Our Lady always protect you.





Subject: Master deceiver lies exposed again!


Dear Brothers,


Thanks so much for your very quick response on the Bin Laden scam. All the points you made about the timing on this could not make more sense.


- May 1st being a day of historic evil events 

- Put birth certificate in background or forgotten about all together

- Make a very evil man a hero in the eyes of the public

- The coincidence of his "killing" on May 1st


The "yes we can" video" you displayed a few days ago ties in with this event very ironically.  It truly is amazing how "out of it" the American general public is on news items coming from stations controlled by liars and deceivers. It all comes down to people want to live in a fairy tale world and believe what they want to believe. The truth is hard to listen to so they don't listen to it and have no intention of rocking the boat of their cozy, comfy, do as you wish, lifestyles. There are not any traditional Catholics who can thank you enough for all you have done to shed light on the… deceptions as well as showing people what they need to do to get and stay in God's good graces for many years now.


Thanks again and may Jesus and our Blessed Lady protect your vital ministry,


Bob Bohr




Dear Brothers Dimond   


I wanted to say well done on your recent video about osama bin laden.  The whole world is under this corrupt, rotten, lying judeo masonic secular media establishment… It is just amazing how stupid and ignorant people in this country have become.  My people perish because of lack of knowledge, it says in the scriptures.  People need to start digging, searching for the truth, pray for the truth.  Knock and you shall find says the lord…. thank you and God bless    


from mark v




Dear Brothers,


THANK You for the Video on the bin Laden Hoax…


Carol D.






Thank you for your video on the "death of Bin Laden".  It really helped clear up some things for me… Your video made me understand the sudden attempt to put him in a good light regarding the birth certificate and the ridiculous alleged Bin Laden farce of the weekend…






John Salza Has No Idea What He's Talking About   Hello MHFM, I've been trying all week to find time to finish reading this whole article and I'll admit that I will have to get it printed out and spend a lot more time in reading it.  I am simply stunned by the comprehensiveness of this refutation of the apostate heretic Salza… Thank you for your work in writing it…






Subject: Bin Laden


Dear MHFM,


Thank you for the video exposing this Bin Laden hoax.  It is so obviously a hoax, it is just plain laughable.  Even the "conservative" talk radio hosts were doing nothing but lauding Obama ever since this hoax was perpetrated…


Michael Rudnicki




Dear Brothers,

Excellent coverage of the Bin Laden "death" hoax and its obvious connection to, and distraction away from, Obama's forged "birth certificate."… Just as Obama's "birth certificate" was forged, so the photos of Osama will be faked, which is obviously why they haven't released any photos of Osama's body as "proof" yet. Also, will they be getting an independent doctor to do an autopsy, or will they pay someone off to write a false report - obviously the latter! In a court of law, the judge will not (or should not) prosecute the defendant unless the case against them can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There is absolutely no proof that Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 1, but simply anecdotal hysteria. There is overwhelming doubt that Osama was not killed on May 1, and that he has been dead for years ( Also, if Osama was such a "mastermind" as they put it, how could they catch him on his own turf? It doesn't make sense because the media is just spinning lie after lie after lie. It must be impossible to be an honest journalist these days! This is especially true when one looks at the May 1 Illuminati holiday connection, and the fact that the media is advertising Osama as having been killed during a "fire fight." April 19 to May 1 is the Illuminati fire sacrifice period. It's not a gun fight, but a "fire fight," as if anyone calls something a "fire fight"! The "fire fight" element makes it easy to make a dummy-body of Osama that is almost totally incinerated and unrecognisable. Who can doubt what they can't even identify?? It's typical hysterical misinformation from the media circus. Also, as you said, it gives them an excuse to execute a bigger and worse event, probably a nuclear detonation on US soil…


God Bless,

Chris White




Contemplating the whole story of the Osama killing, and the rapid, mysterious burial at sea, I had a thought which I think might be the best logical proof that this is a hoax.  In two words, think “dental records”.  Bin Laden was from a sophisticated, wealthy, Arab family.  Do you think he ever went to the dentist?   Now say I think I’m on the verge of capturing this guy, and I’ve had ten years to assemble all kinds of information about him (he probably had finger prints too).   I think I’d have his dental file on the aircraft carrier, along with finger prints and any other identifying information available.  


DNA is really a last resort method of identification technique that is used primarily where there is either no body, or there is no certainty as to who the body is.  Think of rape, where the rapist doesn’t leave his body behind, just some cells.  Or it may be used to prove that a particular known body was in a certain place because he left a bit of hair behind.  However if you had a whole body to work with, and you wanted to prove to the world who it was, to think that DNA would be your first choice of methods is beyond ridiculous.  “Well yes, we threw the body with his teeth and fingerprints overboard.  But don’t worry, we got you some hair and saliva to test for DNA” (which could have come from one of his brothers).


Even if say Bin Laden had lost all of his teeth or there was some other reason why dental records were no longer reliable, wouldn’t you at least mention why you couldn’t use them?   


Photographs too; so far none.  Too gruesome.  John Dillinger was shot multiple times.  Yet was cleaned up, photographed in the morgue, and didn’t look to bad.  If they show a gruesome picture, it could be of almost anybody. 


Bill Mulligan    




Subject: OBL



Your video on OBL was on target with the upcoming staged 2012 presidential election. The countless mind controlled zombies in the world are hungry and what better way to feed them with more lies.  I believe the official-unofficial date of OBL's death was December 13, 2001.  Bin Laden required the use of a kidney dialysis machine around the time of the Sept. 11 attacks and his ability to live in a tent hidden in Afghanistan is questionable. Reports that Osama did not offer an Easter Day announcement or prayer, though decided to worship in a muslim fashion, leads me to believe that Osama was also trying to make OBL's murder an act of martyrdom, coincidentally on the day of the anti-christ's (JPII) attempted beatification. Ayman al-Zawahiri has taken over the number one most wanted spot now, although I thought he was dead too. They can only be raised from the dead once. May 1st was also the day, 66 years ago when Adolf Hitler was pronounced dead.

God Bless your work,

Tom Miles




Subject: Seal Team 666


Dear Mhfm, 


Just listened to your analysis on the CIA seal team six, (STX) Satan's team six, as in 666, secret, hired guns of the illuminati.  Also, a book coming out May 24th, by Howard Wasdin, a former member of STX, coincidence, I don't think so.  More prop. I bet USA monies funded that compound where the alleged incident occurred all under pretext.  Wanta' bet?  Excellent work Mhfm…






Subject: News Coverage


Thank you for the increase in news articles. Though I don't have time to read all of them like I used to, when you only posted a few a day; I still read all the titles and pick as many as time permits. I clicked on one the other day titled "Big Sis", and found this other "gem" linked under related stories… The actual "insanity" is from those who expect a different result from the same old political process. What a sorrow, the lack of good will in this world, to change things for the better. Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…


Richard Spinnenweber




Subject: Questions


Dear Brothers,


To say… the sign of the cross before eating ? For example, do we have to do it if we eat in a restaurant ?


Also, On Fridays, I know we shall not eat meat. Therefore if we can eat fish, is it ok if we eat a good fish meal (in terms of quantity / quality) or do we have to impoverish our meal ?...




MHFM: You should definitely say grace and make the sign of the cross when you eat in a restaurant.  On Fridays, one must abstain from meat.  If it’s just a regular Friday, and not a day of fast, there is no obligation to eat less than you would on another day. 




Subject: O’Reilly is at it again


Last night, O'Reilly had Billy Graham's son on his show, who rightly stated that there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ (quoting Jesus).  O'Reilly said that he cannot believe that, once again bringing up the children of the "Holocaust".  Billy Graham's son actually got so fed up with this being brought up (probably for the the millionth time in his life) he blurted out, "Forget the children of the Holocaust!"  To which O'Reilly responded, "You can't forget them!" as if Graham had just said the worst possible thing anyone could ever say.  Graham rightly brought up that it is our duty to blindly to believe everything God teaches us and absolutely never to question it.  O'Reilly in his apostasy is inventing ways for God to save people because he is not comfortable believing His revealed Truth.  Isn't it interesting that he would have Billy Graham's son on to discuss Hell only a few short days after his recent scandal?


Michael Rudnicki




Good evening Brother,


Would you think it is ok to pray the rosary in a chapel where they say the "new mass"?  I ask it because when I visit Paris I often go the chapel of the miraculous medal and pray my rosary there.




D. Guion


MHFM: We do not think one should pray the Rosary there.




Dear Brothers,

… Every day is now a gift to me because I have the true Catholic faith and the rosary and devotion to the Immaculate heart of Mary.  What a difference your showing of the truth has made in my life…






… Interesting times, what with JPII "beatification" and his blood up for veneration- what a joke!


God bless, for now,







In you video Is the World about to End ? - Part 3

You say (more than once) that Maastrich Treaty and EU creation was in 1993. This is false, this was in 1992 not 1993.




MHFM: No, what was said in the video is accurate.  Maastricht Treaty. Treaty establishing the European Union (EU). Agreed in 1991 and signed in 1992, the treaty took effect on 1 November 1993.


The EU was formed when the treaty took effect, and that was in 1993.





First and foremost I would like to commend you on the work you put out on both your website and through your text. As a young 25 year old male it is nice to be able to still read and strengthen my faith with writings such as can be found in your works. I am a true believer in… Ohio and have practiced my Catholic faith… I have read your text online about finding traditional options for sacraments… Thank you for your time.






What a shame that people such as Mr. Grossheim are so ignorant of not only the true Catholic Faith, though even that of which their false counter-church teaches, that they condemn themselves from their own lips.  Never taking the time to learn that there were 42 other anti-popes in the history of the church. Never knowing about the Arian Crisis in the fourth century, and the Great Western Schism (1378-1417) that involved four true-Popes and four anti-Popes.  Their (counter) church's inception was in 1959 with Pope Jon XXIII, who took the name of the previous anti-pope John XXIII (1410-1415).

The truth is, people such as Mr Grossheim never knew God, nor his son Jesus and can somehow justify that the false sect of the Vatican II whore of Babylon is a religion.  Having to actually do works in an attempt to gain knowledge of the truth for their salvation and walk along the narrow path goes contradictory to their happy go lucky world.  A world where no one is accountable for their actions or their ignorance, everyone goes to Heaven and there is no hell.

God Bless your Work,

Tom Miles



Subject: Betrayal!!!




Lee Ann's email regarding Antichrist's blood being venerated sent chills through me.  The thought is just so disgusting!! 


This entire process of his beatification is tainted with profound corruption.  To even claim him being holy in any way is a complete injustice inflicted on those who have truly defended The Faith and died in genuine holiness in The True Roman Catholic Church.  


As your site has so admirably illustrated, he has scandalized faithful Catholics throughout the world on countless occasions.  It just demonstrates yet further how misled the false Church has become.  


It just brings tears to my eyes to think that this Vatican 2 can get away with... Such a Criminal Act of Betrayal!!!  Can they possibly sink any lower than this.


Sweetest Mother Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace pray for us!!


God bless you and all your faithful readers,






Note: This article, John Salza Has No Idea What He's Talking About, has been stored permanently in this file, which is found in our “Beware” section under “Traditional Issues & Groups.”




Do people who commit suicide go to hell… because i don't know but don't worry i am not go to do it so don't get worried p.s. good job




MHFM: Yes, suicide is a mortal sin.


“Christian burial is refused to suicides (this prohibition is as old as the fourth century)…” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, p. 72)


Take a look


Subject: holier than the pope


After looking at your website, I will keep you in my prayers. When you have to call our present Pope an Antipope to support what you want to believe, it's time to step back and take a look at things.



Tom Grossheim


MHFM: It’s precisely because we have “taken a look at things” that we can say with certitude that Benedict XVI is an antipope.  It’s time for you to step back and take a look at the documentation of his countless heresies, as well as the Catholic teaching that a heretic cannot be a pope.  Benedict XVI is not remotely Catholic.  Take a look at it. 


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




Subject: Solarpocalypse




I said while ago to hold on to your hats due to sunspots causing major storms and earthquakes.  I have been noticing large storms (sunspots) on the sun through my solar telescope.  This solar cycle we’re now in is getting worse and will peak next year.  On Average, the US gets about 1000 tornadoes each year during tornado season that lasts generally from April-July and we are already over 900 tornadoes since April 1st  with over 300 people killed.  Wait til next year when the sun cycle hits its peak.


Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us…






Subject: Blood & 33


Dear Brothers:


The fact that B16 and company will be making Antichrist's blood available for "veneration" is chilling and a mockery of the Precious Blood of Jesus; it's as if Antichrist has given his blood as a "sacrifice" for the Counterfeit Church.  Chilling, too, is the haunting melody played in the Rome Reports videos -- singing, over and over, "Jesus Christ You Are My God" while showing images of Antichrist.


My mother also pointed out another strange fact related to the Satanists' fixation with the number 33.  If Antichrist was elected in 1978, he is being "beatified" 33 years later. This can't be a coincidence; it's all a mockery of Jesus Christ.


Just as your wonderful video (JP2 Was the Antichrist) points out, as Jesus was the Incarnation of God, JP 2 was the Incarnation of Satan - without, of course, the external signs of possession.  (Satan is too smart for that.)…


Lee Ann




Subject: Moron


Naturally you can't stand the light of day so you disable comments.  “Demonic posession" is most likely the result of a terratoma. A tumor that usually contains bone, hair and teeth. If can affect the personality of the sufferer.






Subject: O’Reilly




I saw the O’Reilly segment when it aired live, and which motivated me sufficiently to send the note below to him.  Of course letters like mine are written more to cool one’s self (catharsis), and not in the expectation of its even being read, let alone being persuasive.  But then I came across your video today!  What a stunning piece of work.  It is so totally devastating, I can’t imagine its not giving pause to the most arrogant of self deluded modern minds.  I think it is the best single piece you’ve ever produced in terms of the production quality and relevance.  Of course O’Reilly and guest did throw it right over the heart of the plate.  However you didn’t miss it, you hit it out of the park.  I’m going to send the link to many novus ordites.


Thank you again…


Bill Mulligan


Dear Mr. O’Reilly,


The definition of Baptism of Desire which you read on your show the other night is a relatively recent heresy that began to appear in catechisms in the 20th Century.  However it is NOT a Catholic dogma; that is it was NEVER defined by a Pope or a council of the Church.  On the other hand its antithesis that, there being “no salvation outside of the Church”, and the absolute necessity of real, water baptism, have been defined dozens of times throughout the ages by the magisterial authority, probably most forcibly by the Council of Florence.


It is interesting to note that as recently as the mid-19th century, the American notion of religious liberty, was condemned by Pope Pius IXth (solemnly) in the Syllabus of Errors.  The underlying philosophical premise is that the “Truth” either cannot be known or doesn’t matter.  Other Popes (Leo XIIIth?) likened it to an “insanity”, for it pays the same respect to error as to the truth.


This in short is why the West is dying.  It no longer believes (really) in the God of its philosophical origin.   Rather it invents a new, more comfortable God.  No one fears this God which is indeed why MOST of us (as the Lord said, “few will find it”) are going to Hell (including Gandhi).


If it makes you feel any better the Angelic Doctor himself, Saint Thomas, wrote eloquently and convincingly on the nature of God’s justice and our prerogative to “Trust it” and not “question” or attempt to reinvent it.  Jesus to Peter; “my ways are not your ways”. 


PS – you’ll scarcely find a post-Vatican II priest who knows any of this.  They get much more pop-psychology than Catholic Theology in the seminaries nowadays.  But then look at the modern “church” and its scandals.


Bill Mulligan


New Article Posted


MHFM: We have posted a new article.  This article is quite important because it’s a study of how to refute the defenders of Benedict XVI, with all of their distortions, their lies, and their objections.  While the individual who is addressed and refuted in this article is not overwhelmingly significant, the information in this article is extremely important and revealing.  The contradictions and errors exposed are simply astounding.  If you want to know how to carefully refute the lies, objections, and distortions of the defenders of Benedict XVI, you should read this article.  Since this article contains quite a bit of information, we recommend that all those who are interested in these matters print this out and read it. 


John Salza Has No Idea What He's Talking About [new feature article]




Dear Brothers,

The malice contained in "frinen's" email is diabolical. It is unfortunately all too typical of the world (and the Vatican II sect - "Church of the World") who loves to hate Jesus Christ and His true followers - Traditional Roman Catholics. Frinen also displays a profound hypocrisy in that he/she first falsely accuses Catholics of being responsible for the deaths of billions (without, of course, citing any examples, because there are none), which a total lie, and then tells you to "disappear," as if that is not murderous in intention! The world hates the works of the light, because the light exposes the world's evil, sins and darkness... However, we know God's Will will always triumph, regardless of what resistance the Devil will offer because God knows all things before they have happened, and so doing His Will always conquers the Devil's designs… It occurred to me recently that such malice, though it appears to be aimed at Catholics, is in reality aimed squarely at the Lord Jesus Christ, and so it is a good sign (strangely enough) that that Catholic is walking the path to life when the world throws such hatred in our faces.

John 7:7 - "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth: because I give testimony of it, that the works thereof are evil."

John 15:17-20 - "These things I command you, that you love one another. If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also."

God Bless,

Chris White


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Bill O'Reilly's Apostasy - Bill O'Reilly and "Baptism of Desire" [video]




Subject: motivation


I just want to ask a couple simple questions of you if I may. Are you catholic? Are you set against certain catholic institutions or theologies? What is your interpretation of the whore of babylon as mentioned in the book of Revelation? Please answer to the best of your abilities with consideration and patience. I am in no way wanting to attack you or your theology. I mainly only want to better understand your motivation. Thanks




MHFM: We are Catholic, but we are not part of the Vatican II Church.  Most people wrongly consider the Vatican II Church to be the Catholic Church.  It is not.  It is a heretical and false Counter Church.  The true Catholic Church resides in the remnant of traditional Catholics who maintain the faith, just as it did during the Arian heresy in the 4th century.  All of that is covered in our material.  As far as the Whore of Babylon goes, it’s the counterfeit Church of the last days – the Vatican II sect.  Why Rome is now the Whore of Babylon [video]




Just watched your video. And I understand what you're saying...and agree. But i can't dovetail...what you're saying re: Vatican II with your non-inclusion of pagan infiltration of the "church" at the Council of Nicea.....I was raised Catholic… now a non-denominational bible believing Christian..... Please tell me how we can reconcile this?




MHFM: Those are Protestant and non-Catholic myths that have no basis in reality or history.  Paganism had no part in the teaching of the Council of Nicea.  The Trinitarian doctrine it defined is the true biblical doctrine.  The Catholic Church alone is the authentic, historical and biblical Church of Christ.  See our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. 






The video on O'Reilly was interesting to say the least.  Two apostates - one Modernist the other...well I'm not sure what he is.  They claim to be Christian yet both doubt God's Sacred Word, which is an absolute insult to Him.  It's the same with all man made religions that are outside of the Catholic church.  They have a private interpretation of the Bible that only suits their means, which is nothing more than human faith...  believing in something which is upon the testimony of man.  If either one of them had divine faith then they would believe in the testimony of God, and that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic church. 


So many people are just so blind to the truth.  It is so evident that no church can be the true church except the one that was established by Jesus Himself - and all of history bears testimony to this.    All the others are the invention of man, built on straw.  But our glorious Catholic church was built upon a rock, and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it.


As usual you did a great job.  May God bless you always.


Oh Purest Mary be thou the protector of our Holy Mother, the Church!!






Subject: Video on O’Reilly Segment


Dear Brothers:


Outstanding job.  It seems as if that particular O'Reilly segment was an assignment sent by God to MHFM.  The conversation between O'Reilly and McKinney could not have been better suited to the purposes of true education and evangelization - and it could not have been more skillfully critiqued than it was by Brother Peter. 


The conversation between the two apostates was so revealing.  McKinney could not see that he is the monster - imagining that he, Dust, will define the revelation and rules that both men (and God) ought to respect.  And O'Reilly could not see that he and his counterfeit religion are just another form of Protestantism, using Scripture to suit his purposes.  (Nor does O'Reilly seem to realize that the "pope" of his false church, Anti-Christ JP2, denied that Hell was even a place!)


And speaking of Antichrist JP2, I see that MHFM recently put the full length video on you tube.  Thanks for that one,too.  It's another excellent and powerful video that can be watched with profit over and over again. 


Lee Ann




Subject: O’Reilly Gets Slam Dunked!


Dear Brothers,


Great job putting the pompous, know it all Bill O'Reilly in his place with your latest video. He and the other heretical "know it all" can't hold a candle to the real truth inspired by the Holy Spirit, held to by centuries by men of real wisdom. We live in a world where people make up a "religion" to suit their particular needs. You made a good point about the minister who was on the show and how he looked uneasy like a man who had created an obviously false concept to fit his lifestyle. You see this everywhere today where people justify their actions by picking and choosing books or verses of the Bible to allow them to live in a manner in which they choose to live and not how God commands them to live. We know that justification by faith alone is nonsense as your works have shown. I think there is another justification that we see everywhere today and that could be called "justification by lies alone." O'Reilly is out in right field with his views on what it means to be truly Catholic. It is a shame that so many people value his opinion and think he is the cat's meow with his conservative take on things. Your video may just change the way conservatives look at him in the future. Let’s hope so...........


Excellent job and may God bless your continued good works and protect your spreading of absolute truth!


Your ardent supporter,


Bob Bohr  


Go Away


Subject: Go Away


Your superstitions are responsible for the mass death of billions. Instead of spreading your [expletive deleted], how about you do something good for the world and disappear?






Subject: Bill



Your recent video on Bill O'Reilly's Apostasy was very interesting. I suppose Bill is a Vatican II Sect member although he mentions "his" church though doesn't mention which actual church. Just listening to him, he sounds like he could be from any of the other false religions as well.  As you suggested earlier, the attempted beatification of the anti-pope JPII may be the last great sign in these last days is truly bringing out the rats in plain sight to see.  What we're seeing are the "rats" of these false religions on a sinking ship and scrambling to grab hold of something that reflects their false beliefs. This is evident in the P.H.D. guest speaker that believes that "gay" and "christian" somehow go together in the same sentence. He is "Satan's pacifier" to everyone whining on the ship as they go down to their eternal hell fire.

God Bless,

Tom Miles


MHFM: Bill is a Vatican II sect member.




Subject: In regard to your video “Bill O’Reilly’s Apostasy”


According to the Catechism, Bill O'Reilly is correct.




MHFM: The fact that you would make that statement is very revealing.  Since you agree with his horrible apostasy, and you defend it in the way that you do, your e-mail is another striking illustration of the point made in the video concerning the heresy of all heresies.  Heretical and modernist catechisms don’t trump defined dogmas. 




Subject: Bill O’Reilly


Wow, that was an awesome commentary, listening to this commentary was like reading a 1st. grade children's book because the truth was so glaring against their heresies.  What an opportunity it would be to spread the truth and get your website out to the world, if Bill Oreilly asked you to come on the show to speak about this subject!!!  Please, Mother of God let this happen, so people will know the truth, what a miracle it would be if it happened before May 1, the false beatification of anti-pope jp ll!!!!!!!   The only thing is that Bill should not be allowed to get emotional and crazy and start shouting down the Brothers when he loses the debate, attacking the messenger when he can't debunk the message!  






Subject: Dimond brothers, you are right


Dear brother Peter and Michael Dimond,


A few months ago we had a small exchange by email discussing your point of view regarding the Vatican II Counterchurch.  At that time, I still defended the wrong and contradictory point of view that the Vatican II Popes were erring, but still valid popes.


In the interest of fairness I now fully admit that your position was (and is) right, and mine was wrong.  I have changed my opinion regarding the Vatican II "Popes". They are obviously heretics and it is thanks to you that I am aware of that now. 


Therefore, I wish to thank you for your thorough information.  You have helped me discover the truth.  The clear and overwhelming evidence you publish on your website has convinced me to the conclusion...  I have recently been listening to the 3 hour debate you had, back in 2006, with Mr. William Golle, systematic theologian from Seton Hall University and it is obvious to me that this man, schooled in modernist theology as he is, simply doesn't have any answers to the objections you rightfully make against the Vatican II Popes.


Mr.Golle is appalled by the justified conclusions you draw, and cannot believe the Catholic Church has fallen to such a deplorable state.  But that only proves Mr.Golle's lack of traditional theological scholarship.


Whenever the traditional Catholic doctrine is truly believed, understood and consequently applied to the present-day situation, the result cannot be otherwise than a huge embarrassment to the entire Vatican II Counterchurch leadership. In face of the traditional facts, their Vatican II "church" is exposed as a Heretical Counterchurch, that has rejected most of the Catholic teachings of old. 


The fact that even the academic scholars of the Vatican II Anti-religion are dumbfounded in the face of your arguments, proves to me over and over again that you have the truth on your side.  Your vision is not "fanatical", as one might think at first glance. It's one of outstanding brightness and learnedness and I hope and pray ever more people in the Church will start seeing things your way.



Mark Wick





MHFM: Pro-life memorial vandalized with upside-down crosses, fake blood.


They must be devotees of St. Peter, according to defenders of Antipope John Paul II.




Subject: Salza Crushed!!!


Dear Brothers,

Thank you so much for the forensic analysis of schismatic apostate John Salza's… heresies. The arrogance and ignorance of Salza spills all over the pages as he desperately tries to drag everyone into hell with him. How anyone could be so utterly shameless so as to publicly contradict themselves, lie, slander, distort, dodge, distract and use every other dirty tactic in the book to avoid the simple facts, is only explicable by the membership Salza holds in the Vatican II sect, the Whore of Babylon. According to him, first we needed a declaration that someone is a heretic, then we didn't, and now the declaration only applies to a pope. So Salza wants to take a pope to court - even though no one can officially depose or judge a true pope (though anyone with eyes or ears can determine whether a claimant to the papacy is a heretic) - and to have the pope declare himself a heretic - maybe that's the kind of upside down gibberish that gives Freemasons a buzz, but it's not of the Holy Ghost and thus not of the Immaculate Catholic Church…


God bless,


Chris White




Dear Brothers in Christ,


Thank you for the very detailed article on John Salza's demoniacal writings and activities. Although your article deserves multiple re-readings, however I would like to emphasize even more the Salza's wrong stances on putting the pope before the trial. Of course the Pope is judged by no one. This truth is in no way in contradiction with the fact that a true Catholic is obliged to recognize a heretic, even if the heretic is a person who falsely poses as a pope. The absurdness of Salza's claims in that regard is even more obvious if we say the following two facts:


1.) God is judged by no one.

2.) Each and every true Catholic is obliged to do the best of his/hers abilities to recognize and reject false gods.


If there can exist false gods, than there can exist false popes (that is anti-popes). If the true Catholics must detect false gods, even without any Church' declarations on the particular false religion they may encounter, then the same true Catholics are also obliged to detect the false popes without any declarations from the Church. How clear it should be said that detecting, and consequently condemning, the false popes and other heretics does not mean to judge the true Pope, in the same way as detecting the false god/religion does not mean to judge the True God, or Lord Jesus Christ, and the only true religion He established?


In essence the Salza's statements mean that there is no false gods and false religion, simply because the current antipope says that all religions are good. If a Catholic cannot judge the antipope (oh yes, he can and he must do so), how could he judge any enemy of Jesus Christ?


Let our risen Lord Jesus Christ help and guard all true Catholics, through the intercession of our Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph.


Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Hello Brothers:


     Quite simply, John Salza is demon possessed… It is not men with whom you are dealing at all. This is quite apparent if one has a prayer life and reviews what these men say to you or about you. It is the same type of thing with all of them - the same character, with very little variation if any at all. There is an energy and almost a fanatical drive to oppose any truth that you promote - of course the biggest opposition is to the Dogma "Outside the Church there is No Salvation" and the necessity of Sacramental Water Baptism. It is Satan and his army possessing bad willed men and pressing in on you from different sides. I hope that you understand this from where you sit, and I believe that you do, - it is easy to see from where we sit on the outside, viewing the entire situation from a different vantage point from yourselves. Still, remind yourselves of it often, because it must get tiresome for you. It is quite distressing just reading and observing the whole thing from here - in fact I did not even finish the entire new Salza article. I could not stomach any more, it is that sickening. I need to go pray and beg God to wash the filth away. One actually feels filthy even reading what these demon possessed men say. It is even worse when one considers all of the blind followers who worship these men. The old ladies in the VII pews, the armies of young pseudo intellectual men who work tirelessly for each others approval and who will defend these demon possessed icons of theirs to the death. They lie, lie, lie without any scruple whatsoever, and their whole lives are an open lie! It is a plague - a demonic disease rooted in these VII churches and all of the instruments thereof such as the "apostolates" of those like Salza and Keating and Scott Hahn, etc. It is all the exact same demonic wave. You have done an excellent job of not only exposing and refuting it but of promoting the True Dogmas of The Church in the process…


Thanks, Michael Glennon






This is to thank Todd for explaining just what "death for the dead who die for the dying" meant - and yes it will be terrible when evil men and women stand before the Lord in Judgment.


My son and his family are "born again Christians".  I can't believe some of the terrible things my son writes about the Catholic faith on facebook - and what SP wrote really hit home for me.  It's so sad because they are so lost and they think that we (true Catholics) are the ones who will burn in hell


Last week I watched a segment of the Jimmy Swaggart camp meeting.  Just for a few minutes - as that was about all I could take.  The people in the audience, as well as on stage, were jumping up and down, dancing in the aisles, and some were actually rolling on the ground.  And then came these words out of this pathetic preachers mouth..."Oh' you Catholics, you don't know what you're missing".   Pure, sick entertainment.  That is all these faithless type of people are looking for.  How void and empty they are.  It just made me so sad watching them.  What a horrid spectacle it was.


Thank you dear Brothers for all that you do.


In Mary Our Most Precious Queen and Mother,






Pentecost Sunday is coming up fast and the Month of Mary is about to begin and the Anti-Christ is going to be beatified between both of these Holy Occasions? Well we shouldn't be surprised if the City of the Seven hills becomes Ash soon, seeing that there was a census that said( this was a while ago) that there were over 500,000 satanists in Italy not including fake Catholics which are worse in a sense. So Definitely in the next few months well be seeing Apostasy of Hellish Proportions accompanied most likely by extremely terrible disasters worse then Japan's punishment ( by the way apparently there are trenches forming under Japan and Japan will just fall into them) Have you heard about the New Madrid Fault line earthquake which is supposed to occur apparently, it is supposed to tear a whole right through the U.S. and create new coast-lines and The U.S. Government is pre-ordering a large some of underwater body bags and FEMA coffins from Halliburton. May the Blessed Virgin Mary guide your path along with St. Benedict.


A Slave of Jesus in Mary,

Roy James Sandbank




Subject: SP & Her Protestant Co-Worker


Today's Catholic quote of the day. The first 30 Roman Pontiffs died martyrs. Many died horrible deaths in the coliseum.  What were they doing when they were drug out of the catacombs? They were not reading the bible and they were not at bible study.  They were practicing the faith, the traditions past down from the apostles which of course includes the Holy Sacraments. How many Popes and Clergy were literally drug away from the altar in the middle of the Holy Mass and executed? How does a protestant reconcile their position with this documented fact? How can they dare to say the Catholic Faith is some perversion of the gospel when the Holy Mass, the daily Holy Sacrifice, has always been, from the beginning, the central focal point of the Faith. Any deviation is just another faith and created by man, not Our Lord. Ask a protestant that question, what were the leaders of the Church doing? They may say something like, refusing to worship the pagan gods, spreading dissension, but, they will always altogether omit the "little" detail of the Holy Altar.







Subject: comments

Dear MHFM     


I would like to thank you very much for posting some of my previous e-mails to you.  We are seeing almost the complete decline and decay of western civilization.  The rosary and devotion and consecrating ourselves to the Immaculate heart of Mary is what is going to save our souls and preserving Christ’s and Mary’s remnant flock in these final days.  I also agree with you on that ANTI CHRIST ANTI-POPE John Paul 2 will eventually be “canonized” at some point in the future.  He is already beginning to be praised and admired by people in the novus ordo sect.  I sometimes read their bulletins about what is going on in the conciliar sect.  I noticed too that they have this sex abuse hotline to report sexual abuse by clergy.  That is indicative of something very dark and rotten in the v2 sect.  You get this sense by reading about all these things that something is very very very wrong with this v2 sect.  Have a happy and blessed easter.   The Lord has risen!  Alleluia alleluia,   DEO GRATIAS.


From Mark V




MHFM: A new article will probably be posted tomorrow.




Subject: Protestantism


Dear Brothers,


In my opinion, nothing has caused more damage to the Catholic faith than Protestantism.  It is far worse than the attacks of Islam on the faithful.  Islam attacked the Church from the outside while Protestantism attacked the Church from the inside.  For nearly 500 years now the attacks of protestant sects on the true Church of God has been unrelentless.  So bad now that there is hardly anyone left in the world who is a true Christian, thanks to the confusion and heresies propagated by Protestant ministers.


Protestants are so deceived it seems like it takes a direct miracle from God Himself to make them see the truth.  They believe they are on the road to Heaven.  Unless they convert and become Catholic they are in for a surprise on Judgement Day when they will find themselves being condemned to the eternal Lake of Fire.


One of my co-workers is very anti-Catholic.  She claims to be a "Christian" and to her the Catholic Church is the Vatican ll sect.  She is 26 years old and was born into a family that used to be Catholic but apostasized.  So all she really was exposed to during her upbringing was the heresies of her Protestant "Church", some non-denominational sect.  A new one pops up somewhere every day in this country.  When she first asked me about my religion, I told her I was Catholic and she had the audacity to criticize my religion to my face.  Everything she said was typical of the V2 sect, not traditional Catholicism.  Whenever I try to explain the difference between the Novus Ordo Church and true Catholicism, it just goes in one ear and out the other.  She simply does not understand what I'm telling her.  When I mentioned the terms Vatican ll, Novus Ordo, and Traditional Catholicism, she had no clue what I was talking about!  So she criticizes Catholicism and yet she hardly knows anything about it!  She does not have the true faith because she will not hear the truth when someone tries to tell her.  Her main problem with the Catholic Church (to her the V2 sect) is that it is "boring".  I've heard this countless times from non- Catholics.  So they go to some "Church" where there is lots of singing, clapping hands, and shouting "Praise Jesus! Amen!", etc.  They are not interested in God's truth or worshipping Him the way He wants us to, which is the Sacrifice of the Mass.  Instead they only want to please themselves, so they find the "Church" that suits their liking and stay there on the road to Hell.


Also she and I have not gotten along very well due primarily to our very different views on religion.  She is way off the deep end.  She had invited me to her "Church".  I declined and explained that Catholics do not attend Protestant churches because it would be a grave sin.  It was futile trying to explain anything to her on the subject because she is so much in the grip of the Devil.






Subject: Illuminati


Whoever wrote that threatening email to the brothers is very confused about equating,  "death for the dead who die for the dying"  with the Brothers or who ever holds the true faith because if all of the faithful persevere to the end, death means the beginning of life eternal and the faithful don't die for the dying, they die for the faith and by dying, merit divine grace for the conversion of others!  Now, as for the unfaithful wretches, death truly is for the dead, the second death which is in hell and they die for the dying {living dead, their fellow illuminati brothers}, they die in VAIN NOT THE FAITHFUL!!!   I watched the video, "Death and Journey into Hell" again and if only these evil men would fully grasp the idea of Judgement Day and how terrible it will be for them standing at their graves, looking at their wretched bodies laying there and their souls will have to reunite with their bodies again!          






Subject: Winning is relative


Dear Brothers,


It is not hard at all to believe that Communists and Freemasons control the media. When you have "celebrities" like Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Oprah Winfrey and the Royal Wedding considered important news it becomes obvious. Charlie Sheen, the warlock, is so convinced that he is "winning" in all his personal battles with ex-wives and TV executives. So much is this arrogant attitude of his based on winning, he has adopted it as his slogan. Charlie and all others who put their eggs in the insignificant pleasures and victories of this world end up losing. They lose their souls for all eternity. I don't know what will be worse for some of these worldlings, the eternal pain or the eternal regret suffered knowing full well that they could have lived a life of obedience to a Divine creator


God bless and may Mary our Mother protect your vital ministry,


Bob Bohr 




Subject: vatican obelisk?


How do you guys interpret the obelisk in st. peters square?




MHFM: There is an obelisk in the Vatican, but there is a cross on top of it that was put there by Pope Sixtus V.  It symbolizes the Church’s victory over paganism. 


The Pope [Sixtus V] had a bronze cross placed on top of the obelisk bearing on its base the following inscription: ‘Behold the Cross of the Lord!  Depart ye hostile powers!  The Lion of the tribe of Juda hath prevailed!  Christ conquers, Christ is King, Christ is Emperor!  May Christ protect His people from all evil!” (Fr. John Laux, Church History, p. 488.)




Subject: Information


… I have been listening to the programs on your website and feel I'm coming to a good understanding of Traditional Catholicism and the errors of Vatican II.  I find myself in complete agreement with these stances…






You people are nuts.  I looked at your "Catholic" website.  Shame on you.  You will all end up in hell - if you actually believe in it, or is that a heresy too! And leading others into perdition - you are all truly scandalous.




MHFM: It’s amazing that you make such statements.  Did you not look at the information?  Did you not see that the people you defend deny Catholic dogmas?  Did you not see that we base all of our positions on Catholic dogmas?  You mention Hell.  Did you notice that Antipope John Paul II denied Hell, and that’s one reason, among many, why he was neither a Catholic nor a pope?


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




I have much I would like to ask you about. But first I want to thank you for exposing the apostasy related to the third secret of fatima and for all your work.

What is your unofficial personal belief on medjugorje. Do you believe personally that it is the blessed mother who is appearing there.

There is a very important reason why I ask this and I will elaborate later.

I have been watching your videos all day because I have been struggling with some issues... I watched the one about the canyon of despair and noted the raven kept flying over his head… Right now I just want to know where you stand on medjugorje???




MHFM:  Thanks for the interest.  Medjugorje was definitely a false apparition.  The Blessed Virgin Mary did not appear there. We know that for a fact because the message contains heresies and promotes Antipope John Paul II.  It was a false sign from the Devil.  Please pray the Rosary and continue to look at the material.   


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]



MHFM: We have posted the full length YouTube version of our video concerning John Paul II as the Antichrist.  This video contains the information that convinced us years ago – before Benedict XVI’s “election” and his move to cause people to worship John Paul II (as discussed in the “Is the World about to End?” video) – that John Paul II was the Antichrist.



Dear Brothers,


I want to ask you a question. Is a retired priest who is ordained before 1968 ok to go to confession? … I almost gave up on this one but truly praying the rosary does solve all problems. May the Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother and the Saints watch over you and your work.


God speed,



MHFM: Yes, he might be an option.  He must say the proper words of absolution, “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”






I am in a middle of a divorce. I married a man of the Islam faith, I was a former Catholic, i want to return to my faith




MHFM: It’s great to hear that you want to convert to the Catholic faith.  Please pray the Rosary each day and consult this file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Dear Brothers:


Would it be considered a mortal sin to attend a comedy show on Holy Saturday evening- vigil of Easter? Please reply asap, and please do not post my name on website.


Thank you…


MHFM: You shouldn’t go to such a show.




Subject: Online videos


Would just like to thank you for placing your videos online. This really helps in those situations when there isn't a disk handy to give to someone. Now I can say to them, you must see this video, and give the name of the website. In fact, I tell them if they just type the first five letters, the scroll should drop down, and they should see the name of the website. Also, to comment on just one of the videos; why the NO mass is invalid, is very powerful. Especially when you quote St Alphonsus, "The words for you and for many are used to distinguish the virtue of the Blood of Christ from its fruits: for the Blood of Our Savior is of sufficient value to save all men but its fruits are applied only to a certain number and not to all, and this is their own fault..." Yes, it occurs to me, this is the agony, this is the passion.


Richard Spinnenweber




Subject: Death is for the dead who died for the dying


You're next to be ........................ DOA






Hello brothers peter and michael,


I was reading about this article,, and it surprised me to say whoa atheism is now a religion? Wow the world has really gone crazy and how people can really be illogical. I was also wondering why they haven't brought up evolution as a religion yet.


God speed,





Subject: Your Lies


You know I once thought that you were ok, I thought that you were a genuine catholic man, but from what I have seen of your videos,I know that you don't even value the Catholic Church nor even the Pope, I think that you are a sad excuse for a so called Catholic, and if you are against anything of the Catholic faith then that makes you a heretic




MHFM: No, you are the liar and the heretic who hates the truth.  Their heresies are well documented.  We tell the truth.  The problem is that you don’t want to understand the real Catholic faith.




Subject: The Bible is a Catholic Book


Dear Brothers:


Every time I see an anti-Catholic rant sent to you from a person imagining himself to be a "Christian", I am reminded of this: if the greatest deception of the end-times is the Vatican II Counterfeit Catholic Curch, then the second greatest deception must be the belief that Protestantism is Christianity and is Bible-based. 


The Counterfeit Catholic Church drums into people's minds that Protestants really know the Bible.  And they get away with it, because the V2 victims are taught absolutely nothing about the faith, or the Bible -- which is a Catholic book (a fact that all heretics are pleased to ignore).


Anti-Catholicism is the Protestant's only "creed": it's all he's got and, sadly, often all he wants.  And whether the animus is explicitly or implicitly held, rest assured, it's there.  All Protestant sects of perdition are (in Biblical and Church language) not "churches" but "harlots" -- all foreshadowing the most important false church, the end-times Whore of Babylon foretold in the Apocalypse and permitted by God, because the time would come (and has come) when almost all men will love heresies and despise truth. 


Protestantism in all its forms (including V-2) is a repudiation of the Bible, and a denial of the words of Our Lord and His Apostles.  There is only one religion of the Bible: Catholicism, the only true Christianity.  Nor, by the way, is true Christianity based on Old Testament Judaism, as the impostor popes and their cohorts would have us believe.  Judaism was based on Christ and, as Our Lord and the Fathers of the Church tell us, this was why the Jews of old killed the Prophets God sent them.  


By the time of His first coming, a good portion of the "faithful" and their leadership had become "faithless" --just like today.  The "Redeemer" they were waiting for was not the gentle and humble Son of God who would invite all men to His Kingdom.  The Jews were looking for a political leader to bring about the exaltation not of God but of Israel.  And, as history demonstrates, the Jews were at that time quite active in maneuvering the political events of the Roman Empire as they desired.  Sound familiar?


Then there's the widely propagated all-false-religions-have-a-piece-of-the-pie parable from Hell.  No, they don't have pieces of a "pie" because faith exists only where it is whole and inviolate. So says Jesus. Whatever false religions might have that is true, they stole it from the Catholic Church, misappropriated it, and misapplied it.  (Same way that Church property was stolen in the 16th century and beyond, in those countries whose kings accepted the Protestant revolt.) The Amish and other sects have their fake "bishops". Most false sects have their "church" buildings, pulpits, pews and stained glass windows. One way or another, they all have their fake "pastors" and their non-worship "worship" services.  Most claim to have the ten commandments, to be applied as they see fit (or not).  Even Baptism which might be valid for them in some cases has been stolen from the Catholic Church, and will not help them much if they are or become heretics. 


As the Bible tells us (the Bible which heretical Protestants claim they love so much):  Heretics and their teachings are to be avoided...Heretics preach against the faith received from God....Heretics are ignorant of Scriptures and have no faith....Heretics resemble the devil, Cain and Core .....The books of heretics are to be burnt....Heretics are thieves who try to enter not by the door....Heretics are forerunners of antichrist.


There are many, many parts of the Bible that the "Bible-only Christians" conveniently overlook.


Jesus said that if a man refused to hear the Church, that man should be looked upon as a heathen.  Now, what Church do Protestants imagine Jesus was referring to?  If the acceptance of Evolution makes monkeys out of men, so does the acceptance of false religions. Which I guess is the whole point behind the instigation of all false beliefs in the first place: Satan still raging against God over the Incarnation. Satan's war against Truth.


To the Protestant, Christ's words are meaningless.  And that is why as Protestantism spread and grew over time from the 16th century until the present, it was the slow but steady cancer of society, the ultimate death of Christendom and -- as the Bible assures us -- the forerunner of antichrist. 


Lee Ann




Subject: Theoak


Dear Brothers,

Theoak who wrote saying that "Catholics are Pagans" is the Pagan joke himself since he separates Jesus from God, thus worshipping a creature. Then he criticizes Catholics for beliving in "works based salvation," but then recommends reading the Bible, as if that is not a good work! If Protestants believe faith alone justifies then why should anyone have to read the Bible since that would constitute some type of work. Work: "exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil." I suppose we'll never hear a Protestant accusing someone of being lazy, since according to them work is a sin. Catholics have faith in the True Jesus Christ, not some Protestant "symbolic Christ" who merely represents the Devil. The Book of Protestantism 1:1-3 - "[1] In the beginning was the Bible, and the Bible was with God, and the Bible was God. The same was in the beginning with God. [2] And Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny me, pick up his Bible, and follow himself. [3] Do you see that man is justified by faith only, and not by works?" (John 1:1, Matt. 16:24, James 2:24) I suppose the Bible is the closest thing Protestants have to Jesus Christ in the flesh, i.e. the Holy Eucharist, so it's not surprising they get a bit excited about it.

John 5:39-42 - "Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me. And you will not come to me that you may have life. I receive glory not from men. But I know you, that you have not the love of God in you."

2 Peter 3:15-18 - " And account the longsuffering of our Lord, salvation; as also our most dear brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, hath written to you: As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction. You therefore, brethren, knowing these things before, take heed, lest being led aside by the error of the unwise, you fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and unto the day of eternity. Amen."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Protestantism and the Councils


Hello Brothers:


  I have been studying the Councils, and just today actually, Good Friday morning, I was thinking about how evil protestantism is. It is truly "protest" - ant - ism! A firm and hearty protest against God and His Church. I know some protestants who really think that they are "saved". They do some disconnected Christian "type" stuff, like read the bible every now and then, say some prayers, etc. But when I did know these people more intimately years ago as a VII Catholic, it is apparent that their bible study is very limited - they are not really that interested, although they proclaim relentlessly that it is they who are the true bible believers. Their prayer life is also just completely void. They pray in little disjointed moments - as if they cannot really think of what to say, etc. And this is what is expected of a protestant prayer life - without the True, Catholic form of prayer and praying, which is the only Christian way and the way of Christians for 2000 years now with really little development at all because Christian prayer came out of the womb fully developed! Protestants simply do not have it. Protestantism is simply not Christian. Protestants are absolutely not Christians. As opposite as protestantism is to Catholicism - as opposite as is a protestant hall is to a True Catholic Cathedral, this is exactly how opposite protestantism is to Christianity. It is empty and totally false - there is truly nothing there. Any protestant man who does not take it upon himself to study Christian history, and the councils and activities and actions of the True Church of Jesus Christ - the man has absolutely no excuse… A perfunctory glance at history will leave any honest person speechless - It is Catholic. The entire history of mankind, and literally of all things, is in direct relation to the person, life and gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church. A protestant must learn this. Because he is so empty he must feel like dying. Also, what is true of protestantism is true of John Paul II's Vatican II church - it is exactly the same, empty, and so completely opposite of Jesus Christ the Redeemer's One, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church that it can never be denied by a sane and lucid person.


… It is a horrid, obscene tragedy - both protestantism and the Vatican II false god religion, And the unbelief of the masses. It is terrible, and all True Catholics must take hold firmly of the message of Our Lady at Fatima. Make reparations for the sins of these mighty blasphemers. Make sacrifices for their souls, as they simply will not or cannot do it now they are so blind. At the very least say the Fatima prayers and also Novenas for the salvation of the immense number of souls who fall into hell, even now as we speak of it. On Sunday, the protestant and VII churches will be filled with corpses. Dead souls. God's mercy of warning us all, and Our Lady's Mercy of coming to Fatima, and Her message, really should be taken firmly to heart by every True, Traditional Catholic, as if she appeared this very morning - because as God sees time (as we can only imagine He does) she did come only moments ago!


What a good work you brothers do. You are always in our prayers for protection, strength and perseverance.


Thank you,

Michael Glennon




Hello Brothers in Christ. I have read your site & get your message loud & clear.I was baptised in 1951, was an altar boy & experienced many 'odd' happenings in the church in my small hometown area. Around 1963, one parish priest committed suicide,another left the priesthood, & some nuns left also. During high school, around 1968, there were many brothers who became lay teachers. The priest in charge was very judgemental & threatening to those who 'did not fit in' concerning monetary wealth .Failing students were promoted as their wealthy parents made hefty donations. I was physically threatened by this priest & not allowed to participate at my graduation ceremony as my parents could not afford transporting me to the senior breakfast. This priest in later years was promoted to archdiocese director. After high school, I 'fell away' from the church due to the abuse. I realize this is isolated to the area where I lived & those involved & not the entire body of Christ.,however my mother & her family experienced some foul dealings with a priest in New Jersey who connived a rightful inheritance from my surviving mother by taking all of her family properties for himself, 'his parish'. While my mother lived in Calif, this priest became more than just friendly with my aunt & grandmother back east.My aunt died of an overdose,mysteriously, & later my grannie died & all possesions went to the church which included all family photos,etc. my mother could not even obtain her childhood photos & memorabilia as all possesions were mysteriously signed over to him. The court hearing settled in his favor due to the expense of flying from Calif to New Jersey & obtaining a lawyer as we were poor. Many years later, the priest was found to be living in the house as his own.He has died since,many years ago. Suffice to say that I have experienced Christians not following their operating manual which is the Bible. Anything outside the Bible is not Christian which includes all organizations who self interpret to create/impose dogmas upon their followers for enslavement/control purposes. Christians are to take on the mantle of Christ & become like Christ. There is nowhere in the Bible which states devotion to Mary/Merium, or to go to her as a 'broker' for requests to "pray for us sinners" as this is more than just insulting to our Savior who said when we pray, pray to our Father, not to His mother. Images & icons are also non-biblical & against the law,yet there are so many in catholic churches & homes. Remember there were no photos back then & all images are just imaginings. There is so much in catholicism that is pagan & due to Constantine with early church collaborators.The calendar was changed,time was changed. Sunday is really worship of a sun deity.etc,etc. You have most likely heard this before & yet your heels are dug in to "pre-vatican II" & for what reason that is purely biblical. Either the Bible is the operating manual or not. No organization or persons supersede the Bible & the words of Yeshua/Emmanuel, see " Rev 22".  




MHFM: Unfortunately, you don’t get the message because you think that Catholicism is pagan.  You are so deceived.  You need to read our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and especially this section: The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF].  You also err in your belief that Catholicism is not biblical.  You have been filled with anti-Catholic misconceptions, and you probably believe in the unbiblical heresy of faith alone.  See our “Refuting Protestantism” section (which addresses your heretical ideas) and wake up.  Your deception is facilitated by your fixation on negative personal experiences that your family had with Novus Ordo “priests.”  That’s common with people who depart from God.  They blame it on others.  If you spent the same amount of time investigating the material we offer which refutes your claims, you would find the truth.  Whether you embrace it, however, depends upon whether you want to accept the grace to be honest.  You should pray to Jesus for the grace to see His true Christian faith.  If you pray sincerely, you will begin to see that we are correct: traditional Catholicism is His religion.  There is no salvation outside of it.




EWTN is great.  Your web-site has jealousy written all over it!




MHFM: God says:


Exodus 34:14- “Adore not any strange god. The Lord his name is Jealous, he is a jealous God.”


We follow God and thus we condemn EWTN’s acceptance of strange gods.  EWTN accepts strange gods by accepting and promoting false religions.  Consider, for example, that EWTN promotes false ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, trips to synagogues and mosques, Assisi-style apostasy, and more.  You are lost.  You think you understand Catholic teaching, when you don’t even believe in it.


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]




Subject: Question


I am trying to understand the sedevacantism position.  Because the seat is literally not vacant.  I realize you mean the pope to be an anti pope, however, there have been many throughtout history and here we are fast forward to sedevacantism, another sect?  How do you justify leaving the true church?  I do believe the church is in eclipse, but where does it say to leave it?  Are you not like the protestors removing yourself from the arms of Jesus Mother?  There is but one body one spirit in Christ.  The way I see it, no matter how bad or anti-pope the popes get, the Holy Spirit guides the church to the end of time.  I, myself, have been a witness to the heresies (sp), but is not Christ still being consecrated through these men?  They were ordained  before Vat II, were they not?   What would pope leo do?  Pope Leo did not leave.  He did demand for Satan to leave Christ's' church.  Where do the church father order us to abandon the ark?  Don't the actions of these current heretics apostate themselves and only the true faithful remain with truthful teaching?  My questions are sincere and of goodwill, if you don't answer me, then you just don't know the answers? 

Mrs A


MHFM: We have not left the Catholic Church.  The Church is not comprised of those who claim to be Catholic, but of those who actually hold the faith.  A man that is a heretic cannot be a true pope.  The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]  Antipope Benedict XVI is the one who protests against the Catholic Church.  He agrees with Martin Luther and the Protestants on Justification: The Vatican II sect's Protestant Revolution: the 1999 Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification [PDF File].  You obviously don’t understand the Church.   You think that whoever occupies what were Catholic buildings necessarily represents the true Church.  That is not true.  If they reject the faith, they forfeit membership in the Church.  The Church exists in the remnant of traditional Catholics, not in the heretics of the Vatican II Church.  You would have followed the Arian heretics in the 4th century, when they gained control of most of the churches.  In adhering to a non-Catholic antipope like Benedict XVI, who doesn’t believe in the Bible or in Catholic dogma, you abandon the one ark.  Look at the material on our website, and learn something about the Church, how heresy expels from the Church, etc.  You might want to begin with this file: The Glossary of Terms and Principles [PDF]


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “No one who merely disbelieves in all (these heresies) can for that reason regard himself as a Catholic or call himself one.  For there may be or arise some other heresies, which are not set out in this work of ours, and, if any one holds to a single one of these he is not a Catholic.”




Subject: Weather


Am I the only one who can see God's hand in all of this weird weather and destruction?   (I know you do) But all everyone does is complain.  No one sees that God is trying to tell us something-that maybe we should pray and repent for the terrible things that are going on in the world!  No one says that maybe we should pray to God for help. And in the Japanese earthquakes all they did was have a 'moment of silence'?? What is that?  they are NOT praying for the souls that have been lost in the tragedy, or praying for help to save their own souls. Don't they realize that our time is very short here and it is getting shorter by the minute!  I can see what God is doing here and if we don't start praying we will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah!  God help us all! May Our Lady pray for us!



MHFM: They should not be praying for the people who died.  Catholics may only pray for those they know died as true Catholics. 


New Video Posted


MHFM: For those it might interest, this is a new video.  It covers some quick updates, e-mail questions, etc.


MHFM video blog, 4/18/2011 - JP2 universal salvation, etc. [video]


Enemies of the true faith


Subject: Enemies of the true faith




Read so often on your site the many emails you get from some unwilled folks accusing you of misinterpreting scripture.  That happened to me a lot in my lifetime from people who were not Catholics.  But I must say that is nothing compared to what it has been like for me now since I broke away from the Vatican 2 church.  The many folks (false Catholics) who I thought were my friends are more hateful to me now than any Protestant ever was. 


Read a book recently about the many priests who dedicated their lives during the time Catholics were being persecuted in 1500 England.  They were hunted down like animals by the Protestant church.  They were cruel and relentless to these priests and lay people - but they continued to so lovingly suffer all for the Cross and salvation of mankind.


The whole time I was reading this most amazing book I kept visualizing in my mind the church as it is today.  The Modernist against the Traditionalist - which made me realize that the enemies of the faith revive in every age with the same relentless lies against the True Church.    And doubtless until the end of time the True Church will be persecuted, but also will continue to produce fine men and women (like yourselves, and many of your readers) who willingly undergo these trials out of love for their Lord and zeal for their neighbors.


May Our Sweet Mary of the Most Holy Rosary pray for us all.





Dear Brother Michael Dimond,
I wanted to thank you for the last couple of videos that you and Brother Peter released. In the radio show I noticed that you are debating whether or not to do a video exposing the UFO hoax and its connection to demonic activity. I must say that I think you should make this video because the thing that led me to your site and its information was when you were on Coast To Coast talking about the UFO and demonic activity a while back. In that show you made an intellectually profound argument when you explained how very far away from earth the nearest solar system that could sustain intelligent life really is and how it is not feasible to suspect that any race of beings, no matter how advanced, could possibly be traveling here. You actually mentioned the distance in light years and this is what finally put the final nail in the coffin and convinced me that UFOs absolutely could not be space aliens but were more like psycho-metric manifestations --- that is, some kind of spiritual manifestation that appears to susceptible people's minds- like a demon. So I think you should take your time and do this documentary well. I would definitely make it because there are a lot of people under the spiritual deception that aliens created us and our DNA etc. I had one guy at work totally convinced aliens are here visiting the planet... Remember you are laboring against the very powerful History Channel which runs UFO and Alien shows ALL the time. SO a lot of people are being totally deceived. It seems the history channel is only adept at doing two things- One, running anti-Christian documentaries - such as the ones that claim scripture is false or unreliable, and or two, run UFO shows that claim to prove or show that mankind is being visited by aliens who, by the way, possibly created or evolved us etc…
On another note, thanks truly for doing the videos on Our Lady of Guadalupe. It was well past time that information was released for the mass public to discover.
I wish you all the best.
God bless,




Dear Brothers Dimond,


I am sure you have seen this one:

God Bless you during this most Holy Time.

Christine Mohn


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  This part is interesting:


“In the erroneous Italian edition of YouCat, which is set out as a series of questions and answers, a question regarding family planning is mistranslated.


The question "may a Christian married couple regulate the number of children they have?" is mistranslated from the German original as "may a Christian married couple use methods of birth control?"


The answer is given as "yes".


They say it’s a mistranslation that approval of NFP birth regulation has been described as approval for methods of birth control.  But NFP is a method of birth control.  In truth, the only difference between the original and the “mistranslation” is that the “mistranslation” uses the plural.  It thus gives approval to various methods of birth control, and not just to the sinful NFP method of birth control.   




Subject: Catholics are Pagans


You don’t even worship the same Jesus and God. You believe in work based salvation…do you even read your bible?...




MHFM: You don't believe in anything Jesus taught.  You are not a Christian.  Only Catholics are Christians.  You can listen to this debate, in which the position you advocate is refuted.  The Bible teaches that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone (James 2:24), you unbiblical heretic.



Hi Bro Michael, 


I have been following your website for about 3 years and it has really enlightened me. We were truly in the dark. Thanks for all you do. I read your current email on circumcision and was wondering if my husband and I committed a grave sin for having our two sons circumcised.  We did it not know any better and followed what our parents did.  We thought that is what we were suppose to do.  Should we confess this?  Also, please tell me why Moses did not reach the promised land?... God Bless!




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Your first question is addressed in our recent video.  You also ask why Moses did not reach the promised land.


Numbers 20:11-12- “And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.  And the Lord spoke unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.


When Moses, in obedience to God’s command, struck the rock in order to miraculously bring forth water, there was a certain level of hesitation in the act or in the manner in which he and Aaron presented it to the people.  A Catholic commentary explains it: “The fault of Moses and Aaron, on this occasion, was a certain diffidence and weakness of faith; not doubting of God's power or veracity; but apprehending the unworthiness of that rebellious and incredulous people, and therefore speaking with some ambiguity” (Douay-Rheims Commentary). 


As a result, God told Moses and Aaron that they would not be the ones to bring the people into the promised land.  This was their punishment, even though they remained in God’s favor.  This punishment was fulfilled.  It was Joshua and Caleb who led the people into the promised land.


Vatican II


Subject: Vatican II – “baptism of sin”


Dear Brothers,

Kev who wrote in saying that Antipopes John XXIII and Paul VI said that Vatican II was not a real council evidently doesn't understand the words "solemnly promulgated" since Antipope Paul VI allegedly (but did not in reality) "solemnly promulgated" Vatican II. The whole point of Vatican II was to eventually try to put Antipopes in the place of God, i.e. John Paul II and Benedict XVI which is why no Novus Ordo "Priest" or "Bishop" is allowed to go against Vatican II, even though the Antipopes go around town with all the false non-Catholic and anti-Catholic religions that exist. I think the sad and vain desire the Novus Ordites have for Vatican II to be non-binding is because they know deep down that it is diabolical and impure. Their vain desire also reflects the heresy of "baptism of desire" upon which the Vatican II apostasy is based, since they desire Vatican II to be non-binding, but it's not - if Paul VI was a pope, which he was not. The Novus Ordites know Vatican II was a Council of sin and so baptism of desire as it is understood today, i.e. not for Catechumens only but for anyone and everyone, is simply an occult initiation, a "baptism of sin" - a replacement of grace with sin.

Matthew 3:11-13 - "I indeed baptize you in the water unto penance, but he that shall come after me, is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire. Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan, unto John, to be baptized by him."

God Bless,

Chris White


The Eucharist


God is offended by receiving Him on "dirty" hands (ONLY priest can touch Him) in the Holy Eucharist!

Only accepted by Heaven form of receiving living Heart of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist of the Catholic
 Church is into our mouth and on our both knees!

God bless you…




“I am he”


MHFM: In the Gospel of John, Jesus says of Himself: “I am he.” 


John 8:23-24- “And he said to them: You are from beneath, I am from above. You are of this world, I am not of this world.  Therefore I said to you, that you shall die in your sins. For if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin.”


John 8:28- “Jesus therefore said to them: When you shall have lifted up the Son of man, then shall you know, that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself, but as the Father hath taught me, these things I speak:”


It’s interesting to consider that this title is connected to what God says of Himself in the Old Testament. 


Isaias 43:10,25- “ … saith the Lord… that you may know, and believe me, and understand that I myself am. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there shall be none…. I am, I am he that blot out thy iniquities for my own sake, and I will not remember thy sins.”


Isaias 48:12-13- “Hearken to me, O Jacob, and thou Israel whom I call: I am he, I am the first, and I am the last.  My hand also hath founded the earth, and my right hand hath measured the heavens: I shall call them, and they shall stand together.”


This is significant for a number of reasons, not least of which is that various heretics deny the truth that Jesus was God and that His divinity is taught in the New Testament.  




Subject: Benny the dreamer


Dear Mhfm,


Thanks for pointing out the recent heresies of antipope Benedict's new jewish fantasy book-Jesus of Nazareth...  Heretic Benny has clearly re-interpreted the Holy Bible-Douay Rheims, in the vein of heretics who flower in their heretical interpretation of The Latin Vulgate.  Benny, the old, ancient, Modernist dreamer, perches himself atop a rock in the dark, dank cave of  "Brood of Vipers," spoken of in Matthew 12-34 and Matthew 23-33-34, and the Modernist world salutes and praises.  What's next-a revealing tattoo on this heretic's thigh of the Star of David!  Thanks again, MHFM.  


Circumcision and the Council of Florence


Bro. Peter,

Hope everything is good.  I have a quick question about circumcision. I noticed in the council of Florence this is condemned.

"It firmly believes, professes and teaches that the legal prescriptions of the old Testament or the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, holy sacrifices and sacraments, because they were instituted to signify something in the future, although they were adequate for the divine cult of that age, once our lord Jesus Christ who was signified by them had come, came to an end and the sacraments of the new Testament had their beginning. Whoever, after the passion, places his hope in the legal prescriptions and submits himself to them as necessary for salvation and as if faith in Christ without them could not save, sins mortally. It does not deny that from Christ's passion until the promulgation of the gospel they could have been retained, provided they were in no way believed to be necessary for salvation. But it asserts that after the promulgation of the gospel they cannot be observed without loss of eternal salvation. Therefore it denounces all who after that time observe circumcision, the sabbath and other legal prescriptions as strangers to the faith of Christ and unable to share in eternal salvation, unless they recoil at some time from these errors. Therefore it strictly orders all who glory in the name of Christian, not to practise circumcision either before or after baptism, since whether or not they place their hope in it, it cannot possibly be observed without loss of eternal salvation. "

I was wondering if the text is talking about the ritual or the act itself.   Thank you so much for your help. I always have trusted your opinions and will be anxious to hear your response.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The Council of Florence is condemning those who practice circumcision as a religious ritual or a requirement of the Old Law.  It is not condemning those who, for purely medical reasons, have a cutting performed that corresponds to circumcision.  If the cutting is not done for a religious reason, such a medical procedure would not be “circumcision” in the way that “circumcision” is defined by the Council of Florence.  Florence defines circumcision as a religious ritual done in obedience to the Old Law.


Some radical schismatics err on this matter because they misunderstand what the Council says by “whether or not they place their hope in it.”  They think that rules out a medical procedure that corresponds to circumcision.  They are wrong.  By making that statement, the Council is condemning those who practice circumcision in obedience to the Old Law, even though they place their hope in Christ and don’t believe circumcision confers any grace.  In other words, such persons practice “circumcision” because they think it’s important to continue the prescription of the Mosaic law, even though they believe Jesus Christ can save without it.  Those who observe circumcision in that way, even though they don’t place hope in it, are condemned because they are doing it as a ritual of the Old Law.  Those who, for no religious reason whatsoever, have a medical procedure done that corresponds to circumcision, are actually not practicing “circumcision.”  Thus, it would not be a mortal sin.  This is another example of the radical schismatics hunting for a new insight but coming up empty. 




Dear MHFM    


I just thought it Interesting that PASSOVER this year falls on Tuesday APRIL 19, this was the day 6 years ago that anti-pope benedict 16 became anti-pope.  And also that the satanists evil season begins April 19 - May 1… Thank you and God bless !     






I want to thank the Dimond Brothers for their You Tube videos and web site, which helped my decision on entering the Catholic Church. I was baptised,( 1964), a Catholic, but never completed Catechism. I use to attend Mass w/ my Grandmother… when I was very young, but due to a divorce I lost contact w/ her and then stopped Catechism classes. I was hesitant to become Catholic due to the many heresies that I saw being committed by the Clergy and even the Pope,( I did not know that they were heresies until I saw your videos, but I knew the things I saw did not feel "right"),I also attended Mass but felt like I was at a protestant Church.... I would like to know what other books you could recommend I read to help me. Also I would like to know if I can attend a Catechism which teaches pre-Vatican 2 or do I have to attend a Vatican 2 Catechism to enter the Church? Again, thanks.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Our online store has some of the most important books we recommend.  You should not (and do not need to) go to any catechism class to enter the Church, for those sessions would be offered by heretics.  You can enter the Church by following these steps on your own: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.  We also recommend the full Rosary each day, if possible.




Hello Brothers:


I see that you have a section where you warn others about some of these traditionalist priests and bishops who are either heretical or schismatic or both. Just recently I have discovered that the Bishop who I had been taking Mass from in Boston is definitely heretical and schismatic… from his own letter… by bishop Bryan R. Clayton. Speaking about his exorcisms he says that other human souls enter into the body of the possessed person:


"In working on a case, as often happens, human souls, along with diabolical entities, were inhabiting the body of the person that We were performing the exorcism on."(p.61) and also: "Whichever entity is at the front, that is the entity that is in control of the body, and that is the entity that We are speaking to – whether it is the soul of the possessed person; or it is a demon; or it is another human soul. In the case that We are speaking of, there was the soul of a young woman who died in the 1960s. Her death appeared to be a suicide, for she had hanged herself. However, in reality, the young woman was, herself, possessed by a number of demons, who, taking control of her body, had actually hanged her, without her consent. The demons then waited, and seized her soul immediately as it began to depart from the body; and had been forcing the soul of this girl into other bodies, ever since. God permitted this to happen, for God knows everything – past, present, and future. During the course of the case, it was learned that the young woman was never baptized. Therefore, after We had expelled the diabolical entities, We had the soul of the young woman come up to the front of the possessed person’s body, and We baptized her, after which, she immediately departed." (p. 61-2).


It is self explanatory. Heretical.  This type of theological tomfoolery can be expected from Clayton. He is also clearly a schismatic, his own profession is that Pius the XII, Pius XI, Benedict XIV and Pius X were all antipopes - and that one who does not agree with him on the idea that Pius XI is an antipope for not restoring the Breviary is then a "non-Catholic". So, according to Clayton one must admit that Pius XI fell from the Papacy when he did not restore the Breviary or one is not Catholic. Still, Clayton does not give a specific point in time when Pius XI supposedly fell, but according to him he did fall and this must be professed by all the sons of the Catholic Church.

     He singlehandly emptied out a chapel in Boston, in my opinion it is due to his utter lack of Charity and lack of the Faith. He blames the people of course - one of these "shepherds" whose sheep all die and it is their fault. Will he attempt to use that excuse with the Chief Shepherd?  He also refuses the Sacraments to anybody who would go to any priest who mentions the VII antipopes in the Diptychs. But then he is always looking for a way to exclude people from the Sacraments and from the Faith itself. Indeed he is one of these whom one of your readers stated some while back "The true Catholic weeps over the fact that the Church is so small, the schismatic weeps over the fact that it is not smaller" or something to that effect - so apropos!

     He also has an entire ministry, which he calls an "apostolic administration" which effectively gives him both the "jurisdiction" and "authority" of the papacy, all based upon a precedent which happened with Pius XI. But then he goes on to conveniently call Pius XI an antipope at the same time. His Pastoral letter is full of doctrinal quotes from Pius XII as well - another antipope according to him, yet he quotes him to support his arguments against the VII church. Illogic, hypocritical, and irrational. This is what you will get with bishop Bryan R. Clayton. A lot of people have had trouble with him and his "apostolic administration" (up in New Hampshire in a trailer park at the present). It has gone on long enough - you might want to post him up in your "beware" section of priests to avoid as he is one of the only ones around these parts and could be trouble for people if they go looking for a traditional priest around here and find him.


     Of course he believes that MHFM is heretical for your stand on Sacraments from undeclared heretics. You've heard that one before right! But what do you expect from a guy who thinks a Saint was an antipope (Pius X). He is now threatening me that I will be ipso facto excommunicated if I undermine his "authority". He really believes that he has regular jurisdiction and that he is an ordinary in the Church Hierarchy! He does not understand is that he is just another guy who decided to go and get ordained by heretical Bishop Taylor and that he has absolutely no authority! In any case he is a heretic and a schismatic (who could not excommunicate anyone as he himself has no part in either the Church or Christ) and a very dangerous type.


-Michael Glennon


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Yes, he’s another definite heretic falsely posing as a traditional Catholic.  His claims to have binding authority are also schismatic.  He should absolutely be avoided because he imposes his heretical and schismatic views on people.   




Dear MHFM,

Thanks… for your Radio Discussion and Update of April 12,2011!  We do hope God will allow you the time to work on a DVD of the information you have in your amazing booklet: UFO's - Demonic Activity & Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind.  This information on the Internet is sadly lacking and would be a great source of reaching people who might not otherwise hear of your website and the truth of the Catholic Church instead of the lies which are now being promoted and accepted on a large scale.  I gleefully could imagine the fur that would fly amongst the UFOlogical community if you were to unleash that!  That debate is very much needed but seems to be purposefully stifled…





Dear Brothers in Christ,


There are innumerable many ways the V2 sect is mocking God. One of them is their frequent mentioning of the notion of 'dialogue'. The news headline you've quoted in your News section: "VATICAN CONFIRMS HOPES OF DIALOGUE WITH CHINA" pretty much sums up the wickedness of V2 sect, especially in this time of the year when the true Catholics are remembering the Passion. God never engaged in a dialogue with His creatures, simply because a dialogue is a conversation between two persons of equal rights and powers. By the duties of the office, the true Pope represents God, in a manner that is clearly described in Exodus 4:16: "He shall speak in thy stead to the people, and shall be thy mouth: but thou shalt be to him in those things that pertain to God."


The most vicious V2 sect "hopes of dialogue with China". In these few words we can find the ugliest blasphemies a creature can utter. First, a true believer in true God puts his/hers hopes only in God, and never, I repeat NEVER, in anything else other than God. Second, by saying that they hope of dialogue with China, they are in their occult way saying that the Devil is their god they worship. The dialogue between the antipope and the demoniacal atheistic regime of China is a dialogue between two servants of the Devil.  I don't know if there are true Catholics in China. But, if there are, they certainly will reject the devils of Beijing and of Vatican. I am sure that they, the true Catholics in China, despise any dialogue with either Beijing or Vatican. It is for certain that the true Catholics in China (if there are any) suffer very much. They are worthy of prayers of all other true Catholics in the world.  Our Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph, be our shield against the devils of this dark world.


Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


From what


Subject: Help


I'm trying to rebuild my faith. I've watched your videos and have a lot of questions. I get the feeling from them that noone unless your perfect will get to heaven. Also from what I see You're saying we haven't had a reel pope since the 60's. If the mass isn't reel or the popes are fakes who do we believe? Why go to mass?... You say only catholics will get to heaven. My father was a convert. Many in his family were devout lutherans. Are you telling me my grandparents won't get to heaven? No matter how good or religious they or any one might be they won't get to heaven?...




MHFM: One must die in the state of grace to be saved.  The path to salvation is narrow and few find it (Mt. 7:13).  However, for those who show interest and love the truth, God makes it easy and joyful: “For my yoke is sweet and my burden light” (Mt. 11:30).  That is to say, it’s sweet and light after people take the bold steps to enter on its path.  To be saved people must simply show interest in the faith, accept and adhere to the full truth without compromise, and avoid mortal sin.  The problem is that few are honest; few are inclined to the truth.  That’s why God leaves them in a deception.  Your e-mail reveals that, at least at this time, you are somewhat inclined to resist God’s revelation, instead of submitting to it first and then seeing the justice in it later.


St. Anselm, Doctor of the Church, Prosologion, Chap. 1: “For I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand.  For this also I believe, that unless I believed, I should not understand.”


Our recommendation is that you really begin to pray the Rosary each day (the full Rosary).  Ask Our Lady for the grace of faith.  Pray the Hail Mary as much as you can. 


It’s true that all of the Vatican II “popes” are antipopes.  This is the Great Apostasy.  It’s the spiritual deception foretold in Scripture and Catholic prophecy.  They accept false religions and salvation outside of the Church.  Of course they are antipopes.  You ask why one should go to Mass.  One must not go to the New Mass.  One must avoid it under pain of grave sin.  It’s invalid. 


Regarding only Catholics going to Heaven, that’s the teaching of the Church.  It’s not logical to believe otherwise.  Since there is no salvation without belonging to Christ, there is no salvation outside His one true faith.  People who seem good are often found to be dishonest in ways that are not readily apparent.  That’s always the case with people who remain outside the true faith.  It’s contrary to Catholic teaching to believe that your heretical family members were saved as non-Catholics.


Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 14), May 5, 1824: “It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal salvation on their members… by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism… This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.”





I'm not sure what Bible anti-pope Benedict XVI is reading, concerning the Jews not killing Jesus, though if he decided to write his own anti-bible, I'm sure the book would be at the top of the best sellers.  Goes without showing why so many Vatican II sect members prefer the Protestant Bible and falsely believe to have read and understood everything from cover to cover. There are numerous verses in the Bible stating how the Jews were adamant on killing Jesus and others:

John 5:18, Hereupon therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he did not only break the sabbath, but also said God was his Father, making himself equal to God.

John 7:1, After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for he would not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him.

Acts of Apostles 9:23, And when many days were passed, the Jews consulted together to kill him.

Acts of Apostles 23:25, (For he feared lest perhaps the Jews might take him away by force and kill him, and he should afterwards be slandered, as if he was to take money.) And he wrote a letter after this manner:

Acts of Apostles 26:21, For this cause the Jews, when I was in the temple, having apprehended me, went about to kill me.

Esther 8:11, And the king gave orders to them, to speak to the Jews in every city, and to command them to gather themselves together, and to stand for their lives, and to kill and destroy all their enemies with their wives and children and all their houses, and to take their spoil.

God Bless,

Tom Miles


New Video Posted


MHFM: For those who are interested, this is a new video:


MHFM Radio Discussion, April 12, 2011 [video]


This is a link to an image of something we discuss in the video.




Even the popes of this Council---Pope John XXIII AND Pope Paul VI---clearly DENIED that Vatican II was a REAL or classical council, since it didn't make dogmatic statements…




MHFM: Sorry, but that argument doesn’t hold up.  The claim that Vatican II doesn’t matter because it was “not infallible” is addressed and refuted in this file.  It refutes the common objections and misconceptions on that matter.  This is a section from our book, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II.  John XXIII, Paul VI, etc. were antipopes.


Was Vatican II infallible? [PDF]

(This article is for those who already recognize that there were heresies and false doctrines in Vatican II, but hold that the Vatican II “popes” who promulgated them still hold true authority in the Catholic Church.)




Dear Brothers,

Catherine who wrote to you criticizing your excellent exposure of the Antichrist Antipope Apostate John Paul II's heresies is very deceived. I don't think such people even have the grace to be good willed because for them the Catholic faith is merely an intellectual pursuit, like a hobby, rather than a supernatural gift that requires good works in tandem with that grace in order to be saved. Catherine evidently resists the truth because she would rather wallow in the darkness of her deathly sweet sins instead of accepting the fresh and invigorating grace to believe the truth, which is like a blast of fresh cool air or a splash of cold water on one's face in the morning. The sinner will put anything and everything in the place of grace, which is why Catherine failed to see that the true connection between the divine life and someone who is "redeemed, saved, ennobled" is grace (especially of baptism), not some fantastical illusion of Jesus Christ being automatically united to every man by His Incarnation. Her illustration about a pie is contradictory because a pie is a pie is a pie, i.e. religions are not like pies because the Catholic faith is not man made such as is a pie, but is rather uncreated truth from Heaven and it is the Holy Ghost who gives the grace to a soul so as to accept and believe that truth. Also, Catherine's unjust criticism of St. Thomas Aquinas who, though wrong on a couple of things, certainly deserves the title of the Angelic doctor because of his precise explanations, shows again the lack of grace at work in her soul since she treats a Saint with such lack of respect. Evidently Catherine takes issue with the fact that faith can be expressed by actions because she resists the supernatural grace which is necessary to do good works, such as by avoiding lying, and being more careful in examining the authoritative teachings of the Catholic Church. Catherine's arrogance and ignorance points toward the heresy of invincible (arrogant) ignorance which isn't surprising given that God's grace is all-powerful and thus enables anyone whom He can see will cooperate with that grace to eventually be saved, even if it at first may seem impossible, e.g. a man raised by wolves in the forest (St. Thomas). This is likely why the Rosary is so powerful today because it floods the soul with the grace needed to activate that soul into working out their salvation regardless of whatever else might try to get in the way.

John 1:14 - "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

God Bless,

Chris White  


Benedict XVI


Dear Brother Michael,


I have stumbled upon your web site accidentally. I am a practicing Catholic, or so I thought. I am amazed by the revelations that are contained in most of the articles that I have read thus far. One in particular, is the deduction that the name of Pope Benedict XVl equates to the devil's number 666, when decoded in the Greek language. I wonder if you could possibly e/mail to me, or display on your website, how you have arrived at this conclusion. I make this request with an open mind and in good faith, as the probability of this being fulfilled, would be in the realm of millions to one against it having happened by chance.


Yours faithfully,


Laurie Mulcahy. 


MHFM: Letters in Greek have numerical values.  You can find a chart on that point online.  Benedict XVI’s name in Greek is Benediktos.  It comes out to 666.  Greek is the language of the Apocalypse.




B = 2
E = 5
N = 50
E = 5
D = 4
I = 10
K = 20
T = 300
0 = 70
S = 200




Subject: the baptism of the eunuch by Philip (Acts 8, 35-37)


Laudetur Jesus Christus in aeternum!


(The Acts of the Apostles, chapter 8, verses 35 to 37 from the Douay-Rheims Bible)


v.35 - Then PHILIP, opening his mouth and beginning at this scripture, PREACHED UNTO HIM JESUS.


v.36 - And as they went on their way, they came to a certain water. And the eunuch said:

          See, here is water: What doth hinder me from being baptized?


v.37 - And Philip said: If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest.

         And he answering, said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.



In this text, God is telling us that to preach Jesus unto someone, to evangelize, NECESSARILY includes to mention the absolute

necessity of talking about the baptism instituted by Our Lord, and of receiving it , along with the confession that Jesus is the Son of God.


The very first thing to be asked by the eunuch to Philip, IMMEDIATELY AFTER HAVING BEEN PREACHED UNTO, is to be baptized!!!


So long baptism of desire!


                                                                 Michel Carriere




Yes, B16 is indeed mocking the entire Catholic teaching and tradition on the issue of the Jews ultimately being culpable for Christ's death…






Subject: Attending non catholic service


Hi Bro Michael,


Can you please explain why attending a non catholic wedding/funeral is a mortal sin? Where can I find it it the dogmas or bible?






MHFM: The issue is addressed in this file: Can one passively attend non-Catholic funerals, weddings?  No.




Dear Mhfm, 


Much like Pope Martin V who exhumed the heretical body of John Wycliffe in the 14th century for his early protestant views (Lollards) against Catholicism and Pope Martin V's edict for burning this rag of satan in a bonfire and scattering his rotten ashes to the winds of this evil earth, of which Catholics are not, since Jesus Christ taught that He was not of this world, along with pre-vatican 2 pontiffs teaching in-step to what Jesus Christ instructed his apostles.  So MHFM exposes these modern day antipopes, who are none other than Lollard proteges with  their vile V2 council in tow, who will one day exhume these antipopes, and with identical action, on a pyre, burn these workers of evil to ash and scatter them. 

   Uncanny that heretic Wycliffe detested Scholastic theology, and that heretic Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, detests it as well, since they are of the same school of thought-the school of satan… Antipope Benedict incorporates all the past heretical teachings against Catholicism since he is the epitome of Modernisn, the synthesis of all heresies, as defined by St. Pope Pius X.  What most modern day Catholics can't conceive is how deceptively shrewd the minions of satan  have become as to enter into the heirarchy of Rome to destroy the church from within.  Your monastery is perhaps the only monastery in the world that astutely demonstrates with incisive, hard facts that this is, in fact, the case.  It's undeniable, and yet most of the duped Catholic world refuses to believe in light of all the monstrous changes that have occurred since vatican II.  Your monastery walks in shoes of great teachers of the likes of Pope Martin V, before and after this bold true pontiff of Our One Church.  Great work MHFM!




Subject: UFO



Does your monastery have a position on the UFO phenomenon? Seems to be getting a lot of play on YouTube lately. Some call these extraterrestrials, others demons.

Also, yesterday I found many YouTube links about the "Rapture" occuring on May 21, 2011 and the end of the world on Oct 21, 2011. Any coments on this?





MHFM: We have a book on that very issue.  UFOs: Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind [link to section] As far as the Rapture goes, it’s not a biblical concept.  The other predictions you mention emanate from Protestantism.  They should be dismissed.  See our Is the World about to End? for a video on the Apocalypse and how it applies to current events.




Subject: comment


Dear Brothers in Christ,

Once again we have the opportunity to see how diabolical is the "reasoning" of a typical adherent of the V2 counter-church. The letter by a reader Catherine is a typical example of a supernatural stupidity and bad will. Your answer to that letter is exactly as it should be.

The reader said that you have taken the quoted words of JPII out of the context. What is the context of the words of the antipope JPII, and other V2 antipopes as well? If we agree that the proper context of any words is the one that would not change the meaning of the words if we quote more words from the same source, we can only say that the reader herself has blatantly taken the words of JPII out of the context.  The context of the words of this antipope is so counter-catholic that if one would intentionally like to make them sound catholic (at least in some measure) he/she would have to disregard any context.

The reader said that any religion contains some percentage of truth. Let me first quote James 2:19: " Thou believest that there is one God. Thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble".  The context of this verse is that it is not enough to believe, you must prove what you believe with your works. I guess that an adherent of V2 counter-catholic church would try to argue that the Spirit of Truth operates amongst the devils, because the devils also believe in one God and tremble. That would mean that even satanism is a "slice of a pie" mentioned by the reader.

Catherine, if you really are interested in the context of the words, why are you inclined to take out of the context "some percentage" of The Truth that you believe is contained in any religion?

Look, the adherents of Islam, of Judaism, of Protestantism, of Satanism also say "there is one God". Is that "the piece of a pie" that satisfies your alleged quest for The Truth? Does it matter anything to you that the adherents of some other religions, who profess "there is one God", just one word after this "slice of a pie" say also that "Jesus is not God"?  You say that the Spirit of Truth operates just because one part of a sentence corresponds with The Truth, but other parts deny the first part? How diabolical you can be?

The sintagma "part of the truth" could be acceptable if in the same source, where we take this part from, contains nothing opposite of The Truth. Otherwise, it is totally unacceptable.

May our Lord convert as many people as He pleases, through the powerful intercession of The Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Jones clearly says: "I'm a MAINLINE FAKE CHRISTIAN"--- someone would have to be possessed/totally controlled by evil to "hear" otherwise-----but the enemy is getting so desperate,  I believe, that he is now more able to control peoples' senses.........if they are doing nothing to combat his evil lies and deceptions.  Thanks for update---very informative.  Sincerely, Anne  


MHFM: Yes, here’s the e-mail to which we made reference in the radio discussion:


Subject: You [sic] Alex Jones fake Christian Video


I don't understand your title because Alex clearly says on there that "I'm a Christian as well, NOT A MAIN LINE FAKE CHRISTIAN." If you understand what a true believer is vs. someone religious or using religion for some personal gain, then you understand even more his statement. He did not say he was a fake Christian.




It’s frightening to consider that many people have written to us and said the same thing as this person. 




Subject: April 12th Radio Program


Hello MHFM,
I finished listening to your recent radio program you just posted and i wanted to say great job as always. The part that stuck with me was when you were talking about "posting on forums". That is exactly how i came across your website. I was on a website… looking around and reading posts. As i was reading these i happen to come across one that said something to this effect "come over to if you want to learn about the true catholic faith". I thank God that he allowed me to see this post and opened my heart enough to go to your web page and accept what i was reading on your website (albeit i was skeptical at first). Not sure how good this suggestion this is, but what i have been doing is ordering your dvd's and on Sundays when people are attending the Vatican 2 new mass i like to [give them out]… Well thanks as always brothers.
God Bless and have a wonderful day.




Subject: Pachamana


The recent article regarding the Bolivian president Evo Morales' introduction of Mother Earth treaty in the UN to give the Earth rights and establish 10 commandments for Earth allowed me to connect the dots to what is happening in Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Trenton NJ.  Pachamana mentioned in the article is the indigenous Andean culture name for Earth deity.  In the Diocese of Trenton Catholic Charities is sponsoring Symposiums called Awakening the Dream which comes from the San Francisco organization called Pachamana with Van Jones on the Board of Directors.  Yes the same Van Jones that was anti American on the day after 9/11 and the same Van Jones with Marxist ties and who got into the White House as the Green Czar and who holds a position in the Center for American Progressivists.  If I had to guess, Hans Kung is tying all this together between the UN and Vatican 2 church.  All the public schools are indoctrinating the children to the deity of Mother Earth.  Well, back to my rosary to the true Queen Mother of Heaven and Earth and Refuge in times like this.  After praying for a Mary statue to adorn my back yard garden, I found one at curbside last week someone was throwing out.  She was made of concrete and very heavy, but beautiful.  I now have a beautiful Mary statue outside to remind me of her. 


God Bless you Kathleen  




Subject: JPII


Dear Brothers:


It was a little eerie for me to read Howard's e-mail, but at the same time it was good to hear that the possibility of a twofer is being considered by others.  Ever since the "beatification" of JPII was announced, I've had the thought in the back of my mind that somehow they would turn this mockery of God into a joint beatification/canonization ceremony.  Since that would mean that time is even shorter than we think, I didn't want to squarely look that possibility in the face.   


But Howard's "May Day" point is very compelling, not to mention the article hinting at the possibility of the "Legion of Christ" having a role in the "canonization" drive.  JPII has many friends in low places, and their name is Legion. 


Thanks, Brothers, for the Radio Discussion.  Much food for thought.


Lee Ann




All i wanted to say is that i think that mhfm website is awsome, so much info.  The only downside for me is that very few articles are in spanish. And i think my friends and family would be very interested but they only speak spanish & I’m not a very good translator.  I would like to print them out and hand them out for free.  More people need to have this info.




MHFM: We have a website and YouTube channel in Spanish:


Our Website in Spanish (Espanol)

Spanish Youtube Channel






Thank you for your April 7th video about freemason abortion and rock music. Before I didn't know what you were about but now I do. Thank you! I am starting to put pieces of the puzzle together.....








I am a convert to the Catholic Faith.  I stumbled upon your website and read most of your arguments, more specifically, that John Paul II was a heretic.  I am the type of person that is always open to reason. 


Let us look at a few of your examples:


John Paul II, General Audience, Dec. 27, 1978: Jesus is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity become a man; and therefore in Jesus, human nature and therefore the whole of humanity, is redeemed, saved, ennobled to the extent of participating in ‘divine life’

Comment:  You took what he said out of context.  You failed to recognize the words, "to the extent" which means that to the extent that any person participates in Divine life.  This is clearly not the same as saying every person participates in Divine life, which he clearly DID NOT state.


John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 6), March 4, 1979:

“Does it not sometimes happen that the firm belief of the followers of the non-Christian religions a belief that is also an effect of the Spirit of truth operating outside the visible confines of the Mystical Body…”

Comment:  Let us look at each religion as a pie;  consequently, each pie contains a percentage of truth and an amount of untruth.  Of course, Catholicism contains 100% truth, a whole pie.  So, with that being said, it is obvious that what John Paul II was referring to was that the Spirit is responsible for the "part" of any religion that is true.  After all, all truth comes from the Spirit.  For example, let's assume that Protestantism is 50% truth and 50% untruth.  You would have to agree that Judaism, Protestantism and other religions have some amount of truth.  John Paul II would be recognizing that the 50% of the truth was influenced by the Spirit.  Again, you took what he said out of context.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. I-II, Q. 103, A. 4: “All ceremonies are professions of faith, in which the interior worship of God consists. Now man can make profession of his inward faith, by deeds as well as by words: and in either profession, if he make a false declaration, he sins mortally.”21

Comment:  Throwing flowers on a tomb would not constitute worship.  The Catholic Church states, as you know, that one may attend a ceremony, but not participate in the worship by saying the prayers etc.  Again, you are twisting the truth.  Throwing flowers on a tomb is not worship.

I could go on, but I really do not have time.  Your pride and ignorance saddens me.  Some of what is on your website is good:  Freemasonry is evil, the evil of homosexuality etc.  You are right about the smoke of Satan entering the Church with Vatican II.  Benedict is trying to fix some of the Liturgical issues.  You are SO wrong about John Paul II and Benedictr being anti-popes.  I guess God didn't know what He was doing when He established the Papacy.  He needs you to fix it?  Your pride has gotten the best of you.  I would ask that you please rethink this because you are hurting yourselves by persecuting John Paul II and other popes including the valid pope we have now, your Spiritual Father, Benedict XVI.  Please stop persecuting him.





MHFM: Sorry Catherine, but you obviously don’t read with much comprehension or demonstrate good will.  Let’s look at the first example:


John Paul II, General Audience, Dec. 27, 1978: Jesus is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity become a man; and therefore in Jesus, human nature and therefore the whole of humanity, is redeemed, saved, ennobled to the extent of participating in ‘divine life’


The words “to the extent” in this sentence refer to HOW or TO WHAT DEGREE John Paul II believes the whole of humanity has been “ennobled.”  To have been “ennobled” means to have been made noble.  John Paul II is therefore clearly saying – it’s not even a question – that the WAY in which the whole of humanity has been made noble (or the degree to which it has been made noble) is by “participating in divine life.”  That is to say, the whole of humanity has been saved and has been made noble so much so that everyone has the divine life.  That is definitely the same thing as saying that every man participates in the divine life.  That’s why he says in the same sentence that the whole of humanity has been “saved.”  You are wrong.  Moreover, his position on that matter is proven by dozens of other statements to the same effect.  For example, John Paul II repeatedly taught that Christ united Himself with each man forever.  That means that all men are saved, for the damned are separated from Christ in Hell.  This further proves you wrong.


John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 13), March 4, 1979:

“We are dealing with each man, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united Himself forever through this mystery.”


John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio (# 4), Dec. 7, 1990:

“The Redemption event brings salvation to all, ‘for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united himself forever through this mystery.’”


John Paul II, Centesimus Annus (# 53):

“We are not dealing here with man in the ‘abstract,’ but with the real, ‘concrete,’ ‘historical’ man.  We are dealing with each individual, since each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and through this mystery Christ has united himself with each one forever.”


Let’s look at your next pathetic attempt.  You refer to this passage and also say it’s out of context.  You say he’s only referring to the part of the false religions that are true.


John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 6), March 4, 1979:  “Does it not sometimes happen that the firm belief of the followers of the non-Christian religions a belief that is also an effect of the Spirit of truth operating outside the visible confines of the Mystical Body…”


Does John Paul II say here that he’s only referring to true ideas that are contained among the false religions, and not to the (evil) belief in the false religions themselves?  No.  He refers to the belief non-Christians have in false religions.  In fact, in the case of pagans, the belief that they have in false religions is predicated upon (it flows from) their belief in the false gods of those religions.  Is that belief of non-Catholics in those false religions, which is predicated upon their belief in the false gods of those religions, from the Holy Ghost?   No, it’s from the Devil.  He says it’s from the Holy Ghost.  That is heresy and blasphemy.  You are wrong again.  You show quite a bit of dishonesty when you make the argument you did.  There are many quotes in which the antipopes of the Vatican II Counter Church esteem false religions.  That is total apostasy.  This is just one example.


Benedict XVI, Catechesis, August 24, 2005: “This year is also the 40th anniversary of the conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, which has ushered in a new season of dialogue and spiritual solidarity between Jews and Christians, as well as esteem for the other great religious traditions.  Islam occupies a special place among them.”


By the way, in this quote Antipope Benedict XVI specifically esteems Islam, a religion the Church has officially declared to be diabolical and abominable.  Let’s look at your third example.  You say that throwing flowers on a tomb doesn’t constitute worship.  Throwing flowers in some contexts can constitute worship.  Venerating a pagan is a denial of the faith.  The Roman authorities in the ancient Church had people manifest their worship to the false gods by throwing incense.  John Paul II repeatedly participated in false worship.  He held the condemned interfaith assemblies at Assisi, at which false religions came together to pray.  According to Catholic teaching, that constitutes apostasy.


Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 2), Jan. 6, 1928: “For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission.  Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule.  Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little, turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion.”


Benedict XVI has repeatedly participated in non-Catholic worship.  He actively took part in a Jewish worship service in a synagogue.  All the Vatican II antipopes have believed in salvation outside the Church and all kinds of other heresies.  They are total apostates.  However, we will cast no more pearls before swine.  You can look at the information on the website.  Your pride is obviously your problem.  Your words reveal your misplaced confidence in your own understanding.  The truth is that you have no idea what’s going on, and you are very deceived.  You say that we are wrong about John Paul II and Benedict XVI being antipopes.  No, as sure as there is a God in Heaven, you are wrong.  If you don’t find out now, you will find out in Hell.  In closing, we would tell you to cogitate on this one.




This has to be one of Benedict XVI’s worst heresies yet.  It comes in the context of his repeated attempts to exonerate the Jews of any guilt in the death of Christ.


Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth – Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, 2011, p. 186: “An extension of Mark’s ochlos, with fateful consequences, is found in Matthew’s account (27:25), which speaks of ‘all the people’ and attributes to them the demand for Jesus’ crucifixion.  Matthew is certainly not recounting historical fact here: How could the whole people have been present at this moment to clamor for Jesus’ death?  It seems obvious that the historical reality is correctly described in John’s account and in Mark’s.”


Benedict is commenting on the words of Matthew 27:25, “And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.”  Benedict XVI not only criticizes the words of Matthew’s Gospel as having “fateful” consequences, but he also flat out denies that Matthew’s account is historically accurate.  This is simply a rejection of the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture.  It is a denial of divine revelation and the Catholic faith.  It’s time for people to wake up and see this man for what he is and what he teaches.  He utters this massive heresy simply because, as his book makes clear, he desires to exonerate the Jews.  For more, see: The Massive Heresies in Benedict XVI's book, Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week [new article].




Subject: Information


I recently discovered your website and have been doing a great deal of reading your articles as well as listening to audio programs.  I have a number of questions that I can’t seem to find answered on the website.  My questions involve issues surrounding finding a traditional parish in the area of St. Louis, Missouri where I might worship as well as whether or not there is a “formal” process for becoming a Traditional Catholic?  I was previously divorced, am now remarried, and was baptized several years ago in the Lutheran Church.  I don’t know what process would be involved in admitting me to the church and whether or not an annulment would be required?


Is there a book you can recommend that would give a more detailed approach to actually entering Traditional Catholicism?


Thank you.


Susan L


MHFM: It's great to hear that you found the website, and that you are listening to the material.  There's no such thing as the annulment of a validly consummated marriage.  An annulment is a declaration that there never was a valid marriage to begin with.  To know if one’s first marriage was valid (and therefore is still in force), it’s necessary to know more about the specifics.  As far as converting to the Catholic faith, the steps are explained in this file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


If you continue to look at the information on our website, you will see that all the churches which have the New Mass (the English Mass) are invalid and not really Catholic.  One couldn't attend any of them.  The entire post-Vatican II structure is a Counter Church.  That's the realization one must come to.  We can help you with where to go if you contact us.  But one must first be committed that he or she will never attend the New Mass again.  A person must also be convinced on all the other core issues of Catholic faith, including Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  In other words, one must be convinced that there is no “baptism of desire,” no NFP, no support for priests who offend in these areas, etc.  The question of your first marriage would have to be addressed as well.


This file also explains certain guidelines people must understand about receiving sacraments in these times: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  For one who is not convinced on all of these matters should not receive the sacraments.  We look forward to hearing from you.  If you haven’t already, we would also strongly recommend that you obtain our DVD special offer which includes 6 DVDs (with 10 different programs), as well as 5 important books (including our 610-page book with 200 color photographs), an audio disc (with 20 hours of programming) and flyers for only $20.00 (no shipping charge in U.S.).  If you don’t already, we also recommend everyone to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.  An easier way to get that accomplished is one set of mysteries three different times in the day.


John Paul II


Subject: John Paul II




Last year, when I found out that "mercy" Sunday fell on May Day, I believed wholeheartedly that May Day would be the day of JPII's "elevation." And after listening to MHFM's "End" program and your latest radio program analysis," I still firmly believe that a "two-fer" is in the works. In other words, a last minute "second miracle," necessary to give John Paul II the "bump" needed to "sainthood," is being concocted behind the scenes. Perhaps the example in the attached article or one like it will be a last-minute "surprise," both for the world in general and to the novus ordo "faithless."


After all, the devil has waited for a day such as May 1, 2011 for 2000 years. 1 million spiritually-dead subjects will be in attendence at Rome; many hundreds of millions watching the media coverage. It would seem that if the "beatification" is not the fulfillment of Apocalypse XIII, then an historical and "momentous" opportunity would seem to have been wasted. And since the devil has but a short time....perhaps he won't let such an opportunity go by.  


May Our Lady of La Salette protect us.




“Baptism by Desire”


Subject: “Baptism by Desire”


Hello Brothers:


The more I hear from others about "Baptism of Desire", the more it is clear that this is another manifestation of the protestant "faith alone" (Martin Luther's heresy) heresy. It is simply that.


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Session 7, Can. 8: "If anyone shall say that by the said sacraments of the New Law, grace is not conferred from the work which has been worked [ex opere operato], but that faith alone in the divine promise suffices to obtain grace: let him be anathema."


It dawned on me that all their faith is in their faith! Not in Christ or His Sacraments or the work which He has worked. It is apparent that B.O.D. is simply the belief that faith alone in the Sacrament will justify a man. Rather than the Sacrament itself (the Grace in the actual Sacrament - the work already worked in the Sacrament itself) it is the faith in the Sacrament which they believe justifies. It is another attempt at faith without the works. Compared with the above Canon 8, it is pretty explicit "faith alone" ! They just all want to be protestants  - which they literally are anyway, because they spend all of their time protesting against almost anything declared by the Magisterium, in favor of arguments from creatures rather than God. Like I have said - Baptism of Desire is not just something they happen to believe - it is their entire mission in life! It is the main focus of all that they do. It is just that diabolical. Listening to your debates a second or third time, one can really hone in on how Satanic both the doctrine and its proponents are. Have you ever heard Bishop Dolan speak? His entire voice and the delivery is a completely fabricated Satanic production. Nobody speaks that way! Again, diabolical. I believe that Dolan is possessed without question, as a great deal of the traditionalist Bishops are not just heretics or schismatics, but really possessed by devils.


-Thanks for the hard work, excellent literature and perseverance,


Michael Glennon




Good morning Brothers.


I finished a book last night by a priest named Hughes. It was written about 100 years ago. A group of priests were meeting in Rome and decided to confide in each other stories of the preternatural that they had each experienced.  One story was about an artist who had been raised Catholic but had soon abandoned the faith and lived a extremely immoral life. Well, he became very famous and successful in his career. One day the priest and the artist were introduced and the priest couldn't figure out why his hair stood on end when he was around him. He seemed all very well from appearances. When the priest saw his artwork, it too seemed ugly or unholy, even though it may have been a painting of a child's first Communion or a knight on his horse moving down the road. Days after their meeting the artist summoned the priest and explained his past life and he was afraid to confess and he would not. The priest left the country but they wrote to each other and the man had confessed to another priest. When the priest returned home a year later he went to meet the artist. Much to his astonishment he seemed fifty years older. The artist explained that he had renounced his previous life and returned to the faith, but, even more astonishing was this, the artist said no sooner had he confessed his sins he could no longer draw or paint anything better than a stickman! It was ALL gone. 


MHFM has discussed rock n roll and its "artists", I returned to the song stairway to heaven and their other lyrics. They are obviously most unholy, but, people have been given the power to advertise or propagate that which is most unholy in a way that can seem most pleasing to the senses. "The pipers calling you to join him", sounds nice, doesn't it. Not only that but, the prince of this world has the power to pay them well for their works. I believe the Pope did hear Our Lord give the devil more power in these last days and anything apparent to the senses is under attack. After your video this morning on advertising and evangelizing I felt excited for the future faithful, that maybe the remnant would become more apparent.


God bless MHFM,






MHFM Radio Discussion


I loved the Radio Talk session you should definitely start a Radio Talk Program. Interesting about Alex Jones. Did You Know that in one of his videos he insults St. Joan of Arc comparing her to a degenerate man (Assange)… that’s just wrong!  


He also promotes a poster that says "We Are Legion" as in "We are a group of demons" along with Satanic hand gestured peace sign (actually means peace without Christianity made by Nero)…


Seems like Libya along with the entire Ivory Coast has really dipped into hell lately. Heard there was even reports of people being burned alive... Interesting quote on your Homepage about a Man who insulted the Fifteen Decade Rosary (suffered possession of fifteen thousand demons) wow then again God being merciful as he always is could have made it worse like about say (15 billion or even trillion)


About 1/3 of the stars of heaven fell so seeing that there are billions of galaxies and trillions upon trillions of stars in each one a third of the stars of heaven would be roughly estimated at about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Times another Trillion. Quite Unfathomable as God is Unfathomable in his Glories which extend beyond time and existence.


Keep up the Divine struggle of saving Souls.


A Slave of Jesus in Mary


Roy James Sandbank





Here's a small battle won in the great war being fought during these last days.  France has banned the Islamic face-covering veil. The veil reminds me of the spiritual veil that covers the eyes of all non-believing false sects.  The next step is to ban their public worshipping in the streets, and then their religions all together.

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: A question about EENS


… Dear Brother Dimond,

I hope this email finds you doing well.

I'm a fairly new Catholic and only recently found traditionalism. I've been going through the Most Holy Family Monastery website and I realize that you hold strongly to the dogma, outside the Church there is no salvation. My genuine question (I'm not trying to catch you off guard) is this: what about people that are completely shut off from the world, like North Korea? I'm watching a documentary on North Korea and it's frightening to see that every effort is made to brainwash and keep a grip on North Koreans. It makes me wonder how people like North Koreans are supposed to convert to Christianity when they'll never get a chance to hear about Our Savior.

I look forward to any insight you can provide.

God bless,
Myong Hwan


MHFM: We’re glad to hear that you came across the information.  Along with water baptism, faith in Jesus Christ and the Trinity is absolutely necessary for the salvation of all persons above the age of reason.  Those who are ignorant of these essential Catholic mysteries cannot be saved.  That would include the people in North Korea who die without baptism and the saving Catholic faith.  This is the dogmatic teaching of the Church.  People in North Korea would be comparable, in many ways, to the pagans in North America before the missionaries arrived.  None of those pagans could be saved without hearing the Gospel and Baptism, as the missionaries who came to them firmly believed.  Like the people in North Korea, those pagans were left in ignorance of the saving faith simply because they were not of good will and because they committed other sins which prevented God from making His faith known to them.  Hence, the simplest answer to your question is that the people in North Korea will not be damned for not having heard the Gospel, if it’s never been made known to them. They will be damned for the other sins they commit in their lives: their lack of charity, their dishonesty, their idolatry (e.g., worshipping their demonic megalomaniacal leader), etc.  If they were sincere, naturally charitable and pursued the truth, God would make the truth known to them, as He did to Cornelius (Acts 10).  Everyone who is of the truth hears His voice (John 18:17).  Catholics cannot forget the mystery of God’s providence and predestination.  He knows who His elect are.


This issue of how those ignorant of the Gospel are damned is covered in our book (Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation) in much detail.  Section 16 is pertinent.  Here are a few quotes (more quotes and references are in the book).


St. Augustine (426): “Consequently both those who have not heard the gospel and those who, having heard it, and having been changed for the better, did not receive perseverancenone of these are separated from that lump which is known to be damned, as all are going… into condemnation.”


Fr. Francisco de Vitoria, O.P., a famous 16th century Dominican theologian, summed up the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on this topic very well.  Here is how he put it:


When we postulate invincible ignorance on the subject of baptism or of the Christian faith, it does not follow that a person can be saved without baptism or the Christian faith.  For the aborigines to whom no preaching of the faith or Christian religion has come will be damned for mortal sins or for idolatry, but not for the sin of unbelief.  As St. Thomas says, however, if they do what in them lies [in their power], accompanied by a good life according to the law of nature, it is consistent with God’s providence that he will illuminate them regarding the name of Christ.”


St. Prosper of Aquitane (450): “Certainly God’s manifold and indescribable goodness, as we have abundantly proved, always provided and does yet provide for the totality of mankind, so that none of those perishing can plead the excuse that he was excluded from the light of truth…”



Acts 13:48- “And the Gentiles hearing it, were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were preordained to life everlasting, believed.”


In his Bull Sublimus Dei, Pope Paul III addresses the question of the Indians in the “recently discovered” New World.  Speaking in the context of those above the age of reason, Pope Paul III declares that they are capable of receiving the Faith, and he reiterates the teaching of tradition that not one of them can be saved without faith in Jesus Christ.


Pope Paul III, Sublimus Dei, May 29, 1537: “The sublime God so loved the human race that He created man in such wise that he might participate, not only in the good that other creatures enjoy, but endowed him with capacity to attain to the inaccessible and invisible Supreme Good and behold it face to face; and since man, according to the testimony of the sacred scriptures, has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is necessary that he should possess the nature and faculties enabling him to receive that faith; and that whoever is thus endowed should be capable of receiving that same faith. Nor is it credible that any one should possess so little understanding as to desire the faith and yet be destitute of the most necessary faculty to enable him to receive it. Hence Christ, who is the Truth itself, that has never failed and can never fail, said to the preachers of the faith whom He chose for that office 'Go ye and teach all nations.' He said all, without exception, for all are capable of receiving the doctrines of the faith…By virtue of Our apostolic authority We define and declare by these present letters… that the said Indians and other peoples should be converted to the faith of Jesus Christ by preaching the word of God and by the example of good and holy living.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, De Veritate, 14, A. 11, ad 1: Objection- “It is possible that someone may be brought up in the forest, or among wolves; such a man cannot explicitly know anything about the faith.  St. Thomas replies- It is the characteristic of Divine Providence to provide every man with what is necessary for salvation… provided on his part there is no hindrance.  In the case of a man who seeks good and shuns evil, by the leading of natural reason, God would either reveal to him through internal inspiration what had to be believed, or would send some preacher of the faith to him…”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Sent. II, 28, Q. 1, A. 4, ad 4: “If a man born among barbarian nations, does what he can, God Himself will show him what is necessary for salvation, either by inspiration or sending a teacher to him.”




Dear Brothers,

   Excellent explanation of Benedict XVI's heresies of Jesus of Nazareth!  How anyone can believe this heretic/apostate is beyond belief!   I have been praying the Stations of the Cross during Lent, The ORIGINAL ones by St. Alphonsus Liguori (which of course, has been replaced in VII churches by some goobbly gook)  An in the Fifth Station he states the "Consider how the Jews, seeing that at each step Jesus was on the point of expiring, and fearing He would die on the way, when they wished Him to die the ignominious death of the Cross, constrained Simon the Cyrenean to carry the Cross behind Our Lord."  Even St. Alphonsus Liguori  said the JEWS were to blame for Christ's death!! And he was one of the greatest Saints of the Church-wrote dozens of beautiful books!  Could it be even he was wrong along with all the other sainted popes and doctors of the church!!???  I don't think so.  But the antipope Benedict says the Jews were not to be blamed for Our Lord's death!  Then WHO was responsible? The Romans? They only did what they did because of the riots of the Jews!  Pilate, not a saint by any means, washed his hands of Our Lord's death! The Jews said " Let His blood be upon us and our children"!  which it is!!!
    So is it any wonder why (i.e the articles about the 'catholics' leaving the church in droves in Germany and Mexico, etc) catholics are leaving the church!?  There is no substance of faith whatosever!!...


Wow, are we so outnumbered by the heretics, moderists, etc!!  God bless you and your wonderful work in helping us!!



MHFM: Yes, another angle of Benedict XVI’s recent massive heresy is how it completely rejects and mocks the whole tradition of Catholic thought, devotion and writing on that issue. 




Dear MHFM,


Recently some guy translated your recent article on b16 heresies and I’m frustrated because the person misrepresented Bro. Peter by putting a simple “Peter Dimond” and not Bro. Peter Dimond… and also he has a link to the Heresy of the Week section and not to the original article which he translated…


The problem is that I’m about to publish this article by the end of the week and there’s already a translation floating out there, translated by a heretic which disagrees with a lot of our Catholic positions (e.g., he only believes in “baptism of desire” for catechumens only but rejects “invincible ignorance”….).  And not only that but some other high ranking  “traditional” website (FSSPX) copied the whole article from this heretic’s website, and only posted that the author is simply “Peter Dimond” and has no link returning to the original article, only to this heretic’s website… There’s a lot of attacks in the commentaries… [i.e., in people’s comments on the article]…


Sincerely yours,


MHFM: In other words, those people are promoting our article because they want people to know about the massive and astounding new heresies from Benedict XVI that were exposed in it.  We’re glad that the information (in this case, the article we recently published on Benedict XVI’s massive heresies) is being circulated in various languages.  It’s unfortunate that the people promoting it are not putting the full contact info, as they should, but only some of it, as you said.  It’s also sad that people who can perceive the truth in those materials we published resist the truth in other ways.  They cannot see that what we publish on all aspects of the Catholic faith is the true teaching of the Church and supported by irrefutable facts.  The personal attacks by those who comment are typical; this age of ours is very dark.  The Devil’s dupes are very active: liars, deceivers and people who hate the truth (as well as those who promote it) are ubiquitous.  Their function is to confuse, distract and pave the way to deception and Hell. 


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Spanish Youtube Channel




Hello Brothers:


     I was just on the web… and I came across a website that had some [material]. I noticed that the site had a section on never taking the Sacraments from heretics. I looked around a bit and inevitably found an anti-Dimond Brothers section. I also saw that the owners are from Sweden. It could be that this is the guy you debated recently. In any case - there is a section called "… retractions". In this section he begins by saying how the Saints often corrected some former error made in good faith, etc. Then he goes on to do the same - but he lays out some of the most heinous doctrinal and teaching errors ever! He just goes on and on regarding the heresies he has promoted in the last four years. It is incredible and the heresies are multitudinous and horrible. Now this is exactly what you had said on more than one occasion about people today and their repentance. In the early Church these types would be walking the streets barefoot with hair cloths and barred from the Sacraments for 25 years. Now, all he has to do is admit he poisoned a million souls and mocked the Lord, his Church and His Kingdom openly for 4 years and say "sorry", and not only is that it, he's done with his penance, but he also gets to just keep on publishing his website and teaching.... Does this person, who was… so badly in error for so long, not question whether or not he might be in error today? Might it not be best for him to practice abject humility, yeah self-humiliation, and commit to be quiet and be taught, instead of teach others, for a very long time!? If this is indeed the man who debated you - after those years of admitted horrid doctrinal error - it is sin upon sin upon insult. If its' him, he needs to take a sabbatical for years and be very quiet. Thanks for the video on the inquisition. Very good as usual


-Michael Glennon


MHFM: It’s the same heretics, deceived now as they were deceived then – of bad will now as they were of bad will then.  That’s why people like that become radical schismatics.  They are not of the truth, and it’s demonstrated by the pattern of their lives.  As mentioned in the debate, they steal our books and all of our videos. They remove our names and contact info from our books and videos, sell them, and even describe them as their own.  




Subject: Toho’s Bad Will


Dear Brothers:


Your response to Toho really hit the nail on the head.  One of the most noticeable and consistent characteristics of V2 people is their tendency to run away from any truth with which they might be confronted, and to consult any self-appointed heretic to tell them what they should or should not believe.  Or, in other words, to tell them what they want to hear.  Perhaps Toho imagines he should ask Corapi if Corapi is a heretic?


I used to be bewildered by this strange behavior (which you see even in "traditionalists" especially among the SSPX), until I came to understand the concept of bad will.  It seems to me that this "I-must-first-ask-someone-for permission-to-look" stance is pure evil - nothing more than a flight from truth and a characteristic of all cults.  I once gave your materials to a woman who I thought might be happy to look at them.  I was wrong; she later gave them back to me saying:  "I checked with someone and was told that this group [MHFM] is not in union with the Church". 


Yet, this is the same woman that had previously complained to me that her "Church"  would not allow her to teach basic Catholic catechism to children in what was supposed to be a weekly catechetical program.


According to what she told me, the situation was so bad in this so-called "parish catechetical program", that she had had to quit. 


People of this ilk are all liars and frauds - hiding bad will under the pretense of obedience or prudence. They all know -- all of them -- that the V2 "popes" and their followers have corrupted what appears to be the Catholic Church, that the "conciliar church"  contradicts the teaching of the true and historical Catholic Church and its popes and saints, and that the V2 "church" is totally devoid of Catholic Faith.  


Yet, they all love the lie.  So much so,  that all they need is one whiff of the truth, and they take off like bats out of Hell…


Lee Ann




Subject: Toho and Mr. Em.C Spiteri from London  e-exchange


Maybe Toho and Mr. Em.C Spiteri from London should also read this from the Bible..

(Acts 17:10-11) "But the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea. Who, when they were come thither, went into the synagogue of the Jews. Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, who received the word with all eagerness, daily searching the scriptures, whether these things were so."

"daily searching the scriptures, whether these things were so." – as seen at MHFM, the Vatican II and its antipopes contradict the Bible.  Check it, because you ca only lose your soul once, and there's no coming back from that...





Subject: Brainwashed


Hi Bros,


I was having an argument with my mother who loves JP 2 and who thinks everyone is going to heaven and every religion is a path to God.  The conversation went like this:


I said "JP2 was a good actor"

She said "He brought down communism"


I said "He's a good actor"

She said "How can you say that all these people in the world are going to hell, you're so extreme and your like a terrorist"


I get upset by the name calling, since I am neither extreme nor a terrorist.  Then she said something that turned the conversation into a whole new experience:

She said "How can you say to KILL everyone who doesn't believe, how can you say this?"


I said, "wait a second, who said anything about killing?  I never said anything about killing, where did you get this from?"


She, herself was stunned for a second. Then she went back to the name calling, not investingating where this idea about "killing" came from. 


It occured to me later, that I was just witness to something more insidious. This idea that if you practice Catholism, the automatic response is terrorist/killer.  I think this is brainwashing from the mass media.  I also think, in the future people will blame traditional Catholics for all the problems in the world and will judge it appropriate to kill us.  It will be impossible for them to hear the true message because of all the years of brainwashing the media has done.


Thus Christ said in his end times discourse: "They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God" John 16:2






Hello, My Name is Benjamin Boyle, And I would like to believe I am A good Catholic...Im Confused about the Spanish Inquisition, and would like to learn more of why it happened. Our lord is a god of Love and peace, and Im glad to have come to know him in my life... Im just so terribly confused, and conflicted in my heart to think he would allow the tortures, and things of that nature in his own name. Please excuse my naivety, and please correct me if Im wrong....Thank you


MHFM: You should watch this video: Catholic Inquisition Myths Busted.




Hello Brother Michael,

… I took your advice and went to confession again. This time, I made sure I was the one holding the paper - and what is more, it was a different priest, and I intend on going back next Friday.

What I would like to ask is: my penance is to recite a decade of the Rosary. Does this mean, aside from the regular one hundred fifty, I should set time aside for an extra ten?



MHFM: Yes, the first thing you should do is say the decade for your penance.  After that, you should start fresh with your daily prayers. 


Toho follow-up


Subject: Fr. Corapi


Says you. Thou shall not judge. I do not think your legit. Perhaps pretending your Catholic . I will pass your page on to some head leaders and see what they say. I am well with God.




MHFM: These people cannot think for themselves.  Looking at the truth and evaluating it themselves is foreign to them.  They must always run to their heretical friends to get their views.  They have no faith or love of the truth.




Subject: Music


I thought the below article was interesting considering the media posted the information on the internet.  They failed to add that music puts people into a “zombie trance” and that musicians are possessed by demons as quoted by Brother Michael and the musicians themselves.


God bless,


Tom Miles


MHFM: Interesting: “Teenagers are more likely to be depressed if they spend a lot of time listening to music, while teens who read a lot are less depressed, according to new research.”




I have heard your video and it raised so many questions in my head.  I gather that you are a traditionalist Catholic. Not to worry, I often listened to trad Mass and as a Young boy I was an altar helper (not I'm 75). Surely, your condemnation was very harsh and it needn't be. If he proven wrong and guilty then I will distance myself from his video and name, but isn't it right to give him a chance to prove himself?  Do you remember what Jesus when the prostitute was brought to him?  He did not condem her but gave her a chance to change and boy did she change.


I had hoped that as a priest and a "traditionalist" you will take a step back until judgement and proof is laid in open.


Em.C Spiteri



MHFM: We do have proof for the things we say in our videos.  However, since you don’t even specify which video you are talking about, it makes it rather difficult to address your e-mail.


New Video & Article Posted


MHFM: We have an important new video and article on Benedict XVI’s recent book, Jesus of Nazareth – Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection.  This is one of the most heretical books Benedict XVI has ever authored.  This book has been in the news quite a bit recently.


The Massive Heresies in Benedict XVI's book, Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week [new video]


The Massive Heresies in Benedict XVI's book, Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week [new article]




Subject: drawing a blank


I love your video's but can't figure out with your knowledge you stay catholic. I can name 100 reasons why I left the catholic religion after 48 years, and first is I believe God. not just in God but I believe him. The catholic Religion has distorted everything . Im not here to preach just can't figure out how you can justify discarding the word of God in the bible for religious politics . My advice go on a sabatical and read the bible… God bless you see ya




MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but the Catholic Church is the only true Church.  Please read our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Vatican II Church, which most wrongly think is the Catholic Church, does not represent the true Catholic faith.  It’s necessary that you examine this information and return to the true Catholic faith.  There is no salvation outside the traditional Catholic faith.




demons do not posses people they scare them the only demons that posses people are the devils generals they posses and kill there victims and if you keep up with some of the demon videos im sure they will come for you as well




MHFM: Your e-mail really doesn’t make sense.  However, we will say that recognizing the reality of the spiritual world is a powerful inducement for people to convert to the true faith.  The demons have sway over those who are in mortal sin and outside the true faith, and they want to keep the reality of their existence and their activity a secret to most of the world.  It’s true that people can fixate too much on the activity of the Devil, and that can be a big mistake, for he can only do what God allows him to do.  In our pagan world, however, almost everyone is on the fast-track to Hell without any comprehension of the real spiritual battle that’s being waged.  Exposing the reality and activity of the Devil is often an effective way of spiritually awakening them to the true Catholic faith, as well as to the malevolent forces that want to drag them to eternal misery. 




Subject: Psalms


Regarding the video on Benedict's Jesus of Nazareth book, with the heresy and apostasy. You talk about the Psalm 15 10-11 (about 16' min), correct me, if I am wrong, because I have two Bibles with no Psalm 15 10-11

Kind Regards


MHFM: It’s Psalm 15:10 in the Douay-Rheims version.  In some other versions, it’s Psalm 16:10.




Subject: Father Corapi


You attacks on Father Corapi are lie's quit attacking him. He is a man of God




MHFM: No, they are true.  He believes in salvation outside the Church and false ecumenism.  He’s a heretic.  Wake up.




Dear Mhfm, 


… God The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost knows all things before and forever.  He has given us what we want, and that is leading us toward the end of the world.  Heretic Benedict and the State are one and in their corruption of mankind have deceived the world, but for a few.  Keep Up the good work Mhfm.  Pray the Rosary… Our Lady's words at Fatima.  Thanks Mhfm!






Dear Brothers,

Interesting explanation about the similarity between the creation of Eve and the Church. Thank you. It is interesting that the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Law held within it the rod of Aaron, which was an almond branch that miraculously budded. This miracle happened after the revolt and destruction of Core, and proved that Aaron was chosen by God to be High Priest (Numbers 17). So the obedience of Aaron is shown by the almond branch which was kept in the Ark, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant. Also, the candlestick which was placed on top of the Ark, had arms that were shaped like almond branches which has parallels to Aaron and the priesthood. Just as the flames of the almond-branch candlestick would die out, so would the Old Law when Jesus Christ was sacrificed on the cross. Also, at Ecclesiastes 12:5, the almond tree symbolizes old age and death, the white flowers corresponding with the white hair of the elderly:

Ecclesiastes 12:1-5 - "Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the time of affliction come, and the years draw nigh of which thou shalt say: They please me not: Before the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars be darkened [poor vision], and the clouds return after the rain [watery eyes]: When the keepers of the house shall tremble [hands], and the strong men shall stagger [legs], and the grinders shall be idle in a small number [teeth], and they that look through the holes shall be darkened [vision impaired]: And they shall shut the doors in the street [less active], when the grinder's voice shall be low [hearing loss], and they shall rise up at the voice of the bird [anxiety], and all the daughters of music shall grow deaf [hearing loss]. And they shall fear high things, and they shall be afraid in the way [anxiety], the almond tree shall flourish [hair], the locust shall be made fat [cannot work], and the caper tree shall be destroyed [cannot work]: because man shall go into the house of his eternity [coffin], and the mourners shall go round about in the street."

The use of the almond branch in and on the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Law seems to parallel the rib of Adam since the almond points to obedience and to old age, or death. Thus, the Old Law would die with Jesus on the cross, whose obedience is typified by the obedience of Aaron - both are High Priest, though Jesus is the eternal High Priest. This is in contrast to Core's disobedience who was swallowed up by the earth, which parallels Adam returning to dust…

God Bless,

Chris White





I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about the simple truth of Canonizations. I just finished reading a book simply called St. Philomena Powerful With God written by Sister Marie Helene Mohr, S.C. In this book on chapter 8 in the very first paragraph she writes; “We read that the Canonization of Saints is intimately connected with the existence of miracles, and it is the common teaching of theologians and canonists that the decree of canonization is infallible. Holy men and women are raised to the altars almost year after year, and this distinction is never given to them unless miracles have been worked in proof of their sanctity”. This book was written in 1953 so a little before Vatican 2. She obviously understood that when a pope canonizes someone it is infallible unlike so many heretics now days who try to twist logic and say things like “oh well he didn’t intend it to be infallible so it’s not infallible” so that no matter who Benedict XVI canonizes it will never jeopardize their position or hurt their argument.  Just some thoughts I had on the issue. Anyways thanks for all you do.


God Bless,






Dear Brothers,


THANK YOU SO Much for revealing all the horrible Heresies of Benny's book ...I'm Still picking myself up off the floor.  How can Any Vat2er believe him after THIS ?...


Carol D.




Subject: Your site



There is so much on your site, do you recommend a specific place to start? Thank you.




MHFM: The first thing we would recommend is that you take an afternoon to watch this entire video:  This will give you the unique picture of what’s going on.  After that, we would encourage a person to consult the section on Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  We recommend our book on that topic.  We also have a flyer and other information.  Understanding that issue is a priority because the true teaching on that issue is so frequently denied and false teaching on that issue constitutes the primary heresy in our day.  The best thing, however, is to obtain our larger special package which gives you all of those items and much more (including our “Bible Proves” book). 




Dear Brother Michael,


My name is Lizanne. I love your very informative videos and articles. I try to read them everyday. I am really searching for where God wants me to go to church. I heard that there was supposed to be a split in the church soon and that the true remnant church would have to go underground.  If I go to a new mass just to receive communion, is the Holy Communion still valid? I prefer to go to a traditional latin mass…





MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The New Mass isn’t valid, and a Catholic must not go there for any reason.  Our “Where to go to Mass” section explains the principles that concern receiving sacraments in these times.  We can also help a person with that issue.  However, one must first be convinced on all issues.  That includes a commitment to never attend the New Mass again.   That’s explained in the file.






There is a movie coming out soon titled "Christiada".  You can watch a preview of it on youtube.  Billed as "based on a true story".  Have no idea how accurate it will be.  


The Freemasons first ruined our nation in the US - then Mexico.  Hopefully this film will depict this. 


Very interesting story about the Cristeros, and how they were miraculously victorious by the aide of Our Blessed Mother - but then betrayed by the Freemasons in the US, along with the government......the result being... Mexico as it is today.


A lesson not to be forgotten in our present time.






God bless you guys, i suggest you to see these YouTube videos about Fukusima events revealing horrible truth…


Entire world is about to be punished so much, that public has no idea about what is going to come on us in near days and months due to Fukusima disaster. It is already 100x times worse than Chernobyl and will be even much more worse, really watch the linked videos and you will be shocked as me.


Your brother in Jesus Christ






I was wondering if one is a Catholic and puts money in the collection box during for instance a CMRI mass ONLY, not Mass stipends or other donations is this OK?...




MHFM: Absolutely not.  It would be a grave sin to do so.




Subject: 13-part justification debate


You argue exceedingly well, and most convincingly!. Your opponent simply did not process the clear objections of Scripture to 'once saved, always saved.' I applaud your temperament and respectful discourse. Excellent display…






Subject: About the Antipope’s latest heresy


 … Thank you Brothers for that excellent job in exposing the antipope's new heresy. I find this very disturbing… This antipope is indeed out of control! God bless you always.








Thank you for your comprehensive research into Benedict’s new book.  I have sent it to my relatives with hope that they will see something.


God Bless you,






Why should I not consider you a schism since you do not profess allegiance to the Church of Peter and his successor, the Pope?

May the light of Jesus enable you to see the Truth.




MHFM: We do profess allegiance to the Church of St. Peter and his true successors.  If you would wake up, you would see that Benedict XVI is not a Catholic.  He is a heretic.  Heretics cannot be successors to St. Peter.  Look at the information on our website.  In addition to the fact that he’s a complete apostate, Benedict XVI praises schismatic sects and teaches that they are part of the true Church.  By obstinately defending him, you become a heretic and a schismatic.


No idea


… You set the record straight for those rats around Vatican II, since they are rats, their extermination day is coming. The whole world has no idea what Vatican II is about and what the truth is.  They teach nothing but heresies and lies but people follow them like a bunch of blind people.


Let them have it… great work.


God bless you all,


Kim-Lan Vu




Subject: Now this scares me.  Comet Apocalypse




Comet Elenin, a 2.5 mile wide comet which will be at it closest to earth Oct 16th.   It will travel through the asteroid belt in which it could hit an asteroid and be ‘bumped’ into our orbit.  The gravitational pull from Venus and Mars could also cause it to hit us.  Also when Halley’s comet last made an appearance it was all over the media, but why isn’t comet Elenin?  I think the media doesn’t want to cause panic that this could be a major disaster for earth.  Could this by why everyone is saying get six months of food ready?  But besides all of that,  it will still be very close to us as  well as being a beautiful sight to see in the Autumn sky in the constellation Cancer,  between Leo and Gemini. 


On a side note, for what it’s worth,  notice the name of the Comet… Elenin.  Could this be a code for insiders meaning:  (E)xtinction (L)evel  (E)vent (N)ibiru (I)s (N)ear?


See animation of the Comets path below.




New Book


Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for your expose of B16's new book.  As all other books of his, and of his predecessor JP2, this book also is a confirmation of the Apocalypse 13:6

"And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven."

The servant of Devil--B16--is claiming that The Scripture contains errors and contradictions. What a stupid [heretic] is he. For how can he, or anyone else, prove anything pertaining to faith? How can he, B16, prove that the Jews still have the mission if The Scripture may contain errors?

On his denial of the guilt of Jews, I would like just to add verses from The Bible:

"[8] They have quickly strayed from the way which thou didst shew them: and they have made to themselves a molten calf, and have adored it, and sacrificing victims to it, have said: These are thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee out of the land of Egypt. [9] And again the Lord said to Moses: See that this people is stiffnecked: [10] Let me alone, that my wrath may be kindled against them, and that I may destroy them, and I will make of thee a great nation." (Exodus 32:8-10)

According to B16, these verses do not mean that ALL have strayed.  His satanic "reasoning" would probably be something like: "How can it be that all have strayed? There were a few hundreds of thousands of peoples and it is for certain that only a minority of them have strayed, if any. These verses clearly do not describe a historical event. Rather it is Moses' internal journey to the core of his self representing the microcosm evolved through the eons of creation in which God revealed man to himself."

In this darkest age in human history, the psycho-babble is a common icon of emptiness of "modern man". His extreme bad will and hatred for God finds "comfort" in empty words coming from Hell.

I am extremely angry, and extremely sad, for the fact that a bunch of demoniacal [heretics] occupying the Vatican have the power to produce so many so ugly books which blaspheme our Lord, who suffered most extreme pains on the cross, so that all COULD be saved...

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




MHFM: Note: the article that we posted about a month ago, Benedict XVI Approves Artificial Contraception in Certain Situations, has been stored permanently in our “Some of the Recent Feature Articles” section under “Traditional Catholic Issues & Groups.”




Subject: Video


… Thank you for your latest video/commentary regarding the infamously apostate and blatant heretic, Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a. Benedict XVI).


I often wonder if the inability to just fully come out and profess his true hatred of our lord Jesus Christ ever bothers him?  I wonder if it ever gets to him at times not to have the freedom to just be himself, the devil incarnate that he is, and freely expose his inner serpent without having to always pretend to be "Catholic"?


In any event, your observations regarding the putrid tripe within Ratzinger's new book is really another nail in the primordial Vatican II coffin exposing this guy for the prodigious fraud that he is.


May Our Lady continue to assist you!


In Iesu et Maria,






Subject: Truth & Lies


Thank-you for interrupting anti-pope B-16's book of lies, "Jesus of Nazareth".  Since the time when God scrambled the one language that all people spoke into many different languages, the two languages of the modern day is that of truth and lies.  Thanks again for shedding light on the heretical denial of scripture, truth and the praise of Jews by anti-pope Benedict-16th. The book would be better titled, "Another attempt to lead people astray by a heretical pope".

God Bless MHFM and your works,

Tom Miles




Subject: Shroud


 I just re-watched the Shroud of Turino vid. we got from MHFM, yes,the vid. says the lance entered Jesus' side at the fifth rib.  Exactly how Eve was created, fascinating.  As for all the V2-ers, the false trads, recent debates, and all your enemies:  if they were windows,  they couldn't possibly be any easier to see through!


    Re: your emailer about the battle horns:  Didn't the battle horns already sound, yet?  Maybe that is what woke me up out of my former V-2 daze!   It feels to me that life is just one spiritual battle after another, battle after battle after battle…


Thanks, Anne 




Subject: Pope Honorius


Hello Brothers:


     I just listened to the debate you had with the guy defending Pope Honorius. I listened to it thinking that maybe he would have something to say which I have never heard previously - but no. My question is: To what purpose do people defend Honorius? What is it to them, and it must be very important because this is just one more issue where people obviously subvert what they know to be true, in order to push forward some necessary conclusion - necessary to them for some reason. The Council of Constantinople 3 absolutely condemned the man. The Pope signed off and ratified it. That is the end of the discussion is it not? No, not to them, of course not. His entire argument was that Leo did not, following the Council which he approved, at any time actually "say" the words "Honorius is a heretic". Does this man not understand that this is exactly what he said by approving the council? The Council makes any number of infallible declarations, the Pope reads them, decides, and then approves them. Does this man really not receive what the Council has declared, with full faith, until he can get a later, protracted statement from the individual Pope, verbally affirming the Councils declarations? Then he could, by that standard, question everything declared by every Council! Of course this is not how it works. It is interesting also how the discussion ended. He says to Br. Peter "I'll have to look into those other things you mentioned - what were they again?" or something along those lines. Meaning that here we have again, another guy who is bold enough to claim that somebody else is wrong, and bold enough to enter into a debate with the person, yet knowing full well that he hasn't really studied out the issue at all! Who would do such a thing? What type of person does this? This is what really amazes me about these discussions. People who are obviously uninformed - probably read no authentic original sources on the topic - just read someone's "article" on the subject found somewhere on the internet - and bang, they are ready to call others "wrong" and enter into recorded debates on the topic. You would think that even just there sense of self-preservation would restrain them from being recorded on these subjects until they knew something more of the issues, but no, they are willing to formally debate and then close the debate with " What were those other Councils that made declarations on this topic, I would sure like to read those sometime" - yeah, preferably before you enter into a debate about it - or say that another brother is mistaken and "wrong" on the topic that you know so very little about! It is what used to be called just plain stupid. So very, very little humility. Everyone believes that their little voice is so very important in God's Kingdom. Almost nobody is small anymore, or like the saints, desires to be small and unheard. Everybody has to have a voice - even if they know nothing at all.


Thanks for the good books and another good and revealing discussion.


-Michael Glennon




Dear Brothers,

The email you received from someone who claims to be Catholic, calls you the Antichrist and then says John Paul II and John XXIII fought for communism is shocking. It shows the level of bad will in the world today, since so many people refuse to even look through your information properly yet take offense at your position. The Vatican II sect has
always defended the oppressive regime of communism (and Zionism)! The person also say they don't cause divisions, as if the truth does not divide (Matt. 10:34) and as if a person should not expect to be hated by the world if they hold the whole Catholic faith and practice it (John 15:18). The ignorance of Vatican II defenders is really demonic, for
whom the Vatican II sect is like their local football team that no matter what justified criticism it receives - no matter where it is on the ladder, even if it's last place - they will defend it to death. The Vatican II sect could release swap cards, jerseys, figurines, posters and flags showing the Assisi meeting, JP2 kissing the Koran, B16 praying toward Mecca, pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians receiving communion, etc. - all the acts of apostasy, schism and heresy - and the Vatican II defenders wouldn't suspect that anything is wrong or that they are deceived at all!!! They would rejoice at such wickedness and mockery of the true Traditional Catholic faith. The Vatican II defenders are little Antichrists, just like their Antipopes who praise the Jews, pray with Muslims and respect every non-Catholic Satanic religion that ever there was. If they prayed the 15 decade Rosary everyday they could easily break free from the multitude of dragon talons of heresy that bind them to the Church of Hell - the Vatican II sect.

Luke 4:41 - "And devils went out from many, crying out and saying: Thou art the Son of God. And rebuking them he suffered them not to speak, for they knew that he was Christ."

God Bless,

Chris White






Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I knew two people when I was in Ukrainian rite and still deceived by VII and antipopes.  One was the head of the Eastern Armenian Catholic rite in USA.  He told me that the worldwide head of the Armenian Eastern Catholic rite had had enough ballots to make him pope in JPII's conclave but that JPII stole the election from him somehow.  He was not extremely explicit in the details as he was old and near death at St. Anne's in Manhattan(since torn down).He said the Armenian primate wanted to restore traditional Church and take Catholic seminaries out of hand of Papal Secretary of State.  Also a friend in Ukranian Church a traditional Latin Rite advocate told me Veronica Lueken had been in a satanist coven and concocted Bayside apparitions from there-claiming he had been in same coven and was one of St. Michael helpers.  God bless pray for me and that I may be fully and truly converted to the Catholic Church…






Subject: I am in trouble


Hi brothers,

I am in serious trouble. My parents keep going to Novus Ordo mass and they say to me a lot of heresies. My father is obstinate in rejecting Catholic dogma because he believes that I am trying to convert them just for my reward. They are totally possessed heretics. It is a very complicated the moment I have no other places where to go. I hope I am not committing mortal sin by living with apostates and heretics (my parents). I ask you to pray for me.

God bless,



MHFM: It’s not a sin to live there.  We assume you’ve tried to convert him.  Since you have, there’s no need to engage him in religious discussion and you should avoid him as much as you can.  If he does bring up religion, then you should (once again) refute him and contradict him.  If he doesn’t like it, he shouldn’t bring up the issues with you.




I AM A CATHOLIC, AND STAND BY MY RELIGION, I DO NOT CREATE DIVISIONS, YOU ARE THE ANTICHRIST, I INSIST.  You will be in my prayers, I ask 'God for you, for your salvation.





You are so blessed to be full of knowledge that helps others like myself want to change for the better. Thank you for everything you do.

Rockford, IL






… I listened to the debate and read Brother Peter's article of the debate.  It never ceases to amaze me how all of these individuals are the same (William Golle, William Albrecht, Vin Lewis, Eli, etc.).  They constantly regurgitate the same sayings over and over thinking that somehow this can prove a point.  Additionally, they take but a small "sample" of a quote and believe this proves their point as well.  It is much like an old saying that I will paraphrase, "If a lie is repeated long enough, too many, it becomes reality".  This is much like what we see today with worldly concerns, Oklahoma City, 9/11, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Japan's nuclear issue, etc.  The lies are simple repeated over and over and since everyone (or 99.999999999999%) are of bad will and do no research, it simply becomes reality for them.


The debate and article were both excellent and clearly showed the truth of the Catholic Church, which Bother Peter reiterated to Eli.  However, as one who simply takes the road most traveled he does not see his final destination or even that he walks on the path of perdition.


God Bless you for your works.....






Note: Our recent article about the quotes covered in the “Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics” Debate has been stored permanently in three places: 1) “Traditional Catholic Audios” – next to the link to the audio of the debate; 2) Our “Where to Go to Mass” section; and 3) our sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists", under “Traditional Catholic Issues & Groups.”


New Article Posted


MHFM: We have a new article. The purpose of this article is simple: since so many documents and citations were covered in the recent debate, it’s helpful for people to see the most significant ones in writing.  The article also deals with some matters that did not come up in the debate.


"Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics" Debate - The Important Quotes [new article]


The Creation of Eve & the Church


MHFM: There’s an interesting parallel between the creation of Eve and the creation of the Church.  In Genesis, we read that God created Eve by taking a rib out of the side of Adam when he was asleep.


Genesis 2:21-22- “Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it.  And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman: and brought her to Adam.”


We also know that Christ is the new Adam.  The Bible says that Adam was a type of the one who was to come, Jesus Christ.


Romans 5:14- “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure [type] of him that was to come [Jesus].”


How was Adam a type of Jesus?  It’s perhaps best summed up in this passage.


Romans 5:19- “For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.”


Adam plunged the world into sin; Christ came to redeem the world from Adam’s sin.  Adam sinned by his disobedience at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Christ redeemed the world by His obedience and sacrifice on the tree of the Cross.  That’s why the Bible says that Christ is the new or second or last Adam.  He came to undo what Adam did. 


1 Corinthians 15:45- “And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.”


As God, Christ is also of course infinitely greater than Adam.  Now, as Eve was created from the side of Adam (while he was asleep), in John’s Gospel we read:


John 19:33-34- “But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.  But one of the soldiers with a spear opened his side, and immediately there came out blood and water.”


The blood and water that came out of the Lord’s side (when He was dead and asleep) have always been understood to represent the water of baptism, the blood of Redemption and the Eucharist – in short, the sacraments through which the Church and its members are born.  So, just as Adam is a type of Christ, and Eve was created from the side of Adam, the Church (the bride of the new Adam) is created from His side. 




Now that the Catholic Church is all screwed up and in one of you videos named "Why Rome is now the Whore of Babylon" you say the Eucharist is wrong now, so should I receive the Eucharist? Would it be wrong for me to eat the new Eucharist?... Peace be with you and may God Almighty bless you at everything you do.




MHFM: The Catholic Church is not screwed up.  The Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.  The New Mass (the English “Mass” offered in most churches) does not have a valid Eucharist.  That’s explained here:  The Invalid New Mass vs. the true Latin Mass.  One must avoid it under pain of mortal sin.  Please consult the material on our website.


Not right


I showed the website to my sister and brother together with their families and they just ceased attending mass since last month ,after they investigated what was happening in the church, especially my sister who was born in 1953, she knew and compared the holy mass which they tried to destroy (God forgive us), i was baptized 1964… the priest had very different way baptizing), and my sister told me that it was the same Latin mass here in philippines. But in 1969 it was a sudden change, she said.

i will be in constant monitoring, i have seen much of the videos already and spreading it, i am convinced that something is not really right and misled the whole world, a great deception on the people's mind, thus many people were lost, or convinced by believing another sect or cult.

it’s God's purpose that we have the internet to spread His Good news. God bless us for our crusade. (thanks)






Thanks for Shroud of Turin Video.....Spiritual food.  God Bless you.... May God give us the strength to take our place in the ranks
when battle horn sounds...






Note: Some massive new heresies from Benedict XVI, coming soon…


False Apparition Alert


Subject: false apparition alert




Here is another example of a false apparition of Mary that is being promoted by a group in Cincinnati, Ohio area.  The quote below is from their website: in which I've hightlighted and underlined a comment that was supposed to be from Mary calling for help from workers from "every faith".     I heard about this on a radio program.  In the message that was read on air, the Blessed Mother supposedly said that all religions should be respected.  But here is an example that I found by just reading a few of the "messages".....


February 5, 1994 — Why Ask Mother Teresa


My child,


I want her because she loves Jesus and she is a beacon of holiness to all in your world. Mother Teresa should be told that I only request a short statement from her be attached to a petition which I want circulated over your land and then presented to those in authority for action.


Know that the fallen angel does not want prayer returned to the places of learning in America and will counterattack my movement to do so. Many prayers are needed here, as well as many hands. I ask for workers from every faith and every walk of life that are Christian at heart and followers of my Son to stand up for their faith and join me in this spiritual battle to reclaim God’s children, for they have fallen into the clutches of Satan.


Prayers of the children are precious to God, and He has been robbed of them. Prayer should be returned not only to places of learning but also to homes. All parents, especially mothers, I implore you to listen, to act, and to save your children for they are also my children.


note: This letter and the enclosure were received in response to a February 11, 1994, letter sent to Mother Teresa by Gerry Ross at the request of Our Lady of Light (See Personal Revelations, Vol.3, pp.118-9).




Gets me


Dear Dimond Brothers  


Thank you for all of your past prayers for my intentions.  What gets me about the SSPX, they say he’s the pope and then they operate completely independent and outside his communion.  That to me is very hypocritical folks. you don’t do that with a true successor of st peter.  He is just a figurehead or cardboard pope to the SSPX. That is crazy!  And also i saw this interesting program on the history channel  about SECRET SOCIETIES in america, there is a very very secret place in northern california called THE BOHEMIAN GROVE.  It looks like a deep forest and woods where they have cameras all over the place, and they are so secretive. even by a river you will get busted by security and police if you try to flank there property  by secret. the program said that the very top richest  people of the world gather there and perform satanic rituals. That also it is almost impossible to infiltrate this secret property.  They also had alex jones who said he sneaked in there and shot secret videos of what went on in there. Anyway I just wanted to share that with you.   Keep up the great work you do.  






Subject: Democracy & BOD


Dear Brothers:


Thinking about the interesting emails and comments re: democracy, it seems to me that modern, apostate "Catholics" (including false traditionalists) who tout democracy as the savior of the world -- and so many of them do -- are actually confusing "democracy" with the revolution.  Sadly, these individuals think (with approval) that democracy means freedom of religion, freedom of speech, separation of church and state, etc.  They do not (and perhaps cannot) distinguish between the principles of democracy and the principles of the revolution.  The fact is, they have no problem with the godless state.


One must consider the likelihood that the underlying cause of this is the embrace of the heresy of Baptism of Desire.  If to the BOD'ers the individual doesn't have to be Catholic, then neither does the state.  In 1949/50, Father Feeney was attacked for trying to evangelize America. Preaching BOD, Lefebvre and the SSPX support the attack on Father Feeney, ignoring Our Lord's command to teach all nations. No wonder the SSPX seems to be sinking fast;  the more dogmas they deny, the more "dogmatic" they become in the imposition of their heresies.  It's their way or the highway.  Strange men, these, who call themselves "priests".


Lee Ann  




Subject: Hi Br. Michael Dimond


Dear Br Michael,

I just watched your video on Abortion, Rock Music, Freemasonry and Judaism. I enjoyed the video and found for the most part it was informative, eye opening and gave me a lot to think about. Some of it was pretty scary. That's an understatement!

I have been attending traditional mass with the Fraternity of St Peter in Sydney Australia for the last few years now. I have come to really love the traditional Mass. It saddens me greatly that whilst the traditional community have such deep faith and appreciation for the riches of Catholicism mostly forgotten or misunderstood among modern day Catholics, that there is so much fighting and deep hostility between the various elements (eg- SSPX, FSSP). In looking at your site, I gathered that you are not SSPX, yet your site is certainly not FSSP either. Indeed I was surprised to find pages claiming that the last four or five Popes have been anti-Popes. I'm confused. Under which order/prelate does most holy family monastery subside? I cannot place you. I hope you understand what I mean.

Many thanks

Richard Fowler


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We are independent, as true Catholics are in our day.  Those who pretend to occupy the seats of Catholic authority in our day are manifest heretics.  They actually hold no authority in the Church.  There are major differences between true Catholics and groups like the SSPX or FSSP.  Those differences involve the substance of the Catholic faith.  The FSSP accepts Vatican II and all of its evil heresies.  They also accept false ecumenism, the New Mass (even though they don’t offer it themselves) and the apostasy of Benedict XVI.  They don’t have the Catholic faith.  For the horrible heresies they accept, see this file:


The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File]


The FSSP also has their “priests” ordained by “bishops” consecrated in the new rite of Episcopal Consecration.  That rite cannot be considered valid.  See our file on that matter.  That means that the FSSP cannot be considered to have valid priests, except for the few who were ordained in other ways.  That’s why one must not approach their heretical “priests” for the sacraments.  The SSPX believes in salvation outside the Church, and accepts Benedict XVI as a Catholic.  That is a rejection of the Catholic faith. 


The position that the post-Vatican II claimants to the Papacy are not true popes is the only Catholic position.  It’s the true position, as you will see if you continue to honestly look at the material on our website.  Please consult this file:


Have seen



I am a 14 year old from Ireland. I recently returned to the faith after spending a few years questioning my beliefs, I have seen from your youtube channel that you believe that the present mass and ordination are invalid you also said that the new baptism is invalid, The only traditional latin mass in my area is on once a month, do you have any tips on how to get baptised the traditional way?




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We don’t say the baptisms are invalid in the New Church, if they use the basic matter and form and intend to do what the Church does.  Your question about baptism is answered in this file.  If there is some doubt about your baptism, a conditional baptism should be performed.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


We hope you realize that one must never attend the New Mass.  Also, you make reference to a traditional Mass.  You should look into whether the priest was ordained in the traditional rite.  Our “Where to go to Mass” file has guidelines on that issue.  No one could support those priests either, since they basically all hold heresies.


The form


Subject: touché'


Good answer to my letter regarding the superiority of Monarchy.  You are right.  It isn’t as much about the form, as the disposition of the hearts of the people.   And unfortunately we already know, from the Church, and certainly from experience, particularly yours, that most men are not of goodwill, and no temporal system of governance can cure this.


I think however that the mob, “democracy”, will invariably devolve first to indifferentism, and then to outright hostility towards God and all things Godly.   And I think this is virtually as predictable as any physical law (such as gravity), because the underlying premise is that ‘men are equal” and all opinions or preferences are to be equally valued (everyone’s vote counts the same).  So if most people are of bad will, then obviously you will always get what you get, what we got in the US today.  Once the absolute authority of the Church was overthrown for more humanistic priorities, I think the dye was cast.


And I think that the Masons, in their demonically inspired mission to totally demean and destroy humanity (ironically in the name of human rights) understood this, which is why they sought to destroy all monarchies, even the protestant and schismatic ones (the schismatic Czar, the protestant Kaiser were destroyed in WWI along with the Catholic Emperor of Austria-Hungary).  This is because Monarchy more closely resembles the order of Heaven, also a Kingdom, and the natural hierarchy inherent in all created things.   It is also because a monarch, even though he may be fooled or may be corrupted on the finer points of theology, would likely be harder to disabuse of all sense of natural order, justice and common sense.  He can only be led “so far”.  Can you imagine Czar Nicolas condoning abortion or homosexual marriage?  Even the Moslems don’t condone these atrocities. 


A strong leader like Franco practically singlehandedly saved the Church in Spain and gave it some 40 years and no doubt many saved souls.  But he is universally condemned in the world’s democracies as a “tyrant”, etc.  After his death, it took little time for “democratic” elements to turn Spain into a society pretty much as decadent as the rest of Europe. 


I’m getting kind of long.  But my point was that Jim, the original e-mailer, confessed a bias against Monarchy, I bias that I thought he should reevaluate.   I agree it is no panacea, but in the modern age, Catholics, particularly American Catholics who have been taught democracy as a virtual new religion, should carefully re-evaluate it.  It will help them I think to better understand the world the way it really is.


Bill Mulligan




Subject: First and Last



Your email response to Bill concerning the Monarchy's "one king's apostasy can lead an entire nation away from the Church, as we've seen in Church history" is profound when you consider history in itself. I've been thinking lately of the bible verse Matthew 10:28
"And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell." 

When considering over the history of the Church and even today, those that feared Kings rather than fearing God. The number of souls lost under the reign of Hitler (who many considered to be the anti-Christ) or other tyrant leaders within their countries, compared to the magnitude of souls lost around the world by the past anti-popes including the last five anti-popes (including anti-Christ JPII). 

There are 201 references in the Douay-Rheims bible that refer to the words "fear not", with most to all referring to the penalties of those that "fear not" the Lord as their King or why someone should "fear not" another person or "King". I thought I'd include a few below:

John 12:15 Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy king cometh, sitting on an ass's colt.

Osee (Hosea) 10:3 For now they shall say: We have no king: because we fear not the Lord: and what shall a king do to us?

Apocalypse (Revelation) 1:17 And when I had seen him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying: Fear not. I am the First and the Last.

God Bless you and your works,

Tom Miles




Subject: SSPX Celebrate 20th Anniversary of A-Bp. Lefebvre going to Hell


Dear Brothers,

The SSPX has just celebrated the 20th anniversary of the death of Archbishop Lefebvre on March 24th (Thurs). Of course, in their eyes he's already a saint, despite his teaching that anyone of any non-Catholic religion could be saved, which is apostasy… it's sad that the nearer the SSPX gets to Rome in their stupid "negotiations" (they should just cut all ties with Roma and declare the V-2 sect and its antipopes as apostates and Antichrist), then the more imposing they become in unjustly condemning sedevacantism. Lefebvre has on his gravestone that he passed on what he received, and if that's true, then he never received the Catholic faith because he did not pass on the Catholic (Christian) faith. It's interesting that the word for cross, is from the Latin crux, meaning torment. So those who do not carry their cross in this life, will be tormented forever in hell. It seems to me that Lefebvre wanted glory from men rather than from God… so many SSPX priests are imposing heretics nowadays, calling sedevacantists "schismatics," etc. So they call sedevacantists schismatics who wouldn't go near an "Orthodox" schismatic Church, but they don't call the V-2 Antipopes schismatics who praise, kiss, hug, send love-letters and gifts, pray with and include in their communion the "Orthodox" and "Anglican" "Patriarchs." Schism is fundamentally outrageous. What a sick joke the SSPX has become.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, An Open Letter to Confused Catholics, 12: "Freemasons have penetrated into the Church. In 1976 it was discovered that the man at the centre of the liturgical reform, Mgr. Bugnini, was a Freemason.  And we can be sure he was not the only one. The veil covering the greatest mystery hidden from the clergy and faithful has begun to tear.  We see more and more clearly with the passing of time--but so do also the Church’s secular enemies: “Something has changed within the Church,” wrote Jacques Mitterand, “and replies given by the Pope to the most urgent questions, such as priestly celibacy and birth control, are hotly debated within the Church itself; the word of the Sovereign Pontiff is questioned by bishops, by priests, by the faithful. For a Freemason, a man who questions dogma is already a Freemason without an apron.”"

So Lefebvre knew Freemasons were in the Vatican and that to question Catholic dogma is to be "a Freemason without an apron," yet he taught that non-Catholics can be saved, which is clear a rejection of the dogmas, outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, and the absolute necessity of water baptism. Lefebvre passed on Freemasonry, not the Catholic faith. The SSPX are celebrating the death of man in hell - Lefebvre. Now I know why I was always concerned about trying to save people who are in hell when I was holding the SSPX position - the SSPX are directly aligned with hell by believing Archbishop is not there. Thank God the sacraments work ex opere operato ("from the work done"), and Catholics can receive sacraments from undeclared heretics so long as the heretic is not notorious, imposing and the Catholic doesn't support them. Thank you for the article with the quotes refuting the radical schismatics. The only truly accurate Catholic perspective is coming from MHFM today.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 - "For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to their works."

God Bless,

Chris White


“Catholic” Colleges


Subject: “Catholic” Colleges


Dear Brothers,


I thought you may be interested in the email I received back from Fairfield University after I sent them a letter of protest about their LBGT diversity dialogue by New Ways Ministry this Fall.  As you can see from the letter that it was a complete waste of time.  I learned today the Xavier University in Ohio will have Queer week starting today in Ohio.  So much for Catholic education.  It is the hands of evil.






To Kathleen:

I want to take this opportunity to respond to your e-mail of March 24.  University communities have, and will always be, the place where fundamental questions that touch the person and community may be aired. This includes exploring the boundaries of Church teachings, including those on gay issues. The most lively discussion and critical thinking often occur at those boundaries where theology, Church teachings, and the practices of American Catholics jostle together.

The goal of the series is to raise awareness by engaging in a more open, vigorous, and enlightened debate on sexual diversity issues among the community of faith and within the broader civic and political worlds in which the institutional Roman Catholic Church and individual Catholics find themselves.

Martha Milcarek




Dear Sir,

I have been fortunate enough to find your website, which has answered many questions regarding the Catholic faith and the second Vatican council… Also, what is your opinion on Father Paul Kramer?




MHFM: “Fr.” Paul Kramer is unfortunately a heretic.  He obstinately accepts Antipope Benedict XVI.  He also doubts the validity of the New Mass, but pals around with people who don’t condemn it.  He was also “ordained” in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  That means that, unless he was conditionally ordained in the traditional rite, he could not be considered a valid priest.  He also accepts salvation outside the Church, and is a defender of the SSPX.  Someone who has seen a good deal of evidence of the antipopes’ false ecumenism and heresies (as he has), and still doesn’t condemn them as non-Catholic heretics, is strongly bound by Satan.  Benedict XVI could probably “canonize” Luther and people like Kramer would still accept him.




I’m writing to further comment on Jim’s question about Monarchy.  In your response you quote Leo XIIIth on democratic forms of choosing government officials.  Speaking of the “choice of the multitude” the Pope said:  


“And by this choice, in truth, the ruler is designated, but the rights of ruling are not thereby conferred. Nor is the authority delegated to him, but the person by whom it is to be exercised is determined upon.”


I think it worthwhile to parse what the Pope is really saying here in plainer terms.  What the Pope means is that choosing the “man” who administers an office, does not change the nature of “rights” or “authority”, because these both come from God.  In other words a majority of a million, all choosing a certain course, cannot make a wrong course right, and men have no right to choose a wrong course.    And I think this is worth stating in clear terms to the modern reader because today’s man, especially Americans, are taught to virtually worship “democracy”.   The idea is that man has the right to choose for himself, and this principal of self rule, or “self determination”, at its root harbors the idea that man should be free to choose his own notion of what is right and what is just.  Most people today I think at least subconsciously, if not deliberately would accept this idea.  “Let the people decide”.   But each man is obligated NOT to construct his own idea of what is true or just, but to discover God’s.   In an academic sense it is fine to let men vote.  But in a practical sense, and I think History bears this out, the mob is more easily fooled, more easily corrupted, more easily led astray than is one wise man.  And of course in reality, a key feature of essentially all (if not all) governments which claim to be “democratic”, in neutrality regarding religion and the enshrinement of “religious liberty” as a key stone principle. 


Therefore I think that while there is no theoretical reason to declare a democratic process to be evil (after all the Church employs voting in selection of the Pope), as a practical matter a Monarchy (a Catholic one) is overwhelmingly to be preferred.  The problem with the British monarchy of course is that they are formally heretical.  And to make matters worse we may soon see the specter of the King of England (should Charles succeed his mother) who is the “Head of the Church of England” (thanks to Henry VIII) married to a divorced woman.  What a mockery. 


But Jim’s question is not about “what is”; but what “ought to be”.  And no Catholic in his right mind can prefer what we have in the US to a Catholic King.  That’s crazy.


Bill Mulligan     


MHFM: Pope Leo XIII makes it clear that various forms of government can be acceptable, as long as the Catholic religion is acknowledged.  Of course a Catholic king would be preferable to what we have in the U.S. because in the U.S. we don’t have a constitution that recognizes the Catholic religion.  If we did, then it could be a different story.  While the mob is easily fooled in many cases, one king’s apostasy can lead an entire nation away from the Church, as we’ve seen in Church history.  Moreover, given man’s inclination to idolatry, people are sometimes inclined to worship kings.  And in the Old Testament God did say that the Israelites desire for a king represented their rejection of God as king (1 Samuel 8:7 or 1 Kings 8:7). 




While researching the "latest news" on "father J. Corapi" i discovered your fantastic website and was on it all weekend. I know that God has led me to your site. It is intelligent, it is holy, it is truly Catholic.

… I am a traditional Catholic, never involved in Vatican II except for whatever influences it may have had on my life in general on which I can only sadly speculate…

Adoremus Te Christi, et benedicimus Tibi…
Christine Mohn




My name is lucas Reade… I converted about 3 years ago, however, not only have I found some things to be contradictory in some of the teachings but also the fact that some actions within the church (sspx) are either masonic or designed by the vatican to keep us dangling by their strings! My mother-in-law and I talk about it quite often, how we are just there for the mass and the Sacraments. I have read and watched alot of your material, which we thank you for, but it leaves my wandering if we, the society, are heretical or just led astray. I can only hope that our Sacraments are valid because the more I try to explain the errors to my nieces and nephews the more I hit road blocks, especially when it comes to more than 1 Baptism. Even their parents defend them, even when they don't know what I'm talking about when I bring up counsels or Saints. After all of this my question is, because of the teachings I have recieved do I have the catholic faith. I was taught that a Dogma was something one must believe in order to be saved. I was taught Baptism by desire, blood, and water, when in reality there is only Baptism by water. And are our Sacraments valid. Not only since some of our priest could possibly be anathema, but also so many of them are ex-novus ordo. I fear some have come over with good intentions, however, some have come to destroy!!!                           



                                                                        Please reply and thank you,

                                                                            Lucas Reade


MHFM: Our file on the SSPX makes it quite clear that they are heretical in numerous areas (e.g., their denial of the salvation dogma, their obstinate acceptance of the Vatican II “hierarchy”).  Therefore, they must not be supported, and almost none of their priests should even be approached for the sacraments since they impose the false doctrines of the SSPX on those who go to them.  However, they do have valid priests, and some priests are worse than others.


The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]




ZENIT – Antipope’s Book Climbs on US Best Seller List tragic, but a good litmus test of world's blindness..






What is your opinion on reading the books written by Maria Valtorta - The Poem of the Man - God. Seven parts and The End Times?  I hear and read pro and cons.  Thank you so much for your time.




MHFM: It was put on the Index of Forbidden Books in the 1950s.  It should not be read.




if your a Catholic organization than why do you try to tear down Fr. John Corapi who is a breathe of fresh air for the truth. The true Church has allot of criticism these days and God only knows why you would try to character assassinate a person who is bringing new blood into the Church and is reaching younger sinners. You mock the way he speaks and take his quotes out of context to fit the picture your trying to frame on him. Shame on you ! Try reading Mark 9:39-40. And you call yourselves Catholic....What a joke!




MHFM: Is there an almost endless supply of Corapi dupes?  We suppose the Vatican II sect is so empty that they gravitate toward any “priest” who even knows what the seven sacraments are and doesn’t speak like a homosexual.  He believes in salvation outside the Church, and false ecumenism.  He praises the mission of Protestants and Jews.  That is apostasy.  He believes the Catholic faith is unnecessary for salvation.  What part of this argument don’t you understand?




Subject: Psalms



Now that spring is officially here, wickedness is in full bloom. How amazing the Rosary and Bible is in combating wickedness and as the instruction book of life. Every word, every sentence and every paragraph. I wanted to share the following Bible verse that I believe relates to many areas in life.

Psalms 49:21-22.  These things hast thou done, and I was silent. Thou thoughtest unjustly that I should be like to thee: but I will reprove thee, and set before thy face. Understand these things, you that forget God; lest he snatch you away, and there be none to deliver you.

How anti-pope JPII taught man was God and forced these beliefs and other Protestant beliefs onto the world.  How all the false religions believe that they are like God or even God is like them in some twisted sort of way.  How the unfaithful (to include family) believe the faithful are as them and try to convert the faithful back to their old sinful ways. How the unfaithful have forgotten what God taught through the ages and that God actually exists.  How God has snatched away thousands recently in the string of natural disasters.

The devil has surely pulled the wool over the wolf eyes in sheep clothing.

God Speed,

Tom Miles




Subject: Monarchy


Most Traditionalists like the monarchy because it represents the ages where the faith ruled. Though it's late to revert the history, in most european countries the deposition of a king in the 1800s came together with the removal of catholicism as the official religion. A new monarch often needed a blessing from a bishop or the pope to be considered valid. I've been taught that St. Thomas Aquinas said that democracy, aristocracy and monarchy are all valid forms of government, the latter being the best one because it's more similar to the way that God ordered the universe (God is represented as a king/emperor in the Bible).

P.S.:Brothers, thanks for your benedictine patience to go over all the publications of L'Osservatore Romano to show us overwhelming evidence of heresies of post Vatican II popes. Outside your work I could only find small quotes that made me wonder if they were not picked out of context. Great job.

Pedro A.




Dear MHFM, 


Hope all is well at the Monastery… I just wanted to share my surprise and disappointment with both my brother… my friend… both of whom I've given your materials to almost ad nauseum, for over a year or closer to 2 years now:   and just today in conversation with these two, they both just happened to mention JPII in a favorable light: SHOCK!  Dismay!  That anti-christ seems to have such a hold on so many people-----to be honest, I feel like a bit of an odd- ball these days, hardly anyone seems to see.  Thank you for listening,   






Subject: Your YouTube Video, “Canyon of Despair, Hope, and Meaning”


Hello Brothers,


I enjoyed Peter Dimond's video mentioned in the title…




PS - I don’t agree with everything you guys write, but I am still going along in my spiritual journey, so I am keeping an open mind. 




Subject: Our Lady of Fatima and the Doves


Dear MHFM,


Most of us have read about the doves that followed the wooden statue of Our Lady as she traveled the globe.  There have been many documented accounts of the statue being continually accompanied by doves at the feet of Our Lady. There is some detail in Frere Michel's "The Whole Truth About Fatima Science And The Facts"… I found this story interesting.


"In 1949 in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, Fr. Salazar brought the statue to St. Peters church.  A large crowd met the plane and was astonished to see fourteen doves surrounding the statue in circular motion as it was taken from the plane. A procession formed on the way to the church and ten more doves joined those that came with the statue. ...Furthermore, we witnessed the astonishing fact that two doves flew to the altar, one on each corner thereof, during the Consecration of the Mass and returned to their place on the the end of the Consecration".


Note: their place on the pedestal as at Our Lady's feet…






Subject: Beck & Jones


You can bet both of these evil men are run by the same puppeteers or they would not have the podiums they have, even though they regularly feign persecution.  Anyone who calls themselves Catholic and gives these actors any credibility better re-check themselves.

You correctly summed it up in a nutshell: "All of this proves that if your main goal is to fight for the rights of man, (without the correct spiritual solution) you end up promoting a false gospel.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a spiritual (not worldly) message that people must accept for eternal salvation.  Matthew 16:26 “For what doth it profit a man, if
he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul?”

I don't know what more there is to say about these imposters.  I turned them off long ago, and hopefully everyone else of goodwill does the same. They are feeding people the poison given to them by their evil masters.  It is true that one ought to educate oneself somewhat about what is going on in the world, but there comes a point where there is no advantage to this information because these propagandists have become so utterly depraved that all one can get by listening to them is contaminated.

-- Bruce


MHFM: We do not agree that they are puppets.  As we explain in our video, Alex Jones the Good and the Evil, he brings out many true things that are not given publicity in the mainstream media.  The same can be said of Beck.  The point is that despite the good points they do make on many secular news issues, they are both unfortunately heretics.  They also serve as false prophets by promoting a false salvation message and a false Gospel about what man’s battle on Earth is really about.  In our recent condemnation of Jones, we wanted to emphasize what a despicable religious fraud he is, and how he will literally sell his soul for publicity.  Our point was not to condemn everything he does, or to exclude him as a news source.  We would say the same of Beck; for, when compared with others, they are some of the best options out there for true secular news and analysis – even though we of course do not endorse all of their views on those matters.  We do not believe that listening to their point of view involves contamination, unless one chooses to follow them in an evil they espouse, which a mature Catholic listener would not do.




MHFM: This is interesting:


The United States of Israel





I have two questions.

Is it acceptable to go to a Russian Orthodox Church to receive the sacraments?

Also, I have noticed on some trad websites that the concept of a monarchy is promoted rather than a secular society, do you have any opinions on the restoration of a monarchy in a republic?

I personally am totally against the idea of a monarchy, mostly this comes from watching the antics of the British royal family who are nothing more than parasites on the British people.

Thanks for the good work you do.



MHFM: The answer to your first question is no.  Catholics are absolutely forbidden from partaking in non-Catholic worship, or going to churches that are notorious in fact or notorious in law, as it was explained in our recent debate about such matters. 


A monarchy can be acceptable, as long as the laws of the country reflect and uphold the laws of God and the Catholic Church.  A democratic republic could also be acceptable, again if the Catholic religion is recognized as the only true religion.  Pope Leo XIII explains how the form of government doesn’t matter, provided it is just and consistent with the laws of God:


Pope Leo XIII, Diuturnum (#’s 6-7), June 29, 1881: “It is of importance, however, to remark in this place that those who may be placed over the State may in certain cases be chosen by the will and decision of the multitude, without opposition to or impugning of the Catholic doctrine. And by this choice, in truth, the ruler is designated, but the rights of ruling are not thereby conferred. Nor is the authority delegated to him, but the person by whom it is to be exercised is determined upon.


“7. There is no question here respecting forms of government, for there is no reason why the Church should not approve of the chief power being held by one man or by more, provided only it be just, and that it tend to the common advantage. Wherefore, so long as justice be respected, the people are not hindered from choosing for themselves that form of government which suits best either their own disposition, or the institutions and customs of their ancestors.”




Subject: “god”


Your movies are childish and easily argued with. Your just another christian bigot out to harm the human race. All of you and other fanatic religious characters are nothing but threats to the real world. Just look at 9-11. thats on religion... I see you as nothing more than a terrorist and a criminal. Oh and your movie on exercism. I have never wanted to puke at anyones insane ranting as much as I did then. God is fake.




MHFM:  Psalm 13:1- “The fool hath said in his heart: There is no God, They are corrupt, and are become abominable in their ways…”  Considering what you have said about God, the fact that you hate our material must be taken as a compliment. 




Subject: to MHFM



I am very pleased with this channel.

God bless...

Carl (Belgium)




Subject: The Institute of Christ the King


Dear Brothers,


I would appreciate your view on The Institute Of Christ The King…. Belfast N. Ireland…


Do you think it is alright to continue to attend in the future  ?


Much appreciated & many blessings




MHFM: No, one must not go there for the sacraments.  Most of their “priests” are ordained by “bishops” consecrated in Paul VI’s invalid new rite of Episcopal Consecration.  They are also heretical, as they accept Vatican II, salvation outside the Church, etc.




… I am dealing with so many family members who have such high regard for these institutions that I used their own leadership the USCCB to show them how evil it all is.


It doesn’t matter at all what the USCCB says because they say one thing and do another.  But many people still hold their opinions in esteem.  It is a new level of attack.  When I was in college it was clear who was good and who was evil.  To bring in a nun who has not been excommunicated to ignore the virtues of purity and give the LGBT a platform for their agenda is so destructive to college students… [it’s] so incredibly evil I hope their 33 years of work will now be exposed.  Thank you for this news bit.  I was mocked at Fairfield when I called the president's office.  The evil there is horrific.  I only feel relief from these battles when I say my rosary and attempt to console Mary for these atrocities.   God Bless your ministry.  I visit your site daily and have been so strengthened by the truth.  






Subject: Angel Cloud


In the book of Matthew, Chapter 28:20, we read that Our Lord said, “… behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.”

If you will permit me, I would like to take this time to share something with your readers that helps me to know that we are not alone in the battle for our souls and the souls of others.  I hope it will help encourage somebody out there who may be spiritually struggling.  I believe an interesting event happened to my husband and me as a result of the power of the Holy Rosary.  Although something “bad” happened to us, it could have been much worse and we are very thankful to God and to Our Lady that it worked out the way it did.

To make a long story as short as possible, last year about this time we lost our home of 18 years in the financial crisis.  It was a very painful and stressful time for our family.  We were on the last day of packing and the weather forecast said it would be a sunny day.  This changed suddenly as it approached midday and worked against us for the next several hours.  We were on a deadline and had to have our possessions out or we would forfeit them.  We finally finished up and my husband and I had to unexpectedly and quickly drive across town before closing time at 5pm to take care of some last minute business that pertained to our move.  We had been so busy and realized we had not taken the time to pray our daily Rosary.  We began to do this while driving.  With the weather growing worse we continued praying as we moved across town.  It was at this time that we noticed a huge, very, dark grey funnel cloud form in the sky.  It was still some distance in the air and away from us but it was making an effort to grow larger, and come close to our city.  I had never seen anything like it.  It was not typical for our area.

We had time to complete the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries and arrived at our destination to attend to our indoor business which only took a few minutes.  With that done, we now needed to get to our new rental home to be with our family, get out of the wind and rest.  We had to stop for gas first before finishing the rosary with the Glorious Mysteries and we both stepped outside the truck, my husband to pay for the gas and I wanted to check on the dark cloud and the weather.  We were stopped in our tracks, awestruck by what we saw next.  All of a sudden the menacing dark cloud which had continued to grow gave way and morphed into the shape of a tremendously bright and magnificent looking snow white cloud in the shape of an angel.  The scary, evil, funnel cloud had completely disappeared!  The angel cloud became much larger than the funnel cloud.  It had immense wings, a draping gown or tunic covering a “body” and a head.  It also had the shape of a shoe or foot that gently formed where the feet would be.  The details were very clearly marked.  I thought I must be imagining things and that is when the head of this angel cloud “grew” beautiful shoulder-length wavy hair!  It did not have hair at first and it was the last thing that formed on this very interesting cloud. 

To try and describe this awesome sight better the only thing that I can compare the cloud to is a typical Christmas greeting card with an image of an angel from a side profile as he flies through the air holding a trumpet which announces the birth of Christ.  The difference being that our angel cloud had no instrument of any kind.  It not only was larger and more powerful than the funnel cloud, it was awe inspiring and commanded attention.  It was lovely.  It seemed to be so bright that it was made of the Sun.  Then the angel cloud was gone almost in an instant and never changed into any other shape.  It did not turn into wisps or fan out as most clouds do, but was gone from the very spot it was.  There were no other clouds in the sky before the "battle" or afterwards.

The whole thing was over within a few minutes.  The dark cloud did not stand a chance against the beautifully bright angel cloud which seemed to be protecting us and our city against evil.  It seemed to have been armed and strengthened by our recitation of the Rosary.  Our Lady may have allowed us to see the Rosary’s great power.  We finished the third part of our rosary on the drive to our new rental home and the weather began to calm down soon after.  It became a pleasant evening and our family enjoyed a peace that whole night that is hard to describe.

Our little family event proves to us the importance of the truth you share with your viewers in the DVD, The Third Secret of Fatima, the Imposter Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World.  It proves what Sr. Lucia may have risked her life to tell us:  That there is no problem, no matter what it is, even in the life of peoples and nations that the recitation of the holy rosary cannot solve.  Our Lady solved our problem and turned our sadness into joy, she showed us that God truly cares.

All for the Glory of God!

Blessings to all at the MHFM, and blessings to all of good will,





Subject: Alex Jones & Charlie Sheen


Dear mhfm,

For weeks I have been hearing about Charlie Sheen and really didn't pay attention. Then I decided to have a look on youtube to see was it as bad as it was made out to be. Well I regret being curious my goodness how evil is this guy. I’m sure you've heard it so no need to repeat the garbage. But Alex Jones WAKE UP! Its evil things like Charlie Sheen's action that cause the new world order to gain power as a punishment from God. Seriously if Obama or anyone Alex dislikes was doing what Charlie Sheen is doing Alex would murder him on his radio program and rant like crazy and I guess rightfully so.  But you can't just say it’s ok cause it’s your friend and you want to defend him.

Besides that I think and of course it's simply my opinion but I think Sheen's role in that show he was on and the activity he acted it out on has caused him to become possessed by a demon.  Obviously how he lived his life everyday also wouldn't help. But his show was full of filth shown right across the world with kids as young as 12 watching it.  So the example it gave was sinful and I believe Sheen is being punished for it.

Loved the video on Ken… keep up the fantastic work.

God Bless



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Alex Jones was already a horrible heretic, but he completely sold his soul to the Devil for the publicity that would come with defending the self-admitted warlock, Charlie Sheen.  Jones would promote anyone who would bring him publicity (e.g., rappers, heavy-metal musicians, Rosie O’Donnell, etc.).




Subject: Regarding comment from Joe


MHFM shows people examples of exorcisms to make it clear that the devil is real. This is not mockery of God. It is rather bold honesty about what can happen to people (mentally insane or not) when they turn away from God and give themselves over to mortal sins. Providing these videos gives MHFM the chance to showcase the power of the true Catholic priest over the devil. This is a spiritually healthy act, not something which is "sick to the core."






Subject: Alex Jones video


Dear Brothers,

Interesting comments exposing Alex Jones' two-faced agenda: 1. Expose the New World Order, and 2. Run with the New World Order. How can Alex Jones claim to be "the real deal," when he is "best friends" with Charlie Sheen who is lock-stock and barrel pushing the homosexual agenda?!... It's further evidence that Alex Jones is a heretic - a non-Christian (non-Catholic) - who only likes to call himself a Christian for his public image. That seems to be what Glen Beck latched onto when mocking AJ, i.e. Alex's fixation with externals - and it is absurd and ridiculous. And then, like the "Elites" he claims to hate so much, any criticism AJ receives he claims to be 'persecution," i.e. "the scapegoat Satanists," when it is actually justified and deserved ridicule. It proves yet again that the only real and authentic "version" of Christianity is the Catholic faith - outside of which there is no salvation - and that the people who try to expose the New World Order who have no foundation in the true faith and its dogmas, get swept up in the mayhem of the world. Sad facts. The sin of Sodom cries to Heaven for vengeance…

God Bless,

Chris White




Dear Brothers,


While this may be a losing battle, the Militant church should make every effort to fight for our Catholic identity.  The below mentioned Jesuit Universities are hosting New Life Ministries to speak on Sexual Identity… This group founded by a nun and priest promote the LGBT lifestyle.  Their website shows the gay friendly catholic colleges in US… 33 years these people have been hard at work for their side.  How late we are and few of us really care.              




Fairfield U

Fordham U


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Those universities certainly aren’t Catholic or Jesuit.






I just finished the radio program which featured the story of the bishop in san fran supporting cross dressing homosexual are people so blind to think this is true catholic practice.. may God put a stop to this soon… pax et bonum brothers..john


… I called the bishop of san francisco just to speak my mind.. it’s unreal what I was told.. I asked the father who takes the calls for the bishop would padre pio or saint vincent ferrer give the body to open cross-dressing men etc.. he said padre pio  and saint Vincent would do the same. Padre pio in my reading would slap you, and throw you out of confession…the vat 2 sect loves “softies” for their bishops…


John Connelly




Here is the link which shows the Japanese quakes that keep coming showing that serious activity is happening there and it looks like it will indeed fall into the sea!  Of course their gov will keep them on that sand heap and tell them everything is okay. The Lord is giving some time to reflect and showing mercy, but time is running out!  We all must heed this and do penance. Lord help us!






Subject: Why so much hatred?


What you are doing is not good. Good for you that is. People with so much hate and always twisting good into bad, never win. You are bringing others down with you. Do you realize this? I guess you really do not care.






Subject: Just Amazing!


I so love the videos you have on your channel. They are just fascinating, and greatly informative. Thank You, for hosting them. I have over 10, that I will watch this week alone.

most sincerely,


Blessings, Lyn




Subject: A believer in trouble


i would like to thank you for the videos you shared. although it hurt me, because i learned that i was hurting our God Jesus Christ the way we celebrated the mass for almost a lifetime now. truly, many are in deep trouble since vatican 2, when you come to realize the Truth of our faith. i was born 1964, and don't know, of course, how i was baptized. i am married, with five kids, here in philippines. currently, we felt in crisis, since we found out the truth of our faith. the lies and the deception implanted in our souls. we need to be re-programmed and be saved. we still want to be a good catholic, cleansed at pardoned by God. the present system in the church is unavoidable, their temporal power is vast. please include me and my whole family in your prayers.






I see you are… [promoting] the fake demonic exorsisms of mentally insane people, to gather more sheep for your very EVIL flock. How sick are you people?. I rebuke you in all that is truly love and GOD, that you shall be… drawn into many lives of utter Hell for this Mockery of GOD... You are truly sick people to the very core..






Subject: Full video “heresies of Paul VI”


Hi brothers,

I am watching the full version of the new video about the heresies of Paul the VI. Excellent video.


God bless you,





Dear Mhfm, 


Since 1965 the Vatican II church has used the same old mantra, "New Church, new advent, new teaching, new sacraments, new documents for the modern times.  Novus Ordo.  This is good.  This is good.  This is Catholic.  This the new improved way.  The only way, and  no turning back-period!  The truth however-it remains simply Vatican II.  Just Vatican II.  We are to believe that this is Catholicism of all times.  This is pathetic new-modern times apostasy.  Thanks Mhfm!






Subject: Hey


I would like to thank your monastery for being a beacon of light to the world.  Without your website I would have no place to show people the truth.  I thank you for your videos, and all of the research that you have done.  Without it, I would still be going to the Novus Ordo "Mass", confused, and saddened.

"A house divided against itself will not stand" and there is no house so divided, as the new religion in Rome.  Even in a purely material world your monastery, which is a great arm of the Catholic Church, is bound to succeed well beyond such a divided house.  Beings that you hold the Catholic faith, whole and undefiled, the very Ark of God is in your presence, you are bound, as long as you are faithful, to overcome the world, and all of the snares of the devil.
I also believe that you are very wise, as to not give men mission.  You seem content with your vocation in life, and do not try to overstep your authority.  Let God be the giver of mission, so that you are not deceived by the devil, nor responsible for what men do.

What would "dead" men give for just one chance to stand up, and fight, for the one true God, as you do today?

Thanks for being faithful

Dominus Vobiscum




Paul VI


MHFM: The full length version of our video, The Amazing Heresies of Paul VI, has been uploaded to YouTube.  Paul VI was the man who gave the world Vatican II and the New Mass.


The Amazing Heresies of Paul VI [video]




Hello, my name is Eric Shrog and I became a Roman Catholic when I was 17. I am now 28.  I came across your website after watching a youtube video on Anneliese Michel while doing research behind the movie "The Exorcism of Emily Rose."  I have since ordered your introductory package for $20.00 which has revealed truths to me that I never knew before existed.  I thank you.  I have just a few questions:


Was my baptism and confirmation valid since it was performed by a priest that was ordained by a Novus Ordo "bishop"?  Were my confessions in a post-Vatican II church valid since they were absolved by these priests?... 


Thank you so much for your time and I want you to know that I support your group.


MHFM: It’s great to hear that you came across the information.  Anyone can baptize.  Hence, if the matter, form and basic intention of traditional baptism were adhered to, then you were baptized validly.  However, if there is some question about this, a conditional baptism should be performed once a person is convinced on all relevant issues.  See this section: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


Confirmation is not valid in the Vatican II Church.  Confession could be valid depending upon the priest: if he was ordained in the traditional rite ordination and says the form. 


We hope you continue to look at the material, and pray the Rosary each day (the full Rosary if possible).




Thank you for all your works and what you have done to me.


Jeremy Austin





Subject: NO Ash Wednesday Service


Dear Brothers,


I just watched the clip of the NO Ash Wednesday Service. It looked more like a half time show at a sporting event than something that should ever take place in a "house of God." The adults standing around watching it accepted it as normal activity as I did not see anyone of them walk out. I have come to the conclusion that the longer one stays in this counterfeit church the number and dumber they become.


Your comment about this being sad is exactly right.


God bless your efforts and thanks for bringing these "exhibitions" to our attention.






Subject: Video on Williamson


Dear Brothers:


I just finished re-viewing your two-part video on Williamson;  it really shows the irony of the current Williamson affair.  (Perhaps it's God's irony.)  It is a serious matter for mankind to be told lies about history, but it is a far more serious matter for men to be told lies about God. 


But not according to Williamson. Even putting aside Williamson's heresy re salvation, Williamson has admitted that he knows the V2 "popes" (including Ratzinger) hold and teach a "new religion".  Someone should ask Williamson:  if the "popes" can put forth a "new religion", why can't the Jews put forth a "new history"?  


This affair must have been particularly taxing for the SSPX, especially when it first broke.  It was just at that moment that Fellay and company were imagining that Pope Rat was about to recognize -- at last -- how great the SSPX and its leaders are!   


In the video, you characterize Williamson (and the SSPX) as having a pseudo-intellectual pomposity and spiritual blindness.  How very true.  If Williamson and the SSPX weren't so blinded, he and they would know it's not just a lie about history or politics:  it's about Christ vs Antichrist,  the fulfillment of Sciripture, and the last days of the world.


Lee Ann     




Subject: Freemasonry & Modernism


Dear Brothers,


What is the relationship between Freemasonry and Modernism? Were Modernists merely masons disguised as Catholics? Did Pope Saint Pius X suggest as such?




MHFM: Some Modernists were and are Freemasons, but both embrace condemned religious indifferentism.


Pope Leo XIII, Custodi di quella fede, Dec. 8, 1892: “Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups.  Know them by their fruits and avoid them.  Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions...”




In light of this Fr. Corapi thing, its hard to say whether or not he is guilty of what he is charged with, we know he has a wild past.  But praising John Paul II is inexcusable.  Speaking of the foundress of Corapi's network, EWTN, I remember years ago even Mother Angelica conspicuously criticized JPII.  During her struggle with the worse apostate Cardinal Phony Mahoney, John Paul II sent her a monstrance, basically to say hey I support you and your network.  Even she said on her show that she was honored to receive a monstrance from the Holy Father, and that "I know a lot of you, myself included, are concerned with a lot of the things he is doing, but he's still the Holy Father, and for him to send me a monstrance is indeed a great honor."  Even her, with her lack of the Catholic faith, could see there was something off about John Paul II.  I think anyone who even remotely thinks he has the truth about the Catholic faith, while they may not renounce him as a formal heretic, will, at the very least, deep down inside themselves have bad feelings about John Paul II that they may or may not be able to explain to others or themselves for that matter


M Rudnicki


MHFM: Once people see what he did, they would have to reject him as a non-Catholic heretic.  If they don’t, they demonstrate that they don’t have the Catholic faith.  Angelica is an outrageous apostate who promoted the very false ecumenism and indifferentism John Paul II led the Vatican II Church into.




MHFM: The full length version of our video, Current Freemasonic Enemies of America and the World, has been uploaded to YouTube.


Current Freemasonic Enemies of America and the World [video]




MHFM: Ash Wed Video


I know Ash Wednesday was a couple weeks ago but I just happened to come across this video. So i thought i would share it with you.  How sad for these kids. I suppose it's pretty typical for the new mass though. Anyways thought i would share.
God Bless

MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s interesting, terrible, and sad.




Just wanted to say, I know it’s kind of depressing with all the events taking place and one can clearly see were on the fast track of the end times.  We should be glad that the Lord is coming back soon because His justice demands it.  The selfish person would not like to accept the fact that the Lord is coming back soon because he keeps wanting to live his pagan ways without having to face Christ.  Also we must also still focus on the mission of the Church by being charitable, striving to become Saints & converting others… [a] quote that I read that which really made an impact on me where Christ said... "Think only of Me and of souls to save" So let’s pray for the graces to continue pressing forward with Christ’s agenda.  Since now we really need to turn up the volume on getting the word out.






Dear brothers:

      What do you think of the concept of "Time" after the Last Judgment? Is it possible to keep the time using clocks? will there be progression of seasons and years? if so after billions of years, a 10 digit year number will be difficult to remember
       Please help me with this question. Thanks.


MHFM: Our answer:


Apocalypse 10:6- “And he swore by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things which are therein; and the earth, and the things which are in it; and the sea, and the things which are therein: That time shall be no longer.”


Eternity is something that has no beginning and no end.  It is time which is always present and never passes away.  Thus the torments of the damned will never end, never pass away.  When a thousand years have gone by, another thousand will commence, and so on for evermore.  None of the damned can reckon how long they have been in hell, because there is no succession of day and night, no division of time, but continual and eternal night from the first moment of their entrance into hell for evermore.” (Fr. Martin Von Cochem, The Four Last Things, p. 170.)




Subject: John Corapi


Greetings Brothers:


     I heard about Corapi being suspended and I wanted to see "what is this Corapi that these VII' ers love so much. He must be a silver tongue!" I typed onto his site and pressed the video preview there. The first thing he says, to an audience of thousands, (to encouraging applause no less) is that he was an addict, etc., telling his story, and that we (people) come to a place where we realize that "a power" greater than ourselves can free us. He says we come to rely on God "as we understand him". He just comes right out and says it without any qualifications. A pagan god "as we understand him". Go right ahead and make up god just as you would like people - a god who loves everybody no matter what his Word actually says. A simple minded sycophantic prophet holding a sad looking sheep just sitting in heaven feeling all alone and hoping you "accept" him. He is just waiting on us - god can't do anything without our say so. This is the god of the VII people, and I now see why they worship Corapi. He came right out and said it ! "As we understand him." This is his theology - the theology that is Vatican II definitively. I do not know why, but I am still always shocked to hear men mock god so verbally, and openly, and at the very time when they are wearing a chasuble or a roman collar. Years ago they would have been attacked for doing such a thing in public - beaten on their way home or during their God mocking speeches - not that that is the right thing to do, but nevertheless it would have occurred during the ages of faith. But in this world of the apostasy, "priests" of this ilk, archheretics, are made fat and rich and worshipped by the people. The guy obviously has a "flourishing" business with a humongous purchaser base in the VII crowd. (Tapes, CDs, DVDs, Speaking Engagements at huge churches, etc.).

 It does not cease to amaze me to hear the open heresies. I pray that it never will. Corapi has the spirit of a "tough guy". A real worldly, I'm famous, don't mess with me, buddy, type of spirit. It is true also what the other writer said in the email exchanges. I have seen pictures of him before and he now dyes his goatee and eyebrows and uses skin bronzer of some sort and it would seem teeth whitening He's today's VII star and you say something bad about him you are likely to get struck - he is god to these mockers.


 He should have a millstone tied around his neck and be driven out into the bay on a garbage scow and thrown into the water. After listening to him for 20 seconds this is my conclusion. Thanks for the Corapi expose. It seems that, once again, you are honest and right on about this guy - an archheretic and persecutor of Christ and His kingdom and His Church.


-Thanks Brothers, Michael Glennon


MHFM: He accepts false ecumenism, defends John Paul II, believes in salvation outside the Church, and praises the “ministry” of Protestants and Jews.  Anyone who does such things, no matter what else that person may say or do, is a completely demonic and heretical phony.  The fact that Corapi promotes such things also proves that even when he talks about Our Lady or “the Eucharist,” etc., it’s not sincere.  How can he really believe Our Lord, Our Lady, the Eucharist, etc. matter at all when he praises the ministry of Protestants and Jews?  He can’t.  He believes Our Lord, Our Lady, the sacraments, etc. are meaningless and unnecessary.  It proves that even when he promotes true things in that regard, it’s not for God or the salvation of souls, but for vanity or some other impure reason.  The same is true for anyone who doesn’t condemn false ecumenism, Antipope John Paul II, Benedict XVI, etc. once they see what they are all about.  As discussed in our video Catholicism and America, Corapi is a prime example of a person we believe was moved into the Counter Church by the Devil simply to keep people occupied and falsely believe there is hope where in fact there is none.


You mention that you were interested to see what these VII’ers love so much in Corapi.  Sadly – and we are referring to people who obstinately defend him despite the evidence of his heresies – we must say that it’s that bad-willed people are attracted to false prophets and heretical voices.  (This is true not only with people in the Novus Ordo, but all kinds of other heretics, false traditionalists, radical schismatics, etc.).  A prime example is Mother Angelica.  She could literally spend an hour telling stupid jokes and giggling to herself about nothing and the people would be enthralled.  They remain oblivious to the utter emptiness of her message.  It’s a sad commentary on how most are not attracted to truth.




Subject: End Times Schismatic


Dear Brothers:


I am still mulling over Brother Peter's debate and the thought-provoking comments people have sent in about it. Even though it is difficult to listen to (since Eli never says much beyond his annoying remarks), the debate is so worthwhile because it sheds much light on yet another variety of bad will. (And just when we thought we'd seen and heard everything!).  Proves Satan's still going strong in his creative genius to tailor heresies and schisms suited to the times. Eli and those of his ilk seem to be a peculiar type of end-times schismatic -- a type I don't recall reading about in history books (although the heresies underlying their schism are, as usual, as old as the hills).  That he would take a Monastery's work, pass it off as his own, and then sell it is absolutely astounding.  Yet one more proof that schismatics are not Catholic. 


Most of the schismatics we are familiar with are those that aim for the Head.  These guys pretend to embrace the Head, while gutting the body in an attempt to destroy people's understanding of the true authority and hierarchy of the Church.  Prior to this age of apostasy, in the hierarchical Church established by Christ, there were sheep and there were (visible) shepherds.  All had roles and obligations in the building of the Kingdom of Christ on earth.  And in the true Church, responsibility for ensuring the doctrinal fitness of priests rested with the bishops, not the congregations.  Lay men were under priests;  priests were under bishops; and bishops were under popes  The issue of a priest's orthodoxy only became a concern for the faithful when the Church warned them of it, or when that priest (or bishop) was bold or notorious in spreading or imposing his heresy -- and would cause the faithful to fear they had a mad man in their midst. 


Furthermore, Holy Mother Church required people to attend Mass on Sundays (unless it was impossible to do so) under pain of mortal sin.  According to these Endtimes Schismatics, Holy Mother Church also required people NOT to attend Mass on Sunday, under pain of mortal sin, if any lay person thought that their priest held a heretical belief.  Eli and his miserable cohorts would have people believe that the true Catholic Church for the last two thousand years promoted or encouraged psychological disorder, examination of other people's consciences, mind reading, or at the very least, private interpretation -- not to mention utter bedlam.  All the while requiring lay people (peasant or otherwise) to have PHD's in theology. 


What an inverted and grotesque picture of the historical Church Eli attempts to put forth in order to deprive people of the few opportunities for the reception of true sacraments today.  Talk about mental gymnastics.  Since most if not all people living today were born outside of the true Catholic Church (i.e., they were either born in a false sect, or into the Counterfeit Church, or during the time of the Apostasy which immediately preceded it, etc.), it is difficult for people to understand what the true (visible) Church looked like, how She operated and what She taught.  But understand we must, because She is Christ's and it is to Her that we must belong for our eternal salvation.


Like the reader Michael, I was also trying to consider these people from the point of view of: heretic or schismatic?  I have to conclude -- based on the clear example Eli gives -- that while all schismatics are heretics, the desire to be separate and superior is simply the schismatic's predominate characteristic.  How to spot him in a flash?  While the true Catholic grieves because -- to him -- the faithful remnant seems oh, so small, the schismatic grieves because -- to him -- the remnant always seems way too big.


God bless MHFM.


Lee Ann


MP3 of New Debate Posted


MHFM: The mp3 and Windows Media Audio files of our recent debate have now been posted.  Note: for this audio we recommend the Windows Media Audio file over the mp3.  It’s better quality.  However, for those who want the mp3, it’s here.  We have made this available in three formats because it’s an important debate and the material covered refutes the radical schismatics and the related false arguments that have been circulated in various circles.  These links, as well as our recent debate on Pope Honorius, have been stored in our “Traditional Catholic Audios” section.



Windows Media Audio - Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics - Debate


MP3 - Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics - Debate


YouTube Video - Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics - Debate



I saw the video on youtube, Creation and Miracles, Past and Present. Right after I had asked Jesus to give me anything that would make me feel that he was real, some kind of 'sign' i had stumbled upon this video, interesting, Creation and Miracles, Past and Present. I don't believe simply because my life is hard and full of adversity. He wont answer, god. But my point, why I'm emailing you is because you mentioned on this youtube video about there being Real exorism tapes that you possess. I would very much like to hear these tapes, preferably in English or perhaps Spanish.


Thank you



MHFM: God is telling you that His true faith is the traditional Catholic faith.  He is leading you to it.  However, you really need to stop feeling sorry for yourself.  You need to stop asking God to come to you.  He is there.  He has made His truth known by His life, death and Resurrection and the Church He established.  You need to find God.  You need to read the Gospels, and start to pray the Rosary.  Our videos have clips from actual exorcisms, and supply all the proof of the supernatural that you should need.


How to Pray the Rosary




Dear Brothers Dimond,


Thank you for your tremendous article on the Great Western Schism.  And on Fatima… I have spread your dvd on the Imposter lucy.


…Keep up the good work, brothers…  And Benedicamus Domino!






Subject: Emily Rose


Your an idiot. you know whats more likely? she probably got raped over and over… by her priests since she was a toddler and it [messed] her up as it would any child. don't forget how twisted catholics are.




MHFM: No, what’s stupid is forming a conclusion that is not based on any of the facts, as you do.  No wonder you call yourself house of the Devil. 


You are


There's only one Catholic Church, not your "ideas" of one, no pun. You need to get a life, brother… Fr. Corapi teaches everything The Catholic Church teaches in the Catechism. You must be a seda vacantist.. I'll pray for you…

You are also a Catholic Fundamentalist…The Church lives on in Peter in union with Bishops united with him. Your not one of them. ;-)




MHFM: Our response: Speaking about the conflict between Protestants and professing Catholics in Ireland, “Fr.” John Corapi declared: “I don’t care if you’re Baptist or Catholic; you are Christian.  Just practice it.”  That is blatantly heretical. 


Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 14), May 5, 1824: “It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members… by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism… This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.”




I just wanted to point out that you were right in calling Corapi a phony a couple years ago in your video.  In the recent pictures I've seen of Corapi, it looks like he now dyes his goatee and eyebrows, and seems to go tanning or use skin bronzers or something.  Notice that he has now been suspended of his "faculties" by both his "order" and the "bishop" of the state where he lives in his million  dollar home.  EWTN and the radio stations that use his material have completely cut him off.  This only happens with big name stars when the truth cannot be denied - look at Eutenauer, Cutie, Francis Mary Stone, Marciel Marcial...they're totally phony as much as any protestant televangelist like Jim Baker or Jimmy Swaggart.



MHFM: While we have no idea whether the recent allegations against him are true, he’s definitely a heretical phony.




From what I heard of your debate it would seem to me that this Eli guy must read a lot about the Catholic church probably a lot more than me but even with my limited knowledge of the church compared to you, listening to Eli talk leads me to believe that he is either a complete moron to not see how his position is totally illogical AND MAKES NO SENSE.  In this debate you totally destroyed every shred of anything that he evidently believes…     God bless and keep up the good work.


Charles from
Eagle River AK




I am surprised that the Dimond brothers have not done a video/audio youtube response on the Japan incident. They usually have a valuable perspective on major event disasters like this.
I think this was perhaps an event allowed by God as punishment for the sexual sins of the world today. From what i have seen the world- especially in the US and Europe have become sexually liberal and deviant an increased rate- and are now even more that way than in the 60s and 70s. And as the Internet is coming online the rest of the developing world is sadly following suit.
I think it is a strange coincidence that the west coast where some of the fall out radiation will go from Japan is also where Hollywood and the porn belt is located…
I can’t help but remember Fatima- where our Lady said it was the sins of the world that would cause a great disaster (thought to be nuclear by many) if the world and Russia in particularly did not consecrate themselves to her immaculate heart.
I knew someone from Japan once and he they are mostly atheist over there- with some Shinto and a minor Christian population.
I just wanted to share these thoughts.
Best regards,
 And God bless you all.





I'm 24 and live in the Boston area. I have attended Catholic schools my entire life, including the Catholic University of America until I decided to transfer to Babson College where I recently graduated from. I was very active in my local parish in high school and felt an inclination to become a priest but got caught up with the world during my college career. Seeing that there was no satisfaction to be had with my own pursuits I have devoutly returned to the Catholic faith. 


It's disheartening to believe the Truth that I see on your website but it all makes perfect logical sense to me…


Thank You, 


Tom McNulty




Subject: New debate comment


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I believe it was not a mere coincidence that just before you posted your newest debate with Ely from Sweden, I happened to stumble upon his website.  I was pretty shocked at the level of plagiarizing used by him of your material, and then to see him attack you two on top of it, was just the height of spiritual blindness.  It also seems that your prediction of how he would fare in a debate with you was accurate.  However, traditional Catholics are fortunate that it did take place since it allows us to have a better appreciation of just how illogical and absurd are all the positions of the radical schismatics. 


The same thing with your video on the heretical CMRI and false "traditionalist" Ken.  You can get an idea of what kind of guy he is by watching the video in which he attacks you.  Instead of approaching subjects regarding the True Faith with the certain level of respect they deserve, he is driving down the highway and talking into his speaker phone as if he is discussing the weather.  He then has the nerve to say that he doesn't want to start a fight.  I thank you for your dedication in upholding the purity of the Faith, brothers.  God bless.


Mario Chavez


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Swedish guys not only steal and plagiarize our books and videos (and remove our contact information and names), but they actually sell them and describe them as their own. 




Subject: An Actual Schismatic !!!


Hello Brother Peter:


     The recent debate against the Swedish Schismatic is really and truly amazing! I know what the definition of a Schismatic is, and I always knew what one might be like, but I personally don't think I have ever met one. I have met an overwhelming amount of heretics (almost everyone these days sadly) but not a radical schismatic. Now I know what one is. This debate sort of "puts a face to the name" if you will. There is something that I very, very often see, and others have mentioned it to me as well, of their own volition, that they have recognized it as well. Brother Peter, see if you realize what I am saying and think about if you see this often as well: quite often some "traditionalist" will call in, or write something to you, or email debate you, or it may be someone one meets and discusses things with - but it is very revealing when the person somewhat "sounds" like Brother Peter. I do not mean the actual sound of their voice sounds like Brother, what I mean is that every word, every hypothesis, every idea that is the starting point of their knowledge, has been so clearly stolen from MHFM and the teachings and presentations of MHFM that it is quite transparent if one is closely listening to them. My point is, and others have agreed with me on this and some have even told me this themselves, that these people have learned everything that they know about this current apostasy, and even everything that they know about the traditional Catholic Faith, from MHFM. But of course somewhere along the line they decided that they were too smart to keep learning and they sort of "turned against their teacher" because now they feel that they know a lot, they know things that the Novus Ordos never even thought of or do not even know exist. Now, because they have studied at the website of MHFM, and learned about things like councils, and sessions and Popes and can reference documents and know how to say the Latin names of some things (badly), they feel that the learning period is done and now they are going to show you a thing or two. For some reason, somewhere along the line they build up some sort of personal animosity against MHFM. A lot of times I think it is because you are getting much more attention than they are and that is the entire problem for them. I know this is the case for some individuals for a fact! At first they just love you and are so grateful inside for having seen the light of the truth and coming out of that Novus or do blasphemy. But after a while, a few years (sometimes if they are suffering from enough pride it is only a few months), they have something against you and it is out of nowhere!


   Example: a guy is in the Novus ordo and he hates it, but he thinks to himself "what am I to do?!?! This is the Catholic Church I grew up in right? This is the Pope right? Something is deadly wrong here though, maybe my priest is a heretic. Maybe I should tell my ordinary! Wait - my bishop was praying with the Muslims this past weekend, he won't care! I know, I will go to another parish." He does and that is even worse! He goes on the web and looks for some solace in some traditional websites, finds MHFM and starts to study. He is shocked. Everything he that he was superficially considering is now confirmed as true! He loves you guys! He feels as though MHFM saved him when he was drowning. He owes you a lot and at this point he is honest about it. But, a few months or years go by, and just like it is with all the proud and self-willed, he hears you took communion at a Byzantine Church, or some other thing, and he absolutely panics! This can't be right! He feels vulnerable now! He is now your sworn enemy!  He goes and grabs all the Church references which forbid communion with formally condemned heretics and tries to condemn you. Of course he is wrong, and when he debates you, this sick debacle is what we all witness!


      All of a sudden he owes you nothing and further he proclaims you a heretic. Further still, you are now among the very worst of the heretics and deceivers, and you are leading others to commit heinous crimes against God. This is because all of the hostility, every bit of the hatred that he has for the Vatican II church for deceiving him for years and almost taking him to hell, every bit of that hostility has to come out and it is aimed at you. The nearest and most authentic and visible target in his life. He truly hates you. That Swedish guy, it seems at one point, would have attempted to be physical against you - possibly strike you. This shows exactly what spirit he is of! Now I get it - now I know what a schismatic is. I always thought, well a schismatic doesn't seem as bad as a heretic! Wrong! This guy, schismatically, seems worse (though all schismatics are, or will soon enough become, heretics as well!) Now I can put my finger on schismatics, their focus and mindset, and I understand what you mean when you say "you cannot go to this or that priest or Bishop because they are "schismatic"". These guys are like spoiled, evil little children that think they have the best toys and the best yard and absolutely will not play with anybody else who does not do exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. It has little or nothing to do with the faith, or the teachings of the faith, which is just something to twist up to manifest their selfish ways and exclude everybody! They just do not like anybody - they are selfish spoiled brats who nobody, no matter what one does for them, is good enough. Before long they will get rid of anybody. Their crowd is always changing and decreasing, not because of their stand for the faith (although that is what they always give for the reason - as if they are noble) but because they are always looking for some fault, always hatefully decreeing some retarded ideal or order that everyone must all of a sudden approve of and adhere to. The craziest, most obscure ideas! Basically, they are people who cannot love others in truth. They have not one single virtue of Charity found in Saint Paul's famous explanation found in 1 Corinthians 13.1-8. Now I realize that I have seen them. They are the type that just do not care about others, they do not grieve to separate themselves from others - but rather are glad to, and look for the opportunity to. A person can show a deep Catholic friendship and loyalty to them, but one wrong move, one misstep, and the person will separate himself, and gladly. It is not about the Faith in these situations, it is not about someone holding a radical or notorious public heresy, it is about selfishness and no one is good enough for these schismatics. The faith is just a convenient hammer for them to utilize in separating themselves. And yes, their arguments have some sense of truth, just like the heretics, but after the point of departure, just like the heretics, they convolute the doctrines and actually make the most juvenile doctrinal statements! These people are all immature, they have yet to mature although they are in physical adulthood. A day cannot go by without a tantrum or at least a litany of complaints against others. They really consider themselves better than anyone else and they just can't stand people - the very people that Jesus said to love in truth. They have no interest in instructing the ignorant or counseling the doubtful. They don't often even admonish the sinner - they just reject other true Catholics, it is their modus operandi. The schismatics truly have no love of their actual brothers and sisters - no Charity at all. Curiously, they will talk about the faith, and the rules of the faith, all day long, but they never seem to have any interest in the person of the beloved Lord Jesus. It is almost like they are committed to the "rules" but do not really have a view of the ruler. I remember reading Saint Louis DeMontfort who was filled with joy and proclaiming how he is a man gone mad with Love for his Master, he so Loves the Lord that he feels out of his head in Love. He can think of nothing but the beauty of his Lord and the way Christ is his beloved and priest forever. These schismatics have no idea of this - none at all! It is as if there is no Lord at all - just faith rules. It is really quite sad, they can speak with you again and again about the rules, or this person or that, but they never, ever, ever mention how Christ is the Captain, our leader, our sweetest bread; our most beautiful and our beloved. They are just spiteful, and hateful, and I can see clearly now how they can destroy the Church in certain regions and areas, and bring so many others down with them. And I see that the schismatic priests also use the Sacraments as a hammer. It is as if the Sacraments are theirs and they are going to decide who they share with - not based upon the clear and unambiguous rules of faith, and never with what Brother Peter said a "Catholic Sense". They just do not have this basic "Catholic Sense". They are really spoiled, selfish brats who separate themselves and Brother Peter really demonstrated in that debate, by exposing that Swedish Guy, that they are belligerent and extremely dangerous people Brother must be thanked for tolerating that debate for the benefit of others. Believe me Brother Peter, we who are with you truly realize what endurance it takes to put up with even talking to a guy like that. Guys like that schismatic are an attempt to make one stumble in a hundred different ways, and he does it purposely. He brings you to the point where your flesh just wants to choke him. It cannot be denied. And again, that is another reason why these people are so dangerous and despicable. That is why they must be avoided. And that is why they are certainly every bit as bad as heretics and are outside the Church and alien to the faith. The guy is using every quote from every council that he obtained from Brother Peter, and he is trying to now use these quotes that he stole from Brother, against Brother. That is why the word retarded is appropriate here. This is a retarded manifestation of human interaction. They will do anything, anything, no matter what it takes, they will come up with anything in order to separate themselves from true Catholics.


"He that hath a mind to depart from a friend, seeketh occasions: he shall ever be subject to reproach. A fool receiveth not the words of prudence: unless thou say those things which are in his heart."-Proverbs 18.1


"Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among you: but that you be perfect in the same mind, and in the same judgment."-1 Corinthians 1.10.


All one has to do to fulfill the Holy Ghost's command above, is to obey the Church, and most humbly receive Her pure Doctrines. That is what Charity is - founded on Her Doctrines, and true Humility is receiving Her Doctrines gratefully and submissively, no matter what our own feelings on the matters might be!


Thanks for the favor of studying out this matter, sharing your clear findings with others, and above all thank you for enduring that odious schismatic (and heretic I must say!) with a view to instructing the ignorant in this matter.




New Debate Posted


MHFM: This is a debate between Bro. Peter Dimond and a person we would describe as a radical schismatic.  He professes to be a traditional Catholic, but condemns our position on receiving sacraments from certain undeclared heretics.  We describe those like him as the “radical schismatics” because they obstinately misunderstand Catholic teaching on these matters, and unjustly condemn true Catholics in areas relating to receiving sacraments in this time of apostasy.  This debate deals with those issues.  In refuting this individual, he is not the only one being refuted.  It refutes all of the radical schismatics because they all hold similar views and make the very same arguments.


Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics - Debate [video]




Subject: Baptism




… I am so very joyful and glad to have found the Truth! But now that I have found it, I want to make sure I am well to participate in it.  I was a convert from protestantism when I was thirteen into the Novus Ordo church. When being brought in and going through the classes, Me and my father were told that I wouldn't have to be baptized again, for having been baptized already. But my father doesn't really recall if they said "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" or if they said in the name of Jesus. So, of course I know the former is correct and latter wrong. I thought of calling and seeing if they could recall, but it was so many years ago, I don't know if they would remember me or the words that was said... so I am at a standstill. I want to be a valid member of Christ's Church. I was brought into the Novus Ordo in 2004 and have participated like one... but now that I have found the True Church… I want to take of Christ's body knowing full well my validity in doing so, and with no question. So brothers, what do I do?


My thanks




MHFM: It’s great to hear that you have found the true Catholic faith.  Since there is a doubt about whether you were properly baptized, a conditional baptism should be performed.  The steps for this are covered in this file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


Please scroll to the section concerning those who are not sure if they’ve been baptized.  Also, before one could be baptized he or she would have to be convinced on all core issues (no BOD, no NFP, no V-2, no New Mass, no support for priests who offend in such areas, etc.) 


Pope Pelagius II wrote to the Bishop Gaudentius: "If any people living in your Worship's neighborhood, avow that they have been baptized in the name of the Lord only, without any hesitation baptize them again in the name of the Blessed Trinity, when they come in quest of the Catholic Faith."




Good day brothers,


As I was watching the video 'Is Japan Collapsing Into The Sea' I've noticed that most of the earthquake hit the upper portion of Japan and I believe that these quakes were somewhat God's justice on the Japanese people for the northern part mostly in Tokyo where some unspeakable evil are taking place well the southern part as I've noticed remained intact with minor damages. when I was watching your video on Freemasonry Rock Music and Abortion there was a part there that the A bombs dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima where there resides mostly Catholics, now in these times the earthquakes and tsunamis hit the upper portion of Japan, which I hypothesize, as God's punishment and vengeance to the numerous Catholics who perish at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.







Subject: Eliar


Dear Brothers:


… Eliar… this guy is an utter fraud who keeps repeating the same claim over and over again - even though Brother Peter entirely refutes it.  Perhaps Eli thinks that superciliousness and sheer insistence will win the argument.  It is interesting how, when he is asked a (perfectly clear) question, Eli is incapable of saying:  I don't know.  It's always:  I don't understand the question - as if somehow the problem is with the phrasing of the question and not with Eli's limited comprehension of the subject.


The Popes never had to tell true Catholics that they could receive the sacraments from undeclared Individual priest heretics (especially in times of emergency), any more than they ever had to issue a papal dogma on the Resurrection of Jesus.  True Catholics always understood the Priesthood far better than these radical schismatics do;  they knew then --as true Catholics know now --  that a true priest is a priest forever, and that Holy Orders are given to men by God for the benefit of the faithful.  That they understood this so well is why the Church had to remind the faithful to disassociate from those declared or notorious heretics who became enemies of the Church by setting themselves up in opposition to the Church, causing scandal and deceiving the faithful.


MM recommends the Rosary for these radical schismatics; I couldn't agree more.  A very important and informative debate.  Thanks for posting it.


Lee Ann




Listening to Ely, you can see from his false point of view, the church really has been defeated in a way because the True Church can know longer support and protect its members, the remnant few {the elect}, with Her sacraments.  Ely doesn't understand, when the true popes write infallible and ecclesiastical documents on this topic, they are very aware of the horrific history of the attacks on the Church i.e., the Arian crisis, the eastern schism, the western schism etc., so in a time of crisis, especially in the last chapter in human history, you can use the power of the priesthood for the sacraments!   This is what Brother Peter has been so clear on.  Chris White's email points to this also!  Ely reads and applies everything with a blanket statement instead of knowing what the popes reasons and intentions were for making these papal statements on the sacraments.  Brother Peter did a great job again, bringing the truth out on what the true church teaches with clarity and understanding, as regards to the reception of the sacraments in extreme necessity!    






Dear Brothers in Christ,

Regarding your recent debate with a person whom you called a "radical schismatic" (I would call him a supernaturally autistic person), I would like to add some thoughts. Namely:

"According to the most sacred custom of the Catholic Church, let the heart of your serenity acknowledge that no share in the injury from the name of Acacius should attach to any of these whom Acacius the schismatic bishop has baptized, or to any whom he has ordained priests or levites according to the canons, lest perchance the grace of the sacrament seem less powerful when conferred by an unjust [person]. . . . For if the rays of that visible sun are not stained by contact with any Pollution when they pass over the foulest places, much less is the virtue of him who made that visible [sun] fettered by any unworthiness in the minister.

(8) Therefore, then, this person has only injured himself by wickedly administering the good. For the inviolable sacrament, which was given through him, held the perfection of its virtue for others." (Denzinger online, From the epistle (1) "Exordium Pontificatus mei")

Although this document may not in itself be considered as infallible, we should not disregard that it invokes "the most sacred custom of the Catholic Church". Although this document does not mention the sacrament of penance and some other sacraments, it is clear from the context that it includes all the sacraments ministered by a schismatic bishop.

In accordance with this, and many other documents you've quoted in the debate, I would like to ask radical schismatics the questions:

1.) Just when, at exactly what moment in time, did the Church’s commandment to
avoid a schismatic bishop take place?

2.) Do the today's validly ordained priests (which are very, very few) confect the valid sacraments?

3.) If the priests mentioned in 2.) do not impose any of their heretical beliefs on the receivers of the sacraments, why do you believe that the sacraments in themselves are invalid?

In addition to the aforementioned comment and questions, I would like to mention one thing from The Scripture:

"Jesus answered: He it is to whom I shall reach bread dipped. And when he had dipped the bread, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. [27] And after the morsel, Satan entered into him. And Jesus said to him: That which thou dost, do quickly." (John 13:26-27)

According to the supernaturally autistic interpretation, the verses from The Scripture would mean that:
1.) Jesus COMMANDED Judas to do the evil he was about to do.
2.) Jesus invoked Satan to enter into Judas.

The autistic person in his/her daily life would follow some routines and commands ALWAYS LITERALLY TO THE POINT OF ABSURDNESS. For example, he/she would start crossing the street when he/she sees the traffic light "WALK", and if the light changes from "WALK" to "DON'T WALK" when he/she has found himself/herself on the middle of the street, he/she would stop going and thus would make a traffic jam.

Most Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Dear MHFM,


It is a tragedy that Catholic schools back in the earlier centuries did not have classes in Catholic Dogma. If Dogma had been taught throughout the years we would never be in the situation that we are in today. We would have known back in the 1960's that anti-Popes were making statements that went against the teachings of the Church and they were heretics.  Dogma is a huge segment of the foundation of our Faith. It could be looked at as kind of a rule book, along with the Commandments, of Catholicism. Most people today could not even name two or three Dogmas of the Church. It is unfortunate as well that some sites on the Internet that list Dogma are not entirely accurate today but that was not the case in the earlier Church. By studying Dogma, one can become more familiar with God's nature and what is required of a person to attain eternal life… All Vatican II Catholic must be made aware that if they sway from Dogma that they are outside of the body of the Church.


Your ardent supporter,


Bob Bohr




MHFM: This is an interesting video.  Since the big 9.0 earthquake on March 11, an earthquake of 5.0 or greater occurs near Japan every few hours.  Could this be the reason why?  The relevant portion begins at the 1:30 mark.


Is Japan collapsing into the Sea?


New Debate


Subject: New Debate


Truly frustrating...

The new debate proves yet again the falsity of the 'Invincibly Ignorant, Obstinate, Arrogant and downright Haughty crowd that are the radical schismatics! It would seem that there is nothing in Heaven or on earth that would evince a change of heart in these individuals after being slashed -- repeatedly -- by the Sword of Truth.

I'm yet to hear on air, one of these Muppet's admit defeat. We live in obscure times in which error is accepted for truth and vice for virtue: staggeringly bad willed is this man! Much prayer is needed O Pharisee! The Rosary offered in humility is a good place to start.

God bless,




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the enlightening debate against the Ely the lifeless and lying radical schismatic. It's a good example of why hell is eternal because no matter what facts are presented to heretics, they will always and endlessly be drawn to choose an "interpretation" of the facts that are opposed to the Spirit of true charity. The Catholic teaching is consistent and obvious: that the obligation to avoid approaching heretical priests only happens when they have been declared by the Church to be heretics, unless their heresy is notorious, i.e. a publicly verifiable fact…

Mark 2:23-28 - "And it came to pass again, as the Lord walked through the corn fields on the sabbath, that his disciples began to go forward, and to pluck the ears of corn. And the Pharisees said to him: Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? And he said to them: Have you never read what David did when he had need, and was hungry himself, and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God, under Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the loaves of proposition, which was not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave to them who were with him? And he said to them: The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord of the sabbath also."

This parable is useful for the situation Catholics are in today. Extreme necessity necessitates extreme means, and in a case of necessity that which is illicit is made licit. Ecclesiastical laws are made for the salvation of souls, and when the whole Catholic Church is reduced to a tiny remnant, with almost every diocese infected with Vatican II Apostates, then it's necessary to "bend the rules" so as to save souls, rather than go without the sacraments (without which no one can be saved, nor the Catholic faith). The sacraments save souls from sin, and so it is no sin to receive sacraments from undeclared heretics, so long as they are not notorious or imposing. Many of the Catholics in England who were thrown into the Tower and martyred for holding true Catholic masses in their homes, would no doubt have received the Holy Eucharist from compromised but undeclared heretical priests, but were afterwards and made Venerable, Blessed or Saint. Also, just being present in a Church where a heretical priest is confecting the Eucharist does not mean a person sins mortally and/or becomes a heretic. Ely contradicted himself constantly, and simply copied what Bro. Peter was saying. Ely said that people are judged for what they know, and that obstinacy is necessary to be a heretic, but that all the pre-Vatican II Churches were non-Catholic Churches, which is absurd - the case of Padre Pio being a case in point. The overriding and unspoken principle at play with Ely appears to be the heresy invincible ignorance - Invincible ignorance is impotent stupidity and a heresy that pulls souls like Ely into Hell forever. Ely needs to stop ignoring the Truth, realize that he is not invincible and that he needs to eat the Eucharist (and the Catholic faith) to be saved. A very important debate, and Bro. Peter crushed Ely the radical schismatic. Thank you very much! Those radical schismatics always give me a splitting headache!!

John 6:54 - "Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you [baptized Catholics] eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you."

God Bless,

Chris White



Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics - Debate


Apart from the… bearing false witness from some Swedish dog against you… Bro. Peter Dimond you stood firm against this spawn of Satan, who kept contradicting himself and sinning mortally(through the mouth) through the whole debate.  People like this make me want pick up a bucket and throw up, the evil coming out of this guy's mouth should be sent back to hell.  May Many Blessings and prayers go with you… Brothers


P.S. should be obvious to others by now that Sweden is the under the devil’s dominion along with most of this world… 


A Slave in Jesus in Mary

Roy J. Sandbank




Dear Brother Peter,


Your debate against the heretic from Sweden was good.  You win of course.  He just kept repeating the same things over and over again like a broken record.  The position of these radical schismatics is so ridiculous.  Since they hold that basically all traditional priests cannot be approached for sacraments, wouldn't that implicate that Christ has abandoned us by not leaving us with some means to receive sacraments?  I wonder what they do for confession when they commit a mortal sin?..




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Yes, he certainly repeated the same point after it was addressed and refuted.  However, much ground was covered in the debate.  Many important issues were examined which refute and expose the main misconceptions and false arguments of the radical schismatics.  Thus, we strongly encourage all who are concerned about or interested in this issue to listen to the whole debate.  It is important to clearly understand these issues, especially in this time of apostasy, when there are so many heretics and so few options for real sacraments.  Truly, there’s nothing like an interactive debate which highlights for all to hear whose position is true and whose position is false – whose position is based on a sound knowledge of Catholic teaching and whose isn’t.


To your question: the radical schismatics, for the most part, would not go to confession even if they committed mortal sin.  They would try to muster up perfect contrition, of which they are incapable since they are schismatics.  The notion that there are no options for sacraments in a particular area would not in itself contradict indefectibility.  However, their position is utterly schismatic, false and refuted, as the recent debate showed.  The Devil uses them to keep people away from the few options for sacraments, and to lead them into schismatic condemnation of true Catholics.  Many have fallen outside the Church by embracing these schismatic errors, which frequently lead them into numerous other schismatic mistakes and ridiculous views on ecclesiology (some of which were discussed in the debate).  It is definitely satisfying to be able to refute, expose and condemn the errors, ignorance, malice and dishonesty of such an arrogant and wicked crowd.  They have spared no words in unjustly condemning true Catholics on these matters; and, as the debate showed, they are the ones who are wrong.  They are the ones who are on the side of Hell.  Just as it must have been quite a surprise for them to hear how completely wrong they are on the Fourth Lateran Council, the Fifth Lateran Council, etc., they will be even more surprised when they die and are condemned to Hell (if they don’t convert).  It’s an important debate, for it concerns an issue that comes up quite a bit.  It demonstrates that their false arguments and unjust condemnations are based on their lies, errors and ignorance.




Dear Brothers,


First and foremost, thank you for all the information on your website especially the no Salvation outside the Church. I had NO idea that I had imbibed this heresy too. The Third Secret of Fatima: Imposter Lucia and Is the World About to End were both very interesting!


The Church forbids cremation. So up until now my thoughts always ended “the Church forbids it and that is enough for me.” The reasons must have been explained to me at some point, but I can’t remember why or where to find the info. Why does the Church forbid it?






MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Church forbids it because it contradicts belief in the Resurrection of the Body.  If God is going to raise up the bodies we now bear, then it contradicts that truth to have our bodies destroyed, burned, etc.  Accordingly, the Church would exclude from Catholic burial those who turned their bodies over for cremation.




GOD bless you Peter.

GOD has directed me in the right path.

You destroyed that idiot, eli.

Your proof that the Catholic Church is the One True Faith!






Subject: Pills for Californian’s Radiation


Hi. I was just wondering about this rumor I heard that there is this pill circulating for Californian's resident to take to be protected with the radiation from Japan? Is this another of those flu vaccination that is a hoax.......we are in a panic mode right now......what to do? Do we have to take the pills? I told my children not to take but I do not want them to blame me if something happens. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


God Bless your kind heart and may you continue to do your good work…


Sincerely Yours,


Virgie Newman


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  There is no moral obligation to take such a pill.  You should do what you are comfortable doing and what you think is appropriate. 




Dear MHFM,

Hi, I just got a quick question about praying the Rosary. I hear some of my friends praying the Rosary saying some personal prayers in between decades (after the Fatima prayer, Oh my Jesus pardon us...). Is it okay to pray the Rosary inserting some personal prayers in between decades? or was it forbidden? Thank you for your time.



MHFM: We would say that the “O my Jesus, pardon us, and save us from the fire of Hell; draw all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need,” prayer can and should be said at the end of each decade.  However, we do not think a person should insert other personal prayers.





Veronica is very young. I taught 6th grade and this is the understanding and writing of someone near this age. Perhaps a junior high student. The exclamation marks, the capital letters and her lack of full understanding of what she says is more than poor English. It is typical for the middle school age. She needs our prayers. She has known no other education.

She is probably in catholic school... so to speak. This is where I taught until I could take no more in the 90's.

In christ,



MHFM: We think she is an adult.  Even if her familiarity with the issues is limited, if she has seen some of the evidence of what John Paul II did (e.g., some of the false ecumenism covered in our material), then there is no excuse for her to defend him.  A person of truth is immediately repulsed by him.


New Debate


MHFM: An interesting new debate with a radical schismatic will be posted possibly tonight, or tomorrow.




Our best video on the crisis concerning the Church is now online [video]



Subject: A bit shaken up




     On TV last night I watched a show on the National Geographic channel titled 'Countdown to Catastrophe Mega quake Japan and Beyond', that dealt with the 'Ring of Fire' which is an area where large numbers of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur within the Pacific Oceans basin.  All the major earthquakes recently which seem to be following a chain reaction such as in China, New Zealand, Haiti, Chile & Japan all happened along the basin.  Next on the list and which will be by far the worst one ever will be Northern California, Vancouver BC, and Seattle WA areas.  They said the Seattle / Tacoma ultra-mega quake will shake for about 5 minutes, then 20 minutes after that Tsunamis will then hit the city along with tsunamis heading back over to Japan again. A researcher on the show said it will be Seattle’s Katrina.  Also a person was just on Fox News as well basically saying the same thing & he’s telling people to in that area to prepare.







Notice today that Google, one of the most important sites on the web, doesn't have a special logo for St. Patrick's Day? I wouldn't count on them having one for Easter, either! They have plenty of special logos for all kinds of non-Catholic and anti-Catholic holidays. They are doing everything they can to erase Catholic civilization… The times are changing ... fast!




Vatican II


Subject: Veronica Clueless


Dear Mhfm, 


I've been following your site for a couple of years or perhaps more, and I so admire your charity, patience, and your wisdom that you give to these novus ordo, Vatican II dunce caps who claim to be faithful Catholics such as Veronica.  If she only new .01 percent of true Catholic teaching (pre-Vatican II works) she would honestly, clearly see the debacle of Vatican II and the clowns who rule in Rome at this time.  Keep up this Blessed work of Jesus Christ.  I pray religiously everyday for your growth and dissemination of your great work and trials against satan's minions. 







I enjoyed your video and comments to Ken, the CMRI and other false traditionalists. Only God knows the beauty that awaits the few chosen to enter heaven and also the evil that lurks in all the creatures of this world that are outside the true Church.  Words cannot describe how interwoven these evil people are with each other, through the dark spirit of this world as they swirl down into the same cesspool.  Your comments about being two-faced (double tongue) and wanting everything both ways would basically describe everyone outside the Church.  All the false Christians and pagans alike thinking that they will inherit the joys of heaven while continuing on their evil path to destruction.  I think this false thinking is also handed down from generation to generation as parents tell their kids that a loved one who has died is now in heaven.  A false statement, as they think their loved ones are saints and would hate to tell their child someone went to hell.

People never learn the true message from past events.  The Japanese are a very traditional people according to their past pagan traditions and will not break from these traditions and learn from this recent disastrous earthquake. 

God Bless your work,
Tom Miles




I have this Japanese friend I have had no luck in converting and I always wondered WHY, since she seems like the Perfect candidate:  utterly helpful, kind… but then I noticed a fairly large buddha-type statue /idol right next to the TV and I suddenly figured out why I had not made too much progress with evangelizing her-------------people have these things in their homes,  they must put their faith in them----well guess what?  That "buddha" is not going to save you!...






Subject: Veronica & Fee


Dear Brothers:


It's amazing how the people who attack MHFM  -- and, thus, the true Catholic Faith which you teach -- always end up revealing themselves.  Always.


For example, it's obvious that Veronica recognizes the truth of what you're saying -- even though she's trying to fight it.  Notice how Veronica says: " are so well studied and prepared..." Yes, indeed, Veronica, truth has that compelling and unmistakable ring about it.  And should you decide to examine truth further, you will be surprised to learn that what you erroneously believe to be a "miracle" performed by Our Blessed Mother in favor of JP2, may very well be an event referred to in the Apocalypse.  What's most important to remember, however, is this:  Our Lady does not assist any person who denies her Son, Jesus Christ --something which JP2 did again, and again, and again.


As for "Fee", he or she seems very different from Veronica.  Fee actually imagines that we would care what Fee believes!!!  What Fee doesn't realize is that regardless of whether or not he calls himself "Catholic,"  Fee is just one of millions of nonbelievers who have rejected the true Catholic Faith in this Age of Apostasy.  But even more important: notice his reference to the Tea Party. To many, many false Catholics, this or that politicial leader or this or that political movement will always be the savior of the world.  Always.


Lee Ann




Subject: Veronica


Her name and message rings a bell doesn't it!  In a way Veronica tells the truth without her really knowing it or understanding it… Veronica is right when she said the Brothers are a division to her vatican ll synagogue of satan because the brothers are of the truth and the vatican ll sect is of false doctrine, Jesus said this:


Matthew 10:34   Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.  Well,  what do you think a sword does, it cuts or divides!


Luke 17:35   Two women shall be grinding together: the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left: two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.


Veronica actually does admit that jp ll is a heretic because she said that he fought for religious freedom, which is apostasy.


Ephesians 4:5   One Lord, one faith, one baptism.  


1 Corinthians 10:21  You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of devils…







Subject: Our Lady of Akita False


5 Reasons why Our Lady of Akita is a False Apparition:


1) "Rat"zinger approved it

2) "Our Lady" smiles (something she never did at Fatima)

3) The message focuses on the Novus Ordo Eucharist ("a brilliant light shines forth from the Eucharist -1973")

4) The message focuses on Praying to the Antipope

5) The statue's hair is not fully covered but long flowing down the chest (sounds like a feminist hippie, certainly a violation of humility)










Like to


Subject: Comment on Veronica


Good day brothers,


      I would just like to comment on veronica's email like how she is obstinately denying the facts even if she was presented overwhelming evidence, this is if she go over your material not merely glance at it, and my analogy to her is she's really just like the others who come by to your site so stubborn. I believe what you have posted in your website because I felt something was wrong with the "Catholic Church" today and also she might not have read the Gospel of Matthew where our Lord Jesus Christ said 'I come to this world not to bring peace but the sword', sorry forgot which verse that was. Lastly I would like to thank you for your help and prayers may the Most Holy Family watch over you and your work.








Dear Brothers,


A friend of mine sent me these photos of the Japanese earthquake/tsunami!  They are truly amazing.  People do not understand the message God is telling us!  And even to think how it only took nine hours for the tsunami to hit California - even though it was not as intense- but we have to pray and do penance.  No one is saying that!!...


Tell me


Please, tell me, with all do my respect, all of you think that Pope John II is not a Pope?  How can you think that? Maybe you are one of the Antichrist, John Pope always was a faithful of our Blessed Mother, and you know the miracle She did on Him. Why do you attack our own Church?

I love and believe in my Catholic Church, but some times when I read from people like you, even though you are so well studied and prepared, I get sad, YOU ARE DIVISION IN OUR CHURCH!!!!!  I will be praying even more for my Church, for our Pope Benedict XVI, and ask to our Pope John Paul the II to help us from heaven.  He fought tremendously communism, he defended our freedom to believe in God!!!   May our Lord forgive all of you, and may our Lord bless you I will pray for all of you


And you think, for the time when we will be in front of Jesus, maybe you are the ones that do not think about our judgement in front of Jesus.  Maybe you belong to the Russia communism, and pretend to defend our Church. But there is not hate from me to all of you, but love and prayers.

May our Lord and our Blessed Mother touch your hearts and open your hearts and souls to the truth.



MHFM: Our answer:


The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file]

The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




Dear Brothers,

Congratulations on posting The Third Secret of Fatima, the Imposter Sr. Lucia and the End of the World video on YouTube. It is going to be like an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear core meltdown against the Vatican II sect and its Antichrist Antipopes, especially Benedict XVI and John Paul II. It's actually a very exciting time to be living because we can see all the fulfillments of the book of Apocalypse happening and the world drawing to a close: the dark, sinful and wicked world of mankind. It never ceases to amaze me at how powerful praying the 15 decade Rosary is and being sincerely devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Heart. There are always instant results and success in solving absolutely every problem we encounter when praying the Most Holy Rosary, even the problems that we are inclined to believe are impossible to overcome and dread to even think about. Yet the Blessed Virgin Mary, full of all-powerful grace, always shines through in the end to brighten the day and save souls. I hope people watch the video right through because it is interesting, educational and covers a lot of need-to-know facts that are all in the one place and that no one else has compiled… May the Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed and Immaculate Mother continue blessing you (MHFM) and all true Catholics until the end of time...

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Invincible Ignorance and Pius IX


Hello Brothers:


     I hear so much promotion of "Invincible Ignorance" that it is frustrating, even angering. I saw a passage in Vatican I council that I had never seen in this context before and I had some basic thoughts about it.


     Vatican I Infallibly declared that God has revealed Himself and that everyone can know the True God and the Matters concerning Him with certitude and no intermingling of error. The idea that there is someone somewhere who in his present state cannot really know the True God and the True Faith, or that suffers from an ignorance that so firmly excludes his knowledge of God that it is invincible to both the man and to God Himself, is an explicit and diabolical heresy. It is a direct, if not word for word, denial of this declaration of the Vatican Council. It is manifestly another pathetic attempt to excuse man before God without the intervention of God’s Christ, or the Faith which God established, calls each and every man to embrace, and without which nobody at all can ever be saved!


"The same Holy Mother Church holds and teaches that God the source and end of all things, can be known

·         with certainty from the consideration of created things

·         by the natural power of human reason: ever since the creation of the world, His invisible nature has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. [13]."

It was however, pleasing to His wisdom and goodness to reveal Himself and the eternal laws of His will to the human race by another, and that a supernatural, way. this is how the Apostle puts it: In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets ; but in these last days He has spoken to us by a Son [14]. It is indeed thanks to this divine revelation, that those matters concerning God which are not of themselves beyond the scope of human reason, can, even in the present state of the human race, be known

·         by everyone

·         without difficulty

·         with firm certitude and

·         with no intermingling of error

It is not because of this that one must hold revelation to be absolutely necessary; the reason is that God directed human beings to a supernatural end, that is a sharing in the good things of God that utterly surpasses the understanding of the human mind; indeed eye has not seen , neither has ear heard, nor has it come into our hearts to conceive what things God has prepared for those who love Him [15]."

 [13 Rm 1, 20; 14. Heb 1, 1-2; 15. 1 Cor 2, 9] (The Vatican Council, Session Three, Chapter Two; On Revelation) ( emphasis mine – M.S.G.)


Here we see it plainly and infallibly declared: The One and only True and Living God the Trinity can be known with certainty, and this has been so since the creation of the world (it has ever been this way!). But God went even further in revealing Himself to each and every man. God has revealed Himself in the Son, the incarnate God Jesus Christ! It is here infallibly declared that due to this further and complete revelation of Himself to man, God has so revealed Himself that matters concerning the One, True God (His One True Person, His One True Faith, His One True Church, etc.) now, in the present, can be known by every person alive, without difficulty, and with firm certitude, and with no intermingling of error! Pius IX could not have used language more clear in infallibly declaring that ideas like invincible ignorance (the complete inability to know God and His True Faith) as pertains to the salvation of souls, is utterly foreign to Catholic thought and Divine Doctrine. Regarding "invincible ignorance", we see here in this infallible declaration that no man can use such an excuse – because nothing is invincible to God, nothing! God does not leave good-willed and sincere men in darkness, He does not "rob" sincere seekers of His Grace. He will give all of the Graces that He has promised to those good willed and sincere men who seek Him, whether they are on a remote Island is no matter and certainly not an "invincible" situation to the Living God. It is the ones who promote this folly of invincible ignorance who limit God’s power and Grace, as if God is unable or unwilling to answer a contrite man with His Graces, that He has already promised. It does not matter if the man is an idol worshipper who lives on a deserted Island in a cave 200 feet below the earth. If he becomes good willed and sincerely repents and seeks God, responding to the first Graces which God has given him, then God will give Him the graces which He has promised and the man will come to know the True God, the True Faith, and will participate and function in the True Church. Distance and isolation is no matter to the Omniscient, Omnipotent God, and certainly is not "invincible" to Him.


In essence what these invincible ignorance heretics are promoting is INNOCENT ignorance – meaning it is not man’s fault. He again is proclaimed innocent of any wrong doing in the matter. It is just another transparent subterfuge – another proclamation that man is somehow innocent before God and God cannot charge him with the crime. It is clear that this is the case when one listens to these heretics debate Brother Peter. They are maliciously intent on this case for the innocence of man to the extent that they trample the truth of Christ to promote it. They are really sick, demented beasts, hating God, His law and most of all His Gospel. They despise the way of the cross and the exclusive nature of God - that He is jealous God and does not tolerate other gods or other ways to redemption other than Jesus Christ. Invincible Ignorance is a complete denial of Jesus Christ and His entire Gospel. When Brother Peter catches them in these debates they become furious, rabid, carnal and desperate – because the truth which Brother Peter puts forth PROVES that they are not, and no man is, innocent before God! This the most DIABOLICAL heresy – and I continually hear it, more and more people are embracing it, and it is the flagship doctrine of most ALL the false traditionalists, both clerics and laymen.


According to the infallibly worded declaration above, God reveals Himself to man in a way "that utterly surpasses the understanding of the human mind", leaving Himself unrevealed to absolutely no one!


- Thanks very much… your debates are some of the best, clearest, cogent and truth filled that I have ever heard. There is so much doctrine that can be learned by listening to the debates. It is like a course in "applied doctrine" because in the debate format, one can recognize and embrace precisely how the doctrine(s) apply to all situations.


Michael Glennon




Dear Brothers,

The tsunami in Japan looks like punishment from God for their secular Antichrist religion of man-made electronics. The flood waters (like baptism) have just completely short-circuited their nation and the nuclear melt-down looks like a preview of hell for anyone with eyes to see. I went to Japan once for 2 weeks in 1996 and it was techno city everywhere. According to various sources, the main religion of Japan, apart from their secularist worship of electricity, is a synthesis of Buddhism and Shinto. It's interesting that Buddhists believe the heresies that "this life is hell" and that "all life is suffering" - so they're getting a taste of what they wished for by believing such wicked lies and/or failing to condemn such evils. Shinto is demon worship and they have some type of "purification" ceremonies where they use running water (like a tsunami). The Shinto creation myth says that Japan was created out of a drop of water (like a tsunami). Japan also has vending machines containing schoolgirls' underwear, so pedophilia is a national institution in Japan - and they wonder why they get hit with a tsunami! It is completely outrageous!!! God often uses people's sins and blasphemies against them when He punishes them. God is giving the Shinto/Buddhist/microchip worshippers a message that He's not happy with their demonic and electronic idolatry and impurity and that they need to be truly purified by being water baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ of the Catholic faith only if they want to be saved from unnecessary suffering in this life and hell forever after death…

Apocalypse 9:2-6, 15, 18-21 - "And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power: And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. And it was given unto them that they should not kill them; but that they should torment them five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man. And in those days men shall seek death, and shall not find it: and they shall desire to die, and death shall fly from them. And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year: for to kill the third part of men. And by these three plagues was slain the third part of men, by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouths, and in their tails. For, their tails are like to serpents, and have heads: and with them they hurt. And the rest of the men, who were not slain by these plagues, did not do penance from the works of their hands, that they should not adore devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither did they penance from their murders, nor from their sorceries, nor from their fornication, nor from their thefts."

God Bless,

Chris White


MHFM: In one sense, the Japanese are more civilized and less barbaric than other peoples.  For example, reports seem to indicate that they are not taking advantage of the crisis to loot and riot as people would in other countries.  However, the nation resides in the darkness of paganism, and its persecution of Catholic missionaries in the 16th and 17th centuries was among the most cruel in Church history. 


No pope


Subject: No Pope?


If our current pope and the one before him have been heretics, than who is our pope right now?


And if we don't have one, then did Jesus lie when he said that the powers of evil would not prevail against His Church?


Just confused about some of the information on your site.



Bernadette Lorigo


MHFM: We don’t have a pope, just as Catholics in the past didn’t have a pope whenever the pope who was reigning would die.  The Chair of Peter would be left vacant.  The longest papal interregnum (before the Vatican II apostasy) was between Pope St. Marcellinus (296-304) and Pope St. Marcellus (308-309).  It lasted for more than three and a half years.  The facts in the files below prove that a long papal interregnum is not incompatible with Christ’s promises.  Antipopes in Rome and massive confusion also do not contradict the promises of Christ or the facts of Church history.  The truth is that if Benedict XVI is the pope (and he is not), then the gates of Hell have prevailed against the Church; for Benedict XVI and his Vatican II “predecessors” have officially bound teachings which the Church already condemned.


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file]

Answers to Objections 1, 5 and 6 are relevant to your question.


The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-


A complete list of the 42 antipopes in Church history [PDF] In Catholic history there have been 260 valid popes, starting with St. Peter, and 42 antipopes – that is, men who claimed to be true popes but were not… some of them reigned in Rome for periods of time


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




Hello Brothers Michael and Peter,

I found your website a relatively short time ago (beginning of January) and I am thankful that the truth is still being told out there… as you can imagine there is not a lot of people to talk about the truth to here…


Jim Osborn




Subject: Radiation Threat


They say the radiation leaking from Japan doesn’t pose a threat, but then why is our military moving their ships away from there ?   It’s being blown across the ocean via the jetstream.   






Kim's words are especially sobering and powerful when you are actually able to see God's Wrath on mankind.  If only all the people of the world would want to know the history of the old testament then they would realize that these things just don't naturally occur, they are God's Wrath for the ways of man!  All one has to do is do a search on earthquakes to see the increased frequency in relationship to the increase of evils in the world!  They also would realize that God does raise up an evil nation {freemasonic communism} to chastise his people to repentance but for the most part to no avail!... I think God for His purposes allowed the age of information just for this reason, imagine today all you have to do is sit and push a button and you get the information.  You have to desire to want to know, there is that word desire again, does that mean because I desire to know I automatically possess all the information of the old testament and everything that God commands us to do in the new testament or due I have to take action in finding, reading and understanding the information, there's one for the BOD idiots.  WAKE UP, PEOPLE!    






Subject: Fear God


Greetings in Holy Spirit to you:


Look at the disaster in Japan, I would say, everyone, every nation, rich poor, good, bad, have faith or faithless should FEAR GOD. The highest wisdom one can possess is to fear HIM, who has power to make and break.


Reflections: One minute you are on top of the world, next minute you are trash. So there, nothing you have in your possession, or done in your lifetime, or claim credit to, are lasting to be proud of, but instead everyone should give thanks to the Creator and give him the credits where they should belongs to… Whatever he sets, let it be as is. Whatever his rules, you better abide. No other ways to compromise for he is not God of changing mind or wishy-washy wet noodles. He is firm and absolute in power. FEAR HIM, HE IS MADE TO BE FEARED.


With that in mind, I want to share with all of you and the readers, that now is the time for coming back to the true GOD and asking HIM for forgiveness. HE HAS THE POWER TO FORGIVE, and HE IS TOO SUPERB MAGNIFICENT SOVEREIGN NOT TO FORGIVE YOU. Come back to his mother and St. Joseph if you are scared, ask Jacinta, Franciso, and Lucia for assistance. Try to keep yourself clean from any sin, especially the sin of the flesh. Come back to the real power when you are still have time before it is too late.


All of these signs in nature to serve you as a wake up call… May 1 is the day, the whole world officially mocking GOD to the core. They switch the role of Almighty God down to the same level of Satan's worshipers, John Paul II to be a saint.


The disaster we all see in Japan, just one fraction of thousands more to come, and don't think that we are so "HOLY NATION" that we can escape all of those wraths from God. But I say, be FEAR and PRAY and CONVERT quickly.


… Don't forget try to learn and practice saying Rosary everyday.


Glory to God,


Kim-Lan Vu






The readers email regarding Adam's Rib was very interesting - and I commend him on trying to convert his friend… What I really want to say is... as far as I'm concerned if the Bible said it was a "rib" - then that is good enough for me. 


God bless you.


In Mary our Queen, 






Subject: Creation, etc.


Dear Brothers,

I would like to address to Richard Cardet's comment about the extra genetic material present on women. According to the Bible, things were created beginning from the most simple to the most complex, as God first created minerals, then plants, then animals and the very last was the woman, so, if we follow God's logic, the woman should be more complex than the man. Adam was also created from earth, which does not means it has more genetic material than him.

There's a very good book from St. Augustine in which he comments the first three chapters of the Genesis book. I don't know the name of the book in English but it should be something like "Commentaries on Genesis". It's a very good book for those who want a good interpretation of Genesis. On this book, St. Augustine also spend hundreds of pages refuting the science of the time, which now is kinda useless, as that knowledge is not embraced by the scientific community anymore. This shows how we must not be shocked by scientific discoveries as they may become obsolete some time on the future.


Pedro A.




Dear Brothers in Christ,

The reader R. Chardet argued that Adam's rib could be interpreted as "less genetic material" in men than in women. While I'm inclined to scientific interpretation of the creation, I would, however, in this case emphasize that a scientific interpretation of God's creation of Adam and Eve through a kind of genetic engineering is unnecessary. God created Adam, and before Adam other living beings, out of nothing, so to speak. Therefore, any kind of engineering known to man is not applicable to God's works. On the contrary, God has created natural laws so that the creatures could glorify their Creator.

The mentioned medical doctor argued that a woman has more genetic material than a man, and that by genetic engineering a man could be created from a woman, but not vice versa, and that this fact proves that Eve should be created first. Well, this kind of reasoning is a sign of a typical human proud of a kind "if we cannot imagine or do something than God also cannot do it".  This is evil.  In addition to that, I would ask the doctor what does it mean "more genetic material"? Does it mean that more chromosomes mean more evolved being? If so, than a Crab-eating rat with its 92 chromosomes is the most evolved mammal.  I would like to remind all the people reading this that the evolutionists are liars, plain and simple. One day they talk about "junk genes", the other day the talk about "lesser genetic material", as if they understand any of this.

The point is that "gene dynamics", so to speak, is so complex that only a man beside himself has temerity to claim that he understands it.  The same thing--the complexity and beauty of creation--is nothing more and nothing less than a test God has put before a human being: would you use this to glorify your Creator, or would you use it as a means to deny your Creator. The mentioned doctor, as well as many other people of bad will, together with their satanic leaders of all false religions and false science, have chosen to glorify their father--the father of all lies.

Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Locating Adam’s Rib


Dear Brothers,


Recently, i offered the video series from your website, to a VII catholic, medical doctor.  He is full of heresies, but i am trying to convert him.  We got to talking about creation and he claimed that the biblical story was not scientifically credible.  He used this argument, that we all have 46 chromosomes, but that females have more genetic material than males.  This is due to the fact that they have two sex chromosomes called XX.  While men have only XY, which contains less genetic material.  He said, that logically, with genetic engineering, a male could be created from a female, but not the other way around!


He argued that Eve should have been created first!  Since according to the Bible, Adam was created first, the entire Bible is unreliable!  I then, re-read Gen. 2:22 and found that it fits perfectly with discovered science!  The "rib" that God extracted from Adam was a metaphor for a segment of the genome and this genome strand, was added to Eve.  If my thinking is correct, then Eve and her descendants would all have additional genetic material.  The reason men have a second sex chromosome, with less genetic material is that it is missing this strand or "rib".  This is precisely the part that was added to Eve!  Therefore, men have less genetic material than women!


Once again, the Bible is proven scientifically correct!  There is no possible way, for the writers of the bible to understand, know or be able to describe, what a chromosome is.  Therefore, they called it a "rib", to describe something, taken from within Adam.  Of course, i realize, that there is no way i can prove that Adam had this type of "surgery", but it sounds logical and describes exactly what science has discovered thousands of years, after the Bible was written.  That is truly a miracle!


What are the odds, that the Bible could be right about chromosomes, which had not yet been discovered???  As far as i know, no research is being done, looking for Adam's rib, on the female sex chromosome, but i am certain that after this is published, someone will find it!  Surely, an atheist would be willing to take up the challenge, to disprove the Bible!  I hope, i am not being too arrogant, trying to find something in the Bible that may not be there.  I do not claim to be a Bible scholar!!  Just a believer!


Richard Cardet

Bordeaux, France




Subject: The Good Fight


Dear Brothers:


That people who are PRO-life but ANTI-Christ can be deceived into thinking they are Catholic is one of the defining horrors of the Great Apostasy.  It's the angle Satan uses in these last times to foist on "Catholics" the Religion of Man. The Protestant Revolt was heretofore Satan's greatest accomplishment in getting people to embrace the religion of man through "private interpretation" [man's editing] of God's Revelation.  But Satan was confounded then, since the true popes made it clear that Protestants were outside the Church.  It is the present day Counterfeit Catholic Church and its antichrist "popes" which can be considered Satan's greatest pomp and work of all times.  How many people say St. Louis' Consecration prayer without even thinking of what they are saying!


Like those "traditionalist" wolves who prowl around MHFM looking for ways to attack -- because Satan does not want people teaching the truth or hearing the truth. Thanks for taking the time to respond to Ken; it is good for us to thoroughly learn about, and be able to recognize, Satan's M.O. when he's prowling around looking for whom he can devour. 


The attack on MHFM by people calling themselves "Catholic" brings to mind the "Catholic" attack on Father Feeney in 1949/50.  The V2 Nouveau Protestants - just like the "official" Protestants - want anything but the resurgence of the true Faith, as your reader Mark has pointed out.  And the false traditionalists (who are the worst of all wolves) especially don't want it in a Remnant, since that is the only place where the true faith today can be learned and can survive.  Is it not all very revealing?...


Lee Ann


Dancing V-2 “nuns”


Subject: Dancing “nuns” to attract “vocations”


From January 29 to February 7, 2011, the so-called Association of Women Religious Baguio-Benguet from the Philippines promoted a week of shows featuring dancing "nuns" in the city of Baguio. The goal of the initiative was to attract new vocations. Since the 19 women's "religious" institutions of the city do not have enough "nuns" for their schools, retreat houses and parish work, they decided to adopt a new way to invite the local youth to join the religious life.


The so-called "nuns" had the full support of local "Bishop" Carlito Cenzon.  The week started with a dancing show in the Cathedral of Baguio, performed during the "Mass". Then the "nuns" - about 30 dancers from 11 different "religious" institutions - put on shows in parishes, "Catholic" universities and schools. The initiative was mainly from the Maryknoll "Sisters", with the full and public adhesion of the so-called "Good Shepard Sisters."


The video is a mix of Tagalog and English.




New Video Posted


MHFM: Only a few of our readers will be familiar with the individual addressed in this video.  However, it’s for those who might be interested.


Response to Ken on the CMRI and other false traditionalists [new video]




… I wanted to believe that Protestants were of good will, but misinformed.  But there is an obstinacy there that causes a blindness so profound it can only be called willful.  I think they'd rather see the entire world destroyed than to see a resurgence of real faith.  We are in deep, deep trouble.  Satan is being unleashed here in America and it is going to cause horrors of which the mind can scarcely conceive.  Tragic.

God Bless




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Anyone who rejects clear Catholic doctrine is resisting the Holy Ghost and the grace God gives him to assent to truth. 




Subject: Pro-abort prof argues babies not "persons" till 18 months; not an "offense" against child to kill it


Dear Brothers,


Notice, in this article, that the pro-abort professor is from “St. Mary’s” University… apparently in “good standing” at this “catholic” college…  How outrageous!!!


Thank you for your tireless efforts at shedding the light on the abominations of today! 


Melanie O’keefe


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s interesting that the pro-abortionists couldn’t refrain from ripping down pro-life posters, etc.  Pro-abortion activists sought, unsuccessfully, to disrupt a debate on abortion at Dalhousie University Tuesday night by ripping down ads, setting off stink-bombs, and covering the ceiling with helium balloons featuring pro-abortion slogans.  In the end, they even turned on the pro-abortion speaker.”


While many “Catholics” are able to perceive the evil in such activity (for it opposes God’s truth about human life), they are unable to recognize the evil in those who actively work against God Himself and His dogmas. 




I think somewhere in psalms or proverbs (I listen to them a lot while doing housework etc) God says he loves and rewards those who make with HIM a "covenant of sacrifice"…. I think about this "covenant of sacrifice" God says HE is looking for a lot. So yes it makes sense that if we REALLY want and CHOOSE to actually follow Jesus:  we must be willing to sacrifice "everything"  --- which is really "nothing" when seen from a spiritual perspective. 

    I kind of chuckled at the part of your new video where the grotesquely modernist heretic "Ken" said [one of you] was like a "grumpy old man".......because I immediately got a visual of Padre Pio in his confessional kicking liars and unrepentant sinners out of his church/confessional because Padre Pio KNEW these people were not sincere..........or in some cases Padre Pio know it would be more truly charitable to rebuke them with the TRUTH.  Some of these people actually returned to their senses and the true Catholic faith and even made good confessions,  later.   So frankly,  I would take his comment as a compliment:   what does he expect you to act like as he rants on with his lies and heresies-----a cool surfer-dude who is headed straight for hell without a care in the world?






Dear Brothers,


Is it wrong for a Catholic to attend a “family gathering” with a declared lesbian present? Certain members of my family (including myself) have refused to attend a baby shower (the expectant parents both say they are Catholic) this weekend because we firmly believe, as Catholics, it would be totally wrong in light of a declared lesbian being present. Our decision has resulted in bitter hostility towards us from family members who believe that we are wrong not to attend. They say there is nothing wrong in going because it is “not for us to judge," we “don’t have to speak to the lesbian" and we "are being utterly foolish and stupid because we pass by homosexuals  all the time in public and don't even know it." In addition, we were told we “owe it” to our brother to attend. We have been called “Pharisees,” “very disgusting” “the furthest thing from being Catholics,”…


Brothers, I have not read any statement by you concerning family gatherings in which declared lesbians are invited, rather I believe that the answer should be obvious – a faithful Catholic must not attend. The sheer hostility, raised voices and bitter name-calling we received, and continue to receive because of this, is all the more remarkable because most of my family members call themselves Catholics. I would be extremely grateful for any advice you may have. Thank you.


“May the pure love of God reign in our hearts”




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Your inclination is correct: a Catholic should not go to a family gathering at which a declared lesbian will be present.




Hi to the Brothers -


     I see that you have done some very good work on the Baptism of Desire! This is a completely false idea and I have never heard of it until I saw your website. I actually heard it described but never think that I heard the term "baptism of desire" which seems kind of foolish of a term to begin with, right? Isn't it plain that one cannot go to heaven if they are not baptized with water (the sacrament)? Why would someone believe otherwise?

     I have learned a very great deal from your site. You seem like very good Catholic people - and there does not seem to be many of them left. I am Catholic and to me it is pretty simple, you get baptized once you believe in Jesus and the Trinity, and then you read the bible and the teachings of the Church which are very, very easy to find these days (and you don't read the bible like a nutty protestant - you read it like the Church doctrine says!) Also, you walk in a state of Grace and talk to God always, not just during your prayer time. It is really easy and pleasing of a life to me. I am always happy - always, because our time is so short here on earth and then we go to be with our beloved Jesus after death and the judgement - IF we walk in grace and stay that way (if you sin somehow, stop and repent and go somewhere quiet and do penances and like that).

     Anyway you people are like me in how you believe - I am VERY much liking to read your writings especially on baptism and I am learning a lot. I want to tell EVERYBODY but they don't listen they just make fun of us and ridicule us. It is something that makes one sorrowful for their souls it truly does.  But thank you for all of the time you do in your study and writings and work. Thank you… God Himself bless you and keep you…






Dear Brothers in Christ,

By reading the messages in your e-exchanges, and listening to your video about some Ken, we can all see how important it is to repeat again and again, zillion times, some basic truths we find in the gospel. This is necessary simply because the satanic hierarchy from Vatican has seduced so many souls with their false phrases about love, not judging, etc.

First, the love which is our Lord talking about is the LOVE IN THE CONTEXT of love to our Lord. Always. That means that we really do not love anybody if we hate God, if we reject our Lord Jesus Christ. For how can we have true love if we reject the True Love? How can we say that someone who rejects Christ is our brother, if our Lord has explicitly said that his brothers are only the ones who are doing God's will? The V2 sectarians, false traditionalists, and other servants of Devil, have so perverted the meanings of these basic facts that the people, in their supernaturally induced stupidity coming out of their bad will, do not want to see that they are putting the love in the opposition to The Love.

Second, our Lord has explained what it means to judge and to condemn.  We are not allowed to judge and condemn other people out of our personal ignorance of all relevant facts, and trying to act as if we are infallible and without sin. But we are obliged to acknowledge all the condemnations from The Church, since these are the condemnations and judgments from God, not from ourselves. How can we say that we obey God's will if we disregard his words:

"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3:18)?

The V2 sectarians and their "theologians" are claiming that even an atheist could be saved, and that we must not judge even those who are knowingly and persistently opposing God, denying His existence, etc. etc.  Sure, it is possible that an atheists, or some other Christ-denier, would eventually convert, but while an atheist is an atheist, he/she is judged and condemned. Our love to such human beings can only be contained in our wish that they convert to the True Faith, if we love our Lord Jesus Christ. We must
show our repugnance to atheism and other false religions, AND TO THEIR ADHERENTS, if we truly love or Lord.

Our Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Judge Not


I have a feeling Jo... doesn't want to read the whole passage that Jesus was saying about judge not, and you shall not be judged!  Here is what Jesus said:


LUKE 6:37-42  [37] Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. [38] Give, and it shall be given to you: good measure and pressed down and shaken together and running over shall they give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you shall mete withal, it shall be measured to you again. [39] And he spoke also to them a similitude: Can the blind lead the blind? do they not both fall into the ditch? [40] The disciple is not above his master: but every one shall be perfect, if he be as his master.  [41] And why seest thou the mote in thy brother's eye: but the beam that is in thy own eye thou considerest not? [42] Or how canst thou say to thy brother: Brother, let me pull the mote out of thy eye, when thou thyself seest not the beam in thy own eye? Hypocrite, cast first the beam out of thy own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to take out the mote from thy brother's eye.


How can an alcoholic tell another alcoholic not to drink?  How can a thief tell another thief not to steal?  How can an adulterer tell another adulterer not to break their vow?  What Jesus was talking about was hypocrites,  if you want to be like the Master {Jesus} then you need to be perfect, then you should point out the wrong that another is doing and it is out of charity that it is done.  Three of the seven spiritual works of mercy, admonish sinners, instruct the ignorant and counsel the doubtful, one would have to make a judgement in order to perform these works.


Jesus does tell us to judge and to beware of men:


1 Thessalonians 5:21,22 [21] But prove all things; hold fast that which is good. [22] From all appearance of evil refrain yourselves.  


Matthew 10:17   But beware of men.  . . . .


Colossians 2:8   Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy, and vain deceit; according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ:






Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the interesting video about Ken the heretic. I don't think people like him really stop to think that at the moment of Judgement it will be just him and Jesus Christ face to face. At that moment everything Ken ever said, did and thought will be judged, and if he did not hold the Catholic faith in its most pure form, then he will be lost. A person's friends cannot save them, even if they are saints. Only Jesus Christ and His Truth, the One Catholic Faith, saves. It is easy to see why so many are lost, and so few are saved, because in the end it is proven that everyone at some point makes a firm decision to hold their course, their path in life, regardless of what opposition they will encounter. Most people choose the path that leads to hell, which may be filled with sweets and pleasures in this life, but leads to eternal torment, remorse and fire. It's better to lose one's own job, family, friends, possessions, wealth, reputation, self-love or even health that to lose one's soul forever… Is Heaven worth less - worth less than everything? No, and in their heart, everyone knows it. So, Ken, enjoy things while they last because they won't, and unless someone is prepared to carry their heavy, hard-wood crucifix and then be crucified and spat upon by those they hold dearest - or worse - which means physical, mental and emotional pain and humiliation, though God always comforts faithful Catholics with grace; unless someone is willing to treat their life now as a piece of garbage, and to hate themselves, then the truth won't even get a look in. Unless a person follows Jesus 100%, no one else, then they will be lost. The sedevacantist and other heretic, schismatic and apostate priests and laymen who teach that it could be possible for a Non-Catholic to be saved are simply regurgitating the lies of hell - the lies that kill souls forever. Salvation is not a joke. It is easy to see why the Blessed Virgin Mary was cut through the heart with a sword of grief when the hard-hearted ignorance of "invincible ignorance" heretics makes them so high on the thrill of abusing the blood of Jesus Christ from their baptism. People who go to hell deserve it. Sad but true.

Matthew 7:21-23,26,27 - "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity... And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand, And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof."

Psalm 40:8-12 - "All my enemies whispered together against me: they devised evils to me. They determined against me an unjust word: shall he that sleepeth rise again no more? For even the man of peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, hath greatly supplanted me. But thou, O Lord, have mercy on me, and raise me up again: and I will requite them. By this I know, that thou hast had a good will for me: because my enemy shall not rejoice over me."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Truth


Dear Brothers,

One point on Baptism of Desire:

"Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone? Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he reach him a serpent?" (Mat 7:8)

According to Baptism of Desire:

Some men ask for truth, but Christ doesn't give them the truth.
Some men seek for the Truth, but Christ does not let them find the Truth.
Some men knock on the door of Christ, and Christ does not open the door.
Some men ask for the bread of life, and Christ gives them a "God" made of stone.
Some men ask for a fish, that they may live, and Christ gives them a serpent, to kill them.




MHFM: Good points…




Subject: Ridiculous


I stopped watching your video on Fr. John Corapi Exposed - 1 after your belief/comment about all other religions being evil and that people from other religions should be excluded from salvation (approx. 2:45). Judge not and you shall not be judged!




MHFM: You are not interested in the Catholic faith.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus (# 15), Nov. 9, 1846: "Also perverse is that shocking theory that it makes no difference to which religion one belongs, a theory greatly at variance even with reason.  By means of this theory, those crafty men remove all distinction between virtue and vice, truth and error, honorable and vile action.  They pretend that men can gain eternal salvation by the practice of any religion, as if there could ever be any sharing between justice and iniquity, any collaboration between light and darkness, or any agreement between Christ and Belial."






Most Holy Family Monastery. I noticed that you’ll make videos on the heresies of the popes. Is that legal in Catholic Law? I heard of Papal Infallibility, and that if someone goes against the pope then he could be excommunicated, is that true? We don’t have to agree with everything the pope says, do we. I know Benedict 16 does say lots of heresies, but if we say something against it, could we be excommunicated?




MHFM: A pope is not infallible in everything he says.  What you need to realize, however, is that Benedict XVI is not even a pope.  A heretic cannot be a validly elected pope, and Benedict XVI was and is a heretic.  He is an antipope.  His actions don’t impact papal infallibility at all.



Subject: False Marcel


Dear Br.'s,


Please continue to shine the light on the false sspx… He "offers" the 62 miss Al which is a damnable signum!


How about the seminarians that were given the Marcel coin two decades ago just after his death? This man was not traditional at all!


Please keep up your orthodox work! Who else calls it like it is,Br.'s?


May the Almighty help us all with His most holy mother!






[From a reader who was involved in the New Zealand Earthquake]


Hi Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Here is a summary of the story as related by


' Catholicism Canterbury spiritual home in doubt.




A dome and part of the tower that supported it tumbled from Christchurch Cathedral of the Blessed Sacramnet in the February 22 earthquake.


A statue of Our Lady standing on a ledge inside the tower remained standing. The statue was unharmed.


Before the quake, it was facing inwards, where bellringers could see it as they tolled the bells.


After the quake, it was facing outwards - the bells are silent now.


The ringers are wondering what message lies in Our Lady's 180 deg turn?


The domed basilica is the spiritual home of the Catholics of Canterbury and Westland.  It is also a wondrous architectural statement.  Perhaps more wondrous is that the building project was funded by a small congregation of mainly working class class Irish immigrants more than a century ago.


The 1905 Barbadoes St., landmark was badly damaged in the September, 2010 and the February, 2011 earthquakes - the domes on the front towers that stood like sentinels at either end of the colonaded front both crashed to the ground on February 22, 2011.


The larger rear dome that stands above the sanctuary remained intact....


The Cathedral has been closed since September 4, 2010 when quake damage made it unsafe to enter.- the dome has been a significant element in the cityscape since 1905.


Banished by ancient religious bigotries to beyond the pale of the central city, it has tended to be missed by visitors who admire the city's heritage buildings.


If it does not rise again, it will be missed much more.  Perhaps that is why Our Lady has turned to face outwards to the world.'


[ my comment - 'No, for us few remaining Catholics of the remnant Church of the last days, it should be obvious why Our Lady has down a 180 deg - she is giving a sign,another chance, for those who are willing to see -  leave now; she is showing which direction they should now be taking - 'Go out from her, my children, while you still have the time, lest you be contaminated with her sins...' ]




What about?


Brothers, what about reading bl anne emerich? My wife just bought me the dolorous passion.




MHFM: We don’t recommend it.




Just a thought which seems interesting.


The Church being in Heresy and Priests being ineffectual, why does the Rite of Exorcism still work?  Is it as Baptism that anyone may perform it successfully as long as the Rite is properly enunciated and administered?


I realize this seems trivial but I think it is significant.


With great thanks,


Dana J. Andrusik


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  First, the true Church is not in heresy.  The false Church is in heresy. 


With regard to exorcism, your question is addressed in our two-part discussion of The True Story Behind the Exorcism of Anneliese Michel.  You will find that on Our You Tube Channel.  In it, we discuss how there’s an interesting two-fold dynamic in exorcism.  In one way, exorcism is effective by the power of the priesthood or by the power of the name of Christ.  In other words, it’s independent of the faith or the merit of the minister.  We learn that in Matthew 7:22 ff., where it is made clear that people can cast out devils even though Christ never knew them.  This is also demonstrated by the many heretics who are able to cast out certain demons by the power of the priesthood or by the name of Christ.  In this way, exorcism can be (but not always is) similar to the principle at work in the sacraments, ex opere operato (by the work that has been worked) – in the sense that it can be effective independently of the merit of the minister. 


On the other hand, we also learn from Scripture that with some demons, the merit and faith of the exorcist are required for exorcism to be successful.  We see that in Matthew 17:18, where Jesus rebukes the Apostles for failing to cast out demons as a result of their unbelief.  In Matthew 17:20 & Mark 9:28, we also see that the dedication and faith of the exorcist play a role in whether an exorcism is successful. 


Hence, it is clear that there is a two-fold dynamic at work in exorcisms: some of them can be successful simply by virtue of the invocation of the name of Christ or by the power of the priesthood (probably exorcisms of weaker demons); but others require faith, good will and devotion on the part of the exorcist to be successful.




MHFM: Over the last few days we’ve been busy with some stuff.  We hope to have some new items posted very soon, and a new video probably tomorrow.


Like to


Dear Brothers in Christ,

I would like to comment two things that appeared in your e-exchanges section most recently. First thing is your excellent exposition of just one more of innumerable B16's heresies, and that is about using contraception. The second thing is a conversation between the reader Aaron and some "traditionalist" priest. These two things are connected in a very interesting way.  The mentioned "traditionalist" priest is in a most dishonest way trying to defend the antipope B16's heresies by using well known phrases such as "well, this is a very complex issue", or "we cannot judge the pope", or "we cannot limit God's power", or "there is a deeper meaning of the dogma", etc. etc.

The phrase "depths of Satan" (Revelation 2:24) crossed my mind as I was reading about this "deeper-meaning-priest" and B16's "complex issues" about contraception. Well, there was nothing complex about God's commandment to Adam in the paradise, and also there is nothing complex about the punishment Adam received after Eve's and his transgression.  I would like to ask "traditionalists" who are constantly chanting the mantra "we cannot limit God's power" together in unison with their satanic antipope B16, how come that we, the faithful, who certainly cannot and wish not to limit God's power, are suddenly allowed to use condoms and contraception in "certain situations", in order to avoid the transmission of a disease, as if God is not powerful enough to prevent this "greater evil"? Isn't your "pope" trying to put some limits on God's power?

If, as the antipope B16 says, God's power can save even those who die in a state of condemnation, how can we say that we need some "deeper meanings" of dogmas? What would be the purpose of "deeper meanings" if we can be saved without accepting any meanings of the dogmas?

Oh... now I get it--the "deeper meaning" of all "complex issues" is that we cannot judge the antipope, but we can certainly judge God.

The V2 sectarians and false traditionalists have really reached the depths of Satan, which are the depths of hell.

Most Blessed Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: SSPX


Dear Brothers:


The name "SSPX' is a tremendous misnomer, because the SSPX priests do not follow Pope St. Pius X (or many other [true] popes, as Aaron has pointed out). 


The society should, instead, be called ALAS - the Archbishop Lefebvre Adoration Society -- because they make of Lefebvre the greatest saint that ever lived.  According to them, Lefebvre would be the only non-pope who ever had the gift of infallibility.  And this, of course, makes the SSPX pretty great, too, by association with him.  That's why they can't see the real state of the world and actually seem to believe that the SSPX (following Lefebvre) will be (or perhaps already is) the savior of the Catholic Church.  Alas!  You see this arrogant and un-Catholic attitude conveyed even in their writings.


God bless MHFM for opening our eyes.


Lee Ann


MHFM: Yes, in fact a heretic named Fr. Cyprian (who heads a monastery that is affiliated with the SSPX) actually said that Lefebvre was an “infallible guide”!


Fr. Cyprian, newsletter, Autumn, 2005: “We celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on November 29th and thank God for giving us this great saint as our infallible guide, especially in the firm establishment of this monastery.”


This is cult-like.  Not even a pope is infallible in all he does, but only when he invokes his Magisterial authority.  Lefebvre was a heretic on top of it.  But Cyprian says that Bishop Lefebvre was an “infallible” guide!  This is purely heretical and arguably idolatrous.  We covered this fact in this article.


New Article


MHFM: This is a short new article summing up Benedict XVI’s recent heretical teaching on condom use.  It also refutes the lie, spread by many false traditionalists, that the Vatican’s note of clarification on Benedict XVI’s statements proves that he didn’t endorse artificial contraception in any way. 


Benedict XVI Approves Artificial Contraception in Certain Situations [new article]




SSPX Conversation,
I wanted to share a conversation i had with a SSPX priest on Saturday night. (I have a priest that i receive the sacraments from now, but i wanted to see if i could find a closer option.) So I called him to see if he would be an option to receive the sacraments and here is kind of how the conversation went. 

I am a Sedevacantist who is looking for a Priest i can receive the sacraments of Confession and Communion from, I believe in the strict interpretations of the Dogmas Outside the church.... and Baptism of water. I was wondering first of all if you would consider me a Catholic for holding those positions?

Well we here at the SSPX believe that Ben XVI is a true pope and we, like you, hold to the strict Dogmas of Outside the Church there is no Salvation and Water Baptism, but we can't limit what God can do. We can't say that he won’t provide the supernatural saving grace if a person doesn't receive water baptism and he could save any person he wants to save. It’s a deeper issue than what it appears to be. We hear and see some of these writings on what appears to be denial of the dogmas and it strikes the pious ears in a way that a traditionalist would say no that’s wrong your denying the dogma, but when we get into the issue it is more complex. 
So we talked about this issue and these dogmas for awhile.
I also asked him, so what was the point of all of the saints’ lives, why did they suffer and sacrifice so much for Jesus if you can be saved in your ignorance and you do not even need to believe in Jesus to be saved. Why would they give everything up when it isn't even necessary to hold the Catholic faith to be saved?
His answer was more of the same. Saying, I know i know, but it’s a deeper issue, it’s more than it appears on the surface, etc. He kept telling me to refer back to Marcel Lefebvre’s writings. I asked him about Mirari Vos and brought up the part where he is talking specifically about souls being damned in other religions no matter if they maintain their morality. This one here:
13. Now We consider another abundant source of the evils with which the Church is afflicted at present: indifferentism. This perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintained. Surely, in so clear a matter, you will drive this deadly error far from the people committed to your care. With the admonition of the apostle that "there is one God, one faith, one baptism"[16] may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that "those who are not with Christ are against Him,"[17] and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore "without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate."[
He gave me more of the same, deeper meaning, complex issue, etc...

At some point in the conversation we were talking and i was saying that Benedict XVI is a heretic and is not pope because he is ipso facto excommunicated and can’t be pope( I wasn't talking about any specific heresy at this time, I was just saying he was a heretic) so he asked me well can you name me a specific heresy he has committed? (Now admittedly I am not good at memorizing quotes, dates and speeches of his heresies and i didn't have any access to them at the time either.) But i did mention the Eastern Orthodox Schismatic church heresy. He told me that that was not a formal heresy and we can't judge the Pope.  Even saying there is material heretics and formal heretics. I asked him "isn't a material heretic a Catholic in good faith just erring on a topic/dogma? "Yes" he said. So I asked him how it was possible that Benedict XVI could be a material heretic. He told me that we cannot judge the pope. Only Popes and ecumenical councils can do that. We do not have the right.  I eventually brought up the Assisi meeting and told him i believed that that was apostasy and he then told me that it is only a great scandal and doesn't constitute formal apostasy. He said he denounced it too but wouldn't say John Paul 2 was an actual apostate. I then asked him "what does he think about the canonization of john paul 2 that is most definitely going to take place soon?" He answered me saying, "yes this is a tough issue but he doesn't believe it to be infallible because Benedict xvi isn't "intending" it to be infallible. So he doesn't believe in the infallibility of canonizations. Anyway, sometime during the conversation he said that he would not allow me to receive the sacraments because I was in schism, because i hold the sedevacantist position. I thought that to be quite ironic.
I try not to talk poorly of others, but this conversation i had with him i thought i should share with you guys at the monastery. I feel bad for him he seemed confused and was trying to twist his logic to make it work…. He was a very smooth talker and i suppose it could make sense if you weren't convinced of dogmas. Like i said i feel bad for him and pray that maybe he can come out of his fog. 

Also he did admit to me he wasn't really familiar with all the sedevacantist issues and arguments and he seemed genuinely interested in what i had to say. Maybe it’s a sign he will look into the issue with an open and honest heart and maybe a it’s little farfetched and unrealistic idea, i don't know.  Anyways, hope this makes sense, I'm kind of all over the place with my thoughts, I just get them down and don’t organize them too well.
Anyways God Bless





Concerning the anti-popes false ruling on condoms is yet another drop in the bucket for the false prophet B-16.  Interesting how the Vatican II states the age (83) of anti-pope B-16 right off as if as an excuse that the man is a feeble old man that didn't know what or how he was making the statement on condoms. You are so right concerning the V-2 Sect’s rush to justify the use of condoms.  As soon as those apostates hear the words their itchy ears want to hear, their off to the races like a bat out of hell, never looking back. This puke that rolls out of B-16s mouth is now their church doctrine just like all the other lies since Vatican II.

God Bless your work,
Tom Miles




Dear Mhfm, 


Amazing that heretic Wojtyla, who God through his eternal power from HEAVEN, thrust him out from the pit of HELL, to show the world that he burns in HELL for eternity as Antichrist, and his sucessor Ratzinger, who presently sits on the usurped Chair of Peter in Rome, are blatantly egregious in defying St. Isaiah' s edict-5-20-"...Woe to you that call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness...,"  and at every possible instance supported by the demonic one world media.  That these last two antipopes are continuous in slaying and beheading this great saint of the Church, placing his head on a pike outside the gates of Vatican City in honor of Satan and his minions… Mother Mary, ora pro nobis.




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the interesting article on Benedict XVI's approval of condom usage to prevent the transmission of disease. The false traditionalists who claim that Antipope Benedict XVI did not approve the use of condoms under any circumstances are simply being dishonest. All the Vatican II sect needs to do is to make even the slightest allowance for sin, such as using condoms, and they know most people will take it to mean that condoms are condoned by the Vatican in any situation. There is absolutely no good reason under any circumstances for condoms to be used. As usual, the Vatican II sect ignores the element of sin and heresy, and instead tries to "solve" the problem by means of a "band-aid." It is outrageously heretical and Satanic to say that the transmission of venereal diseases is worse than preventing a new human life. It shows that the Vatican II sect is completely enveloped in the NWO plan to reduce the world's population by 95% - they will do anything to prevent life from being lived as a Catholic. The past true popes never left any room whatsoever for their statements to be misunderstood, i.e. no AMBIGUITY. The statements of true popes on both faith and morals were always simple, absolute and consistent with Catholic dogma. Benedict XVI's statements needed to be clarified and interpreted over and over again, and many people still aren't sure what he meant. Therefore, Benedict XVI cannot be a true pope because when a true pope teaches the Church on faith or morals, he is protected by the Holy Ghost from making errors - Papal Infallibility. Benedict XVI made many errors in teaching that condoms should be used to prevent disease. He is secretly saying that humans are a "disease" and that condoms should be used to prevent the transmission of the virus known as "humanity."

1 Timothy 2:11-15 - "Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed; then Eve. And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression. Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety."

God Bless,

Chris White






In response to Robin's recent email....most of what she said to you has been said to me numerous times -  since the Lord so graciously lead me to your ministry - and revealed through it all the many truths you teach - which finally opened my blinded eyes. 


As I was thinking one day of my... many lost friends... who want nothing more to do with me...and feeling sort of sorry for myself - the Lord zapped me out of my little pity party and revealed these Words to me concerning my "friends".   Now I will reveal them to Robin.


"The father from whom you are is the devil, (sorry but it's words), and the desires of your father it is your will to do.  He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him.  When he tells a lie he speaks from his very nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.  But because I speak the truth you do not believe me.  Which of you can convict Me of sin?  If I speak the truth why do you not believe Me?  He who is of God hears the words of God.  The reason why you do not hear is that you are not of God".  St. John 8:44-47 


May our Beloved Mother Mary intercede for all who continue to live in darkness. 


God Bless You, 






Hello Brothers,


That article you posted about the mom and boyfriend who ate pizza after beating their son to death - I just happen to work at the hospital in Orlando, FL as a security officer where the child was brought in by ambulance and I saw the mom and her boyfriend when they came in.  They actually spoke to me when they asked me for information.  The mom was very emotional.


I just want to use this occasion to tell you that I can't count how many times patients come in with injuries that are alcohol related.  This case did not involve alcohol (at least they don't say it).  It is really shocking how many people out there commit the mortal sin of drunkenness and as a result they hurt themselves and others.  Almost daily a drunk is brought to the emergency room either via ambulance or the police.  There is a law in most states in which a drunk found on the street is taken either to jail or the hospital emergency room.  Here in Florida it is called the Marchmann Act.  We end up having to restrain them to their bed by strapping their arms and legs to the bed since they are uncooperative owing to their drunkenness and they often throw insulting words and demeaning phrases at the staff.  Also, when I speak to my fellow co-workers in my own department and others that I associate with, I am surprised at how many people actually admit to getting drunk!  Many of them are my fellow security officers!  They don't like dealing with these drunks but at the same time they admit to getting drunk themselves.  What hypocrisy!


This reminds me of an article you linked to some time back about the high percentage of Americans who admit to drinking and driving.  Well from my experience, I think it is accurate!






I will respond by saying I am praying to the Mother of Jesus for your conversion. Pope John Paul II was a man who brought the face of Jesus to millions. What planet are you on because it sure isn't earth? In Jesus name get the behind me Satan because your ways are not Gods ways.




MHFM: John Paul II brought religious indifferentism, apostasy and sacrilege to millions on planet Earth. 


John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio (# 56), Dec. 7, 1990: “Other religions constitute a positive challenge for the Church: they stimulate her both to discover and acknowledge the signs of Christ’s presence and of the working of the Spirit.”


John Paul II states that other religions stimulate us to discover the presence and the working of the Spirit.  This means that non-Christian religions are a work of the Spirit – the Holy Spirit – which again equates the Spirit of Truth with the spirit of lies: Satan.


Speaking of the face of Jesus, Antipope John Paul II actually taught that the face of each man is the face of God and Jesus.


Antipope John Paul II, Ecclesia in America (# 67): “… Jesus Christ, the human face of God and the divine face of man.”[i]


Antipope John Paul II, Homily, Feb. 26, 2000: In revealing himself on the Mountain and giving his Law, God revealed man to man himself.”[ii]


Here Antipope John Paul II says that by revealing Himself on Mt. Sinai, God revealed man to man himself!




This “divine face” that belongs to each man, according to Antipope John Paul II, is that of Jesus Christ Himself, because by virtue of the Incarnation every man became the Son of God.


Antipope John Paul II, 1st Homily, Oct. 18, 1986: "Christ gives man much more than he can ever hope for or desire. He alone reveals the true countenance of God and of man. He who has conquered sin and death is our hope and our salvation. He is the way, the truth and the life."


The word "countenance" means "face."  If Christ reveals the true face of God and of man, then man's true face is that of Jesus Christ. Man is really Jesus Christ, in other words.


Antipope John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis (# 72), March 25, 1992: "As one who shares in the prophetic mission of Jesus and is part of the mystery of the Church, the teacher of truth, the priest is called to reveal to others, in Jesus Christ, the true face of God, and as a result the true face of humanity."


Here Antipope John Paul II teaches that to reveal the face of God is therefore to reveal the face of man!


Antipope John Paul II, Speech to Pontificio Collegio Filipino, June 2, 2001: "Study is also an essential dimension of the priest's entire life. He shares in the prophetic mission of Christ, and he is called to reveal to others, in Jesus Christ, the true face of God and, as a result, the true face of man."


Once again Antipope John Paul II declares that revealing the face of God results in revealing the face of man.


Antipope John Paul II, Ecclesia in America (# 52): "The awareness of communion with Christ and with our brothers and sisters, for its part the fruit of conversion, leads to the service of our neighbors in all their needs, material and spiritual, since the face of Christ shines forth in every human being."


The face of Christ shines forth in every human being, he says, because to him every human being is Christ.


Antipope John Paul II, speech to the Pontifical Academy, Nov. 12, 1997: "While I confirm your generous commitment, I hope that, through the studies, publications and artistic works you produce and promote, people of all cultures may discover authentic humanism, the true mirror revealing the face of God and the face of man." 


So when man looks in the mirror with a truly humanistic outlook, according to Antipope John Paul II, he sees the face of God and the face of man.


Antipope John Paul II, Address to Various Groups of Jubilee Pilgrims, Dec. 4, 2000: "In following the examples and teachings of the Camillian Fr. Primo Fiocchi and Mother Annunziata Montereali, your congregation is in fact committed to humbly living in the Church and for the Church, showing to the contemporary world the image of the Incarnate Word and discovering the face of Christ in the face of every human being."


Antipope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, Jan. 6, 2001: "'Your face, O Lord, I seek' (Ps. 27:8). The ancient longing of the Psalmist could receive no fulfillment greater and more surprising than the contemplation of the face of Christ. God has truly blessed us in him and has made 'his face to shine upon us' (Ps. 67:1). At the same time, God and man that he is, he reveals to us also the true face of man, 'fully revealing man to himself' (Gaudium et Spes, 22)."




Dear Brothers, 


I have a family member that wants to get married, but there is no true traditional churches in our area, just the novus ordo kind including ( priests). Am desperate for answer please.  P.S. I live just outside of Boston Ma. In Hull to be exact. God Bess you for all your material on the true faith.  




MHFM: It’s possible to get married without a priest.  However, the person should be a traditional Catholic if you are going to help him with that issue.  Moreover, a traditional Catholic should only be marrying another traditional Catholic. 




Dear Brothers, 


If the Jews did not kill Our Lord, then who did?????  How can Antipope Benedict say the Jews didn't kill Christ?  They said 'let His blood be upon us and our children' !!
Also, I don't understand how Israel is "Jewish" and Muslim, when it is OUR Holy Land of the one true God??!!






Distinction between truth and error


The veneration due the Most Blessed Sacrament may be inadequate in more Liberal dioceses that resulted from perversions of the Vatican II messages, especially in the Albany, NY diocese. It may even be performed by bad priests, but this does not render the Mass, itself, invalid. It may be even a grave sacrilege for the priest, but it is still and instrument of great (though far less than it should be) graces for those faithful attending it.

The literalistic changes brought to the Mass in many areas were in no way intended by the Council itself. In many case, these changes were sadly left alone, however to avoid schism.




MHFM: The changes to the form of consecration prove that the New Mass is invalid.  The words of consecration have been drastically altered.  You need to realize that fact.


While it’s true that the standard examples of sacrileges and irreverence at Vatican II churches don’t in themselves prove that the New Mass is invalid, such non-Catholic practices typically emanate from a heretical and invalid product.  In other words, they are the bad fruits of an invalid Mass.




Subject: EWTN


You are a bunch of QUACKS!




MHFM: Any fair-minded person with an ounce of fidelity to Catholic teaching, who scrolls through this file, can see that you are the heretical quack: Other Outrageous Heresies Spread on EWTN


Here’s just one example:


Friday 7/6/07; re-broadcast of “Mother Angelica Live” from the year 2000


The last caller of the program asked, ‘Will people of other religions lose their souls if they do not eat the Body of Christ?’


“Mother” Angelica answered:

“God judges by your light.”


She quotes Luke 12:47,48: She says, ‘There is a passage in Luke 12 where it speaks of the servant who knows what his master wants, he will receive many stripes but the one who does not know but deserves to be beaten will receive less.’ ‘You see, if you don’t know, how can you be held …’


And then she wraps everything around her next statement, ‘There was a heresy a few years back that you had to be Catholic to go to Heaven. The Church does not teach that.  All people are saved by the merits of Jesus through the Church.’


Angelica called the seven-times defined dogma of the faith (i.e. Outside the Church There is No Salvation) a heresy and said that the Church “does not teach that.”


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]

This section covers some of the main problems and heresies with EWTN and its foundress, Mother Angelica




Hello, can you tell me the official position of the Catholic church on Catholics attending Non-Catholic weddings? I have heard that Catholics are not allowed or should not attend Non-Catholic weddings.

Thank you,


MHFM: This file addressed that issue: Can one passively attend non-Catholic funerals, weddings?  No. 





Sir, I have been concerned about my entrance into the Catholic Church as I am currently taking RCIA classes and am up for confirmation in a few days. The confusion started when I… viewed your video about the heresies of the Pope. I still felt that the call to be a Catholic was my path. However, I have since come across two Catholic documents that are in contrast with each other such as the Bayside Prophecies which states that the Masses are valid under all circumstances. Yet, today I just read a transcript of an exorcism in which a fallen angel gave a confession that due to Vatican II (such as you have stated) Masses will/are invalid as a consequence of their evil designs. And of course, this is not approved by the Vatican.

I am certain that my priest is a Modernist because he is knowledgeable of the debate, yet he backs the Vatican. I told him that the Bayside Prophecies state that Masses are valid, and yet this priest said that those prophecies were not approved by the Pope/Vatican. Do I need to seek a Tridentine Mass?...  I know my priest will be uncomfortable if I wear a veil, take communion in my mouth while on my knees. I really don't want to go through all this formality, but if it is God's will, I will submit.

Thank you for your work and your time.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The New Mass is not Catholic and it is invalid.  It must be avoided under pain of grave sin.  That’s proven not by any apparition, but by the teaching of the Church.  Please see our video and article on the New Mass:


You make reference to the Bayside Apparitions.  Those apparitions are false.  They are proven to be false by the heresies and false statements contained in them.  Please see our article: The False Apparitions at Bayside, NY [PDF File].  You need to shift your focus from apparitions to the teaching of the past popes.  That’s where you will find the truth of Christ and the infallible teachings of His one true Church, which are unchangeable.  One can easily be led astray by false signs and wonders.  Once convinced of the traditional positions, please see the file on our website which contains steps to convert to the traditional faith: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


We recommend that you pray the full Rosary each day.  It’s necessary for your salvation to discontinue the RCIA classes and get out of that church you are going to.  The classes and instruction at your current church will initiate you into the false Vatican II religion, not the true Catholic religion.




Hi Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Just a brief comment on Michael's marathon sombre and profound treatise on the 'fewness of the saved'- which could surely be the basis for a Sunday Mass sermon, which is so very much needed in today’s liberal, liberated, atheistic world.  His summing up so accurately depicts the situation many if not most of us find ourselves today in the great apostasy, and the sobering fact that a revival some expect may not happen…


God bless






Subject: First Sorrow of Mary


Dear Brothers:


Michael's comments express a hard but eternally-important reality. The true Church founded by Christ -- the Immaculate Bride of Christ -- will never be heretical.  Never immoral.  Never contaminated.  But She will be (especially in this Last Age of the World), very, very small.


This realization helps me to better understand -- in a way I never did prior to my conversion to the true Catholic Faith -- the First Sorrow of Mary, when she was told by the Holy Simeon that her Child would be a sign of contradiction -- and that many would be lost by their opposition to Jesus.  He was speaking, first of all, of what were supposed to have been the "faithful" in Israel - among whom were Our Lady's family, friends and neighbors


As MHFM reminds us in these awful times (which so resemble the time of the first coming of Christ), no one can be indifferent with regard to Christ and His truth. Those who are lost will incur damnation by rejecting Christ, His true Church and teachings, and the peace He offers to men of good will.


God bless you,

Lee Ann




Subject: An Apology


Please forgive me.


The rush of realization of the truth of what you say has been overwhelming.


And who is there to speak with of such matters.  NOBODY will want to hear this, and in fact, first things first.  My own soul and then look for the light thereafter.


I'm taking this to Mary in the rosary.  She'll make the way.


God bless,






Subject: Matthew 8


I was reading Matthew 8 and got to verses # 21 and 22 and thought these verses could very well be applied to all the people who write in with questions about going to the vatican ll synagogues of satan church's for funerals or for any other reason, here is what Jesus said:


Matthew 8:21-22  [21] And another of his disciples said to him: Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. [22] But Jesus said to him: Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.


It’s like Jesus saying to that person, stay close to me, follow me and listen to me, those that are in the V ll church or any other false church are the living dead, let the spiritually dead bury their dead!   

Jeremias 51:45   Go out of the midst of her, my people: that every man may save his life from the fierce wrath of the Lord.

Apocalypse 18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.


Great e-mail from Michael!                          






Subject: They say “You don’t need God”




Some group of people up north went down to Houston and put up the billboard saying: "You don't need God to hope, to love"… they will challenge the people to do without God.


They don’t fear any objection or opposition nowadays. They are all out of the closet and no one dares to confront them. Sad, we are definitely at the end of time.


Kim-Lan Vu






Thank you once again for your stance on the truth. If anyone would listen to you with a sincere heart, they would have to reject what is now called the catholic church… I must say I sat on the fence for a while, then really listened to your material… a blind man can see the differences of what has been taught, to what the Vatican 2 sect teaches.. May God bless you and the mission that has been given to you... Dominus Vobiscum…








It's very inspiring for me to read the very informative exchanges you receive daily - Michael's being one of them.  Pondering over what he wrote has helped me to feel not so alone - like I'm not the only one going through this.  I guess it just helps to know that other "true believers" are experiencing the same type of "bad will" from family and friends.  


The thought of God "hardening hearts" and "removing His graces" saddens me to no end.  WHY!... do so many we know and love want to continue living in the darkness...but keep insisting they are living in the Light.  I will leave them with these thought provoking Words of scripture..."For whoever is ashamed of Me and of MY WORDS in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when He comes with His holy angels in the glory of His Father".  St. Mark 8:38 


Those Words should bring us all to our knees in gratitude for the "truth" God has revealed to us in these terrible times of apostasy.


God bless you for all that you do in bringing these "truths" to the surface.


In Mary our Queen,






MHFM: The full length version of our video, The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, has been added to YouTube.


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe [full length video]




Subject: Very Few Are Saved


Hello Brothers:


     I quite frequently see people writing in who to you who are justifiably frustrated in dealing with their family and friends who are in darkness and in a particularly bad willed mindset. I have experienced this almost constantly - we all have, those of us who have been graced with the simple truth of Christ's faith. It is extremely disturbing at first to realize that there is a very high cost to the faith - and there is a very high cost. One will absolutely lose all of their family and friends and every single other person who is not holding the true faith, if one decides to go on with Christ. It is, as I said, disturbing at first - because we are human. We would like to see others come along with Christ also. But after the first few rejections, it should dawn on a person of faith that this cost of losing those who hate Christ is really nothing - no cost at all, in comparison to the incomprehensible gift which God has chosen to give to one who holds the One, True, Catholic Faith!

     Also, people must realize that following Christ indeed does make us seem just like a cult to people. If one is actually living the faith, then of course they seem intolerant and insular to the crass relativists who illogically claim to accept everyone while at the same time hatefully rejecting anyone who does not agree with their false relativism. Hypocrisy!

     People also must realize that so few are saved that they are not likely to meet many or possibly none at all during this great apostasy. Christ spent more than half the chapter in Saint Matthew 7 on a discourse about how very, very few even find the gate to eternal life - and fewer than that even enter in! God is quite serious about the faith. In Hebrews chapter 6.1-8 we read about the people who have had so many graces poured out upon them, but having rejected these graces in so hard hearted a fashion for so long, God says that it will be "impossible" for them to be saved at this point - they are too far gone in their bad will and stony hearts so that God has removed His kind Graces from them forever - leaving them in the darkness they demanded on having! This is a passage that should bring the fear of God to any good willed person. But it is right there in scripture and it is grammatically plain. Most people fit into this category during this great apostasy it is certain. This is why one's family just will not forsake the VII church no matter how many good videos one gives them or no matter how many truths one tells them - no matter what you do to inform these people, they will not listen, indeed most of them cannot listen because their hearts have been hardened. This is not to say that it is up to us to decide who to evangelize, as we must bring the truth to everyone. Yet after a couple tries, one should move on and thank God that that person living in the darkness is not us!


Furthermore, the VII false gospel in which God is obliged to love every single individual no matter who they are is as false as paganism. Did God love the Amalekites? Did God love Pharaoh? Does God love the workers of iniquity (Ps. 5.7)? Does He love His enemies? Did He love Esau? The point being that God is not obliged to us lowly worms of men for anything - and if a person cannot get past that, then they are never going to come to the light!

     It is an infinite tragedy, but a truth that the Christian must come to terms with in this great apostasy in particular. Most are lost, and do not want the light, they love the lie and that is that. They know what one is talking about when they tell them the truth, but they simply do not want the light - they love the darkness. There will be no great revivals of religion, their will be no more ages of restoration. The Lord tells us plainly in scripture that it will get darker and darker - God will actually harden most hearts because they all love the lie (2Thess2) and then Christ will return in glory like a thief in the night and the nations will mourn - but oh, His children will then rejoice as their weeping and mourning and sorrow turns to everlasting joy in the Lord.


     You really must be thanked for your work. I see so many write in having been changed over by the simple truths of your message. I am one of them. And it is true - your message is pretty simple gospel truth - not difficult to understand, but again, just rejected by those multitudes who hate the truth and love the lie. It is particularly clear what is what during your debates, which clearly separate the living wheat from the dead and lying chaff.


-Thanks, Michael




Subject: March Fourth


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for your work exposing the Vatican 2 church.  Your recent news post on Benedict's dialogue with false religions is being supported by the evil taking place on "Catholic Colleges." Below are two examples of clubs at Seton Hall "Catholic" University.  Sadly there is no Catholic Identity left there.  Tomorrow is Archbishop Meyer's Charismatic gathering of "Catholic Men's Conference" at Seton Hall.   Archbishop Meyers despite chairing the Board of Regents allowed Gay Marriage at Seton Hall in 2010 taught by a homosexual activist.   In 2006 Archbishop Meyers allowed pro-abortion Chief Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on campus to give an award to pro-abortion 3rd circuit court justice MaryAnne Trump Barry who struck down NJ's partial conditional ban on partial birth abortion.  He condemned the Gay Marriage Course and he condemned the Sandra Day O'Connor visit but allowed both to proceed.  Diabolical deceitfulness in its fullness.  What else do you expect from a man who co-writes a work of fiction called "Space Vultures" with a “Christian” Buddhist childhood friend with a euthanasia atheistic theme?  Archbishop Meyers also according to SNAP is in the bottom third of US Bishops for accountability to child abusers.  What he hid in Peoria he is doing again in NJ.    March Fourth!   God Bless you and protect you true Soldiers of Christ.  




Buddhism For Peace


Our club mission is to culturally enrich and serve the Seton Hall community by sharing the understanding of Buddhist tradition as practiced by Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA).




Salaam is an association of students working towards peace and religious tolerance at Seton Hall. We aim to provide the campus with a forum to discuss our differences with respect on matters religious, social and cultural.




Thank you very much for downloading your video The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (full length).  It is fantastic thank you again.

I appreciated it.

Now I also saw your video Do You Believe?  Great video as well… but I have a question on that video in particular and to be exact minute 3.:48 you said "Do you believe that God did not spared the angels who sinned but lowered them down to pits of darkness."

Ok so this is my question correct me if I am wrong are you talking about the devils who end up in hell or are you referring to supposedly the other angels who are mentioned in the book of Enoch… I am not saying I believe in the book of Enoch but it is around and I have heard plenty of it.

I don't know if I will hear from you I hope so because I find your information well, very informative so I truly appreciate the work you… give us.

So if you have the time please answer my email.  I am looking forward to your answer since it has left me curious.

God Bless You!



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It referred to the angels who rebelled against God and became devils (2 Peter 2:4).




Subject: Daniel Roman



Malachias  3:6  For I am the Lord, and I change not:  . . . . .

Numbers 23:19   God is not a man, that he should lie, nor as the son of man, that he should be changed.  . . . . . 







I feel so sorry for Robin.   She is so blinded to what is happening in the false church today.  Just like most of my friends.  They call you a cult...along with allot of other names I prefer not to mention.


If it weren't for you ministry I think I would have given up on my new found beliefs.  Sometimes it can really hurt losing most of your life long friends.  But these precious Words of Jesus help me to keep moving on and running the race..."Do not think that I have come to send peace upon the earth; I have come to bring a sword not peace".  St. Matt. 10:34


So the only thing that is truly important for all of us to strive to do is... "fight the good fight...finish the course...keep the faith". 


May Jesus, Mary and Joseph watch over us all in these troubles times.






Subject: Valtorta, Robin


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for exposing the condemned books of Maria Voltorta and the heresy that the Blessed Virgin Mary as "Co-redeemer." It is another attempt to put man and creatures in the place of God, since only God the Son Incarnate - Jesus Christ - is Redeemer. Even the Virgin Mary said the Lord is her Savior:

Luke 1:46-48 - "And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

All the grace that is found in the Rosary is only drawn on the merits of Jesus Christ, which He gives to His Immaculate Mother. The Rosary is like the treasure-chest of Jesus Christ, who is Wisdom Incarnate. The "Co-Redemptrix" heretics' initial assumption is a self-contradiction, which leads them to contradict themselves in trying to "prove" it.

Robin who criticized you by saying "you will have a lot to answer for before God," evidently doesn't know what the True God is like. She doesn't quote any "lies" you've spread because there aren't any. It's interesting that the phrase "brood of vipers" occurs in the Bible where it relates that the Pharisees went to St. John the Baptist's baptism:

Matthew 3:7-10 - "And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them: Ye brood of vipers, who hath shewed you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of penance. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for our father. For I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham. For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire."

I suppose Robin, being a member of the Great Apostasy - the Freemasonic viper-worshipping Vatican II sect - will not be fasting for the 40 days of lent, and believes, like her invalid Antichrist Antipopes (John Paul II, Benedict XVI, etc.), that Jews are "children of Abraham," and not Satanic apostates from the One True Lord and God and His Son, Jesus Christ, who is Life Himself. Like the Satanic Salza, Robin doesn't want the truth - such heretics, schismatics and apostates want an "oracle" so as to escape from reality, imagining that their refusal to accept and believe the whole truth (of the Catholic faith) is not mortally sinful and will drag them to eternal hell. 

Matthew 12:33-37 -" Either make the tree good and its fruit good: or make the tree evil, and its fruit evil. For by the fruit the tree is known. O generation of vipers, how can you speak good things, whereas you are evil? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of a good treasure bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of an evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

Matthew 23:33-35 - "You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell? Therefore behold I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them you will put to death and crucify, and some you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city: That upon you may come all the just blood that hath been shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the just, even unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias, whom you killed between the temple and the altar."

God Bless,

Chris White



Were there any dogmatic changes from the beginning of the church to present day post Vatican 2?...


Daniel Roman


MHFM: There were no dogmatic changes in the teaching of the Catholic Church.  However, the post-Vatican II Church, which is defined by Vatican II, contradicted and attempted to change numerous dogmatic teachings of the Church, as our material documents.  The post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. 




… I then started to listen and follow Father Corapi and loved and believed in him truly, until i saw a video on YouTube by your monastery Fr. Corapi exposed. Wow i was blown away i then wrote you and said why you attacked Fr. Corapi and said we're all Catholics and a family. We should stick together. Your response then convinced me he was a heretic. I then started to watch, listen, and have a huge interest in what you and your brother had to say. I was converted and my eyes and ears were open thanks to you….






You will have a lot to answer for before GOD. Stop spreading your lies around you brood of vipers. It is you that is invalid! GET A LIFE!



MHFM: Since you mention snakes, it was actually one of your antipopes, soon to be “beatified” by your current antipope, who prayed with snake worshippers (African Animists).  On August 8, 1985, John Paul II prayed with African Animists.  John Paul II recalled the meeting:


“Particularly noteworthy was the prayer meeting at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy at Lake Togo where, for the first time, I also prayed with a group of Animists.”[iii]


St. Francis De Sales (17th century), Doctor of the Church, The Catholic Controversy, pp. 305-306:  "Now when he [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..."


No matter


Brother Michael,

First of all, thank you for the work that you do. I find your writings scholarly and your references amazing.  I'm writing because I've been having this ongoing debate with my friend "George" about the apostasy of Vatican II. He's a Novus Ordo Catholic who returned to the Church about a decade ago after falling away for many years. By the email with him that I've attached, you may see that no matter what I've said to him, he always keeps coming back with the response that I can't possibly be right because Christ promised Peter that the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church. No matter the logic of my position or the evidence I've pointed out, it seems to be his "default" response. As you can see I even used one of your quotes about the true Church to no avail. Any insights you could offer me to counter his point?

Sincerely yours,


Ed Comerford


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  You should point out some of the facts that are found in this file: The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible.


The other facts that refute his misconception on the meaning of the “gates of Hell” are covered in this file: Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file].


Finally, you need to realize that most people are of bad will.  If you are not getting anywhere, despite repeated attempts to convert him, then you need to move on.






I read your email exchange with John Salza and noticed that it was... very diabolically sneaky.  I am amazed how someone claiming to be a traditional catholic can do something like this… What will they do on judgment day when they see that they sent… people into the hands of heretics and antichrists.  Thanks for posting the Salza rebuttal. 












Good Day brothers,


I'm wondering if you could advise me on something.. My grandma recently died and I've read a post about a user concerning a funeral you definitely mentioned that it’s not alright to go to the funeral services on pain of losing grace/committing mortal sin because they adhere to the V2 church, well my question is does going to visit the deceased prior to the funeral alright?  The one where you stay up all night long, I don't know the term in English but it’s called 'lamay' here in our locality. I might add that most of my kin are in the V2 church here in the Philippines…







I love your site truly, I learned a lot from it even just reading the posts.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  No, a Catholic must not go. 




Subject: One World Religion


I think your insight in response to Mary, that the Globalist movement does not intend to actually establish “one religion” in any formal way, is right on.  All they mean and need to do is make sure that no one actually takes their own religion (and especially not the true one) too seriously.  


Perhaps I’ve written on this before; but I’m convinced that the terrorist bogeymen we are supposed to fear are portrayed as “Islamic Extremists”, for precisely this reason.  You’ll hear tripe like “Islam is a religion of peace, but these extremists have hijacked it”.  The very thinly veiled message (actually it kind of hits you over the head if you are paying attention) is that it is BAD to be an “extremist”.   Your religion may be “nice”, but just don’t take it too seriously, or you may become a “hater”.  (The words “extreme” and “hate” are also often conflated).  


I think they are still a bit shy about saying “Christian” extremist.  But then they don’t really have to, as the Vatican II “Popes” have been basically preaching that “all religions are good” for a few decades now.   So we have arrived at a situation in which “modern Catholics” think that their religion means “just be nice and judge no one”.  After all everyone is entitled to their “faith tradition”. Protestants on the other hand think that their religion means “love Israel and bomb Arabs”.   (Although some think that if God loves you he’ll make you rich)…


William T. Mulligan, Jr.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


You've got another one!  Thank you so much for your videos which woke me up about the present Great Apostasy.


I heard an advertisement for your website when listening to an old archived Alex Jones radio show; the one about the food industry with Mike Adams, Jennifer Connely of the "All Jacked Up" movie, and Jeffrey Smith.  How providential that your ad aired during that show which is audio archived on his website or I might never have heard about you.


I wish I could join your monastery and talk about the Lord and real issues and have group prayer, but I don't think you all would accept me because we disagree about Mary's Co-Redemptrix status.


I got my views about Mary from Maria Valtorta's "Poem of the Man-God" books.  These books also converted me to Catholocism and I was born again thru them.


I was hoping you would do some articles about her.  It would be interesting to see if you could find any heresies in her work, BESIDES the CoRedemptrix one.


Maybe you could clear this up for me; I don't understand how you could say she's not a co-redeemer.  Doesn't "co-redeemer" simply mean "co-worker in the redemption".


Don't all Catholics hold this idea to be true since we believe in Redemptive Suffering.  Isn't anybody who offers up redemptive suffering a coredeemer?


What is the definition of redemptive suffering and coredeemer and what is the difference?


Thank you, I hope to be ordering some videos and books after I get off work tonight.


Thank you…


-- Michael McKesson


MHFM: We are glad to hear that you found the material.  We are also glad to hear about your interest.  However, Maria Valtorta’s books were condemned and on the Index of Forbidden Books before Vatican II.  You also err greatly when you say you were reborn through them.  A person is not reborn through a book, especially not a heretical one, but by the grace of Christ given in baptism.  Your position is inconsistent with Catholic teaching.  It’s also troubling that you seem to gravitate toward the “theology” delivered in mystical works, and base your conclusions on them, rather than on the teaching of the Magisterium.  That manifests a departure from a pure intention to submit to Christ’s truth.  Instead, it reveals a desire to follow signs, wonders and apparitions, which often deceive. 


The position that Mary is “Co-Redemptrix” is incompatible with Catholic dogma.  It has been solemnly defined that Christ alone is our Redeemer.  While many speak in a loose sense of Mary’s unique role in the events that preceded the actual Redemption by Our Lord, if she is called “Co-Redemptrix” or Co-Redeemer as a strict doctrinal title, it is without question opposed to Catholic teaching. 


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 25, On Invocation, Veneration and Relics of Saints, and on Sacred Images, ex cathedra: “…the saints, who reign with Christ, offer up their prayers to God for men; and that it is good and useful to invoke them suppliantly and, in order to obtain favors from God through His Son JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WHO ALONE IS OUR REDEEMER and Savior….And they must also teach that images of Christ, the virgin mother of God and the other saints should be set up and kept… But if anyone should teach or maintain anything contrary to these decrees, let him be anathema.” (Denz. 984)


Here we see that Jesus Christ alone is our Redeemer.  Notice that this definition even mentions Mary.  So, in the very context of mentioning the Blessed Virgin and the saints, the Council of Trent declares that Christ alone is the Redeemer.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ; He who was conceived without sin, was born and died, THROUGH HIS DEATH ALONE LAID LOW THE ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE BY DESTROYING OUR SINS, and opened the entrance to the kingdom of heaven, which the first man by his own sin had lost…” (Denz. 711)


You ask about redemptive suffering.  St. Paul speaks of his own sufferings in such a way in Colossians 1:24.  That serves to highlight another problem with the logic of those who favor the “Co-Redemptrix” false position.  If you want to say Mary is a “co-redeemer,” just as St. Paul helped carry out the work of Redemption, then you are putting Mary and many others in the category of “co-redeemers” under Our Lord.  But that is not the position of “Co-Redemptrix.”  The position of “Co-Redemptrix” is reflected by this box:






Jesus Christ

Mary as Co-Redemptrix





St. Paul (Col. 1:24)

The other saints

Moses in a sense


The box above is a true representation of the “Co-Redemptrix” false position.  They hold that Mary (in terms of the Redemption) is in a category with Jesus that does not belong to the other saints.  It is different not just in degree, but in kind from St. Paul, etc.  Thus, all the arguments they bring forward that St. Paul, the other saints, etc. can be loosely called “redeemers” do not support their position.  When they argue in that fashion, they are actually contradicting their position and asserting that Mary is just one of many co-redeemers.  The box below represents the position they fall into when they make their illogical arguments.





Jesus Christ




Mary – “Co-Redemptrix”

St. Paul (Col. 1:24)

The Saints

Moses in a sense


However, their actual position is that Mary has a position as Co-Redeemer, in the actual work of Redemption, which is not shared by those others. 


Hence, if they were to legitimately attempt to defend their position, they could only advance arguments which favored the position that she belongs on the left side of the box uniquely with Jesus.  They cannot make arguments from people or examples on the right side of the box.  When they make arguments from examples on the right side of the box, they are contradicting their position and admitting that she is just one of many people who can loosely and in certain non-literal senses be called “co-redeemers.”  Their arguments contradict their position because their position is false.


1.    The bottom-line is that there is no way of getting around the dogmatic definitions which declare that Jesus Christ alone is the Redeemer.  Those who obstinately insist that Mary is “Co-Redemptrix” contradict the dogmatic evidence and oppose Catholic teaching.  They demonstrate false devotion to Our Lady, not true devotion.  For more on this issue, see why Mary is not the Co-Redeemer.




Subject: Archbishop Elias


Dear Brothers,


Your website is superb and I visit it every day… As far as I understand these matters, he’s not an Orthodox schismatic but an Eastern-rite Catholic. This group broke away from the Greek Catholic Church in 2009 due to their perceived heresies. In this respect, their standing is akin to that of the SSPX. But, of course, they’re far closer to the truth of the sedevacantist position inasmuch as they’re now poised to denounce B16 as an excommunicate, whereas Bishop Fellay (now embroiled with a Jewish infiltrator in the Krahgate scandal) appears to be going in exactly the opposite direction.


Yours in Jesus and Mary,

Timothy Johnson




Dear Brothers,


… I think you have definitely hit the nail on the head about Malachi Martin – a man who oozes info to get your attention then scatters some poison to keep one hoping in the “infallible” Pope of the Religion on man…


In Christ



One World


Tony Blair Call for World Church

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Friday that leaders in an interdependent world must work to end religious conflict or face "catastrophe" as he introduced a new foundation dedicated to interfaith understanding.

I believe this is important when you consider one world government and one world religion.   If he is calling for it they already have the ground work laid and ready to try and build on it.  If they have not already build a few floors up, which I think they have.




MHFM: Of course, they don’t need to establish an actual one world “Church.”  As long as the Devil gets people to accept false religions or believe in salvation outside the true faith, he has accomplished his goal.  In that way, their movement seems to be more about painting as an “extremist” anyone who would, for example, maintain that there is no salvation outside the true faith and that other religions are evil.  By doing so, they hope to exclude such a person from the mainstream. 






Archbishop Elias of the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church has recently condemned the apostate meetings in Assisi and even called the antipopes Benedict XVI and John Paul II heretics. He further proclaims that Benedict XIV will excommunicate himself from the mystical body of Christ if he proceeds in "canonizing" the apostate heretic John Paul II. A highly significant video that all the pseudo-traditionalists should consider watching.




MHFM: He recognizes that John Paul II was not remotely Christian.  However, he doesn’t seem to realize that, even if he never promoted John Paul II, Benedict XVI is already excommunicated.  Benedict XVI is a heretic and an apostate hundreds of times over.  His correct condemnation of John Paul II as an apostate serves to illustrate that anyone who adheres to any semblance of historical Christianity would have to reject both John Paul II and Benedict XVI as non-Christian apostates.






I just want to say thank you for the very awesome channel you have for all of us that are catholics. I really enjoy seeing your documentaries about our religion and I think it’s the only one and the universal one and I love it very much… I never forget who I am and my religion.

Thank you!






MHFM: Note that our recent video and articles exposing the lies, errors and heresies of John Salza have been put in a separate file and sub-section.  It can be accessed permanently from our “Beware” section, which is found under “Traditional Catholic Issues & Groups.”


Early Church


Dear Brothers,
… In the early church (and forgive me if I am wrong), it does not appear that the pope had as much power as he did until after the great schism. I know and fully believe that the Chair of Peter has always been the center of the church on earth, but did the Power of the pope grow as time went on?...
I really am not trying to be antagonistic and I love the site and materials that you produce, I have just been thinking about this and wanted to get your feedback.
Thank you

MHFM: The popes of the ancient Church possessed the same power that popes had in later centuries.  That’s because their primacy of universal jurisdiction comes directly from what Christ instituted in St. Peter (Mt. 16:18-20; Jn. 21:15-17; etc.).  The biblical evidence for this is undeniable, and evidence also exists that the popes possessed and exercised this primacy from the earliest days.  That is covered in this section of our website.


Papacy in the Ancient Church [link to section]


While the core truth was there and acknowledged from the beginning, it’s true that the popes’ primacy of jurisdiction was not articulated with the precision, frequency or depth that occurred in later centuries.  However, the same can be said of the Trinity, the truths connected with the Incarnation, and other dogmas.  It is not a “development” of doctrine, as many Modernists wrongly argue, but rather a more precise articulation of the exact same truth.  It’s also true that, due to the obvious limitations of travel and communication during the period of the ancient Church, the popes of that time could not and did not exercise their universal jurisdiction or intervene in faraway matters with the frequency they did in later centuries.  That is to be expected, of course.  That’s also why the authority of the bishops and patriarchs in their respective areas was emphasized so much in the first millennium.




I received a copy of one of your books from a Sedevacantist. I will earnestly pray for both of you to re-join the True Catholic Church currently lead by Pope Benedict XVI. Please pray for me as well to grow in holiness.

In Christ,
Sean Daru


MHFM: You need to come out of your fog, recognize what the Church teaches, and wake up to what Antipope Benedict XVI teaches.  Here’s just one example.


Benedict XVI, Address to Chief Rabbi of Rome, Jan. 16, 2006: “Distinguished Chief Rabbi, you were recently entrusted with the spiritual guidance of Rome’s Jewish Community; you have taken on this responsibility enriched by your experience as a scholar and a doctor who has shared in the joys and sufferings of a great many people.  I offer you my heartfelt good wishes for your mission, and I assure you of my own and my collaborators’ cordial esteem and friendship.”


This is apostasy.  Benedict XVI encourages the Chief Rabbi in his “mission”!   He also expresses his esteem for the Rabbi and his Christ-rejecting apostolate.  A man who endorses and promotes Judaism cannot be a pope.



As long as John 6 is in the bible, then it is absolutely true there is no salvation outside of the Church!  Valid Sacraments ARE totally necessary!

I was one of the souls weaned on Vat II.  My first communion took place prior, but barely prior, to the big change.  It would not be an understatement to say that I was raised to be many times more fit for hell than my parents themselves.  Decades later, Mary came to me in a very dark place- God knows where that was- and told me to pray the rosary.  I have, more or less, every day since & wear the scapular. According to what I have read of your site so far, that's basically the majority of the grace I've received, then…

My intention and purpose is to become holy, a tall order for a child 'raised for hell' in the first place.  I cannot become holy outside of the genuine and true Catholic Church. 

God bless you!





I was very impressed with your website.  I don't know if 'Sedevacante' is the answer but at least your thinking is bold and clear.  I would appreciate if you could give me some thoughts on the 'Divine Mercy' spirituality and if there are hidden dangers. 


Thanks and God Bless you all, Colm Lawless - Dublin, Ireland


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Your question is covered in this file:


Sister Faustina's Divine Mercy Devotion is something to avoid [PDF File]


Also, there is no doubt that Benedict XVI is not a true pope.  It can be proven, in a hundred different ways, that he is a not a Catholic; and a non-Catholic cannot be pope.




… it’s pretty amazing to me how many bad willed almost down right evil people there are out there, that just love to attack your monastery. As an outside observer you can clearly see it is out of their blind pride that they make these baseless and mean spirited attacks on you constantly. They would rather do that than simply debate the issues. The fact that they will not debate or when they do debate they have no teachings to back their points/claims up, should show to anyone with good will or openness to truth, how weak, false and heretical most of their positions are. And it should prove to anyone of good will they just debate on emotions and blind pride. They refuse or just brush aside any of the evidence you bring forward because it gets in the way of their false opinions on the topic at hand.


Most Holy Mother of God protect us in these dark times


God Bless you all at the monastery






Subject: John Salza


Dear brothers,


I was shocked at Salza's behaviour. The world is truly in a sad state when scum like that can work as lawyers! This world must be nearing its end!






Subject: In response to the Salza video


Dear Brothers,

That was a great video explanation of the current situation of a very intellectually proud heretic and yet another one who even with all the evil he's committed, could if he would just humble himself join your side and accept the True Catholic faith before it’s too late and save himself.  It's amazing what lengths men/women will go to gratify their ego… But really the real and only truth of Christ in these last days in staring him right in the face and he wants to waste his time and yours by gratifying his high place in this fleeting and illusory world.  Also, fascinating and disturbing about the lawsuit.  That's ridiculous…


Always in Christ,
Nathan Barton


New Video & Article


MHFM: This is a new video and article.  It concerns some very interesting exchanges we recently had with a man named John Salza.  The exchanges concerned a possible debate on the sedevacantist position, and other matters.  These exchanges reveal the dark character and dishonest tactics of the defenders of Benedict XVI.  This video discussion also contains some important facts and updates concerning a lawsuit we are currently engaged in.  The video contains some commentary that is not in the article, and vice versa.


John Salza's Lies, Errors and Dishonesty [new video]


John Salza's Lies, Errors and Dishonesty [new article]


This is the previous article we wrote about this individual.  It refuted his defense of Benedict XVI and his attack on the sedevacantist position, which he published last year: John Salza's Arguments Against Sedevacantism Crushed [original article]






The food tyrants are at it again, going after the little guy who wants to sell meat without hormones, steroids, pesticide products and grass fed. The feds prefer a sick population that then asks for government drugs and vaccines to make them "well."


I hope they are chastised unto their conversion to the true Catholic Faith.










"Death and Journey Into Hell" is such an excellent video.   It explains - in such detail - what will become of us when our life comes to an end.  With everything that's happening in the world today, all I ever see or hear is people worrying more about their physical condition than the condition of their soul.  So few people prepare themselves for death and even fewer want to even talk about it.  


When I think back to all the V2 funerals I have attended over the years it makes me so ashamed of myself.  All we cared about was how nicely laid out and adorned the deceased was...and why was that...because no one wanted to look death square in the face.  


How I wish these sobering Words of our Lord would have rung true in my heart back then..."And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  But rather be afraid of Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell".  St. Matt. 10:28 


Thank you for this amazing video and all your works.


Sincerely in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,






Hello Bro. Michael:


… We have not gone back to the V-2 mass and finally the lesbian looking older "nuns" have stopped harassing us to come back.  Still not sure what my husband’s boss may do but that's ok, it really is, because we are trusting totally in God's providence for us…




Death & Journey


MHFM: The full length version of our video, Death and the Journey into Hell, has been added to YouTube.


Death and the Journey into Hell [full length]


Reader Comment


Subject: John Salza


Hello Brothers:


     Funny thing about Salza - I can send him an email, and he is very fastidious about replying, even on unimportant issues. Nevertheless, when you email him, he supposedly, and very conveniently, missed the email message. What are the chances that his law office, which is not that big, received and signed for a certified letter, but did not see that the attorney got the letter right away!? How many certified letters does a law office of that size receive in a day - in a week? It can safely be assumed that they receive few if any, and that this convenient missing out on not only a received and signed for certified letter, but also an email, is just another in a long line of John Salza lies. These guys are all the same - they are most certainly typecast. You have your Karl Keatings… (who is pretty much the "pope" of the self important intellect worshipping Vatican II crowd), your Scott Hahns, your James "Jimmy" Akins, and the other boatload of blasphemers and idolaters. I had the bad experience of occasioning this crowd when I was still in the VII church. I can tell you firsthand that none of them has even a slightly coherent theology, and not one of them has even the beginnings of the Catholic Faith which Christ taught. It is very difficult to tolerate even speaking to them!

      The important thing to them is to be approved by one another. NOTHING is as important to them as is the relentless back slapping and approval of other men. They have bought into John Paul II's humanistic "theology of man" entirely, and as a group of men they have "actualized" this theology perfectly, and are the greatest manifestation of it on earth today. One of the things that is popular with the Keating/Salza type crowd is to use words like "normalized" - meaning that one is thoroughly in line with the John Paul II/VII type heretical/apostate theology and practice. Their big fear word is that one must never become "radicalized" - (meaning Catholic! Jesus entire ministry was radical against the self - importance of the Jews, and men in general "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."-Saint Matthew 16.24; "He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, keepeth it unto life everlasting"-Saint John 12.25; "Do not think that I am come to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword"- Saint Matthew 10.34. The life of Christ, His Ministry, and His Faith, are a complete departure from the "ways of man" and are completely radical). These men, and Salza aspires to be a leader among them, fear nothing more than being rejected by each other, and desire NOTHING more than to be approved and lifted up by each other. Satan did not need Salza in the Masonic high temple anymore - he is much more useful to Satan in the VII church where he can be deified by the people, and used as a Satanic mouthpiece to much better effect, because the Vatican II'ers listen to every word that these heretics and apostates say. One word of warning about Salza - he is a practiced and pathological liar... He is likely brewing up a giant lie right this moment. Also, he has no esteem for Dogma (as you have seen) but rather utilizes canon law for most of his argumentation - as canon law can be easily twisted and misapplied, and the ignorant people think he has some "expertise" because he is a secular lawyer. Dogma is too clear for him, he will avoid it if he can, simple lie about it, and then go on to present some incoherent argument based on canon law, twisting and abusing logic and the law itself, hoping to leave his listeners confused and relying on his own "summary conclusions". The guy is a hopeless archheretic, apostate, and liar! And you made a good point about how when a man is demon possessed only a true conversion will free him. This is a fact of the faith, and Salza is demon possessed. 


- Michael




Subject: Devil Working Overtime


Dear Brothers:


Through the antics of Salza and the others like him, Satan seems to be doing everything in his power to cause MHFM to have to waste precious time and energy in responding to these liars and enemies of God.


But this video is no waste of time -- it is one of the most instructive yet.  Tears the mask right off the false "traditionalist" and "conservative" big shots who keep souls locked in the fraud and slime that is the V2 Church.  Great job, Brother Peter.  If I weren't already a sedevacantist, Salza's behavior would cause me to become one. 


Lee Ann




… And of course he will not debate you...that would expose him for what he truly is.  Of course, he's kind of done that already hasn't he??


In Iesu et Maria, 







Your response to former high ranking Freemason John Salza's fraudulent lies gives great insight into the outcome an actual debate would eventually reveal.  Salza's lack of knowledge concerning the Catholic and Divine law is so evident. If he is unsure of what constitutes a valid Benedictine Monk, there's no doubt he's going to have trouble understanding the validity of a true pope. Having a good defense is having a good offense. John Salza makes it clear through his legal threats that he has neither. Being exposed, removing their masks and losing face is the biggest threat these modern demons fear as they continue to slither away from the truth and hide in the safety of their den of fellow vipers, the counter Vatican II Church. I look forward to part-two and possibly a future debate.

I also enjoyed hearing the status of the ridiculous on-going lawsuit…

God Bless your works,
Tom Miles




Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the video exposing John Salza's latest lies. He is extremely arrogant and obviously possessed of an Antichrist "man is God/Creator" spirit, since he only cares about himself, rather than the truth. People like Salza are all talk… Their main modus operandi is to avoid and deny or else abuse and threaten if cornered. The fact that you received emails from both Salza and Albrecht on the same day also shows how compromised he is since William Albrecht is an abusive liar too. It's not hard to see how John Salza got so high up in Freemasonry with his extreme bad will and dishonesty. He thinks he's some big shot having allegedly "escaped" from Freemasonry and his oath to the Devil, yet he allegedly refuses to see the obvious Freemasonic influence of the Vatican II sect and their Masonic Antipopes. John Salza has no real faith in Jesus Christ - that might hurt him too much - his faith is in man and man's experiences, rather than in the revealed true facts of Catholic dogma - historical exactness is subverted to the "feeling now" - modernism. It would be surprising if John Salza would even endure a paper-cut for the sake of Jesus Christ. His position on the "Orthodox" schismatics shows how much of a heretic and schismatic he is, since the "Orthodox" reject the very foundation of the Church, i.e. the Papacy. It's not hard to see why the Vatican II sect loves John Salza. Salza is still being used as a pawn in the Devil's "game" and sadly, he will be lost forever if he is not prepared to give up everything: reputation, property, family, even his own physical life, if necessary, for the Catholic faith whole and inviolate, outside of which there is absolutely no salvation:

Luke 14:26,27,33-35 - "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not carry his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple...So likewise every one of you that doth not renounce all that he possesseth, cannot be my disciple. Salt is good. But if the salt shall lose its savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned? It is neither profitable for the land nor for the dunghill, but shall be cast out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."

1 Corinthians 1:18 - "For the word of the cross, to them indeed that perish, is foolishness; but to them that are saved, that is, to us, it is the power of God."

God Bless,

Chris White





On the necessity of a debate: I'd like to hear a recorded conversation or debate between one of the Brothers and John Salza. It is a good learning experience for any Catholic to hear two opposing positions defended by the same set of dogmas from the true Popes. The controversy ends right away, because one position is shown to be false, when compared to the other position that is true. For Catholics, the correct teaching is what is important, not the venue or format of the debate.

On the venue and format of the debate: I do not see a problem with a recorded telephone call. If the monastery can record the phone call, why can't the other side do the same? The other side can post the identical phone conversation too so there is complete transparency. If there are any problems with one posting, it will be quickly exposed by the aggrieved opponent, thus continuing a debate that discusses dogma. I do not see what is wrong with a simple phone call, but admirably, Bro. Peter still accepted the possibility of a live format. You truly are going out of your way to defend the true faith. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you even more for your efforts. Bringing all the important Catholic documents with you outside the monastery would be a problem, unless you have memorized them word for word.

On being Benedictines: That was an interesting precondition. You basically need to ask the Vatican II Benedictines to declare you are Benedictines. Which means you have to enter into the Vatican II sect and be a heretic, and then be called a Catholic. IF you join the Vatican II sect, what would be the purpose of the debate? Weird precondition, I reckon…

On personal attacks in general: Personal attacks or "argumentum ad hominem" are effective ways of changing track in discussions. For example, when a person does not like listening to facts or dogmas, that person can simply attack the credibility of the messenger. Most people who are listening in will not care about the message when there is a real or perceived fault found in the messenger. It is very mean, but it works. Personal attacks is how the Prophets and Saints were persecuted. Every second afterwards is then used to defend the messenger, and the gospel message is placed in the back burner. Let us be aware of this trick, and let us pray that the Lord keeps us on right track always.

To anyone who wishes to debate MHFM: please go ahead without preconditions. To gain the true faith, at the expense of losing one's "face" is worth it, just like St. Paul and countless others. Anyone can repent.

Ave Maria





Response to "Comment" by Mario Chavez

I agree.  Bros., thank you for all your hard work…





Subject: Salza without the salsa!


Dear Mhfm, 


Read your article on Salza.  Where's his charity in all this?  You called it straight.  He was lying, deceitful, manipulative.  Right to his face, and he slithered away into his dark, Vatican II masonic hole.  Kudos, Mhfm, kudos!






Dear Brothers in Christ,

The excuses and threats made by Mr. Salza are really pathetic. He is obviously too proud… and is of so bad will that he thinks that The Truth originates from the human inventions, and not from God.  Let Mr. Salza read again and again what has our Lord Jesus Christ said about human doctrines. He lives in a web of contradictions made by himself, and he will perish eternally in that state unless he convert to the True Faith (which is very improbable to ever occur).

For example, from his satanic point of view, all of the apostles would be without any credibility simply because each and every one of them were persecuted by the human "law" and institutions.  The alleged conversion of Mr. Salza was nothing but the conversion from one satanic man-made religion to the other satanic man-made religion. Old lies for the new ones.

Our Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I am deeply impressed by your new video on John Salza.  The clarity and force of your words in refuting the lies of that heretic are simply a joy for true Catholics to hear.  The exchange is truly a battle between children of Mary and offspring of Lucifer, and proof of how Our Lady exposes, confounds, and lays bare all the falsehood and deception contained in the lying words of Satan.  I humbly thank you for all the hard work and sacrifice you freely put forth for the salvation of many souls in this dark time.  God bless you.



Mario Chavez




Dear Brothers,


The current Main Stream Media feeding frenzy over Helen Thomas’s words about Israel is an indication of how biased these stations truly are.    I have been interested to see how her words in her own defense with these follow-up interviews might help wake up some of the population as to how unfair and morally wrong it is for the US to have such blind loyalty to Jewish interests.    


Thank you for all of your due diligence in helping us to stay focused on what truly Matters – our loyalty to Jesus Christ and His True Faith.


May His most Blessed Mother protect us!






Who was Jacinta (one of the seers in Fatima) referring to when she spoke of the Holy Father has a lot to suffer? Is she referring to Pope Paul VI? My co-prayer group thinks so. Are they right?...


Your respond is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Respectfully Yours,


Virgie Newman


MHFM: She was definitely not referring to Paul VI, who was a heretical antipope.  We believe we cover the answer to your question in the article below.  When the issue is considered in context with the other relevant facts, we believe the answer makes quite a bit of sense.


The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia

and the Impostor Sr. Lucy




Dear Brothers:


I believe it was held by some Fathers of the Church that prior to the Creation of man, Satan was shown a vision of the Blessed Virgin and Christ Child  - a vision which caused him to revolt against God.  In love with his own magnificent angelic nature (which was a gift from God), Satan would refuse to worship the Son of God in the form of a human being which, by nature, is lower than that of the angelic order. And the rest, as they say, is history. It seems undeniable that we are now living through Satan's last chance to populate his kingdom, so he is giving it all he's got.


How any Catholic can doubt this -- that we are living in the Age of Satan/Age of Apostasy -- is beyond me.  As the news posts make clear, whether it's practiced and/or demanded by Jews, Muslims, corporations, the media, politicians, false popes, or anyone else...political correctness is the devil's way of getting everyone to lie - and to lie knowingly.  With Satan eternally enraged by the Incarnation, political correctness seems to be yet another strategy that the Father of Lies uses to mock God and make fools out of men.  How the Apocalypse is being fulfilled to the letter, exactly as your DVD explains!


The recent article by Geert Wilders (the member of the Dutch Parliament who is being dragged to court for so called hate-speech against Muslims), offered yet another proof of your position that the Red Dragon (communism) morphed into the Beast of the Apocalypse (the EU).  In his article Wilders says: 


                   "Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky has previously referred to the European Union as 

                    the "EUSSR". One of his arguments is that in the EU, as in the former USSR, there is no

                    freedom of speech." 


No "freedom of speech" means everyone is expected to lie. Under true Catholicism, the lie had no rights.  Under counterfeit "Catholicism", truth has no rights.  Over the last 500 years, Europe has seen the gradual ascendency and embrace of Protestantism and the loss of the true Catholic Faith.  If people calling themselves "Christian" love heresy -- the lie about God and His truth -- then they will get to "enjoy" every other lie as well.


Thanks for all the work you do.


Lee Ann




MHFM: Some interesting updates coming soon…




Hi brother, I watch your channel a lot and love how you stand up for the one true faith… Luther… heretic that he was, and with all his disgusting acts and his ridiculous quotes… Thanks if you get this message. God bless.






Subject: Canyon of Despair, Hope, and Meaning


That story is amazing but your commentary blew me away.

God Bless.





Comments disabled; therefore people dislike and don't listen. You are a joke.






[How a Novus Ordo member might “celebrate” the “beatification” of John Paul II with a week of activities]


Sunday after attending a "Catholic Mass" with an immorally dressed woman reading the Epistle, I will run over to catch the Lutheran service down the street.


On Monday I will join the Dalai Lama for a prayer service in honour of His Holiness, Karol W.


Tuesday will find me pouring out water to the spirits of the ancestors with the snake-handlers down the street.

On Wednesday the American Indian witch doctor will give me a blessing in the morning and my friend the rabbi will bless me in the afternoon.


Thursday the Hindus will show me how they are on their loving, trusting flight toward God.


On Friday, of course, I will be praying at the mosque, and Friday evening I'll be at the synagogue with bowed head, listening to the Jews sing a hymn about the coming of the Messiah.


That leaves Saturday for my Fatima devotions. 

… a "True V-2 Catholic"!!





Subject: Affection for Venial Sin


Dear MHFM,


In St. Louis De Montfort' "The Secret of the Rosary", he tells us, in order to gain the indulgences available to Rosary Confraternity memebers, one must:


2. They must be entirely free from affection for venial sin, because if affection for sin is left the guilt is left too, and since the guilt is there, the punishment cannot be lifted;


Page 108 The Forty Ninth Rose


I'm not sure I completely understand the meaning of entirely free from affection.  Help please.


Thank you,



MHFM: When he speaks of those who have affection for venial sin, we believe he refers to people who habitually commit deliberate venial sins.  He is saying, therefore, that souls should be so spiritually attuned that, in their actions, they consciously refrain from deliberate venial sins.




Subject: Absolutely Disgusting!!!






What is wrong with these "so called" Catholics in these parishes all over the world who continue to condone such nauseating behavior. 


Thank you for all the work you do to try to draw these deceived people back to the one TRUE CHURCH and in the one TRUE FAITH.


God bless you,






Subject: “Anti-Semitic” – “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it” - transcript


Dear Brothers,

Here is the transcript for the short radio interview of Shulamit Aloni the former Israeli minister by Amy Goodman:

Amy Goodman: "Um, often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, um, ah, people here are called anti-semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli..."

Shulamit Aloni, Former Israeli Minister: "Well, it's a trick, we always use it. When from Europe some of these criticizing Israel then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticising Israel then they are anti-semitic, and the organization is strong and has a lot of money and the, the ties between Israel and the American Estab..Jewish Establishment are very strong and, they are strong in this country as you know, er, they have power, which is okay, they are talented people and they have power, money and media and other things, and their attitude to "is Israel my country right or wrong" their identification (?), and they are not ready to hear criticism and it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-semitics and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people and that's, that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians."

God Bless,

Chris White




The ballerina "priest" of Linz


The Polish website Kronica Novus Ordo offers us these photos of "Fr." Josef Keplinger, a so-called "Catholic priest" in the Diocese of Linz, Austria. The website titles its post The Two Faces of Fr. Keplinger.

Above first at left, "Fr." Keplinger along with unidentified fellow dancers perform in ballet apparel wearing clownish yellow rubber feet, probably pretending to be ducks or geese. The first photo below allows us to recognize the central dancer, who is none other than the spiritual director of the diocesan seminary In the second and third rows, "Fr." Keplinger appears wearing his priest vestments and surrounded by regular parishioners at a V-2 church.


This seems to be one more community "entertainment" of progressivist V-2 priests, this one homosexual oriented. Another vivid sign of the self-destruction of the image of the Catholic priest as a sacred minister of God.




SBC, Bishop Webster


Subject: Question Answer Please


Good Morning.


What is the difference between your view on justification, Bishop Webster’s and the Modern St. Benedict Center. You make it clear in your 2nd Edition book, but how does it differ, if in any way, with Bishop Websters and St. Benedict Center at the present time.




In the New Law:


   1. Dimonds: no justification at all without water baptism;

   2. Webster and St. Benedict Center: (i think) justification can be achieved but if you do not get the sacrament of water baptism you will never see the face of God.


Please correct me if I am wrong.


Thank you.






MHFM: The position of the St. Benedict Center (you also say Bishop Webster takes the same position), that one can be justified by the desire for baptism, but not saved by such desire, is false and contrary to Catholic dogma.  This is from our salvation book (Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation), Section 24, on the “Errors of the St. Benedict Center.”


The Justified are heirs according to hope of life everlasting (de fide).  The Church teaches that one who is justified is an heir to heaven.  This means that if one dies in a state of Justification he will go to heaven.  The St. Benedict Center teaches that one can be justified without baptism, but such a person still isn’t an heir to heaven because he hasn’t received baptism yet.  This position contradicts dogma.


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Session 6, Chap. 7 on Justification, ex cathedra:

“Justification … is not merely remission of sins, but also the sanctification and renewal of the interior man through the voluntary reception of the grace and gifts, whereby an unjust man becomes a just man, and from being an enemy becomes a friend, that he may be ‘an heir according to hope of life everlasting [Tit. 3:7].”[iv][dclxvi]


     The true position is that every truly justified person is indeed an heir to heaven (de fide) and will go to heaven if he dies in that state, because only the baptized are truly justified from sin.


5)  The Justified have fully satisfied the divine law and have merited heaven according to their state in life (de fide).  This one really crushes the St. Benedict Center’s position.


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 16: “… hence IT MUST BE BELIEVED THAT NOTHING MORE IS NEEDED FOR THE JUSTIFIED TO BE CONSIDERED TO HAVE FULLY SATISFIED THE DIVINE LAW, according to this state in life, by the deeds they have wrought in him and to have truly merited eternal life to be obtained in its own time (if they shall have departed this life in grace)…”[v][dclxvii]


      The St. Benedict Center’s position is that a person justified without baptism is not yet in a state worthy of salvation and has not yet merited heaven.  He still needs to fulfill the divine law requiring baptism, according to them.  Remember, they constantly focus on the distinction between justification and salvation.  But the Council of Trent contradicts this by asserting that the justified have fully satisfied the divine law and have merited eternal life to be obtained in its own time (if they shall have departed this life in grace).  Nothing more is needed for the justified to get to heaven; they need only to maintain the state of Justification and die in it.  This is not consistent with the St. Benedict Center’s position, but it is consistent with the teaching of the Church (e.g., Pope St. Leo the Great) that no sinner can be justified without the Sacrament of Baptism.  This quotation from Trent actually blows the St. Benedict Center’s position away.


With regard to Bishop Webster, we had hoped that he would turn out to be an independent priest who stood for and believed in the full Catholic faith.  However, he did not.  He hosted Bishop Slupski at his place.  Slupski is a horrible heretic who denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Slupski even condemns Catholics who hold the true position on the necessity of water baptism.  Yet, Webster (who claims to believe in the salvation dogma) let the heretic Slupski speak to his people without even finding out what Slupski believed on these issues!  He also allowed him to administer Confirmation.  This, among other things, demonstrates that Webster should not be considered a true Catholic or supported as such.  In fact, it shows that, at least at that time, the faith didn’t matter to him at all.  However, since he claims to believe in the necessity of water baptism, Webster is actually better doctrinally than most of the other independent bishops (e.g., the raging BOD apostates, who are almost as bad as Benedict XVI).


We also wrote to Webster about this problem, i.e., his decision to host the heretic Slupski.  He responded by essentially stating that he didn’t know Slupski’s position and didn’t ask him.  That is not the activity of someone who holds or cares about the Catholic faith.


Also, we regret to have to report this but we must: numerous people we know well (whose word we consider trustworthy) report that Bishop Webster has made inappropriate comments (one could describe them as advances) toward females.  This includes inappropriate actions.  We would not publish this unless we believed these reports to be extremely credible, and they come from multiple sources.  For that reason, we felt it was necessary to include this as part of our answer to your question, lest we fail to warn others about credible information we have been given.




Subject: More on Infant Baptism


Thank you for the comments.  I understand that one cannot take what "individuals" state about the Catholic faith, but that the teaching of the church (Magisterial) is the correct teaching to follow.  Over the years and due to your guidance I have followed this direction and attempt to learn more about the faith every day.  It is still astonishing to see this being spoken or at least put on paper by someone who taught other consistent Catholic truths.  Just goes to show not to follow men but God and the Catholic faith.


I've found reading about the Saints to be my most enjoyable reading, outside of the Douay Rheims.  There are little gems in the lives of all the Saints and to mine these and imitate their virtues seems a clear direction to the "path less taken" .


God Bless you for your works






Dear MHFM,


It is a delight really and am grateful at the work and most especially the boldness that I've heard coming from you and I like also how you break the norm and get right into business with Catholic issues--Its exciting really and joyous (with the courage, fortitude, precision, with accuracy and knowledge flowing from you). Also on the Coast to Coast Am show, you valiantly shone forth the truth and virtues amongst the pagans-- fighting for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Catholic Faith… I am convinced of all the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church and reject the Counter church. I also hold the correct Catholic positions on the various issues that are relevant today… I've said the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts and I also have all your books and DVDs that where specifically made by Most Holy Family Monastery and some others that you have. 


From C




Subject: bod, love of self, vs love for God


Seems simple logic to realize that BOD destroys Christian charity and the Grace to love God and defend the faith.   It results in the loss of a chance of salvation for those outside the faith and certainly for those accepting this heresy and allowing the ignorant to remain so.  

It's clearly Luciferian anti-Christ masonic protestantism.  

Hopefully your research will inspire more of us to pray unceasingly asking the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother, with St. Joseph, for the Grace to love God.  If we don't; we're damned!... Deny one truth & thus deny all.   A damning curse!





Subject: Exorcism/Demonic Possession or Harassment


To whom it may concern:


I watched the videos on the unfolding tragedy of Analise Michelle on your website. I was truly horrified at the degree of suffering this child went through.

For the past 6 to 7 years I have been under "demonic" harassment. I quote demonic because I have no true way to know what these things are. Unlike God I am not all-knowing. I know that they are destructive, they know no bounds as to species, state of faith, state of health or anything else. All are open targets "rightful prey". What I do know is very skimpy. They (or it) scoff at all "religious" authority, they are capable of creating huge changes in perception, they can communicate and influence on a pre-verbal level. They depend greatly on our tendency to fill in the blanks, whether of perception or verbal phrases. They can "copy and paste" somatic memory as well as intensify sensation and access memories, even deeply repressed memories. They are destroyed or at least interrupted by an open electrical arc.  I do know that they attempt to gain the victim's cooperation in several ways. Sacrificing oneself for others, defense of the family, serving God are all ways they attempt to gain cooperation with their agenda. They are world-builders, altering perception to a degree that that the victims reactions can be manipulated within that altered reality. Their methods can be broken down into the broad categories of isolate, invalidate and manipulate.


I do not belief that the majority of these "demons" are beings. I have never heard of anything spiritual or of spirit being destroyed in an electrical arc. Because almost everything they do defies the logic of survivability and has a great degree of repetition, I tend to think they are more robotic in nature, their actions programmed like any artificial intelligence decision tree. This may be just their manipulation of my reasoning process, or there may have simply been a need to have more "demonic" boots on the ground than were actually available. At any rate they are enemies….






MHFM: We must say that you are being deceived by giving too much attention to demonic phenomena and attempting to understand their modus operandi.  You need to convert to the traditional Catholic faith, pray the Rosary each day, and get into the state of grace (either through baptism or a true confession).  That’s how you will overcome the evil influences troubling you; there is no other way. 




MHFM: The full length version of our video, Creation and Miracles, Past and Present, has been added to YouTube.


Creation and Miracles, Past and Present [full length]


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Canyon of Despair, Hope, and Meaning [new video]




I just wanted to comment on Vladimir’s email, great observation in regard to the evil subtleties of the vatican ll sect, as you pointed out many people don't realize or they just write it off as coincidence but symbolism and carefully placed wording is very important to them, just like their esoteric knowledge that they think nobody knows about...             





Subject: Crown of Life


Dear Brothers,

The similarity between hell and Aron Ralston's 6 days in Blue John Canyon is amazing. In the documentary he almost reluctantly admits that when he had to cut his median nerve, "it felt like fire" shooting up his arm. In Islamic Sharia law they will cut off a thief's hand and kill their own family members for even talking to someone of the opposite sex. Muslims also worship a black stone (meteorite) in Mecca, which they like to kiss, and which is OCCULTIC IDOLATRY:

Leviticus 26:1 - "I am the Lord your God: you shall not make to yourselves any idol or graven thing, neither shall you erect pillars, nor set up a remarkable stone in your land, to adore it: for I am the Lord your God."

It's tragic that God helps people to see the edge of hell but that most never convert. Adrenaline junkies like Aron Ralston claim to be risking their body (and soul) so as to "feel alive" but they're slaves to the "all-seeing-eye of Lucifer." If they want to conquer the world (and themselves) they need to follow in the footsteps on the narrow path to life of Jesus Christ in the Catholic faith only:

John 16:33 - "These things I [Jesus Christ] have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world."

Apocalypse 2:9,10 - "I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. Behold, the devil will cast some of you into prison that you may be tried: and you shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful until death: and I will give thee the crown of life."

God Bless,

Chris White






I'd like to respond to Tom Miles recent email.


It was such a blessing for me to read such truth.


Yes...sorry to say...we all have been headed down the wrong path at certain times in our lives - myself more times then I'd like to admit.


So thank you Tom...for that most inspirational email that so spoke to my heart.


"The mercies of the Lord that we are not consumed, because His commiserations have not failed.  They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness".  Lam. 3 22-24






May I ask you [about] the situation in our home with my mother in law… for she still takes the Lord's name in vain and this offends me---what can I do?   I've corrected her once, we never had this in our home before, we used to have peace here in our home --- I just do not know how this situation will resolve and I ask for your [prayers] thank you again…


MHFM: You should kick her out.


Infant Baptism


Dear Brothers,


I recently finished reading a book that was in most cases very good, however there was one particular passage concerning Infant Baptism that seems contrary to Catholic teaching (Infant Baptism).   The book in question is, "The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life" by Father Charles Arminjon.  Father Arminjon lived from 1824-1885 and was born in Chambery, France.  The book details a series of "conferences" Father Arminjon preached to the faithful…


My issue is with father Arminjon's reference to Infant Baptism, I was wondering if this could have been a precursor to the denial of Baptism for salvation (BOD or BOB) that was making itself known around this time?  Could it also be interpreted as father Arminjon simply being "wrong" about the Catholic faith?  This one bothered me as he mentions Trent in the book and obviously knew of the teachings of Trent.  Any insight would be appreciated on this.  

The particular passage is on page 219 about two-thirds of the way to the bottom, it reads as follows,

“These children who have died without Baptism will not be separated from God completely; they will be united to him in the sense that they will attain their natural end, and will see God, as far as is possible to see him, through the medium of eternal beings, to the extent that he manifests Himself in the marvels and harmonies of creation.  This is a precious doctrine, which reconciles both divine justice and divine goodness, a sweet consolation for Christian mothers who mourn their children killed in a natural accident without having been reborn by the sacrament of the Redemption!"

God Bless you for your works



MHFM: Without seeing more of the context, one would have to say that the passage is definitely not consistent with Catholic teaching.  It’s at least a false and exaggerated description of the state of infants who die without baptism.  The Church teaches that infants who die without baptism are not saved, but descend into Hell.  They suffer the punishment of the condemned, but not the punishment of fire.  Heresies and false teachings on baptism and its necessity were undoubtedly a key to the Great Apostasy.




Subject: Video



I enjoyed your view points on the recent Dateline show concerning the young man trapped in the western desert canyon. While watching the show, I thought this particular story was different than most other TV stories of unsolved disappearances and disasters. Stories of how wonderful the victim is/was only to find out the person was involved in some sinful lifestyle of adultery, stealing, etc..

There are reports of hundreds of individuals that are hurt, lost or killed in the western deserts of the U.S. each year, all of whom seem to be searching for answers, an adventure or inner peace.  I'm thinking this might be a good place for a MHFM billboard campaign.

The story on the canyon of despair, was interesting in many ways.  After this man had quit his plush career as an engineer and took a job in an outdoors clothing and equipment shop, God knew exactly what would unfold in this young man’s life over the next five days or so. Allowing the man to take two high-calorie burritos, water and a pocket knife along for his survival. (This man was also an experience mountain climber, if I remember correctly, wanting to be the only person to have climbed all the major mountains alone.  He also went on to climb mountains after this event with the use of a prosthetic arm).

God had pinned the young man down just long enough, that despair had set in after he had extinguished his own engineering capabilities to free himself. God had also started up the search teams without the young man knowing. With all hope lost, the young man’s prayers were answered when God's Divine Inspiration revealed to him that all he had to do was to break the bone and he'd be free. Had God revealed this insight during the early hours of his entrapment, the young man would have discarded the information as foolishness and most likely would have died.

I think this is true throughout time concerning God's wisdom given to each man accordingly. The Saints and the Doctors of the Church didn't receive their wisdom over night, though only over the years of charitable deeds and suffering.  Many or all of your readers were at one time or another trapped or pinned down in a way of life that would lead to their eventual second death of eternal Hell fire, only to be led out of their despair by God's intervention, and leading them to the true faith.

God Bless Your works,
Tom Miles


Human and Christian


Dear Brothers in Christ,

There is one detail commonly present in the speeches and addresses of the antipopes, which can easily be overlooked by the untrained eye. The detail I'm talking about can be seen in the article you've linked to in your News section. It is about Russian president Medvedev meeting the antipope B16. In the article it is said: "the broad-ranging collaboration between the Holy See and the Russian Federation was recognized, both in the promotion of specifically human and Christian values, and in the cultural and social field."

At the first glance there is nothing unusual about the aforementioned sentence; it is just an ordinary  sentence coming out from the mouth of an apostate. But, it must be noted that the order of words is "human and Christian", and not "Christian and human".  One could say that this is just a coincidence, but if one goes to the Vatican website and look for other speeches and addresses, one would find that virtually always the antipopes speak about "human and Christian" values, not about "Christian and human". The people who have no experience whatsoever with the communist dictatorship cannot easily grasp the significance of the ORDER of words in speeches of the dictator. In the former USSR, and other communist regimes, whoever dared to swap the order of some words, even  in a way that  does not change the meaning of a sentence, was sent to Gulag. To the normal human intelligence, the expressions "human and Christian" and "Christian and human" mean pretty much the same.

The expression "human and Christian" is a yet another way to mock our Lord Jesus Christ. First, this order of words tells us that "Christian" is of less importance, if any, than the "human". Second, this expression DELIBERATELY mocks the order of DIVINE PERSONS--THE FATHER is the first person, THE SON is the second, and THE HOLY GHOST is the third person of The Divine Trinity. The antipopes have deliberately and constantly used the subliminal messages mocking THE TRINITY, and the order of The Divine Persons.

Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


MHFM: Yes, in our articles dealing with how John Paul II taught that man is God, we have a section on that issue.  It’s one of the more subtle ways in which the antipopes taught that man is God.  Here are a few examples from our John Paul II preached the Doctrine of the Antichrist.  In these examples, John Paul II equates becoming human (like man) with becoming divine (like God) and vice versa.  He equates the two because he teaches that by the Incarnation the Son of God became each man.  While it’s certainly not the most blatant example of his teaching that man is God or that man is to be equated with God, for those who understood what he really taught, his meaning is clear. 

Antipope John Paul II, Address to the Slovenians, May 18, 1996: “In this way you will help change the world; you will make it more human and thus more divine.”[vi]


Here Antipope John Paul II says that to be more like man is thus (therefore) to become more like God, indicating that man is God.


Antipope John Paul II, Incarnationis mysterium (# 2): “…the Church opens to all people the prospect of being ‘divinized’ and thus of becoming more human.”[vii]


Here again, Antipope John Paul II explicitly says that to become more divine is thus (therefore) to become more human, equating God with man.


Antipope John Paul II, Address to Portuguese Bishops, Nov. 30, 1999: “In fact, by his Incarnation, he, the Son of God, has in a certain way united himself with each man… the Christian way of life not only gives meaning to what exists, but also opens ‘to all people the prospect of being divinized and thus of becoming more human.[viii]


Here again Antipope John Paul II equates being divinized with becoming more human, and he bases it again on the Incarnation.  In our Issue #5, we had even more quotes on the “human and Christian” issue; but we figured that if people aren’t convinced by the quotes in our file above (which was the final version we used for our book) they won’t be convinced by even more quotes.


To do


Subject: what to do?


I was wondering what you recommend if we live in an area where there is only one Catholic church for miles around and it most definitely is of the vatican 2? I want to do the right thing but we have no other choices for us in the area.

John and Juli


MHFM: It sounds like you are asking if you should go to a New Mass, if that’s all you have.  The answer is no.  Once a person is convinced on all issues, we can help him or her with where to receive sacraments.  However, that includes completely rejecting the Vatican II sect and being committed to never attend the New Mass again.




Dear Brothers in Christ,

Every now and then in your e-exchanges there pops up some of the innumerable V2-sect adherents, daring to give you advice as "you should repent", or "you should quit spreading heresies", etc. It appears that you already have a huge collection of such tokens of supernatural stupidity, coming out of rotten souls of V2-sect adherents. Let me comment on some of the "pearls" of godless stupidity.

V2-sectarian says: "You should obey Magisterial Teaching".  Oh really? Why would anybody obey Magisterial Teachings if your satanic antipopes in Vatican say that anybody is saved, even those who openly and most aggressively reject Jesus Christ?  V2-sectarian says: "You are no different from anti-Catholic fundamentalist groups".  If that were to be true, then you, stupid and most wicked V2-sectarian, are obliged to embrace MHFM as your "Christian brothers", according to the satanic teaching of the antipopes…

V2-sectarian says: "You are spreading heresies".  What heresies, you stupid servant of Devil? Even if one, other than V2-sectarian such as yourself, would deliberately try to spread some heresy, he/she has no chance to invent anything different from what your counter-catholic church is already spreading. The only meaning of your "advice" is that you call The Truth a heresy, and heresy you call The Truth. You are a liar, you love lies with all of your demoniacal soul.

Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


MHFM: Good points…




Subject: Analogy of Hell video


Dear Brothers,

Your other readers' comments on your work always seem to give voice to what I am thinking, so I normally don't need to add my 2 cents.....But, your recent Canyon of Despair, Hope, and Meaning video was so stupendously done!  You really need to keep that in a prominent place on your site - I think your hell video and that video are for everyone - no matter what state their soul is in.

I also wanted to share some things about the weather here with you......About this time last year, Illinois had a pretty significant earthquake.....I mean, our house shook pretty hard - pictures rattled, etc....our older kids were awakened by it.  Anyway, the next morning, all of the news places (and regular people) were describing how common it is to have earthquakes here, and it really is no big deal.....and I was like, WHAT?!?!?  I have lived here my whole life.....that was not in any sense normal.  But then a few weeks ago, we had a huge snow storm (which is TOTALLY normal) - and everyone was like, "Oh my goodness, this is so terrible....we haven't seen anything quite like this".  The earthquake barely received any coverage - and the snowstorm got nonstop coverage with a catch phrase of "snowmageddon".

It's like the news media doesn't want us to think of the true apocalypse as it is - but wants us to think of the fake confusing nature's natural course with God's messages. 

One last thing (an analogy of my own) - we had very nice weather this week - and everyone was raving - that even though we all knew it wasn't here to stay, it was just a nice treat - to remind us spring is almost here.  I kept thinking of your website, and how it is a treat for my family and me.  Your work reminds me everyday, of God's goodness and providence - and that no matter what is happening, God is God, and He is the end of our journey - and He is giving us every help possible by His Holy Mother Mary and the most Holy Rosary.

Again, thank you for sharing your wonderful video…

Teri Thurman




Subject: Quit Spreading Heresy


With all due respect you need to repent and be obedient to the Magisterial authority of the Catholic Church rather than spread heretical sedevacantist tripe if you choose to call yourself a Catholic.  Currently your "ministry" is no different from an anti-Catholic fundamentalist Protestant group's efforts to attack Christ's Church.  Take a good dose of humble medicine… get yourself to confession and back into the true Church.  Don't waste your time pretending to defend your own "true" version of Christianity.  It's an affront to the Holy Spirit.




MHFM: It’s a pity that you don’t have any idea what fidelity to the Magisterium means.  It’s outrageous that think you defend Catholic truth when you trample upon it.  You are actually the Protestant.  You accept Vatican II.  That means that you believe Protestants can be saved (heresy).  It also means that you believe they are part of the true Church (heresy).  You also defend Antipope Benedict XVI, who justifies Protestantism and teaches that Protestants don’t need conversion (heresy).  As the quote below shows, you don’t have any idea what the truth is and you are immersed in the very thing you wrongly accuse us of representing (i.e., Protestantism).  You are an affront to the Holy Ghost and an abomination before God.  You need to humble yourself, learn Catholic teaching, and convert. 


Benedict XVI, The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood, pp. 87-88: “The difficulty in the way of giving an answer is a profound one.  Ultimately it is due to the fact that there is no appropriate category in Catholic thought for the phenomenon of Protestantism today (one could say the same of the relationship to the separated churches of the East).  It is obvious that the old category of ‘heresy’ is no longer of any value.  Heresy, for Scripture and the early Church, includes the idea of a personal decision against the unity of the Church, and heresy’s characteristic is pertinacia, the obstinacy of him who persists in his own private way.  This, however, cannot be regarded as an appropriate description of the spiritual situation of the Protestant Christian.  In the course of a now centuries-old history, Protestantism has made an important contribution to the realization of Christian faith, fulfilling a positive function in the development of the Christian message and, above all, often giving rise to a sincere and profound faith in the individual non-Catholic Christian, whose separation from the Catholic affirmation has nothing to do with the pertinacia characteristic of heresy.  Perhaps we may here invert a saying of St. Augustine’s: that an old schism becomes a heresy.  The very passage of time alters the character of a division, so that an old division is something essentially different from a new one.  Something that was once rightly condemned as heresy cannot later simply become true, but it can gradually develop its own positive ecclesial nature, with which the individual is presented as his church and in which he lives as a believer, not as a heretic.  This organization of one group, however, ultimately has an effect on the whole.  The conclusion is inescapable, then: Protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined.”


Protestantism is the rejection of many dogmas of the Catholic Faith.  Protestantism is not only heresy, but the most notorious collection of heresies with which the Church ever had to contend. 


Pope Pius XI, Rerum omnium perturbationem (# 4), Jan. 26, 1923: “… the heresies begotten by the [Protestant] Reformation.  It is in these heresies that we discover the beginnings of that apostasy of mankind from the Church, the sad and disastrous effects of which are deplored, even to the present hour, by every fair mind.”


But Benedict XVI tells us that Protestants are not heretics, and that Protestantism itself is not heresy.  This is undeniable proof that Benedict XVI is not a Catholic, but a complete heretic. 




Brother Dimond,


I read your booklet about the Catholic Church, "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church".  Quite interesting…


Fritz Peterson




Subject: Video


It is very sobering to see the Dogma of hell played out in real life for everyone to see, especially with the closing of the time period of Pope Leo Xlll' vision of the great battle between the devil and the Living Ark of the Covenant of God…






Dear Brothers,

I would like to comment on a recent e-exchange with a person named Veronica regarding loving ones enemies . You said:

"It is through faith, and the supernatural confidence that people can change, that one can learn to love an evil enemy in the sense that one desires his or her conversion. However considering such evil people as they are, a person who truly loves God and possesses supernatural charity could certainly have the most vigorous feelings of detestation, not only for what such evil individuals do but also for the evil individuals themselves. "

Your response to her was right on the mark…





Subject: On bizarre spiritual events


Good evening Brothers Peter and Michael.
I was wondering if you have ever heard of this kind of thing happening. It's hard to describe. It happened for over two weeks last April, and nothing even remotely like it has ever happened before, or since. I am a Traditional Catholic whose beliefs are much like yours; I have nothing to do with the occult, of course, and I do not take drugs.
Last April, time seemed almost to stop, or at least not to flow properly. It can loosely be described as an "out of time" experience.
My perceptions became, as it were, skewed - certain things would be "emphasized", and others, not; and it *seemed* as if these differences in perceptions were like "signs" which had certain meanings, which seemed to be suggested from somewhere. This may include colours, certain words, etc. The Internet was chock full of them.
There was a "presence" which was present at certain times, which I can only describe as a "despairing spirit", seeking entry. Fortunately, it did not seem to have gotten through.
One of the most bizarre things was this: I seemed to have a "spiritual" perspective which may be described as "god-like" or at least from some kind of angelic level. This is most difficult to describe, so I'm not even going to try. It was not only "outside the box", it was outside of the universe which contains the box.
The thing is, all of these things, and much, much more (this is about 1% of the total) was totally believable at the time; in fact, I really did not have a choice; it was forced on me (completely unexpected, completely unasked for, of course). After it was over, about April 21, I had no trouble consigning the whole thing to the garbage bin as a grandiose satanic deception, because there were many obvious heresies. But I've never been the same since; it has been difficult to say even the Holy Rosary.
So if you have any advice I can use, I'd appreciate it.
Yours in Jesus, Mary, Joseph.
-Mike S.


MHFM: It seems like it is a demonic deception.  You should ignore it, and focus on your prayers and getting into or maintaining the state of grace.  As we’ve mentioned in some of our audios on these issues, the more attention one gives to such phenomena frequently results in God allowing the Devil to increase the influence of the phenomena in one’s life.






Looks like Nasa can’t deny it any longer because it’s going to be visible soon where everyone will be able to see it with the naked eye.. So now their slowly conditioning us for it...It’s supposed to cause more and more turmoil of natural disasters the closer it gets due to the gravitational pull and effects along with space debris and comets that it carries along and or flings at us..  4 times the size of Jupiter..Yep, all my old school notes that I have on this are now being verified by mainstream media.   The whole theory is that our sun orbits another star.  That other star named Nemesis has a planet named Nibiru that orbits it.  Nibiru is to cut through our solar system and is getting close where we should be able to see it soon perhaps this year.  It’s a cold planet and dark which explains why it can only be seen via infrared until its right on top of us is when we should be able to see it.   They say Nasa knew all along but now that it will be visible soon, they have to quick come up with stories like this because they won’t be able to hide the truth any longer. 




Dear Brothers in Christ,

There is a story on youtube: about one of the survivors of the "holocaust". This man, Rosenblatt, has been deliberately lying about how he survived in nazi camp. He was doing that (the lying) for years, and finally admitted that his story is not true. But, what is really astounding is that he says something like this: "Yes, I know this was not true, but in my imagination it was true." He says that he was lying in "good intentions" and that he would do the same again, if necessary.

Mother Mary, crush the head of The Serpent--the father of all lies.

Vladimir form Zagreb, Croatia


MHFM: Yes, it’s very interesting.  We’ve linked to it in the past.  It demonstrates how dishonest people can be.  It’s interesting to consider that his wife also went along with the lie – completely.  Rosenblatt admits the story is false, yet he justifies it.  He would tell it again because, “in his imagination,” it’s true.  That makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?




Subject: Benedict XVI’s plans to commemorate Luther’s 95 Theses


Excuse me but wasn't that more akin to the "95 Feces" that antichrist antipope demonically saturated false -prophet B16 is so "thrilled" to be "commemorating" soon?  [Sorry but since my grandparents were a medical doctor and a nurse,  and used to work in a hospital with bed-ridden people for years,  I guess I learned some of their odd 'scatological humor' from them----especially also since we've been dealing with the various "potty issues" of a 92 year old for a year now----you see, sometimes humor is an ok way of dealing with horrible stuff!]....I hope you do not find this too offensive, I mean no harm,  it is just that the phrase comes to mind---speaking of offensive:  I was at a restaurant where they had tv and unfortunately I was exposed to the "grammy's" for a few minutes:  outrageously offensive.  At work last night as I was leaving,  the tv at work had the "Lawrence Welk" show on:  what a contrast between 2011 "grammies" and the Lawrence Welk show of some (40?) years ago.  Not totally pure, put much more so in comparison with 2011 hellishness…







Subject: Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church

Dear brothers,

What is your opinion of the Ukrainian orthodox Greek Catholic Church which denounced the Satanism at the Assisi gatherings past and planned of Wojyta and Ratzinger? They also denounced the obviously apostate Balamand declaration and declared apostate all the professors at the Gregorian and  2,200 bishops…

Richard Nicoletti


MHFM: One would expect that people who claim to believe in Jesus Christ and the Gospel would denounce the Assisi gatherings as manifestations of apostasy.  Therefore, it’s not surprising that the schismatics have condemned them.  It’s also not surprising that many of them denounce the illogical false ecumenism manifested by the Balamand Statement and similar agreements.  In those agreements “Catholics” of the V-2 sect and the “Orthodox” denounce trying to convert each other.  The fact that some of the schismatics reject these things does not mean they have the true faith or are of good will.  It simply demonstrates that even some non-Catholics are able to expose and denounce the illogical and Christ-rejecting apostasy of the Vatican II sect.




Subject: Rosary


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


After reading through a vast amount of your material and watching the videos, I have become uncertain about whether or not the rosary I am using should be used at all. It was given to me years ago but I did not use it until recently. It was most certainly blessed by a Novus Ordo Priest and not only that, it has the words "Medugorje" engraved on it. To my knowledge that is the name of the place the false apparitions are at. Should I donate the rosary to a Post-vatican 2 church and pick up a new one and have it blessed by a priest who was ordained in the traditional rite?




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  No, you should not use the Rosary.  You should bury it instead.




Watch as the two secret service men assigned to protect president Kennedy's motorcade are ordered to stand down just minutes before entering Dealey Plaza. They are obviously not happy about being given these orders.






Subject: Response to Comment


Dear Brothers:


It seems to me that YIC, John Solak is having a hard time trying to spit out what he really wants to say.  Perhaps he might express his thoughts something like this:


YIC Not:  because I believe that a life spent in the service of God, and in the pursuit of an eternal Heavenly home, is a waste of that creature called "time".....


YIC Not:  because I don't know the difference between the conclusions of men and the truths of God.... 


YIC Not:  because I imagine that the love of God is the love of self....


YIC Not:  because I maintain that there are real seminaries left in the world today (or, at least, I imagine that others might imagine there are)....


YIC Not:  because it costs my pride way too much to admit (even to myself) that I am wrong ...and that Most Holy Family Monastery is right.


Lee Ann




Great response to this old man, it’s obvious this guy prefers the old man instead of completely putting off the old man and putting on the new man.  In reading your response I immediately thought of St. Domenico Flavio who was St. Don Bosco's student, St. Domenico died when he was 15 yrs. old and had more wisdom in his pinky toe than this guy could have if he lived for 200 more years!  Where due these people come from???    Mary pray for us,  






Subject: Satanic John Solak


Dear Brothers,


The email from John Solak is Satanic. He criticizes you without even citing one point where he thinks you're wrong. John Solak is "wasting" his life "thinking that" he has "all the answers." It is the Catholic Church, not any man, that has all the answers a person needs for salvation:


Pope Pius IX, Vatican I, January 6, 1870, Profession of faith: "Likewise, all other things which have been transmitted, defined and declared by the sacred canons and the ecumenical councils, especially the sacred Trent, I accept unhesitatingly and profess; in the same way whatever is to the contrary, and whatever heresies have been condemned, rejected and anathematised by the church, I too condemn, reject and anathematise. This true catholic faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath, and I shall do my best to ensure that all others do the same."


Pope St. Pius X, Lamentibili Sane, July 3, 1907 (#22): "The dogmas the Church holds out as revealed are not truths which have fallen from heaven. They are an interpretation of religious facts which the human mind has acquired by laborious effort."


It not MHFM, but rather John Solak's "writings" that "are increasingly bordering on the madness of self-absorption." John Solak needs "to go back to the drawing board and start" at the dogmas of the Catholic faith, such as the necessity of water baptism against the heresy of invincible ignorance where he "will learn what" he does "not know." John Solak needs to "listen to the wisdom of" the Ancient of Days.


Daniel 7:9,10 - "I beheld till thrones were placed, and the Ancient of days sat: his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like clean wool: his throne like flames of fire: the wheels of it like a burning fire. A swift stream of fire issued forth from before him: thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him: the judgment sat, and the books were opened."


It is John Solak who needs "discipline and silence for a time," doing the reading he should have done years ago. Otherwise it is John Solak who will burn in hell forever.


God Bless,

Chris White




Dear Brothers,


Your response to Mr. Solak is so very true.  Am getting advanced in years myself - and most of my friends are elderly.  They close their ears to ANYTHING I tell them about what is happening in the church today.  They are exactly like you stated in your response to this elderly gentlemen.  Self-centered and know-it-alls.  Plus I have no idea what he meant by a "real seminary" - since most of them are a den of Satan. 


Most of the elderly do not advance in wisdom.  They become so set in there ways it is impossible to get through to them…


God bless you.






You are wasting your lives thinking that you have all the answers. You provide great, thought-provoking entertainment, but your writings are increasingly bordering on the madness of self-absorption, You need to go back to the drawing board and start in at a real seminary where you will learn what you do not know,  Listen to the wisdom of an old man,  You need discipline and silence for a time.


YIC, John Solak


MHFM: You are typical of the person who despises the truth when it is presented to him.  In your vain conceit, you rebel against that which shakes your confidence in your established worldview or way of life.  You also deceive yourself (as many do) when you conclude that as you advance in years you necessarily advance in wisdom.  No, an increase in age does not necessarily equate to an increase in wisdom.  In fact, it frequently works the other way.  The longer one spends resisting God’s will the more obstinate he becomes in doing his own.  As a result, he becomes increasingly blind to God’s truth and resistant to His grace.  Our Lady frequently appears to children to deliver her messages because it’s rare that those advanced in years will communicate Heaven’s message simply without injecting their own ideas.  You are a prime example of why so many “Catholics” are left, by the just punishment of God, in a state of blindness vis-à-vis the true situation of the Church.  When it is put in front of your face, you think you know better: “… God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble” (James 4:6).


New Heresies from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's Recent Heresies file with some new heresies from Benedict XVI.


Benedict XVI says the “Orthodox” have “saints” and looks forward to an ecumenical commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther’s theses [new]


New Debate Posted


MHFM: This is a new debate on the issue of whether Pope Honorius was condemned by the Church as a heretic.


Debate: Was Pope Honorius a Heretic? [new debate video]


This is a debate between Bro. Peter Dimond and Michael Creighton on the aforementioned issue.  It should be noted that both individuals hold the sedevacantist position, and agree that the truth about Honorius doesn't in any way contradict the correct position that the post-Vatican II claimants (e.g., Benedict XVI) are not true popes.  Mr. Creighton wrote to MHFM and said that we need to “amend” our position on Honorius.  When asked if he would accept a debate, he agreed, but added: “… You can’t win this debate.”




Dear Brothers Dimond   


I am angry that they are going to “beatify” ANTI- POPE JOHN PAUL 2.  The guy was just totally evil.  Also you have these novus ordites just drooling over him like he was some very holy and saintly man.  What a big stupid satanic joke these people are!!  There was nothing saintly about him.  Also his writings are just pure garbage.  This will really be an abomination beyond comprehension when the devil worshiping , satanic NOVUS ORDO roncallian sect does this. Would be interesting if you would make a video commenting about this before may 1.  And also about what’s going on in egypt.  Why did the USA give so much aid in money to that corrupt 30 year dictator Mubarack?  What is wrong with this country?  Is it because Mubarack is pro-western and pro-zionist?  Thank you for all the great work your apostolate does in waking people up.  PAX CHRISTI 




Chilling Calculation


Subject: Chilling Calculation




Reading Sanjiv's email sent chills through me.  His calculation really is scary.  Why is it so hard for Catholics to accept the truth that is going on in the church today.  All I ever here is...: Oh, you are so...wrong - none of what you are saying is true - I'll pray for you".


When the Lord directed me to you web-site I had no trouble believing all your material and videos.  Ordered most of them.  Everything just sorta fell into place.  Always felt something was not right with the present day church.  


As I've said many times I can't thank you enough for your web-site and all it has opened my eyes to…


God Bless You.


In Mary our Queen,






Subject: B-1666 heresies


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for exposing Antipope Benedict XVI's latest heresies. Benedict XVI evidently believes that redemption comes through committing sins and holding to heresies because he doesn't let up on either. The "Orthodox Bishop" (and faithful) are a disgrace for rejecting the Papacy, not "venerable." There is no "Orthodox" martyr or saint because no "Orthodox" holds the truly Orthodox Catholic faith in Christ, since they reject the successors to Peter in the Papacy. No "Orthodox" has or ever will go to heaven! The Lutherans don't believe that good works are necessary for salvation, which is heresy, yet Benedict XVI wants to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Luther's 95 theses against Indulgences in 2017. It proves Benedict XVI is an outrageous heretic who is deliberately working to spread the heresy of "salvation by sin," or Jewish Sabbateanism, because Satanism is about indulging oneself in sins such as heretical celebrations with Lutherans. He couldn't be more deceptive and offensive to God if he tried. The heresy of "religious freedom" is a guaranteed path to spiritual slavery since all non-Catholic religions persecute the only true religion, the Catholic Church, because all other religions are inspired by demonic ex-archangels. Benedict XVI directly challenges God by saying "How can anyone deny the contribution of the world’s great religions to the development of civilization?” because all the Pagan religions practiced disgusting and cruel sacrifices, sometimes of their own children, and all non-Catholic religions have institutionalized some kind of mortal sin (as well as heresies). He sends respects to the deceased Tullia Levi, leader of the Italian Jewish Union who was another racist Jewish supremacist and Antichrist non-Catholic. Benedict XVI respects such hallways of hell as Lutheran Churches and other non-Catholic "Christian" religions and calls the Lutheran leader a "Bishop." He then works to undermine the Catholic faith even more by preaching the condemned heresy of "religious liberty" for all, regardless of what they believe, proving that he is a slave to Lucifer and chained to the other demons since he rejects the only true pillar, ground and tower of Truth, The Lord Jesus Christ's Traditional Roman Catholic Church!!! Benedict XVI is so madly infested with infernal dragons that he truly deserves the title of Antichrist Antipope and False Prophet. What a horrible and sacrilegious monster and Beast Antipope Benedict 1666 is!!!

God Bless,

Chris White


MHFM: Yes, there were some very significant heresies in the latest batch from Benedict XVI.  It’s nice to be able to put fresh ones in the face of his dishonest defenders.  He now speaks of commemorating (with Lutherans) Martin Luther’s posting of the theses, and they will still defend him.   




Subject: Comment on Heretic Pope Honorius Debate


"Christ's authority in the Papacy, not in a pope" - Chris White


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,


Ave Maria! I am so grateful with the latest video on your debate with Michael Creighton on finer points on Papal Infallibility and Magisterium.  The blows refuting Mr. Creighton's stand were amazing, it shows the wonder and crystal clear guidance of the Holy Ghost in protecting the Pure and unstained Catholic Church as the Mystical Bride of Christ.  I agree with Chris White that your opponent sinned by his bad intention ... his supernatural relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church failed as he entertained the idea that the Bride of Christ can stand to embrace the heretical Honorius as pope and his heretical ideas that have been condemned by the Church!  If Mr. Creighton is really a Catholic and loves Christ and the Catholic Church he could simply submit his will to that of the Church as an obedient son but he chose to embrace more his intellectual pride.  Maybe he does not realize that he condemned himself by embracing the hellish ideas of heretic Honorius! ... ANYBODY who sides with the condemned heretic of the Church shares the same pronounced excommunication and so as Mr. Creighton on this issue.


Your Q & A style in the debate to refute his arguments are amazing, from this alone people of goodwill can simply decipher the [truth].  Very impressive Brothers ... it's getting dreadful nowadays as sedevacantists are getting tried like gold in the furnace of fire ... debate on finer points like this are meant to clear the air that the Catholic Church is Pure as her Groom (Christ) is…


In Crucified Christ and Immaculate Mary,
Joey, EENS-Sedevacantist (Philippines)




Subject: baptism of desire/blood


Dear Mhfm, 


On the Treatise On The Love of  God by St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church, page 146, St. Francis blows baptism of blood and desire out of the water.  St. Francis de Sales is explaining the merits of charity in our lives.  In his eyes, charity, a grand merit, he uses children as an example leaving this earth after having been baptised and entering heaven's eternal door.  He states, "...for certainly it were strange if the charity of the great S. John, of the Apostles and Apostolic men, were not greater, even while they were detained here below, than that of little children, who, dying simply with the grace of baptism, enjoy immortal glory." This was said by a Doctor of the Church after the promulgation of the great Council of Trent stating clearly that water baptism understood as not optional and of water.  Baptism of desire and blood, was devoid from his theology pertaining to salvation.  Using dying children as an example of the supreme importance of water baptism, and only water baptism for entry into heaven made perfect sense sans baptism of desire or blood, otherwise St. Francis would surely would have made mention of the merits of desire or blood, in addition to actual water baptism, and he didn't.  Baptism of desire/blood didn't hold water with this great saint of the church.  St. Francis de Sales knew exactly the supreme importance of water baptism, and only water baptism for entry into heaven by these innocent little ones, and of course, the importance of charity in our lives-brilliant!






Subject: Honorius Debate


Very well done debate.  I think Mr. Creighton's mistake is in thinking he can review the facts in the case of Honorius, including the writings of Honorius, and believe that he can somehow come to a more correct conclusion about Honorius than those who were right there with Honorius at that time and place, not to mention the fact that the Councils had authority to condemn Honorius, and did, which was ratified by a Pope.  To think one today can register a more accurate verdict on Honorius than those with proper authority and in immediate possession of the facts at the time seems, unfortunately… to be a product, perhaps, of an unconscious intellectual pride in one's own judgement versus much more qualified authorities at the actual time of the events.

-- Bruce




Subject: Pope Martin


Dear Brothers!


Thank you so much for publishing your latest debate!  I always learn something from them!... I did some more research on the subject and was shocked to learn that Pope Martin's tongue and right hand were amputated for refusing to retract the anathema against the Monothelists, supported by Emperor Constans!


What courage!!  Should we dare compare that, with the cowardly, let's all get along philosophy of Honorius to heresy?  Needless to say, the current Anti-Pope is beneath contempt, for his promotion of heresies! Mother Mary pray for us!


Richard Cardet

Bordeaux, France




Subject: My parents keep going to the Novus Ordo Mass


Hi brothers,

I have a sad story to tell: my parents keep going to the novus ordo mass, even after I showed them the evidence that it is an invalid mass and that the actual church is apostate. There is no way to convince them to stop to go to the novus ordo mass. There is even no way to convince them that Ratzinger is a heretic (as well as John Paul II and Paul VI were). ABSOLUTELY NO WAY. I showed them tons of your evidence and even the original documents from the Denzinger and the encyclicals.

Sad...very sad.

bye bye. Andrea.

PS.: I ask you if you can pray for my parents. Thank you.




Subject: Honorius


Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for your video about (anti)pope Honorius. I'm waiting with patient impatience the continuation of this debate, and hope that Mr. Creighton will thoroughly study the definitions of 3. Council of Constantinople.

Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: M.C. Debate


Dear Brothers,

Interesting debate with Michael Creighton. Thank you for posting it. I think it all boils down to a real, authentic, supernatural faith in Jesus Christ, and the authority He put in the office of the Papacy. Honorius became a heretic during his papacy at some point because a true pope would be protected from trying to overthrow the Apostolic faith… If a saint or doctor of the Church teaches something that is at odds with the Magisterium, then they are wrong because Christ's authority in the Papacy, not in a pope, wins out. A person, such as Honorius or Michael Creighton, sins first by their bad intention, which intention is usually then manifested by their actions and words. The Church Councils don't need to use the actual words heresy and heretic to imply that Honorius was a heretic, just as the Bible doesn't need to use the words Trinity and Papacy in order to teach those dogmas, because Honorius' heretical intentions are manifested by his treachery. Also, a pope should never alter their position in fear of falling into some past heresy, because the deposit of the Catholic faith is the rule and guide, not the errors of hell. Neither bad intentions, heresy or any other sins have ever been a way of working out one's salvation - Honorius erred because he focused too much on the heresy rather than on the Catholic dogmas, lost stability and then lost the faith. Sin and heresy condemns and kills souls - sin has never redeemed or helped anyone, regardless of how much penance the person did afterwards. Michael simply needs to accept the fact that Honorius was a dishonorable heretic, rather than stay in a state of mortal sin by doubting Papal Infallibility, because the very authority of Christ that guarantees Papal Infallibility cannot be doubted without losing the Catholic faith and one's soul. Thank you for posting it - I think you won quite easily!

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Debate


The position that the brothers take can never be refuted because their position is from the Chair of St. Peter, protected by the Holy Ghost, the anathema for Pope Honorius is there:

Fourth Council of Constantinople : 869-870

Further, we accept the sixth, holy and universal synod {6 Constantinople III}, which shares the same beliefs and is in harmony with the previously mentioned synods in that it wisely laid down that in the two natures of the one Christ there are, as a consequence, two principles of action and the same number of wills. So, we anathematize Theodore who was bishop of Pharan, Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul and Peter, the unholy prelates of the church of Constantinople, and with these, Honorius of Rome, Cyrus of Alexandria as well as Macarius of Antioch and his disciple Stephen, who followed the false teachings of the unholy heresiarchs Apollinarius, Eutyches and Severus and proclaimed that the flesh of God, while being animated by a rational and intellectual soul, was without a principle of action and without a will, they themselves being impaired in their senses and truly without reason. For if the one and same Christ and God exists as perfect God and perfect man, it is most certain that none of the natures which belong to him can exist partially without a will or without a principle of action, but that he carried out the mystery of his stewardship when willing and acting in accordance with each substance; this is how the chorus of all God's spokesmen, having knowledge of it from the apostles down to our own time, have constructed a colourful representation of that human form, assigning to each part of the one Christ natural properties distinct from each other, by which the meanings and conceptions of his divine nature and of his human nature are believed beyond all doubt to remain without confusion.

Second Council of Nicaea - 787 A.D.

Thus, following the six holy universal synods, in the first place that assembled in the famous metropolis of the Nicaeans {{1}Nicea I}, and then that held after it in the imperial, God-guarded city: {i.e. {2} Constantinople I} We believe in one God ...[the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed follows]. We abominate and anathematize – Arius and those who think like him and share in his mad error; also Macedonius and those with him, properly called the Pneumatomachi; we also confess our Lady, the holy Mary, to be really and truly the God-bearer, because she gave birth in the flesh to Christ, one of the Trinity, our God, just as the first synod at {3}Ephesus decreed; it also expelled from the church Nestorius and those with him, because they were introducing a duality of persons. Along with these synods, we also confess the two natures of the one who became incarnate for our sake from the God-bearer without blemish, Mary the ever-virgin, recognizing that he is perfect God and perfect man, as the synod at {4}Chalcedon also proclaimed, when it drove from the divine precinct the foul-mouthed Eutyches and Dioscorus. We reject along with them Severus Peter and their interconnected band with their many blasphemies, in whose company we anathematize the mythical speculations of Origen, Evagrius and Didymus, as did the fifth synod, that assembled at {5}Constantinople. Further we declare that there are two wills and principles of action, in accordance with what is proper to each of the natures in Christ, in the way that the sixth synod, that at {6}Constantinople, proclaimed, when it also publicly rejected Sergius, Honorius, Cyrus, Pyrrhus, Macarius, those uninterested in true holiness, and their likeminded followers.            






Dear Brothers in Christ,

The reader who asked you a question about St. Paul's alleged claims of non-necessity of baptism is in grave error, as you have pointed out. To that I would like to add the following comments.

First, a matter of logic: if a person says something like "I am not appointed to do this or that", it doesn't logically follow that "this or that" is not necessary to do or that "this or that" is completely irrelevant. For example, our Lord Jesus Christ has said: "Man, who hath appointed me judge, or divider, over you?" (Luke 12:14). Some people may conclude that according to these words Jesus Christ is not a judge (nor The Judge). Of course, such conclusion is completely false. Every true Catholic, and even "Catholics", professes that Jesus Christ is The Judge.

Second, the false conclusions about St. Paul's words on baptism are totally opposite to The Scripture--do I need to cite Christ's words on the necessity of baptism? To imply that St. Paul disregards Christ's words, and that The Scripture contains contradictions, is a blasphemy.

Third, in these end times--the times of apostasy and abominations--one can hardly enough emphasize the importance of The Doctrine of The Catholic Church.  And The Doctrine is clear and understandable to every human being, even to those who are of bad will. To try to revise the Infallible Doctrine, even in one iota, is a clear sign of Devil's influence. Whoever wants to get some clarifications on some points of The Doctrine, must--I repeat MUST--do this with firm conviction that there are NO CONTRADICTIONS in The Doctrine.

Mother Mary and St. Joseph pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Request for Catechetical Guidance


Dear Brothers:


 I am blessed to have a little 1956 Missal called: "My Sunday Missal" and it is explained by Fr. Stedman and published by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood from Brooklyn, N.Y.  Everything seems to be in accord with the true teachings of the Catholic Church until I read one of the many catechetical sections on page #445 and it says the following:


 Key Words: "You were as sheep going astray" (Epistle). "And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring (Gospel).


I believe that it cannot be a matter of indifference to which church I belong.


I believe that since Christ established one Church, I am not free to belong to any other.


I believe I cannot conscientiously say that one religion is as good as another.


I believe that, nevertheless, all those outside the Church through no fault of their own, will be saved if they follow their conscience and do not die in mortal sin.


I believe that 'those who labor under ignorance of the true religion, if this ignorance be invincible, are not before the eyes of God burdened, with guilt for this thing."


I believe that those will be lost who are convinced that the Catholic religion is the true religion, and yet refuse to embrace it.


I believe that is what I mean when I say: "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation."


Brothers Dimond, do we have here a contradiction on these statements? I am getting confused now. I'll appreciate your explanation or clarification.  Thank you very much and God bless you.




MHFM: You believe… in a lot of heresy.  You believe there are exceptions to the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  That’s heretical.  It’s so heretical, in fact, that even a heretic like Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton denounced the idea:


Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, The Catholic Church and Salvation, 1958, pp. 124, 126: “The teaching that the dogma of the necessity of the Church for salvation admits of exceptions is, in the last analysis, a denial of the dogma as it has been stated in the authoritative declarations of the ecclesiastical magisterium and even as it is expressed in the axiom or formula ‘Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.’  It is important to note that such teaching is found in Cardinal Newman’s last published study on this subject… Obviously there could be no more effective way of reducing the teaching on the necessity of the Church for the attainment of eternal salvation to an empty formula than the explanation advanced by Newman…”


For more on that topic, see our article  You have embraced the typical false traditionalist explanation of the dogma, which is a denial of the dogma.  You have misunderstood statements of Pius IX on the issue.  What’s disheartening is that it seems like you are familiar with the various positions, but you have chosen the heretical one.  Please see our salvation book for the full coverage of these matters.  You also assert the illogical heresy that only those who are convinced the Catholic religion is true, and then reject it, are damned.  That would make it counterproductive to convince people of the Catholic religion.  Your ideas thoroughly contradict the precise dogmatic teaching of the Church on this topic, as well as the teaching of the fathers.  See the dogmatic definitions in our salvation book.


Now let’s consider the scripture you cite. 


 Key Words: ... "And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring (Gospel).


This is commonly cited by proponents of salvation outside the Church, but they don’t quote the rest of the passage.  The passage contradicts their salvation heresy.  We cover this in our salvation book, in section 16: “Jesus Christ against Invincible Ignorance.”


John 10:14: “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine, and mine know me.”


     Our Lord clearly and definitively tells us that He knows His sheep and that His sheep “know Him.”  And if Our Lord’s words weren’t clear enough, He goes on to say, as recorded just two verses later in St. John’s Gospel:


John 10:16: “And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.”


All who are of the truth shall hear His voice: they shall come to the Church, to baptism and to knowledge of the essential Catholic mysteries. 


John 18:37: “For this was I born, and for this came I into the world, that I should give testimony to the truth: every one who is of the truth, heareth my voice.”


St. Paul


What do you think of St. Paul’s comments Christ Did Not Send Me To Baptize (1 Corinthians 1:14-17) for your necessity of baptism?






MHFM: He’s simply saying that his principal occupation would be to preach, instruct and educate, whereas others could perform the baptisms after people converted.  This is not uncommon in missionary work.  To understand his reason for emphasizing this, one must remember that the chapter (1 Corinthians 1) deals with his rebuke of the Corinthians for semi-schisms or disagreements among them. 


1 Corinthians 1:12-13- “Now this I say, that every one of you saith: I indeed am of Paul; and I am of Apollo; and I am of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul then crucified for you? or were you baptized in the name of Paul?


He’s teaching them that they should not consider themselves to be of a particular person, such as Paul or Apollo or Cephas.  They are all of Christ.  He emphasizes the point by declaring that, of them, he might have only baptized Crispus, Caius and the household of Stephanus (verses 14-16).  Furthermore, they were not baptized in his name.  Rather, they were all baptized in the name of God: “… were you baptized in the name of Paul?... I know not whether I baptized any other” (verses 13-16).  So, he’s correcting their misconceptions by emphasizing that not only were they not baptized in his name, but he only baptized a few of them himself.  Hence, they should direct themselves toward Christ, not toward the particular apostle who preached to them or baptized them.  That’s his point. 


Lastly, you mention “your necessity of baptism”.  No, the necessity of water baptism for the salvation of each man is the infallible and dogmatic teaching of the Church.  St. Paul makes that quite clear in many places (e.g., Ephesians 4:5, etc.)


Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439:  “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”




Subject: Nathan’s Touchdown


Dear Brothers,

I can completely sympathize with the reaction Nathan received from the mortally sinful and possessed Super Bowl man. I used to make some phone calls to people like that and it is surprising how much success I was having, until some people got nasty… Another person said they had seen Satan and that I could see him too if I took meth-amphetamine ("ice"). There's nothing intrinsically sinful about watching the Super Bowl, but the Catholic faith and God - not man, people or other creatures - are much more important, and anyone of good will should recognize that. God uses "shock treatment" to wake people up from their lazy and sinful path to hell all the time, so calling someone to preach the Catholic faith is exactly what the Lord wants. Full credit to Nathan: Touch Down!...

1 Thessalonians 5:1-7 - "But of the times and moments, brethren, you need not, that we should write to you; For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall so come, as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. For all you are the children of light, and children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do; but let us watch, and be sober. For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that are drunk, are drunk in the night.

God Bless,

Chris White




YouTube - 9-11 Foreshadowed on Bills i guess only lucifer could/would come up with this sick stuff… I never liked their money, now I'm starting to find out why that is so.  Perhaps we should return to the talley stick of olde England, it seems much more benign!






Subject: disturbing videos


Maybe you have seen these videos of Egyptian protest... people in the streets being deliberately run over by cars and trucks...the level of disregard for human life is absolutely shocking...




Subject: Sabbath Day



I read your article on the Sabbath Day, and I thought that it was very good.  What I'm wondering is if you not only have to go to church on that day, but like in the old testament, you also need to rest.  I have a job that I recently quit because they were making the employees work seven days a week, and I was wondering if I was upholding my Christian duty by doing this.  What do you think?  Thanks :)

They offered to give me one weekend off a month, but I thought violating the law of God even three times a month would not do.  Thanks :)

-Jake R.


MHFM: The answer to your question is that one should try to get off on Sunday.  However, if your job requires you to work, you may do so. 




Subject: Rosary Confraternity


Brother Michael

Brother Peter


I was wondering if a Traditional Catholic could join the Rosary Confraternity of the Dominican Fathers?  I would like to enroll, but i do not know if it is a good idea since they are of the Novus Ordo.  Your thoughts on this would really help.


Thank you for your time




MHFM: No, a Catholic should not join that confraternity.




My daughter has decided to take your advice to baptise the baby herself.  In order to perform the baptism properly, could you please explain how exactly to perform it?  I think I do know how but want to make sure it is correct.  Thank you so much for all your help. 




MHFM: With someone holding the child, take the water (make sure you have enough to pour it as you say the words) and pour it upon the forehead of the child as you pronounce the words distinctly and attentively.  You can pour the water three times (as explained below). 


I baptize thee in the name of the Father [pouring the water the first time as you say these words], and of the Son [pouring a second time], and of the Holy Ghost [pouring a third time].”


Note: you can pour the water in the form of the cross on the child’s head, although this is not necessary.  Also, it’s not absolutely necessary that you pour it three times, if it is poured and strikes the forehead as the baptismal form is pronounced.  Doing it in the fashion described above, however, is what’s in the Roman Ritual.




Dear Brothers,

     Something has been weighing greatly on my conscience.  That is the possibility that my general confession which I gave to the best of my ability many months ago may not be enough… Now I spent a lot of time preparing this one and tried to remember to the best of my ability all the especially mortal sins that I've committed from my past life which were a lot and grievous.  I did not hold back or sugar coat.  But the thing I'm afraid of is there may be many which I can't recall especially since in my sinful past I smoked a lot of marijuana, (short term memory).  I just want to know how I can be saved if I can't remember everything I've committed.  I mean I took the confession seriously and completely stopped almost every sin, but I'm scared.  Tell me what I should do.  Also brothers, pray for my salvation.  You're right we are really living in a spiritual desert.  By the way what a fantastic new video on Catholicism and America…



MHFM: We believe you are being scrupulous.  Based on what you’ve said, you should not have the fears that you do.  When you made the confession of your past mortal sins, you confessed all that you could remember.  You said that you tried to do so sincerely.  When a person makes a confession, he should add: “I also ask forgiveness for any sins I forgot and did not confess.”  When one makes such a confession sincerely, all of his sins are forgiven.  His soul is restored (if it was in the state of mortal sin) to the state of grace. 


Since you confessed all the mortal sins you could remember, you would only commit a mortal sin with regard to a sin from your past if you remembered a mortal sin as not having been confessed and then deliberately failed to confess it.  So, we do not think you should worry about the matter that is currently troubling you.  We recommend 3 Hail Marys to the Blessed Virgin for this intention: to put your mind at ease.




Dear Brothers


Magic is condemned in the Bible, so I do not watch movies or read books about magic… But I cannot find any condemnations from popes, councils or saints against the use of magic. Do you know where I can find quotes from these sources that clearly condemn the practice of magic?


Kind Regards



MHFM: Here’s one:


Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 9, May 5, 1514: “Sorcery, by means of enchantments, divinations, superstitions and the invoking of demons, is prohibited by both civil laws and the sanctions of the sacred canons.”


This is quoted in our book, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II, in the section on John Paul II.


Don’t like


[Concerning a man who called people during Super Bowl]


Dear Brothers,


Am I missing something here ?   I Really don't like getting calls from people I don't know, since we are all overwhelmed with some kind of telemarketing calls on a daily basis.  Knowing full well that the Super Bowl was on and continuing to call people "out of the phone book" is a Sure way to Make people hate you...even priests, who I have found to be some of the Most die hard football fans.  With ALL the bad things happening in the world, are we not allowed to enjoy a little diversion for a few months out of the year, without strangers ringing that annoying phone ?   This "demon possessed" guy was probably a Losing Steelers fan… It's my contention that ole Nathan here did More Damage to Christianity by Purposely annoying people who were trying to catch a little break from reality....for maybe the Last time.  Looks like a Lock Out is what is planned.  Just seems to me that he could find a better, more effective way, to spread the word than This dentist drill tactic... 






MHFM: We agree with you on one point, and completely disagree with you on another.  It’s true that it is a permissible diversion or recreation for someone to watch a game without the commercials (e.g., the Super Bowl).  However, you are definitely wrong when you assert that it was inappropriate for a Catholic to call people and try to spread the faith during the Super Bowl.  If someone is occupied with something and doesn’t want to be bothered, then he shouldn’t answer the telephone or monitor his answering machine.  If he does, then he has no right to be upset when people talk to him about the true religion.  Furthermore, if he doesn’t want to be bothered, but he must monitor his answering machine anyway in case of an emergency, he still has no right to be upset when people contact him about God’s truth.  The man’s evil reaction should not be attributed to immoderate zeal on the part of a Catholic who is trying to help him save his soul.  We need more people like that today.  The lack of zeal and failure to evangelize is one of the biggest problems today.  Rather, the man’s evil reaction should be attributed to his sinful state, his spiritual sloth and his desire to resist the grace of God. 




Dear Brothers,


This is in response to Nathan's email.  I could not stop laughing...not because of what he was doing -  which I so commend him for...but...during the SUPER BOWL.  Now that took courage.  What is it about this super bowl.  Before I left the church I attended, at the end of the Mass the priest would put on his Eagles football helmet ( with cheers and applause), and encourage everyone to purchase football betting help the parish of course - yea sure. 


Way to go Nathan!   What a wonderful thing for you to be doing.


God bless,






I saw a few videos from you and I have to say that they are very interesting...I live in Italy and our family is roman catholic and I didn`t know that in the USA are also Catholics...I thought that there are more "Protestanten" (I only know the german word for it because I also speak that language)




Temporal World


Subject: Temporal world


Dear Mhfm, 


In the modern, temporal world, corrupted much like the past only a few are saved.  The Lord through His Blessed Mother has given us the key to enter heaven.  The numbers saved are irrelevant since only a few ever enter by remaining close to the Mother, and how the modern world detests His Mother Mary.  In the past only a few entered the promised land only to have their offspring become corrupted as well.  The laws of God were violated then, and today, the consequences remain the same since God is unchanging in His edicts while earthly modern man savors change and follows the modern false Vatican II council and present antipope Ratzinger with praising arms held high.  Mother Mary, ora pro nobis…






Dear Brothers,

I was listening to a recent recording of yours called "Catholicism and America." I have listened to almost all of your materials. Whereas I am still struggling with your main "message," I do want to give credit where it is due. You really, really spoke to my heart when you, in the aforementioned recording, talked about the traditional (and non-traditional) Catholics forming "clubs" and how their faith is based on externals and on what the group does, not based on a real supernatural relationship with God. Man oh man, you NAILED that one. I have felt that exact same frustration for the past 10 years, brothers. I have used the word "club" so many times to describe this. I can tell that this causes you great frustration when you used the term "disgusting." Something else I usually add to this idea is that many of the traditional groups do this out of self-righteousness and pretentiousness. They do what they do because they're right, not because it's right. You dig?

Well anyhow, before listening to your recordings, I had never heard about the positions you hold (at least not to the extent to which you hold them). It is all new and very shocking and I still struggle with exactly what to make of it all. However, this "club" point you made is something familiar--something that resonates within me and that the Holy Spirit has shown me in my own past experiences.





Subject: I-phone Confessions


Hi Brothers, this national TV news program describes the first cell phone application sanctioned by the Catholic Church to confess sins on-line and keep a data base for them for reference. This was covered  on CBC National News TV for Canada.  A U.S.  company is responsible for it.  This is a major news station. Go to "The National", Peter Mansbridge, Feb. 8, 2011. Fast forward to 43:51minutes, ending about 44:25…




More Typology


Subjects: Numbers



That is quite interesting information from Todd concerning the Exodus of Joshua and Caleb, that out of 600,000, only two people (and their families) were saved.

If I may try to apply that rule of thumb of that Old Testament prefigure with the population of about 6 billion people, perhaps we can find an interesting figure: the number of the elect among the living if the second coming of the Lord is today.

I confess this is a only guess and the Lord knows the correct number of the elect. But if we are allowed to speculate, the calculation is as follows:

Since "2 out of 600,000 is 0.000003333...", then "0.000003333..." is the ratio of those who are saved against those who were called.

Applying that ratio today among the living, we find that possibly only 20,000 souls out of 6 billion souls would be saved.

Let us pray the elect among the living of today is more than 20,000.



MHFM: Yes, there does seem to be a parallel between the fewness of the saved in the Christian era, and the fact that only two of the men over twenty, out of the original generation that departed Egypt, entered the Promised Land.


"God said explicitly that all those over twenty years of age (with the exception of Josue and Caleb) should die in the wilderness, and that only those who at this time were under twenty, should enter the Promised Land." (Bishop Frederick Justus Knecht, A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, p. 176.)


Numbers 14:29-30: "In the wilderness shall your carcasses lie. All you that were numbered from twenty years old and upward, and have murmured against me, Shall not enter into the land, over which I lifted up my bend to make you dwell therein, except Caleb the son of Jephone, and Josue the son of Nun."


Numbers 26-64-65: “Among whom there was not one of them that were numbered before by Moses and Aaron in the desert of Sinai.  For the Lord had foretold that they should die in the wilderness. And none remained of them, but Caleb the son of Jephone, and Josue the son of Nun.”


Drugs & Possession


Subject: woman possessed?


Hi Br. Dimond,

   I thought you might find this story of interest.  There is video of a woman who is clearly possessed.  It scared me just to watch it.  It was on the local news station last night.
I guess drugs (in any form) invite the devil in?   I often read your news stories and thought you might like to include this one.
   By the way, I love my new Douay-Rheims Bible that I ordered from you- thankyou for the other literature and the dvds, too.

Here's that story with video...,0,6596358.story 


Doing a search on bath salt abuse- I found similar stories all across the U.S. - one guy slashed up his face and horrible. 

Take care and have a nice day!

Sincerely, Lisa 




Subject: Confession by iphone



Have you seen this news article about "confession by iphone app"? I thought it was a hoax, but I found a page on the Catholic News Agency website with the story. I know it's the V2 church, but I really never expected to see things go this far, they are turning the sacraments into a joke.





Subject: Anti-Marys


Dear Brothers,


A great booklet for young girls to read [concerns immodesty of dress and the teaching of the Church]. The reason for this is that along with the anti-Christ in the form of JP II and now heretic and part time gymnastics judge Benedict, we have anti-Marys. We have had them since the  20th century and earlier. Any woman who will put vanity and immodest dress ahead of pleasing God is an anti-Mary. Just as JP II dissolved Christ into six billion humans or creatures, anti-Marys dissolve Mary and what she stands for into a number about half that size. Humility, Charity, Chastity and Modesty are all dissolved and have been almost completely wiped off the Christan map because of women and their desire to please men instead of God. The above book basically says that as goes modesty so goes the Church. No wonder we are living in a world of few true Catholics. This book is a great read for any woman of any denomination. If heretics read it maybe they will see the light and realize that if the true Catholic Church promotes modesty and chastity then maybe it should be looked into. Maybe a woman heretic could be converted just by reading this 24 page booklet.


I truly believe that the biggest problem facing the world today is immodest dress and behavior. We have reached the point unfortunately where good is bad and bad is good and there is no other area where this is more true then in the arena of women's fashions. Mary set an excellent example by Her dress during her life and in all Her approved apparitions. It is time women got the message and changed before their days are up. More souls are in hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.


God bless you and your efforts,


Bob Bohr




In reading the story of Exodus, it is truly astounding as to the pride, arrogance, stubbornness of the stiff necked jews, case in point among many, the contradiction of core, the principal leaders were Core, Dathan, Abiron, and Hon, whose crime consisted in rejecting the divinely established authority invested in Moses and Aaron, just like the vatican ll sect.  God showed his displeasure at the revolt when Moses called a contest between Aaron and the would-be priests of Core, two hundred fifty of them in all. Both parties presented themselves before the Tabernacle wherein was kept the Ark of the Covenant; then Core and his two hundred fifty men appeared on one side with their censers, while Aaron stood with his on the other side. After each offered incense, God showed his preference by a very Old-Testament act of divine vengeance: Num. 16:35 “And a fire coming out from the Lord, destroyed the two hundred and fifty men that offered the incense.”

Not only the leaders, but also the followers were punished: Moses commanded them to remove themselves from the camp of the rebels, but they disobeyed.

Num. 16:31,33 “And immediately as he had made an end of speaking, the earth broke asunder under their feet: And opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance. And they went down alive into hell, the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.”

God wanted this event to be remembered. He commanded that the two hundred fifty smoking censers lying on the charred ground before the Tabernacle be pounded into plates and hung on the altar of the tabernacle as a perpetual memorial.  The very next day after this scary Divine act of Wrath the people went after Moses again and blamed him for the deaths of those men, which only brought down God's Wrath again, fourteen thousand seven hundred dead!  When you get to the end of the story of Exodus, you can clearly see and understand why Jesus says in:

LUKE 13:23-24    [23] And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few that are saved? But he said to them: [24] Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.

Out of approximately 600,000 men, not including women and children that were brought out of bondage in Egypt, the only ones to cross over to the promised land [Canaan] after all that time in the wilderness was Joshua and Caleb with their families, that’s it!  The promised land [Canaan] was a prefigurement [type] of Heaven!  The typography of the old testament to the new testament is simply amazing!  






Dear Brothers in Christ,

Your answer to the question, posed by a reader, how to love one's enemies, is clear and true. However, if there are people who are still not convinced what
does love of one's enemies really mean, I would like to ask all such people just one more question:

We know that our most evil and dangerous enemy is Satan himself. Do you think that Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to love Satan?

Yes, this question is brutal. But, such brutality is necessary and unavoidable if we look at the innumerable perversions coming out of the mouths of
countless heretics led by apostates from Vatican.

Many blessings to all true Catholics through the intercession of Mary and Joseph.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Sunday Worship


Your video about Catholicism and America was very good. You mentioned the option of saturday masses and how it changed the holiness of the sunday. I was once reading the police records from the 1800s in Brazil and there was an incident that would be quite odd nowadays. The people of a small town threatened to invade and destroy some shops and offices because they were open on a sunday. That was because Brazil was a catholic country since its foundation and remained a confessional state until 1889 (tough at that time most of our clergy and government members, maybe even the Emperor, were freemasons), so people saw the act of working on sundays as a grave offense to God. Nowadays most of the commerce opens on sunday and no one even think about that.

Pedro A.




Subject: The Super Bowl in the end of the world…


Dear Brothers,

Last night Sunday, which happened to be the super bowl I spent a couple hours calling random strangers out of the phone book and leading them to your services for their salvation.  I came across one man who was straight out of hell.  I left a message on his answering machine and then I get a call back on my phone and he goes off on a tirade of the most violent and brutal and offensive language about how dare I call and talk to him about religion while he's watching the superbowl.  He then said how would you like it if I came over to your house and stuck a shotgun down your throat, "would you believe in your God then".  It was obvious that he was demon possessed because he told me not to call anybody else that night.  I'm sure he was drunk too. UNBELIEVABLE!!  What a world, you try to save someone and they threaten to kill you.

In Christ Jesus,
Nathan D. Barton




MHFM: This is a just a note.  Obviously we have been updating our “News and Commentary” and “E-Exchanges” sections as frequently as usual in the past week or so.  However, as a result of something that has necessarily occupied much of our time in the last few weeks, we haven’t been able to post new projects, videos, etc. with the frequency we would like.  Hopefully that will change very soon, once we are finished with the aforementioned issue.






… I left the V2 cult years ago and began attending maronite rite with conservative priest but left when they transferred him.


I returned to the V2 cult a year ago and I just can't do it any longer.  I call it a "disney show" because the whole thing is a performance.  The priest tells jokes, everyone laughs and claps.  


Let me know if you can recommend anything… I'm willing to drive a good distance if I have to.


Thank you.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You should not have returned to the V-2 sect.  You would have to be convinced on all issues before you could lawfully receive sacraments.  That would include, among other things, a commitment to never attend the New Mass again.  That’s explained in our section on “Where to go to Mass.”  Once a person is convinced and has made a traditional profession of faith, we can help him with where to receive sacraments.


Holy Water & Questions


Subject: Holy Water & other questions


Dear brothers,
I had a couple of questions. Is it ok sprinkle holy water on your property  to protect your family. What prayer should a person say as they are sprinkling it? And also how does a person learn to love their enemies especially when they have hurt them so bad?


MHFM: Yes, a Catholic may sprinkle holy water on his or her property.  In terms of loving your enemies, you love them in the sense that you desire that they were not as they presently are.  You wish they would change, repent, and truly convert.  In that way, you desire their greatest good.  However, in consideration of what they are at present (and this would include various obstinate enemies of God, heretics, etc.) someone with true charity can certainly say this:


St. Cyril of Jerusalem: “Let us hate them who are worthy of hatred; withdraw we from those whom God withdraws from; let us also say unto God with all boldness concerning all heretics, ‘Do I not hate them, O Lord, that hate thee’ (Psalm 138:21).” (Cat. xvi. 10)


Pope St. Leo I (445): “… as we detest Arians, whose desire it is to place a certain division between the Father and the Son, so do we likewise detest Macedonians, who… believe at the same time that the Holy Spirit is of a lower nature; not thinking that they are falling into that blasphemy which shall be forgiven neither in this world nor in the world to come.”


So, you love your enemies in the sense that you realize they could, through conversion and repentance, become new and different people.  In that way, the evil people who presently evoke the sentiments expressed by the aforementioned saints could cease to exist: they could become new and different people.  It is through faith, and the supernatural confidence that people can change, that one can learn to love an evil enemy in the sense that one desires his or her conversion.  However, considering such evil people as they are, a person who truly loves God and possesses supernatural charity could certainly have the most vigorous feelings of detestation, not only for what such evil individuals do but also for the evil individuals themselves. 


Malachi Martin


Dear Brothers,


I am sending you this message from the 51st state of the US – Australia – as it is sometimes joked about.


I am currently reading the book “Windswept House” by Malachi Martin. A suspicion has crept upon me that Martin is revealing a lot in order to blind people to the more important fact – JPII is a heretical antipope, no member of the conventional masonic lodge – just much more advanced 33+ level illuminism.


What are your opinions about his works?...


In Christ



MHFM:  One of us spoke with Malachi Martin on the telephone a few times when Martin was living.  Some people might be surprised by the following facts, but the truth is that Malachi Martin held to and publicly spread numerous heresies, as well as pernicious errors about the current apostasy.  For example, when he was on the Art Bell radio program, he stated that pagan, American Indian religions glorify Jesus.  Such pagan religions are false religions of the devil; yet Martin said they glorify Jesus.  Martin's statement was completely heretical and a denial of the faith.


Malachi Martin also publicly stated in an interview with Bernard Janzen that Buddhists can be saved and that John Paul II never taught heresy.  Only one who was completely unfamiliar with Antipope John Paul II (which Martin was not), a conspirator or an apostate would utter such an outrageous statement.  Martin also promoted the false and evil notion that John Paul II was just a weak man surrounded by much worse men who were the real problem.  In that way, he attempted to exonerate John Paul II.  That’s exactly what the Devil wanted people to believe, and it was widely accepted in the “traditional” and false “conservative” movement.  We've seen firsthand how Martin’s books, especially Windswept House, negatively influenced many traditionalists (especially in the SSPX, among whom his views were widely circulated) to believe John Paul II wasn’t really the problem.  As a result, they failed to understand the true nature of the apostasy (i.e., that the entire sect from the very top is false) and they shifted the focus to others who were insignificant; when, in reality, the others were simply following John Paul II’s program of apostasy.  The effect was that Martin gave many a false hope in the Counter Church.


Malachi Martin would occasionally reveal some very interesting facts, and mix them with dangerous falsehoods.  He was a mass of confusion.  For instance, he stated publicly on the Art Bell program that the validity of the Novus Ordo is questionable.  If it’s “questionable,” then it’s theologically doubtful and it must be avoided as if it’s invalid.  He was then asked where one may go to a seminary.  He responded by saying, "find a good one"!  Why didn't he tell the poor person asking the question that he shouldn’t go to any Novus Ordo seminaries since they are celebrating "Masses" that cannot be considered valid?  Martin would speak about Paul VI being the choice for the “Anti-Church,” while at the same time he would defend the Anti-Church of which Paul VI was the head.


The fact is that Martin was a man who misled many souls into error and a false explanation of the Vatican II apostasy.  His false explanation was all the more deceptive because it was shrouded in a “conservatism” and some interesting insights.  He might have been far worse than people imagine.  Some argue that he was an agent of international Judaism.  One must ask: why were his books published by major Jewish publishing houses?  Many don’t know that Malachi Martin’s first book was called Jesus Now.  This book denies the Second Coming of Christ and is filled with blasphemies against Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Martin never renounced this most disgusting work.  Those are some of the facts about Malachi Martin.




Subject: Bishop Sheen


Dear Brothers:


I'm so glad that your excellent video on Catholicism and America included a discussion of the modernist Fulton Sheen who has fooled so many people. 


Many years ago, during my days of Novus Ordo bewilderment, I viewed a video of Sheen (which I believe was a recording of one of his TV programs).  In that particular broadcast, Sheen spoke of  "the great Teilhard de Chardin" (and Sheen placed special emphasis on the word "great").  I saw this video a long time ago, but I'm 99.99% sure I'm remembering correctly.  At the time this left me bewildered (as usual), since I thought Teilhard was supposed to have been a modernist, while Sheen was considered by conservatives to be a great Catholic leader and a saint.  I don't know if the SSPX is still promoting him, but I seem to recall that Sheen's works were carried and advertised by them not too long ago…


Lee Ann


John 23


Dear Brothers,   


Do you have anything on your websites dealing with antipope John 23 body supposedly being incorrupt.  I don't believe it can be so. What's the story here?  




MHFM: Yes, in our section on John XXIII The Scandals and Heresies of John XXIII [PDF File], it is pointed out: “After his death, the Vatican sent for Gennar Goglia, who with his colleagues embalmed John XXIII.  Goglia injected ten liters of embalming fluid into John XXIII’s wrist and stomach to neutralize any putrefaction.  This explains why John XXIII’s body didn’t decompose like normal bodies.  In January 2001, John XXIII’s body was exhumed and placed in a new bullet-proof crystal coffin now on display in St. Peter’s basilica.  John XXIII’s face and hands were also covered in wax.” (references in section)


Baptismal Font


Dear Brother Michael,


What do you think of our Old Baptismal Font being used as a planter?? Disgraceful, Sacrilegious, or ok? Just thought I would share.




MHFM: It’s wrong.


C & A


Subject: Catholicism & America


Dear Brothers,


I just watched your video on Catholicism and America.  It was very good.  I'd like to mention something that is rarely acknowledged by biased historians and revised history books.  The first Europeans to arrive in the Americas were Catholic, not Protestant.  Christopher Columbus and his men and all the Conquistadors were Catholic and they brought the true faith with them to the newly discovered lands.  This is evident by the Catholic names given to numerous cities here in the U.S. and perhaps even more in Central and South America and the West Indies.  Many cities are named after Catholic Saints.  A few examples are San Francisco(Saint Francis), Saint Augustine, San Juan(Saint John), etc.  On my trip to Saint Augustine, FL several years ago, I learned that the city was named so because the land was sited on August 28, 1565  by Pedro Menendez de Aviles.  This is the date that the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the saint...






Brothers, once again I’m writing to you to say thank you….. I love my faith.. Jesus has pulled me out of a lot of things and is still working overtime in my life. When I first watched your videos over a year ago I was like no jp2 couldn’t have done this or that. And these guys have got it wrong etc, I started reading the fathers, the councils etc and if someone cant see the problems they are blind both spiritually and physically…may God bless you, and may the wool be lifted off of the ones who are deceived. ooops, I almost forgot to ask my question. Are the books from malachi martin recommended for reading? Also if the saints made by jp2 etc are invalid may I still ask Padre Pio for intercession… I believe his life and actions show he is a true saint. I look forward to more videos and your response…




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  To your questions: No, the books of Malachi Martin are not recommended; and a Catholic may pray to Padre Pio for intercession, even though he hasn’t been canonized by a true pope. 




Subject: College “Learning”


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

Recently, you posted an article titled, "Limited Learning in College?"  I have been a graduate student, teaching assistant, and college instructor for the last five years, and I can relate that the article is correct.  I am leaving academia, partly due to its morally corrupt state.  Perhaps some of my reflections about college today would interest you.

The Students

The students are woefully unprepared for college.  This includes basic skills as well as advanced.  I am starting to see students who can barely read.  It is virtually unheard of for students to come to college with an advanced skill such as knowing Latin - something taken for granted decades ago.  The students are very spoiled.  An example of this is grade inflation.  As a teaching assistant, I have been compelled to give B and C grades to students who deserve Ds and Fs.  I remember one of these students I think should have failed: he was very recently charged in the murder of another college student during a drunken frat party fight.  I cannot help but wonder what would have happened had he not been coddled and instead failed my course (and others).  He would have either got his act together or been kicked out of school.  The other student would probably still be alive.

The Curriculum

I noticed something amazing at the college at which I adjunct, started by nuns in the 1920s and now so bad it was even kicked out of the Novus Ordo: next to the chair of the history and political science departments is a very complimentary portrait of Lenin.  In many ways this encapsulates the curriculum: materialist, secular, and deceptive.
Here are just a few things that I have heard actively discussed and promoted among academic philosophers (my field): abortion, euthanasia, masturbation, infanticide, global warming theory, redistribution of wealth, global government, tolerance (except for Europeans and Christians), and forced vaccination.

On the other hand, here is what students don't learn.  At the university at which I study, the following names are inscribed on the facade of the library: Aristotle, Augustine, Descartes, Newton, Kant, Franklin, Darwin, Plato, Virgil, Dante, Goethe, and Shakespeare.  This list is not perfect, but it is an overview of some of the more important authors in the Western literary canon.  The truth is, *no* student upon graduation (including myself) will have read all of these authors.  In fact, most will not have read any (except Shakespeare), unless they have had a history of philosophy course - in which case they might have read a few pages of two or three.

Things are so bad at college right now that I might even go so far as to recommend that neither your readers nor their children subject themselves to it - and this is coming from an individual who has devoted the last ten years of his life to learning.

God's Grace,





I am a 43 year old homeschooling mom of 7.  My parents were Baptist missionaries to Brazil and my husband and I have been homechurching for the past 10 years or so due to dissatisfaction with the evangelical church.  Recently I've had occasion to learn a lot about the Reformation and the early church fathers that I had been largely ignorant of, leading me to have a desire to embrace the Catholic church.  However, it's obviously not as black and white as I want it to be.  Until the past few weeks, I really didn't know what a sedevacantist was, or a traditionalist, didn't know anything about Vatican 2 or what dogma or the Magisterium was.  The more I learn the more it appears that there is deep schism w/i the Catholic church on a level with what I was hoping to leave behind in the Protestant realm.  it's confusing and a bit daunting.  Of course I want to follow wherever truth leads.  The issue of authority is huge for me, I had always assumed it lay solely in the scriptures.  Obviously, before I take such a big step I want to have assurance that I am following the right leaders.  Your prayers are appreciated and any comment that you might have time to make. I am slowly working through your website material.  Regarding the baptism of desire, which as I understand states that it may be possible for some who haven't heard the gospel to be saved, I do have deep questions… Thank you,

Sarah Senne


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The questions you ask are answered in the material provided on our website and in our books and DVDs.  With regard to the necessity of baptism, that is addressed in detail in our book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation, as well as in some of our online videos and debates.  We also strongly encourage you to read the book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  There’s no doubt that the Catholic Church is the only true Church.  There is also no doubt that post-Vatican II “Catholicism” is not Catholic. 


You are concerned about what you call the current “schism” between post-Vatican II “Catholics” and those who reject the New Church.  What you are referring to is actually the fulfillment of the prophecy about the Great Apostasy from the faith in the final days.  That is to say, what we are exposing about the Vatican II sect, and the clear apostasy that has occurred in Rome since Vatican II, should not cause one to conclude that Catholicism is false.  On the contrary, the fact that the primary apostasy and spiritual deception of the final days occurs in Rome and in the previous areas of Catholic authority serves to prove, rather than disprove, the authenticity of the Catholic faith.  It illustrates that the Catholic faith (as well as those who follow it) is the Devil’s main target.  On this point, we would recommend this video:


Why Rome is now the Whore of Babylon [video]


The Great Apostasy and a Counterfeit Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy




Subject: Georgetown “Jesuits” – Antichrist Apostates


Hi Brothers,

I just watched the… video on the "Jesuit" heretics at Georgetown. They are such apostates!! I thought the comment by the last one interviewed showed their Antichrist attitude: "We embody in a particular way the tradition that animates and gives life to Georgetown...[we are] the tenders of the fire." He thinks they are the ones who give life to Georgetown, rather than Jesus Christ - God. Also, his opening statements that their job is not to bring people to God, but only to ask the "right questions," is so weak and pathetic, and a rejection of the necessity to do good works, especially in combination with his apostate comments that they "welcome diversity because [they're]...not afraid of the answers." They give full-blown consent to homosexuality!! It's a very dark video on the whole, and it adds fuel to the misconception that Jesuits are Freemasons. It's really outrageous and a defilement of the good name St. Ignatius of Loyola and other saintly Jesuits gave to the Jesuits. It's another sad proof of the downward spiritual pull that the Vatican II sect and the Novus Ordo's heresies have on a soul. It really highlights their bad will and friendship with the world. Thank you for posting it. It shows how one cannot be saved without the whole Catholic faith and water baptism, because those "Jesuits" clearly on the path to hell.

God Bless,





Subject: Anneliese


I think its very possible that poor Anneliese had a horrible childhood. I believe she suffered from severe depression from all the abuse she endured in her life time. I betcha she was raped, beaten… A lot nuns were known to be very abusive, of course they always tell the kids that it is in the name of the lord. I feel sorry for her that she has been blamed for all her sufferings through her life time. I blame sick men and women for torturing Anneliese. Poor girl was so abused in so many ways. She suffered from mental illness due to all the evil things that were done to her. She was the victim don't forget that.




MHFM: When there is no evidence for it, it’s inappropriate to jump to a conclusion and assume that others did horrible things to her.  Each person is ultimately responsible for his or her own spiritual state.




Subject: The thing is


i think somehow when i listened to what you described and looking at the picture, this is what i see, normal people like u and me, cannot resist sins, common sins like lie, adultery (in your mind), jealousy sins like that, we cannot resist them we take them like heroin, like drug but somehow this girl Anneliese Michel able to resist those common sins, to a point where it is so high, where i think the demon is not attacking her but she is manipulating or playing with the demons, there 2 sins, one is those commons and the other is ur own decision rejecting Jesus Christ.

somewhere in there, she has reach the 2nd sin, and so high that she is manipulating making fun with those demonic spirit, as if she is better than them. and on the outside, ur human nature cannot take it, ur human capacity cannot take it. and she loosing it, at the same time knowing that she lost the battle knowing that she is on the other end,

i believe if u see the trap then it is not a trap , if u able to see that there is sometthing wrong then it can be , only by God, forgiven.




MHFM: You are very confused.  You have adopted a false theology that conforms to your desire to give in to sin.  A person can and must avoid the mortal sins you describe if he hopes to avoid Hell.  Adultery is a mortal sin whether in thought or deed.  The fact that God expects people to resist and avoid such mortal sins is proven by the fact that those who commit them (e.g., adultery) are cast into Hell (see 1 Cor. 6:9; Mt. 5:28).  You need to pray, fear God, and take a more active interest in the moral teachings of the true Church. 




Subject: Praying the Rosary


Dear MHFM,


Sometimes I get distracted also when I pray my rosary.  Is it ok to pray the rosary with a "pray along CD recording?   Just purchased one that has some soothing background music and find much comfort and peace praying along with it  - but just not sure if it is the right way to be praying my rosary. 


Love all your videos.  I'm so truly grateful to you for opening the eyes of my heart to the truth of what is happening in our church today.  So loved what you said in answer to one of your listeners...quote..."that a person's faith should be rooted in God instead of being defined or consumed by one's connection to a building".  Tried sharing that with some of my friends -  who attend the daily New Mass -  but they just are not buying it.   Guess I shouldn't even be calling them friends anymore - as they hardly talk to me.  But that's ok because I have you and your faithful listeners who have so enriched my life.  It's been a great blessing for me in my senior years. 


Sincerely in our "Most Glorious Queen and Mother"




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We think that a person should not use a recording when praying the Rosary. 




Dear MHFM,

When I first started praying the Rosary I experienced many distractions and my attention would drift almost all of the time. I was greatly ashamed of my inattentiveness so I prayed for the grace of fervent and humble prayer.

My prayers were quickly answered, and after having prayed the Joyful Mysteries and, in particular, meditating on the "Mystery of Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple". . . it dawned on me, or more accurately, it was revealed to me that I must imitate what it contained if I truly wished to obtain the grace of divine wisdom offered in this mystery. I was made to understand that I must inquire among Christ's Saints if I wished to obtain this particular grace of divine wisdom.

I immediately started reading Saint Alphonsus Liguori's "Preparation for Death" and it greatly helped me become aware of the value of keeping death before our eyes so that we won't be ensnared by the world, by the flesh, or by Satan.
I then read Saint Augustine's "Confessions" and I was blessed with a greater understanding of the wickedness and vanity of the world and it helped me to amend even more bad things in my life.
Next I read Saint Athanasius' book "Anthony of the Desert", the knowledge of which helped me more easily recognize the snares of the Satan and how to avoid them.
I am currently reading another book by Saint Augustine, it is called "City of God" and it is jaw-dropping to say the least! I have been blessed with much peace, strength, and knowledge from God through His Saints.

When I pray the Holy Rosary now, I don't pray it merely out of fear of Hell or just because I know it is a "very good and very necessary thing to do". . . I now pray the Holy Rosary because I know it is a great mercy from the most Blessed Trinity to be allowed to plead for our Blessed Mother Mary to pray for us "now and at the hour of our death", to pray for us that "we might be made worthy of the Promises of Christ Jesus", and also, that after our death, she will be there with us when we stand before Christ our Judge.

I greatly urge anyone who is experiencing distractions or "daydreaming" while they are praying the Holy Rosary to make friends with God's Saints by reading their works or accounts of their lives. . . they not only have much to communicate to us from God, but their works are also a wonderful source of countless graces that enable us to pray the Holy Rosary fervently and reverently.

One other book I really must mention is the
Book: The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II. If you honestly love Truth and you honestly want to be delivered from all confusion, read this book!

May God continue to preserve MHFM from all evil.





Subject: Need a little guidance


Dear Brothers,

   In your reply to one of the writers the other day you said people that have a hard time explaining to their family members why they can't attend weddings,funerals,etc. probably haven't been forthright enough in explaining to them about the faith.  I have to say I don't know if I haven't been forthright,  I'm not sure.  If you could coach me the best way to tell them all the truths they need to know it would be much appreciated.  I gave my sister your book, "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church" and I gave her the dvd of "Death and the Journey to Hell".  I told her to take it seriously and watch them and read.  I don't think she even takes me seriously.  I've tried to explain to her that the Catholic Church is the one true church which was established by Jesus Christ and his apostles.  I tried to explain to her that it is the only church and religion that has a list of thousands if not millions of saints who lead the most holy lives and performed the most holy miracles and even gave their lives in the most horrendous ways without backing down one bit and that no other religion can boast of anything even close to our history of the saints.  I've told her that you need the faith to be saved.  I've told my mother basically the same thing, but they won't really listen to me.  Please tell me how else I can arrange my explanation to tell them.  Because for one thing I don't want either of them to perish and I don't want me to perish for being negligent.  To tell you the truth, I pray fifteen decades of the rosary every day I try to keep a lot of mental prayer going to…



MHFM: It seems like you’ve done a pretty thorough job of trying to get your sister interested in the faith.  One thing you could recommend (and perhaps you have) is that she pray to Our Lady (e.g., the Rosary) for the grace to avoid Hell.  As uninterested as she is at present, if she did sincerely pray to Our Lady she would get the grace to become more interested.  Once you make that recommendation, there’s nothing else you need to say to her.  You can try to help a person, as you have, but you can’t force that person to believe.  You shouldn’t feel as if you haven’t done your duty in that regard.




Subject: Fighting distractions in praying the Rosary


As a family, we sometimes light candles before the Blessed Mother statue in the prayer area in our home, turn most of the lights off and softly play Gregorian Chant to make the atmosphere more conducive to praying a more fervent rosary.  At least for me, it helps to meditate better



MHFM: The full-length YouTube final version of our video, Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid, has been posted for the first time.


Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid [full-length video]




Subject: New Mass is valid according to Blessed Mother


"Do not lose faith in My Mass. It is valid. Man may distort, but it is valid, I say! When a legally-ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church conducts this Mass, it is valid, I say!" - Jesus, December 7, 1976…

"... Do not abandon My Son's Churches throughout your world, My children. The Mass, the Holy Sacrifice, is still valid.
"Do not judge your Church, My children, by the standards of man, for a legally-ordained priest, a man who has been legally ordained, will be used by the Eternal Father, through the Spirit, to bring to you My Son, His Body and His Blood, which He is shedding in sorrow now for you!" - Our Lady, August 5, 1976




MHFM: No, those are not messages from the Blessed Mother.  They are messages from the false apparitions of Bayside, NY.  Those messages contain clear heresies.  That fact proves that the messages did not come from Heaven or from our Blessed Mother, but from the Devil posing as her.  Bayside was a false sign and wonder meant to deceive those who resist the truth of the traditional Catholic faith.  It’s truly a mystery of iniquity why so many people choose to dismiss the revelation of Christ (the facts of which condemn the New Mass) and embrace false signs instead. 


The False Apparitions at Bayside, NY [PDF File]


Novus Ordo “hero”


MHFM: A “conservative” Novus Ordo “priest” named Fr. Thomas Euteneur has been in the news recently.  He was the president of Human Life International, but he recently resigned.  He publicly admitted to having committed an “act of unchastity” with an adult female.  We post this because he was among the most “conservative” of all the Novus Ordo “priests.”  It’s another example of the spiritual bankruptcy of the Vatican II sect.


Novus Ordo "hero" confesses to act of unchastity with adult female




Dear Brothers,

I watch Aljazeera news on channel 49.3 PBS station from Akron (I Live in Cleveland Ohio suburb, and I do don’t have cable, so that is why I get the Point 3 portion of that channel) Also, if anyone else is in the Cleveland/Akron area may receive this station.  I don't have any problem watching them,  I am watching them now.  I believe they give better news, I have been watching them for a while, even before the Egypt crisis.  You can also get them on the web at   I also watch  Deutch/Welle, and France 24 which are on after AlJazeera.  They all give more news around the world then the liberal media in the USA which  are only focused on stupid things.
  Also, I loved your video on Catholicism and America.  Great Work.  And it was amazing how Catholicism has been so oppressed even in the USA which is suppose have religious freedom!

God bless you for your work.




Subject: Peter


Where is it recorded in History, that the Apostle Peter was crucified, upside down?

Mrs. A


MHFM: It’s recorded by the fathers of the Church and by the writers of the ancient Church.  For instance, Eusebius (A.D. 260-340), early Church writer and author of the first history of the Church, states in his Ecclesiastical History:


“Peter appears to have preached through Pontus, Galatia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, and Asia to the Jews who were scattered abroad; he finally came to Rome and was crucified with his head downward, having requested himself to suffer in this way.” (Book 3, Chap. 1)




Dear Brothers,


When I pray the Rosary, I have a tendency to daydream.  Sometimes when I get to the end of a decade I realize I was daydreaming throughout the entire decade.  My mind wanders about events at work, etc.  I normally try to pray at a time when it is quiet and weed out all distractions I have control over.  Is there something wrong on my part because I daydream?  When I realize I was daydreaming, I immediately try to put the thoughts out of my mind and try to focus on the Rosary, but later I may start daydreaming again.  Is there something you can suggest that I do to be able to focus better when praying?  Thanks.




MHFM: Try to eliminate voluntary distractions and perhaps use colorful depictions of the various mysteries.  That can help a person concentrate on them.




[This person also sent information condemning the SSPX]


Subject: Hi – EWTN Exposed?


You are a hoax!  Get back to Jesus!




MHFM: No, we are not part of the SSPX.  You are quite wrong. You are a heretic who doesn't love the truth.  For that reason, God allows you to be deceived and believe you are a Catholic when you are not.  The pearls of the true Catholic faith are not for faithless swine like you. 




Hello brothers, I thank you for all the work you've all done to open the eyes of supposed Catholics.  I have a question and i hope it's not stupid, but please answer.Thanks to you i have been praying the rosary everyday for a month, my question is there a proper position in praying the rosary, I normally pray in the morning in bed before i get up, and right before i go to sleep all three mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious). i was reading in the Douay-Rhems,  St Luke 22:41.  Is it proper and the only way to pray kneeling? Thank you.




MHFM: Although it might be the best, kneeling is not the only acceptable way to pray the Rosary.  For example, due to his condition, Padre Pio prayed it while sitting.




Subject: I am confused by your website


I am trying to return to my faith, the Roman Catholic Church, and I saw your youtube channel today and have been reading your website and now I am very confused on what to believe.


How do I know that you are not spreading falsities about the Church?  


I am interested in learning more about the Apostasy that you speak of, as I have always wondered by the Pope has been so silent on so many issues involving the direction of the human race... almost as if they did not care or wanted to end it… I do not go to mass, I haven't in years, I am looking to find a wife in the Catholic Church, to get married, have children and live a good life.


Now I'm more confused than I was before.




MHFM: You know that we are not spreading falsehoods about the Church because what we say is backed up by the traditional teachings of the popes and the Magisterium.  All of the material you need to find the truth on these matters is covered on our website, in our books and in our materials.  We would recommend our large special package, in addition to watching our DVD, The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World.  It gives a person the whole picture of what has occurred.  Also, our big book, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II, comes with the large special package.  It’s very important.  It contains abundant documentation for all of what we cover.  And of course please pray the Rosary each day and ask the Blessed Virgin for the grace to follow the truth. 




…It's really refreshing to see the Catholic view of North and South America's history. Thanks very much for the videos.  God bless the charitable work you do to convert souls to the true Catholic Faith….

MHFM keep me in your prayers,
Angelica Torres


New Mass


Subject: New Mass video


Dear Brothers,

Great to see Bro. Michael's video on the invalid New Mass and Rite of Ordination on YouTube. The New Mass really is the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place than Jesus and Daniel prophesied.  Nothing can be compared to the true Catholic Mass because Jesus Christ is present there whole and entire under the appearances of bread and  wine; His whole Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Protestants try to fill the gap by worshipping the Bible, and/or worshipping Jesus' Name, but nothing can substitute for Christ Himself. The Vatican II New Mass is basic occultism, i.e. the offering of something, in this case bread and wine, to a false god - the Vatican II's sect's false god being
themselves. Jesus said you will know them by their fruits, and the fruits of the V-2 Mass are from the tree of sin and death. The true Mass' fruits are from the tree of life, Christ on the cross, and the fruits are eternal life. It's the Devil's attempt to stop up the river of life, which is grace, because Mary Immaculate, who crushes the Serpent's head, is full of grace, so it is grace that destroys Satan and sin. Also, the Protestant heresy that all the faithful are "priests" is embodied in the new invalid rite of ordination… People really need to see the video. Great work!

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: The Guillotine and the Cross


I have almost finished this book and it is an easy read and very informative.  I was never taught a fraction of what is in this book concerning the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.  The young should be taught true history.  The author portrays the evil of this time and it compares with the Nazis actions and the evils of the Russian Revolution.  I know we have been allies of France in many wars but to bury the atrocities of history because of this is wrong.  It was a time and an evil that gripped a people and has been repeated throughout history.  Evil is not characteristic to one group or nation.  God bless the Catholic martyrs of the French Revolution.  We could learn much from the way they lived and died for their Catholic beliefs.

Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We did a video on that issue:  The Demonic French Revolution [video]




Subject: Marriage and attending marriage festivities


Dear Brothers,

Help once again.  This time it's the issue of upholding God's law over whether or not one is forbidden to attend the marriage ceremony and/or festivities of a Novus Ordo nephew that's engaged to a cradle Novus Ordo woman.  If I understand correctly from reading your section on "The Vatican II sect vs. the Catholic Church on partaking in non-Catholic worship" attending their wedding would have to be mortally sinful.  That said, what if one were to sit in back and not participate in the Mass itself? That would have to be fully condemned as well correct?   Should a person even go to the festivities afterwards and should one give a gift or not?  I don't know what to do.  I understand that a Novus Ordo Mass by itself is an abomination of desolation without even considering the aspect of an invalidly ordained priest presiding, so would have to refuse to attend on that account, but if the Church teaches that the marriage of two non-Catholics is valid, which I believe is the correct teaching, correct me if I'm wrong, the marriages of Vatican II sect members would have to be considered just as valid?  If so, I'm confused.  Why wouldn't one be able to attend the marriage ceremony or at least the festivities afterwards of Vatican II sect members if they are to be considered validly married?  They'd have to get remarried under a legitimate priest should they ever recognize their error correct?

John T. 


MHFM: A Catholic must not attend the service or the festivities afterward.  To do so would be to celebrate their marriage.  Even though it seems like it will be valid because they are both Novus Ordo “Catholics,” it will be a marriage of two heretics.  A Catholic must not celebrate it or take part in it.  To do so would be gravely sinful.  One should not give a gift or a card.  If your nephew is aware of your position, and you've tried to convert him, then it shouldn't be hard for him to understand why you would not go.  Those who have trouble disappointing friends and relatives in this regard are usually those who haven't been forthright in explaining the true faith to them.




Subject: Barbara Bush, Jr. is just another lost soul


Dear Brothers,


I see now where Barbara Bush Jr. is "giving her OK" for same sex marriage. She will for sure join her father and uncles in the lake of fire. She is totally clueless as to what is important in life…


God bless your efforts,


Bob Bohr




Montini and Wojtyla have already been outed as secret Jews. But with this new information one wonders whether ALL the V2 antipopes (bar Luciani who took on their masonic Vatican agents) were Jewish or at least “Jew-wish”. Perhaps this is a prerequisite for appointment to the V2 antipapacy? Goy papabili need not apply.




Timothy Johnson (UK)


Came upon


Came upon your website tonight.


If Jesus said, (I'm paraphrasing from memory) "... and the gates of hell will not prevail against it...."  Then, how can the Vatican II decisions emanating from the magisterium by off --or invalid?


I ask this, respectfully, without reading your website. Although, I must admit, I'm tired. Tired of all the infighting. It's not like we don't have enough to contend with in this crazy world....


Liz Suarez


MHFM: Because the promise of Christ that the “Gates of Hell” will not prevail doesn’t preclude antipopes in Rome falsely posing as true popes, or a counterfeit Church of heretics which reduces the true Church to a remnant.  We’ve had over 40 antipopes in Catholic history, as well as periods of massive confusion and apostasy during which the true Catholics were a minority.  This is covered in these files (under our “Antipopes” section). 


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file]Sedevacantism is the position that the Chair of Peter is presently vacant… This section proves that what is said on this website is perfectly compatible with all Catholic teachings, papal dogmas, the indefectibility of the Catholic Church, the indefectibility of the papal office, Christ’s promises to be with His Church, etc.


The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-


A complete list of the 42 antipopes in Church history [PDF] In Catholic history there have been 260 valid popes, starting with St. Peter, and 42 antipopes – that is, men who claimed to be true popes but were not… some of them reigned in Rome for periods of time


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




If universal salvation is what they profess, then what will their "heaven" be? A group of souls united in disobedience and/or disbelief? How is this any different than what surrounds us right now? Without a doubt, that is not heaven. In fact, quite the contrary! This is one of my favorites, Hebrews11:13-16     St. Paul pray for us. 






If person cannot find the time due to a reason (ex. job, and sometimes bad will) to pray the full 3 mystery Rosary, should that person always say the days proper mystery (ex. Sorrowful on Tuesdays and Fridays) and later if he did find more time (and good will), could he pray the Joyful and Glorious as well? The Rosary wouldn't be said in the correct order so what I'm asking is would this be a wrong way to pray the Rosary in incorrect order?
God Bless!




MHFM: No, it would be an acceptable way to pray the Rosary.




…Your Video [Catholicism & America] came at the EXACT RIGHT time !   I was not Aware of the huge 'power' John Paul II had on people !   I had never heard that before....and I had early on suspected he knew darn well what was going on with the abused little boys...from the activities of priests in my area.  (Montana is the 'gulag' they send rotten priests to. )   I Did see an older woman in my church turn into a Punk rocker complete with short Spiked hair, nose piercing...and Praising John Paul II to the hilt... it was very funny to look at, but SAD in Reality. I always Knew I had to get away from these people, but I didn't know where to go ...THANKS FOR BEING THERE !!


Carol D.




Subject: an afterthought on Leo XIII’s vision


.....there is some conjecture on the exact date of Leo XIII's vision, with 1888 also mentioned along with 1884....but, since this is a prophecy, that is, something to occur in the future, and not necessarily starting in 1884 or 1888, it's not critical, given where we are at in 2011, and the year 1988 has passed without any sign of Satan's power being reduced - far from it - and so does not effect the "100 years of Satan's increased power"...


...we recall Sister Lucy's interview with Fr. Fuentes in 1957, where she said, " Our Lady gave her to understand that we are in the last times, and that the devil was in the mood for a final battle, in which one side will suffer defeat...and the two last remedies God is giving to the world, the Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart...


...Jesus lived 33 years, and it is fascinating, at least to some commentators, that between the vision of Pope Leo XIII , on Oct 13, 1884, and the Miracle of Fatima is exactly 33 years.  Jesus did not start gathering His flock until His 30th year, the last three years of His life.


No one knows when the 100 years [ 75 - 100 years according to other accounts ]  began.  But....1917 now seems like a strong possibility, given the significance of  the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917...the third secret, notwithstanding...


...if the 75 years has now expired, Satan does not know when God will pull his power from under him, and is why the world is in such chaos and evil leaders are so arrogant and bold....he must realize his time is running out fast - for him and mankind!


I  am now inclined, after a little more research, to favour 1917, as the date of the commencement of the "100 years...."


Interesting, but we should be always prepared, and in the state of grace, of course, by making use of the weapons Heaven has given us - the Rosary [ of fifteen decades ] and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary....








The news of the Government planning on getting rid of the colors in the terror warning system most likely means that the Government plans to keep the people in a state of high alert indefinitely in their plans for their police state.,0,4169437.story

I also wonder if the presidents state of the union remarks "Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail, which could allow you go places in half the time it takes to travel by car," Obama said. "For some trips, it will be faster than flying – without the pat-down."  Is he referring to the FEMA trains to take everyone to the FEMA camps?

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: Catholicism & America


YouTube - Catholicism and America this photo at 33:16/17 minute marker in your video---we see this photo often,  I just wanted to make a short comment about it:  ever notice how in this Assisi-scene photo,  His UNHOLINESS JPII… is looking DOWNWARD toward the ground,  not looking up AT ALL?  It is really noticeable---I just wanted to say I've always thought this is because he was laughing SO HARD inside,  this was one of his greatest moments of "triumph" as Anti-Christ,  he was SO ENJOYING MOCKING CHRIST,  Christ's Bride the Church and all Christ's Church stood for and had stood for, for 2,000 years,  well he was just laughing so hard he could simply not look up without revealing this to the world!  That's just the feeling I get from this photo---there are several others like this however this is THE most conspicuous one I think.  So to all you wanna-be-V2-"catholics" out there----the devil is mocking you! 






So many people do not realize how dangerous yoga is.  They will say it is just exercise.  The article I have enclosed is some insight to it's dangers like reincarnation and cremation.  Not to mention a false pagan religion who is not happy about commercializing it.  Before we were asked to leave our Catholic school I learned that yoga was apart of the upper grades lunchtime recess.  Hindu Group Stirs Debate in Fight for Soul of Yoga 




MHFM: We also discuss yoga in this article: The Religious Orders in the Vatican II sect: Totally Apostate [PDF File]




Subject: “archbishop” of Canterbury


The "Catholic" University of Leuven is to grant a doctoral degree honoris causa to the head of Anglican sect Rowan Douglas Williams (the "archbishop" of Canterbury). Look at the official explanation provided:

"K.U.Leuven is honouring Rowan Williams for his role as a ‘public theologian’ and as a national and international religious leader. Thanks to his intellectually rich, Christian-inspired and nuanced perspective, he is an important and inspiring voice in current philosophical and social debates and he contributes to a better understanding of the role of religion in contemporary Europe."




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s another example of outrageous heresy.




Subject: Response to Judy


I was thinking on the brothers response to Judy where they quote jp ll and then Pope Eugene IV:

John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio (#10), Dec. 7, 1990: “The universality of salvation means that it is granted not only to those who explicitly believe in Christ and have entered the Church.”

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, dogmatic Athanasian Creed, 1439: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity… But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...”

If you look at the statement by jp ll, it only reenforces spiritual laziness, he says all are saved, all is true, diversity is unity, so that would mean I don't have to learn, search, work out my salvation with fear and trembling, and fear is not the beginning of Wisdom.  What is truth:  fidelity, constancy,  sincerity in action,  character, and utterance.  Conformity with fact or reality; ideal or fundamental reality "apart" from and transcending perceived experience.   All you need to do is look at this black and white, total contradiction to see that there is a total departure from the True Faith of the True Catholic Church. 

Jude 1:11 Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain: and after the error of Balaam they have for reward poured out themselves, and have perished in the contradiction of Core.  This will be the reward of the vatican ll sect!!! 

I implore Judy to please start to say the rosary because it is the chain that WILL BIND YOU TO THE TRUTH!!!   




Everyday situations


Subject: Everyday situations in the world


Dear MHFM,


Thank you very much for rendering great services in the sad times we live in. I wanted to ask some questions: I'm currently in a P.E class called "Aerobics" and every now and then the teacher does yoga at the end of class with the students so that the soreness is relieved and as a cool down exercise. Would it be wrong to stay in the room when this occurs even without doing the yoga or is it necessary to actually get out of the room? What would a person need to do to make peace with God if they have already in the past made The Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts in regard to being a member of the counter church, but after that they just happen to have outwardly "semi" participated in yoga at the end of class (is it essential to redo the abjuration each time a person promotes false beliefs thus giving scandal to the Faith)? In Illinois, I was told that a "law" was passed that requires a 15 second moment of silence in public schools right before the pledge of allegiance (this "moment of silence" is actually enforced by the teachers to the point of where you can get in trouble and sent to the office for not being silent), as an individual in the 12th grade this is new to the school I attend, however this was already introduced to the former high school I attended while I used to be there; I wonder whether it would be necessary to stand outside the class room while the moment of silence occurs or is it enough to just make some little disruptions noticed by a few individuals (just an aside: I have to say that the moment of silence devotion in public schools promotes a general godlessness, typical pagan superstition, and mysticism)? Would it be sufficient to sit down and stay silent during the pledge of allegiance or would it be necessary to exit the room. Is it okay to hate the devil and detest its existence or should we only hate what it stands for and promotes? Is it a mortal sin to sprint while on the track field (it seems rather immodest and unbecoming for a gentle spirit to do so)? If a person uses profane language on a daily occurrence, is it enough to reprove them once, and also in what manner should they be reproved? Is telling them that it is a bad thing or to stop it enough and if they ask why is it okay to be superficial or dodge around the question or would it be necessary to tell them that it gravely offends Jesus Christ even though the persons with the indecent speech are pagans at best and atheists at worst? Since all the females at school wear pants, is it necessary that I tell them (when I run into them in the halls and class rooms) that wearing pants is abhorrent to God? If so would it be a mortal sin to stay silent, when I see a stranger that is a female in men's clothing? When a teacher in class teaches immorality (and also does so through the reading of indecent stories, group discussions, films etc), is it an obligation to protest right on the spot since she gave scandal to the students or is it okay to stay silent (I must say that this is a very huge problem to such an extent that, to even get points on assignments and essays it is required to side with and promote mournful just mournful immorality, as those are the only options given the students)?






MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  To your questions: 1. We think you should leave the room completely during the yoga session.  2.  We don’t think it’s necessary to leave the room during the moment of silence before the Pledge of Allegiance.  3.  It is okay to hate the Devil.  4.  It is acceptable to sprint.  5.  It is sufficient to reprove a person once for using profane language.  However, if it’s someone you know well, the situation might call for repeated rebukes as well as a more involved explanation of the perilous state of the person’s soul.  Obviously a Catholic should also try to convert those people he knows.  However, once you’ve told a person about the sinful activity, there wouldn’t be a strict obligation to say more.  If a person asks you why it’s wrong, even if he’s an atheist or a pagan, you should definitely explain to him that it offends Christ and try to convert him.  6.  It is not necessary to rebuke all the girls in your school who wear pants.  7.  It would depend upon exactly what was involved in the stories and discussions you describe.  It might simply require leaving the discussion; it might not. 








MHFM: Yes, they accept the heresies of Vatican II, including this one: The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II [10 min. video]


They accept false ecumenism, which is apostasy.  They accept salvation outside the Church and other heresies.  See this file: Other Outrageous Heresies Spread on EWTN

It contains numerous examples of the blatant heresies spread on EWTN, which primarily deal with religious indifferentism and the denial of the defined dogma: Outside the Church There is No Salvation.


The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File]


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]




Subject: Term; “in communion with”


Sir:   Exactly what does the adjective "in communion with" mean as used on your site?  

Does it mean a close friendship?   A rare exposure to a heretic by one who rejects his heresy?

I don't understand.



MHFM: When we say that someone is “in communion with” someone else, it means that the person regards the other individual as within the same Church (i.e., as sharing the unity of faith that is proper to the true Church).




Subject: Father Baumberger


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I am writing to you about a revealing conversation I had with Father Baumberger, the SSPV Priest. Speaking over the phone, I explained that my sister and I would like to receive Penance and Holy Communion. He gave his immediate approval, that is, until I mentioned your monastery. A small note on this point – I distinctly remember an occasion on which my father had given your material to Fr. Baumberger and in reply, Fr. Baumberger smiled wide while saying, “Those are my boys!” I understood his reply as a total acknowledgment and agreement with your staunch Catholic viewpoint. Unfortunately, I later learned he rejects Catholic dogma.


Anyway, after giving his approval that my sister and I could receive the sacraments, I let him know that the both of us fully accept the position held by you and infallibly taught by the Catholic Church on Baptism and outside the church there is no salvation, at which point he informed me that the church has never taught that, and that what I was telling him is deemed heresy by the church. Therefore, he refuses to allow us to receive Penance and Communion. This is a priest who waves the banner of ‘traditional Catholicism,’ but in reality he labels true Catholics heretics and denies them the sacraments. Truly outrageous!


I challenged him a little on this and mentioned to him the Council of Trent, canon 2:


 “If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”


I said the Catholic Church teaches there is only one sacrament - one baptism, water baptism. Fr. Baumberger responded with, “yes, yes that’s true. Water baptism is the sacrament, but there are other kinds.” He quickly went on to say the Catholic Church teaches that “baptism of desire” and “baptism of blood” save and that in order to receive the sacraments we must believe the same. In response to the dogma outside the church there is no salvation, he agreed that no one outside the church can be saved, yet insisted that, “yes, Jews and heretics can be saved.” I asked how it is possible for a Jew (who actively rejects Jesus Christ) to be inside the church and he said, “It’s not the Jews faith that saves him.” Then what? He told me it’s not for us to judge the ways of God and that we need to believe what the church teaches in this regard. He then told me that the Council of Trent infallibly teaches that Jews and heretics can be saved. What an utter lie! Having read your books which contain the dogmas, I am well aware that the Church has never taught such heresy. I asked him to tell me exactly where the Council of Trent infallibly teaches what he claims. He responded he didn’t have the text with him, but that it’s “definitely there,” in Denzinger.


It’s amazing that he, a priest, would deny my sister and me, Catholics, the sacraments, and literally brand us heretics, but a Jew who rejects Jesus Christ and rejects the Catholic Church can still be within the church and be saved. That is not only totally heretical, but entirely illogical.




MHFM: That’s a very interesting encounter.  As we’ve pointed out before, they are definitely heretics who deny the salvation dogma and believe that souls can be saved in any religion.  It is remarkable, however, that he had the audacity to assert (the utter lie) that the Council of Trent infallibly teaches that Jews and heretics can be saved.  Since the SSPV (and priests like them) are notorious and imposing heretics, no one should approach them for any sacraments at all. 




Subject: “Doggs” is outside the Church


Dear Brothers,

"Doggs" who wrote in saying MHFM is no different from Westboro Baptist heretics, is himself like a Westboro Baptist heretic who uses emotionalism, flawed logic and heresy to reject the Catholic faith and Christ. The truth divides the world but unites the Church:

Matthew 10:34-36 - "Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's enemies shall be they of his own household."

Matthew 5:11,12 - "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you."

Apocalypse 21: 14,15 - "Blessed are they that wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb: that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie."

According to Haydock's Bible commentary, the "dogs" are unbelievers (Witham), and St. Thomas says they are the unclean, as "all the unclean shall be without [outside] the city of glory." (Summa, Supp. Q. 74, Art. 1). "Doggs" needs to start believing the dogmatic facts, and clean himself of heresies, otherwise he'll end up outside the Kingdom of God forever, in hell. "Doggs'" position is as hypocritical and false as a Kabbaliar!!! There can be no reconciliation between darkness and light (2 Cor. 6:14) because God is only light, having nothing to do with the darkness, evil or lies (1 John 1:5). Outside the Catholic Church there will never be any salvation.

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: The Protestant Deformation


Dear Brothers:


Thanks for all the News Posts.  So important to see these Signs of the Times.  Regarding the  Article on the Vatican/Lutheran Ceremony:


According to the Lutheran World Federation, "Luther's Garden" was opened in 2008 to symbolize "the global magnitude of the Reformation."  The "global magnitude of the Reformation" needs no symbol.  It's hoofprint is everywhere:  The denial of Jesus Christ in every nation of the world.  The global outlawing of the Christian faith (including the teachings of Sacred Scripture).  And the replacement of Christendom (and the "old" world order) with Sodom and Gomorroha (and the "new").  


The object of the false popes since John XXIII - and the fake Second Vatican Council - was simply the destruction of the Catholic Faith.  In other words: the Protestant Deformation of what was the last and only vestige of true Christianity. 


Aping the true, visible Catholic Church in times past, Satan's end-times counterfeit "Catholic" church must have its missionaries, too. This is why for them the program of "ecumenism" is so very important.  In the name of "ecumenism", the Vicars of Satan and their followers pose as everyone's loving and accepting "friend" when, in fact, they are mankind's hateful and death-dealing enemy.  Their object (as the apostate "Jesuits" blatantly admit) is not to lead men to God.  Indeed not.  Their object is to lead men -- all men -- to Hell.


Lee Ann




Subject: Hi-EWTN exposed?




Who are you ?  How can you say all of these things about the church and the Pope and EWTN?  It is all so shocking?  Why are you saying these things? 




MHFM: We say them because they are true.  You need to realize what has happened with Vatican II, and what the Catholic Church teaches on these matters.  It teaches that heretics are not members of the Church and not true popes.  You also need to realize that EWTN is modernist.  Here’s just one heresy from Antipope John Paul II.  This statement denies defined Catholic dogma.  Again, this is just one of many:


John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio (#10), Dec. 7, 1990: The universality of salvation means that it is granted not only to those who explicitly believe in Christ and have entered the Church.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, dogmatic Athanasian Creed, 1439: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity… But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...”


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]

EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




Subject: Egyptian Crisis


I found it very interesting in regard to the Egyptian crisis, the various powers are using the word peace and peaceful means and thought of the verse in: 1  THESSALONIANS 5:3  [3] For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.       






Subject: Exorcism/GCD


Yes Protestants hate the Rosary, the Crucifix, Holy Water, Images of the The Blessed Virgin Mary, Relics of Saints, The Sacraments and the Faith. Just like the devil, it is all offensive to them.






I consider myself to be catholic.but hearing that john paul 2 might be an antipope is upsetting to me.I love god and I love the true catholic church.what can I do?all the catholic churches I know of report to the vatican.  I am 39 years old but I believe in the history of the catholic church.  the catholic church is all I believe in.  I left the mormon cult to become catholic. can you tell me where I can worship?  my name is


richard Moore


MHFM: You need to consult the evidence on the website and you will see that John Paul II was definitely a heretical antipope.  You need to realize what has occurred with Vatican II, the New Mass, etc.  Once convinced, we can help you with where to receive sacraments; but a person must believe correctly before receiving sacraments.  That includes a commitment to never attend the New Mass again, a belief in Outside the Church There is No Salvation, no “baptism of desire,” no NFP, etc.  You should also pray the Rosary each day. 


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]

The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section]


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video. This is a video discussion about the history of Catholicism in America.  It discusses the state of the Church when the country began, how the Church grew, and how things drastically changed after Vatican II.  It discusses some very interesting facts on this topic, including Pope Leo XIII, Fulton Sheen, the changes in confession practice, John Paul II, and much more.  


Catholicism and America [video]




Subject: exorcism


I was listening to one of your audios about exorcism.  It is very scary! I pray I won't dream about it.  It is mentioned in the audio that devils who possess the person hate the rosary, holy water, crucifix and other holy objects, especially to the Blessed Mother Mary.  Based on my own experiences, I've been around with protestants and most of them (maybe all of them) are offended about the Catholic church; when Jesus on the cross (crucifix) is showed, when they saw a holy rosary, when they hear the saints' names and hear the Blessed Virgin Mother's name...they just get offended.  I know these because I was ones a protestant and still hang out with protestant people.  I've been to 6-7 different Christian denominations and all of them are offended about the Catholic holy objects, prayers, and the name of the Blessed "Virgin" Mary.  I remember one of my friends in the past when I made a sign of the cross on him because he disliked the Catholics, he freaked out.  He was a Jehovah Witness and he was scared to look at the crucifix.  My co-worker (a non-Catholic Christian) gets offended when I call the Mother of Jesus as "Mama Mary".  Other people who are so called "Born Again" Christians told my sister to throw the statue of the Blessed Mother and the crucifix because it's from the devil.  They were uncomfortable with it.  But HEY!...All of them scream the name of "Jesus" as their personal savior in their chapel and talk about the bible and Jesus all the time.  It is sad that Benedict XVI accepts the faith of the Protestants.  (I am not trying to make war with the Protestants). By the way, I was raised a Catholic and became a heretic, now I am working on my true Catholic faith.  I've been praying the Holy Rosary. 



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It’s good to hear that you are praying the Rosary.  It’s important that you follow through with becoming a true Catholic.  We have “Steps to Convert” page that explains how a person converts.  Also, Protestants claim to be Christians, but aren’t actually Christians.




Subject: Catholicism & America


Hello Brothers:


I am wondering if you might consider putting your discussion "Catholicism and America" on an audio. Many times it is very convenient to copy your audios to cd and listen to them with the children, and also distribute them in this format. This applies to your other excellent YouTube presentations such as "Proof for Catholicism..." etc.

Might we see them in audio format, and if not, is there a way to copy the audio off of YouTube?


As always thanks for the great work, and God bless you. It is quite exciting to hold the Catholic faith Whole and Inviolate and wait for the coming reign of Our Sacred Lord Jesus Christ in His soon coming Kingdom. It will be magnificent and righteous beyond our present comprehension. I do not understand all of these heretics and apostates and unbelievers. What good do they derive from their lost estates? Why do they not yield to God's kind and Just commands? What a tragedy - an eternal tragedy… It seems that many are being reached for the Faith through your works.


- Thanks again,





Dear Brothers,

     I wanted to thank you profusely for the work you put into your latest video "Catholicism and America".   It was revealing and quite erudite.  My favorite part was the part about Father Coughlin being an actual early radio bullhorn for the truth of the Catholic faith along with the true global conspiracies that were going on.  I like how you compared him to the empty but externally extravagant Fulton Sheen.  Luckily, we still have Coughlin in these very last days and that is Most Holy Family Monastery.  Thank God you're on the internet mainly because that's a much harder task to censor than 1920'2 radio.  Otherwise we probably never would have found you and I would probably still be lost.  I wanted to bring up how you made it clear how the apostasy started way before 1964.  I also recently reached the end of your book "There is Absolutely no Salvation Outside the Catholic Church".  I came across the actual beginning which Our Lady of La Sallette said that in 1864 (100 years) Lucifer and his crew would be let out on the Church and that even formerly pious followers would resemble spirits of Hell.  It definitely happened.  The next thing I am about to bring up is absolutely from Hell but it’s an example.  My mother, whom I've tried to bring the faith too and is unbelievably obstinate is a MSW Family counselor.  She has two clients who are SRA victims, (Satanic ritual abuse).  They were both young children in the 40's and 50's.  They recount being ritually gang raped on an altar by "important" members of the community, (PRIESTS, doctors, and other big wigs).  When the girls later conceived the baby there was another ritual in which all the members… excluding the girls ate the baby.  This is all real and obviously things have gotten much worse.  It just goes to show the depths that heresy can take the whole world in.

In Christ,




Subject: Families


Yes that's so true what your emailer wrote in about larger families---I have in front of me photos of both my (paternal) grandfather's side in which he was one of NINE children and my own father's side in which he was one of EIGHT children---and on my maternal side,  my grandmother was one of EIGHT children and this all was totally NORMAL!  We can chalk today's U.S. "1.2" kids per family average up to the disinformation campaign of V2 "freedom of conscience" in the area of "family planning"/nfp/"the pill" etc. etc (which is by the way what BOTH my own parents AS WELL AS MY OWN HUSBAND AND I WERE ADVISED BY THE SO CALLED "CATHOLIC PRIESTS" WHO MARRIED US !!),   "Planned Parenthood", liberalism, abortion,  licentiousness,  etc---it always just amazes me how totally decimated the number of catholics are,  today,  whereas I came from a family of 4 kids, and then my generation had between 0 and 3 on average (averaging about the 1.2 here)---meanwhile,  other religious groups' families are dramatically "more populated"!, having many children!  Then I think about all the rape and molestation that has been going on-- under the modernist/V2 "church" auspices-- of any children who DID manage to be born amongst modern "catholics"--and it is literally physically nauseating, to say the least! Another thing, growing up in the 1970's in Vermont,  there were still remnants of larger families around,  and also of the "old-school" system of certain families' having certain pews to sit in at the church-----this was a left-over from the olden days before "passing the collection plate or basket" system came in---but certain families were ALWAYS in "their" pew EVERY Sunday---probably where their parents and great-grandparents had sat.  It's so sad,  so much has been lost to us catholics.  There's virtually nothing left, reminds one of the "great nothing" in the film  "The Never-Ending Story",  the "great nothing" just destroys everything!  There isn't much left,  but then again this fulfils prophecy since Jesus and Mary said it would be this way.  Please pray for us, thank you! 






Subject: New Church vs. children


Dear MHFM:


Thank you for Catholicism and America. I grew up in the 1950s and your video revived some memories of what Catholicism looked like in those days.


For those whose memories don’t go back that far, there's one thing about Catholic life that would really jump out at you if you were able to go back in time: BIG families. The raising of children was the PRIMARY purpose of marriage and it was not surprising to see families with 6-8 children, sometimes even more.


That’s quite a change from today’s novus ordo families with their 1 or 2 (or zero) children. The families in ‘traditionalist’ chapels are a little larger, maybe 3 or 4 children, but not the same as the ‘old days.’


For anyone who still doesn't understand the magnitude of evil that emanated from the council (and American clergy such as Cardinal Cooke who promoted "religious liberty" at the council), imagine how different America would be today if Catholics had continued having children and raising them in the true Faith (an already weakening faith as you note, but still alive).


Can anyone doubt the role that NFP, fake annulments, pastoral ‘understanding’ of homosexuality, abortion, and predatory “priests” have had in destroying Catholic children and the country itself?






Subject: Interesting Comparison


Brothers Michael and Peter,

I just finished watching the video Catholicism in America.  I would like to make a comparison regarding the seminarian you mentioned who nearly fell over when looking into the eyes of JPII.  When I heard this it immediately reminded me of the "slaying in the spirit" that happens in the so-called "spirit filled churches".  In those "churches" someone may lay their hand on someone or even walk past them and the fall to the ground supposedly by the "power of the Holy Spirit.  As you well know, though, they always have someone behind the individual to catch them, which is further proof that it is not of God, if more proof was even needed.

I just thought this was quite interesting how the diabolical actions in heretical "churches" is played out in the heretical Vatican II church. 

In the scriptures the shadow of St Peter cured people, the woman was cured by touching the hem of Jesus' garment.  This is not the same.  The only thing that happened to this seminarian was a "feel good" feeling.  As with those in the protestant churches, it is an emotional happening.  NO conversions, No repentance. just simply a feeling that drew them deeper into the mire.





Subject: Catholicism Questions


Hello I have 2 questions for you, as an honest protestant asking yourself a Catholic.

1} Why was the Sabbath day changed from Saturday to Sunday and when?

2} Are the Knights of Columbus associated with the Jesuit Order and are they {at the top levels} corrupt.

If you have any videos mentioning these things I apologize, and maybe you can point them out. Thank You for your time.



MHFM: Your first question is answered in this file: Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day according to the Bible?.


The answer to your second question is no, they are not associated with the current “Jesuit” order.  However, it doesn’t matter because the Knights of Columbus accept the false Vatican II sect.  For that reason, no one should be affiliated with them.  Many Protestants have false and fanciful ideas about the power and influence of modern-day “Jesuits.”  Those ideas are largely mythological.  You should see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, as well as our section “Refuting Protestantism.”  The information demonstrates that only Catholicism is the biblical Christian faith, and that it’s necessary to embrace it to be saved.




Subject: Anneliese Michel


That poor girl needed a doctor not a priest, she was sick, and thanks to religious ignorance she didnt get the help that could have saved her life. Im not trying to disprove your believes or saying your wrong in believing in whatever it is you want to believe in, but dont sit there and say that girls soul was in sin because she was dating boys. Those people let her suffer and die. She was mentally sick and nothing more…




MHFM: No, she was clearly possessed.  You should stop resisting the truth.




Subject: You are a cult


You are no different that those of the Westboro Baptist Church. Just a typical cult who thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong.




MHFM:  Jesus and His followers taught that they were right and that everyone else is wrong.  According to your perverted logic and false argumentation, they were a cult. 


 1 John 5:19- “We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness.”


Moreover, the fact that you compare traditional Catholics who believe in the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation to a Protestant anti-Catholic sect further illustrates that your reasoning is flawed and your assertion baseless.




Subject: Catholicism & America


Dear MHFM,

There is study that has shown that starting in 1950's people in the USA started to become unhappy.  The 1950's was the peak point of how happy people were but after that point it has drastically been falling.  Interestingly enough it was around the same time when God allowed the Great Apostasy to occur and evil to take over (in a sense).  Without God and his true Faith, no one is truly happy.  Thanks for the video on "Catholicism and America", I had no idea of the Catholic point of view, only what they had taught me in those masonic public schools with its masonic history books.

God bless you Brothers for the work that you do.  Ever since I have found your material and instructed myself in the true Catholic Faith, I have been very happy ever since.  The daily Rosary truly is what makes my day so much happier.  I totally agree with your other readers on the Rosary.  It truly is divine and we can really see it more than ever today, in this Great Apostasy.

Yours in Christ,




Subject: New Video and E-Mail from David


I was saying my early morning rosary and some thoughts came to mind on Dave's email and Brother Peter's new video, both by the way very insightful.  I noticed in Brother Peter's video, the part with Fulton Sheen, one thing struck me and that is, there is a very common, definitive character trait in all these false prelates and that is their charism and soothing tongue and a very NICE way about them, to which I point in the direction of john paul ll and benedict arnold, the same thing!  I think St. Paul was speaking directly to this:

2 Timothy 4:3  For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears:. 

And St. John to this: Apocalypse 13:11   And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. 

If you told the hard truth like for example Father Feeney in regards to the salvation dogma, you are seen as a hateful discriminatory, non-inclusive individual and destroyed because of it, but people fail to see that Jesus could not have made it any easier for people to be saved, His Church, the Sacraments and Our Lady, but you had to work out your salvation with trembling and fear but most people being spiritually lazy they choose the broad way, the all inclusive vatican ll counter-church, do what thou wilt and be saved too!  Have your cake and eat it too! 

Dave's email description of the final birth pangs of the church and relating it to Jesus' ignominious death on the cross was excellent and if I could add that with all the horrors described by David we also will see some conversions also, as Father Haydock's commentary speaks of this in:   
Apocalypse 6:10   And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord (holy and true) dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  Father Haydock's commentary: . --- Revenge our blood. They ask not this out of hatred to their enemies, but out of zeal for the glory of God, and a desire that the Lord would accelerate the general judgment, and the complete beatitude of all his elect. (Challoner) --- These holy souls, who had been slain for the word of God, do not beg the Almighty to revenge their blood, through any hatred to their enemies, but through the great zeal with which they were animated, to see the justice of God manifested: that by this severity they might be moved to fear him, and be converted to him. Thus in the Scripture we often read of the prophets beseeching the Almighty to fill their enemies with confusion, to humble them, &c. (Perer; Bossuet; Du Pin, &c.)   

Osee 7:10   And the pride of Israel shall be humbled before his face: . . . .

Judith 4:16   And they all begged of God with all their heart, that he would visit his people Israel.

Matthew 27:54   Now the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus, having seen the earthquake, and the things that were done, were sore afraid, saying: Indeed this was the Son of God.  

This is my hope for my estranged family, it is my prayer that "maybe" by seeing, they will be humbled and understand everything I have been trying to tell them, my only confidence is in Our Lady, the Mother of God!                     

Mary pray for us,        Todd




Subject: A Shocker


In response to John's message about the diablo sign...well...I didn't know what that was exactly, so I looked it up.  Was shocked at what I discovered... to say the least.   Some have confused it with the sign "I love you" used by Helen Keller.   So I looked her up was this a shocker... she was a true blooded Satanist.  And to think I use to shed tears watching her story that was made into a movie.


Discovering all this in my senior years has been such a tremendous blessing.  Thank you so much for all your hard work. 


May our Precious Mother Mary pray for us all in these troubled times.






Subject: Russia to be TSAed


...hook, line and sinker




Russia:System of “total” passenger control to be introduced


"...Following the airport tragedy, Medvedev said the government should develop a system of “total” control of passengers and their luggage. “We will have to introduce a far stricter system of control, total control. Perhaps, it would be more time-consuming for passengers, but that is the only solution,” the president said..."


MHFM: Yes, it’s just amazing, isn’t it, how those “terror attacks” happen right in time to let everyone in Russia see the “need” to implement totalitarian police state measures such as those employed in the U.S.  It rarely fails.




Subject: An Amazing Observation


Brothers in Christ,

I just wanted to relay a strange occurrence that happened to me at work today.  I was passing through a section of my department and yelled "Hi Manny" to a co-worker who is Hindu as I was leaving his area. He turned from his computer to acknowledge me and lo and behold he held up the "diablo" sign to answer me. I was stunned. It was as if the Devil was taunting me since he is of a false religion.






I'd say your new video on Catholicism and America is among your best videos.  The video is composed and flows nicely from the beginning to the end, while tying in the foundation of Catholicism in America up to and including the implementation and consequences of the Vatican II counter church.  The video shows in a sense how the True Catholic Church began its initial eclipse as early as the 1940's as the liberals started spinning their web, while allowing the world to end up in total darkness of these last days.

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Subject: Catholicism and America


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Your synopsis of the current state of the Catholic Church in America - which could also be applied to most other countries in the western hemisphere - its humble beginnings, its pinnacle, as well as its present alarming decline, in the wake of Vatican II, prompted me to submit this brief analysis, the serious reflections of more than a few concerned Catholics, including Pope Leo XIII, of whom you have referred to in this excellent documentary ...


It was just over 100 years ago that Pope Leo XIII gave us a prophecy, the result of a vision he had , apparently after he had finished saying Mass, in 1884 - a prophecy from heaven warning mankind, because of their sinful lives, were about to drag down God's anger ... We recall, that in 1884, after saying Mass and as he was leaving the altar, according to one source, the frail 74 year old Pope Leo XIII fell to the ground as if dead - he shortly revived and related he had experienced a sort of vision, in which he heard two voices, one of which he took to be that of Christ, gentle and kind, and the other that of Satan, gutteral and harsh.


Satan said," I could destroy Your Church if I had the time, and more power over those who give themselves over to my service."


And then, Pope Leo heard Christ to answer, "You have the power, you have the time: 100 years." [some versions say 75 - 100 years, but 100 years seems to be the version most accepted]


As a result of this vision, Pope Leo XIII immediately composed his famous prayer to St. Michael, which was abbreviated by the enemies of the Church not long after, and eventually eliminated by the freemasonic anti- pope, John XXIII in 1962. [ In 1930, Pope Pius XI had attached the intention of the conversion of Russia, at the prayers at the foot of the altar - these were all swept away by John XXIII at the same time]


About 1970 and up until quite recently, when people started to hear about this vision and prophecy, the assumption was that the "100 years of Satan's increase in power" began in 1884, which would mean that Satan's time was up around 1985....but, nothing significant had happened in 1985, 1986 or in the 70's, 80's, 90's except the crisis in the Church was worsening and deepening, and in fact increasing seemingly exponentially in the 20th century and the 21st century today.


The question one is tempted to ask is when is the 100 years up?  Some have suggested that 1922 was the date that the 100 years of Satan's increased power began.  What is so special about the year 1922? 


!922 was the year of the last major Catholic Emperor, Karl I  of Austria, had died.  He did not abdicate his crown which he recognized he was bound by scared oath - he had stepped aside and gone into exile due to overwhelming political pressure brought about deliberately by the top Freemasons, which Emperor Karl I of the House of Hapsburg could not overcome at the close of the First World War.


One of the purposes of the First World War , from the point of view of the forces of darkness, which had grasped control of the money - issuing power of the U.S.A. in 1913, through the Federal Reserve Act - was to topple all Catholic Monarchs from their thrones in Europe, and with the exception of a few miniscule countries like Liechtenstein and Monaco, this was accomplished [ these types of governments, the unity of the true Church with a Catholic head of state, had been the target of Masonry  for centuries ] , with the removal of this last Catholic Monarch, and so the way was cleared for the agents of masonry to begin extending their dominance more quickly over the world during the remainder of the 20th century and into the 21st century.


For obvious reasons, the insipid, freemasonic British Monarchy is allowed to remain...


Pope St. Pius X, in an audience with Emperor Karl I, ( he was also called Charles ) with a young Charles said," I bless Archduke Charles, who will be the future Emperor of Austria, and will help lead his countries and peoples to great honor and many blessings - but this will not become obvious until after his death."


In the book , "Incorruptibles" by Joan Carroll Cruz, Emperor Karl's body was exhumed in 1972, and found to be incorrupt, a sign of Divine favour.  Other dates that have been suggested by the "100 year increase in Satan's power" have been 1914 and 1917 - the former because in that year the evil Judeo- Masonry actually took over the money - issuing power of the U.S.A through the Federal Reserve Act, which has never been audited up 'til now!  It was also the year Pope St. Pius X died.


1917, saw Judeo - Masonry finally take control of its own country Russia, and was the year of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima...  Summing up , the suggestion is that the end of the "100 years of Satan's increased power" may happen in the next few years, that is, between 2014 and 2022, and which actually began around 1914.  That the Church , the Mystical Body of Christ, it is said, will go through  the same phases as did Christ in His actual physical life on this earth ...


Fr. Urban Snyder… writing in 1974, said: "The Church is the Mystical Christ, and as such must live through the ages the mysteries of the Saviour's life, Good Friday not excepted.  Calvary is the essentials of the Mystery of the Redemption. Those writers do a great disservice to souls who assert that this or that thing cannot happen to the Church, or the Papacy, or the majority of the faithful.  It follows the Church can be betrayed and made a prisoner, can be buffeted, spat upon, be made to look a fool, she can be defamed, abandoned, condemned, can be damaged structurally and disfigured, like Lord's physical members were, in a word she can be crucified and [ seemingly ] put to death - but not for long!


"From three o'clock on Good Friday until three A.M. on Easter was only 36 hours.  And as there was a faithful remnant left to Jesus even then, so it will be on the Good Friday of the Church; there will be a faithful few to wait in sorrow for the Church's Redemption, which will burst like lightning upon God's enemies."

( Kyrie Eleison Newsletter, 19 March, 1974)


God bless,






Dear Brothers,

Very interesting video on Catholicism and America. It is good to get the history from a Catholic standpoint, not just from a national standpoint which usually is biased. Also interesting to see the effects of the heretical clergy leading up to Vatican II until now. It was shocking to hear that so few people were taking communion, when so many were at the Churches. Similar situation today with all the sacrilegious invalid "masses" being said and hardly anywhere to receive valid sacraments.  Interesting comments on the Antichrist Beast John Paul II chosen by the Devil and "anointed" with his Satanic "charism." He was acting out his heresy that man is God - he was a trained professional actor at one stage in his life, so he carried his arts of deception with him, combined with the demons he was infested with…

God Bless,

Chris White


Like to


Subject: The 15 decades


Dear Brothers,

I'd like to comment on your recommendation about praying the full Rosary. In portuguese speaking countries we call the Rosary beads as "terço" wich means somehting like "a third" (1/3). So it's very clear it's a part of the whole thing called Rosary. Praying 5 decades is good but the 15 decades is much better.

Pedro A.


Fatima Angel


Dear brothers in Christ,

I would like to comment on one of your "Catholic Quote of the Day", which mentions an angel bringing The Body and The Blood of Christ to the children of Fatima. Certain people--radical schismatics--take this event as a proof that the apparition at Fatima was false. Their "argumentation" is that only a validly ordained priest is allowed do such a thing, that is, to bring and give The Body to the children.

This argumentation is utterly false, for two reasons at least.


1.) The angel did not try to consecrate the host--he just brought the consecrated host, i.e. The Body and The Blood, from the nearby church. The consecration was done by a validly ordained priest. 


2.) The Scripture explicitly says that the angels HAVE the power to carry The Body of Christ: "For he hath given his angels charge over thee; to keep thee in all thy ways.
[12] In their hands they shall bear thee up: lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." (Psalm 90, 11-13)

This very passage from The Scripture was cited by the Devil, when he tried to persuade Our Lord Jesus Christ to cast himself from the pinnacle of the temple (Matthew 4:6). But Our Lord DIDN'T answer to the Devil something like "no, the angels have no power to carry my body", but He said that we must not tempt Our Lord.

The false traditionalists and radical schismatics are very dear to the Devil, as much as the V2 heretics are dear to him. For, from the logical point of view, is there any significant difference between false traditionalists' claims that there were no true popes and true apparitions of Mary and/or Jesus in the last 150+ years, and V2 archiheretics' claims that The Tradition is meaningless?

May Our Lord watch over all true Catholics, and may the angels keep them in all their ways.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Debate with Chicago Archdiocese “Apologist”




Listening to that heretical apostate during this particular debate is honestly worse, in my opinion, than fingernails on a chalkboard!  I would encourage anyone to listen to this debate on your Youtube channel if they haven't already; it serves as one of the best sobering reminders of the pernicious mind-set harboured by most Vatican II adherents. 


In Iesu et Maria,






Dear Brothers,


Thanks for putting the video out about the true influence on Jared Loughner. I am a resident of Tucson and Giffords is my representative. I did not vote for her this last election but choose the conservative candidate who only lost by a few thousand votes (a first time office seeker)... this despite the fact that Giffords has been 2x elected before. She has voted with Obama about 96% of the time including a vote for the unpopular health care bill which includes funding for abortions.


I too made the connection between the shooting and Giffords pro-abortion stance (she was rated 100% by NARAL). One election cycle I received a flyer from her touting abortion rights to get votes. God is a just God and He disciplines those who love him and those who don't alike. No one likes to think this because it would force them to consider their own sins and the consequences of them.


Tucson is not a "mecca for haters" as Stupnik said. He was way out of line in his comments and the local district attorney put a gag order on him so he could make no further slander against the citizens of Arizona.


Keep speaking the truth.  I would love to have a bumper sticker that says "JESUS WASN'T POLITICALLY CORRECT".


Yours In Christ,

Colleen Urban




Dear Brothers,

Sorry to read Jtalk's jibe hunting. Sorry to see Jtalk reject the New Ark of the Covenant so rashly! The forces at work in Jtalk's soul are certainly not heavenly because "the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." … Jtalk should talk to Jesus some more, and ask for the Catholic faith - outside of which there is absolutely no salvation. Then Jtalk might realize that he is rejecting Jesus Christ in the Eucharist by avoiding all priests who are heretics for the mass, and that he's rejecting the Mother of God (the two most merciful people ever) by mocking the Rosary. Jtalk should walk the talk rather than Jwalk!

God Bless,



One of


Subject: jtalk


Dear Brothers:


The e-mail from Jtalk is one of the saddest things I have ever read.  It reveals much and, directly or indirectly, confirms all that you have said about false traditionalists -- and then some. In his e-mail, Jtalk makes it clear that he (or she):


        --  does not know what a heresy is;

        --  does not know what is required for a Mass to be valid;

        --  looks to "trad priests" rather than true popes to acquire an understanding of heresies and heretics;

        --  believes that protestantism is the ability to put forth a superior Bible-based argument;

        --  has apparently never heard of St. Louis de Montfort or read the Secret of the Rosary;

        --  has no idea what a true Council of the Church is;  and,

        --  is apparently out of touch with the gravity of the world situation, the disappearance of Christendom,

            and the total apostasy in what passes for the "Catholic Church" in every country of the world.


When I left the Novus Ordo world and headed for what I believed would be "Traditional Catholicism", I thought I would be finally learning the true Catholic faith. But I was mistaken. Just like Jtalk, I didn't learn much of anything. But -- unlike Jtalk -- I recognized at least some of the deficiencies of false  "traditionalism" even then.  But I didn't learn the true Catholic faith until I found - thank God - the works of the Most Holy Family Monastery.  


Lee Ann  




Subject: the new Guadalupe sacrifices


… I wanted to add that it looks like the devil ran from Mexico and went to China to continue the outrageous demonic sacrifices, plus the daily forced abortions, it’s horrible!!!      






Subject: Re: jtalk


Jtalk, it is you that must be on dope.  Have you even bothered to read the material on MHFM website??  Perhaps that is too much work, well then, watch the videos!  Or listen to the audios. You might actually learn something.


You say the Rosary doesn't work; have you even tried it?  Our Lady told us to say the Rosary, therefore out of obedience, we say it.  Good Catholics always obey their Mother.  We will not always see the results of our prayers in this life, but rest assured, if you pray well, you will receive grace. You will save yourself and others.  I suggest to you, sir, that you get off your fanny, kneel, and say all fifteen decades every day for the intention of making up for your sins and saving your soul.  That is time better spent than sitting in some novus ordo hall listening to freemasons tell everyone how wonderful they all are.   WAKE UP!


Brenda Roy


False Trads

Subject: false trads


It's simply amazing that false traditionals are so close to being in the Church of God with all the dogmatic teaching in their sacred satchels, properly ordained, but stumble on something so basic as baptism of water without desire/blood being included, and the dogma outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.  When you look at  holy scripture and it tells us that baptism is the new circumcision and we all know that every single practicing jew from the beginning and leading to their apostate teachings today practice it without question, and how sacred councils, by the power of the Holy Spirit has led those in the councils, excluding V2, and defined absolutely that one can't be saved outside the Church- one can easily conclude that imposters, heretics, schismatics, devil worshipers have always been involved in destroying the Catholic Church, and entered the church to destroy it from within at Vatican II, having attacked the sacraments and dogmas with a vengeance.  Why can't Catholics see satan and his minions working here?...  Mother Mary, ora pro nobis.






Subject: Heretics


You state on your site and email responses that many latin mass priests are heretics, which would make the mass they offer "invalid"?
Do you think that vatican II introduced heretics into the church and priests before the council were not heretics? Let me clue you in here, at the turn of the 20th century, many priests were just going through the motions! I had several trad priests confirm this fact also! Many priests before the council could've been labeled heretics! Were these masses at that time, INVALID?? Of course not!
You cannot set around and judge every priest and say they are heretics! If this was the case, no one could ever attend mass anywhere at anytime!... You can apply scripture to anything you want to use for your cause! It's called protestantism!
Lastly, you tell your readers to say 3 rosaries every day?? Why? Are the first 2 not working?
What kind of dope you smoking up there? Ridiculous! If the rosary fights off heresy, it sure the hell ain't working, by your beliefs anyway...




MHFM: Your e-mail reveals that you have no understanding of the issue you presume to discuss.  We do not say that a heretic cannot offer a valid Mass.  We say that the New Mass is invalid because it lacks a valid form of consecration.  Many of the Latin Masses offered by “priests” of the Vatican II sect are also invalid, not because the priests are heretics, but because the “priests” were not validly ordained.  They were ordained in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  You should try to understand what you are talking about before you write such an erroneous and arrogant e-mail. You should read this article, and learn about the issue: Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]


The fact that you (falsely) conclude that someone must be on drugs because he recommends the full Rosary each day really demonstrates all one needs to know about the miserable and dark state of your soul.  The fact that there were heretics before Vatican II is something we have acknowledged many times.  It has nothing to do with any of these points.


No doubt


Subject: Power of the Rosary


Dear Brothers,


I would like to comment on Lee Ann's letter about the Rosary. There is no doubt in my mind that It is the most important and powerful prayer that one can say. I also agree that one’s eyes are completely opened up in all areas of life. Divine wisdom is dispensed as one begins to pray the fifteen decades daily. I went through a severe depression, caused by un-confessed mortal sins. The devil had almost complete power over me. It was only after forcing myself to say the Rosary that his power was diminished. I had to struggle just to say five decades standing or sitting every other day for a long period of time. Then I got on my knees and then every other day became every day. Then I read about your recommendation of the full fifteen decade Rosary. I thought that was never going to happen. But I broke it up into three or two settings, per your recommendation, and it was like a dam of spiritual grace was opened up. In the True Devotion to Mary and the Secret of the Rosary Books, dozens of great reasons are given to say this beautiful prayer. Whenever I am tired, I tell myself that these three fifteen minute Chaplets make up the most important part of my day or anyone else who makes the commitment to say them and put together a full Rosary for the day. Nothing you could do, outside of a valid Catholic Mass, could benefit you more in the long run. Mary truly is God's Mother as well as our own. What more could we as human beings desire more than to please our Spiritual Parents and put another bouquet of roses at the altar of our Mother in Heaven.


When I first started getting back to the Rosary, I got a call from a Real Estate agent I went to school with. His daughter had bought the home of my mother when she moved into a senior home. He told me his daughter found some pictures and books and asked me if I wanted them. I told them yes and arranged to pick them up. Along with some great pictures of my deceased parents was an old St. Joseph Missal. Inside were the most beautiful pictures of the fifteen Mysteries. I use that Missal to this day when I say my Rosary and contemplate on what Mary or Christ had to experience. Here this little Missal with virtually no monetary value has become one of my most prized possessions. God surely does work in mysterious ways!...






This is horrible.  The v2 Anti-Christ sect supports disarming the citizens.  The atrocities committed by the Nazis and the Soviots would never have been possible had they not disarmed the people!  The sect is more than over-stepping its bound!  How I despise the v2 sect!  They know Satan wants the nations disarmed and only the governments armed!

Michael Rudnicki


The Church on gun control--- Vatican maintains firm, quiet opposition to firearms for civilians.


"VATICAN CITY — The Catholic Church's position on gun control is not easy to find; there are dozens of speeches and talks and a few documents that call for much tighter regulation of the global arms trade, but what about private gun ownership?

The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.

But you won't find that statement in a headline or a document subheading. It's almost hidden in a footnote in a document on crime by the U.S. bishops' conference and it's mentioned in passing in dozens of official Vatican texts on the global arms trade.

The most direct statement comes in the bishops' "Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice" from November 2000.

"As bishops, we support measures that control the sale and use of firearms and make them safer — especially efforts that prevent their unsupervised use by children or anyone other than the owner — and we reiterate our call for sensible regulation of handguns."


That's followed by a footnote that states: "However, we believe that in the long run and with few exceptions — i.e. police officers, military use — handguns should be eliminated from our society.”




Hi, your videos make me center my thoughts on what I get away from, my salvation, I thank you for that…

God bless,





Subject: New Video Messages


I just wanted to say I like your video messages and especially the series on the "End of the Earth" which was quite revelatory and inspiring.

I will follow your upcoming messages.





I was listening to your video about a young girl who was cured from a demon… It was pleasant to listen while doing other work…. Thank you for taking the time to post.




Fight at Trent


MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting quote about a semi-altercation that broke out during the debates on Justification at the Council of Trent.


“In accordance with the vote taken the sixth solemn session was held on the 13th of January 1547.  It was one of the most important of the whole Council, since in it the publication of the decree on justification took place.  The Fathers of the Council had devoted all the more diligence and enthusiasm to this subject as it was in itself one of the most difficult questions of theology, and one in which, as Bishop de Nobili said at the very beginning, the axe must be laid at the root of Lutheran errors… The debates were very animated.  At the close of the general congregation of July the 17th, as the Fathers were taking their departure, a deplorable scene took place between two hot-blooded southerners when the Greek Bishop of Crete, Zanettini, roused Sanfelice, Bishop of La Cava, to such a frenzy of anger that the latter seized his opponent by the beard and plucked out the hair.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 12, pp. 340-341)


K of C


... Can a traditional Catholic like myself join the Knights of Columbus?




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The answer to that question would be no.




Subject: Holy Rosary & Ratisbonne


Dear Brothers:


I just read your article on the conversion of the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne.  Whoever wrote this article did a very nice job; thanks for posting it.  What a wonderful story.  I had read about him many years ago, but had forgotten the details.


After reading your article, it occurred to me that when one begins to pray the full 15-decade Rosary daily, something happens that is similar to that which happened to Ratisbonne.  True, there is no miraculous apparition of Our Lady; nevertheless, it seems the Rosary is miraculous in its own way, and -- I have to believe -- far more mysterious than we might realize. For me, it was easier to pray 15 decades daily than it had been to try to pray only 5. But most of all, I noticed almost immediately -- as many of your readers no doubt have -- that the lights and understanding which come as a result of praying the 15-decade daily Rosary is like supernatural fireworks.  Or, to borrow the words of Ratisbonne:  "She spoke not a word, but I understood all." 


I started to pray 15 decades daily when I first read your Truth book in which you recommend it. What's very interesting (and revealing) is that in all the years I spent among "conservatives" and later "traditionalists", I can't recall any of these groups recommending the full 15-decade Rosary in any way -- not even in the easy to manage way which St. Louis de Montfort recommended for these last times.  As far as I am aware, only MHFM today recommends St. Louis' method and the entire 15-decade Rosary daily.   


Knowing and understanding what I do now, this does not surprise me.  Thanks for all you do.


Lee Ann




This link is the official website of the Diocese of Lucern, Switzerland.

From October 25 to 27, 2010, the Diocese of Lucerne, Switzerland, carried out a campaign to distribute condoms to those interested… [including] condom sets for distribution and a church advertisement of the "Condom Truck"

Church representatives who arrived in a special truck informed pedestrians in the train station square about the spread of AIDS in Africa and Switzerland and handed out condoms. Their motto: "Indifference is dangerous. Protect your neighbor as yourself." Afterwards, the truck traveled through popular areas of the Diocese in
a "missionary" work "to enlighten" the population, mainly high school youth.

The initiative was met with the vehement opposition of pro-life organizations, which called the diocesan campaign irresponsible and
affirmed it should promote fidelity and abstinence.

One can see that this October campaign was the latest trial-balloon before the Vatican released the news about Benedict XVI's comments in the book Light of the World, where he broke the dike on the use of condoms. Everything appears to have been orchestrated to destroy Catholic Morals. One important step further on the long pathway of self-destruction of Holy Mother Church.




I am catholic, roman catholic, for many years devoted of our Lady of Fatima. For years like many people, seeing the blasphemies, the mass the invalid mass I witnessed, unable to explain to my self...

I have watched your videos and heard other people and read books and it is very heartbreaking to see all that is happening… all I have witnessed and heard inside the mass and the sense of loss and emptiness that is felt. All is horrible! a great blasphemy to our Almighty God ,Lord of everything and every Creature. How all these people clergy has destroyed the Bride of Christ like that. ? Lack of humility and fear of the Lord! I am sorry if I have written too much, I do not know to whom to talk, even my catholic family won’t listen. I pray for the Protection of my family by the virgin of Mount Carmel. Sometimes I feel a little lonely like I would like to talk with someone, I wonder if there is at least a group on line I could become a member? please if your time allows let me know. I go to the Latin mass catholic, I mean what should a person do ? stop going to mass? I would not dare going to another church… please explain what you think is the right thing to do .


Thank you MH


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  One must come to a firm conviction on the core issues to have comfort, clarity and confidence in dealing with these matters.  Otherwise, confusion reigns.  Therefore, please consult the material which demonstrates that the New Mass must not be attended, etc.  Your “Catholic” family probably won’t listen to you because they are not truly Catholic.  Many Latin Masses people attend are not valid because they are offered by “priests” who were ordained in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  This is covered in our material, and specifically in our “Where to go to Mass” section.  Please pray the Rosary and review the material on the website.  Once you are convinced on the core issues, we can assist you with where to receive sacraments. 


It’s also important for people to realize that one’s faith and relationship with God should not be defined by showing up at a particular building.  Many are overly disconcerted upon discovering that the priest they were approaching for the sacraments is a heretic or that the church they were attending does not promote the truth.  When a person’s faith is rooted in God, and lived each day, instead of being defined or consumed by one’s connection to a particular building, he or she can more accurately assess the proper course of action. 






When reading in your e-comments section, I noticed someone say that if they couldn’t find anyone good priest to confess to, that they could call the monestary, is this true? Because if it is, I would rather do that then have to search all over this area and come up with nothing, and still stay in mortal sin. If not, sorry for mis-reading.

Thank you all for being a rock in these chaotic times.  I ask for your prayers brothers.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Patrick.  Our section on “Where to go to Mass” covers this issue.  If a person is convinced on the issues, we can help him or her with options for receiving sacraments.




… I was listening to your audio about what really happened to the Church part 1.  Do we accept the saints that have been canonized since Vatican II, and if so, what if John Paul II is canonized?




MHFM: No, as you will see in the material, heretics cannot be valid popes.  That means that the post-Vatican II claimants are not true popes, but rather antipopes.  See this section:  Vatican II Antipopes Section


Since they do not occupy the papal office, any “canonization” they attempt to perform has no validity or force in the Catholic Church.  However, a “canonization” of John Paul II, while being totally invalid in terms of what holds weight in the true Catholic Church, would have major significance in other ways.  It would be an abomination beyond description (a “canonization” of a man who mocked the saints, taught that man is Christ, embraced pagan religions, committed acts of idolatry, etc.); it would of course prove again that the antipopes of the Vatican II sect are not true popes; it would further refute and make a mockery out of those who obstinately regard them as popes; and, in our view, it would have major apocalyptic import.  That’s covered in parts 5 and 6 of our Is the World about to End video, in which we explain why we believe John Paul II was the Antichrist and Benedict XVI the false prophet who will cause people to worship him: Part 5; Part 6.  To understand how this fits with the other points in the Apocalypse, one would have to watch the whole video. 


Passage to Consider


MHFM: In this age of apostasy, during which heresies on salvation are rampant, this passage is worth our special consideration.  It is, of course, a passage that is sometimes quoted because it militates against the heresy of “invincible ignorance.”  It teaches that those who do not know God are excluded from salvation.  However, we should consider it with reference to the countless people, including many false “traditionalists” and sedevacantists, who believe that Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews who reject the Lord Jesus Christ can be saved.  They not only believe that those who “know not God” can be saved, and they not only believe that those who “obey not the Gospel” of Jesus Christ can be saved; but they believe that people who reject Jesus Christ and His Gospel altogether can be saved.  Could their belief be any more foreign to Christianity?  Since they destroy the very foundation of Christianity, what use is anything (the sacraments, the Latin Mass, the Rosary) for those who believe such a heresy?  Of course, there are many passages in the Bible that capture and condemn in its full gravity the heresy we have described, but this passage recently struck us with a special emphasis.


2 Thessalonians 1:7-10- “And to you who are troubled, rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, with the angels of his power: In a flame of fire, giving vengeance to them who know not God, and who obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Who shall suffer eternal punishment in destruction, from the face of the Lord, and from the glory of his power: When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be made wonderful in all them who have believed…”




Subject: Immodesty


Dear Dimond Brothers,


I'd like to comment about Bob's e-mail on immodesty.  Our Lady revealed at Fatima in 1917 that fashions would be introduced which would greatly offend Our Lord.  One could see the changes taking place as far back as the 1930's.  If you watch Hollywood movies that were made at this time, you could see some Hollywood actresses already beginning to wear immodest attire, such as strapless dresses, shoulders and upper back exposed and all.  It would progressively get worse throughout the decades to follow until today we see actresses wearing extremely tight clothing with cleavage exposed, etc.  It has gotten to a point where one cannot even walk down the street or go to the supermarket without seeing such horrific fashions…


I wonder how much longer God will tolerate this obscenity before He returns to judge the world.......






Subject: Concerned


I've been reading the information and watching the videos in your website.  One subject that got my attention the most is that "being a Catholic is the only way to salvation".  I have many protestant friends.  I was baptized in Catholic church, then became a protestant, then went back to Catholic faith.  For me, I thought whoever claims Jesus and practices the bible would be saved, so it did not matter to me whether a person is a protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic.  My concern is that I am working in a Protestant organization.  My job there is a graphic designer, designing event promotions to join their church and their programs.  Will I be condemned in doing this kind of job?



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It would be a grave sin to hold such a job.  It’s obviously not something a Catholic may do.  It’s critical that you become convinced of the necessity of the Catholic faith.  Jesus said that it’s necessary for salvation to observe all of what He commanded.  The non-Catholic individuals you mention don’t accept the authentic teachings of Christ and the Bible.  They deny many core truths.  We recommend that you read our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and consult our section refuting Protestantism.  We also recommend that you pray the Rosary each day, and consult the dogmatic definitions on Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Once convinced, it would be necessary for you to make a traditional profession of faith.  That is found in our section concerning converts and those leaving the Novus Ordo.




Subject: Ignorant Moon


I wanted to "try" to make jmoon aware of some things that he is not aware of and as usual he is commenting from an emotional standpoint without any facts at all.  First, Jesus says to his disciples in JOHN 18-21 [18] If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you. [19] If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. [20]Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also. [21] But all these things they will do to you for my name's sake: because they know not him who sent me. 


If you look at how the world loved and excepted jp ll there is a clear contradiction in what Jesus said to his disciples and how the world loved jp ll.  Why did they love and accept him so much, because he accepted, esteemed, respected and validated all the man-made false religions of the world, in the name of, who cares about what Jesus said, let’s all hold hands and get along with each other.  The most outrageous example of this was when jp ll invited all the false religions of the world to come and worship at the vatican under everyone’s own satanic false religious rites, everyone got their own room to do this! This was done twice in Assisi, once in 1986 and again in 2002, the pictures along say it all!!!   The problem jmoon, is you don't know what jp ll, benedict or the other vatican ll antipopes taught as compared to what Jesus and the true popes taught!

As regards to judging someone, Jesus says; Matthew 10:17  . . . .  But beware of men. 1 Thessalonians 5:21   But prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 

Jesus gives us a warning about men and He tells us what to look for and also what the true popes have said about heretics and men who have apostatized from the faith so we don't get caught in the devil's trap.  Based on what Jesus said it is our duty to judge all things, whether they are good or bad, how else are catholics to know if something or someone is good or bad, Jesus says hold fast that which is good!    Jmoon read your bible and the true councils of the true popes;  Osee 4:6   My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will reject thee, that thou shalt not do the office of priesthood to me: and thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children.  Knowledge = the teachings of Jesus, laws of God and because the people reject God, we no longer have the continual sacrifice, you will also find the proof in the book of Daniel 9:27  11:31.

Jmoon the only thing that benedict is inspiring the hundreds of thousands of youths and adults to do is to use condoms, can you imagine, jmoon who thinks that benedict is Vicar of Christ, is saying it’s ok to commit a mortal sin in order to save the life of another, this is the same as killing the unborn baby in the mother’s womb to save the life of the mother.   

Jmoon the best advice I can give you is to go thru the brothers website top to bottom and then you will know what has been going on since 1958 and what has been prophesied by Our Lady, the bible and by all the saints, the evidence is overwhelming!




Subject: May 1, “Beltaine Festival”


Dear Brothers,

The announcement to "beatify" the Antichrist, John Paul II, on May 1, 2011, is outrageous. Is it possible that any single individual could have done more harm to the human race and the salvation of souls than John Paul II did, apart from the Devil? Possibly Benedict XVI by "beatifying" the Beast! The sad thing is that most people really work hard to remain deceived. One doesn't need to be a rocket scientist, a theologian, or a nuclear physicist to please God - all one needs is the Catholic faith (and good works), whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).  April 30 and May 1 is called by Occultists "Beltaine Festival," and is second only to October 31 (Halloween) in importance to the Satanic Illuminati. They make human sacrifices on all their major festivals, like May 1…

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Monstrosity




As you know, Satan is running out of time, and on May 1st, Satan and his false prophet B16 will crown the anti-Christ JPII as the king to be recognized and worshiped with the beatification of anti-pope and anti-Christ JP-II. The mark of the beast is about to be officially recognized here on earth during these ever changing modern last days.

It will be amazing how all the false religions will also bow-down and worship this anti-Christ in these last days, just like the Anti-Christ bowed-down and worshiped them while here on earth. How pathetic these non-believers have become over the last generations that rebelled against the truth. Thinking that all of a sudden God changed his mind and his Church. The only thing God changed in these last days was the ability to express your free will and false beliefs in his alternative apostate and heretical make-believe (counter) VII church for those in denial of Christ and the real truth. God, for the sake of the faithful is also allowing The True Church and Traditional Catholic Faith to be eclipsed and hidden more and more from those faithless individuals that can only see and believe what's in front of their face.

Also, just scrolling through the news topics on your website, you can get a sense of how bad these times have and are becoming without a Pope for over 50 years. Though you'd never know the situation at hand by watching the controlled modern media networks as they try and plot and weave their own realities; case in point is the recent Jared Lee Loughner monstrosity.

God Bless you and your work in these last days,

Tom Miles




Dear Brothers,


I read a report that the new Miss America, who is only 17 by the way, says she is defined by God. How can these women parade around on stage (the last time I watched anyway) in immodest attire and feel that they are being directed in any way by Almighty God. Immodest dress is one of the most if not thee most serious problem with women. Mothers are giving no reprimands to their daughters and are even setting a bad example by their dress. They completely ignore the verses such as those listed in your Padre Pio booklet;


1 Timothy 2:9

In like manner I wish women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety..."


Galatians 5:19

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are fornication, uncleanness, immodesty...."


The world is full of hypocritical and heretical women who take "justification by faith alone" to a new level… (As established by the world and not by God unfortunately) The Blessed Mother told Jacinta that "There will be many fashions that will offend My Son very much." And also said; "More souls end up in hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other sin."  Jeans, pants, tight fitting clothes and low neck lines are accepted everywhere. 52 years without a spiritual father has led to a society where immodest dress is accepted as well as promoted. Anti-Pope Benny has no problem with this epidemic as did the previous four anti-Popes. This problem extends over to the men as well as they will dress in inappropriate ways.


I wonder if these women even have a conscience?


God bless,






I was reading St. Antony of the Desert by St. Athanasius.  Apparently the devil gave him a lot of trouble. 


In chapter 4, it says "Yet once more the enemy, seeing his zeal and wishing to check it, threw in his way the form of a large disc of silver.  Antony, understanding the deceit of the evil one, stood and looked at the disc and confuted the demon in it, saying 'whence a disc in the desert? This is not a trodden road, and there is no track of any faring this way.  And it could not have fallen unnoticed, being of huge size...!!!!!!! 


to the demon IN it!!  I immediately thought of your video on UFO's.






Dear Brothers: 


I don't quite understand your stance on sedevacantists.  Are they all, in your opinion, heretics? I can't help but wonder if you, in your quest to be the perfect traditionalist and Catholic, are counting out really good people who believe in the Catholic Church and just want to save their souls (which is pretty difficult in these end times). I am at a disadvantage because I cannot watch your videos due to loss of hearing.






MHFM: The position that the Vatican II “popes” are not popes (but antipopes) is of course the true position.  However, it’s not enough to hold that position.  One must accept the rest of the faith, and unfortunately almost all of the sedevacantist priests reject Catholic dogma on salvation.  They believe that people can be saved without the Catholic faith.  That is heresy.  They don’t even believe in Christ.  They are not good people.  So, a sedevacantist is either a Catholic (if he holds the rest of the faith without compromise) or a heretic (if he denies some other Catholic teaching).  It depends upon the person.  Almost all of those priests also support the sinful birth control practice of NFP.  You should read our book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation.  It covers this entire issue (as well as the heretical groups which deny the dogma) in great detail.




Subject: John Paul II and his scandalous behavior


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I was wondering whether an article on the novelties in the 'morality' of Wojtyla, a.k.a anti pope John Paul II, soon to 'beatified' by the counterfeit Catholic Church on May 1, 2011, a significant day in the freemasonic/communist calendar, as has already been pointed out by yourselves...would be in order, including the attached photos for consideration?


Never before had any pope acted in this way, referring here to his 'caressing and kissing' of women, which became a hallmark of his reign, which his successor( Benedict XVI) appears to have now adopted as well.


Before Vatican II, the wise rule of never touching a woman was in force for all clergy, low and high - it was called "regula tactus" - the rule of touching.  There were many provisions regulating the application of this rule, as well as indicating what kind of fault a priest would commit against purity should he break it.


This ensemble of norms was the fruit of centuries of prudence needed to protect chastity in clergy .


Wojtyla, John Paul II, simply flung away the remnants of this wise rule, and the current anti- pope, Benedict XVI has taken up this habit - and who is to say whether either of them gave/gives full reign to his affections?


Here is what St. Alphonsus has to say about all this, quoting St. Thomas Aquinas:


"Licit carnal affection is always dangerous, if not pernicious.  When conversing with a woman who is receiving spiritual direction, however much it might be seen pure in the beginning, as it becomes more familiar, the first motive weakens and purity is stained."  St. Alphonsus of Liguori, Homo Apostolicus, Paris, Mechilinae, 1832, vol.3 p. 156 quoting St. Thomas Aquinas, Opusculae 6, Per famil.)


Catholic Morals was always strict regarding intimacy between ecclesiastics and women.


God bless,






Subject: blasphemies


plural blas·phe·mies
Definition of BLASPHEMY
a : the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God  : b : the act of claiming the attributes of deity
: irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable

As you are accused by jmoon of uttering "blasphemies" against John Paul II the real mindset of the modernists is exposed. In his multitude of errors and by the use of the word, "blasphemy," antipope John Paul II is equated with God. Ergo actually the post of jmoon itself is blasphemous.





I am a fellow Roman Catholic but I do not agree with you saying such blasphemies towards John Paul II He is one step closer to being canonized a saint. I just hope that you don't regret what you are saying one day, for God will judge you too… I hope you stop trying to intice anger and hatred towards a peaceful pope such as he and Pope Benedict ofr also is a Great Pope who inspired hundreds of thousands of youth and adults with his visit to protestant England! He too will be judged one day but that is not for you to do! I encourage you to stop this and I will pray for you and your soul. Thank you and Godbless you!




MHFM: In defending Antipope John Paul II, you are defending blasphemies and heresies.  Here’s just one – see our files on him for the rest:


John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 6), March 4, 1979: “Does it not sometimes happen that the firm belief of the followers of the non-Christian religionsa belief that is also an effect of the Spirit of truth operating outside the visible confines of the Mystical Body…”


John Paul II says that the firm belief of the followers of non-Christian religions proceeds from the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.  Since we know from Sacred Scripture and Catholic teaching that Satan is the author of all non-Christian religions, what is being stated here by John Paul II is that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is actually the spirit of lies: Satan.  This is an unbelievable blasphemy against God.  Scripture and Tradition teach us that non-Christian religions belong to the devil, and the “gods” they worship are actually demons.


Psalm 95:5- “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils…”


1 Cor. 10:20- “But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.  And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils.”


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




Subject: Externals bereft of truth


Dear Brothers:


Thanks for your videos on the false sedevacantist priests. Your explanation of deception by use of  externals has application in many different ways, to so many people and so many circumstances.  These videos should be listened to and thought about -- again and again. Just a few of the thoughts they bring to mind:


The power of cults like the Amish, whose culture or way of life, way of dress, etc. (i.e., externals) is a substitute for truth... The power of Protestantism in general - whose heresies, once incorporated, became false cultures and man-made traditions (i.e., externals) more important than truth...  The power over the Jew during and after the time of Christ, who wanted to believe in Christ -- who is Truth -- but was afraid of being ostracized by and excluded from the Synagogue...  Externals bereft of truth:  in short, it's why for the enemies of Christ ("Catholic" or otherwise), the State had to be separated from the Church, and why, for Christ's enemies, the greatest "liberty" is "freedom of religion."


The use of externals is one of the cleverest and most powerful strategems hatched by Satan, because it takes natural inclinations of man -- natural inclination for society; natural inclination for the comfort and use of material things; natural inclination for the societal or collective worship of God -- and uses these inclinations to lead men away from God's truth.  How sad to see the same trick being worked by these sedevacantist priests, whose loud and proud, dogmatically-expressed pronouncements of man-made doctrines are in direct contradiction to some 2,000 years of consistent Catholic teaching. 


… Brothers, you have said many times that the real target in this late stage of the Great Apostasy is the "traditional" Catholic - and you are so right.  The individuals who are so attached to liberalism and other forms of the Protestant revolt that they are unwilling to convert to authentic Catholicism (or even unwilling to  examine the truth) are already outside the Church, with the last major battle of Protestantism having already taken place over the last 50 plus years. The only challenge left for Satan is the fence-sitting traditionalist who (Satan hopes) will prefer comfort to truth, and who (Satan hopes) will prefer his lying sedevacantist priests and societies for whom the Salvation dogma is an inconvenient truth…


Lee Ann




Subject: Loughner


Thanks for this vid.  Possessed for sure. Something our society refuses to admit. Although CHRIST addressed this and performed an act accordingly. OUR Society Denies this.  Isn't this almost Denying CHRIST….






Subject: Sabbath


Do you worship the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday?  Please explain in detail why.  Thank you.




MHFM: That’s explained in this file: Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day according to the Bible?  This article refutes the view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day Baptists who believe that the day specifically dedicated to God, rest and worship is Saturday not Sunday.


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.

Fr. Leonard Giardina [video]



This is a related video, one of the most important videos we have posted.  If you haven’t seen it, please watch it all the way through.  If you have seen it, please watch it again all the way through. 


One of our most important videos [A must-see video]




I've had all day… to think about this new vid. and the fake "priests" you so aptly expose-- their outrageous claims that "people are saved by ignorance" get even crazier when one considers that God says "My people perish for lack of knowledge" (my paraphrase)---so these EVIL IMPOSTERS DIRECTLY contravene what God says!... how could ANYONE follow this guy, unless they are of the devil, their father? 

    Oh, and about the "big event" on May 1st:  why don't they just hold it in Red Square in Moscow?  I hear they have a big celebration of communism there on that date, anyway, and so B16 and his minions and the "ghost" of JPII would fit right in!






Subject: Sedevacantist priest video 


I watched this video with sadness, frustration, and outrage because Brother Peter and Michael consistently refute these heretics and some to their face by quoting the Holy Ghost speaking through the REAL popes and what Jesus said in the bible, citing many different REAL councils, citing many early church fathers and despite the overwhelming proof they remain obstinate, IT’S CRAZY!  Bible passages that come to mind:

1 CORINTHIANS 10:21   You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of devils.


1 TIMOTHY 4:1   Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils,

LUKE 18:8   . . . . .  But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?    








Thank you very, very much for the video on Fr. Giardina. I was recently asked to pray for him in his illness. I was also told of the circumstances surrounding his monastery and the threat of reversion to the novus ordo. Not knowing however, if the man was a Catholic or not, I prefaced my prayer with the stipulation of if he's Catholic, then I asked for his return to health. I also prayed a separate prayer that if he is not Catholic, I asked for his conversion first, and then for his return to health. I believe this is the correct way to pray for someone whose beliefs are not fully known.


The balance of the facts in the video confirmed by early doubts.


Our Lady of La Salette, please pray for Most Holy Family Monastery.




MHFM: Well, if he were alive, you could pray for his conversion.  But, in that case, you should tell the person who asked that, since he is a heretic, you could only pray for his conversion.  Now that he’s dead, a Catholic must not pray for him.  It’s also outrageous that members of the Vatican II sect, as well as many false traditionalists, are praying for all the deceased victims of the recent shootings in Tucson, Arizona.  It doesn’t matter at all to them that those people died without the faith.  No, they treat them as members of the faithful departed no matter what they believed.  It’s outrageous and indicative of the apostasy of our age.  It also gets back to the denial of the salvation dogma, which is the main doctrinal problem today.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

Martin Luther King, Jr. was obviously a heretic, as well as a grave sinner: Communist, adulterer, liar (plagarist).  As such, I do not think he deserves his own government-mandated "holy-day".  I am curious, however, what you think about his actions against segregation and his views on nonviolence, which seem on the surface to have at least some merit.  Are these stances compatible with the Church?


Curtis Sharp


MHFM: Those other views do have merit.  The Church condemns racism, and all true believers are one in Christ, regardless of racial distinction or nationality (Gal. 3:28). 




Subject: Ironic Word


Dear Brothers,


While doing some preliminary spreadsheet work in an effort to send booklet/DVD envelopes to heretical churches, I made an interesting discovery. One of my spreadsheets was sorted by denomination so I titled it "bydenom". Then it struck me that if you replace the "n" with the "m" you have "demon". If you remove the "i" from the word denominational you basically have "demon nation". That pretty much sums up where we are today. There are around 165 heretical or denominational churches in the… area which far outweighs the 15 or so "Catholic" churches which for all intents and purposes are part of the demon nation. I will more than likely find the same ratio in the surrounding… areas. I am sure this follows suit in all other major cities in America.


Will God have mercy on a wicked nation or send much needed justice soon? It looks like Mary's words at La Salette are coming to pass.


God bless,


Bob Bohr




Subject: Fr. Giardina antichrist heretic


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the video exposing the heretic Fr. Giardina and the link to the sedevacantist heretic priests. The dogma, outside the Church there is no salvation sums up the whole reason for the Catholic Church's existence, because the only the Catholic Church can save. The heresies rejecting the absolute necessity of water baptism, such as "baptism of desire," baptism of blood," and "invincible ignorance" are actually replacing the sacrament of baptism with the spirit of the father of all heretics, Lucifer, for he appears as an angel of false "light," false "freedom" and false "salvation." Obviously, the truth is exactly the opposite, for once the heretic Lucifer has someone in his grip, then he will lie, seduce and manipulate their life circumstances to the point where it is impossible to escape without a miracle of grace. Thank God for the Blessed Virgin Mary, who can free anyone from such a snare virtually instantly, so long as they persevere in accepting the true Traditional Catholic teachings whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed). The rejection of water baptism as being absolutely necessary is not just about the sacrament - it's mainly about the Holy Trinity, because it was at the moment when the Gospel began to be promulgated that Jesus Christ explicitly defined the true nature of God, which is bound to the Trinitarian sacramental formula: Matthew 29:19 - "Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." With the definition of Papal Infallibility in 1870, no one was left with any further excuse for "not understanding" the requirements for salvation, the first being membership in the Catholic Church. Neither heretics, schismatics, apostates, Protestants, Pagans, Jews, Muslims or anyone else other than true dogmatic Catholics can be saved. Thank you for exposing the false sedevacantist Priests who, as regarding their "faith," are no different from the Antichrist Antipopes they allegedly reject or the Novus Ordites they allegedly refuse communion with. Unless an alleged sedevacantist rejects salvation outside the Church, there is no reason for them being a sedevacantist, and unless someone who allegedly rejects salvation outside the Church is a sedevacantist, there is no reason for rejecting salvation outside the Church. Dogmas can't "evolve" to a state of "perfection" over 1000 years. Dogmas only stay the same as when they were revealed by Our Lord Jesus Christ! A friend of the world is an enemy of God.

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Thank God for Your Web Site


Dear… Brothers in Jesus, Our Lord,
I unexpectedly found your web-site (, and I thank the Almighty God for it.  It has opened my eyes about so many things that I have seen going on and could not explain at all.   Blessed is your ministry in this awful apostate era we are living!
My name is Reynaldo Medina.  I am 59 years old and live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  My life have been entirely dedicated to the Lord from my childhood.  I was delighted to know that your community loves the Holy Rosary so intensely.  I also love that devotion of the Most Blessed Virgin from the depth of my heard… I have a question.   I was once told that the number 666 in Revelation 13:18 means
The equivalence of the letters in Roman numerology would be as follows:
V -   5
I -    1
C-  100
A -   nothing
R -   nothing
I -    1
V -   5
S -   nothing
F -   nothing
I -    1
L -   50
I -    1
I -    1
D -  500
E -   nothing
I -    1
Adding up all that, the total is 666. 
So, that beast would be the antipope.
Is this true?
Also, to my utter consternation, I have sadly discovered that all my sacramentals - even my rosaries - are not properly blessed.  What can I do?
God bless you abundantly.


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail and the interest.  Certain anti-Catholic Protestants attempt to argue that the Papacy is the Antichrist because the term Vicarius Filii Dei has the numerical value of 666 in Latin.  This argument fails for two reasons.  First, Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the Son of God) is not a title for the pope.  Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ) is a title for the pope, and it does not equal 666.  Moreover, since the New Testament was originally written in Greek, not Latin, one would expect the name to add up to 666 in Greek rather than in Latin.  For those reasons, the argument is utterly false.  By the way, as discussed in our Is the World about to End? video, Benedict XVI’s name in Greek (“Benediktos” - Benedict) does equate to 666.


You shouldn’t worry about using sacramentals (such as rosaries) which, due to the dearth of real priests, haven’t been properly blessed.  You should just use them.




Subject: On JP2 “Beatification”


Dear Brothers,   I have a lot of WHY questions about this article.

WHY are they not exhuming JPII body like they said they usually do? WHY are they moving Blessed Pope Innocent XI’s Body?  WHERE are they moving it?  Are they 'demoting' him??  Sounds like they are giving JPII a prominent place! JPII WAS a communist, so May 1st fits this.  Brothers, What do you think?  Looks like we are getting Closer and closer to the end times!  What could all this mean?  You have been saying all along that Benedict would beatify JPII but this seem a whole lot worse than even YOU imagined!!  I love your latest videos, on Fr. Leonard, Jared Loughner, Astounding Heresies on Benedict !

God bless you for helping us!




Dear Brother Michael


First off, thanks for all the work you’ve done putting as much literature together as you have.  It’s what I believe God put in my path to help me find the truth.  I’ll do my best to give you an idea as to what my background is as well as my belief on some of the various catholic dogmas which are commonly rejected among even traditionalist groups…  It wasn’t until a year ago that I hung out with a good childhood friend of mine for what I didn’t know would be the last time that we’d ever talk.    He drowned about a month after we hung out.   It was devastating and all I could think about was that we talked about meaningless nonsense before he died and I could have talked to him about God but didn’t… So my goal from that point on was to disregard everything else and try and make as many people go to heaven as I can, including myself.   A couple of months ago I started praying the rosary everyday…


Richie Kolar


The Day


Subject: May Day is the Day




Our Lady of La Salette deserves all the credit on this one.


What a loaded article.


God bless you all at MHFM.




MHFM: It’s not an accident that the man who wears a Star of David on his mitre (i.e., Benedict XVI) chose May 1, a day important to the Communists and the Illuminati, as the day.  It’s a satanic in-joke.  As mentioned in our Abortion, Rock Music and Freemasonry Exposed video, for Satanists April 19 begins a 13-day period of blood sacrifice to the Beast culminating on May 1.


[Related: The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file], John Paul II preached the Doctrine of the Antichrist; concerning how the abomination of his “beatification” and “canonization” have probable apocalyptic significance, see: Is the World about to End? - Part 6.  Parts 5 & 7 are also relevant.]




Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,

I just read Tony Ruiz's letter to you. I know Satan has lots of tricks he uses to slowly get people away from GOD, but I truly didn't know that he used the computer to write letters. That letter made my jaw drop! I was reading a letter to you from Satan himself.  I can't apologize for my words and will not, that was a letter from hell.

May God bless you both and our most Holy Mother Mary protect you always.



The Rat


Subject: “The Rat” at his best


Dear MHFM, 


Surely, "The Rat's" ardent promotion of religious liberty and his belief that false religions/false gods are part of Jesus' plan for salvation since Vatican II  from his recent satanic "World Day of Peace," spittle-Who can believe this stuff, really?  You must be kidding me!  "The Rat," cementing further his insane Judeo/Masonic/Democratic indoctrination to the world.  As if human beings living as they are in this Vatican II delusion can expect Our Lord not to take notice.  Our Lady stressed at Fatima in 1917, "My Son is much offended..."  This is pure Ordo Ab Chao.  Classic masonry at the hands of the Nazi trained, secret German mason sitting on the Chair of Peter.   Ratzinger is as diluted of faith as King Solomon was with his multiple demonic women… And here today, "The Rat," embracing humanism as gods.  To follow the current of the moment-men as gods.  Wow!  How much insanity must one endure?  Where is the foundation, Jesus Christ in this?  The Savior of all mankind.  The faith is shattered and the world is cracking, splitting, and human beings following insanely the rantings of this masonic madman.  The golden calf is alive and well in the 21st century… Joe Ratzinger is definitely, "The Rat!"  Mother Mary, pray for us!




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Jared Lee Loughner's Connection Discovered [new video]





Subject: comment on two recent news items


Loughner Video


Dear Brothers,


I just watched the excellent video you did on Loughner. You cut right to the chase in giving all the real, multiple reasons for his murderous behavior and the true master mind behind his actions. I cannot believe the bickering and blame games that are going on amongst the political parties based on this Satanic influenced action by a possessed individual. Like you say in the video Satan is making sure that the scenario plays out in his favor. Thanks for telling it like it is, as you always do….


Gymnasts perform for Benedict


After seeing the gymnasts perform for anti-Pope Benedict and his band of yes men, I could not believe what I watched. This is an act that a worldling could expect to see in Las Vegas but is totally inappropriate in what is supposed to be a house of God. I was taken aback by the reaction of the Nuns, some with camera phones, who acted more like crazed teens being driven into a frenzy by a 60's rock band, than spouses of Christ. Also the female accomplice would have been tossed out of Church by truly holy men with any degree of modesty. The whole act was a travesty and only adds to the laundry list of items that condemn Benedict as a true anti-Pope and anti-Christ. He is without a doubt promoting the devil and his work and bringing down millions in the process…


Bob Bohr  




Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter,


Here is another crazy story from our paper today.   A man apparently purposefully and repeatedly slammed his car into a school bus filled with students – and his mother cited his having a “mental condition” – although what else but possession could account for someone deliberately trying to harm school children?




“The man was taken by ambulance to the University of Mississippi Medical Center after complaining of pain. His mother said he has a mental condition, Green said.”


Thanks again for all of your Monastery’s efforts in leading souls out of the darkness!!


Melanie & Bill O’Keefe




Subject: Francisco Marto


I finished the book, OUR LADY OF FATIMA by William Thomas Walsh, what a great book and the message that Our Lady was telling the world was so clear, amend your life, say the rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  At the time of the Great Miracle of the Sun, the people's reaction to the sun descending down quickly, they thought the world was about to end,  confirms that Our Lady was truly saying that we are in the end times and the world is in fact going to end!  Our lady does all things for a very good reason!  What better way to make the world understand that fact by making the sun mimic a huge asteroid, descending to the earth.  This book and Brother Peter's video series, Is the World about to End, ties together perfectly the beginning of the end {russian communist revolution, 1917} and the great battle between The Woman clothed with the Sun {Our Lady} and the great red dragon {devil}!

For many years there was always the question,  why couldn't Francisco hear Our Lady speaking each time she appeared to the children and the fact that Our Lady said he would go to Heaven but would have to say many rosaries.  So after reading this book I felt to read True Devotion to Mary again and I got half way thru the book and the thought occurred to me that the reason Our Lady said that Francisco had to say "many" rosaries and the fact that he couldn't hear Our Lady was because his devotion to Our Lady was somewhat lacking in fervor.  I believe Our Lady was using Francisco to show us the great merits that can be obtained thru the Rosary but one has to be totally devoted to Our Lady and the rosary.  As St. Louis De Montfort says in his many writings, Our Lady is the perfect way to Jesus, the shortest, safest way, Jesus thru Mary.  It would make sense because that is the way He came to us, so the channel back to Jesus is Our Lady.  The book, True Devotion to Mary is a must read!!!...




New Heresies from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's Recent Heresies file with some new heresies from Benedict XVI.


Benedict XVI promotes the "wise efforts for the good of Orthodoxy" and other amazing heresies [new]




Subject: How Sad


Dear Brothers,


Watched also the video on male strip tease act at Vatican.  Agree so completely what your listener said regarding the look on Ben's face watching the male acrobats - but what about the so called "nuns" sitting in the audience.  Not only were their tongues hanging out, they were cheering and waving them on.  How sad and pathetic!! 


Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry that brings all this "garbage" out in the open.  Your web-site has been my wakening call, regardless how "nuts" most of my family and friends think I have become.  You are young men of tremendous faith...


God bless you,





Subject: N’s sister’s “Wedding”


Unless it is a truly Catholic SACRAMENTAL MARRIAGE,  it will be SUCH A HORRIFIC ABOMINATION AND A MOCKERY OF GOD'S INSTITUTION OF THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE that I highly doubt "N" would find herself physically able to sit through this whole fake "marriage ceremony",  anyway---without getting ill.  She'd probably find herself running out of her sister's "wedding" as fast as possible,  just a few moments into it,  when their "minister" begins his (or her!) MUMBO-JUMBO about "God's blessing" on this "union" etc etc------and then N. would probably find herself going to confession for doing a mortal sin as soon as possible:  so it is really much better to just obey God and NOT GO!   When I look back at all the fake "marriage ceremonies" I attended (and have confessed about having attended in the past) it is a cause for great remorse and makes me sick that I could have offended Almighty God by being physically present at such "events":  thank goodness we have a merciful God who will forgive us our transgressions such as attending fake "weddings",   when our sincere confession for such heinous crimes against His Majesty is done properly,  and according to true Catholic faith!  thanks, 




Subject: Vicar of Christ



Today's Spiritual quote...

Pope Leo XII: “It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the
Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members…" a paragraph, proves that Benedict VI is a heretical walking contradiction of an anti-pope.  B16's recent "The Light of the World" and his previous heretical books and statements are all one big contradiction.  Any V-II sect member or false traditionalist should ask themselves how B-16 can be a Vicar of Christ when his words and actions are all twisted like the snake he is?

God Bless You and Your Work,
Tom Miles




Subject: Benedict XVI



Thank you for the recent article on Benedict's heresies concerning the Eastern Schismatics and religious liberty. The fact that he is an apostate can also be borne out by the fact that he hardly mentioned our Lord Jesus Christ in his long-winded remarks. He does not even seem to have the slightest clue that the Lord Jesus Christ and the true Catholic faith are THE point about everything. Someone mentioned the word "insanity" in relation to Benedict in a recent e-exchange. I couldn't agree more. He seems completely out of touch with reality, positively schizophrenic. Or, he's completely sane--just wicked, the leader of a movement begun at Vatican II to phase out authentic Catholicism from the face of the earth. We know he will never succeed.

Contributors to this site have been commenting lately on Benedict's face, how he looks when he greets a witch in England, for example. How about the look on his face when they paraded the male acrobats in front of him at the Vatican, with their cat woman valet trailing seductively behind. He was nearly salivating! How disgusting! What do these Newchurch leaders have at the Vatican these days, an "Undersecretary for Scheduling Strip Tease Acts and Other Lewd Performances?" Obviously these men have loads of time to sit around and watch this kind of thing, since they do nothing that even resembles the work of converting the world to the true faith of Jesus Christ. Would a true and holy Pope tolerate even for a second such a carnal display? Benedict's words and actions would be completely laughable, if they weren't so pathetic.

Joseph Ramirez



Subject: Benedict XVI heresies


Dear Brothers,

Antipope Benedict XVI's recent heresies on the "wise efforts of the Orthodox" and other heresies are outrageous. He calls the excommunicated "Orthodox" schismatics "holy"! He says Lutherans witness to the gospel when they don't even believe in transubstantiation and he calls them "reverend" and "bishop" when their "sacrament" of ordination isn't even
valid. He invites all the members of false religions to "solemnly renew the commitment of believers of every religion to live their own religious faith," as if God lies by revealing different religions. What an apostate! His speech, "Religious freedom, the path to peace," is pure apostasy. The only true freedom is in the Catholic Church, not as a
heretic, schismatic, apostate or any other religion. Benedict XVI is promoting the teachings of fallen angels, who have been sowing error and lies among mankind since before the flood. Benedict XVI thinks the battle is against bad people, but it is primarily against wicked spirits who teach heresies such as "religious liberty." He even calls religious
liberty the "synthesis and keystone" of all fundamental rights and freedoms - that is modernist apostasy. What an inversion of the cross!

The only people who believe what Benedict is teaching are occultists, because they think everything is relative to man and materiality. Benedict XVI does not have the grace of the Catholic faith since the he so obstinately rejects even the most basic dogmas of the Incarnation and the Trinity, so central to redemption from sin. What he is saying is
literally unbelievable because no one can truly believe in two contradictory notions, e.g. that Jesus both is and isn't the Messiah.  Benedict XVI refuses to discriminate between Jesus crucified and Satan the Devil. Religious Liberty and freedom of conscience are paths to hell, and are what has caused all the problems in the world. Benedict
XVI is an Antichrist Apostate. Thank you for exposing his latest heresies, schisms and apostasies.

God Bless,

Chris White


Do think


Subject: Corapi


…  I do think that Fr. Corapi discredits himself as an authentic preacher of the Gospel, and even excommunicates himself when he envisages the possibility of giving Holy Communion to so-called catholic politicians who are openly pro abortion. This is in my opinion,  a great betrayal of the unborn, and of Christ since the recieving of the Sacred Body and Blood of the Lord by a person in mortal sin who refuses to repent is probably as great or even a greater evil than abortion itself. It is characteristic of the apostate anti-popes and their worshippers, that they choose to be in solidarity with reprobate humanity rather than lift a finger to prevent these audacious and proud men and women from making a mockery of the name of Catholic before the world,by trampling on the Blood of Christ and crucufying Him anew! Is it not at least probable that, because in this way they are actually promoting abortion, and destroying belief in the Real Presence, which they have been doing for years through the New Mass with its permitted liturgical abominations, they have excommunicated themselves another time, if it were possible  -  joining this  to the many other excommunications brought about by the abundant harvest of their heresies?      




MHFM: He discredits himself for much more than that statement.  That’s just a small by-product of his apostasy.  To a true Catholic, Corapi discredits himself completely for accepting false ecumenism, salvation outside the Church and Vatican II.  Moreover, he would not be giving them the Body and Blood of Christ, but only a piece of bread which people in the Novus Ordo wrongly believe to be the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.




Subject: Tried/Sister’s Wedding


I understand N's position, but, kindness IS not going to the wedding. Being charitable, sometimes, is not giving people what they want (God does it to me all the time:) and not going, may stir more conversation on the subject than going.






Subject: Fruit of Vatican II



As millions fall away from Christ such as Tony Ruiz mentioned in his posting, one cannot help but see that this is another evil fruit of the false, heretical council of Novus Ordo Vatican II Council. The Novus Ordo cult in its incessant obsession with dialogue, religious liberty and humanism is the direct cause of the defection of millions of Catholics into the waiting arms of the wolves, the protestants and other cults. There are a multitude of Hispanics and others who are now fallen away from Christ and His Church and salvation due to the watered down and heretical teachings of the Novus Ordo churchmen. Their Novus Ordo Missae being invalid provides no sacramental grace, ergo supernatural help in resisting the false once saved always saved crowd. And then, of course, there is the corrupt lifestyle of the V II "priests."

While Fr. Ratzinger and his minions are preaching dialogue and religious freedom multitudes of Mohammedans are invading Europe which is demographically and spiritually unable to resist their own suicide. New mosques where the infidels worship are springing up all over Spain and the rest of Europe. Meanwhile Ratzinger talks to dialogue, religious freedom and not of missionary zeal and the conversion of heretics and infidels to the faith and church of Christ outside of which there is no salvation.




Subject: Miracles


Dear MHFM,  Living through the liberal sixties and seventies many times hearing how great John 23rd was for convening Vatican council II, and then through your ministry knowing that the 23rd lacked faith even in miracles, seeing them in the light of heretics, superstitious, and yet how scripture notes many times the miracles flowing freely from Jesus Christ by His Godly presence on this wicked earth you would think how easily one could detect the presence of evil in John 23rd, and reject him  outright as an imposter.  And yet, the Catholic world accepted his lies, and deceptions and unbelief in Christ's supernatural power to perform miracle after miracles. Absolute insanity!  Wonder why so many souls go to hell, as Jacinta voiced to Lucia in 1917?...






Wow we saw your video on the light of the world and i think they should rename it to Benny the light bearer.



New Video & Article Posted


MHFM: We have posted a new video and article on Benedict XVI’s recent book, Light of the World.  There are some extremely interesting and important heresies in the book.  While the whole world was focused on his statement about condoms, no one was talking about what’s in the rest of the book.  (This has been added to our section on Benedict XVI’s heresies, in the sub-section on his “Heresies by Book.”)


Astounding Heresies in Benedict XVI's Light of the World [video]


Astounding Heresies in Benedict XVI's Light of the World [article]




… I have an unrelated question that I know is going to irk you.  My sister who is younger than me is engaged to get married in August.  She is not Catholic and not particularly any religion.  I've tried to give her some of the material, particularly the booklet (The Bible Proves The Teachings of The Catholic Church) and the DVD of Death and the Journey to Hell.  I don't even think she's looked at them which really disappoints me.  I've told her according to Catholic dogma it would be a mortal sin to attend her wedding in any way.  Now I'm still holding firm, but part of me wants to be "lenient" because compared to most people today in relationships they seem to be good for each other.  They're responsible in most other ways such as working tough college educated jobs and besides the most important aspect of holding the Catholic faith, which they don't, they live relatively morally in most other aspects.  I keep praying that I can convert her along with my mother, but it’s not working out.  I just wanted to make sure that I can't attend her wedding in any way right?  I want to let you know I'm perfectly fine with standing that ground and not attending especially since she and he won't even make an attempt to grasp the deepest and most important truths that God can give them.  I don't want to appear weak willed/wavering in the faith.  I just wanted to see if through some kindness I could win them to the true faith.





MHFM: No, a Catholic must not go.




Subject: More about Smoking


Dear Brothers:

The body does not belong to a person.  "My" body does not belong to me.  My body belongs to God.  Everything on earth belongs to God.  Consequently, when someone gets a tattoo, you are defacing that which does not belong to you.  You are defacing God's property.  You do not have a right to an abortion; your body does not belong to you, it belongs to God as does the infant you bear within your womb… Tobacco is a suppressant.  Smoking suppresses the soul thereby allowing demons to more easily enter the body; smoking makes it almost impossible for the soul to defend herself against attacks. If you smoke, you need to stop for the sake of your soul.  Padre Pio said a woman who smokes is disgusting.  He is still right.

What is interesting is the body needs the soul to be animated.  Yet, the soul requires the body in order to function on this physical plane. Even though everything belongs to God, He still wants our assent and agreement; He does not impose on us. God made everything here for His Son.  The earth and everything on it belongs to Jesus and we were created to be workers. Lucifer usurped the earth; it does not belong to him or his stinking minions; many of whom smoke.  Obviously, they smoke because it reminds them of their future home, the pit of hell.

The soul will be reunited to the body at the Final Judgement.  I would think anyone who smokes would want to have a useful body to carry their soul throughout eternity.

God bless you always,
Deidre Howard




Subject: How dare you [from a Protestant]


You are damned for putting out this pack of lies. I was a 40 year catholic in generations of catholics from a country of nearly 100% catholic and you dare promote this crap. I left your cult when I finally read the Bible where I found that following your catholic "faith" is a journey to eternal death and away from salvation that we find only through Jesus Christ, not your cult.


Father Kirgan answered my question at Holy Cross school in… New Mexico. The question was "can other people go to Heaven?" His answer was "Yes, but it's very difficult." He was patently wrong, and in fact is very difficult for a catholic to go to Heaven. God has a special place for those who mislead people, and in the case of the "holy mother church" billions have and are being misled. I attended Holy Cross for 8 years and wondered about the priests who spent so much time with our Dad at the dining room table throwing back glasses of booze. Then there was my cousin, the alcoholic child molester priest. I learned about how they're just mortal men, buy why do so many of you waiver? It's lack of having much to believe in, my friends.


I accepted Christ at about 40 and gained my salvation. That stupid scapular sure wouldn't have worked, praying to Mary doesn't either, your confession and penances, saying the rosary and following the hordes of mislead priests, bishops, cardinals and your pope won't either. Following Him does work… You're as bad, if not worse, than mormons, christian science, scientology and all the other junk.


I requested that St. Genevieve's church excommunicate me many years ago. I prayed for Him to show me a sign if he wanted me to become a priest. Then I read scripture and learned I finally became one. And a Saint too.


Shame on you and your cult. God help the hordes of misdirected living catholics. All of them. Stop the catholic madness. catholics are the hardest to witness to and disciple. I'm sorry to say I wasn't the first of my family to defect; I followed them, then our Dad finally did just before he died and when we asked him if he wanted anything during a single lucid moment, he said "Just Jesus." We knew then. And when I called our cousin the priest to tell him too, he said he would offer a mass for him. I asked him please not to do that and that he did not die a catholic. I think I could see his face through the phone, and never saw or heard from him again. He knew.


Tony Ruiz, follower of Christ


MHFM: That’s a unique way of introducing yourself.  No, you are not a follower of Christ and you don’t know the Bible.  You are just a heretical, bad-willed, whining, unbiblical apostate.  Only a dishonest person like you could claim to read the Bible carefully and conclude that Protestantism is Christianity.  You say that you have been saved, as if it’s a done deal, when there are countless passages which demonstrate that even true believers (and you are not one) can lose their salvation.  That fact – without even getting into other topics – proves that you are not a Bible-believer.  See: Refuting Protestantism from the Bible and Eastern "Orthodoxy" (audios and articles).  Heretics like you gravitate to the once-saved-always-saved lie because it helps you “justify” your immoral lifestyles.  People like you spend their lives complaining about experiences they’ve had with people in the past.  Your “conviction” in your newfound beliefs is based on others, rather than on the truth.  The Devil easily deceives many in this way.  It’s especially effective with people who don’t seek God but fellowship with man.  By the way, the “Catholics” you bring up seem to be believers in the Vatican II Church, which means they are not real traditional Catholics.  Even if they were Catholics, their bad activity would not disprove the Catholic faith.  Scripture, Tradition and Church history demonstrate that the Catholic faith is the one true Christian faith. 




Subject: Catholic Church


Greetings Brothers Peter & Michael from… Michigan!

My name is Jim and I recently came across your website and have watched many of your videos! I am writing to thank you for enlightening my mind to the Truth…

God Bless You!





… Benedict XVI's "Light of the World"… this heretical book is maybe the supreme example in today's world of FALSE "LIGHT"--Jesus spoke about this when HE said that but if the "light" in you is "darkness,  oh how great that darkness is"..........(my paraphrase).  I guess many people are deceived by FALSE LIGHT but at this point one would practically have to be a mole or a rat to fall for the great deception/lie, anymore!!! 






Subject: Sodom


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the excellent analysis of Light of the World in which you demonstrate that the "light" of B16 is the false "light" of Lucifer.  I always appreciate, too, the daily Catholic quotes you post; they are so thought-provoking.  With respect to today's, a number of things come to mind.  


It is possible and likely that not all the people of Sodom and Gomorrha were practicing homosexuals, but it is certain that they were at least condoners, acceptors, and/or excusers of it.  Just like the blaspheming V2 crowd who have no problem with "popes" who teach that homosexuality may be "inborn and, therefore, God-given.


Sodom & Gomorrha, while real places, seem to be a type or figure of the counterfeit, end-times church and the modern world of which the false church is a part. As Lot and his family were told to go out of Sodom, the faithful today are told in the Apocalypse:  "Go out from her, my people".


Lot's wife was told not to look back but -- perhaps loving the physical beauty of the city -- disobeyed and was turned into a pillar of stone.  This reminds me especially of the V2 people who see the problems with the V2 church (and, one way or another, they all do), yet refuse to break ties with it or refuse to investigate further.  (Even if they have never heard of a dogma or a heresy - or an anti-pope -- they all know at least that the modern "papal" pronouncements never have anything to do with Jesus Christ and, in fact, deny everything He said.)  


Lot's wife reminds me, too, of the Protestant who can easily figure out that he is in a man-made religion -- and is, in fact, denying the words of Our Lord -- but loves his "traditions" more than he loves truth. 


And, finally, in a more distant sort of way, Lot's wife reminds me of all people calling themselves "Christian" who look back with longing on the good old days .... of "democracy".  They want nothing more than "freedom of religion" and would be quite content if only the symbols of Christmas could take their place among those of the world's "religions"…


Lee Ann


What Father?


Subject: What Father of the Church?


Dear MHFM,

I had a conversation today with someone on the topic of salvation and its requirements for the Old Testament.  And in this conversation I remember once you had posted a quote from a Father of the Church (I think), who stated something about that topic and how in the Old Testament all that was required to be saved was to believe in one God
(and I think also the coming of the Messiah) and that in the New Testament IT IS ABSOLUTELY required to believe in Christ to be saved (obviously, this refutes all those modern-day heretics that believe in salvation for those without the Catholic Faith or even knowledge of Christ).  Do you still have that quote and may you please post it
again?  Also, what were the requirements in the Old Testament for a person to be saved?

Most Holy Family protect you always,



MHFM: You seem to be referring to this quote from St. John Chrysostom (cited with reference in our book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation, section 16).


St. John Chrysostom (390): “So the Machabees are honored in that they preferred to die rather than betray the Law… Then [in the Old Law] it sufficed to salvation to know God alone.  Now it is no longer so; the knowledge of Christ is necessary to salvation…”


It is, of course, a dogma that faith in the Trinity and Incarnation is necessary for salvation in the New Testament period.  St. Thomas teaches the same.  He distinguishes between the belief required in the Old Testament and the belief required in the New.  He says that before the coming of Christ, some kind of implicit belief in the coming of the Messiah was necessary for salvation; but after the coming of Christ all must have explicit faith in the Catholic mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation. 


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II-II, Q. 2., A. 7.:  After grace had been revealed, both the learned and simple folk are bound to explicit faith in the mysteries of Christ, chiefly as regards those which are observed throughout the Church, and publicly proclaimed, such as the articles which refer to the Incarnation, of which we have spoken above.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II-II, Q. 2., A. 8.:  “And consequently, when once grace had been revealed, all were bound to explicit faith in the mystery of the Trinity.


It should be noted that the Church has never defined what the precise requirements for salvation were in the Old Testament, but it has defined that in the New Testament period all who wish to be saved must believe in the essential Catholic mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation.  It’s also worth noting that some despicable heretics, who believe in salvation for members of any religion, will quote parts of what St. Thomas says about the requirements for salvation in the Old Testament, and dishonestly and wrongly apply it to the New Testament. 




hi i was listening to the debate… Golle himself could debate himself out of a wet paper bag, after i went on your website a few years ago i confronted several priests and one thought everyone went to heaven(i know amazing) he wondered where i got the idea people went to hell from (i told him the bible and my catechism book. and the other and old Irish cannon thought sacrilege (giving communion to bill Clinton was better than the scandal to refuse him). an ex bishop said he didn’t know anything about benedict saying being a muslim was as good as being a catholic or a Christian (i read that one in the catholic herald and haven’t been to their non-valid mass since , so i have actual experience you guys are right, also if i go to a latin mass will it be valid if the priest is a v2 priest




MHFM: A Latin Mass said by a “priest” who was ordained in the New Rite of Ordination would not be valid.




Dear brothers in Christ,

Your new article and video about B16's book "Light of the World" is excellent… But, I can't restrain myself to wonder once more on the astounding, insurmountable (I'm having a problem to find a proper word, if it exists at all), contradictions coming out of B16's mouth. Namely, he clearly says that the Eastern "Orthodox" do not have to recognize the papal office. Then he says that Protestants and Eastern "Orthodox" are in The Church (that is--The B16's false church), and finally he says that the V2 council is binding.

Well, it is binding ON WHOM? Only on B16 ? Since nobody is obliged to recognize the papal office, Catholic Church and Jesus Christ, in order to be a "Christian", then how it is possible to bind anyone to the V2 teachings?  How would B16, who is clearly diabolically insane (he is not insane in terms of usual functions of human intelligence), bind some Protestant, or Eastern "Orthodox" to accept "Holocaust"--his new dogma? How would B16 expel the "holocaust"-denier from his church, if the denier is not obliged to accept
B16's office?  Total confusion and diabolical stupidity are only mild words which can describe the contradictions of B16 statements.

Mother Mary pray for us.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia



Subject: Garbage




Your recent work on anti-pope B-16's, "The Light of The World" is amazing as is all your charitable contributions on your site.  The title of the book would be appropriate, "The Dim Light of the World" for a heretical antipope, as he is so a part of this world and not of the True Church. 

For all those Vatican II and false God worshipers who buy his heretical garbage, only fill themselves up with more vomit as 2 Peter 2:22 suggests: "For, that of the true proverb has happened to them: The dog is returned to his vomit: and, The sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire".

I suppose this explains why these elder "supposed" Catholic/Christians all look like death warmed-over prunes.  There is no actual life in them as they rot from the inside-out before their death, due to the vomit that they feast on over the years. You can't tell if they are male or female as they all are demons.

God Bless your work,

Tom Miles




Subject: Disappointed


Dear Brothers,


I no longer marvel at how wicked people (like Beach) are who adhere to the counterfeit catholic church of the vatican II sect.  Novus ordos think that people can have God without God. They think that people can be saved without Jesus Christ.  Vatican II has now taken "baptism of desire", (a wretched and false doctrine which some erred in thinking that catechumens could be saved if they had an untimely death before they were able to receive baptism), and morphed in into: people can be saved "through the Catholic church" by some innate desire or by some type of osmosis even though they don't believe or even know the faith.  These people are so absurd and they certainly can't be considered Catholic if they don't wish for everyone to repent and be baptized and to become Catholics.  My brother in law is in the abominable Opus Dei satanic sect.  I have dealt with many of them as they tried to recruit me for years.  These sect members have pat answers to all the novelties of V2 that faithful Catholics question.  For example, they, to a man say that Vatican II was misapplied and misinterpreted instead of looking at the 16 documents and seeing clearly there is nothing Catholic about them, they love to say they read Humani Vitae when you ask them if they have read any real Catholic encyclicals like Mortalium Animos, Pascendi, Humanum Genus, Mirari Vos, etc.  When you mention that Humani Vitae promotes birth control they are dumbfounded.  The document simply says control birth instead of birth control-no difference.  When I mentioned that Benedict had said that male prostitutes should use birth control my brother in law said that that was the lesser of two evils.  How absurd, commit a mortal sin so that the other person won't die if you wear a condom.  If you didn't commit the mortal sin the person wouldn't die period.

When I mentioned to him that baptism is a sacrament and whoever wishes to be saved... must be baptized and hold to the Catholic Faith whole and inviolate he said there are three baptisms (funny, my Catholic book says there is one baptism and it is by water and there are seven sacraments and baptism is chief).  I asked him why St. Isaac Jogues went to the Indians he said that was the preferred way.  These Opus Deis are extremely misled and they have certainly been brainwashed and to a certain extent are all Novus Ordo Catholics as the apostasy has been going on for 500 years and now for the last 50 years in the Catholic Church. 


And many of us, including me, who love… the work you do defending the "Faith" (the only true way to heaven), were once also steeped in error and sin.  We desire to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, and then after removing the beams from our own eyes we can assist in the work of "go ye therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all I command......


All I can say is that most people don't love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and no one can be called Catholic if he isn't ready to defend each and every one of the teachings of the true faith.  Would that all would desire to seek the true teachings in this time of "the operation of error".


… grace comes through Jesus Christ and Ratzinger fails in his commission as "head of the Catholic Church" to evangelize Jews and he can no longer be considered a Catholic as they remain in their error and he confirms them in their error and they will be lost to hell unless they are evangelized with the true teachings, as "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" and JPII was allowed (how) to become "Pope" in 1978 and he was from a communist country and the Metz agreement of 1962 between the "Catholic Church" and communist forbade the church to speak against communist.  So we have a communist bishop become head of the Catholic church (the West) and communism miraculously falls in 1989 due to him.  I beg to differ.  If anything, more false signs, miracles and wonders from the devil via Vatican II.


One other thing, in the Apocalypse 9:20,21 John says we have to do penance… just as our lady said at Fatima and John the Baptist said.  Why can't these Novus Ordos understand that all men must do penance, believe in the Trinity, believe that he was incarnated and be baptized with water and why can' they understand that Vatican II doesn't teach that (it is as obvious as the nose on our face that they don't) and it is therefore not Catholic. St. Athanasius said about Arianism and would say about the Vatican II sect: this is not the faith of the fathers, this is not the faith of the Catholic Church, this is not the light of Jesus Christ.


As St. Ambrose says: let us correct our backslidings and amend our faults, lest of us too it be said: "Woe is me, my soul, for the godly man is perished from the earth, and there is none amongst men to correct them."  Woe am I to if I am not that man and as St. Cyril says: two things are needed, pious doctrines and virtuous practices.


Paul R.


Heaven or Hell


Subject: Heaven or Hell


Hi, I watched the Death and journey into Hell and it was very powerful, So I made a new email and I sent it to this novus ordo I used to know and he emailed it to all his lists of novus ordo friends and he said it was the scariest hour of his life. I watched all your videos and they are all very good.

Thank You very Much, Tony




I have to say I am extremely dissapointed at what i have listened to on you're you tube channel and website. As a Catholic we should be trying to bring people together and closer to god not divide. you're youtube channel appears to try and divide catholics and confuse other people and place judgement when it is no one's place other than god's place to do so


Very dissapointed that a monastery would speak ill of people and place judgment against other good priests and popes who try and do the right things. no ones perfect in this world and to call John Paul II a heritic is unbelievable…


Pope John Paul II  is a man who did many great things, he brought down communism in poland where many people suffered for many years under the rule of the germans during world war II then the communist of russia in poland after world war II for about 35 years. He saved no telling how many lives and souls and yet you are judging him as a heretic.


All I can do is pray for you and the people at you're monastery that you will reevaluate what you are saying and what you're mission should be. very hurtful and dissapointed. but everyone makes mistakes and there is no one perfect in this world




MHFM: No matter how frequently we encounter people like you, it’s always a marvel.  You claim to be Catholic, but you don’t understand, believe in or care about Catholic teaching at all.   The faith is not just about “bringing people together.”  People can only be brought together in a fruitful way if they have the truth of Jesus Christ.  That’s why the Church condemns heresies and all heretics.


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215, Constitution 3, On Heretics:

We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this holy, orthodox and Catholic faith which we have expounded above.  We condemn all heretics, whatever names they may go under.  They have different faces indeed but their tails are tied together in as much as they are alike in their pride.”


Pope Pelagius II, epistle (1) Quod ad dilectionem, 585: If anyone, however, either suggests or believes or presumes to teach contrary to this faith, let him know that he is condemned and also anathematized according to the opinion of the same Fathers.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441: “Therefore it [the Church] condemns, rejects, anathematizes and declares to be outside the Body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views.”


It’s also remarkable that you say it’s “unbelievable” for us to call John Paul II a heretic.  As a result of your willful ignorance, you obviously don’t have any concept of what John Paul II taught or how it completely contradicted the Gospel, Catholic Tradition and Catholic dogma.  Just scroll through our file on his heresies, which is linked below.  Here’s just one quote from the file.  It’s only the tip of a very large iceberg.


Jewish maestro Gilbert Levine, telling CNN’s Larry King about John Paul II:

“KING: The pope congratulated your children's bar mitzvahs?
“LEVINE: Not only congratulate us, he sent us a menorah.
“KING: He sent you a menorah?
“LEVINE: He gave it to us, actually, didn't send it.  Actually gave us a menorah.  I think it's from the 16th century in Prague.  It's the most beautiful menorah.  He sent a letter on the occasion of each of my son's bar mitzvahs.  He also had the cardinal in charge of Catholic/Jewish relations send a letter that was read out in my Orthodox shul on the occasion of my son's recent bar mitzvah, and the rabbi read it as if it were from a rabbi.”


The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file]




Dear brothers in Christ,

I would like to comment yet another of innumerable godless statements coming out of the B16's mouth, and that is the statement "no war may be waged in the
God's name". Such a statement is godless in more ways. First, it directly contradicts The Bible, especially The Old Testament. Just how many God's anointed kings and prophets DID wage the wars in God's name? There are many of The Chosen ones who waged the wars against godless people. It turns out that, according to the apostate B16, all of them were wrong, and all of The Old Testament is nothing but a collection of errors. As usual, the heretics contradicts themselves--namely, the same apostate B16 would gladly argue that the Old Covenant is still valid and that the hopes of the Jews, who are still waiting for the first coming of The Messiah, are not in vain. So, in essence, according to B16, the Old Covenant is valid and invalid at the same time.

Second, the term The Church Militant is, well…inconvenient, because it reminds of war. And that is, in my opinion, the sole purpose of this recent statement--to try to completely disarm the Catholics, and the false Catholics, against the powers of the Devil. True Catholics DO wage the wars against "the principalities of this dark world" ALL THE TIME. The fact that Catholics in these wars do not usually relay on the physical weapons does not change the fact that IT IS THE WAR IN GOD'S NAME, plain and simple.

Third, it is a severe attack (one of the many) against The Tradition of The Catholic Church. For, how many times the true Catholics waged the war, with physical weaponry, against godless armies, and how many times they invoked the help of God through the intercession of The Most Blessed Mother of God, and obtained the help and victory? According to the arch-apostate B16 all this was wrong. Is there any clearer way to mock The Church, The Tradition and Our Lord Jesus Christ?

In the end of this comment I can only say that each and every true Catholic should wage the war against Devil and his servants now occupying Vatican with B16 as their leader. The physical weaponry is not necessary, because it is the war in spiritual realm, but the war Is necessary IN GOD'S NAME.

Mother Mary pray for us in these fierce battles.

Vladimir form Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: “Catholic” books


Most Holy Family Monastery,

I recently began reading a book, "God Alone - the Collected Writings of St. Louis de Montfort." Unfortunately, as discovered, even this has been polluted by the apostates of the counterfeit church. In the introduction for this book I read this: "Verbal fidelity to the teachings of Montfort could lead to a distortion of their true meaning. . .Although it is truly surprising how the saint's Christocentric and ecclesial Mariology dovetails with the thought of the Second Vatican Council and with Marialis Cultis, nonetheless, fidelity to the Montfordian charism itself demands that his writings always be read in the light of the present insights and expressions of the Church."

This leaves me to wonder if his writings in this particular translation have been changed to "fit" with Vatican II teachings. I know St. Montfort himself would certainly never approve of the ultra anti-Catholic Vatican II, so I would like to ask your advice. Should this book be discarded because it can't be trusted to contain the authentic works of the saint?

This reminds me of a certain copy of Thomas Kempis' book, The Imitation of Christ, where they added a "special section" on the Rosary. To this they added the diabolical "mysteries of light."

Thanks in advance.



MHFM: Even though the introduction contains modernist instructions, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the works have been edited to conform to Vatican II’s heresies.  The fact that the introduction includes the warning suggests that the works remain unedited.  However, one would have to check.  You could look at passages in his traditional writings which contain statements against heretics, and see if they have been faithfully reproduced in the book.  This is also a good quote:


St. Louis De Montfort, True Devotion to Mary # 61: "There has been no name given under heaven, except the name of Jesus, by which we can be saved.... Every one of the faithful who is not united to Him as a branch to the stock of the vine, shall fall, shall wither and shall be fit only to be cast into the fire.  Outside of Him there exists nothing but error, falsehood, iniquity, futility, death and damnation."




Subject: Dead birds and fish in Bible




Dead birds and fish all over the globe at an alarming rate is definitely a sign of the end in my book, notice both chapters do make mention of the dead fish and birds, and they also mention man’s tribulations & punishments.


Hosea 4:


 1 Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites,
   because the LORD has a charge to bring
   against you who live in the land:
“There is no faithfulness, no love,
   no acknowledgment of God in the land.
2 There is only cursing, lying and murder,
   stealing and adultery;
they break all bounds,
   and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
3 Because of this the land dries up,
   and all who live in it waste away;
the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky
   and the fish in the sea are swept away.


Ecclesiastes 9:12 - “For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them,”






Dear Brother Michael Dimond


I am writing in regard to the package you sent - the "Special Small Pkg."  It is the most educational material on the Catholic Faith I have ever read.  Every Catholic should read it.


Mel Held




Subject: Vatican II Sect and Watchtower Society


Dear Brothers,

Here is a link to an article on the Vatican II sect ecumenizing the Watchtower Society ("Jehovah's Witnesses").

The Watchtower Society rejects the dogmas of: The Trinity, the Incarnation and Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Divinity of the Holy Spirit, the Immortality of the Soul, the existence of Hell, the physical resurrection of Christ, the existence of grace, that Jesus Christ was crucified, that baptism removes original sin, that the Old Law was revoked when Christ was crucified, that everyone will be judged for their works in this life after the resurrection, that war can be justified, and much more.

The Watchtower Society teaches the heresies that: Jesus returned in 1914; that one must never pray to Jesus or Mary or anyone else - prayer must only ever be to "Jehovah"; that Jesus is St. Michael the Archangel; that only 144,000 people will go to heaven; of Sola Scriptura (Bible only); that most people who will go to heaven have already been resurrected; that the Great Apostasy from the true Christian faith began as soon as St. John the Apostle died; that the Earth and the Universe will exist materially forever; that after the resurrection the earth will be ruled by a one world government; that genetical engineering could play a role in the resurrection; that after the resurrection people will be judged according to what they do at that time, not what they did before the resurrection, i.e. that everyone will be given a "second chance"; that outside the watchtower society there is no salvation; that blood transfusions and fornication are excommunicable offenses; that the number 6 represents man perfected, and that 666 is simply a triple emphasis of this; that there are over 12 covenants between God and the Jews, possibly 20 or more, all of which are still in effect; and most other Protestant heresies such as the denial of the Immaculate Conception, transubstantiation, the Papacy, the necessity of good works, Purgatory, Confession, Praying to Saints, Infant Baptism, etc.
There isn't much that the Watchtower Society teaches that the Vatican II sect wouldn't accept!!! The Satanic Rothschilds funded the Watchtower Society into existence which is why it originally taught that the Jews are still God's chosen people and many of their writings speak about Zion (Jerusalem), i.e. it is Zionist, viz. for the establishment of the nation of Israel in Palestine in preparation for the first coming of the Messiah. Antipope Benedict XVI's cousin and Antipope John Paul II's sister are Jehovah's Witnesses. Benedict XVI dressed like a Jehovah's Witness at the Second Vatican Council - shirt and tie. The book, Pope Benedict XVI: an introduction to his theological vision, by Thomas P. Rausch (2009), under the chapter Bavarian Roots, states: "Also actively resisting [the Nazis] were about forty Jehovah's Witnesses living in Traunstein [B-XVI's hometown]." Also, Occutists use the Divine Name (Jehovah) in an attempt to ward off evil spirits. With groups like the Watchtower Society around, outrageously hunting souls from door-to-door and being accepted by the Antichrist Apostate Vatican II sect, it's consoling to know that Most Holy Family Monastery is still completely faithful to all the revealed truths of the Traditional Catholic faith, such as outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation. Thank you for all your hard work.

Pope Gregory XII, Council of Constance, Errors of John Wycliff, July 6, 1415: "23. There are twelve procurators and disciples of antichrist: the pope, cardinals, patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, officials, deans, monks, canons with their two-peaked hats, the recently introduced pseudo-friars, and pardoners." - Condemned

Pope Gregory XII, Council of Constance, Errors of John Wycliff, July 6, 1415: "30. Excommunication by a pope or any prelate is not to be feared since it is a censure of antichrist."- Condemned


Pope Gregory XII, Council of Constance, Errors of John Wycliff, July 6, 1415: "41. The people may withhold tithes, offerings and other private alms from unworthy disciples of Christ, since God's law requires this. The curse or censure imposed by antichrist's disciples is not to be feared but rather is to be received with joy. The lord pope and bishops and all religious or simple clerics, with titles to perpetual possession, ought to renounce them into the hands of the secular arm. If they stubbornly refuse, they ought to be compelled to do so by the secular lords." - Condemned


Pope Gregory XII, Council of Constance, Errors of John Hus, May 4, 1415: "19. By the church's censures of excommunication, suspension and interdict the clergy subdue the laity, for the sake of their own exaltation, multiply avarice, protect wickedness and prepare the way for antichrist. The clear sign of this is the fact that these censures come from antichrist. In the legal proceedings of the clergy they are called fulminations, which are the principal means whereby the clergy proceed against those who uncover antichrist's wickedness, which the clergy has for the most part usurped for itself." - Condemned


God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Angels




I found this... 


"In the final apparition of the angel, He brought a chalice which he suspended in the air, above it there was a Host. Drops of blood were falling from the host into the chalice. Before offering the Host to Lucia, the only one who had received First Communion...."


… Is it within the realm of possiblity that an Angel could baptise someone?




MHFM: No, a man (not an angel) must baptize a person.  The reason is that the sacrament is necessary, and in order for a sacrament to be confected there must be a person who administers it (Council of Florence). 




Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Have you picked up on this story, latest out of the Novus Ordo stable!


Christmas Communion at a NY Church may have infected hundreds with Hepatitis A.


ABC Jan, 4th, 2011  - Emily Freedman      abc News


Catholics who receive communion at Sunday mass believed the sacred wafer they swallow contains the body of Christ.  New York Health officials have warned the parishioners of a Long Island church that the wafers they received on Christmas Day may have also contained hepatitis A.


The Nassau County Dept of Health in New York is warning parishioners who attended Christmas Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes in Massapeque Park to seek treatment, worried that hundreds who took communion could fall ill.....


While no individuals who attended the Masses have reported illness, Mary Ellen Laurain, a spokesperson for the county's department of health, said vaccines will be offered as a"preventative measure" [if you have been exposed to Heptatitis A, it's too late for a vaccine! - my comment]


.... Hepatitis A, a liver disease, is frequently spread when an infected person fails to wash his or her hands after using the toilet....

the potential outbreak at Lady of Lourdes ( sic) Church may have been caused by a church leader who was infected by the disease and then handled the wafers distributed to the churchgoers.


Sean Dolan (now there's a real ‘Catholic’ Name! - my comment, sorry!), the spokesman for the diocese that oversees the church, did not immediately return messages left by


In an interview with Newsday, Dolan said," It was probably a full church." ['a full church'? -  I believe you, yeah right! - sorry! - my comment] of the services, but did not estimate how many of the church's 7,500 parishioners may have been in attendance at the two services.


"We don't want to jump to conclusions," Dolan told the paper, "Obviously it's very concerning when there's potential exposure to any sort of virus," [ Too late, you exposed yourselves to the VIRUS of Vat II, inspite of all the warnings we have given you over so many years, and now it's coming back to 'bite you' - so don't complain, when we told you so! - my comment!]


On the diocese's website a message reads:


"We pray that no one comes down with this virus."


God bless,






Why my soul has found this website at 4:00 am is a mystery.   It is the first time that I have heard about your organization.  I have long suspected something was wrong as a devote Catholic along with my wife,,


My question is..... the Eucharistic given at masses valid   ?  If not any information as to why not.....? Where is Christ to be found today ? Outside the Church ?


Thank you


I have always had a desire to do something concerning the Catholic faith.  I have been involved for numerous years as a Eucharistic minister, St. Vincent  De Paul society, and etc....




MHFM: The Eucharist is not present at the English Masses or in the churches which most people think are Catholic churches.  That’s because they are offering the New Mass, which does not have a valid form of consecration.  In most cases, those churches don’t even a valid priest.  Please see our section on The Invalid New Mass.  Christ is not found outside the Catholic Church.  He is found in the traditional Catholic faith, His one true faith, where He has always been found.  The problem is that most think the Vatican II Counter Church is the Catholic Church and it’s not.  The information on our site explains all of these issues.  One must avoid the New Mass and reject the Vatican II Church under pain of grave sin.  The position of “Eucharistic minister” is a modernist invention that a Catholic must not be involved with.




Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,


Your web-site truly amazes me!! ... it really does amaze me.   Have ordered most of your material and I must say it is overwhelming the knowledge the 2 of you have acquired and blessed me with through all your videos and written material.  It is truly a gift from God.  Even the people who send you emails inspire me with their knowledge of the church and what has happened to it since Vatican 2.  I guess I was living in the dark for most of my life, but because of finding your most informative web-site I can finally know the truth now that I have reached my senior years.  


May God Bless You and all your devoted listeners who write such inspiring e-exchanges to your ministry. 


My thanks and gratitude to all of you.  It's truly been a privilege and blessing to have found your web-site.


Sincerely in Mary our Queen,







I found your website a bit by accident, and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of data in the site.  If you don't mind, I have some questions… I know I probably find those in your site…


May the Peace of our Lord be with you,


-- Ian




To whom it may concern,

I have been reading articles on your website and am concerned for my soul.  I am not a Catholic.  I am a Lutheran.  I am not uneducated.  I have studied Christianity/the Bible/Religion for years.  I really like that you put what was truly said by previous Popes on your website.  What can I do?  Where is the Catholic Church?  I was on my way to becoming a Lutheran pastor, but I need to follow the truth.  Please help and advise. 



MHFM: The first thing you should do is read our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and begin to pray the Rosary.  How to pray it and the importance of doing so are contained in this file: Important Spiritual Information: The Importance of Praying the Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady [more].  In The Bible Proves… book, you will also find a section on the biblical proof and basis for Catholic teachings on Mary and the importance of praying to her.  We also have debates against non-Catholics who claim to believe in the Bible, which should assist you in becoming convinced.  Once you are convinced that the Catholic Church is the true Church, and you believe in all of its teachings, there are a few easy steps to convert.  One involves getting a small and basic catechism and reading it.  The short steps are here: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section]. 


As far as going to church, we are in the Great Apostasy, as you will see on our website.  Most people who consider themselves Catholic are not.  Hence, it’s not just about showing up at a church today, since most of them that claim to be Catholic aren’t even offering valid sacraments.  One must not go to those churches.  Once you are convinced, we can help you with where you can make a valid confession, etc.  We are encouraged by your interest, and we pray that you follow through with the grace God is giving you to join His one true faith. 




Dear Brothers,


What is your take on the recent bird deaths in Arkansas and now Louisiana? The news has also come out with fish dying in the thousands in Arkansas as well. On page 68 and 69 of the "Sister Mary of the Cross" book by Father Paul Gouin, it states quote "It will rain a fearful hail of animals." These are words spoken to children in La Salette France in 1846 by our Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady of La Salette also made dozens of other prophecies of the future some of which have already occurred (Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the anti-Christ) and some of which appear to be occurring presently.


Would you ever consider doing a short video on this amazing apparition? It is one of few that has been fully approved by the true Catholic Church…


Bob Bohr




Subject: Assisi


“Religious Freedom, the Path to Peace" This lines up very nicely with their support of the UN and its evil agenda.  The word evil sounded too sensational, but, it's simply the truth.  Since man is god, all religions are truth [according to them], thus no need for (or the toleration of) disagreements in the new system. 




New Assisi


Subject: “Pope” calls for new Assisi meeting in October


Dear brothers:


For years the conservative novus ordites have been telling us that Card. Ratzinger opposed the 1986 meeting in Assisi. Even now they continue to say that he “absented himself” from the event. So how do they explain that on the Feast of the Circumcision he called for a new Assisi meeting in October?


One of the most popular NO defenders, “father” Z (“ordained” by “pope” JPII) published this defense of the meeting from one of his “priest” friends:

“The Pope’s flock includes non-Catholic Christians, as well as non-Christians and atheists. As the first under-shepherd after Christ, he has to do what he thinks is prudent to reach them.”


So non-Catholics are now Christians? And non-Christians and atheists are no longer outside the flock and needing conversion but are already 'in' the flock? And what about wolves? Maybe they’re 'in' the flock, too? What an interesting “church” these NO “priests” belong to! 


The theme Benedict has chosen for World Peace Day 2011: “Religious Freedom, the Path to Peace.”


Let’s call it what it really is: “Peace without Christ.” 




MHFM: Yes, they are so deceived, despite the fact that his books and speeches are blatantly heretical and shouldn’t be deceiving.  The amount of heresies he has uttered is staggering.  Soon we hope to have a new video on some of his significant recent heresies.




Brothers, - Article on more potential food shortages…


On the subject of chemtrails: Having lived previously in California, I have been witness to 2 or 3 missile launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The phosphorescent glow of a smoke trail is beautiful, as it has an eerie glimmer that clouds and contrails do not display.


Last week, I saw chemtrails in the sky over head. And for the first time ever, I saw a similar phosphorescent glow when the chemtrails converged and a little haze was added. This sheen or glow cannot be explained by any natural means; the only remotely similar sight is when thin clouds and such are directly between the viewer on the ground and the sun. Yet the shimmer of a missile trail or a chemtrail greatly "outshines" any other vapors in the sky.


We can only imagine what toxic "cocktail" they are spraying us with.








Subject: Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin’s First Apology


YouTube - Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology thanks MHFM for this new vid. it is fantastik!  Re: the emailer who commented on the transparent evil in the visage of B16 looking at the witch:  a man who is coming out of the "Jehovah's Witnesses" (almost an "elder"!)  this guy,  whom of course I was attempting to convert to the only true faith,  was commenting on the incredible evilness of the very looks of B16---now think about this,  this guy is coming out of a cult and he thinks this point is extremely apparent.








MHFM: We think that heavy smoking is a mortal sin.  In the past, when less was known about the deadly effects of smoking, perhaps the culpability of those who smoked was not as great.  However, today we know that it leads to death.  We also don’t see how those who smoke throughout the day – and thus attempt to constantly indulge themselves in that way – are different from people who might eat food or candy all day long.  If they are so controlled by their addiction to smoking, then there isn’t room for God’s grace.  No, we don’t smoke.




Dear MHFM,

Isn't it interesting how these N.O. people are reacting? Don't they know that their own "priests" celebrate their invalid mass with Dorito chips as you pointed out in your book? Or with cookies?

I mean based on what you cover in your book the actual N.O. church offers a "better" menu for snacks than this commercial does.

Complete hypocrisy and spiritual blindness..



New Video Posted


MHFM: This new video discusses a writing of great significance in the ancient Church, St. Justin Martyr’s First Apology (2nd century).  Many Protestants cite St. Justin Martyr as a witness to ancient Christianity.  The video discusses numerous quotes in St. Justin’s First Apology that provide proof for Catholicism.  The video also discusses other quotes in his writing that are interesting.  It also addresses a quote that modernists and salvation heretics love to reference but misuse. 


Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology [video]




… i disagree with you about Father John Corapi, i think he speaks from the heart, from one who was a great sinner, like all of us, and reaches many fallen and cafeteria catholics. I think he has done a great deal in the short time he has been a  catholic Priest.  I listen very carefully, he was on a radio program in the Boston area and did a great deal teaching people in this area and beyond and bringing them back to the faith..  I think he preaches on the mercy of God which we cannot forget. Look at the thief on the cross and think about that when you say Noone outside the faith can be saved.  I know this is our teaching but we also have to believe in the love and absolute mercy of God... i hope you are not right... you seem to be looking to condemn the man...??  catholic in Mass.  k.w.


MHFM: Instead of speculating about where his words are spoken from, you should be analyzing whether his words are consistent with Catholic teaching.  The fact is that they are not.  He doesn’t bring people back to the Catholic faith, but to a counterfeit “faith” that is both deceptive and deadly.  He accepts false ecumenism and salvation for members of any religion.  Consistent with Vatican II, he holds that Protestants and Eastern schismatics are part of the Christian Church.  He also believes that rabbis have a mission.  All of this is heretical and contrary to the teaching of Christ.  Since he holds and believes that Christ and the Catholic faith are unnecessary for salvation, his message is actually of the Devil.  He promotes a false Gospel.  We are not “looking” to condemn him, as if we have a predisposition to do so for no reason.  Rather, his words and actions require a Catholic to do so for the instruction and benefit of those who wrongly think he represents or preaches Catholicism.  You say that no one outside the faith can be saved.  You don’t believe that, so why do you act as if you do?  You can’t have it both ways.  You can’t claim to be Catholic and claim to accept the Church’s dogma that there is no salvation outside the Church, while you accept the possibility of salvation outside the Church and defend heretics who teach that members of false religions can be saved. 


Contrary to what you imply, the example of the Good Thief does not contradict the Catholic dogma on the necessity of the Church for salvation: Good Thief


Did you know?


MHFM: Did you know that Benedict XVI’s very first official act as antipope was a letter to the Jewish community of Rome?  He also considers this to be symbolic and significant. 




Subject: Calendar Article


Dear Brothers:


What a confirmation of Brother Peter's analysis of the Beast of the Apocalypse!


The sad part is, although the Europeans (like all others) see what is happening, they don't understand why it is happening. They do not realize that "Christians" are not the majority in Europe or anywhere else, having abandoned the true Catholic Faith. And the Counterfeit Church and its apostate lackeys will, of course, be of no help to true Christians in Europe or elsewhere, having been instrumental in bringing about the destruction of Christendom. 


(What always astounds me is that people still mention this or that "Catholic" or this or that "Catholic Bishop" or this or that "Catholic organization" with disappointment and even disgust - as if they are surprised and hurt that no help from these sources is forthcoming.  I can't figure out why anyone would expect help from these sources in the first place; the betrayal has only been going on for some 50 years now.)


I hope and pray that as many people as possible -- in Europe and everywhere -- will soon find MHFM and will have access to the excellent and faithful Catholic materials you produce.


God Bless You,


Lee Ann




Subject: Now he shows his tail


Dear Brothers:

Happy New Year.

You probably read the news last week and know that Vatican now opens up banking to monitor Euro-zone financial mess. Looks like everything is falling into place to prove the Vatican is nothing for God but belongs to this world.

Kim-Lan Vu



Subject: EU Abolishes Christmas


Dear MHFM Brothers,


Happy New Year!


I have read in your News and Catholic Commentary entitled “EU abolishes Christmas” and it reminds me of your discussion on “Is the World About to End?” videos depicting EU as the Beast in the Apocalypse.  Even before this news came out, I already believed that EU is the new Russian Empire … this Beast was quashed by the Blessed Mother when Pope Pius XII consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart, however as the Blessed Mother says this conversion (peace) is tentative … and after almost a century we already behold the re-emergence of the Beast in a more deceptive way.  Majority of people look up to Europe as a land of opportunity and comfortable lifestyle with freedom but seeing it with a Catholic lens will prove otherwise.  I myself dream of visiting Europe, not to see the… cities of Venice and Paris but to behold the incorruptible bodies of hundreds of saints all across Europe, to see the gothic catholic churches, to see the lands where great Saints have lived and died, etc. … but these days Europe has become abominable as several laws aimed at uprooting Catholicism to the core! True Catholics at attacked left and right in both secular and spiritual levels … to live as true Catholics in the midst of all these abominations must be a miracle of grace reserved to the Faithful during the Last Days.  So for you brethren in Christ who live in Europe be faithful to Christ and seek refuge to the Blessed Mother to keep the Faith and for those living not in Europe (like me), though your country will never be free from the attacks of the Beast of the Apocalypse …


The news article is very accurate in its account, to quote: “To omit one Christian festival may be regarded as an error; to omit two looks like carelessness but to omit all of them looks like conspiracy.”


Let us not forget that the 1917 Russian War aimed at converting the Catholic Russia into a Marxist/Socialist State and they succeeded doing so … now EU aims at uprooting Catholicism in the entire world by starting the spiritual revolution in the entire Europe itself.


May the Lord be merciful to us and the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe ever protects MHFM to continue its apostolate in showing the Light of the King of Kings!


Ave Maria!

In Crucified Christ and Immaculate Mary,
Joselito, EENS-Sedevacantist (Philippines)


Last Second


Subject: Last Second Conversion


Dear Brothers,


One of the things I've been hearing from BOD advocates is the idea that in the nano-second before the unbaptised person actually dies, they are given the opportunity to declare their desire and that is how a seemingly non-converted Jew, Muslim, Hindu, etc., can obtain the BOD.    Have you come across anyone arguing from that standpoint before.  I mean it's like the evolutionists who have to keep adding 100's of billions of years to their timeline to make their fantasy plausible to the masses. In the case of these BOD supporters, it’s the shrinking of the amount of time it takes for a non-Christian to be able to change their faith, gain desire and be saved. 




MHFM: Yes, they try variations of those arguments.  It’s simply a dishonest way of attempting to hide their belief that people can be saved in any religion.  The easiest way to expose their subterfuge and ploy is to ask them the following questions.  These questions all take the “moment of death” out of the equation.


Ask them: are all the Jewish rabbis who reject Christ today definitely and without doubt in the state of damnation, so that they would be damned if they died, or is it possible that some of them might be in the state of grace?  They will usually say, “I can’t judge,” or words to that effect, thus proving that they deny the salvation dogma and the Gospel.  If they say “yes,” they are usually lying.  So, then you pin them down further.  You take a heretical quote from one their favorites, such as Fr. Denis Fahey, to see if they will denounce it as heretical.  He said that a Jew who rejects Christ can have the state of justification.  He didn’t address the moment of death, and thus it is taken out of the equation.  


Fr. Denis Fahey, The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1953), p. 52: “The Jews, as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society a direction which is in complete opposition to the order God wants.  It is possible that a member of the Jewish Nation, who rejects Our Lord, may have the supernatural life which God wishes to see in every soul, and so be good with the goodness God wants, but objectively, the direction he is seeking to give to the world is opposed to God and to that life, and therefore is not good. If a Jew who rejects our Lord is good in the way God demands, it is in spite of the movement in which he and his nation are engaged.”


This is of course blatantly heretical, a complete denial of the Gospel and Catholic dogma. 


1 John 5:11-12: “And this is the testimony, that God hath given to us eternal life.  And this life is in his Son.  He that hath the Son, hath life.  He that hath not the Son, hath not life.


Ask them if Fahey’s statement is heresy and a denial of the salvation dogma.  They will almost always say no and try to explain it away.  They will usually try to explain it away by dishonestly changing the question to: “well, they can have the state of grace if they convert.”  If a person answers in that way, you can see that you are not dealing with an honest person but unfortunately a liar and a heretic.  The question is about Fahey’s quote (i.e., what he said), which does not concern someone who converts to Christ.  If they don’t say it’s clearly heretical and a denial of the Gospel, they prove that they are liars and deniers of the salvation dogma.  If they say “yes,” which would be extremely unusual, then you pin them down further and ask them about Protocol 122/49 and other independent priests who accept Fahey’s heretical statement and similar ones.  You will find, in every case, that the modern BOD advocate accepts the heresy of salvation for members of any religion; he does so by accepting directly heretical statements to that effect or by justifying the position of priests who do.




Hello Brother…


I am a follower of Christ (I try in all earnesty), I read the bible, and pray (although my prayers are simple). I was backsliden and recently came back to my faith in Christ Jesus. I have completely given up on all religion, besides believing in the Lord Jesus Christ whom I depend on for truth. I've been reading a lot about religions though and all of them have differences. My question is why is the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, held with such esteem as to be talked about and worshiped as though she was the Christ? The 12 apostles did not hardly mention her. Please, forgive me if my question offends you. I am asking for the truth only. Please.




MHFM: God wants you to investigate and convert to the Catholic faith.  It’s the only biblical faith.  Please put out the effort.  See the striking biblical proof and basis for the Catholic Church’s dogmas on the Mary and the importance of praying to her.  This is from our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF]




Hello and thank you for the countless hours you have spent building your website.

I am 41 years old… and have been attempting to seek the truth for many years now. I have been through the whole protestant tour from the non-denominational to the "reformed" persuasion. I was baptized Lutheran as an infant but not raised in the faith. I like many Americans went the way of the world and lived an ungodly and sinful life… I never considered Catholicism mainly because of the anti-Catholic rhetoric out there. After much disillusionment in the garden variety churches I decided to search the web for Catholic apologists and to my surprise I was left "schooled" with a decision to make. I went to my local parish to ask questions and enrolled in the RCIA program. I was shocked as to what was taught at the few meetings I attended. I again was left disillusioned! Since then I have been hearing some concern for Vatican 2 and I decided to do some research into the topic and I found your site. I have been glued to my computer screen.

I just want to know how I can be saved and the process prior to Vatican 2. Can you help me in this? Again, I… would appreciate any direction you could give me.

May God continue to bless you!



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  God is giving you the grace to move toward conversion and you really need to seize it.  The steps to convert are simple and they are explained in this file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


One should follow them.  Also, as mentioned in that file, it’s critical to begin to pray the Rosary each day.  Here’s how: How to Pray the Rosary.  In addition to obtaining the small catechism mentioned in those “steps,” you should obtain our larger special package, which contains the DVDs, books and information that will explain exactly what’s going on with the Church. 




Subject: Classic Reply to “Comment”


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I am still laughing....sorry, but that was one of the funniest replies I have seen in a long time ...I think what he really meant was "that you have been excommunicated by the un -"Holy See" under the Earth" - but in his rage his claws tripped up!


8 - D


God bless,








I came across these photos of Benedict XVI greeting a so-called woman "priest" while he was visiting England.  I thought they could be of some use in your section on the heresies of B16, but if you have seen them already then please just disregard. 


If however you've never seen them it's interesting to observe just how gleeful Benedict's expression is toward this witch.  One can clearly disern in that wicked pysiognomy, if one is of true faith and good will, how truly evil Ratizinger is.  It is most evident that through this gaze he is conveying a most translucent message:  "Yes, my sister of sin, I approve wholeheartedly of thee.  Please continue your wonderful work...let us be united together in spirit as we march toward the total destruction of Christendom!"


In Iesu et Maria,




Religious Liberty


Subject: Religious Liberty


I would like some Novus Ordo, Ratzinger / Vatican II apologist to tell us how the Chinese position on liberty within a pluralistic society is any different from say John Kennedy’s or Vatican II’s.


I think any honest assessment of what the Chicoms are saying would have to conclude that they are simply proponents of the same “Religious Liberty” that Vatican II advocates!  “Can’t we all just get along and respect one another?”  Unless the Vatican converts back to Catholicism, and tells these people that they are going to Hell unless they join the true Church of Christ whose vicar on Earth is the Roman Pontiff, no exceptions, then they can’t win this argument.  It’s pathetic.  The Chinese have trumped them with their own “logic”.   But if the Orthodox are members of the “Church” (and gee I think even the Jews are in a “special way”) then I wonder why the Vatican choose to pick on the Chinese?      


Bill Mulligan


New Video Posted


MHFM: For those who might be interested, we recently received an arrogant letter concerning our video on Cortes’ Amazing Conquest of the Aztec Empire.  This video discusses the letter as well as the response to it.


Response to an Arrogant Letter concerning our video on Cortes' Amazing Conquest [video]




Sorry to hit you with multiple messages, but, I want to get to the bottom of this. You've made some pretty bold claims here. First, are you refering to the current edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church when you say, Benedict XVI wrote the preface for the book which says that the Jews’ wait for the Messiah is valid....?




MHFM: No, we are not referring to the New Catechism, although that has its own boatload of heresies.  Before we quote exactly what we were referring to, we must mention that it’s obvious that many of you don’t even bother to look through the evidence in our material.  If you took the time to carefully read our section on Benedict XVI’s heresies, you would see, if you have any honesty, that it’s a rejection of Catholic teaching to maintain that he’s the pope.  Time after time we’ve noticed that people in the Vatican II Church lack the grace to even look through the material we provide.  The Devil moves in before they can even set their attention to it.  As a result, they wind up giving it a quick glance, only then to have the Devil distract them to something else.  It’s because people fail to cooperate with grace.   This is from our section on his heresies:


In 2001, however, the Pontifical Biblical Commission released a book entitled The Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible.  [The preface for this book was written by none other than Joseph Ratzinger.]  This book rejects the dogma that the Old Covenant has ceased.  It teaches that the Old Covenant is still valid, and that the Jews’ wait for the Coming of the Messiah (which was part of the Old Covenant) is also still valid.  It teaches that Jesus doesn’t have to be seen as the prophesied Messiah; it is possible to see Him, as the Jews do, as not the Messiah and not the Son of God.


In section II, A, 5, The Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible states:


Jewish messianic expectation is not in vain...”


In section II, A, 7, The Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible states:


“…to read the Bible as Judaism does necessarily involves an implicit acceptance of all its presuppositions, that is, the full acceptance of what Judaism is, in particular, the authority of its writings and rabbinic traditions, which exclude faith in Jesus as Messiah and Son of God… Christians can and ought to admit that the Jewish reading of the Bible is a possible one…”


He makes similar statements in his books:


Benedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, p. 209: “It is of course possible to read the Old Testament so that it is not directed toward Christ; it does not point quite unequivocally to Christ.  And if Jews cannot see the promises as being fulfilled in him, this is not just ill will on their part, but genuinely because of the obscurity of the texts…  There are perfectly good reasons, then, for denying that the Old Testament refers to Christ and for saying, No, that is not what he said.  And there are also good reasons for referring it to him – that is what the dispute between Jews and Christians is about.


Benedict XVI says that there are perfectly good reasons for not believing that the Old Testament refers to Christ as the prophesied Messiah.  He says that the Old Testament doesn’t point unequivocally to Our Lord as the Messiah.  This is another total denial of the Christian Faith.  What makes this apostasy all the more outrageous is the fact that the New Testament is filled with passages which declare that Our Lord is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.  To quote just one passage of many, in John 5 Our Lord specifically tells the Jews that what is written in the Old Testament concerning Him will convict them.


John 5:39, 45-47 – “Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of methe one who will accuse you is Moses, in whom you have placed your hope.  For if you had believed Moses, you would have believed me, because he wrote about me.”


But, according to Benedict XVI, all of these Biblical declarations that Our Lord is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, including Our Lord’s own words, may be false.  According to Benedict XVI, the Jewish reading that Our Lord is not the Messiah, not the Son of God, and not foretold in the Old Testament, is possible and valid.  This is totally heretical, apostate and antichrist.  Benedict XVI also denies Jesus Christ in his book Milestones:


Benedict XVI, Milestones, 1998, pages 53-54: “I have ever more come to the realization that Judaismand the Christian faith described in the New Testament are two ways of appropriating Israel’s Scriptures, two ways that, in the end, are both determined by the position one assumes with regard to the figure of Jesus of Nazareth.  The Scripture we today call Old Testament is in itself open to both ways…”


Benedict XVI again declares that Scripture is open to holding the Jewish view of Jesus, that Jesus is not the Son of God.  This is precisely why Benedict XVI repeatedly teaches the heresy that Jews don’t need to believe in Christ for salvation.


Benedict XVI, Zenit News story, Sept. 5, 2000: “[W]e are in agreement that a Jew, and this is true for believers of other religions, does not need to know or acknowledge Christ as the Son of God in order to be saved…”[ix]


Benedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, pages 150-151: “…their [the Jews] No to Christ brings the Israelites into conflict with the subsequent acts of God, but at the same time we know that they are assured of the faithfulness of God.  They are not excluded from salvation…”


This is a total rejection of Catholic dogma.  Wake up.




You excommunicated by the Holy SEE ON EARTH, youre making me very angry pray that I don't curse you because you are making many people astray. [Expletive deleted] YOU AND YOUR SOCIETY you fallen angel behind sheep clothing. I will fight you Amen




MHFM: We take it that you didn’t like the material.




Brother Peter Diamond -


While I respect everyone's right to an opinion - I was a little upset after listening to your comments on Father John Corapi, I couldn't help think I was listening to the ghost of Martin Luther. For the portions of your first video that I DID listen to, I really thought you were taking Father Corapi's comments out of context and then making them seem to mean something OTHER than they were. In fact, some of your comparisons between Father's soundbites and your accompanying scripture quotes sounded to me a bit like fundamentalism on your part.


And it's not just Father Corapi you take issue with - it's Holy Mother Church. My fear is that instead of having faith in and trusting the Church - you are trusting in yourself - as if you know better. You are not the first to do this, I know. But your videos will do more harm to the Church due to the fact that you are abusing your position and will further split Christ's Church. I do know that Christ was not a liar when he said "..and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." And I have faith and trust Him completely. But it is a shame that we must suffer injuries from members within' our own ranks.


You are now officially on my prayer list and I do hope you reconsider your actions and their motives.


God Bless you.



MHFM: For unbelievers like you, Catholic teaching is considered to be Lutheran heresy while the acceptance of Luther heresy (e.g., Benedict XVI’s approval of the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification) is accepted as Catholic teaching.  The Vatican II sect's Protestant Revolution: the 1999 Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification [PDF File]


Benedict XVI, Joint Declaration With Lutherans on Justification, Oct. 31, 1999: “# 5.  THE PRESENT JOINT DECLARATION… does not cover all that either church teaches about justification; it does encompass a consensus on basic truths of the doctrine of justification and SHOWS THAT THE REMAINING DIFFERENCES ARE NO LONGER THE OCCASION FOR DOCTRINAL CONDEMNATIONS.”


Benedict XVI, Joint Declaration With the Lutherans on Justification, Oct. 31, 1999: "41. Thus the doctrinal condemnations of the 16th century [i.e., the Council of Trent], in so far as they are related to the doctrine of justification, appear in a new light: The teaching of the Lutheran churches presented in this Declaration does not fall under the condemnations from the Council of Trent."


Joint Declaration With the Lutherans on Justification, Oct. 31, 1999: “# 13.  IN LIGHT OF THIS CONSENSUS, THE CORRESPONDING DOCTRINAL CONDEMNATIONS OF THE 16TH CENTURY [the Council of Trent] DO NOT APPLY TO TODAY’S PARTNER.”


Benedict XVI, Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification: "26. According to Lutheran understanding, God justifies sinners in faith alone (sola fide)."


You call light darkness and darkness light.  You are unfazed by the facts.  You don’t care that Corapi accepts false ecumenism (apostasy), salvation outside the Church (heresy) and Protestant religions (heresy).  Speaking about the conflict between Protestants and professing Catholics in Ireland, “Fr.” John Corapi declared: “I don’t care if you’re Baptist or Catholic; you are Christian.  Just practice it.”  That is blatantly heretical.  It’s just a small example of why he is not a Catholic.  You are like Luther.  Benedict XVI praises Luther, and agrees with him on Justification.  You are like a Protestant, for you and Corapi protest against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  You are a prime example of why God allowed this deception to occur: bad-willed individuals such as yourself don’t deserve a true pope.  You reject the truth when it’s right in front of your face. 




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery:


It has been one week since I first saw your wonderful two-part video about Our Lady of Guadalupe and you answered many questions I have always had about the miraculous tilma.  I could never understand why sometimes Our Lady's mantle was green and then blue in various photos.  Why her skin seemed darker, and then lighter in some photographs.  From beginning to end, a wholly encouraging and uplifting video which really brightens my day each time I view it.  Also, Our Lady of Guadalupe puts to rest, once and for all, racial prejudice.  It is unacceptable in the eyes of God as illustrated by the miraculous tilma.  There are many who do not like that aspect of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and there has been suppression of knowledge about Our Lady of Guadalupe consequently.  The very presence of her image imprinted by the Hand of God on Juan Diego's tilma enrages lucifer and his human minions as we now see conclusively, firsthand, with this latest attack on MHFM.


We can see the manner in which this DMV episode was hastily constructed because Amber's story is confusing.  It first broke in that San Francisco newspaper on 12/10 and then you posted your video about Our Lady of Guadalupe on 12/12.  It took several days more before Amber’s story was picked up by CNN.  It was a simple matter to research Jane Velez Mitchell, who is an admitted lesbian…


I will continue to pray to our Blessed Mother and ask her Son for your continued protection…


Deidre Howard




Subject: Cortes Video --- Response




This is an Important video because it effectively Counters what is being taught in our Public Marxist Schools.  I know this because my "Butte Catholic" school 'teacher' cousin told me how stupid I was for thinking Cortes wasn't an evil person for killing the pooooorrrr innocent Native Americans. 


Benedict XVI


Dear Brothers,


Regarding MJ saying that if Benedict XVI is a heretic, then "we might as well both become Methodists," here are some of antipope Benedict XVI's heretical comments to the representatives of the World Methodist Council, 9 December, 2005:

Benedict XVI address to representatives of the Methodist World Council, December 9, 2005: "I remain most grateful for the prayerful presence and support of Methodist representatives...Pope Paul VI...expressed the hope that differences between Christians could be resolved, "slowly, gradually, loyally, generously."...Since 1967, our dialogue has treated major theological themes...Our dialogue and the many ways in which Catholics and Methodists have become better acquainted have allowed us to recognize together some of those "Christian treasures of great value"...I have been encouraged by the initiative which would bring the member churches of the World Methodist Council into association with the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, signed by the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation in 1999. Should the World Methodist Council express its intent to associate itself with the Joint Declaration, it would assist in contributing to the healing and reconciliation we ardently desire, and would be a significant step towards the stated goal of full visible unity in faith...Dear friends, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and mindful of God’s great and abiding Mercy throughout the world, let us seek to foster a mutual commitment to the Word of God, to witness and to joint prayer. As we prepare our hearts and minds to welcome the Lord in this Advent season, I invoke God’s abundant blessings upon all of you and on Methodists throughout the world."


Methodists are Protestant heretics, yet Benedict XVI is grateful for the "prayerful presence" of Methodists. He calls Methodists "Christians" who can recognize "Christian treasures of great value." That's heresy because Methodists are not Christians, since they are not Catholics, given that they are an offshoot of the Anglican schism. Benedict XVI then contradicts the infallible canons of the Council of Trent by saying that association with the (heretical) Joint Declaration on Justification with the Lutherans is "a significant step towards the stated goal of full visible unity in faith." IN one sentence, Benedict XVI denies almost 2000 years of sacred Catholic Tradition on the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation. That's outrageous heresy. He then invokes the guidance of the Holy Spirit "to foster a mutual commitment to the Word of God, to witness and to joint prayer." That's blasphemy against the Holy Ghost! He finishes by invoking "God’s abundant blessings upon all of you and on Methodists throughout the world." That is undeniable evidence that Benedict XVI is a heretic. It's another public manifestation of his rejection of the unchangeable dogma: outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, and an application of the heresy, "baptism of desire." It proves that Benedict XVI has absolutely no Papal authority, because he's not a pope. Methodists, like all Protestants, teach the heresy that a (true) pope is the Antichrist. How telling that antichrist antipope Benedict XVI is in communion with such anti-Papacy heretics as the Methodists!!!


Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum PontificemExcommunication of Martin Luther, 1521 A.D.: "Our decrees which follow are passed against Martin and others who follow him in the obstinacy of his depraved and damnable purpose... All their names, surnames and rankhowever lofty and dazzling their dignity may bewe wish to be taken as included in these decrees with the same effect as if they were individually listed and could be so listed in their publication, which must be furthered with an energy to match their contents...On all these we decree the sentences of excommunication, of anathema, of our perpetual condemnation and interdict; of privation of dignities, honors and property on them and their descendants, and of declared unfitness for such possessions;... and these and the other sentences, censures and punishments which are inflicted by canon law on heretics and are set out in our aforesaid missive, we decree to have fallen on all these men to their damnation."


Blessings of grace in our Lord Jesus Christ, 


Chris White


Letter writer


Subject: Cortez letter writer


Excellent refutation of the junior historian on Cortez.   It is amazing that someone considering himself to be a Catholic would 1) not be wary of the bias of an atheist author, and 2) so miss the point generally.   I think it may have been providential as your refutation is I think even more compelling than your original account.  I think many people harbor the kinds of cynical sentiments of your letter writer in regards to Catholic history.   They are so jaded by the modern world and their secularized education that they easily attribute, or assume base motives in people.  They don’t think anybody can be truly good, or, they are willing to exaggerate the significance of common faults, perhaps it gives them an excuse for their own.  It is why people love gossip.   His letter forced you to tackle these modern understandings head-on, and it was very effective, devastating.  You were at your best.


Bill Mulligan   




I have just finished watching the video series on YouTube "Is The World About to End" I totally enjoyed the presentation, but I do have a couple of questions. Where and more importantly, how do you separate your Catholic Church from the Church I see represented in The Vatican? Secondly, as I was raised in the Baptist Church, why do you call the Protestant Churches "Heretical"?  I agree with most of what you said in the series of videos I watched and you gave me some new things to think about as well, but the Catholic Church I/we see represented today is a far cry from the Church that Christ established. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.




Randall H. Screws


MHFM: Randall, we do not separate ourselves from the true Catholic Church.  As Catholics, we must follow past authoritative Church teaching.  That teaching instructs us that people who deny what the Catholic Church has taught lose membership in the Church, as well as any position of authority they might hold in the Church.  Hence, the Vatican II “Church” and its leaders, whom most regard as the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, are not, according to real Catholic teaching, representative of the true Catholic Church.  The true Church resides with the remnant of traditional Catholics who hold fast to traditional teaching.  This can be explained and proven logically from the past dogmatic teaching of the popes.  This general apostasy from Catholicism in the last days, which reduces the true Catholic Church to a remnant, is also foretold in prophecy.


The Protestant Churches are heretical because they reject many teachings of faith and morals delivered by Jesus Christ and taught in the Bible.  Please see our Refuting Protestantism from the Bible and Eastern "Orthodoxy" (audios and articles).  You should also get our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.




Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,


Wanted you to know how much all your enormous efforts are Appreciated on this holy Christmas Eve.  I was left speechless with goose bumps by those two videos on our Lady of Guadalupe.  Although I was aware of some of the scientific findings of the eyes, you brought a whole new respect for this wonderful gift from heaven.  Needless to say, I sent it to everyone I know telling them… to Please watch Those!


Through you, I have learned so Much about our Church and God that I was not aware of and feel Very Blessed to have found you. 


Thank you again for all you do and I pray we will find an even larger number of people waking up to reality in this coming year through your extremely important work. 


God Bless you all,


Carol D.




I've watched many of your videos now... I myself prefer the traditional latin mass and recognize that there are many negative things that have happened to the Church because of the novus ordo replacing it. But to say the new mass isnt valid or that no pope since vatican II has been a "true pope", poses issues. Like first and foremost, who decides which popes are true popes? You? Other sedevacantist groups? There have already been SEVERAL "popes" that have emerged from these groups and claimed to be the true pope. How do we determine which one is really the pope? What if we disagree? What assurances do we have?


All other arguments aside, there are just too many logical gaps in sedevacantist theories. The point of the papacy is so that the faithful can have a guaranteed assurance of christian truth. Otherwise we might as well both become Methodists or something.


While I am very fond of the tridentine mass and promote it as much as I can, groups like yours that call the Holy Father a heretic, are doing more damage to the faith than protestantism did.




MHFM: No, the only gap that is evident is in your “faith.”  You ask who decides who is the true pope.  The answer is that he is to be considered pope who is elected as the Bishop of Rome, unless there is undeniable evidence that he is a heretic or his election was invalid.  In Benedict XVI’s case, there is undeniable evidence that he is a heretic.  That conclusion is formed in the exact same way one can say with certainty that anti-Catholic Protestants who attack the Catholic Church are heretics.  It is formed in the same way that one can say with certainty that a man who publicly denies the divinity of Christ is not a Catholic.  The Church has always regarded as outside her communion people who obstinately depart from her teaching.  If one does not maintain that individuals who obstinately and publicly depart from Catholic teaching are outside the Church, it denies the unity of faith in the Church.


You have it backwards in your comments about people becoming Methodists.  If Benedict XVI is pope (which he is not, as sure as there is a God in Heaven), then it would be utterly meaningless and pointless for anyone to be Catholic.  You might as well become Methodist or “Orthodox.”  He consistently praises the leaders of these sects, especially the “Orthodox,” and teaches that non-Catholics who lead flocks into schism and heresy are venerable, leaders in the Church, etc.  He also participates in non-Christian religions (apostasy), denies just about every major dogma you could name, and repeats the heresies of Vatican II.  You really need to pray for the faith, for you don’t have it.  To look at all the heresies that Benedict XVI has taught and to not be convinced that he is a heretic is evidence that you don’t even believe in Jesus Christ.   After all, Benedict XVI wrote the preface for the book which says that the Jews’ wait for the Messiah is valid; yet you are not convinced that he is a heretic.  That’s amazing.


The New Mass is also invalid, according to Catholic teaching; but if you can’t even believe Benedict XVI is a heretic, then you certainly won’t have the faith to believe that Catholic teaching on the form of consecration means anything.


New Video


MHFM: For those it might interest, we have posted a new video discussion of why people should watch the episode below, from Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” show, on the 9/11 Pentagon attack conspiracy.


Our video discussion of the 9/11 Pentagon Conspiracy – and Jesse Ventura's video [new video]


The Pentagon attack conspiracy - Jesse Ventura "Conspiracy Theory" [video]




Dear Brothers:


Merry Christmas to brothers...


Recently the lie stirred-up by CNN and homosexuals people… Those CNN and gays and lesbians they don't read the Bible and they think they are supposedly be blessed by God, regardless of whatsoever sex orientation that they are practicing. Besides, they are getting too powerful now, because no one opposed them or rejected their way….


As long as the truth and the light shine through, the darkness cannot overshadow the earth… They, the gays and lesbians, took over, infiltrated the church, the government, the military, the school, the health care… We, the children of light, cannot sit back and let them take control over us. If we allowed that, then very soon there will be no more righteousness, if the sin of homosexuality is accepted then every other sins will be accepted too. If homosexuals are considered as normal then heterosexuals are abnormal. Thus, the whole order that God created was wrong. This is blasphemy, how long will God sustain this?


Merry Christmas, Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to the holy one.


Kim-Lan Vu





I watched your video tonight about the end of the world. You made a translation error. "O Seculo" was not an anti-catholic newspaper. And does not translate to "Secular" the word, "seculo" means century. I know this because I am Portuguese and my grandparents were at Fatima the day of Miracle of the Sun. The Consecration of Russia, was done by Pope John Paul II. Not Pius XII.

Otherwise, the video is very well done...




MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but you are not correct.  First, we never said the word "Seculo" meant something anti-Catholic.  We said the paper itself was anti-Catholic and Masonic.  That's a fact.  You should research it a little bit and you will find that O Seculo was the Portuguese daily newspaper published in Lisbon at the time, and it was avowedly anti-clerical.  As William Thomas Walsh, the author of the classic book on Our Lady of Fatima, says: “The Liberal and Masonic O Seculo of Lisboa published these and other details…” (p. 156) 

On the other topic, John Paul II was not even a pope. You need to realize that, and see our section on him.  He was a manifest heretic and apostate who rejected many Catholic dogmas.  He did not and could not have consecrated Russia.  It was done by Pius XII, as our videos discuss.  Please watch our videos on that issue:
Part 1; Part 2.




Subject: Pentagon Video




Excellent, EXCELLENT video on the Pentagon/911 fraud!  Understanding events within this evil world is utterly paramount to opening our true eyes to the abomination of desolation that surrounds us all.  That a battle (both spiritual and temporal) is engaged against mankind has never been more urgent for the Church Militant to contemplate than in this precarious time in history.  We should all strive ardently to study this Revolution lest it consumes us and leads us to Hell.  Indeed, we must understand our enemy (Satan and his minions) to the fullest extent that Grace allows us, both in the metaphysical and temporal sphere, in order to always be on guard against their wicked tricks and deception.  Your arduous work in this matter is as greatly appreciated as it is imperative.


May the Child Jesus, through the glorious intercession of Our Lady of Graces, bless you and your work this solemn Christmas, and even more so in the future.


In Iesu et Maria,






Dear Mhfm,

I watched the CNN video.  What garbage and complete lies. I got a funny feeling it has something to do with the video you put on youtube about that guy who got fired from CNN for saying Jews control the media. Maybe they were waiting for the right time to attack you guys. Jesus warned the good will be persecuted and were seeing that right now. This world is sick very sad times to live in. There’s news here in Ireland about making abortion legal because the beast (EU) says our ban on it is against human rights. A human right to kill an unborn child? What happened to the EU's "right to live". I know I’m far from a perfect person but all this evil is just getting to much. I’m going 17 soon everyone I grew up with their lives are based on fornicating and stuff like that it’s such a sad time to be alive. If it wasn't for your work I don't know if I would have any faith to live in these times.


Everyday I can look at your website and when I do I see hope and a reason to keep in the battle against these evils.  Anyway happy Christmas to you and a happy new year.

God Bless





Dear Brothers,


I have been reading at your website and listening to the video clips with interest. I was astonished to read what J.P. II was really saying.  I never picked up on it.  I suppose because I filtered it through my own naive innocence and heard only what I was used to hearing.  Or maybe chalked it up to a bad translation, which when you think about it is kind of stupid of me.  Surely the Vatican has excellent interpreters… No doubt the devil has many spokesmen.  It is all very sad to realize.  Thank you for the work you are doing.

Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas.


With thanks,

Deborah Canale


Waking up


Subject: Great Video on 9/11


Amazing video and great points, specifically the one about people waking up to the Political scheme, and then how they question their faith. Even I've done that!
I wish you would allow comments because I'd love to have some discussions




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Our point about people coming to the realization that they might be deceived on spiritual matters was in reference to non-Catholics, especially practical atheists and pagans who don’t believe in the existence of the Devil.  Of course, a traditional Catholic – i.e., one already in possession of the true faith – would not and should not be prompted to question the faith upon encountering shocking evidence of duplicity and conspiracy on the secular level.  Compelling information about the existence of carefully orchestrated evil, which brings about a massive deception on the Earth, falls precisely in line with the truth of Christian revelation: There is a spiritual battle, and God has given Satan great leeway to work his deceptions on the Earth. 


Apocalypse 12:9- “And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”


Merry Christmas


Dear brothers in Christ,

At this Christmas Eve I remember your good deeds… in promoting The Truth and The true Faith. May The Most Holy Family be always your helper and protector.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Hodie Christus natus est.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


Novus Ordo


Subject: Salad bars


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Now that there is a likelihood of "terrorists" attacking salad bars and suchlike in supermarkets/ malls, I should imagine that the N.O. presbyters will include such requests in their Prayers of the Faithful, as follows:


"Lord, we pray that you will give peace and justice to all, and that the terrorists in our midst do not plant hidden explosives in our salads!


Response: "Lettuce pray".


8 - D


God bless,






Subject: Car dealers already charging to prove you are not a terrorist


Dear Brothers, 


Remember the article that said that after the first of the year Car Dealers will ask you to prove that you are NOT a terrorist.   Well, I told my friend, who is looking for a new car, that she had better hurry up to buy a car BEFORE the first of 2011.  She told me that every dealer she went to now in Nov/Dec, had told her in her price evaluation for her new car, that she would be charged $250 to prove that she is not a Terrorist.  I told her that terrorists don't BUY cars, they STEAL them.  So the dealers have already started charging for this, and how are they going to do this?  All they are doing is charging US more money for something they are not doing.



MHFM: Wow, thanks for the e-mail.  That might mean that, if you’re on their list, you will not be able to purchase a car after January 1.  That’s why we had to post this video on the 9/11 Pentagon Conspiracy.  People need to wake up to false flag terror, and the fact that the “terror threat” is staged, before it’s too late.  If not, some people won’t be able to do anything. 


Turning Point



911 was definitely a turning point in these last days. It seems that the tyrants crimes are becoming more and more obvious in order to try and wake up and free those individuals that remain glued to the modern world views both secular and spiritually.

It's the same and if not worse than the days of Noe.  "As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen".  Every generation has had their tyrants, though it seems that this generation is filled with more tyrants because time is running out.   All the conspiracies in just the last 100 hundred years or so (Lincoln, The Federal Reserve, Kennedy, 911, etc.) just goes to show that evil does exist in this world.

To think that these tyrants are supposed to be paid public servants and to protect this country and its people. So many people still believe that their government is there to help them as they continue to rob the coffers and build and establish their man made Hell on earth, the pit that will eventual trap them all.

The only protection is within the ark of the true faith of the Traditional Catholic Church. Thank you MHFM…

God Bless you and have a Blessed Merry Christmas!
Tom Miles




Subject: 9/11 Conspiracy Pentagon Attack


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Excellent commentary by Bro. Peter on the 9/11 Pentagon attack as exposed by Jesse Ventura!


God bless,






Dear Brothers,


Jesse Ventura's video on the 9/11 Pentagon conspiracy is excellent. I enjoyed the part where he cornered the Pentagon official who was involved in putting together the official report - her pat answer was, "I have no idea." I also enjoyed the video he did on the Wall Street conspiracy. He managed to get some good inside information there too. It's amazing how the US government gives $23 trillion+ in bailouts, and yet hundreds of thousands of people die from abortion, cancer, heart disease, poor diet and hospital malpractice, etc. every year! Also, Wall Street funds the Pentagon, so war is good for business, and thus it's always in their hearts to keep some type of war going, or to create some reason to go to war if none really exist - thus 9/11! Also, over 1 million Iraqi citizens are believed to have died from the war in Iraq since 2003. So they give $23 trillion in bailouts, fund unjust and murderous wars, and neglect funding things that would prevent death, such as cancer research. It's also outrageous that Planned Parenthood gets $363 million to kill millions of babies. When over 2.4 million US citizens die every year, but the whole constitution is overturned by a fake terror event which murdered 3000, then one begins to see a pattern of government self-subversion. It's not terrorism, it's Hyp-orrism, because it's just media lies, spin, hype and slander from go to woe designed to keep people paralyzed by fear of the government, leading to a global socialistic police state! It all goes to show that the US government, and most western governments, are orchestrating a gargantuan plan to fund the death and murder of their own citizens - rather than funding life and life-saving research (though not vaccines!). It shows how uncharitable and dishonest the false traditionalists are who mock and ridicule the  conspiracy facts - their whole heretical "faith" is based on externals, and so to keep up appearances they are terrified of even thinking about what the world is truly like… I think MHFM, apart from being the only true Catholic source today, is also the best source of secular news as well….


God Bless and Merry Christmas,


Chris White




Hello Brothers:


Papal Audience-Media:  I tire of the Novus ordo people who will defend their "god", Benedict 16 saying he can't do anything wrong.  I showed my Novus Ordo brother the video of the acrobats.  He was quick to say it was not Benny's fault or that the video was altered.  No. Even the 33rd degree freemason Harry Truman said "The buck stops here"  Not with benny, it is always the media's fault or someone else.  I asked him do you think Pius X or even Pius Xii would have allowed acrobats, much less 1/2 naked ones at a papal audience?  No response from him or my NO mother who kept silent


CNN- I am not sure you know, but that Jane reporter from CNN is a lesbian herself.  It is outrageous that they say you encourage violence against homosexuals…


God bless you and Merry Christ's Mass. 




Respected Brothers,


When I started reading your materials seriously, the mp3 of “Death and the Journey into Hell” was the first audio file I had downloaded. It was in December of 2007. Difficult to say what these sick people have in mind, but God will see to it that you are not distracted by these liars.


And yes, I do pray the full 15-decade Rosary every day, am trying to make your materials (written information and video files) known to people in my own ways…


We pray for you.


Greetings from India.




Thanks to you and Merry Christmas for supplying the real news all year round. Also, thank you for helping me increase my faith for last two years. Couldn't have done it without your help. Keep up the good work

James McFillin




Dear Dimond Brothers,

     I saw the new video of the CNN report. Scary. How can these people think as they do? They completely dismiss the Catholic Faith, and proceed as if their pagan thinking is reality. They cannot understand that such things as a person being a sex pervert or having an operation to make them like the opposite gender is wrong. They deny completely the expressed will of God, as if it were simply make-believe. They look at your beautiful video about death and the journey to Hell as nothing but fluff.
     This is scary, but it is dangerous. It has the potential to move Catholics into compromising with what appears to be a greater power. The SSPX are guilty of this…    


This is the people (the world) who are attacking you in this video. They want to destroy you, as they want to get rid of all who oppose their new world vision of utopian living. They hate you. This is clear from watching the video...

    Thank you. Robert C. Gregory




Dear Brothers,


I would like to add my name to the list of folks who kindly request that you sue CNN/HLN for the lies told about you in that DMV story.


-Will Weigand






Was just wondering: are people becoming more open to sedevacantism and the fact that there are almost no valid bishops anymore?


Christine Ross


MHFM: The information we have circulated is reaching many people.  As greater numbers of “professing”-Catholics consult the irrefutable facts, it’s almost inevitable that more will come to the true position in that regard; for the alternative position (i.e., to maintain that Benedict XVI is a Catholic pope), when carefully considered, makes a mockery of any semblance of belief in the Papacy.  However, the number of heretics and bad-willed individuals will always dwarf the number of those who hold the true positions.  Moreover, coming to the correct position on Benedict XVI is not enough for a person to be saved or even to hold the Catholic faith.  One must hold all of Catholic teaching, including the salvation dogma.


There are some valid bishops out there; for even a heretic could be a valid bishop if properly ordained and consecrated.  However, the valid “traditionalist” bishops with whom most are familiar are unfortunately horrible heretics.  They believe in salvation outside the Church and other false doctrines.  But to your point, we do think that many are coming to the realization that the Novus Ordo hierarchy is invalid and that it does not represent the Catholic Church. 




Hi Brothers,


The article on the EU commission sending diaries to kids without Christmas on its calendar is outrageous. It's such an obvious ploy to brainwash the children into thinking Christmas is unnecessary or worse. However, the most alarming thing I thought was how at the very end of the article, without any further comment from the journalist, they quote the EU spokesman as saying that further editions will have absolutely no references to any religious holiday whatsoever - not that I'm saying non-Catholic religions should be promoted - but rather that the complaint was not about having too many religions in the diary; It was about not having Christian holidays in there. The correct solution is simply to put Christmas back in the calendar. However, the EU is simply following its New World Order protocols… everywhere one turns, society is trying to get rid of God and religion, but most especially the only true religion, the Catholic Church! It's outrageous!!!


The article on the "Christian" father who was held in solitary confinement for 70 days by the Muslims is outrageous too.  It shows how aggressive the Muslims really are, and that they aren't passive at all in fighting their Jihad. There are many stories like that where some westerner is abducted by Muslims and held indefinitely in the harshest of conditions without any chance of release. Their tactics are really no different from the way Israel is keeping the Palestinians captive in Gaza, only on a bigger scale.  Similar also to CNN saying that MHFM calls for gays to be put to death, for CNN clearly has a bigger audience, and yet behaves as if it has no responsibility to be honest in its journalism - no surprises there… like cowardly drunkards, they lie, distort and mislead so as to keep the money flowing in and to keep the gays happy (as if that were really possible!). What disgusting outrages!!! 


God Bless,


Chris White 


MHFM: The news articles on the Muslims’ persecution of anything that approaches Christianity are also interesting because of what the Vatican II antipopes have said in praise of Islam.  Besides the obvious rejection of Catholic teaching involved in those statements, the news stories remind people of the evil entailed in such praise. 




Dear Brothers:


People are blind to the fact that the reason the signs of Christmas are disappearing -- and are being outlawed -- is because those who imagine themselves to be "Christian" have lost the true Catholic Faith.  Sacred Scripture warns that a time will come when men will love the lie.  The lie it refers to is heresy; and the time it refers to is now.


The Kingship of Christ can be exercised in the world only through the true Catholic Church.  Since the true Church is in eclipse, Christ's Kingship is also eclipsed.


But Jesus Christ is the King and Lord of all creation.  That people have rejected this dogma (as they have rejected all of God's truth) is yet another sign to us that the hour is very late, that we are nearing the end of the Great Apostasy -- and fast approaching the dreadful day when Our Lord will come as Judge.


What fools men are when they imagine that they can put themselves in the place of God.  As your excellent videos show, Sacred Scripture is being fulfilled to the letter and the time for conversion is now.  I beg all of my family and friends to watch and read all of your videos and materials carefully, and not to procrastinate… 


Lee Ann




Subject: CNN lies


Dear Brothers:


I am not surprised at the horrible lies and threats aimed in your direction.  As repugnant as these things are, they are a sign that you are in fact having a major impact on people's lives and are effective in converting large numbers of people to the Faith… Thank you very much for all the valuable information on your videos and website.   I have seen most of your videos and at no time did you ever promote violence toward anyone.  What I have seen are condemnations of sinful behavior, which this world clearly hates but needs desperately.  It is unfortunate that more Catholics don't stand up to condemn clearly sinful behavior and remind people that God can and will send them to hell if they do not give up their sins.  One thing that becomes obvious after studying world history with my sons is that the widespread acceptance of homosexuality has  immediately preceded the destruction of every major civilization since the time of Noah and probably earlier as well.  Just a coincidence??  I doubt it.



Brenda R




Subject: Stunned


What stunned me most about the mendacious hate-mail/nasty-gram of "Doris" [wow do you have a law-suit against both "her" AND CNN, and I hope you DO go after them both!) was "her"? statement that "Catholics are "genetically inferior,  stupid,  and of peasant stock"!  So much for "tolerance"!  The liberals are just always wrong!  So the Truth comes out!  Just as Cain lusted in his evil darkened soul to do away with faithful Abel, so the seed of satan in jealous rage lashes out today against the Children of Mary..and yes,  these modernist Margaret Sangarite--filthy eugenicists of today--well,  as we can see,  the conflict of good against evil is the same as it was on Day One. The clash between the reprobates versus the Elect is peaking--evil still trying to steal back the crowns they lost in rebellion. Personally, I am proud to be of this Catholic "peasant stock" and heritage---though in reality,  anyone who know ANYTHING about Catholic history or history in general knows the exemplary distinction of all the TRUE Catholics on every level throughout time---but the best things about True Catholics has always been our: Faith.......

    Meanwhile,  I was sort of "cheering" in my heart when I saw the TRUTHS of Brother Michael's exemplary video being broadcast to hopefully millions or more people about the reality of hell… How ironic that in attempting (yet failing) to lie about MHFM, CNN just ended up using their own media outlets to further propagate the eternal truths of the Catholic Faith!  Reading between the lines of CNN's LIES, in this matter, hopefully many will now pursue the information available on the MHFM site… Goodness know no one in the freemasonic-infested V2 "church" is going to tell anyone any of those truths which could help them repent and find the straight and narrow path leading to heaven! 

    … all I can see in this "CNN LIES" incident is greater GLORY for God and his Mother and the ONLY True Church!  Just in time for Christ-mass, too:  may many a "Christmas Miracle" of powerful CONVERSION GRACES be brought about by "CNN's LIES".  Funny how the enemy ALWAYS manages to falls into the pit he had intended for others.  Thank you so much MHFM for getting ALL the truth out there and yes I am praying for you----and all your fine work!      






Subject: Death and the Journey Into Hell


Most Holy Family Monastery,

It was incredibly appalling to watch CNN’s smear campaign against your Monastery. The entire coverage was a deceitful and vicious hate-filled rant against God’s truth. Just look at the diabolical way they spun things! As you said, Death and the Journey Into Hell doesn’t even cover the topic of homosexuality. CNN demonstrates that it is willing to twist anything, present all the lies it can get away with (i.e. attributing words to you which you haven’t even said) etc. in order to keep people from waking up to the truly disgusting evils going on in the world.

God will surely punish such those more severely who have been given the opportunity to turn from their wicked lifestyles.


Death and the Journey Into Hell is a powerful DVD. I have seen it more than once and can attest to the fact that it is without a doubt a very sobering presentation of life, death and eternity. It was really disgusting to see the way in which CNN so completely distorted the DVD and lied about Most Holy Family Monastery. All of the forces of Hell are waging an all-out warfare in a desperate final attempt to drag as many souls down into the abyss with them before the final days are up.


Your website and your material are vital.

Thanks for everything.






Subject: CNN video comment



I did get to watch the CNN video and have read on your site about this situation… This transgendered man's speech in the CNN video also comes off like he's been well taught to use words and phrases intended to get the most out of a lawsuit. The lies are the worst to listen to, though. As another reader, Sylvestre, pointed out, CNN couldn't even play a part of the DVD which supposedly calls for death to "transgenders", gays or anyone because there is no such content.

Anyhow, I will pray for MHFM… This hideous evil that makes a man believe he is a woman and gives him the pride to alter his body. Also praying for the DMV worker to not come out of this with a brand new criminal record and most of all praying for God to allow the "transgendered" man some grace which will enlighten him to the state of his soul and send him to his knees in repentance.  As always, thank you MHFM for defending the faith left by Christ!

-Christina Kalix




Subject: CNN


Dear Brothers,


I watched the video of the trans-gender on CNN. What a farce! It only goes to show and prove how the mainstream media is controlled by evil people with money. What happens to a person’s soul after they die is not even on the radar screen with these people. They put all their eggs in the basket of the here and now and throw caution to the wind when it comes to the hereafter… you could sue them for lying about what is said about the Journey into Hell DVD. They don't see people being sent this as charity but as harassment. It would be great to see this station and all the other biased stations get what is coming to them. It is obvious that none of these newscasters are aware of the word of God that condemns these things or if they are, they put their paycheck ahead of responsibly reporting what is right and wrong.


God bless you and your efforts,


Bob Bohr




Subject: CNN video


Wow....that CNN video was completely obnoxious.  Tom's simile of a circus couldn't be more accurate. 

I think one of the comments that disgusted me the most was when the newsperson stated that "Amber" was very courageous.  I can't put into words how ridiculous that statement is.  I am sure he and his ambulance chasing attorney will make millions off of his "courage". 

I hope you press charges against the threats that have been made against you, and I hope that CNN retracts the lie with as much vehemence as they attacked.  I personally think their defamation of your character to the public is irreparable. 

I hope you know that you have our family's support and prayers - It's very sobering to think that we may not always have your brilliant work at our fingertips. 






What an evil act that Congress just overturned the Military ban on gays. Amazing how 65 people made the decision for millions of Americans and are getting away with it. America has its own NWO right in D.C. making all the decisions while America sleeps.  Maybe Walmart should be advised of all the communist terrorists working in D.C., although I'm sure they are all well aware.

God Bless,




I would like to second Joaquin's kind offer to help MHFM.


For starters, may I recommend that all of us send donations - and as much as possible - to MHFM so that they will have the means to distribute their DVD as widely as possible. 


Most of us know personally how powerful and life-changing that DVD is; now we're sure the devil knows it, too.


I found MHFM (they found me?) when I received a copy of that DVD in the mail.  Had it not been for that, I might never have found MHFM (and it makes me tremble to think of that).  I don't know the name of the person whose donation made that particular mailing possible, but God knows and I thank God for him (or her). 


Please God, may the donations we send help MHFM to gather in many, many more souls to the Sacred Heart of Our Merciful Redeemer.


Lee Ann




Dear brothers in Christ,

I watched the CNN video accusing you for things you didn't do and for words you didn't say. I'm not in the least surprised by CNN's lying; that's what they always do. The woman talking the news was especially evil in trying to be persuasive and, of course, in this world impregnated with evil, she had some success. The Devil's useful idiots are now making threats to you.  But, however unpleasant this is for you, and to each and every true Catholic in the world, there is one especially good sign in all this fuss--the Devil decided to attack you with blatant lies. Many times he tried to discourage you by engaging his various servants in having debates with you, and all of them were defeated. So, what he could do anymore? Well, he can count on his servants in Vatican, and their false pope, who are mocking our Lord and His Mother. In sacred places they are having fun with all abominations from the Hell. It is a very interesting coincidence that these days they enjoyed the performances of the acrobats who also performed at the Gay Circus. Well, the
CNN's "news" were also about homosexuals. The Novus Ordo "Catholics" couldn't get more evil way to hug with this evil world, and that's what they deserve.  I pray God, through the powerful intercession of The Most Holy Mother, The Queen of angels and saints, to obtain for you all the necessary strength to keep The Faith and upholding The Truth.     

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: CNN lie


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter

I am writing in support of your Monastery and to show solidarity with you at this horrible time when you have been attacked and smeared by CNN and also received threats.  I hope that the police will provide you with an assessment of any threats made and an appropriate level of security. I have seen your video Death and The Journey Into Hell and it is actually a very devotional movie which provides a meditation on Hell including the words of saints and other distinguished Fathers.

Your position on homosexuality reflects the traditional Catholic teaching and is the Truth, and is a courageous position inspired by charity and love for souls.  At no time have I ever read or heard anything from your Monastery which would incite physical or any other harm to homosexuals, and rightly so as Catholics abhor all violence and malice towards our neighbour.  May Our Lady place you under her special protection and long may you continue your very effective apostolate in saving souls and giving expression to the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church.

God Bless you





Subject: CNN


Dear Brothers,


As I watched the news clip from CNN, I burst out laughing at the stunning ignorance of the CNN commentator.  She quoted from the letter the "transgender" person had received from the DMV employee.  One of the quotes was, "homosexuality is an abomination that cries out for vengeance".  Of course this is a quote from the Bible which refers to God Himself taking vengeance on homosexuals.  But the commentator seemed to have no clue of this.  She seemed to have interpreted it as the DMV employee taking vengeance on the "transgender" person.  I laughed again when she referred to MHFM as a "fundamentalist church", stating that the DVD came from a "fundamentalist church".  What's also worth noting is she said that the DVD said that homosexuals should be put to death.  If this is true than why did they not play the portion of the DVD which says so?  Because it's not there!  Instead they played a very short portion of the video which makes absolutely no mention of homosexuality.  This serves to prove that people cannot rely on basically anything the major news networks report!  You and I and everyone else familiar with MHFM and traditional Catholicism know that it's a distorted lie, but everyone else will believe what the news media is reporting.  I personally don't waste time watching the major news networks.  I get my information from more reliable sources such as MHFM.






Subject: Hello


Brothers I'm Very glad i found your site. There is so much Evil out here it's almost unbelievable. Thank you for all your information. I am a traditional Catholic… There should be more people like the man in California (DMV), not the abomination. The one thing is we are outnumbered, and when i talk about the truth that i learned on you site, i get attacked by everyone on all sides even by my own family. They think i'm nuts or loony. But shame on them that they don't know the truth! The Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ upon St Peter (Mt. 16:18-20). If i can ever be of and help please let me know, and i will help.

Joaquin R.


Talk about




About that DVD on the news.  Wow, talk about deformation of character by them to spread that lie, there are laws against that. They need to retract that statement.  Have you contacted them about it?  You may also want to notify police in your area too to keep a watch out in your vicinity.  But all in all, it’s an attack by the devil since that DVD is the one that probably does most good.  It was that video that knocked me on my rear end and got me to convert.






Subject: Amazing


Dear Brothers,

I saw the CNN video.  It is just amazing how right is wrong and wrong is right now!! Talk about being taken out of context!!  And this 'diversity' thing is crazy!  Sin is wrong! And that DMV worker was just trying to make his point about sin!!  Your video says nothing about homosexuality!!  It covers ALL sin,  ALL 10 commandments. But in this evil modern world there is no sin, and therefore everyone is offended by US because we still believe in sin and hell and damnation and they don't.  But deep down, they know we are right and that there really is a GOD and they are very afraid!  You have to know that everyone of us is praying for you…

God bless you always!



Coming from


Subject: Back to Reality


Amazing how all the hate is actually coming from Doris ("the lowest form of filth on earth"), the lying media gal, the troubled trans-gender and his/her ambulance chasing attorney. All of them trying to make a mountain out of a mole-hill while making it sound like it's the first time they heard of "Hell". What a circus of freaks in a "C" rate movie!! Bad press is good press, and it's a shame that your good work had to appear in this "lime" light. The playing of the video of Hell to this particular evil public is actually good publicity in getting the message out there, that there still is a Hell and Hell is eternal. Doris should stop playing those evil "splinter cell" video games and get on board with the program of reality. Considering that he/she just very publicly threatened you at MHFM and his/her computer can be traced.

God Bless your work,
Tom Miles




Dear Bros Michael and Peter Dimond,


Incredible! The T.V. Jewish controlled media couldn't even get the title right!


"Death and The Journey To Hell" - really, now you can see how God punishes these people of bad will - they can't even read the title of the DVD correctly - unless they repent of their evil ways now, their punishment will become the eternal fires of Hell they so despise.


Story: I am dealing with a brother, at present, who mocks the MHFM and my Catholic faith as being "Obsessive"


He tells me to not be so dogmatic, and get this!  He then says, "David, forget about God for now.  Forget about the Catholic Church - and relax and enjoy yourself."… 

He, continuing, God is a loving god (small letters, because his god is NOT our God! )


And, this is a person who calls himself a "Catholic!" [of the N.O. /  Counterfeit church/Vatican II sect of the last days, of course! ]


When I quoted St. Paul about "working out your salvation with 'fear and trembling,' and "I fear that when preaching the gospel, I too might become a castaway." He just brushed "Paul" as a no hoper, and to be given little time - which reminded me rather of Martin Luther who considered the Epistles of James as being of straw!!!


Now, this guy, not surprisingly, having decided to 'forget about God' while he continues his sinful, heretical life....God on His part has accepted his request and returned the favor with interest, so that he can no longer distinguish between what the average person can work out for himself! as the TRUTH.


He believes in EVOLUTION!... He believes Global Warming is partly the fault of "humankind" ( as he put it ) ! CO2 needs to be reduced! 


He believes the Vatican was NOT taken over by the Freemasons in 1958, and is crawling with them right now! He believes the pedophile protecting/ condom promoting/ strip male homosexual dancing loving ( drooling) "pope" is a valid pope! Oh!  And I could go on much more....  This is a guy who has 'looked at' many of the DVDs including, NOTE "Death and The Journey Into Hell," which is a great DVD!


God bless






Subject: Charity


Brother Peter and Michael,

If Jane Valez-Mitchell was standing on train tracks and I started to scream and yell at her, telling her that a train was coming and you are going to get killed if you don't get off the tracks, would Jane feel threatened and fear for her life because I yelled and screamed at her???  Would she feel threatened by my charity towards her to try to save her life?  I thought a reporter was to give a fair and balanced report without implanting one's own emotion and personal view without any foundation as to the "alleged" incident, she acted like a raving lunatic, full of emotion and without an ounce of objectivity.  You could clearly see Jane was leading, baiting and egging this poor confused young man on and inciting the public into a frenzy.  Could Jane's actions be construed as trying to conjure up terrorism against the truth?   Should Jane be fired for using her place of employment for inciting the public?  If CNN could be civil and without emotion at all and only speak factually, this would be the ultimate debate, the brothers versus Lady Jane, it would be short and sweet!!!  To the guy at the DMV, hold your head up high and stand tall, in the end you will be proven right!!!...






Hi Brothers,


What a pathetic and dishonest spin CNN has produced about MHFM and the DVD. I think CNN could be sued for their libel. It's amazing how ignorance spreads lies and destruction. Maybe if CNN knew the difference between male and female then they might be able to tell the difference between saying homosexuals are evil and calling for their death, which you've never done. It shows how under the thin veil of politeness and niceties, so many people are desperate for any opportunity to destroy what's good. Keep up the good work, Brothers...


God Bless,






Subject: About the DMV debate


Dear Brothers:

I knew it was only a matter of time before the dark forces of the televised media came and tried to bamboozle all your good work. I saw the video link and this was absolute sensational/lying through their teeth "journalism"… It’s weird, how "Amber" went right along with it.  Something about her just seemed staged like a decoy to shed a deceptive and putrid light on God's truth.  I stand behind you 100% as do, I'm sure many followers.  This is ridiculous.  That man probably was just concerned for that person's salvation as any good Catholic that possesses a shred of charity would be.

In God's Truth,



MHFM: What’s so amazing about the lie they uttered is not only do we not say anywhere in any of our materials what they attribute to us, but the video they specifically mention, Death and the Journey Into Hell, doesn’t even cover the topic of homosexuality. 




Dear Brothers,


I am so sorry to hear about CNN's lie about you.  I will pray to St. Michael for protection tonight and always for you.  The evil that is lurking is unseen and forever afraid of how many souls you are trying to reach.  I have watched that video many times and it has humbled me to see sin in myself I have never seen before.  Your message about Hell is so important.  For anyone who cares about offending God and ending up in Hell forever should watch that video on a regular basis to remind themselves of how close we all are to the rim of Hell.


Yesterday I sent my family the Chippendale peep show at the Vatican.  One of my sister's asked to be taken off my email list.  She is a proud Novus Ordo member who I thought would be appalled, but she wasn't.  Some things continue to shock me even though they shouldn't.   As we enter the seven Holy Days before Advent, we must remember that God allows this evil for his purpose and gives strength to his followers.  May the Immaculate Heart of Mary bring in the Social Reign of Christ the King.   




MHFM receives physical threats


"Death and the Journey into Hell" was sent by a DMV lunatic to a transgender driver in Calif., and one of their cretins is threatening him/her with this video. Just so you understand, you ignorant creeps are the lowest form of filth on earth, and in fact you are the ones who will burn in hell forever. Are you just stupid, genetically inferior (like all peasant Catholics) or just pure evil? You should be VERY WORRIED about the chatter going on in blogs tonight that fight for tolerance: some splinter groups are zeroing in on your address and discussing some very bloody and destructive plans for your kind. I hope they do really painful damage to you all: you deserve it.




MHFM: (This comes after CNN’s lie.)  First, you are the liar and you don’t have your facts straight.  We don't call for the death of homosexuals, nor did our DVD.  CNN blatantly lied about us on national television.  We do condemn homosexuality as evil and an abomination that leads to Hell, but we do not call for or advocate violence or physical threats against homosexuals.  The DVD doesn't even mention homosexuals or homosexuality.  Further, we didn't even know about the letter that was sent to the "transgender" person until after it was sent.  You are wrong and your e-mail is a contradiction.  Your own words expose your stunning hypocrisy and illogic: in one and the same paragraph you speak of fighting for “tolerance” and your desire that people carry out “bloody and destructive plans” against us.  You are the one who is wicked and headed for Hell.


CNN blatantly lies about MHFM


MHFM: CNN covered the story of the transgender “woman” who was sent an MHFM DVD by a DMV worker.  In covering the story, CNN completely lied about MHFM and the video Death and the Journey Into Hell, stating that MHFM says homosexuals “must be put to death.”  This is completely untrue.  We do condemn homosexuality, of course, but we do not call for violence or physical threats against homosexuals.  It’s just amazing how they lie.  In fact, the Death and the Journey Into Hell DVD didn’t mention one thing about homosexuals. 


CNN lies blatantly about MHFM video on National Television






    On the night of Monday December 20th, (after midnight which will be actually be the wee hours on the 21st) at 2:40 am EST, the moon will start turning red and will be at its deepest red color at 3:17am EST which should last for about an hour or so after that due to the 'total lunar eclipse'.  These lunar eclipses known as 'blood moons' are trully a beautiful experience and sight to behold, so set your alarm & mark your calendar.  Everyone in North & South America will be able to see it grant it that its clear skies.  For those in different time zones:  CST subtract 1 hour from the times above, MST subtract 2, and PST subtract 3.




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video on the miraculous Image of Guadalupe.


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe [video]

Part 2 [video]




Dear MHFM, much more proof do people need in order to wake up and realize how wicked this Cabal of Evil (a.k.a. the Vatican II Church) really is?  The horror of it all is how through the process of osmosis the Idiot Sheep who adhere to these Satanists will keep blindly accepting this type of immorality and pawn it off as "pure and innocent entertainment!"   


May Our Lady continue to bless and protect you!






As usual Lee Ann's comments are incisive. To belong to the V2 does not entail 'active' participation or attendance in their services. Other 'faiths' accept Benny and Benny esteems them. V2 churches may be empty, but the totality of its membership that adhere to the tenets of the new religion and the maxim "to thine self be true," number in the billions. They are one lump; fashioned from the same kidney!

That I believe is what the "spiritual mark" is. That is why the multitude are drawn to error and falsehood rather than truth; they are drawn to man rather than God. It's incomprehensible: truly "the mystery of iniquity."

Mercury is used in gold refining to draw impurities from gold ore and bind it to itself (amalgam); when heat is applied, the amalgam burns off leaving pure gold. I believe that the Vatican II church functions in much the same way in these times of apostasy. It attracts by its very nature unholy things.

I thank God that I'm outta there!

Dear Lord, I pray for the Brothers and Sister(s) of the Most Holy Family Monastery…

I pray that you watch over them; guide them in everything that they do.

Continue to illumine their minds and increase their understanding; that they in turn may supply the knowledge that is sorely lacking in the remnant Church of the Last Days. Amen.

I've said this prayer with my Rosary for 3 years. MHFM, I can't thank you enough. God bless.



MHFM video on CNN


Dear Brothers:


You probably already know this, but I'll mention it just in case.  I was told that the yost business was on HLN last evening on their "News and Views" between 7 and 8. (No surprise there) and that they played a portion of Brother Michael's video on hell and displayed his name (although the person telling me this did not think they mentioned MHFM).


God Bless You.


Lee Ann


MHFM: No, we didn’t know that… thanks for the information.




MHFM: This is a great quote against heresy and heretics.


St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Chap. 26, 2, A.D. 185: “And the heretics, indeed, who bring strange fire to the altar of God – namely, strange doctrines – shall be burned up by the fire from heaven, as were Nadab and Abiud.  But such as rise in opposition to the truth, and exhort others against the Church of God, [shall] remain among those in hell, being swallowed up by an earthquake, even as those who were with Core, Dathan, and Abiron.”




[This e-mail contained a link to promotions of various proponents of the Vatican II Church]


Subject: become Catholic


Your website aint worth a dime! Neither is your "faith"!




MHFM: You don’t have any faith, and you are not a Catholic.  Hence, it’s not surprising that you think the promotion of Catholic teaching, and the denunciation of heresy, to be worth nothing.  You accept a manifest heretic (Benedict XVI) who denies the Papacy, accepts condom use, rejects the necessity of Protestants’ conversion, thinks the "Orthodox" hold office in the Church, and believes Jews can be saved, to name just a few of hundreds.  Any one of your favorite defenders of the Vatican II sect and Benedict XVI would be, or already has been, utterly demolished in a debate on the issue.  You are simply attracted to the lie, and you don't believe at all in Catholic dogma, especially the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  We continue to marvel at the almost never-ending supply of bad-willed and utterly wicked heretics who abound in “Catholic” circles; they claim to hold the Catholic faith, but actually don’t even believe in Jesus Christ.  Like you, they believe in nothing.  It’s truly a mystery of iniquity why people such as yourself even pretend to follow anything Catholic, since you don’t care at all about the accurate profession of historic Catholic truth; you believe that one who esteems Judaism, Islam, Protestantism, etc. can be in the Church (i.e., Benedict XVI).   Should you continue on your path, you will without any doubt be condemned to eternal hellfire and you will deserve every bit of it. 




Subject: Space Race probably decided by this!


Dear Brothers,


After watching the Plum Island video you recommended, I researched Operation Paperclip, which brought over to the USA, many Nazi scientists.  I came across this statement by another Operation Paperclip asset, von Braun, the rocket scientist, who was inside the Soviet Area of Germany and who defected to the West, with all of his crew.


After the surrender, von Braun spoke to the press: "We knew that we had created a new means of warfare, and the question as to what nation, to what victorious nation we were willing to entrust this brainchild of ours was a moral decision more than anything else. We wanted to see the world spared another conflict such as Germany had just been through, and we felt that only by surrendering such a weapon to people who are guided by the Bible could such an assurance to the world be best secured.”


It is obvious, to any honest observer, that the hand of God is behind all of human history!  Unfortunately, since we have no Pope, the world has no moral leader today!  If von Braun would have to decide today, he would probably go to the highest bidder!


Thank you!


Richard Cardet





Subject: Immediate Family




My wife, with whom I am still separated, has invited me to dinner at on Christmas Eve. I exchanged gifts last only with these two non-Catholics. Any other gifts to non-Catholics last year were MHFM materials.  Is it unlawful to exchange gifts with my immediate family and have dinner with them since I no longer reside with them?


I truly appreciate your help, as this is one of the last spiritual "loose ends" I need to address.




MHFM: A Catholic should not give a Christmas gift to a non-Catholic.  Sending the information that you did was a good thing to do, but one could send it at any time of the year.  A Catholic should just send it to the individual who needs to see it, rather than giving it formally as a Christmas gift; for that implies that the non-Catholic or the heretic celebrates the holiday.


With regard to the question of separation that you bring up, one should not have dinner on Christmas Eve with the estranged wife.  It’s our understanding that the reason for the separation involved serious matters of faith and Catholic living, including the upbringing of children, and that it wasn’t believed to be temporary in nature.  Hence, such a get-together could imply (just as the Christmas gift to a heretic does) that you are celebrating Christmas with the non-Catholic.  That being said, we are not saying that one could not have dinner with an estranged spouse if there is a possibility that the issue which caused the separation might be resolved and a possible reunion effected.  We are just saying that one shouldn’t have a Christmas get-together with a heretic.  Moreover, since in this case it appears that the reason for the dinner is not the hope of a potential reunion or a resolution of past difficulties, but simply a social celebration with the children, then it would especially be something to avoid at Christmas time.  We hope that answers your questions.




Guadalupe Video 2


It is unspeakable to think what horrors will befall the world despite our so-called modern advancements, especially after having been loved and favored among all of human history by the Blessed Virgin Mother of God through her true apparitions and receiving the gift of the tilma of Juan Diego.  Because of the great love and care she has for her children, who, in these end times have a terribly vicious enemy, she visited us to give us warnings and the spiritual help we need for the combat.  She showed us hell, eternal death, through the children of Fatima, and she showed us life, the way to eternal happiness with God her Son, through the True Catholic Church, and with her spiritual weapon, the Rosary, and by telling us to amend our lives and give up sin.  This Queen of the Universe gave proof of the power she has over all creation, as given to her by the Blessed Trinity, through her miracle of the sun which as you mention in your DVD’s has been well documented in newspapers with photographs and accounts by the 70,000 witnesses and Freemasons who were present.  The two roads are before us.  God allows evil that men may be proved, but this continual neglect and indifference on the greater part of mankind towards His Holy Mother will not go unpunished.  It makes one shudder.

Thank you for bringing to our attention the fading of the stars, sun and moon on the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe which has been slowly and steadily occurring over time, going almost unnoticed.  Unnoticed, because of the hundreds of years the tilma has been with us, but also because of the limited space of time we have on this earth that flies by as we live out our lives and so often take for granted.  Your astute observation is a great help and puts it into eternal perspective.  There it is, obvious once again; the sobering reality of the biblical truth that as this world is ending we too must prepare for our own death.  What matters most to God are eternal truths and our being with Him in heaven for all eternity.  The “Perfect and Perpetual Virgin Mother of God” as she called herself in her Guadalupe apparition, is one of those eternal truths that will last forever in heaven as shown on the tilma.  As beautiful and vital to our current existence the stars, the sun and the moon are, they will be no more.  What we will always need is the Light of the Almighty and the Love of this Holy Virgin Mother, whose beauty and virtues will never fade. The question then becomes what will we do to secure our eternal destiny, to gain heaven for ourselves and for others?

Hopefully newcomers to your website will ask themselves, maybe for the first time ever, “Why all this fuss over the Virgin Mary?”  Maybe, hopefully, many of them will admit that she truly has appeared on earth numerous times to tell us something important, and in her image of Guadalupe left behind tangible, yet heavenly evidence.  Maybe they will, at long last, stop believing the lies spread about this Lovely Lady through agents of the Devil, her enemy and ours, and let their hearts finally soften before it's too late.  Lord willing, through her unending graces, they will come to know how much, in the Holy Name of her Son Jesus Christ, she truly loves them and wishes them to become members of God’s heavenly family by means of the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church her Son established while He lived here on earth. 






I see ember days coming up on calendar but no idea how a catholic is supposed to observe it, what it means, if fasting is involved etc any suggestions?  thanks,  anne   


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  On those days you will see that there is a notice for “Day of Fast” because Ember Days are Days of Fast.  A Day of Fast is also necessarily a day of at least partial abstinence.  Something is a day of full abstinence (e.g., Friday) if it says “Abstinence.”  Therefore, if an Ember Day says “Day of Fast,” then it’s a Day of Fast and partial abstinence.  If it says “Day of Fast” and “Abstinence,” then it’s a Day of Fast and complete abstinence.  This is explained, along with the meaning of “Day of Fast,” “Abstinence,” etc. in our calendar guidelines section. 




Dear Brothers:

… I'd like to say that you're video on Our Lady of Guadalupe was fantastic.  It might be one of your best ones yet!  What a Miracle!  I couldn't believe in a painting from heaven it is almost alive and her eyes see like real human eyes.  As many people need to see this as possible. 




Subject: Greetings and Congratulations for your videos



I am a christian catholic and I've seen your documentaries about the Vatican 2° Council. I can say that you are right. This council has been largely a freemasonic conspiracy in which freemasonic powers infiltrated the Church.  I have a question: in such a situation is it not recommendable to go to the mass ? I mean once I know that the Church is apostate, how can I get a true mass ? It seems to be impossible. How can I continue to be catholic without going to mass which, you demonstrated to be heretic and apostate?

Thank you very much,
bye Andrew.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Your question is similar to the question answered in the E-Exchange just below this one.  Please read that response, as it applies to your question. 




Hi, I watched your other videos about the heretic statements of Vatican 2 council.  You are right.  But what should I as catholic do in such a situation ? Should I go to mass or not? That is an important question.

Thanks and God bless you.




MHFM: You should not go to the New Mass.  It’s not valid and it’s not Catholic.  It must be avoided under pain of mortal sin.  Before receiving traditional sacraments, one must be convinced of all issues of the faith.  One also needs to make a traditional profession of faith.  Once a person is convinced, there are some options for receiving traditional sacraments from certain validly ordained priests.  Since essentially all of those priests are heretical, however, one must not agree with or support them.  All of the relevant questions and principles on this issue are covered in this file, Where to go to Mass or confession today?, and we can give more specific assistance to people once they are in agreement on all the issues of faith.  But the first thing people need to realize is that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. 




Subject: nice research


Man that mark of the beast vid really came together at the end when u were talking about benedict coming out to be the evil number. nice vid....




Subject: Guadalupe Video


BEAUTIFUL VIDEO!!  Details are fantastic and so well explained!  I have been to Mexico City many times and have seen the tilma of Our Lady!  It IS breathtaking every time I had seen it!  God bless you.  Hope you make some more like this one!






I'd like to commend you on your recent video on the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Very nicely done. During the video I kept noticing what appeared to be the horns of the beast that she was standing on or crushing. Though, towards the end of the second video, you make it clear that the image to be that of the moon, while representing their false Gods at that time in history. Interesting that the image is also in the shape of the "Crescent Moon".

God Bless MHFM,
Tom Miles




Subject: water poison videos


Hi Brothers,

Thank you for posting the Jesse Ventura videos on the water conspiracy.  I switched to bottle water about 6 months ago so as to avoid the fluoride in the tap water, and I was thinking of going back to the tap water after seeing that, given that anything could be in the bottled water, but then I found some information on what's in my local water supply which is very alarming! In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), they put 1500 ug/L (1.5mg) of 1,2 dichlorobenzene in the water supply. Dichlorobenzene is derived from benzene which is a known carcinogen and absolute zero exposure to it is recommended. Benzene is flammable, is found in cigarettes, petrol, glues, industrial wastes, etc. 1,2 dichlorobenzene has similar effects on humans as 1,4 dichlorobenzene, which is damage to liver, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, and can cause anemia. The USEPA sets a maximum level of 0.6 mg/L, whereas the WHO sets it at 1mg/L. The water in my area contains 1500ug/L (=1.5mg/L), which is almost three times what the USEPA standards are, and 50% more than even the diabolical WHO standards are. Also, there is 1.5 mg/L of flouride in the water, whereas the USEPA allows 4 ug/L (4ppm), which means that the water in my city contains 375 times more than what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency allows, and which is too much as well!!! Robert H. Dreisbach PhD, author of "Fluorine,
Hydrogen Fluoride & Derivatives," states that a lethal dose of fluoride is about 28mg per kilo of body mass. Added to this is that fluoride builds up in the body because adults only about half of the fluoride consumed passes through the body, and even more is retained by children, diabetics, and those with kidney problems. So, assuming a person were to drink 8 x 240mL glasses of ACT water a day (which the dietitians recommend), an ACT adult would acquire 1.44 grams of fluoride in their body (if half is retained) each day!!! Which means that it would take about a month to retain a lethal dose of fluoride in one's body assuming at least 1mg is retained by the body each day (for it can only pass out
of the body by drinking - water!) - that's not water, it's poison!!! Even if death is not the result, the list of symptoms for fluoride poisoning could fill volumes and include allergies, anemia, autism, convulsions, epilepsy, heart failure, infertility, Parkinson's disease, stillbirths, and numerous cancers. Also the WHO keeps silent about fluoride because they know how dangerous it is. At least the water can be used for baptisms! What outrageous abuses of power and authority!!! Australia's rights are being trampled on constantly. Thank you for the videos.

God Bless,

Chris White




Dear Mhfm, 


I would imagine the Modernists in Rome are watching your site with interest, but being they are in control of the world merely chuckle at your historic attack of their ill will.  However, the Lion in the womb is coming and unsuspectingly will devour without remorse the evil spawned in modern Rome.  We traditionalists have our Blessed Mother, and thank God we have your ministry open to the world to see truth coming from our Blessed Mother.  The Fatima miracle with the falling of the sun to earth was just the prelude to the end.  A warning the modern Church has scorned.  Personally, I don't.  My ark is in my pocket or very close by, in my heart.  Thank you MHFM and have a Blessed Christ(mass).






Dear MHFM,

I listened carefully your video on the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  OUTSTANDING JOB!  It's a shame that even after seeing the unexplainable scientific evidence, there are still many non-Catholics that do not wish to convert.  It reminds me of that parable of the rich man and Lazarus where Abraham says to the damned rich man:

Lk.16:31 "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead."

… Thanks for the great research you dedicate.  God bless you.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,
ruega por nosostros




Subject: Our Lady of Guadalupe


What an incredible video, God is amazing in His detail, I wanted to comment on the part when Brother Peter talks about the stars on Our Lady's mantle, in particular the constellation of Leo which lay over Our Lady's womb, would be another amazing proof that Mary is the Living Ark of the Covenant!  Out of the greatest evils, God brings the greatest good!   






Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


It appears in this latest well researched fascinating documentary on Guadalupe, more and more like a heavenly - sent "never ending story", one that "just" would do well to ponder upon , if perhaps, only for the time it would take for him of her to "wish upon upon one of the stars on that heavenly gown, Our Lady wore in her appearance at Guadalupe 500 years ago - that she might condescend to give him the 'light of faith, found only in the One, and only one, True Church, he obviously does not belong to at present!


God bless,






Subject: Guadalupe Comment


Dear MHFM,


I just want to commend you for making yet another astounding and important video… It is also very sad to observe how Protestants (modern day Nestorians) revile the Mother of God and condemn the true apparitions (Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima...) as demonic in origin and accuse the Catholic Church of worshiping devils. They seek to rebuild the old Jewish temple and to find the Ark of the Old Covenant while totally disregarding The New Temple, Jesus Christ and His Church, and Virgin Mary who bore the Living Word of God and is thus the Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant.


Again, a superb video...


May God bless MHFM, 


V. from Croatia




Subject: Great Videos


diggin the quadalupe video...




Our Lady


Subject: Our Lady


I want to thank you for… this video… this one is very Special...






I wish you and your hate mongering church would go away. What good acts are you perpetrating in the name of the lord? None. You are lecherous cancer on society.




MHFM: You obviously think that defending Catholic teaching and contradicting heresy is “hate-mongering.”  In the process, you condemn the Catholic Church of history and the true popes, as well as the Scriptures (e.g., 2 John 1:10).  You are a spiritual cancer on society.  It is heretics like you, with your distortion of charity and your unbelief, who have perpetuated a climate of moral and religious indifferentism, enabling a torrent of hellish evil to be unleashed in the world.  A faithless critic of Catholic teaching would of course not be able to recognize true charity (Hebrews 11:6) or an act that is done in the Lord.




Subject: Two Cities


Dear Brothers:


To Novus Ordo "catholics",  the "church" seems to be shrinking with each parish and university closing.  But, in fact, the V2 church is huge.


To belong to the counterfeit church, it isn't necessary to be registered there; nor is it even necessary to attend its "services".  All men who do not hold the true Catholic Faith (i.e., Jews, pagans, schismatics and heretics of all stripes) already belong to it (even though most would adamantly deny it). What a punishment for liberal "Catholics" who are indifferent to truth and have rejected it.  And what an irony for "protestantism" proper - that cult of pride - whose only unifying creed is hatred of dogmas (which are Christ's teachings) and hatred of the Catholic Church (which is the only church Christ founded).  If the world claiming to be "Christian" does not want dogmas, why would it need or deserve a true pope?  It wouldn't and it doesn't.


Christ's true Church is "catholic" which means "universal"; all men and all nations are called to her…  So Satan, who is the ape of God, must also have his "universal church".  Thus - "ecumenism", "baptism of desire", "same God", "brethren in the faith" and all the other rot that goes along with it.  Not to mention, Satan's own antipopes and anti-priests.


The key difference in membership is, of course, that men must desire and accept truth, and must knowingly belong to Christ's Church.  Satan gets his members by default and lies.


Those who disdain truth love the illusion of "diversity", but as St. Augustine reminds us, there are only two cities:  the city of God, and the city of man.  The true Catholic Church of Christ which Our Lady at La Salette told us would be in eclipse... or the demonic church of Antichrist, the endtimes counterfeit Catholic Church and the whore of Babylon...


Lee Ann




Subject: Maronite Monk


Hello Brothers

I read an entry in a magazine recently about the Maronite Monk Charbel. I thought it was interesting to read that his body stayed perfectly preserved for so many years after his death in 1898, but then succumbed to the laws of nature during the reign of the Antipopes(certainly by the time of Paul VI). Coincidence?





Hello there I'm writing you this because as a catholic I feel lost! I wonder why I step into church and get nothing. Why are the priests not giving sermons on the filth and sickness out there?... No wonder the family life is falling apart. Why aren't the priests addressing this in their sermons? How about the ten laws that god gave Moses, society has become numb to the filth and garbage we turn the other cheek. When did women decide that being a whore is ok? Do people even know that on judgement day that they will have to answer for their sins, maybe they don't care. It’s sad to think how many will perish if they don't repent. I know I'm not perfect but I would like to think that with god's good grace that I can stay on the path of light. Why doesn't anyone ever say anything? I mean I had a priest tell me that men will be men what the heck is that? No wrong!!!!! I don’t understand why no one ever condemns adultery the just go oh well… What’s the reason behind the lack of getting to the point of today's problems? Shouldn't priests help there flock and offer advice on how to get through the day, stay pure, modest, kind, helpful?




MHFM: The reason you probably feel lost when you step into a church is because you are not going to a Catholic Mass, but the New Mass.  Please consult the material on our site which shows that the New Mass is not even valid and that the Vatican II sect is not Catholic.  The “priests” don’t say anything about the mortal sins of our day because they aren’t Catholic and they can’t offend man.  For that reason, they can’t condemn anyone by declaring that he or she is on the road to Hell for a certain action or sin.  Even if we put aside the heresies of those “priests,” their wholesale failure to condemn the basic mortal sins of our day by itself demonstrates that they aren’t Catholic; for they lack the holiness which is a mark of the true Church.  You need to get out of the Vatican II “Church” and the New Mass.  If you pray the Rosary each day, do spiritual reading and become convinced of the traditional Catholic faith, you will find therein the graces and guidance to do what you are aspiring to do spiritually: i.e., what people must do to be saved.




Subject: Woman Lay Minister


A few years ago we gave your material to our son-in-law's wealthy mother who has bought her front row seat in the V-2 Counter Church with her constant financial contributions.  She also just happens to be a lay minister.  My daughter told me shortly afterwards what reaction she gave to your materials after having had the opportunity to view them at home.  She said, "I'm happy with my church." 




Hi Bro Peter Dimond,

I've recently been viewing your video series on "Is the World going to end?"  I have found them to be fascinating to say the least.  I almost can't get enough of them…

I'd like to know what your criterias are for a "saved" person.  I am currently going over your series "Debate:  Is Benedict XVI the Pope ?"  It seems like that you believe, and I may have not heard correctly, that one who believes that he is "saved" by justification alone is NOT saved.  Am I correct in that assessment?  Does one need to be a Catholic in order to be "saved"?  Also, what is a "Catholic"? 

That last question is not meant to be taken or interpreted as a slam.  I am a Christian, a Protestant, if you will.  I think I know what a Catholic is based on what the Vatican teaches.  Since you do not view them as the final authority or even the proper authority on Catholicism, then I wanted to ask you "What is a Catholic?" 

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

God Bless you and your ministry,


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Operating under the impression that all who truly believe in Jesus are assured of salvation, many Protestants have concluded that they are “saved.”  To put it another way, they believe in justification by faith alone and eternal security.  This is a very popular but completely false belief.  We have a detailed refutation of it in this file: Justification by Faith Alone and Eternal Security completely refuted by the Bible.  Even if you just scroll through the file, you will see the vast amount of scriptural evidence that directly contradicts justification by faith alone and eternal security.  The file comes from our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  We encourage you to obtain the full book.  We also had a debate on the topic of justification by faith alone and eternal security.  If the information covered in the debate is considered sincerely, we think you will find that it demonstrates the truth of the Catholic position on justification, and the falsity of the Protestant position:  Debate on Justification by faith alone and eternal security [Oct. 2009, description plus audio and videos here]


That means that, yes, we are saying that those Protestants who believe they are “saved” are in fact not saved and not even Christians.  They have adopted a heresy that is not supported by the Gospel; in fact, it’s a heresy that was invented by people who separated from the Catholic Church in the 16th century.  They would need to convert to the Catholic faith to be saved, for there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.  That’s because the Catholic faith is the only original and biblical faith.  In other words, it’s the only Christian faith.  Protestantism is not true Christianity. 


To your other question, a Catholic is a person who has the universal Christian faith and belongs to the universal Christian Church.  The historical Catholic Church – the Church that acknowledged popes in Rome going all the way back to St. Peter – is that Church.  It alone traces back to the Apostles; it alone teaches the truth about Scripture and Apostolic Tradition.  In our day, however, the authorities which purport to be Catholic are in fact not Catholic.  They have defected from the Catholic faith of all times.  As a result, they do not represent the Catholic Church, even though they claim to do so.  That’s also covered in our material.  It explains why to be a true Catholic, one must be a traditional Catholic.  One must not be a Vatican II “Catholic,” which actually means to be a heretical modernist.  We are encouraged by your interest in these matters, and we hope that you carefully consult the aforementioned material. 


Lay Ministers


MHFM: A few days ago we posted the quote about how, in the aftermath of Vatican II, a new laicized and Protestant-style “Church” was being formed.  Here’s another interesting quote on that topic, concerning the proliferation of lay ministers in the Counter Church.


“Encouraged in part by the example of the growing ranks of lay people with official roles in parish churches – the number of lay ministers had surpassed the number of priests in the country by the mid-1990s – the laity seemed determined to make the real assertion that they were the church.” (James M. O’Toole, The Faithful – A History of Catholics in America, p. 269)


Working on


MHFM: We hope to have some new videos to post soon.  We will also be addressing the arguments and criticism of another heretic.  We will be responding with a refutation and a challenge.




Brother Michael,


I just forwarded an email to you regarding an old baptismal font currently being used as a planter.This is in the Albany NY area, the reply from the chancery office seems inadequate at best.  Please comment on the improper use of sacramentals and/or their disposal.                    


Thank You John Mills




Why does the pope flash masonic gang sign and then all priests and preacher ignore it. I was born in the LDS hospital in salt lake city and i see the same problems with the pope that is see with Mormon swindlers. I am not trying to be mean. Its non-fiction. God would not want you to ignore the sighs.




MHFM: He does things like that because he’s evil and he’s not the pope.  The Catholic Church teaches that a heretic (which Benedict XVI is) cannot be a true pope.  You need to look at our material which shows that he’s an antipope.  His teachings are contrary to what all the true popes taught.  He doesn’t represent the Catholic Church.  You also need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.




Dear Sir(s)

Thank you for taking the time to read this for it is extremely important for my salvation. I am in the Algarve, Portugal and have just discovered with God's inspiration, that I have been following the heresy and apostasy of Vatican II all my life (I was born in 1966). For a long time I was aware that there was something dreadfully wrong, but could not fit the pieces of the puzzle together. This has changed dramatically these last few days.

There has been a quickening, a powerful inspiration from God, that has struck me out of the blue and awakened me from my sin, apathy and lack of hope in the horror that I once thought was the true Catholic church. The lateness of the hour in which I have made these discoveries, only serves to add strength to my belief, that I have been given a final opportunity to attain the true faith necessary for salvation and that I must embrace it quickly, firmly and without hesitation…

Your site is one of the ones that helps expose the treachery and the sham of the novus ordo* and I have thought that perhaps you may be able to shed light on who I may be able to contact here in Portugal or close to Portugal. I would be eternally grateful if you can help me find what I seek. I know that you normally do not answer every request for correspondence but I entreat you to do so in my case, because not only will you help dispel the darkness that encircles me but you will aid greatly in my salvation and perhaps the salvation of those in my immediate family. This I believe will earn you merit in the eyes of the Lord and entreat his merciful blessings on you and the work you are doing.

Thank you once more for taking the time to read this and I hope you can help me.

You brother in the TRUE faith of Christ



MHFM: Paul, thanks for the interest.  One of the misconceptions people have today is they think that they must find a fully Catholic priest to follow.  Feeling that need, many latch on to various groups that have priests to offer the traditional Mass.  Unfortunately, people then sometimes follow those priests in their false teachings (especially with regard to salvation outside the Church and NFP).  The fact is that, in our day, basically all of the traditionalist priests are heretics.  Basically all of them believe that members of any religion can be saved, which is heresy.  They also usually accept the sinful birth control practice, NFP.  That means that you should be looking for an acceptable option where you may receive sacraments, not necessarily for a priest who is 100% Catholic and from whom one can seek guidance and direction.  In this situation, you would therefore only be going to a priest for your own benefit in terms of receiving valid sacraments; for you will not find a fully Catholic priest in your area.  Our file on Where to go to Mass explains this situation.  Also, one must be convinced on all issues of the faith; rejecting the New Mass and the Vatican II sect is not enough.  One must also reject salvation outside the Church, “baptism of desire,” NFP, etc., as our material shows.  Basically all of the other “traditionalist” groups accept these false teachings. 


New Video Posted


MHFM: For those it might interest, this is a new video.  It concerns an e-mailed we received, and some related thoughts: 


Examples of Bad Will on Vatican II and more [video]


Quick Question


Most Holy Family Monastery,


Is praying the Rosary faithfully each day and avoiding sin, along with making an act of true contrition sufficient for obtaining the graces of God and restoring those to Him who have separated themselves by sin? In other words, is this sufficient for a person in the absence of a legitimate priest to confess to? I know you sometimes advise people to call your monastery, but sometimes the nearest place is too far for someone who has no means to travel there. Your input of of great importance. Thank you for being the only place which does not compromise the truth.




MHFM: If you are asking if it’s possible for a person to ever be restored to the state of grace without confession, the answer is that it’s possible.  The Church teaches that if a baptized person has perfect contrition and a desire to confess, he or she could be restored to justification prior to the reception of sacramental absolution.  However, that’s not something to be relied on, especially for those people who are in mortal sin.  They need to go to confession; and, despite the apostasy (as well as the utterly false claims of radical schismatics), there are options for confession: for example, from certain old Novus Ordo priests or Eastern Rite priests ordained in the Eastern Rite and some others.  Our file on Where to go to Mass covers this issue. 




Dear Brothers Dimond,


I am in need of your help as to how I am going to be able to find a truly ordained priest to hear my confession.  Most of the priest in my area are young and so probably were not ordained before Vatican 2.


The priest I have went to over the years for confession have said the right words though, as far as absolving me they said, in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, ( they said Holy Spirit instead of Holy Ghost).  By saying those words of absolving me did that make it valid?  


Am in my senior citizen years now and very frightened that all the sins I have committed over the years may not have been truly forgiven.  Is there any way you can help me with this?   Also do you know of any churches in my area that say the true Latin Mass? 


Love your web-site and so very grateful that the Lord directed me to finding it, and finally woke me up to my ignorance.


God bless you,




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It wouldn’t invalidate a confession if a priest said “Holy Spirit” instead of “Holy Ghost.”  The problem, however, is that the “priests” you seem to be referring to were perhaps ordained in the new rite of ordination.  That would make those confessions invalid, and grave sins confessed to them would have to be re-confessed to a valid priest.  That’s covered in this file, as well as your other questions on the reception of sacraments: Where to go to Mass or confession today?






Is it true that the Jesus baptised the Just in Limbo? I don't believe I have ever heard this before.






MHFM: That’s addressed in this video: The Good Thief, the Old Testament Saints and the Necessity of Baptism


Came Across


I came across your web site that said to… For what it is worth...I thought that maybe my story could be of use on some level.

My name is Joe, I was born in 1952.  Attended a Catholic school… for the first 6 years of my education.  I remained Catholic until I was about 21 then had a "born again experience."  I still "remained" Catholic and got married in the church to a Catholic woman.  But, the born again experience raised too many questions as to why the true message of Jesus was blurred within my Catholic experience.

I can remember my aunt was not happy with the changes of V2.  In fact she continued to fast on Fridays thru out the year.  She fasted 3 hours before communion and there were other things that she was unhappy with like not having the Latin Mass.  She seemed to be in rebellion.

The years passed. My work took me all over the country, I never reconnected with the Catholic Church and never really felt comfortable in other churches I attended from time to time.  I had a son back in 1989.  As he grew I thought maybe it was time to get re-involved.  We went to a Catholic Church in Bay Village, Ohio and attend a function "in the Church" and they were playing, what I thought to be strange music, specifically Elton Johns, "Circle of Life."  I thought...wait a minute, this song is from a Disney movie The Lion King and besides isn't Elton John an infamous homosexual?   I probably would not have considered the Gay aspect as I was in the media, but, having a son changed my awareness level in a protective sort of way.  I left that church and never went back.

Fast forwarding 20 years, my son has grown and I have recently felt a calling to return to the Catholic Church once again.  I have been doing some research on the Internet.  After coming across your web site I am more confused than ever.  BUT, the one thing that gets my attention is that your web site could explain and bring some understanding as to why my aunt reacted the way she did which I was totally oblivious to.

So the question is: where does someone like myself go from here?

Thanks for listening     


Joe Reilly


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  What you should do is begin to pray the Rosary each day, preferably more than five decades.  You should continue to look at the material on our website, and you should get our larger special package with the books and DVDs.  As you continue to look at the information and pray, you need to become convinced of the Catholic faith and all its dogmas, as well as the fact that the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.  When convinced, follow the brief and easy steps for those leaving the Novus Ordo, which include making a traditional profession of faith.  After that, please contact us and we can direct you concerning where to make a good confession.  It’s critical that you pray the Rosary and show a deep interest in the teachings of the Catholic faith.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Hi Brothers,
The video madness of a lost society is very sad. It's a small prelude to the frenzy the whole world is likely to be in right towards then end - total consent to sin. It's evil, outrageous and shocking!

Great to see New Jersy opposing TSA abuse and scanning. Let's hope the other states follow suit!
The outrageous abuse of the Swedish family by their government separating them is shocking. I am worried that the EU court of human rights will take the angle that the child has just as many rights as the parents, and therefore should not be dperived of such "wonderful" things as poisoned vaccines, public propaganda education, and unnecessary dental treatment. The EU court is certainly not about justice, but rather about maintaining their false power.
The article on the 90yr old Helen Thomas losing the diversity award named after her and her front row seat in the White House briefing room, etc. for her "anti-semitic" (anti-zionist, actually) remarks is another example of the disgusting, disgraceful and outrageous pandering to Zionist Jews by Western governments and other authorities. The only thing I can see wrong with such "diversity" is the acceptance of evils like homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, and false flag terrorism. They don't have any respect for her age, let alone the truth of her remarks. How true that the aggressive silencing of her is proof that what she said is true - especially when one considers that they supposedly believe in free speech! There is no more blatant compromise for cash and false power than can be seen by such cowards. As usual, the clear contradiction is that they sing and dance about freedom of speech, yet when it comes to saying ANYTHING againts the Jews, whether for religious, commercial or political reasons, they condemn, fine and imprison with guided missile "bunker buster" speed and accuracy!!! It's truly sickening!!!...
The homeland security shutting down of websites is, in my opinion, their way of establishing judicial precedents for further more unjust silencing of critics, such as "conspiracy theorrorists." They seem to like to establish some kind of historical basis for their end-game plans so that when people start really fighting and opposing them, they can just say to the judge, "see, we've been doing this for years." For instance, they don't go after the porn websites, which lead into snuff films and other more evil things. Instead they go for...rap music pirates. Pathetic! It's a very bad sign…

 God Bless,


V-II Fruits


MHFM: This is a quote on the period following Vatican II.  With the promulgation of the heretical Vatican II documents and the creation of the Counter Church, a revolution against traditional Catholic hierarchical concepts ensued.  Along with countless other evils and examples of heresy, a laicized and Protestant-style “Church” was becoming the norm.  This quote is just one somewhat interesting anecdote of how it was being played out on the local level.  Obviously many other examples could be given.


“During one demonstration by a largely Irish-American Catholic crowd opposing school busing in Boston in 1974, a parade of women marched past their local parish church.  They were loudly praying the rosary, imploring the Virgin Mary’s help to reverse a court order that the city’s public schools be desegregated.  When one of the priests, gathered on the church steps, told them they should not be praying for such a thing, they taunted him.  ‘See,’ they shouted back, ‘we don’t need you anymore.  We deal with God directly.’  This was not the kind of ‘dealing with God directly’ that the bishops of the council [Vatican II] had had in mind, but the door once opened proved hard to shut.” (James M. O’Toole, The Faithful – A History of Catholics in America, p. 260)



Subject: TV Issue


I would like first to congratulate you on the massive amount of information you are posting on your website lately, it´s clear that by these terrible news we see everyday a clear sign of the end of times approaching, as if the powers of hell get more and more furious.  I´d just like to quote a case that became notorious here in Brazil, but i´ve not found links to English speaking news reporting it (the only one was

Well, to sum it up, Datena has a TV police program, that reports crimes and other police subjects. In view of the amazing numbers of murders, children molestation, rapes, etc. that are reported daily in our news, he stated in a program that it all happened because "people are Godless, as there is no other explanation for such evil!!"

Well, guess what? An association of ATHEISTS complained about this quotation in the Brazilian Courts, and the judges ordered Datena to publicly reiterate what he have said, to apologize to the "offended atheists", in a clear sign of violation of a person´s freedom of speech and religious morals.

Good work on exposing the possible fraud of the Wikileaks, and most important of all, of presenting the true faith.



Empty Flemish churches


Subject: New Research shows that by 2016 Vatican II Flemish churches will be completely empty


'Als we de gegevens van de voorbije decennia op een rijtje zetten, zien we een zeer gelijkmatige afname van de zondagsmis', zegt Hooghe. 'Je kunt bijna perfect voorspellen dat er jaarlijks ongeveer 0,8 procent minder kerkgangers zullen zijn.' Met andere woorden, als deze trend doorzet, blijven de kerken in 2016 op zondag leeg.

"As we compare the data on past decades we see that clearly decrease of Sunday mass attendance", says Hooghe (politologue, "Catholic" University of Leuven). "You can be almost absolutely sure, that each year the attendance will drop by around 0.8 %". In other words, if it will continue like this, by 2016 the churches will be completely empty on Sundays.






Dear Brothers:


Todd's very insightful remark prompts me to comment on something I am reminded of daily:  protestantism (i.e., any false Christianity including false "Catholicism") is, in belief, simply a variant of Judaism.  In practice, false "Christianity" is Judaism's Useful Idiot Branch. 


When the Rabbi in Jerusalem stated that the purpose of "gentiles" is to serve the Jews (not God), he was simply stating an age-old agenda -- and the reason for the rejection of the Redeemer two thousand years ago.


The Rabbi was also giving us a concise description of life in the Apostasy, but having rejected the true Faith  most "Christians" are blind to this.  Like the Jews they follow, they all imagine they can have Redemption and Salvation -- and the right order and benefits of Christendom -- without Christ and His Church. 


Thus the madness of modern man whose activities are orchestrated by the Father of Lies.


The world could convert in a flash, if people were to embrace the true Faith and the Rosary.  Sacred Scripture doesn't tell us that men can't;  it tells us that men won't (at least the great majority of men).


However, in these dire times - while there still is time - the truth (whole and inviolate) can still make men free… And while others call upon us to contact our senators, we contact first and foremost the Queen of Heaven and Earth who, as God assured us, will crush Satan's head.


God Bless You,


Lee Ann


The Lord


Dear Bros. Dimond,

What is the proper action a Catholic should take when a stranger, coworker, etc. derogatorily uses "Jesus Christ" in their presence?

Thank you for your uncompromising commitment to God's Divine will! May the Holy Spirit guard you always!

Please remember me in your prayers!


P.S. Anyone who hasn't already done so needs to set their priorities straight by praying the Full Rosary daily and by reading the essential book:
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. The proper action is to correct the person who takes the name of God or Jesus Christ in vain in your presence.  One should say: “In charity, I just wanted to tell you that you should not take the name of Jesus Christ in vain.”  If a person continues to take the name of God or Jesus Christ in vain after you’ve tried to correct him, there is no strict obligation for you to repeatedly correct him.  However, circumstances might dictate that repeated correction is necessary.  For example, if the person you’ve rebuked takes the name of Christ in vain in front of people who need to hear the correction or are not familiar with your position, then it should be mentioned.  These are just some ideas about how someone should act, but there are various situations and circumstances that arise.  People have to consider the situation and determine the proper response accordingly.  




… Great job on the new video on “Examples of Bad Will”!!!  Every day I myself become more and more convinced of the profound bad will that are in people and how much they hate the truth.  If that guy would’ve been more humble and sincere, he would’ve probably seen the truth about Benedict XVI, that HE IS NOT A CATHOLIC THERE AN ANTIPOPE.

Keep up the great work and may God bless you and Mary protect you.


Salve María,




Dear Brothers,

I'm very troubled.  It seems as if God is speaking to me directly through you.  Within the past two weeks the same quote from St. Alphonsus has been displayed on your website.  What I'm referring to is the one about detachment from relatives and how important it is for salvation.  There's one problem though I have to live with my Mother in her house who happens to not believe in any of your information.  It’s a terrible situation.  I thought at first almost a year ago I could convert her but she has been defiant towards the truth.  I'm really tired of her and her obstinate denial of the truth.  Yet I have very little money and nowhere to go.  I would love to completely distance myself.  I feel like a two face traitor every time I have to converse with her.  I don't want to go to Hell.  I will even become homeless if I have to not be in grave sin.  I just don't know what to do!  Ever since I've read/watched your materials I've stopped my past sinful life and I've amended.  I say all three sets of Mysteries of the Rosary every day.  I've even started directing almost everyone who comes into my path to your website.  I know the measure that He holds each and every one of us to is stringent, but I feel at least in my case it might be near impossible.  Please help me with some advice.  I don't want to be caught fruitless…


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  There is no need for you to leave the place where you are living.  It’s not a sin to live with a parent who rejects the truth.  As long as you are doing what you have to do spiritually, and you are not involved with your mom’s denial of the truth, you can live there and take advantage of the situation.  It’s not your fault that she rejects the truth.  Since it seems that you’ve already tried to convert her numerous times, and she has demonstrated only hardened obstinacy, there is no need to discuss religious issues with her.  Rather, you can live there but focus on what you have to do.  There are many ways that people sin by attachment to relatives, but your situation is not one of them.  Usually, people sin by attachment to relatives either by 1) getting drawn into affairs that are not of God because it pleases their relatives – an example we recall was a traditional Catholic who allowed a lesbian sister to live in his place because she had nowhere else to go; or 2) compromising some aspect of faith because it pleases a relative (e.g., passively attending a wedding or funeral of a heretical family member); or 3) regarding as Catholics people who are heretics because they are relatives.  There are many other examples, but your situation doesn’t appear to be a problem.  Continue to pray the Rosary each day.


Fusion Centers


Subject: Police State Fusion Centers


When I saw the part about the Colorado fusion center where the manager mentioned that it was privately owned and operated, I immediately thought of Caiaphas bringing Jesus to Pilate, so Pontius Pilate could do the dirty work, because Caiaphas was a spineless coward!!!   The jews are doing it again, they never get their hands dirty, they duped the herds into killing themselves basically!  It’s pure madness!  






Subject: Cryptic Message


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond,


I feel Jennifer's observation on Sister Lucy's last( ?) message to the world in 1957 to Fr. Fuentes, shows great astuteness and discernment, when she points out that since Sister Lucy - the real one - knew all about the Third Secret, to be released to the world by 1960, she failed to mention the most important things in her spiritual life, and that of her two cousins - namely the Mass and the Sacraments,


Why would she not mention them?  And, again, why would she mention them, when she knew they would no longer be readily available to the few remaining faithful Catholics of the last days - there would be no reason to, and this was her way of telling us what the Third Secret was mainly about, in a cryptic sort of way!


All that would be readily left to us, once the apostasy got underway, after 1960, would be the Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - all this she was told by Our Lady - and so it happened!


In the end, perhaps this was all too much for Sister Lucy to bear - the loss of the Sacraments and all they meant to her -  as she considered the rapidly approaching date that Our Lady had warned her about, she asked Our Lord to take her to Heaven before all this happened, and He yielded to her request ?


She had fulfilled her role in this great saga in the history of the Catholic Church - spreading devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary -


 "I will come soon and take Francisco and Jacinta. But you are to stay here for a longer time. God wishes to use you to make me known and loved, to establish throughout the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. To all those who embrace it I promise salvation. and their souls will be loved by God as flowers placed by me before His Throne."


Lucy was almost in tears. "Dear Lady." she cried, saddened at the thought of losing her little companions, "am I to stay here all alone?"


No, my child, I will never leave you.  If this thought causes you great sadness, remember that my Immaculate Heart will ever be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." [ The Lady of the Rosary, John J. Delaney, 1960, from A Woman Clothed With The Sun]


Sister Lucy's role in the saga about to be played out, as prophesied by Our Lady, and elsewhere, was now complete, and her final and parting (cryptic) message to us through Fr. Fuentes, simply reiterated the words of Our Lady at Fatima.


God bless,






MHFM: The other day we commented about how various signs point to Israel as possibly responsible for the WikiLeaks scandal.  Well, what do you know, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, came out and actually praised Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel.  He singled him out.  It’s getting pretty obvious:


“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has defended his disclosure of classified US documents by praising and singling out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an example of a world leader who, according to him, believes the publications will aid global diplomacy.”


Dream Act


MHFM: The apostate “bishops” of the Vatican II sect have come out and asked Congress to pass the “Dream Act.” U.S. "Bishops" encourage Congress to pass "Dream Act"


It’s just amazing how they never fail to immediately raise their voices in defense of everything liberal, of everything that appeals to bleeding-hearts – no matter how unfeasible, fiscally irresponsible or unrealistic it is.  They will promote it, and make sure to proclaim (from the housetops) the need for it, as long as it is politically correct and appeases the masses, while they say nothing about the most outrageous and notorious spiritual crimes and abuses.  They are disgusting, abominable, and utterly worthless. 




Dear Brothers:


Although I recommend every single work you produce for those desiring to learn the true Catholic Faith and to better understand the times we are living in, your five page Glossary of Terms and Principles at the very beginning of The Truth book is in my opinion the best simple "catechism" for our times and one of the best places to start.  It's a great summary of the basic truths which are completely hidden or denied outright in the counterfeit church --a concise and well-prepared listing of everything Satan does not want people to know, understand, and accept.


I know that people sometimes have a tendency to skip over the introduction to books, but this is one introduction that should definitely not be missed… Another benefit - In reading your Glossary of Terms and Principles, a person would know in minutes whether he actually holds the Catholic Faith -- or is a Protestant (regardless of what he calls himself).


Thanks for this and all you do.


Lee Ann


Israel, Red Dragon


Subject: Israel, Red Dragon


Dear Brothers,
That's an interesting article on the Wikileaks Israel connection. It appears to be another "read between the lines" trick where they reveal their real intentions by what they omit. One has to wonder how wikileaks can stay so completely organized while simultaneously being part of the "wiki" group and privy to so much important information. Also, one should ask, "who benefits?" Obviously Israel benefits from the latest "wicked-leaks" of Iran, because Israel is gloating and claiming it "vindicates" their position, which if anyone knows, shows how ridiculous the leaks are. I thought this comment by Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, was quite cryptic: ""Our region has been hostage to a narrative that is the result of 60 years of propaganda, which paints Israel as the greatest threat," Netanyahu added.
"In reality leaders understand that that view is bankrupt."" He is saying that to oppose Israel is equivalent to literally bankrupting one's country, since Israel is controlling the world-wide economic implosion. Israel is guilty of economic and militaristic terrorism.
Interesting quote on the red menace, i.e. communism, further proving that the Great Red Dragon is the Communist Empire, and a prelude to the revived Beast out of the sea, the EU/Roman empire. It's also interesting because a lot of Protestant sects assume the red dragon is only Satan, but obviously it can't be because of the facts proving that it's communism and its crushing spread during the 20th century, described by its tail drawing a third of the stars of heaven down to earth. I think God allows Protestants to remain in the dark regarding prophecy because they reject the more "simple" truths of the Catholic faith, such as the necessity of good works. God allows Protestants to be fooled regarding the more complex, but in reality quite simple, prophecies, especially because most Protestants imagine (erroneously) that they have the winning edge when it comes to Apocalyptic prophecy. It's also interesting that Israel is generally considered to be behind communism as well, and that the occult "star of David" on their flag was originally the flag used by the Rothschilds - and Rothschild means "red shield" in German, and that the star on their flag was of course red. Great DVD on the end of the world! Thank you.
God Bless,
Chris White


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We were discussing this issue of the Wikileaks the other day.  We were saying: who has the means to continually leak such sensitive documents without detection and without being stopped or even eliminated?  The answer points to Israel; for the supporters of Israel are entrenched at the highest positions of the U.S. government, with top clearance.  They would have the means to pull it off.  Combine that with these two considerations: 1) while our other allies are being dragged through the mud by the disclosure of these documents, Israel (amazingly) is coming off as vindicated!  Even Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the Wikileaks are positive for Israel!  Hmm….


2) According to reports, the Wikileaks documents serve to embarrass our allies not named Israel.  What does that do?  It isolates the U.S., leaving it even more attached and beholden to Israel.  So, who is behind the leaks?  Who knows?  But in these considerations there might be an answer. 


New Videos Posted


MHFM: We have posted our analysis of Benedict XVI’s recent statements on condoms.  This is an important discussion.  Don’t believe the lies and the spin of the false traditionalists and the defenders of the Vatican II Church, who claim that Benedict XVI didn’t actually approve the use of condoms.


Benedict XVI Did Approve Condom Use! [video]

Part 2 of the discussion [video]


The Red Menace


MHFM: In our series on the Apocalypse, we explain why we believe the Great Red Dragon mentioned in Apocalypse chapter 12 refers to the Communist Empire.  Correctly identifying the Great Red Dragon is very important because its description sets the stage for, and has similarities to, the beast out of the sea mentioned in Apocalypse chapter 13.  The following is just another interesting quote which provides support for our position on the Great Red Dragon; for it shows how Communism and the Communist Empire were universally identified as the red entity:


“In fact, Catholics had come to play larger roles in American public life.  On the political stage, a Catholic senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy, led the fight against supposed Communist infiltration.  Early in his career, McCarthy had recognized the mileage he could get from making himself the country’s most relentless adversary of the ‘red menace.’” (James M. O’Toole, The Faithful – A History of Catholics in America, Harvard University Press, 2008, p. 195)


Is the World about to End - Part 1 (discusses the Great Red Dragon)


Real one


Subject: Sister Lucy (real one)


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,
I have watched your dvd's more than one can imagine (at least 75 times).I was struck with great interest with the dvd on the "Third Secret of Fatima and the imposter Sister Lucy.

Sister Lucy's words to Fr. Fuentes are amazing to me. There is a flow or rhythm to her words. I do believe she DID say these things to Fr. Fuentes unlike the ridicule from the Convent at Coimbra. There is something I noticed in her words. The words are very intense, and pointed. Also, Sister Lucy never mentions anything about the Holy Eucharist or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Which would make sense to me.  She knew what the third secret was and it's what she left out in her words to Fr. Fuentes about these two subjects that I found so accurate. I believe she was actually telling in a certain way what the third secret was and is.

The Mass and the "Hidden Jesus" were an important part of Sister Lucy's life as well as her two cousins. As important as this is to her,and yet she never mentions either one in her words to Fr. Fuentes. I believe she knew (from Our Lady) that the great apostasy from the top was to begin in 1960. She asked Fr. Fuentes with what seems to be a great anticipation. "Father. how much time is there before 1960 arrives?" I believe because she knew that the sacraments were not going to be available they were not mentioned . Therefore the only two remedies left were the most Holy Rosary and DEVOTION to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It's what Sister  Lucy left out of her words that, to me, is the whole proof of the "end times" and the "great apostasy".

May God bless you both and our most Holy Mother protect you.




Dear Brother Dimond,


I watched a video of yours a few weeks ago in which you talked about how all the terms and attributes used for Satan in the Bible are those used for Allah in the Koran. I can't remember which video it was. Could you help me out by pointing me to it?
many thanks



MHFM: You are probably referring to the video we did called The Popes Against Islam.  It covers what the true popes actually taught about the false religion, including: that Islam is officially declared to be of the Devil, that Muslims don’t worship the one true God, and more.  Part 2 gets into the astounding heresies of the antipopes of the Vatican II sect concerning Islam.  Their teaching is exactly the opposite of the teaching of the true popes.


The Popes Against Islam - Part 1

The Popes Against Islam - Part 2




Dear Brother:

I am looking for a Catholic book in which is written all the doctrines that one Catholic must believe to keep one faith, is there any book as such and where can I buy one?

Or has any substitute book been written for a Catholic, containing all things that we must keep and believe, besides saying "The Creed".


Kim-Lan Vu


MHFM: Our books contain the citations of Catholic dogma that are most relevant for Catholics today, especially on the most hotly-contested and frequently denied issues.  People should familiarize themselves with them, and the basic catechism.  Additionally, the book Denzinger is an excellent source book for many magisterial and historical pronouncements.  However, people need to realize that not everything it contains comes from an infallible decree.  It’s a collection of excerpts of creeds, councils, congregations and papal statements, some of which were infallible and some of which were not.  We offer this book at our online store.  




Subject: Dollar Dumped and Few Noticed




Russia and China have stopped using the dollar for trade purposes. And none of our major media outlets seem to have bothered to cover this news. This reminds me of the video you posted last week dealing with a possible scenario for an economic crash and hyperinflation. I doubt we will have to wait two years for this to occur, as was hypothesized in the video.






Pius XII


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter,

Is it okay for me to pray to Pope Pius XII even though he is not a canonized saint?


MHFM: No, one should not pray to him.  By a traditional Catholic assessment, he was one of the worst valid popes in history; and he did untold damage to the Catholic world by the problematic statements he made, as well as his omissions.




I have recently started going to Mass, after 30 years of wondering around in self interpretation of my faith… I thought I had a problem with excepting modern church teaching that it was my pride or something. I have tryed to ignore the modernism in the church and go to Mass for the sacraments.  I tryed to subscribe to the idea that Father Corapi pushes and that is even if there is a scoundrel  saying Mass that the Eucharist is still validly the body and blood of Jesus Christ. My contouse eats away at me and last night I was watching ewtn and sunday night live made me so made I asked God to strike me dead if they where right. I know that was not smart but I am fed up with being lead the wrong way. I went on line and after wondering around on one site to another I found yours. I thought I was reading and hearing exactly how I felt. I have went to Catholic school back in the early 70s and the things that I was taught keep being contradicted by this new church. I could go on and on but as you can tell I am not articalit I am just a carpenter but I know truth wene I hear it . Where can I go to Mass....






MHFM: We are glad that you found the site.  You will find the truth in the material we cover, as opposed to the deceptive, false and empty message of EWTN.  EWTN leaves people in support of the invalid New Mass and the apostate Vatican II sect.  Before you receive traditional sacraments, you need to become committed to rejecting the Vatican II sect and never attending the New Mass.  Also, one must be convinced of the other issues of faith, such as the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  After you consult the material and you are convinced, we can help you with where to go to confession.  You will also have to confess mortal sins that might have been confessed to “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination.  You would also need to make a traditional profession of faith.  Our file on “Where to go to Mass” explains the principles in this regard.  You should pray the Rosary each day, and we recommend our DVD special which contains important materials.




Dear Brothers:


… Your recent videos have been wonderful.  I especially enjoyed the second video on Cortes; God has never needed large armies to win His battles, as we read in the Old Testament.  Cortes was daring, burning his ships (!).  The horrors those soldiers must have seen, but they had each other, at least, to encourage and strengthen one another.  While today, we are so scattered about; so isolated.


We have been warned there are to be “rumors of war,” but this South Korean-incited incident is very hot.  South Korea started it with our help.  The rumors of war may have been fulfilled by all that business with Iran starting back in 2008, was it?  This 1.5 minute video does a good job of organizing several November events which have not received much coverage.  Everyone is too distracted by the disgusting Total Sexual Assault being conducted by the goosestepping imbeciles at the airports.


I do not know why symbolism is so important to masons and satan, but they store great importance by it.  When we look at the destruction of the World TRADE Center, symbolically, we were being shown that American TRADE was finished, destroyed.  Indeed our entire economy has been purposely imploded, just like those buildings on 9.11.01…






Subject: Foolishness



The word "Foolishness" comes to mind when I think of the video commercial about the fall of past great nations to include the U.S. and the reign of China. What's not to believe in that situation, as the world has no-Pope and the corrupt deceiving leaders continue to plunder the worlds resources and wealth? To also say that the anti-pope is in cahoots with this wicked world in attempts to extinguish all freedoms and any mention of God, is sadly, the truth.

"Foolishness" is extended to those (like Jr...who prides himself as a master at reading scripture) who are Outside the Catholic Faith and risk eternal Hell fire, due to their Protestant and false beliefs.

1 Corinthians 19-30.  For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the prudence of the prudent I will reject.  Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?  For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world, by wisdom, knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of our preaching, to save them that believe. For both the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews indeed a stumblingblock, and unto the Gentiles foolishness: But unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.  For the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. ["The foolishness"... That is to say, what appears foolish to the world in the ways of God, is indeed most wise; and what appears weak is indeed above all the strength and comprehension of man.]  For see your vocation, brethren, that there are not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble: But the foolish things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the wise; and the weak things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the strong. And the base things of the world, and the things that are contemptible, hath God chosen, and things that are not, that he might bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his sight. But of him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and justice, and sanctification, and redemption:

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Subject: License


To give license to fornication, coming from the purity and sacred halls in Rome, antipope Benedict 16 reveals his true colors.  He is not the Vicar of Christ, but the vicar of satan.  Those in Rome must leave or be forced out.  There is no other way.  Catholics must wake up from the smoke of satan inhabiting Rome since Modernist council Vatican II-period!  Your end times recent series should send shivers up and down the spine regarding "The Rat!"






I have just read some of the articles  on your web site;  I find them full of herisies and down right lies.  Where in holy scripture does it say there is no salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church?  My bible says there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Read the book of Romans !!!!  Romans 1:16, Paul says it is the power of the gospel of God unto salvation to EVERY ONE THAT BELiEVETH; TO THE JEW FIRST AND ALSO TO THE GEEEK.  Chapter 5 goes on to say Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God thru our Lord Jesus Christ.  Faith in a person is the door to salvation; not a church.  If you believe scripture to be the inspired word of God, then share it accurately.!




MHFM: No, our material does not contain heresies or lies.  You don’t give any specifics because what you say is not true.  Rather, you simply resist the truth.  You ask where it says in Scripture that the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation.  It doesn’t mention this explicitly, but it can be proven from Scripture.  Scripture explicitly teaches that there is no salvation outside of Christ (Acts 4:12) or His Church (Matthew 18:17).  Christ says that those who reject His Church should be considered as the heathen and publican.  That one Church He’s talking about is the Catholic Church.  That’s proven by history, tradition and the rest of what Scripture teaches, which conforms only to the teaching of the Catholic Church.  Your question is like asking: where in Scripture does it say we must believe in the Trinity?  Well, it doesn’t mention the word Trinity; but it definitely teaches the reality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (three Divine Persons in one God). 


You also bring up Romans 1:16: that salvation is to everyone who believes, the Jew and the Greek.  You obviously do not understand this verse.  It’s teaching that salvation is open to people from any nation or race, from the Jews or the Greeks, “to everyone that believeth” (Romans 1:16) in the one true faith.  In other words, salvation is not confined to a particular nation or race.  It will come to anyone who accepts the true faith.  Furthermore, believing in the faith presupposes accepting the entire and original faith of Christ.  As mentioned already, the original Christian faith is the Catholic faith.  It’s not the man-made Protestant sects.  For example, the Bible teaches the Catholic truths of the Papacy (Mt. 16:18-20; John 21:15-17), the reality of the Eucharist (John 6), confession (John 20:23), etc.


Moreover, contrary to what you imply, Romans 1 does not teach that all one needs to do for salvation is believe.  As our article on Justification shows, in Scripture believing unto salvation means doing what God wants and obeying His commands.  Additionally, you don’t lend any credence to your false position when you point out that Scripture teaches that men are justified by faith.  Of course it does.  But it teaches that men are not justified by faith alone (James 2:24).  Believing is necessary, but it is not the only thing involved in justification; and believing unto salvation requires obedience, as dozens of passages prove.  We realize that it must be upsetting for you to come across information which demonstrates, from the Bible itself, that the version of “Christianity” you have believed until now is not biblical or authentic.  Nevertheless, you need to humble yourself and accept the truth.  Accepting the shock that you are wrong is better than remaining outside the true faith and going to Hell.  Please consult these files:


The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church [to obtain the book]


Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]


Refuting Protestantism from the Bible and Eastern "Orthodoxy" (audios and articles)




Dear brothers, my name is John Connelly… I was brought up in a Vatican 2 household and heard my family members talk how they miss the real CATHOLIC church. Well I never understood what that meant until I started learning more about my faith. I guess my stepping away from the Vatican 2 church began when I saw jp2 kissing the Koran… Then to learn that salvation was open to muslims, jews, hindus etc.  put me in despair. My Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only savior….. my Lord handed the keys to his earthly kingdom to peter. He didn’t create thousands of little kingdoms he made ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy to find someone with the same views and beliefs as i. please one day try and debate the swaggerts on son life radio, they always find these idiot catholics who know nothing of the faith.. I would love a true Catholic apologist to teach and show them the truth.  I’m so glad I’ve found your site… I’m learning more and more each day.. thank you brothers for the truth.. May God bless you all… John Connelly




Subject: TSA Scanners


Dear Brothers,


One of the reasons why there was no mass protest at airports last Wednesday is apparently TSA shut down all the body imaging scanners and reverted back to using metal detectors, at least for that day.  Of course, this was not reported by the mainstream news.    


On a more depressing note; women who wear tight clothes, immodest clothes, and who sleep around with every Tom, Dick and Jane will have no qualms about submitting to the porno scans at airports.  Same goes for the men.  It's a very sad state of affairs, and is not a good commentary on people's morals generally speaking.  Government run education mills have turned the entire population into amoral, brainless, and mindless sheeple who will follow the proverbial pied piper… right over the edge of the cliff straight into hell…


Brenda Roy


MHFM: It’s interesting that the media reported that the protest didn’t amount to much, without mentioning the reason: they systematically shut off the scanners.  This is an article that covers what happened, and how they tried to stop media coverage of the protest by turning off the machines:  Since the terror attacks are basically all staged, they conveniently only occur when they need or want them to occur.  Thus, it was more important for them to suspend the security measures for a day – and thereby stifle opposition to the police state grid – than it was to keep them in place.  For they know that a “terror attack” won’t occur unless they want it or need it to occur.  If their decision, to shut down the supposedly “necessary” machines on the busiest travel day of the year, solely to stop the protest of the naked scanners, doesn’t tell people that the entire thing is a hoax, what will?




Subject: TSA procedures, Benedict XVI and condom use


… I was only interested in raising the health risk (as raised by the Medical profession) from both procedures to the travelling public, nothing else....anycase time will tell whether the claim, by medical experts, of a "new risk" from pat downs is warranted - let's hope not, because the implications are mindboggling!


...anycase it is interesting to read comments on this topic and how the American public are handling this - particularly the traditional Catholics and others who follow this site.


As for Benny and his outrageous "condom comments' - I was talking to a Methodist lady in the supermarket a few days ago - she is from Tonga.  We were talking about 'this and that', and I asked what she thought about Benny XVI and his latest outburst?  She replied, " That's pretty radical from a pope. I thought he was meant to be against the use of them as part of Catholic teaching?"


I replied, " Ah, yes, but you see this guy is not the pope, because in 1958 the Catholic Church was taken over by the Freemasons , when they installed their own "pope",....etc etc...'  Anycase I ended up giving her the MHFM website, and said I would leave a DVD - [the Fatima 3 in 1] at the local charity barn to pick up if she decided to further investigate the truths about the Catholic Church...


She was more than happy with this arrangement.


So there is a DVD waiting for her....


So you see, even non - catholics can smell something fishy in Rome at present - it is a pity the groups like SSPX don't have the same savy as some of these people!


God bless,




Salvation, non-Catholics


Genuine question

Didn't St Peter say that those who love God and try to act according to his will can achieve salvation?  Did not Christ say that 'he who is not against me is with me'?

Your video shows more than one Pope greeting & sharing with non-catholic religious leaders.

Does that Dogma not mean that ONLY the Church has the path to salvation. In other words, the Church provides us with an accurate map. Those who do not use that map may through their desire to do God's will achieve salvation, but that without the guidance of the Church their path will be difficult, with unsignposted or wrongly signposted roads. This can and does result in good people doing bad things because they do not follow the best guidance, that of the Church.

Do you have a link to the Church document (which can easily be understood) confirming your interpretation.




MHFM: First, your question demonstrates that you need to submit to what God has revealed, rather than fashioning it to your own liking. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


As we see, the dogma does not only mean, as you suggest, that the Church points us in the right direction.  It means that all those who die without the Catholic faith go to Hell.  If a person doesn’t believe that, then his problem is with Jesus Christ, His Church, and His dogma.  This section gives you all the documentation on the salvation issue: Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and refuting baptism of desire - book, audio program, articles.  We also strongly recommend our book.


Furthermore, you misunderstand the scriptures you cite.  You argue that Christ said, in so many words, that “he who is not against me is with me.”  Logically, that means that those who are not with Him are against Him.  A person is against Him if he is not gathered into His Church.  In fact, in a parallel passage, that’s exactly what Christ says:


Matthew 12:30 –“He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.”


Notice how the magisterium has understood the need to be gathered into the flock.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5) may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate(Athanasian Creed).


Those who love God and act according to His will shall be brought into the Church.


Acts 2:47- “Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”




Subject: Promiscuous anti-papa final straw


Dear Mhfm, 


What's so clear, and has been for several years is that Vatican II, post 1965,  presents to the world this completely false peace in the world through this pathetic dialogue with satan and his minions.  How they hammer at us stubborn Catholics how this is the way it should be 'til the end of time.  But, with a modicum of Catholic research, and belief in the power of the third person of the Blessed Trinity, The Holy Ghost, through Sacred Tradition how the Roman Catholic Church has waged this violent war against satan and his ilk from the hanging at Calvary the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ.  The martyrs, numbering in millions, the crusades through centuries, the saints who converted millions upon millions of heretics and false believers-according to Vatican II these men and women lived a futile struggle for souls-these people were mistaken.  And we in 2010 and counting to the final end are to believe these thiefing, liars in Rome who cloth themselves in holy, sacred robes expounding such tripe.  It's simply incredible the power of God as He allows the operation of error  to move forward with the likes of this sexually promiscuous antipope Benedict 16, to permit, as vicar of Christ, condoms ad infinitum as a tool of holiness and purity, in calming this evil passion that  leads directly to Hell!   Pathetic, sick, and terminal, and simply not Catholic!  Truly in this sick modern world MHFM is the Hammer of Heretics!






I stumbled on your site from worldnetdaily.  I was shocked to find you are out of fillmore ny.  I have been there lots, since my wife grew up 3 miles east of Fillmore ,NY.
So how does anyone get their sins forgiven according to your beliefs?

I believe the Bible teaches that plainly that man is forgiven and saved only through simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross.  (Ephesians 2:8&9).  There are host of verses that teach that man is not saved by works, but only by God's grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone.



MHFM: The idea that faith alone in Jesus forgives one’s sins and justifies is a widespread but completely false belief.  You really need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  In the book, there is an entire section, citing passage after passage, to refute that belief.  The verses you think teach that man is saved by faith alone, without involvement of a man’s works or actions, are all addressed.  In fact, you can read the section of the book here:  Justification by Faith Alone and Eternal Security completely refuted by the Bible.  However, we strongly encourage you to get the book. 


Also, one can be forgiven through baptism in the true faith.  For sins after baptism, forgiveness is given in confession.  But you must have the true Catholic faith first.  Hence, you should look the material over, become convinced of the Catholic faith, and recognize your need to convert.  There is no salvation outside the Catholic faith.




Subject: Comment


Dear brothers in Christ,

By reading the comments from the readers and from you regarding the body scanners at the airports, I concluded that you are right. One does not commit a mortal sin if the pat-down is done on him/her as a forceful action of the evil law. We must remember what was done on Jesus:

"And after they had mocked him, they took off the cloak from him, and put on him his own garments, and led him away to crucify him." (Mathew 27:31)

Jesus didn't forcefully resisted this action of the soldiers, although he could do so. More important is this: if the Jesus' compliance would have constituted a mortal sin (or even a venial sin for that matter), he wouldn't have complied and he wouldn't have permitted the soldiers to treat him in most humiliating way.

The passengers who opt-out for pat-down, having no other choice and out of love for Christ and His Church, can do so with clear conscience. Regarding the possible transmission of sexual diseases by pat-down, and having in mind that the NWO elite indeed wants to kill the most of human beings, I can only say that the good Lord is Almighty and that nothing can happen without His permission.  He is worthy of every and any lawful sacrifice.

If one would object to this that the same can be said for exposing oneself to scanners, I can only say that anything morally permissible we can do from our
part to make the enforcement of the evil law more difficult we are obliged to do so. Pat-down is definitely more demanding and more difficult procedure for the
"elite", and does not, as far as I can tell, leave the material traces, such as images and photos of naked bodies, which can be used afterwards in many evil ways.

Love of our Heavenly Mother and Queen be with us all in True Faith.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Error vs. Heresy


Dear Brothers,


Why is St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Alphonsus Liguori’s belief in BOD and error and not Heresy; it must be, but why?


Pax Christi,



MHFM: That’s discussed in detail in our book, in our discussions and in our articles on the issue.  It’s also covered in our examination of the status of geocentrism.  That article completely refutes many popular myths, held by various false traditionalists, as well as false sedevacantists and some radical schismatics, about what constitutes fidelity to the magisterium.  It demolishes the widespread false idea, that a pope, saint or doctor of the Church, couldn’t be completely wrong about the theological status of a Catholic teaching. 




Subject: End of the World Series


I just finished watching the ten part series on the End of the World.

I very much like the way you presented this series. It is very calm, persuasive, and well –connected…




Opt out


Subject: TSA and sexual assault


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


People need to remember that when you 'opt out' and let yourself open to a "pat down" you have just opened yourself a to a new threat...think about it...since the TSA agents do not change gloves between "pat downs," the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and other crippling diseases will skyrocket, according to some medical experts in the area of disease control.


These so called "pat downs" are actually a form of sexual assault on the unwitting and unwilling travelling populace, and no one should allow themselves to be groped and fondled as is happening right now!


The day of "opt out" proved that this is another scam of the NWO, when the TSA simply turned off all the diabolical machines on the 23rd November, 2010, to save themselves the embarrassment of mass protest nationwide!


Personally, I now refuse to fly, and even though we only have metal detectors, refuse to be treated as a potential "terrorist" that I am not, when I am told to empty out all my pockets, removing jackets etc..


This is all part of the NWO plan for population control as inscribed on their Georgia Guidestones, in the State of Georgia, U.S.A..


Don't fall for the bait - Don't fly or you will surely die of cancer tomorrow or some unmentionable disease today!


God bless,




MHFM: Of course, we recommend that people avoid flying.  However, that was not the question.  The question was if a person must fly for work or some other reason, is he or she forbidden to do so under pain of mortal sin.  The answer is no, if he or she chooses the pat-down by a member of the same sex rather than the naked body scan.  Again, it’s a horrible option; but it is one that (despite its undesirability) could be taken as a last resort without committing mortal sin.




Subject: Monica & Dolc


Dear Brothers,


Monica says she loves your site and that you're being used against God. So, Monica loves things that are against God? If God is infinitely pure and holy, then surely He would never abandon His people, and yet that is what the Vatican II sect does by teaching lies against the Catholic faith, i.e. heresies. Therefore, the Vatican is being used against the wishes of the Lord, not Most Holy Family Monastery who exposes the lies of the V-2 sect. Also, true love is never opposed to the truth because God is both Love (or Charity) and Truth itself! So, those who know and love God, hate evil, because God hates evil, since He is holiness, truth, purity and love. The Vatican II sect doesn't even believe that the Catholic Church or Catholic faith are necessary since they go around praising Non-Catholic religions. It's a mystery why they even call themselves Catholics since they're so ashamed of the true and infallible Catholic teachings of past true popes and of Jesus Christ Himself!


Psalms 96:10 - "You that love the Lord, hate evil: the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints, he will deliver them out of the hand of the sinner."


Dolc should have a closer look at your material because it is Antipope Benedict XVI who is the false prophet, not MHFM. Also, if a person teaches something that is true, then there is nothing wrong with that person believing what they teach, and to simply repeat what the Catholic Church has always taught and to believe that is actually necessary for salvation, because outside the Catholic faith there is no salvation. And not everything in the Gospel can be fully understood because of our finite minds, but everything in the Gospel can be believed, and needs to be believed in order to be saved. I think Dolc is having a problem believing in Jesus Christ. 


John 14:1 - "Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me."


Luke 14:11 - "Because every one that exalteth himself, shall be humbled; and he that humbleth himself, shall be exalted."


God Bless,


Chris White


New Video Posted


MHFM: For those it might interest, this is a video response to someone’s criticism of our “Oil Spill in the Apocalypse?” video that we posted about six months ago.  It shows how the individual who made the criticism is completely wrong and it discusses more about this issue.


Response to Criticism of "Oil Spill in the Apocalypse?" [video]




Dear Brothers,


I wanted to mention to June that she is not the only Catholic woman who only wears skirts.  I also have only skirts; I haven't worn pants for a long time now.  I absolutely refuse to fly; we will drive to wherever we have to go from now on.  In your opinion Brother Dimond, if a person absolutely had to fly as part of a job for instance, would he be committing mortal sin for submitting to the invasive "pat down"?  One thing people need to know is that the back scatter imaging is carcinogenic; it is far worse than xrays and people who fly frequently will probably get cancer sooner or later from going through these machines.  


God bless you for all your wonderful work.  Keep the videos coming!


Brenda Roy


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s a terrible situation.  We would strongly encourage people not to fly at all, if that’s feasible.  If they have to fly, we recommend that they opt for the pat-down (by a member of the same sex) rather than the naked body scan – in which people can see, store and re-use a detailed image of a person’s naked body. 




Dear members of MostHolyFamilyMonastery,


In remembering our little conversation of around ten months ago, I feel obliged to inform you about my latest developments.  I have studied the issues intensively for the past months and came to a shocking conclusion:


The Church as we know it and as it was born from the "Papacy" of John XXIII indeed seems to be an AntiChurch, driven by modernist anticatholic theology, anticatholic ministry and anticatholic practices. The latest revelations of Benedict XVI and his anticatholic "condom-policy" have sent a small shockwave through the 'orthodox' part of the Church. Almost everyone I know in the Church (most of whom profess to be 'traditional' catholics) were quite shocked about Ben's latest "catholic teaching" on the permission for male prostitutes (!!!) to use condoms, thus "helping" them in their "spiritual life"…


Sincerely yours,


Mark Wick





MHFM: Soon we hope to post our analysis of Benedict XVI’s latest heresy concerning condom use, as well as how people are reacting to it. 


Canonization questions


Subject: Canonization questions




I have to say your work is extensive on almost every topic imaginable, and granted, you all have extensively studied our True Church History. Having said that, my question leads to this, if Anti-pope john paul II canonized Padre Pio, and that same Anti-pope beatified John XXIII and Mother Theresa, seeing the figures that he uplifts as "blessed" shows an evil on his part. Now I'm not saying Padre Pio was bad at all, but would his canonization be valid from such an Invalid man? Because, it would seem that if Anti-pope john paul II was invalid, all sanctions and messages and additions made by him, should be ignored as heresy, because he is not of true worth.






MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  As you note, John Paul II was a heretical antipope.  That means he had no authority to canonize anyone, and that all of his acts were invalid.  It does not mean, however, that all of the people he pretended to “canonize” (e.g., Padre Pio) were necessarily evil or heretical, even though some of them obviously were.  It simply means that the people he “canonized” were not actually canonized, even if someone like Padre Pio might have been canonized if there had been a true pope.  Mother Teresa (and many others John Paul II “beatified” or “canonized”) is a different story altogether.  Unfortunately, she was a total apostate and a false prophet.  She believed that souls could be saved in any religion.  She also said that God loves all religions, which is a complete rejection of the Gospel.  No true pope would have considered her a Catholic, let alone someone worthy of “beatification.” 




Dear and blessed brother or sister,


I love your site, the information you've added is a blessing to my life, unfortunatelly I see with sadness that you are allowing yourself to be used against the wishes of the Lord "


"I am giving you a new commandment: That you continue to love one another in the way I have loved you, that you also love one another. This is how everyone shall know that you are my disciples, if you have that love toward one another." John 13:34-35


For I understand we must love and pray for one another and let the Lord judge those who do not follow his command.  By teaching hatred towards the Vatican, you are only dividing the Church even more and it is during this difficult times that we must act with tact and remain in prayer for one another so the eyes of our hearts can open up, so we continue teaching our brothers and sisters to love one another.


May you continue to recieve the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns forever and ever



Your sister in Christ


Monica Staff


MHFM: Monica, you are quite mistaken on many fronts.  First, you fail to recognize the true Catholic position concerning heresy and the need for Catholics to reject and condemn it.  You express a non-judgmental modernism that tolerates evil and denials of God’s truth.  The teaching of Christ and His Church is actually just the opposite of what you have expressed:


First Council of Constantinople, 381, Can. 1: “Every heresy is to be anathematized and in particular that of the Eunomians or Anomoeans, that of the Arians or Eudoxians, that of the Semi-Arians or Pneumatomachi, that of the Sabellians that of the Marcellians, that of the Photinians and that of the Apollinarians.”


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215, Constitution 3, On Heretics:

“We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this holy, orthodox and Catholic faith which we have expounded above.  We condemn all heretics, whatever names they may go under.  They have different faces indeed but their tails are tied together in as much as they are alike in their pride.”


Pope Pelagius II, epistle (1) Quod ad dilectionem, 585:

“If anyone, however, either suggests or believes or presumes to teach contrary to this faith, let him know that he is condemned and also anathematized according to the opinion of the same Fathers.


As we see, your notion of love is false.  It contradicts Christ’s teaching and actually serves the enemy of mankind.  There is no love without the truth, and the foundation of charity/love is faith pure and undefiled.  A Catholic must profess the faith, and he or she must reject and expose that which is opposed to it.  To tolerate, overlook or fail to condemn heresies and rejections of God’s truth is uncharitable and hateful to God and to one’s neighbor.  To not reject the Vatican II sect and its many heresies is to deny the Catholic faith. 


Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (#9), Jan. 6, 1928: “… the foundation of charity is faith pure and inviolate…”


Hebrews 11:6- “Without Faith it is impossible to please God.”


Moreover, we are not dividing the Church.  It’s the opposite.  By teaching true Catholic doctrine, people see what they must believe in order to have unity within the one true faith.  It is Benedict XVI, whom you say one should not condemn, who teaches the heresy that the Church is divided.  Here are some of his blatant heresies on that issue, from our article on one of his heretical books.  In these heresies, he clearly teaches that the Church was united in the first millennium, prior to the Great Schism of the East; but then, he argues, it was divided and the unity needs to be recovered.  That is blatantly heretical.  When the schismatics split from the Church, they simply left the Church.  The Church was not divided, as its external unity of faith is indivisible.


“Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), pp. 302-303: “The goal is not just the unity of the Church as such but first of all the consolidation of the ‘progressivists’, who will then, they believe, become the Church of the future.”


 “Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 121: “…it is also ultimately through these factors that it becomes clear that the unity of the Church is not to be brought about by human effort but can be effected only by the Holy Spirit.”


“Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 148: “The canon of Holy Scripture can be traced back to them, or, at least, to the undivided Church of the first centuries of which they were the representatives.”


“Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 147: “The Fathers, we can now say, were the theological teachers of the undivided Church…”


 “Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 127: “For our purposes, this fourth type of symbolum need not be further discussed since it forms no part of the history of the symbolum of the undivided Church.”


“Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), pp. 145-146: “The Fathers are the teachers of the yet undivided Church.




 I love my Catholic faith and I'm not ignorant of it.  I read the bible at 22.  I am now 75 years old.   I think if anyone that doesn't understand their Catholic faith, or any one of another denomination, can  really bash the Catholic Church or have an excuse for not following their religion.  It seems to me that you teach HATE, not only of the church, but everything connected to it.  You ACTUALLY believe yourselves.  Are you the "false prophet" that  Jesus said to be aware of ?  Your whole website is filled with negative, unhappy, bashing....Poor you !  Where is the tolorence that Christ teaches ?       I don't have to believe in "Devine Mercy" or "Medujore" or any mystics. 

   FAITH IS A BLESSING MEANT FOR THOSE THAT UNDERSTAND THE GOSPEL.  I will pray for you, and hope you havn't destroyed too many people that  had faith once upon a time.                                       

                                         PROUD ROMAN CATHOLIC




MHFM: No, you don’t understand the Catholic faith.  You don’t understand fidelity to God’s truth.  You don’t hate evil, or recognize what constitutes true charity.  See our response to the e-mail just above this one, which is entitled “Mistaken.”  We would add to it that your heretical notion of tolerance is exactly what the Church has condemned.   It speaks to the amazing level of spiritual blindness present in so many today, that you think you are a Catholic when you actually don’t care at all about true Catholic teaching.


Pope Leo XIII, Custodi Di Quella Fede (# 15), Dec. 8, 1892:“Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups.  Know them by their fruits and avoid them.  Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution.  These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.”


Flying horrors


Subject: Women cannot wear skirts when flying!!!


I just heard on Good Morning America that women wearing SKIRTS will be even more humiliated!   And I ALWAYS wear a skirt! Don't own a pair of men's pants!!!  I will not fly anymore till the TSA is gone!  So all TRADITONAL CATHOLIC WOMEN cannot fly and I am sure I am not the only one (although sometimes I feel that I am!)  This is like the 'frog in the boiling water' i.e. - vatican II.  The 'government told us that it is for our benefit and slowly they have humiliated us where now the water is 'boiling' and we are fed up with US being the bad guy!  Our world now seem worse that Sodom and Gomorrah with everything , homosexuality, VII church, etc.  God bless you for the work you do!...




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Resistance is beginning to build to the outrageous naked body scans and the TSA rape-downs called “pat-downs.”  However, unless people wake up to the reality of staged terror and false flag attacks, we fear that the resistance will be futile.  People need to realize that basically all of the so-called “terror attacks” and “terror threats” are staged to implement the very police state grid we see being constructed now.  Staging/faking/simulating “terror attacks” is without question their main mechanism of control.  If people don’t come to realize that basically the entire terror threat is fake, once they stop the rape-downs and the naked scans, they will just pull another staged “terror attack” and then blame it on the relaxation of security measures.  That’s why exposing the staged terror is so crucial.  It should also be mentioned that bad-willed individuals who have mocked the exposure of these conspiracies, and attacked the truth about what really happened on 9/11, helped implement these horrible measures. 


V-2, Condoms


Subject: VII, Condoms, TSA



Here is web news ( showing how the Vatican II followers praise the anti-pope’s decision on condoms. This decision is not necessarily new, just that he finally made a public statement.

Also, what are these TSA workers thinking? That they are actually helping to protect the citizens of the world? Clearly they are the prototype robots of things to come, brainwashed… they strip search a child after he went through the metal detectors and passed.

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Subject: Condom Scandal


Once again, everyone´s favorite rodent proves himself to be an apostate coward. 


I can see already the false trads and the neocons coming up with really pathetic excuses like "well, we must give him credit, on many other occasions he stood for the Church moral teaching, maybe he was under severe pressure" or other silly arguments like "since the individuals in question are adamant and have already decided to fornicate in any way, it´s truly a lesser evil to use contraception." Yeah, right... By the same reasoning, next week the "pope" might address the youth and tell them "the right way to drug oneself" not sharing your syringe with others. His defenders and brothers in Satan will, of course, use the excuse we are all tired of listening: "I think you should not be so careless in judging the Pope. You´re obviously taking his comments out of context."


Instead of rejecting evil, this coward prefers to teach people the most safe way to engage in sinful activity reducing the risks to cause harm to the body (as if condoms were effective, when they ARE NOT, not against hiv, and not against the common hpv, that can lead to cancer).


Every time he gives the impression that he stands for something good, the press criticizes him and he concedes in one or more points. He once made a critical analysis of the Muslim religion, and later crawled in front of the mosque begging forgiveness… He once criticized the gays, and soon after they started to protest, he backed down. 


Some years ago, I was hanging around with a "traditional" group here in Brazil. The head of the group (he´s deceased by now), who truly idolized Joseph Ratzinger, gave thanks to the Heavens when Cardinal Martini lost the conclave. This person used to say to me (and everyone else) that people like Martini and Walter Kasper are truly apostates from the Christian Faith and it would have been a disgrace if one of them were elected Pope, and that God prevented it by allowing the "conservative" Ratzinger to be elected.


At first, I bought his discourse. He seemed reliable and sincere when he spoke. But then I started to investigate the matter more closely, and ended up in sites like… finally, Most Holy Family Monastery.  During your classic debate with William Golle, you pointed out that Ratzinger was no better than Kasper, since both believe that the Ecumenism of the return and the Theology contained in the Syllabus are dead….


Maybe you could produce an article and/or audio featuring the parallels between Ratzinger (the "conservative") and the liberal. Since it´s obvious they all profess the same mistakes.  I also look forward to your next debates, when I will shake my head in the negative once again listening to the V2 sect adherents accuse you taking things out of context..




Food Safety?


Subject: Food Safety?


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


Below is an interesting article entitled, “Senate Bill 510 Food Safety? The FDA has killed far more people than contaminated eggs or lettuce.”  In this article, the author estimates that the FDA, who wants even more power and control over the food supply (under the specious name of “food safety” of course), is responsible for more deaths in the U.S. than all of the terrorist events in the history of the world combined.


The author estimates that the FDA is responsible for the deaths of at least 250,000 Americans each year due to keeping dangerous, deadly drugs on the market after it knows that those drugs are killing people; and by deliberately censoring natural remedies and nutritional supplements that could save millions of lives each year.  The facts presented in this article are quite revealing and say a lot about the evil, end times that we live in.


There is a link at the bottom of the article where you can voice your opposition to Senate Bill 510.  Although I don’t “vote” in presidential or mid-term elections, I thought that filling out the petition was worth two minutes of my time.  The Senate is due to vote on this dangerous piece of legislation after Thanksgiving.






Subject: Benedict XVI says condom use first step toward morality


I really wish we could just evict these perverts from the Vatican and all the historically Catholic church properties around the world:  our ancestors and forbears in the Faith worked SO hard and sacrifice SO much to build our churches!  Here the overt satanist condones sodomy:  so why don't we just dub Rome Sodom and Gomorah--for it is no better than the streets of Atlantic City!   Gross!  A person would have to be deaf, dumb, blind and wilfully ignorant NOT to see he is NOT a pope!  Looking forward to your new videos… Please pray for us!






Dear Brothers:


With all of the immorality promoted by the V2 Vicars of Satan, it seems rather apropos that the whore of Babylon should now be giving an overt wink and a nod to prostitution -- and male prostitution to boot.  With Michael R., I too wonder if God isn't giving people a wake up call.  Or maybe...last call?


In every Rosary I pray, I thank God for having found Most Holy Family Monastery.


Lee Ann




Subject: Outrageous


Rat recently coming out in favor of condoms is simply staggering, but it might be a good thing.  It seems Satan's great line of defense that keeps people in the counter church is that they don't fiddle with moral teachings.  This might wake many people up and adhere to the SV position.  Of course, even when the counter church DOES tamper with Catholic moral teaching, (refusing to excommunicate public pro-abortionist figures and NFP), the multitudes lie to themselves and will say things such as that doesn't count because NFP isn't artificial birth control so it doesn't count as birth control when BIRTH CONTROL IS BIRTH CONTROL- PERIOD.  But this recent outrage with the remarks from Rat on the condoms and the male prostitutes is far worse than even the sect's rabid endorsement of NFP.  It is possible God may be behind his remarks in order to get more people away from the counter church sect, which to anyone who isn't a completely blind obstinate fool can plainly see is not the Catholic Church.  Sede Vacantism should be called Common Sencism.  He is not the pope, so if even he were to completely come out in favor of abortion, birth control, and sodomy, it would mean absolutely nothing.  But the Devil wouldn't allow that, because the number of worldwide sedes would increase a hundred times.  But it’s interesting when God allows the venomous Rat's evil to slip through the Beelzebub's shield and harm the counter filth "church'!  But once again, people are of such bad will, it makes one wonder how far Ratman would have to go to increase the number of worldwide holders of the sede vacantist theological position. 


Prayerfully yours,

Michael Rudnicki




Subject: Absurd!!!!


Dear MHFM,

The Anti-Pope Benedict XVI's approval of contraception comes as no surprise to most of us who follow the true faith.  Nevertheless, it was shocking when he used the example of a male prostitute to illustrate the "helpfulness" of contraception.  I hope and pray that, after hearing this blasphemy from the mouth of Benedict XVI, those under the illusion that he is a pope come out of it an convert to the true faith.

Thank You,
With Best Regards





Subject: The blasphemy of Joey


Dear Brothers,

I want to try to put this as clearly as possible.  Joey carries the thinking of the Vatican II church when he says, "Those who were never introduced fully to Catholicism and die in their own religion having fulfilled a good life and following the good and natural laws laid before them DO have the opportunity to see heaven. Only when you are fully shown the truth and have the opportunity to see it and know it, and then reject and deny it, do you risk denying your own salvation." 

This statement by Joey and the whole Vatican II church is a repudiation of the teaching of Jesus and His Sacrifice. 

A)  Jesus said He did not come to condemn the world but to save it, therefore, the world was already condemned otherwise it wouldn't need saving.  According to Joey and the VII sect the world is saved until they come to know Jesus and reject Him.  Based on this false teaching of Vatican II, it would be better not to tell anyone of Jesus lest they lose their salvation.  How heretical is this?  Simply, they are teaching salvation without Jesus.

B)  Secondly, if the world already has/had salvation, then Jesus' sacrifice was for nothing.  His Sacrifice on the Cross would then only be an instrument of damnation, not of salvation, since everyone in their so-called ignorance was already saved. 

It is amazing how diabolical and blasphemous this teaching and the whole Vatican II sect is.





Subject: You’ve probably already heard this outrage….


Dear Brothers,

 Big news report just released that the "pope"  Says Condoms may be alright in some cases for the "prevention" of HIV/Aids, a disease that was created by racist eugenicist globalists to wipeout so called "weak breeds".  It  was fed to sub saharan African children in the form of an oral Polio vaccine in the 1950's to limit the population, arguably one of the all time greatest crimes.  Now what I just said you probably already know or suspected.  Don't get me wrong, he didn't say anything about AIDS being created, he just said condoms are sometimes alright.  That is an outrage in and of itself, that wouldn't happen had we a pope… He would obviously know everything I just said and denounce all forms of unabashed impurity and lust along with that little bit of history.  His blood would be boiling.  But with how almost universally evil the world is today they'd probably assassinate him.  I wonder when is the Beast going to be outed because it’s obvious to me and every faithful Catholic… that the Antichrist is here. 

I thank God for having found you brothers, because… I… amended my life…  May God Continue to Bless your efforts,



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s a very interesting development, and we will probably have more comments about it.




Subject: [Benedict XVI] condones the use of condoms


Instead of condemning male prostitution, Benedict condones the use of a condom in this instance because it is a "first bit of responsibility, to re-develop the understanding that not everything is permitted". I guess engaging in further sin helps the person understand their other sins better. This is outrageous.  




“Invincible Ignorance”


Subject: The Ignorance of Invincible Ignorance




In this document I found titled: "On Grace And Free Will" by St. Augustine of Hippo, there is a brilliant in depth refutation of the ignorance excuse. ....


"Chapter 5.— He Shows that Ignorance Affords No Such Excuse as Shall Free the Offender from Punishment; But that to Sin with Knowledge is a Graver Thing Than to Sin in Ignorance.


The excuse such as men are in the habit of alleging from ignorance is taken away from those persons who know God's commandments. But neither will those be without punishment who know not the law of God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law; and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law. Romans 2:12 Now the apostle does not appear to me to have said this as if he meant that they would have to suffer something worse who in their sins are ignorant of the law than they who know it. [III.] It is seemingly worse, no doubt, to perish than to be judged; but inasmuch as he was speaking of the Gentiles and of the Jews when he used these words, because the former were without the law, but the latter had received the law, who can venture to say that the Jews who sin in the law will not perish, since they refused to believe in Christ, when it was of them that the apostle said, They shall be judged by the law? For without faith in Christ no man can be delivered; and therefore they will be so judged that they perish. If, indeed, the condition of those who are ignorant of the law of God is worse than the condition of those who know it, how can that be true which the Lord says in the gospel: The servant who knows not his lord's will, and commits things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes; whereas the servant who knows his lord's will, and commits things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with many stripes? Luke 12:47-48 Observe how clearly He here shows that it is a graver matter for a man to sin with knowledge than in ignorance. And yet we must not on this account betake ourselves for refuge to the shades of ignorance, with the view of finding our excuse therein. It is one thing to be ignorant, and another thing to be unwilling to know. For the will is at fault in the case of the man of whom it is said, He is not inclined to understand, so as to do good. But even the ignorance, which is not theirs who refuse to know, but theirs who are, as it were, simply ignorant, does not so far excuse any one as to exempt him from the punishment of eternal fire, though his failure to believe has been the result of his not having at all heard what he should believe; but probably only so far as to mitigate his punishment. For it was not said without reason: Pour out Your wrath upon the heathen that have not known You; nor again according to what the apostle says: When He shall come from heaven in a flame of fire to take vengeance on them that know not God. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 But yet in order that we may have that knowledge that will prevent our saying, each one of us, I did not know, I did not hear, I did not understand; the human will is summoned, in such words as these: Wish not to be as the horse or as the mule, which have no understanding; although it may show itself even worse, of which it is written, A stubborn servant will not be reproved by words; for even if he understand, yet he will not obey. Proverbs 29:19 But when a man says, I cannot do what I am commanded, because I am mastered by my concupiscence, he has no longer any excuse to plead from ignorance, nor reason to blame God in his heart, but he recognises and laments his own evil in himself; and still to such an one the apostle says: Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good; Romans 12:21 and of course the very fact that the injunction, Consent not to be overcome, is addressed to him, undoubtedly summons the determination of his will. For to consent and to refuse are functions proper to will."


-Will W.




Subject: Malign


Dear Brothers:


I am going through closets to trash any old books which I may still have from my Novus Ordo days. In doing this, I am reminded how amazing it is that so many of the "conservative' and "traditional" writers have gone to great lengths to expose the horrors of the V2 church.  Yet, by refusing to recognize the V2 church as the counterfeit church as you have done - and by insisting that that abomination is the true Church - they actually malign the true Catholic Church with their exposes.   Scary.


An aside - in the picture of B16 with the Rabbi ("Epiphany" news clip), the clear physical resemblance between B16 and the rat is striking.


Thanks for all you do.


Lee Ann




MHFM: We hope to have a new video or two posted soon, possibly tonight or early tomorrow.




Subject: CMH and Ignorance


Dear Brothers:

CMH, in essence, in his posting exhibits the ignorance to which most protestants have been indoctrinated: that they are Christians and that Catholics are something other than Christians. The only Christians are Catholics. Protestants do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ ergo are not Christians.






Subject: comment


Dear brothers in Christ,

The reader, Chris White, has made a very good description of one of the major heresies of the satanic V2 sect. As always is the case with heresies, the "you can't tell" heresy is a typical case of satanic inversion. While The Church has no power to change the sacraments, she has the power, given by God, to tell what is true and what is false; she has, and always had, the power to condemn every single lie, every single obstinate sinner and heretic.  But the satanic V2 sect says just the opposite. Although the servants of the Devil cannot change the sacraments they have falsely presented themselves as The Church of Christ and changed the sacraments, and at the same time introduced "you can't tell" and other heresies as a substitute for a REAL "you can't change the sacraments". Every sane person on the planet Earth can pose the right question to those servants of Satan: if I, following the Church's doctrine, really can't tell something what the Church always taught, how then you, the follower of the V2 sect, CAN TELL that I can't ?  Every sane person can grasp the meaning of The Lord's words: "But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil."

The true popes have always in their infallible capacities declared the dogmas in this manner. No ambiguity, no "you can't tell", no "you can't judge" etc.

May the power of the intercession of our Most Holy Mother guards your holy efforts.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia



Subject: Assisi…


Dear Brothers,

… on the eve of the infamous meeting of all religions at Assisi, the bishop of Assisi, Sergio Goretti, made this all too believable (alas!) statement, which I read in "Pro Ecclesia," a newsletter out of New York, of a more or less "conservative" mindset: "The world, God's true and living Church, will have its visible tabernacle there." Very revealing, and quoted without any concern, by this John-Paul II loving newsletter. If the world is God's true Church, then all religions are true, except perhaps the Catholic Faith, which condemns such a viewpoint.

And on a related topic, see if my logic is correct here: many now say that the Old Covenant with the Jews is still in effect. Now we know that Our Lord sent His apostles out, long before He was crucified, to preach the Kingdom of Heaven to the Jews, and that He wept over Jerusalem shortly before His death, because they had been too blind to be aware of the time of their visitation. But if the Old Covenant were still in effect, there was no point in this weeping, no point in sending the apostles out to preach the Kingdom of God. Therefore Our Lord would have done things to no purpose, which actually contradict the allegation that the Old Covenant is still in effect. Therefore Our Lord must have been ignorant of the fact that the New Covenant is what is needed. If Our Lord was ignorant, He wasn't God, and we should not follow Him; and rather Judaism is still correct. In other words, if the Old Covenant is still in effect, then there never has been a New Covenant, and Our Lord was either deluded are a deliberate imposter. It is either Judaism or Catholicism...and yet so many today think that both can be correct in the eye of God.

Patrick O'Brien




Your belief that those outside the Catholic Faith will "have the opportunity to see heaven" will unfortunately see heaven from the pits of hell as they gaze upward and see the place that was reserved for them is filled by someone of the faith. Someone that came to realize the dangers outside the Church and converted. Someone that that poor soul in hell may had ignored on earth that at one time tried to convince them of their errors on salvation.

In Charity,
Tom Miles


You can’t tell


Subject: “you can’t tell” heresy


Dear Brothers,


In thinking about Joey's response to you, i.e. rejecting Catholic teaching on EENS, something struck me. The phrase, "you can't tell," appears to be the hidden message that a lot of heretics and bad willed people are trying to convey, for it sums up two different but related meanings. 1) You can't judge/know/be certain, and 2) You can't condemn/disclose/speak (The word "tell" can have at least two meanings in English). One can easily see this attitude of "you can't tell" spread far and wide, and I think it originates in the occult secret societies, especially after some ceremony where the participants are told, "you can't tell," so as to keep their crime a secret, and I think the longer the person does keep such a crime a secret, then the more they lose the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong - they literally can't tell what's good or bad anymore. One can see this "you can't tell" heresy operating in the Vatican II sect where a) pedophiles have power, and b) V-2 defenders do not denounce heresy/heretics. The pedophiles will say to their victims, "you can't tell anyone what happened," whereas the V-2 defenders say, "you can't tell who's a heretic or not, and even if you can, you can't tell anyone what you know." Also, the SSPX will say, "you can't tell if Benedict XVI is a pope or not," whereas what they're really saying is, "you're not allowed to tell anyone that we're schismatics." Joey's attack looks to be another attempted, "the Church can't tell," i.e. "The Church can't tell who's going to heaven, and even if they can, they shouldn't tell anyone." It often manifests itself in phrases such as, "you can't judge," or "you don't know that for sure," etc. I hope makes sense!!!


Matthew 21:24 - "Jesus answering, said to them: I also will ask you one word, which if you shall tell me, I will also tell you by what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven or from men? But they thought within themselves, saying:  If we shall say, from heaven, he will say to us: Why then did you not believe him? But if we shall say, from men, we are afraid of the multitude: for all held John as a prophet. And answering Jesus, they said: We know not. He also said to them: Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things."


God Bless,


Chris White


Bible question


Subject: Bible Question


Thank you so much for all these videos. i was born and raised roman catholic and i'll be honest i have hardly ever opened up a bible in my life. Now is the time to do it but i'm not sure which bible i should buy? which is the true one. what i mean by that is i have a friend whom was catholic he fell away and is now an evangleist. he has a bible called the new international version bible and it is missing the book of wisdom and 2 other books in it. he says that the book of wisdom is not that important and that the new international version is the correct bible. somehow........his words feel empty it's hard to explain but i was just wondering your opinion on what the best bible would be for me. thank you so much for your time! God bless,


Cody Schmidt


MHFM: You are definitely perceiving the truth when you describe Protestantism as “empty.”  By its removal of large portions of the Gospel, and its corruption of others, one is left with a bare and fake version of “Christianity” that interiorly should strike a person as vapid and void.  You should get the Douay-Rheims bible we offer:  You should also get our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  It’s necessary for you to return to the Catholic faith, the traditional faith, for it’s the only true faith of Christ.  You should also begin to pray the Rosary each day; how to do so is explained on our website.  Without doing that, one has no chance to receive or accept the graces necessary to convert and remain in the state of grace.




Hi I was watching your video today and I understand your probably catholic and I am christian so our views are different, but the mark of the beast is the rfid chip if you read the information on it they say it will have to put in the right hand or forehead due to the signal in the chip that records our medical data, please look it up… and that machine is in europe and that is what the chip is linked to so the antichrist will force people to receive the chip because money is going down to nothing and I have inside information my cousin works at the pentagon and he says he cannot tell me certain information but there are concentration camps in every state in the us and when the antichrist comes to power he will give you a choice to get the chip or go to the camp and be gassed pretty much. Although I will be raptured out of here by then!!

God Bless




MHFM: No, you need to see this part of the video: It shows how Scripture indicates that the mark in the hand or forehead is spiritual.  The Devil doesn’t need to mark everyone physically, for grave sin enslaves a soul to Satan forever.  You seemed to have watched the first part of the video on the mark, not the second. 


Also, the rapture is a myth invented by Protestants.  It’s not found in Scripture.  There is only one biblical faith, and that is the Catholic faith.  The version of “Christianity” you follow is not biblical and it is not traditional.  It doesn’t lead to salvation.  Please see our material refuting Protestantism and the book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  We would also recommend that you listen to our debate with the Protestant on justification by faith alone; for you seem to hold that heresy: Debate on Justification by faith alone and eternal security. 




Subject: Tattoos and Piercings


Dear Brothers,


Everywhere you look today you see people of all ages with tattoos and various piercings in all places on their bodies but mostly about the face. I am sure it has to do with the paganism that is rampart in today's society. I know there is something in the Bible in Deuteronomy or Leviticus that forbids the people at that time to receive such things. What degree of sin would these fall under? Would they be mortal or venial sins? How about young girls that get something as simple as their ears pierced?


Your input would be appreciated,




MHFM: We believe that people who get tattoos generally commit mortal sin.  It’s a desecration of the body, and clearly contrary to nature.  Women also shouldn’t have their ears pierced or wear earrings, although we are not suggesting that everyone who has done so committed a mortal sin.  It is also clear that more and more young people are moved to get tattoos by bad spiritual forces, and their decision to do so is evidence of their departure from the movements of grace.




Subject: You are doing a huge disservice to the Catholic name


You state in many videos that there is no salvation outside the Catholic church. Those who were never introduced fully to Catholicism and die in their own religion having fulfilled a good life and following the good and natural laws laid before them DO have the opportunity to see heaven. Only when you are fully shown the truth and have the opportunity to see it and know it, and then reject and deny it, do you risk denying your own salvation.

Get the facts straight before spouting more incorrect crap to the world.




MHFM: You are obviously quite ignorant of Catholic teaching.  However, your arrogance is even more troubling.  For clearly you have seen some of our material and/or our videos.  That means that you’ve come across our citations of the Catholic dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, or at least you could have looked at our site for the references.  Yet, you do not hesitate in asserting what is completely wrong, and directly contrary to solemnly defined Catholic dogma.  The Church teaches that there is no salvation outside the Church, and it condemns your heretical belief that people in other religions, who have never been introduced to Catholicism or “live a good life,” can be saved.  In fact, Gregory XVI precisely condemns what you wrote as perverse and spread by the wicked. 


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  This perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintainedwithout a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


If you had humility, you would have 1) looked carefully into the issue before writing us that arrogant e-mail; and 2) submitted yourself to Catholic dogma.  Since you don’t, God resists you; He leaves you in darkness as a heretic outside the Catholic Church.  Also, notice that all of these dogmatic pronouncements exclude all exceptions.


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 1, 1215, ex cathedra: “There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice.”


Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra: “Furthermore, we declare, say, define, and proclaim to every human creature that it is absolutely necessary for salvation to be entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff.”


Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, Decree # 30, 1311-1312, ex cathedra: “Since however there is for both regulars and seculars, for superiors and subjects, for exempt and non-exempt, one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation, for all of whom there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism…”

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.”


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, Dec. 19, 1516, ex cathedra: “For, regulars and seculars, prelates and subjects, exempt and non-exempt, belong to the one universal Church, outside of which no one at all is saved, and they all have one Lord and one faith.”

Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, “Iniunctum nobis,” Nov. 13, 1565, ex cathedra: “This true Catholic faith, outside of which no one can be saved… I now profess and truly hold…”




Hello Brothers,


Thank you so much for EVERYTHING on your website. Your delivery is wonderful.  Because of you my zeal for my religion has been awakened. While I never left God, I did leave the church years ago mainly because of my discomfort with the new mass – especially communion – none of it seemed like the Catholic Church, rather it was blasphemous. I was lost and felt betrayed. The info on your website has helped me to understand why, and figure out a path-forward.


Of you both, there are many things I want to ask and hope that I’ll be able to do so in the future, but first with this email I wanted to get your take on APOCALYPSE, chap 7, 9-17. Reading the bible is something new for me. (While I had a wonderful Catholic education that included much of the bible, the focus was more theology and Catholicism.) You say, and I agree, “outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation”, yet the way I understand this excerpt of the bible is that the children of the 12 tribes of Israel (Jews?) plus other good souls/people, who may or may not be all Catholic, will be allowed to enter the kingdom of God. What are your thoughts on this?  Might this be why people think that all good people of  “any faith” will be saved? Did I somehow miss this on your site? Any insight you can offer is greatly appreciated.


Thank you. Warmest regards, -Alexandra


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The passage definitely does not mean that people who are not Catholic are saved.  It indicates the multitude of the saved, from converted Jews and converted Gentiles – people from all nations who have adopted the true faith.  They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb (verse 14).  This indicates incorporation into, and justification in, the true faith of Christ.  There is no indication that someone outside the true Christian faith (i.e., the Catholic faith) can be saved, which would be a heretical understanding. 




Subject: God’s Amazing Creatures

Thank you so much for the links you have been posting about God’s amazing creatures… Our family especially liked the one you shared with your readers a few weeks ago such as the one about the insects called ‘Tiny Insect Brains can Solve Big Problems’.  The photos on that page are incredible.  Now that’s real science and putting a camera to good use! God’s poetry in motion, the miniature insects!  (My personal favorite has always been the gorgeous Blue Damsel, and now I got to see it up close!) The beauty that God has weaved into the insects is fantastic and a lesson in itself.  Those images lighten my load and make me smile from my heart and think of the Goodness of such a loving, artistic Creator!  (The image of the wet bee makes him look more like a wet puppy dog! - there are just no words to describe these images!) Anyone who says that God does not love what He has created is absolutely out of their minds crazy!   It’s we who don’t love God enough or thank Him enough for His loving care for all He has created!

Like many others I attempt to imitate the colors of nature in my dabbling with different kinds of artwork.  The beauty all around us is so overwhelming and there are always new things to discover.  I save magazine clippings showing beautiful and unusual color combinations, etc.  I recently found out about a little ocean creature that God has beautifully clothed in color, and decided to look him up online.  They are called Nudibranchs and are a type of sea slug or sea snail; here is a link to a few images: (Give it a sec to load, if the link doesn’t work, punch in the key word Nudibranch and it will come up).

There is also a species of “shrimp” that are wonderfully arrayed and are fascinating to study. They are called Mantis Shrimp and live in the ocean.  Some information on these creatures that look more like a combination of praying mantis and lobster than a shrimp come in lots of colors, but the most beautiful ones look like peacocks and are dressed in a rainbow of color.  They can be found here:  (There are interesting links from this page under the title ‘Lurker’s’ Guide to Stomatopods which show that among other things which are being discovered about this creature is that it may be one of the first creatures to actually move like a wheel to get around and it may be able to use this ability to save its life if it becomes beached.  Here is a brief video on You Tube of someone’s home salt water tank which contains their prize 7” Mantis Shrimp: and this is a brief excerpt of the amazing Mantis Shrimp in action against an octopus (the Mantis CAN kill the octopus!) on a documentary for children (which of course in its entirety alludes to evolution):  Here is proof that they can recognize their keeper with their amazing eyesight (there is also evidence that suggests they may be able to smell their natural enemies as well as their keeper!):  There seems to be a lot of study going on regarding this interesting creature and they are trying to imitate the eyesight of this crustacean for better technology in DVD players!  You can find that info here:  Here is an interesting account with pictures of someone who owned one for a brief period of time and finds in them a favorite subject:  

If God can put such intricacy of design and color along with function into such small things as insects, snails, and small ocean floor dwellers which move, eat and reproduce then how much more does He love us!  What an amazing God!

Also, the information you are sharing with us that scientists are discovering about dogs and cats, especially the domesticated ones is also very interesting.  What the Lord has enabled them to do by the way they are made, how they serve us, how they act and bring joy in our lives is wonderful and something we take for granted.  Dogs recognize the faces of their owners, read our expressions and are even sneaky, and the studies on the way that cats drink, truly grounds for further scientific research! There is really so much more to these animals than we currently know and God is a fabulous designer who works on many levels with His creation and all at the same time…

As Christmas approaches parents say they want the best for their children but don’t give them the gift of the true Faith as the best gift, but instead go with the crowd for electronic gadgets and toys of all kinds and actually end up depriving their children… We are grateful at the hearing of recent scientific discoveries in God's animal kingdom and hope and pray that they convert many hearts.  Again, thank you for all the links to the scientific breakthroughs, please keep them coming!    Our family loves your website and say prayers for the monastery to receive of God’s richest blessings,



Luke 22


Subject: Luke 22:31-32


I was reading your article on refuting the eastern orthodox and I got to the part where you quote Luke 22:31,32 and you stated that satan desired to have all of you meaning all the apostles but in the douay-rheims bible that I got from you it states that satan desires to have you meaning Peter alone?  Can you help me with this?




MHFM: In modern English, “you” can be either singular or plural.  But in the Latin and in the Greek, Luke 22:31 clearly refers to the plural “you” when describing those whom Satan desired to have.  When speaking of those whom Satan is trying to destroy, the Latin has vos, which is the plural of “you.”  This indicates Satan’s desire to destroy all the Apostles.  But then Jesus says that He has prayed for te (you - singular), indicating Peter alone, that his faith fail not.  The same is reflected in the Greek.  The Douay-Rheims English translation makes the distinction by using “you” for the plural and “thee” for the singular.


Luke 22:31-32- “And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you [vos – plural], that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee [te - singular], that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren.”


Latin: “Ait autem Dominus Simon Simon ecce Satanas expetivit vos ut cribraret sicut triticum ego autem rogavi pro te ut non deficiat fides tua et tu aliquando conversus confirma fratres tuos.”


This passage is very significant not only for papal primacy, but for papal infallibility.  Since infallible means cannot fail, this passage proves that papal infallibility is found in Scripture.  It also serves to contradict many false traditionalists who wrongly place infallibility in theologians, bishops, cardinals or doctors of the Church even though they lack the divine protection of the Chair of Peter.  That unfailing faith was only given to Peter and his true successors in the Chair when making pronouncements of magisterial authority. 




Subject: Regarding the beast


hello brothers,

…I have another question for you regarding the beast of the apocalypse. while it appears now that the beast is existing in two different entities, one being the EU or NWO and the other being the false vatican 2 church and the false pontificate, do you see a possibility that at some point the two will join into one beast as it seems that is what the apocalypse is speaking of? do you see a possible rise of a supposed "holy roman empire" with the false pontificate at its head? even though now it seems that the v2 church has allied itself with the vile muslims, do you see a possibility that they will turn and use the growing muslim crisis in europe, calling another crusade of sorts and rising to power? With all the line blurring the V2 church has done in regard to separations between religions and its vile acceptance of religious indifferentism, do you see the V2 "church" maybe becoming the head of a say new one world religion, to go along with their one world government? this is the only way I can see the two beasts merging to really explain the desperate situation we find ourselves in.

Pax Christi,
Patrick M


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  As explained in the video (Is the World about to End?), particularly parts 1-6, we believe the European Union is definitely the beast out of the sea and the revived Roman Empire.  We believe that the antipope is the spiritual leader and emperor figure ruling from Rome, as he putatively holds the position of spiritual authority over what was once Catholic Europe, as well as possessing temporal authority in Rome.  The union between the antipope emperor-figure and the new godless European Empire does not need to coalesce further into a full-fledged temporal rule by the antipope over all of Europe, for the spiritual character is what is most important.  He rules in that regard, and in his mini-kingdom in Rome.  We also believe the set-up that we see now fits with what the Apocalypse tells us concerning the ten kings hating the harlot (apostate Rome) that sits on top of the beast.  The spiritual character of previously Catholic Europe has been transformed into a new godless and antichrist Europe, while the antipope holds authority over what people think is the true Church of Christ and has constructed an antichrist Counter Church in its place.  That arrangement sufficiently represents a new antichrist empire with the antichrist emperor figure presiding spiritually from the top.


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  You definitely will want to watch this all the way through.  One of the most interesting clips comes near the end.


The Stunning Secret about Election Night [video]


How far


Subject: Agree


I couldn’t agree more with your response regarding the effect a true Pope would have / could have had on the culture.  The writer addressed TSA scanners, and you suggested it would have applied to abortion as well.  I have often argued that if the Church had showed real backbone in the late 60s and early 70s, instead of trying to “dialogue with the world”, that abortion would never have become legal.


To get an idea of how far the culture has fallen, there is a Hollywood movie from the late 1940s which starred Kirk Douglas as a Catholic, New York City detective who is trying to get evidence to put an abortionist into prison.   The movie is called Detective Story.  Two things are interesting in this film: 1) the word “abortion” is never used; but rather euphemistic or vague references.  Adults would certainly understand what was going on, but children probably not.  You see the word itself was considered too ugly for mention in a movie (as were a whole slew of words common place even in Prime Time nowadays).  2) The abortionist is portrayed as the most vile character imaginable.  There is not even any of the modern nonsense about it being a complicated issue.  It is all black and white, good and evil. 


In the final scene Kirk Douglas is shot while disarming a street thug who managed to steal a gun from a careless officer in the precinct building.  When one of the other cops yells to call for a doctor, Douglas says “forget it, get me a priest”.  He dies in the middle of saying the Act of Contrition.  One of the other cops (William Bendix) finishes the prayer for him as the car containing the priest is seen speeding up to the precinct door.


Barely 25 years after Hollywood made this A-list movie, which presented abortion as vile, and which was full of the Catholic understanding of life and death; abortion was made legal in all 50 states by judicial fiat.  This total cultural transformation, in such a short period of time, is just absolutely stunning.  Yet this movie is evidence of what was mainstream morality only a single generation before Roe.  Vatican II made it possible.  It is just undeniable.


Bill Mulligan       


TSA Scanners and a real pope


Subject: TSA Scanners and a Real Pope


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I cannot help but think that a single act of declaration by a real pope would end the TSA scanner nonsense.  A real pope could declare to all Catholics that allowing oneself to be subject to the scanners or the "pat-downs" is a sin against modesty and furthermore that all Catholic security agents are forbidden from viewing the scans or touching anyone
inappropriately.  Even if a few real bishops were to forbid their congregations from taking part in these evils airlines would lose millions of customers and gain much hassle by having to fire/reassign Catholic security agents.

Curtis Sharp


MHFM: Yes, we think you are absolutely right.  We believe the same is true of abortion.  The only way that abortion was able to become legal in the U.S. (and other western countries) is because there wasn’t a true pope.  If there had been a true pope who excommunicated all proponents of abortion – and clearly condemned all public figures who expressed support for it – so many professing Catholics (and therefore their friends, co-workers, family members, etc.) would be implicated that support for abortion would be and have remained culturally unacceptable and rejected even by non-Catholics.  However, once the obligation to adhere to the faith was removed with Vatican II, and the people became religious indifferentists who embraced salvation heresies and the Vatican II Counter Church, the respect for the authority of the Catholic Church vanished.  As a result, society changed quickly and what was once unthinkable became acceptable and eventually law.  For where there is a void of true Catholic authority, the Devil moves in. 


In the same way, once the true Mass was replaced with the invalid abomination called the New Mass, one of the world’s primary avenues of grace was shut down.  As a result, the culture went into the toilet morally speaking.  Where the graces of the true Mass once blocked out the movement of evil influences, now the Devil roamed more freely and a cultural revolution, which involved sexual immorality and evil forms of entertainment, was the result.  So, we believe you are 100% correct that this outrageous naked body scanning and pat-down nonsense could be stopped by a declaration from a true pope. 


Check Up


Subject: Vaccines




My sister in law took my 5 year old very healthy nephew into the doctor’s office just for a normal check up here in the Madison WI area.  The doctor told her that her son needs to get 9 vaccines, yes 9.  My sister in law told her no way, he’s not going to get any!  The doctor then got upset and said WHY NOT??  DON’T YOU KNOW OUR FUNDING DEPEPENDS ON HOW MANY VACCINES WE ADMINISTER?   My in law then took the child and left the clinic never to return again. 




Hindu Dialogue


Subject: Hindu Dialogue


Dear Mhfm, 


I think I hear St. Thomas screaming at the top of his lungs for vengeance against the imposter Vatican II sect's heresy upon heresy of stale, modernist, heretical newthink pantheistic ecumemism-all gods are equal, satanic-masonic oaththink.  I see Pakistan lobbing their nuclear lightning rods at hindu multi-god worshipers soon.  Complete utter nonsense in Rome!...






Subject: First Commandment


Quick question, don't you think having pictures of Jesus and Mary as well as crucifix's is in direct violation of the first commandment?




MHFM: No, it is not.  In the Bible, God specifically commands the making and use of statues for religious purposes.  This verse should disprove, once and for all, the false idea that the Bible condemns the use of true religious statues and images.

Exodus 25:18-19- “And thou shalt make two cherubim of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.  And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubim on the two ends thereof.”


God specifically commands the making of two statues of cherubim.  Cherubim are angels.  So much for the (false) idea that the making of statues or graven images is forbidden.  Such an idea is a total misrepresentation of the teaching of Sacred Scripture, which forbids them with reference to the idolatrous worshipping of creatures.  Other passages in the Bible where we see references to God’s command to make statues for true religious purposes are: Exodus 26:1; 1 Kings 6 or 3 Kings 6 in the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible; and 1 Kings 7:25-36 or 3 Kings 7:25-36 in the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible.  You really should get our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  There is only one biblical faith, and that’s the Catholic faith.  Without it, people are subject to massive misunderstandings and perversions of the Scriptures.  As a result, they remain outside the one true faith that is necessary for salvation. 





The amount of deception by the media will continue because they continue to get away with their devilish deeds…. The early announcement of results to the campaign leaves little doubt in the outcome to an unsuspecting public. It’s always been the "we want to be first to announce the news" with these media outlets flashing their "special reports" and "news flashes."

The media and the politicians are just pawns in the great scheme of things to come. With the Illuminati and Freemasons running the show on this planet, the majority of candidates for political office understand that their tenure will be short and possibly limited to one or two terms. Once their devilish deeds are done or the public sees behind their mask, they are more than happy to step down to make room for the next pawn… All for the cause and their chance to move up the ladder toward their 33 degree distinction. Some of the bigger pawns have already raked in the monies to satisfy their future endeavors.

Matthew 16:26. For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

God Bless,
Tom Miles


More SSPX Madness


Subject: More SSPX Madness




     I feel bad for the treatment Todd received in NJ at that SSPX church.  I can relate to that because I too used to attend the SSPX here in WI.  One time the coordinator saw some of your material on the back shelf near the door and picked it up and said like a little child that he would have to ok this with the Priest, again, blind faith in their system.  Also I brought up the fact that in the church’s bookstore after Mass one Sunday that Lefebvre taught in his book 'Against the Heresies' that souls outside the church can be saved which is heresy.  I thought I was going to be burned at the stake.  Then I took a bunch of your writings in your magazine… made copies of them and sent them out to some of the prominent families that went to the church.  Then I got a phone call from someone that I knew that went there and she told me that I’m ''digging myself a hole" by doing that.   Another time when I attended the SSPX, I brought a pagan girl who wanted to attend the Latin Mass with me. After mass, she told me the people there looked liked 'stone faced ghosts'.    As if she said:  lots of people at the SSPX have a blind faith in their "leader" priest and no minds of their own with their one-tracked minds.  Their mentality is like, 'don’t come here and rain on our cozy little feel good cult mentality church.  I’d also like to add one time I overheard the priest there tell an old lady to probe the 'new guy' that’s coming here.  And they did that to me too when I first started going there, if a single guy with no kids nor family starts to attend, they want to know all about the individual to see what they’re all about I guess...oh well, we must still continue to distribute the material & evangelize the best we can.  Also it helps to read about other people’s struggles with distributing your material so that way we know that we’re not alone in our struggles to spread the truth.






Subject: Election


Dear Brothers:


I just finished watching your video on the election hoax, and I have no doubt that what you are saying is true.  That said, if elections are predetermined, then voting is a complete waste of time.  A CMRI priest here in Denver commented on the election, saying that not voting is a grave sin!!!  I suppose I could have misinterpreted what he said; I have heard stories like this from NO priests, but it was a surprise to hear it from a so called traditional priest.


God bless,

Brenda Roy


MHFM: They say that’s a mortal sin, but that rejecting Jesus Christ is not (evidenced by their belief that Jews who reject Christ can be saved).




Subject: Horses and the American Indian


Hi Brothers,


I just returned from a great exhibit with the children at the New York American Indian Museum.  The exhibit was called "A Song of a Horse Nation".  The horse originated in the Americas more than 40 million years ago and then became extinct here in the Americas once it had migrated to Asia and then Europe.  When Columbus arrived there were no horses.  On his second voyage in 1493 he brought 25 horses with him and kept them in Dominican Republic, he urged the King of Spain to send more.   The Spanish knew that the horse would be a powerful weapon against the Indians.  They were forbidden to trade horses with the Indians but out of necessity, they allowed the Indians later to work with the horses, giving rise to a rebellion later on.  In 1519 Cortez used 10 stallions and 6 mares that were descendants from Columbus' horses against the Aztecs.    In 1530 Pizarro began importing horses from Spain to Peru and began breeding.  In 1680 the Pueblo Rebellion led by Pope in the Southwest killed 400 Spanish and they fled to Santé Fe leaving 1,500 horses behind.  This ultimately led to the rise of the American Indian and a horse raid attack on Spanish missions later in 1840 by the  Wakara Ute leaders.  Nez Perc in 1877 fled to Canada with 2,000 horses.  Lewis and Clark in 1730-70 well documented the presence of Indians with horses in the West.   After all your great work on Cortez and the Aztecs, I thought this might tie in.   




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The only thing is the age of the Earth lie that the evolutionists promote.  The Earth is not millions of years old.



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[i] Ecclesia in America, p. 48.

[ii] L’Osservatore Romano, March 1, 2000, p. 2.

[iii] L’Osservatore Romano